



人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献人力资源管理绩效管理外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Performance Management: Reconciling Competing PrioritiesIan ZiskinFour HR thought leaders from academia— John Boudreau of the USC Center for Effective Organizations, Chris Collins of the Cornell Center for Advanced HR Studies, Pat Wright of the Moore College of Business at the University of South Carolina, and Dave Ulrich of University of Michigan and the RBL Group — engaged in discussions on Performance Management with Ian Ziskin, President, EXec EXcel Group LLC and Board member, HR People & Strategy. Ian asked John, Chris,Pat, and Dave to share their perspectives on topics including:• What Performance Management is?• What makes the biggest difference to effective vs. ineffective Performance Management?• What the biggest sources of debate and disagreement have been regarding Performance Management over the years, and whether we have made any progress in resolving these issues?• If they were going to fix or kill anything about Performance Management, w hat it would be and why?• What big implications there are for future required changes to Performance Management in light of future work, workforce and workplace trends?Ziskin: There is a lot of talk in organizations about whether Performance Management is working effectively or ever has. What do you think Performance Management is?Collins: This may be the question of the year. Performance Management has become everything and therefore nothing. It serves so many purposes —compensation, feedback, talent development, succession, etc. — that it may not serve any purpose very well.Boudreau: It's an ongoing relationship to balance the need to evaluate people with the need to develop them. It's not about bromides, forms, scores, tools orsystems.Wright: Performance Management is about aligning behavior in a way that increases organizational effectiveness.Ulrich: I think we need to look at Performance Management from three levels: cultural, systems and personal. At the cultural level, it's about whether the organization judges people based on meritocracy (results), hierarchy (power) or relationships (connections). At the systems level, it's about determining whether people meet or miss objectives. At the personal level, it's about assessing the individual's dedication to deliver both financial and social results.Ziskin: Given your point of view about Performance Management, what makes the biggest difference to whether it is effective vs. ineffective?Collins: It starts with having a culture of openness, honesty and real feedback —and then holding people accountable. This process begins and ends with good leaders, and all of our money should be invested in developing leaders to lead, rather than spending money on new Performance Management systems and tools.Boudreau: Effectiveness rests in the skills and motivations of the people involved, not in the Performance Management system itself. It is particularly important to create a shared framework and priorities between managers and their employees.Ulrich: The four generic steps of Performance Management have remained relatively stable over time: set standards, assess against those standards, allocate consequences and provide feedback. Improvements in the effectiveness of Performance Management have come from enabling external stakeholders to provide input on standards and performance, making the performance discussion more about the future than the past, using technology to simplify the process, tailoring the consequences to better reflect individual employee contributions and value, and accommodating both team as well as individual feedback.Wright: Bad tools, bad evaluations, bad feedback and bad links to reward systems lead to bad Performance Management.Ziskin: If you look back over the years of debate about Performance Management, what one or two things stand out in your mind as the biggest sources ofdebate and disagreement?Boudreau: The biggest debate has been about what are we trying to achieve? It's always been about development of people vs. evaluation of their performance, and whether these two different priorities can be reconciled.Collins: Do you separate performance feedback from compensation, and how do you do both? We also need to learn to separate the discussion about current performance from the future — future roles and future performance requirements.Wright: The debate continues over simplifying tools vs. customizing unique tools to specific jobs, roles, situations and individuals.Ulrich: There are a number of old debates and some new debates. The old debates include Performance Management should be used for discussing financial results or development potential (yes to both), whether we should measure results as well as behavior (yes to both), whether managers should be accountable to do performance reviews (yes), and who should own Performance Management— the line or HR (the line owns it, HR is the architect).Ziskin: Have we made any progress in resolving the debate over these issues?Boudreau: We have made progress in something, such as the growing recognition that effective Performance Management is much less about forms and much more about relationships.Collins: I am gravely disappointed in the progress we've made in the past 20 years, especially in accommodating new ways of working such as more distributed, virtual work. We also have not made enough progress in accounting for team performance instead of just individual performance.Wright: We are making progress in linking results, behaviors and rewards. I'd say we are beginning to achieve best principles in Performance Management, but we have not yet achieved best practices.Ulrich: The following new debates are more interesting to me than the old debates I mentioned above, and even though we are beginning to make some progress, we need much more: how we simplify the process, how we have meaningful personal conversations between leaders and employees and how we build a performanceculture where meritocracy is expected.Ziskin: In light of the Performance Management debates and related mixed progress we have discussed, if you were going to fix or kill one thing related to Performance Management, what it would it by and why?Collins: I would fix Performance Management by investing in better leaders giving better feedback, rather than trying to fix Performance Management by investing in better tools.Boudreau: I would kill the debate about Performance Management forms, tools and technology enhancements, and instead put more than 80 percent of our resources into teaching and developing leaders and employees to get the most out of the performance feedback discussion.Ulrich: I would kill Performance Management complexity, and simplify the process. Sometimes, the process becomes the end itself, and there is means/end inversion.Wright: I would kill the parochialism that comes from my way, my tool and my process. There is a lot to be learned from how others are doing Performance Management.Ziskin: When you consider the future of work, the workplace and the workforce —and how all these things are changing and affecting business performance — what one or two big implications are there for required changes to Performance Management in the future?Ulrich: The biggest implications for the future I see are simplification of the Performance Management process and more outside/in perspective whereby Performance Management is more connected to input from external stakeholders.Wright: We will see a greater emphasis on evaluating results, the end product, rather than behavior, because global dispersion of work will make it much more difficult to directly observe behavior.Boudreau: As a result of increasingly virtual, remote, temporary and independent work, performance assessment can no longer only be done by leaders — it will also be done by others including peers and employees themselves. PerformanceManagement will no longer be the province of leaders.Collins: Performance Management is going in the direction of more frequent, more transparent, more virtual, more raters and more team-based.Ziskin: Based on insights from our academic experts, as well as from my own experience, if you are working to reconcile the competing priorities associated with Performance Management, think about the following guidelines:• Simplify and de-emphasize forms and process in favor of improving the quality of relationships and conversation between leaders and employees• Accommodate trends toward more virtual and flexible work and changing demographics thorough Performance Management approaches that emphasize transparency, frequency and input from a broader range of internal and external constituents• Move from a relatively narrow focus on Performance Management to a broader emphasis on Performance CulturePeople & Strategy. 2013, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p24-25. 2p.译文:绩效管理:协调竞争的优先事项Ian Ziskin来自学术界的四位HR思想领袖:在南加州大学中心所研究有效组织的John Boudreau、在康奈尔大学高级人力资源研究中心工作的Chris Collins、在南卡罗来纳大学摩尔商学院的Pat Wright以及在密歇根大学和RBL集团工作的Dave Ulrich,与Ian总裁(掌管Excel集团有限责任公司、董事会成员、HR人员和策略)从事绩效管理事务。



英语人力资源作文范文As an international language, English plays a crucial role in the field of human resources. Not only is it widely used for communication between people from different countries, but it also serves as the primary language for many multinational corporations. 作为一种国际语言,英语在人力资源领域中扮演着至关重要的角色。


Firstly, English proficiency is often a crucial requirement for employees working in multinational corporations or in positions that require international communication. In today's globalized world, it is essential for employees to be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and business partners from different countries. This is where the importance of English language skills comes into play. 在跨国公司工作或需要国际交流的职位上,英语熟练程度往往是一个至关重要的要求。







文献列表1.Salas, E., & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2004). The science of training: Adecade of progress. Annual review of psychology, 55(1), 55-85.2.Cascio, W. F. (2018). Managing human resources: Productivity, qualityof work life, profits. McGraw-Hill Education.3.Wright, P. M., & McMahan, G. C. (1992). Theoretical perspectives forstrategic human resource management. Journal of management, 18(2), 295-320.4.Guest, D. E. (2017). Human resource management and performance:still searching for some answers. Human resource management journal, 27(1), 3-22.5.Lepak, D. P., & Snell, S. A. (1999). The human resource architecture:Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development. Academy ofmanagement review, 24(1), 31-48.6.Armstrong, M. (2014). Armstrong’s handbook of human re sourcemanagement practice. Kogan Page Publishers.7.Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2016). Strategy and human resourcemanagement. Palgrave.8.Snell, S. A., & Bohlander, G. W. (2012). Managing human resources.Nelson Education.9.Ulrich, D., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2015). Are we there yet? What’s next forHR?. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 188-204.10.Huselid, M. A. (1995). The impact of human resource managementpractices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance.Academy of management journal, 38(3), 635-672.结论这篇文章列举了一些经典的人力资源管理领域的英文参考文献,这些文献涵盖了人力资源管理的各个方面,包括培训、策略、绩效、员工流动等。



