
AKD 2G 伺服驱动器AKD 2G 是AKD伺服驱动器。
除了功率密度更大外,AKD2G 功能,因此更加简单易用。
AKD2G Servo on a Chip 计算引擎,该引擎可同时对2个轴和最多28个I/O进行控制。
在开发的过程中,我们为AKD2G A K D 2G 伺服驱动器A K D2 G伺服驱动器AKD 2G伺服驱动器AKD2G具有无可比拟的连接性基础型号科尔摩根AKD2G的基础型号拥有上文所述的所有性能,并且经优化可通过科尔摩根的Smart Feedback或HIPERFACE DSL与单连接器电机连接。
SafeMotion监视器 (SMM)扩展I/O型号可选配SMM。
双轴AKD2G 480 Vac(图示带选配的反馈和I/O扩展)双轴AKD2G 240 Vac(图示带选配的SMM、反馈和I/O扩展)Safety overA K D 2G 驱动器的连接器布局图AKD2G 驱动器的连接器布局图全彩 (RGB) 背光器,160 x 128像素可选运动总线:»EtherCAT»FSoE »CANopen 接地同时还安装了屏蔽装置交流电源(输入和输出):120/240 Vac, 240/480 Vac可选的反馈端口(15针 “D-sub”):»双环反馈 »传统反馈• 旋转变压器• A-QUAD-B • EnDAT • BiSS • sin/cos 等»EEO (编码器仿真)模拟输入模拟输出数字输入(灌电流),其中2路为高速型数字输出(拉电流)继电器输出,24V @ 2A 双通道STOI/O 扩展的驱动器提供: (I/O):I/O 扩展:前视图底视图针对单混合电缆接口进行了优化: »电机功率 »制动器 »反馈移动式存储器(标准SD 卡)第二电机» » »24Vdc 逻辑电源输入*SMM = 可选的SafeMotion 监视器**I/O 数表示标准I/O 和扩展I/O 的总和安全地址设置(包含在SMM 选项中)安全选件 »安全制动器 »安全反馈带SMM*和I/O 扩展的驱动器提供:模拟输入模拟输出数字输入(灌电流),其中2路为高速型“开路”数字输出,作为无电势的输出对(灌电流/拉电流5V-24V ),高速型数字输出(拉电流)2 x RS485式可选输入或输出,5V 1 x 继电器输出,24V @ 2A 1 x 单通道或双通道STO2 x 模拟输入2 x 模拟输出8 x 数字输入(灌电流),其中2路为高速型4 x “安全”数字输入(灌电流,)可配置为“常规”输入或2 x “开路”数字输出(灌电流/拉电流5V-24V ),高速型2 x 数字输出(拉电流)4 x “安全”输出(拉电流)2 x RS485式可选输入或输出,5V ,高速型1 x 继电器输出,24V @ 2A 1 x 单通道或双通道STO型号名称A* 当前尚不提供12 A 的双轴驱动器。

