



1. Twinkle,twinkle,little star Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are1.小星星一闪一闪亮晶晶满天都是小星星挂在天空放光明好像许多小眼睛一闪一闪亮晶晶满天都是小星星2. Happy New Year(Good morning) Happy new year happy new year Happy new year to you allwe are singing we are dancingHappy new year to you all2.新年好(1)新年好呀新年好呀祝福大家新年好我们唱歌我们跳舞祝福大家新年好2.小小姑娘(2)小小姑娘清早起床提着花篮上市场走过大街穿过小巷卖花卖花声声唱花儿虽美花儿虽香无人来买怎么办满满花篮空空钱囊怎么回去见爹娘3. Old Macdonald had a farmOld MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O.With a chick, chick here,And a chick, chick there,Here a chick, there a chick, Everywhere a chick, chick,Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.2. Duck - quack3. Turkey - gobble4. Pig - oink, oink5. Cow - moo, moo6. Cat -meow, meow7. Mule - Heehaw8. Dog - bow wow9. Turtle - nerp, nerp3.王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦他在田边养小鸡伊阿伊啊呦鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡鸡王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦他在田边养小鸭伊阿伊啊呦呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱呱王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦他在田边养小羊伊阿伊啊呦咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩咩王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦他在田边养小猪伊阿伊啊呦哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼哼王老先生有块地伊阿伊啊呦4. The more we get togetherThe more we get together Together, togetherThe more we get togetherThe happier we'll beCause your friends are my friendsAnd my friends are your friendsThe more we get togetherThe happier we'll beThe more we play togetherThe more we dance together4.当我们同在一起当我们同在一起,在一起,在一起当我们同在一起,其快乐无比。



六一儿童节儿歌童谣英文翻译June 1st is Children's Day. It is a special day for all children around the world, a day to celebrate the joys of childhood. In China, we have many traditional children's songs and nursery rhymes that are sung during this holiday. In this article, I will introduce some of these songs and their translations.1. 《两只老虎》(Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ) - "Two Little Tigers"两只老虎,两只老虎,(Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ, liǎng zhī lǎohǔ)跑得快,跑得快,(Pǎo dé kuài, pǎo dé kuài)一只没有眼睛,一只没有尾巴,(Yī zhī méiyǒu yǎnjīng, yī zhī méiyǒu wěibā)真奇怪,真奇怪。

(Zhēn qíguài, zhēn qíguài)Two little tigers, two little tigers, Run so fast, run so fast, One has no eyes, one has no tail, How strange! How strange!2. 《小白船》(Xiǎo bái chuán) - "Little White Boat"小白船儿翻啊翻(Xiǎo bái chuán ér fān ā fān)谁救救小白船啊(Shuí jiùjiù xiǎo bái chuán ā)小白船儿旋啊旋(Xiǎo bái chuán ér xuán āxuán)谁救救小白船啊(Shuí jiù jiù xiǎo bái chuán ā)Little white boat, overturned and overturned, Who can save little white boat? Little white boat, spinning and spinning, Whocan save little white boat?3. 《捉迷藏》(Zhuō mícáng) - "Hide and Seek"捉迷藏,捉迷藏,(Zhuō mícáng, zhuō mícáng)我要找到你。



1.Hush-a-bye, baby,Daddy is near,Mammy's lady,And that's very clear.不要吵,小宝宝,爸爸陪你来睡觉;妈妈不是男子汉,这件事情你知道。

2.Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree top,When the wind blows the cradle will rock; When the bough breaks the cradle will fail, Down will come baby, cradle and all.小宝宝,睡树梢,风儿吹,摇篮摇,树枝断,摇篮掉,里面宝宝吓一跳。

3.Bye, baby bunting,Daddy's gone a-hunting,Gone to get a rabbit skinTo wrap the baby bunting in.睡吧睡吧胖娃娃,爸爸打猎顶呱呱;剥下一张兔子皮,回家好裹胖娃娃。

4.He next met a barber,With powder and wig,He play'd him a tune,And he shaved an old pig.理发师,他碰着,戴着假发真时髦;给他拉首开心典,他给老猪剃猪毛。

5.Barney Bodkin broke his nose, Without feet we can't have toes; Crazy folks are always mad, Want of money makes us sad. 巴尼碰破大鼻子,没脚不能长脚趾;疯疯颠颠是疯子,没钱只能哭鼻子。

