
软件功能分类及说明分类名称移G 联G C网功能特点备注群发王√√√ 1.支持超长短信、快闪短信、免提push、wap书签等特殊信息2.支持定时发送、状态报告、自动回复、电话薄管理等多种功能3.支持15、18开头的新手机号码网络版√√√ 1.支持大型企业集中管理式短信应用2.b/s架构,客户端无需安装维护3.可单独维护个人电话薄和公共电话薄,方便应用开发控件√√√ 1.适用于多种开发语言(VB、VC、DEPHLI、C#)2.开发简单短信开发服务器√√√ 1.数据库表接口,开发简单,与开发语言无关2.支持几乎所有主流数据库(Sql server、Oracle、Mysql、Sybase、access)3.长时间运行稳定可靠1.CDMA软件支持wavecom、anydata和G800芯片2.cdma软件细分为普通版和支持wap push的版本,wap push版本需要anydata芯片支持彩信通√√√ 1.彩信发送速度最快(比爱特生快20%,比m2u快80%)2.支持彩信、普通短信、超长短信和wap push等多种信息3.拥有彩信制作和彩信收发两大平台,支持多种彩信格式,自带彩信库4.拥有强大的短信、彩信互动功能,可完成大部分互动应用需求彩信开发服务器√√√ 1.与短信数据库软件特点类似,可发图片、声音、文字和视频等2.支持自定义ini的彩信格式和标准的smil彩信格式国内唯一支持CDMA彩信的软件系统,CDMA 彩信目前只能使用anydata芯片的设备语音Ivr √√√ 1.消费时间控制精确2.通话中断后可续拨,时间自动累计,单个通道同时可设置为接听模式支持全部G网设备,CDMA设备支持anydata和g800芯片Wap刷卡√√ 1.市面上唯一同时支持wavecom和华为芯片的产品2.流量消耗少、消费次数准确C网wap使用anydata模块,支持包月订阅和包月退订两个功能Kjava刷卡√ 1.与wap自消费软件特点类似目前不支持移动老平台Wap流量√ 1.支持cmwap和cmnet两个接入点2.同时支持wavecom和华为芯片的产品Cmnet和cmwap 是两个独立的软件自消费嘻唰唰√ 1.支持短信、彩信收发和自动回复2.可刷游戏币、SP业务等,兼容创新题库目前支持wavecom彩信设备备注:移G代表支持移动gsm网络联G代表支持联通gsm网络C网代表支持cdma网络群发王√√√ 1.支持超长短信、快闪短信、免提push、wap书签等特殊信息2.支持定时发送、状态报告、自动回复、电话薄管理等多种功能3.支持15、18开头的新手机号码1-40口:880网络版√√√ 1.支持大型企业集中管理式短信应用2.b/s架构,客户端无需安装维护3.可单独维护个人电话薄和公共电话薄,方便应用1-40口:8000开发控件√√√ 1.适用于多种开发语言(VB、VC、DEPHLI、C#)2.开发简单单口:5002-16口:1000短信开发服务器√√√ 1.数据库表接口,开发简单,与开发语言无关2.支持几乎所有主流数据库(Sql server、Oracle、Mysql、Sybase、access)3.长时间运行稳定可靠单口:28002-8口:3500 9-40口:4500彩信通√√√ 1.彩信发送速度最快(比爱特生快20%,比m2u快80%)2.支持彩信、普通短信、超长短信和wap push等多种信息3.拥有彩信制作和彩信收发两大平台,支持多种彩信格式,自带彩信库4.拥有强大的短信、彩信互动功能,可完成大部分互动应用需求单口:4500加一口,加1500彩信开发服务器√√√ 1.与短信数据库软件特点类似,可发图片、声音、文字和视频等2.支持自定义ini的彩信格式和标准的smil彩信格式单口:5800加一口,加2000语音Ivr √√√ 1.消费时间控制精确2.通话中断后可续拨,时间自动累计,单个通道同时可设置为接听模式16口:1000 40口:2000Wap刷卡√√ 1.市面上唯一同时支持wavecom和华为芯片的产品2.流量消耗少、消费次数准确Kjava刷卡√ 1.与wap自消费软件特点类似Wap流量√ 1.支持cmwap和cmnet两个接入点2.同时支持wavecom和华为芯片的产品8口: 4000 16口:8000嘻唰唰√ 1.支持短信、彩信收发和自动回复2.可刷游戏币、SP业务等,兼容创新题库16口:1000 32口:2000自消费酷卡自消费系统√围绕移动KPI指标来设计开发的一款软件产品,该产品配合彩信猫设备,可完成全曲下载,手机阅读,振铃,手机视频,WAP,KJA V A,随身听,139邮箱,号码管家,飞信,彩铃,百宝箱等多项增值业务的手机端模拟开通和活跃,方便完成移动公司的KPI考核指标16口:3000元起备注:移G代表支持移动gsm网络联G代表支持联通gsm网络C网代表支持cdma网络1基本功能 2000 短信、彩信、语音和WAP浏览2基本功能 + 一个增值5000元3基本功能 + 二个增值9500元4基本功能 + 三个增值135005基本功能 + 四个增值170006基本功能 + 五个增值200007基本功能 + 六个增值225008基本功能 + 七个增值250009基本功能 + 八个增值27500设备功能分类及说明分类名称移G联G C网功能特点市场价(元)全能王防锁卡9。

电信卡营销公司销售管理系统(CSMS)安装维护手册杭州思伟信息科技有限公司2004年6月一、IIS的安装1.打开控制面板,找到“添加删除程序”,双击打开它单击右边的“添加/删除WINDOWS组件”按钮在弹出窗口中,找到“Internet 信息服务(IIS)”,在它的前面打上勾然后单击“下一步”系统进入安装的图形界面,这个时候稍等几分钟就可以了最后,系统提示:IIS安装完成。
二、IIS的配置理论上来说,卡管理系统可以放置在本网络中任何一台电脑上,根据实际情况,将本系统安放在\\的D盘中,建立了目录D:\CSMS\card\,卡系统就放在这个目录下需要对系统做如下设置:打开”控制面板”,找到”管理工具”,打开它打开internet“服务管理器”(下图中第一项)在“zjcardweb”(不一定就是“zjcardweb”,和机器名称是一样的,可更改)上单击右键,选择“属性”“web站点”页保持默认,这一页是一些页面的基本设置,包括IP地址,名称、连接超时等设置进入到“主目录”页由于我们的系统是放在本机硬盘上的,因此在选择“连接到此资源时,内容应该来自于”的时候选择第一项:“此计算机上的目录”本地路径选择卡系统论坛所在的目录,这里我们放在D盘d:\csms\luntan其他的我们用默认的就可以了打开“文档”页,文档页是用于设置当访问这个目录的时候首先访问的页面默认的是default.asp,我们把系统原来默认的这些文档全部删掉要双引号)单击“确定”进入“目录安全性”页由于我们的系统本身带有权限身份验证,所以不需要IIS的访问验证打开“验证方法”,在“匿名访问”打勾,确认添加卡系统进来的办法就是在IIS中增加一个虚拟目录,回到“internet信息服务”的窗口录创建向导单击“下一步”我们给卡系统创建的别名就是“card”,单击下一步在这里输入我们卡系统在这台电脑上的实际目录,单击浏览按钮找到卡系统的实际路径后,单击确定,然后单击下一步对于这个目录的权限我们选择“读取”和“运行脚本(例如ASP)”,其它权限从安全角度考虑,不给与,单击下一步虚拟目录设置完成,关闭该窗口,整个IIS设置完成三、Oracle 客户端的设置Oracle客户端的安装请参考oracle的联机手册下面以oracle 8ide客户端为例,说明它的设置9i会有所不同,但类似在本机中安装oracle客户端后,运行Oracle Net8 Easy Config选择“add new service”,在“New Service Name”下面输入服务名,这里我们输入66 单击“next”协议我们选择TCP/IP协议,单击“next”在HostName后面输入数据库服务器所在的地址在端口号后输入安装数据库时候所设置的端口号,然后,单击NEXT在Databsse SID后输入数据库的SID,单击Next单击“test Service”,可以测试我们刚才的设置是否正确输入用户名和密码后,单击“test”,如果连接成功,系统会出现如上图的信息:“Connecting.... The connection test was successful.”,如果错误,则请返回上一步检查中间是否有设置错误单击“done”,然后单击“next”单击“finsh”,Oracle客户端设置完毕四、卡管理系统的配置进入到卡系统所在的目录,找到login.inc文件,用记事本打开找到画红线的那一行,将“66”改成刚才设置数据库服务别名,card改成数据库的用户名,绿色抹去的那一块改成数据库密码保存后关闭文件打开相同目录下的global.asa文件,画红线的地方修改和上面相同画蓝线的地方改成卡系统所在的目录路径保存后关闭文件请定期删除卡系统目录下Data\下的.CSV文件过多的csv文件会侵占系统空间五、BBS的配置注意,BBS必须解压在IIS的主目录下,有关主目录的设置请参考IIS的配置一、软件安装1、把chatandbbs.rar解压到磁盘中。

1目录第一章日维护指导 (3)1.1机房环境和电源检查 (3)1.1.1 机房环境检查 (3)1.1.2 机房直流电压检查 (3)1.1.3 机房交流电压检查 (4)1.2硬件检查 (4)1.2.1 单板工作状态检查 (4)1.2.2 告警箱检查 (4)1.3通讯检查 (5)1.3.1 操作维护服务器和前台之间通讯检查 (5)1.3.2 计费服务器和前台之间通讯检查 (6)1.4心跳线、资源状态及关系检查 (6)1.4.1 心跳线、资源状态检查 (6)1.5资源占用检查 (8)1.5.1 129、130服务器的内存占用率 (8)1.5.2 129、130服务器的CPU占用率 (9)11.5.3 前台各模块MP的内存占用率 (9)1.5.4 前台各模块MP的CPU占用率 (10)1.5.5 7号信令链路负荷 (10)1.6告警检查 (11)1.6.1 当前告警检查 (11)1.6.2 历史告警检查 (11)1.6.3 系统时钟检查 (12)1.7日志检查 (14)1.7.1 OMC129服务器c:\zxg10目录下的日志 (14)1.7.2 事件查看器中日志检查 (15)1.7.3 计费日志检查 (15)1.7.4 数据库日志检查 (16)1.8计费系统检查 (17)1.8.1 计费话单检查 (17)1.8.2 计费话单备份 (18)1.9业务检查 (18)1.9.1 呼叫业务检查 (18)21.10性能统计指标检查 (19)1.10.1 主要性能统计指标的检查 (19)1.11实时病毒监控告警检查 (19)1.11.1 实时病毒监控告警 (19)1.12数据备份检查 (20)1.12.1 基本配置数据备份 (20)1.12.2 129服务器数据库备份 (20)第2章周维护指导 (23)2.1 VLR用户数量 (23)2.1.1 VLR登记用户数检查 (23)2.2数据库检查 (23)2.2.1 数据库状态检查 (23)2.2.2 数据库空间检查 (24)2.3存储空间检查 (26)2.3.1 硬盘空间、各逻辑盘的可用空间检查 (26)2.4共享目录检查 (27)32.4.1 文件目录共享检查 (27)2.5硬盘病毒检查及病毒库更新 (28)2.5.1 本地硬盘病毒检查及病毒库更新 (28)第3章月维护指导 (29)3.1性能统计任务检查 (29)3.1.1 统计任务创建情况 (29)3.2双机倒换测试 (30)3.2.1 检查双机系统倒换情况 (30)3.3前台检查 (31)3.3.1 主备倒换检查 (31)3.3.2 负荷分担检查 (36)3.3.3 模块内诊断测试 (37)3.3.4 模块间诊断测试 (38)3.4远程维护 (38)3.4.1 Pcanywhere的安装情况和使用情况 (38)3.5 MP日志分析 (39)43.5.1 MP运行情况检查 (39)3.6 MP前台配置文件 (40)3.6.1 检查各模块MP中配置文件 (40)3.6.2 IRMX系统配置文件检查 (40)3.7业务观察 (42)3.7.1 业务观察 (42)3.8模块间通信 (42)3.8.1 模块间MP数据检查 (42)3.8.2 模块间通讯板记录数据 (43)3.8.3 各模块运行数据检查 (43)3.9操作系统日志 (44)3.9.1 操作系统日志检查 (44)3.10版本一致性检查 (45)3.10.1 前台MP版本一致性检查 (45)3.10.2 前台PP版本一致性检查 (45)3.11备份数据到其它介质 (46)3.11.1 检查数据备份是否再次备份到其它介质 (46)5附录A 前后台配置文件样本 (47)A.1 V ERSION.CFG (47)A.2 T CPIP.CFG (48)A.3 O MC.CFG (49)A.4 I PADDRS.CFG(302版本) (50)A.5 OMCCFG.INI (60)A.6 AUTOEXEC.BAT (67)A.7 CONFIG.SYS (67)6第一章 日维护指导1.1 机房环境和电源检查1.1.1 机房环境检查检查项目:机房湿度和温度检查检查目的:保证机房中设备在适宜的湿度和温度下运行检查步骤:查看机房空调设备,显示的机房湿度和温度,并记录检查标准:湿度要求:30%~70%,温度要求:15℃~25℃1.1.2 机房直流电压检查检查项目:直流电压检查检查目的:保证机房中设备的直流电源提供正常运行的电压环境。
SMA Solar Technology AG维护手册SCCPXT-E7-WA-zh-37说明书

维护手册SUNNY CENTRAL 500CP XT / 630CP XT /720CP XT / 760CP XT / 800CP XT / 850CP XT /900CP XT / 1000CP XT中文SCCPXT-E7-WA-zh-37 | 98-107500.05 | 版本 3.7法律规定SMA Solar Technology AG维护手册SCCPXT-E7-WA-zh-372法律规定这些文档中包含的信息为 SMA Solar Technology AG 所专有。
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金笛短信产品维护手册北京春笛网络信息技术服务有限公司 地址:北京海淀区知春路23号863软件园量子银座九层 邮编:100191电话:************,82356576,82356577金笛短信产品维护手册 产品版本V1.2 修订日期2020.04.01 作者 Zhangwei,s0z0y目录金笛短信产品维护手册 (1)一、VC中间件常见问题 (4)1.VC中间件安装问题 (4)1.1 创建注册表失败。
(4)1.2 安装路径问题。
.. 82.VC中间件使用问题 (9)2.1 VC中间件配置好了ODBC源但是VC中间件界面找不到ODBC源名称 (9)2.2 ODBC源连接正常,启动服务异常 (9)2.3 VC中间件如何配置数据库的ODBC源 (11)2.4 VC中间件如何配置MySQL数据库的ODBC 源 (12)2.5 VC中间件如何配置Oracle 数据库的ODBC 源 (13)2.6 点击界面上的自动检测按钮,提示短信猫是否正常连接或短信猫已处于工作状态 (14)2.7 VC中间件单击日志表记录按钮,点击多次未响应 (15)2.8 如何查看VC中间件的运行日志 (15)2.9 VC中间件界面提交短信测试时,报向数据库表T_sendtask表添加记录失败 (16)2.10 5.1.101版本VC中间件日志表记录报cms error 304错误,短信卡住,不发送。