MOUNTINGANDINSTALLATIONGUIDELINES34Important Note:The recommendations included in this Kollmorgen Selection Guide are intended to serve as general installation guidelines, and are for reference purposes only. Kollmorgen assumes no responsibility for incorrect implementation of these techniques, which remain the sole responsibility of the user.KBM(S) series motors, as well as any other Kollmorgen frameless brushless motors that are supplied as 2-piece rotor/stator kits, should be installed by the user according to the general guidelines below.User Interface ResponsibilitiesTo assure proper performance and reliability of the motor when installed in the system, the user is responsible for designing the mounting interface in the following manner:BearingsThe user-supplied bearing system in the motor application must exhibit sufficient stiffness to maintain a rigid, uniform clearance gap between the rotor and the stator under all operating conditions. Concentricity requirements noted on each model-specific Kollmorgen outline drawing should be considered by the user when sizing and selecting bearings for appropriate radial and preload forces to achieve desired motor running gap clearance and total runout. Bearings with the lowest possible friction and high quality lubricant should be chosen to minimize overall system friction, which allows optimal motor operation.Stator Mounting MaterialsA metallic housing/clamp structure is suggested to rigidly mount the stator to assure best conductive heatsinking path and proper structural integrity. Aluminum alloys are preferred due to their superior thermal conductivity and strength-to-weight ratio, although stainless steel alloys (300 series or equivalent) are an acceptable alternative for applications that are less thermally critical. Carbon steel, cast iron, 400 series stainless alloys and other magnetic flux-conducting ferrous metals are the least desirable choices for stator mounting, but can certainly be used in some cases if proper design choices are considered. Consult a Kollmorgen Engineerfor assistance if such metals must be used. Plastics or other similar thermally isolating materials are not recommended, since they adversely affect the heatsinking capacity of the system, making it necessary to significantly de-rate the motor’s performance.Rotor Mounting MaterialsThe magnetized rotor may be mounted to any metallic shaft of the user’s choice. Carbon steel and stainless steel are the most commonly used shaft materials, although aluminum alloys are occasionally used if properly designed for the intended torqueand thermal operating range. The user’s intended method of attaching the rotor to the shaft may influence the optimum material and tolerance choices for the shaft. The user’s shaft does not need to carry flux or function as a portion of the magnetic circuit to achieve rated performance when using a Kollmorgen brushless motor.GroundingWhen mounted in the application, the laminated stack (or bare metal outer sleeve) of the stator must be at the same electrical ground potential as the system chassis and the drive amplifier chassis. If this common ground path is not ensured, the application may exhibit electrical noise and also create an electrical shock hazard. The risk of shock is particularly prevalent when using high pole-count motors with large capacitance characteristics. Typically, if the stator is mounted using electrically conductive metallic components, then a robust ground path between stator stack and machine chassis is inherently achieved. Kollmorgen suggests performing a continuity check to confirm proper ground path before enabling the motor system. In some applications, depending on mounting configuration and materials chosen by the user, a separate conductive ground strap may be required. In such cases, the user is responsible for installation of the ground path and electrical verification.Mounting and Installation Guidelinesw w w.k o l l m o r g e n.c o mM O U N T I N G A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N G U I D E L I N E S35WiringKBM(S) series motors are supplied with UL-compliant unterminated flying leadwires. The user is responsible for proper leadwire routing and connection per the diagrams shown on Kollmorgen drawings. Avoid routing wires across sharp corners, pinch points or edges that may pierce the insulation. Clamp or otherwise secure wire bundle in high vibration applications and avoid wirecontact with moving/vibrating surfaces that may abrade the insulation. Provide strain relief for all wire bundles and allow room for a generous bend radius. User assumes responsibility for connector installation, crimping, soldering, shielding, sleeving or any other wire bundling or electrical interface enhancement beyond the configuration shown on the Kollmorgen outline drawing.Stator MountingKollmorgen suggests the following options for installation of the motor stator depending on torque, vibration and thermal characteristics of the application, as well as cost, ease of assembly and serviceability desired by the user.Adhesive BondIn most cases, motors in the general peak torque range up to 750 N-m may have the stator bonded in place using a structural epoxy, such as Hysol ® EA934NA, 3M ™ Scotchweld ™ 2214 or other similar adhesives. Bonding is a preferred installation technique for the KBM(S)-10XXX through KBM(S)-57XXX size stators, although shrink fitting as described in the next section is also an acceptable option. Bonding can certainly be used to secure stators larger than the aforementioned size range if desired, butrequires additional design and process considerations. To successfully utilize adhesive bonding, the user’s stator enclosure should be designed as a cylindrical cup, as shown in the illustration below, with a small shoulder for axial positioning at one end and open at the opposite end. The shoulder serves as a stop point for the stator to bank against when inserted from the open end, and should generally clear the maximum outer diameter of the winding end turn by no less than 1 mm at all circumferential points. A small internal chamfer at the open end of the housing cup simplifies stator insertion. If using a thick structural epoxy, inner diameter of the housing cup should be approximately 0.051 mm - 0.102 mm larger than the maximum outer diameter of the stator. However, the user should consult the adhesive manufacturer for proper bond line thickness, application process and curing instructions. Small grooves shown in the inner diameter of the housing in the illustration below are intended to serve as adhesive reservoirs forthick structural epoxies, but are considered optional featuresper the user’s discretion. If a retaining compound, such asLoctite ® 640™ or other similar adhesive, is preferred instead of a structural epoxy, a much tighter clearance between housing inner diameter and stator outer diameter must be controlled to maintain appropriate bond line thickness. Refer to adhesive manufacturer’s guidelines for recommendations. User assumes responsibility for selecting proper adhesive and for designing housing dimensions per expected thermal growth rate atintended temperature extremes of application. Adhesive curetemperatures should not exceed 155°C to avoid damaging themotor stator. Stator and housing surfaces should be cleanedthoroughly prior to bonding to ensure good adhesion.INSERT STATOR ILLUSTRATION II.A CONCEPTUSER'S STATOR HOUSING CHAMFER 1mm MIN.0.1020.051mmAdhesive Bond IllustrationMOUNTINGANDINSTALLATIONGUIDELINES36Mounting and Installation GuidelinesShrink FitThe user’s housing may be designed with an inner diameter that is slightly smaller than the outer diameter of the motor stator, providing an interference fit when installed. Pressing the stator into the housing at normal room temperature is not recommended because ofits laminated construction. Instead, heating the housing to achieve enough thermal growth to freely slide the stator inside is a more common technique that achieves the desired interference fit when the housing cools. Aluminum or steel housings may be used effectively to shrink fit stators across a broad peak torque range, generally from <1 N-m up to thousands of N-m. It is generally not necessary to shrink fit small diameter motors where bonding is a simpler and equally effective option, although it is acceptable to do so at the user’s discretion. For KBM(S) series motors, shrink fit is the preferred installation technique for sizes KBM(S)-60XXX throughKBM(S)-118XXX stators. Steel has a lower coefficient of thermalexpansion than aluminum, so a steel housing must be heated to amuch higher temperature than a comparable aluminum housingto achieve the desired diameter growth and stator installationclearance. In contrast, because aluminum grows much morerapidly than steel at elevated temperatures, the user should takespecial design precautions regarding size and tolerances to assurethat an aluminum housing maintains the required interference fit atthe application’s extreme high temperature. It is important to designfor sufficient dimensional interference fit, which can be influencedgreatly by many application variables and design choices, tosafely reach the motor’s maximum torque while also avoidingcrush damage to the stator. The user assumes all responsibilityfor housing design details, material selection, fit calculations andtolerance analysis for the intended application.Axial ClampingFor low torque applications, or for applications where the stator may need to be repeatedly installed and removed from the system, axially clamping may be an acceptable option. Kollmorgen does not generally recommend this technique for high shock/vibration applications, extreme temperature applications or for peak torques greater than 50 N-m without special design considerations. Thestator enclosure shown in the illustration below is very similar tothe bonding technique example shown in the first section, withapproximately 0.051 mm – 0.102 mm slip fit clearance betweenthe inner diameter of the housing and the outer diameter of thestator. When inserted, the stator banks against a shoulder insidethe housing bore that controls axial position and provides a fixedaxial clamping surface. The shoulder should clear the maximumouter diameter of the winding end turn by no less than 1 mm atall circumferential points. A separate clamp ring with the samecircumferential clearance is placed over the opposite end of thestator and bolted (typically 4 – 12 fasteners, equally spaced) to thehousing enclosure.INSERT STATORUSER'S STATOR HOUSING CHAMFER1mm MIN.USER'S STATOR HOUSINGILLUSTRATION II.C CONCEPTINSERT STATOR1mm MIN.0.1020.051CLEARANCEmmGAP REQUIRED AT ALLTOLERANCE CONDITIONSK O L L M O R G E N Shrink Fit IllustrationAxial Clamping IllustrationM O U N T I N G A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N G U I D E L I N E S37The user should design the enclosure components to ensure that, with the stator installed, an axial clearance gap exists between the clamp ring and the end of housing at all tolerance conditions. Otherwise, the clamp ring could contact the housing before the fasteners are fully tightened, resulting in insufficient axial clamping force against the stator. If desired, the small radial space between the stator outer diameter and the housing inner diameter may be filled with a thermal compound for more efficient conduction to the heatsink. However, use caution to avoid contaminating the axial clamping surfaces with grease that may reduce clamping force. If the user wishes to evaluate this axial clamping technique for motors with higher peak torque ratings, it may be necessary to increase the total surface area of the clamping regions and increase the number of clamping fasteners.BoltingSizes KBM(S)-163XXX through KBM(S)-260XXX are supplied with the stator installed in an aluminum sleeve with flange and through-holes for bolted mounting. User interfaces for these large motors should be designed per the pilot diameters and hole patterns shown on the Kollmorgen model-specific outline drawings. Several of the smaller sizes within this motor family, such as KBM(S)-10XXX through KBM(S)-45XXX range, are also supplied with the stator installed inside an aluminum sleeve, but do not include a stepped flange and are not intended to be bolted in place. For the latter range of sizes, bonding, shrinking or clamping techniques described in previous sections are appropriate.Rotor Mounting to ShaftKollmorgen’s KBM(S) series and other frameless brushless motors utilize high-performance rare earth magnets. Use extreme caution when handling or transporting to avoid injury and product damage. The attractive forces between magnetized rotors and nearby metallic objects can be extremely powerful. Improper handling can result in sudden unexpected impacts. The strong magnetic field can also damage nearby computers, display screens and memory storage devices. Keep the rotor in its shipping container or wrapped protectively until ready to install. This practice will help avoid accidents and prevent contamination such as metallic chips or debris that tend to cling to the magnets.Axial Alignment ControlKollmorgen’s model-specific outline drawings note axial alignment that must be maintained between rotor and stator whenmounted to ensure proper motor performance. The user is responsible for designing the rotor shaft, stator enclosure and bearing system to achieve the specified mounting alignment. Machined shoulders on the shaft or grooves for removable retaining rings are common ways of controlling rotor installation position. Maximum diameter of retaining rings or shaft shoulders should be kept below the rotor diameter where magnets are bonded to the steel hub.BondingGenerally, for applications where peak torque does not exceed 750 N-m, rotors can be bonded to carbon steel or stainless steel shafts. Retaining compounds, such as Loctite 640 or other similar adhesives, usually require smooth continuous interface diameters and tight fit tolerances. Structural epoxies generally require slightly larger fit clearance to allow a thicker bond line. Epoxies often benefit from grooves in the shaft/rotor interface that function as adhesive reservoirs and may be enhanced by textured machined surfaces via knurling or grit blasting. Always clean the bond joint surfaces thoroughly to ensure good adhesion. Consult adhesive manufacturer for proper bond line thickness, fit tolerances, process details and curing guidelines. To avoid partial demagnetization of the rotor, do not cure rotor/shaft bond joints at temperatures > 180°F unless rotor is nested inside the matching stator or rotor is completely surrounded by a ferrous metal keeper fixture. Contact a Kollmorgen Engineer if more information is required on this topic. Before bonding rotors to aluminum shafts, consult with adhesive manufacturer for assistance. A highly flexible adhesive with broad thermal properties may be required.K O L L M O R G E NM O U N T I N G A N D I N S T A L LA T I O N G U I D E L I N E S38Mounting and Installation GuidelinesAxial ClampingIf the user’s shaft is designed with a machined shoulder that the rotor can rigidly bank against, the rotor may be axially clamped in place using a locknut. This technique allows the rotor to be installed and removed from the shaft repeatedly, but requires a portion of the shaft to be threaded. Rotors retained by locknuts may be generally suitable for applications up to 400 N-m peak torque, although this estimate may vary greatly depending upon size and type of nut used.BoltingMotors ranging from size KBM(S)-43XXX and larger are provided with hole patterns in the rotor hub to facilitate bolted mounting. User shaft interface should be designed per the diameter, length, axial position and hole pattern noted on the Kollmorgen model-specific outline drawing.Installing Rotor Inside StatorAs previously described, magnetic forces can be extremely powerful and surprise the user when handling or installing the rotor. Extreme caution is required when placing the rotor inside the stator.Secure the StatorConfirm that the stator is securely mounted per the guidelines previously described before attempting to install the rotor. Kollmorgen recommends taping or tying the wiring bundle aside in a safe position to avoid accidental damage.Protect the Running Gap SurfacesIf left unprotected, the outer surface of the rotor may stick or “pole” to the nearest point on the inner bore of the stator due to magnetic attractive forces as the user attempts to install it. The resulting friction as the rotor slides along the inside of the stator can potentially damage the rotor band, magnets, coatings or stator bore surfaces. T o prevent damage and simplify the rotor installation process, Kollmorgen recommends first installing a thin layer of shim material, such as Mylar ® film, in the stator’s inner bore. See photos below for examples. Mylar (DuPont ® Corp. trade name) is a commonly available polyester film, often used as electrical insulation or in laminating processes, and is available in a variety of thicknesses. The Mylar film can be installed as a single piece that is wrapped entirely around the circumference of the stator bore and slightly overlapped, or multiple pieces may be inserted axially at equally spaced points. Optimum film thickness and number of shim layers required is dependent upon the gap clearance between rotor and stator for the specific motor size the user is attempting to install. Appropriately thick Mylar film shim layer(s) will keep the rotor roughly centered inside the stator bore and provides a slick surface to slide the rotor to its intended mounting position without damage.Single Mylar Shim Multiple Mylar Shimsw ww.k o l l m o r g e n.c o mM O U N T I N G A N D I N S T A L L A T I O N G U I D E L I N E S39Installing the RotorMany of the KBM(S) series rotors are too large to safely lift by hand and the attractive force as the rotor rapidly enters the stator can be too powerful to control by hand. Kollmorgen recommends using a hoist or small overhead crane to lift the rotor into position and stabilize it for safely controlled insertion into the stator. Most large KBM(S) rotors include tapped holes in the steel hub for the user to attach eye bolts to facilitate hoist lifting. Note that swiveled eye bolts, as opposed to fixed ring eye bolts, are recommended for safe lifting with hoist chain and hook interface.Inspect the Running GapAfter the rotor is properly installed and secured, remove all Mylar shim material. Carefully inspect the running gap for any debris or obstructions. If possible, spin the rotor by hand to confirm that it rotates freely.Installation AssistanceCustomers may contact Kollmorgen for assistance with application or installation problems. See rear cover of this selection guide for contact information. If desired, Kollmorgen can also design and supply custom motor installation fixtures for the user’s unique application needs. Fixture solutions are quoted separately on a case-specific basis.Electrical Wiring Interface。


