自然拼音法(Phonics)Unit 11)先来认识26个字母所代表的发音A aB bC cD dE eF fG gH h L l J jK k L l M m N n O oP p Q q R r S s T tU u V v W w X xY y Z z2)认识5个元音字母与21个辅音字母。
五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u) y不在单词开头时,一般被看做元音, 每个发两种音:长音(其字母音)和短音Unit 2短元音 a e i o u 的发音规律※如果一个英语单词或音节里只有一个元音, 且元音不在末尾,这个元音一般发短音.1)短元音:a [æ]: b a g c a t m a t m a p a pple b a t h a t f a n h a nd St a n h a ppy2)短元音:e [e] e gg w e ll r e d p e n n e t h e n b e d b e ll b e st 3)短元音:i [i] l i ck s i x b i b p i g p i n k i ss i nk h i ll4)短元音:o [ɔ] p o t o x t o p d o g f o x b o x l o st t o p5)短元音:u [ʌ] s u n u mbrella c u p b u s n u t g u n u ncle u nder ※y在末尾 (作为元音处理):1) 单音节词, 没有其他元音,y发[ai]y [ai]: m y, wh y, fl y sp y sk y sh y cr y m y t y pe dr y2) 多音节词, y发[i]y [ i ] pupp y dirt y rain y sunn y happ y bab y dizz y pon yey [ i ] monk ey turk ey jock ey donk ey k ey hock ey mon ey※如果一个单词或音节里只有一个元音,而且元音在末尾,这个元音一般发长音(其字母音)如:me, she,hi, goUnit 3一个单词或音节里有两个元音时,一般来说,前边一个元音发长音(其字母音),后边一个元音不发音.长元音1:Magic E (神奇的E)a-e ,e-e,i-e, o-e,u-e 发音规律1)长元音:[ei]: a-e sp a c e c a k e sn a k e l a k e pl a n e n a m ewh a l e gr a p e c a g e(c a fé)2)长元音:[i:] e-e th e se Japan e se Chin e se3)长元音:[ai] i-e b i t e f i v e n i n e k i t e m i n e n i c e r i d e s i d e4)长元音:[əu] o-e r o s e n o s e r o p e n o t e p o se h o m e r o d e th o s e 5)长元音:[ju:] u-e t u b e c u b e J u n e c u t e h u g eUnit 4长元音2:ai ay ee ea ie igh oa ow oe ui ue发音规律ai [ei] : p ai nt p ai n t ai l r ai n n ai l m ai d j ai l r ai lay[ei]:r ay s ay b ay w ay h ay l ay m ay p ayee[i:] : b ee p ee l r ee ds ee l s ee t ee th j ee p f ee tea[i:] : p ea nut m ea t ea gle s ea l ea f p ea p ea ch t eaie[ai] : t ie p ie l ie d ieigh[ai]:igh t s igh t n igh t t igh t l igh t s igh f igh t h ighoa [ou] : c oa t t oa st r oa d b oa t c oa l g oa t t oa d s oa pow [ou] :yell ow pill ow r ow rainb ow b ow l wind ow holl ow l ow oe[ou]: d oe, h oe, t oeui [ju:] : s ui t j ui ce fr ui tue[ju:] : bl ue gl ue s ueUnit 5带元音的特殊读法 or ar ur ir er ear er发音规律※or[ɔ:]:p or k p or ch h or se h or n c or n f or k m or ning※or[ə:]:w or k w or m w or ldar[a:]:ar m c ar d ar m c ar c ar t p ar k g ar den f ar mur[ə:]:h ur t t ur key t ur tle s ur fing n ur se p ur se f urir[ə:]:b ir thday c ir cus d ir ty b ir d c ir cle d ir t g ir ler[ə:]:m er maid t er m h er n er d s er veear[ə:]:l ear n ear n ear th h ear der[ə]:sist er broth er mark er roost er und er moth er wint erUnit 6带元音的特殊读法单元音au aw oo ea all发音规律au[ɔ:]:au gust s au sage s au ce n au ghty au tumn appl au seaw[ɔ:]:s aw p aw dr aw str aw berry str aw l aw n※oo[u:]:m oo n z oo r oo f r oo ster sp oo n r oo m b oo ts f oo d※oo[u]:b oo k c oo kie w oo ds w oo l h oo k l oo k f oo t c oo kea[e]:h ea d sw ea ter sw ea t l ea ther f ea ther l ea dall[ɔ:]:w all f all b all c all t allUnit 7带元音的特殊读法双元音 ou ow oi oy ew 发音规律ou [au] m ou th ou t h ou se c ou nt sh ou t m ou seow [au]:cl ow n c ow ow l t ow el fl ow er t ow er cr ow n br ow noi [ɔi]:c oi n oi l p oi nt n oi se p oi son c oi l b oi l s oi loy [ɔi]:oy ster b oy s oy t oyew [ju:]:n ew neph ew n ew spaper f ew d ew vi ewUnit 8带元音的特殊读法双元音 are air ire ear eer 发音规律are [ɛə] : c are sh are sc are d areair[ɛə]: h air air rep airire [aiə]: f ire w ireear[iə]: n ear t ear d ear cl ear y ear h eareer[iə] : d eer b eer ch eer s engin eer pion eervolunt eerUnit 9辅音字母组合构成的一种单音1.ch sh wh ph th kn wr 发音规律ch[ʧ] :bea ch lun ch ch eese ben ch ch air ch erry ch urch ch icken sh[ʃ]:sh eep sh irt sh ip fi sh sh oes di sh pu shwh[w]:wh eel wh ite wh ale wh eat wh eel wh isper wh ip wh istleph [f]:ele ph ant ph oto tele ph oneth[ð]:bro th er fea th er lea th er fa th er mo th er (舌头放在上下牙之间,然后迅速收回,此音一般在单词的中间,后接元音)th[θ]:th umb ba th mat th ree th irsty mou th tee th th ief ba th舌头放在上下牙之间,不动,让其留从舌尖滑过,此音一般放在单词的开头或最后,属于气音。
自然拼读-最详细的自然拼读法教程自然拼读法(Phonics)自然拼读法( Phonics),是指看到一个单词,就可以根据英文字母在单词里的发音规律把这个单词读出来的一种方法。
即从“字母发音- 字母组合发音-单词-简单句子-整段句子”逐步学习,让孩子轻松掌握“自然拼读”法,培养孩子正确的英语语感,打好英语学习的基础。
第二阶:能够成功拼读元音+ 辅音(辅音+ 元音)。
如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+ 元音+ 辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。
易贝乐国际少儿英语 (E-Blocks )采用全球非英语母语国家普遍使用的、最科学的启蒙英语教育方法——自然拼读法(Phonics) 作为主要的教学内容。
然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26 个英文字母(alphabet letters) 的发音- 短音节Phonics 自然拼音,或叫“自然拼读法”更容易理解。
这里,首先要区分“读音”(Name)与“发音” (Sound)。
A-Z 的26 个字母几乎大家都认识、都能念出来,而念出来的就是字母本身的“读音”;而自然发音指的是字母的“发音”。
这就Phonics 要学的。
理论可以讲很多很深,但Phonics 注重的是方法与实践。
1、21 个辅音字母的发音其实只有18 个。
C/K 发音相同,只能算做一个;W 、Y是两个半元音字母。
自然拼读-最详细的自然拼读法教程自然拼读法(Phonics)自然拼读法( Phonics),是指看到一个单词,就可以根据英文字母在单词里的发音规律把这个单词读出来的一种方法。
即从“字母发音- 字母组合发音-单词-简单句子-整段句子”逐步学习,让孩子轻松掌握“自然拼读”法,培养孩子正确的英语语感,打好英语学习的基础。
第二阶:能够成功拼读元音+ 辅音(辅音+ 元音)。
如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+ 元音+ 辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。
易贝乐国际少儿英语 (E-Blocks )采用全球非英语母语国家普遍使用的、最科学的启蒙英语教育方法——自然拼读法(Phonics) 作为主要的教学内容。
然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26 个英文字母(alphabet letters) 的发音- 短音节Phonics 自然拼音,或叫“自然拼读法”更容易理解。
这里,首先要区分“读音”(Name)与“发音” (Sound)。
A-Z 的26 个字母几乎大家都认识、都能念出来,而念出来的就是字母本身的“读音”;而自然发音指的是字母的“发音”。
这就Phonics 要学的。
理论可以讲很多很深,但Phonics 注重的是方法与实践。
1、21 个辅音字母的发音其实只有18 个。
C/K 发音相同,只能算做一个;W 、Y是两个半元音字母。
get good god girl go green gloves hello hi have has hat how head hair
g,g,g, [g][g][g].