6.A Little Betty BlueLost her holiday shoe,What can little Betty do?Give her anotherto match the other,And then she may walk out in two. 小贝蒂,丢只鞋,这个难题怎么解?给只鞋,配那只,穿着鞋儿好上街。



英语儿歌附翻译英语儿歌大全附翻译《Pussy cat》Pussy cat , pussy cat, where have you been?I’ve been to London to visit the Queen.Pussy cat , pussy cat,what did you do there?I frtghtened a little mouse under her chair.译文:猫姑娘,猫姑娘,你去过哪儿?我去了伦敦拜访女王。


《Little Green Frog》“Gung,gung,”went the little green frog one day.“Gung,gung,”went the little green frog.“Gung,gung,”went the little green frog one day.And his eyes wen t“aah,aah,gung.”译文:“呱,呱,”这只绿色的小青蛙开始了一天。




”《The Ants Go Marching》The ants go marching one by one.Hurrah! Hurrah!The ants go marching one by one.Hurrah! Hurrah!The ants go marching one by one;The little one stops to suck his thumb,And they all go marching down around the town.Boom!Boom!Boom!译文:蚂蚁一只一只在前进。






儿童节歌曲英文翻译版歌词中文Children's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, and it is a day to honor children and celebrate their childhood. One way to celebrate Children's Day is through music, and there are many Children's Day songs that are popular in different countries. In this article, I will provide English translations of some popular Children's Day songs in Chinese.1. "童年" (Tóngnián/Childhood)"童年" is a classic Children's Day song in China, which expresses the beauty and innocence of childhood. The lyrics were written by Guan Xiaoxi and the melody by Zhang Chaoyang. Here's the English translation of the lyrics:Childhood, oh how beautiful,Full of innocence and joy,With curious minds and little feet,We explore and discover our world.With our bright, shining eyes,We see the world in a different light,With our hopes and dreams,We create a beautiful future.Childhood, oh how sweet,Full of laughter and love,With our friends by our side,We grow and learn together.2. "小燕子" (Xiǎoyànzi/Little S wallow)"小燕子" is a popular Chinese Children's Day song. The lyrics and melody were written by Huang Zhan and Wang Luobin respectively. Here's the English translation of the lyrics:Little swallow, little swallow,Flying high up in the sky,Little swallow, little swallow,Chirping and singing as you fly.With your wings so strong and true,You dance and glide through the blue,Little swallow, little swallow,You're so graceful and so true.With the flowers in bloom,You come and go like adream,Little swallow, little swallow,You're a symbol of love and peace.3. "千千阙歌" (Qiān qiān què gē/A Thousand Songs)"千千阙歌" is a well-known Chinese Children's Day song. The lyrics were written by Li Guangzu and the melody is a traditional Chinese tune. Here's the English translation of the lyrics:A thousand songs I sing,To celebrate this happy day,Through the joys and tears,I'll sing my heart away.With every note and every rhyme,I'll spread my love and joy,For all the children of the world,I'll sing for every girl and boy.From the mountains to the sea,My voice will soar so high,A thousand songs I'll sing,For every child under the sky.4. "蜗牛与黄鹂鸟" (Wōniú yǔ huáng línǐao/The Snail and the Oriole)"蜗牛与黄鹂鸟" is a popular Children's Day song in China, which tells the story of a snail and an oriole who become friends. The lyrics were written by Gu Mei and the melody by Wang Liping. Here's the English translation of the lyrics:A little snail, slow but sure,Crawls along and dreams of more,A little oriole, free and bright,Soars up high and takes to flight.One day they met and became friends,And set off on a journey without end,Through the fields and through thetrees,They journeyed on, free as the breeze.With love and trust, they overcame,All the obstacles that came their way,And though the road was long and hard,They never lost hope or grew tired.Now, they sing and play,In harmony and peace each day,For they know that with each other,They'll always find their way.In conclusion, Children's Day is a special day that honors children around the world. Through music, we can celebrate the joys and innocence of childhood. These popular Children's Day songs in China remind us of the beauty and wonder of childhood, and the importance of love and friendship in our lives.。



15首经典英文儿歌学英语,带歌词,汉语翻译Hello,hello 您好!您好!Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!How are you this morn-ing?Fine,and how are you?Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!您好!您好!今天早上您好吗?我很好,您呢?您好!您好!Good morning 早安Good morn-ing, good morn-ing.Good morn-ing to you!Good morn-ing, good morn-ing.Good morn-ing to you!早安,早安,祝你早安!Goodbye 再见Good-bye every-one.Good-bye every-one.Good-bye every-one.It's time to say good-bye.大家再见,大家再见,是说再见的时候啦。

