
.教师知识(’ ): 除了强调对外语掌握以外,更注重教学 理念、语言理论、二与习得理论、认知 方式、百科知识、全人教育、师德师范 等诸多方面。师资发展,教师自己的职 业发展 (理念、知识、方法、人格)
第二,从单学科理论支持到多学科理论支持 ( ) 上世纪年代之前,外语学习的理论只是受普
计算语言学 ( ): 机器翻译( )、人机对话 )、语料 库语言学( )等等。 神经语言学():大脑的结构,语言的储存、语言 的提取、语言的编码、大脑词库、失语症()
语料库语言学:计算机能给我们处理大量数 据,为语言研究和教学开辟了新天地。 认知语言学:体验哲学、隐喻。 神经语言学,侦破语言学,临床语言学,病 理语言学,生态语言学,基因语言学,语言 工程,人机对话。
的两个方面,缺一不可. . .
形式教学统治几百年: 语法翻译法 最近十年来,由于语用学和文化语言学的发展, 人们进一步认识到语言是“载体”的实质。 . , .
第六,从客观测试过度到主观测试( ) 从终结性评估过度到形成性评估( ), 或终结性与形成性评估相结合( , )。
多项选择试题:弊多利少。托福危害是灾难性的。 四六级考试也是弊多利少。害了几代人。 最根本的原则是:语言是如何使用的,就该如何测 试。听、说、读、写、译全面考试,不能什么容 易考就考什么。 画勾,考不出水平,多为猜测。实在骗人。花钱买 个谎言。



外语教学法发展趋势探讨外语教学法是一个不断发展的领域,其发展趋势主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 以学生为中心以学生为中心是当前外语教学法的核心。
2. 采用多元化的教学方式外语教学法的多元化教学方式是当前的发展趋势之一。
3. 教学内容的多样化教学内容的多样化是外语教学法的又一个发展趋势。
4. 语言教学与技术的融合随着信息技术的发展,语言教学与技术的融合是外语教学的又一个趋势。

【关键词】外语教学法、流派评介、传统语法教学法、听说教学法、交际教学法、情境教学法、任务型教学法、发展趋势、优缺点、综合运用、重要性1. 引言1.1 外语教学法主要流派评介外语教学法是指教师在教授外语课程时所采用的一系列理论、方法和技巧。
2. 正文2.1 传统语法教学法传统语法教学法是外语教学中的一种传统方法,它主要注重教授语法知识和规则。

中世纪 拉丁语是欧洲文化教育、著书立说的国际 语言,及教会和官方的语言。 目的:阅读用拉丁语写的书籍,以便吸收 古代文化。 十八、十九世纪,法语和英语兴起 学校开设英、法语课 找不到新的教学方法,沿用翻译法
①18、19世纪的语言学家通常把语言整体 看作是一种词类的划分,并认为掌握了词汇 即掌握了语言。 18世纪,斯多葛派(Stoics)最先确定了语法 的范畴,包括时态、语态、非限定动词等。 之后,亚历山大学派(Alexandrian)在研究 词的基础上确定了八大词类:动词、名词、 形容词、代词、副词、介词、连词和冠词。
• 是把口语放在首位还是把书面语放在 首位? • 要不要教语法? • 教外语要不要通过与母语的对比? •…
国际语音学会 The International Phonetic Association Founded in 1886. Its International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) was designed to enable the sounds of any language to be accurately transcribed.
