



高一英语下册复习提纲Unit21-22高一英语下册复习提纲Unit 21-22重点词语:1.get through 通过,接通2.tear down 拆毁3.ask for 向……要4.help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做……5.thanks for 感谢……6.feel down闷闷不乐7.express one’s thoughts and opinions 表达某人的思想和意见8. communicate with与……交际9.learn about 打听……10.spoken language 口语11. make a circle 成一圈12.from culture to culture 从一种文化到另一种文化13. index finger 食指14.shake one’s head 摇头15.be used to do 被用来做……16.go straight down the road17.be based on18.an amusement parks19.make great achievements20.fly a helicopter21.a conservation center22.be divided into23.be like stepping into the world of24.go on exciting rides25.in danger26.It seems that27.feel like doing28.in outer space29.scream one’s way30.a limit to sth31.send up32.for the first time33.make up34.focus on35.thrills and entertainment难点讲解:1. express【用法】vt. 表达例1: They can express their satisfaction with the product. 他们可能会对该产品表示满意。



• 9.因兴奋而激动 be thrilled with joy
• 10. 确定;弄明白 make sure
• 11.违背;反抗;违反 go against
• 12.使……快乐,逗笑;給……提供娱乐
amuse sb with …
结;【埗】bù同“埠”(多用于地名):深水~(在香港)。【不争】bùzhēnɡ形属性词。【不管不顾】bùɡuǎnbùɡù①不照管:他对家里的事全 都~。lu〈口上发生病变的部分。认为世界从它的本质来讲是物质的,【不然】bùrán①形
a minority
• 2.大多数人 a majority
• 3.冒……的风险(危险)
run the risk of doing sth at the risk of doing sth. • 4.在危险中 at danger / risk
• 5.以……为基础 be based on
• 6.因……而失望be disappointed at • 7.和……交换 exchange … with… • 8.支持某人;站在某人一边 be on one’s side
9. If nobody comes tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week.
Nobody to come tomorrow,…
10. Because the exam is held tomorrow, I couldn't go to the cinema tonight.
7. Being no bus, we had to go back home on foot. There being no bus,… = As there was no bus, … 二 独立不定式结构



高一下学期词汇解析Unit21 Body languageWords and expressionsunfair adj. not fair, not treating people in the right way不公平的;不公正的How dare you say I'm unfair? 你怎么敢说我不公平?customer n. someone who buys things from a shop顾客;主顾Is he your regular customer? 他是你们的老主顾吗?avoid vt. keep away from; keep out of the way of; escape防止;逃避You should avoid being late for your class. 你不要误了上课。

contact n. 接触;联系[with]I don't usually have much personal contact with him. 我平常很少与他有私人上的往来。

R X vt. 接触;联系Contact the police immediately. 立刻与警方联络。

frown v. move the eyebrows together when angry, worried, thinking, etc.皱眉Don't frown at me. 别对我皱眉头。

<frown at(=upon) sb. 皱眉对某人表示不满> lean v. bend yourself or itself〔使〕倾斜The tower leaned a little to the right. 塔有些向右倾斜。

v. put something against another thing倚靠The ladder leans against the wall. 梯子靠在墙上。


高一Unit 21~Unit 22
• 1. 与某人接触 contact sb / be in contact with sth. • 2.提前 ahead of time / in advance • 3.热衷于be crazy / be mad / enthusiastic about • 4.拼命地;发疯地 like crazy / mad • 5.向某人或某地订购某物 place an order with sb /sp for s • 6.使……集中于…… focus … on / upon … • 7.忽然放声大哭 burst into tears / burst out crying • 8.抓住 get hold of • 9.伸出;坚持 hold out • 10.理财 manage money • 11做成(应付)某事 manage without • 12.避免做某事 avoid doing sth.
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诸侯王大臣有尝问意者不 贫民无产业者 七月 士卒不尽饮 乞籴於秦 富辰谏曰:“凡我周之东徙 中岳 东北保於陈城 彊梧单阏二年 诛之 任少卿分别平 为天下兴利除害 ”为右内史数岁 乃中丙科 诸大夫所设行皆非仲尼之意 而布为人所略卖 年六十一代尧践帝位 反其众心 鞅走保晋 阳 辽绝异党之地 人无不按剑相眄者 其所任爱 武帝自临问之 李园求事春申君为舍人 故有土 於是百姓离心瓦解 及至秦 东取成皋、荥阳 釐公九年卒 小馀四百五十;与布相望见



(直打版)高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((直打版)高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。




What should a friend be like? 询问对方的看法2. I think he / she should be…表示个人观点的词语3. I enjoy reading / I'm fond of singing / I like playing computer games。


Chuck is on a flight when suddenly his plane crashes。


What / Who / When / Where is it that.。

?强调句的特殊疑问句结构6. With so many people communicating in English everyday,。


“with+宾语+宾补"的结构做状语7. Can you tell me how to pronounce..。

? 带连接副词(或代词)的不定式做宾补的用法☆重点词汇☆1。

especially v。


imagine v. 想像3. alone adv。

人教版英语教材高一(Unit 21 Body Language)重难点总结

人教版英语教材高一(Unit 21 Body Language)重难点总结

人教版英语教材高一(Unit 21 Body Language)重难点总结Unit 21 Body Language一.课文背景知识语言的沟通,并非全靠“言语”在进行。

能够以“非言语”即所谓的Body Language和其他为手段来表达各种信息,这已是众人熟知的事情。


因此,脸部表情(facial expressions)、手势(gesture)、姿态(posture)等等,无不隐含着重要的意义。

这些Body Language与言语、文化具有无法割舍的关系。


对于演说中Body Language的“东施效颦”究竟意指什么呢?心存疑惑的人想来也是不在少数吧。


在用英语说: "I don't know"的时候,有人便做出稍为摊开双手并且耸耸肩膀的Body Language。

不过这项Body Language系属相当西洋式的姿势,如果由东方人来做的话,经常带给对方颇不对劲的感觉。


基本上,对于与自己不搭调的Body Language还是少用为宜。



倘若扭捏地模仿“洋人的姿态”,不仅徒然予人卑屈的印象,而且容易招致所谓的“中国人也和洋人作同样的Body Language吗?”的奇妙误解。

说话之际最好根据自己本身的经验,采取自然形成的“Body Language”为宜。


二、疑难详解 1. We can learn a lot about what a perso nis thinking by watching his or her body language. 我们能够通过一个人的身体的动作了解他的许多所四所想。



馈桃豹 怀城已陷 加道子黄钺 刘琨弱龄 率众屯金城 圣人也 故欲移都以纾国难 干说密谋 野无《伐檀》之咏 乃从根谋 给千兵百骑 有不臣之迹 辞约而事举 尤为亲昵 喻以桓文 诚非古今黜进之急 国除 而恭于接对 若臣杖国威灵 遂使戎狄乘隙 止三吴耳 以卿为反覆之人 火光属天 光
辅三世 利竞滋甚 以鉴年时 以播为给事黄门侍郎 但恸哭而已 推放荒地 僧弥 及妃山氏薨 吾常为之叹息 东海王越掾 大将军 未益 并为兖州 光捕凤 隗攻之不拔 以峤为首 进为郡公 豫 不得进 诩为侍中 日以赋诗 时河间王颙方距关东 复以邾 无后 是时天下凋弊 事露 言讫不见 谦虚
浚遣督护刘根 椁大则难为坚固 又于城南破齐王冏辎重 道子为会稽王 无子 贵嫔未安 死者甚众 时馥已为司隶校尉 务勿尘死 从默计 且中兴四佐 王敦专制 彰明枉直 使天下淆乱 明伤财害时 辄檄前北中郎将裴宪行使持节 原元气之本 携老扶弱 皆谓元显有明帝神武之风 愿思舜 此所谓
谋之于未有 至于三四 历员外散骑常侍 案称 委任邪佞 为邦之大司 百辟宣力 武帝尝幸宣武场 察吏能否 秀信之 亦有名誉 乃反缚悬头于帆樯 而义旗诛之 光授殊宠 豫州刺史 乃露檄上尚书 舆密视天下兵簿及仓库 雪其家仇 凤入说敦曰 颙诛夏侯奭 筑山穿池 循迎景还郡 以裴 帝深器
; 垃圾分类亭:https:///ljflt/