Tps - 系统的峰值失速转矩 Tms - 最高速度时的峰值转矩 Tcs - 停止时的连续转矩 Tcr - 连续额定转矩(额定功率下的转矩) ωmax - 最高速度 ωr - 额定速度(额定功率下的速度) ωk - 在峰值包络拐点的速度(系统峰值
AKM 系列电动机目 录
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33 34 - 35 36 - 40
AKM 电动机系列简介
本选择指南概述了该新型先进电动机系列广泛 可用的选项。使用本指南可以从大量电动机解 决方案中做出选择。我们的电动机产品由全系 列数字驱动支持,为您提供市场上可得的最佳 运动控制解决方案。
找不到您要找的东西?除了先进的 Kollmorgen 电动机系列外,科尔摩根还提供许多其它杰出 产品,从直接传动旋转和线性产品到步进电动 机和同步解决方案。科尔摩根甚至可以根据您 的需求设计正确的解决方案。您现在就可以向 我们的客户支持中心询问适合您需求的定制解 决方案。让科尔摩根的专家将大量解决方案带 到您的面前。
Kollmorgen AKM 电动机和驱动装置 –––– 无需妥协的选择
科尔摩根的新型 Kollmorgen AKM 伺服电动机和驱动装置以 广泛的标准产品为您提供前所未有的选择和灵活性,您可 以选择针对您规格的最优化伺服电动机和驱动装置组合。 选择正确的运动控制产品从未象现在这样轻松。您可以从 本产品目录说明的数以千计的伺服电动机 / 驱动装置组合中 挑选也可以访问我们的网站,找到针对您应用的最佳解决 方案。标准的 Kollmorgen AKM 伺服电动机和驱动装置两全 其美 –– 客户解决方案的精确规格,更短的交货期限以及标 准目录产品更低的成本。对于您真正独一无二的运动控制 应用,我们的工程支持团队会与您一起为您的机器设计定 制解决方案。无论是标准产品或者定制产品,您都能够选 出满足您精确要求的运动控制解决方案。
EATON NZM系列模型选择指南说明书

Molded Case Circuit Breaker Utvalgsguide effektbryter NZM1Ii = elektromagnetisk utløserstrømA-type: termisk/elektromagnetisk vern3-polet NZMB1-...3-polet NZMN1-...Beskrivelse Type Elnr Type ElnrTilleggsutstyrIi = elektromagnetisk utløserstrømA-type: termisk/elektromagnetisk vern 100 % vern i nøytral100 % vern i nøytral 4-polet NZMB1-...4-polet NZMN1-...Beskrivelse Type Elnr Type ElnrChanges to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions. Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.Eaton ElectricAS Ryensvingen 5-70680 Oslo, Norge EatonEMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland © 2023 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. SA012023NN April 2023Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.To contact us please visit https:///us/en-us/support/international-support-contacts.htmlFor technical questions please contact your local Eaton team.Eaton’s electrical business is a global leader with deep regionalapplication expertise in power distribution and circuit protection; power quality, backup power and energy storage; control and automation; life safety and security; structural solutions; and harsh and hazardous environment solutions. Through end-to-end services, channel and an integrated digital platform & insights Eaton is powering what matters across industries and around the world, helping customers solve their most critical electrical power management challenges.For more information, visit .。

This is a Discontinued ProductContact Kollmorgen Customer Support at1-540-633-3545 or email us at if assistance is required.SC900 Servo Drive Family InformationAn SC900 all digital brushless servo can be ordered with or without accessories, such as manuals and mating connectors. Please check your shipment against the following ordering guide to verify you have received what was ordered. If an item is missing or additional accessories are required, please call 815-226-2222 to speak with a Customer Support Representative.ORDER NUMBER CODESC9 0 3 N N - 001 - 01Servo Drive Family DesignationOption Card Designator0 = No option card installed3 = OC930-001-00 serial port option card installed4 = OC940-001-01 SERCOS interface option card installed5 = OC950-X0Y-01 Programmable option card installed(X, Y - See customization code)Power Level2 = 7.5 A peak, 3.75 A continuous at 25° C (77° F)3 = 15 A peak, 7.5 A continuous at 25° C (77° F)4 = 30 A peak, 15 A continuous at 25° C (77° F)5 = 60 A peak, 30 A continuous at 50° C (122° F)Firmware01 = Standard base servo softwareCustomization Code, Factory Assigned001 = Standard unitNote: The following customization codes are only valid when ordering an SC950:501 = Standard OC950 32Kx8 NV RAM, without PacLAN502 = Standard OC950 128Kx8 NV RAM, without PacLAN503 = Standard OC950 32Kx8 NV RAM, with PacLAN504 = Standard OC950 128Kx8 NV RAM, with PacLAN601 = Enhanced OC950 32Kx8 NV RAM, without PacLAN602 = Enhanced OC950 128Kx8 NV RAM, without PacLAN603 = Enhanced OC950 32Kx8 NV RAM, with PacLAN604 = Enhanced OC950 128Kx8 NV RAM, with PacLANFan Kit OptionN = No fan, convection cooled2 = 240 VAC fan, forced air cooled1 = 120 VAC fan, forced air cooledAccessories OptionN = No accessory kitA = Basic connector kit, manual(s)T = Terminal block adapter kit, manual(s)940s include CA940-TB950s include CA950-IOExample Order NumbersPackage Order # Model #s Included DescriptionSC933TN-001-01 SC903-001-01 15 A peak standard servo driveOC930-001-00 Serial port option cardCA903-TB TB adapter SC903 connector kitMA900 SC900 Family Hardware Reference ManualMA930 OC930 Hardware and Software Reference Manual930 Dialogue 3.5" floppySC904AN-001-01 SC904-001-01 30 A peak standard driveCA904 Basic SC904 connector kitMA900 SC900 Family Hardware Reference Manual SC932NN-001-01 SC902-001-01 7.5 A peak standard driveOC930-001-00 Serial port option cardSC954NN-503-01 SC904-001-01 30 A peak standard driveOC950-503-01 OC950 programmable option cardwith 32Kx8 NV RAM and PacLANSCE900 ACCESSORY ORDER NUMBERS Part Order Number CommentsOption CardsBlank panel Firmware upgrade Serial communicationsSERCOS interfaceProgrammable option card OC900-001OC900-002-01OC930-001-0xOC940-001-01OC9500x0y-01Blank panel to cover unused option card slotFirmware upgrade option cardAdds RS-232/485 serial communications(-00 standard, -01 firmware upgrade)Adds SERCOS interface capabilitywhere x determines standard or enhanced firmwarex = 5 for standard firmwarex = 6 for enhanced firmwarewhere y determines the amount of NV RAM and PacLANy = 1 for 32Kx8 NV RAM without PacLANy = 2 for 128 Kx8 NV RAM without PacLANy = 3 for 32 Kx8 NV RAM with PacLANy = 4 for 128 Kx8 NV RAM with PacLANConnector KitsCA90xCA90x=TBCA940-TBCA950-IO where x = power levelBase drive terminal block(s) and D connector matesBase drive terminal block(s) and D connector terminal block adapter matesOC940 J43 Terminal block adapterOC905 Industrial I/O Rack interface adapter boardFan Kitsfor SC9x2 for SC9x3/4 OF902-00xOF903-OOxAdds forced air cooling to SCE900 base drivewhere x = 1 for 120 VAC 60Hzwhere x = 2 for 240 VAC 50/60 HzManualsSC900 base drive OC930 option card OC940 option card OC950 option card MA900MA930MA940MA950-IDEHardware reference manual for SC900Hardware and software referernce manualHardware and software reference manualHardware and software reference manual – plus integrateddevelopment environment on 3.5" diskI/O Emulator BoxSC900 base I/O SC950 I/O IOEM-900IOEM-950Exercises SC900 J4 base drive I/OExercises OC950 J52 option card I/OWiring Diagram。

