ISO14001:2015版环境管理体系 要求及使用指南征求意见稿张伟.pptx
6. 策划
6. 应对风险和机遇的措施 6.1.4 应对措施的策划 组织应策划:
①重要环境因素; ②合规性义务; ③风险和机遇(见6.1.1)
将措施纳入其EMS过程(见6.2; 7; 8及9.1)或其他 业务过程并实施; ② 评价所采取措施的有效性(见9.1)。
所处环境相适应; c)确保将EMS要求整合到组织的业务流程中; d)确保EMS所需资源的提供; e)传达有效的环境管理以及满足EMS要求的重要性; f)确保EMS实现其预期的结果; g)指引和支持员工致力于实现EMS的有效性; h)推动持续改进; i)支持其他的管理者在其负责的领域发挥其领导作用。
ISO 14001 标准目录
ISO 14001:2004
环 境 管 理 体 系 要 求
0 1 2 3 4 引言 范围 引用标准 术语和定义 环境管理体系 4.1 总要求 4.2 环境方针 4.3 策划 4.4 实施与运行 4.5 检查 4.6 管理评审
ISO 14001:2015
0 引言 1 范围 2 引用标准 3 术语和定义 4 组织的背景 5 领导作用 6 策划 7 支持 8 运行 9 绩效评管理者应在界定的的组织EMS范围内建立、实 施、保持方针: a)适合于组织的宗旨、环境,包括组织活动/产品/服务的性
质、规模和环境影响; b)提供建立目标的框架; c)包括对环境保护、污染预防和对组织特定情况下其他具体 环保承诺; d)包括对遵守合规义务的承诺; 注:其他具体环保 e)包括对持续改进EMS以提高环境绩效的承诺。 承诺可包括:资源 的可持续利用、减 方针应: 缓和适应气候变化、 •按文件化信息保留; 保护生物多样性和 生态系统。 •在组织内传达;
ISO14001-2015中文版环境管理体系- 要求及使用指南
![ISO14001-2015中文版环境管理体系- 要求及使用指南](
ISO FDIS 14001:2015 环境管理体系-要求及使用指南ISO14001:2015 FDIS中文稿(节选)——新旧版本管理体系模式的变化:2004版本管理体系模式北京华夏健峰企业管理咨询ISO14001:2004 EMS 运行模式PDCA4.6管理评审4.5.1 监测和测量4.5.2 合规性评价4.5.3 不符合,纠正及预防措施4.5.4 记录控制4.5.5 内部审核4.3.1 环境因素4.3.2 法律及其它要求4.3.3 目标指标和方案4.4.1 资源、作用、职责和权限4.4.2 能力、培训和意识4.4.3 信息交流4.4.4 文件4.4.5 文件控制4.4.6 运行控制4.4.7应急准备和响应A PC D4.2 环境方针2015版本的管理体系模式北京华夏健峰企业管理咨询ISO14001:2015 --PDCA领导力(5)策划(6)绩效评价(9)改进(10)支持与运作(7、8)外部与内部的问题(4.1))相关方需求与期待(4.2)环境管理体系的成果3 术语定义(部分)3.15 生命周期从获取原材料,或者利用自然资源加工到废弃处理的连续的相互关联的产品系统。
3.18 风险不确定性对目标的影响注:——影响是对预期的偏离—积极或消极。
3.5 相关方能影响某项决定或活动或被其影响的,或感知到自身将受其影响的个人或组织。
0.4PDCA组织的背景情况内部和外部的问题相关方的期0.5标准内容本标准准守ISO 组织的要求及标准格式。
这些要求包括ISO 标准中更高等级的结构要求、核心内容的一致性、核心定义术语一致等,以方便标准之间的整合。
Figure 1 — Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this International Standard
5 Contents of this International Standard
This International Standard conforms to ISO’s
management system standards。
These requirements include a high level structure,identical core text, and common
definitions, designed to benefit users implementing 图1:PDCA 与本标准结构之间的关系
5 本标准内容
本标准符合ISO 对管理体系标准的要求.
这些要求包括一个高层结构,相同的核心正文, 以及具有核心定义的通用术语,目的是方便使用者实施多个ISO 管理体系标准。
——“should(应当)”表示建议; ——“may(可以)”表示允许; ——“can(可能、能够)”表示可能性或能力。 标记“注”的信息旨在帮助理解或使用本文件。第 3 章使用的“注”
——帮助组织履行合规义务; ——提升环境绩效;
交付、消费和处置等的方式,能够防止环境影响被无意地转移到生命周期的 其他阶段; ——实施环境友好的、且可巩固组织市场地位的可选方案,以获得财务 和运营收益;
9.2.2 内部审核方案
9.3 管理评审
0.1 背景
,以实现可持续发展目标。 随着法律法规的日趋严格,以及因污染、资源的低效使用、废物管理不 当、气候变化、生态系统退化、生物多样性减少等给环境造成的压力不断增 大,社会对可持续发展、透明度和责任的期望值已发生了变化。 因此,各组织通过实施环境管理体系,采用系统的方法进行环境管理, 以期为“环境支柱”的可持续性做出贡献。
9 绩效评价 9.1 监视、测量、分析和评价 9.1.1 总则
10 改进
10.1 总则 10.2 不符合和纠正措施 10.3 持续改进 附录 A(资料性附录)本标准使用 指南 附录 B(资料性附录)GB/T240012015 与 GB/T24001-2004 的对应情况
XXXXXXX有限公司环境手册ISO14001-2015文件编号:EM-01 A/10编写:审核:批准:发布日期:2017年9月10日实施日期:2017年9月10日修订记录目录第1 章概述颁布令公司简介管理者代表任命书环境手册的管理第2章管理体系范围第3章手册引用文件、术语和定义引用标准文件术语和定义第4章组织的背景理解组织及其所处的环境理解相关方的需求和期望确定管理体系的范围管理体系及其过程第5章领导作用领导和承诺环境方针组织的岗位、职责和权限第6章质量环境管理体系策划应对风险和机遇的措施总则环境因素合规义务措施的策划环境目标及其实现策划环境目标实现环境目标措施的策划第7章支持资源能力意识信息交流总则内部信息交流外部信息交流文件信息总则创建和更新文件信息控制第8章运作运行策划和控制应急准备和响应第9章绩效评价监视、测量、分析和评价总则合规性评价内部审核总则内部审核方案管理评审第10章改进总则不符合和纠正措施持续改进环境手册颁布令环境手册是本公司从事与环境管理有关的活动中必须共同遵守的纲领性文件,是公司的基本法规之一,必须严格遵守,以确保公司环境管理体系的正常运行,实现质量环境管理目标,促使公司环境管理工作得到持续改进与不断发展。
ISO 14001 2015环境管理体系手册说明书
![ISO 14001 2015环境管理体系手册说明书](
Table of Contents1Introduction ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 2References __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 3Definitions __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 4About Our Organization ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6 4.1Organizational Context _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 4.2Relevant Interested Parties ___________________________________________________________________________ 6 4.3Management System Scope __________________________________________________________________________ 7 4.4Management System Processes ______________________________________________________________________ 8 5Leadership & Governance _______________________________________________________________________________ 10 5.1Leadership & Commitment _________________________________________________________________________ 10 5.2Environmental Policy ________________________________________________________________________________ 11 5.3Role, Responsibilities & Authorities _______________________________________________________________ 135.3.1 Top Management _________________________________________________________________________________ 135.3.2 Environment & Sustainability Manager __________________________________________________________ 135.3.3 Environment & Sustainability Coordinator _______________________________________________________ 145.3.4 Department Managers ____________________________________________________________________________ 145.3.5 Employees ________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 6Management System Planning __________________________________________________________________________ 156.1Addressing Risks & Opportunities _________________________________________________________________ 156.1.1 General ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 156.1.2 Environmental Aspects____________________________________________________________________________ 166.1.3 Compliance Obligations __________________________________________________________________________ 176.1.4 Planning Action ___________________________________________________________________________________ 18 6.2EMS Objectives ______________________________________________________________________________________ 196.2.1 Environmental Objectives _________________________________________________________________________ 196.2.2 Planning Actions to Achieve Environmental Objectives __________________________________________ 20 7Support____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 217.1Resources ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 7.2Competence __________________________________________________________________________________________ 22 7.3Awareness ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 23 7.4Communication ______________________________________________________________________________________ 237.4.1 General ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 237.4.2 Internal Communication __________________________________________________________________________ 237.4.3 External Communication __________________________________________________________________________ 