工会影响人力资源管理英文作文English:Labor unions can significantly influence human resource management practices within organizations. One of the primary ways unions impact HR management is through collective bargaining. Through negotiations with management, unions can secure better wages, benefits, and working conditions for their members, thereby shaping HR policies related to compensation, benefits, and workplace safety. Additionally, unions often advocate for employee rights and protections, leading to the implementation of policies such as grievance procedures and job security measures. Furthermore, unions can influence HR decision-making by representing employees in disciplinary actions or disputes, ensuring fair treatment and due process. However, while unions can enhance employee voice and representation in the workplace, they may also create challenges for HR managers, such as rigid work rules and resistance to change. Overall, labor unions play a crucial role in shaping human resource management practices by advocating for employee rights, influencing policy decisions, and representing workers' interests in the workplace.中文翻译:工会在组织内部可以显著影响人力资源管理实践。



人力资源管理文献英文Human resource management literature refers to a diverse range of materials, including books, research papers, articles, and case studies that explore various aspects of HR management. The literature discusses the strategies, policies, and practices used by organizations to manage their human capital effectively and efficiently. The following document discusses the various components of the human resource management literature, which are essential for organizations to build and maintain a sustainable workforce.Recruitment and SelectionRecruitment and selection are critical components of human resource management. An effective recruitment process helps organizations identify and hire talented employees who can contribute to the organization's success. In contrast, poor recruitment practices can lead to high employee turnover rates, decreased morale, and reduced productivity. The recruitment process involves creating job descriptions, advertising job openings, screening resumes, interviewing candidates, and finally making job offers. Organizations may use various recruitment methods, such as social media, job portals, and employee referrals, to attract potential employees.Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate for a job based on specific criteria. Selection processes include conducting background checks and skills assessments. The literature suggests that organizations should use valid and reliable selection methods to ensure that they are hiring the right people for the job. This is particularly important as poor recruitment and selection processes often result in high levels of employee turnover and a reduction in employee morale and productivity.Training and DevelopmentTraining and development are essential components of human resource management. Organizations invest in employee training and development to enhance their skills, knowledge, and abilities, thereby improving productivity and organizational performance. The literature suggests that employee training and development should be an ongoing process rather than aone-time event. The training process involves identifying training needs, designing training programs, and implementing and evaluating training programs. Development programs aim to prepare employees for future roles, and these may include mentoring, job rotations, and leadership training.Performance ManagementPerformance management is another critical component of human resource management. It is the process of evaluating employee performance and providing feedback to help employees improve. Performance management involves settingperformance goals, monitoring progress, and providing feedback to employees. The literature suggests that an effective performance management system has several benefits, including improved productivity, increased employee engagement, and reduced time spent on employee disciplinary procedures.Compensation and BenefitsCompensation and benefits are the incentives that organizations offer employees to attract them and retain them. The literature suggests that compensation and benefits should be fair and equitable, based on job responsibilities and market trends. The compensation and benefits package should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains attractive to potential employees. The benefits package may include health insurance, retirement plans, vacation and sick leave policies, and other perks aimed at motivating employees.ConclusionIn conclusion, the human resource management literature provides organizations with insights into how to manage their human capital effectively. The literature has identified several components that are essential for organizations to build and sustain a high-performing workforce. These include recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits. An effective human resource management system that integrates thesecomponents can help organizations achieve their strategic objectives and maintain a competitive edge.。



文章出处:Human Systems Management 28 (2009) 47–56DOI 10.3233/HSM-2009-0692 IOS Press纵向研究调查战略人力资源管理在法国中小企业中的应用阿卜杜勒-瓦哈卜Aït Razouk 和穆罕默德贝亚德(节选) 简介战略人力资源管理已经在近几年内取得了很大的进步,并且已经达成了广泛的共识。







在Heneman 等人的文章里,在美国以外的国家已经很少注意到中小企业的人力资源管理实务的研究。












文献一:《The Impact of HRM Practices on Organizational Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis》这篇文献是由Brian Becker、Markus Groth和Patricia S. Taylor等人在2017年发表的。



文献二:《The Role of Human Resource Management in International Joint Ventures: A Review》发表于2015年的这篇文献由Ibraiz Tarique和Randall S. Schuler共同完成。



文献三:《The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance》这篇发表于2006年的文献由Naresh R. Pandey、Becky L. S. Ang和Damien W. C. Chng共同撰写。





