


Customer Name: 客户名称:
Quotation 报价单
Quptation No. 报价单编号:
Customer TEL No. 客户电话号码:
Customer Fax No. 客户传真号码: Customer Aபைடு நூலகம்derss: 客户地址:
We are pleased to quote the below parts to you: 很高兴给您提供以下产品的报价:
Golden Seed:______________________
Item 项目
Product 产品名称
Model 型号
Description 描述
Date/日期: Deivery: 交货方式:
QTY. 数量 (pcs)
Unit Price/单价
Under 500pcd
More than More than
Remark/说明: 1.Payment:30% TT Deposit for PO Confirmation ,70% TT within one days before Delivery. 付款方式:订单确认电汇定金30%,交货前一天电汇70%。 2.Incleded with one set of encryption tools and related key injection software. 配送一套加密工具和相关秘密钥入的软件。 3.No cancellation allowed within 15 days before the delivery date by confirmed. 确认的交货日之前15天内不接受取消订单。 4.Production capacity:500k/Month. 产能:每个月500K。


页数Page :1/1
报价单 Quotation
工程名称Project Name 项目地点Project Place
2 3
船型Hull Type
烟台 币种Currency:RMB
4 5 6
项次 Item 品名 Description 外框Frame 材质 颜色 尺寸Size(mm) 图纸Drawing 名义Nominal 图纸号 Drawing No 颜色 功能 单位 Unit 数量 Qty 单价 Unit price 折扣 Discount
11 12
11 12 13
报价人Prepared by:14ຫໍສະໝຸດ 欢迎莅临考察指导Welcome
to visit us.We hope our offer is in line with your requirements and looking forward to receiving your valuable order.
1 2
编号 Ref No: 日期Issued Date: 报价有效期Validity:30天
1 2
Your Ref No:
2 3
sent by email dated 2018-05-22 船东Shipowner 国别Country 船级Class 船厂Shipyard 项目号Project No
4 5 6
金额 Amount
7 8 9 10
总金额Sub Total Amount: 折扣Special Discount: 运费freigh: 安装费Installation fee TOTAL RMB:
7 8 9 10



RSHDEC20171121 a 第 1 页 2018/10/16
净重 Net weight
2.辅助材料 Subject material
3.外购外协 Puchased Parts
4.燃料动力 Fuel
费用分析 项目 Project 直接工资 Direct labor 制造费用 Manufactg expenses 管理费用 Manag expenses 财务费用 Finance expenses
Expenses Calculation 生产工时 Production hours 分配率 Proportion
销售费用 项目 Project 包装 Packing 运输 Transport 交样周期 Lead time
Sales expenses 金额 Subtotal (元)
供应商Supplier 零件号Part Number 零件名称Part Name 总表List 项目 Item 1.原材料 Raw Materials 2.辅助材料费 Subject material cost 3.外购外协 Puchased Parts 4.燃料动力费 Fuel cost 5.直接人工费 Direct labor 6.制造费用 Manufacturing expenses 7.工装模具费 Tooling cost 8.废品损失 Damaged goods 一、生产成本 Production expenses 二、管理费用 Management expenses 三、销售费用 Sales expenses 四、财务费用 Finance expenses 五、产品利润 Profit 销售价格Price 工装模具分析 名称 Name 单价 Price Tooling Analysis 设备名称 Equipment name 生产工时分析 班产量 Volume per shift 单件台时 unit time Production Time Analysis 操作人数 Labor count 工人工时 man hour 分摊金额 件/模 Proportioned 主要工序 使用寿命 Life span pcs./model expense Key process 金额 Subtotal (RMB) 项目 Item 1.原材料 Raw Materials 单位 Unit 填表人Writer 每车用量Quantity/Car 产品重量Products Weight 明 细 消耗定额 Consume Quote Detaiil 无税单价 Net Price 金额总计 (元) Subtotal(RMB) 供货厂家 Supplier 联系电话Telephone 产品周期Life time 运输方式Transportation






1. 封面:公司名称:XXX产品名称:XXX产品数量:XXX单价:XXX总价:XXX交易方式:现金/转账日期:XXXX年XX月XX日2. 产品详细信息页面:产品编号:XXX产品名称:XXX规格:XXX单位:XXX数量:XXX单价:XXX备注:XXX3. 合计页面:总计金额:XXX收款方式:□现金□转账收款人姓名:XXX收款人联系方式:XXX1. Cover Page:Company Name: XXXProduct Name: XXXProduct Quantity: XXXUnit Price: XXXTotal Price: XXXPayment Method: Cash/TransferDate: XXXX-XX-XX2. Product Details Page:Product Number: XXXProduct Description: XXXSpecifications: XXXUnits: XXXQuantity: XXXUnit Price: XXXNotes: XXX3. Total Page:Total Amount: XXXPayment Method: □ Cash □ TransferPayer Information: XXXContact Information: XXX三、报价单注意事项1. 确保价格合理,符合市场行情,避免误导客户。