247.5Documented Information ___________________________________________________________________________ 247.5.1 Management System Documents ________________________________________________________________ 247.5.2 Creating & Updating______________________________________________________________________________ 257.5.3 Controlling Documented Information ____________________________________________________________ 25 8Operation _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 26 8.1Operational Planning & Control ___________________________________________________________________ 26 8.2Environmental Emergency Situations ______________________________________________________________ 27 9Performance Evaluation _________________________________________________________________________________ 29 9.1Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis & Evaluation _______________________________________________ 299.1.1 General ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 299.1.2 Evaluation of Compliance _________________________________________________________________________ 30 9.2Internal Audit ________________________________________________________________________________________ 309.2.1 General ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 309.2.2 Internal Audit Programme ________________________________________________________________________ 31 9.3Management Review ________________________________________________________________________________ 319.3.1 General ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 319.3.2 Inputs _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 329.3.3 Outputs ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 32 10Improvement ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 34 10.1General _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 34 10.2Non-conformity & Corrective Action ___________________________________________________________ 34 10.3Improvement ______________________________________________________________________________________ 35 Appendices ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 37 A.1Correlation Matrix ___________________________________________________________________________________ 37 A.2EMS Process Map ____________________________________________________________________________________ 39 A.3Organization Chart __________________________________________________________________________________ 404About Our Organization4.1Organizational ContextYour organization is committed to defining our position in the marketplace and understanding how relevant factors arising from internal and external issues influence our strategic direction, our organizational context, or the ability of our EMS to achieve its intended outcomes. Such issues include factors that are capable of being affected by, or capable of affecting our organization. Broadly, these issues are defined as:1.Internal issues– conditions related to our organizational activities, products, services, strategicdirection, culture, people, knowledge, processes and systems. Using SWOT analysis provides ourorganization with framework for reviewing and evaluating our strategies, and the position anddirection of our organization, business propositions and other ideas;2.External issues– conditions related to cultural, social, political, legal, regulatory, financial,technological, economic, competition at local, national or international levels. Using PESTLE analysis provides our organization with framework for measuring our market and growth potential according to external political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors;3.Environmental issues– conditions related to climate, air quality water quality, land use, naturalresource availability or biodiversity that can either affect our organization’s purpose, or be affected by our environmental aspects and impacts, which your organization must manage.Although we acknowledge that ISO 14001:2015 does not require our organizational context to be maintained as documented information, we maintain and retain; in addition to this document, the following documented information that describes our organizational context:1.SWOT Analysis Templates for internal issues;2.PESTLE Analysis Templates for external issues;3.Environmental Aspects & Impacts Registers for environmental issues;4.Business plans, strategy documents, operational procedures;5.Analysis of technology and competitors;6.Technical reports from experts and/or consultants;7.Minutes of meetings, process maps and reports, etc.Your organization and collates and assesses information about these influential factors to ensure that a continual understanding of the relevance of each factor is derived and maintained. To facilitate the understanding of our context, we regularly consider issues that influence our business during management review meetings, the results of which are conveyed via minutes and business planning documents.The output from this activity is evident as an input to determining the scope of our EMS (Refer to Section 4.3) and its processes (Refer to Section 4.4), as well as, the consideration of risks and opportunities that may affect our EMS, and the resulting actions that we take to address them (Refer to Section 6.1).4.2Relevant Interested PartiesYour organization recognizes that we have a unique set of interested parties whose needs and expectations (requirements) change and develop over time. Only a limited set of requirements are relevant to our EMS, and which are considered and managed as a compliance obligation. The criteria for y our organization’s compliance obligations include the following parameters:1.All relevant legal requirements;2. All corporate requirements imposedby upper levels of our organization; 3. All relevant requirements of relevantinterested parties that ourorganization decides to comply with, these may either be contractual (customers) or voluntary(environmental commitments). By asking ‘how the interested party (or their requirements) might affect our organization’s ability to achieve the intended outcomes of our environmental management system ?’ we are able to determine and document the relevant interested party requirements. Although not specifically required by ISO 14001:2015, your organization maintains an Interested Party Matrix that aligns a list of relevantinterestedpartiestotheircorresponding needs and expectations; with an indication of which of these has beenaccepted by our organization as a compliance obligation. Such needs and expectations, and whether they are critical to the success of our EMS, broadly include the examples shown in the table below.The outputs from this process are typically used to inform the following sections and processes of the EMS:1. 4.3 Management system scope;2. 4.4 Management system processes;3. 6.1.1 Actions to address risk and opportunities that affect the EMS;4. 6.1.2 Environmental aspect and impacts; Compliance obligations; 6.7.4 Communications.4.3 Management System ScopeBased on the scope of our activities described in Section 1 - Introduction and the analysis of the issues and requirements identified in Sections 4.1 and 4.2, your organization has established the scope of our environmental management system in order the implement the objectives and policies that are relevant to our context, physical and organizational boundaries, product life-cycles and any interested parties.Figure 2: Types of Interested PartyYour organization is able to exert authority and differing levels of control and influence over our activities, as they relate to our products and services, as performed at our facilities. The functional and organizational boundaries for the different physical locations (where applicable) and the level of control and influence are summarised below:In order for our EMS to be robust, all the activities, products and services undertaken by your organization are included with in the scope of the EMS. In this way, we are able to control and influence our activities, products and services.The scope of this document describes our EMS, delineates authorities, inter-relationships and responsibilities of process owners and personnel that operate within management system and the sequence and interaction of our processes. Conformance to ISO 14001:2015 has been verified utilizing a formal assessment and review process undertaken by <insert the name of your Registrar>.Although we recognize that ISO 14001:2015 does not require a formal manual, we have decided to retain and update our EMS manual, as our employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders perceive it to add value to our operations.4.4Management System ProcessesYour organization’s EMS and its processes are designed around the principle of continual improvement and adoption of the process approach methodology, using the Plan, Do, Check and Act cycle. The EMS manual generally follows the layout and high-level structure of ISO 14001:2015.In order to achieve our intended outcomes,your organization has implemented an environmental management system; based upon sound management principles, which is integrated with the key day-to-day management activities that our organization undertakes. It also exists as part of a larger strategy to establish, document and communicate our processes, their interactions, our policies and objectives; whilst satisfying the requirements of ISO 14001:2015. EMS processes are defined to address:1.Supplier, manufacturer, internal and external issues;2.Material, resource and energy usage;3.Waste and emissions generation;4.Design, operation, production and logistics;5.Activities, products, and services;6.Customers and end-users.An environmental review is conducted every 3 years ahead of re-certification to determine any changes to our organization which may affect the intended outcomes of our EMS. In addition, to meet the requirements of ISO14001:2015, your organization also determines any changes to our internal and external context inwhich we operate (Refer to Section 4.1) and the changing needs and expectations of interested parties (Refer to Section 4.2).Process controls are defined by tools and documents, such as; documented procedures, process maps, flow diagrams, matrices, schedules, and charts, etc. Refer to the EMS Process Map located in Appendix A.2 that shows the processes and the interactions that allow our organization to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve our management system.The effectiveness and integration of the each process and its subsequent output is measured and evaluated through regular internal audits, inspections and data analysis. The monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) which are linked to our objectives are used to measure and communicate process performance. This approach allows Top management to regularly review the EMS to ensure its ongoing integration with in the business.As part of the decision making process, we use trends and statistical data related to non-conformities, environmental aspects, obligations, targets, objectives and corrective actions, as well as, monitoring and measurement results, audit results and compliance data, to ensure that objective, and responsible management decisions are made.AppendicesA.1 Correlation MatrixThis section provides a matrix to correlate the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 against the relevant sections in this document and should be used to determine where the new and amended clauses are located.A.2 EMS Process MapEnergyMaterials Finance PeopleRestrictions OpportunitiesSpecificationVolumeProducts Waste Emissions Capacity to reduce wasteCapacity to influence supplyInsert your company’s name or logo. ISO 14001:2015EMS Manual Page 40 of 40A.3 Organization Chart<Insert your organization chart here>。
ISO14001:版环境管理体系 要求及使用指南(征求意见稿)(张伟最新)
![ISO14001:版环境管理体系 要求及使用指南(征求意见稿)(张伟最新)](
环境管理体系的成功取决于最高管理者领导下的组织各层次和职 能的承诺(5.1领导作用与承诺)。组织可以通过利用机会来预防或减 轻有害的环境影响,增强那些有益的特别是具有战略和竞争意义的环 境影响,将环境管理融入组织的业务过程、战略方向和决策,与其他 业务优先事项相一致,并将环境管理方法整合到组织整体的管理体系 中,这样可使最高管理者能够有效应对风险和机会。本标准成功实施 的证据可使利益相关方确信一个有效的环境管理体系正在发挥作用。
组织所处的环境(4) P
环境管理体系范围 策划(6) P
相关方的需求和期望 输入
领导作用 (5)
支持和运 行(7、8)
环境管理体 系持续改进 的循环过程
PDCA与本标准13 框架间的关系
1.提升环境绩效 2.履行合规义务 3.实现环境目标
标记“备注”的信息旨在帮助理解或使用本文件。第三章使用的 “词条注解”提供关于增补术语信息的附加信息,用于补充术语有关 的资料,其中可能包含了与术语使用相关的规定。
第三章中的术语和定义按照概念上的顺序进行排序,并在文件最 后附有依字母顺序的索引表。 15
0.1产生背景(1.实现环境、社会和经济的平衡。 2.严峻的环境形势) 随着立法的日趋严格,以及环境污染、资源低效利用、
废物管理不当、气候变化、生态系统退化和生物多样性丧 失等方面压力的不断增大,社会对可持续发展、透明度和 责任的期望也进一步增强。---严峻的环境形势!
确立达 – 增创企业新价值!