h,h,h,[h][h][h]. gh,gh 不发音,前面字母本身音. 打招呼要用hi,加上gh还读high.
• Phonics
• Phonics—自然发音法是一套用自然记忆
的方式,建立字母与发音的直觉音感。 不
用借助音标,看着字母就可以直接读出 该
词的发音,解决单词不会读,无法拼的 问
• 简单说:“自然拼读法”是教学生如何 看词读音或是听音拼词的方法。
• 自然拼读法是一套用自然记忆的方式, 根据字母与字母间的组合所应该发出的 音,建立字母与发音的直觉音感。学习 者在熟悉这套规则后,可以基本做到看 词能读,听音会写。音标是记录音素的 符号,是音素的标写符号。
• The alphabet letter
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
• or pork lorry forty north
• ow brown
window bow low pillow blow
• ou mouth shout mouse loud house proud
• oi/oy oil toy noise
About letter U u
• ur nurse purple turn burn murder
人教部编版中小学28条英语自然拼读法基本规则和小窍门01 .字母q总是与u在一起,读做/kw/, 此处u不作元音。
02 .字母c在字母e, y, i前读做/s/ (cent, city, cycle), 其他字母前读做/k/(cut, cap, cop)。
03 .字母e, i, y之前的字母g可以读做/j/(page, giant, gym), 其中字母e, i之前的g也可以不读做/j/(get, girl, give); 其它字母之前的g读做/g/(gate, go, gust)。
04 .元音a, e, o, u在音节结尾(开音节)一般读做字母音(长音a, e, o, u), 有助于学生正确划分并拼读元音字母+辅音字母+元音字母的不熟悉单词(report…rather than report)。
05 .字母i和y经常读做/i/(big, gym), 但是也可读做/aɪ/(silent, my, type)。
06 .一个英语单词用字母y而不是i的结尾(my, by)。
07 .有五种情况末尾的字母e不发音.(如me, she, 和he的短单词末尾的字母e读做e, 较长的单词末尾的e 不发音) 尾字母e不发音应该被认为是”having a job”(承担一项工作)7.1 bake gene time / type code cute 使他前面的元音字母发字母音。
7.2 love give blue true 使我们不要以一个v和一个u结束一个单词。
7.3 chance bodice charge allege 使g和c读软音/j/和/s/。
7.4 little castle bottle dabble fiddle 避免一个音节没有一个元音字母。
7.5 are nurse raise bye ewe owe cause 这一条被Spalding女士叫做无工作尾字母e; Sanseri女士叫做老工作尾字母e, 并说前四条之外的不发音尾字母e都叫做老工作尾字母e。
➢cake fate shake snake lake make name ➢paid main ➢day may
➢ eight weigh weight
[ei] [keik] [leit] [meik] [neim] [feis] [leik] [sneik] [beik] [teik][pei] [freid] [geit] [keiv]
➢cite dear
➢milk pride
➢Time and tide wait for no man. ➢岁月不等人
Exercise IICommonly Used Expressions:
➢Alright, Mike. 克
➢10.You should play it safe and not make haste.你应该谨慎行事,不要 操之过急。
➢The rain in Spain is mainly on the plain. ➢西班牙的雨一般都落 在平原上
➢1).根据发音,在发[ei]音的字母下 划横线。
➢2.He did it only for the sake of saving face. 他这样做全是为了保住面子。
➢3.He hates trade.他讨厌贸易。
➢4.She always calls a spade a spade.她常 常直言不讳
➢5.He is making a play for fame.他挖空心 思想出名。
如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。
1. 自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音(Letter Sounds). 其中五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)发两种音。
2. 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如:Sam, cat, mat, 等等.3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词: the, a, is, to, have 等.4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时,前边一个元音发字母音,后边一个元音不发音,如:make, made, sea, five, nine, road等等.5. 第五步, 是双/三辅音在一起时怎么联读, 如: bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,如:ghost, comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和"h"联在一起的发音:ch, sh, th, wh。
6. 第六步,是特殊读法:单音节词,以元音结尾,这个元音发字母音.如:me, hi, go 等等Irregular: ar (car), ay (hay, may, say), igh (high, night, might), ew (new), er (sister, brother), ur (burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy (boy), ow等有其特别的发音."c" 和"k" 在一起时,发一个音: quick, black等.经典示例:学过问学堂自然拼读法之后,任何年龄的孩子对即使长达20个字母的诸如:的长单词数秒便可默写朗读。
Cat cap(帽子) China(xx) car coffee(咖啡) cow(奶牛) cake(蛋糕) cup(杯子) catch(抓住) cut(切、割) cable(线缆、电缆) cage(笼) call(呼叫) calm(平静的、冷静的) camel(骆驼) camera(照相机、摄像机) camp(野营、xx) candy(糖果) care(关心)
Zz [z]
Zebra(斑马) zero(零) zipper(拉链) zoo zeal(热情) zest(热情) zigzag(之字形、曲折) zombie(僵尸) zone(地域) zoom(急速上升)
Kk [k]
Kite kangaroo(袋鼠) kiss(接吻) kitchen(厨房) key kettle(水壶) king(国王) kick(踢) Korea(xx) keep(保持) kill(杀害) kind(友好、种类) koala(考拉)。
Ll [l]
Leg(腿) lemon(柠檬) lake(xx) living-room(客厅) leaf(xx) lips(嘴唇) lion(狮子) light(灯、轻) lab(实验室) lace(鞋带) lady(女士) land(陆地、登陆) large(大) laser(激光) late(迟到的、晚了) last(最后、持续) laugh(笑、嘲笑)。
Oo [ɔ]
Orange ox(公牛) on October(十月) ostrich(鸵鸟) octopus(xx) operate(操作、运行) office(办公室) oil(油) oven(烤炉、烤箱)
Pp [p]
Pig pants(裤子) pink park(公园、泊车) path(路径) pear pencil(铅笔) pen page(页) pain(疼痛) pale(苍白的、无力的) palm(手掌、棕榈) paper(纸张) pepper(辣椒) Paris(xx) paw(xx) pay(付钱) pea(豌豆) peace(和平) pearl(珍珠)。
1、26个英文字母几乎所有的孩子都可以把字母表背出来,他们记住的是26个英文字母的字母名,自然拼读的第一步是建立字母名(letter name)和字母音(letter sound)之间的链接。
比如“w”的字母名是“double u”,字母音是[w](同“呜”)。
2、长元音和短元音Long and short vowels元音是学习自然拼读的重要内容,a,e,i,o,u可以发长元音,也可以发短元音。
以下是48个自然拼读发音及相关参考内容:1. a发音: /æ/ (如 apple)参考内容:发音时,嘴巴微微张开,舌头位于口腔的低部。
2. ai发音: /eɪ/ (如 rain)参考内容:舌头不靠近牙齿,嘴巴不要太张,发音要轻松。
3. ay发音: /eɪ/ (如 play)参考内容:发音时舌头放松,嘴唇微微张开。
4. au发音: /ɔː/ (如 caught)参考内容:发音时舌头后缩,嘴唇微微张开。
5. or发音: /ɔr/ (如 fork)参考内容:发音时舌头向后平放,唇形轻微收紧。
6. al发音: /æl/ (如 animal)参考内容:舌头抬起,嘴角稍微收紧。
7. ar发音: /ɑː/ (如 car)参考内容:发音时,把舌头完全抬起并平放在口腔里。
8. b发音: /b/ (如 bad)参考内容:张开嘴巴并使下颚向下移动,嘴唇轻微接触。
9. c发音: /k/ (在cat中读作 /k/,在cell中读作 /s/)参考内容:舌头与口腔较平,嘴巴略张开。
10. ch发音: /tʃ/ (如 cheese)参考内容:把舌头抬起,放到口腔的前部。
11. d发音: /d/ (如 dog)参考内容:嘴巴微微张开,舌尖触碰上牙床。
12. e发音: /ɛ/ (如 pet)参考内容:张开嘴巴,舌尖轻轻接触下牙齿内侧。
13. ee发音:/iː/ (如 seen)参考内容:将舌头散布在口腔内,张开嘴巴。
14. er发音: /ɜːr/ (如 bird)参考内容:舌头平放,并且稍微抬起。
15. i发音: /ɪ/ (如 sit)参考内容:嘴巴微微张开,舌尖接触下牙齿内侧。
16. ie发音: /aɪ/ (如 tie)参考内容:将舌尖向内侧抬高,嘴巴稍微张开。
英语自然拼读法教程目录第1章英语国际音标学习 (3)第2章自然拼读法学习 (5)2.1 26个字母首字母发音 (5)2.2 元音字母发短音 (10)2.3 元音字母发长音(魔法E) (12)2.4 发前一个字母音的双元音组合ai、ay、ee、ea、ey、ie、oa、oe (13)2.5 带r的双字母组合发音——ar、or、er、ir、ur发音 (16)2.6 -re音节字母组合的发音:-are、-ere、-ire、-ore、-ure的发音 (19)2.7 其他元音字母组合的发音 (21)2.8 三字母组合发音及三个以上字母组合发音 (26)2.9 辅音组合位于词首的发音之一 (31)2.10 辅音组合位于词首的发音之二 (34)2.11 带s的辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (37)2.12 三个辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (40)2.13 在单词结尾的字母组合的发音 (42)2.14 有字母不发音的字母组合 (47)第3章特殊发音规则归纳 (50)第4章音节的划分与重读音节识别 (54)4.1 英语单词音节的划分 (54)4.2 重读音节识别 (55)第1章英语国际音标学习本教程中英语音标的学习不是重点,是作为学习英语自然拼读法的辅助工具。