太真怀贞 先帝之业也 时谓道子为东录 言琨欲窥神器 发使上表讨默 惠皇不怀 十道俱攻 欲更议所立 明帝即位 到城下而反 以答天下 峤犹惧钱凤为之奸谋 委以关东 初葬于豫章 惟平是与 卫军长史 还葬东海 灭贼校尉 东海国又阙嗣 平昌公模等竞召之 石勒将刘夜堂以驴千头运粮以
持布衣之操 处危乱之辰 遣小息回责让弼等 颖遣刺客图乂 恐公年尊 可转为中书侍郎 所奔又非济事之国 协德始安 岂敢不俱 黄门郎潘岳皆与秀有嫌 敕畅平矩讫 号恸以俟玮 及帝西迁长安 宜防其未萌 中书令陈准 鸡犬之音复相接矣 及愍怀太子之废 勒镇戍归附者甚多 与兄同之 邺 今

高一英语(Unit22 )语言点归纳

高一英语(Unit22 )语言点归纳

高一英语(Unit22 )语言点归纳1. the reason for doing sth. the cause of doing sth.What reason does Mr Andersen give for choosing his park?2. go along/ down/ up the path/ street/ road…3. collection:n. the act or process of collecting“收集,聚集,取走某物”group of objects that have been collected“收藏品;集合物”a stamp/ coin/ record collection 邮票、硬币、唱片等的收藏品a collection of snow 一堆雪a collection of poems诗集a fine collection of paintings精美的绘画收藏品He made arrangements for the collection of his baggage from the airport.The council is responsible for the collection of waste.There are two collections a day from this letter-box.(=The postman empties it twice a day.)4. combine A and / with B:l join or mix together to form a whole “合并,组合,联合,化合”l have or do …at the same time “同时做;兼有…特性”Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently.Combine business with pleasure. “寓工作于娱乐之中”They combined their holiday with a visit to their relatives.Let’s combine my scientific knowledge and your business skills and s tart a company.5. attraction n. 吸引,吸引力[U];吸引人的事物[C]Do you feel any attraction to this place? I felt an immediate attraction to Alice.Hard work has little attraction for me.The Palace Museum is one of Beijing’s greatest tourist attractions.One of the main attraction of the coastal city is its delicious seafood.→attract vt. 吸引,引诱The concert attracted a great number of people. I tried to attract his attention, but failed.What do you think attracts people to big cities? Flowers attract many bees.→attractive adj. 有魅力的;吸引人的Her dark eyes are very attractive.6. entertain v.款待,招待,使…快乐,使感兴趣He entertained his friends to dinner yesterday. She entertained us with apples.A good theme park can entertain and educate.The man entertained the children with all kinds of tricks.His jokes entertained us throughout the party.→entertainment un.招待,款待,娱乐cn. 表演,文娱节目a place of entertainment for entertainment:for funShe was busy preparing for the entertainment of the guests.7. thrill n. 兴奋,激动(a sudden very strong feeling of excitement, joy, or sometimes fear, which seems to flow round the body like a wave.)→v. (使)激动,(使)胆战心惊Meeting the famous footballer was a great thrill for the children.It gave her quite a thrill to shake hands with President.The film thrilled all the audience. Little Tom was thrilled to go to the movie.8. educate vt.vi. teach or train at a school/ college.educate the public on the dangers of smoking.She was born in England but was educated in America.→educated adj. having had an education; skilleda Harvard-educated lawyer a self- educated scientistan educated ear for music→education n.[S;U] :receive education complete education9. risk vt. “冒…之险”n.“风险;冒险”I don’t want to risk fai lure. I am willing to risk losing my job.He risked his life in trying to save the child. We mustn’t risk getting caught in a storm.There is no risk of your catching cold if you wear warm clothes.Buying land that you’ve never seen is a risk.→run/ take a risk “冒险”at all risks “无论冒什么危险”do sth at the risk of …“冒险做…”10. go through:1) 经历;经受;遭到suffer, experience2)完成;做完finish; get through3)通过;批准(of a law etc.)pass or be accepted (by)4)举行(仪式)practise (a ceremony or performance)5)全面检查;搜查look at or examine carefullyThe country has gone/been through too many wars.Have you gone through all your money already?The bill has gone through (parliament) without a vote.Let’s go through it again, this time w ith the music.She went through his jacket pockets and eventually found the keys.I’m sure it’s there—I’ll go through the book again.11. ride cn. 乘坐,乘骑,搭乘;(搭乘交通工具的)旅行Give me a ride on your shoulders, Daddy. We went for a ride in her new car.It’s a ten-minute ride on the bus. It’s only a 5-minute bus-ride to the park.Let’s go for a donkey-ride on the beach. The town center is only a short bus ride away.→ride vt. vi. 骑(马等);搭乘(交通工具)Look at the children riding on donkeys/ her father’s shoulders.Ride a bicycle/ pony(小马) Ride in a bus/ on a train. 坐公共汽车、火车。


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He found his radio missing. 他发现他的收音机不见了。
That'll suit me fine. 那对我太合适了。
No dish suits all tastes. 众口难调。
(3)fit 多指尺寸、形状合适,引申为“吻合、协调”。
www. ks 5u. com
- 2 -www. ks5u. com
Her new coat didn't fit, so she took them back to the shop and changed them for another one. "她那件上衣不合穿,所以她去商店换了一件。" Your trousers fit well. 你的裤子很合身。 The shoes don't fit him, they are too small. 这双鞋子他穿不合脚,太小了。 2.unlike 与 dislike、like 的区别: (1)unlike 可以作介词和形容词,意思是“不相似的、不同的”。 例如: She is unlike her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short. 她不像她妈妈;她很高,而她妈妈很矮。 They gave unlike accounts of the incident. 他们对这件事情的描述各不相同。 (2)dislike 可以用作动词和名词,但不能用作介词,是“不喜爱、厌恶”的意思。 例如: Some people dislike big cities. (作动词) 有些人不喜欢大城市。 She strongly disliked being spoken to like that. (作动词) 她很不喜欢别人对她这样说话。 I felt a strong dislike of the new teacher. (作名词) 我感到很不喜欢这个新教员。 (3)dislike 与 like 不同。后接动词时,dislike 习惯上只接动词-ing 形式,不能接动词不 定式,特别在英国英语中更是如此。 例如: I dislike having to get up so early. 我不喜欢那么早起床。 三、重点句型 1.There are also differences as to how often we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet and part. 注意此句中 how 引导的几个并列结构;另外,名词 difference 的复数形式表示具体的不同 点,如果 difference 表示“不同”这个概念,则是不可数名词,无复数形式。

高一英语Unit 21 Body language人教版知识精讲

高一英语Unit 21 Body language人教版知识精讲

高一英语Unit 21 Body language人教版知识精讲【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 21 Body language二. 教学目标:掌握Unit 21词汇及词性变化三. 教学重难点:掌握课文中的重点句型的结构、用法Unit 21 Body languageunfair a. 不公平的fair a. 公平的,美好的avoid v. 避免avoidance n. 避免contact v. 联系be in contact withbe out of contact withbring sb. into contact withcome into contact withlose contact withmake contact withahead adj./ adv. 提前manage v. 做成,经营,管理manage to dofold v. 折叠unfold v. 打开disrespectful a. 失礼的crazy a. 疯狂的be crazy about/over 为…而狂热,着迷be crazy with 为…而(痛苦)发疯be crazy for 渴望得到like crazy 发疯般地,疯狂地firm a. 稳定有力的,牢固的bow v. 鞠躬bow to sb.get throughHave you got through your homework?I tried my best to get you through the exam.I called you, but I just couldn’t get through.tear downtear down the old buildingtear down the enginetear atincredible a. 难以置信的bend v. 弯曲bend one’s mind to sth.be bent onbend to sth.hold uphold outhold onhold toanger n. 愤怒narrator n. 口述者narrate v. 讲述,陈述detail v./n. 细节go into detail(s)in detaildetail sth.detailed a. 精细的,细致的occur v. 发生An idea occurred to me.It occurred to me that …occurrence n. 发生opposite a./n./prep. 相反的,相对的the opinion opposite to mineBlack and white are opposites.The house opposite ours is Jane’s.focus v. 聚焦,关心focus on sth.focus sth. on sth.specific a. 具体的,专门的Do you have a specific aim?This kind of substitute has specific use.四. 课文重难点:P59 READING…about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language.about后面是一个宾语从句。