(16)2.11 VC中间件配置好数据库ODBC源后,在待发送列表短信显示是乱码 (16)2.12 一次性提交几百条信息时,VC中间件日志表记录报错误码34 (17)2.13 VC中间件安装,安装后启动服务,关闭界面,服务后台自动运行,如果在运行过程中非正常停止服务,则后台停止运行 (17)2.14 VC服务配置中间件,在提交短信后一直在在待发列表,显示准备发送或正在发送 (17)2.15 VC中间件使用,ODBC数据源配置正常,在VC界面上数据库测试连接正常,但点击“保存退出“时,提示拒绝访问 (18)2.16 查看VC中间件日志表记录时,报cms/cme error 常见错误码 (18)2.17短信猫设备装上之后,VC扫描不到com口 (19)2.18 短信猫设备装上之后,怎样判断检测设备状态是否正常 (20)2.19 短信猫设备装上之后,怎样测试设备能否发送短信 (21)2.20短信猫设备装上之后,检测工具检测AT标识,读卡部分未读卡,信号无信号 (23)2.21 以前老版本VC中间件启动服务时,弹窗提示“没有连接可用的短信设备” (23)2.22 配置mysql的odbc源的时候,列表中没有mysql驱动的选项 (23)2.23 VC中间件可以发,致远OA不能发 (24)2.24 VC中间件发短信看日志都是发送成功了,但是没收到短信 (24)二、WEB中间件常见问题 (25)1.WEB中间件安装问题 (25)2. WEB中间件使用常见问题 (27)2.1 Web中间件中启用设备时,设备状态一直在"启动中" (27)2.2 Web中间件在发送短信页面,点击"提交短信"按钮会弹出对话框提示"访问数据源失败,请确认数据源是否配置正确" (28)2.3 短信猫收到短信后,发现会不断地往数据库中重复插入数据 (28)2.4 web中间件设备配置界面检测不到短信猫 (29)2.5 授权码没注册 (30)2.6 web中间件如果启用/停止设备 (30)2.7 web中间件如何使用手机app (31)2.8 web中间件数据源设置界面连接测试数据库失败 (35)2.9 web中间件如何定时发送短信 (36)2.10 如何查看web中间件日志 (37)2.11 web中间件支持的txt文件格式 (37)2.12 web中间件支持的XLS电子表格文件格式 (38)2.13 web中间件支持的工资条电子表格文件格式 (39)2.14 web中间件服务程序如何重启 (40)2.15 web中间件URL发送短信接口密码在哪设置 (41)2.16 如何从表里删除web中间件的日志发送记录 (42)2.17 linux版web中间件安装后,Mysql启动失败,提示Starting MySQL. ERROR! Manager of pid-file quit without updatingfile! (42)2.18 web中间件运行发送短信一段时间后,短信一直在待发列表中 (43)2.19 web中间件发短信,待发时间和本地时间不一致 (43)三、二次开发包 (44)四、短信盒子 (44)一、VC中间件常见问题1.VC中间件安装问题1.1 创建注册表失败。

修 改 后 GW DB l ki 件 内容 如 下 : —i . 文 n n
Na me I ii l t l g =d t b s Na e Us r I ;n ta Ca a o aa a e m ; e D u e Na e Pa s r s r m ; s wo d=u e Pa s r s r s wo d :
发送 者用户代码. 0 ” 如“ 1 接 收短信 手机号码
发 送 短 信 内 容
e P o ie = QL E rvd r s OL DB; tS u c - e e - P olN mb r Daa o re sr r h l u e v
S C net ms o tn
U eD f e o st e n N i N eFg wl a
护技 术手 段 。
间 字 段 默 认 值 在 S e e QL S r r中 应 设 为 g tae Ac v ed t0; —
cs e s里 面 有 主 键 的 , S e e 在 QL S r r中 也 要 设 相 应 的 v
主键 。
短信猫 安装 及数 据库 二次 开发 前准 备
入 ) 短 信 猫 将 自动 读 出该 记 录 并 发 送 短 信 。 ,
表 1 发 送 短 信 表 ( e dn S Ta l) S n ig ms be
字段名称 数据类 型 自动编号 索引号 文本 文本
2 、修 改 数 据 库 连 接 文 件 。该 文 件 为 短 信 猫 安 装 目录 下 的 GWDB l ki i 件 ,用 记 事 本 —i . 文 n n 打 开 并 修 改 GW DB l kii 件 即 可 。 —i . 文 n n

1.使用什么样的软件来测试 module/modem?您可以使用任何一种模仿终端软件,例如“微软的超级终端”,Windows下的(菜单—附件—通讯)软件的设置为:8位数据位/无奇偶校验/1位停止位9600bps(根据具体情况而定,默认为9600bps)硬件流量控制不要忘记选择您所连 modem/module 的COM端口。
2.怎么样查看 Wismo modem 的当前配置?使用指令 AT&V。
3.modem/module 的默认设置是什么?默认设置如下:串口速率:自动波特率或者9600bps数据传输速率:自动波特率短消息格式:文本4.modem/module 需要的初始化串是什么?modem/module 不需要特殊的初始化字串。
5.为什么通讯软件上得到乱码?请检查默认设置(当前的串口速率),终端程序的速率与 modem/modulew w w.s e n d s m s.c n 设置的串口速率是否匹配。
6.当键入 ATI3 ,得到“错误”信息。
可能您想输入的正确的指令是 ATI3(请注意是字母“I”而不是数字“1”)。
这条指令是用来检测 module/modem 的 EEPROM 的版本的。
modem/moduel 不只有 ATI3 这一条指令,从 V320 版本开始,(AT)I0、I3、I4、I5、I6 和 I7 都可以使用。
请也可以使用 AT+CGMR 这条指令,ATI3 和 AT+CGMR 是相同的。
(详细情况请参看 AT Command 文档)7.怎么样查找 modem/module 当前的软件的版本?使用指令 AT+CGMR。
8.module/modem 可以在Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98 或者Windows NT 等操作系统下工作吗?moudle/modem 可以在任何一种操作系统下工作,不提供驱动程序,甚至,您可以使用“标准的9600bps调制解调器”驱动。
LinkWaveV2.3 说明书

D-TDOA-V2.0基站LinkWaveV2.0系统使用手册更新日期:2021年5月目录1 产品概要 (4)1.1 D-TDOA-V2.0基站 (4)2 系统架构 (5)3 定位安装 (7)4 基站配置软件 (9)4.1 搜索基站 (11)4.2 连接配置 (12)4.3 基站配置 (13)4.4 标签信息界面 (15)4.5 后台管理 (16)5 常见问题及解决方法 (18)安全注意阅读本手册后,请妥善保管以便查阅。
1 产品概要本产品套件包含TDOA基站,人员工牌标签、人员手环标签、机器人标签、资产标签。
1.1 D-TDOA-V2.0基站基站之间连接采用网线连接。
1.1.1基站尺寸2 系统架构该系统的定位采用TDOA方案(Time Difference of Arrival)。
基站将这些时间上传到CLE(Central Location Engine)进行根据时间差的方程数学解算算出标签的坐标值。
WEBSPHEREND版6.1命令行安装升级与日常维护手册 V1.0.3 20121218

WebSphereND版6.1命令行安装与升级与日常维护手册目录第一章背景 (6)1.1背景 (6)1.2文档说明 (6)1.3术语解释 (6)1.4WebSphere体系简介 (7)第二章Websphere安装 (8)2.1WAS安装 (8)2.1.1Hosts配置 (8)2.1.2检查依赖包 (8)2.1.3解压缩安装文件 (8)2.1.4编辑配置文件 (9)2.1.5执行安装 (10)2.1.6检查安装目录 (10)2.1.7检查版本 (10)2.2IBMHttpServer安装 (11)2.2.1解压缩安装程序 (11)2.2.2编辑配置文件 (11)2.2.3执行安装 (12)2.2.4安装后检查安装大小 (12)2.2.5安装后检查版本 (12)2.3UpdateInstaller安装 (12)2.3.1编辑配置文件 (13)2.3.2执行安装 (13)2.3.3安装后检查目录大小 (13)2.3.4版本检查 (13)第三章WebSphere升级 (15)3.1WAS升级 (15)3.1.1准备补丁文件 (15)3.1.2编辑配置文件 (15)3.1.3执行升级 (15)3.1.4空间检查 (15)3.1.5版本检查 (16)3.2IBMHttpServer升级 (16)3.2.1编辑配置文件 (16)3.2.2执行升级 (16)3.2.3版本检查 (17)3.3IBMHttpServer Plugins升级 (17)3.3.1编辑配置文件 (17)3.3.2执行升级 (17)3.3.3版本检查 (17)第四章命令行维护 (19)4.1后台手工创建节点 (19)4.1.1创建节点 (19)4.1.2查看节点信息 (19)4.1.3加入新节点到控制台 (20)启动控制台 (20)添加到控制台 (20)访问控制台 (22)4.2WAS启动与停止 (22)4.2.1启动顺序 (22)启动控制台 (22)启动节点 (22)启动服务 (23)查看进程 (23)4.2.2停止顺序 (24)停止服务 (24)停止节点 (24)停止控制台 (24)第五章维护经验积累 (26)5.1安装常见问题 (26)5.1.1安装时没有配置HOST (26)5.1.2安装时不能创建默认的profile (27)第六章日志 (28)6.1启动日志 (28)6.1.1启动控制台日志 (28)6.1.2启动节点日志 (29)6.1.3启动服务日志 (29)6.2停止日志 (30)6.2.1停止服务日志 (30)6.2.2停止节点日志 (31)6.2.3停止控制台日志 (32)6.3业务输出日志 (33)6.3.1SystemOut.log日志 (34)6.3.2SystemError.log日志 (34)6.3.3native_stderr.log (35)6.4WAS内存溢出日志 (36)6.4.1手工生成javacore文件 (36)6.4.2生成javacore文件 (38)第七章控制台操作 (39)第八章安全配置 (40)8.1禁止WebSphere列表显示文件,防止遍历Web目录 (40)第一章背景1.1背景在linux或AIX系统上安装WebSphereND版6.1软件,包括WebSphere Application Server6.1,IBM HttpServer6.1,UpdateInstaller7;升级WebSphere软件,分别为WebSphere Application Server,IBM HttpServer打补丁,提高安全性和稳定性;WebSphere日常维护操作1.2文档说明文档记录websphere命令行安装过程中的操作事项,以及操作过程中的经验总结,提供比较实用的操作指引。
WAVECOM M1206B 双频GSM外置调制解调器 说明书

WA VECOM M1206B GSM/GPRS MODEM双频GSM外置调制解调器EGSM900/1800Mhz或EGSM900/900MHz体积小及耐震铝外壳即装即用及即时上网已通过GSM Phase2+技术标准的所有认证话音,短信息,传真及数据传输为特定应用设计的AT命令遥控系统技术规范产品性能:双频GSM调制解调器(EGSM900/1800MHz或EGSM900/1900MHz),适用于数据,传真,短信息及话音应用已通过所有认证 其设计及开发符合ETSI GSM Phase2+标准(一般话机)输出功率:Class4(2W@900MHz)Class1(1W@1800/1900MHz)输入电压:5V-32V输入电流:5mA待机状态,140mA在GSM900MHz@12V 通话状态5mA待机状态,100mA在GSM1800/1900MHz@12V 通话状态温度范围:-20℃-+55℃工作状态-25℃-+70℃保存状态产品大小:98×54×25mm产品重量:130克话音,数据/传真,短信息功能●话音功能 呼叫 紧急电话语音编解码:全速率,增强全速率及半速率(FR/EFR/HR)双音多频功能(DTMF)●数据/传真功能 非同步数据电路,透明及非透明数据最高可达标14,400bits/s第三类自动传真机(Class1与Class2)MNP2,V42bis●短信息服务功能 文字及PDU点对点(MT/MO) 小区广播GSM附加业务功能●呼叫转移●呼叫限制●多方通话●呼叫等待及呼叫保持●来电显示●话费提示●非结构化数据补充业务(USSD)●封闭用户群●显示呼叫转移其他功能●开放软件平台(支持嵌入式用户应用系统)● ME+SIM电话簿管理●固定拨号● SIM卡增值服务Class2● SIM卡增值服务Class2● SIM卡,网络及服务供应商锁卡功能●实时时钟●闹钟管理● Xmodem协议作软件升级●支持文字档UCS2介 面● RS-232串连口及通过小型Sub-D15插头连接器的音频介面支持:用AT命令作遥控(GSM07.07及07.05)串连比突率由300至115,200bits/s自动比突率(300至38,400bits/s)●通过微型-FIT4插头连接器的电源● SMA天线接口●滑入式SIM卡储存器可随产品交付件●用户指南●电源线●数据线●用于数据及自动连接的Y型接线路(可选择)。
WAVE Mobile Communicator使用手册说明书

WAVE Mobile Communicator 帮助文档 (Android)简介WAVE Mobile Communicator (WMC) 可扩展一键通通讯功能,它使 Android 和 Apple iOS 智能手机、平板电脑和其它专业设备能够安全地通过宽带网络与其他通信系统通讯。
除了英语之外,WMC 已本地化为 14 种语言,使得用户在设备的操作系统中选择某种语言时,将以相应的语言显示屏幕。
∙中文(简体)∙中文(繁体)∙丹麦语∙荷兰语∙法语∙德语∙意大利语∙韩文∙挪威语∙葡萄牙语(巴西)∙俄语∙西班牙语∙西班牙语(拉丁美洲)∙瑞典语WMC 在您登录时访问您的移动设备的麦克风、扬声器和位置。
在您注销时,所有 WMC 数据将被删除。
此文档提供了有关 WMC Android 版的操作说明。
故障排除支持可在《WMC 故障排除指南》(/en_us/support/wave/ wmc_troubleshooting.html) 中找到。
WAVE 5000 或 3000 服务器功能和配置信息可在www.motorolas /wave上找到。
支持的设备和版本WAVE Mobile Communicator (WMC) Android 版的所有 v3.x 版本均支持在运行 Android 4.1 或更高版本的移动设备上运行。
为全面支持我们的已安装客户群体,有多种 Android WMC 版本可供下载。