产品系统的连续的相互关联的阶段, 包括从原材料的获取或从自然界获取资源到产品的报废 处理。 注 1:生命周期包括活动产品和服务,并且包括采购的商品和服务,以及产品和服务的报废处置,例 如设计、制造、运输、包装和最终利用和处置。 3.3.4 外包 对外部组织执行组织的职能或过程的一部分做出的安排。 注 1:外部组织处于管理体系的范围以外,尽管外包的职能或过程仍属于组织的范围内。
——增强环境绩效 ——满足合规义务 ——达成环境目标 本标准适用于任何组织,不管其大小、类型和性质,也可适用于组织确定的可控制或可影响 的活动、产品及服务的环境因素。本标准没有阐明具体的环境绩效标准。 本标准可整体或部分使用,以便系统地提高环境管理水平。但是,除非本标准所有的要求被 纳入组织的环境管理体系并且得以完整实施,否则不能声称满足本标准要求。
3.2 与策划相关的术语 3.2.1 环境 组织运行的外部存在,包括空气、水、土地、自然资源、植物、动物、人,以及它们之间的 相互关系。 注 1:这里组织的外部存在能从组织内延伸到当地,地区和全球系统。 注 2:外部存在可以以生物多样性,生态系统,气候和其它特性来表述。
确立达 – 增创企业新价值!
3.2.2 环境因素 组织的活动、产品或服务中能与环境发生相互作用的要素。 注 1:环境因素能产生环境影响,重要环境因素具有或能够产生重大环境影响。 注 2:重要环境因素可由组织适用的一个或多个准则来确定。
确立达 – 增创企业新价值!
a) 为环境管理体系的有效性负责 b) 保证环境方针及环境目标的建立并且它们是与组织的战略方向和组织背景一致 c) 保证环境管理体系的要求与组织的运营过程相融合 d) 提供环境管理体系所需的资源 e) 传递有效的环境管理和遵守环境管理体系要求的重要性 f) 保证环境管理体系实现其预期的结果 g) 指导及支持有助于环境管理体系有效性的人员 h) 推动持续改进 i) 支持其他相关管理岗位的管理者在其职责范围内的领导作用 注:此国际标准中指出的“运营”可以慨括的理解为组织存在的核心活动。
ISO14001-2015标准 环境管理体系要求及使用指南
![ISO14001-2015标准 环境管理体系要求及使用指南](
注 2:若管理体系(3.1.1)的范围仅涵盖组织的一部分,则最高管理者是指那些指挥并 控制组织该部分的人员。 3.1.6
相关方 interested party 能够影响决策或活动、受决策或活动影响,或感觉自身受到决策或活动影响的个人或组 织(3.1.4)。 示例:相关方可包括顾客、社区、供方、监管部门、非政府组织、投资方和员工。 注 1:“感觉自身受到影响”意指组织已知晓这种感觉。
管理体系 management system 组织(3.1.4)用于制订方针、目标(3.2.5)以及实现这些目标的过程(3.3.5)所需的 一系列相互关联或相互作用的要素。 注 1:一个管理体系可关注一个领域或多个领域(例如:质量、环境、职业健康和安全、 能源、财务管理)。 注 2:体系要素包括组织的结构、岗位和职责、策划和运行、绩效评价和改进。 注 3:管理体系的范围可能包括整个组织、其特定的职能、其特定的部门、或跨组织的 一个或多个职能。 3.1.2 环境管理体系 environmental management system 管理体系(3.1.1)的一部分,用来管理环境因素(3.2.2)、履行合规义务合规义务(3.2.9), 并应对风险和机遇(3.2.11)。 3.1.3 环境方针 environmental policy 由最高管理者(3.1.5)就组织(3.1.4)的环境绩效(3.4.11)正式表述的意图和方向。 3.1.4 组织 organization 为实现其目标(3.2.5)而具有职责、权限和关系等自身职能的个人或群体。 注 1:组织包括但不限于个体经营者、公司、集团公司、商行、企事业单位、政府机构、 合股经营的公司、公益机构、社团、或上述单位中的一部分或其结合体,无论其是否具有法 人资格、公营或私营。 3.1.5 最高管理者 top management 在最高层指挥并控制组织(3.1.4)的一个人或一组人。 注 1:最高管理者有权在组织内部授权并提供资源。
14001:2015环境管理体系目录版权信息博瑞森图书:企业阅读本土实践前言一 ISO14001 产生背景及标准改版计划(一)标准版改版的背景(二)为什么要推行 ISO14001 (三)ISO14001 的好处(四) ISO14001 改版的目的(五)标准改版计划二新标准的重大改变三新标准条款结构四 ISO14001: 2015 主要条款解读及运用指南(一)范围(二)引用标准(三)术语和定义(四)组织的环境(五)领导作用(六)策划(七)支持(八)运行(九)绩效评价(十)改进五实施 ISO14001: 2015 的常见问题六需要形成可追溯的(记录与证据)文件化信息七 ISO14001: 2015 内审员试题八 ISO14001: 2015 案例文件汇编(一)环境纲领性文件 1. 序言 2. 公司简介 3. 名称解释4. 体系范围5. 标准条款与职责权限对照表6. 环境管理方针与目标7. 组织架构8. 部门职责(二)相关流程文件与规定材料 1. 资源能源管理程序 2. 信息交流程序 3. 废弃物管理程序 4. 环境纠正与预防管理程序 5. 相关方施加影响程序 6. 应急准备和响应程序 8. 法律法规与其他要求管理程序9. 化学品油品管理程序 10. 合规性评价程序 11. 环境监视与测量程序 12. 环境因素管理程序13. 环境因素评价标准 15. 环境目标指标管理方案程序 16. 污水污染管理程序17. 灭火器作业指导书 18. 消防栓作业指导书 20. 固体废弃物分类表(如表 8- 9 所示)前言新推出的 ISO14001: 2015 版,结构与 ISO9001 一样,可更好地与ISO9001 结合,降低了双体系认证的难度。
推行 ISO14001 的目的不是让企业拿一个证书,而是要真正起到节能减排的作用,这对企业、对国家、对整个人类都是有福报的事情。
XXXXXXX有限公司环境手册IS O14001-2015文件编号:E M-01 A/10编写:审核:批准:发布日期:2017年9月10日实施日期:2017年9月10日修订记录目录第1 章概述1.1 颁布令1.2 公司简介1.3 管理者代表任命书1.4 环境手册的管理第2章管理体系范围第3章手册引用文件、术语和定义3.1 引用标准文件3.2 术语和定义第4章组织的背景4.1理解组织及其所处的环境4.2 理解相关方的需求和期望4.3确定管理体系的范围4.4管理体系及其过程第5章领导作用5.1 领导和承诺5.2 环境方针5.3 组织的岗位、职责和权限第6章质量环境管理体系策划6.1 应对风险和机遇的措施6.1.1 总则6.1.2 环境因素6.1.3 合规义务6.1.4 措施的策划6.2 环境目标及其实现策划6.2.1 环境目标6.2.2 实现环境目标措施的策划第7章支持7.1 资源7.2 能力7.3 意识7.4 信息交流7.4.1 总则7.4.2 内部信息交流7.4.3 外部信息交流7.5 文件信息7.5.1 总则7.5.2 创建和更新7.5.3 文件信息控制第8章运作8.1 运行策划和控制8.2 应急准备和响应第9章绩效评价9.1 监视、测量、分析和评价9.1.1 总则9.1.2 合规性评价9.2 内部审核9.2.1 总则9.2.2 内部审核方案9.3 管理评审第10章改进10.1 总则10.2 不符合和纠正措施10.3 持续改进1.1环境手册颁布令环境手册是本公司从事与环境管理有关的活动中必须共同遵守的纲领性文件,是公司的基本法规之一,必须严格遵守,以确保公司环境管理体系的正常运行,实现质量环境管理目标,促使公司环境管理工作得到持续改进与不断发展。
ISO 14001:2015 环境管理体系 要求及使用指南
![ISO 14001:2015 环境管理体系 要求及使用指南](
Environmental management systems-- Requirements withguidance for use环境管理体系要求及使用指南ISO14001:2015目录引言 (4)1.范围 (6)2规范性引用文件 (6)3术语和定义 (6)3.1组织和领导力相关的术语 (6)3.2 策划相关的术语 (7)3.3 支持和运行相关的术语 (8)3.4 绩效评价和改进相关的术语 (8)4组织的情境 (9)4.1理解组织及其情境 (9)4.2理解相关方的需求和期望 (9)4.3确定环境管理体系的范围 (9)4.4环境管理体系 (9)5领导力 (10)5.1领导力及承诺 (10)5.2环境方针 (10)5.3组织的角色、职责及权限 (10)6策划 (10)6.1应对风险和机会的措施 (10)6.1.1总则 (10)6.1.2环境因素 (11)6.1.3合规义务 (11)6.1.4措施的策划 (11)6.2环境目标及实现策划 (11)6.2.1环境目标 (11)6.2.2实现环境目标的措施策划 (11)7支持 (12)7.1资源 (12)7.2能力 (12)7.3意识 (12)7.4沟通 (12)7.4.1总则 (12)7.4.2内部沟通 (12)7.4.3外部沟通 (12)7.5文件化信息 (12)7.5.1总则 (12)7.5.2创建和更新 (13)7.5.3文件化信息的控制 (13)8运行 (13)8.1运行策划及控制 (13)8.2应急准备和响应 (13)9绩效评价 (14)9.1监视、测量、分析和评价 (14)9.1.1总则 (14)9.1.2合规性评价 (14)9.2内部审核 (14)9.2.1总则 (14)9.2.2内部审核方案 (14)9.3管理评审 (14)10改进 (15)10.1总则 (15)10.2不符合与纠正措施 (15)10.3持续改进 (15)引言0.1 背景为了即能满足当代的需求而又不损害满足后代需求的能力,考虑实现环境、社会和经济之间的平衡是必需的。
标准资料仅供参考培训专用教材ISO14001标准环境管理体系——要求及使用指南1 范围本国际标准规定了环境管理体系的要求,一个组织可以使用以提高其环境绩效。
2 规范性引用文件没有规范性引用。
3 术语和定义为本文件的目的,下列术语和定义适用。
3.1与组织和领导有关的术语3.1.1管理体系组织的一组相互关联或相互作用的要素( 3.1.4)以建立方针和目标( 3.2.5)和过程( 3.3.5)以实现这些目标。
3.1.2环境管理体系管理体系的一部分( 3.1.1)用于管理环境因素( 3.2.2),履行合规性义务( 3.2.9),和处理风险和机会( 3.2.11)3.1.3环境方针由最高管理者( 3.1.5)正式发布的相关环境绩效( 3.4.11)的一个组织( 3.1.4)的意图和方向。
Page 1培训专用教材·ISO14001标准3.1.4组织为了实现其目标( 3.2.5)有自己的职能和职责、权限和关系的人或群体。
ISO 14001 2015环境管理体系标准转换指南说明书
![ISO 14001 2015环境管理体系标准转换指南说明书](