洲的影响使得拉丁语成为了古代和中世纪欧 洲的官方语言。 直到十六世纪,它与各地的方言相融合,才 发展成意大利语、法语、西班牙语、葡萄牙 语、罗马尼亚语等现代欧洲语言。 即便是英语、德语,在词汇和语法上也颇受 其影响。
Noam Chomsky关于转换生成语法的理论 人具有天生的语言能力,具有用口头和书 面表达思想的能力,并且把他们联系起来 的创造性能力

1.1 全球化对外语教学的影响全球化不仅促进了不同国家间的经济、政治和文化交流,也为外语教学带来了新的视角和方法。
1.2 外语教学法的发展趋势随着全球化的深入发展,外语教学法也在不断地创新和变革。
1.3 外语教学法的核心目标在全球化背景下,外语教学法的核心目标是培养学生的跨文化交际能力,使他们能够在不同文化背景下进行有效沟通,理解和尊重不同的文化价值观。
2.1 外语教学法面临的挑战全球化背景下,外语教学法面临的挑战包括语言多样性的增加、文化差异的适应、教学资源的全球化分配不均等问题。
2.2 外语教学法的机遇全球化也为外语教学带来了机遇,如更多的国际交流机会、丰富的教学资源和工具、以及更广泛的学习平台。
2.3 应对策略为了应对全球化背景下的挑战,外语教师需要采取一系列策略,如加强跨文化交际能力的培养、利用信息技术提高教学效率、开发多样化的教学资源等。
3.1 任务型教学法的应用任务型教学法是一种以完成特定任务为目标的教学方法,它强调学生在实际语境中使用语言的能力。


英语 已经 成 为 我 国 一 种 极 其 重 要 的 国 际 交 流 语 言 , 何 行 之 有 效 如
的培 养 出 国 际 交 流 所 需要 的 高 质 量 的 英语 人 才 是 摆 在 中 国外 语 教 育 工 作 者 面 前 的 一 项 光荣 而艰 巨的 任 务 。 广 大 的 外 语 教 师 有 必 要 对 自 己 的 教学 法 做 出 总 结 和 反 恩 。
历 程 、 点及 其各 自局 限 ,然 后 提 出应 在 充 分 吸 收 国 内 外先 进 的 外语 教 学研 究成 果 的基 础 上 , 特 结合 我 国 外语 教 学 的 实 际 国 情 ,实施 多样 化 与
综 合 的 英语 教 学 法 。 【 键 词 】 语 教 学 法 ; 用性 ; 限性 ; 关 英 适 局 多样 化 与 综合
标 语 到 母 语 翻 译一 些 意 思 上 不相 干 的独 立 的 句 子 。
2 听 说 法 、
念, 如功能与意念、 交际需求分析 、 语言真实牲 、 交际 能力、 信息差等 , 还 在 于它 更 新 了我 们 的观 念 , 带来 了教 学 思 想 的 革 新
其 次 , 们 也 可 以发 现 这 些 英 语 教 学 法 的 种种 局 限性 。 我
法 — — 语 法 翻 译 法 、 说 法 、 知 法 和 交 际 法— — 作 一 概 述 , 其 片 面 和 语 言学 习观 的 支 配 , 有 其 产 生 的 日代 局 限性 和 地 域 文 化 局 限 性 , 听 认 就 都 口 所
规律 , 同时根据现代社会发展 对外语教学 提出的新 要求并结 合我 国当 下 外 语 教 学 的 实际 , 探 讨 二 十 一 世 纪 我 国英 语 教 学 的 基 本 道 路 。 来


1. 传统语法-翻译法时期在19世纪末20世纪初的欧洲,外语教学主要以传统语法-翻译法为主流。
2. 语音-听说法时期20世纪30年代,随着语言学在教育领域的兴起,语音-听说法开始引起人们的关注。
3. 语言实用主义时期20世纪60年代,语言实用主义兴起,倡导使用语言进行真实交际。
4. 沉浸式教学时期20世纪70年代,沉浸式教学开始兴起。
二、外语教学理论的主要模式1. 交际语言教学模式交际语言教学模式是目前最为广泛应用的一种教学模式。
2. 任务型语言教学模式任务型语言教学模式是基于真实生活中的任务设计的。
3. 社会文化学习模式社会文化学习模式以社会文化背景为基础,将语言教学与文化教学相结合。
4. 个性化语言教学模式个性化语言教学模式注重学生的个体差异和兴趣,以个人化的学习方式和内容为主。



教 学 方 法 在 英 语 教 学 中非 常 重 要 。 要 提 高 课 堂 教 学 质 量 , 了具 有 科 学 和 系 统 除 的 教材 外 , 需 要科 学 的 教 学 方法 。 学 方 还 教 法 是依 据 循 序 渐 进 的பைடு நூலகம் 学 规 律 , 易到 难 、 由 由简 至 繁 、 浅入 深 的 基 础 上 逐 步 建 立 起 由 来 的 。 语 教 师在 教 学 过 程 中应 该 根据 教 英 学 情况 , 择 合适 的教 学 方 法 , 选 只有 这 样 才 能 达 到 良好 的 教 学 效 果 。
3结 语
教 师在教 学过程 中应充分 利用资源 , 运 用 合 适 的 教 学 方 法 , 而 培 养 学生 独 立 从 学 习 与 自我 发 展 的 能 力 。 外 教 师还 要根 另 据 新 课 改 的 要 求 , 教 学 的 重 心 转 移 到学 把 生 上 , 构 建 适 合 我 国 国情 的英 语 教 学 法 并 理 论 , 而 提 高 英 语 教 学 的质 量 。 从
参 考 文 献
2 英语教学的发展趋势
[】邓 大 飞 . 谈 英 语 教 学 法 发展 趋 势 与 学 1 浅 生能 力的 培 养【】南 宁 师专 学 报 ,9 5 J. l9 ,
1. 随 着 教 育 改 革 的 不 断 深 入 , 国 的 英 我 2 中 语 教 学 也 呈 现 着 一 些 发 展 趋 势 , 要 表 现 [】唐 宏 . 国高 校 英语 教学 发 展 趋 势 浅析 主 在 以下 三个 方 面 。 [】哈 尔 滨 商 业大 学 学 报 ,0 4 4 J. 20 ,. 2. 构 建适 合我 国 国情 的教 学法 理论 1 【】陈芳 . 英 语 教 学 法 ” 学 探 究【】科 技 3 “ 教 J. 传 统 地 教 学 法 使 学 生 只 能 记 住 知 识 信息( 科学 教 研 )2 0 ,0 ,0 7 2 . 点 , 不能 准 确 流 畅 地表 达 。 而 也 不 能 完 【】 欣 . 代 英语 教学 法 主 要 流 派 之我 见 却 然 4 陈 现 全 照搬 西 方 语 言 教 学 的模 式 , 想 达 到 理 要 【】成都 大学 学 报 ( 育 科 学 版)2 0 , J. 教 ,0 7 5. 想 的 教 学 效 果 , 须 构 建 适 合 我 国 国 情 的 必

二、外语教育的现状1. 教育体制中国实行九年义务教育制度,外语课程普遍从小学开始,并持续到高中。
2. 教学资源尽管中国在外语教育上投入了大量资源,但教师队伍的培养和教材的更新仍有待改进。
3. 学生压力中国学生普遍面临着高强度的学习压力,加上其他学科的紧张课程,外语学习成为学生的“痛点”。
三、外语教育的发展趋势1. 个性化教学个性化教学是外语教育的一个重要发展方向。
2. 线上学习随着互联网的快速发展,线上学习成为外语教育的另一个发展趋势。
3. 跨学科教学外语教育需要与其他学科融合,提供更具实践性的学习内容。
4. 全球化视野外语教育应当更加注重培养学生的全球意识和全球视野。
5. 教材更新与教师培训为了适应外语教育发展的变化,教材的更新和教师的培训变得尤为重要。


针对声像档案管理现状, 档案部 门要加大对声像档案的监督指导力 度, 并把其作为档案目标管理检查的 重点内容。同时, 针对不同单位现状, 采取不同方式进行分类指导, 力争整 体 水 平 的 提 高 。对 有 设 备 、有 专 业 摄 录 人员, 而档案管理没跟上的单位, 应在 依法管理、建章立制上加强指导和监 督, 促其逐步规范管理; 对问题较多、 基础薄弱的单位, 要限期建档, 加大指 导监督力度, 不留死角。
3、内 容 教 学 法 。 内 容 型 外 语 教 学 法 也 形 成 于 20世 纪 80 年 代 。 它 以 创 设 学生熟悉的教学情景, 输入他们感兴 趣且具有挑战性略高于学习者当前语 言水平的内容来满足语言教学多方面 的 目 的 。它 将 教 学 决 策 建 立 在 内 容 上 , 整合听说读写技能, 每一个教学阶段 都要求学生主动的、积极的参与, 学习 内容的选择与学生的兴趣、生活和学 习 目 标 相 关 , 选 择“ 真 实 ”的 课 文 和 任 务, 对语言结构进行直接学习。
56 内 蒙 古 统 计 2008·4
像柜或密闭铁柜单独存放; 其次要严 格 控 制 库 房 温 湿 度 ,远 离 光 线 、磁 场 等 ; 录音带、录像带采取定期倒带检查等 措施,尽量延长声像档案的寿命。
5.全面出击,形式多样,疏通收集渠道 要实现声像档案收集完整, 采取 必要的行政手段和物质保障, 建立并 疏通收集渠道, 运用多种形式收集也 很 重 要 。结 合 地 区 实 际 ,各 立 档 单 位 要 全 面 出 击 ,采 取 多 种 形 式 收 集 。主 要 有 : ①通过正常移交接收。科室移交档案 室, 档案室移交区档案馆。②重点单 位 、重 点 科 室 重 点 收 集 。对 本 地 重 点 单 位、立档单位重点科室产生声像档案 比较集中的, 要有重点地强化收集,经 常 沟 通 及 时 掌 握 情 况 。③重 点 人 物 (摄 录 人 员 )直 接 征 集 。有 一 部 分 摄 录 人 员 除担当本单位的摄录任务外, 还被指 派(或 聘 请 )摄 录 本 地 区 的 重 大 活 动 、重 要 会 议 、城 市 建 设 、外 事 活 动 等 。 对 保