标题中包含 (5.11) 的所有 3.x 版本均与服务器版本 5.7.3-5.11 兼容。
WAVE Mobile Communicator (WMC)WMC 屏幕按如下方式组织:∙欢迎屏幕∙登录屏幕∙主页屏幕o群组 > 群组通讯记录o联系人 > 成员通讯记录∙群组和成员事件屏幕o群组通讯记录和地图 > 群组成员列表 > 成员通讯记录o成员通讯记录和地图∙菜单o注销o应用程序设置 > 多应用程序设置选项o关于 > 应用程序和服务器信息、版权、商标、法律信息o发送反馈该应用程序以通话组为中心,这意味着它设计为可轻松显示各个通话组及其成员,或通过“最近”选项卡监控所有通话组的所有活动,同时能够访问您已经在会话中与其沟通的成员。

万象万象短信王应用服务器版短信王应用服务器版 系统安装与维护手册(V1.2.5)北京北京盛世万象科技盛世万象科技盛世万象科技有限公司有限公司录目 录1 系统运行环境要求 (3)1.1 系统组成 (3)1.2 硬件环境要求 (3)1.3 软件环境要求 (3)1.4 网络环境要求 (3)2 软件的安装 (4)3 软件的卸载 (7)未定义书签。
错误!!未定义书签4 数据库的创建.............................................................................................错误5 系统配置 (9)5.1 配置数据库及短信通道 (9)5.2 初始化数据库 (12)未定义书签。
错误!!未定义书签6 软件注册.....................................................................................................错误未定义书签。
7 万象短信网关注册与充值.........................................................................错误错误!!未定义书签未定义书签。
错误!!未定义书签7.1 万象短信网关注册..........................................................................错误未定义书签。
7.2 短信网关充值..................................................................................错误错误!!未定义书签7.3 短信发送测试 (13)未定义书签。
错误!!未定义书签8 万象短信网关多号码注册与充值.............................................................错误未定义书签。

CDMA 模块发短信
1. 发文本短信 eg. 发送英文数字短消息“123ABC”,使用其相应 ASCII 码发送。
AT+WSCL=1,2 // 设置为发英文短信 OK
OK AT+CMGS="13600193264"
// 区别于 GSM 模块,CDMA 模块发短信号码必须要加 引号
123ABC<ctrl-Z> // 输入内容,然后 Ctrl+Z 发送
发中文是 pdu 格式为 80 dcs=80
3.所有的英文及数字都可通过 PDU 格式与中文一起发送,下面是一个例子,例如要发送
“你好 A 1 ”
//设置 PDU 格式
> 0011000D91683128332706F5000801084F60597D00410031→ +CMGS:23 OK
2.PDU 格式的短信息(中文短信)
//设置 PDU 格式
//15(短信息头规约)+10(博万通信博,10 个字节)
> 0011000D91683128255173F00008010A535A4E07901A4FE1535A→
+CMGS: 139
// 前 面 两 个 00 照 写 ; 11 为 TYPE; 00 为 MR,
WAVECOM 产品介绍及常用操作
一、 目前公司产品主要有:
GSM MODEM: WMOD2B(内部模块是 2C 或 2C2)、WMOI3(内部模块 2C) GSM MODULE:WISMO2C、WISMO2C2、Q2403a、Q2406a(CLASS 10)、PAC3100 系列、PAC5100 系列 注:2C2、2D 可通过软件升级来支持 GPRS CDMA MODULE: Q2338c 双频 800/1900
HyperSpike LineWave 安装和维护指南说明书

Installation and Maintenance Manual HyperSpike® LineWaveISSUE DATE: 12/16/2019ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE RELATED TO MOUNTING AND WIRING DIAGRAM ONLY.CHANGE TO ISSUE DATE WILL AFFECT RELATED LABELS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WARNING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXPORT, RE-EXPORT, AND TRANSFER OF THIS TECHNICAL DATA IS REGULATED BY US EXPORT ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FROM THE BUREAU OF INDUSTRY AND SECURITY.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Contents1.Introduction (1)1.1.Part Number Breakdown: (2)1.2.LineWave Specifications (3)1.3.Line Wave UL Directional Characteristics (4)1.4.LineWave Transformer Specifications (4)2.Installation (4)2.1.4Ω, 8Ω, and 16Ω System Overview (5)2.2.Distributed Audio System Overview (5)2.3.25V/70V/100V Transformer – Recommended Hole Locations and Alignment (6)2.4.72542B-80X Circuit Breaker Reset (7)2.5.Wall Mounting (8)2.6.72544B-802 – Wall Mounting Kit Installation: (9)2.7.72544B-801 – Wall Mounting Kit Installation: (10)2.8.Pole Mounting (15)3.25V/70V/100V Power and SPL Specifications (17)3.1.72575B-801 - Power Draw and Output SPL (17)3.2.72575B-801 Transformer Wiring Guide – Used for 90243A-801 and 90243A-802 (18)3.3.72542B-801 - Power Draw and Output SPL (19)3.4.72542B-801 Transformer Wiring Guide – Used for 90243A-803 (19)3.5.72542B-802 - Power Draw and Output SPL (20)3.6.72542B-802 Transformer Wiring Guide – Used for 90243A-804 (20)4.Warranty (21)CAUTION: EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM RATINGS OF THE SPEAKER WILL CAUSE EXCESSIVE DISTORTION AND MAY CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THE SPEAKER AND ITS INTERNAL COMPONENTS.MISE EN GARDE: TOUT DÉPASSEMENT DES VALEURS NOMINALES MAXIMALES DU HAUT-PARLEUR ENTRAÎNERA UNE DISTORSION EXCESSIVE ET PEUT PROVOQUER DES DOMMAGES IRRÉVERSIBLES SUR LE HAUT-PARLEUR ET SES COMPOSANTS INTERNES.WARNING: EXPLOSION HAZARD. DO NOT DISCONNECT THE EQUIPMENT UNLESS POWER HAS BEEN SWITCHED OFF OR UNLESS THE AREA IS KNOWN TO BE NON-HAZARDOUS.AVERTISSEMENT : RISQUE D'EXPLOSION. NE DÉBRANCHEZ PAS L'ÉQUIPEMENT AVANT DE L'AVOIR MIS HORS TENSION OU SAUF SI LA ZONE EST CONNUE POURÊTRE NON DANGEREUSE.WARNING: WHEN MOUNTING OUTSIDE MAKE SURE THAT THE SUPPORT SYSTEM USED HAS THE PROPER WIND LOAD RATING AND COMPLIES WITH LOCAL STANDARDS AND CODES.AVERTISSEMENT : EN CAS DE MONTAGE EXTERNE, ASSUREZ-VOUS QUE LE SYSTÈME DE SUPPORT UTILISÉ A UNE CHARGE DE VENT NOMINALE APPROPRIÉE ET QU'IL EST CONFORME AUX NORMES ET CODES LOCAUX.WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE FACTORY-APPLIED FINISHAVERTISSEMENT : NE MODIFIEZ PAS LA FINITION APPLIQUÉE EN USINEHyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 1. IntroductionDesigned with the latest technology in line array speaker systems, the HyperSpik e® LineWave is optimized to produce clear and authoritative voice commands and powerful tones never before possible within reverberant environments. The beam forming capability of the LineWave speaker allows even coverage across the listening plane while focusing the acoustic pattern away from surfaces that cause unwanted reflections. This technology is essential for achieving optimum levels of speech intelligibility within reverberant spaces. The result is clear and intelligible direct sound that ensures critical messages are heard and understood.The LineWave is ready to be installed in either indoor or outdoor applications, and can be configured to operate in 25V, 70V, or 100V distributed audio or 16, 8, or 4 Ohm direct drive applications. Available in four different sizes, the LineWave offers exceptional scaling capabilities for any size installation.HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 1.1. Part Number Breakdown:The LineWave is available with either 2, 4, 8, or 16 speakers and is offered in several color options. The following breakdown describes the model number configurations:90243A-80X-0X-LCertification:N/A – UncertifiedL – UL 1480 / 1480A certified*Color Code:01 – Black05 – Red06 – White07 – Silk GreySpeaker Configuration:801 – 2 Speaker802 – 4 Speaker803 – 8 Speaker804 – 16 Speaker* Note: The LineWave speaker is UL 1480A certified when powered as a direct drive unit. When powered with accessory transformer 72575B-80X or 72542B-80X the unit is UL 1480 certified.HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual1.2. LineWave SpecificationsSystem 90243A-801 90243A-802 90243A-803 90243A-804 Type Full Range, Column LoudspeakerOperation Mode 16/8/4Ω Loudspeaker with Optional Line Matching Transformer Number of Speakers in Array 2 4 8 16 Maximum Power Draw:20W 40W 80W 160W16Ω, 8Ω, and 4Ω ModelsMax SPL @ 1m, 18V Direct Drive 105dB 111dB 117dB 123dB Peak SPL @ 1m 113dB 119dB 125dB 131dBUsable Range @ 80dB,17m (56ft) 35m (115ft) 70m (230ft) 141m (463ft) A-Weighted*Reverb SPL @ 10 ft, 18V Direct Drive 87.8 91.7 94.3 95.7*Anechoic SPL @ 3m, 18V Direct Drive 93.4 98.0 103.0 104.0 Input Sensitivity (2.83Vrms/1m) 85dB 91dB 97dB 103dB Nominal Impedance 16Ω8Ω4Ω4Ω, 2 ChannelVertical Coverage -9dB99° 45° 21° 10° (Avg. 1kHz-4kHz)Frequency Response (+/- 6dB) 250Hz-15kHzRequired Input Signal Processing High Pass at 200Hz – Direct Drive Models OnlyHorizontal Coverage -9dB187°(Avg. 1kHz-4kHz)Maximum Input Voltage:18V RMS, 36V Peak16Ω, 8Ω, and 4Ω ModelsColor Black, Red, White, Silk GreyEnclosure Material AluminumGrille Material SteelInput Connection SJOOW Cable, 6ft. ProvidedIngress Protection Indoor and Outdoor ApplicationsProduct Dimensions, HxWxD (in) 6.6 x 4.9 x 2.9 12.3 x 4.9 x 2.9 23.7 x 4.9 x 2.9 46.5 x 4.9 x 2.9 Net Weight (lbs) 2.6 4.3 7.5 14.7HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 1.3. Line Wave UL Directional Characteristics90243A-801 90243A-802 90243A-803 90243A-804HORIZONTALAXIS-3Db Angle +/- 35° +/- 40° +/- 40° +/- 40° -6Db Angle +/- 65° +/- 70° +/- 70° +/- 75° SPL @ +/- 90° 86.2 dBA 90.8 dBA 95.2 dBA 98.2 dBAVERTICAL AXIS-3Db Angle +/- 35° +/- 20° +/- 10° +/- 10° -6Db Angle +/- 65° +/- 45° +/- 25° +/- 20° SPL @ +/- 90°86.2 dBA88.2 dBA89.3 dBA88.3 dBA1.4. LineWave Transformer SpecificationsSystem 72575B-801 72542B-801 72542B-802Type Optional TransformerOperation Mode 25 / 70 /100 Watt Tap SettingsLine Wave Compatibility 90243A-801/802 90243A-803 90243A-804Maximum Power Draw: 30W 85W 170WMaximum Supervisory Voltage:25V/70V/100V Models32V DCEnclosure Material PlasticIngress Protection Indoor/OutdoorProduct Dimensions, HxWxD (in) 5.9 x 5.9 x 3.9 9.8 x 5.9 x 3.9 9.8 x 5.9 x 3.9Net Weight 3lbs 4.5lbs 6.5lbs2. InstallationLineWave speakers are by default configured as 4Ω, 8Ω, or 16Ω loudspeakers, however, an optional line matching transformer is available if it is desired to connect the LineWave to a Distributed Audio system. LineWave loudspeakers are approved for use with 25V, 70V, and 100V amplifiers. When configured for 25V, 70V, or 100V input, the LineWave includes a DC blocking capacitor to facilitate DC speaker supervision.All LineWave systems utilize an outdoor rated SJOOW cable for electrical connections. To connect your LineWave speaker to an amplifier, route the cable to an appropriate junction box, or other connector, as approved by local electrical codes and standards. For ease of installation into a junction box, a Strain-Relief Cord Connector is included.Note: In the United States reference National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) and National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code (NFPA 72) for installation standards.Note: In Canada reference CSA C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1, Safety Standard for Electrical Installations, Section 32, for installation standards.HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 2.1. 4Ω, 8Ω, and 16Ω System OverviewLineWave Models 90243A-801, 90243-802, and 90243A-803 (16Ω, 8Ω, and 4Ω respectively) provide a six foot SJOOW-18/2 cable for amplifier interconnection. Refer to the images in this section for polarity information.LineWave Model 90243A-804 provides a six foot SJOOW-18/4 cable wired as two 4Ωchannels for amplifier interconnection. If your amplifier is capable of driving a 2Ω load, these channels may be tied in parallel on a single amplifier channel. Refer to the images in this section for polarity information.Figure 1. Wiring Diagram - 90243A-801, 90243-802, and 90243A-803Figure 2. Wiring Diagram - 90243A-8042.2. Distributed Audio System OverviewAn optional 25V/70V/100V transformer allows the LineWave to be connected to 25V, 70V,or 100V distributed audio networks. It has four field-selectable power taps on the provided terminal block that allow the output SPL to be tuned to specific applications. The25V/70V/100V transformer assembly also has an integrated DC blocking capacitor that allows amplifiers to conduct DC circuit supervision. The taps can be selected by wiring25/70/100V input lines to the appropriate terminal block contacts, as shown in the wiring diagrams included in this section. Once the system is mounted, reference Section 3 for tables detailing the power draw and output SPL of LineWave speakers when using the available transformer tap settings.Note: Section 1.2 lists the 25V/70V/100V transformers which are available for each model of LineWave loudspeaker.Note: Terminal Block is rated for 22-14AWG wireHyperSpike ® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual2.3. 25V/70V/100V Transformer – Recommended Hole Locations and AlignmentIn order to connect the LineWave’s SJOOW cable t o the transformer assembly, utilize the included Strain-Relief Cord Connector. This connector requires a 0.740” hole to be drilled in the transformer assembly. Consult the following recommended hole locations before drilling.Figure 3. 72575B-801 Recommended Hole Locations, shown in red dashed boxesFigure 4. 72542B-801 and 72542B-802 Recommended Hole Locations, shown in reddashed boxesMOUNTING DIAGRAM (OPTION 1) MOUNTING DIAGRAM (OPTION 2)HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual The orientation of the transformer cover is important to maintaining a water tight seal. Refer to Figure 5 to confirm alignment before replacing the transformer cover.CORRECTALIGNMENTINCORRECTALIGNMENTFigure 5. Transformer Lid Orientation2.4. 72542B-80X Circuit Breaker ResetTransformer 72542B-80X has an integrated circuit breaker that protects itself from line surges and short circuits. The circuit breaker is located inside the transformer housing near the capacitor. If the breaker would trip, follow the steps below:1. Remove the transformer housing lid.2. Push to reset the breaker (the button on the breaker should push in and stay).3. Install the transformer housing lid.Figure 6. Circuit Breaker ResetHyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 2.5. Wall MountingHardware intended to mount LineWave loudspeakers to a wall surface is included with every purchase.System 90243A-801 90243A-802 90243A-803 90243A-804 Number of Speakers in Array 2 4 8 16Model Number of Included72544B-802 72544B-802 72544B-801 72544B-801 Wall Mounting KitThe following tables list the hardware included in the 72544B-801 and 72544B-802 wall mounting kits.72544B-801 Wall Mounting Kit 72544B-802 Wall Mounting KitPART DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PART DESCRIPTION QUANTITYA PIVOT NUB 3 A PIVOT NUB 1B L BRACKET 2 B L BRACKET 1C TIE BAR 2D 1/4" WASHER 1D 1/4" WASHER 6 G 1/4"-20 x 5/8" SCREW 1E 1/4"-20 x 1-5/8" SCREW 2 H 1/4"-20 T NUT 2F 1/4"-20 LOCK NUT 3 J 1/4"-20 x 1" SCREW 2G 1/4"-20 x 5/8" SCREW 1H 1/4"-20 T NUT 4J 1/4"-20 x 1" SCREW 4K 1/4"-20 x 1" SET SCREW 1HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 2.6. 