Table of ContentsIntroduction (1)1. Job Analysis (1)2. The manager position skills (1)2.1 Technical skills (1)2.2 Conceptual skills (2)2.3 Effectiveness skills (2)2.4 Communication skills (2)2.5 Interpersonal skills (2)3. Experience and performance management (3)3.1 Ask for assistance from human resources (3)3.2 Read books and other resource materials (3)3.3 Attend training programs (4)3.4 Link with or join professional organizations (4)4. Performance evaluation (4)4.1 Alternation Ranking Method (5)4.2 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) (5)4.3 Graphic Rating Scale (6)4.4 Paired Comparison Method (6)5. Tow measuring performance (7)5.1 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) (7)5.2 Management by Objectives (MBO) (8)Conclusion (10)References (11)IntroductionAs a manager, its must some question in managing the company and one of your major tasks is to spearhead your staff‟s professional development and solve the question. But you also have a responsibility to yourself. An effective manager continually hones his managerial skills. We examine the relation between managerial ability and earnings quality. We find that earnings quality is positively associated with managerial ability. Specifically, more able managers are associated with fewer subsequent restatements, higher earnings and accruals persistence, lower errors in the bad debt provision, and higher quality accrual estimations. The results are consistent with the premise that managers can and do impact the quality of the judgments and estimates used to form earnings.1. Job AnalysisAs a manager you also should know these,first, that the relationship between HRM and performance is dependent upon the business strategy the hotel is pursuing; second, that hotels pursuing an HRM approach coupled with a quality focus within their business strategy perform best; and, finally, that HRM is more likely to contribute to competitive success where it is introduced as an integrated and coherent package, or bundle of practices.2. The manager position skillsThere are five working skills required of Tisch have in managing the company and we can learn that these five working skills are very important to affect the company‟s performance management.2.1 Technical skillsThis refers to both the technical knowledge of your company‟s products or services and howthe company work s as a business. It knows how to utilize and manage the company‟s tools and resources to meet and exceed the company‟s goals.2.2 Conceptual skillsGood managers are problem solvers and decision makers who can think outside the box. For example, Tisch think that two big benefits he derived are rapport with employees and respect for them.2.3 Effectiveness skillsSome effectiveness skills are time management, project management, negotiating skills, operations review, improvement implementation and priority setting. One of management‟s responsibilities is to give employees the proper tools to do the work, such as the cotton uniforms that replaced the polyester ones at Loews hotels. Another is to reinforce the importance of your staff to the company2.4 Communication skillsThe ability to effectively impart ideas, thoughts, words and actions both orally and in written communication is critical. Presentation skills are also required. Employee roundtables often follow, so Loews personnel can share and evaluate experiences. The communication helps everyone recognize what‟s required in the day-to-day running of a hotel.2.5 Interpersonal skillsCoaching and mentoring staff is an important skill for managers to master. A manager should be able to work with a diverse group of employees. He should know how to deal with different personalities to draw out the best in each individual. A good manager is someone who can bring individuals together to work as a team. “When you are in the hotel business,” Tisch says, “you have to create partnerships with employees and guests.” The company fosters partnerships with employees partly by giving everyday recognition. One example is thehousekeeping staff‟s morning break-out session, which varies from hotel to hotel but follows the same approach.3. Experience and performance managementBeing a successful manager is not simply ensuring that your company‟s profits are soaring or that your staff are happy. To become a good manager is to continually hone your managerial skills. Just because you have been a manager for 5 years does not guarantee that you are a good one. The skills required of managers 10, 15, or 20 years ago are not totally the same as the skills required of managers now. Continually look for ways to update your managerial skills so you can be a true role model for your staff and your peers. Skills staff must possess are different from skills managers must display. As manager, it is your duty to find ways to improve your own managerial skills. You are the role model and as such should display managerial ethics and skills to be effective. The manager‟s experience can affect the company‟s performance management. Here are some ways to further your managerial career and improve the company‟s performance management.3.1 Ask for assistance from human resourcesTechnically, the Human Resource department should have training programs lined up for all job positions in the company each year. Find out from HR what training programs are available for the position of manager. The training programs should be a mix of courses aimed at honing the different skills required of the position.3.2 Read books and other resource materialsThere are many books on managing in general and books that address more specific managerial skills. For example; there are books on time management, organizational development, conducting performance appraisals, project management techniques and others. Take the initiative to explore these resources on your own.3.3 Attend training programsFind outside training programs that can help you become a better manager. If you know that your presentation skills are weak, find consultants that offer this type of program. Use the internet to find the best training programs that can address your areas for improvement. Make sure to read reviews by those who have attended these courses already to see if the program is right for you.3.4 Link with or join professional organizationsThere are professional organizations for managers depending on their field of expertise. By joining an organization or two, you can share information, ask questions and seek guidance from those who have been successful managers for many years.4. Performance evaluationA study of general managers of 389 United States hotels found that 87 percent of the respondents conducted regular performance appraisals for all of their employees. This percentage is similar to that found in other industries. The most frequent interval for performance appraisals by lodging managers is once per year, also echoing the findings for other industries. Most managers used more than one type of appraisal and used their appraisals for more than one purpose. Nearly half used a management-by-objectives approach for their appraisals (49 percent), followed by behaviorally anchored rating scales (41 percent), narrative essays (37 percent), and graphic rating scales (28 percent). One negative note is that nearly 15 percent of the managers do not follow their appraisals with feedback sessions to review those appraisals. The most frequent application of performance appraisals was for compensation decisions (86 percent), followed by assessing whether objectives had been met (78 percent), establishing training needs (73 percent), and determining promotions (65 percent). Three-fifths of the sample reported that performance appraisals were important to the success of their operation. These are some several kinds of performance evaluation thatI think might suit the hotel industry.4.1 Alternation Ranking Method4.2 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)An appraisal method that aims at combining the benefits of narrative and quantified ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good and poor performance.4.3 Graphic Rating ScaleA scale that lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each. The employee is then rated by identifying the score that best describes his or her performance for each trait. Rating scales can include 5 elements as follows:• Unsatisfactory• Fair• Satisfactory• Good• Outstandin g4.4 Paired Comparison MethodRanking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicating which the better Employee of the pair is.Advantages and disadvantages of paired comparison analysis• It is useful where priorities are not clear.• It is p articularly useful where you do not have objective data to base this on.• It helps you to set priorities where there are conflicting demands on your resources.• This makes it easy to choose the most important problem to solve, or select the solution that will give you the greatest advantage.Steps to conduct paired comparison analysis• List the options you will compare (elements as A, B, C, D, E for example).• Create table 6 rows and 7 columns.• Write down option to column and row; A to row second, c ell first from left and A to row first, cell second from left; B to row third, cell first from left and B to row first, cell third from left etc; column seventh is total point.• Identify importance from 0 (no difference) to 3 (major difference).• Compare element “A” to B, C, D, E and place “point” at each cell.• Finally, consolidate the results by adding up the total of all the values for each of the options. You may want to convert these values into a percentage of the total score.5. Tow measuring performanceI would recommend for a hotel chain to use the behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) and a management-by-objectives approach.5.1 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)BARS were developed in response to dissatisfaction with the subjectivity involved in using traditional rating scales such as the graphic rating scale. A review of BARS concluded that the strength of this rating format may lie primarily in the performance dimensions which are gathered rather than the distinction between behavioral and numerical scale anchors. BARS are rating scales that add behavioral scale anchors to traditional rating scales (e.g., graphic rating scales). In comparison to other rating scales, BARS are intended to facilitate more accurate ratings of the target person's behavior or performance. However, whereas the BARS are often regarded as a superior performance appraisal method, BARS may still suffer from unreliability, leniency bias and lack of discriminant validity between performance dimensions.Advantages of using BARS• A more accurate gauge• Clearer standards• Feedback• Independent dimensions• Consistency5.2 Management by Objectives (MBO)Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process of defining objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they need to do in the organization. The term "management by objectives" was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management'.The essence of MBO is participative goal setting, choosing course of actions and decision making. An important part of the MBO is the measurement and the comparison of the employee‟s actual performance with the standards set. Ideally, when employees themselves have been involved with the goal setting and choosing the course of action to be followed by them, they are more likely to fulfill their responsibilities.According to George S. Odiorne, the system of management by objectives can be described as a process whereby the superior and subordinate managers of an organization jointly identify its common goals, define each individual's major areas of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members.4.2.1 Unique features and advantages of the MBO processThe basic principle behind Management by Objectives (MBO) is for employees to have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities expected of them. They can then understand how their activities relate to the achievement of the organization's goal. MBO also places importance on fulfilling the personal goals of each employee.Some of the important features and advantages of MBO are:• Motivation –Involving employees in the whole process of goal setting and increasingemployee empowerment. This increases employee job satisfaction and commitment.• Better communication and Coordination –Frequent reviews and interactions between superiors and subordinates help to maintain harmonious relationships within the organization and also to solve many problems.• Clarity of goals• Subordinates tend to have a higher commitment t o objectives they set for themselves than those imposed on them by another person.• Managers can ensure that objectives of the subordinates are linked to the organization's objectives.4.2.2 There are several limitations to the assumptive base underlying the impact of managing by objectives, including:·It over-emphasizes the setting of goals over the working of a plan as a driver of outcomes. ·It underemphasizes the importance of the environment or context in which the goals are set. That context includes everything from the availability and quality of resources, to relative buy-in by leadership and stake-holders. As an example of the influence of management buy-in as a contextual influencer, in a 1991 comprehensive review of thirty years of research on the impact of Management by Objectives, Robert Rodgers and John Hunter concluded that companies whose CEOs demonstrated high commitment to MBO showed, on average, a 56% gain in productivity. Companies with CEOs who showed low commitment only saw a 6% gain in productivity.·Companies evaluated their employees by comparing them with the "ideal" employee. Trait appraisal only looks at what employees should be, not at what they should do.When this approach is not properly set, agreed and managed by organizations, self-centered employees might be prone to distort results, falsely representing achievement of targets that were set in a short-term, narrow fashion. In this case, managing by objectives would be counterproductive.The use of MBO must be carefully aligned with the culture of the organization. While MBO is not as fashionable as it was before, it still has its place in management today. The key difference is that rather than 'set' objectives from a cascade process, objectives are discussed and agreed upon. Employees are often involved in this process, which can be advantageous.A saying around MBO -- "What gets measured gets done", …Why measure performance? Different purposes require different measures‟ -- is perhaps the most famous aphorism of performance measurement; therefore, to avoid potential problems SMART and SMARTER objectives need to be agreed upon in the true sense rather than set.ConclusionEvery Department can function on its own with a Department Head/Supervisor. But, to give proper Guest Service, Maintain Standards and to Increase Hotel Revenue you need a coordinator who can coordinate, guide and control all the Departments in the Hotel.That is when the Hotel Manager/ General Manager come in, to coordinate the Functions of all the Departments and take the Hotel in the right direction.So in a nutshell, Managing Hotel is all about keeping the Guest happy by providing him good product (Room, Food and Drink) and service and thus ensuring his/her return which will ultimately lead to the profitability of the Hotel and its Owners.References1. Lockwood, A., Jones, P., the Management of Hotel Operations, Cassel.20052. Moulin, M., “Eight essentials of performance measurement”, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol.17, No.3, pp.110-112, 2004.3. Neves, J. And Lourenco, S. “Using Data Envelopment Analysis to select strategies that improve the performance of hotel companies”.4. Philips, P. “Hotel Performance and competitive advantage: a contingency approach”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.11, No.7, pp.359-365, 2007.5. Sharma, A. and Christie, I. “Performance Assessment using Value-Chain Analysis in Mozambique”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.22, No.3, pp.1-34, 2010. (Pre-print).。

人力资源 英语作文

人力资源 英语作文

人力资源英语作文Title: Human Resources。

Human resources are the backbone of any organization. It is the department that is responsible for managing the workforce, recruiting new talent, and ensuring that employees are well-trained and motivated to perform their best. In this essay, we will explore the importance of human resources and discuss the various functions it performs within an organization.One of the primary functions of the human resources department is to recruit and hire new employees. This involves creating job postings, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and making job offers. The HR team must ensure that the organization attracts top talent and hires individuals who are the best fit for the company culture and the specific needs of the job.Once employees are hired, the human resourcesdepartment is responsible for onboarding and training them. This includes familiarizing new hires with company policies and procedures, as well as providing them with the necessary training to perform their job effectively. HR also plays a crucial role in ensuring that employees have access to ongoing professional development opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.In addition to hiring and training, human resources is also responsible for managing employee relations. This involves addressing any conflicts or issues that may arise in the workplace, as well as providing support and guidance to employees when needed. HR also plays a key role in ensuring that the organization complies with labor laws and regulations, and that employees are treated fairly and with respect.Furthermore, human resources is responsible for managing employee benefits and compensation. This includes administering health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits, as well as handling payroll and ensuring that employees are compensated fairly for their work. HRalso plays a role in developing and implementing performance management systems to evaluate and reward employee performance.Another important function of the human resources department is to promote a positive and inclusive work environment. This involves creating and enforcing policies that promote diversity and inclusion, as well as fostering a culture of respect and collaboration within the organization. HR also plays a role in promoting employee wellness and work-life balance, which can contribute to higher employee satisfaction and retention.In conclusion, human resources is a critical function within any organization. It is responsible for managing the most valuable asset of the company – its people. From recruitment and hiring to training and development, employee relations, benefits and compensation, and promoting a positive work environment, the human resources department plays a vital role in ensuring the success of the organization. Without effective human resources management, an organization would struggle to attract andretain top talent, and ultimately, achieve its goals and objectives.。