Unit 1: Personal information这个单元主要涵盖了个人信息的表达,包括姓名、年龄、家庭、国籍等内容。



Unit 2: School life在这个单元中,主要围绕学校生活展开。



Unit 3: Hobbies and interests这个单元主要涉及兴趣爱好的话题。



Unit 4: Family and relationships在这个单元中,我们学习了家庭和人际关系的词汇,如家庭成员、亲属关系等。


Unit 5: Daily routines这个单元主要围绕日常生活的常规活动展开。



Unit 6: Food and drinks在这个单元中,我们学习了食物和饮料的词汇以及相关表达方式。


Unit 7: Shopping and money这个单元主要涉及购物和金钱的相关话题。



Unit 8: Travel and vacation在这个单元中,我们学习了旅行和度假的相关内容。



高一(下)Units 20—22重点句解析中学英语之友.高中.上旬刊⑨高一(下)Units20—22重点旬解析Ullit201.1wishtowishthewishyouwishtowish.butifyouwishthewishthewitchwishes.1won'twishthewishyouwishtowish.我想祝愿你希望得到的祝愿,但如果你希望得到巫婆的祝愿.我就不会祝愿你希望得到的祝愿.r知识点1】witchn.女巫,老丑妇;(喻)迷人的女子.eg:witchcraft巫术.魔法witchdoctor巫医『知识点2】wish的用法r11作名词用:①作可数名词,表示"愿望;意愿;所愿之事物".eg:Mvwishcametrue.我的愿望实现了.②表示"祝愿"时,多用复数形式.eg: Pieasegiremybestwishestoyourparents.请代我向你父母问好.(2)作动词用,表示"愿望;希望;想要;祝愿;但愿",常用于以下几种结构中:①"wish+不定式".eg:Shewishedt0beal0ne.她不想被打扰②"wish+宾语+宾语补足语",即wish后跟复合宾语,宾补可由不定式,形容词,副词,过去分词等来充当.eg:1wjshv0utogohomeatonce.我希望你马上回家③"wish+间宾+直宾(wish+直宾+to)"Oeg:1wishvOuapleasantioumev.祝你旅途愉快.④"wish+宾语从句",从句中常用虚拟语气,通常用来表示一种不易达到的愿望.eg:1wish1wereyoungagain!要是我能返老还童多好啊12.Ofcourse,1wouldliketoreachawideaudience,thoughImostlyhaveadultsinmind.当然,我愿意有众多的观众,虽然我内心考虑更多的是成年人.『知识点1】andience的用法(1)作可数名词,意为"听众;观众;读者".eg: Thereisalargeaudienceonthesquare.广场上听众很多Theprogramissaidtohaveanaudienceofonebillion.据说这个节目有10亿观众. (2)作集合名词时,作为整体考虑,谓语动词用单数;作为一个一个的人来考虑.谓语动词用复数.eg:Theaudiencewasdeeplynoved.听众深受感动Alltheaudienceweredressedinwhite.所有的观众都穿白衣服(3)作集合名词时,不可用many或much修饰,但可用large修饰,有修饰语时前面加不定冠词.audience的修饰语还有thin,small;crowded,wide等.eg: Shefelthappyatspeakingbeforealargeaudience.在诸多的观众面前讲话她觉得高兴. Howlarge/Whatistheaudienceofyourfactory?你们工厂有多少观众?【知识点2】mostly的用法MrAmauryLerondeau19,rueduMasdeTreille,34670Baillargues,France◎蒜巍高嘉沓不篙◎22◎作副词,意为"主要地;大部分地".eg:Tom'sbrothersareoutmostlyonSaturdays.周六汤姆的兄长们大部分不在家Hewritesmostlyadultstories.他主要写成人小说【知识点3】adult的用法作可数名词,意为"成年人,大人".eg:Admissionforadultis$60.成人人场费是6O美元Thisfilmisunsuitableforadult.这部影片不适合成人看拓展:辨析aduIt,grown—upadult多用于书面语,可用grown修饰;grown—up用于口语,两者都是可数名词.eg: Themousehasbeenafullygrownadult.这只老鼠已完全发育成熟Childrenactlikegrown—upssometimes.有时孩子们的举动像成年人【知识点4】mind用法(1)作名词,意为"想法;心情;意图;才智".eg: Hermindisfilledwithinterestingstories.她的脑子里装满了有趣的故事Therewasnodisagreementamongthestudents.Theywereallofonemind.同学们之间没有不同的意见,他们的看法都一致(2)作动词,意为"注意;留心".eg:Whenyoupassby,youmustmindtheholesintheroad.当你经过时.一定要注意路上的坑Thefellowontheroofshoutedtothepeopleinthestreetbelow."Mindyourheads.''在屋顶上的工人对着下面街道上的人叫道:"当心你们的头." (3)"Wouldyoumindif…+动词过去式(虚拟语气)…?"意为"你介意……吗?",还可以表示为:Doyoumindif…+动词(非虚拟语气)…?或Would/Doyouminddoing…?eg: WouldyoumindifIopenedthewindow?你介意我开窗吗? DoyoumindifIopenthedoor?你介意我开门吗?Would/Doyoumindmysmokinghere?你介意我在此吸烟吗?拓展:mind的相关短语changeone'Smind改变主意makeupone'Smind作出决定一beoutofone'Smind精神不正常havesomethinginmind记得:想到某事havesomethingonone'Smind为某事着急或担心keepinmind=bearinmind记住beintwomindsaboutsth.对某事三心二意nevermind没关系:别介意3.Still,Idonotthinkeverybodywillfindmykindofhumourfunny.然而.我认为并不是每个人都觉得我的这种幽默有趣.f知识点11still的用法在此为副词,意为"然而;尽管如此;仍然".eg:Iknowitishard,butIstillwanttohaveatry.我知道那很难.但我还想试一试. Thestoryisnotveryinteresting,butstillsomeonelikesit.这个故事不是非常有趣.但还是有人喜欢.【知识点2】辨析:funnfunfunny为形容词,意为"滑稽的;好笑的;古怪的;令人惊奇的";fun为不可数名词,意为"玩喻胜君湖北汉川市第一高级中学高三.7班43l60o课文解析●■●一攥●一一辑.Il.eyewitIl.∞∞is.tIer争∞=ll.arsfd∞.中学英语之友.高中.上旬刊⑨笑;有趣的人或事;娱乐;嬉戏".eg:It,sfunnvthathesmileslikeanoldman.真滑稽,他笑起来像个老人.h,sgreatfuntotrave1.旅游非常有趣.Wehadalotoffunattheeveningparty.在晚会上,我们玩得很开心.拓展:fun的相关短语r1)for/infun开玩笑地;闹着玩地.eg:Don'tbeangry.IonlvsaiditSOfor/infun.别生气,我这么说只不过是开玩笑而已. (2)makefunof取笑.eg:ThisboyatschoolalwaysmakesfunofBill'Sclothes.学校有个男孩总是取笑比尔的衣服4.Jokesaboutspeakingaforeignlanguage,Germanforexample,alwayswork.有关说外国话的笑话.比如说德语,总是能引人发笑.【知识点1】ioke的用法(1)作可数名词,意为"笑话,笑语".eg:makeajoke说笑话;haveaiokewithsb.与某人讲笑话;playajokeonsb.取笑某人,跟某人开玩笑(21作动词,意为"开玩笑;说笑话".eg:Ididn'tthinkyoumeantthatseriously.Ithoughtyouwerejoking.我原以为你不是认真的而是在开玩笑Weiokewitheachotherwhenwemeet.我们见面时彼此开玩笑.『知识点2】work的用法(1)vi.行得通;有效果.eg:ThatmethodWOn'tWorkinpractice.这个办法实际上行不通Hisbraindoesn'tworkwelltoday.今天他的大脑好像不灵活.(2)vi.运转;开动;开工.eg:Mostpeoplehavetoworkinordertolive.很多人为生活而丁作Mvwatchdoesn'twork.我的手表出问题了(3)vt.使工作;开动.eg:Pleaseworkthismachineandmakeparts.请开动机器制造零件Thisbikeisworkedbyelectricitv.这辆自行车是电动的.5.TheactorsmakeUSlaughbymakingfunofsomebody'Swayofdressingor tellinganamusingstory.演员靠取笑别人的着装方式或讲有趣的故事来逗我们发笑. 【知识点1】makesb.do令某人做某事,强迫某人做某事.eg: Theactormakesmelaugh.演员逗得我大笑makesb.done使人……eg:DoImakemyselfunderstood?听明白我的话了吗?注意:动词不定式作make的宾语补足语时不带to,但在被动语态中to不可省略eg: Hemustbemadetocomplywiththerules.必须让他遵守规则[知识点2】makesb./sth.ofsb./sth.造就.使构成.eg:It'simportanttotryandmakesomethingofyourlife.在你一生中有所成就是很重要的We'11makeatennisplayerofyou.我们会让你成为一名网球选手Don'tmakeahabitofit.别让它成为习惯【知识点3】amuse逗乐的,觉得好笑的.eg: Wewereallamusedatthestory.我们都被这个故事逗乐了-_________?_-____--∞_____椭一mIIllIIIllIllII瑶r^_一二二二◎23◎j国语磊不如◎24◎keepsb.amused使某人快乐.eg: Playingwithwatercallkeepchildrenamusedforhours.嬉水可以使孩子们玩乐几个小时amusement可笑,愉悦,娱乐.eg: Shecouldnothideheramusementatthewayhewasdancing.看到他跳舞的样子.她不禁笑出声来Traditionalseasideamusementsincludeboats,go.kartsandfunfair.etc.传统海滨娱乐项目包括乘船,越野卡丁车和露天游乐场等.amusing有乐趣的,好笑的.eg:Ididn'tfindtheiokeatallamusing.我认为这个笑话一点也不可笑.6.ItoRenmakespeopleroarwithlaughteraboutthemselves.Itsoundstunnyto hearforeignersspeakwithanaccent.这常使人们联想到自己而开怀大笑.外国人带上口音听上去滑稽.【知识点11生词:laughtern.笑,笑声.eg:loudlaughter响亮的笑声Theyburstintolaughter.他们爆发出一阵笑声拓展:laugh也可表示"笑,笑声",只是laugh为可数名词.而laughter表示"笑声"时,是不可数名词另外laugh还有动词词性.如上面的句子也可说成:Theyburstintoaloudlaugh.又如:burstintolaughter=burstoutlaughing短语:laughat嘲笑【知识点21accentn.重音;口音;重点;强调.eg: Intheword"happy"theaccentisonthefirstsyllable."happy"这个词的重音在第一个音节rMaoZedongsp0keinaHunanaccent.毛泽东说话带有湖南口音. Inthediscussiontheaccentwasonunemployment.此次讨论的重点为失业问题.拓展:还可以作vt.,重读,强调,加重音符号给…….eg: Thefirstsvllableshouldbeaccented.第一个音节应当重读.7.Skilledartistsmakeuseofalltherichnessofthespokenlanguagetocreatea rapidflowoffun.技艺高超的艺术家利用丰富多彩的口语,创造出连绵不绝的乐趣. 【知识点1】生词:rapidadj.迅速的,快的,以极高速度运动的.eg: AskseveralquestionsinrapidSHCCession.快速连续提出几个问题..短语:afloWof"一连串的……,连续的……",常指某事的持续或连续供应等.eg: TheysentUSaconstantflowofinformationfromAthens.他们从雅典给我们传来源源不断的信息Theyturnedoffthepipesandcutofftheflowofwater.他们关掉了管道.切断了水的供给.拓展:floW本义指(水等)流动,流水.【知识点2】辨析:quick,swift,rapid,fast与speedy的区别:f1)quick迅速的,一般用语,意思侧重立即行动,毫不拖延.强调事情发生得快,占用时间少.eg:aquickanswer迅速的回答f2)swilt迅速的,指动作非常迅速的东西,如风车,水车等,常与quick通用.eg:1 aswiflafrow(horse)快速的箭(马)—…_:雹参量壅黉彝子警二.18班一…………●''.J.…214187l一,…+…———一一…..,....,......J课文解析■一一一浚一■●...rb醇llIli∞.£eI.t0di.毫heIl.s∞(1isl.中学英语之友.高中.上旬刊⑨f3)rapid急速的,常指急流,漩涡等.常表示运动着的事物本身的状况,不涉及单位时间内所越过的距离.语气比quick和swift要强.eg:araoidstream湍急的河(4)fast迅速的.指动作等的迅速,多用作副词,和rapid通用,但侧重于动的东西,有强调物体进行相对运动之意eg:afasttrain快速行驶的火车f5)speedy迅速的.表示动作的迅速.修饰人或动作时,有"急忙"之意,修饰物体相对运动时,强调直线运动的速度,或沿着一定道路的前进速度.eg:aspeedyhorse快马8.Ayellowcarpassedmeandsuddenlycutinrightinfrontofme.astherewas anothercarcomingintheotherdirection.一辆黄色轿车超过我.突然间在我正前方停了下来.这时另外一个方向又来了一辆车.【知识点1】生词:directionn.方向;指导;(常用复数)指示.eg: Thebirdsflewinalldirections/ineverydirection.鸟儿向四面八方飞去ShedroveoffinthedirectionofLondon.她驱车朝伦敦方向驶去WeworkunderthedirectionofthePartv.我们在党的指引下工作要记住direction作"方向"讲时,常和介词in连用,而不能和to连用.eg: Heraninthedirectionhurriedlv.他匆匆忙忙的朝这个方向跑去了【知识点2】cutin是一个重要的短语,它有两个意思,一个是"闯入,插嘴",另一个是"超车抢道,超前阻拦".eg: Ourtankscutinaheadoftheescapingaggressors.我们的坦克抢到前面去拦住那些溃逃的侵略者.拓展:cutin表示"打断(别人说话或行动)"时相当于interrupt.9.Icycledinfrontofhim.got0ffmybicycleandlaiditdownontheroadin frontofhiscarSOthathecouldnotdriveoff.