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科尔摩根 (Kollmorgen) 是全球领先的运动控制系统和配件供应商。 依托超过七十年的运动控制设计和研发领域的专业经验,为全球 OEM 机器制造商提供突破性的解决方案,实现无以伦比的性能、 可靠性和便捷性。
大优势 助力您的机器人开发
直径仅为 79mm, 在拳头大小的紧凑空间 内集成 6 大功能模块

科尔摩根公司 PLATINUM® DDL 直线电机已经通过评审、测 试,并确认符合以下标准:EN 60034 标准、EN 60204-1 标准、 IEC 34-1 标准。产品均已依据 EN 60950 标准、EN 60529 标准、 IEC 721-3 标准、NEMA MG7 标准、UL1004 标准、UL547 标准 以及 UL674 标准进行了审核。
• 峰值推力为 60 ~ 1600 N(13.6 ~ 360 lbf); • 持续推力为 21 ~ 450 N(4.6 ~ 101 lbf); • 零齿槽效应; • 零吸力; • 运动平稳,可提供 1 微米 / 秒(0.00004 英寸 / 秒)的
最低速度; • 低质量的线圈总成,可提供高加速度;
科尔摩根公司 PLATINUM® 直线电机(DDL)符合关于安装到 一台机器中的《低压导则 73/23/EEC》。安全性取决于依照 制造商相关建议的电机的安装和配置。 安装有此产品的机 器必须符合《EC 导则 89/336/EEC》的相关规定。安装公司 应负责确保最终产品应符合设备安装所在国家的所有相关 法律。
有铁芯电机的技术数据(非冷却型) 电气 / 机械技术规格 线圈总成的机械概要
有铁芯电机的技术数据(水冷却型) 电气 / 机械技术规格 线圈总成的机械概要
有铁芯电机永磁体总成的技术数据 永磁体总成的机械概要 永磁体总成的典型安装

四、还有一个重点的就是电源绝缘的要求,为保证无刷驱动器正常工作,直流无刷电机的霍尔线地线与直流无刷电机绕组线、霍尔地线绕组线与机壳之间绝缘电阻大于100 兆欧500VDC,能承受600VAC/50Hz/1mA/1 秒耐压不被击穿。
Kollmorgen 壳体直驱旋转 (DDR) 电机选型指南与 AKD TM 伺服驱动系统说明书

