



2022-2023学年广东省广州市天河中学八年级(上)期末生物试卷1. 水螅消化不了的食物残渣怎样排出体外()A. 由肛门排出体外B. 由体表渗透到体外C. 由口排出体外D.通过芽体排出2. 蛔虫是常见的人体寄生虫,与其在肠道中寄生生活相适应的特点不包括()A. 体表有角质层B. 消化管结构简单C. 生殖能力强D. 感觉器官发达3. 小明在村边清澈的小溪里发现一个蠕动的小动物,用放大镜仔细观察到,它的身体呈两侧对称,背腹扁平,有口无肛门,这个小动物所属的动物类群是()A. 腔肠动物B. 扁形动物C. 线形动物D. 软体动物4. 下列动物中,与蚯蚓属于同一类群的是()A. 沙蚕B. 血吸虫C. 海蜇D. 钉螺5. 昆虫适应陆地生活防止体内水分蒸发的结构是()A. 外骨骼B. 皮肤C. 角质层D. 鳞片或甲6. 下列属于环节动物的是()A. 蛔虫B. 线虫C. 水蛭D. 涡虫7. 下列不属于鱼类适应水中生活的特征是()A. 体形大多呈流线型B. 主要用鳃呼吸,皮肤辅助C. 体表常有鳞片覆盖D. 通过躯干和尾鳍摆动游泳8. 下列动物中,身体表面有外套膜,具有贝壳的是()A. 虾B. 文蛤C. 沙蚕D. 蜘蛛9. 以下四类动物的通俗名称都含有“鱼”字,其中进化程度最高等的是()A. B. C. D.10. 下列关于两栖动物的说法错误的是()A. 两栖动物的生殖发育离不开水B. 有的两栖动物终生生活在水中C. 既能在水中生活,又能在陆地上生活D. 污染和水域缩减使其种类和数量减少11. 蛇没有四肢,但它却属于爬行动物,是因为()A. 蛇有外骨骼保护B. 蛇符合爬行动物的特征C. 蛇有脊椎,属于脊椎动物D. 蛇的运动方式是爬行12. 青蛙和乌龟都既可以在水中游泳,也可以在陆地生活,但青蛙属于两栖动物,而乌龟属于爬行动物,下列关于其原因的叙述正确的是()A. 青蛙的肺比龟的肺发达B. 青蛙的皮肤比乌龟的甲更容易保持水分C. 青蛙生殖和发育离不开水D. 青蛙的四肢发达而乌龟的四肢短小13. 下面属于鸟类特有特征的是()①体表有羽毛②用肺呼吸并用气囊辅助呼吸③体温恒定④通过产卵繁殖后代⑤前肢覆羽成翼⑥善于飞行.A. ①③⑥B. ②③④C. ①②⑤D. ②⑤⑥14. 下列动物中,不属于恒温动物的是()A. 大熊猫B. 野鸭C. 眼镜王蛇D. 猕猴15. 鲫鱼的运动方式是游泳,其游泳主要依靠()A. 尾鳍的作用B. 胸鳍和腹鳍的摆动C. 各种鳍的共同作用D. 尾部和躯干部的摆动以及鳍的协调作用16. 成语“闻鸡起舞”蕴含丰富的生物学知识,下列说法不正确的是()A. 打鸣的公鸡体温恒定,有气囊辅助肺呼吸B. “闻鸡起舞”从获得途径判断属于先天性行为C. “闻鸡”的听觉是在大脑皮层中形成的D. “起舞”需要骨、关节和肌肉协调配合17. 如图为哺乳动物的两种牙齿组成示意图,下列相关叙述正确的是()A. ②是门齿B. ③是臼齿C. ⑤是犬齿D. 兔的牙齿组成与甲相同18. 海马终身生活在水中,有脊柱,用鳃呼吸,靠鳍摆动前进,海马属于()A. 鱼类B. 两栖动物C. 哺乳动物D. 爬行动物19. 某果农发现果园内有许多昆虫,于是喷洒农药将昆虫全部杀死,但这一季节果实产量却是历年来最低的,这是因为昆虫能帮助植物()A. 光合作用B. 传粉C. 受精D. 传播种子20. 下列动物中,学习能力最强的是()A. 大山雀B. 黑猩猩C. 蚯蚓D. 鳄鱼21. “稻花香里说丰年, 听取蛙声一片。



2022-2023学年广东省广州市天河中学初二数学第一学期期末试卷一、单项选择题(本题有8个小题,每小题3分,满分24分,下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.)1.如图是2022年北京冬奥运会吉祥物冰墩墩的图形,是轴对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .2.世界上最小的鸟是生活在古巴的吸蜜蜂鸟,它的质量约为0.056盎司.将0.056用科学记数法表示为( )A .15.610−⨯B .25.610−⨯C .35.610−⨯D .10.5610−⨯3.下列长度的三根木条首尾相连,能组成三角形的是( )A .10,7,5B .10,7,3C .10,5,3D .4,4,104.点(2,3)P −关于x 轴的对称点是( )A .(2,3)−B .(2,3)C .(2,3)−−D .(2,3)−5.下列运算中正确的是( )A .2510x x x ⋅=B .448()a a =C .224()xy xy =D .826x x x ÷=6.如图,在ABC ∆和ABD ∆中,已知CAB DAB ∠=∠,在不添加任何辅助线的前提下,要使ABC ABD ∆≅∆,只需再添加的一个条件不可以是( )A .AC AD =B .BC BD = C .C D ∠=∠ D .CBE DBE ∠=∠ 7.使分式12x x −+有意义的x 的取值范围是( ) A .2x − B .2x − C .2x >− D .2x ≠−8.甲、乙二人做某种机械零件,已知每小时甲比乙少做8个,甲做120个所用的时间与乙做150个所用的时间相等,设甲每小时做x 个零件,下列方程正确的是( )A .1201508x x =−B .1201508x x =+C .1201508x x =−D .1201508x x =+ 二、多项选择题(本题有2个小题,每小题5分,共10分,每小题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.)9.如图,DE AB ⊥于E ,DF AC ⊥于F ,若BD CD =,BE CF =,则下列结论中正确的是( )A .DE DF =B .AD 平分BAC ∠ C .AE AD = D .AF AB BE −= 10.若关于x 的方程221a x a x =−−有解,则a 的值不能是( ) A .13 B .12 C .1 D .2二、填空题(本题有6个小题,每小题4分,满分24分)11.如图,若ABE ACF ∆≅∆,且5AB =,2AE =,则EC 的长为 .12.如果一个多边形的内角和等于720︒,则它的边数为 .13.计算:021( 3.14)()3π−−+−= . 14.已知4x y −=,3xy =,则22x y xy −的值是 .15.如图,在ABC ∆中,AC 的垂直平分线交AB 于点D ,垂足为点E ,CD 平分ACB ∠,若30B ∠=︒,则A ∠为 度.16.已知(,)a b ,(,)x y 是平面直角坐标系中的两点,规定(a ,)(b x ⋅,)y ax by =+.若(x ,1)(1x⋅,1)2−=,则221x x += . 四、解答题(共6小题,共62分,解答要求写出文字说明,证明过程或计算步骤.)17.如图,AB BC ⊥,AD DC ⊥,垂足分别为B ,D ,12∠=∠,求证:AB AD =.18.(1)分解因式:2218x −;(2)计算:(2)(2)(1)x x x x +−+−.19.如图,ABC ∆三个顶点的坐标分别为(1,1)A 、(4,2)B 、(3,5)C .(1)若△A B C '''与ABC ∆关于y 轴成轴对称,请画出△A B C ''';(2)填空:点B '的坐标是 ;(3)若P 为x 轴上一点,使得线段PA PB +的值最小,请在图中作出点P .(保留作图痕迹,不写作法)20.如图,在Rt ABC ∆中,90ACB ∠=︒,30B ∠=︒.(1)尺规作图:在线段AB 上作一点D ,使得CD BD =(不写作法,保留作图痕迹);(2)若点D 到直线BC 的距离为2cm ,求AD 的长.21.已知2112()1121a W a a a a =+÷−+−+. (1)化简W ;(2)若a ,3,6恰好是等腰ABC ∆的三边长,求W 的值.22.在平面直角坐标系中,(5,0)⊥交y轴于点E,连A−,(0,5)B,点C为x轴正半轴上一动点,过点A作AD BC接DO,则DO平分ADC∠.(1)如图(1),若(3,0)C,则点E的坐标为;(2)如图(2),若点C在x轴正半轴上运动,当OC CD AD∠的度数.+=时,求OBC答案与解析一、单项选择题(本题有8个小题,每小题3分,满分24分,下面每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.)1.解:A ,B ,C 三个选项中的图形都找不到一条直线能够使直线两旁的部分重合,所以不是轴对称图形; C 选项中的图形能够找到这样的一条直线,使直线两旁的部分能够完全重合,所以是轴对称图形.故选:C .2.解:将0.056用科学记数法表示为25.610−⨯,故选:B .3.解:A 、1057<+,能构成三角形,故此选项符合题意;B 、3710+=,不能构成三角形,故此选项不符合题意;C 、3510+<,不能构成三角形,故此选项不符合题意;D 、4410+<,不能构成三角形,故此选项不符合题意.故选:A .4.解:点(2,3)P −关于x 轴的对称点坐标为:(2,3).故选:B .5.解:A 、257x x x ⋅=,故此选项错误;B 、4416()a a =,故此选项错误;C 、2224()xy x y =,故此选项错误;D 、826x x x ÷=,故此选项正确.故选:D .6.解:A 、添加AC AD =,利用SAS 即可得到两三角形全等,不符合题意;B 、添加BC BD =,不能判定两三角形全等,符合题意;C 、添加D C ∠=∠,利用AAS 即可得到两三角形全等,不符合题意;D 、添加CBE DBE ∠=∠,利用ASA 即可得到两三角形全等,不符合题意;故选:B .7.解:由题意,得20x +≠,解得2x ≠−.故选:D .8.解:设甲每小时做x 个零件,可得:1201508x x =+,故选:D .二、多项选择题(本题有2个小题,每小题5分,共10分,每小题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.)9.解:DE AB ⊥于E ,DF AC ⊥于F ,90E DFC ∴∠=∠=︒,在Rt BDE ∆和Rt CDF ∆中,BD CD BE CF=⎧⎨=⎩,Rt BDE Rt CDF(HL)∴∆≅∆,DE DF ∴=,故A 正确;DE AB ⊥,DF AC ⊥,AD ∴平分BAC ∠,故B 正确;由垂线段最短可得AE AD <,故C 错误,在Rt ADE ∆和Rt ADF ∆中,AD ADDE DF =⎧⎨=⎩,Rt ADE Rt ADF(HL)∴∆≅∆,AE AF ∴=,AB BE AF ∴+=,AF AB BE ∴−=,故D 正确;故选ABD .10.解:解分式方程221a x a x =−−,得:(22)a x a ∴−=,当220a −≠时,22ax a =−,1a ∴≠时,方程有解,方程有解,0x a ∴−≠,且210x −≠,x a ∴≠且0.5x ≠,∴220.522a a a a a⎧≠⎪⎪−⎨⎪≠⎪−⎩, 解得:12a ≠. 故选:BC .二、填空题(本题有6个小题,每小题4分,满分24分)11.解:ABE ACF ∆≅∆5AC AB ∴==523EC AC AE ∴=−=−=,故答案为:3.12.解:这个正多边形的边数是n ,则(2)180720n −⋅︒=︒,解得:6n =.则这个正多边形的边数是6.故答案为:6.13.解:原式1910=+=,故答案为:10.14.解:4x y −=,3xy =,∴原式()3412xy x y =−=⨯=.故答案为:12.15.解:DE 垂直平分AC ,AD CD ∴=,A ACD ∴∠=∠又CD 平分ACB ∠,ACD BCD ∴∠=∠,3180A B ∴∠+∠=︒, 18030503A ︒−︒∠==︒.故答案为:50.16.解:由题意得:12x x −=,则221()2x x−=, 221124x x x x −⋅⋅+=, 22142x x +=+, 2216x x +=. 故答案为:6.四、解答题(共6小题,共62分,解答要求写出文字说明,证明过程或计算步骤.)17.证明:AB BC ⊥,AD DC ⊥,90B D ∴∠=∠=︒,在ABC ∆和ADC ∆中,12B D AC AC ∠=∠⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩,()ABC ADC AAS ∴∆≅∆,AB AD ∴=.18.解:(1)2218x −22(9)x =−2(3)(3)x x =+−;(2)(2)(2)(1)x x x x +−+−224x x x =−+−4x =−.19.解:(1)如图,△A B C '''即为所求;(2)(4,2)B'−;(3)如图,点P即为所求.20.解:(1)如图,点D即为所求;(2)由(1)可知:DE是BC的垂直平分线,∴=,DC DB∴∠=∠=︒,30DCB BADC B DCB∴∠=∠+∠=︒,60在Rt ABC∠=︒,30∠=︒.BACB∆中,90∴∠=︒,A60∴∠=︒,60ACD∴∆是等边三角形,ADC∴==,AD DC DB点D到直线BC的距离2B∠=︒,=,30DE cm∴==,24()DB DE cm4()AD DB cm ∴==, 答:AD 的长为4cm .21.解:(1)2(1)(1)(1)[](1)(1)2a a a W a a a++−−=⨯+− 22(1)(1)(1)2a a a a a−=⋅+− 11a a −=+; (2)a ,3,6恰好是等腰ABC ∆的三边长, 6a ∴=,则11a W a −=+;6161−=+57=.22.(1)解:如图1,AD BC ⊥,AO BO ⊥,90AOE BDE BOC ∴∠=∠=∠=︒, 90OAE ACD ∴∠+∠=︒, 90OBC ACD ∠+∠=︒, OAE OBC ∴∠=∠,(5,0)A −,(0,5)B ,5OA OB ∴==.在AOE ∆和BOC ∆中,第11页(共11页)OAE OBC OA OBAOE BOC ∠=∠⎧⎪=⎨⎪∠=∠⎩, ()AOE BOC ASA ∴∆≅∆,OE OC ∴=,∴点C 坐标为(3,0),3OE OC ∴==,(0,3)E ∴.故答案为:(0,3);(2)如图②,在DA 上截取DP DC =,连接OP ,又PDO CDO ∠=∠,OD OD =,()OPD OCD SAS ∴∆≅∆,OC OP ∴=,OPD OCD ∠=∠,OC CD AD +=,OC AD CD ∴=−,AD DP OP ∴−=,即AP OP =,PAO POA ∴∠=∠,2OPD PAO POA PAO OCB ∴∠=∠+∠=∠=∠, 又90PAO OCD ∠+∠=︒,390PAO ∴∠=︒,30PAO ∴∠=︒,OAP OBC ∠=∠,30OBC PAO ∴∠=∠=︒.。

