
Part VI Translation (10 points)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answ et Sheet.Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the suff erer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as t o seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Befor e long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover h ow deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends.Part VII Writing (15 points)Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of us ing the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according t o the outline given below:1.我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。

2016研究生学术英语写作期末考试试卷Part I Recognizing topic sentences (20%)Directions: Read the sentences in each group, and decide which one is the best topic sentence. Write best TS on the line next to it and decide what is wrong with the other sentences, too general, too specific or incomplete? (P.6)Part II Identifying the parts of a topic sentence (20%)Directions: Circle the topic and underline the controlling idea(s) in each of the following sentences.(P.9)Part III Specific supporting details (20%)Directions: Decide which of the following statements is an opinion (O), a fact that needs proof (F-NP), or a specific supporting detail (SSD). (P.40)Part IV Choosing the best paraphrase (20%)Directions: Read the original passages. Choose the best paraphrase from the choices given and mark it “Best.” Mark the others “Too sim.” for too similar, “No cit.” if there is no in-text citation, or “Inc./Inacc.” for incomplete and/or inaccurate information. (P.130)Part V Introductory paragraphs (20%)Directions: Read each of the following sets of sentences and put them in a logical order to form introductory paragraphs. Write the thesis statement last.(P.62)。

研究生期末英语作文As the end of the semester approaches, it is time to reflect on what I have learned in my graduate studies and how it has impacted my personal and professional growth. The past few months have been a whirlwind of new experiences and challenges, but I am grateful for the opportunities that have come my way.First and foremost, my graduate studies have expanded my knowledge and understanding of my field of study. Through coursework, research, and discussions with my peers and professors, I have gained a deeper understanding of the theories and concepts that underpin my discipline. This knowledge has been invaluable in helping me to think critically and creatively about the issues and challenges facing my field.In addition to expanding my knowledge, my graduate studies have also helped me to develop important skillsthat will serve me well in my future career. For example, Ihave honed my research and writing skills through the many papers and projects I have completed. I have also learned how to work collaboratively with others, which is an essential skill in many professional settings.Perhaps most importantly, my graduate studies have challenged me to think deeply about my own values, beliefs, and goals. Through discussions with my peers and professors, I have been pushed to consider the ethical implications of my work and to think about how I can use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact in the world.Looking back on the past few months, I am proud of what I have accomplished and excited about what the future holds.I am grateful for the support and guidance of my professors and peers, and I am eager to continue learning and growing as a scholar and a person. While I know that there will be many challenges ahead, I am confident that my graduate studies have prepared me well for whatever comes next.。

最新851英语写作试题资料浙江师范大学2008年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码: 851 科目名称:英语写作提示:1、本科目适用专业:050201英语语言文学、050211外国语言学及应用语言学;2、3、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题上的不给分;4、请填写准考证号后6位:____________。
I. Summary writing (40%)Read the following passage and write a summary of it in around 100 words.Despite all the current fuss and bother about the extraordinary number of ordinary illiterates who overpopulate our schools, small attention has been given to another kind of illiterate, an illiterate whose plight is, in many ways, more important, because he is more influential. This illiterate may, as often as not, be a university president, but he is typically a Ph.D., a successful professor and textbook author. The person to whom I refer is the straight-A illiterate, and the following is written in an attempt to give him equal time with his widely publicized counterpart.The scene is my office, and I am at work, doing what must be done if one is