Kollmorgen Housed Direct Drive Rotary (DDR) MotorsSelection Guidewith AKD TM Servo Drive SystemshousedddRmotoR2Removing the Barriers of Design, Sourcing, and Time At Kollmorgen, we know that oem engineers can achieve a lot more when obstacles aren’t in the way. so, we knock them down in three important ways:Integrating Standard and Custom ProductsThe optimal solution is often not clear-cut. Our application expertise allows us to modify standard products or develop totally custom solutions across our whole product portfolio so that designs can take flight.Providing Motion Solutions, Not Just Components As companies reduce their supplier base and have lessengineering manpower, they need a total system supplier with a wide range of integrated solutions. Kollmorgen is in full response mode with complete solutions that combine programming software, engineering services and best-in-class motion components.Global FootprintWith direct sales, engineering support, manufacturing facilities,and distributors across North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia, we’re close to OEMs worldwide. Our proximity helps speed delivery and lend support where and when they’re needed.h o u s e d d i R e C t d R i v e R o t A R y m o t o R s g l o b a l su p p o r t •g l o b a l d e v e l o p m e n t a n d m a n u f a c tu ri n g • f i n a n c i a l s t a b i l i t y • lo c a l ap p l i c a t i o n t e a m s • g l o b al s e r v i c e • Motion is at our core.a p p l i c a t i o nk n o w l ed ge • ex p er i e n c e • e ngi n e e r i n g e x p e rt i s e •housedddRmotoR4h o u s e d d d R m o t o R5w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m The Benefits of Housed DDR Motor• Zero Maintenance with Greater Accuracy and Higher Bandwith• Smoother velocity and reduced, audible noise • Power transmission without backlash• Transmission elements such as couplings, toothed belts, spindles, and other fitted components can be eliminated • No gearboxes, no lubrication required• Wide Range of Sizes and Torque to Cover any Direct Drive Rotary (DDR) Application• Increased performance for the entire system • Flat, compact drive solution• Easily mix / match motors and drives (without serial numbers)• Speeds up to 800 rpm for continuous velocity applications•Simplified, High Torque Density Permanent Magnet Design• Provides more speed and torque vs. variable reluctance motors • Rapid indexing of large inertia loads with peak torque up to 990 lb-ft • Carry heavy loads for indexing with axial loading up to 12,700 lbs • Operate motor with significant offset loads up to 472 lb-ft • Large through bore providing run process fluids, pneumatic, and electrical through center of motor• Reduced audible noise, fewer parts and lower cost of ownership • More compact machine and reduced design timeh o u s e d d d R m o t o R6K o L L m o R G e NHoused DDR MotorApplication Problem Solution BenefitsBelt/pulley• Zero maintenance• No belt adjustment/replacement • No belt compliance• Better servo performance • Clean mechanical assembly • Flat profile • Quiet• Reduced number of parts • Hollow shaftRotary Indexer• Zero maintenance • No gearbox lubrication • No gearbox backlash • Better servo performance • Quiet• Reduced number of parts • Hollow shaftDDRh o u s e d d d R m o t o R7housed ddR motors are multi-pole (16 to 32) hollow shaft motors with their own bearings and high-resolution encoder system. they are coupled directly to the load and enable very precise and repeatable systems. housed ddR motors are maintenance free and run more quietly and with better dynamics than systems that use gears, belts, cams or other mechanical transmission components.Realized Housed DDR Benefits The Direct Drive AdvantageThe following improvements were observed compared to the previous design that used a mechanical indexer:Improved RepeatabilityThe Housed DDR demonstrated a repeatability better than 1 arc-second which was substantially better than the mechanical indexer.No DegradationDirect drive system performance, accuracy and repeatability do not degrade over time as they do with a mechanical indexer. With a mechanical indexer, as parts wear over time, the accuracy and repeatability degrade.Immediate StopThe direct drive system can immediately stop if there is a process error. The mechanical indexer required several cycles to stop which could cause tooling and machine damage.Greatly Reduced Audible NoiseWith the mechanical indexer, the noise was at a level such that two people would have to yell to hear each other. By contrast, if you turned your back to the Housed DDR, you could barely detect that it was running.Easy Profile ChangeMotion parameters such as index angle, speed, acceleration, and dwell are very simple to change with the Housed DDR. The mechanical indexer does not support flexible motion profiles.Better ValueThe Housed DDR is attractively priced compared to the mechanical indexer it replaced. When the other advantages listed above are also considered, the Housed DDR was the obvious choice.DDR Motor Features• Four frame sizes • Robust cross-roller bearing • Dual bearing option • IP67 option• Continuous torque range: 5.8 Nm (4.3 lb-ft) to 339 Nm (250 lb-ft)• Optimized torque output with high-pole count efficient electromagnetic design• Integrated high-resolution sine-encoder • 134,217,728 counts per rev resolution, 27 bits • Feedback accuracy: +/- 26 arc-sec •Repeatability better than 1 arc-secHoused DDR AdvantageConsider how a Housed DDR motor improved a medical manufacturing machine.Product is located at the steel pins on the outside of the machine’s turret as shown. The 115 kg load wheel has an inertia of 20 kg-m 2. There are 96 steel pins for an index angle of 3.5 degrees to move. The move is accomplished in less than 100 ms.d i Re C t d R i v e t e C h N o L o G y8K o L L m o R G e NDirect Drive TechnologyConventional servo systems commonly have a mechanical transmission which can consist of gears, gearheads, belts/pulleys or cams connected between the motor and the load.With direct drive technology, the mechanical transmission is eliminated and the motor is coupled directly to the load.Why Use Direct Drive Technology?Increased Accuracy and RepeatabilityA “precision” planetary gearhead could have a backlash of 1 arc-minute. This can result in the load moving by 1 arc-minute with an absolutely stationary drive motor. Kollmorgen’s standard direct drive rotary (DDR) servomotors have repeatability better than 1 arc-second. Therefore, a direct drive motor can hold a position 60 times better than a conventional motor/gearhead.The increased accuracy of direct drive technology results in a higher quality product out of the machine:• Print registration is more accurate• Cut or feed lengths can be held more precisely• Coordination with other machine axes is more accurate • Indexing location is more exact• Tuning issues due to backlash are eliminatedHigher BandwidthMechanical transmission components impose a limit on how fast a machine can start and stop and also extend the required settling time. These factors limit the possible throughput of a machine.Direct drive technology removes these limitations and allows for much faster start/stop cycles and also provides greatly reduced settling time. This will allow a greater throughput from the machine. Users of direct drive systems have reported up to a 2X increase in throughput.Improved Reliability and Zero MaintenanceGears, belts, and other mechanical transmission parts break. By eliminating these parts and using DDR motors, the reliability of the machine is improved. Gearheads require periodic lubrication and/or replacement in aggressive start/stop applications. Belts require periodic tightening. There are no time-wear components in a direct drive motorand consequently they require zero maintenance.Servomotor and GearheadDirect Drive MotorImproved RepeatabilityIncreased ThroughputGearbox BacklashDDRRepeatability 60 Times BetterArcMinutes1-1d i Re C t d R i v e t e C h N o L o G y9Fewer PartsWith direct drive motors, all you need is the motor and the mounting bolts. This often replaces many parts including brackets, guards, belts, pulleys, tensioners, couplings, and bolts, resulting in:• Fewer parts on the BOM. Less parts to purchase, schedule, inventory and control, and less parts to assemble.• Assembly time of the servo drops from several hours with the mechanical transmission to several minutes with the DDR. • Reduced cost. Although a direct drive motor may carry a small price-premium compared to a motor/gearhead with the same torque, consider that there is an overall cost reduction wheneliminating the parts and labor of all the extra components required in a servo system with mechanical transmission.No Inertia MatchingServo systems with mechanical transmissions require inertia matching that limits the reflected load inertia at five to ten times the motor inertia. If this limitation is not met, the system becomes difficult to control due to instability issues. Inertia matching limitations of mechanical transmission systems often force machine designers to use a larger motor than would otherwise be required just to satisfy the inertia matching requirement.Such sizing conventions are not required with direct drive technology. Since the motor is directly connected to the load, the inertia of the motor and the load become a common inertia. Therefore, no inertia matching is required when using DDR. DDR applications have run with inertia ratios greater than 11,000:1.Reduced Audible NoiseMachines with DDR motors have audible noise levels as low as 20 dB less than the same machine with a mechanical transmission.AKdseRvodRive10A K d s e R v o d R i v e11The Benefits of AKD Servo Drive• Optimized Performance in Seconds• Auto-tuning is one of the best and fastest in the industry • Automatically adjusts all gains, including observers • Immediate and adaptive response to dynamic loads • Precise control of all motor types• Compensation for stiff and compliant transmission and couplings• Greater Throughput and Accuracy• Up to 27-bit-resolution feedback yields unmatched precision and excellent repeatability• Very fast settling times result from a powerful dual processor system that executes industry-leading and patent pending servo algorithms with high resolution• Advanced servo techniques such as high-order observer and bi-quad filters yield industry-leading machine performance • Highest bandwidth torque-and-velocity loops. Fastest digital current loop in the market• Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Faster Commissioning and Troubleshooting• Six-channel real-time software oscilloscope commissions and diagnoses quickly• Multi-function Bode Plot allows users to quickly evaluate performance• Auto-complete of programmable commands saves looking up parameter names• One-click capture and sharing of program plots and parameter settings allow you to send machine performance data instantly • Widest range of programming options in the industry• Flexible and Scalable to Meet Any Application• 3 to 96 Arms continuous current; 9 to 192 Arms peak • Very high power density enables an extremely small package • True plug-and-play with all standard Kollmorgen servomotors and positioners• Supports a variety of single and multi-turn feedback devices— Smart Feedback Device (SFD), EnDat2.2, 01, BiSS, analog Sine/ Cos encoder, incremental encoder, HIPERFACE ®, and resolver • Tightly integrated Ethernet motion buses without the need to add large hardware: EtherCAT ®, SynqNet ®, Modbus/TCP , and CANopen ®• Scalable programmability from base torque-and-velocity through multi-axis masterA K ds eR v o dRi v ethe AKd servo drive delivers cutting-edge technology and performance with one of the most compact footprints in theindustry. these feature-rich drives provide a solution for nearly any application, from basic torque-and-velocity applications, to indexing, to multi-axis programmable motion with embedded Kollmorgen Automation suite™. the versatile AKd sets the standard for power density and performance.AKD Servo DriveA K d s e R v o d R i v e13w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c omNote: For complete AKd model nomenclature, refer to page 34.Modbus/TCPHWCo-Engineering CapabilitiesBecause Kollmorgen offers the highest quality and broadest range of best-in-class motion components, we can supply standard, modified or customized solutions to meet any application need.We have co-engineer solutions to meet your most difficult challenges and advance your competitive position. drawing on a wealth of knowledge and expertise, our engineering support team will work alongside with you to build a solution that differentiates your machine and improves your bottom line.here are just few examples of how Kollmorgen delivers real value to companies likes yours:What You Need Why Motion Matters Kollmorgen Co-Engineering Results30% Increase in Throughput• Low inertia servomotors• High bandwidth servo loops• Simple, accurate, graphical programming tools Using Kollmorgen Automation Suite TM’s graphical camming design tool, Pipe Network TM and low-inertia AKM motors, a major supplier of medical equipment increased throughput by more than 30% while improving accuracy and reducing scrap.50% Increase in Accuracy and Quality• Low cogging servomotors• Advaced observers and bi-quad filters• Fast control loop update rates (.67µs)Using or AKD TM, a next-generation CT scanning manufacturer achieved more than 50% improvement in velocity ripple to produce the most accurate and detailed medical images possible while overcoming an extremely high moment of inertia.25% Increase in Reliability (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)• Innovative Cartridge DDR TM• Eliminating parts on the machine• No additional wearing componentsUsing Kollmorgen’s award-winning CartridgeDDR TM sevomotor technology, we eliminatedmore than 60 parts in a die-cutting machine andincreased the OEE by 25% and throughput by20%.50% Reduction in Waste• Superior motor/drive system bandwidth• DDR technology:– eliminates gearbox– 20X more accurate than geared solution We helped a manufacturer of pharmaceutical packaging machines incorporate Housed DDR motors to increase the throughput by 35% and reduce scrap by more than 50% through more accurate alignment of the capsules.Co-eNGiNeeRiNGCAPABiLities14h o u s e d d d R m o t o R s y s t e m s u m m A R y15w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o mHoused DDR Motor System SummaryMotor Outside / Inside Diameters by Model D(H)06D(H)08xD(H)10xNote 1: Continuous torque with sine encoder feedback. For continuous torque with resolver feedback, see the Performance data table.Motor Outside / Inside Diameters by Model16K o L L m o R G e NNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply tc by 1.06.2. Curves for 230 v applicable to single or three phase input power.Housed DDR D06X Performance Datah o u s e dd d R d h 0 6 xP e R F o R m A N C ed A t ANotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06. Housed DDR DH06X Performance Data17 w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m18K o L L m o R G e NHoused DDR D06X Outline Drawings"O" RING GROOVEh o u s e d d d d R 06x o u t L i N e d R A W i N G sNotes19w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m20K o L L m o R G e NHoused DDR D08X Performance DataNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply tc by 1.06.2. Curves for 230 v applicable to single or three phase input power.h o u s e d d d R d 08x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t ANotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06.Housed DDR DH08X Performance Datah o u s e d d d R d h 08x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t AHoused DDR D08X Outline Drawings"O" RING GROOVEh o u s e d d d R d 08x o u t L i N e d R A W i N G sNoteshousedddRd1xPeRFoRmANCedAtA230 VACNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply tc by 1.06.2. Curves for 230 v applicable to single or three phase input power.Housed DDR D10X Performance DataNotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06. Housed DDR DH10X Performance DatahousedddRdh1xPeRFoRmANCedAtA"O" RING GROOVEHoused DDR D10X Outline DrawingshNotes230 VACNotes:1.For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06.Housed DDR D14X Performance Datah o u s e d d d R d 14x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t ANotes:1. For 25°C ambient, multiply by 1.06.Housed DDR DH14X Performance Datah o u s e d d d R d h 14x P e R F o R m A N C e d A t AHoused DDR D14X Outline Drawings hNotes31w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o mh o u s e d d d R m o t o R 32K o L L m o R G e NCustom ApplicationsC u s t o m A P P L i C A t i o N sPRECISION DOWEL PIN HOLES 0.250" FORCUSTOMER INDEXING DDR MOTOR, ENCODER OPTION WITHDUAL SHAFT SEALS, IP67DDR WITH PRECISION TOLERANCE COMPONENTSFOR PRECISE POSITIONINGDDR WITH AIR COOLING OPTION TO INCREASECONTINUOS OUTPUT TORQUE33w w w.ko l l m o r g e n.c o m Application Notesis desired or operation during vibration or shock,please contact Customer Support.Moment load ratings are limited by shaft deflection at the resolver;for sine encoder units please contact Customer Support.Standard motor is not designed for repetitive small angle oscillations less than ±13°.Please contact Customer Support for additional options.Motor is not intended to be directly coupled to a load which has it’s own two bearing system.A flexible coupling is advised to prevent premature bearing failure in these applications.Motor may be mounted in any orientation provided the axial (both tension and compression) limits are observed.All applications having moment loads in tension should be reviewed by Customer Support.All bolts for mounting load and base should be used to ensure stiff coupling.of bearingRadial ForceMoment Load = For ce * (D + L)Moment Load = For ce * DAxial ForceApplication Notes:1. Axial load rating dynamic values based on an L 10life rating when motor is mounted on a rigid base and running under normal operation conditions. L 10 life ratings for applications where high rotational accuracy is desired or operation during vibrationorshock,pleasecontactcustomersupportat(540)633-3545,**************************************.2. standard motor is not designed for repetitive small angle oscillations less than ± 13°. Please contact customer support for additional options.3. motor is not intended to be directly coupled to a load which has its own two bearing system.4. motor may be mounted in any orientation provided the axial (both tension and compression) limits are observed. All applications having moment loads in tension should be reviewed by Customer support.5. All bolts for mounting load and base should be used to ensure stiff coupling.A P P L i C A t i o N N o t e sm o d e L N o m e N C L A t u R e34K o L L m o R G e NDH 08 1 M - 1 2 - 1 3 1 0 - xxxdirect drive seriesD = 115/230 VAC windingDH = 400/480 VAC windingmotor Frame size06 = 6.93” O.D. 08 = 8.60” O.D. 10 = 11.19” O.D. 14 = 14.25” O.D.Rotor stack Length1 = Short stack2 = Mid stack3 = Long stackWinding typeA = Std. w/ resolver 1M = Std. w/ sine encoder mounting option1 = Face mount2 = Flange mountdesignated for specialsunit seal0 = Non-sealed unit5 = IP652 - length increase 7 = IP672 - length increase Bearing option1 = Single bearing design2 = Dual bearing design 3Feedback device2 = Resolver (“A” Winding Type)13 = Sine Encoder (“M” Winding Type)shaft option1= Straight thru bore w/ face coupling Connector type2 = Straight3 = 90o , rotatableModel NomenclatureNotes:1. Not available on d14x & dh14x.2. encoder sealed motors have increased length. see outline drawing.3. standard on d143 & dh143 models.ConnectivityAN = Analog command CN = CANopen EC = EtherCAT SQ = SynqNet06 = 120/240 Vac 1Ø/3Ø07 = 480 Vac 3ØextensionNA = Without extensionsAKD – B 003 06 – NA AN- 0000Note: Options shown in bold blue text are considered standard.variants0000 = StandardHoused DDR MotorAKD Servo Drivem o t i o N e e R i N G A P P L i C A t i o N e N G i N e35Features• Group multiple mechanisms within a “project” – organize and combine data for power supply and regeneration sizing• Types of mechanisms for analysis include lead screw, rack and pinion, conveyor, nip rolls, rotary and direct drive linear motor• Motion profile options include simple triangle, 1/3-1/3-1/3 trapezoidal, variable traverse trapezoidal, and more• Search results display shows color highlighted solution set of options for easy evaluation of system specifications and selectionSupported Operating Systems• Microsoft ® Windows 2000, XP , VistaMOTIONEERING 6.0 includes• Electric cylinder sizing and selection with AKM servomotor systems • Rodless actuator with AKM servomotor systems (performance curves included)• Precision table with AKM servomotor systems (performance curves included)• PDF report functionality (includes application, drive, motor, positioner, and system specifications all in one easy-to-read report)MOTIONEERING ®Application Engineto help select and size Kollmorgen components, this Windows ®-based motor-sizing program takes a systems approach to the selection of brushless, dC servomotors, stepper motors and drives. motioNeeRiNG application engine, available at , uses a project concept for the collection and saving of rotary and linear multi-axis load information. this provides the user the flexibility to sum the effects of multiple axes of motion for power supply and shunt regeneration sizing.A wide variety of linear and rotary mechanisms are provided including lead screw, rack and pinion, conveyor, nip rolls, cylinder, rotary, and direct data-entry using unique sizing algorithms and product databases criteria.the searchable database consists of hundreds of systems on product combinations including rotary housed and frameless brushless servomotors, direct drive rotary and linear brushless servomotors, linear positioners (electric cylinders, rodless positioners, and precision tables) and stepper systems.the motioNeeRiNG application engine also provides versatile units-of-measure selection options for mechanism and motion profile data-entry, with the ability to convert data into other available units. online help explains program functionsand the definition of terms and equations used in the program.©2012 Kollmorgen Corporation. All rights reserved. Km_sG_00079_RevB_eNspecifications are subject to change without notice. it is the responsibility of the product user to determine the suitability of this product for a specific application. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Santa BarbaraTijuanaRadfordLausanneMilanMumbaiKluangHong Kong ShanghaiBeijing NagoyaTokyo。