广东省广州市天河区2023-2024学年八年级上学期语文期末试卷 解析版

广东省广州市天河区2023-2024学年八年级上学期语文期末试卷 解析版























”这场战争A.使中国半殖民地化程度进一步加深B.成为中国近代史的开端C.客观上促进了中国民族资本主义的产生 D.使清政府沦为洋人的朝廷2.《给葛罗男爵先生的训令》(1857年5月9日)中说到:“我们所想的正是为了要在更大的程度上,为我们的商业打开通向天朝帝国(中国)的道路。



”“自强”的具体做法是创办A.轮船招商局B.汉阳铁厂C.湖北织布局D.江南制造总局 5.有学者认为,戊戌变法所传播的西方政治学说和自然科学知识,将统治中国人几千年的封建思想打开了缺口。


下列哪些探索活动是为了实现这一梦想①洋务运动②戊戌变法③辛亥革命④新文化运动A.①②B.②③C.①④D.③④ 7.某校兴趣小组整理了以下历史信息,由此推断他们研究的主题是①英国割占香港岛②火烧圆明园③《马关条约》④八国联军侵华战争A.列强的侵略B.近代化的探索C.内战烽火D.抗日战争8.中国近代史上伟大的民主革命的先行者是A.李鸿章B.康有为C.孙中山D.毛泽东9.1915年,一场高举“民主”“科学”大旗的思想解放运动——新文化运动在中国大地上兴起。



2020-2021学年广东省广州市天河区八年级(上)期末物理试卷1.如图示意的长度约为1英尺,则1英尺约为()A. 30mB. 30dmC. 300cmD. 300mm2.在东西向直线轨道上的观光车内,小明给小芳连拍两张照片如图所示,则下列描述正确的是()A. 广州塔相对于车向东运动B. 车处于静止状态C. 车向东运动D. 车向西运动3.如图所示,监测器测得同一声源发出的甲、乙两声音的特性如下表,甲乙相比()声音声音强弱的等级/dB频率Hz甲110700乙701100A. 甲音调较高B. 声源在发甲声音时每秒内振动次数较少C. 乙响度较大D. 甲在真空中的传播速度较慢4.二胡有内、外两根弦,拉二胡时,外弦比内弦振动快,外弦发声的波形如图所示,把内弦的声音输入同一设置的示波器,波形是图中的()A.B.C.D.5.某物质从固态变为液态,如图是该过程物质的温度−时间图象,这种物质()A. 发生了液化B. 属于非晶体C. 在t1~t2过程需要吸热D. 在0~t3,过程一直处于物态变化过程6.物质M因发生物态变化吸热,M在该物态变化前后都具有流动性,则这种物态变化为()A. 汽化B. 液化C. 凝固D. 熔化7.如图所示的四种光现象不能用对应的光路图解释的是()A. B.C. D.8.如图1、图2分别是光通过晶状体P、透镜Q的光路图,则()A. 图1的眼睛属于远视眼B. 晶状体P的折光能力比正常眼睛的弱C. 透镜Q是凸透镜D. 图1的眼睛可戴装有透镜Q的眼镜加以矫正9.如图是标准大气压下,质量为1g的某液体的密度−温度图象,以下说法正确的是()A. 4℃时,液体体积最大B. 温度升高,液体密度不变C. 1℃时液体的密度比5℃时的大D. 10℃时液体的体积比4℃时的大10.几种物质的密度在下表,在表格所列的条件下,以下说法正确的是()物质密度(×103kg/m3)(常温常压)物质密度(×103kg/m3)(常温常压)冰(0℃)0.9海水 1.03蜡0.9干松木0.5铝 2.7植物油0.9A. 干松木的密度比海水的密度大B. 当体积相同时,铝的质量是蜡的3倍C. 相同质量的蜡和植物油,蜡的体积比植物油的小D. 一杯植物油用去一半,杯内剩余植物油的密度为0.45×103kg/m311.如图,一束光由空气中的A点射向界面上的S点。





1.近年来,国产汽车发展迅速,我国已成为全球第一汽车生产国.下列图形是我国国产汽车品牌的标识,在这些标识中,不是轴对称图形的是( )A. B.C. D.2.若一个三角形的两边长分别为3和7,则第三边长可能是( )A. 2B. 3C. 5D. 113.若一个多边形的内角和是1080°,则这个多边形是( )A. 十边形B. 九边形C. 八边形D. 七边形4.下列计算正确的是( )A. a3+a2=a5B. a3⋅a2=a6C. (a2)3=a5D. a6÷a2=a45.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC=4,∠BAC=120°,则BC边上的高AD的长为( )A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 46.若分式|x|−3的值为0,则x的值为( )x+3A. ±3B. 0C. −3D. 37.如图,AB=AD,∠1=∠2,请问添加下列哪个条件不能得△ABC≌△ADE的是( )A. BC=DEB. AC=AEC. ∠B=∠DD. ∠E=∠C8.若关于x的方程x+m=3的解为正数,则m的取值范围是( )x−3A. m>−9B. m>−9且m≠−3C. m<−9D. m>−9且m≠0二、多选题:本题共2小题,共8分。


9.如图,将长为a,宽为b的长方形纸板,在它的四角都切去一个边长为x的正方形,然后将四周突起部分折起,制成一个长方体形状的无盖纸盒.下列说法正确的有( )A. 纸盒的容积等于x(a−x)(b−x)B. 纸盒的表面积为ab−4x2C. 纸盒的底面积为ab−2(a+b)x−4x2D. 若制成的纸盒是正方体,则必须满足a=b=3x10.如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠BAC=45°,BD⊥AC,垂足为点D,AE平分∠BAC,交BD于点F,交BC于点E,点G为AB的中点,连接DG,交AE于点H,下列结论正确的是( )A. AF=2BEB. DH=DFC. AH=2DFD. HE=BE三、填空题:本题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分。



广东省广州市天河区2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、语法选择Serena and her family were driving on the road. Suddenly she heard a loud “POP”. “A flat tire (轮胎)! This is making the boring trip even 1 .” she said.“No big deal! We 2 our adventure soon!” Her dad jumped out to change the tire. Feeling bored, Serena decided 3 her phone. “Ally is on a real adventure. She 4 Africa! Look at the pictures of wild animals on her Wechat Moments!”“Amazing!” Tony agreed. “You can show 5 , too.”“There’s 6 fun here! Nobody would like to see Dad changing a flat tire in the middle of nowhere!”“ 7 that’s the great thing about this whole trip!” Tony continued 8 , “We don’t know what surprises we might have! We’re on a true adventure! And I read that there’s 9 amazing place here. I found pictures online....”Serena put down her phone and listened to Tony. She looked out of the window, and wanted to know when to get there. But then she held her breath. “We 10 be quiet...”, she said to Tony in a low voice. Just on 11 side of the road, was a large group of wild horses walking slowly through the grasses. It was her 12 time to see animals like them.“Well, maybe we’re having a real adventure after all,” said Serena as she quickly took a picture of the horses 13 the window.“Exactly!” Tony said. “And all 14 we got a flat tire. So try to be as 15 as possible whatever we meet!”“Right. Maybe more surprises are waiting for us!”1.A.bad B.badly C.worse D.worst 2.A.continue B.continued C.will continue D.is continuing 3.A.to check B.checked C.checking D.has checked 4.A.went to B.will go to C.has gone to D.goes to 5.A.us B.our C.we D.ours 6.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything7.A.Or B.But C.And D.So 8.A.excited B.exciting C.excitement D.excitedly 9.A.a B.an C.the D./ 10.A.could B.may C.had better D.would 11.A.another B.other C.others D.the other 12.A.one B.the first C.first D.the one 13.A.through B.across C.in D.of 14.A.so B.if C.when D.because 15.A.cheerful B.more cheerful C.most cheerful D.cheerfully二、完形填空waited for his men to serve him, such as giving him food, drinks and so on. He lay on bed allAll his people were sorry about it.19 , a wise man heard the news. He visited the king and said that he could help him. He asked the king to come to his house 20 the palace. And the king had to walk to his house on his own.The king 21 . After staying in bed for 20 years, the king walked on the road again. It was a long way to walk. When he reached the wise man’s house, he was really 22 . After taking a seat and drinking some water, the king felt better. The wise man brought out a special, heavy ball and asked the king to carry the ball with both hands and walk for an hour twice a day. “That is the 23 to help you get well,” he said.The king followed the man’s advice. After two months, the king lost a lot of weight and all his sickness 24 . From then on, the king kept 25 every day. He knew it was the secret to good health.16.A.silly B.lazy C.slow D.careless 17.A.working B.talking C.sleeping D.moving 18.A.reason B.difference C.feeling D.opinion 19.A.Successfully B.Luckily C.Similarly D.Usually20.A.in the center of B.next to C.across from D.far from 21.A.apologized B.answered C.realized D.agreed 22.A.unhappy B.unhealthy C.uncomfortable D.unfriendly 23.A.list B.price C.secret D.introduction 24.A.disappeared B.continued C.returned D.remained 25.A.relaxing B.exercising C.playing D.eating三、阅读理解Ants are social insects. They live together in groups. There are more than 10,000 different kinds of ants. Ants are found almost everywhere in the world.AppearanceThe body of an ant has three parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The mouth is important for most ants. It is used for fighting, eating, carrying food and other materials. On the top of the head there are two antennae. Ants use them to smell, communicate, and look for directions.Life CycleThere are four stages in the life cycle of the ant. The larvae have no eyes or legs. After the larvae come out of the eggs, they drop their skin several times. Most of them spin a silken cocoon (茧) around their bodies. Then they rest inside and grow into pupae. When a pupa is ready to come out of its cocoon, other ants bite a hole at the end of the silken cocoon and help the weak little ant leave the cocoon. Then they wash and feed it. Most ants live for 6 to 10 weeks.BehaviorMost ants live in nests made of many different materials, including sand, wood, and leaves. In each nest there is usually a queen, workers, and soldiers. The queen only spends her life producing eggs. The workers collect food, clean the nest, and care for eggs. Soldiers protect the nests.Ants have different ways of protecting themselves. Some attack their enemies with their mouths. Others run away when facing enemies, “play dead,” or send special sounds to tell others there is danger.26.What can an ant do with its mouth?A.Smell and get food.B.Fight and carry materials.C.Communicate and look for directions.D.Eat and find the way.27.Which of the following shows the growth of ants?A.egg—larva—pupa—ant B.egg—pupa—larva—antC.larva—egg—pupa—ant D.pupa—larva—egg—ant28.What can we know about ants from their behavior?A.Ants prefer living in nests made of sand.B.There are three ants in each nest.C.The queen produces eggs and looks after them.D.Ants know how to keep safe by themselves.29.What is the purpose (目的) of this article?A.To show the importance of ants.B.To ask people to protect ants.C.To introduce some facts about ants.D.To compare different kinds of ants.Class was almost over. Tom asked our math teacher, Mr Green, about the answer to a math problem. He thought it was 512. But Mr Green said it was 64.Later that day, Tom asked friends, classmates, and other math teachers. Was it 64 or 512? One of the math teachers they asked was Mr Smith, our math teacher last year. He said it was 512. Then the fun began.The next day, in Mr Green’s class, Tom told him Mr Smith’s answer. Mr Green didn’t change his mind. As soon as the class was over, Tom went to Mr Smith’s office.A few minutes later, Tom returned with Mr Smith and four students from another class.And the classroom became an interesting place. Everyone was excited, waiting for a long, heated discussion between the two teachers.We weren’t disappointed. Right then and there, Mr Smith and Mr Green began their argument (争论). They tried to show their answers on the blackboard. They used some math words and expressions I had never heard of, but at one point, the vocabulary turned simple.“No, ...” Mr Smith said. “Yes, ...” Mr Green answered.“No, ...” Mr Smith said again. “Yes, ...” Mr Green repeated.…At first, we were on our seats listening carefully, trying to follow their ideas. Later, Tom and some other students began to stand together around them. As time passed by, students showed their support for different teachers and became two teams. Everyone worked so hard, just for the answer to a single math problem. That’s the power of maths!When the school bell rang, the problem was still not solved. “Why not ask all the math teachers at school to join us and have a meeting for it?” Mr. Smith said.“How about lunch time? ...” Mr. Green replied.“Great! …” All the students shouted …30.What can we learn about Tom from paragraph 1 to 4?A.Tom is in Mr. Smith’s class this year.B.Mr Green taught Tom math last year.C.The writer “I” and Tom are classmates.D.Tom and four students are in the same class.31.In what order did the story happen?a. The students supported their teachers in two teams.b. The two teachers began their discussion.c. Mr Smith agreed with Tom’s answer.d. Tom questioned Mr Green about a math problem.e. Tom returned with Mr Smith and four students.A.d-e-c-a-b B.e-d-c-b-a C.d-c-e-b-a D.e-a-c-d-b 32.What is the best title for this passage?A.Tom, a brave schoolboy B.A creative maths argumentC.Great maths teachers D.An amazing maths problem 33.What might probably happen by the end of that day?A.The two teachers would solve more math problems.B.Students and maths teachers would attend the meeting again.C.The two teachers would teach students to argue for them.D.Students and teachers would work out the problem easily.Are you ready to speak English like a local English speaker? Do you want to travel and make friends in the US? Here are the best language schools in New York City for you.Rennert International(RI)Rennert International(RI) offers small classes and uses conversational teaching methods. Its creator says, “There was very little conversation in class in the past, and the large number of students made learning a language difficult. We wanted a different way to teach languages in small classes.”In addition, students can learn about Dancing, Music and Medicine in English. Other classes help students to enter universities.Brooklyn School of Languages(BSL)In the Brooklyn School of Languages(BSL), there are eight to twelve students in each class, so teachers can give personal care to every student. Students can enjoy learning with friendly classmates and taking field trips around Manhattan City.What’s more, BSL provides accommodations. Students can choose from home-stays and school flats. They can form close friendships by studying and living together.New York English Center(NYEC)Here in New York English Center (NYEC), each class has about five students, so everybody gets enough personalized care. Students can join in parties and weekly field trips, so they can build close relationships with each other easily.NYEC’s teachers are local English speakers with years of experience in teaching in some of the world’s most well-known schools. Students can also get help on problems with housing and so on.34.What does the underlined word “accommodation” mean?A.an attraction to visit B.a place to live inC.a restaurant to enjoy food D.a speech to listen to35.What do the three schools have in common (共同点)?A.Small classes.B.Experienced teachers.C.Nice classmates and host families.D.Interesting outdoor activities.36.Ali from India just moved to New York. He prefers a language teacher with rich experience. He also enjoys travelling with friends. Which school should he choose?A.RI.B.BSL.C.NYEC.D.None of the above.If you are looking for something to kill your time, TikTok is just the app. TikTok is a social media platform (社交媒体平台). There you can watch, share and create short videos. These videos can be about almost everything, from personal lives to the latest news.In February 2021, TikTok has around 1.1 billion users worldwide. Almost 60% of the users are between the ages of 16 and 24. Then, why is it so popular among young people?Firstly, most videos on TikTok last only 15 seconds. Sometimes it seems a15-second video can make you happier than a one-hour TV show. It is relaxing for people who look for fun for a few minutes after busy days.The algorithm (算法) of the app is another reason. Whenever you open the app, the first page you see is the “For You” page. By using algorithm, TikTok can know your interest and provide videos you may like on the “For You” page. If you “heart” the videos you love, similar ones will keep showing up.TikTok also encourages everyone to become a creator. Creators can make videos in any way they want. If they want their videos to appear on the “For You” page of many other users, they should make them attractive. That encourages video creators to keep producing more.As TikTok has grown, more and more young people become addicted to short videos. You may find yourself spending an hour or two on hundreds of short videos without realizing it. Maybe you just plan to relax a while before finishing your work but end up doing nothing except for scrolling down the screen the whole afternoon.37.What can we know about TikTok?A.TikTok offers any news you want.B.TikTok helps people make good friends.C.TikTok attracts many young people.D.TikTok helps people make everything.38.How many reasons for the success of TikTok are mentioned in the passage?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five. 39.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 mean?A.Young people use TikTok too much.B.Young people are good at using TikTok.C.TikTok helps young people make videos.D.TikTok helps more young people grow up.40.What does the writer probably agree with?A.Young people should learn to use TikTok.B.Using TikTok makes young people famous.C.Using TikTok has both good and bad effects.D.Using TikTok is harmful to people’s health.阅读短文及文后选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



广东省广州市执信中学天河校区2022-2023学年八年级上学期期末英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.Can you hear the strange noise from the washing machine? There ________ something wrong with it.A.is B.has C.have D.are2.The great inventor invented five ________ inventions in his life. And the ________ one is the most useful.A.hundred; twelve B.hundreds of; twelveC.hundreds of; twelfth D.hundred; twelfth3.This article is ________ than that one.A.much easier B.most easier C.more easier D.more easy 4.Mike always works very hard, so he can earn twice ________ mine.A.as much money as B.as many money asC.much as money D.many as money as5.—________ you ________ your homework yet?—Yes. I ________ it a moment ago.A.Did, do; finished B.Have, done; have finishedC.Have, done; finished D.Have, do; finished6.I haven’t seen him ________ three years ________ we met in Shanghai.A.for; since B.since; for C.in; since D.for; when 7.________ you brush your teeth every day, you will get a toothache.A.If B.When C.Unless D.Though 8.—You made a mistake. The spelling ________ be “friend”, not “fried”.—Oh, I see. Thanks.A.could B.can C.may D.should 9.You ________ better________ so much spicy food since you have a sore throat.A.had; not eating B.had; not eat C.had not; eating D.had not; eat 10.Don’t worry. She ________ you a call if she ________ Beijing.A.gives; reaches B.will give; will reachC.will give; reaches D.gives; will reach二、语法选择阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C 和D项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。





As a kid I loved everything about school. I loved books, 41 , tests and homework. Most of all I longed to someday march down the aisle (通道) to receive my 42 . That seemed more appealing even than getting married. But at 15, I had to 43 because my parents 44 afford tuition. My hope of getting a diploma was dead.Pretty soon, I married. I had three Children, and I thought: “There 45 my diploma.”Even so, I wanted my children to be educated. But Linda, our youngest child, had juvenile arthritis (幼年型关节炎) in her 46 and knees, which made it 47 for her to function (活动) in a normal classroom.One day, I saw an ad in the newspaper for evening courses.“That’s the answer,” I said to myself. Linda always feels 48 in the evening, so I’ll just sign her up for night schoo1.Linda was busy 49 out enrollment (入学) forms when the secretary said: “Mrs Schantz, why don’t you come back to 50 ?”I 51 : “There’s no way! I’m 55!”52 he insisted, and before I knew what I had done, I was enrolled for classes in English and crafts. “This is only an experiment,” I 53 him, but he just smiled. To my surprise, both Linda and I thrived (茁壮成长) in evening school. I went back again the next semester, and my grades 54 improved. It was 55 going to school again, but it was no game. Sitting in a class full of kids was awkward, 56 most of them were respectful and encouraging. During the day, I still had loads of housework to do, But when I was down, Linda encouraged me. “Morn, you can’t 57 now!” And when she was down, I 58 her. Together we saw it through. At last, I got my diploma. 59 , my classmates voted unanimously (一致地) for me to be class speaker, and I got a $3, 000 college scholarship. Yes, Mom, I was late for school, but I gotthere 60 .41. A. parents B. teachers C. trees D. flowers42. A. job B. present C. certification D. diploma43. A. drop out B. watch out C. keep out D. find out44. A wouldn’ t B. couldn’ t C. shouldn’ t D. needn’ t45. A. goes B. comes C. exists D. breaks46. A .hands B. head C. eyes D. stomach47. A. 1ikely B. frequent C. easy D. impossible48. A. Worse B. excited C. better D. annoyed49. A. giving B. taking C. filling D. sending50. A. work B. school C. home D. office51. A. 1aughed B. told C. argued D. shouted52. A. And B. But C. Although D. So53. A. informed B. asked C. warned D. convinced54. A. regularly B. happily C. steadily D. naturally55. A. interesting B. disappointing C. concerned D. exciting56. A. as if B. even if C. in case D. if only57. A. continue B. rest C. quit D. hesitate58. A. raised B. discouraged C. cheered D. defeated59. A. To my surprise B. To my satisfaction C. To my relief D. To my credit60. A. naturally B. frequently C. constantly D. eventually 参考答案41-45 BDABA 46-50 ADCCB 51-55 ABCCD 56-60 BCCAD完形填空。



广东省广州市天河区天河明珠中英文学校2022-2023学年八年级上学期期末英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、语法选择Last week, students at Northridge High school held a Chinese week. During the ChineseChinese food, and welcome the chance 3 Chinese Cooking!” One student said.There were talks 4 Chinese Culture and history. Along with a talk about traditional Chinese medicine, James Manson and Alice Simpson talked about 5 experiences in China. Mr. Manson said, “I 6 in Shanghai for three years.” And Ms. Simpson was 7 art teacher in Chengdu two years ago. There 8 one traditional Chinese music show and some modern Chinese music shows. In addition, there was 9 a show of Chinese traditional dance. Many students were 10 in the Chinese film Festivals in the evenings.In the morning, there were lessons about 11 Chinese, and in the afternoon, there were Kungfu and Tai Chi classes. However, to most students, the 12 part of the Chinese week was a Chinese culture and history show. It had Chinese inventions, 13 kites, fireworks, Chinese paintings and traditional Chinese clothes.“The Chinese week was a big 14 ! We hope to have 15 week next year!” said the Chinese week manager, David Williams.1.A.enjoy B.enjoys C.enjoyed D.have enjoyed 2.A.difference B.different C.differently D.more different 3.A.learn B.learning C.learned D.to learn 4.A.on B.in C.with D.by 5.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs 6.A.work B.worked C.have worked D.had worked 7.A.a B.an C.the D./8.A.is B.was C.are D.were 9.A.also B.either C.as well D.too 10.A.excite B.exciting C.excited D.excitement11.A.write B.to write C.writing D.written 12.A.good B.well C.better D.best 13.A.for example B.such as C.that is D.in fact 14.A.success B.successful C.succeed D.successfully 15.A.other B.another C.the other D.others二、完形填空One of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays is Romeo and Juliet, a love but sad story.The story happens in Italy. Two noble 16 , the Montagues and Capulets, hate each other. A nobleman, Paris, wants to marry Juliet Capulet. Her father tells him to come to a party he is planning that night, so he can meet her. Romeo, the son of the Montague family, also goes to the party. He is in disguise(伪装)17 none of his enemies will find him. At the party, he meets Juliet. It is love at first sight. They decide to marry in 18 .However, there is a fight between one of the Montagues, Tybalt, and Romeo’s best friend, Mercutio. Finally, Tybalt kills Mercutio. Romeo is very 19 and kills Tybalt to get revenge(复仇)for his friend.Romeo has to leave the city, and Juliet’s father tells her she must marry Paris. Juliet asks a friend to help her. The friend gives her a potion(一剂药)that will make everyone think she is dead. In fact, she will just be 20 . Then, when she wakes up, she can run away and be 21 Romeo. However, Romeo returns to the city in secret. He sees Juliet 22 there and thinks she is dead. He is so 23 that he takes the poison and kills himself. When Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo is dead, she takes his knife and kills herself, too.Although both lovers are dead, something good 24 of the sad result. The two families agree to stop fighting and live 25 together. Unfortunately it is too late. 16.A.men B.families C.names D.neighbors 17.A.because B.but C.so D.if 18.A.secret B.time C.public D.danger 19.A.excited B.happy C.frightened D.angry 20.A.asleep B.alive C.awake D.alone 21.A.like B.for C.against D.with 22.A.sitting B.standing C.lying D.sleeping23.A.angry B.heartbroken C.warm-hearted D.nervous 24.A.comes out B.takes out C.puts out D.gets out 25.A.conveniently B.comfortably C.luckily D.peacefully三、阅读单选Welcome to Happy Toy Store! We have the most popular robot toys! Come here andName: NickyPrice: $ 210For kids over 7Nicky can make simple dishes. It is the most popular robot toy of the year 2018.Name: CowPrice: $ 195For kids over 5It looks like a cow and has four legs. It can move his legs freely and dance.Name: MichaelPrice: $ 220For kids over 10It has a big screen on his face. You can use it to learn English online and play games on it.Name: SusanPrice: $ 180For kids over 8It is the smallest robot in our store, but it can teach children to speak different languages.26.The robot Nicky can _______.A.dance for children B.play games with childrenC.cook food for children D.speak two languages27.The robot Susan is ________ than the other three robots.A.smaller B.more expensive C.more popular D.smarter 28.Sara wants to buy two robot toys, but she only has $ 380. She can buy ________.A.Michael and Cow B.Nicky and SusanC.Michael and Nicky D.Susan and CowEncyclopedia Britannica(《大英百科全书》)used to be the king of encyclopedias. It hopes to become the most important encyclopedia again. An encyclopedia has information about many different things. It includes articles on topics like animals, science, but many people were willing to buy them. They thought Britannica was the best encyclopedia.A few years ago, the company stopped publishing the books. It put the whole encyclopedia on the Internet. However, Britannica online is not as popular as some other online encyclopedias. About half of Britannica’s articles are free while almost all of the articles on other online encyclopedias are free.However, Britannica began in Scotland nearly 250 years ago. It moved to Chicago in 1935. In 1990, the company sold more than 100,000 sets of books. It was Britannica’s best year. Book sales dropped after the Internet became popular. People stopped getting information only from books. They began getting it online as well. Some online encyclopedias started in the early 21st century. It was the beginning of the end of Encyclopedia Britannica books. Some online encyclopedias have millions of articles. Britannica has only 106,000. However, Britannica’s articles are more trustworthy(值得信任的). The experts make sure the articles are correct. Britannica covers most of the same general subjects as other’ online encyclopedias, but finding its articles can be more difficult. The Britannica page also has many ads. The ads help support the company.29.Why is online Britannica less popular than other online encyclopedias?A.More people like to read other online encyclopedias.B.There are less articles in other online encyclopedias.C.The readers can read more free articles in other online encyclopedias.D.Other online encyclopedias cover most of the same general subjects as Britannica. 30.When might people become less interested in Encyclopedia Britannica books?A.In 1935.B.In 1990.C.In 1991.D.In 2002. 31.According to some readers, why are Britannica’s articles more trustworthy?A.They are written by experts.B.There is more useful information in it.C.The experts check each Britannica article.D.Finding Britannica’s articles can be more difficult.32.Why do Britannica’s pages have ads?A.To make money for the company.B.To make it more user-friendly.C.To make its website popular.D.To help other companies earn money.One day, the king Akbar decided to test how wise Birbal was. He took his ring off his finger and handed it to one of his courtiers(随从). Akbar said to him, “You must hide this ring safely with you. Make sure that no one can find it.”As soon as Birbal came to the palace, Akbar said. “Birbal, I lost my ring this morning. It was given to me by my father. Do whatever you want, but you have to find my ring soon.”Birbal asked Akbar to give him more information, but Akbar didn’t say much. He kept on repeating, “I don’t remember anything at all. You must find my ring.” Finally, Birbal said, “All right. Your Majesty! I will find your ring soon.”Birbal closed his eyes and pretended to think for a while. And then he said, “Your Majesty, your ring is somewhere here in this palace. It is with one of the courtiers. The courtier has a grain of rice in his beard(胡须).”The courtier couldn’t keep still. Hearing Birbal’s words, he quickly moved his hand over his beard. Birbal’s eyes fixed on the behavior of the man. Pointing towards him, Birbal said, “Your Majesty, this courtier stole your ring.”Akbar was surprised. He didn’t understand how Birbal had succeeded in finding his ring. But once again, Akbar accepted the fact that Birbal was very wise.33.How did the Courtier feel after hearing Birbal’s words?A.Shy.B.Nervous.C.Ashamed.D.Angry. 34.Which of the following is the RIGHT order?①Birbal came to the palace.①The courtier touched his beard.①Akbar gave his ring to the man.①Birbal pointed to the man.A.①①①①B.①①①①C.①①①①D.①①①①35.What can we learn from the passage?A.The courtier stole Akbar’s ring.B.Akbar felt very sad about losing his ring.C.It took Birbal very little time to find the ring.D.Birbal did see a grain of rice in the courtier’s beard.36.What’s the best title for the story?A.Akbar and A RingB.The Courtier Stole the RingC.Akbar and A CourtierD.A King and A Wise ManResearchers say sleep is probably the best tool we have for memory and learning. “Getting a good night’s sleep is important for the learning and memory process. It’s important because it stores the training and learning exercises into our memory forever while we’re sleeping 7-8 hours in bed. And then the next morning when we wake up, our mind is better prepared to act on that information,” Twery, an expert on the science of sleep said.But what about getting rest during the middle of the day? Past studies have shown that napping can help babies and young children learn better. In fact, napping can help older adults with their brain performance and may also help this group of people fight off age-related memory loss.The researchers studied 3,000 people and found that those who took an hour-long nap did much better on mental (智力的) tests. The hour-long nappers also did better on the tests than those who napped for shorter and longer periods. But researchers notice that these findings are for those over 65, and for young, healthy adults, an hour-long nap may be too long.“At present, we’re suggesting that we try to nap for about 30 minutes or less. Thirty minutes is enough to remove the pressure and will help us feel more awake. If we nap longer, we will get trapped into (陷入) the deep sleep, which can be hard to get out of, ” Twery said. This feeling is called sleep inertia (迟钝) —the period when you awake from a very deep sleep. For a time, you are unable to think clearly.37.From Paragraph 1, the author wants to tell us that a good night’s sleep ________.A.is usually 7-8 hoursB.helps with people’s learning and memoryC.makes people become smarter and healthierD.makes people wake up early in the morning38.The underlined word “napping” in Paragraph 2 means “_________”.A.a short sleep during the day B.a good sleep during the dayC.a deep sleep at night D.a long sleep at night39.What does the result of the study in Paragraph 3 show?A.The time of napping should be an hour.B.Young healthy adults need more napping time.C.The hour-long nappers are much smarter and healthier.D.The right amount of time for napping is very important.40.In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?A.Nature.B.Health.C.Sports.D.Culture.四、阅读还原5选5It seems very natural that if you have two dollars and add two dollars to them, you haveof numbers.In ancient times, when a man wanted to tell how many animals he owned. He had no system of numbers to use. 42 The more animals, the more stones he had. It may explain why the word “calculate” comes from the Latin word “calculus”, “calculus” means “stone.” 43 People would just draw a line for each thing they wanted to count, but they had no word to tell the number.Later on, people used fingers. 44 The word “digit” comes from the Latin word “digitus”. It means “finger”! And the fact that we have 10 fingers led to the use of 10 in the system of numbers.The number system we use today was invented by the Hindus in India thousands of years ago and was brought to Europe during 8th to 11th by Arab traders. 451. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. and 0. It is decimal system(十进制), that is, it is built on the base of 10.A.Then, men used lines to count.B.Again we have word that goes back to this.C.He put a stone into a bag for each animal.D.But millions of years ago, were men able to think so?E.In this system, people count things with ten numbers.五、短文首字母填空根据下列句子意思及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。



广州市天河区2019-2020学年八年级上期末数学试卷含答案解析一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)1.下列四个图案中,是轴对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.2.下列长度的三条线段,能组成三角形的是()A.3,6,9 B.5,6,11 C.5,6,10 D.1,4,73.点P(﹣1,2)关于y轴对称的点的坐标是()A.(1,2)B.(﹣1,2)C.(1,﹣2)D.(﹣1,﹣2)4.若分式的值为零,则()A.x=﹣2 B.x=1 C.x=2 D.x=﹣15.下列计算中,正确的是()A.2a+3b=5ab B.a•a3=a3C.a6÷a2=a3D.(﹣ab)2=a2b26.内角和等于外角和的多边形是()A.三角形B.四边形C.五边形D.六边形7.已知等腰三角形的两边的长分别为3和6,则它的周长为()A.9 B.12 C.15 D.12或158.如图,在△ABC中,∠B=30°,BC的垂直平分线交AB于E,垂足为D.如果CE=10,则ED的长为()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.69.某校学生暑假乘汽车到外地参加夏令营活动,目的地距学校120km,一部分学生乘慢车先行,出发1h后,另一部分学生乘快车前往,结果他们同时到达目的地.已知快车速度是慢车速度的1.5倍,如果设慢车的速度为xkm/h,那么可列方程为()A.﹣=1 B.﹣=1C.D.10.在平面直角坐标系中,已知点A(1,2),B(4,5),C(5,2),如果存在点E,使△ACE和△ACB全等,则符合题意的点共有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分)11.医学研究发现一种新病毒的直径约为0.000 043毫米,则这个数用科学记数法表示为.12.如图,在△ABC中,D是AB延长线上一点,∠A=40°,∠C=60°,则∠CBD= .13.计算:÷4x2y= .14.如图,E、C、F、C四点在一条直线上,EB=FC,∠A=∠D,再添一个条件就能证明△ABC≌△DEF,这个条件可以是(只写一个即可).15.如图,在△ABC中,BI平分∠ABC,CI平分∠ACB,∠BIC=130°,则∠A= .16.如果(x+p)(x+q)=x2+mx+2(p,q为整数),则m= .三、解答题(共5小题,满分52分)17.(1)分解因式:a3b﹣ab3(2)解方程: +1=.18.先化简,再求值:(x﹣4)(x+4y)+(3x﹣4y)2,其中x=2,y=﹣1.19.如图,已知M、N分别是∠AOB的边OA上任意两点.(1)尺规作图:作∠AOB的平分线OC;(2)在∠AOB的平分线OC上求作一点P,使PM+PN的值最小.(保留作图痕迹,不写画法)20.如图,△ABC中,BD平分∠ABC,CD平分∠ACB,过点D作EF∥BC,与AB、AC分别相交于E、F.若已知AB=9,AC=7,BC=8,求△AEF的周长.21.如图,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC,AD⊥CE,BE⊥CE,垂足分别为D,E.(1)证明:△BCE≌△CAD;(2)若AD=25cm,BE=8cm,求DE的长.四.综合测试22.如果x﹣y=4,xy=2,求下列多项式的值:(1)x2+y2(2)2x(x2+3y2)﹣6x2(x+y)+4x3.23.已知A=﹣,B=2x2+4x+2.(1)化简A,并对B进行因式分解;(2)当B=0时,求A的值.24.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的纵坐标为2,点B在x轴的负半轴上,AB=AO,∠ABO=30°,直线MN经过原点O,点A关于直线MN的对称点A1在x轴的正半轴上.(1)求点B关于直线MN的对称点B1的横坐标;(2)求证:AB+BO=AB1.25.已知A(m,n),且满足|m﹣2|+(n﹣2)2=0,过A作AB⊥y轴,垂足为B.(1)求A点坐标.(2)如图1,分别以AB,AO为边作等边△ABC和△AOD,试判定线段AC和DC的数量关系和位置关系,并说明理由.(3)如图2,过A作AE⊥x轴,垂足为E,点F、G分别为线段OE、AE上的两个动点(不与端点重合),满足∠FBG=45°,设OF=a,AG=b,FG=c,试探究﹣a﹣b的值是否为定值?如果是求此定值;如果不是,请说明理由.-学年八年级(上)期末数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)1.下列四个图案中,是轴对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.【考点】轴对称图形.【分析】根据轴对称图形的概念求解.【解答】解:A、不是轴对称图形,故本选项错误;B、是轴对称图形,故本选项正确;C、不是轴对称图形,故本选项错误;D、不是轴对称图形,故本选项错误.故选B.【点评】本题考查了轴对称图形的概念:轴对称图形的关键是寻找对称轴,图形两部分沿对称轴折叠后可重合.2.下列长度的三条线段,能组成三角形的是()A.3,6,9 B.5,6,11 C.5,6,10 D.1,4,7【考点】三角形三边关系.【分析】根据三角形的三边关系进行分析判断.【解答】解:根据三角形任意两边的和大于第三边,得A中,3+6=9,不能组成三角形;B中,5+6=11,不能组成三角形;C中,5+6>10,能够组成三角形;D中,1+4=5<7,不能组成三角形.故选C.【点评】本题考查了能够组成三角形三边的条件:用两条较短的线段相加,如果大于最长的那条线段就能够组成三角形.3.点P(﹣1,2)关于y轴对称的点的坐标是()A.(1,2)B.(﹣1,2)C.(1,﹣2)D.(﹣1,﹣2)【考点】关于x轴、y轴对称的点的坐标.【分析】本题比较容易,考查平面直角坐标系中两个关于坐标轴成轴对称的点的坐标特点.【解答】解:根据“关于y轴对称的点,纵坐标相同,横坐标互为相反数”可知:点P (﹣1,2)关于y轴对称的点的坐标是(1,2).故选A.【点评】解决本题的关键是掌握好对称点的坐标规律:(1)关于x轴对称的点,横坐标相同,纵坐标互为相反数;(2)关于y轴对称的点,纵坐标相同,横坐标互为相反数;(3)关于原点对称的点,横坐标与纵坐标都互为相反数.4.若分式的值为零,则()A.x=﹣2 B.x=1 C.x=2 D.x=﹣1【考点】分式的值为零的条件.【分析】分式值为零的条件是分子等于零且分母不等于零,从而得到x+1=0,x﹣2≠0.【解答】解:∵分式的值为零,∴x+1=0且x﹣2≠0.解得:x=﹣1.故选:D.【点评】本题主要考查的是分式值为零的条件,掌握分式值为零的条件是解题的关键.5.下列计算中,正确的是()A.2a+3b=5ab B.a•a3=a3C.a6÷a2=a3D.(﹣ab)2=a2b2【考点】同底数幂的除法;合并同类项;同底数幂的乘法;幂的乘方与积的乘方.【分析】根据同底数幂乘法、同底数幂除法、积的乘方的运算法则,计算后利用排除法求解.【解答】解:A、2a与3b不是同类项,不能合并,故本选项错误;B、应为a•a3=a4,故本选项错误;C、应为a6÷a2=a4,故本选项错误;D、(﹣ab)2=a2b2,正确.故选D.【点评】本题考查同底数幂的乘法,同底数幂的除法,积的乘方的性质,熟练掌握运算性质是解题的关键,本题还需注意不是同类项不能合并.6.内角和等于外角和的多边形是()A.三角形B.四边形C.五边形D.六边形【考点】多边形内角与外角.【专题】应用题.【分析】多边形的内角和可以表示成(n﹣2)•180°,外角和是固定的360°,从而可根据外角和等于内角和列方程求解.【解答】解:设所求n边形边数为n,则360°=(n﹣2)•180°,解得n=4.∴外角和等于内角和的多边形是四边形.故选B.【点评】本题主要考查了多边形的内角和与外角和、方程的思想,关键是记住内角和的公式与外角和的特征,比较简单.7.已知等腰三角形的两边的长分别为3和6,则它的周长为()A.9 B.12 C.15 D.12或15【考点】等腰三角形的性质;三角形三边关系.【专题】计算题.【分析】分两种情况:当3为底时和3为腰时,再根据三角形的三边关系定理:两边之和大于第三边去掉一种情况即可.【解答】解:当3为底时,三角形的三边长为3,6,6,则周长为15;当3为腰时,三角形的三边长为3,3,6,则不能组成三角形;故选C.【点评】本题考查了等腰三角形的性质以及三角形的三边关系定理,是基础知识要熟练掌握.注意分类讨论思想的应用.8.如图,在△ABC中,∠B=30°,BC的垂直平分线交AB于E,垂足为D.如果CE=10,则ED的长为()A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6【考点】线段垂直平分线的性质;含30度角的直角三角形.【分析】根据线段的垂直平分线的性质得到EB=EC=10,根据直角三角形的性质解答即可.【解答】解:∵DE是BC的垂直平分线,∴EB=EC=10,∵∠B=30°,∠EDB=90°,∴DE=EB=5,故选:C.【点评】本题考查的是线段的垂直平分线的性质,掌握线段的垂直平分线上的点到线段的两个端点的距离相等是解题的关键.9.某校学生暑假乘汽车到外地参加夏令营活动,目的地距学校120km,一部分学生乘慢车先行,出发1h后,另一部分学生乘快车前往,结果他们同时到达目的地.已知快车速度是慢车速度的1.5倍,如果设慢车的速度为xkm/h,那么可列方程为()A.﹣=1 B.﹣=1C.D.【考点】由实际问题抽象出分式方程.【专题】计算题.【分析】此题求速度,有路程,所以要根据时间来列等量关系.因为他们同时到达目的地,所以此题等量关系为:慢车所用时间﹣快车所用时间=1.【解答】解:设慢车的速度为xkm/h,慢车所用时间为,快车所用时间为,可列方程:﹣=1.故选A.【点评】这道题的等量关系比较明确,直接分析题目中的重点语句即可得知,但是需要考虑怎样设未知数才能比较容易地列出方程进行解答.解题时还要注意有必要考虑是直接设未知数还是间接设未知数,然后再利用等量关系列出方程.10.在平面直角坐标系中,已知点A(1,2),B(4,5),C(5,2),如果存在点E,使△ACE和△ACB全等,则符合题意的点共有()A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个【考点】全等三角形的判定;坐标与图形性质.【分析】根据题意画出符合条件的所有情况,根据点A、B、C的坐标和全等三角形性质求出即可.【解答】解:如图所示:有3个点,当E在D、E、F处时,△ACE和△ACB全等,点E的坐标是:(2,5),(2,﹣1),(4,﹣1),共3个,故选C.【点评】本题考查了全等三角形性质和坐标与图形性质的应用,关键是能根据题意求出符合条件的所有情况.二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,满分18分)11.医学研究发现一种新病毒的直径约为0.000 043毫米,则这个数用科学记数法表示为4.3×10﹣5.【考点】科学记数法—表示较小的数.【专题】计算题.【分析】科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数.确定n的值时,要看把原数变成a时,小数点移动了多少位,n的绝对值与小数点移动的位数相同.当原数绝对值大于10时,n是正数;当原数的绝对值小于1时,n是负数.【解答】解:将0.000 043用科学记数法表示为4.3×10﹣5.故答案为:4.3×10﹣5.【点评】此题考查的是科学记数法﹣表示较小的数.关键要明确用科学记数法表示一个数的方法是:(1)确定a:a是只有一位整数的数;(2)确定n:当原数的绝对值≥10时,n为正整数,n等于原数的整数位数减1;当原数的绝对值<1时,n为负整数,n的绝对值等于原数中左起第一个非零数前零的个数(含整数位数上零).12.如图,在△ABC中,D是AB延长线上一点,∠A=40°,∠C=60°,则∠CBD= 100°.【考点】三角形的外角性质.【分析】根据三角形的一个外角等于和它不相邻的两个内角的和计算即可.【解答】解:∵∠A=40°,∠C=60°,∴∠CBD=∠A+∠C=100°,故答案为:100°.【点评】本题考查的是三角形的外角的性质,掌握三角形的一个外角等于和它不相邻的两个内角的和是解题的关键.13.计算:÷4x2y= .【考点】整式的除法.【专题】计算题;推理填空题;整式.【分析】单项式除以单项式,把系数,同底数幂分别相除后,作为商的因式,据此求出÷4x2y的值是多少即可.【解答】解:÷4x2y=.故答案为:.【点评】此题主要考查了整式的除法,解答此题的关键是熟练掌握整式的除法法则:(1)单项式除以单项式,把系数,同底数幂分别相除后,作为商的因式;对于只在被除式里含有的字母,则连同他的指数一起作为商的一个因式.(2)多项式除以单项式,先把这个多项式的每一项分别除以单项式,再把所得的商相加.14.如图,E、C、F、C四点在一条直线上,EB=FC,∠A=∠D,再添一个条件就能证明△ABC≌△DEF,这个条件可以是∠ABC=∠E.(只写一个即可).【考点】全等三角形的判定.【分析】由EB=CF,可得出EF=BC,又有∠A=∠D,本题具备了一组边、一组角对应相等,所以根据全等三角形的判定定理添加一组对应角相等即可.【解答】解:添加∠ABC=∠E.理由如下:∵EB=FC,∴BC=EF,在△ABC与△DEF中,,∴△ABC≌△DEF(AAS).故答案是:∠ABC=∠E.【点评】本题考查三角形全等的判定方法,判定两个三角形全等的一般方法有:SSS、SAS、ASA、AAS、HL.注意:AAA、SSA不能判定两个三角形全等,判定两个三角形全等时,必须有边的参与,若有两边一角对应相等时,角必须是两边的夹角.15.如图,在△ABC中,BI平分∠ABC,CI平分∠ACB,∠BIC=130°,则∠A= 80°.【考点】三角形内角和定理.【分析】首先根据BI平分∠ABC,CI平分∠ACB,推得∠IBC+∠ICB=(∠ABC+∠ACB);然后根据三角形的内角和定理,求出∠IBC、∠ICB的度数和,进而求出∠A的度数是多少即可.【解答】解:∵BI平分∠ABC,CI平分∠ACB,∴∠IBC=,∠ICB=∠ACB,∴∠IBC+∠ICB=(∠ABC+∠ACB),∵∠BIC=130°,∴∠IBC+∠ICB=180°﹣130°=50°,∴∠ABC+∠ACB=50°×2=100°,∴∠A=180°﹣100°=80°.故答案为:80°.【点评】(1)此题主要考查了三角形的内角和定理,要熟练掌握,解答此题的关键是要明确:三角形的内角和是180°.(2)此题还考查了角平分线的性质和应用,要熟练掌握,解答此题的关键是要明确:一个角的平分线把这个角分成两个大小相同的角.16.如果(x+p)(x+q)=x2+mx+2(p,q为整数),则m= ±3 .【考点】多项式乘多项式.【分析】根据多项式乘以多项式法则展开,即可得出p+q=m,pq=2,根据p、q为整数得出两种情况,求出m即可.【解答】解:(x+p)(x+q)=x2+mx+2,x2+(p+q)x+pq=x2+mx+2,∴p+q=m,pq=2,∵p,q为整数,∴①p=1,q=2或p=2,q=1,此时m=3;②p=﹣1,q=﹣2或p=﹣2,q=﹣1,此时m=﹣3;故答案为:±3.【点评】本题考查了多项式乘以多项式法则的应用,能求出p、q的值是解此题的关键,注意:(a+b)(m+n)=am+an+bm+bn.三、解答题(共5小题,满分52分)17.(1)分解因式:a3b﹣ab3(2)解方程: +1=.【考点】提公因式法与公式法的综合运用;解分式方程.【专题】因式分解;分式方程及应用.【分析】(1)原式提取公因式,再利用平方差公式分解即可;(2)分式方程去分母转化为整式方程,求出整式方程的解得到x的值,经检验即可得到分式方程的解.【解答】解:(1)原式=ab(a2﹣b2)=ab(a+b)(a﹣b);(2)去分母得:3+x﹣2=3﹣x,解得:x=1,经检验x=1是分式方程的解.【点评】此题考查了提公因式法与公式法的综合运用,以及解分式方程,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.18.(10分)(秋•期末)先化简,再求值:(x﹣4)(x+4y)+(3x﹣4y)2,其中x=2,y=﹣1.【考点】整式的混合运算—化简求值.【分析】本题应对代数式去括号,合并同类项,从而将整式化为最简形式,然后把x、y的值代入即可.【解答】解:(x﹣4)(x+4y)+(3x﹣4y)2,=x2+4xy﹣4x﹣16y+9x2﹣24xy+16y2=10x2﹣20xy﹣4x﹣16y+16y2,把x=2,y=﹣1代入10x2﹣20xy﹣4x﹣16y+16y2=40+40﹣8+16+16=104.【点评】本题考查了整式的化简,整式的混合运算实际上就是去括号、合并同类项,这是各地中考的常考点.19.如图,已知M、N分别是∠AOB的边OA上任意两点.(1)尺规作图:作∠AOB的平分线OC;(2)在∠AOB的平分线OC上求作一点P,使PM+PN的值最小.(保留作图痕迹,不写画法)【考点】轴对称-最短路线问题;作图—基本作图.【分析】(1)以点O为圆心,以任意长为半径画弧,与边OA、OB分别相交于点M、N,再以点M、N为圆心,以大于MN长为半径,画弧,在∠AOB内部相交于点C,作射线OC即为∠AOB的平分线;(2)找到点M关于OC对称点M′,过点M′作M′N⊥OA于点N,交OC于点P,则此时PM+PN的值最小.【解答】解:(1)如图1所示,OC即为所求作的∠AOB的平分线.(2)如图2,作点M关于OC的对称点M′,连接M′N交OC于点P,则M′B的长度即为PM+PN的值最小.【点评】本题考查了利用轴对称的知识寻找最短路径的知识,涉及到两点之间线段最短、垂线段最短的知识,有一定难度,正确确定点P及点N的位置是关键.20.如图,△ABC中,BD平分∠ABC,CD平分∠ACB,过点D作EF∥BC,与AB、AC分别相交于E、F.若已知AB=9,AC=7,BC=8,求△AEF的周长.【考点】等腰三角形的判定与性质;平行线的性质.【分析】要求周长,就要先求出三角形的边长,这就要借助平行线及角平分线的性质把通过未知的转化成已知的来计算.【解答】解:∵BD是角平分线,∴∠ABD=∠CBD,∵FE∥BC,∴∠DBC=∠DBE,∴∠DBE=∠EDB,∴BE=ED,同理DF=DC,∴△AED的周长=AE+AF+EF=AB+AC=9+7=16.【点评】本题考查等腰三角形的性质平行线的性质角平分线的性质;有效的进行线段的等量代换是正确解答本题的关键.21.如图,∠ACB=90°,AC=BC,AD⊥CE,BE⊥CE,垂足分别为D,E.(1)证明:△BCE≌△CAD;(2)若AD=25cm,BE=8cm,求DE的长.【考点】全等三角形的判定与性质.【分析】(1)根据垂直定义求出∠BEC=∠ACB=∠ADC,根据等式性质求出∠ACD=∠CBE,根据AAS证明△BCE≌△CAD;(2)根据全等三角形的对应边相等得到AD=CE,BE=CD,利用DE=CE﹣CD,即可解答.【解答】解:(1)∵∠ACB=90°,BE⊥CE,AD⊥CE,∴∠BEC=∠ACB=∠ADC=90°,∴∠ACE+∠BCE=90°,∠BCE+∠CBE=90°,∴∠ACD=∠CBE,在△BCE和△CAD中,,∴△BCE≌△CAD;(2)∵△BCE≌△CAD,∴AD=CE,BE=CD,∴DE=CE﹣CD=AD﹣BE=25﹣8=17(cm).【点评】本题考查了全等三角形的性质和判定,垂线的定义等知识点的应用,解此题的关键是推出证明△ADC和△CEB全等的三个条件.四.综合测试22.如果x﹣y=4,xy=2,求下列多项式的值:(1)x2+y2(2)2x(x2+3y2)﹣6x2(x+y)+4x3.【考点】整式的混合运算—化简求值.【分析】(1)根据完全平方公式:(a±b)2=a2±2ab+b2,解答即可;(2)先化简后再根据完全平方公式:(a±b)2=a2±2ab+b2,解答即可.【解答】解:(1)x2+y2=(x﹣y)2+2xy=16+4=20;(2)2x(x2+3y2)﹣6x2(x+y)+4x3.=2x3+6xy2﹣6x3﹣6x2y+4x3=6xy(y﹣x)=6×2×(﹣4)=﹣48.【点评】此题主要考查了完全平方公式的应用,熟练掌握完全平方公式的形式是解题关键.23.已知A=﹣,B=2x2+4x+2.(1)化简A,并对B进行因式分解;(2)当B=0时,求A的值.【考点】分式的化简求值;解一元二次方程-配方法.【分析】(1)先根据分式混合运算的法则把A进行化简,对B进行因式分解即可;(2)根据B=0求出x的值,代入A式进行计算即可.【解答】解:(1)A=﹣=﹣=﹣==;B=2x2+4x+2=2(x2+2x+1)=2(x+1)2;(2)∵B=0,∴2(x+1)2=0,∴x=﹣1.当x=﹣1时,A===﹣2.【点评】本题考查的是分式的化简求值,熟知分式混合运算的法则是解答此题的关键.24.(13分)(秋•期末)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的纵坐标为2,点B在x轴的负半轴上,AB=AO,∠ABO=30°,直线MN经过原点O,点A关于直线MN的对称点A1在x 轴的正半轴上.(1)求点B关于直线MN的对称点B1的横坐标;(2)求证:AB+BO=AB1.【考点】全等三角形的判定与性质;坐标与图形变化-对称.【分析】(1)过A作AC⊥x轴于C,过B作BD⊥x轴于D,根据点A的纵坐标为1求出AO=2,OC=,BO=2=OB1,根据∠B1DO=90°和∠DOB1=30°求出OD即可;(2)根据轴对称得出线段AB1线段A1B关于直线MN对称,求出AB1=A1B,根据A1B=A1O+BO 和A1O=AO推出即可.【解答】解:(1)如图,过A作AC⊥x轴于C,过B1作BD⊥x轴于D,∵点A的纵坐标为2,∴AC=2,∵AB=AO,∠ABO=30°,∴AO=2,OC=,BO=2=OB1,∵∠B1DO=90°,∠DOB1=30°,∴B1D=,OD=B1D=3,∴点B关于直线MN的对称点B1的横坐标3;(2)∵A关于直线MN的对称点A1在x轴的正半轴上,点B关于直线MN的对称点为B1,∴线段AB1线段A1B关于直线MN对称,∴AB1=A1B,而A1B=A1O+BO,A1O=AO,∴AB1=AO+BO.【点评】本题考查了含30度角的直角三角形性质,轴对称性质,线段垂直平分线性质,勾股定理的应用,解决本题的关键是作出辅助线.25.已知A(m,n),且满足|m﹣2|+(n﹣2)2=0,过A作AB⊥y轴,垂足为B.(1)求A点坐标.(2)如图1,分别以AB,AO为边作等边△ABC和△AOD,试判定线段AC和DC的数量关系和位置关系,并说明理由.(3)如图2,过A作AE⊥x轴,垂足为E,点F、G分别为线段OE、AE上的两个动点(不与端点重合),满足∠FBG=45°,设OF=a,AG=b,FG=c,试探究﹣a﹣b的值是否为定值?如果是求此定值;如果不是,请说明理由.【考点】全等三角形的判定与性质;坐标与图形性质;等边三角形的性质.【分析】(1)根据非负数的性子可得m、n的值;(2)连接OC,由AB=BO知∠BAO=∠BOA=45°,由△ABC,△OAD为等边三角形知∠BAC=∠OAD=∠AOD=60°、OA=OD,继而由∠BAC﹣∠OAC=∠OAD﹣∠OAC得∠DAC=∠BAO=45°,根据OB=CB=2、∠OBC=30°知∠BOC=75°,∠AOC=∠BAO﹣∠B OA=30°,∠DOC=∠AOC=30°,证△OAC≌△ODC得AC=CD,再根据∠CAD=∠CDA=45°知∠ACD=90°,从而得AC⊥CD;(3)在x轴负半轴取点M,使得OM=AG=b,连接BG,先证△BAG≌△BOM得∠OBM=∠ABG、BM=BG,结合∠FBG=45°知∠ABG+∠OBF=45°,从而得∠OBM+∠OBF=45°,∠MBF=∠GBF,再证△MBF≌△GBF得MF=FG,即a+b=c,代入原式可得答案.【解答】解(1)由题得m=2,n=2,∴A(2,2);(2)如图1,连结OC,由(1)得AB=BO=2,∴△ABO为等腰直角三角形,∴∠BAO=∠BOA=45°,∵△ABC,△OAD为等边三角形,∴∠BAC=∠OAD=∠AOD=60°,OA=OD∴∠BAC﹣∠OAC=∠OAD﹣∠OAC即∠DAC=∠BAO=45°在△OBC中,OB=CB=2,∠OBC=30°,∴∠BOC=75°,∴∠AOC=∠BAO﹣∠BOA=30°,∴∠DOC=∠AOC=30°,在△OAC和△ODC中,∵,∴△OAC≌△ODC,∴AC=CD,∴∠CAD=∠CDA=45°,∴∠ACD=90°,∴AC⊥CD;(3)如图,在x轴负半轴取点M,使得OM=AG=b,连接BG,在△BAG和△BOM中,∵,∴△BAG≌△BOM∴∠OBM=∠ABG,BM=BG又∠FBG=45°∴∠ABG+∠OBF=45°∴∠OBM+∠OBF=45°∴∠MBF=∠GBF在△MBF和△GBF中,∵,∴△MBF≌△GBF∴MF=FG∴a+b=c代入原式=0.【点评】本题主要考查全等三角形的判定与性质、等边三角形的性质,熟练掌握全等三角形的判定与性质是解题的关键。



2022-2023学年广东省广州市天河区八年级上学期期末物理试题1.图为中学生在厨房劳动的场景,灶台离地高约为()A.85.0dm B.8.50mC.850mm D.850cm2.“轻声慢步,礼让三分”这里提到的是声音的()A.音调B.声速C.音色D.响度3.下列说法正确的是()A.光年是时间的单位B.有节奏的乐音可能是噪声C.人耳听不见的声音是次声波D.人远离平面镜,人所成像比人小4.超声波测厚仪利用反射原理,通过准确测量超声波在材料中传播的时间来确定被测物体的厚度,该仪器及面板显示如图,则()A.此仪器能在真空中使用B.5MHz表示超声波的强弱C.超声波在不同材料中传播速度不变D.由显示的厚度和速度可以计算传播时间5.将音叉发出的甲、乙声音信号输入到同一设置的示波器内,波形如图,则()A.甲的音调高于乙的音调B.甲的频率低于乙的频率C.甲的响度大于乙的响度D.发甲、乙声音时音叉振动的快慢相同6.青藏铁路两旁插有很多热棒,热棒里封闭的物质在地下吸收冻土层热量,在地上放出热量,在地下和地上发生物态变化,变化前后都具有流动性,变化依次是()A.汽化;液化B.熔化;凝固C.升华;液化D.汽化;凝华7.持续加热某种物质,记录物质的温度,做出物质温度随时间变化的图象如图,据图可判断()A.该物质是晶体B.T为该物质的沸点C.物质吸热温度就会升高D.JK段可能处于固液共存状态8.列车车厢里固定桌上有小球b,平直轨道旁有路灯a,情景先后如图,则()A.b相对桌向东运动B.a相对车向东运动C.b相对a向西运动D.车处于静止状态9.一束光线MO从空气射入水中,折射后的光线沿ON,如图所示,另一束光线HO从水射入空气,则光线HO()A.入射角为53°,反射角为37°B.垂直水面入射,折射角为90°C.入射角为37°,折射角为53°D.与水面的夹角增大,反射角减少10.如图为光通过晶状体P和透镜Q的光路图,则()A.Q是凸透镜B.图1眼睛是远视眼C.Q制成的眼镜可以矫正图1的眼睛D.晶状体P的折光能力比正常眼睛强11.如图所示透明杯中装有水,在杯底放置一块平面镜,水里有一点光源S,S发出的一条光线a水平垂直于杯壁射出,另一条光线b经镜面反射后从水面射出,画出:(1)a的反射光线及a刚进入空气的折射光线;(2)S在平面镜中的像S';(3)b经镜面反射的光线c;(4)大致画出光线c进入空气中的折射光线。



2022-2023学年广东省广州市天河区初二数学第一学期期末试卷一、单项选择题(本题有8个小题,每小题3分,共24分,每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.)1.下列图形中,不是轴对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .2.下列运算正确的是( )A .325()x x =B .55()x x −=−C .326x x x =D .235325x x x +=3.点(3,2)A −关于x 轴对称的点B 的坐标为( )A .(3,2)−−B .(3,2)−C .(2,3)−D .(3,2)4.一个多边形的内角和是540︒,这个多边形是( )A .五边形B .六边形C .七边形D .八边形5.科学家发现一种病毒直径为0.00023微米,则0.00023用科学记数法可以表示为( )A .42.310⨯B .30.2310−⨯C .42.310−⨯D .52310−⨯6.已知分式211x x −+的值为0,则下列选项正确的是( ) A .1x = B .1x =− C .1x > D .1x >−7.若多项式236x mx ++因式分解的结果是(2)(18)x x −−,则m 的值是( )A .20−B .16−C .16D .208.若20a b ab −=≠,则分式11(b a−= ) A .12 B .12− C .2 D .2−二、多项选择题(本题有2个小题,每小题5分,共10分,每小题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.)9.如图,在ABC ∆和DEF ∆中,B DEF ∠=∠,AB DE =,添加一个条件后,仍然不能证明ABC DEF ∆≅∆,这个条件可能是( )A .A D ∠=∠B .//AC DF C .BE CF =D .AC DF =10.如图,某小区规划在边长为x m 的正方形场地上,修建两条宽为2m 的甬道,其余部分种草,以下各选项所列式子是计算通道所占面积的为( )A .44x +B .22(2)x x −−C .2(2)x −D .22222x x x −−+三、填空题(本题有6个小题,每小题4分,共24分.)11.若分式22x −有意义,则x 的取值范围是 . 12.分解因式:22a a −= .13.如图,在Rt ABC ∆中,90C ∠=︒,60A ∠=︒,4AC =,则AB = .14.化简:222x x x −=−− . 15.若23x +=,则222x ⋅的值为 .16.现有甲、乙、丙三种不同的矩形纸片(边长如图).嘉嘉要用这三种纸片紧密拼接成一个大正方形,先取甲纸片1块,再取乙纸片4块,还需取丙纸片 块.四、解答题(本大题有8小题,共62分,解答要求写出文字说明,证明过程或计算步骤.)17.已知:如图,点C 为AB 中点,CD BE =,//CD BE .求证:ACD CBE ∆≅∆.18.(1)计算:2(63)3a a a −+÷;(2)计算:(1)(1)(1)a a a a +−++.19.如图的平面直角坐标系中,ABC ∆的三个顶点坐标分别为(4,1)A −,(1,1)B −−,(3,2)C −,作出ABC ∆关于y 轴对称的△111A B C (保留作图痕迹),并求1BCC ∆的面积.20.如图,在ABC ∆中,BA BC =,120B ∠=︒.(1)求C ∠的度数;(2)先作图后证明:用尺规作AB 的垂直平分线DE ,交AC 于点D ,交AB 于点E ,连接BD ,(保留作图痕迹)求证:BD BC ⊥.21.已知21x A x x =−−,221x x B x +=−,问:当x 为何值时,A B =. 22.随着国内快递业务量的迅速增长,通过无人机可打造短途航空物流网络,加速物流效率,刘峰和李朋对此非常感兴趣,相约周末去科技馆看展览了解情况,根据他们的谈话内容(如图),请判断他们两人能同时到达吗?请说明理由.23.如图,把正方形ABCD 和正方形MPNF 重叠得到长方形EFGD ,当它的长与宽的和正好是正方形MPNF 的边长时,5CG=.AE=,15(1)若设正方形ABCD的边长为a,求长方形EFGD的面积;(用含a的式子表示)(2)若长方形EFGD的面积是300,求正方形MPNF的面积.24.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,直线AB与坐标轴的交点坐标分别为(1,0)B,若点C在第一象限,且A,(0,2)=.BC AB⊥,BC AB(1)填空:12∠+∠=;(2)求点C的坐标;(3)已知点P在y轴正半轴上,满足OP OA=,连接AP,设点C关于直线AB的对称点为D,点C关于直线AP 对称点为E,试问:点D,E关于坐标轴对称吗?请说明理由.答案与解析一、单项选择题(本题有8个小题,每小题3分,共24分,每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是正确的.)1.解:A .是轴对称图形,该选项不符合题意;B .不是轴对称图形,该选项符合题意;C .是轴对称图形,该选项不符合题意;D .是轴对称图形,该选项不符合题意.故选:B .2.解:A 、原式6x =,故本选项错误;B 、原式5x =−,故本选项正确;C 、原式5x =,故本选项错误;D 、23x 与32x 不是同类项,不能合并,故本选项错误;故选:B .3.解:点(3,2)A −的点关于x 轴对称的点B 的坐标为(3,2).故选:D .4.解:设多边形的边数是n ,则(2)180540n −︒=︒,解得5n =,∴这个多边形是五边形,故选:A .5.解:0.00023微米,则这种病毒的直径用科学记数法可以表示为42.310−⨯微米,故选:C .6.解:由题意得:10x +≠,且210x −=,解得:1x =,故选:A .7.解:2236(2)(18)2036x mx x x x x ++=−−=−+,可得20m =−,故选:A .8.解:11a b b a ab−−=, 20a b ab −=≠,∴1122a b ab b a ab ab−−===, 故选:C .二、多项选择题(本题有2个小题,每小题5分,共10分,每小题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得5分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分.)9.解:B DEF ∠=∠,AB DE =,∴当A D ∠=∠时,由ASA 可得ABC DEF ∆≅∆,故A 不符合题意;当//AC DF 时,则C F ∠=∠,由AAS 可得ABC DEF ∆≅∆,故B 不符合题意;当BE CF =时,则BC EF =,由SAS 可得ABC DEF ∆≅∆,故C 不符合题意;当AC DF =时,不能得出ABC DEF ∆≅∆,故D 符合题意;故选:D .10.解:由图可知边长为x m 的正方形场地的面积为:2x ,除去甬道剩余部分的面积为:2(2)x −,∴甬道所占面积为:22(2)x x −−.故选:B .三、填空题(本题有6个小题,每小题4分,共24分.)11.解:由题意得:20x −≠,解得:2x ≠,故答案为:2x ≠.12.解:22(2)a a a a −=−.故答案为:(2)a a −.13.解:90C ∠=︒,60A ∠=︒,30B ∴∠=︒,4AC =,28AB AC ∴==,故答案为:8.14.解:原式2(2)122x x x x −−−===−−−, 故答案为:1−.15.解:23x +=,22322228x x +∴⋅===.故答案为:8.16.解:22244(2)a b ab a b ++=+,∴还需取丙纸片4块,故答案为:4.四、解答题(本大题有8小题,共62分,解答要求写出文字说明,证明过程或计算步骤.)17.证明:C 是AB 的中点(已知),AC CB ∴=(线段中点的定义). //CD BE (已知), ACD B ∴∠=∠(两直线平行,同位角相等). 在ACD ∆和CBE ∆中,AC CB ACD CBE CD BE =⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩,()ACD CBE SAS ∴∆≅∆.18.解:(1)2(63)3a a a −+÷26333a a a a =−÷+÷21a =−+;(2)(1)(1)(1)a a a a +−++221a a a =−++1a =+.19.解:(4,1)A −,(1,1)B −−,(3,2)C −,关于y 轴对称的点分别为:1(4,1)A −−,1(1,1)B −,1(3,2)C −−,再顺次连接即可,△111A B C 如图所示:1336CC =+=,1BCC ∆的高为:123+=, ∴116392BCC S =⨯⨯=.20.解:(1)BA BC=,120B∠=︒,∴180120302A C︒−︒∠=∠==︒;(2)AB的垂直平分线DE,交AC于点D,交AB于点E,30A ABD∴∠=∠=︒,12090DBC ABD∴∠=︒−∠=︒,BD BC∴⊥.21.解:根据题意可得:22211x x xxx x+−=−−,∴222222(1)(1)111x x x x x xx x x+−+−=−−−,222(1)(1)x x x x x x∴+−−=+,x x∴−=,00∴=,当1x=±时,分式无意义,x ∴为除了1±之外的所有实数,故当1x ≠时,A B =.22.解:他们两人能同时到达,理由如下:设刘峰骑自行车的速度为每小时x 千米,则李明乘公交车的速度为每小时3x 千米,若两人同时到达,李明用时比刘峰少30分钟,即12小时, 根据题意,可得2030132x x −=, 解得20x =,经检验,20x =是原分式方程的解,所以,刘峰骑自行车的速度为每小时20千米,李明乘公交车的速度为每小时60千米,两人可同时到达.23.解:(1)设正方形ABCD 的边长为a ,5AE =,5DE a EFGD ∴=−,15CG =,15DG a ∴=−, ()()25152075EFGD S ED DG a a a a ∴=⋅=−−=−+四边形;(2)解:设正方形MPNF 的边长为a ,长方形的长与宽的和是正方形MPNF 的边长,ED DG FN ∴+=,(5)(15)a a b ∴−+−=,2202(10)b a a ∴=−=−,224(10)MPNF S b a ∴==−四边形,22075300EFGD S a a =−+=四边形,22010025300a a ∴−+−=,2(10)325a ∴−=,224(10)43251300MPNF S b a ==−=⨯=四边形.24.解:(1)BC AB ⊥,121809090∴∠+∠=︒−︒=︒,故答案为:90︒;(2)作HC OB ⊥,(1,0)A ,(0,2)B ,1OA ∴=,2OB =,BC AB ⊥,BC AB =,1290∴∠+∠=︒,190BAO ∠+∠=︒,2BAO ∴∠=∠,()AOB BHC AAS ∴∆≅∆,1OA BH ∴==,2OB CH ==,213OH OB BH =+=+=,(2,3)C ∴;(3)对称,作CM OA ⊥,211AM OM OA =−=−=,312PH OH OP =−=−=,222221310AC CM AM ∴=+=+=,22222228PC PH CH =+=+=,22222112PA PO OA =+=+=, 222CA PC PA ∴=+,PAC ∴∆直角三角形,连接CP 并延长至E ,使得CP PE =,则点C 关于直线AP 对称点为E ,设(,)E a b ,(2,3)C ,(0,1)P , ∴202a +=,312b +=, 2a ∴=−,1b =−,(2,1)E ∴−−,设(,)D c d ,∴202a +=,322b +=, 2a ∴=−,1b =,(2,1)D ∴−,∴点D ,E 关于x 坐标轴对称.。



~~ 第1题 ~~
(2018天河.八上期末) 如图,四边形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,过点D 作DF ⊥
BC ,垂足为F ,DF 与AC 交于点M ,已知∠1=∠2.
(1) 求证:CM=DM ;
(2) 若FB=FC,求证:AM-MD=2FM.
考点: 平行线的性质;全等三角形的判定与性质;~~ 第2题 ~~
(2018天河.八上期末) 如图,点A ,B ,C 在同一直线上,在这条直线同侧作等边△ABD 和等边△BCE ,连接AE 和CD ,交点为M ,AE 交BD 于点P ,CD 交BE 于点Q ,连接PQ 、BM , 有4个结论:①△
ABE ≌△DBC ,②△DQB ≌△ABP ,③∠EAC=30°,④∠AMC=120°,请将所有正确结论的序号填在横线上________.
~~ 第3题
) 某厂接到加工 件衣服的订单,预计每天做 件,正好按时完成,后因客户要求提前 天交费,设每天应多做 件,则 应满足的方程为( ).
A .
B .
C .
D .
~~ 第1题 ~~
~~ 第3题 ~~



2022-2023学年广东省广州市天河中学八年级(上)期末物理试卷一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)1.(3分)如图某型号手机屏幕的尺寸是6.4英寸,1英寸=2.54cm,则这型号手机的屏幕对角线长度为()A.1.6256dm B.16.256mm C.162.56cm D.16.256m2.(3分)向前直线行驶的车内,小明给小芳连拍两张照片如图所示。


利用手机软件测出音叉发出的声音从30dB 变为50dB.说明音叉振动的()A.振幅变大B.振幅变小C.频率变大D.频率变小6.(3分)自然界的水循环过程包含很多物态变化,下列说法正确的是()A.雪山上的冰雪在温度升高时逐渐消融——液化B.海洋里的水经太阳晒变成水蒸气——升华C.水蒸气在高空中遇冷空气形成小水滴——液化D.水蒸气在寒冷的高空急剧降温形成雪——凝固7.(3分)室温恒定不变的情况下,有两支示数相同、规格相同且完好无损的温度计甲、乙。





1.(15分)Once upon a time,a man named Lazy wanted to have a big house.It took him over a year (1)one.The house was so beautiful that all of his neighbors liked (2)very much.As time went by,his house started to have (3)problems.One day,an old neighbor went past it and said,"Your house is beautiful,(4)the grass in the yard is a little overgrown."Lazy answered(5),"I know that.I will cut it tomorrow."Several days later,a mailman came by with a letter for Lazy.(6)mailman said,"Sir,your house is amazing.However(7)than before by cleaning them."Lazy still answered,"I know that.I will do that tomorrow."(8)weeks passed by,Lazy's house was not so (9)as before.He found the yard was still full (10)grass,the paint was falling down and the windows were covered with dirt.One day,his brother came over to visit him.He was (11)at what saw,"Lazy,I know why you're called Lazy.You're just like your name!What (12)your house since you lived in it.Look at the overgrown grass and the dirty windows.You didn't care about your house at all!It (13)fall down at any time!"Just the next day,after a heavy rainstorm,Lazy's house fell down!There (14)many Lazys around us.Are you lazy,too?Have you ever put off something to "tomorrow","next month" or even "next year"?(15)things today makesa good tomorrow.(1)A.build B.to build C.building D.built(2)A.you B.them C.him D.it(3)A.any B.some C.a little D.much(4)A.and B.or C.so D.but(5)A.quick B.quickly C.quicker D.more quickly(6)A./ B.An C.The D.A(7)A.amazing B.amazingly C.more amazing D.more amazingly (8)A.The Fourth B.Fourth C.Four D.The four(9)A.good B.well C.better D.best(10)A.at B.in C.with D.of(11)A.surprised B.surprising C.surprise D.surprisedly(12)A.did you do B.do you do C.will you do D.have you done(13)A.should B.may C.need D.had better(14)A.are B.is C.was D.were(15)A.Finishes B.Finished C.Finishing D.Finish二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-25各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



2022-2023学年广东省广州市天河中学八年级(上)期末英语试卷1. Some students took part in an English singing competition. students went to a speakingcompetition.()A. AnotherB. OtherC. The othersD. Others2. Please keep quiet everybody.I have _______ to tell you.()A. important anythingB. important somethingC. something importantD. anything important3. After taking this medicine,he got even .()A. badB. badlyC. worseD. worst4. My uncle used an English teacher,but that was a long time ago.()A. beB. beingC. to beingD. to be5. ---Which do you want to buy,the red one,the white one or the black one?---I want to buy one of them.()A. the cheaperB. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest6. The weather in autumn is becoming .()A. cooler and coolerB. more and more coolC. cool and coolD. more and more cooler7. _______people use the ballpoint pen all over the world every day.()A. Millions ofB. Million ofC. A million ofD. Many millions of8. Paris is one of cities in the world.()A. more beautifullyB. more beautifulC. the most beautifullyD. the most beautiful9. Jack will go abroad to have his education.()A. farB. furtherC. fartherD. the farthest10. The story took place .()A. in the 1950B. in 1950sC. in the 1950'sD. in the 1950s11. The desk was so heavy that he didn't want to it with him when he left.()A. bringB. takeC. putD. get12. the first day of September,every student should go back to school.()A. OnB. InC. AtD. Over13. We have studied at Tianhe Middle School 2021.()A. forB. sinceC. fromD. in14. ---I the Great Wall.---Really?When you go there?()A. have been to,didB. have been to,haveC. have gone to,didD. went,did15. A good way to keep healthy is sports every day.()A. doesB. to doingC. to doD. do16. I think this film is worth .()A. watchB. watchesC. to watchD. watching17. The temperature in North China is often below 0°C in winter.If you put water outside,it intoice.()A. turnB. will turnC. would turnD. is turning18. The suggestions how to improve our English are very useful.()A. onB. inC. atD. for19. You'd better home too late,or your parents will be angry.()A. returnB. to not returnC. not to returnD. not return20. My father promised me a new telephone yesterday.()A. buyB. to buyingC. to buyD. buyingHave you been to Australia?Australia is(21)largest country in the world.It is rich in natural resources and has a lot of fertile land.Plants grow very well there.Last month we(22)to a wild flowers exhibition in Perth,a big city of Australia.There we saw(23)number of flowers which we had never seen before.We had a(24)time.(25)visiting Perth,we spent a day in the countryside.We sat down and had a rest near a path (小路)at the foot of a hill.It was quiet and we enjoyed(26).Suddenly we heard bells(27)at the top of the hill.What we saw made us run back to the car as(28)as we could.There were about(29)sheep coming towards us down the path.Australia is famous(30)its sheep and kangaroos.After a short drive from any town,you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep.21. A. sixth B. the sixth C. six D. the six22. A. went B. had been C. have been D. go23. A. a B. an C. the D. large24. A. wonder B. wondering C. wonderful D. wonderfully25. A. At B. With C. After D. To26. A. we B. ours C. us D. ourselves27. A. rings B. rang C. rung D. ringing28. A. quick B. quickly C. quicker D. more quickly29. A. hundred of B. three hundredsC. three hundredD. three hundreds of30. A. as B. for C. of D. amongHan-Shin was poor when he was a child.He often had (31)to eat.Everyday,he had to go fishing by the bank(岸)of the river,but therewere(32)fish.One day,some women were washing clothes in the river.An old womansaw Han-Shin and walked over to him,"You look(33).Please eat thisbowl of (34)," she said.Han-Shin bowed down (鞠躬)to thankher.From then on,the old woman gave Han-Shin food every day.When Han-Shin(35),he worked very hard and was always kind toothers.The people loved him and made him king.Han-Shin never forgot the old woman after he became rich.He always(36)the woman's rice and her kindness in his mind.In order to thank her,he looked for the woman everywhere.At last,he found the old woman and brought her to his palace (王宫).Han-Shin bowed down,"I told(37) that I would pay you back someday.You taught me how to be a man," he said.He gave the woman a lot of(38)."Thank you for the gold," said the woman(39). "(40) you have already paid me back by becoming such a successful and kind man."31. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something32. A. some B. little C. much D. few33. A. kind B. hungry C. ill D. thirsty34. A. rice B. water C. fish D. meat35. A. gave back B. grew up C. got back D. came back36. A. remembered B. appeared C. found D. watched37. A. himself B. herself C. myself D. itself38. A. rice B. gold C. silver D. silk39. A. sadly B. carefully C. quietly D. happily40. A. But B. So C. And D. BecauseWEnglish Week will be held in our school next week.There will be a lot of activities.41. When will the English week be held?______A. Tomorrow.B. Next week.C. Next month.D. Two months later.42. On November the 6th,you can take part in ______ .A. English Play & Treasure HuntB. Singing Competition & English PlayC. English Book Fair & Singing CompetitionD. Treasure Hunt & English Book Fair43. If you are only free after 5:30 pm,which activity can you take part in?______A. Singing Competition.B. English Play.C. English Book Fair.D. Treasure Hunt.44. What can we learn from the passage?______A. You can call Jack at any time you like.B. You can buy everything you want in the English Book Fair.C. The English plays will cost you some money.D. The treasures are not in higher places.45. Where can we probably read these passages?______A. On the school notice board.B. On the classroom blackboards.C. On a class timetable.D. In the school sports newspaper.XLiving in a foreign culture can be exciting,but it can also be confusing (令人疑惑的).A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences.They decided that misunderstandings and miscommunications were always possible,even over something as simple as "yes" and "no".On her first day in Micronesia,an island in the Pacific,Lisa thought people weren't paying any attention to her.The day was hot.She went into a store and asked,"Do you have cold drinks?" The woman there didn't say anything.Lisa repeated the question.Still the woman said nothing.She later learned that the woman had answered her:She had raised her eyebrows (眉毛),which in Micronesia means "yes".Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria,a country in Europe.She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage.She asked the waiter,"Do you have cabbage today?" He nodded his head.Jan waited,but the cabbage never came.In that country,a nod means "no".Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India.After explaining something in class,he asked his students if they understood.They answered with different nods (点头)and shakes (摇头)of the head.He thought some people had not understood,so he explained again.When he asked again,did the same thing.He soon found out that his students did understand.In India,people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from.You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean "yes" or "no".46. These Americans teaching English in other countries found that they ______ .A. should go abroad for vacationsB. needed to learn foreign languagesC. should often discuss their experiencesD. had problems with communications47. How do people in Micronesia show "yes"?______A. By nodding heads.B. By raising eyebrows.C. By shaking heads.D. By saying "no".48. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?______A. In Bulgaria,nodding heads means "no".B. Jan taught English on a Pacific island.C. Lisa was trying to buy some cabbage.D. In India,only shaking heads means "yes".49. What does the underlined word " " in Paragraph 4 refer to?______A. Tom's students.B. People in India.C. Nods and shakes of the head.D. A few students.50. What does the passage mainly talk about?______A. Body language in foreign restaurants.B. Class discussion in Indian schools.C. Miscommunication in different cultures.D. English teaching in other countries.51. With the development of mobile phone apps,people have more chances to communicate with other people through sharing videos online. (1)Many people say using TikTok is a double-sided sword (双刃剑).Many people have found great joy in using the app.They feel relaxed when they watch the videos on TikTok after a day's hard work. (2) Some people,especially the young,have been addicted to (沉迷于)the app. (3) This makes them spend less time on their study.What's more,it is bad for their health as well.To solve this problem,TikTok has made an anti-addiction system. (4) Second,it will stop you using the app if you use it for more than two hours a day. (5)Apps like TikTok may bring us joy,but we should use them in a right way.A.And one of the most popular apps is TikTok.B.However,others think it is not a good idea to use it.C.I think it helps to make people spend less time on the app.D.They spend too much time recording and uploading videos.E.First,if you keep using the app for more than 90 minutes,it will remind you.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)52. Some students may find it hard to learn English.They forget words easily or have difficulties reading.Here are some useful tips for (1)i ______ their English.Firstly,they should spend more time reading because it will help them learn many useful expressions and broaden their horizon.Secondly,it's necessary for them to(2)d ______ on themselves.They should try to learn by themselves(3)i ______ of waiting for their teachers to explain everything.Thirdly,they can catch every(4)c______ to practise speaking English,like having a conversation with a classmate or a foreign friend because practice makes perfect.By following these tips,they are sure to(5)s ______ in learning English one day.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)53. 警察在他的帮助下努力弄清真相。

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广东省广州市天河区2008-2009学年八年级上学期期末考试数学试卷注意: 本试卷共三大题25小题,共4页,满分150分.考试时间100分钟.1.答卷前,考生务必在答题卡第1、3面上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考号、姓名;再用2B铅笔把对应考号的标号涂黑.2.选择题和判断题的每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号;不能答在试卷上.3.填空题和解答题都不要抄题,必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,涉及作图的题目,用2B 铅笔画图.答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域.不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液.不按以上要求作答的答案无效.4.考生可以..使用计算器.必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回. 第Ⅰ卷(100分)一、细心选一选 (本题有10个小题, 每小题3分, 满分30分,下面每小题给出的四个选项中, 只有一个是正确的.)1.观察下列四个图案,其中不是..旋转对称图形的是( ). A .B .C .D .2.下面说法不.正确的是(? ). A .6是36的平方根B .25的平方根是5C .-216的立方根是-6D .36的算术平方根是63.下列各式中,与2(1)a -+相等的是( ).A .21a -B .21a +C .221a a -+D .221a a ++4.下列计算正确的是( ). A .632632x x x=⋅ B .330x x ÷= C .()33326xy x y = D .()m m mx x x =÷235.下列各组数中,以a ,b ,c 为边的三角形不是..直角三角形的是( ). A .a =1.5,b=2,c=3B .a =7,b=24,c=25C .a =6, b=8,c=10D .a =3,b=4, c=56.若一个实数的算术平方根与立方根是相等的,则这个实数一定是( ).A .0B . 1C .0或1D .1±7.沿着虚线将矩形剪成两部分,(图中实点为对称中心或中点)既能拼成三角形又能拼成梯形的是( ). A. B. C. D.图 18.如图1所示,以数轴的单位长线段为边作一个正方形,以数轴的原点为圆心、正方形对角线长为半径画弧,交数轴正半轴于点A ,则点A 表示的数是( ). A .211B .1.4C .3D9.如图2,平行四边形ABCD 中,CE 垂直于AB ,∠D =53,则∠BCE 的大小是( ).A .o53B .o43C .o47D .o3710.如图3,在Rt ABC △中,AC =5cm ,BC =4cm ,沿直角边BC 所在的直线向右平移3cm ,连结AD 、AE 、DC ,估计所得到的四边形AECD 的周长与( )最接近. A .10cm B . 11cm C .12cm D . 13cm二、耐心填一填 (本题有6个小题, 每小题3分, 共18分) 11. 分解因式:22b b -= .12.计算:32(4)(2)a b a -÷-=_____________________.13.在等腰梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC , AB CD =,60A ∠=︒,则C ∠= . 14.写出两个无理数,使它们的和大于8: .15.如图4所示,已知:∠BAD=90°,∠BDC=90°,AB=3,AD=4, CD=12,则BC= . 15.如果式子b a ab ∙=(a ≥0,b ≥0)成立,则有323412=∙=.请按照此性质化简使被开方数不含完全平方的因数:=18 .三、用心答一答(本题有9个小题,共102分,解答要求写出文字说明,证明过程或计算步骤) 17.(本题满分9分)分解因式:232ax a y -18.(本题满分9分)先化简或因式分解,再求值: 2(2)(2)x x x x x -÷+-∙ 其中x =-1 19.(本题满分10分)在如图5的方格纸中,每个小方格都是边长为1个单位的正方形,ABC △的三个顶点都在格点上(每个小方格的顶点叫格点).(1)画出ABC △向下平移4个单位后得到的111A B C △;A B E C FD图3EDCBA 图2图10图7图6CB A (2)画出ABC △绕点O 顺时针旋转90后得到的222A B C △,并标出点M 旋转后的对应点/M 的位置.(3)求出线段/MM的长度.20.(本题满分12分)已知:如图6所示,等腰梯形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD , AD=BC=4,DC=3,△ADE ≌△ECB , (1)图中有几个平行四边形,请说明理由. (2)求等腰梯形ABCD 的周长. 21.(本题满分12分)如图7所示,在矩形ABCD 中,AB=4,∠BAD 的角平 分线AE 与边BC 交于点E ,且BE ∶EC=4∶3,连结DE . (1)试求DE 的长度.(2)若要使∠AED=90°,则此时矩形的另一边长为多少.第Ⅱ卷(50分)22.(本小题满分12分)441,0,a b ab a b +==+已知:求式子的值.23.(本小题满分12分)己知:如图8,菱形ABCD 中,对角线AC =4,以AC为边长的正方形ACEF 的一边正好经过点B ,求菱形ABCD 的面积. 24.(本题满13分)如图9,△ABC 与△ACD 都是边长为2的等边三角形,如果△ABC 经过旋转后能与△ACD 重合,试求旋转中心到点B 的距离. 25.(本小题满分13分)如图10所示,将长为5米的梯子AB 斜靠在墙上,OB 长为3米. (1)求梯子上端A 到墙的底边的垂直距离OA 的长度. (2)如果梯子顶端A 下滑1米到点C ,则下端B 在地面上向右滑动到点D ,(梯子AB 的长度不变)猜一猜点B 滑动的距离比1大,还是比1小,或者等于1? 设BD=x, 列出点B 滑动距离x 满足的方程, 并尝试用这个方程的解来判断你的结论.(3)如果把题干改成“将长为10米的梯子AB 斜靠在墙上,OB长为6米”,则第(2)小题中的结论又图9是怎样?请说明理由.2007学年上学期天河区期末考试八年级数学评分标准一、 细心选一选 (本题有10个小题, 每小题3分, 满分30分)二、 耐心填一填 (本题有6个小题, 每小题3分, 共18分) 所有分值只给0分或3分三、用心答一答 (本题有9个小题, 共52分) 17.(本题满分9分)解:232ax a y -=222()a x a y -。

4分=()()a x ay x ay +-。

9分18.(本题满分9分)(不化简代入不给分)解法一:2(2)(2)x x x x x -÷+-∙=222x x x -+-。

4分(乘除各2分)=22x x --。

6分(没有合并扣2分)当x =-1时,原式=2(1)(1)20----=。

9分 解法二:2(2)(2)x x x x x -÷+-∙=(2)(2)x x x -+-。

3分 =(2)(1)x x -+。

6分当x =-1时,(1)0x +=所以原式=(2)(1)x x -+=0。

9分图619.(本题满分10分)(1) 。

3分 (2)。

7分 (其中旋转3分,点/M 1分)) (3)在/RtMOM 中,OM=3,/OM =3。

10分(写成4.256不扣分)(没有写连结M /M ,不扣分;没有说明在/Rt MOM ,给分;第2个图画错,第3题做对,给分) 20.(本题满分12分)(1)图中有2个平行四边形.。

2分∵△ADE ≌△ECB∴∠A=∠CEB∴AD ∥CE 。

∵AB ∥CD∴四边形AECD 是平行四边形。

7分 同理:四边形DEBC 是平行四边形。

8分 (用平移说明AD ∥CE 给分)(2)∵四边形AECD 和四边形DEBC 是平行四边形∴DC=AE=EB=3。

10分 ∴等腰梯形ABCD 的周长=3+4+3+3+4=17.。

12分21.(本题满分12分)(1)∵AE 平分∠BAD∴∠1=∠2。

1分 ∵在矩形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC∴∠1=∠3。

3分 ∴∠2=∠3。

4分 ∴BE=AB=DC=4。

6分 ∵BE ∶EC=4∶3∴EC=3。

8分图7在Rt △DCE 中,∠C=90°,5=。

10分(2)在Rt △ABE 中,∠B=90°, 2224432AE =+=∵AD=BC=BE+EC=4+3=7 ∴249AD =∴∠AED=90°不成立。


此处可用判断△AED 是否直角三角形来说明) 写8、7、57都给分第Ⅱ卷(50分)22.(本题满分12分)441,0,a b ab a b +==+已知:求式子的值.解法一:000ab a b ===由得:或。

4分01a b ==当时,得,此时44a b +=1。

8分 01b a ==当时,得:,此时44a b +=1。

12分∴44a b +=1解法二:∵1,0a b ab +==∴222()2101a b a b ab +=+-=-=。

6分 ∴442222222222()2()2()101a b a b a b a b ab +=+-=+-=-=。

12分23.(本题满分12分)解:连接DB ,交AC 于点O ,。

1分则有AC ⊥BD ,OB=OD ,OA=OC=2。

3分 又∵正方形ACEF 中,OA ∥BF ,∠FAO=∠AOB=90°。

4分 ∴FA ∥BO 。

5分∴四边形FBOA 是平行四边形。

6分 ∴OB=FA=AC=4(没有过程扣3分)∴BD=2OB=8。

9分 ∴菱形ABCD 的面积=11481622AC BD ⨯=⨯⨯=.。


) (利用正方形面积算也可以;) 24.(本题满13分)解:(1)若以A 为旋转中心,则旋转中心到点B 的距离为AB=2,。

2分 (2)若以C 为旋转中心,则旋转中心到点B 的距离为CB=2。

4分 (3) 连接DB ,交AC 于点O.若以O 为旋转中心,则旋转中心到点B 的距离为OB 。

6分 ∵△ABC 与△ACD 都是边长为2的等边三角形 ∴BC ∥AD,DC ∥AB∴四边形ABCD 是平行四边形。

8分 ∴OA=OC=1。

9分 ∵AB=BC=2∴BD ⊥AC 。

10分 在Rt △BOC中,OB 。

13分(可以过点B 作AC 的垂线) 25.(本题满分13分) (1) 在Rt △AOB中,4OA ==。