to assist in the cure of a disease that, over the years, I have come to call straight-A illiteracy. I am interrogating, I am cross-examining, I am prying and probing for the meaning of a student’s paper. The student is a college senior with a straight-A average, an extremely bright, highly articulate student who has just been awarded a coveted fellowship to one of the nation’soutstanding graduate schools. He and I have been at this, have been going over his paper sentence by sentence, word by word, for an hour. “The choice of exogenous variab les in relation to multi-colinearity,”I hear myself reading from his paper, “is contingent upon the derivations of certain multiple correlation coefficients.” I pause to catch my breath. “Now that statement,”I address the student --- whom I shall call, allegorically, Mr. Bright --- “that statement, Mr. Bright, what on earth does it mean?”Mr. Bright, his brow furrowed, tries mightily.Finally, with both of us combining our linguistic and imaginative resources, finally, after what seems another hour, we decode it. We decide exactly what it is that Mr. Bright is trying to say, what he really wants to say, which is: “Supply determines demand.”Over the past decade or so, I have known many students like him, many college seniors suffering from Bright’s disease. It attacks the best minds, and gradually destroys the critical faculties, making it impossible for the sufferer to detect gibberish in his own writing or in that of others. During the years of higher education it grows worse, reaching its terminal stage, typically, when its victim receives his Ph.D. Obviously, the victim of Bright’s disease is no ordinary illiterate. He would never turn in a paper with misspellings or errors in punctuation; he would never use a double negative or the word “irregardless.” Nevertheless, he is illiterate, in the worst way: he is incapable of saying, in writing, simply and clearly, what he means. The ordinary illiterate --- perhaps providentially protected from college and graduate school --- might say: “Them people down at the shop better stock up on what our customers need, or we ain’t gonna be in business long.” Not our man. Taking his cuefrom years of higher education, years of reading the textbooks and professional journals that are the major sources of his affliction, he w rites: “The focus of concentration must rest upon objectives centered around the knowledge of customer areas so that a sophisticated awareness of those areas can serve as an entrepreneurial filter to screen what is relevant from what is irrelevant to futur e commitments.”For writing such gibberish he is awarded straight As on his papers (both samples quoted above were taken from papers that received As), and the opportunity to move, inexorably, toward his fellowship and eventual Ph.D.As I have suggested, the major cause of such illiteracy is the stuff --- the textbooks and professional journals --- the straight-A illiterate is forced to read during his years of higher education. He learns to write gibberish by reading it, and by being taught to admire it as profundity. If he is majoring in sociology, he must grapple with such journals as the American Sociological Review, journals bulging with barbarous jargon, such as “ego-integrative action orientation”and “orientation toward improvement of the gratificational-deprivation balance of the actor”(the latter of which monstrous phrases represents, to quote Malcolm Cowley, the sociologist’s way of saying “the pleasure principle”). In such journals, Mr. Cowley reminds us, two things are never described as being “alike.” They are “homologous” or “isomorphic.”Nor are things simply “different.” They are “allotropic.” In such journals writers never “divide anything.” They “dichotomize” or “bifurcate” thins.II. Exposition writing (50%):Just imagine that you are going to attend an employee recruitment fair where you are expected to deliver a job-application speech in front of the staff. Write a speech in around 300 words covering the following aspects: the reason why you want a specified job, your advantages for the post or possible benefits to the employer with your joining and your demand for the consideration of your application on the part of the employer.Marks will be awarded on the basis of your organization, diction, grammar and appropriateness.III. Argumentation writing (60%):Graduation theses are a prerequisite for a bachelor’s degree. However, thesis writing among university undergraduates does not seem satisfactory: few original and high-quality theses are turned out by our students and most of their theses are