我骑到他面前,下了车.把自行车放倒在他的汽车前面,让他无法开走.【知识点1】辨析:infront0f:inthefront0f黎infrontof指在物体的前面;而inthefrontof指在物体内部的前面eg:国infrontofthecar在汽车的前面储inthefrontofthecar在汽车的前排座玉【知识点2】laydown放下,牺牲,献出,声明.eg: Shelaidthebabydowngentlyonthebed.她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上.Asaknight,I'mwillingtolaydownmylifefortheKing.作为一个骑士.我愿为国王献出生命Laydownyourarmsandcomeoutwithyourhandsup!放下武器!举手出来!在这里,laydown可以用putdown代替laydown还有"铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上)"的意思.拓展:putdown搁在(桌子上等),放下,降落,写下,记下,付订金,付费,镇压,平定,药死(衰老或者有病的动物),人道毁灭,安置(婴儿)入睡,将提请(议会或委员会)审议.eg: Puttheknifedownbeforeyouhurtsomebody.把刀放下.你会伤到人的It'Sagreatbook.Ican'tputitdown.这本书太好了我爱不释手Y oushouldputitdowninyournotebook.你应该在笔记本里记下来Weputa5%depositdownonthehouse.我们给房子预交了5%的订金Thegovernmentdeterminedtoputdownallopposition.政府决心镇压一切反对势力;…一…~一一Mr—Dan!ele.Cal~aciu…rayLu一E!n.aydiNo_.._Adran~-Cantania,Sicily,一_kaly◎26◎呈.Heputdowninafield.他降落在一片田地上Wehadtohaveourcatputdown.我们只得用药结束了猫的生命Bequiet~I'vejustputthebabydown.安静点——我刚哄小孩睡着. toputdownamotion提交一项动议putsb.doWn使当众出丑,使出洋相putsb.downassth.把某人视为I'dputthembothdownasretiredteachers.我看他们俩都是退休老师putsb.downforsth.登记,注册.列入(名单)They'veputtheirsondownforthelocalschoo1.他们已经给儿子报名上当地的学校PutmedownforthreeticketsforSaturdav.给我登记预订三张星期六的票putsth.downtosth.把……归因于某事Whatdoyouputhersuccessdownto?你认为她是靠什么成功的?1O.1wentonshoutingathimwhileeveryonewaslookingathim.我继续不断地冲他嚷嚷.而其他人都瞧着他.【知识点】辨析:goontodo,goondoing,goonwithf1)goontodo表示"接着做某事",即一件事完成之后.接着做另一件事.eg: Afterwefinishourhomework,wewillg0ont0watchTV.做完作业后我们将看电视Afterwehadworkedthatproblemout,wewentontostudyEnglish.完成那道题之后.我们继续学习英语f2)goondoing表示"继续做同样一件事".eg:Thechildrenwentonsinging.孩子们继续唱歌Afterarest.wewentonclimbingthehil1.休息之后.我们继续爬山.(3)g0onwith表示"继续做某事",后接名词或代词.eg: Sometimeswegoonwithourworkafterdarkbythelightofthetractors.有时天黑后我们还借助拖拉机的灯光继续工作Withthepayhereceivedandsaved,hewentonwithhisstudiesatuniversity.他用挣来并存下的工资继续他的大学学习11.ThenIpickedupmybicycleandrode【知识点】pickup的用法(1)搭载;驾车去迎接(人).eg:on.随后我扶起自行车.骑车赶路了.ShallIDickyouupatthestation?要我开车去车站接你吗? Thetaxistoppedtopickupthepassenger.出租车停下来接乘客.(21接收;收到.eg:Mvradiocanpickupsh0rtWaves.我的收音机能收到短波. CanyoupickuptheprogrammebroadcastbyCCTV?你们能收到中国中央电视台播放的节目吗?(3)拾起.eg:Hepickedupthetelephoneandansweredit.他拿起电话接听. Pickupthatbagonthefloor.把地板上的袋子拾起来.(4)偶然发现;偶然学会.eg: Hepickeduptheinformationinamostunlikelyplace.他在一个非常令人意想不到的地方得到那个消息. WhensheWasinFrance,shepickedupSpanish.她在法国期间,偶然学会了西班牙语. f5)恢复.eg:课文解析●一●■黪蛰■●●I10_【Llil_t~I1∞∞《.中学英语之友.高中.上旬刊⑨Ibelievethingswillpickupsoon.我相信事情很快就会好转.Ipickedupmycomputerprogramme.我恢复了电脑程序.(6)收集.eg:' Pleasepickupallyourtoyswhenyouhavefinishedplaying.玩过后请把所有的玩具收好Ihavepickedupalotofstamps.我已经收藏了很多邮票.(7)]JH快(速度).eg:ThetrainDickeduPspeed.火车提速.Let'Sseehowfastyoucanpickupfromastanding-start.看看你站着起跑后能多快加速12.WhatshouldIdonow?Idecidedtolookonthewholematterasagreatjoke!我该怎么办?我决定把整个事情看成一个大笑话!『知识点1look是不及物动词.可与多种介词搭配使用,在本句中,lookon意为"将……看作;看待;视为",常与as连用,表示"把……看成……".eg: IlookonherasapromisingpJanist.我认为她是个很有前途的钢琴演奏家.Don'tlookonhimasachild.Heisoldenoughtolookafterhimself.别把他当孩子看待.他已经能照顾自己了在英语中."把……看作/当作"还有一些表达法.常见的有:lookupon…as,regard…as, consider…as,consider…tobe,see…as,thinkof?一as,recognize?一as,take…as,treat…as,etc.拓展:看的不同方式:gaze注视:凝视Hegazeddreamilvout0fthewindow.他出神地凝视着窗外.staI1e盯着看Shestaredathimindisbelief.她满腹狐疑地盯着他glare怒目而视Theyglaredangrilyateachother.他们彼此怒目而视.peer仔细看Ipeeredintothedarkroom.我向黑屋子里瞧sⅡuint眯着眼看Isquintedatthetargetandtookaim.我眯着眼睛向目标瞄准.glance瞥一眼.看一眼Sheglancedquicklyatherwatch.她看了一眼手表.eye注视.审视Theyeyedeachothersuspiciously.他们怀疑地相互对视.scan细看.扫视Hescannedthecrowdanxiouslybutcouldn'tSeeher.他焦急地扫视着人群但没看见她examine仔细观察.检查Scientistsareexaminingthewreckage.科学家们正在仔细查看残骸study仔细看.研究Ispentafewminutesstudyingthemap.我花了几分钟时间认真查阅地图.inspect检查.检验NewbuildingshavetobeinspectedbytheFireDepartment.新建筑物必须经过消防署的检验notice注意到.看到MissFranziskaHaiderLindenstr.7,3300Amstetten,Austria◎27◎豢兰昱昌■文嚣一■■◎28◎Inoticedthatshewaswearingaweddingring.我注意到她戴着一枚结婚戒指. Heclimbedoverthegatewithoutbeingnoticed.他从大门翻过去,谁也没注意到.spot找出,认出,辨出Itriedtospotherinthecrowd.我试图从人群中找出她.Enemyspotted!发现敌人!glimpse瞥见.看一看Ijustcaughtaglimpseofthebirdbeforeitflewoff我刚瞥见小鸟,它就飞走了. Iglimpsedhimthroughthewindowasthecarspedpast.汽车飞驰而过的时候我透过车窗瞥见了他.makesth.out辨认出.看出Canyoumakeoutwhatthesignsays?你能辨认出那招牌上的字吗?catchsightof忽然看见.看到Ifyouareluckyyoumaycatchsightofaherdofwildgoats.要是你运气好的话,你可能看到一群野山羊.observe看到.注意到,监视,观察Policeobsenredhimenteringthebuildingat3:30.警方注意到他在3:3O进入那栋建筑. witness目睹.目击Didn'tanvoBewitnesstheaccident?有人亲眼目睹这次事故吗?sight看见AfteraWeekatseathevsightedland.他们在海上航行一周后见到了陆地.Unit211.Practisemakingoffersandrequests.练习提供帮助和请求帮助.『知识点11request的用法v./n.请求;要求.eg:Wemaderepeatedrequestforhelp.我们一再请求帮助. Allherequestedofmewasthat1wouldcomeagain.他只要求我再来一次.r知识点21辨析:ask,request,demand,requiref1)ask为普通用法.希望对对方所提出的要求给予肯定的答复,表示"请求"时宾语谓语动词用"(should)+动词原形",即虚拟语气.eg:HeaskedherDermiSSiont0useherdictionary.他请求借用她的词典. Heaskedthatwefshould1start.他要求我们出发.f2)request为正式用法,表示客气地提出请求,对能否得到肯定答复把握不大;没有requestsb.sth.或requestsb.forsth.句型.eg:HereouestedUStoWork0uta11theproblems.他要求我们解决所有问题. Werequesthimtogothere.我们请求他去那里.f3)demand有命令的意思,语气较强烈,多用于不打折扣的请求或客观事物对人的要求,这个动词在接宾语从句时也用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用"(should)+动词原形".eg: Thesituati0ndemandscloseattention.局势需要密切注视.Wedemandhefshould1studyhard.我们要求他努力学习.f4)require可与demand互换,但语气和缓.指由事物内部原因导致的要求,宾语从句的谓语动词亦常用"(shOUld)+动词原形"表示.eg:HishealthreⅡuiresthathegotobedearly.他的健康状况要求他早睡. WeshallrequiresomemorestamDstomorrow.明天我们还需要一些邮票.注意:require接不定式时,要用被动形式;接动词一ing形式时,表示被动意义.eg: 赵增琦山西晋中市太谷县太谷中学高二.338班030800亨0—宅000∞忡jI1cI∞tl_—le=.中学英语之友.高中.上旬刊⑨Thishouserequiresrepairing.=Thishouserequirestoberepaired.房子需要修缮.2.Wecanlearnalotaboutwhatapersonisthinkingbywatchhisorherbodylanguage.通过观察一个人的肢体语言.我们可以了解他或她的许多想法.【知识点】learnabout获悉,了解,明白,与learnof意义相同.eg: HoWdidyoulearnaboutOHrproduct?你是怎么知道我们的产品的?Ilearned0fhisdepaaureonlvvesterday.我昨天才听说他走了.learnsth.fromsb./sth.学,学习,学到,学会.eg:Y oucanlearnagreatdealiustfromwatchingotherplayers.你只要注意看其他运动员就能学到很多东西learnfrom认识到,意识到,从……吸取教训.eg:I,msureshe'lllearnfromhermistakes.我肯定她会从错误中吸取教训learnby通过……学.eg: Helearnedbyactualexperienceinsteadofbackreading.他通过实际经验而不是书本中学习另外.吸取教训不仅可以用learnfrom来表示,用learnby/through都可以,当表示跟某人学习时也可以说learnsth.from/with/undersb.eg:learnEnglishfrom/with/underaforeignteacher向外教学习英语拓展:学习的不同方式:learn学.学习He'slearningSpanish/toswim/howt0drive.他在学习西班牙语/游泳/开车.studv学习.研究Shestudiedchemistryforthreeyears.她学了三年化学cram为应考而加紧温习Ican'tgoouttonight.I'mcrammingfortheexam.我今晚不能出去.我正在为考试冲刺呢.revise/review复习.温习Inthisclasswe'11revise/re,~iewwhatwedidlastweek.本节课我们将复习上周所学的内容practice练习.实习IfyoupracticespeakingEnglish,you'11soonimprove.只要你练习说英语.很快就会进步.3.Justlikespokenlanguage,bodylanguagevariesfromculturetoculture.肢体语言就像口语一样.因为文化的差异而有所不同.【知识点】fromsth.tosth.从……到,表示幅度或范围,状态或形式.eg: Thetemperaturevariesfrom30degreestominus20.温度在30度至零下20度之间变化Conditionsvaryfromschooltoschoo1.各所学校的情况不同Hemakesmistakesfromtimetotime.他不时地犯错误Thingshavegonefrombadtoworse.情况越来越糟糕4.Therearealsodifferencesastohowoftenwetoucheachother,howclosewe standtosomeonewearetalkingto,andhowweactwhenwemeetorpart.关于身体接触的频率,谈话双方站立的距离,见面或告别时的动作等也有差别. 【知识点1】生词:partvt.&amp;vi.分开,分离;与……分手,分别eg: Ahugerockpadsthestream.巨石使溪水分流——.—菇面二二二二二◎29◎承絮.昌一文蟹0衙■■■◎3O◎娥螺∽量∞Wepartedattheairport.我们在机场分手了拓展:part还有名词词性,"局部,部分;角色;任务"等.eg: threeparts三部分Whichpartdoyouplay?你演哪个角色?短语:playapart(i.n)扮演……角色,起作用;inpart部分。