Moving from ISO 14001:2004 to ISO 14001:2015The new international standardfor environmental management systemsISO RevisionsISO 14001 Transition guide2Why adopt an Environmental Management System standard?Implementing ISO 140013With ISO 14001 Environmental Management you can;• Consistently meet your environmental responsibilities overtime • Differentiate your company and win more business • Improve company performance through resource savingsAn ISO 14001 environmental management system will help you to monitor and manage your resources and environmental impacts whether you run a single site operation or a global business. As the world’s first environmental management system, it helps you identify and control how your business affects the environment and helps put in place robust policies to conserve your resources and save money.These are some of the benefits that our customers tell us they have received as a result of adopting and implementing a system that meets ISO 14001. The standard allows:• You to become a more consistent competitor in your marketplace • Better manage your resources and reduce waste saving money • Comply with legislation, reducing the risk of fines and adversepublicity• Improve your corporate responsibility to meet your supply chainrequirements• Motivate and engage staff with more efficient processes • Broaden business opportunities by demonstrating compliance.No organization today can afford to risk it’s reputation by ignoring their environmental responsibility1 BS EN ISO 14004:2010, Environmental Management Systems -General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques 2 BS EN ISO 14006:2011, Environmental Management Systems -Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign 3 BS EN 14031:2013, Environmental Management - Environmentalperformance evaluation guidelines 4 BS EN ISO 50001:2011, Energy Management - Requirementswith guidance for use5 BS EN ISO 20121:2012, Event Sustainability ManagementSystems - Requirements with guidance for use.6 PAS 2050:2011, Specification for the assessment of the life cyclegreenhouse gas emissions of goods and services 7 PAS 2060:2014, Specification for the demonstration of carbonneutrality.ISO 14001 is part of a range of sustainability and environmental management related standards. You may find this selection useful for further reference in addition to ISO 14001Comparing the latest version of ISO 14001 with ISO 14001:20044ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System - Transition GuideISO 14001:2015 will be based on Annex SL – the new high levelstructure (HLS) that brings a common framework to all management systems. This helps to keep consistency, align different management system standards, offer matching sub-clauses against the top-level structure and apply common language across all standards. With the new standard in place, organizations will find it easier to incorporate their environmental management system into the core business processes and get more involvement from senior management.Based on Annex SL, Fig. 1 shows how the clauses of the new high level structure could also be applied the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The PDCA cycle can be applied to all processes and to the environmental management system as a whole.Figure 15Clause 4: Context of the organizationThis is a new clause that in part addresses the depreciated concept of preventive action and in part establishes the context for the EMS. It meets these objectives by drawing together relevant external and internal issues (i.e. those that affect the organization’s ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its EMS) in clause 4.1 with the requirements of interested parties in clause 4.2 to help determine, amongst other elements, the scope of the EMS in clause 4.3. It should be noted that the term ‘issue’ covers not only problems, which would have been the subject of preventive action in theprevious standard, but also important topics for the EMS to address, such as any market assurance and governance goals that theorganization might set for the EMS. Importantly, those issues should include not only environmental conditions that the organization affects but also those that it is affected by. Some further general guidance on ‘issues’ is given in clause 5.3 of ISO 31000:2009.Clause 5: LeadershipThis clause places requirements on ‘top management’ which is the person or group of people who directs and controls the organization at the highest level. Note that if the organization that is the subject of the EMS is part of a larger organization, then the term ‘top management’ refers to the smaller organization. The purpose of these requirements is to demonstrate leadership and commitment by leading