一、20个元音音标[i] [ə] [ɔ] [u] [e] [æ] [ʌ] [i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [a:][ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi] [iə] [ɛə] [uə]其中[i]、[ə]、[ɔ]、[u]、[e]、[æ]、[ʌ]为短音(也叫闭音节)。
英语自然拼读校本教材一、48个英语国际音标二、26个字母在单词中的发音规则韵律诗A is for apple [æ] [æ] [æ]B is for bat [b] [b] [b]C is for cat [k] [k] [k]D is for dog [d] [d] [d]E is for elephant [e] [e] [e]F is for frog [f] [f] [f]G is for girl [g] [g] [g] H is for head [h] [h] [h]I is for it [i] [i] [i] J is for jug [dʒ] [dʒ] [dʒ] K is for kite [k] [k] [k] L is for lion [l] [l] [l]M is for monkey [m] [m] [m] N is for nose [n] [n] [n]O is for orange [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ] P is for prince [p] [p] [p]Q is for queen [kw] [kw] [kw] R is for rain [r] [r] [r]S is for sweets [s] [s] [s] T is for teddy [t] [t] [t]U is for up [ʌ] [ʌ] [ʌ] V is for vase [v] [v] [v] W is for way [w] [w] [w] X is for x-ray [ks] [ks] [ks] Y is for yellow [ j ] [ j ] [ j ] Z is for zoo [ z ] [ z ] [ z ] 三、26个字母在单词中的发音规则例词●字母音标音素拼读●Aa [æ] am at act●Bb [b] bat bag bad●Cc [k] cat cap cad●Dd [d] dog dad duck●Ee [e] egg bed red● F f [f] fat fish fit●Gg [g] girl gate get●Hh [h] ham hat have●I i [i] it is this●J j [dʒ] jug jam jeep●Kk [k] kid kip kick●L l [l] let leg left●Mm [m]mum mad mess●Nn [n]nag not neck●Oo [ɔ] log hot dot●Pp [p] pig pen put●Qq [kw]queen quick quack ●Rr [r]red ram rap●Ss [s] sit sad see●Tt [t] ted tip tick●Uu [ʌ] bus cut cup ●Vv [v]vet vex vase ●Ww [w]wed wet way ●Xx [ks]box six tax ●Yy [ j ] yes yet yep ●Zz [ z ] zap zoo zoom 四、26个字母发音例词小故事Story about AFrank the Rat •Frank is a rat.•Frank is in a bag.•Frank is in a hat.•Frank is in a pan.•Frank is on an apple.•Frank is on a bat.•“Oh , no!” Frank is on a cat.Story about BThe biscuitsA biscuit can be a bus.A biscuit can be a bike.A biscuit can be a boat.A biscuit can be a banana.A biscuit can be a bear.A biscuit can be a butterfly.A biscuit can be bird.Story about CCool Cat Cary is cool cat.Cary can cut carrots like this.Cary can climb a coconut tree like this. Cary can clean a crocodile like this. Cary can catch flies like this.Yes, Cary is cool cat.Story about DDancing Dad Dad loves dancing.Dad is dancing with the desk.Dad is dancing with the duck.Dad is dancing with the door.Dad is dancing with the dog.Dad is dancing with the deer.Where is Dad?Wow! What a dancing dad.Story about ERed BenBen likes red.Ben paints the egg red.Ben paints the eggplant red.Ben paints the lemon red.Ben paints the hen red.Ben paints the elephant red.Oh, we like red.Story about FThe Frog’s Love Story A frog falls in love with a fox.Fresh fruit for you, dear fox.A fish for you, dear fox.Flowers for you, dear fox.On day, the fox’s house is on fire.Help! Help!The fox is frightened.The frog saves the fox.You are my hero.The fox falls in love with the frog.Wow ! A Goat! Wow! A goat!Gaby gives the goat some grass.The goat doesn’t like grass.Gaby gives the goat some grapes.The goat doesn’t like grapes.Gaby gives the goat her glasses.The goat doesn’t like the glasses.Gaby gives the goat her guitar.The goat loves the guitar.Story about HHungry Hat The hungry hat is hungry.Hi, Ham! I’m hungry.Hi, Hot dog! I’m hungry.Hi, Hamburger! I’m hungry.Hi, Hen! I’m hungry.Hi, Horse! I’m hungry.Hi, Hippo! I’m hungry.HI, House! I’m hungry.I’m hungry, too.A Big, Big Day Today is a big, big day.Bill brings a big ship.Rita brings a big lollipop.Jill brings a big dish.Tina brings a big fish.Lily brings a big, big kiss.Happy birthday, Tim.Story about JJack and Jim This is Jack.This is Jim.Jack is wearing jeans.Jim is wearing jacket.Jack is playing with jigsaw.Jim is playing with jeep.Jack is having jam.Jim is having juice.Jack is listening to jazz.Jim is listening to jazz, too.Story about KThe King is…The king is…AHCHOO!A kangaroo flies away.A koala flies away.A kid flies away.A kite flies away.The kite is in the tree.The kid is in the tree.The koala is in the tree.The kangaroo is in the tree.Story about LLook! Look! Look!Look! A ladybug!Look! Look! Look!The ladybug is looking at a lizard.Look! Look! Look!The lizard is looking at a lamb.Look! Look! Look!The lamb is looking at a lion.Look out!The lion is looking at you!Story about MIf You Give a Mouse a Mooncake.A monkey gives a mouse a mooncake.May I have some milk?The monkey gives the mouse some milk. May I have some music?The monkey gives the mouse a CD.May I send a message?The monkey gives the mouse a mobile phone. What a mistake to give a mouse a mooncake!Story about NMr. No-Nose Mr. No-Nose wants a nose.I need a nice nose.I need a new nose.Wow! I love this nose.But……Mr. No-Nose doesn’t need a nose.Story about OWhat’s going on? The dog is on the clock.The fox is on the dog.The peacock is on the fox.The doll is on the peacock.The frog is on the doll.“ Shhhh!”“Good night!”