是蓝领工人 ,因 为这些行业 与经济运行的好坏最相关。D选 项正是此意。A,B,C 选项与此无关。 ” “.B 由本文最后一段最后一句话 ,“ But in the long血 n。 ¨psychdogically dyna血 ℃ ,可 知 从长期来看 ,这 种失业现象必然会导致政治上 ,经 济上和心理上的危 险。因此可推 测失业问题最终会导致严重的社会问题。B选 项正是此意。A,C,D选 项与此无关。 Passage Two es枷,Ds36Jo40仞 昭 Dc“ 〃 @刀 仂 纟roJJov枷 留 pJfscgB。 口刃 %.C 由文章第二段最后一句话 ,“ A homone。 ¨山ings hⅡ pen dsewhere。 ” ,可 知 ,荷 尔蒙 是 由一处组织产生而作用于另一处组织的化学组织。因此 ,C选 项正是此意 ,它 会 对身体的另一个部分产生影响。A,B,D选 项文中均未提及。 3T。 D 此题可用排除法。答案应定位在第 三段。A选 项 中提到的 scientists,function在 第 三 段中都从未出现过 ,所 以为无关选项 ,排 除。B选 项 中提到 frequentˇ ,而 分泌荷尔 蒙的频率在此段 中也未提到 ,排 除。C选 项 中的 aging process在 此段 中也没有出现 排除。因此 ,此 题应选 D选 项。 38.D 原文高亮处的意思是 :最 普遍的荷尔蒙的影响力是不显著的 ,但 是却很深远而且难 以追踪 :他 们可以改变情绪 ,影 响人类 的行为 ,甚 至会影响通常看来是 自发的那些 行为。A选 项将句意的重点放在了情绪和行为上 ,但 文中的句子的重点则是荷尔蒙 及其作用 ,因 此 A选 项错误。B选 项 中提到的科学家现在还不 肯定荷尔蒙的影响的 深远程度 ,属 于无关信息。C选 项 中的 urgent tre乱 ment属 于无关 信息。D选 项 的意 思是 :荷 尔蒙的影响难以衡量 ,但 是它可以影响人类的心理和行动。正确。 40
2.首先,翻译是一门科学,它需要对事实的认知、核查,需要懂得描述这些事实的语言---- 错误的内容,错误的事实,应该得以鉴别。
(纽马克)第三节:the Milky Way(银河)直译为"牛奶路";the apple of my eye(珍爱物;珍爱之人,宝贝)直译成"我眼的苹果";"Every dog has its day."译为"每只狗都有它的日子"(正确的译法应为"人人皆有得意之日")。
"When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war."译作"张飞杀岳飞,杀得满天飞"(正确译法应为"两雄相遇,其斗必烈");Solomon(所罗门,古以色列国国王大卫之子,以智慧著称)意译成"诸葛亮";Spring, the sweet spring, is the year's pleasant king意译为"春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜"。
)读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确.The ageless won’t g row old.Y ou sail with your young bride.Love will warm winter cold.Spring will ever abide.鳄鱼的眼泪;假慈悲(意译)连锁反应一石二鸟充耳不闻浑水摸鱼颠倒黑白三思而后行言传不如身教(好事不出门),坏事传千里说比做来得容易Market-oriented economyTo offer timely helpTo drain a pond to catch all the fishMore haste, less speedTo strike while the iron is hot喉结倾盆大雨掌上明珠,宝贝,珍爱之物空中楼阁笑掉大牙大海捞针进退两难,骑虎难下,进退维谷趾高气扬入乡随俗是摊牌的时候了To take advantage of every weaknessA life of luxury and dissipationDiamond cuts diamond.She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.Is she really good-looking? But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (音译、加注略)孤注一掷不伦不类以德报怨内奸一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。
2010年湖南大学英语翻译基础真题答案I.Term Translation1.Chinese to English1) three represents theory (The Party should always represent the development needs ofChina's advanced social productive forces, always represent the onward direction ofChina 's advanced culture, and always represent the fundamental interests the vastmajority of the people.2) Keep Up With the Times3) The ability of independent innovation4) Ruling the country by virtue5) scientific outlook (thinking) on development6) <名> mortgage slave, mortgage burden;a slave to one\'s mortgage抵押借款的奴隶7) issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers;Issues of agriculture, farmer andrural area8) pyramid selling9) service-oriented government10) Economical Housing. - Housing sold at low prices to low-income earners to get themaffordable shelters.;economical and practical property11) people oriented;people foremost12) subprime crisis13) construction of a clean and honest administration14) spiritual civilization -- intellectual and moral qualities; a civilization which is culturally andideologically advanced; a civilization with a high cultural and ideological level; cultural and ideological progress; advanced culture and ethics:Promote the daily progress of our culture level;促进精神文明raise the level of our cultural life; build a civilization with a high cultural and ideological level建设精神文明15) The rise of central China2. English to Chinese16) 外交关系正常化17) 劳资纠纷18) 不可再生资源19) 贫富差距20) 网络恐怖主义21) 泡沫经济22) 温室气体23) 智囊团24) 知识产权25) 石油换食品计划26) n. <医>炭疽(病);炭疽脓疱27) 太平洋带状地区rim: (圆形器皿的)边,缘,框;轮缘。
2010英语真题手译text1Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope andseriousness of their arts coverage.It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint wasdirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it appeared.In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered.Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about.These men believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press."So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism," Newman wrote, "that I am tempted to define 'journalism' as 'a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are.'"Unfortunately, these critics are virtually forgotten. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket.During his lifetime, though, he was also one of England's foremost classical-music critics, a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography (1947) became a best-seller.He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. Yet only one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists.Is there any chance that Cardus's criticism will enjoy a revival?The prospect seems remote. Journalistic tastes had changed long before his death, and postmodern readers have little use for the richly upholstered Vicwardian prose in which he specialized.Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat.Text2Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business methods. received one for its "one-click" online payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy. One inventor patented a technique for lifting a box.Now the nation's top patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-method patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago.In a move that has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz the U.S. court of Appeals for the federal circuit said it would use a particular case to conduct a broad review of business-method patents.In re Bilski, as the case is known , is "a very big deal", says Dennis D. Crouch of the University of Missouri School of law.It "has the potential to eliminate an entire class of patents."Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face, because it was the federal circuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets.That ruling produced an explosion in business-method patent filings, initially by emerging internet companies trying to stake out exclusive rights to specific types of online transactions.Later, move established companies raced to add such patents to their files, if only as a defensive move against rivals that might beat them to the punch.In 2005, IBM noted in a court filing that it had been issued more than 300 business-method patents despite the fact that it questioned the legal basis for granting them.Similarly, some Wall Street investment films armed themselves with patents for financial products, even as they took positions in court cases opposing the practice.The Bilski case involves a claimed patent on a method for hedging risk in the energy market.The Federal circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court's judges, rather than a typical panel of three, and that one issue it wants to evaluate is whether it should "reconsider" its state street Bank ruling.The Federal Circuit's action comes in the wake of a series of recent decisions by the supreme Court that has narrowed the scope of protections for patent holders.Last April, for example the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld for "inventions" that are obvious.The judges on the Federal circuit are "reacting to the anti-patent trend at the Supreme Court", says Harold C.Wegner, a patent attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School.Text3In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that social epidemics are driven in large part by the acting of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well-connected.The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn't explain how ideas actually spread.The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible sounding but largely untested theory called the "two step flow of communication": Information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else.Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those selected people will do most of the work for them.The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods.In many such cases, a cursory search for causes finds that some small group of people was wearing, promoting, or developing whatever it is before anyone else paid attention.Anecdotal evidence of this kind fits nicely with the idea that only certain special people can drive trends.In their recent work, however, some researchers have come up with the finding that influentials have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed.In fact, they don't seem to be required of all.The researchers' argument stems from a simple observing about social influence, with the exception of a few celebrities like Oprah Winfrey-whose outsize presence is primarily a function of media, not interpersonal, influence-even the most influential members of a population simply don't interact with that many others.Yet it is precisely these non-celebrity influentials who, according to the two-step-flow theory, are supposed to drive social epidemics by influencing their friends and colleagues directly.For a social epidemic to occur, however, each person so affected, must then influence his or her own acquaintances, who must in turn influence theirs, and so on; and just how many others pay attention to each of these people has little to do with the initial influential.If people in the network just two degrees removed from the initial influential prove resistant, for example from the initial influential prove resistant, for example the cascade of change won't propagate very far or affect many people.Building on the basic truth about interpersonal influence, the researchers studied the dynamics of populations manipulating a number of variables relating of populations, manipulating a number of variables relating to people's ability to influence others and their tendency to be influenced.Our work shows that the principal requirement for what we call "global cascades"- the widespread propagation of influence through networks - is the presence not of a few influentials but, rather, of a critical mass of easily influenced people, each of whom adopts, say, a look or a brand after being exposed to a single adopting neighbor.Regardless of how influential an individual is locally, he or she can exert global influence only if this critical mass is available to propagate a chain reaction.Text 4Bankers have been blaming themselves for their troubles in public.Behind the scenes, they have been taking aim at someone else: the accounting standard-setters.Their rules, moan the banks, have forced them to report enormous losses, and it's just not fair.These rules say they must value some assets at the price a third party would pay, not the price managers and regulators would like them to fetch.Unfortunately, banks' lobbying now seems to be working.The details may be unknowable, but the independence of standard-setters, essential to the proper functioning of capital markets, is being compromised.And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking system will be difficult.After a bruising encounter with Congress, America's Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) rushed through rule changes.These gave banks more freedom to use models to value illiquid assets and more flexibility in recognizing losses on long-term assets in their income statement.Bob Herz, the FASB's chairman, cried out against those who "question our motives." Yet bank shares rose and the changes enhance what one lobby group politely calls "the use of judgment by management."European ministers instantly demanded that the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) do likewise.The IASB says it does not want to act without overall planning, but the pressure to fold when it completes it reconstruction of rules later this year is strong.Charlie McCreevy, a European commissioner, warned the IASB that it did "not live in a political vacuum" but "in the real word" and that Europe could yet develop different rules.It was banks that were on the wrong planet, with accounts that vastly overvalued assets.Today they argue that market prices overstate losses, because they largely reflect the temporary illiquidity of markets, not the likely extent of bad debts.The truth will not be known for years.But bank's shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical.And dead markets partly reflect the paralysis of banks which will not sell assets for fear of booking losses, yet are reluctant to buy all those supposed bargains.To get the system working again, losses must be recognized and dealt with.America's new plan to buy up toxic assets will not work unless banks mark assets to levels which buyers find attractive.Successful markets require independent and even combative standard-setters.The FASB and IASB have been exactly that, cleaning up rules on stock options and pensions, for example, against hostility from special interests.But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.。
2005英译汉Nearly 20 years ago, Amory Lovins first advocated energy efficiency rather than increasing energy supplies, Seen then as a gadfly, he now advises industry and government on the cost benefits of conservation, based on research at his Rocky Mountain Institute. For example, over its lifetime each fluorescent bulb adds 1,000 kilograms less carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than an incandescent bulb and reduces electric bills.差不多20年前,艾默利洛温斯第一次倡导提高能源的使用效率,而不是增加能源供应量。