from the top and wherever possible integration of environmental management into business processes.A particular responsibility of top management is to establish the environmental policy, and the standard defines the characteristics and properties that the policy is to include. This can includecommitments specific to an organization’s context beyond those directly required, such as the ‘protection of the environment’ Finally the clause places requirements on top management to assign and communicate the roles, responsibilities and authority for those who facilitate effective EMS.Clause 6: PlanningTaken as a whole, Clause 6 probably presents the greatest area of change for users of earlier versions of the standard. It works with Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 to complete the new way of dealing withpreventive actions. It focuses the organization on the development and use of a planning process (rather than a procedure) to address both a range of factors and the risk associated with such factors.6ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System - Transition GuideClause 7: SupportThis clause begins with a requirement that organizations shall determine and provide the necessary resources to establish, implement, maintain and continually improve the EMS. Simply expressed, this is a very powerful requirement covering all EMS resource needs.The clause continues with requirements for competence, and awareness, which are similar to their counterparts in ISO 14001:2004.Finally, there are the requirements for ‘documented information’. ‘Documented information’ is a new term that replaces the references in the 2004 standard to ‘documents’ and ‘records’. Theserequirements relate to the creation and updating of documented information and their control. The requirements are similar to their counterparts in ISO 14001:2004 for the control of documents and for the control of records.Clause 8: OperationThis clause deals with the execution of the plans and processes that enable the organization to meet their environmental policy and objectives. There are new, more specific requirements that relate to the control or influence exercised over outsourced processes. A potentially larger change is the new broader requirement to consider certain operational aspects ‘consistent with a life cycle perspective’. This means giving serious consideration to how actual or potential environmental impacts happening upstream and downstream of an organization’s site are influenced or (where possible) controlled.In the light of these changes (including those that relate to planning outputs), users of the standard will obviously want to review their procedures relating to environmental emergencies. When they do so, they should also refer to the more detailed stipulations in clause 8.2 to ensure they are meeting the full range of requirements.Clause 9: Performance evaluationThis covers much of what was in clause 4.5 of the previous standard.As a general recommendation, determine what information you need to evaluate the environmental performance and the effectiveness of your EMS. Work backwards from this ‘information need’ to determine what to measure and monitor, when, who and how.Organizations should also revisit their audit programme in particular to ensure that it meets the new requirements.Clause 10: ImprovementDue to the new structure and risk focus of the standard, there are no specific requirements for preventive actions in this clause. However, there are some new more detailed corrective action requirements. The first is to react to nonconformities and take action, as applicable, to control and correct the nonconformity and deal with the consequences. The second is to determine whether similarnonconformities exist, or could potentially occur elsewhere in the organization, leading to appropriate corrective actions across the whole organization if necessary. Although the concept of preventive action has evolved there is still a need to consider potential nonconformities, albeit as a consequence of an actual nonconformity.The requirement for continual improvement has been extended to ensure that the suitability and adequacy of the EMS as well as its effectiveness are considered in the light of enhanced environmentalperformance.Documented informationThe requirements for documented information are spread throughout the standard. However, in summary they are:7ISO 14001 - Environmental Management - Transition GuideMapping tableThe table below is a clause by clause comparison between the requirements of the proposed 2015 version and the current 2004 standard.89Mapping table – continued10Transition guidanceTransition is an opportunity – What do you need to do?1. Take a