issb可持续信息披露准则ISSB(可持续信息披露准则,International Sustainability Standards Board)是一个全球性的组织,致力于制定和推广企业可持续发展的信息披露准则。
1. ISSB的历史和背景ISSB是国际财务报告准则理事会(IASB)的一个分支机构,成立于2021年。
2. ISSB的目标和原则ISSB的目标是提供一套全球可适用的可持续信息披露准则,促进企业在ESG方面的透明度和可比性。
3. ISSB的工作流程和标准制定过程ISSB的工作流程包括标准制定、意见征询、公众研讨和最终发布等环节。
4. ISSB的可持续信息披露准则内容ISSB的可持续信息披露准则涵盖了多个方面,包括环境、社会和治理。
5. ISSB的准则对于投资者的意义ISSB的可持续信息披露准则对于投资者非常重要。
esrs 披露标准
esrs 披露标准English Answer:The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) Disclosure Requirements for ESG Funds.The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has established disclosure requirements for ESG funds to enhance transparency and comparability of ESG-related information for investors. These requirements aim to provide investors with clear and consistent information about the ESG characteristics of funds, enabling them to make informed investment decisions.Key Disclosure Requirements:ESG Objectives and Strategy: Funds must clearly state their ESG objectives and the strategies they employ to achieve them. This includes outlining the specific ESG factors considered in investment decisions and themethodology used to integrate ESG considerations into the investment process.ESG Risk Management: Funds must disclose their approach to managing ESG risks and the processes they have in place to identify, assess, and mitigate these risks.ESG Performance Metrics: Funds must provide quantitative and qualitative metrics to demonstrate their ESG performance. These metrics should align with the fund's stated ESG objectives and strategy and should be presented in a clear and understandable manner.ESG Data Sources: Funds must disclose the sources of the ESG data they rely on to make investment decisions and the measures they take to ensure the reliability and accuracy of this data.Remuneration Policy: Funds must disclose their remuneration policy and how it aligns with the ESG objectives of the fund. This includes explaining how ESG performance is incorporated into the assessment of employeeperformance and compensation.Compliance Deadlines:The ESMA disclosure requirements for ESG funds cameinto effect on March 10, 2021. Funds that are subject to these requirements must ensure that their disclosures arein compliance by the following deadlines:Existing Funds: Existing ESG funds must comply with the requirements by June 30, 2022.New Funds: New ESG funds launched after March 10, 2021 must comply with the requirements from the date of launch.Impact of the Disclosure Requirements:The ESMA disclosure requirements are expected to have a significant impact on the ESG fund industry. They will enhance transparency and comparability of ESG-related information, enabling investors to make more informed investment decisions. The requirements will also promotethe adoption of ESG principles and encourage fund managers to integrate ESG considerations into their investment strategies.中文回答:欧洲证券和市场管理局(ESMA)ESG 基金披露标准。
内部控制系统披露—一种可替代的管理机制塞尔吉奥-贝里塔会计部门博科尼大学根据代理理论,各种治理机制减少了投资者和管理者之间的代理问题(Jensen and Meckling,1976; Gillan,2006)。
内部机制包括董事会及其作用、结构和组成(Fama,1980;Fama and Jensen,1983),管理股权(Jensen and Meckling,1976)和激励措施,起监督作用的大股东(Demsetz and Lehn,1985),内部控制系统(Bushman and Smith,2001),规章制度和章程条款(反收购措施)和使用的债务融资(杰森,1993)。
外部控制是由公司控制权市场(Grossman and Hart,1980)、劳动力管理市场(Fama,1980)和产品市场(哈特,1983)施加的控制。
尽管有其相关性,但投资者不能直接观察,因此也无法得到内部控制系统设计和发挥功能的信息,因为它们都是组织内的内在机制、活动和过程(Deumes and Knechel,2008)。
由于投资者考虑到成本维持监控管理其声称的(Jensen and Meckling,1976),内部控制系统在管理激励信息沟通上的特性,以告知投资者内部控制系统的有效性,是当其他监控机制(该公司的股权结构和董事会)比较薄弱,从而为其提供便捷的监控(Leftwich et等, 1981)。
上市企业esg信息披露 法规
cdp sbti 标准
cdp sbti 标准CDP(碳披露项目)和SBTi(科学基准目标倡议)是两个在应对气候变化方面起到重要作用的标准和倡议。
而SBTi是由CDP、全球上市公司协会(World Benchmarking Alliance)、全球影响力报告联盟(World Resources Institute)和可持续发展解决方案网络(UN Global Compact)共同发起的倡议,于2015年成立。
中文2194字外文翻译原文:Disclosure Quality and Cash FlowWe study a relatively recent change in voluntary disclosure practices by management, namely the issuance of management cash flow forecasts. While we find some management cash flow forecasts in the early 1980s, the incidence of such disclosures is low until recent years. However, since 2000, there has been a dramatic increase in the issuance of management cash flow forecasts and the number of such forecasts has more than tripled from pre-2000 levels.One potential explanation for this trend is Regulation FD, which went into effect in 2000. For example, if managers were disclosing cash flow forecasts privately to analysts prior to Regulation FD, they would have to publicly disclose such forecasts to all parties after Regulation FD or curtail their management cash flow forecasts completely. Regulation FD potentially increases company disclosure of a wide array of financial information, including cash flow information. Consistent with this, we also document an increasing frequency of management earnings forecasts in recent years.Another potential explanation for the recent trend of more management cash flow forecasts is investors and analysts paying more attention to cash flow information than before. Recent corporate scandals involving Enron, WorldCom and others, have heightened investor concern over potential accounting earnings manipulations. Such concerns were recently noted in a Business Week article entitled “Fuzzy Numbers”.Consistent with an increase in the demand for cash flow information by investors, we also find analyst forecasts of cash flow during the 2000-2003 period more than doubled from pre-2000 levels.We study voluntary management cash flow forecasts and test hypotheses on managers’incentives to issue these forecasts. Prior voluntary disclosure literatureoffers varying predictions for management’s incentives to provide disclosure as well as the nature of information conveyed in management disclosures. For example, theoretical models demonstrate that when there are proprietary costs of disclosure or when investors are uncertain about the information management has, firms will voluntarily disclose good news and withhold less favorable news. Early empirical studies on management earnings forecasts provide evidence consistent with this prediction. More recent empirical work, however, suggests the importance of litigation risk in affecting management earnings forecasts. Skinner[1994] and Kasznik and Lev[1995] document that management earnings forecasts are more likely to convey bad news, consistent with managers are concerned with the risk of litigation and issue preemptive earnings forecasts to adjust downward investor expectations.Earnings forecasts likely play a special role in reducing the risk of litigation, and a more important role than management cash flow forecasts. For firms with bad news and thus concerned about potential litigation, earnings-related disclosures are likely to be more effective in conveying that bad news to investors than disclosures of other financial information such as cash flows because, in general, earnings is the most informative summary performance measure. Thus, earnings disclosure is more likely to bring about the needed adjustment to investor expectations. As a result, the propensity for earnings forecasts to reflect bad news as documented in some of the prior studies may not apply to other types of management forecasts such as cash flow forecasts. Consistent with this, using data since the 1980’s, researchers find that better performance is associated with higher overall disclosure levels.We predict that management issues cash flow forecasts to signal good news in cash flow, to meet investor demand for cash flow information, and to pre-commit to a certain composition of earnings in terms of cash flow versus accruals, thus reducing the degree of freedom in earnings management. Our findings are consistent with these predictions. We find that the likelihood of management cash flow forecasts increases in periods when there is a large increase in operating cash flow, when analysts are forecasting an earnings loss, when management specifically reveals in their press releases that earnings will be either below or above expectations and when firm isyoung. In addition, we find that the likelihood of management cash flow forecasts decreases in periods with extreme positive discretionary accruals.We document that firms issuing management cash flow forecasts tend to have better cash flow information than those without a forecast and that management cash flow forecasts tend to beat existing expectations. This applies to situations where there is very bad or very good news in earnings and when the firm is young, suggesting that management uses cash flow forecasts to mitigate the negative impact of bad news in earnings, to lend credibility to good news in earnings and to signal economic viability in young firms.We provide evidence on how management reports actual cash flow information in (subsequent) press releases. We document that