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构2016 同等学力英语基础三


2016 同等学力英语基础三(1) :

一、Functions (根据句子的作用,我们常把句子分为以下四大功能)

1. 陈述句( Declarative Sentence ):陈述事实,表达观点

e.g. I did not sleep well last night.

He went to London to pass his holiday.

I like to play football. 我喜欢踢足球。

Guangzhou is located in the south of China. 广州位于中国的南部。

2. 疑问句( Interrogative Sentence ):对某一事实或观点提出疑问,或就交流中某一特定对象提出疑问。

⑴一般疑问句:通常用来询问一件事情是否属实。答句通常是“yes”或“ no”。

e.g. --Are you a student?

--Yes, I am. / No, I ' m not.

Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?

(2) 特殊疑问句:以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。

常见疑问词:when/ where/ why/ what/ who/ which/ how 特点为“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句” 。

e.g. What do you like? 你喜欢什么?

What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣?Who likes to drink coffee?


注意:How much+不可数名词,How many+可数名词,问时间长短用how long,问频率用

how often 。

e.g.How much water is there in the cup? 杯


How many students are there in the classroom? 教室里有多少学生?How long do you want

to stay at home?


How often do you go home? 你多久回家一次?I often go home every other week.


every other 每隔一个

every other month/week/day 每隔一月/周/天every two years 每隔两年

(3) 反义疑问句:又叫附加疑问句,是指当提问的人对前面


e.g. It is fine today, isn ' t it? 今天天

气很好,不是吗?It isn' t fine today,

is it? 今天天气不好,是吗?

(4) 选择疑问句:提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择。

e.g. Are you interested in coffee or tea? 你是对咖啡感兴趣还是对茶感兴趣?--- Which ice cream do

you like, chocolate, vanilla or strawberry? 你喜欢哪种冰淇淋,巧克力、香草还是草莓?

---I like chocolate ice cream. 我喜


3. 祈使句( Imperative Sentence ):主要是用来表达命令、建议、请求等意思的句子。

e.g. Stand up, please! 请起立!Be quiet, please! 请保持安静!Let' s have a break. 我们休息一下



e.g. God bless you! 上帝保佑你。

Long live Chairman Mao! 毛主席万岁!

May you succeed! 祝你成功!

4. 感叹句( Exclamatory Sentence )

what 感叹的对象是名词:

what + a(n) + (形容词) +单数名词+主语+动词!

或What +( 形容词)+ 复数名词+ 主语+ 动词!

how 感叹的对象是形容词:

How + 形容词或副词+主语+ 动词!

或How + 形容词+a(n)+ 单数名词+ 主语+ 动词!

e.g. What a nice day it is today! 今天是多么好的天气啊!

How nice a day it is today! 今天天气多么好啊!What a lovely girl she is! 她是个多么可爱的姑娘啊!

How lovely the girl is! 这个姑娘多么可爱啊!

How interesting the book is! 这本书多么有趣啊!

How fast the train runs! 火车跑得多么快啊!

How hard the workers are working! 工人们工作得多么努力啊!

2016 同等学力英语基础三(2) :

二、Structures (五大句子结构)

1. 简单句(Simple Sentenee):由一个(组)主语和一个动词(或一个动词短语)所组成,不含从属分句的独立分句。

e.g. I am a student. 我是个学生。I am from Shanghai. 我是上海人。He likes to drink coffee. 他喜

欢喝咖啡。Tom and Mary often play together. 汤姆和玛丽经常在一起玩耍。

2. 并列句(Compound Sentence)

(1) 用并列连词连接并列分句:and,but,or,for

e.g. I was going to write, but I lost your address. 我本来要写信的,可是把你的地址弄丢了。Study hard, and you will pass the exam. 努力学习,你就能通过考试。

(这里的and不能用then代替,因为then是副词,但可以改为"and then”

Tom likes football, but I hate it. 汤姆喜欢踢足球,但是我讨厌它。

(这里的but 不能用however, however 不能单独出现在逗号后接一个句子) Study hard, or you will fail the exam.


(2) 用分号连接并列分句

e.g. This book is very expensive; however, it ' s worth it. 这本书很贵;却很值。

3. 复合句(Complex Sentence) :主句+从句