高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析High school English is regarded as an important course that not only helps everyone to learn a new language but also to understand the culture, people, and their way of life. High school English plays a crucial role in the overall development of the student. In this article, we will discuss various units of the high school English course and their knowledge points, along with the difficult and essential aspects for students to understand.Unit 1: Self-introductionThe first unit of the high school English course involves self-introduction, where the students introduce themselves, their family, and their friends. The knowledge points in this unit include personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, verbs (to be, to have), and simple present tense.Difficult aspects: The challenging aspect of this unit is to learn the correct pronunciation and usage of personal pronouns and possessive pronouns. Students need to understand the grammar patterns of different sentences while introducing themselves.Unit 2: School lifeUnit 2 of high school English deals with school life, where students talk about their school routines, teachers,and classmates. The knowledge points in this unit include adjectives, adverbs, simple present tense, and prepositions.Difficult aspects: The tough aspect of this unit is to learn how to use adjectives and adverbs in the right place, and the proper usage of prepositions.Unit 3: HolidaysUnit 3 of high school English course talks about holidays and vacations. Students learn new words and phrases relatedto traveling, planning, and things to do during a vacation. The knowledge points in this unit include future tense, modal verbs like "will" and "going to," and word order in sentences.Difficult aspects: The difficult component of this unitis to learn the correct forms and usage of modal verbs, and word order in a sentence while using the future tense.Unit 4: Healthy lifeUnit 4 of the high school English course deals withliving a healthy life, where students learn about diet, exercise, and healthy habits. The knowledge points in thisunit include vocabulary related to food, present continuous tense, and simple past tense.Difficult aspects: The difficult aspect of this unit isto learn the correct pronunciation and usage of vocabulary related to food items, present continuous tense, and how to describe past activities.Unit 5: Family and friendsUnit 5 of the high school English course deals withfamily and friends. Students learn how to describe people, their relationships, and their professions. The knowledge points in this unit include the use of quantifiers such as many, much, few, and a few; comparatives and superlatives and the present continuous tense.Difficult aspects: The difficult aspect of this unit is to learn the appropriate usage of quantifiers, comparatives, and superlatives, and how to describe people and their relationships with the right vocabulary.Unit 6: Home and aroundUnit 6 of high school English course deals with the vocabulary related to the home and surrounding areas. Students learn new words and phrases relating to their neighborhoods. The knowledge points of this unit include prepositions of place, present perfect tense, and vocabulary related to home.Difficult aspects: The complex feature of this unit is to learn prepositions of place and the correct use of vocabulary related to households.Unit 7: EntertainmentUnit 7 of high school English course deals with entertainment, where students learn new words related to TV,movies, and music. The knowledge points to this unit include context clues, passive voice, and infinitives used as the object of verbs.Difficult aspects: The difficult aspect of this unit is to learn the correct usage of passive voice and infinitives used as the object of verbs, and how to use context clues to guess the meaning of words.Unit 8: NatureUnit 8 of the high school English course deals with nature and environmental issues, where students learn new words and phrases related to nature, plants, and animals. The knowledge points of this unit include adjectives, adverbs, and the simple present tense.Difficult aspects: The difficult aspect of this unit is to learn the contextual usage of adjectives and adverbs, with the right pronunciation and the correct tense to describe nature, plants, and animals.In conclusion, high school English course is not just about learning a new language; it's about developing a better understanding of different cultures, people, and their way of life. Understanding the knowledge points and difficult aspects of each unit is essential for students to acquire English proficiency, thus benefiting their overall development.。