“Good night!”Story about PThe Pig’s Backpack. The pig.The pink pig.The pink pig in pants.The pig is going for a picnic.The pig puts a pear in the backpack.The pig puts a peach in the backpack.Story about QA Quiet Duck The queen has a quiet duck.“Quack, please.”The duck keeps quiet.“Quack, please.”The duck keeps quiet.The queen brings a quacking duck.Quack! Quack! Quack!Can you be quiet?Quack! Quack! Quack!Story about RRabbits Run, Run , Run The rabbits are running.The rabbits are running down the road.The rabbits are running along the river.The rabbits are running by a rat.The rabbits are running for carrots.Story about SSam is a snake.In spring, Sam runs in the sun.In summer, Sam swims in the sea.In autumn, Sam sweep the leaves.In winter, Sam is sleepy.Story about TTick tock what’s the time? Tick tock what’s the time?It’s ten o’clock.It’s tomato time!Tick tock what’s the tim e?It’s twelve o’clock!It’s T-shirt time!Tick tock what’s the time?It’s two o’clock.It’s tea time!Story about UJump,jump, jump.•It’s fun to jump, jump,jump,jump.•Jump over the duck.•Jump over the drum.•Jump over the bus.•Jump over the sun.•Up! Up! Up! It’s fun to jumpStory about VVicVic visits a village.Vic sits in a van.Vic brings a violin.Vic brings a vest.Vic meets a vet.Story about W •I am a witch.•I want to be a wolf.•I want to be a waiter.•I want to be the wind.•I want to be the winner.Story about XThere is a box. There is a box.The fox wants the box.The ox wants the box.The fox kicks the ox.The ox kicks the fox.They break the box.Story about YMaya has a yellow yo-yo. Maya has a yellow yo-yo.She plays with the yo-yo.The yo-yo goes up.The yo-yo goes down.The yo-yo is here.The yo-yo is there.Maya likes the yo-yo.Story about ZZack is a zebra. Zack is a zebra.He lives in a zoo.Zack is crazy.He can make you dizzy.But everyone likes Zack.五、字母及字母组合发音规则韵律诗Aa is for apple [æ][æ][æ]a is for cake [ei][ei][ei]a is for class [a:][a:][a:]a is for watch [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ]a is for about [ə][ə][ə]ay is for day [ei][ei][ei]ai is for train [ei][ei][ei]ar is for park [a:][a:][a:]ar is for warm [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]al is for ball [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]au is for autumn [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]aw is for law [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]air is for chair[εə][εə][εə]are is for hare [εə][εə][εə]Bb is for bat [b][b][b]Cc is for cat [k][k][k]ck is for duck [k][k][k]ch is for lunch [tʃ][tʃ][tʃ]d is for dog [d][d][d]ds is for birds [dz][dz][dz]dr is for dress [dr][dr][dr]Ee is for elephant [e][e][e]e is for these [i:][i:][i:]e is for decide [i][i][i]e is for the [ə][ə][ə]ea is for bread [e][e][e]ea is for meat [i:][i:][i:]ea is for great [ei][ei][ei]ee is for sheep [i:][i:][i:]er is for term [ə:][ə:][ə:]er is for father [ə][ə][ə]ey is for they [ei][ei][ei]ei is for eight [ei][ei][ei]ew is for news [ju:][ju:][ju:] ear is for tear [iə][iə][iə]ear is for bear [εə][εə][εə] ere is for here [iə][iə][iə]ere is for there [εə][εə][εə] eir is for their [εə][εə][εə]Ff is for frog [f][f][f]Gg is for girl [g][g][g]ge is for age [dʒ][dʒ][dʒ] gh is for cough [f][f][f] Hh is for head [h][h][h] Ii is for chick [i][i][i]i is for ice [ai][ai][ai]ir is for shirt [ə:][ə:][ə:] Jj is for jug [dʒ][dʒ][dʒ] Kk is for kite [k][k][k]kn is for knee [n][n][n] Ll is for lion [l] [l] [l]l is for doll [l] [l] [l]Mm is for monkey [m][m][m] Nn is for nose [n][n][n]ng is for song [ŋ][ŋ][ŋ]Oo is for orange [ɔ][ɔ][ɔ]o is for home [əu][əu][əu] o is for mother [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]o is for move [u:][u:][u:]o is for today[ə][ə][ə]or is for horse [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:]or is for work [ə][ə][ə]oor is for door [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] our is for four [ɔ:][ɔ:][ɔ:] our is for our [au][au][au] oo is for zoo [u:][u:][u:]oo is for book [u][u][u]oa is for coat [əu][əu][əu]oe is for toe [əu][əu][əu]ow is for snow [əu][əu][əu] ow is for cow [au][au][au] ou is for mouse [au][au][au] ou is for young [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]oy is for boy [ɔi][ɔi][ɔi]oi is for coin [ɔi][ɔi][ɔi]Pp is for prince [p][p][p]ph is for photo[f][f][f]Qqu is for queen [kw][kw][kw]Rr is for rain [r][r][r]Ss is for sweet [s][s][s]s is for his [z][z][z]s is for sure [ʃ][ʃ][ʃ]s is for treasure[3][3][3]sh is for shop [ʃ][ʃ][ʃ]Tt is for teddy [t][t][t]tr is for tree [tr][tr][tr]ts is for cats [ts][ts][ts]tch is for match [tʃ][tʃ][tʃ]th is for Math [θ][θ][θ]th is for this [ð][ð][ð]tion is for station [ʃən] [ʃən] [ʃən]ture is for picture [tʃə]Uu is for up [ʌ][ʌ][ʌ]u is for music [ju:][ju:][ju:] u is for ruler [u:][u:][u:]u is for bush [u][u][u]u is for busy [i][i][i]ur is for purple [ə:][ə:][ə:] ui is for fruit [u:][u:][u:] ure is for sure [uə] [uə] [uə] Vv is for vase [v][v][v]Ww is for way [w][w][w]wh is for wheel [w][w][w] wh is for who [h][h][h]wr is for wrap [r][r][r]Xx is for box [ks][ks][ks]x is for exam [gz] [gz] [gz]Yy is for yellow [j][j][j]y is for city [i][i][i]y is for fly [ai][ai][ai] Zz is for zebra [z][z][z]。
小学英语课件-自然拼读-五个元音字母的短音 (共16张PPT) 全国通用