外语教学法的一般趋势1全身反应法Total Physical Response:Definition and advocate---The Total Physical Response method, put forward by James Asher in the 1970s, is a language teaching method which attempts to teach language through physical activities. It emphasizes comprehension and the use of physical actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level. It sees successful adult second language learning as a process paralleled to child first language acquisition.Objectives---The general objectives of the Total Physical Response method are to teach oral proficiency at a beginning level. Comprehension is a means to an end, and the ultimate aim is to teach basic speaking skills. Imperative(重要的、必要的)drills are major classroom activity in Total physical Response. Other class activities include role-plays and slide presentation. The learners have little influence over the content of learning and are encouraged to speak when they feel ready to. The teacher plays an active and direct role in Total Physical Response. It is the teacher who decides what to teach, who models and presents the new materials, and who selects supporting materials for classroom use.Basic principles---Asher believes in the following principles: ①Comprehension abilities precede productive skills in learning a language. ②The teaching of speaking should be delayed until comprehension skills are established. ③Skills acquired through listening transfer to other skills. ④Teaching should emphasize meaning rather than form. ⑤Teaching should minimize learner stress.2沉默法Silent Way: Definition and advocate----It is an approach to language teaching developed in the United States, principally by Caleb Gattegno. It is based on the premise(假定,假设) that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom and the learner should be encouraged to produce as much as language as possible. The learning hypotheses underlying Gattegno’s work could be stated as follows: ①Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. ②Learning is facilitated by accompanying physical objects. ③Learning is facilitated by problem-solving involving the materials to be learned.Basic principles---The Silent Way is based on the following principles: ①Successful learning involves commitment of the self to language acquisition through the use ofsilent awareness and then active trial. ②It takes a structural approach to the organization of language to be taught. ③Language is seen as strings of meaningful units by grammar rules, and is separated from its social context and taught through artificial situations. ④Lessons follow a sequence based on grammatical complexity and the sentence is the base unit of teaching. ⑤The teacher focuses on prepositional meaning, rather than communicative value. ⑥Students are presented with the structural patterns of the target language and learn the grammar through largely inductive processes. The general objective of the Silent Way is to give beginning level students oral and aural facility in basic elements of the target language. An immediate objective is to provide the learner with a basic practical knowledge of the grammar. In a Silent Way classroom, learners are expected to develop independence, autonomy and responsibility. The teacher does not explain language rules, nor correct students’ errors. She models what should be learned. This requires the students to develop “inner criteria” to correct themselves, to make generalizations, come to their own conclusions, and formulate whatever rules they themselves feel they need.3集体学习法Community Language Learning:Definition and advocate---It is the name of a method developed by Charles A. Curran and his associates. This method advises teachers to consider their students as “whole persons”, therefore Community Language Learning is sometimes cited as an example of a “humanistic approach”.Basic principles---①The more general counseling-learning approach states that adults often feel threatened by a new learning situation, that is , they are threatened by the change inherent in learning and by the