72544B-802 – Wall Mounting Kit Installation:Reference the following instructions to install a LineWave 90243A-801 or 90243A-802 on a wall surface:1. Fasten L Bracket (Part B) to the wall surface using appropriate fasteners for the wall,according to local codes and safety practices. Wall fasteners are not included in the mounting kit.2. Insert two T-Nuts (Part H) into the slot on the back of the LineWave and attach Pivot Nub(Part A) using two 1” long screws (Part J).3. Mount the LineWave by connecting Pivot Nub to L Bracket using flat washer (Part D) and 5/8long screw (Part G).4. To aim the speaker left or right, loosen the 5/8 long screw (Part G) and pivot the unit to thedesired position. Once the speaker is in the appropriate position, re-tighten screw.Figure 7. 90243A-801 and 90243A-802 Wall MountingHyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 2.7. 72544B-801 – Wall Mounting Kit Installation:Reference the following instructions to install a LineWave 90243A-801 or 90243A-802 on a wall surface:1. Fasten two L Brackets (Part B) to the wall surface using appropriate fasteners for the wall.Always follow local codes and safety practices. Wall fasteners are not included in themounting kit.a. 90243A-803 - L Bracket recommended spacing is 20” apart.b. 90243A-804 - L Bracket r ecommended spacing is 43” apart.Figure 8. 90243A-803 and 90243A-804 Wall Mounting – Step 1HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 2. Attach two Tie Bars (Part C) to Pivot Nub (Part A) using two flat washers (Part D), 1-5/8” longscrew (Part E), and lock nut (Part F) as shown in Figure 9.Figure 9. 90243A-803 and 90243A-804 Wall Mounting – Step 23. Attach Pivot Nub Assembly from Step 2 to the top L-Bracket using flat washer (Part D) and5/8 long screw (Part G).HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 4. Insert four T-Nuts (Part H) into the slot on the back of the LineWave and attach two PivotNubs (Part A) 1” from each end, using four 1” long screw s (Part J). On the bottom Pivot Nub install set screw (Part K) as shown in Figure 11.Figure 11. 90243A-803 and 90243A-804 Wall Mounting – Step 4HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 5. Lift the LineWave with Pivot Nubs and insert Set Screw into the hole of the bottom L Bracket.While still holding the LineWave, fasten the top Pivot Nub to the Tie Bars from step 1, using 1-5/8” Long Screw (Part E), two Flat Washers (Part D), and Lock Nut (Part F).Figure 12. 90243A-803 and 90243A-804 Wall Mounting – Step 56. To aim the speaker left or right, loosen the top screw and pivot the unit to the desired positionas shown in Figure 13. Once the speaker is in the appropriate position, retighten screw. Pan angle is adjustable within +/- 50°.Figure 13. 90243A-803 and 90243A-804 Wall Mounting – Step 67. To aim the speaker down, loosen (but don’t remove) the two bolts fastening the top Pivot Nubto the LineWave. Slide the Pivot Nub up and down to adjust the tilt angle to the desiredorientation as shown in Figure 14. The LineWave may need to be temporarily rotated left or right in order to access the screws.Figure 14. 90243A-803 and 90243A-804 Wall Mounting – Step 78. Once the desired orientation is achieved, tighten all fasteners. Install flat washer (Part D) andlock nut (Part F) onto bottom set screw.Figure 15. 90243A-803 and 90243A-804 Wall Mounting – Step 82.8. Pole MountingAn optional Pole Mounting Kit (HyperSpike® item number 72581B-801) is available for LineWave models 90243A-803 and 90243A-804, which allows mounting to poles ranging from 3-7” in diameter. This kit is used in conjunction with the wall mounting hardware supplied with the speaker unit.The following table lists the hardware included in the 72581B-801 Pole Mount Kit.72581B-801 Pole Mounting KitPART DESCRIPTION QUANTITYD 1/4" WASHER 8F 1/4"-20 LOCK NUT 4L POLE MOUNT BRACKET 2J 1/4"-20 x 1" SCREW 4M STRAP 4HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual Follow these steps to install a LineWave using the Pole Mounting Kit1. Fasten L Bracket (Part B) of the wall mount kit to the Pole Mount Bracket (Part L) using twoflat washers (Part D), two lock nuts (Part F), and two 1” long screws (Part J). Repeat process with second bracket.Figure 16. 72581B-801 Pole Mounting – Step 12. Fasten the Pole Mount Bracket assembly to pole using straps (Part M).a. 90243A-803 - L Bracket recommended spacing is 20” apart.b. 90243A-804 - L Bracket recommended spacing is 43” apart.Figure 17. 72581B-801 Pole Mounting – Step 23. Proceed with mounting and adjusting the angle of the speaker unit as described in Section2.6.HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 3. 25V/70V/100V Power and SPL SpecificationsUse the Power Draw and SPL Output tables in this section to select the LineWave model and drive level appropriate for your application. Once a specific tap is selected, reference the included wiring diagrams during installation.3.1. 72575B-801 - Power Draw and Output SPLModel Number Input VoltageRMSTapColorPower Draw,WattsdB SPL Max 1M,A-Weighted* dB SPLReverb @10ft* dB SPLAnechoic@ 3m90243A-801 25V Blue 0.5 86 72.4 78.2 25V Orange 1.3 91 77.1 82.2 25V Red 1.6 92 78.2 83.8 25V Brown 2.7 94 79.9 85.3 70V Blue 3.0 95 80.8 86.3 70V Orange 8.3 100 84.9 90.7 70V Red 10.7 101 85.9 91.9 70V Brown 15.3 103 87.2 92.7 100V Blue 5.7 98 83.5 89.1 100V Orange 15.3 103 87.1 92.9 100V Red 19.5 104 88.0 93.890243A-802 25V Blue 0.8 92 75.8 81.9 25V Orange 2.2 97 80.5 86.6 25V Red 2.8 98 81.6 87.8 25V Brown 4.1 100 83.2 89.4 70V Blue 5.3 101 84.4 91.2 70V Orange 14.9 106 88.6 94.6 70V Red 19.3 107 89.5 95.6 70V Brown 27.4 109 90.7 96.9 100V Blue 10.3 104 87.1 92.9 100V Orange 27.8 109 90.9 96.9*UL Standard SPL MeasurementHyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 3.2. 72575B-801 Transformer Wiring Guide – Used for 90243A-801 and 90243A-802HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 3.3. 72542B-801 - Power Draw and Output SPLModel Number Input VoltageRMSTapColorPowerDraw, WattsdB SPL Max 1M,A-Weighted* dB SPLReverb @10ft* dB SPLAnechoic@ 3m 90243A-80325V Blue 1.7 101 79.9 87.825V White 3.3 103 82.9 91.025V Orange 6.6 105 85.9 94.325V Yellow 12.7 108 88.5 96.670V Blue 12.4 110 88.5 96.670V White 23.9 112 91.2 99.570V Orange 46.2 114 93.8 102.070V Yellow 81.6 117 95.8 104.0100V Blue 23.8 113 91.2 99.0100V White 44.6 115 93.6 101.0100V Orange 83.3 117 96.0 104.0 *UL Standard SPL Measurement3.4. 