Happy birthday 生日快乐Hap-py birth-day to you.hap-py birth-day to you.Hap-py birth-day,dear Pe-ter,hap-py birth-day to you.祝你生日快乐,亲爱的彼得,祝你生日快乐!Brother John 约翰哥哥Are you sleep-ing, Are you sleep-ing?Broth-er John. Broth-er John?Morn-ing bells are ring-ing,morn-ing bells are ring-ing:Ding,ding,dong! ding,ding,dong!你还在睡吗?约翰哥哥。

晨钟正在敲响,叮叮咚!Riding in my car 乘上我的汽车Riding in my car, car,riding in my car, car.Riding in my car, car,riding in my car.乘上我的汽车,汽车。



英文儿歌歌词大合集(数百首)中英文对照are you sleepingare you sleeping,are you sleeping?brother john?brother john?morning bells are ringing,morning bells are ringing,ding ding dong,ding ding dong。

英文儿歌《Beanbag,Beanbag》歌词:Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!Toss it first to Laura Lee,Then to Jenny,then to me。

Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!Toss it first to Mary Lou,Then to Billy,then to you。

Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!中文:豆子袋,豆子袋豆子袋,豆子袋,玩豆子袋的游戏!先把它投给劳拉.李,然后给詹妮,然后给我.豆子袋,豆子袋,玩豆子袋的游戏!豆子袋,豆子袋,玩豆子袋的游戏!先把它投给玛利.卢。


豆子袋,豆子袋,玩豆子袋的游戏!英文儿歌《Cradle Song》歌词:Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above。

Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed。

When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes。

When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes.Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above.Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed。



are you sleepingare you sleeping,are you sleeping?brother john?brother john?morning bells are ringing,morning bells are ringing,ding ding dong,ding ding dong.英⽂⼉歌《Beanbag,Beanbag》歌词:Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!Toss it first to Laura Lee,Then to Jenny,then to me.Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!Toss it first to Mary Lou,Then to Billy,then to you.Beanbag,beanbag,Play a game of beanbag!中⽂:⾖⼦袋,⾖⼦袋⾖⼦袋,⾖⼦袋,玩⾖⼦袋的游戏!先把它投给劳拉.李,然后给詹妮,然后给我。



⾖⼦袋,⾖⼦袋,玩⾖⼦袋的游戏!英⽂⼉歌《Cradle Song》歌词:Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above.Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above.Sweet blossoms white and red shall bloom by thy bed. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes. When the dawn lights the skies, open wide thy dear eyes.(中⽂)摇篮曲去睡觉,现在,亲爱的,在上⾯的玫瑰之下。



downbythestation儿歌中英文对照Down by the station在车站旁边Early in the morning清晨See the puffing little engines看到气喘吁吁的小引擎All in a row一气呵成You can see the engineer你可以看到工程师Pull a little handle拉一个小把手Choo Choo Toot Toot咔嚓!咔嚓!嘟嘟!嘟嘟Off they go他们走了Down by the station在车站旁边Early in the morning清晨See the puffing little engines看到气喘吁吁的小引擎All in a row一气呵成You can see the engineer你可以看到工程师Pull a little handle拉一个小把手Choo Choo Toot Toot咔嚓!咔嚓!嘟嘟!嘟嘟Off they go他们走了Down by the station在车站旁边Early in the morning清晨See the puffing little engines看到气喘吁吁的小引擎All in a row一气呵成You can see the engineer你可以看到工程师Pull a little handle拉一个小把手Choo Choo Toot Toot 咔嚓!咔嚓!嘟嘟!嘟嘟Off they go他们走了。



1、《walking walking》Walking, walking. Walking, walking.(围着圆圈走)Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop.(围着圈,单脚跳)Running, running, running. Running, running, running.(围着圈,跑)Now let's stop. Now let's stop.(把手放在胸前,做出停止的姿势。

)Walking, walking. Walking, walking.(围着圆圈走)Hop, hop, hop. Hop, hop, hop.(围着圈,单脚跳)Running, running, running. Running, running, running.(围着圈,跑)Now let's stop.Now let's stop.(把手放在胸前,做出停止的姿势。