fear that they will appear foolish. ②The teacher as a language counselor means the teacher can understand the students face as they attempt to learn a new language, and can help them overcome their negative feelings and turn them into positive energy to further their learning. ③Community Language Learning advocates a holistic approach to language learning, since “true” human learning is both cognitive and affective. ④According to Curran, there are six elements necessary for non-defensive learning: security, attention, aggression, retention, reflection and discrimination. In practice, Community Language Learning is most often used in the teaching of oral proficiency. The course progression is topic based. Teachers want their students to learn how to use the target language communicatively. In addition, they want them to learn about their own learning, to take increasing responsibility for it.4暗示法Suggestopaedia:Definition and advocate---It is a method developed by Bulgarian (保加利亚人)psychiatrist-educator George Lozanov, who believes that language learning can occur at a much faster rate than it is often expected if learners can make better use of their mental powers. In order to do that, the limitations we think we have need to be “desuggested(暗示的)”. Suggestopaedia, the application of the study of suggestion to pedagogy, has been developed to help students eliminate the feeling that they can not be successful and thus to help them overcome the barriers to learning.Basic principles---①Language learning needs involving the whole person in the learning process: both the conscious and the unconscious self. ②For this to take place, a relaxing, co-operative atmosphere is necessary.A Suggestopaedia course is conducted in a classroom in which students are as comfortable as possible. In order to enhance their feeling of security and allow them to be more open, students are asked to select target language names and choose new occupations. The texts that the students work from are handout containing lengthy dialogues in the target language, with a translation in the students’ native language and some notes on the vocabulary and grammar in the dialogues. The first major phase is called “the receptive phase” in which the teacher presents the dialogue during two concerts while the students relax and listen. What follows is the second major phase “the activation phase” in which students engage in various activities designed to help them gain facility with the new materials.Comparison of the four methods: What do these approaches share? Let’s first look at the Silent Way, Community Language Learning and Suggestopaedia. The three approaches all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies. They all endeavor to involve the whole person of students. All view the learning of a second language as quite different from the learning of the first. All three are inductive in the initial stage of the language learning process. All three approaches advocate that there should be no correction of the learners’ errors and they should be given enough time to work on their own. They aim to reduce the anxiety and tension of language teaching. Each of these approaches encourages active use of the language in communicative situations from the beginning. Each if these approaches tries to create a community feeling. All of them start not with the language content but rather with a theory of learning. Each is the outcome and application of a particular theory of language learning and an accompanying body of instructional theory. All theseindicate that the focus of research has been shifted from language teaching to language learning.外语教学发展的一般趋势:Development in FLT:⑴According to Stern The development of foreign language teaching in the past 100 years has not been identical everywhere. The entire time span can be roughly divided into four periods:①The last decade of the 19th century It witnessed a determined effort in many countries of the Western world to bring modern foreign languages into the school and university curriculm on their own terms, to emancipate modern languages more and more from the comparison with the classics, and to reform the methods of language teaching in a decisive way.