Most times, we cannot enjoy something alone but except reading. When we sat home and read alone, we could travel around the world and understand the reasons of tens of thousands of things. We are living in the modern society but we can communicate with people, who lived thousands of years ago. Reading can enrich our experience and help us learn other people’s feeling, even if they lived a thousand miles away, or hundreds of years ago.2006英译汉……which seems to be almost universally understood: intelligence is an excellence of mind that is employed within a fairly narrow, immediate, and predictable range; it is a manipulative, adjustive, unfailingly practical quality-one of the most eminent and endearing of the animal virtues, Intelligence works within the framework of limited but clearly stated goals, and may be quick to shear away questions of thought that do not seem help in reaching them. Finally, it is of such universal use that it can daily be seen at work and admired aike by simple or complex minds.译文:这几乎被普遍接受----大脑的智力利用只局限于非常小的直接的可预测的范围。
1. W: What a beautiful dress you are wearing, Mary!M: Yeah, I bought it last week. It was on sale.Q: How did Mary get her dress?2. W: Are you too tired?M: Yeah, I hate traveling by train. I can never sleep well.Q: What does the man say about traveling by train?3. W: Lucy visited New York City last summer. She told me she had a great time there.M: That sounds fantastic. I wish I could visit New York City someday.Q: What did the man think of Lucy's trip to New York City?4. W: How was the movie you saw last night?M: It was awful. The plot was confusing and the acting was terrible.Q: What does the man think of the movie?5. W: Could you pass me the salt please?M: Sure. Here you go.Q: What is the man doing?第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)在这一节中,考生需要根据录音内容回答下列问题。
百科写作·标准答案一、单项选择01. A左传原名为《左氏春秋》,汉代改称《春秋左氏传》,简称《左传》。
02. C楚辞又称“楚词”,是战国时代的伟大诗人屈原创造的一种诗体。
03. D“颜”指颜真卿,“柳”指柳公权,“颜筋柳骨”是说他们二人的风格像筋骨那样挺劲有力而又有所差异。
04. B中国画术语。
05. A鸳鸯蝴蝶派是发端于20世纪初叶的上海“十里洋场”的一个文学流派。
06. C创造社是“五四”新文化运动初期成立的文学社团,是中国现代文学团体。
07. C司马姓氏有三个来源。
中南大学考试试卷2005-2006学年一学期时间120分钟翻译理论与实践A卷课程64学时4学分考试形式:闭卷专业年级:英语系03—班总分100分,占总评成绩70%【Give your answers on ANSWER SHEET attached】I. Alternative Choice: 15 %1. There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. The drill may just miss the oil although it is near.译文A:石油钻探很大程度上要靠运气。
2.I have no manners whatsoever. If I feel like it, I eat with my fingers, or out of a can, or standing up---in other words, whichever is easiest.译文A:事实上我没有任何规矩,如果我觉得喜欢,我就用手指吃,或用罐头吃,或站着吃——换句话说,看那种吃法最容易。
译文A:In the past, the Chinese people worked hard with a united and pioneering spirit, achieving great success in the drive for socialist modernization.译文B:In the last year, the Chinese people united and worked hard, pioneered and forged ahead, and made great achievements in the cause of China’s so cialist modernization.4. 直到下半天,寻来寻去寻到山坳里,看见刺柴上挂着他的一只小鞋。
英语辅导专家贾洪伟⽼师,针对2010年考研英语英译汉部分进⾏分析,2010考研英语英译汉⽂章属环保范畴,摘⾃利奥波德(Aldo Leopold)于1966年在⽜津⼤学出版出版的《沙乡年鉴》(A Sand Country Almanac)中的“⼟地伦理”(The Land Ethics)部分,具体在原书210页。
本题⼲中,出题者也是动过“⼩⼿术”的,⽐如:第⼀段的原⽂是:“One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. Wildflowers and songbirds are examples. Of the 22,000 higher plants and animals native to Wisconsin, it is doubtful whether more than 5 per cent can be sold, fed, eaten, or otherwise put to economic use. Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community, and if (as I believe) its stability depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance。
”,经过加⼯就变成了“One basic weakness in a conservation system based wholly on economic motives is that most members of the land community have no economic value. Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community, and if (as I believe) its stability depends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance。
中南大学考试试卷2007--2008学年一学期时间120分钟翻译理论与实践A卷课程64学时4学分考试形式:闭卷专业年级:英语系04—班总分100分,占总评成绩70%【Give your answers on ANSWER SHEET attached】I. Judging the following translations with “Y” (good) or “N” (not good): 20 %1.中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。
译文:On two points China can be account. First, it upholds principle and second, it keeps its words.2. 青城山地质地貌独特,植被茂密,气候适宜,林木葱翠,层峦叠嶂,曲径逶迤,古观藏趣。
译文. Endowed with special geological landforms and a mild climate, Qingcheng Mountain enjoys exuberant vegetations and forests through which the paths wind, as well as the ancient temples dispersing in ranges of mountains.3. 一个人在原企业的优秀业绩可以为他今后求职提供“敲门砖”。
译文:An employee’s previous outstanding performance is a very important stepping stone to his or her job hunting.4. My table manners are atrocious----in this respect I’ve slipped back hundreds of years in fact, I have no manners whatsoever. If I feel like it, I eat with my fingers, or out of a can, or standing up---in other words, whichever is easiest.译文:我的吃相实在不雅,这方面一下就倒退了几百年,实在是一点规矩也没有。
中南大学翻译硕士英语真题2010年(总分100, 做题时间90分钟)Part Ⅰ DictionDirections:Choose the ONE word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the underlined part in each of the following.1.Is vanity one of the seven deadly sins?SSS_SINGLE_SELA foolishnessB sanityC prideD selfishness该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 1答案:Cpride骄傲,傲慢,自大。
2.The child was uncomfortable under the scrutiny of his grandfather.SSS_SINGLE_SELA examinationB weightC gazeD attention该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 1答案:Cscrutiny详细的检查,仔细的观察;监视,监督。
3.Professor Bright likes to ramble during her lectures.SSS_SINGLE_SELA mumbleB ruminateC wonderD wander该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 1答案:Dramble闲逛,漫步。
4.The teacher is very exacting about his students' penmanship.SSS_SINGLE_SELA lenientB demandingC carefulD meticulous该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 1答案:Bexacting严格的,严厉的。
2010年3月翻译资格中级英语口译实务真题及答案英译中The recession has hit middle-income and poor families hardest, widening the economic gap between the richest and poorest Americans as rippling job layoffs ravaged household budgets.Household income declined across all groups, but at sharper percentage levels for middle-income and poor Americans. Median income fell last year from $52,163 to $50,303, wiping out a decade's worth of gains to hit the lowest level since 1997. Poverty jumped sharply to 13.2 percent, an 11-year high.No one should be surprised at the increased disparity. Analysts attributed the widening gap to the wave of layoffs in the economic downturn that have devastated household budgets. They said while the richest Americans may be seeing reductions in executive pay, those at the bottom of the income ladder are often unemployed and struggling to get by.中译英2010年翩然而至,全球24个时区的万千钟声,此起彼伏,宣告在这人类新千年中,一个10年代的终结,又是另一个10年代的开始。
2010年英语一答案解析【篇一:2010年考研英语二真题全文翻译答案超详解析】解析 section i use of english一、文章题材结构分析本文是取材于新闻报道,叙述了猪流感的爆发,产生的严重影响以及政府采取的针对性措施。
二、试题解析1.【答案】d【解析】上文提到“? was declared a global epidemic?”,根据declare 的逻辑(“宣布为”),可知应该选 d 项designated“命名,制定”,而不是 c 项commented“评论”,这是典型的近义词复现题目。
