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• 亲自出马,消灭异己。 • 纵兵滥杀,报仇泄怨。 • 疑而杀人:华佗、吕伯奢一家、蔡
• 借刀杀人:杀祢衡 • 梦中杀人:杀管家 • 酒后杀人:杀刘馥 • 忌而杀人:杨修
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
• “子治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄” • 奸诈残暴大量杀人。 • 其一,杀人方式繁多,富有创意。 • 其二,狡诈善变。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
古今来贤相中第一奇人:诸葛亮 古今来名将中第一奇人:关 羽 古今来奸雄中第一奇人:曹 操
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
攸曰:“公今军粮尚有几何?”操曰: Throughthis publicity campaign, further improve thesenseofbusiness integrityoftourism enterprises tohelptourism consumers andoperators tosafeguardthelegitimate rightsandinterests, toensurethatourCity's tourism sustainable, healthy andcoordinatedDevelopment.
关 羽 义 绝
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
战官渡本初败绩 劫乌巢孟德烧粮
• 时操方解衣歇息,闻说许攸私奔到寨,大喜, 不及穿履,跣足出迎,遥见许攸,抚掌欢笑, 携手共入,操先拜于地。攸慌扶起曰:“公乃 汉相,吾乃布衣,何谦恭如此?”操曰:“公 乃操故友,岂敢以名爵相上下乎!”攸曰: “某不能择主,屈身袁绍,言不听,计不从, 今特弃之来见故人。愿赐收录。”操曰:“子 远肯来,吾事济矣!愿即教我以破绍之计:” 攸曰:“吾曾教袁绍以轻骑乘虚袭许都,首尾 相攻。”操大惊曰:“若袁绍用子言,吾事败
曹 操
奸 绝
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
• 他有头脑、有眼光、有胆略、有 气魄、有自信,文才武略,样样 超人。
• 青梅煮酒,以英雄自许; • 横槊赋诗,以周公自比。 • 目光远大、识才重才。 • 足智多谋。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.
• 总之,曹操是奸和雄的结合体,同 时又是刘备的衬托者。他虽奸犹雄、 以奸显雄。惟有他的奸,才更能显 示出刘备的仁。
Through this publicity campaign, further improve the sense of business integrity of tourism enterprises to help tourism consumers and operators to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, to ensure that our City's tourism sustainable, healthy and coordinated Development.