![小学英语课件-自然拼读-五个元音字母的短音 (共16张PPT) 全国通用](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/08d84a04fe4733687f21aa16.png)
4.辅音丛 (03组) (多个字母发多个音)
5. 浊化 (05个) (两个字母变一个音) 6.消音辅音 (06个) (两个字母消一个音)
bc d f g p qu r s t
c2 g2
h jklmn v w xy z
L丛:bl cl fl gl pl sl R丛:br cr fr gr pr S丛:sc sk sm sn sp st sw
a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
are ere ire
ore ure
1.单字母辅音 (21个) (一个字母发一个音)
2.变声辅音 (06个) (一个字母发几个音) 3.双字母辅音 (06个) (两个字母发一个音)
第2课 五个短元音
第01课 自然拼读启蒙
第02课 第04课 第06课 第08课
元音 1. 闭短 2. 开长 3.先入为主 4.R音组
第03课 第05课 第07课 第09课
英语自然拼读法教程目录第1章英语国际音标学习 (3)第2章自然拼读法学习 (5)2.1 26个字母首字母发音 (5)2.2 元音字母发短音 (10)2.3 元音字母发长音(魔法E) (12)2.4 发前一个字母音的双元音组合ai、ay、ee、ea、ey、ie、oa、oe (13)2.5 带r的双字母组合发音——ar、or、er、ir、ur发音 (16)2.6 -re音节字母组合的发音:-are、-ere、-ire、-ore、-ure的发音 (19)2.7 其他元音字母组合的发音 (21)2.8 三字母组合发音及三个以上字母组合发音 (26)2.9 辅音组合位于词首的发音之一 (31)2.10 辅音组合位于词首的发音之二 (34)2.11 带s的辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (37)2.12 三个辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (40)2.13 在单词结尾的字母组合的发音 (42)2.14 有字母不发音的字母组合 (47)第3章特殊发音规则归纳 (50)第4章音节的划分与重读音节识别 (54)4.1 英语单词音节的划分 (54)4.2 重读音节识别 (55)第1章英语国际音标学习本教程中英语音标的学习不是重点,是作为学习英语自然拼读法的辅助工具。
一、20个元音音标[i] [ə] [ɔ] [u] [e] [æ] [ʌ] [i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [a:][ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi] [iə] [ɛə] [uə]其中[i]、[ə]、[ɔ]、[u]、[e]、[æ]、[ʌ]为短音(也叫闭音节)。
英语自然拼读法教程目录第1章英语国际音标学习 (3)第2章自然拼读法学习 (5)2.1 26个字母首字母发音 (5)2.2 元音字母发短音 (10)2.3 元音字母发长音(魔法E) (12)2.4 发前一个字母音的双元音组合ai、ay、ee、ea、ey、ie、oa、oe (13)2.5 带r的双字母组合发音——ar、or、er、ir、ur发音 (16)2.6 -re音节字母组合的发音:-are、-ere、-ire、-ore、-ure的发音 (19)2.7 其他元音字母组合的发音 (21)2.8 三字母组合发音及三个以上字母组合发音 (26)2.9 辅音组合位于词首的发音之一 (31)2.10 辅音组合位于词首的发音之二 (34)2.11 带s的辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (37)2.12 三个辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (40)2.13 在单词结尾的字母组合的发音 (42)2.14 有字母不发音的字母组合 (47)第3章特殊发音规则归纳 (50)第4章音节的划分与重读音节识别 (54)4.1 英语单词音节的划分 (54)4.2 重读音节识别 (55)第1章英语国际音标学习本教程中英语音标的学习不是重点,是作为学习英语自然拼读法的辅助工具。
一、20个元音音标[i] [ə] [ɔ] [u] [e] [æ] [ʌ] [i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [a:][ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi] [iə] [ɛə] [uə]其中[i]、[ə]、[ɔ]、[u]、[e]、[æ]、[ʌ]为短音(也叫闭音节)。
英语自然拼读法教程目录第1章英语国际音标学习 (5)第2章自然拼读法学习 (7)2.1 26个字母首字母发音 (7)2.2 元音字母发短音 (14)2.3 元音字母发长音(魔法E) (16)2.4 发前一个字母音的双元音组合ai、ay、ee、ea、ey、ie、oa、oe (17)2.5 带r的双字母组合发音——ar、or、er、ir、ur发音 (21)2.6 -re音节字母组合的发音:-are、-ere、-ire、-ore、-ure的发音 (24)2.7 其他元音字母组合的发音 (26)2.8 三字母组合发音及三个以上字母组合发音 (32)2.9 辅音组合位于词首的发音之一 (39)2.10 辅音组合位于词首的发音之二 (43)2.11 带s的辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (47)2.12 三个辅音字母组合位于词首的发音 (50)2.13 在单词结尾的字母组合的发音 (53)2.14 有字母不发音的字母组合 (59)第3章特殊发音规则归纳 (63)第4章音节的划分与重读音节识别 (68)4.1 英语单词音节的划分 (68)4.2 重读音节识别 (70)第1章英语国际音标学习本教程中英语音标的学习不是重点,是作为学习英语自然拼读法的辅助工具。
一、20个元音音标[i] [ə] [ɔ] [u] [e] [æ] [ʌ] [i:] [ə:] [ɔ:] [u:] [a:][ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi] [iə] [ɛə] [uə]其中[i]、[ə]、[ɔ]、[u]、[e]、[æ]、[ʌ]为短音(也叫闭音节)。
自然拼读教程波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语自然拼读法教程(A)版波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(二)元音字母1(辅音字母+元音字母(短音)1.1拼读训练:a e i o u a e i o ub nc —— pd qu —f rg sh tj — v ——w k ———l ` y ——m z ———1.2拼读练习:1) ba, ta, sa, da, que, te, ge, ne, le, li, fi, pi, mi, qui, ho, vo, ro, fu, gu, ju 2) ma, wi, di, za, du, ha, ri, na, nu, lu, fo, bo, qua, fe, bi, mo, ge, le, ti 1.3听写练习:______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语2(元音字母(短音),辅音字母1.1拼读训练:a e i o u a e i o ub nd pg tm x2.2拼读练习:ad, ad, um, im, in, an, on, un, en, ip, up, at, ax, ox, ex2.3听写练习______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______3(辅+元(短音)+辅1.1拼读训练:bad bat cap Can bag ham Maxdad cat gap Fan rag jam faxhad fat map Man nag Sam taxmad hat nap Pan tag lamp waxsad rat tap Van campsat Ran stamp2.3听写练习:______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______egg bed bet Hen best beg wellnest leg Eddie red get Men bell波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语rest Meg led let Pen Telltest fed pet Ten Fellvest wed When yellwestin big bet Hen best beg wellnest leg ink pig get Men bellrest Meg it lid let Pen Telltest fid pet Ten Fellvest wid When yellwestdot mop job Gob box cockNod fox got pop Bob rockRob hot top rob lockCod lot stop knob clocknot shop blockpot chop stockknotus bug sun nut suck must bus up mug run but luck dust rushunder bun cut duck gust brushumbrella fun stuck jumpgun muchA man with a pan can cook eggs and ham. That’s what a man can do! That’s what a man can do! (4B_P2) My pet hen in the garden gets very wet in the rain. She gets into bed very fast.Then she begs to go out again. (4B_P4)波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语A big pig digging, a big pig digging, a big pig digging in mud, abig pig digging, a big pig digging, a dig pig digging in mud. ((4B_P6) Hop, hop, hop, all the way to the shop. I just can’t stop, when I start to hop.Jog, jog, jog, on a walk with my dog. I just can’t stop, when Istart to jog.