commonplace enough to be rated valueless and some are even guilty of plagiarism. Therefore, some teachers argue that students can be given different tasks to test what they have learnt in four years’time. Instead of requiring every student to write a graduation thesis prior to graduation, we can assign thesis-writing to the capable students and, as to the less capable ones, we can make them take graduation examinations rather than writing theses. In this way, the teachers can be relieved of the heavy burden of paper guidance and the less capable students can be relieved of the frustration as a result of writing theses beyond their reach. Some other teachers hold a different view; they believe thesis writing is an ability every student should be encouraged to cultivate and no arbitrary division line should be drawn between capable and less capable students. What is your attitude toward this issue? Write a piece of argument in about 500 words. In the first part you should state your position clearly; in the second, you should supply relevant evidence to support your position and refute the opposingside’s view; and finally you should bring your essay to a logical conclusion.Marks will be awarded on the basis of your organization, diction, grammar and appropriateness.上一页下一页。

一、选择题1、The train _____ in an hour. A. leaves B. left C. is leavingD. will leave 答案:A 解析:根据时间状语“in an hour”可知,本题应使用一般将来时。
2、--- Shall we go for a walk? --- _____. A. It's a good ideaB. That's all rightC. You're welcomeD. Not at all 答案:A 解析:根据问句“shall we...”可知,本题应回答肯定回答,即“It'sa good idea”是正确答案。
3、--- How was your trip to Beijing? --- _____. A. It was greatB. It was terribleC. Yes, it was greatD. No, it was terrible 答案:A 解析:根据问句“How was your trip to Beijing?”可知,本题应回答“It was great”。
二、阅读理解4、The passage mainly discusses the relationship between language and culture. 答案:TRUE 解析:本文主要讨论语言和文化之间的关系,说明语言反映文化,文化影响语言。
41、The word "etiquette" in the passage refers to good manners. 答案:TRUE 解析:根据文章第二段中的句子“etiquette is a code of behavior that is based on rules of good manners”可知,“etiquette”指的是良好的礼仪。


Part VI Translation (10 points)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answ et Sheet.Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the suff erer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as t o seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Befor e long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover h ow deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends.Part VII Writing (15 points)Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of us ing the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according t o the outline given below:1.我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。

下面是小编给大家整理的北航研究生英语写作试卷,供大家参阅!北航研究生英语写作试卷1How should we learnFor about 15 years study in China I have used to conceiving learning is process of memorization and reverent accepting the teacher’s words, and the only significant thing I care about is passing the exam and scoring high points. I initially thought this leaning attitude was just a personal inclination, however, I eventually find almost all of my classmates think like this way. I barely saw any student questioning a teacher or other authority figure in my school days, not to mention someone has tried to think how we should learn. I may never think about the above questions until I read the book AMERICAN WY AS.The book which leaves me a whole novel impression about learning the knowledge makes me start new journey about my leaning career. In this book I learn that Americans tend to view learning as a productive activity not like us conceives of it as a receptive activity. The most significant of learning that Americans think are to discover new information and to conceive new ways of understanding or interpreting what is already known. Therefore, in America Learning is not just considered a process of memorizing a fixed body of knowledge that already exists in books and in teacher’s minds, learning is viewed as an enterprise of active exploration, experimentation, analysis, and synthesisprocesses that students engage in along with their teachers and professors. Naturally, I find the education in America is emphasizing the value of one’s own mind and encouraging students to question authority. The idea in this book may well answer the question that how should we learn.Chinese students spend too much time in study but few if any learning the skills of analysis and synthesis and applying those skills to discovering new knowledge or taking a new view of established knowledge. The fact that we care the score more