72542B-801 Transformer Wiring Guide – Used for 90243A-803HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual 3.5. 72542B-802 - Power Draw and Output SPLModel Number Input VoltageRMSTapColorPowerDraw, WattsdB SPL Max 1M,A-Weighted* dB SPLReverb @10ft* dB SPLAnechoic@ 3m 90243A-80425V Blue 3.2 106 83.3 92.125V White 6.3 109 86.3 95.125V Orange 12.9 111 89.3 97.425V Yellow 24.3 114 91.7 100.070V Blue 24.3 115 91.8 101.070V White 46.6 118 94.4 103.070V Orange 90.6 120 96.8 105.070V Yellow 159.3 123 98.4 106.0100V Blue 47.8 118 94.5 103.0100V White 89.1 121 96.8 105.0100V Orange 165.8 123 98.7 107.0 3.6. 72542B-802 Transformer Wiring Guide – Used for 90243A-804HyperSpike® LineWave Installation and Maintenance Manual4. WarrantyUltra Electronics – USSI warrants that its products shall conform to the published specifications as of the date of order and shall be free from defects in material and workmanship.Upon receipt of the returned product(s), Ultra Electronics – USSI will repair or replace any and all product(s) at its discretion. Ultra Electronics – USSI will not issue a credit for product(s) returned through the Return Authorization process. This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and all subsequent owners, provided a copy of the original dated bill of sale is presented when service is requested under warranty.HyperSpike® Warranty PeriodSuch warranty shall extend for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment from USSI’s facility. How to Obtain Service Under This WarrantyIf your product(s) should require service, please write, phone, fax, or email us at:Ultra Electronics – USSI4868 East Park 30 DriveColumbia City, Indiana, USA 46725PH: 260-248-3665Email: ********************************Ultra Electronics – USSI will provide a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number so that you can ship the product(s) to our factory. Do not ship the product(s) to us without first obtaining an RMA number. Place the RMA number on all boxes returned to the factory. You are responsible for transporting your product(s) to our factory. We will pay the return shipping charges on all product(s) repaired under warranty.Failures Not Covered by This WarrantyThis warranty covers defects in manufacture only. It does not cover:1) damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, product modification, or neglect;2) damage incurred during shipment (you must claim these damages from the carrier);3) damage resulting from failure to operate the product in accordance with the instruction manual; or4) damage resulting from attempted repairs by unauthorized personnel.Exclusion of Certain DamagesUltra Electronics –USSI’s liability is limited to the repair or replace ment, at our option, of any defective product(s) and shall in no event include indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive, or special commercial damages of any kind. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive, or special damages so the preceding limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.Warranty After RepairsAn additional warranty of ninety (90) days will be extended to any parts that were repaired or replaced. The original standard warranty or any extended warranty that was purchased at the original time of sale of the product(s) is still in effect for the remainder of the warranty term.Ultra Electronics – USSI4868 East Park 30 Drive Columbia City, IN 46725 USA +1-260-248-3666。

话务台安装维护使用手册目录华为CC08话务台1.话务台安装1.1 硬件安装1.2 软件安装1.2.1 话务台终端软件安装1.2.2 安装CTX卡驱动程序1.3 话务台设置1.3.1 用户登录设置1.3.2 用户授权设置1.3.3 设置计费数据1.4 安装注意项2.话务台扩展功能2.1 电脑话务员2.2 夜间服务2.3 浏览呼叫记录2.4 话单传送2.5 号码姓名对照表2.6 维护长短号3.常见故障处理08话务台常见故障处理流程中兴ZXJ10-B综合话务台一.综合话务台安装1.话务台简介2.话务台软件安装3.话务台硬件安装4.话务台运行设置二.中兴综合话务台故障处理华为篇1.话务台安装1.1 硬件安装CTX卡是Centrex话务台接口板,它插在PC机的PCI,通过双绞线与DSL板相连,通过插孔与耳机(包括话筒)相连,实现Centrex话务台的各项功能。
(1). C803CTXC803CTX卡插在话务台(PC机)的PCI总线扩展槽中。

Installation and Operation Manual Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual DFOE3, DFOE4, DFOE6Throughout this manual statementsindicating precautions necessary to avoid equipment failure are referenced in a Note. Statements indicating potential hazards that could result in personal injury or property damage are referenced in a CAUTION! box.Donaldson Company reserves the right to change designand specifications without prior notice.Illustrations are for reference only as actual product mayvary.IOM AK0302801Revision1 DFOE4DFOE3 DFOE6唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd.Warning – Improper operation of a dust control system may contribute toconditions in the work area or facility that could result in severe personal injury and product or property damage. Check that all collection equipment is properly selected and sized for the intended use.DFOE3,4,6 Table of contents List of figures1.0 Product Introduction …………………….6 Figure 1: Schematic2.0 Installation……………………………….6 Figure 2: Operational Schematic3.0 Start up and Operation …………………7 Figure 3: Inlet Schematic4.0 Service …………………………………...8 Figure 4: Dust Removal for Dust DisposalSystem5.0 Trouble Shooting ………………………...9 Figure 5: Exchanging Filter Element6.0 Control Panel ……………………………11 Figure 6: Control Panel7.0 Spare Parts ………………………………15 Figure 7: Electrical Terminal BlockFigure 8: Wiring DiagramData SheetModel Number __________________________Serial Number_____________________________ Ship Date _______________________________Installation Date __________________________ Customer Name________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Filter Type _____________________________________________________________________ Accessories_____________________________________________________________________ Other _________________________________________________________________________唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd.DFOE4DFOE3Figure 1 Schematic1. Lift bar2. Filter access cover3. Dust bin4. Control panel5. Access door6. Inlet7. Access panel for cleaning 8. Fan outlet9. Power supply cable inlet 10. Compressed air inletDFOE 3,4,6*Figure 2Operational SchematicOperation Filter element cleaning 4. Clean air outlet 5. Manifold 7. Tube sheet 1.Dirty air inlet唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd.1.0 Product Introduction The dust collector is used for the collection of airborne dust and particulate. Whether in answer to the problem of air pollution, or as part of a manufacturing process, the dust collector provides highly efficient and continuous on-line dust collection. The filter elements are the heart of the dust collector. These filter elements help ensure the