completely fresh look at the EMS2. Attend a one–day transition course to understandthe differences 3. Highlight the key changes as opportunity forimprovements 4. Make changes to your documentation to reflect newstructure (as necessary)5. Implement new requirements on leadership, risk andcontext of organization 6. Review effectiveness of current control set 7. Assume every control may have changed 8. Carry out an impact assessmentYour transition journeyBSI has identified a step-by-step journey to help you through the transition and realize the benefits of ISO 14001:2015. We havemapped out a framework which guides you through the options and support available from BSI to ensure you have the knowledge and information you require.Buy a copy of the Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) and/or International Standard on publication . This will help you become familiar with the new requirements, terminology and layoutVisit the BSI website to access the most up-to-date support and transition material available at /isorevisions including whitepapers which can help you understand the changesLook at the wide range of BSI transition training courses available to make sure you fully understand the changes including introduction and implementing courses as well as specific deep-dive modules designed to help you understand core ISO Standard requirementsDownload our Implementation Toolkit developed to help youunderstand, implement and communicate the ISO 14001 revision changes throughout your organizationConsider further services to help implement the changes . BSI has a full range of services available including GAP assessments, Entropy software to help you manage your systems and transitionassessments for organizations keen to transition quick and gain early adopter advantageSeptember 2015 start of three years transition period to September 2018ISO 14001:2015 Transition Timeline2015 2016 2017 2018September 2015 publication11Whatever the specific requirement, BSI has designed a series of training courses that can meet your needs. It’s worth noting that all BSI courses have been designed by experts in their fields who have been directly involved in the development of the standards. Our experienced tutors can help you get to grips with the matters that concern you and your organization directly, whether delivered in-house or as part of an open course where other delegates can share their experience.The transition courses include:ISO 14001:2015 Transition1 day classroom based training course• Learn about the new ISO high level structure and the differencesbetween ISO 14001:2004 and ISO 14001:2015• Essential for anyone involved with an ISO 14001:2015 transition,from managers to implementers and auditorsISO 14001:2015 Implementing Changes 2 day classroom based training course• Discover how to apply the key changes to ISO 14001:2015 andformulate a transition action plan• Combines the one day Transition course with an additional day ofimplementation activities• Recommended for those responsible for transitioning an existingsystem to ISO 14001:2015ISO 14001:2015 Auditor/Lead Auditor Transition 2 day classroom based training course• Learn how to audit the key changes to ISO 14001:2015• Combines the one day Transition course, with a supplementaryday of ISO 14001:2015 auditing activities• Ideal for existing internal and lead auditors who need to convert toISO 14001:2015ISO 14001:2015 Deep Dive2 day classroom based training course• Gain a deeper insight into these important ISO 14001:2015concepts: Lifecycle Perspective, Risk-based Thinking, Control of External Provision and Leadership Auditing• Valuable for anyone involved with an ISO 14001:2015 transition,including managers to implementers and auditorsISO 14001:2015 Senior Management Briefing 2 hour face-to-face session• Understand the purpose of ISO 14001:2015 and the leadershipresponsibilities outlined in the standard• Important for top management of organizations transitioning toISO 14001:2015© B S I G r o u p 2014 B S I /U K /555/S C /1214/e n /B L DThere are a variety of materials which can be accessed on line at /iso-14001 and consists of:NEW: ISO 14001 Whitepaper - Understanding the changes With the key changes in the proposed standard for 2014 based on the Draft International Standard, published in May 2014, thisWhitepaper looks at those changes in detail, the timeline and what you can do now to prepare.NEW: ISO 14001 Frequently Asked QuestionsHere we aim to address those initial questions that you may have as your begin your journey towards the revised standard.ISO 14001:2015 Revision WebinarLearn more about the new ISO 14001 revision and how the changes will affect your business.ISO 14001 Whitepaper - The history and future of ISO 14001With a revision for 2015 underway, this whitepaper looks at the history of the standard, how it has developed over the years and the changes companies can expect to see in ISO 14001:2015.PLUS:• Old-to-new ISO 14001 Mapping Guide • Old-to-new ISO 14001 Transition Guide• Self-assessment checklists for the new ISO 14001• Your Transition Journey to the new ISO 14001:2015Additional resources。