)Tiptoe tiptoe. Tiptoe tiptoe.(踮脚轻轻走。

)Jump jump jump. Jump jump jump.(并腿跳)Swimming swimming swimming.(做一个游泳的动作)Now let’s sleep.(把你的头枕在手上或是倒在地上,假装睡觉。

)Wake up!(睁大眼睛,四处警惕地看看。

)It’s time to go!(假装在看手表)Are you ready to go fast?(双手握拳,在胸前做很快的转动。


)这是一首关于动作的儿童歌曲,蹦蹦跳跳很有意思,听歌的步骤:1、Look at the lyrics 看歌词及歌词的动作(看一遍歌词,不确定发音的单词可以根据音频朗读一遍。


)2、Listen the song 听歌(打开音频,听歌的过程中,让孩子跟着一起做动作。



儿童节儿歌英文翻译版Children's Day is an important festival for kids all over the world. Every year, on June 1st, children enjoy a variety of activities to celebrate their special day. One of the most popular ways to celebrate Children's Day is by singing children's songs. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most famous children's songs in Chinese, and their English translations.1. 祝你生日快乐(Zhù nǐ shēngrì kuàilè) - Happy Birthday to YouHappy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, dear child Happy birthday to you2. 小星星(Xiǎo xīngxīng) - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StarTwinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you areUp above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky3. 拔萝卜(Bá luóbo) - Pulling up CarrotsLet's go to the carrot field To pull up some carrots The big ones and the small ones Together we will take them4. 挂红灯(Guà hóngdēng) - Hanging a Red LanternHanging a red lantern In front of the door To celebrate the festive season The children are all happy5. 世上只有妈妈好(Shì shàng zhǐ yǒu māmā hǎo) - Only Mother is Good in this WorldOnly mother is good in this world In the world, there is no one like her In her heart, there is only love In the world, only mother is worthy of trust6. 小兔子乖乖(Xiǎo tùzi guāiguai) - Little Bunny BehaveLittle bunny behave, don't you run around When you feel thirsty, remember to drink water When you feel hungry, remember to eat carrots Little bunny behave, don't you run around7. 熊出没(Xióng chūmò) - Boonie BearsBoonie Bears, Boonie Bears The forest is their home Adventures every day We're happy to watch and play8. 两只老虎(Liǎng zhī lǎohǔ) - Two TigersTwo tigers, two tigers Run fast, run fast One has no ears One has no tail How strange, how strangeIn conclusion, singing children's songs is a great way to celebrate Children's Day, Regardless of language. The above children's songs are perfect for children to celebrate Children's Day and to learn new vocabulary in different languages. Let the music bring joy and happiness to every child celebrating their special day.。

twinkle twinkle little star中英文歌词

twinkle twinkle little star中英文歌词

twinkle twinkle little star中英文歌词(实用版)目录1.歌曲背景介绍2.中英文歌词对比3.歌曲的文化意义正文【歌曲背景介绍】《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》是一首广为人知的英文儿歌,其歌词简单易懂,旋律优美动听。

这首歌曲的作者不详,但可以追溯到 19 世纪初。

它曾被多个作曲家谱曲,其中最著名的版本是由英国作曲家奥利弗·特威斯特(Oliver Twist)在 1836 年创作的。


【中英文歌词对比】《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》的歌词简洁明了,易于学习。



英文:Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.可以看到,中英文歌词都采用了简单易懂的表达方式,以星星为主题,将星星比喻为闪闪发光的钻石。


【歌曲的文化意义】《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》作为一首经典的儿歌,其文化意义不仅仅体现在音乐方面。




总之,《Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star》以其简洁明了的歌词和优美的旋律,成为了世界各地孩子们喜爱的经典儿歌。