managers use discretion in reporting realized cash flows in earnings announcement-related press releases and adopt alternative definitions of cash flows (vis-à-vis GAAP definitions of cash flow per the statement of cash flows). Specifically, management-announced actual cash flows tend to exceed actual GAAP cash flows. As a result, management-announced actual cash flows meet or beat management cash flow projections more often than actual GAAP cash flows meet or beat management projections, generating significantly positive cash flow forecast errors. This finding suggests that a similar practice to management’s announcement of pro forma earnings also exists for management announcement of cash flows.Sloan (1996) provides evidence that investors overestimate the persistence of accruals and underestimate the persistence of cash flow. This results in mispricing –labeled the accrual anomaly –where a trading strategy designed to exploit investors’ misunderstanding of the persistence of earnings components earns significant abnormal returns. Literature extending Sloan (1996) primarily focuses on accrual overvaluation (e.g., Xie [2001]; Thomas & Zhang [2002]; Collins, Gong, & Hribar [2003]). However, recent research suggests that research focusing on accrual mispricing without also considering cash flow mispricing is incomplete (Desai, Rajgopal, & Venkatachalam [2004]; Yu [2007]; Barone & Magilke [2008]). Thus, in this paper, we investigate the role that disclosure quality plays in the accuratevaluation of both accruals and cash flow. Specifically, we examine whether investors price securities as if they better understand the information in accruals and cash flow for future earnings for firms with high disclosure quality relative to firms with low disclosure quality.Investigating the association between disclosure quality and the mispricing of accruals and cash flow is important because it highlights the role that disclosure quality plays in helping investors to efficiently impound accounting information into prices, thus establishing a link between disclosure quality and market efficiency. As such, this study tests a conjecture in Thomas (2000) that the mispricing of earnings information may result from low-quality disclosures. Our results contribute to the literature by providing evidence that the existence of at least some market anomalies may be reduced by high quality disclosure. Moreover, our research may provide evidence to policy makers as they weigh the costs and benefits of mandating improved disclosures.Recent research provides evidence that temporary accounting distortions arising from accrual estimation errors plays a significant role in the lower earnings persistence of accruals relative to cash flow (Richardson, Sloan, Soliman, & Tuna [2006]). These accrual estimation errors could be a result of both unintentional errors in forecasting the future economic benefits of accruals and intentional managerial manipulation (Xie [2001]; Richardson, Sloan, Soliman, & Tuna [2006]). Sloan (1996) argues that investors fail to fully understand the differential persistence of accruals because they do not understand the greater subjectivity involved in estimating accruals relative to cash flow. Recent research also suggests that investors underestimate the persistence of cash flow and thus, fail to fully understand the future economic benefits of cash flow (Desai, Rajgopal, & Venkatachalam [2004]; Yu [2007]; Barone & Magilke [2008]).Theory suggests that increased disclosure plays a role in equity markets by reducing information asymmetries, increasing liquidity, and reducing the cost of capital (Diamond & Verrecchia [1991]; Kim & Verrecchia [1994]). However, very few papers investigate the role that disclosure plays in efficient pricing. Our focuson disclosure is based on the idea that more informative disclosures allow investors to more fully understand the information in accruals and cash flow for future earnings. We conjecture that, all things equal, investors can better understand the managerial assumptions used to record accruals and therefore, can better forecast the future economic benefits and valuation implications of accruals when disclosure quality is higher. We also conjecture that, all things equal, investors can better understand the information in cash flow for future earnings, and thus can more accurately value cash flow, when disclosure quality is higher. More specifically, we predict that stock prices of firms with higher-quality disclosures more accurately reflect the lower (higher) earnings persistence of accruals (cash flow) relative to firms with lower-quality disclosures.Following Sloan (1996), we use the Mishkin (1983) rational expectations framework (hereafter referred to as the “Mishkin test”) to examine whether t he earnings expectations embedded in stock prices accurately reflect the differential persistence of the components of earnings (i.e., accruals and cash flow). We first confirm that the mispricing phenomenon documented by Sloan (1996) occurs in our full sample of firms. That is, we find that investors behave as if they over-estimate the persistence of accruals and under-estimate the persistence of cash flow. We then repeat the Mishkin test using two sub-samples of firms: High-Quality Disclosers (i.e., firms in the top quintile of disclosure quality) and Low-Quality Disclosers (i.e., firms in the bottom quintile of disclosure quality). The results of the sub-sample analysis reveal that the market prices accruals and cash flow differently for the different sub-samples. Specifically, we find significant overpricing of accruals and underpricing of cash flow for Low-Quality Disclosers. However, there is no evidence of mispricing of accruals and cash flow for High-Quality Disclosers. This result implies that investors better understand the information in accruals and cash flow for future earnings when disclosure quality is high.Following prior literature (e.g., Collins, Gong, & Hribar [2003]; Desai, Rajgopal, & Venkatachalam [2004]; Mashruwala, Rajgopal, & Shevlin [2006]; Barone & Magilke [2008]), we use a cross-sectional regression approach to investigate whetheraccruals and cash flow are associated with future returns after controlling for variables known to predict future returns (i.e., size, book-to-market). Consistent with recent research, in our full sample, we find no evidence that accruals are associated with future returns when cash flow and the control variables are included in the model (Desai, Rajgopal, & Venkatachalam [2004]; Yu [2007]; Barone & Magilke [2008]). However, we do find evidence that is consistent with the existence of cash flow mispricing (Desai, Rajgopal, & Venkatachalam [2004]; Yu [2007]; Barone & Magilke [2008]).This study investigates the relationship between disclosure quality and the mispricing of the components of earnings (i.e., accruals and cash flow). Our results provide useful information to regulators, academics, and investors interested in the pricing of earnings components. Specifically, we illustrate a potential benefit of better quality disclosure by documenting a specific case in which higher-quality disclosure is associated with more efficient prices. The results of this study are also relevant to the stream of recent academic research investigating the determinants of accrual and cash flow mispricing.Source:Michael S. Drake,James N. Myers and Linda A. Myers,2008“disclosure quality and cash flow”,August.pp.2-4.译文:信息披露质量和现金流本文研究自愿性信息披露管理实践方面的最新变化,即现金流量预测管理的发布。
《金融机构环境信息披露指南》金融行业标准Financial institutions play a crucial role in the global economy. They serve as intermediaries, facilitating the flow of funds between savers and borrowers, and providing essential financial services to individuals, businesses, and governments. 金融机构在全球经济中扮演着至关重要的角色。
In today's rapidly changing business environment, stakeholders are demanding greater transparency and accountability from financial institutions. Information disclosure has become increasingly important as investors, regulators, and the public seek to better understand the risks and opportunities facing these organizations. 在当今快速变化的商业环境中,利益相关方要求金融机构提供更多的透明度和问责制。
The "Guidelines for Environmental Information Disclosure by Financial Institutions" provide a framework for financial institutions to disclose relevant environmental information, including theirenvironmental policies, practices, performance, and impact. By following these guidelines, financial institutions can enhance their transparency and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. 《金融机构环境信息披露指南》为金融机构披露相关环境信息提供了框架,包括他们的环境政策、实践、绩效和影响。
issb 可持续信披准则
issb 可持续信披准则ISSB(International Sustainability Standards Board)可持续信披准则是一项旨在推动企业在环境、社会和治理(ESG)方面进行透明度和披露的全球性倡议。
二、背景ISSB可持续信披准则由国际财务报告准则理事会(IFRS Foundation)发起,并与全球范围内的利益相关方合作制定。