人力资源 HR 英语作文

人力资源 HR 英语作文

人力资源HRHRM or human resource management is a very important branch of any organization. The HR department of any organization plays a very important role in the employee department. It is a fact when a student or any individual starts a course or degree in any discipline then he or she is expected to finish off various assignments by the end of the particular course. In this piece of information, we are going to understand the basics and fundamentals of writing excellent management assignments. Let us now head towards understanding the overall meaning or getting the whole perspective of the HR assignment.First of all, you must know that HR assignments are designed for the students pursuing higher knowledge in the specific discipline which surely makes them amazing future HRs because by doing so many assignments they get the idea of maximizing employee performance in a company.Understanding different important HR activitiesAs we all know that a stable human resource acts as a foremost need of all sizes of companies or enterprises. Now, we must move forward to understand the activities that lead to HP management in a company.Hiring or selection: there is no doubt that recruitment works as the most visible factory of HR management as unless and until a recruiterwo n’t hire the best employees for their company then the company would not be able to make a profit.Plans for succession: this generally means keeping a substitute of an employee working on a crucial and higher designation in the company for example if a general manager is leaving the job then the company should possess a ready person to replace the person.Benefits and compensations: giving advantages and compensations to the employees is the key to motivate them to work in a better manner and every small and big company believe in setting up better HR surrounding to motivate their employees.Who is HR and what are the job responsibilities of HR?Having an HR or a team of HR management is a necessary thing because the person who holds an HR designation is held responsible for recruiting, screening, interviewing, and placing and placing employees or workers. At the same time, the HR of the company tends to handle employee relations with the company, payroll, benefits, and training of the freshers and new employees. Let us now understand the common responsibility or the duties of HR.They have to consult with employers to know the requirements of the companyThey play an essential part in hiring the best employees for the company.They regulate the rule and regulations of the company starting from joining.They contact the references from the past jobs of the employees.They are responsible for informing employees about every detail of the company.They process all sorts of paperwork of the employees from joining to resigning.They also resolve the differences between employees and management.They teach employees to maintain discipline in the office premises.Role of human resource in an organizationIt is obvious that any organization or company won’t be able to operate in the right manner without a balanced HR management. So, we must know about the role of human resources in an organization to know its value.Hiring and recruiting: the most vital responsibility of the HR management team is to hire efficient employees and building a team that strives to work excellently for the company.Code of conduct: all the rules and regulations of the company are abided under HR policies so HR is held responsible for the negative code of conduct in the company.Salary structure: payroll of all the employees whether they hold a higher designation or thelower designation is structured by the HR management only.ConclusionI hope by the time you are well aware of HR.。



关于人力资源总监英语作文范文英文回答:Human Resource Director.Human resource directors (HRDs) play a critical role in organizations by managing the workforce and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations. They are responsible for a wide range of functions, including:Recruitment and selection: HRDs develop and implement strategies to attract and hire qualified candidates. They may also conduct interviews and background checks.Compensation and benefits: HRDs design and administer compensation and benefits packages that meet the needs of employees and the organization.Training and development: HRDs provide opportunitiesfor employees to learn new skills and develop their careers.They may develop training programs or partner with outside providers.Employee relations: HRDs handle employee grievances and conflicts. They may also negotiate with unions and represent the organization in legal proceedings.HR analytics: HRDs collect and analyze data on HR practices to improve decision-making. They may use data to track employee turnover, identify performance gaps, and develop strategies to improve employee engagement.HRDs typically hold a bachelor's or master's degree in human resources or a related field. They may also have certification from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) or other professional organizations.中文回答:人力资源总监。



英语人力资源作文范文英文回答:Introduction.Human resource management plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization. As a key component of business strategy, HR professionals are responsible for attracting, retaining, and developing talent, ensuring employee well-being, and fostering a positive work culture. In an increasingly competitive global market, effective HR practices are essential for organizations to achieve their goals and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.Talent Management.HR professionals are responsible for identifying, recruiting, and onboarding the best talent to suit the specific needs of the organization. This involves developing comprehensive talent acquisition and managementstrategies, including employer branding, candidate sourcing, and assessment techniques. By attracting and retaininghighly skilled and motivated individuals, organizations can enhance their productivity, innovation, and overall performance.Employee Development.Once talented individuals have been recruited, it is essential to invest in their professional and personal development. HR professionals design and implement training and development programs tailored to employee needs and the organization's strategic objectives. By providing employees with opportunities for growth and advancement,organizations can increase employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention.Compensation and Benefits.HR professionals are responsible for developing and managing compensation and benefits packages that are competitive within the industry and reflect theorganization's values. This involves conducting market research, designing compensation structures, and administering benefits programs. By providing fair and equitable compensation and benefits, organizations can attract and retain top talent and motivate employees to perform at their best.Employee Relations.HR professionals play a critical role in maintaining a positive and productive work environment. They are responsible for handling employee grievances, resolving conflicts, and fostering open communication between employees and management. By promoting a culture of respect, trust, and collaboration, HR professionals can increase employee morale, reduce turnover, and create a workplace where individuals can thrive.Legal Compliance.HR professionals must ensure that the organization complies with all relevant employment laws and regulations.This involves staying abreast of changes in labor laws, conducting audits, and providing guidance to managers and employees on compliance matters. By adhering to legal requirements, organizations can protect themselves from liability, create a fair and equitable workplace, and maintain a positive public image.Technology in HR.Technology has become an indispensable tool for HR professionals. HR technology solutions can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide valuableinsights into employee data. By leveraging technology, HR professionals can automate tasks, enhance communication,and make data-driven decisions that drive organizational success.Conclusion.In conclusion, HR management is essential for the success of any organization. By effectively managing talent, providing opportunities for employee development,developing competitive compensation and benefits packages, fostering positive employee relations, ensuring legal compliance, and leveraging technology, HR professionals can help organizations achieve their strategic goals and create a workplace where employees can thrive and contribute to the overall success of the organization.中文回答:人力资源管理。



介绍人力资源的英语作文Human resources are an essential part of any organization. It is the department responsible for managing the workforce and ensuring that the company has the right people in the right positions. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of human resources and the role it plays in the success of an organization.Firstly, human resources are responsible for recruiting and hiring the right people. This is crucial because the success of an organization depends on the quality of its workforce. Human resources must ensure that the candidates they hire have the necessary skills and qualifications for the job. They must also ensure that the candidates fit in with the company culture and values.Secondly, human resources are responsible for training and development. Once employees are hired, they need to be trained and developed to perform their jobs effectively. Human resources must provide employees with the necessarytraining and development opportunities to help them grow and improve their skills. This will not only benefit the employees but also the organization as a whole.Thirdly, human resources are responsible for managing employee relations. This includes dealing with employee grievances, conflicts, and disciplinary actions. Human resources must ensure that employees are treated fairly and that their rights are protected. They must also ensure that the company’s policies and procedures are followed.Fourthly, human resources are responsible for compensation and benefits. This includes determining salaries, bonuses, and other benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. Human resources must ensure that the compensation and benefits offered are competitive and fair.Finally, human resources are responsible for maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. This includes ensuring that the workplace is free from hazards and that employees are provided with the necessaryequipment and training to perform their jobs safely.In conclusion, human resources play a vital role in the success of an organization. They are responsible for recruiting and hiring the right people, training and developing employees, managing employee relations, determining compensation and benefits, and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Without human resources, organizations would struggle to attract and retain talented employees, which would ultimately impact their bottom line.。