2. 产品名称、规格、数量等要清晰明确,避免产生误解。

3. 价格要标注清楚币种和计算方式,同时提供合法的折扣和优惠方式。

4. 交易方式要明确,并提醒客户可能的交货时间和地点。

5. 如果有特殊要求或备注,要在报价单中注明,以便双方沟通。

6. 字体和格式要统一,让报价单看起来专业、整洁。



外贸常识:一份完整的报价单内容(z中英文对照)一、报价单的头部(Head)01,卖家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)02,买家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.)报价日期(Date)有效日期(Valid date)二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic information)序号(No.)货号(Item No.)型号(Type)产品名称(Product’s Name)产品图片(Photo)产品描述(Description)原材料(Materials)规格(Specification)尺寸(Size)长度(Length)宽度(Width)高度(Height)厚度(Thickness)管径(Tube’s Diameter)口径(Caliber)形状(Shape)外观颜色(Colors)光源类型(Type of Lamp-house)光源数量(Nos. of lamp-house)光源颜色(Colors of lamp-house)三、产品技术参数(Product’s Technical Parameters)01,电力类产品技术参数:电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。



英文报价单模板及范文English:Quotation TemplateCompany Name: [Your Company Name]Contact Person: [Your Name]Contact Information: [Your Contact Number/Email]Date: [Date of Quotation]Item Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price1. [Product/Service 1] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]2. [Product/Service 2] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]3. [Product/Service 3] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]4. [Product/Service 4] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]5. [Product/Service 5] [Quantity] [Unit Price] [Total Price]Subtotal: [Subtotal Amount]Tax: [Tax Amount]Shipping: [Shipping Cost]Total: [Total Amount]Notes:- Payment Terms: [Payment Terms]- Validity: [Quotation Validity]- Delivery Time: [Delivery Time]Thank you for considering our quotation. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or clarification.中文:报价单模板公司名称:[您的公司名称]联系人:[您的姓名]联系方式:[您的联系电话/邮箱]日期:[报价日期]项目描述数量单价总价1. [产品/服务1] [数量] [单价] [总价]2. [产品/服务2] [数量] [单价] [总价]3. [产品/服务3] [数量] [单价] [总价]4. [产品/服务4] [数量] [单价] [总价]5. [产品/服务5] [数量] [单价] [总价]小计:[小计金额]税金:[税金金额]运费:[运费成本]总计:[总金额]备注:- 付款条件:[付款条件]- 有效期:[报价有效期]- 交货时间:[交货时间]感谢您考虑我们的报价。



报价单英文模板篇一:报价单-英文版Shanghai StreamRail Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd.Add: 20F Pingsheng Building No. 98 Songhu Road Dist. Yangpu Shanghai ,ChinaTel: +86-21 Fax: +86-21Quotation SheetTo:Company: Fax: Phone:Project:Car number: Quotation No. Current Date:Terms & Conditions:1. 30% of total contract advance payment; 70% of total contract after each shipment.2. The above quotation excludes VAT and is fixed till Oct. 30th 2018.3. The whole project delivery pletion is based on within 3 years.4. Mockup and insurance are not included in the above.5. Warranty: 24 months after each delivery FCA China. Warranty means remote tech support,repair and replacement at Supplier's factory in China.6. Lead time: 6-8 months after contract signed and design frozen.7. Period of validity: until Oct. 30th 2018. The quotation will be adjusted according to theexchange rate and the material cost after Oct. 30th 2018.篇二:中英文双语销售报价单模板报价单Offer Sheet收件人 Attn. 发件人 From 拟制Drawn By传真号 Fax No. 日期 Date 批准Approved By1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、报价有效期(Period of Validity):____________________。



外贸常识:一份完整的报价单内容(z中英文对照)一、报价单的头部(Head)01,卖家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)02,买家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.)报价日期(Date)有效日期(Valid date)二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic information)序号(No.)货号(Item No.)型号(Type)产品名称(Product’s Name)产品图片(Photo)产品描述(Description)原材料(Materials)规格(Specification)尺寸(Size)长度(Length)宽度(Width)高度(Height)厚度(Thickness)管径(Tube’s Diameter)口径(Caliber)形状(Shape)外观颜色(Colors)光源类型(Type of Lamp-house)光源数量(Nos. of lamp-house)光源颜色(Colors of lamp-house)三、产品技术参数(Product’s Technical Parameters)01,电力类产品技术参数:电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。