本句的理解应该抓住 alert、meeting 和 a sharp rise 三者的关系,根据 after a sharp rise 可知是 rise(“病例数的增加”)是 meeting(“日内瓦专家会议”)的原因,由此可推导出 alert 并非是 meeting 的原因,而是结果,即 meeting 使得 alert 升级。
根据上述分析可以排除 b、d 选项,b 项activated“激活,激起”,d 项“促使,引起”,此两项的选择都在讲 alert 导致了 meeting的召开。
而 c 项 followed 意思是“紧随,跟在??之后”,体现出after 的逻辑,完全满足本句 rise 之后是 meeting,meeting 之后是 alert 的逻辑,所以是正确项。
而 a 项proceeded“继续”,属不及物动词,不可接宾语,用法和逻辑用在此处都不合适。
3.【答案】b【解析】本题目应该关注并列连词 and,从并列呼应来看:空格后的表达 in britain?对应前面的 in australia,所以空格处 rising _____ 应该对应 a sharp rise in cases(“病例数的剧增”),因此空格处是“数量”的逻辑才对。
2010年中南大学英语翻译基础真题答案I. Term TranslationA. 1.market access 市场准入2. venture investment风险投资3. trade liberalization 贸易自由化4. ecosystem生态系统5. artificial intelligence人工智能6. innovation-incentive mechanism 创新激励体制7. the Millennium Development Goals 千年发展目标8. the Beijing Olympic Mascots福娃9. cultural heritage文化遗产10. national treatment国民待遇11. NPC全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress)12. IMF国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund13. UNDP联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Program)14. IAEA国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy Agency15. UNESCO联合国教育、科学及文化组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)B. 1. 信达雅faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance2. 功能对等functional equivalence3. 团队精神Teamwork4. 统筹兼顾give overall consideration; make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall consideration and all-round arrangement;5. 自主创业self-employed6. 建设节约型社会to build the conservation-oriented society7. 公益性文化事业non-profit cultural undertakings8. 从善如流follow correct opinions or well-intentioned advice like water flowing swiftly and smoothly downward; follow good advice readily9. 两元经济结构dual economic structure10. 科学发展观Scientific outlook on development11. “一站式”办公One-stop Service12. 更快,更高,更强Faster,Higher,Stronger13. 加强务实合作strengthen/deepen pragmatic cooperation14. 生态补偿机制a mechanism for ecological compensation15. 趋利避害draw on advantages and avoid disadvantagesII. Passage TranslationA. Honorable Your Excellencies Ministers and delegates,Honorable specially invited guests of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administration Region governments, Ladies and gentlemen,尊敬的各位部长阁下、各国代表团成员,尊敬的港澳特别行政区政府特邀嘉宾,女士们、先生们:。
2010年中南大学翻译硕士英语真题答案Part I1-5 c c d b c6-10 a a c d d11-15 c a b a bPart II16-20 d d d d b21-25 c c b c cPart IIIPassage 1, 26-27 a aPassage 2, 28-29 c aPassage 3, 30-32 d d bPassage 4, 33-36 c b cPassage 5, 37-40 b a b aPart IVSection A1, 在我们人生的早期,我们的父母给予我们无条件的关心和照顾,他们教会我们什么是对与错,什么是好与坏。
2, 物质上的快乐往往是短暂的,然而给别人带来欢乐而带来的快乐,那种满足是无与伦比的。
Section BFrom the window of my bedroom could I see a tall hibiscus tree. In spring, discordant Yan Shu and plenty of flowers were so charming. It affected my inspiration and tricks the flow of thoughts and ideas in writing. As time went on, I should treat this”neighbor” standing nearby my window as my intimate friend.But one morning, I opened the window only to find it beyond recognition denudated by wind and rain last night. Right now sadness of “ glory flies” crossed my mind! I couldn’t resist sighing that life road was so bumpy and full of setbacks, rises and falls, loosing beloved friends again and again. Is life just same as the prosperity gone with wind?After several days, I gradually forgot this. Once, I got back from county, feeling depressing air in the room, and opened the window unwittingly. All of a sudden, it was such spectacular scenery in front of me: a fiery-red bougainvillea comes into my sight, and it frizzes in the background of sunset. Such a pleasant surprise made me out of control, and I wondered why I had had no idea of some unyielding life sprouting over the fallen petals.When the last withered petal dropped, people’s praise of it was left into old memories. However, bougainvillea grows and its flaming and dazzling red showed to people life’s alternation and continuity. Can't it。
英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编101(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 2. 英汉互译英汉互译汉译英1.2010年12月,为了向年轻一代普及航天科学教育,海南省开始在文昌市建设航天主题公园。
正确答案:To promote aerospace science and general aviation knowledge among the younger generation, in December 2010, Hainan province begins to build a Space Flight Theme Park in Wenchang Cit-y. Covering an area of 1,800 mu (120 hectares) , the theme park is located at Wenchang Satellite Launch Center. The whole project is estimated to cost 3 billion yuan (455 million U. S. dollars) and is expected to be finished in 2013. The park will have four exhibiti-on sections, featuring the earth, moon, Mars and the sun. Visitors can even enter the launch station and watch the actual rocket launch.2.1957年10月苏联成功发射第一颗人造卫星,揭开了人类历史由地球迈向太空的第一页。
1. As a cause
2. As a contrast
3. As a result
English Test for Doctoral Candidates (A)Jan. 2010Part I Listening Comprehension (15%)Section ADirections: In this section, you’ll hear five short conversations. After each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will beread only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Thenwrite your answer in the corresponding place on your Answer Sheet I.1. A. He is confident of his performance.B. He is worried about the result of the interview.C. He is unsure of the result.D. He is glad the interview is over.2. A. She’ll have some chocolate cake. B. She’ll take a look at the menu.C. She’ll go without dessert.D. She’ll prepa re the dinner.3. A. Alice should go home right away.B. Alice should not worry about her family.C. Alice should write to her parents more frequently.D. Alice should give her parents a call.4. A. Go to the library. B. Meet the woman.C. See Professor Smith.D. Have a drink in the bar.5. A. The police want to talk to the main actor.B. The main actor forgot to come.C. The main actor is delayed by traffic.D. The actor is busy buying jam on his way.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. Afteryou hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then write your answer in the corresponding place on yourAnswer Sheet I.Passage 16. A. Almost half their money. B. Almost all their money.C. Almost one-third of their money.D. Most of their money.7. A. Right after the food is ready.B. Right after the father makes the cross over the bread with a knife.C. Right after the mother distributes each member a piece of bread.D. Right after the father gives everyone a piece of bread.Passage 28. A. University of Southern California.B. U.S.C.’s Office of International Services.C. California State Government.D. Institution of International Education.9. A. Because the American students don’t want to make friends with them.B. Because international students often want to spend their free time with friends from theirown country or group.C. Because the offices do not look for ways to help them.D. Because they have language problems.10. A. Helping international students work out their course schedule.B. Helping international students get involved in school life and make American friends.C. Helping family members who come to the United States with international students.D. Organizing programs to help foreign students feel more at ease in their new surroundings.Section CDirections:In this section, you are going to hear a short passage. It will be spoken three times. After you hear the passage, please write a summary of it in about 6o words on Answer Sheet II. ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirections: There are 10 sentences in this section. Each sentence has something omitted. Choose the word or phrase from the four choices given to best complete each sentence. Mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I.11. The _________ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physicalaspect in the life style of the people.A. implementationB. manifestationC. demonstrationD. expectation12. The insurance company paid him $10,000 in _________ after his accident.A. compensationB. substitutionC. installmentD. commission13. Oh, what a nuisance! It __________ so easy for me to bring those photographs I wanted toshow you, and I have left them on the table at home.A. would have beenB. would beC. had beenD. was14. One of the most spectacular qualities of man is notably his __________ to any kind of naturalenvironment.A. inclinationB. adaptabilityC. dominationD. availability15. Although this area is very poor now, its ________ wealth is great.A. prevalentB. previousC. potentialD. profound16. The workers' demands are ________; they're asking for only a small increase in their wages.A. moderateB. commercialC. abnormalD. complicated17. His misbehavior and _________ dismissal from the firm was reported in the newspaper.A. frequentB. inefficientC. subsequentD. improper18. The accident _________ him of his sight and the use of his legs.A. excludedB. deprivedC. disabledD. gripped19. If he wants to get to Chicago by tonight, he has no _________ but to go by plane.A. chanceB. other wayC. alternativeD. dilemma20. He is __________to organize the meeting.A. entitledB. enlargedC. ingrainedD. intertwinedSection BDirections: There are 15 sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I.21. Visitors are usually trying to withstand the emotional stress of prison visits.A. expressB. overcomeC. forgetD. endure22. The city had swallowed up the green maiden which had stretched from the old fort walls to the river bank.A. devouredB. guzzledC. swiggedD. tippled23. His interest gave me an incentive and I work twice as hard.A. encouragementB. supportC. inspirationD. concern24. Sanctuaries for wildlife have dwindled alarmingly in the last decade.A. increasedB. shrunkC. lostD. expanded25. It's a paradox, but the older she gets the more active she is.A. truthB. congruityC. contradictionD. absurdity26. Some officers in the army maintained close liaison with businessmen of the city.A. communicationB. connectionC. attachmentD. transition27. The judge was going to overlook the criminal's past record if he'd promise to stay out oftrouble.A. ignoreB. overseeC. missD. overpower28. The professor highly praised his students given the fact that they accumulated all manner ofnecessary information.A. to the extentB. in a mannerC. in every wayD. various29. Women in the Third World gauge discrimination by mortality rates and poverty levels.A. acknowledgeB. testC. measureD. interact30. Scientists are now able to produce more and more raw materials synthetically.A. graduallyB. tirelesslyC. professionallyD. artificiallyPart III Cloze ( 10% )Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D on the right side of the paper. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center on your Answer Sheet I.Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you 31 wonder how it is possible for us to32 people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the 33 that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child 34 an animal, such as a pigeon − can learn to recognize faces. We all 35 this ability for granted.We also tell people apart 36 how they behave. When we talk about someone’s personality, we mean 37 in which he or she acts. Speaks, thinks, and feels 38 that individual different from others.Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someone’s personality 39 words is somewhat easier than 40 his face. If you were asked to describe what a “nice face” looked like, you 41 have a difficult time doing so. But if you were askedto describe a “nice person,” you 42 begin to think about someone who was kind, 43 , friendly, warm, and so forth.There are many words to describe 44 a person thinks, feels, and acts. Gordon Allport,45 U.S. psychologist, found nearly 18,000 English words 46 differences in people’s behavior. And many of us use this information as a 47 for describing a 48 . Hippies, bookworms, 49 , military types −people are described with such 50 .31. A. sometimes B. ever C. always D. anytime32. A. spot B. locate C. know D. recognize33. A. features B. characteristics C. distinctions D. qualities34. A. or even B. and also C. and then D. and too35. A. have B. use C. take D. regard36. A. in B. by C. from D. with37. A. the manners B. the means C. the ways D. the patterns38. A. courses B. cause C. makes D. make39. A. with B. by C. in D. using40. A. describe B. describing C. to describe D. description of41. A. will B. would C. shall D. should42. A. may B. can C. might D. will43. A. considerate B. considerable C. considering D. concerned44. A. why B. when C. how D. what45. A. a B. an C. the D. that46. A. characterizing B. characterize C. characterized D. to characterize47. A. base B. foundation C. point D. criterion48. A. person B. personality C. man D. woman49. A. politicians B. scholars C. professionals D. conservatives50. A. nouns B. nicknames C. jargon D. termsPart IV Reading Comprehension ( 25% )Section ADirections:In this section, there are five short passages for you to read. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer marked A, B, C and D, and then mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet I.Passage 1If national health insurance would not cure the problems of the American health-care system, what, then, is responsible for them? Suspicion falls heavily on hospitals, which make up the largest component of the system. In 1988 hospitals accounted for 39 percent of all expenditures---more than doctors, nursing homes, drugs, and home health care combined.Although US hospitals provide outstanding research and frequently excellent care, they also exhibit the classic attributes of inefficient organizations; increasing costs and decreasing use. The average cost of a hospital stay in 1987---$3,850---was more than double the 1980 cost. A careful government analysis published in 1987 revealed the inflation of hospital costs, over and above general price inflation, as a major factor in their growth, even after allowances were made for increase in the population and in intensity of care. While the rate of increase for hospital costs was 27 percent greater than that of all medical care and 163 percent greater than that for all other goods and services, demand for hospital services fell by 34 percent. But hospitals seemed obvious of the decline: during this period the number of hospital beds shrank only by about three percent, and the number of full-time employees grew by more than 240,000.After yet another unexpectedly high hospital-cost increase last year, one puzzled government analyst asked, " Where's the money going?" Much of the increase in hospital costs--- amounting to $180 billion from 1965 to 1987---went to duplicating medical technology available in nearby hospitals and maintaining excess beds. Modern Healthcare, a leading journal in the field, recently noted that "anecdotes of [ hospitals'] unnecessary spending on technology abound." Medical technology is very expensive. An operating room outfitted to perform open-heart surgery costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. From 1982 to 1989 the number of hospitals with open-heart-surgery facilities grew by 33 percent, and the most rapid growth occurred among smaller and moderate-sized hospitals. This growth was worrisome for reasons of both costs and quality. Underused technology almost inevitably decreases quality of care. In medicine, as in everything else, practice makes perfect. For example, most of the hospitals with the lowest mortality rates for coronary-bypass surgery perform at least fifty to a hundred such procedures annually, and in some cases many more; the majority of those with the highest mortality rates perform fewer than fifty a year.51. According to the passage, the American health-care system __________________.A. is working smoothlyB. is the best system in the worldC. is not working efficientlyD. is on the point of collapse52. In 1980, the average cost of a hospital stay was __________________.A. $ 3,850B. less than $ 1,925C. $ 1,925D. more than $ 1,92553. When demand for hospital services fell, hospitals _________________.A. took effective measures to reduce their expendituresB. were fully aware of the situation and took some measures accordinglyC. reduced the number of hospital beds sharplyD. continued to take on more full-time medical workers54. According to the passage, hospital costs went up greatly mainly because _______________.A. hospitals spent a lot of money unnecessarily on medical technologyB. hospitals bought too much expensive operating equipmentC. hospitals employed too many unskilled medical workersD. hospitals were under poor management55. It is implied in the last paragraph that if a hospital uses its medical technology to the full,____________.A. it will decrease its quality of treatmentB. it will certainly push up its expendituresC. it will have a high mortality rate from surgeryD. it will maintain its good quality of carePassage 2What might driving on an automated highway be like? The answer depends on what land of system is ultimately adopted. Two distinct types are on the drawing board. The first isa special purpose lane system, in which certain lanes are reserved for automated vehicles.The second is a mixed traffic system: fully automated vehicles would share the road with partially automated or manual driven cars. A special purpose lane system would require more extensive physical modifications to existing highways, but it promises the greatest gains in freeway capacity.Under either scheme, the driver would specify the desired destination, furnishing this information to a computer in the car at the beginning of the trip or perhaps just before reaching the automated highway. If a mixed traffic system way was in place, automated driving could begin whenever the driver was on suitably equipped roads. If special purpose lanes were available, the car could enter them and join existing traffic in two different ways.One method would use a special onramp. As the driver approached the point of entry for the highway, devices installed on the roadside would electronically check the vehicle to determine its destination and to ascertain that it had the proper automation equipment in good working order. Assuming it passed such tests, the driver would then be guided through a gate and toward an automated lane. In this case, the transition from manual to automated control would take place on the entrance ramp. An alternative technique could employ conventional lanes, which would be shared by automated and regular vehicles. The driver would steer onto the highway and move in normal fashion to a “transition” lane. The vehicle would then shift under computer control onto a lane reserved for automated traffic. (The limitation of these lanes to automated traffic would, presumably, be well respected, because all trespassers (非法进入者) could be swiftly identified by authorities.)Either approach to joining a lane of automated traffic would harmonize the movement of newly entering vehicles with those already traveling. Automatic control here should allow for smooth merging without the usual uncertainties and potential for accidents. And once a vehicle had settled into automated travel, the driver would be free to release the wheel, openthe morning paper or just relax.56. We learn from the first paragraph that two systems of automated highways___________.A. are being plannedB. are being modifiedC. are now in wide useD. are under construction57. A special purpose lane system is probably advantageous in that _____________.A. it would require only minor changes to existing highwaysB. it would achieve the greatest highway traffic efficiencyC. it has a lane for both automated and partially automated vehiclesD. it offers more lanes for automated vehicles58. Which of the following is TRUE about driving on an automated highway?A. Vehicles traveling on it are assigned different lanes according to their destinations.B. A car can join existing traffic any time in a mixed lane system.C. The driver should inform his car computer of his destination before driving onto it.D. The driver should share the automated lane with those of regular vehicles.59. We know from the passage that a car can enter a special purpose lane____________.A. by smoothly merging with cars on the conventional laneB. by way of a ramp with electronic control devicesC. through a specially guarded gateD. after all trespassers are identified and removed60. When driving in an automated lane, the driver____________.A. should harmonize with newly entering carsB. doesn’t have to rely on his computer