RGM 14 尺寸规格
55.00 [2.165]
8 PL. 47.0 [1.85]
Ø 78.4 [3.09]
RGM 20 尺寸规格
57.0 [2.24]
97.8 [3.85]
• 注释 1: 尺寸单位为毫米(英寸) 14
45 °
8 PL.
Ø 62.00
+.000 -.030
Ø 78.6 [3.09]
[ ] 2.441
+.0000 -.0011
118.0 [4.65] MAX.
47.00 ± .20 [ 1.850 ± .008 ]
M3X0.5 8 PL.
1.30 [.051]
98.0 [3.86]
22.5 ° 16 PL.
7.00 [.276] 16 PL.
+.000 -.035
[ ] 3.2283
| 额定转矩超出市场同类产品 48%
| 采用 48VDC 供电
定制谐波减速机 双反馈系统
| 采用 19 位单圈绝对值编码器, 关节的输出端反馈重复精度高达 0.001°
双热敏传感器 制动器
RGM 机器人关节模组
适用 : 有效负载 ≤ 10kg 的协作机器人 / 轻型机器人
选型简单 一步到位
团队精简 降低人力 RGM 成本压力
成本管理简化 供应链管理简单 质量 / 一致性控制简化
性能 + 质量
RGM 本土化生产 和货期支持
经验丰富 / 质量可靠 / 一致性高
科尔摩根 (Kollmorgen) KBM无框架直驱电机产品介绍