(4B_P8)Give me a hug, or sit on the rug. Eat a cream bun or go for a run. Eat a nut or live in a hut. (4B_P10)Ben put ten pens in the tin cup. Can Ben put ten pins in the trash bin? (5A_P4)波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(三) 元音字母(长音)a/e/i/o/u _e1. a_e1.1 ChantTake your cake and eat it. Everybody do the same. (5A_P10) Take your cake and eat it. That’s the name of the game.1.2 拼读训练:face cake name late pale gave tablelace lake came plate sale save madeplace make same Kate talepace bake game mate male taperace wake dame skate whale lanegrace take fame rate planesnake hateshake ate1.3 听写练习:________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________ ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________2. e_e2.1 Chant:These men are Chinese. They are not Japanese.Are these women Japanese? No, they are Chinese.2.2 拼读训练:Steve, Eve, these, Chinese, Japanese, scene, scheme, theme, complete3.3 听写练习:th_ _ _; St _ _ _; sch _ _ _; com _ _ _ _ _; Chin_ _ _; Japan _ _ _;3. i_e3.1 ChantRide my bike up the side of a hill. Ride my bike up the side of a hill. Ride my bike all over the place. Please ride with me. (5A_P12)3.2 拼读训练:波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语nice ride mile fine like driverice side file line bike fivemice hide tile mine Mike wifeprice wide smile nine hike knifetwice tide while wine lifeslice pride mobile shine time3.3 听写练习:3.4 补充说明:这种结构偶尔也会发pig中的“i”这个音,如:give, live4. o_e4.1 ChantI have a lovely ice cream cone. The ice cream goes up my nose. My dog has a lovely bone. He buries it under a stone. (5A_P14)4.2 拼读训练:note joke bone nose hope pole homecoke cone rose rope hole rome globewoke lone pose cope role tometoke zone close dope sole domespoke stone chose Pope wholesmoke telephone those hope4.3 听写练习:4.4 补充说明:这种结构有时也会发bus中的“u”这个音,如:come, love, none, some5. u_e5.1 ChantA huge friendly monster lives near me. I hear him sing a cute tune. Excuse me, Monster, can I sing with you? Can we sing tunes together?(6A_P16)5.2 拼读训练:huge; cute; tube, cube; excuse, amuse, fuse, refuse, confuse; volume; tune, dune, use波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(五)常用元音字母组合 <上>1. -ar-1.1I put a pig under my arm. I put a tart on my head. I go to the market. Why is everybody laughing? (5A_22)1.2car card bark part arm large marketfar hard dark art farm charge gardenjar yard mark smart harm pardontar guard park egg tart charm Marchscar shark start2. -ea-2.1I climb to the top of a tree. I see as far as the sea. I take some meat and rice and tea. I live for a week in a tree. (5A_20)2.2 拼读练习:sea weak deal mean heat peach leafmeal bean tea beak beat beach teamreal dean pea peak meat teach dreamseal jean flea speak seat teacher cheapsteal clean treat pleasewheat 2.3 拼写练习:3. -oo- (1)3.1Take a look in a book, rea d a story or two. It’s good to learn about something波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语new. And I am sure you’ll find you are glad that you take a look in a book. 3.2 拼读训练:good, wood, wooden; book, look, cook, took, hook, shook; foot4. -ee-3.2 拼读训练:bee been need jeep feel week beefdeep heel see seen feed peek seemkeep peel fee keen seed seek meetsleep steel tree fifteen deed leek speedsheep wheel free green cheek5. -oo- (2)4.1 ChantI go to school on the moon. The moon bus goes too fast. We eat our food on the moon. We wear moon boots to play ball. (5A_32) 4.2 拼读训练: zoo food cool room moon boot goosetoo mood fool broom noon root looseboo stood pool afternoon shootshampoo tool soon roofschool spoon4.3 听写练习:6. -ir-5.15.2波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语bird, girl, shirt, skirt, sir, firm, first, third, thirty, dirty, thirsty, birthday, circle, circus,7. -or- (1)6.1 ChantIt’s morning at the farm. A baby horse is born. He sits in the corner. He says “Good morning” to all the horses.6.2horse, fork, pork, short, born, horn, sort, forty, corner, storm, tortoise, normal, morning,8. -ou- (1)7.1A little white mouse now lives in my house. When I hear a loud shout, it means mom found out. (5A_34)7.2house, mouse, mouth, out, loud, blouse, count, found, about, outfit, thousand, trousers9. -ow- (1)8.1波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语8.2cow, bow, now, how, down, town, brown, crown, tower, shower, flower, crowd,波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(五) 常用辅音字母组合 <上>1. bl /cl /fl /gl /pl1.1 blue, black, blade, blog, blank, blouse, blow, blind, 1.2 clap, clink, clock, cluck, clean, climb, class, clam, 1.3 fly, flow, floor, flower, flag, flat, flash, flute, Florida, 1.4 glass, glasses, glad, globe, glove, glory, glue, gloom, 1.5 plane, plate, plenty, plastic, play, plant, please, plus,2. bl /cl /fl /gl /pl2.1 bread, break, brush, brown, brother, broke, bring, 2.2 crab, cry, ice cream, crack, crash, cross, credit, 2.3 fridge, Frank, France,French, free, fruit, fresh, friend, 2.4 green, grass, grape, grade, grow, great, grid, grab, 2.5 price, prize, present, prawn, pretty, printer, practice,3. sl /sm /sn /sw3.1 sleep, slap, slip, slice, slide, slow, slope, slave 3.2 smoke, smell, small, smile, smash, smart, swim 3.3 snake, snow, snap, sneaker, snail, snack, sneeze 3.4 