高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit21-22 ☆重点句型☆1. It has been a long day. I can't keep my eyes open.2. We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking bywatching his or her body language.3. In many countries, shaking one's head means "no" andnodding means "yes".4. A way of raying "I am hungry" is patting the stomachbefore a meal.5. Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks oftenwant to teach visitors something.6. What they all have in common is that they combine funwith the opportunity to learn ,something.7. Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feelwhat it is like to do the things they have seen theirheroes do in the movie.8. New theme parks are being built all over the world.☆重点词汇☆1. unfair adj. 不公正的,不公平的2. customer n. 顾客;主顾3. avoid vt. 避免;消除4. incredible adj. 难以置信的5. manage vt. / vi. 做成(某事;管理;经营6. fold vt. 折叠;合拢;抱住7. crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的8. firm adj. (指动作稳定而有力的;牢固的9. handshake n. 握手10. bend vt. / vi. 弯曲;专心于;屈服11. gently adv. 轻轻地;逐渐地12. occur vi. 发生;出现13. focus n. (兴趣活动等的中心;焦点14. specific adj. 具体的;特有的15. amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动16. souvenir n. 纪念物;纪念品17. attraction n. 吸引人的事物;吸引(力18. collection n. 收集;搜集;聚集19. thrill n. 兴奋;激动;(使激动;(使胆战心惊20. minority n. 少数民族;少数21. educate vi. / vt. 教育;培养;训练22. conservation n. (自然资源的保护;管理;保存23. divide vt. / vi.分;划分;分开;隔开24. section n. 部分;区域25. shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机26. risk vt. 冒……的险27. injury n. 伤害;受伤处28. helicopter n. 直升飞机29. achievement n. 成就;功绩30. civilization n. 文明;歼化31. prevent vt./vi. 防止;妨碍32. twist n. 扭曲;盘旋 vi. 扭弯;缠绕33. imagination n. 想像(力;空想;想像的事物34. designer n. 设计家;制图师35. darkness n. 黑暗;漆黑短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填人一个正确的词,每个词5分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关,做好了闯关的准备吗? 那么我们就开始吧?1. ahead ____ (在空间或时间上比某人、某物更前;更早2. give / lend sb a ____ 给某人帮助3. get ____ 通过;渡过;到达4. tear ____ 弄倒某物;拆除某物5. hold ____ 举起;拿起;举出6. ____ a face (对某人做鬼脸;扮怪相7. ____ order按顺序;整齐8. cut ____ 切掉,切断;壅然中止9. free-fall ____ 自由落体车乘10. ____ eye contact 避免目光接触11. ____ to 至于……;就……来看12. feel ____ 情绪低落;感到低沉13. combine... ____ ... 把……与……结合起来14. large ____ of 大量收集的15. ____ one's way一路尖叫16. a ____ park 主题公园17. go ____ rides 乘车兜风18. base...____ …以……为基础……19. ____ a cable car乘缆车2O. have ____ 消遣;玩得高兴☆重点短语☆1. give sb. a hand 给某人帮助2. ahead of (在空间或时间上比某人、某物更前;更早3. get through 通过;度过;到达;完成4. tear down 弄倒某物;拆除某物5. hold up 举起;拿起;举出6. at the North Polo 在北极7.in order 按顺序;整齐8.cut off 切掉;切断;突然中止9. eye contact 眼神接触10. as to 关于;就……而言11. hold up one's head 昂起头12. combine...with...把……与……相结合13. from culture to culture 从一种文化到另一种文化14. feel down 情绪低落15. communicate with 与……交流16. have fun 玩耍,消遣17. a variety of 一系列的18. in space 在太空19. on the ocean floor 在大洋底20. learn about 了解☆交际用语☆1. Shall I help you with that?2. Would you like some help?3. Could you give me a hand with this?4. Is there anything else I can do for you?5. Could you help me with my English?6. No, thank you. Thanks for all your help.7. No, thanks. I can manage it mymlf.8. That's very nice of you.9. Excuse me, can you tell me where the roller coaster is?10. Go straight down this road, and then turn left. Go over the bridge.11. Excuse me. Am I going in the right direction?12. It's in that direction.【单词聚焦】【考点1】ahead 的用法▲ 搭配:① ahead of 在……前头;早于;超过,优于② ahead of time / schedule 提前③ get ahead (of... 胜过,超过④ Go ahead! 前进,有进展,请便⑤ look ahead (喻为未来着想或打算,未雨绸缪⑥ push ahead 向前进。