than the truth may answer my foreign Englishteacher’s question: why your gays study hard while like cheat and copy othershomework.Our country education condition would contribute us to cultivate our wrong attitude to learning and it cannot be changed in a very short period, however, maybe we can change ourselves mind first. Knowledge has a life and learning something new is mean to question what you have already known. If we have not the patience to think about the meaning of learning and the courage to make a change we were still an exam machine (people learning knowledge just for take exam) and never find the fun of learning the knowledge.Reference[1] Gary Althen, Amanda R.Doran, and Susan J.Szmania, American Ways [M], Intercultural press, 2003北航研究生英语写作试卷2Part V Translation (30 minutes, 15 points)Directions: Translate the following paragraph into English. 很多人都认为英语不好学,但我认为大量阅读应被视为英语学习过程中的重点。

考研大作文英文模板英文:As a postgraduate student, I have been preparing for the national postgraduate entrance examination for several months. The exam is just around the corner and I feel both nervous and excited. In my opinion, the exam is a challenge and an opportunity for me to prove myself.Firstly, the exam is a challenge because it covers a wide range of knowledge and requires a high level of proficiency in various subjects. As a result, I have to spend a lot of time reviewing and practicing to ensure that I am fully prepared. Moreover, the exam is highly competitive, and there are many outstanding candidates who will also be taking the exam. Therefore, I need to perform my best to stand out from the crowd.However, I also see the exam as an opportunity to prove myself. If I can perform well on the exam, I will have abetter chance of being admitted to a top university and pursuing my dream of becoming a researcher. Additionally, the exam is a good chance for me to review what I have learned and consolidate my knowledge. Through the processof preparing for the exam, I have developed good studyhabits and improved my problem-solving skills.In conclusion, although the national postgraduate entrance examination is a challenge, I see it as an opportunity to prove myself and achieve my goals. I will continue to work hard and prepare for the exam, and Ibelieve that with my efforts and determination, I will be able to succeed.中文:作为一名研究生,我已经为全国研究生入学考试准备了几个月。

比如说前面几个单元语言基础知识的练习比较多,有formal 和informal words 的区别,动词的名词化在学术英语写作中的应用,有翻译练习,有体现如何正确应用表示因果关系的填空题等。
后面几个单元有语言知识外,介绍了如何写summary 和paraphrase以及他们的区别。
在论文结构的写作上,除了应掌握每部分所包括的要素外,conclusion 和abstract 的写作技能很重要。
unit 9 的reference 主要通过书上练习答案了解和掌握science style 和MLA style 在文献引用特别是文献参考目录中格式上或写法上的不同。
unit 10 主要是要学会怎么写投稿信(cover letter), 掌握它的格式和所包括的内容,通过书上cover letter (p122) 这个sample 来掌握。
另外,unit 5 reporting results 这个单元中根据图表进行描写来总结汇报结果,这种写作技巧也很重要。
首先是247章重点第4页的2Language Focus2.1.1标一下T,应该是配对题17页2.2.128页3.239页1.3.141页那个表格43页的翻译44页3.3reordering句子48页4.254页2.1开头两段和底下那个表58页上面那个表60页两个图表下面的那两段71页Emphasising cause 前两个80页1.2,注明要素84页3.186页3.4 说是题型,没有说是不是原题93页1.2注明keywords100页3.2注明Abstract语法要素,informative abstract和abstract structure相互转换115页Language Focus123页上面那个带圈的123456,注明要素排序配对会考原题,然后每个单元的language focus都看一看,注意时态翻译然后还有passage reading也看看最后作文要么是写abstract(第八章)要么是conclude。

研一期末英语作文模板英文回答:In the tapestry of academic pursuits, the first year of graduate study holds a pivotal place. It is a time of both exploration and refinement, as we delve deeper into our chosen fields and begin to forge our own unique paths. Asthe first semester draws to a close, it is an opportune moment to reflect on our experiences thus far and to contemplate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.The first year of graduate school has been a period of intense intellectual stimulation and personal growth. Through coursework, research, and collaborations with peers and professors, I have expanded my knowledge base and developed a deeper understanding of my research interests. The challenges I have encountered have pushed me to think critically, to challenge assumptions, and to seek out new perspectives. The opportunities I have been afforded have allowed me to present my work at conferences, to engage ininterdisciplinary dialogue, and to connect with scholars in my field.While the first year has been rewarding, it has also been demanding. The workload has been heavy, and the pressure to succeed has been constant. I have had to learn to manage my time effectively, to prioritize tasks, and to seek support from my peers and mentors when needed. The stress of graduate school has also taken a toll on my physical and mental health, and I have had to make conscious efforts to maintain