The Fatal Flaw in Pay for PerformanceMany corporate boards, responding to shareholder and public pressure, are designing pay-for-performance plans to hold CEOs accountable. But there is often a crucial flaw in such schemes: They don’t pay for performance with integrity.The omission—evident from compensation committee reports in top companies’ proxy statements—is striking. Corporations, after all, face unceasing pressures to make the numbers by bending the rules, and an integrity miss can have catastrophic consequences, including indictments, fines, dismissals, and collapse of market capitalization. Furthermore, performance with integrity creates the fundamental trust—inside and outside the company—on which corporate power is based.A board should explicitly base a defined portion of the CEO’s cash compensation and equity grants on his or her success in handling the foundational task of fusing high performance with high integrity at all levels of the company. Why don’t boards do that They may be uncertain about the meaning of integrity and how to assess its integration into financial performance.Step one, then, in designing pay for performance with integrity is using the following definition: Integrity is a uniform corporate culture with three elements—robust adherence to formal rules; adoption of ethical standards that are in the company’s long-term enlightened self-interest; and employee commitment to honesty, candor, fairness, trustworthiness, and reliability. Step two is for the board to assess whether the CEO has infused high performance with high integrity. The board can do that by answering the following questions, using hard analytics as well as the board members’ own ju dgment.Has the CEO established company-wide performance-with-integrity principles for which the firm’s leaders are responsible and accountable Examples of these include demonstrating committed and consistent integrityleadership; managing performance with integrity as a business process; using early-warning systems to stay ahead of global trends; providing timely, risk-assessed training; and giving employees a voice.Have the CEO and top managers implemented these principles through robust practices If leaders don’t invest time, effort, and resources in embedding key integrity practices in business processes, “tone at the top” is just window dre ssing. For examples, see the sidebar “The Practice of Performance with Integrity.”Has integrity permeated every aspect of the corporate culture One vital tool for assessing that is an annual, anonymous employee survey across all businesses and regions that asks, “Is integrity compromised by business pressures” and “Are the leaders’ verbal commitments to integrity reflected in action” The board can also have outside HR experts periodically conduct 360-degree assessments of the CEO and top executives that explore such questions.Has the CEO met annual performance-with-integrity objectives set by the board One example might be effectively handling a major miss or crisis—an environmental accident, a bribery case, or a financial restatement—and remedying the problem systematically after a candid analysis of its causes. Another objective might be hiring leaders in emerging markets such as China, Russia, and India who are skilled in integrating performance and integrity.How do business divisions rate comparatively The board should look at how integrity practices differ among divisions and how the CEO deals with laggards. It should also look at how the units rank against external peers. This may require data from news or government reports or a comparative audit by, say, a former regulatory official.The board’s standards for assessing pay for performance with integrity should also define a new set of “specs” in the company’s CEO succession planning. In evaluating candidates, the board should ask: Do they possess the knowledge, experience, and skills to drive a robust performance-with-integrity culture deep into the company’s global operations The same specsshould be used to evaluate the compensation of senior executives and set goals for leadership development programs. That’s the best way to ensure that, over the long term, the company’s top ranks are filled with managers who live by the principles and practices of performance with integrity—and thus help the company avoid debilitating risks and secure the trust that is vital to doing business.Here’s a sample list of ques tions greatly shortened because of space limits that will help boards assess a CEO’s performance-with-integrity practices. They can be answered using tools like process reviews and substantive audits and external outcomes such as environmental violations or customer complaints.LeadershipDoes the CEO...communicate to the organization that integrity must never be compromised to make the numbersdiscipline generals, not just troops, for integrity lapsesaddress difficult integrity issues regularly at staff meetingsBusiness processesDoes the CEO...build a strong integrity infrastructure—processes for preventing, detecting, and responding to lapses in all businesses and regions—and put A players in charge of itassess integrity needs realistically and provide adequate funding for those activitiesrespond promptly to early warnings on trends in legal, ethical, and country risksGiving employees a voiceDoes the CEO...encourage reporting of financial, legal, and ethical concerns through a system that prevents retaliationensure that concerns are investigated fairly and promptly, that trends are tracked, and that remedial action is taken if neededFrom the point of view of productivity, it is production or other economic activities of human labor input the monetary funds manifestations, is the final cost of the product components. In the conditions of market economy, enterprises mainly through paid to the accounting or measuring production and other economic activities of human labor consumption. Due to the pressure of competition, enterprises must consider cutting labor costs.From the point of view of the relations of production, compensation for the income distribution reflects the outcome of the staff was theallocation of shares. Under the current social system of our country, compensation is the main sources to the means of subsistence consumption of workers. It have a major impact on the level of consumption and the consumption structure , and consumption actually is the process of reproduction labor, reproduction of labor also has an important influencein the next phase of production. Therefore, the compensation’s level has great significance for sustained and stable increase production or promote other economic activities.Such a dual character of compensation, it decided that the compensation management is actually reduce expenditure and income distribution on production costs and that continued to improve pay levels of this contradiction and make an adjustment.2The function of compensationThe function of compensation may from the enterprises, workers and social aspects to inspect:①From the point of view of the enterpr ises, compensation has the following functions: First, the increment functions. Compensation is not only the costs of purchase labor by enterprises, as well as the investment of live working , it will give employers greater than expected cost benefits. The existence of such benefit, provided the impetus mechanism of labor employment and investment labor for the enterprises. Second, the promoting functions. Compensation is a evaluation of workers and operators’ performance, reflect the quality and quantity conditions of work. Therefore, the compensation can promote staff constantly improvetheir work efficiency and enthusiasm. Third, the coordination functions. While the movement of compensation, put the organization's goals and intentions of managers to employees, correspond the relationship between staff and enterprises, and promote the consistent of staff’ action and enterprises correspond. On the other hand, the reasonable of compensation’ differentials and structure can effectively mediate the conflict between the employees, and harmony the human relationships.②From the point of view of the employee, compensation has thefollowing functions: First, the reproduction of labor ensure functions. Staff through the labor and services exchange for compensation, so that they could meet the need of food, clothing, shelter, withthe basic needs of life, thereby achieving a reproduction of labor force. Second is to achieve functional value. Compensation is an evaluation for enterprises to pay for their employees, also is the recognition of staff capability and level, is the returns of the implement of individuals value, and the signal of successful promotion, it reflects the employees’ relative position and function in enterprises, it can make the staff have a sense of achievement and satisfaction, and thus inspire greater enthusiasm for the work.Third,reasonable compensation will be strong the trust of enterprise by staff ,buildup the expected increase risk of psychological sense ofsecurity and a sense of security for the staff.③From the point of view of the social, compensation has the relocate function of labor force resources for the social. Most people will bewilling to the higher compensation regions, departments and the post. As a manager can use the difference compensation to guide human resources reasonable flow, promote the effective distribution for human resources, implement the human resources development and maximize efficiency. In addition, compensation also can apply the occupational value and types of work by people, compensation level to a certain extent reflect the types of work or social values, thereby adjust the people's occupational aspirations and the flows of obtain employment.Compensation has always been an attention task, it is not merelyrelated to each person's personal interests, is involved in every organization, the whole community, and even the entire country's socio-economic development. Therefore, compensation is that foreign scholars have always been an important research subject.The Motivation theory of compensation is the basis of the compensation management theory. Motivation is the most important and most basicfunctions in compensation. How to use the compensation to motivate the staff’ efficiency and enthusiasm, is the core content of compensation study, design and compensation management. Reasonable, fair and competitive compensation is the most important factors to encourage the employees to work hard. Reasonable, and effective compensation management mechanism between prompting is a benign interaction. Effective compensation mechanism must motivate the staff use higher quantity and quality to completed tasks, and higher quantity and quality of work must bring higher compensation.Motivation is a psychology concept, in its essence, it is said that some motivation by the reasons, some occurred motive acts is produced. For example, the same person, why do their sometimes work actively, and sometimes flagging spirit and no mood to work, or even negative go slow Now, put the motivation concept into management practice, endow a new meaning. That is motivation is a spiritual power or state, the staff has stepped up, inspire and promote the role and instruction or guidance staff conduct atthe organization's goals. Therefore, not only to study some kind of motivation how is, more crucial to examine how to promote the management of a particular object have the motivation how to guide them with their full force to achieve a particular goal. Today's society, more and more motivation by many managers in the implementation guidance and leadershipis seen as an important method thus effectively integrate human, using technology to achieve reunification of all employees ,it will also make the personal ease of mind, the achievement of organizational objectives.In the understanding the basis of human, and many scholars research the needs and conduct of human, But it has the same purpose of the study, namely : how to inspire motivation, how to analyze needs, how to determine action, adopted to meet the needs of the people to achieve their basic objective, so as to achieve an effective motivation.At present, domestic and foreign scholars have recognized the main motivation theory: Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Two-factor