三、准则内容ISSB可持续信披准则主要包括以下几个方面:1. 企业战略与目标:准则要求企业明确规划和披露其可持续发展战略和目标,包括环境、社会和治理方面的目标,并与财务目标相结合。
2. 风险管理:准则要求企业识别和管理与可持续发展相关的风险,包括气候变化、自然资源管理、劳工权益等方面的风险,并披露相关的管理措施。
3. 业绩指标与报告:准则要求企业披露与可持续发展相关的关键业绩指标,如碳排放量、能源消耗、员工满意度等,并提供详细的报告说明。
4. 利益相关方参与:准则要求企业积极与利益相关方进行合作,包括员工、客户、供应商、社区等,以提高可持续发展绩效。
5. 标准与认证:准则要求企业遵循国际标准和认证,如ISO 14001环境管理体系认证、SA8000社会责任管理体系认证等,并进行相应的披露。
四、准则的意义和影响ISSB可持续信披准则对企业和投资者都具有重要意义和影响:1. 对企业而言,准则的实施有助于提高企业的可持续发展绩效,增强企业的竞争力和声誉,吸引更多的投资和资源。
外文文献翻译原文及译文(本文档归max118 网hh2018 所有,仅供下载使用)中文标题:印度环境会计披露实践的影响因素:来自NIFTY 公司的经验证据文献出处:The IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2016译文字数:3900 多字原文Factors Influencing Environmental Accounting and Disclosure Practices in India: Empirical Evidence from NIFTY CompaniesB Omnamasivaya* and M S V PrasadThe study examines the factors determining the level of environmental disclosure information by taking a sample of NIFTY 50 companies from National Stock Exchange (NSE). The environmental information disclosure is measured by using an Environmental Accounting Disclosure Index (EADI) and the variables used in the study are profitability, corporate size, age, financial leverage, industry type, legal ownership and foreign operations. The relationship is tested using multiple regression analysis. The results show that there is a positive relationship between EADI and profitability, financial leverage, industry type and legal ownership, and a negative relationship between EADI and corporate size, age and foreign operations.IntroductionClimate change is one of the greatest challenges that the world is facing today. Climate change is the variation in the global climate over time. The climate change creates manifold problems like global warming, glacier meltdown, soil erosion, land degradation, deforestation, loss of biodiversity and all kinds of pollution. Human influence on the nature is one of the major causes of such problems. Indiscriminate use of resourcesand undue influence on nature in the name of development can be identified as the prime causes of climate change. As a result, in the last few decades, the adverse effect of environmental pollution on economic development has become a public concern all over the world (Goswami, 2014).The state of world‘s environment and the impact of mankind on the ecology of the world have led to increased public concern and scrutiny of the operations and performance of organizations. Globally, corporations are expected to include environmental concerns in business operations and interaction with stakeholders. As a result, firms can no longer ignore the problems of the society in which they operate. This has thus instituted a social contract between organizations and the environment, thereby making environmental responsibility a corporate dictate (Olayinka and Oluwamayowa, 2014).Every business has responsibility to use the resources at judiciously. Every enterprise needs to behave like a good corporate citizen, and the corporate behavior is judged by its actions related to the community, the steps taken to protect the environment or pollution control. In the context of the Indian corporate sector, companies are not performing as good citizens. Due to this reason many laws have been laid down by the government for making the companies good corporate citizens and fulfill their social responsibility (Chauhan, 2005).In India, the economic reforms initiated in the 1990s have unwittingly contributed to a rise in environmental problems. The awareness level of stakeholders and public regarding the environmental issues has increased the pressure on companies to disclose environmental information. As a result, the companies have started disclosing the environmental information in annual reports and sustainability reports to satisfy all their stakeholders.The Indian government has taken several steps to protect the environment. It has set up the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) with the aim to coordinate, among the states and the various ministries, the issues relating to environmental protection and antipollution measures. Necessary legislation has also been passed. In India, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) were established under the Water Act. The CPCB has identified 17 categories of industries which are highly polluting (Joshi et al., 2011).In India, specific environmental accounting rules or environmental disclosure guidelines for communication to different stakeholder groups are not available for Indian companies. There is no mandatory requirement for quantitative disclosure of (financial) environmental information in annual reports either under the Companies Act or as per the Indian Accounting Standards. Furthermore there are 23 stockexchanges in India which are controlled by the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Act, 1992. Each of these stock exchanges has different listing requirement for Indian companies to disclose environmental information. Therefore, any environmental disclosure by Indian companies is purely voluntary (Makori and Jagongo, 2013). Against this backdrop, the present study examines the factors determining the level of environmental disclosure information in India.Legitimacy TheoryIn order to explain the reasons for environmental disclosure, we use legitimacy theory. There are many theories which explain the various reasons for social and environmental accounting disclosures, but legitimacy theory is the most suitable theory to explain the environmental disclosure. Organizations cannot survive without meeting the societal expectations. The society expects that the organizations should be proactive in protecting the environment and minimizing the environmental hazards. In case organizations fail to meet the societal expectations, there is a severe threat to their existence. Nowadays Indian companies are legitimizing because of the awareness about environmental disclosure practices in the society. Therefore, Indian companies are taking several steps to protect the environment and are disclosing the relevant environmental information in their annual reports and company websites.Legitimacy relates to the environmental issues which are disclosedin the companies’ annual reports. This indicates the management concerns towards the community. Therefore, the management of different companies or managers have different ideas or thoughts about what the society expects and managers will adapt different strategies to show the society that the organization is meeting the expectations of the community (Zain, 2006).The theory of legitimacy is based on two fundamental ideas: companies need to legitimize their activities, and the process of legitimacy that confers benefits to businesses. Thus, the first element is compatible with the idea that environmental disclosure is related to the social pressure. In this context, the need for legitimacy is not the same for all companies due to the degree of social pressure the company is exposed to, and the level of response to this pressure. There are a number of factors which determine the degree of social pressure on companies and their responses to the pressure. These factors are potential determinants of corporate social disclosure. The second component is based on the idea that companies can expect to benefit by a legitimate behavior based on the social responsibility activity. In addition to that, the legitimacy theory provides a comprehensive framework to explain both the determinants and consequences of social disclosure (Mohamed et al., 2014).Literature ReviewKokubu et al. (2001) examined the annual reports of 1,203 companies to investigate the determinants of environmental disclosure. Environmental disclosure was measured by using an environmental disclosure index and the six independent variables used in the study were company size, financial performance, strength of consumer relations, dependence on debt, dependence on the capital market and type of industry. The study found that company size and industry type influence environmental disclosure.Elijido-Ten (2004) conducted a study on the determinants of environmental disclosures by using 40 Malaysian companies by applying stakeholder theory. The environmental disclosure was measured by using an environmental disclosure index. The study used three determinants: stakeholder power, strategic posture and economic performance. The study found that both top management and government power were the determinants of environmental disclosure, and it was also found that there was no relationship between economic performance and environmental disclosure.Yuen et al. (2009) examined 200 companies to investigate the relationship between firm characteristics and voluntary disclosure. Voluntary disclosure practices were measured by using a disclosure index and the independent variables