英文儿歌-3E少儿口语一口的儿歌及其中文翻译one more try再试一试one more try,one more try再试一试,再试一试Don't give up不要放弃And you'll reach the sky你将会触到蓝天Don't give up不要放弃And you'll wear a smile你将会得到微笑Roses come,roses go玫瑰花开,玫瑰花落Roses come,roses go玫瑰花开,玫瑰花落Violets begin to blow紫罗兰开始放花朵neither you nor I may know你我都不知道Why the come or why the go它们为什么开,它们为什么落Star light明亮的星Star light,star bright明亮的星,闪亮的星First star I see tonight今晚我看见第一颗星I wish I may,I wish I might希望我能够,但愿我能够have the wish I wish tonight今晚得到如愿以偿的感受A new day新的一天Morning glory in the sun牵牛花沐浴着阳光Here's another day begun新的一天开始了factories open one by one工厂一家一家的开门了off to school the children run起床去学校的孩子们在奔跑Dreams梦想Hold fast to the dreams紧紧抓住梦想For when dreams go因为如果没有了梦想life is a barren field生命将是一个不毛之地(荒芜一片)frozen with snow被冰雪覆盖Evening red,morning grey傍晚天红早晨灰Evening red and morning grey傍晚天红早晨灰send the traveler on his way旅者出门不后悔evening grey and morning red傍晚灰暗早晨红bring the rain upon his head雨水浇上他的头What do you suppose?你猜发生了什么事?What do you suppose?你猜发生了什么事?a bee sat on my nose一只蜜蜂落在了我的鼻子上He said: I beg your pardon他说:对不起(我请求你的原谅)I thought you were the garden我还以为这里是花园呢。



1 Good MorningGood morning. Time to get up.早上好,起床啦!I don't want to get up. I'm sleepy.我不想起来,好困啊!Tickle, Tickle, Tickle. I'll tickle you.那我就挠痒痒,挠痒痒了啊。

Hurry and get up, sleepyhead.快点起床,瞌睡虫!Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon! 中午好!Good evening! 晚上好!Good night! 晚安!2 wash your faceGo wash your face. 快去洗脸吧。

Go wash your face. 快去洗脸吧。

Yes, Mommy. Yes. 好的,妈妈,好的。

I will wash my face. 我这就去洗脸。

Go brush your teeth. 快去刷牙吧。

Go brush your teeth. 快去刷牙吧。

Okay, Daddy. Okay. 好的,爸爸,好的。

I will brush my teeth. 我这就去刷牙。

face 脸feet 脚hands 手hair 头发3 Breakfast TimeMommy! Mommy!I am Hungary. 妈妈,妈妈,我饿了。

Breakfast is ready. Come and eat. 早餐做好了,过来吃吧。

Yum! Yum! Breakfast! I am full. 真好吃啊,我吃饱了。

第二小节:Lunch 午餐第三小节:Dinner 晚餐4 You Look GreatPut on your dress. Wow!穿上裙子,哇!Put on your hat. Yeah!戴上帽子,哇!My little princess!我的小公主!You look good! Thank you!你太漂亮了!谢谢!Put on your T-shirt. Wow!穿上T恤,哇!Put on your pants. Yeah!穿上裤子,哇!My little prince!我的小王子!You look great! Thank you!你太帅啦!谢谢!hat 帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 短裙blouse 女式衬衫T-shirt T恤pants 裤子cap 无边帽jacket 夹克衫5 Are You Ready?Are you ready for kindergarten?准备好去幼儿园了吗?Are you ready? Are you ready?准备好了吗?准备好了吗?Put on your backpack.背上你的书包。

five little monkeys儿歌中英文对照

five little monkeys儿歌中英文对照

five little monkeys儿歌中英文对照five little monkeys是一首非常受欢迎的儿歌,下面是这首儿歌的中英文对照。

《五只小猴子》中英文对照:Five little monkeys jumping on the bed五只小猴子在床上跳One fell offand bumped his head一只摔了下来撞到头mama called the doctor and the doctor said妈妈打电话给医生,医生说“No more monkeys jumping on the bed”“不许小猴子在床上跳了。

”Four little monkeys jumping on the bed四只小猴子在床上跳One fell offand bumped his head一只摔了下来撞到头mama called the doctor and the doctor said妈妈打电话给医生,医生说“No more monkeys jumping on the bed”“不许小猴子在床上跳了。

”Three little monkeys jumping on the bed三只小猴子在床上跳One fell offand bumped his head一只摔了下来撞到头mama called the doctor and the doctor said 妈妈打电话给医生,医生说“No more monkeys jumping on the bed”“不许小猴子在床上跳了。

”Two little monkeys jumping on the bed两只小猴子在床上跳One fell offand bumped his head一只摔了下来撞到头mama called the doctor and the doctor said 妈妈打电话给医生,医生说“No more monkeys jumping on the bed”“不许小猴子在床上跳了。