②From World WarⅠto 1940 During the first World War and the inter-war years to 1940, the first serious attempts were made to solve language teaching problems by research methods. This period is characterized by attempts to resolve the debate on teaching methods of the preceding era through practical and realistic solutions.③From the end of World WarⅡto 1960s Since the end of World WarⅡ, teachers have found themselves under considerable pressure to abandon the long-standing teacher-centred model. In Europe generally, changes that were occurring were based on functional theories of language. In the United States in particular people began to cast doubts on Leonard Bloomfield’s linguistic theory and B.F. Skinner’s views. By the mid-1960s, the upheaval in linguistics and psycholinguistics created by Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar had began to affect language pedagogy. A fresh examination of the learning process and of how to provide for it commenced. The goals of language instruction in the 1960s has been on the oral medium, and meaning was deemphasized. But during the decade that followed teachers wanted once again to see more emphasis on meaning, and more flexibility in the use of teaching materials.④The seventies of the 20th century The 1970s were characterized by the emergence of several new methods. There was a shift from a concern with teaching methods to one with language teaching objectives, language content and syllabus design. Another focus is on the learner as an individual and as a wh ole person. Krashen’s distinction between language acquisition and language learning and his Monitor Model theory also aroused widespread interest. From the mid-1970s the key concept in educational linguistics and language pedagogy is that of communication or communicativecompetence have emerged in the idea of Communicative Language Teaching as a central focus for new thought and fresh approaches in language pedagogy in the early 1980s.According to Rivers(四个时期) In the grammar-translation period (before World War Ⅱin most foreign language teaching in many parts of the world ) the emphasis was on WHY we should teach a modern language. The focus of FLT was on the understanding of a formal grammatical system and the ability to read literature and philosophy. Then modern language teachers came to the WHAT and HOW of the audiolingual era, asking such questions as “What is language?” and “How do people learn languages?” The structuralists believed language was a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which the members of a society interact in terms of their total culture and it was learned by acquiring language habits through reinforcement. The emphasis on WHAT and HOW continued during the transformational-generative period, when the cognitive code-learning approaches was much discussed. More recently has come emphasis on the individual as learner. Who are our language learners? How do individuals learn? What are their personal learning strategies? Second-language teachers began to seek ways in which students could be given opportunities, situations and time to learn.外语教学法对中国英语教学的影响:Influence of FLTM on ELT in China:⑴Method used in the late 19th century English teaching began in China in the 19th century when foreign missionaries came to China. The method of learning and teaching English then followed the patterned below: ①Recitation: Students recited the lesson taught the previous day. ②Questions and answers: Teacher asked questions in Chinese, Students answered in English. ③Writing practice: Students write from memory the lesson taught. ④Presentation: Teacher presented the new lesson; students listened and practice spoken English. ⑤Spelling practice: Thi s was done after class. ⑥Sentence making: This began after half a year’s learning when students were expected to have learned some vocabulary. Students practiced translating sentences and teacher corrected them.