used in the study were concentration of ownership, ownership by state, individual ownership, firm size, leverage,profitability and type of industry. The study found that individual ownership, audit committee, firm size, and leverage positively related to voluntary disclosure.Galani et al. (2011) examined the relationship between environmental disclosure and firm size by using 100 Greek companies. Environmental disclosure was measured by using environmental disclosure index and the independent variables tested in the study were profitability, size and listing status. The study found that there was a positive significant relationship between environmental disclosure and size of the firm and it was also found that there was no relationship between environmental disclosure and profitability listing requirements.Joshi et al. (2011) analyzed as ma ny as 45 Indian companies’ annual reports to investigate the factors influencing environmental disclosure. The environmental disclosure was measured using environmental disclosure index and the independent variables used in the study were profitability, size, accounting firm, industry, foreign operations, age, ownership and financial leverage. The study found that size and industry were significant determinants for environmental disclosure.Rouf (2011) examined the relationship between firm-specific characteristics and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD) by taking 176 Bangladesh companies. CSRD was measured by using the CSRD index and the variables in the study were independent directorsand firm size. The study found that there was a positive relationship between CSRD and independent directors and firm size did not affect CSRD.Abdo and Al-Drugi (2012) studied whether any company characteristics influenced environmental disclosures by using 43 Libyan oil and gas companies. Environmental disclosures were measured using content analysis through word count and four characteristics were selected: company’s size, privatization, age, and nationality. The study found that there was a positive association between environmental disclosure and company’s size, company’s privatization, and company’s nationality; and it was also found that the age of the company was significant and negatively related to the level of environmental disclosure.Oba and Fodio (2012) examined the relationship between board characteristics and quality of environmental disclosure by taking 21 companies in Nigeria. Environmental disclosure was measured by using an environmental disclosure index and the independent variables used in the study were board size, foreign directors, gender mix, and board independence. The study found that there was no relationship between board size and environmental disclosure.Suttipun and Stanton (2012) conducted a study on the determinants of environmental disclosure by using 75 Thai companies. The environmental disclosure was measured by word count and the fiveindependent variables used in the study were size of the company, type of industry, ownership status, profitability and country of origin of the company. The study found that there was a positive relationship between environmental disclosure and size of the company.Development of HypothesesCorporate SizeMany of the researchers found a positive relationship between environmental disclosure and size, and many studies supported that large- sized firms disclose more on environment (e.g., Kokubu et al. 2001; Joshi et al., 2011; Suttipun and Stanton, 2012; Makori and Jagongo, 2013; Akbaş , 2014; and Sulaimana et al., 2014).There is a contrast between small enterprises and large enterprises. Large companies require more funds and for that they raise funds through external sources. For attracting the investors and to reduce the agency cost, large companies disclose more information and therefore get public support (Joshi et al., 2011).ProfitabilityThe profitability of a firm is an important factor in determining the environmental disclosure practices. As for whether environmental issues are important or not, it is argued that when the profit is low, the importance of environmental issues is low (Joshi et al., 2011). Many studies have reported that there is a positive relationship betweenprofitability and environmental disclosure (e.g., Nurhayati et al., 2015). A very few studies did not support that (e.g., Galani et al. 2011; Rouf, 2011; Akbaş , 2014; and Sulaimana et al., 2014).Many studies have used the profitability ratios like Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Investment (ROI), Return on Equity (ROE), Net Profit Margin and Dividend Per Share (DPS) to measure the firm profitability. This study uses ROE to measure profitability.Financial LeverageThe agency theory states that with the increase of debt proportion in capital structure, the greater is likely to be the conflict of interest between shareholders, creditors and managers; and the higher the agency cost, the greater is the incentive for managers to disclose more information. From the perspective of social and environmental responsibilities, companies with higher financial leverage are willing to disclose more environmental information to maintain good relationship with stakeholders (Joshi et al., 2011).Many studies have supported the association between financial leverage and environmental disclosure (Joshi et al., 2011; and Sulaimana et al., 2014). They reported that financial leverage has no impact on the disclosure level in India. Kokubu et al. (2001) stated that debt did not significantly influence the corporate environmental reports in Japan. However, this study uses debt-equity ratio for measuring financialleverage.Industry TypeMany studies have examined whether the industry influences the disclosure of environmental information, and many studies have supported strongly that environmental-sensitive companies disclose more environmental information than non-environmental-sensitive companies. Joshi et al. (2011) stated that environmental-sensitive companies in India are likely to disclose more environmental protection information than others. Akbaş (2014) reported that t here is a significant positive relationship between industry membership and the extent of environmental disclosure.ConclusionThe study examined the factors influencing EADI by taking a sample of 50 companies listed on NSE. The environmental accounting disclosure is measured by EADI, and the independent variables used in the study are corporate size, age, profitability, financial leverage, legal ownership, industry and foreign operations. The relationship is tested using multiple regression analysis. The R2 under the model is 0.6033, which indicates that the model is capable of explaining 60.33% of variability in the disclosure of environmental information in the sample companies. The adjusted R2 indicates that 53.72% of variation in the dependent variable is explained by the variations in the independentvariables. The results of multiple regression reveal that there is a positive relationship between EADI and profitability, financial leverage, industry type, and legal ownership, and a negative relationship between EADI and corporate size, age and foreign operations.Limitations: The main limitation of the study is that the data was selected only for one year. The sample size was also limited. Another limitation of the study is that there are many variables which may influence environmental disclosure like board of directors, CEO’s role, audit firm size, etc., but we have selected very few variables.Future Scope: There is huge scope for further research on environmental accounting disclosure in the Indian context, as there is less amount of research on this subject. Further research can focus on the relationship between environmental accounting disclosure practices and financial performance of the companies.译文印度环境会计披露实践的影响因素:来自NIFTY 公司的经验证据B Omnamasivaya,M S V Prasad该研究通过从国家证券交易所(NSE)获取NIFTY 50 公司的样本来分析环境披露信息水平的影响因素。
cdp评级体系【原创实用版】目录1.CDP 评级体系简介2.CDP 评级体系的组成部分3.CDP 评级体系的作用和意义4.CDP 评级体系的实际应用案例5.总结正文CDP 评级体系,全称为“碳排放披露项目评级体系”,是一种针对企业碳排放披露的评估体系。
这个体系由英国非营利组织“碳排放披露项目”(Carbon Disclosure Project,简称 CDP)发起,旨在鼓励企业主动披露其碳排放信息,帮助投资者和其他利益相关者更好地了解企业的环境绩效。
CDP 评级体系主要由以下几个部分组成:一是碳排放量披露。
CDP 评级体系对于推动企业减排、提高企业环境绩效具有重要作用。
CDP 评级体系在全球范围内得到了广泛的应用。
比如,我国一些大型企业,如中国石油化工集团公司、中国华能集团公司等,都已经加入了 CDP 评级体系,并定期披露其碳排放信息。
经营分析与估值克雷沙·G.帕利普保罗·M.希利摘自书籍“Business Analysis and Valuation”第五版第一章节1.简介本章的目的是勾勒出一个全面的财务报表分析框架。