Rain,Rain,Go Away( ⾬,⾬,⾛开)Rain,rain,go away.⾬,⾬,⾛开。

Come again some other day.改天再来。

Little Johnny wants to play.⼩约翰尼要去玩。

Rain,rain,go away.⾬,⾬,⾛开Rain,rain,go away.⾬,⾬,⾛开。

Come again some other day.改天再来。

Little Johnny wants to play.⼩约翰尼要去玩。

Rain,rain,go away.⾬,⾬,⾛开。

-------------SmileIt isn't any trouble just sminle只是微笑不是⼀件⿇烦事⼉It isn't any trouble just sminleSo smile when you're in trouble所以当你遇到⿇烦的时候,微笑it will vanish like a bubble⿇烦将会象泡泡⼀样消失If you'll only take the trouble just to sminle如果你只不过将⿇烦正好化作微笑It isn't any trouble just laugh只是笑笑不是⼀件⿇烦事⼉It isn't any trouble just laugh laughSo laugh when you're in trouble所以当你遇到⿇烦的时候,笑笑It will vanish like a bubble⿇烦将会象泡泡⼀样消失If you'll only take the trouble just to laugh如果你只不过将⿇烦正好化作笑容。

------------Teddy BearTeddy bear, Teddy bear, turn a round泰迪熊,泰迪熊,转个圈Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground泰迪熊,泰迪熊,碰地⾯Teddy bear Teddy bear, show your shoes泰迪熊,泰迪熊,显⽰你的鞋Teddy bear, Teddy bear, that will do泰迪熊,泰迪熊,那样就好了-----------Good Night(晚安) Good night, Baby,晚安,宝贝Good night, Baby,晚安,宝贝,Good night, Baby.晚安,宝贝It's time to go to bed.该睡觉了Merrily, we roll along,我们愉快地摇啊,Roll along, roll along,摇啊摇,摇啊摇Merrily, we roll along,我们愉快地摇,As off to bed we go.我们去睡觉Good night, yangyang,晚安,杨杨Good night, yangyang,晚安,杨杨Good night, yangyang,晚安,杨杨It's time to go to bed.该睡觉了Merrily, we roll along,我们愉快地摇啊,Roll along, roll along,摇啊摇,摇啊摇Merrily, we roll along,我们愉快地摇,As off to bed we go.我们去睡觉。





Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

Let us sing,again and again,我们唱了⼀遍⼜⼀遍,Let us sing,again and again,我们唱了⼀遍⼜⼀遍,Let us sing,again and again,我们唱了⼀遍⼜⼀遍,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

Let us sing,again and again,我们唱了⼀遍⼜⼀遍,Let us sing,again and again,我们唱了⼀遍⼜⼀遍,Let us sing,again and again,我们唱了⼀遍⼜⼀遍,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

Let us sing together,我们⼀起唱歌,One and all a joyous song.全部都是快乐的歌曲。

one two three four five 英文儿歌

one two three four five 英文儿歌

英文儿歌:One Two Three Four FiveIntroduction英文儿歌是孩子们学习英语的重要途径之一。

其中一首经典的英文儿歌是《One Two Three Four Five》。



歌词One, two, three, four, five, One, two, three, four, five, One, two, three, four, five, One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive, Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on my right.翻译一、二、三、四、五,一、二、三、四、五,一、二、三、四、五,一、二、三、四、五。




歌曲欣赏与学唱《One Two Three Four Five》是一首经典的英文儿歌,旋律简单明快,易于学唱。







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01.Good night song
Good night, moon!
Good night,stars!
Good night, Mom!
Good night, Dad!
Kiss the moon good night.

Kiss stars good night.

Kiss Mom good night.

Kiss Dad good night.

2.Go wash your face. 快去洗脸吧。

Go wash your face. 快去洗脸吧。

Yes, Mommy. Yes. 好的,妈妈,好的。

I will wash my face. 我这就去洗脸。

Go brush your teeth. 快去刷牙吧。

Go brush your teeth. 快去刷牙吧。

Okay, Daddy. Okay. 好的,爸爸,好的。

I will brush my teeth. 我这就去刷牙。

3.Breakfast Time 早餐时间
Mommy! Mommy! I am Hungary.

Breakfast is ready. Come and eat.

Yum! Yum! Breakfast! I am full.

4.You look great 你看起真棒
Put on your dress. Wow!
Put on your hat. Yeah!
My little princess!
You look good! Thank you!
Put on your T-shirt. Wow! 穿上T恤,哇!
Put on your pants. Yeah!
My little prince!
You look great! Thank you! 你太帅啦!谢谢!。