⑵Method used in the 50s and 60s (三中心)After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, people came to realize the importance of a foreign language in the education of professionals and in the development of science and technology. A foreign language was considered one of the basic components of secondary education. But in the 1950s and 1960s Russian became the main foreign language taught. TheRussian methodological principles were “three-centered”: classr oom-centered, teacher-centered and textbook-centered. According to these principles, in the classroom, the teachers were imparting knowledge, which the students passively took in.⑶Method used in the 80s (新教材)After the setback in foreign language teaching during the “Cultural Revolution”, foreign language teaching began to flourish again. The release of the 1978 syllabus heralded a new age in China’s secondary English teaching. But a great deal of linguistic theory was not introduced into course book design. With the open door policy and establishment of some key schools, a new English course book was greatly needed. To meet this need, the People’s Education Press came up with a new syllabus in 1982, and a textbook series English.The approach recommended was neither a typical structural approach nor a conventional one. It was a composite format, which contained both audiolingualism and traditionalism. The methodological principles were: ①A foreign language is a tool and weapon, which should be taught for use. We should teach English rather than teach about it. In learning English, practice is the key. ②In teaching, priority should be given to listening and speaking. The writers of the textbook series insist that: ⅠListening and speaking should be the chief means of teaching in the beginning and intermediate stages; ⅡWords and sentences should be explained in English with the aid of objects, pictures, actions, expressions and situations, while Chinese should be used judiciously, especially in teaching beginners. ⅢNothing should be read before it is heard and spoken. ③Attention should be paid to the teaching of phonetics through all stages. ④Serious training should be given in spelling. ⑤The language should be taught through pattern drills. ⑥Grammar should be taught through drills and in an inductive way. ⑦While we teach the new, the old should be reviewed.In discussing the methodological development before the 1980s in China, Tang summarized four points:ⅠGiving priority to listening and speaking ⅡLaying equal emphasis on all the five basic skills ⅢStressing reading skills ⅣInvolving a more active use of the students’ mental power The last notable tendency is the application of the enlightening method, which resembles, in many ways, the Cognitive-code method, and views language learning as a natural creative process rather than habit formation. This method represents a recent theory which advocates the combination of the learning of the basic skills with the training of students’ competence and intelligence. The last decade saw the influence of the CommunicativeApproach in English language teaching in China and its widespread application in the foreign language teaching classroom. In recent years, the Chinese ELT profession is involved in the “communicative movement”. Theorists and practitioners have been trying to introduce the Communicative Approach into the English language teaching field.中国出现的英语教学法:Integrated Application:从整体上说:⑴Main stream The Chinese ELT teachers and researchers have been looking for the best method for ELT in China for many years. Through trail and error, people have realized there is no single best method which can meet the needs of all learners all the time. The method chosen must be based on the students’ general needs, their learning style, their age, their interest, their first language and other factors, because all of these contribute to successful language teaching and learning. To meet the particular needs of the Chinese learners, the people’s Education Press joined hands with the Longman Group Ltd.In late 80s and early 90s and compiled a textbook series for Chinese secondary school English teachers. The aim of the textbooks are to help students get all-round development of the four skills and an ability to use English for communication.①The essence of the books could be summarized into the following five aspects:ⅠStudents should be taught to use English, not just to know something about English. ⅡThe method used is a combination of modernism and traditionalism. ⅢThe language material is arranged from simple to difficult according to grammatical structures. ⅣLanguage material is arranged in such a way that students can practise its communicative functions by using its structures. ⅤThe order of practicing the four skills is : listening, speaking, reading and writing.②The methodological principles listed in the textbooks are:ⅠTeaching should start with the easy to the more difficult, from the known to the unknown. ⅡMaterials should be presented in a spiral system so that what is learned can be reviewed, consolidated and expanded. ⅢLearning by using active use of the language is encouraged. ⅣTeaching materials should be interesting and meet the students’ needs so that the students are more motivated in learning English. ③The intended teaching procedures: To apply these principles in practice, teachers are required to use a five-step method in the classroom. In each step, the teacher plays a different role: The following chart shows how this methodological framework is organized: Steps and teachers’ role: Revision----Memory reinforcerPresentation----Demonstrator Drill----Organizer/Conductor Practice----Referee/Monitor/Supervisor Consolidation----Helper中国出现的新的教学法①Three Dimensional Approach立体教学法The 3DA assumes that a foreign language is learned while what is acquired plays only a subsidiary role. Foreign language teaching involves not only students, the target language, the environment, cultures of both the first language and the target language, but the economic development of the country. And the role of the teacher is to maintain a balance between students, the target language and the environment. Secondary education is to prepare the students for the future, therefore, foreign language teaching should not be too utilitarian. In the classroom, the 3DA emphasizes students’ own responsibility of learning . Listening and speaking come before the other skills, and there is more extensive reading than intensive reading. Language knowledge is taught concisely and briefly with more class time devoted to language skills. Practice is always done in context.②The ASSRF Method 十字教学法ASSRF is the short form for “affective factors, situation, structure, rul e and function”, the five factors which are considered crucial components in foreign language teaching. ⅠAffective factors directly influence language teaching and learning. Therefore, need to be taken seriously. Ⅱ A favourable environment for language learning can be created if there is a friendly and cooperative relationship between the teacher and the students. ⅢSituation defines the meaning of language use. ⅣStructures, rules and functions of language should all be taken care of in teaching because all are important dimensions of language. ⅤNeglecting any one of them, the teacher would present before the students a false or incomplete picture of language, which would affect appropriate and effective language use.③dual activity mothed 双重活动教学法This is an approach which puts foreign language teaching in a macro-communicative framework. Proposed by Wang Cairen, the DAM specified six duality: ⅠThe first duality is to teach a language and to educate people. ⅡThe second duality lies in teacher-learner relationship. Both the teacher and the students are important partners in the teaching and learning process. They form the dual center of the classroom. ⅢThe third duality is reflected in the communication between the teacher and the students. Their communication is not only intellectual but an exchange of feelings, attitudes values, etc. ⅣFourthly,English, as a tool for communication, has also its duality: language has its form and content. ⅤThe process of acquiring information input is through external stimuli and internal cognitive activity, which forms the fifth duality: dual channels of acquiring information. ⅥThe last one is about language output. When students use the language they have learned, their production should be not only correct, but also fluent and appropriate.