a healthy work-life balance.As I look ahead to the second year of graduate school, I am filled with both excitement and trepidation. I am eager to continue my research, to delve even deeper into my chosen field, and to contribute to the broader scholarly community. However, I am also aware that the challengeswill only intensify, and I will need to continue to develop my resilience, adaptability, and time management skills.In order to succeed in the second year of graduate school, I plan to focus on the following strategies:Time management: I will continue to refine my time management skills by setting priorities, creating arealistic schedule, and sticking to it as much as possible.Collaboration: I will seek out opportunities to collaborate with peers and professors, as this can be a valuable way to learn from others, to get feedback on my work, and to develop new ideas.Self-care: I will prioritize my physical and mental health by exercising regularly, eating healthily, and getting enough sleep. I will also take time for activities that I enjoy, such as reading, spending time with friends and family, and pursuing hobbies.Mentorship: I will continue to seek guidance from my mentors, as they can provide valuable advice, support, and encouragement.I am confident that by employing these strategies, I can navigate the challenges of the second year of graduateschool and continue to make progress towards my academic and career goals.中文回答:研一期末英语作文模板。

硕士学位英语考试作文English: Pursuing a Master's degree requires dedication, focus, and a strong work ethic. It involves conducting in-depth research, attending classes, engaging in discussions, and completing assignments. Time management is crucial as balancing coursework with other responsibilities can be challenging. Additionally, building relationships with professors, peers, and industry professionals is essential for networking and future career opportunities. A Master's program not only expands one's knowledge and skills but also opens doors to new opportunities and advancements in one's field of study.中文翻译:攻读硕士学位需要奉献、专注和良好的职业道德。

Part 2 unit 1P.109Exercise AText A is targeting an educated, but not highly specialized audience; while Text B is directed at experts. Text A provides quite a lot of background material and is careful to avoid too much technical vocabulary. Text B jumps right into the topic and employs quite a lot of technical terminology that most of us are not familiar with.Exercise B1. Generally educated and familiar with the topic, but not highly specialized.2.That the readers have some notion of what an unauthorized settlement is and the kind of amenities they lack; perhaps also that the readers understand the relationship among the government, policies on housing a nd access to basic amenities.3. To highlight a housing problem in Delhi, which also happens to be a common problem in other countries.4. The author uses the word challenge to introduce the problem.5. This effort refers to the argument that there is a need for governmental policies to address the problem.6.The author believes that it may help to alleviate some of the housing problem.Exercise C1—2句:描述情况 3—4句:甄别问题 5—6句:描述解决方法7句:评估解决方法Exercise D1. brought on --- caused2. looking into --- investigating3. figure out --- determine4. come up with --- develop5. make up--- constitute6. get rid of --- eliminate7. gone up to --- reached 8. keep up --- maintain9. gone down --- decreased 10. looks over --- reviewsExercise E1. created / developed2. encountered / faced3. raised / introduced4. appeared / emerged5. examined / investigatedExercise F1. an integral part of2. nearly3. considerable4. obtained5. increasing6. intensified7. have insufficient8. rarely9. enlarged to facilitate loading and unloadingExercise G1. This model can be used to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.2. Coffee prices have fallen for many r easons.3. The difference between these two approaches to designing under- ground subway station can clearly be seen.4. Recent research has shown that the arms are commonly used for protection during a fall to the ground5. To date, no comprehensive study has examined the role of smiling in gaining the initial trust of individual.6. Some studies have concluded that bamboo could be more widely used than it is now as a construction material.7. These special tax laws have been enacted in Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and other states.8. There is little research on the use of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate in the production of concrete.Exercise I1. sentence 2: For examplesentence 4: While / Althoughsentence 6: therefore / hence / thus2. sentence 2: however / thussentence 3: while / whereassentence 4: Although / Even thoughsentence 6: For exampleExercise K1. view2. finding3. problem4. process5. disruption6. situation7. method / approach8. conclusion9. phenomenon10. trend / tendencyUnit 2P.129Exercises A1. 