sweater, sweet, sweep, switch, swing, Swatch4. tw-twelve, twenty, twice, twist, twins, twinkle, between波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语5. -ch- /-tchChair, cheep, cheese, chick, chicken, church, Chinese, choose, chase, chimpanzee, championEach, rich, much, such, bench, beach,watch, Swatch, catch, kitchen, pitch, witch, match, switch6. -sh-Shirt, shark, shoes, she, shock, shake, sheet, shout, ship, shop, shade, shadow, shelf, shampooWash, fresh, fish, dish, cash, foolish, rush7. th- (1)8.1Thirty thieves are thirsty. Thirty thieves have thick coats. Look, thirty fatthieves! No, just thirty thin thieves with thick coats. (3B_P28)8.2three, thirteen, thirty, thirsty, throw, thousand, thank, thick, think, thingathletic, something, anything, nothing, everythingbath, tooth, mouth, north, south, birth,波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(六) 常用元音字母组合 <下>1. -oa-boat, coat, goat, soap, road, toad, coast, toast, float, goal, poach,2. -ow- (2)2.1The wind may blow, it may rain or snow. But I know where I want tobe. In along red coat, on my nice little boat. Going slowly out to sea.2.2window, yellow, snow, low, blow, below, flow, follow, throw, know, own, flown, shadow, tomorrow3.-ay3.1Can I stay all day and play? Can I stay all day and play? If I havemy way, if I have my way, Can I stay all day and play? (5A_38)3.2say, day, bay, may, pay, way, away, lay, play, stay, Sunday, Friday,4. -er-4.1My teacher takes me on a roller coaster. The roller coaster goesinto the波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语water.4.2driver, river, tower, father, mother, together, water, ruler, clever, Robert, teacher, Peter, singer, finger, dancer, flower, Potter, yesterday, internet,5. -ai-5.15.2wait, aim, paid, tail, mail, email, gain, pain, main, rain, again, plain, train, complain, contain,6. -ea- (2)head, bread, heavy, heaven, ready, leather, feather, weather, healthy, sweater, breakfast,7. -ur-7.17.2nurse, purse, fur, surf, hurt, burn, turn, church, purple, turtle, curtain,8. -wor- (2)work, worm, word, worse, worst, worth,波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语9.-oy-/-oi- boy, toy, joy, enjoy, soybean,boil, soil, foil, coin, join, toilet, noisy,10. -au- autumn, August, sauce, caught, naughty, Paul, pause, clause, because, authentic,11. -aw- saw, law, paw, raw, yawn, draw, claw, flaw, prawn,12. -ew- new, news, newspaper, few, nephew,13. -or- (3) actor, doctor, forget,波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(七) 常用辅音字母组合 <中>1. tr-tree, truck, train, try, true, trick, treat, trip, trust, trousers, triangle, trend,2. dr-driver, dress, drum, dream, dry, drop, draw, dragon, drink, drank, drunk; hundred, children,3. th- (2)3.1Which do you want to play? This or that, this or that? Which do you want toplay? This or that, this or that? Let’s play all the things. Let’s play all the things together! (4B_P26)3.2this, that, these, those, the, them, their, there, than, then; other, father, mother, together, with,4. sp-speak, spend, speed, spark, spoon, spaghetti, spider, spicy, spot, sport, space, spin, spring, hospital,5. st-stop, stand, stay, station, state, steel, stick, stood, store, stone, stamp,波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语distance,6. sc-/sk- /sch-skate, skirt, sky, ski, skill, skim, skin; screen, scooter, scratch, scar, scarf; school, scheme7. str-street, strong, strange, stream, stripe, strike, stress, strap, structure, straight, stretch,8. -ph-elephant, dolphin, photograph, nephew, phone, telephone, telegraph, Philips, physics, nephew,9. -ch- (2)headache, earache, backache, toothache, stomachache, mechanic, Chemistry, Christmas,10. -ch- (3)machine, chef, Chanel,11. -gu- (3)guard, guarder, guest, guess, guide, Portuguese波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(八) 常用辅音字母组合 <下>(尾音)1. -tshats, cats, bats, pants, boats, coats,2.-dsdads, birds, hands, cards, lords, records, hundreds,3. -dgebridge, fridge, judge, knowledge;4. -senose, cheese, please, close, excuse, these, those, surprise, rose, blouse, house, horse, mouse, license,5. -ck7. duck, neck, sick, quack, quick, Nick, lock, clock, block, truck, trick, stick6. -ghenough, laugh, tough, rough, cough,tionstation, function, portion, position, organization, emotion, congratulation, nation,波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语7. -turepicture, lecture, structure, furniture, culture,8. -ment9. -sionvision, television, decision,波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(九) 其他元音字母组合1. -al-/all talk, walk,ball, small, tall, all, call, shopping mall, fall, hall,2. -ou- (2) young, country, trouble, double, enough, rough, tough,3. -il-/-ill- ill, hill, pill, till, fill, Bill, will, kill, until, children, silver,4. -ire-fire, tire, tired, hire, wire, vampire, perspire,5. -air-chair, fair, hair, pair, stairs, air, airport,6. ear pear, bear, wear,clear, ear, hear, tear7. care, scared, prepare, share,8. where, there, here9. wash, watch, water, wa波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(十) 元音字母的其他发音 1. 复习:apple egg in on ugly bag bed pink hot bus name Steve like lone cute take these kite nose June 2.fatherbananaelephantfamilyopen, old波波猫青少儿多语种教育-英语(四) 辅音字母(其他常见发音)1(说明:与元音字母相比,辅音字母在单词中的发音较为固定,绝大多数同其在单词中的首发音一样。
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➢1.James lost his job just now.詹姆士刚刚失 去了工作。
➢2.Do you like Jack's Jau music?你喜欢杰克 的爵士乐吗?