theory, Equity Theory, Expectancy theory of motivation. This text simply introduce Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Expectancy theory of motivation.Maslow put forward the hierarchy of needs theory, it thinks that the needs of human is arisen with the arrangement form, from the junior programs need to begin to move upwards to senior needs. Maslow thinks thatit generally has five levels of needs in social life by people:physiological needs, security needs and society needs, respect needs andself-actualization needs.Maslow also considers that when a need to be met, and a higher level of need will occupy the dominant position, the individual needs of the layerto rise. From the point of motivation, no a need will be fully met, However, as long as the meeting is part of the individual will to pursue other aspects of their needs. According to Maslow's view, if we want to inspire someone, it is imperative to understand which hierarchy of needs by the person, then focused on meeting the needs of this level or above this level needs. Maslow's theory gained all-pervading recognition, especially gained the recogniztion from practice by many managers. This is mainly due to thetheory simple and clear, easy to understand the inherent logic. Its maximize usefulness lies in the fact that it points out the need for every person. As managers, in order to effectively it is necessary to understand their subordinates what is need to meet.Expectancy theory of motivation is proposed by FulumuV. H. Vroom who is the United States psychologists. The basic viewpoints of Expectancy theory of motivation is: People expect their actions will help to achieve acertain target circumstances, will be incentive to do certain things together to achieve our goals. Performance is the three function of perceived: expectations, relevance and potency.In the reform process of state-owned enterprise, the internal reform of the compensation system is always the summit concerned by all the levels of managers. The reform of enterprises compensation system throughout the entire process of state-owned enterprises reform. While managers at all levels pay great attention to design and pay system reform in China but the majority of businesses pay system still faced with many problems and shortcomings at present, and many enterprises’ employees is not high satisfaction of the compensation system, the compensation system of enterprises has failed to play the role of incentive, didn’t become the norm to workers. Like other state-owned enterprises. When the E&Y factory carry through the compensation management, also not fully understand that the compensation system of enterprises must support and services to the enterprise's strategic goals. Greater extent on the existence of compensation to compensation, distribute the Equity and reasonable into the reform and development process as a goal and not what kind of compensation system will be favorable to corporate strategy and the implement of human resource strategy, E&Y factory do not from their own strategies and the overall human resources strategy starting to reform and improve the compensation system, and do not foothold in the enterprise business strategy and human resources strategy, according to labor market, Finally formed enterprises compensation management system. Enterprises lack of management experience in professional human resources management sector in the medium and long term development strategy of Research and decompositionto the enterprise, according to the external market and the development of enterprises and work out development strategies that suit the salary management system, lack of study on compensation management. Although enterprises also pay a certain of reform for compensation system in recent years, but these reforms are not from the height of corporate strategy and the enterprise fails to reflect the strategic objectives and positioning.Due to the inference of traditional structure and the traditional concept, the existing compensation structure of enterprise is relatively average, no reasonable began gap, the price of enterprises compensation and labor market detached from the price of labor market, key positions in the compensation level below the external market compensation level and without external competition; And non-key positions in the compensation higher than the market level. The compensation of ordinary workers is higher than the market price. From the exterior, non-key positions ordinary workers of enterprise whose compensation their salary level higher than the average level in society, one side it increases the cost of human and waste the limited financial of enterprises, as ordinary employees in the labor market, especially in the large population of urban areas is a serious oversupply. There is absolutely no need to pay their high compensation, even paid high wages to stimulate all their enthusiasm, but is not worth from the inputand output view of the relative efficiency , form the internal, non-critical positions in higher compensation levels, contrast, key positionson the low compensation levels, it will increase the sense of unfairness in key positions, in the important positions of workersThe staff of some key posts and important positions of the enterprise, their compensation were lower than the prices of market compensation. As we all know, the compensation level of enterprises in the talent market, and even the whole society should certainly attractive, In order to attract and retain talent, it can be overcome competitors. For first-rate talent should be given first-class return. If the key employees and the core staff income lower than the standards of social level, external competitiveness will be relatively weak, it will make the enterprises fail to hold the human, and led to serious unreasonable human resource structure in the enterprise.From the circumstances of investigation by us, on the one hand, many employees discontent the existing compensation system in the reflected rewards; On the other hand, there are many staff can not correctly deal with the compensation gap. Staff on the compensation gap issue of love and hate, this bring a big resistance to the reform of compensation, even though the good idea is hardly to implement.As enterprise managers, are not to break the original pattern, the result is to make the large contribution of staff and Core staff lost their jobs initiative and creativity, even cause the missing of talent in the enterprises.Through the design of compensation in E&Y factory, which broke the original pattern of the compensation system, re-designing the compensation structure, recycling a compensation, under a new establishment of the guidance of modern theory of incentives, enterprise operations and staff compensation levels closely fall together, combine the income of employees and work performance closely, It will be able to maximize the mobilization of staff enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, strengthen the staff of responsibility and urgency, improve work efficiency, increase performance, make greatest contribution to meet the development goals of enterprise, to adapt the changes in the internal and external environment, protect the long-term stable and healthy development of the new compensation system.During the process of design of compensation system, and strive to achieve the following objectives: Providing a basic ideas and framework for the compensation of distribution to the enterprises, reasonable structure, strong maneuverability; give priority to efficiency and give consideration to fairness; adhere to equal compensation for equal work, embodied rewards; at the same time, appropriate increasing the total compensation, reasonable widening income gaps.绩效薪酬的致命缺陷小本杰明·海涅曼迫于股东和公众压力,许多公司董事会都在努力建立与业绩挂钩的薪酬体系,以期CEO们恪尽职守;但是,此类薪酬体系往往存在一个致命缺陷:仅关注业绩,而忽略了操守;从顶级公司股东委托书所附的薪酬委员会报告可以看出,这种忽略是显而易见的;毕竟,上市公司始终面临着完成业绩目标的巨大压力;为此,它们不惜违规违纪;然而,这种职业操守的缺失将导致各种灾难性后果,包括起诉纠纷、罚款赔付、解雇免职以及市值暴跌;殊不知,操守与业绩并重,才能在公司内外赢得最基本的信任,而公司力量也只是建立在信任的基础之上;在公司各个层面上将高尚操守和卓越业绩相融合是CEO的基本任务,董事会应该在CEO的现金和股权报酬中划出一定比例,专门与CEO在上述任务上的表现挂钩;但董事会为何没有这样做呢这可能是因为他们自己对操守的含义也并不确定,更不知道该如何考核职业操守与财务业绩的融合了;那么,董事会要设计重操守的绩效薪酬制,第一步要做的就是引入操守概念:操守是全公司的统一文化,有三个要素组成——坚决遵守正式的规章制度;采用符合公司长远利益同时又不损害他人利益的伦理标准;员工要承诺做到诚实坦率、公平公正、可信可靠;第二步,董事会需运用一些复杂的分析工具,当然也要运用他们的个人判断力,来考核CEO是否已经把高尚操守和卓越业绩相融合;董事会可根据以下问题判断:CEO是否在全公司范围内制定了操守和业绩并重的薪酬制度,且由公司领导层对此负责举例而言,CEO应该做到:领导层始终如一地恪守职业操守,把操守和业绩的结合当作一项业务流程来管理,运用预警系统抢先把握全球商业规范趋势,及时提供道德风险评估培训,并保证员工的发言权;CEO和高管们是否在实践中贯彻了这些原则如果领导层没有投入足够的时间、精力和资源,将关键的操守原则落实到公司的业务流程中,那么所谓的“高层主张”就只不过是空口白话而已;操守原则是否已渗透到公司文化的每个层面一个重要的评估工具就是覆盖公司所有业务及地区的员工匿名年度调查表,其中包括这些问题:“操守原则是否会向商业压力让步”“在恪守职业操守方面,领导是否言行一致”董事会还可以定期邀请外部的人力资源管理专家,同样就此类问题对CEO和高管进行360度评估;CEO是否完成了董事会设定的操守和业绩并重的年度目标比如说,这个目标是:CEO有效处理严重失误或危机如环境事故、贿赂案,或者财务造假,并且在对事件起因进行坦诚分析后,有条不紊地解决问题;又比如:在新兴市场如中国、俄罗斯和印度聘用善于兼顾操守与业绩的领导者;公司各事业部在职业操守方面的相对表现如何董事会要观察各事业部之间的操守差异,以及CEO是如何处理那些落后分部的;同时,董事会还要将这些事业部与公司外部的同行进行比较;这可能需要从新闻报道、政府报告或前监管机构官员的的比较审计资料中收集数据董事会在明确上述考核标准时,还应制定一套新的CEO继任“规范”;在考量候选人时,董事会应该问:他们的知识、经验、能力是否有利于推动操守和业绩并重的健康企业文化,使之深入公司在全球的每一个经营机构另外,这套规范还应当运用在高管薪酬评估,以及领导人培养项目的目标设定中;长期来看这也是确保公司高层坚持操守和业绩并重原则的最佳方式,有助于公司规避风险,获取商界成功所必需的信任;操守与业绩并重的管理实践下面列出的一份问题清单样本限于篇幅,问题数量已经大大缩减,对董事会评估CEO兼顾操守与业绩的实际行为会有所帮助;要找到这些问题的答案,可以借助流程评估、独立审计和外部影响如环境损害或客户投诉等手段;领导力CEO是否……告知组织上下,操守原则决不向像业绩目标让步不仅仅规范普通员工的操守,同时也约束高层领导的行为定期在员工会议上处理有关操守的棘手问题业务流程CEO是否……为员工恪守职业操守创造必要的基础条件——设计流程用以防范、发现并处理公司各业务、各地区内的不端行为,并安排明星员工负责此项工作现实地评估操守需求,并拨出足够的经费予以支持对法律风险、伦理风险和国家风险的变化提出预警,并及时应对让员工有发言权CEO是否……鼓励员工通过正式系统来报告财务问题、法律问题以及伦理问题,同时防止员工因此遭受打击报复确保及时公正地研究问题,跟踪问题的发展趋势,并在必要时采取补救措施从生产力角度看,它是企业生产或其他经济活动中投入的活劳动的货币资金表现形式,是产品最终成本的构成要素;在市场经济条件下,企业主要通过薪酬来核算或计量生产与其他经济活动中活劳动的消耗;由于竞争的压力,企业必须考虑不断降低活劳动的成本;从生产关系角度看,薪酬体现为收入分配的结果,是员工所获得的分配份额;在我国现行社会制度下,薪酬是劳动者获取生活资料进行消费的主要来源;它对消费水平和消费结构都有重要的影响,而消费实际上是劳动力再生产的过程,劳动力的再生产又对下一步生产具有重要影响;因此,薪酬水平的持续稳定提高对于推动生产或其他经济活动具有十分重要的意义;薪酬的这种两面性,决定了薪酬管理实际上就是对生产成本上不断降低薪酬支出与收入分配上不断提高薪酬水平的这一矛盾而作出的一种调节;①从企业方面看,薪酬具有以下功能:一是增值功能;薪酬既是企业购买劳动力的成本,也是用来交换劳动者活劳动的手段,同时还是一种对活劳动的投资,它能够给雇主带来预期大于成本的收益;这种收益的存在,为企业主雇佣劳动力、投资劳动力提供了动力机制;二是激励功能;薪酬是对劳动者和经营者工作绩效的一种评价,反映着其工作的数量和质量状况;因此,薪酬可以激励员工不断提高工作效率和工作积极性;三是协调功能;一方面薪酬额的变动,将组织的目标和管理者的意图传递给员工,协调员工与企业之间的关系,促使员工行为与企业目标相一致;另一方面,合理的薪酬差别和结构,能有效地调解雇员之间的矛盾,从而协调好人际关系;②从员工方面看,薪酬具有以下功能:一是劳动力再生产保障功能;员工通过劳动和服务行为换取薪酬,从而能满足本人及家庭的吃、穿、住、用等基本生活需求,进而实现着劳动力的再生产;二是价值实现功能;薪酬是企业对员工工作付出的一个评价,是对员工工作能力和水平的承认,也是对个人价值实现的回报,是晋升和成功的信号,它反映了员工在企业中的相对地位和作用,能使员工产生满足感和成就感,并进而激发出更大的工作热情;三是合理的薪酬能加强员工对企业的信任感,增强员工对预期风险的心理保障意识和安全感;③从社会方面看,薪酬对社会具有劳动力资源的再配置功能;人们一般都会愿意到薪酬较高的地区、部门和岗位工作,作为管理者可以利用薪酬差别可以引导人力资源的合理流向,促进人力资源的有效配置,实现人力资源开发和利用效率的最大化;另外,薪酬也调节着人们对职业和工种的评价,薪酬水平从某种程度上反映着该职业或工种的社会价值,从而调节着人们职业的愿望和就业的流向;薪酬历来都是一个倍受关注的课题,它不仅仅关系到每个人的切身利益,更是牵涉到每个组织,整个社会,乃至整个国家的社会经济发展;所以,薪酬也历来是国内外学者研究的重要课题;激励理论是薪酬管理理论的基础;激励是薪酬众多功能中最重要、最基本的功能之一;如何通过薪酬来激励员工的工作积极性和工作效率,是进行薪酬研究、设计和薪酬管理的核心内容;合理、公平和富有竞争力的薪酬是激励员工努力工作的最重要因素之一;合理、有效的薪酬管理机制与激励之间是一个良性的互动过程;有效的薪酬机制必然激励员工以更高的数量和质量完成工作任务,而更高数量和质量的工作也必然带来更高的薪酬;激励原本是一个心理学的概念,就其本质而言,它是表示某种动机所产生的原因,即发生某种行为的动机是如何产生的;例如,同样一个人,为何有时工作积极,有时却精神萎靡不振,无心做事,甚至消极怠工现在,把激励这个概念引入到管理实践中,就赋予了新的含义;也就是说激励是一种精神力量或状态,对员工起加强、激发和推动作用,并指导或引导员工行为指向组织的目标;因此,不仅要研究某种动机是如何产生的,关键更要研究如何促使被管理对象产生某种特定的动机,如何引导他们拿出自己的全部力量来为实现某一目标而努力;当今社会,激励已经越来越被许多管理者在实施指导与领导工作中被视为重要的方法,从而有效地结合人力,运用技术,达到统一全体员工的意志,又使个人心情舒畅,实现组织的目标;在对人的认识的基础上,许多学者对人的需求、行为进行了研究,但研究的目的都有一个是相同点,即:如何激发动机,如何分析需求,如何判定行为,通过人们需要的满足达到自己的基本目标,从而实现有效激励;目前国内外学者所公认的激励理论主要有:需求层次理论、双因素理论、公平理论、期望理论等;下面本文简单地对需求层次理论、期望理论作一个介绍;马斯洛提出了需要层次理论,认为人类的需要是以层次的形式出现的,由低级的需要开始逐级向上发展到高级的需要;马斯洛认为人们在社会生活中一般有五个层次的需要:生理需要、安全需要、社会需要、尊重需要、自我实现的需要;马斯洛还认为,当一种需要得到满足后,另一种更高层次的需要就会占据主导地位,个体的需要是逐层上升的;从激励的角度看,没有一种需要会得到完全满足,但只要其得到部分的满足个体就会转向追求其它方面的需要了;按照马斯洛的观点,如果希望激励某人,就必须了解此人目前所处的需要层次,然后着重满足这一层次或在此层次之上的需要;马斯洛的理论得到了普遍的认可,特别是得到了广大实践中的管理者的认可;这主要归功于该理论简单明了、易于理解、具有内在的逻辑性;其最大的用处在于它指出了每个人均有需要;身为主管人员,为了有效地激励下属,就必须要了解其下属需要满足的是什么;期望理论是美国心理学家弗鲁姆提出的;期望理论的基本观点是:人们在预期他们的行动将会有助于达到某个目标的情况下,才会被激励起来去做某些事情以达到目标;绩效是三大知觉的函数:期望、关联性和效价;从心理学的角度来考察,期望理论包含三种特定的心理联系:首先是努力付出与业绩联系,即指个人所感知的通过努力能够实现预期业绩日标的可能性;其次是业绩与薪酬的关系,它是个人对通过一定水平的努力能够取得预期薪酬的认定程度;最后是结果或薪酬的吸引力,表明实现预期结果或所获得的薪酬对个人来说重要性有多大;在国有企业改革的进程中,企业内部薪酬制度的改革一直是各级管理者普遍关注的热点;企业薪酬制度的改革贯穿于国有企业改革的全过程;虽然各级管理非常重视薪酬设计与薪酬制度的改革但是目前我国的绝大多数企业的薪酬制度还是面临着诸多的问题和不足,许多企业的员工对薪酬制度的满意度总是不高,企业的薪酬制度并没有能发挥出应有的激励作用,没有变成职工行为的规范;和其他国有企业一样;进行薪酬管理时,还没有充分地认识到企业的薪酬制度一定要支持和服务于企业的战略目标的重要性;在较大程度上存在着就薪酬论薪酬,把公平、合理地分配薪酬本身当成一种目的而不是关注什么样的薪酬制度会在企业改革与发展过程中有利于企业战略和人力资源战略的实现,没有从自身的总体战略和人力资源战略出发来改革和完善薪酬制度,并没有立足于企业的经营战略和人力资源战略,以劳动力市场为依据,最后形成企业的薪酬管理系统;企业在薪酬管理方面缺乏有经验的专业人力资源管理部门来对企业的中长期的发展战。