1) Meetings of tourism and its importancea. Size of meetingsb. Locations of meetings2) Importance of meetings tourism in postindustrial urban renewala. Growth in the meetings tourism market in the U.S.b. Growth in international conferencesc. Importance of meetings tourism in comparison to leisure tourism inEurope2. This question usually generates some debate, but here is one possibility. Statement a could be a new sentence 7, while the point in Statement b could be incorporated into sentence 8 after the citation. Sentence 8 could then be split. The latter part of the sentence, after making, could be rewritten as a new sentence 9.3. Presumably there are other definitions for meetings tourism, and this is the one that the authors have chosen to use.1. 正式的句子定义1.1正式的句子定义要素1.2 删除你可以减少限制性关系代词若….(1) 定语从句仅有关系代词、be动词、一个或多个介词短语(2) 定语从句由被动态动词加上一些额外的信息(3) 定语从句含有关系代词、以-ble结尾的形容词和额外的信息1.3 词或词形变换你可以减少关系代词若….(1) 定语从句含有动词have。

研究生英语期末考试作文英文回答:In the tapestry of life, it is the moments of vulnerability that truly define our character. Like the cracks in an ancient vase, these fissures reveal the very essence of who we are, shaping us into the resilient beings we strive to be. It is in the crucible of adversity that our mettle is tested, and it is through the lens of vulnerability that we gain a profound understanding of our own potential.As the iridescent hues of dawn break upon the horizon, casting a gentle glow upon the sleeping world, we embark on our daily journeys, cloaked in armor of our own making. We don masks of imperviousness, shielding ourselves from the perceived judgments and criticisms that may lurk within the shadows. Yet, beneath this façade lies a fragile core, a reservoir of emotions waiting to be unlocked.Vulnerability, often perceived as a weakness, is in fact a manifestation of our humanity. It is the raw, unvarnished reflection of our innermost selves. It is the trembling hand that reaches out to connect, the tear that escapes unnoticed, and the unspoken plea for understanding. It is in these moments of vulnerability that we shed the weight of expectations and embrace the authentic essence of our being.Like the delicate petals of a flower, our vulnerability is both beautiful and ephemeral. It is through its ephemeral nature that we learn to cherish its presence, knowing that it is a gift not to be squandered. For in its brief existence, vulnerability has the power to transform, to heal, and to illuminate the path towards self-discovery.中文回答:在人生的织锦中,正是那些脆弱时刻真正定义了我们的品格。

上海大学2013 ~2014学年秋季学期研究生试题A卷课程名称:写作1 课程编号:001704G2学分:0.5(请在答题纸上答题,否则无效)Part One: Diction (20%)(10—20%可以来自于课本)Directions: Choose the right one from the following two choices marked A or B.1.The argument can only be settled by someone who is __________.A. disinterestedB. uninterested2.This is an interesting book with vivid account of __________ events and people.A. historicB. historical3.The information was __________ as a result of various experiments.A. obtainedB. acquired4.If no one takes the __________ and plan for the trip, we will never leave home.A. initialB. initiative5.From her conversation, I __________ that she had a happy family.A. induceB. deduce6.I don’t know the results of the tests yet. __________, why are you so interested in them?A. SomehowB. Anyhow7. He gave his clearest _____ yet that he will keep racing.A. indicationB. prediction8.He hoped the firm would _____ him to the Paris branch.A. transmitB. transfer9. Jim Lovell talked about the current situation at NASA during an _____ to mark the fortieth anniversary of Apollo Thirteen.A. eventB. incident10. A good scientist is highly __________ since he often has to look for relations in data which are oftencomplex and incomplete.A. imaginativeB. imaginary11. I seem to have _____ myself in something I don’t understand.A. evolvedB. involved12. I'm very sorry to have _____ you with so many questions on such an occasion.A. interferedB. bothered13. When you have filled in the questionnaire, copy it and send the _____ to your employer.A. originalB. initial14. People don’t like to ask questions for fear of appearing _____.A. illiterateB. ignorant15. From Mexico, President Obama traveled Friday to the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago for the Fifth _____ of the Americas.A. ConferenceB. Summit16. She