systemC. should watch out for potential accidentsD. doesn’t have to hold on to the steering wheelPassage 3There are various kinds of student exchange programs between the United States and other countries. Here are some that most interest foreign students.ASSE is the American Scandinavian Student Exchange. This program was established in Sweden in nineteen seventy-six to organize exchanges with the United States. It expanded to include students in Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Today ASSE organizes international exchanges for high school students in thirty-one countries. The students live with a family and attend school for a year.Other programs also offer high school students a chance to come to the United States, like the Program of Academic Exchange, or PAE.For college students, there are programs like the International Student Exchange Program, or ISEP. This is a group of almost three hundred colleges in thirty-nine countries. ISEP is an independent organization that was supported by the United States government until nineteen ninety-six. ISEP is a true exchange program. That means two students from different countries trade places for a semester or a year.Work and Travel USA is also for college students. But this program is not for those who want to study in the United States. It provides international students with the chance to work for up to four months while exploring American life. The State Department says they generally work in hotels, restaurants and amusement parks but may also work for other employers. Anorganization called CIEE administers this program. It says students must understand that the money they earn from their work may not be enough to pay all of their costs.61. The program ASSE established in Sweden organizes exchanges with ______________.A. FinlandB. DenmarkC. the United StatesD. Norway62. Which of the following programs organizes exchanges for high school students?A. Program of Academic Exchange.B. Work and Travel USA.C. International Student Exchange Program.D. None of the above.63. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about ISEP?A. It is a program for college students.B. It is a group of almost three hundred colleges in thirty-nine countries.C. The program is supported by the United States government now.D. According to ISEP two students from different countries will trade places for a semesteror a year.64. The program Work and Travel USA is administered by ______________.A. an organization called CIEEB. the United States governmentC. the State DepartmentD. a travel agency65. Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?A. The Past and Present of ASSE.B. Student Exchange Programs Between the United States and Other Countries.C. The Function of the International Student Exchange Program.D. How to Work and Travel in the United States.Passage 4Sex prejudices are based on and justified by the ideology that biology is destiny. According to this ideology, basic biological and psychological differences exist between the sexes. These differences require each sex to play a separate role in social life. Women are the weaker sex—both physically and emotionally. Thus, they are naturally suited much more so than men, to the performance of domestic duties. A woman’s place, under normal circumstances, is within the protective environment of the home. Nature has determined that women play care-taker roles, such as wife and mother and homemaker. On the other hand men are best suited to go out into the competitive world of work and politics, where serious responsibilities must be taken on. Men are to be the providers; women and children are “dependents”.The ideology also holds that women who wish to work outside the household should naturally fill these jobs that are in line with the special capabilities of their sex. It is thus appropriate for women, not men, to be employed as nurses, social workers, elementary school teachers, household helpers, and clerks and secretaries. These positions are simply an extension of women’s domestic role. Informal distinctions between “women’s work” and “men’s work” in the labor force, according to the ideology, are simply a functional reflection of the basic differencesbetween the sexes.Finally, the ideology suggests that nature has worked her will in another significant way. For the human species to survive over time, its members must regularly reproduce. Thus, women must, whether at home or in the labor force, make the most of their physical appearance. So goes the ideology. It is, of course, not true that basic biological and psychological differences between the sexes require each to play sex defined roles in social life. There is ample evidence that sex roles vary from society to society, and those role differences that do exist are largely learned. But to the degree people actually believe that biology is destiny and that nature intended for men and women to make different contributions to society, sex-defined roles will be seen as totally acceptable.66. What does the author think of the ideology that biology is destiny?A. It’s well based and justified.B. It’s totally unreasonable.C. It’s popular with all people.D. It’s somewhat a prejudice against women.67. According to this ideology, women are more suited to the performance of domestic duties because ____________ .A. they are naturally the weaker sexB. they are born good at domestic dutiesC. they are more careful than men C. this is a natural division of labor68. According to the author, women’s positions as nurses and secretaries are ____________ .A. appropriate as a result of their special capabilitiesB. an extension of women’s domestic roles based on this ideologyC. a reflection of women’s absolute limitation to the householdD. a functional reflection of the basic differences between the sexes69. Wha t’s the author’s attitude toward sex defined roles?A. Such roles are physically determined and thus natural.B. Such roles are socially determined and thus full of prejudices.C. Such roles are biologically determined and thus scientific.D. Such roles are politically determined and thus acceptable.70. Which of the following statements can NOT be inferred from this passage?A. Sex defined roles is totally acceptable to believers of this ideology.B. Sex role differences are taught in schools.C. Women may not be dependents as men may not be providers.D. Prejudices against women still exist in this society.Passage 5By the year 2100, global temperatures are expected to rise by between 0.8 and 3.5 degree Celsius. That may not seem like much, but such an increase in temperature would cause a rise in sea levels large enough to put the lives of up to 100 million people at risk. Widespread flooding, as well as droughts in other areas, could cause mass migrations