KBM成功案例介绍 KBM电机典型的应用行业
• Precision Industrial Automation精密工业自动化应用 • Machine Tool Rotary Indexer机床分度台 • Medical Robots 医疗机器人 • Pumping Systems 泵系统控制 • Hydraulic Motor Replacement 替换液压电机 • Camera Motion Control / Image Stabilization 摄像头运动控制/ 图 像定影 • Alternative Energy [Generators, Actuators] 能量转换(发电机, 执行器) • Printing Machinery 印刷机
• 电机转矩密度高,所需安装空间小; • 省去减速箱、皮带等传动装置,直接输出 所需力矩及速度; • 减少了部件数量,减少故障点,降低机器 故障时间,提高产出率; • 降低了安装时间,大大减少维护工作; • 提高系统刚性,获得更高伺服带宽; • 改善谐振特性,提高伺服性能; • 消除传动间隙,可适应1000:1的惯量比; • 转子中心可走线及气路; • 运行更安静,降噪20dB; • ……
选型过程: ->机械参数 ->运动参数 ->选型结果 ->余量分析 ->再生能量计算
• 文字资料:KBM选型指南及安装指导
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科尔摩根 (Kollmorgen) KBM无框架直驱电机产品介绍

科尔摩根直接驱动直线电机选型指南带有AKD TM 伺服驱动系统尔2K O LLM O R G E N 科摩根3目录直接驱动直线(DDL )电机4AKD ™伺服驱动 10 联合研发能力 14 直接驱动直线电机综述 15 无铁芯 - 非冷却型DDL 的数据和尺寸IL06 系列 18 IL12 系列 20 IL18 系列 22IL24 系列 26无铁芯磁路 28 有铁芯DDL 的数据和尺寸ICD05 系列 32ICD10 系列 34ICD 磁路 36 有铁芯- 非冷却型DDL 的数据和尺寸IC11 系列 40 IC22 系列 42 IC33 系列 46IC44 系列 50 有铁芯- 水冷型DDL 的数据和尺寸IC11 系列 54 IC22 系列 56 IC33 系列 60IC44 系列 64有铁芯磁路 68 连线和输出 70高柔性电缆组 72 应用选型 74 型号命名规则 78MOTIONEERING ® 应用引擎81科尔摩根直接驱动直线电机选型指南克服设计、采购和时间障碍科尔摩根很清楚:如果能够帮助原始设备制造商的工程师克服遇到的障碍,就可以显著提高其工作成效。

科尔摩根是全球直接驱动器电机技术的领袖,为客户提供KBM系列无框成套无刷电机。这些KBM电机有多种尺 寸和转矩范围,具有出色的性能,使用寿命长,安装简便,可以满足当今设计工程师的需求。
高质量的结构 • 全封装的定子绕组 • 内部绕组能够在155℃下连续操作 • 使用PTC热敏电阻(雪崩式)实现过载保护 • 采用稀土钕-铁-硼磁体 • 转子磁体上采用故障安全型保护带* • 符合RoHS指令要求
KBM 17
KBM 25
KBM 35
客户提供全套解决方案,这些方案将编程软件、KBMFra bibliotek4334

Kollmorgen品牌涵盖了运动控制器、、伺服驱动器、伺服电机、直线电机,力矩电机等多种产品,其中伺服电机和伺服驱动器主要包括以下系列产品:Kollmorgen AKM伺服电机、Kollmorgen PLATINUM DDL直线电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE DDR直驱力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen CARTRIDGE DDR直驱伺服电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE伺服电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE BH/MH系列伺服电机、Kollmorgen GOLDLINE B/M/EB(防爆)/BE/ME系列伺服电机Kollmorgen GOLDLINE XT系列MTXXX伺服电机、Kollmorgen DBL/DBK同步伺服电机、Kollmorgen Seidel同步伺服电机、Kollmorgen Bautz同步伺服电机、Kollmorgen F/FH无框力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen RBE(H)无框力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen BM(S)无框力矩伺服电机、Kollmorgen DDR直驱力矩电机、Kollmorgen 直驱无框力矩电机、Kollmorgen Inland直驱直流力矩电机、Kollmorgen ServoDisc有刷直流伺服电机、Kollmorgen Bautz Servo Linear Actuators、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR CD伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR CD SynqNet伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR200(S200)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR400(S400)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR300(S300)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR600(S600)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen SERVOSTAR700(S700)伺服驱动器、Kollmorgen AKD伺服驱动器。

脉冲频率 f2
脉冲频率 f2
A f1
t0 自起动运行
f1:起动脉冲频率[Hz] f2:运行脉冲频率[Hz] A:工作脉冲数 t0:定位时间[s] t1:加减速时间[s]
选用计算 ............................................. H-2 选用计算
电动机 ····················································· H-2 电动机
电动传动装置 ········································ H-18
●加减速常数TR[ ms/kHz ]的计算式
TR =
t1 f2 − f1
t1 ● 脉冲频率请按整步换算。 ●此处速度单位用[ kHz],时间用[ ms ]进行计算。
●运行脉冲频率f[2 Hz ]到运行速度NM[ r/min ]的换 ............................................... H-58 减速机
直线减速机........................................ H-66

有框架DDR电机的优势 • 不需要维护,准确度更高,带宽更大
• 多种尺寸和转矩,可以适应任何直接驱动旋转 (DDR) 应用
• 简化的高转矩密度永磁设计方案
• 运动速度更平滑,减少了噪音 • 动力传动没有背隙 • 无须使用联轴器、齿形带、心轴以及其它装配组件等传动
部件 • 没有齿轮箱,不需要润滑
Байду номын сангаас
无框电机包括分离的转子和定子组件,它们可以集成到被 驱动负载中,位于其轴承上,并成为负载的一部分。无框 电机是结构最紧凑,最轻的DDR解决方案。KBM系列是科 尔摩根最新的无框DDR产品。它采用了专有的钕铁硼磁体 转子结构以及斜电枢组件,具有出色的转矩/体积比。
• 印刷套准更精确 • 可以更精确地固定切割或进给长度 • 与其它机器轴的协调更精确 • 分度位置更准确 • 避免了背隙所导致的问题
更大的带宽 机械传动部件限制了机器的启动和停止速度,并限制了所需的整定时 间。这些因素影响了机器可能的吞吐量。
直接驱动技术消除了这些限制因素,可以实现更快地启动/停止操作,并 显著缩短了整定时间。这样可以增加机器的吞吐量。根据直接驱动系统 用户提供的数据,可以将吞吐量增加一倍。
科尔摩根 模块化直接驱动旋转电机选型指南 带 AKD 系列伺服驱动系统说明书