A Study on the Supervision System with V oluntary Information Disclosurein Chinese Listed CompaniesAbstractThe voluntary information of listed companies is based on corporate image, the investor relates, which is to avoid lawsuit risk besides the compulsory information disclosure. The information, which the companies disclosed on their own initiative, is the important part of disclosure information. It is an effective way that demonstrates their core competitive ability. The author analyzed the problems on voluntary information disclosed, which existed in Chinese mainland listed company, proposed the suggestion of constructing supervision system which listed companies voluntary information to disclose.*Keywords: Listed companies, Compulsory information disclosure, V oluntary information disclosure, SupervisionSystemAs the expansion of the increase of the number of listed companies and the increasingly drastic market competition,the competition has become more difficult in more and more listed companies. In order to catch the scarce resource--the capital, companies tend to choose the way of V oluntary information Disclosure. Listed companies,with voluntary to disclose the information refers to corporate image, the investor relation, avoid lawsuit risk besides the compulsory information disclosure. However, the supervision system is not good enough; the information disclosed voluntarily is hard to be proof the truth. Therefore, it becomes more and more important to build the supervision system with voluntary information disclosure for listed companies.1. Motivation of Compulsory information disclosureWith the China capital market gradually development, the business management authority can reduce the average capital cost, enhance the financial analyst and investor's interest, enhance company confidence level, improve investment relations, stand out company competitive advantages, enhancecompany stocks market fluidity, but also may reduce the company’s lawsuit risk ,because the disclosure is not enough and so on, by disclosing voluntary information besides the compulsory information disclosure. The China capital market information disclosure also can gradually move to the stage of paying equal attention to voluntary and compulsory disclosure, not the simply regarding of the compulsory disclosure, the voluntary information disclosure will certainly to be the effective way,by which listed companies can demonstrate the core competitive ability, communicate with the stakeholders, and describe the company future. (Xianzhong Song, 2006)2. Content of Compulsory information disclosureListed companies, with voluntary to disclose the information is refers to corporate image, the investor relates, avoid lawsuit risk except for the compulsory information disclosure. Learning from foreign listed companies’ experience of disclosing information voluntarily , and according to the situation in China, the listed companies voluntary disclosure of information include:The forward-looking informa tion, based on the company's “core competence”. It contains the operation,the business plan, strategic planning, business environment and so on. All of information can help investors to make rational investment judgments and decision-making;Information communicated with the market intermediaries and investors or the evaluation information from them;Information of human resources. Under the conditions of the knowledge economy society, human capitalbecomes more and more important. Particularly in the high tech, high-growth companies, employees are the company's most valuable asset. Research shows that these companies were significantly better than other companies,in the above-mentioned aspects of the voluntary disclosure of information;According to the accounting standards of the conservative principles, there is also lack of proper disclosure rules or low in requirements disclosure, which is useful for the investment decision-making, such as fair value;Corporate governance, environmental protection and social responsibility donot have mandatory disclosure information, because of complexity from the measurement and disclosure (Derong Zhang, 2004).3. Main problems exist in Compulsory information disclosure3.1 Low Voluntary Disclosure Rate and low initiative3.2 Lack of integrity of Voluntary information disclosureToday, Chinese listed companies’ practice of disclosing information voluntarily is not satisfactory. Many listed companies are reluctant to disclose, and some listed companies only disclose the company's financial information;but the "bad news" or involved matters with a certain risk, or other seriously matters, the companies are kept silent.Moreover, many listed companies do not disclose fully credibility, hoping the investors rely on the “popular”, then to help them succeed .Chinese investors are not maturity, particularly in the processing, handling and analyzing information. Therefore, it is very difficult to judge the value of the company through the signal transferred by the company.3.3 The voluntary disclosure of false informationGenerally speaking, the voluntary information disclosure has high credibility. To the non-mandatory requirements information, managers often disclose the less likely to lead to the disclosure of risk information for reducing the risk of litigation and avoiding legal sanctions. In addition, the main motive of high-quality enterprises disclosing the information to the investors is to convey the signal quality of enterprises, so as to reduce monitoring costs. V oluntary information disclosure generally has higher quality. However, the absence of mandatory disclosure is as strict guidelines as regulate, and authorities have the tendency of opportunism, prone to the problem of moral hazard.What’s more, the poor quality of the enterprises are based on the theory of signal transduction, transmission of false information, the voluntary disclosure of information is not the same to the mandatory information , as to undergo a rigorous audit. And voluntary disclosure of information is difficult to guarantee the quality.3.4 Content of voluntary information disclosure is not standardAt present, mainly Chinese listed companies are the compulsory disclosure ofinformation, and voluntary disclosure of information in some documents are scattered, in reality, Chinese listed companies ,disclosing voluntarily information, can not meet regulators, securities analysts and investors demand regardless of content or quality.Chinese listed companies in the voluntary disclosure of information content norms. The China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the "public offerings stock, the disclosure of corporate information content and format standards" of the relevant provisions of 1-6 in the annotated "Open-here," although voluntary disclosure of information to the left of the room, but the lack of specific guidelines and the corresponding policy support, the overall level of the listed companies to disclose information voluntarily is low. Therefore, Chinese voluntary disclosure of information is worthy of paying attention and needs to be solved.4. Improve Supervision System of Voluntary information Disclosure in listed companiesAs growing competition of capital in the market and the gradually standardization of legal system, there will be a growing trend of voluntary information disclosure for adapt with the complex and ever-changing and highly uncertain economic environment. For the problems existing in Chinese listed companies voluntary information disclosure, and learning from the practical experience on foreign listed companies, the author makes the following recommendations:4.1 Actively encourage and protect listed companies voluntarily disclose informationWith the gradually maturation of Chinese capital market, on the basis of the management company completing the mandatory disclosure of information provided voluntary disclosure of information. Therefore, the regulatorydepartments should encourage listed companies to voluntary disclosure of information, add clauses in the policies and regulations, encourage listed companies to disclose the voluntary information besides existing laws, regulations and rules, meet the investors’ growing demands. At the same time, in order to a void some of the company's management should not be faced litigation risk and otherproblems, regulators need to study and formulate relevant policies for the company's voluntary disclosure of information act to protect them. "Deliberate manipulation" and"accidental factors" belong to different nature of the situations and treat them differently. It should investigate the law liability to parties in the first case. Otherwise, only the listed companies have adequate evidences and can explain reasonably, don’t look into their liability.4.2 Strengthen supervising and managing prevent to disclose the false information at will and protect the market orderOnce the voluntary disclosure information published, it must accept the essential surveillance and the restraint equally with the compulsory disclosure information. But voluntary information disclosure is still lack essential surveillance rules currently, should