工会影响人力资源管理英文作文Trade unions have a significant impact on human resource management. They play a crucial role in negotiating employee benefits, advocating for fair labor practices, and representing workers' interests in the workplace. The influence of trade unions on HRM can be seen in various aspects, such as collective bargaining, dispute resolution, and employee representation.One of the primary ways trade unions affect HRM is through collective bargaining. Trade unions negotiate with employers on behalf of their members to secure better wages, benefits, and working conditions. Through collective bargaining, trade unions can influence HRM policies and practices, such as employee compensation, working hours,and job security. This can create a more equitable and favorable work environment for employees.Trade unions also impact HRM through dispute resolution. When conflicts arise between employees and employers, trade unions can intervene to mediate and resolve the issues.This can help maintain a harmonious and productive workplace, as well as ensure that employees' rights areprotected. By participating in the resolution of workplace disputes, trade unions contribute to a more effective HRM process.Furthermore, trade unions provide employee representation in the workplace. They offer a platform for employees to voice their concerns and grievances, and advocate for their rights. This representation can influence HRM decisions and policies by ensuring that the interests of workers are taken into account. Trade unions can also participate in decision-making processes related to HRM, such as workforce planning, organizational change, and employee development.Overall, trade unions have a significant impact on HRM by advocating for employee rights, negotiating better working conditions, and providing representation in the workplace. Their influence can lead to more equitable and fair HRM practices, as well as contribute to a positive and collaborative work environment.工会对人力资源管理有着重要的影响。