was a woman of _____ talent and determination.A. singleB. unique17. FM radio stations _____ in a range of frequencies between eighty-eight and one hundred eight megahertz.A. transportB. transmit18. Police are still trying to _____ the identity of the dead man.A. establishB. find19. We all need the _____ escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.A. occasionalB. incidental20. I work very _____ and am decisive, and accurate in my judgment.A. effectivelyB. efficientlyPart Two Sentence (20%) (80%--90%来自于课本)Section A. Combine the following sentences into compound or complex sentences or sentences with participial, prepositional, or other phrases. (10%)1.She appeared on the stage. A stormy applause broke forth.st night was a wild night. The thunder roared. The wind blew a gale. The rain fell in torrents.3. He heard that his father was ill. He was anxious to go home to see him. He went to the station earlyin the morning to buy a ticket.4. There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane. About one third of them wereforeigners.3. The new workers are young and inexperienced. They are eager to learn from the veteran workers. Section B Rewrite the following sentences to make them unified or coherent or concise. (10%)1. To get ready for the trip, all the things she needed were put into a suitcase.2. A well-dressed man admitted us to the house, and we later learned that he was a thief.3. I lost some important documents and found them five days later. The police had helped me.4. The plane circled around the airport for about ten minutes or so and then disappeared and could nolonger be seen.5. The students promised to be careful and that they would return home early.Part Three: Paragraph (20%) 课外Section A: Read the following paragraph and identify the topic sentence. (5%) Most of us have been taken in by the notion that speed of reading is a measure of our intelligence. There is no such thing as the right speed for intelligent reading. Some things should be read quickly and effortlessly, and some should be read slowly and even laboriously. The sign of intelligence in reading is the ability to read different things differently according to their worth. In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through but rather how many can get through you —how many you can make your own. A few friends are better than a thousand acquaintances. If this be your aim, as it should be, you will not be impatient if it takes more time and effort to read a great book than it does a newspaper.Topic Sentence:Section B: Fill in the blanks with appropriate transitional words from the box. (10 %)Task 1are extraordinary. Life is not easy when one’s vision is impaired. When he was in high school, Krents’classmates elected him president of his school. (2) ________ Krents was brilliant, he was accepted byHarvard. Before he went to college, he spent the summer as an arts counselor at camp. (3) ________ others have difficulty finding their way around the tents in the dark, Krents moved about easily and kept the campers quiet after taps. (4) ________ he had graduated cum laude from Harvard University, he was accepted at Harvard Law School. (5) ________ he heard Krent’s story, Leonard Gershe wrote the play Butterflies Are Free.Task 2(1) ________ the earth revolves around the sun, different constellations can be seen at different times of the year. (2) ________it can be very helpful in locating constellations, you must learn how to use a star map effectively. Astronomers use both binoculars and telescopes to observe the stars. (3) ________ you look at a constellation, you may see a planet wandering through it. (4) ________ there are eighty eight constellations, only about ten dozen constellations are visible at any time. (5) ________ the earth revolves around the sun, some constellations can be seen only during certain seasons.Section C: Put the following sentences in a logical order. (5%)A. Visual learners usually learn best when the teacher provides written study notes, writes on thechalkboard and uses an overhead projector to explain concepts.B. Visual learners frequently take detailed notes in class, when studying from a textbook or listening tolectures.C. If this sounds like you then you are probably a visual learner—many people are.D. Individuals that learn best when ideas or subjects are presented in a visual format, whether that iswritten language, pictures, diagrams or videos are visual learners.E. They also create diagrams and use pictures to understand and remember concepts and ideas.Part Four:Essay Writing: (40%) 课外Directions: Write an essay in around 