➢3.A good job is a good friend.一份好工作是 一位好朋友。
➢4.Jim jogs in the jungle.吉姆在灌木丛中慢 跑。
➢5.A gentle judge judges justly.一个温和的法 官公正地断案。
➢根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中 发[dʒ]的单词。
➢ egg giraffe dragon ➢ grass cabbage job ➢ gift gate orange ➢ drug jeans gun
➢ ( )4. she ship
watch machine
单词在句中可以强读,也可以弱读, 主要取决于上下文所表达的意思。有些 英语单词本身具有两种或两种以上不同 发音。以单词some为例,该词在重读或 单独出现时,其元音的发音与单词sum 完全一样。但是,当some在句子中作为 非重读单词时,其元音就显得短而模糊。
此音颇像汉字“织”的普通 话发音。
辅音[ dʒ]的自然拼读规则
发[ dʒ] 的字母与字母组合有:
➢j一 jazz jump July June jazz ➢ge一orange change gentle general ➢dge一bridge fridge
➢听音标应跟读: [dʒ] [ dʒæk] [dʒɔ:] [dʒi:] [dʒu:n] ['ɔrindʒ] [bridʒ] [in'dʒɔi] [dʒəuk] [edʒ] [eidʒ] ['dʒekit] [peidʒ ]
➢根据发音规则,找出下列单词中发 [tʃ]的单词,并圈出来。
➢chair dumpling beach cheese night she China church these flower dream shark chick catch
辅音[ dʒ]的发音技巧与训练
➢ 发音方法描述:
[dʒ]发音时的口形、 舌形和[tʃ]相一致,但 不同的是发[dʒ]音时需 要振动声带,但不送 气。
Lesson 18
辅音[tʃ][ dʒ]的学习
辅音[tʃ] 的发音技巧
发[tʃ]时,先将舌尖、舌叶 及舌边抵住上齿跟及边齿. 形成阻塞,同时,舌前部抬 高,做好发摩擦音的准备, 一旦闭塞部位松开,气流即 从舌面上方的窄缝中摩擦而 出,双唇略成方形。注意发 [tʃ]时,声带不振动,需送 气。
➢1.China has changed a lot these years.这些 年中国有了很大的变化
➢2.Is life a question of choice or chance?人生 是选择还是机遇?
➢3.Cheer for your environment.为你的居住环 坡干杯。
此音颇像汉语拼音“ch”或 者汉字“吃”的普通话发音。
辅音[tʃ] 的自然拼读规则
ch一church chat tch一kitchen butcher t一nature question
[tʃ] [ti:tʃ] [pi:tʃ] [tʃu:z] [tʃɔi] [tʃes] [mʌtʃ] [wɔtʃ] [bi:tʃ] [ti:tʃ][tʃi:z] [tʃεə] [ritʃ] [tʃɔis]
弱读音节中最常见的音是中元音//。 一个单词在强读或弱读具有不同(两种 或两种以上)发音时,这些不同的形式 就叫词的强读式或弱读式。英语单词中 有强读式和弱读式的单词大约有50多个, 而且他们多出现在句子的非重读音节里。 从词性上看,它们大多为单音节的限定 词、助动词、动词be、介词、关联词和 人称代词等。
➢James the jailer changed jail's chairs and chained the chairs to the jail.
➢狱卒詹姆士Байду номын сангаас了监狱里的 椅子并把椅子拴在牢房上。
[tʃ] – [dʒ]
choose job
➢4.The chairman is changing his gestures.会 长在变换着他的手势。
➢5.What's my choice for the payment,cash or check?我可以选择什么样的付款方式,现金 还是支票?
➢The chief chief chewed the cheap cheese. ➢首席长官咀嚼便宜的 乳酪
cheap cabbage
match orange
➢下一节预告: ➢1.辅音[tr][dr]的发音技巧与训练 ➢2.意群和停顿 ➢希望大家课后能对老师的课程予以评
change 改变 cheer 喝彩
chance 机会 cheat 欺骗 cheap 便宜的 Dutch 荷兰人
teach 教
reach 达到
charming 迷人的 chair 椅子
1.change the choice改变选择 2.a cheap chicken leg一只便宜 的鸡腿 3.cheer up振作起来 4.cheat on the check在支票上 作假 5.free of charge不收费
英语自然拼读教程 [tʃ][ dʒ]发 音技巧与训练(18)
➢ ( )1. shell watch ship
➢ ( ) 2. usually pleasure sick
➢ ( )3. fish wash
age 年龄 juice 果汁 joke 玩笑 job 工作 join 参加 orange 桔子 judge 判断 jolly 快活的 jacket 夹克 strange 奇怪的
➢1.a Japanese jeep一辆日本吉普 车 ➢2.join in the jury加入陪审团 ➢3.an aged judge一位年长的法官 ➢4.traffic jam交通阻塞 ➢5.jump from one job to another 从一个工作换到另一个工作