teaching methodology 上师大 大二(下) 教学方法 期末论文

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1)在页面的中间偏上位置写明本课程的名称—例如:Willis‘s Framework for TBLT and How to Apply It in Real Teaching (居中,小二号字加粗)2)在页面的右下角部位写明你的姓名、几几级、和学号(小二号字加粗)2.第二页到第四页(或第五页)为论文,其中第二页第一行需要写上你的论文的题目,第二行写摘要(你的论文的大意),摘要大约在3-5句,不宜过长。摘要结束后一行,需要写上关键词:为名词,3-5个。


4.全文要求小四号字,字体为Times New Roman,1.5倍行距。标题要求小四号字,加粗,字体为Times New Roman。正文至少写4个部分,正文的每个部分之间空一行, 两端对齐。




1. Introduction

2. Willis‘s framework for TBLT

3. My teaching plan

4. Conclusion







2010 ~ 2011 学年第二学期考试日期2011 年6月日



我承诺:以下内容是完全由我自己独立完成的。签名:__________ The Application of Task-based Language Teaching in Real Teaching [Abstract]Based on Task based Language Teaching, this paper designs the syllabus and thus it is mainly functional. According to Jane Willis, TBLL consists of the pre-task, the task cycle, and the language focus. Since Task based Language Teaching aims to stimulate real communication in the target language in classroom, therefore creating a real purpose for language use and providing a natural context for language study. My syllabus focused on helping learners to achieve fluency in oral English within a short period of time.

[Key Words] syllabus, task-based language teaching, content, Willis

I. Introduction

The syllabus to be designed in this paper will be based on Willi‘s framework of Task-Based Language Teaching—TBLT. There are four parts in this paper. In the first part, a brief review of Willis‘s framework for TBLT. In the second part, a syllabus for a unit based on TBLT will be carefully designed.

II. Willis’s framework for TBLT

2.1 Introduction of Will is’s framework for TBLT

TBLT organizes and presents what is to be achieved through teaching and learning in terms of how a learner might engage his or her communicative competence in

undertaking a range of tasks (Breen, 1987). It looks at communicative knowledge as a unified system where there are communicative tasks, which focus upon the actual sharing of meaning through spoken or written communication (Foley, 1990). In other words, TBLT aims at learners‘ use and development of their communicative competence through interaction with others in order to complete the tasks required. It is Willis‘s framework for task-based teaching and learning that Chinese junior high school teachers of English are familiar with and intend to follow in their class teaching.

2.2 Four conditions of language learning

Willis bases her framework for TBLT on the four conditions for language learning.

•Exposure (rich, comprehensible input, language in use)

•Use (of the language to do things, exchange meanings)

•Motivation ( to process and use the exposure: listen & read the language;

speak and write it)

•Instruction (chances to focus on form )

2.3 Components of the framework

For a task-based lesson, Willis suggests a three-phase framework: pre-task, task cycle (with three components: task, planning and report) and language focus (with two types of activities: analysis and practice).

The teacher, in a task-based lesson, takes the role of a ―facilitator‖ (Willis, 1996: 40), who facilitates learning, arouses the students‘ interest, b alances the amount of exposure and use of language, and ensures they are both of suitable quality since in class, the emphasis is on students doing things through the target language.

During each phase of the task framework, the teacher also has his specific role to play, which keeps changing according to the different goal of each phase. In the pre-task phase, the teacher acts as the task introducer; in the task cycle, the teacher has three different parts to play in the three components: in task, he is the monitor, in