establish a set of voluntary information disclosure supervising and managing system, standard voluntary information quality. For example: to establish voluntary information assurance and compensation system, to perform the heavy fine to the enterprise which misleads the investor and so on. The negotiable securities supervising and managing department and the Exchanges should strengthen supervising and managing to voluntary information disclosure market, prevent to disclose the false information at will, protects the market order. The voluntary information disclosure supervising and managing should contain following several aspects: First, integrity, listed companies voluntarily disclose of the information are both "positive" information, also includes the "negative" information;Second, systemic, whether listed companies from different angles, through various information disclosure to reveal the same, whether formed a distinctive pattern of voluntary disclosure of information;Third, dynamic, long-term voluntary listed companies to disclose certain information, and constantly adjusted to improve the reliability of information;Fourth, widespread, as long as all investors equal access to all listed companies to voluntarily disclose information;Fifth, the comparative, whether the compulsory information disclosure ismandatory or not, it can be the standards of judgment for the quality of reference standards.4.3 Giving full attention to the role of market intermediaries to establish the authority of the disclosure of company information quality evaluation system Listed companies should strengthen communication with institutional investors, brokers, securities analysts and other market intermediaries. Understanding the company's external information needs to reduce the company's asymmetric information through voluntary disclosure of information. Giving full attention to the role of market ntermediaries, establish the listed company disclosure information quality evaluation system by market intermediaries. Acts according to the specialized knowledge and after the company interior information full understanding and the analysis by the market facilitating agency which it has makes the omni-directional appraisal opinion, regularly promotes voluntary information disclosure quality rating results, provides certain authority to information disclosure quality appraisal opinion for the investor, shows the risk by the police which the ordinary investor possibly can face. (HongYin, 2004).4.4 Strengthen CP A audit to voluntary disclosure of informationCPA audit is an independent, objective and impartial system, it can ensure the credibility of the accounting information. V oluntary Information is provided by the authorities. With speculative risks, the authenticity and reliability of voluntary information should be tested by certified public accountant. Although the audit of voluntary information is not as strict as the mandatory information, it should also have forensic capabilities by registered accountants carrying out the necessary scrutiny, to improve and guarantee the credibility of its information. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate and improve audit rules on voluntary disclosure of information, and to increase violation of professional ethics or legal responsibility for the responsibility of a certified public accountant.4.5 Introduction of voluntary disclosure of information regulatory documentsOn a global scale, the voluntary disclosure of information is an irresistible trend of development. With the increasing speed of the change of the economic environment, the requirement for the accounting information relevant are higherand higher, by the extraneous user, the existing compulsory disclosure information will be inevitably difficult to satisfy their information need. Therefore, the extraneous information user on the existence to the businessmanagement authority disclosed voluntarily some information help policy-making the demand. We believed that,every the one which does not fall in the scope of the compulsory information disclosure content stipulation, and be helpful to the benefit counterparts to the policy-making information, all may be defined as the voluntary information disclosure. United States Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) in 2001 on the voluntary disclosure of the contents of information provides as follows: "operational data, the analysis of the data management, and forward-looking information, relating to the management and shareholders of the information, not be confirmed in statements of intangible assets". Therefore, China should and must make a comprehensive and in-depth investigation for stakeholder information needs, and model the frame which the Stering committee proposed in FASB, namely confirmed some information is whether useful, by this to decide to provide the information or not, and standardize the content of the information disclosure. When the accounting standard setters sector and the securities regulatory departments are in the formulation of policies and programs should take into account that how to guide enterprises to carry out some of the disclosure of private information, and the securities regulatory departments should be introduced listed companies to disclose information voluntarily charter guidelines as soon as possible, to encourage and regulate listed companies voluntarily information disclosure.References[1]Kai Xiang. (2004). Listed companies to disclose information voluntarilyCause of Economic Analysis of the. Accounting Communications, (5).[2]Xianzhong Song. (2006). Enterprise core competencies of the voluntarydisclosure of information. Accounting Research, (2)[3]Derong Zhang. (2004). Enterprise voluntary disclosure of information.Accounting Digest, (1)[4]HongYin. (2004). Optimization of China's listed companies Opinion onvoluntary disclosure of information.Accounting Digest, (6)一个自愿性信息披露与我国上市公司监管问题的研究体系摘要上市公司自愿性信息是企业形象的基础上,投资者有关,这是为了避免诉讼,除强制信息披露的风险。
英国企业csr报告概述本报告旨在介绍英国企业在企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR)方面的实践和成就。
国外上市公司资产评估报告英文版1. IntroductionWhen it comes to investing in foreign companies, it is essential to have access to comprehensive and reliable information about their assets, including their valuation reports. In this article, we will explore the importance of having access to English-language asset evaluation reports for foreign public companies and the impact it can have on investment decisions.2. The Importance of Access to English-language Asset Evaluation Reports2.1 Understanding the Asset Valuation ProcessIn order to make informed investment decisions, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of how the assets of a company are evaluated. Access to English-language asset evaluation reports provides investors with the necessary information to assess the value of a company's assets and make informed decisions.2.2 Transparency and AccountabilityEnglish-language asset evaluation reports contribute to the transparency and accountability of foreign public companies. By providing access to these reports, companies demonstrate theircommitment to providing investors with clear and reliable information, which in turn can build trust and confidence among potential investors.2.3 Facilitating Due DiligenceFor investors conducting due diligence on foreign companies, access to English-language asset evaluation reports is crucial. These reports provide detailed information about the company's assets, allowing investors to assess the company's financial health and make informed investment decisions.3. The Impact of English-language Asset Evaluation Reports on Investment Decisions3.1 Informed Decision MakingBy having access to English-language asset evaluation reports, investors are able to make more informed investment decisions. These reports provide valuable insights into the value of a company's assets, allowing investors to assess the company's financial position and potential for growth.3.2 Risk ManagementEnglish-language asset evaluation reports also play a key role in risk management for investors. By gaining a better understanding of a company's assets, investors are better equipped to assess the risks associated with their investmentand take the necessary precautions.3.3 Market ConfidenceAccess to English-language asset evaluation reports can also contribute to market confidence. When investors have access to comprehensive and reliable information about a company's assets, they are more likely to have confidence in the company's financial stability and potential for growth, which can have a positive impact on the company's stock performance.4. Personal Perspective and UnderstandingAs a writer who regularly helps clients evaluate and understand asset valuation reports for