环境管理体系 要求14001-2015
![环境管理体系 要求14001-2015](
一、ISO14001环境管理体系概述1.1 环境管理体系的定义ISO14001环境管理体系是指组织为了管理和改善自身环境绩效而建立、实施、维护和持续改进的一系列政策、程序、流程和行为。
1.2 ISO14001的意义和作用ISO14001环境管理体系的建立和认证,可以使组织更好地遵守环境法规,降低环境风险,提高员工环境保护意识,增强环境责任感,促进资源有效利用,提高企业竞争力,树立企业良好形象,以及获得政府、客户和社会的认可。
二、ISO14001环境管理体系的要求2.1 理解组织环境ISO14001要求组织必须理解其在环境方面的影响,包括综合的环境方面政策,表示组织目标所测量的结果,而这些结果可以用来比较实际表现与要求的目标,及自我评估、治理及改进绩效。
2.2 制定环境政策ISO14001要求组织必须制定一个符合法规和其他要求的环境政策,还有一系列的环境目标和目标。
2.3 规划实施和运作ISO14001要求组织必须规划、实施和操作好其需要的过程,并对系统进行指派、部署和维持确定资源。
2.4 检查和治理ISO14001要求组织必须建立、实施和维持监测和测量与组织的环境绩效有关的过程。
2.5 管理的回访ISO14001还要求组织必须建立、实施和维持用来修正物质、消除根本原因、预防再次发生的措施,且改进环境表现。
三、ISO14001环境管理体系的使用指南3.1 建立组织环境政策要建立符合ISO14001环境管理体系标准的环境政策,组织应充分理解自身的环境影响和风险,确定适合自身的环境政策,并向组织内外部进行公开和沟通。
0.4PDCA组织的背景情况内部和外部的问题相关⽅的期0.5标准内容本标准准守ISO 组织的要求及标准格式。
这些要求包括ISO 标准中更⾼等级的结构要求、核⼼内容的⼀致性、核⼼定义术语⼀致等,以⽅便标准之间的整合。
环境管理体系—要求及使用指南中英文对照Environmental Management System-Requirements and Guidelines for Use环境管理体系——要求及使用指南Introduction导言The Environmental Management System (EMS) is a framework that helps organizations effectively manage their impact on the environment and comply with relevant regulatory requirements. ISO 14001 is the international standard for EMS, providing requirements and guidelines for implementing a robust EMS. This document provides a side-by-side comparison of the requirements and guidelines for use for ISO 14001:2015.环境管理体系(EMS)是一个框架,有助于组织有效管理其对环境的影响并遵守相关法规要求。
ISO 14001是EMS的国际标准,提供实施强大的EMS所需的要求和指南。
本文档提供了ISO 14001:2015的要求和使用指南的并排比较。
Overview概述ISO 14001:2015 sets out the requirements for an EMS. The standard defines EMS as “part of the organization’s management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and manage its environmental aspects.” The standard requiresthat organizations establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve their EMS. This includes setting environmental objectives and targets, conducting periodic environmental audits, and complying with legal and other requirements.ISO 14001:2015规定了EMS的要求。
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环境管理体系的成功取决于最高管理者领导下的组织各层次和职 能的承诺(5.1领导作用与承诺)。组织可以通过利用机会来预防或减 轻有害的环境影响,增强那些有益的特别是具有战略和竞争意义的环 境影响,将环境管理融入组织的业务过程、战略方向和决策,与其他 业务优先事项相一致,并将环境管理方法整合到组织整体的管理体系 中,这样可使最高管理者能够有效应对风险和机会。本标准成功实施 的证据可使利益相关方确信一个有效的环境管理体系正在发挥作用。
组织所处的环境(4) P
环境管理体系范围 策划(6) P
相关方的需求和期望 输入
领导作用 (5)
支持和运 行(7、8)
环境管理体 系持续改进 的循环过程
PDCA与本标准12 框架间的关系
1.提升环境绩效 2.履行合规义务 3.实现环境目标
理解要点:(2大要点) 1.本标准的要求需要从系统或整体角度考虑,不要脱离其他条款而
孤立解读特定语句或条款。 2.变更的管理是保持环境管理体系,以确保组织能够持续实现其环
境管理体系预期结果的重要组成部分。本标准诸多要求均提出对变更 的管理,包括: ---保持环境管理体系(见4.4)(如新工艺追加,如抛光) ---环境因素(见6.1.2)(如:新机台抛光机的追加) ---内部信息交流(见7.4.2)(如员工、外部供方或合规义务变更) ---运行控制(见8.1)(如:产品、过程、设备的变更) ---内部审核方案(见9.2.2)(如:抛光工序的追加) ---管理评审(见9.3)
---帮助组织履行合规性义务; ---提升环境绩效; ---采用生命周期观点,控制和影响组织的产品和服务的设计、制造
、交付、消费和处置等方式,能够防止环境影响被无意地转移到 生命周期的其他阶段; ---实施环境友好的、且可巩固组织市场地位的可选方案,以获得财 务和运营收益;(如节能减排、规避合规义务风险) ---与有关的相关方沟通环境信息。
环境管理体系 要求及使用指南
编制:张XX 版本:V1.0 日期:2016/11/30
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时间分配: 上午: 9:00~10:20 《环境管理体系 要求及使用指南》 10:35~11:50《环境管理体系 要求及使用指南》 下午: 13:30~15:20《环境管理体系 要求及使用指南》 15:35~17:00《管理体系审核知识》
0.5本标准内容(环境管理体系 要求及使用指南)
附录A提供了解释性信息以防止对本标准要求的误读。附录B显示 了本标准先行版本与以往版本之间完整的技术对照。有关环境管理体 系的实施指南包含在GB/T24004—2015中。
1 ISO14001标准产生背景与目的
IS014001:2015环境管理体系范围 、
3 IS014001:2015标准要求
IS014001:2015标准产生 背景与目的
0.1产生背景(1.实现环境、社会和经济的平衡。 2.严峻的环境形势)
既要满足当代需求而又不要损害满足后代需求的能力,尤 为重要的是实现环境与社会和经济之间的平衡。通过平衡可持 续发展的这“三大支柱”可以实现可持续发展这一目标。
--实施(D):实施所策划的过程; --检查(C):依据环境方针,包括方针承诺、环境目标和运行准则
对过程实施监测和测量,并报告结果; --改进(A):采取行动,持续改进。
图1展示了本标准采用的结构是任何整合入PDCA模式的,它可帮助 新的和既有标准使用者理解系统方法的重要性。
0.2环境管理体系的目的(2大目的) 本标准旨在为组织提供一个用于保护环境和响应环境状
况变化的框架,以实现环境与社会-经济需求间的平衡。标 准规定了能够使组织实现其设定的环境管理体系预期结果 的要求。
环境管理体系方法可向最高管理者提供信息,通过下列 途径以获得长期成功,并为促进可持续发展创建可选方 案(向最高管理者提供以下7方面成功的途径):
标记“备注”的信息旨在帮助理解或使用本文件。第三章使用的 “词条注解”提供关于增补术语信息的附加信息,用于补充术语有关 的资料,其中可能包含了与术语使用相关的规定。
第三章中的术语和定义按照概念上的顺序进行排序,并在文件最 后附有依字母顺序的索引表。 14
环境管理体系的基本方法以策划-实施-检查-改进,即PDCA理念为 基础。PDCA模式提供了可用于组织实现持续改进的循环递进过程,它 可用于环境管理体系,也可用于其他的要素。PDCA可简述如下:
--策划(P):建立所需的环境目标和过程以实现与组织的环境方针 相一致的结果;
0.1产生背景(1.实现环境、社会和经济的平衡。 2.严峻的环境形势) 随着立法的日趋严格,以及环境污染、资源低效利用、
废物管理不当、气候变化、பைடு நூலகம்态系统退化和生物多样性丧 失等方面压力的不断增大,社会对可持续发展、透明度和 责任的期望也进一步增强。---严峻的环境形势!
上述情况是使得组织出于为可持续发展的“环境支柱” 做出贡献的目的,通过实施环境管理体系,以系统的方法 开展环境管理活动。
0.5本标准内容(推行本标准4大作用) 本标准包括了评价符合性所需的要求。任何有愿望的
组织均可能通过以下方式证实与本标准的符合: a)进行自我评价和自我声明:或 b)寻求组织的相关方(例如:顾客),对其符合性进行 确认:或 C)寻求组织的外部机构对其自我声明的确认; d)寻求外部组织对其环境管理体系进行认证或注册;