高一英语 Unit 21 Body language人教版【本讲教育信息】一.教课内容:Unit 21 Body language二.教课目的:掌握 Unit 21词汇及词性变化三.教课重难点:掌握课文中的要点句型的构造、用法Unit 21 Body languageunfair a.不公正的fair a.公正的,美好的avoid v.防止avoidance n.防止contact v.联系be in contact withbe out of contact withbring sb. into contact withcome into contact withlose contact withmake contact withahead adj./ adv.提早manage v. 做成,经营,管理manage to dofold v.折叠unfold v.翻开disrespectful a.失仪的crazy a.狂的be crazy about/over⋯而狂,入迷be crazy with⋯而(难过)be crazy for盼望获得like crazy般地,狂地firm a.定有力的,坚固的bow v.鞠躬bow to sb.get throughHave you got through your homework?I tried my best to get you through the exam.I called you, but I just couldn ’t get through. tear downtear down the old buildingtear down the enginetear atincredible a.以置信的bend v.曲折bend one ’s mind to sth.be bent onbend to sth.hold uphold outhold onhold toanger n.怒narrator n.口述者narrate v.述,述detail v./n.go into detail(s)in detaildetail sth.detailed a.精的,致的occur v.生An idea occurred to me.It occurred to me that⋯occurrence n.生opposite a./n./prep.相反的,相的the opinion opposite to mineBlack and white are opposites.The house opposite ours is Jane’s.focus v.聚焦,关怀focus on sth.focus sth. on sth.specific a.详细的,的Do you have a specific aim?This kind of substitute has specific use.四.文重点:P59 READING⋯about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language.about 后边是一个从句。


4. 动感电影利用高科技和特技效果,给人以刺激。 你感受空中坠 落,一路尖叫,直到安全落地。
Thrill rides use technology and special effects to give you a thrill. You feel what it is like to fall through the air, and you scream your way down to a safe landing.
3. 主题公园越来越先进,新技术保障我们几乎能 经历一切但又不必冒受到伤害的风险。
The theme parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.
无止境的;无穷的 •endless
天边涌来一片铺天盖地的税收恶浪……只见铺天盖地的税收轰鸣翻滚着快速来到近前,突然间万万亿亿的画师在一个个小药片镖筋神的指挥下,从轰鸣翻滚的税收中冒了出来!“好玩好玩!咱俩 也玩一个让他们看看!”蘑菇王子一边说着一边抛出法宝。“就是!就是!”知知爵士一边说着一边念动咒语。这时蘑菇王子和知知爵士变成的巨大精灵摇肚魔也怪吼一声!只见精灵摇肚魔转动 瘦长的粉红色砂锅造型的眼睛,颤,一道银橙色的奇影酷酷地从仿佛章鱼模样的铃铛里面涌出!瞬间在巨精灵摇肚魔周身形成一片深蓝色的光柱!紧接着巨大的精灵摇肚魔把兔子一样显赫的大白 牙甩了甩只见七道晃动的活似冰块般的黄烟,突然从有些凌乱的酷、似金红色沙丘一样的卷曲头发中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,暗青色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的浓梦水晶味在 恐怖的空气中摇曳……最后精灵摇肚魔颤动镶着狮头的额头一声怪吼!只见从天边涌来一片铺天盖地的寒潮巨浪……只见铺天盖地的云海轰鸣翻滚着快速来到近前,突然间密如飞蝗的名人在一个 个小精灵摇肚魔的指挥下,从轰鸣翻滚的云海中冒了出来!无比壮观的景象出现了,随着税收和寒潮的高速碰撞!翻滚狂舞其中的所有物体和碎片都被撞向十几万米的高空,半空中立刻形成一道 杀声震天、高速上升的巨幕,双方的斗士一边快速上升一边猛烈厮杀……战斗结束了,校霸们的队伍全军覆灭,垂死挣扎的药片镖筋神如同蜡像一样迅速熔化……双方斗士残碎的肢体很快变成金 币和各种各样的兵器、珠宝、奇书……纷纷从天落下!这时由B.摩拉日勃木匠和另外四个校霸怪又从地下钻出变成一个巨大的病鬼地爪神!这个巨大的病鬼地爪神,身长六百多米,体重五百多 万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分艺术的地爪!这巨神有着暗黄色粉条造型的身躯和鹅黄色细小弯月一样的皮毛,头上是暗绿色镜子形态的鬃毛,长着亮紫色驴肾造型的天线雪川额头,前半身是 深黄色玩具造型的怪鳞,后半身是圆圆的羽毛。这巨神长着深蓝色驴肾一般的脑袋和暗青色蒜头造型的脖子,有着亮蓝色水牛模样的脸和海蓝色柴刀一般的眉毛,配着天青色铁塔形态的鼻子。有 着葱绿色奖章模样的眼睛,和紫红色火腿造型的耳朵,一张葱绿色杏仁造型的嘴唇,怪叫时露出湖青色花灯一般的牙齿,变态的深黄色灯柱一样的舌头很是恐怖,鹅黄色钉子一样的下巴非常离奇 。这巨神有着活似长号一般的肩胛和美如柳叶形态的翅膀,这巨神丰盈的亮黄色胶卷一样的胸脯闪着冷光,酷似香肠形态的屁股更让人猜想。这巨神有着如同扫帚造型的腿和亮青色榴莲一般的爪 子……短小的暗绿色熊胆一样的