foreign public companies, I have seen first-hand the impact that access to English-language reports can have on investment decisions. The ability to access clear and reliable information about a company's assets is invaluable for investors, and can significantly impact their confidence and decision-making process.5. ConclusionIn conclusion, access to English-language asset evaluation reports for foreign public companies is crucial for investors seeking to make informed and strategic investment decisions. These reports provide valuable insights into the value of acompany's assets, contributing to transparency, accountability, and market confidence. As a writer, I have witnessed the impact that access to these reports can have on my clients' understanding and decision-making process, and I believe that they are an essential tool for any investor considering foreign investments.In summary, the accessibility of English-language asset evaluation reports for foreign public companies is crucial for investors interested in buying into foreign stocks. These reports are indispensable as they provide valuable insights into the value of a company's assets, contributing to transparency, accountability, and market confidence. As a writer, it is clear to me that access to these reports is an essential tool for any investor considering foreign investments.。
ifrs可持续披露准则IFRS可持续披露准则是全球会计标准制定者国际财务报告准则基金会(International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation,以下简称IFRS基金会)推出的一套指南,旨在帮助企业有效地披露与可持续发展相关的信息。
1. 企业背景介绍:在可持续披露中,企业应该提供其业务模式和经营策略的清晰描述,包括可持续性目标和计划。
2. 环境相关披露:企业应该详细披露其环境管理控制系统和政策,包括资源使用、废物产生和排放方面的情况。
3. 社会相关披露:企业应该披露其对员工、供应链和当地社区的管理和关注情况,包括劳动关系、安全与健康、福利和培训等方面的内容。
4. 经济相关披露:企业应该提供包括财务和非财务信息在内的经济性能指标,并解释其财务业绩和风险管理策略。
5. 战略风险管理:企业应该披露与可持续发展相关的风险和机会,包括环境、社会和治理方面的因素。
6. 指标和数据:企业应提供可量化的指标和数据,例如碳足迹、能源消耗、排放量等,以衡量其可持续发展绩效。
7. 报告监督和保证:企业可选择进行报告的独立审核和核查,以提高报告的可信度和透明度。
GRI披露标准涵盖了各个方面,包括但不限于以下内容:1. 组织概况:组织的基本信息、治理结构和经营模型等。
2. 经济绩效:财务表现、经济贡献和风险管理等。
3. 环境绩效:能源和物质使用、排放和废物管理等。
4. 社会绩效:员工福利、人权和社区参与等。
5. 供应链管理:供应链透明度、采购和供应商合规等。
6. 股东和利益相关方参与:与股东和利益相关方的沟通和参与等。
三、GRI披露标准的重要性1. 提高透明度:GRI披露标准要求组织向公众开放其可持续发展信息,提高组织的透明度和公信力。
2. 促进比较:标准化的披露要求使得不同组织之间的可持续发展表现更具可比性,帮助投资者、消费者和其他利益相关方做出更有意义的决策。
3. 制定策略和目标:通过披露相关信息,组织可以更好地了解其在可持续发展方面的现状和挑战,从而制定相应的策略和目标。
4. 风险管理:披露组织在环境、社会和治理方面的风险,有助于组织及时识别和管理潜在的问题和危机。
5. 提升声誉:通过积极主动地披露可持续发展信息,组织可以增强其声誉,吸引更多的投资和业务机会。
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外文文献翻译原文:Voluntary Environmental Disclosuresby Large UK Companies2. INFLUENCES ON VOLUNTARY ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURE DECISIONSV oluntary disclosures are attempts to remove informational asymmetries between the firm and external agents, primarily agents in the investment community. As recent events in the arena of corporate social responsibility have demonstrated, ethical, social, and environmental aspects of business activities are associated with significant financial consequences. Given the possibility of hidden corporate attributes, investors may prefer not to invest in companies that fail to volunteer information concerning their environmental performance. The point is that, absent disclosure, ‘investors will assume the worst and will bid down its st ock price’ (Cormier and Magnan, 2003, p.47).In that sense, voluntary environmental disclosures may be viewed as attempts by firms to reduce the information risks (and their associated costs) faced by potential and actual investors.However, not all firms choose to make such disclosures, and those disclosures that are made are of varying quality. This is because disclosure is costly in two respects: the costs of measuring, verifying, collating and publishing environmental information; the loss of strategic discretion associated with making public commitments to verifiable future actions and/or performance (Verrecchia, 1983; Li et al., 1997; Cormier and Magnan, 1999; and Skinner, 1994). Corporate decisions concerning the provision and quality of voluntary environmental disclosures are therefore expected to hinge upon a range of firm and industry characteristics that influence the relative costs and benefits of disclosing such information (Cormier and Magnan, 1999 and 2003; and Li et al.,1997). The existing literature demonstrates that these costs and benefits are associated with pressure from external agents such as legislators, regulators,community and environmental lobby groups, consumers and socially responsible investors (Roberts,1992; Li et al., 1997; Sinclair-Desgagne and Gozlan, 2003; and Willis, 2003), the firm’s vulnerability to those pressures as captured by its size and media visibility (Cormier and Magnan,2003; Patten,2002b; and Roberts, 1992), its environmental performance(Patten,2002; and Ullmann,1985), its ownership and governance structures (Cormier and Magnan,2003; Roberts, 1992; and Cullen and Christopher, 2002), and resource availability (Cormier and Magnan,2003; and Roberts, 1992). We will discuss each of these factors in turn.(i) The Nature of Business ActivitiesThe existing environmental disclosure literature identifies a number of legislative, regulatory and institutional sources of pressure on the firm to make such disclosures, and notes that industries differ in respect of their inherent environmental impact(Halme and Huse, 1996), the visibility of environmental issues and the degree and type of regulatory intervention. Industries with a high environmental impact are characterised by their association with particularly visible environmental issues (Bowen,2000) such as global warming and the risk of oil spills. The activities of firms in these industries are subject to intense scrutiny from environmental pressure groups, and recent studies emphasize the visibility of environmental issues in determining environmental responsiveness (Bowen,2000; and Dutton et al., 1990). The association of the organization with environmental issues, in the eyes of external groups including investors and regulators, may stimulate environmental disclosure because of the enhanced urgency of visible issues. This promotes a need to remove informational asymmetries between the firmand external agents in order to reassure the latter regarding the activities of the firm (Dutton et al., 1990). Empirical study has associated high environmental impact with the metals, resources, paper and pulp, power generation,water, and chemicals sectors (Bowen, 2000; Sharma, 1997; and Hoffman, 1999).H1a: The likelihood of a firm making a voluntary environmental disclosure is higher in industries associated with visible environmental issues.One distinctive facet of our empirical analysis involves a clear distinction betweenthe decision to participate in any, perhaps minimal, level of environmental disclosure, and the influences upon the quality of such disclosures. Sinclair-Desgagne and Gozlan(2003) introduce a theoretical model that permits companies to choose the quality of their environmental disclosures according to the nature of their prevailing stakeholder environment. They concl ude that, ‘the quality of voluntarily disclosed environmental information is largely demand-driven’ (p. 380) in the sense that high quality disclosures are expected to be associated with firms that face environmentally concerned stakeholders. Hence, in addition to systematic variation across industries in the likelihood that companies make environmental disclosures, we also hypothesise such variation in the quality of disclosures.H1b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure is higher in industries associated with visible environmental issues.(ii) The Environmental Performance of FirmDisclosure fulfils a variety of important functions including informing relevant groups about the firm’s environmental performance, attempting to alter perceptions about the organization’s performance and altering societal expectations of firmperformance (Lindblom, 1994; Patten, 2002a; and Gray et al., 1995). Consistent with this, disclosure may be motivated by the desire to:create an impression of sensitivity to important non-market influences that may be in the long-term interest of the shareholders (Belkaoui and Karpik, 1989, p. 39).The need to create, and benefit from creating, such an impression would be expected to fall most heavily on firms that have a record of poor environmental performance. Furthermore, an impetus to disclose among poor performers is driven by the risk of damage to the reputation of senior corporate management that accompanies failure to report bad news in a true light (Trueman, 1997; Hughes and Sankar, 1997; and Skinner, 1994). Therefore, we propose the following hypotheses:H2a: The likelihood of participation in voluntary environmental disclosure is negatively associated with a firm’s environmental performance.H2b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure tends to be higher the worse is a firm’s environmental performance.