外贸常识:一份完整的报价单内容(z中英文对照)一、报价单的头部(Head)01,卖家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)02,买家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.)报价日期(Date)有效日期(Valid date)二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic information)序号(No.)货号(Item No.)型号(Type)产品名称(Product’s Name)产品图片(Photo)产品描述(Description)原材料(Materials)规格(Specification)尺寸(Size)长度(Length)宽度(Width)高度(Height)厚度(Thickness)管径(Tube’s Diameter)口径(Caliber)形状(Shape)外观颜色(Colors)光源类型(Type of Lamp-house)光源数量(Nos.of lamp-house)光源颜色(Colors of lamp-house)三、产品技术参数(Product’s Technical Parameters)01,电力类产品技术参数:电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。



英文报价单范本1.英文报价单模板本来是表格格式的,不知怎地沾到这里就没有格式了,这是一张进口旧机电的报价单,附带中英文,希望对你有所帮助,还请不吝赐分!费用清单DATE:*** 合同号:报关日:Bill to:(单号)0 VALUE: SHIPPER: CONSIGNEE:旧机电进口费用:The importing charges for old mechanical and electrical equipments 代做旧机电服务费出证费The agency fee and license fee RMB *** 报关综合The comprehensive declaration fee RMB ***/票(含报关,报检,换单,录入Including the declaration ,inspection, exchanging and entry fee)贸易代理费The trading agency fee RMB *** 港口杂费&THC The terminal handling charges RMB*** 二次换单费(换D/O单The exchange fee for delivery order 约RMB *** 疏港费The demurrage charge RMB*** 仓储费The Storage fee RMB *** 滞箱费The container detention charges (船公司占箱费)RMB *** 滞报费The delayed declaration fee(到港之日后的14个工作日内无申报会产生滞报费The charges appeared on the condition of no declaration within 14 days after the equipments reached the destination port)RMB ***(已付paid)商检The inspection fee RMB ***(监管条件A)Supervision condition A 海关查验The customs inspection fee RMB *** 陆运The land freight RMB ***(塘沽港至北京昌平the port of Tanggu to Changping Beijing)海关税金The CustomsTax RMB *** (已付paid)海关后补税金The overdue Customs Tax RMB *** 合计物流The total logistics costs RMB ***(除已付的税金和滞报金the paid tax and the delayed declaration fee are excluded)旧机电部分退运清关费用:Part of the returned declaration fee for old mechanical and electrical equipments 退运关封审批费The approval fee for returning the costoms seal RMB *** 出口报关费The exporting declaration charges RMB *** 退运进口报关费The returned importing declaration fee RMB *** 退运商检费The returned inspection fee RMB *** 退运代理费The returned agency fee RMB*** 铅封处理费The seal handling charges RMB *** 更改税号费用The changing tax file number fee RMB *** 国际物流进口代垫杂费The international logistics and prepaid importing charges RMB *** 国际物流出口代垫费用The international logistics and prepaid exporting charges RMB *** 国际物流堆存The International logistics stockpiling fee RMB *** 退运清关总计The total clearance returned RMB *** 旧机电退运到香港运费相关:商品检验费The inspection fee RMB *** 文件费The documents fee RMB *** 紧急燃油附件费The emergency fuel surcharge RMB *** 港内拖车费The harbor towing fee RMB *** 预录入The pre-entry fee RMB *** 反恐附加费The surcharge of CS RMB *** 其他杂费Other charges RMB *** 港杂费The terminal handing charges RMB *** 电放费The telex release charges RMB *** THC RMB *** 国际海运费The international sea freight USD *** = RMB *** TOTAL: RMB *** 合计费用总计:The total costs: RMB *** 公司名称:*** Name of Company:*** 开户行:*** The Opening Bank:*** 帐号:*** Account No.:*** 祝好Best wishes。



Buyer(Signature) BJ101010001
Seller(Signature)来自QUOTATIONTO: ATTN: TEL: FAX:
Quote currency for RMB, including 17% VAT. PART Number 图号 Description 描述 Weight 重量(kg) Quantity 数量年 Min Batch Sizes 最小批量 Raw Material 材质 Casting Price 铸件价 Machining Heat Packaging& Price Treatment Transportation 机加工 热处理
Total Cost 产品单价 Tooling cost 模具价
Explain: Remark: 1.Date of sample delivery:Within 35 days after the quotation is confirmed & the module deposit is received, 2 pcs per sample. 2.Sample confirmation: Receipt of the samples within one week,the buyer shall give a reply,sample confirm qualified, one sample for buyer to seal, another one return to seller to seal; 3.The buyer needs to pay for a more diverse sample, The Sample Charge = Product Price x 1.5; 4.Payment: ①30% of the total price of the order shall be paid before production. ②After the goods left, the purchser shall pay the rest 70% within one week, then the seller delivers the Bill of Lading. 5.Product single heavy subject to the actual rough weight,according to the price level accounting products prices; 7.Quotes are based on annual purchase volume and minimum order quantities.Date of validity: Feb 31th 2013.
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