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1. _____, John returned to school from his hometown.

A. The summer vacation being over

B. The summer vacation is over

C. Because the summer vacation over

D. After the summer vacation being over

2. The money , he couldn't buy any ticket..

A. to lose

B. losing

C. lost

D. has lost

3. Winter , it's time to buy warm clothes.

A. came

B. comes

C. come

D. coming

4. Time ______, they'll come here to watch us ______ football.

A. permitted, playing

B. permitted, to play

C. permitting, play

D. permitting, to play

5. The final exam _____, he works hard.

A. draws near

B. drawing near

C. drew near

D. draw near

6. My homework ______ , I went to bed .

A. finishing

B. finished

C. being finished

D. having finished

7. All fights ______ because of the terrible weather, they had to get there by train.

A. having been canceled

B. had been canceled

C. having canceled

D. were canceled

8. Five students joined in the discussion, John ______.

A. including

B. included

C. to include

D. include

9. _______, we’ll go for an outing.

A. Being fine

B. It being fine

C. Because it fine

D. It is fine

10. ________, tears came to his eyes.

A. Hearing the news

B. Heard the news

C. When he heard the news

D. He heard the news

11.He r glasses________, she couldn't see the words on the black board

A. break

B. broke

C. was broken

D. broken

12.The girl _________ at him, he didn't know what to say.

A. was staring

B. stared

C. staring

D. was stared at

13. He wrappe d he r up with great care, _______dark.

A. being

B. the night be ing

C. the night was

D. He was

14.There _____no taxis, we had to walk. A. was B. be ing C. to be D. we re

15.The problems_______, the quality has been improve d.

A. solve d

B. solving

C. we re solve d

D. to be solve d

1-5 ACDCB 6-10 BABBC 11-15 DCBBA