(iii) Firm Size and Organizational VisibilityOrganizational size and visibility are commonly proposed as firm-level drivers of environmental disclosure (Patten, 2002a and 2002b; Hackston and Milne, 1996; and Cormier and Magnan, 2003). Large firms tend to be more visible to relevant publics and so tend to be subject to greater political and regulatory pressure from external interests (Belkaoui and Karpik, 1989; Patten 2002b; and Brown and Deegan, 1998).Becasuce of this, large firms may be especially driven to make environmental disclosures to demonstrate that their actions are legitimate and consistent with good corporate citizenship. Furthermore, Cowen et al. (1987) argue that larger organizations are more likely to use formal channels of communication (such as disclosures in annual reports or other corporate documentation) in order to disseminate information concerning corporate activities.H3a: The likelihood of participation in voluntary environmental disclosure is positively related to firm size.H3b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure tends to be higher the larger is the firm.Although firm size has often been used as a proxy for corporate visibility, much of the recent disclosure literature emphasises the importance of media exposure (Patten,2002a and 2002b; and Brown and Deegan, 1998). The link between media exposure and organizational visibility, which is well-established in the literature (Sharma and Nguan, 1999; and Meznar and Nigh, 1995), implies that organisations with a higher degree of media exposure tend to be more prone to pressure from social and political stakeholders. Indeed, evidence suggests that organisational visibility prompts firms to take leading roles in managing environmental impacts (Sharma and Nguan, 1999).Thus, we hypothesise that media exposure stimulates an active policy of disclosure.H4a: The likelihood of participation in voluntary environmental disclosure is positivel y related to a firm’s media exposure.H4b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure tends to be higher the greater is the firm’s media exposure.(iv) Company OwnershipTraditionally, relationships between the owners of companies and their managers have been described from the perspective of the principle-agent model (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). When ownership is dispersed, shareholders, having little by way of direct authority over managers, must monitor their activities. In the absence of an ability to effectively monitor management, the consequent degree of informational asymmetry between the organisation and its shareholders may bring an adverse investor reaction. Indeed, there is evidence of such an effect on environmental disclosure activism (Ullmann, 1985). Hence, one would expect a diffused ownership structure to carry with it an incentive for a firm to voluntarily provide information to shareholders through disclosures (Cullen and Christopher, 2002). In addition, formal modes of communication, such as disclosures made in annual reports, may provide a relatively efficient means of providing information concerning the firm’s environmental impact to a large number of small shareholders. Therefore, we hypothesise that:H5a: The likelihood of participation in voluntary environmental disclosure is positively related to the dispersion of share ownership.H5b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure tends to be higher the more dispersed is share ownership.(v) Firm ResourcesFinancially healthy organizations can more easily meet their obligations to owner stakeholders and are less likely to be subject to significant pressure from other financial stakeholders, such as creditors. A developing strand of literature argues that the presence of sur plus financial resources, or ‘organizational slack’, can play a variety of roles in shaping corporate strategy, and the manner of its implementation (Singh,1986; and Sharfman et al., 1988). The presence of slack may stimulate proactive and innovative strategic decision-making (Cyert and March, 1963), or buffer the organization from its operating environment, and so permit suboptimal behaviours to arise and persist (Thompson, 1967). Indeed, in the context of voluntary environmental disclosures,1 slack may promote disclosure simply by providing theresources to meet the accompanying administrative costs.We propose two measures of firm resources for inclusion in this study: profitability and leverage. Firstly, profits provide managers with a pool of resources from which the costs of making environmental disclosures are funded. Secondly, firms with relatively low levels of leverage may experience less pressure from creditor stakeholders and therefore find it easier both to raise funds with which they can fund environmental disclosures, and to have the discretionary ability to focus on organizational activities,such as voluntary disclosure, that are only indirectly linked to the financial success of the firm. In addition, less of their profit streams will be devoted to meeting interest payments to debt holders.H6a: The likelihood of participation in voluntary environmental disclosure is positively related to a firm’s profitability.H6b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure tends to be higher the more profitable is the firm.H7a: The likelihood of participation in voluntary environmental disclosure is negatively related to firm leverage.H7b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure tends to be lower the higher is the degree of firm leverage.(vi) Board CompositionHaniffa and Cooke (2002) argue that:corporate governance should be considered [as an influence on disclosure] because it is the board of directors that manages information disclosure in annual reports and therefore disclosure may be a function of the constituents of boards (p. 318).The prevalence of agents, such as non-executive directors, who tend to be more strongly aligned with external stakeholder interests than managers (Wang and Dewhirst, 1992) may provide, ‘additional windows on the world’ (Tricker, 1984,p. 171). Better alignment with the views of external groups brings greater expectation of voluntary disclosure activism.H8a: The likelihood of participation in voluntary environmental disclosure is positively related to the number of non-executive directors.H8b: The quality of voluntary environmental disclosure tends to be higher the more non-executive directors the firm has.3. DATA AND METHOD OF ESTIMATIONThe starting point for our sample is the FTSE All-Share Index. The All-Share index is the broadest index of UK listed stocks, representing over 98% of the UK market capitalisation. At the date of our study, 2000, the All-Share index comprised approximately 700 companies (excluding investment trusts) drawn from a wide spectrum of business activities. For our purposes, complete data could be obtained for 447 companies (or about 64% of the FTSE All-Share firms). Throughout our analysis, unless otherwise stated, we introduce a one-year lag between the dependent and independent variables, i.e. disclosure in 2000 is determined by firm and industry characteristics in 1999. This helps to clarify any potentially troubling issues of causality.Approximately 47% of the sample are manufacturers, while just over 33% of the sample are service industry companies (over 9% of which are retailers) while an additional 7% are allocated to the financial services sector. Almost 10% of sample companies are involved in construction, while the remaining 3% are utilities.The DTI’s Small Business Servi ce data suggest that approximately 56% of the large firms in the sectors covered by our analysis are manufacturers, approximately a quarter of 1% are utilities or are involved in extraction, 26% are wholesalers or retailers, 11% are involved with transport, storage or communication and6%are hotels or restaurants.By this yardstick, the sample analyzed here is broadly representative. Differences arise because of the relatively rough industrial classification employed in the DTI statistics and because our sample is composed disproportionately of very large firms. This leads to the over-sampling from industries where the average size of firms is very large and the under-sampling of firms in industries where the average size of firmis small. Hence our sample includes a higher than expected proportion of firms from the utilities and oil/gas/mining sectors and a lower than expected proportion of firms from the retail sector.Source: Stephen Brammer and Stephen Pavelin.Voluntary Environmental Disclosuresby Large UK Companies[J].Journal of Business Finace and Accounting,2006, (33):1168-1188.译文:英国大型公司的自愿性环境信息披露2. 影响自愿性环境会计信息披露的决定因素通过自愿披露信息来努力消除公司和外部代理之间的信息不对称,主要是在投资环境领域的代理。