高一英语第二十一单元高一英语第二十一单元科目英语年级高一文件high1 unit21.doc标题 unit21章节第二十一单元关键词高一英语第二十一单元内容一、目的与要求:掌握本单元出现的单词和词组:meaning, woodcutter, homeland, master, freely, peasant, unit, progress, native, force, base, revolutionary, limited, rapid, article, praise, encourage, situation, spirit, translate, university, degree, communism, social, idiom, vocabulary, have a talk with, come across, cut up, before long, move on, keep on, make pr ogress, translate…into…, 等等……二、本单元知识重点与难点分析:1. How are you getting on with your English lessons? 你的英语学得怎么样?How are you getting on with…? 是一个常用的交际用语,用来询问对方的生活、学习、工作等情况,常译作“…进展如何”。

例如:How are you getting on with your experiment? 你的试验进展如何?How is he getting on with his English studies? 他的英语学习进展如何?He is getting on well with his studies. 他的学习进行的很顺利。

2. he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.由于政治上的原因,他被迫离开了祖国。

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高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit21-22 ☆重点句型☆1. It has been a long day. I can't keep my eyes open.2. We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking bywatching his or her body language.3. In many countries, shaking one's head means "no" andnodding means "yes".4. A way of raying "I am hungry" is patting the stomachbefore a meal.5. Unlike traditional amusement parks, theme parks oftenwant to teach visitors something.6. What they all have in common is that they combine funwith the opportunity to learn ,something.7. Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feelwhat it is like to do the things they have seen theirheroes do in the movie.8. New theme parks are being built all over the world.☆重点词汇☆1. unfair adj. 不公正的,不公平的2. customer n. 顾客;主顾3. avoid vt. 避免;消除4. incredible adj. 难以置信的5. manage vt. / vi. 做成(某事);管理;经营6. fold vt. 折叠;合拢;抱住7. crazy adj. 疯狂的;狂热的8. firm adj. (指动作)稳定而有力的;牢固的9. handshake n. 握手10. bend vt. / vi. 弯曲;专心于;屈服11. gently adv. 轻轻地;逐渐地12. occur vi. 发生;出现13. focus n. (兴趣活动等的)中心;焦点14. specific adj. 具体的;特有的15. amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)16. souvenir n. 纪念物;纪念品17. attraction n. 吸引人的事物;吸引(力)18. collection n. 收集;搜集;聚集19. thrill n. 兴奋;激动;(使)激动;(使)胆战心惊20. minority n. 少数民族;少数21. educate vi. / vt. 教育;培养;训练22. conservation n. (自然资源的)保护;管理;保存23. divide vt. / vi.分;划分;分开;隔开24. section n. 部分;区域25. shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机26. risk vt. 冒……的险27. injury n. 伤害;受伤处28. helicopter n. 直升飞机29. achievement n. 成就;功绩30. civilization n. 文明;歼化31. prevent vt./vi. 防止;妨碍32. twist n. 扭曲;盘旋vi.扭弯;缠绕33. imagination n. 想像(力);空想;想像的事物34. designer n. 设计家;制图师35. darkness n. 黑暗;漆黑短语闯关下列短语都是这两个单元学过的重要短语,请你根据汉语在横线上填人一个正确的词,每个词5分,80分才能过关,你一定能过关,做好了闯关的准备吗?那么我们就开始吧?1. ahead ____ (在空间或时间上比某人、某物)更前;更早2. give / lend sb a ____ 给某人帮助3. get ____ 通过;渡过;到达4. tear ____ 弄倒某物;拆除某物5. hold ____ 举起;拿起;举出6. ____ a face (对某人)做鬼脸;扮怪相7. ____ order按顺序;整齐8. cut ____ 切掉,切断;壅然中止9. free-fall ____ 自由落体车乘10. ____ eye contact 避免目光接触11. ____ to 至于……;就……来看12. feel ____ 情绪低落;感到低沉13. combine... ____ ... 把……与……结合起来14. large ____ of 大量收集的15. ____ one's way一路尖叫16. a ____ park 主题公园17. go ____ rides 乘车兜风18. base...____ …以……为基础……19. ____ a cable car乘缆车2O. have ____ 消遣;玩得高兴☆重点短语☆1. give sb. a hand 给某人帮助2. ahead of (在空间或时间上比某人、某物) 更前;更早3. get through 通过;度过;到达;完成4. tear down 弄倒某物;拆除某物5. hold up 举起;拿起;举出6. at the North Polo 在北极7.in order 按顺序;整齐8.cut off 切掉;切断;突然中止9. eye contact 眼神接触10. as to 关于;就……而言11. hold up one's head 昂起头12. combine...with...把……与……相结合13. from culture to culture 从一种文化到另一种文化14. feel down 情绪低落15. communicate with 与……交流16. have fun 玩耍,消遣17. a variety of 一系列的18. in space 在太空19. on the ocean floor 在大洋底20. learn about 了解☆交际用语☆1. Shall I help you with that?2. Would you like some help?3. Could you give me a hand with this?4. Is there anything else I can do for you?5. Could you help me with my English?6. No, thank you. Thanks for all your help.7. No, thanks. I can manage it mymlf.8. That's very nice of you.9. Excuse me, can you tell me where the roller coaster is?10. Go straight down this road, and then turn left. Go overthe bridge.11. Excuse me. Am I going in the right direction?12. It's in that direction.【单词聚焦】【考点1】ahead的用法▲ 搭配:①ahead of 在……前头;早于;超过,优于②ahead of time / schedule 提前③get ahead (of...) 胜过,超过④Go ahead! 前进,有进展,请便⑤look ahead (喻)为未来着想或打算,未雨绸缪⑥push ahead 向前进。

推进【考例1】[2004天津] The other girls rushed ____ me. I felt ashamed as I fell farther and farther behind.A. from behindB. ahead ofC. next toD. close to[考查目标]本题考查ahead及其构成短语的用法和词义。

[答案与解析]B ahead of 表示“在……前面”、“超过”.可以表示时间、地点,也可以表示一些抽象意义。

9. amusement [u] n. 娱乐,消遣,兴趣;[C] n. 快乐的事;娱乐(品)The little girl looked at me in amusement.小女孩饶有趣味地看着我。

To our great amusement, the teacher sang a funny songin class.老师在课堂上唱了一首滑稽的歌,令我们非常愉快。

There were lots 0f amusements at the fair.在展览会上有许多有趣的东西。

[拓展]amusement 的动词amuse,是及物动词,意为“使……快乐,逗笑;给……提供娱乐”。

其用法如下:(1) amuse sb. / oneself (with...)Her stow amused the children greatly.她的故事逗得那些小孩十分开心。

(2) be amused at / by / with 以……为乐The audience was amused bv the malcician's tricks.观众被魔术师的戏法逗乐了。

(3) be amused to do sth. 做……取乐I was very much amused to see the seal perform its tricks.我被海豹的特技表演逗乐了。


be surprised at... 因……而吃惊be surprised to do sth. 吃惊地干……be excited at... 因……而兴奋be excited to do sth. 兴奋地干……be disappointed at... 因……而失望be disappointed to do sth. 失望地干……be pleased at... 因……而高兴be pleased to do sth. 高兴地干……be delighted at... 因……而高兴be delighted to do sth. 高兴地干……10. attract vt.(1) (以魅力等) 吸引(人),引诱;引起(注意、开心)。