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页眉内容Managing human resourceIntroductionNowadays, as the stress of the competition become heavier and heavier, people who go to an interview or work in a firm pay more and more attention to the EEO. The EEO is the law of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the first federal law designed to protect most U.S. employees from employment discrimination based upon that employee's (or applicant's) race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Title also established the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to assist in the protection of U.S. employees from discrimination.EEO legislation requires fair treatment for all members of the community and the elimination of discrimination. It means selecting the best person for the job in terms of their job-related skills.EEO includes following aspects: RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGINTitle VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, protects applicants and employees from discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), or national origin. Religious discrimination includes failing to reasonably accommodate an employee’s reli gious practices where the accommodation does not impose undue hardship.DISABILITYTitle I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, protect qualified individuals from discrimination on the basis of disability in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment. Disability discrimination includes not making reasonable accommodation to the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or employee, barring undue hardship.AGEThe Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, protectsapplicants and employees 40 years of age or older from discrimination based on age in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment.SEX (WAGES)In addition to sex discrimination prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, as amended, prohibits sex discrimination in the payment of wages to women and men performing substantially equal work, in jobs that require equal skill, effort, and responsibility, under similar working conditions, in the same establishment.GENETICSTitle II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 protects applicants and employees from discrimination based on genetic information in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of emplo yment. GINA also restricts employers’ acquisition of genetic information and strictly limits disclosure of genetic information. Genetic information includes information about genetic tests of applicants, employees, or their family members; the manifestation of diseases or disorders in family members (family medical history); and requests for or receipt of genetic services by applicants, employees, or their family members.Along with those five protected classes, more recent statutes have listed other traits as "protected classes," including the following:▪The Age Discrimination Act protected those aged 40 and over, but does not protect those under the age of 40.▪The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 protects individuals who possess, or are thought to possess, a wide range of disabilities, ranging from paraplegia to Down Syndrome to autism. However, it does not force an employer to employ a worker whose disability would create an "undue hardship"onto his business (e.g. a paraplegic cannot work on a construction site, and a blind person cannot be a chauffeur).▪The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 forbids discrimination on the basis of family history and genetic information.▪The Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 forbids discrimination on the grounds of a worker's military history, including any effects that the battlefield might have had on the worker's psyche.▪Twelve states, over one hundred local governments, and the District of Columbia have passed statutes that forbid discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation; also, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act will allegedly make sexuality a protected class, but this bill has yet to pass Congress.All of these Federal laws prohibit covered entities from retaliating against a person who files a charge of discrimination, participates in a discrimination proceeding, or otherwise opposes an unlawful employment practice.EEO in ChinaFace of China's labor market situation of supply exceeding demand in general, more and more problems difficult employment, and employment discrimination, it also will increase. Employing various restrictions dazzling, not only height, age, education standards in the assessment of these inherent been coded, some new restrictions, sex, appearance, origin, or even the name, blood type may be reasons for the refusal of workers were employed.For discrimination, we are here to further analysis to determine the underlying discrimination in employment, is two competing rights: the rights of workers rights and labor units. Discrimination is to determine the respective rights of the boundary of the two judgments is whether these two rights advocates agree with the judge. Generally speaking, the boundary of my rights is the rights of others. However, people's rights are often in conflict. Cutting right to the conflict, I think no more than two levels from this to consider: First, to see who has a legal basis for the claim; if you have a legal basis then see who has the legal basis for greater effectiveness. The second is to see whomade certain concessions to the loss of smaller, or the right to support who can make a greater number of total social welfare, that there is a measure of interest issues. From this point of view, if a business, an industry, a city not easily improve the level of labor standards will bring their own how much interest, but how many people may not develop immediately, then it can be considered discrimination .Discrimination and fairness is the concept of symmetry. Prejudice to the fair is discrimination. There should be opportunities for fair and equitable. Determine whether discrimination should be regarded as opportunities, but not results. Have the opportunity to discrimination should not be said. Now the conflict lies in a standard employment often suspended more people the opportunity to cancel. Survival of the fittest, and even superior in the more than excellent, is normal. They do not cancel the opportunity. Equal opportunities, and one body, gender, intelligence and other relatively disadvantaged people, usually in the competition at a disadvantage; if he were eliminated by the other advantages, should not be considered discrimination. However, the value of equal opportunity is: He may be other advantages to compensate for their weaknesses, and thus win.We are not against employment discrimination against specific sectors to maintain special requirements. Such as the requirements of the employees in High-tech enterprises are high-qualified, some trade or employment for women enterprises. The case of the above should be regarded as a "results" instead of as a standard, losers lost in the results: in these industries, the degree of competition but the low degree high; men and women compete a; not compete pretty nice. Have the chance, would also be the case.Discrimination in employment and the employee is not merely between. You companies make their own labor standards, I think it is a kind of discrimination, I also have the right to refuse, go somewhere else. I have a choice. However, if the government comes up with a standard, this standard, all companies are not hiring me the condition of the people, then I had no choice; other companies also did not choose my chance. Therefore, we can say, now the largest discrimination, fear or policy of discrimination. Such discrimination is absolutely not a chance.The reason why unequal employment opportunity appearsAt first, born men and women are different, women born weak, a lot of heavy work commitments to live more by men, such as petroleum, geology, machinery, women difficult to bear; employers believe that women in the completion of the work efficiency and quality not as good as men, many units under the same conditions of remuneration paid to women than men; women's unique physical needs of women not only make your work, but employers should also be according to the national welfare system of compensation; traditional social roles, giving women a wife, mother , the important task of caring for the elderly, which makes the employer also is difficult to wholeheartedly work on the concerns of women. This is often easier to inflict preconceived mind-set, heavily based on the above concerns and prejudice, the employer in the selection of talent is not the first judge a person's abilities. New China is a low level of social and economic development based on up. In the initial stage of industrialization, the state economic and social development focused on the relative concentration of industry and industrial city in the life, health care, provision of public goods and benefits to urban residents on the tilt, for the way of development, at the time socio-economic conditions are right. However, with the further development, this re-development of City Light idea of rural is losing its legitimacy. Early policy making urban and rural development is highly uneven economic development in rural and urban areas showing a trend of scissors. Historical roots of social and economic imbalance of urban and rural residents in other areas of inequality.Equal protection of the legal system of employment is still not perfect. Law as it is the economic base determines the superstructure, but in turn restricts the economic base. Urban and rural residents of our legal rights in the provision of the irrational, imperfect reality of urban and rural residents also contributed to the unequal rights of a specific reason.How to solve the unequal employment opportunityDue to eliminate the unequal employment need for specialized anti-employment discrimination legislation, A concept is anti-employment discrimination in China is "luxury" that economic development, how anti-discrimination efforts. This view iswrong. Anti-discrimination in employment is not hinder economic development, but to promote development.Others believe that employment discrimination will affect the development of enterprises, which is the wrong concept. The core concept of discrimination should not be unreasonable to treat people. If your proposed terms of employment out of the objective needs of enterprises, is not considered discrimination. Such as computer engineer, the key is will the computer, not the men and women, urban residence or other conditions.Establish and improve the protection of the legal system for equal employment of women .Employers to abolish gender inequality in the selection criteria. To change the traditional concept of women themselves, establish their own efforts to change the fate of the idea. The Government further play the leading role of social security .After 20 years of development of market economy, people's desire for equality has deep bone marrow, should be in the "Constitution" in the equal rights given to urban and rural residents, while repealing the law from the provisions on rural-urban inequality. Just modified through the "election law" to achieve the election of urban and rural residents the right to complete equality, which is a lot of progress, but the progress of such legislation is also too small, the magnitude of improvement is too young, with good laws are step, then we need to improve the administration of justice, but also to improve the level of our judicial and law enforcement ranks the quality of law enforcement First, the unemployed should be more training. This can make those popular professional, unskilled workers, unemployed people need to improve skills quickly mastered the skills, skills to enhance their confidence in the interview, so you will have more courage and employer contacts to dispel concerns that they hired you , doing so requires the applicant's toughness and courage. You know, although in the recruitment of companies set the conditions for this or that, but in the face of talent truly useful, they will adjust their employment standards, will be useful to hire the talent.Social relations can also be recommended to go through, sometimes with some of my colleagues may wish, fellow, the old relationship between superiors and other recommendation, which is a normal way. Recommended by a certain relationship, theemployer can you have a more comprehensive understanding of both supply and demand of talent to solve the problem of asymmetric information, also allows personnel to bypass the barriers of discrimination in employment.Of course, in addition to job-seekers their own efforts, countries should also increase the employment discrimination laws and regulations, and to vigorously publicize relevant laws and regulations, so that job seekers can have the weapons to protect themselves, to change their job search process in the weak position, for their legitimate interests.ConclusionUnequal employment opportunity can not be eliminated overnight in short term, but needs the support of all parties. The majority of job seekers not only need to raise awareness of equality, employers also need to change the concept of employers, and government departments should strengthen supervision and management, to truly implement fair employment. Discrimination on the labor market not only seriously violated the principle of fairness, harm the interests of job seekers, but also reduces the efficiency of the allocation of human resources, impact on social stability, which restricts economic development. Employment for job seekers to create a fair environment for building a harmonious society can not be ignored in terms of a link, and the creation of a fair employment environment must rely on the concerted efforts of government and society can be achieved. We should fully mobilize the political, economic, cultural, education, reform the power to protect people's rights and equal employment opportunities, which will effectively promote national economic and social developmentReference1.Louis R. Forbringer and Carol Oeth, "Human Resources at Mercantile Bancorporation, Inc.," Human Resource Management, Summer1998, 177-189.2.Gary Hamel and C.K. 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