200 words according to ONE of the following pieces of information.1.The unemployment rate in China has been steadily rising. Graduates are forced to take up jobs asbutchers, shoe polishers and nursemaids and some fresh graduates are even in unpaid internships.Write an essay of about 200 words, expressing your views on the new graduates’ job expectations, and “Should New Graduates Lower Job Expectations?” can be a possible topic.2. “Technology has given people easy access to everyone’s lives. Fans are able to feel a part of theirfavorite celebrity’s everyday life by tracking their whereabouts.” What do you think are the impacts celebrities might produce on young people? Express your opinion in about 200 words and use specific details to support your answer.3. Many people believe that e-books will one day replace traditional books. Do you agree or disagreewith the opinion? Express your opinion in about 200 words and ensure that you take a clear-cut stand.4. Comment on the advantages or disadvantages of video games. Express your opinion in about 200words with specific details.上海大学2013 ~2014 学秋季学期研究生试题A卷课程名称:写作1 课程编号:考试日期:2013年11月应试人声明:我保证遵守《上海大学学位与研究生教育工作手册》中的《上海大学考场规则》,如有考试违纪、作弊行为,愿意接受《上海大学学生考试违纪、作弊行为界定及处分规定》的纪律处分。

Ⅰ. Gone up → increased set up → established Put up with →tolerate looking into →investigatingFigure out → determine put into practice →implementCome up with → developed make up → constituteGet rid of → eliminate keep up → maintainGone down → decrease thinking → considering Ⅱ.Structure of Data CommentaryData commentaries usually has these elements in the following order.1.location elements and/or summary statements2.highlighting statements3.discussions of implications,problems,exceptions,recommendations,orother interesting aspects of the data可能涉及到排序题,有例如下:①A computer virus is a program that is specifically and maliciously designed to attack a computer system,destroying data.②As business have become inceasingly dependent on computers,e-mail,and the Internet,concern over the potential destructiveness of such viruses has also grown.③Table X shows the most common sources of infection for U.S. businesses.④As canbe seen, in a great majority of cases,the entry point of the virus infection can be detected,with e-mail attachments being responsible for nearly 9 out of 10 viruses.⑤This very high percentage is increasingly alarming,especially since with a certain amount of caution such infections are largely preventable.⑥In consequence,e-mail users should be wary of all attachments,even thoes from a trusted colleague or a known sender.⑦In addition,all computers used for e-mail need to have a current version ofa good antivirus progarm whose virus definitions are updated regularly.⑧While it may be possible to lessen the likelihood of downloading an infected file,businesses are still vulnerable to computer virus problems because of human error and the threat of new,quickly spreading viruses that cannot be identified by antivvirus software.①②→Theory and common beliefs. ③→The start ④⑤⑥⑦⑧→ImplicationsⅢ.信息性摘要An informative abstract,as its name implies,summarizes the key points in the RP.It is an overview that briefly state the purpose,methods,results and conclutions with quantitative information.信息性摘要主要报道论文的研究目的、研究方法、研究结果与结论。
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I.Match the figure of speech in the list with each of the sentences, and write the corresponding letter in the blank.
bine the sentences in each group into a single compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence. You may find it necessary to add, change, or delete certain words to make the combined sentence meaningful and grammatical.
III.Appositive and adjective clause: rewrite each of the following sentences (or sets of sentences) according to the instructions in parentheses.
IV.Read the following sentences and see weather they are correct or not. If not, identify the fault type by F (Fragment), R (Run-on), or C (Comma splice), and correct it.
anize and rearrange the following sentences into one integrated paragraph. Write the correct sequence number in the blank.
VI.Transition words have been left out of the following paragraph. Select appropriate words from the list below, and write the corresponding letter in the proper place.
VII.Write a summary for the following article with no more than 80 words.
parison/contrast: write the first body paragraph for the provided thesis statement.
IX.Cause/effect: write an outline on the provided topic.
X.Argumentative: write an introduction paragraph on the provided topic.
XI.Practical writing: write a letter with no less than 200 words.。