目录◆ 直接驱动电机概述 4◆ 模块化直接驱动旋转® (DDR) 电机 6◆ 冲床给料设备应用 9◆ 系统概述 10 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 性能数据 12 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 外形图 28 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 安装要求 36 C(H)04x, C(H)05x, C(H)06x, C(H)09x, C(H)13x◆ 模块化DDR ®的连接器引脚分配 38◆ 模块化DDR ®到AKD 系列电缆 39◆ 模块化DDR ®的型号命名 40◆ AKD 系列伺服驱动器 42 AKD ®2G 伺服驱动器 AKD ®伺服驱动器◆ AKD 系列伺服驱动器的型号命名 52◆ 科尔摩根解决方案 55 自动化和运动控制 自助工具科尔摩根模块化直接驱动旋转电机选型指南克服设计、采购和时间障碍科尔摩根深知:如果能帮助原始设备制造商的工程师清除各种障碍,就可以显著提高其工作效率。
我们拥有专业应用知识,可以根据全面的产品组合来修改标准产品或开发完全定制化的解决方案,从而为设计奠定良好的 基础。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
传统伺服系统的机械传动一般带有齿轮、齿轮头、皮带/皮带轮或 凸轮,它们连接在电机和负载之间。
如果采用直接驱动技术,则不需要机械传动,电机直接连接到负 载。
为什么要使用直接驱动技术? 提高精度和可重复度 一个“高精度”行星齿轮头的背隙可以达到1弧分。对于绝对稳定驱动电 机,这可能使负载移动1弧分。科尔摩根的标准直接驱动旋转(DDR)伺 服电机的重复误差小于1弧秒。因此,直接驱动电机的位置保持能力比传 统电机/齿轮头好60倍。 直接驱动技术提高了精度以后,可以使机器生产更高质量的产品:
显著降低噪音 如果采用机械分度器,噪音很大,两个人需要大声喊叫才能 听见对方。而如果采用有框架DDR,则几乎听不到它操作的 声音。
方便地更改轨迹 使用有框架DDR,很容易更改转位角度、速度、加速度以及 停歇时间等运动参数。机械分度器不支持灵活的运动轨迹。
提升价值 与其替代的机械分度器相比,有框架DDR价格非常有吸引 力。如果考虑上述其它优势,毫无疑问有框架DDR是更好的 选择。
Arc 弧 0
高Re6p0e倍atability 60 Times Better
带Con有ve机ntio械na传l Ro动tar的y 传 统STrear旋nvsom转wisits伺hioMn服echanical
可重复性更好 有框架DDR的重复误差小于1弧秒,比机械分度器要好很多。
性能不会随着时间而下降 直接驱动系统的性能、精度和可重复性不会像机械分度器那 样随着时间而下降。如果采用机械分度器,经过一段时间后 部件会磨损,使精度和可重复度下降。
迅速停止 如果相关过程出现错误,直接驱动系统会迅速停止。机械分 度器则需要几个周期才能停止,这样容易损坏加工部件和机 器。
齿G 轮电机 / 直角// i联机h
• 零维护 • 无齿轮箱润滑 • 无齿轮箱背隙 • 伺服性能更好 • 扁平外形 • 静音运行 • 空心轴
l /i li
大型立式轮 • 零维护 • 无传动皮带调节 / 更换 • 无传动皮带柔性 • 伺服性能更好 • 分度时间更快 • 简化的机械安装 • 静音运行 • 部件数目更少 • 空心轴
!!֎ခ࿘ۨႠ!! !!Ԩ ๎!! !!ঢ়
有有 框框 架架 DD DD RR 电电 机机
有框架直接驱动旋转 (DDR) 电 机
我们的有框架直接驱动旋转(DDR)系列电机提供了一种高性能的免 维护伺服解决方案。它们不仅直径大,长度短,而且采用了多磁极 设计,因而实现了极高的转矩密度。
• 提高了整个系统的性能 • 扁平式、紧凑型驱动解决方案 • 便于搭配/匹配的电机和驱动器(不需要序列号) • 在连续速度应用中,速度可以达到800 rpm
• 比可变磁阻电机的速度更快,转矩更大 • 对大惯量负载进行快速分度操作,峰值转矩可达990 lb-ft • 对重型负载进行分度操作,最高轴负载可达12,700 lbs • 可以操作负载偏心较大的电机,负载可达472 lb-ft • 采用大型穿通镗孔,可以在电机中心提供过程流体、
AKDTM 伺服驱动器
Co-Engineering 联合研发能力
而直接驱动技术则不需要采用这种定规方式。因为电机直 接与负载相连,所以电机在负载的惯量为公共惯量。因 此,在使用DDR的时候不需要进行惯量匹配。DDR应用的惯 量比大于11,000:1。
采用DDR电机的机器噪音非常低,只有20dB,低于采用机械 传动的相同机器。
科尔摩根拥有50年的电磁和机电设计经验,并为客户提 供高品质的产品和服务。我们在此基础上对DDR技术产品 进行细化和扩展,将其分成三类,以方便安装和使用, 并缩短供货时间:KBM无框DDR、有框架DDR以及模块化 DDR。这样就可以为您的应用选择合适的DDR产品。
• 印刷套准更精确 • 可以更精确地固定切割或进给长度 • 与其它机器轴的协调更精确 • 分度位置更准确 • 避免了背隙所导致的问题
更大的带宽 机械传动部件限制了机器的启动和停止速度,并限制了所需的整定时 间。这些因素影响了机器可能的吞吐量。
直接驱动技术消除了这些限制因素,可以实现更快地启动/停止操作,并 显著缩短了整定时间。这样可以增加机器的吞吐量。根据直接驱动系统 用户提供的数据,可以将吞吐量增加一倍。
• 降低成本。虽然直接驱动电机的价格可能略高于相同转 矩的电机/齿轮头,但是考虑到它不需要使用机械传统伺 服系统的很多部件,并节约了所有额外部件的工作量, 因而总体上仍然减少了成本。
带有机械传动的伺服系统需要进行惯量匹配,这限制了折 算后的负载惯量,使其不能超过电机惯量的五到十倍。如 果不满足此限制条件,则会因为不稳定性问题而导致系统 难以控制。因为机械传动系统有惯量匹配限制,所以机器 设计者经常需要使用比刚好满足惯量匹配要求的电机规格 更大的电机。
将有框架DDR系列电机与我们全面的即插即用以太网AKD™伺服驱动器 配合使用,可以优化机器性能,并提高机器的整体效率。DDR电机可 以用作灵活的分度器,提供可编程的快速分度功能,其吞吐量远远 超过了传统机械或可变磁阻技术分度器。它还可以用来代替机械传 动结构,比如齿轮箱、同步带以及齿轮与齿条减速器。
DDR电机的特点 • 四种机框尺寸 • 耐用的交叉滚子轴承 • 双轴承选件 • 符合IP67标准的选件 • 连续转矩范围:从5.8 Nm(4.3 lb-ft)到339 Nm(250
• 采用多极高效电磁设计,优化了转矩输出 • 集成了高分辨率正弦编码器 • 每转计数134,217,728,27位 • 反馈精度:+/-26弧秒 • 重复误差低于1弧秒
科尔摩根有框架 直接驱动旋转 (DDR) 电机
带AKDTM 伺服驱动器系统
在设计每一个解决方案之前, 都会深入了解原始设备制造商 所面临的困难。
随着市场需求的不断增加,原始设备制造商在每个周期中所面临的 压力越来越大。他们不仅要考虑时间限制,而且要提升产品性能, 甚至在制造当前产品之前就要考虑下一代机器的问题。期望值很 高,但是预算却要有节制。科尔摩根为客户提供新式运动解决方案 和全面的高品质产品,帮助工程师解决上述困难,同时生产出真正 有特色的机器。
对于直接驱动电机,只需要电机和安装螺栓即可。它们通 常可以取代很多部件,其中包括托架、防护装置、皮带、 皮带轮、张紧器、联轴器和螺栓,从而带来如下益处:
• BOM上的部件更少。需要购买、安排、库存和控制的部 件数量更少,要组装的部件也更少。
• 对于采用机械传动的伺服设备,组装需要几个小时,对 于DDR伺服,则只需要几分钟。
气动和电气通道 • 降低噪音,减少部件数量,降低拥有成本 • 机器结构更紧凑,缩短了设计时间
A应p用pl问ic题ation Problem
传动皮带 / 皮带轮 • 零维护 • 无传动皮带调节 / 更换 • 无传动皮带柔性 • 伺服性能更好 • 简化的机械安装 • 扁平外形 • 静音运行 • 部件数目更少 • 空心轴
以医疗制造机器为例,有框架DDR电机提高了这种机器的性 能。 如图所示,产品位于机器转台外侧的转动架上。115公斤的负 载轮惯量为20kg-m2。共有96个钢销,要移动的转位角度为3.5 度。 在不到100毫秒的时间即可完成运动。
有框架DDR的优势 直接驱动的优势 与以前采用机械分度器的设计方案相比,直接驱动方案在如 下方面更为出色: