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Work Environment工作环境

Work environment 工作环境,亦作working environment

Determinant 决定因素

European Community 欧洲共同体(欧盟(European Union)的前身) ECU 欧洲货币单位(European Currency Unit 欧元(Euro-dollar 的前身)

Occupational disease 职业疾病

Industrial injury 工伤

Underestimate 低估,过低估计

Incidence 发生,出现的行为或事件

Disablement benefit 伤残救济金

Dermatitis 皮炎

Extrapolation 推断

Drudgery 辛苦乏味的工作,苦工

Obligation 义务,职责,责任

Take precaution 采取防范措施

Ensure worker comfort 保证工人的舒适度

Office appliances 办公设备

Copier 复印机

Fax machine 传真机

Out of date 过时

Service contract 服务合同

Obsolete 过时的,废弃的

Spatial design 空间设计

Accessible 容易取得的,容易接近的

File system 文件橱柜

Surplus office supplies 多余的办公用品Ambient light 背景光照明,环境光照明

Task light 岗位操作照明

Work station 工作区

Defective illumination 不良照明

A filing cabinet 文件橱柜

Over-3-day injury 请假三天以上的工伤Computer cable 电脑线

Telephone cord 电话线

Wiring 配线

Ream 令(量词,500张为1令)

Xerox paper 复印纸

Frayed 磨损的

Tape down 用带子捆住,用胶布把…粘住Rubber protector 橡胶防护罩,橡胶保护装置Tack down 钉住,钉牢

Slip-resistant 防滑的

Ventilation 通风

Sore throat 喉咙痛

Safety inspection 安全检查

Individual creativity 个人的创造力

Smoke detector (预报火警的)烟雾探测器

A working fire extinguisher 功能良好的灭火器

Acquaint sb. With sth. 让某人了解/熟悉

Rules and regulations 规章制度

ILL-health and the work environment


Work is an important determinate of health. It can influence health positively or negatively.


We are now focusing on the adverse effects of work on health, although the positive effects of appropriate work on health and well-being are no less important.


Every year, about 10 million of the 150 million workers in the European Community are affected by incidents,”accidents”or diseases at work.