only cleaned air is returned to the plant environment. During operation, contaminated air enters the dust collector through the dirty air inlet area and passes through the filter elements. Dust is collected on the surface of the filterelements. The filtered air flows through the centre of the filter elements into the clean air chamber, where it exhausts through the clean air outlet re-circulated into the environment. To ensure the optimal performance of your dust collector it is necessary that the filter elements are cleaned automaticallysequentially. During the filter sequence, the timer energizes a solenoid valve, causing the corresponding diaphragm valve to send a pulse of compressed air through the filter elements (from the inside outwards),removing the collected dust from the outside surface of the filter elements. The dust falls through the hopper into the dust disposal system.2.0 InstallationEnsure all persons carrying out work on thesupplied equipment follow any relevant recognized standards or codes and are competent to do so.2.1 Compressed Air ConnectionCompressed air pressure must be at 6 bar. Be sure that all compressed air components are adequately sized to meet the maximum system requirements of 45 Nliters per pulse at 6 bar supply pressure (= design pressure).Compressed air supply has to be both oil and moisture free.Connect the compressed air supply line to the compressed air connection of the dust collector.A compressed air shut-off valve, a filter/water separator with automatic condense drain, a pressure regulator with gage must beinstalled on the compressed air supply line.2.2 Electrical ConnectionEnter the cable through the cable gland locate at the lower right corner of thecollector. And enter the cable to the control box through the cable gland locate at the bottom of the enclosure. Please follow the electrical diagram provided for connection. Do not install in classified hazardousatmospheres without an enclosure rated for the application.DFOE 3,4,6Figure 3 Inlet Schematic2.3 Inlet Duct ConnectionThe inlet collar is integrated with the unit, it isshown on figure 3.3.0 Start-up and OperationCheck that the outlet of the fan is free of debris before starting.Make sure the dust disposal system is properly installed under the hopper.With new filter elements the airflow should be adjusted to the nominal value by closing the damper valve.Check if the access doors are closed. Switch main power on and press switch ’start’.Adjust the damper to the desired airflow. Turn on the compressed air supply. Adjust to 6 bar of pressure with the compressed air regular.The cleaning cycle only starts whennecessary. For customized setting see the controls manual.唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd.Figure 4Dust Removal for Dust Disposal SystemFigure 5Replacing of Filter ElementsWhen replacing diaphragm assembly make sure the marking "THIS SIDE OUT" ondiaphragm assembly faces valve bonnet and that bleed hole in diaphragm assembly is in alignment with cavity in valve body and bonnet. The external contours of thediaphragm, body and bonnet must all be in alignment.Replace bonnet bolts and tighten in a criss-cross manner.4.2 Replacing of Filter ElementsCaution :When the airflow is low or the differential pressure is too high and alarm, must change the filter elements. After operating more than 2000—4000 hours continuously, must change the filter elements.All filter elements should be changed at the same time.Do not drop the new filter element on the floor or any other hard surface. It isnecessary to clean the dust of the tube sheet all around the opening to ensure a positive seal of the gasket.Slide the new filter element along the yoke with the gasket end facing inward towards the clean air chamber.Reinstall the cover and screw the wing nut clockwise onto the yoke. Tighten securely, to prevent leakage.DFOE3,4,6 5.0 Trouble shooting唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd. Fan does not startNot wired correctly.Check and correct internal motor wiring forproper connections for your voltage (see Wiring Diagram)Proper wire size not used for motor Rewire per national and local electric codes for proper wire size. Fan set starts, butdoes not keep running Incorrect overload protection is installed Check for proper motor overload protection. Reset or replace if needed for proper value.Dust collector doors are open or not closed tight Tighten doors securely.Hopper open to atmosphereInstall dust bin under hopper and seal the access door securely.Damper valve not adjusted properlyCheck airflow in ducting for properrequirements. Adjust the damper valve until the proper airflow is achieved. Do not attempt to run without inlet ducting attached.Electrical circuit fusesCheck if the supply circuit has sufficient power to run all equipment. Excessivenoise/vibration of the fanIf thishappens, it should be rectified at onceDust deposit on the blades Clean the blades.Worn blades The fan wheel has to be replaced. Worn bearingsThe bearings have to be replaced.Dust emissionFilter elements installed improperlyCheck that gaskets on the filter element(s) are firmly pressed to the tube sheet (the wing nuts of the filter elements should befully tightened by hand).Filter element damage, dents in the end caps, gasket damage or holes in pleated media Replace the filter elements.Doors not airtightTighten doors securely and check sealing.DFOE3,4,6Insufficient airflow Fan wheel rotating wrongway Check fan rotation. Refer to rotation sticker on fan housing.Openings not properly sealed Check doors, that they are closed and tightened securely. Also check hopper area that openings are closed off and that the hopper dust disposal is installed.Outlet is restricted Check outlet for blockage. Removematerial or debris that is blocking the outlet. Filter elements plugged :a. Lack of compressed airb. Pulse cleaning not energizedc. Dust disposal system is too full or pluggedd. Hopper full of dust or pluggede. Filter elements need to be replaced Check compressed air supply for under 6 bar.Refer to the trouble shooting guide from the Control manual.Clean out dust disposal system..Clean out the hopper.Replace the filter elementsSolenoid valves/diaphragmvalves are not functioning: a. Solenoidvalves/diaphragm valves are leaking compressed airb. Pulse control printed circuit board has failed or is out of adjustment Check for debris, obstruction, valve wear or diaphragm failure by removing the diaphragm cover on the solenoid valves. Also check for solenoid leakage damage. If diaphragm valves or solenoid valves are damaged replace it or replace damaged part(s).Refer to Operating manual of the Controls.Excessive noise of a diaphragm valve Failure on the diaphragmvalveCheck for debris, obstruction, valve wear orfailure by removing the diaphragm cover. Ifthe diaphragm valve is damaged, replace itor replace damaged part(s).唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd.6.0 Control Panel6.1 Control panel functionsThe “Local/Remote” selection switch is for LOCAL or REMOTE fan motor on/off control selecting. And the control panel also provides one voltage free contact output for indication of fan motor run/stop status.The “Auto/Manual” selection switch for AUTO or MANUAL cleaning control modelselecting. When the selection switch is at the "Manual" position, the collector will clean continually. When the selection switch is at the "Auto" position, the collector cleaning will controlled by the Torit Delta P-C01 controller on the panel, and the control panel can also provide down-time cleaning.Fan motor overload protection and overload indication (Error).6.2 OperationEnsure that the control panel is correctly installed onto the dust collector before starting up (check main power supplyconnections, all electrical cable connections, fan starter/fan motor connections,solenoid/diaphragm valve connections,compressed air tubing connections, etc.) For safety of personnel and equipment, ensure that the control panel is properly grounded. Turn the main power supply switch to"ON" position. The Torit Delta P-C01 controller will power up. All operating instructions for the Torit Delta P-C01 controller are mentioned in a separate manual of Delta P-C01.Figure 6Control PanelDFOE3,4,6•When the “Local/Remote” selection switch is set at “Remote” position, thestart/stop of the fan motor can becontrolled remotely. When the remotecontrol switch is closed the “Running”green indication light will light up and the fan motor will be powered up; when theremote control switch is opened the“Running” green indication light will go off, and the fan motor dis-energized. •When the "Local/Remote" selection switch is set at "Local" position all control operations need to be carried out locallyat the control panel. The fan motor canbe turn on and off by pushing the "FanStart" and "Fan Stop" buttonsrespectively. When push the “Fan Start“ button, the “Running” greenindication light will light up and the fanmotor will be powered up; when push the “Fan Stop” button the “Running” green indication light will go off and the fanmotor dis-energized.•When the "Auto/Manual" selection switch is set at "Manual" position, the cleaningwill process continually. When the"Auto/Manual" selection switch is set at"Auto" position the cleaning will becontrolled by the Torit Delta P-C01controller on the panel. At any timethe cleaning pulse is activated, the“Cleaning” indication light on the panelwill light up. •There is overload protection for the fan motor, the setting of AMPs according tothe nameplate of the fan motor. When the "Error" indication light lights up it signifies that the fan motor is overloaded and hasstopped.•To terminate electrical power supply to the pulsing control, please ensure thatthe fan motor is shut down before turning the main power supply switch to the"OFF" position.唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd.Figure 7Electrical Terminal BlockDFOE3,4,6Wiring Diagram唐纳森(无锡)过滤器有限公司Donaldson (Wuxi) Filters Co.,Ltd.ItemDescriptionPart number1 Filter Assembly-Ultra Web FR P19-19202Diaphragm valve with Solenoid Valve8PP- AK00144-21 3 Access cover 3EA-AD33387-01 4 Access door gasket 8PP-AD30021-01 5Delta P-C01 115V/230V8PP-AK01004-007.0 Spare PartsNote: When ordering parts, give model number and serial number of dust collector,description and quantity of parts desired.This Page Intentionally Left BlankDonaldson Company, Inc. is the leading designer and manufacturer of dust, mist, and fume collection equipment used to control industrial-air pollutants. Our equipment is designed to help reduce occupational hazards, lengthen machine life, reduce in-plant maintenance requirements, and improve product quality.© 2015 Donaldson Company, Inc. Printed in APACIOM AK0302801, Revision 1April 2016Parts and ServiceFor genuine Donaldson replacement filters and parts, call the Parts Express Line. For faster service, have unit’s model and serial number, quantity, part number, and description available.The Donaldson Torit WarrantyDonaldson does not warrant against damages due to corrosion, abrasion, normal wear and tear, product modification, or product misapplication. Donaldson also makes no warranty whatsoever as to any goods manufactured or supplied by others including electric motors, fans and control components. After Donaldson has been given adequate opportunity to remedy any defects in material or workmanship, Donaldson retains the sole option to accept return of the goods, with freight paid by the purchaser, and to refund the purchase price for the goods after confirming the goods are returned undamaged and in usable condition. Such a refund will be in the full extent of Donaldson’s liability. Donaldson shall not be liable for any other costs, expenses or damages whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or otherwise. The terms of this warranty may be modified only by a special warranty document signed by a Director, General Manager or Vice President of Donaldson. Failure to use genuine Donaldson replacement parts may void this warranty. THERE EXIST NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES EXCEPT AS STATED IN THIS PARAGRAPH AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING M ERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DISCLAIMED.Donaldson AustralasiaTel: 1800 503 878 (AU)Tel: 0800 743 387 (NZ)Website: www.donaldson f .au Donaldson China Tel: 400 820 1038Website: Donaldson Japan T el: +81 42 540 4114Website: www.donaldson.co.jp Donaldson Korea T el: +82 251 733 33Website: www.donaldson.co.kr Donaldson South Asia T el: +91 124 480 7536Website: Donaldson Southeast Asia T el: +65 6349 8168Website: Donaldson USA T el: +1 800 365 1331Website: Donaldson Europe T el: +32 16 383 811Website: 。
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操作系统:Win2000 Advance Server或者win2003 Server
图 1.2.1 超级终端设置
图 1.2.2 口设置
图 1.2.3 成功提示
图 1.3.1 语言选择
图 1.3.2 欢迎界面
图 1.3.3 协议
图 1.3.4 选择安装路径
图 1.3.5 复制文件
图 1.3.6 安装成功
图 2.1.1 ODBC数据源
图 2.1.2 数据源页面
图 2.1.3 创建数据源
请注意在图2.1.3所示的界面中,选择SQL Server驱动程序,然后点击“完成”按钮输入ODBC数据源等信息,如图2.1.4所示
图 2.1.4
图 2.1.5 ODBC数据源信息
图 2.1.6 用户信息
在图2.1.6所示的界面中验证方式选择“使用用户输入登陆ID和密码的SQL Server验证”,然后在登陆ID,密码里面输入登陆数据库的用户名和密码。
图 2.1.7 选择数据库
图 2.1.8 其他信息
图 2.1.9 配置确认,测试连接
图 2.2.1 图标
图 2.2.2 短信系统界面
图 2.2.3 短信配置