as areas become uninhabitable; tropical diseases would almost certainly spread northwards, causing wide-ranging and mostlyadverse impacts on human health, with significant loss of life.For the first time in the scientific community, there is total agreement that the activity of humans is at least partly responsible for the problem—specifically the emission of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which is released by the burning of wood, coal and petroleum products. Reducing harmful emission is just one area in which the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel is decidedly optimistic. For one thing, in the short term it might not prove that difficult. Efficiency improvements alone could cut energy needs by as much as 30 percent at virtually no extra cost and, in developed countries, emiss ion reductions of up to 60 percent “are technically feasible.” In the longer term, harmful emissions will be reduced as the world changes over to cheaper, less environmentally damaging energy sources.So, if it is economically and technically feasible to reduce harmful emissions, why is almost nothing being done? There are two main reasons. The first stems from the uncertainty about how hot the planet is going to get. The current estimate is extremely broad—between 0.8 and 3.5 degree Celsius by 2100. If the former prediction is accurate, it may be that we can adapt to it without difficulty; if, on the other hand, the latter is closer to reality, complete rethinking of the world’s energy supplies is already long overdue.This leads directly to the second problem—the time scale involved. It is difficult to get people to act when predictions may take between 50 and 10 years to materialize. For politicians, who face elections every half decade or so, preventive action against a future threat----the magnitude of which is still very uncertain—carries heavy political risks.Even if politicians in the developed world were to be forced into action, what of the developing world, which is economically dependent on fossil fuels? Should it reduce emissions, and suffer consequences, because of mistakes made by the developed world?One suggestion is that developing countries be given allowances above the current emission standards. This would enable them to meet their industrialized needs and ultimately help them to finance environmentally sound technologies. This would seem the only realistic way of getting agreement from developing countries—a vital requirement because, if preventive action is going to work, “you really do have to have everyone on board.”71. Which is NOT true according to the 1st paragraph?A. The rise of global temperature may cause many disasters.B. An obvious increase of global temperature may endanger the life of millions of people in theworld.C. Global temperature has risen by 0.8 to 3.5 degrees Celsius in recent years.D. Disasters caused by global temperature rise are inter-connected.72. Why is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel decidedly optimistic about the reductionof harmful emission?A. Because it’s rather easy to persuade governments to reduce harmful emission.。
作业讲评:All these people get healthful rewards from the environment in which they work. They all come from mountain regions. They live and work at elevations of 1, 600 to 4, 000 meters above sea level. The air has less oxygen and is pollution-free. This reduced-oxygen environment makes the heart and blood vessel system stronger.Another factor that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation. To a great extent, they are separated from the pressures and worries of industrial society.Inherited factors also play some role. Most of the longest-lived people had parents and grandparents who also reached very old ages. Good family genes may, therefore, be one factor in living longer.It is clear that isolation from urban pressures and pollution, clean mountain air, daily hard work, moderate diets, good genes, and a youthful approach to life all contribute to the health and long life of all these people.所有这些人都从他们的劳动环境中获得了有益的回报—健康。
中南大学考试试卷2007--2008学年一学期时间120分钟翻译理论与实践A卷课程64学时4学分考试形式:闭卷专业年级:英语系04—班总分100分,占总评成绩70%【Give your answers on ANSWER SHEET attached】I. Judging the following translations with “Y” (good) or “N” (not good): 20 %1.中国有两点是靠得住的,一是讲原则,二是说话算数。
译文:On two points China can be account. First, it upholds principle and second, it keeps its words.2. 青城山地质地貌独特,植被茂密,气候适宜,林木葱翠,层峦叠嶂,曲径逶迤,古观藏趣。
译文. Endowed with special geological landforms and a mild climate, Qingcheng Mountain enjoys exuberant vegetations and forests through which the paths wind, as well as the ancient temples dispersing in ranges of mountains.3. 一个人在原企业的优秀业绩可以为他今后求职提供“敲门砖”。
译文:An employee’s previous outstanding performance is a very important stepping stone to his or her job hunting.4. My table manners are atrocious----in this respect I’ve slipped back hundreds of years in fact, I have no manners whatsoever. If I feel like it, I eat with my fingers, or out of a can, or standing up---in other words, whichever is easiest.译文:我的吃相实在不雅,这方面一下就倒退了几百年,实在是一点规矩也没有。
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I. Term Translation
A. 1.market access 市场准入
2. venture investment风险投资
3. trade liberalization 贸易自由化
4. ecosystem生态系统
5. artificial intelligence人工智能
6. innovation-incentive mechanism 创新激励体制
7. the Millennium Development Goals 千年发展目标
8. the Beijing Olympic Mascots福娃
9. cultural heritage文化遗产
10. national treatment国民待遇
11. NPC全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress)
12. IMF国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund
13. UNDP联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Program)
14. IAEA国际原子能机构International Atomic Energy Agency
15. UNESCO联合国教育、科学及文化组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization)
B. 1. 信达雅faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance
2. 功能对等functional equivalence
3. 团队精神Teamwork
4. 统筹兼顾give overall consideration; make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall consideration and all-round arrangement;
5. 自主创业self-employed
6. 建设节约型社会to build the conservation-oriented society
7. 公益性文化事业non-profit cultural undertakings
8. 从善如流follow correct opinions or well-intentioned advice like water flowing swiftly and smoothly downward; follow good advice readily
9. 两元经济结构dual economic structure
10. 科学发展观Scientific outlook on development
11. “一站式”办公One-stop Service
12. 更快,更高,更强Faster,Higher,Stronger
13. 加强务实合作strengthen/deepen pragmatic cooperation
14. 生态补偿机制a mechanism for ecological compensation
15. 趋利避害draw on advantages and avoid disadvantages
II. Passage Translation
A. Honorable Your Excellencies Ministers and delegates,
Honorable specially invited guests of Hong Kong and Macao Special Administration Region governments, Ladies and gentlemen,