④Global Method整体教学法In essence, the Global Method is a text-based, top-down approach, which emphasizes a global understanding of the whole text book before tacking local problems or details. Reading is a means as well as an end in itself. One of the advocates of the Global Method holds that teaching should reflect the way learning takes place. In other words, teachers should study not only how to teach, but also how to enable students to learn on their own. He believes that ELT in junior middle schools should follow this procedure: lead in, comprehension, practice, summarizing, development, use, test, reinforcement. While in senior years, the teaching procedure should consist of four steps: ⅠRead the whole text with questions guiding s tudents’ comprehension; ⅡUnderstand the text by moving from global meaning to local meaning; ⅢStudy language structures; ⅣUse knowledge of the language to express meaning. The ultimate aim is to develop students’ independence and autonomy in learning and using the language.。

1. 多元化教学方法:传统的教学模式已经不再适应现代学生的需求,越来越多的教学机构和学校采用多元化的教学方法,如项目式学习、沉浸式学习和合作学习,以提高学生的语言能力和应用能力。
2. 技术应用:随着科技的发展,越来越多的教学资源和工具被应用到外语教学中。
3. 跨文化教学:随着全球化的加速,跨文化交流的需求也越来越大。
4. 自主学习:自主学习被认为是培养学生语言技能和自学能力的有效方法。
5. 个性化教育:每个学生都有自己的学习风格和学习需求,因此,个性化教育成为外语教学的重要趋势之一。
6. 文化融合:外语教学不仅侧重于语言技能的培养,还注重培养学生对目标语言国家文化的理解和尊重。

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外语教学法的一般趋势some new flt approaches:国外一些新的外语教学法1全身反应法Total Physical Response:Definition and advocate---The Total Physical Response method, put forward by James Asher in the 1970s, is a language teaching method which attempts to teach language through physical activities. It emphasizes comprehension and the use of physical actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level. It sees successful adult second language learning as a process paralleled to child first language acquisition.Objectives---The general objectives of the Total Physical Response method are to teach oral proficiency at a beginning level. Comprehension is a means to an end, and the ultimate aim is to teach basic speaking skills. Imperative drills are major classroom activity in Total physical Response. Other class activities include rule-plays and slide presentation. The learners have little influence over the content of learning and are encouraged to speak when they feel ready to. The teacher plays an active and direct role in Total Physical Response. It is the teacher who decides what to teach, who models and presents the new materials, and who selects supporting materials for classroom use.Basic principles---Asher believes in the following principles: ①Comprehension abilities precede productive skills in learning a language.②The teaching of speaking should be delayed until comprehension skills are established. ③Skills acquired through listening transfer to other skills. ④Teaching should emphasize meaning rather than form. ⑤Teaching should minimize learner stress.2沉默法Silent Way: Definition and advocate----It is an approach to language teaching developed in the United States, principally by Caleb Gattegno. It is based on the premise that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom and the learner should be encouraged to produce as much as language as possible. The learning hypotheses underlying Gattegno’s work could be stated as follows: ①Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. ②Learning is facilitated by accompanyingphysical objects. ③Learning is facilitated by problem-solving involving the materials to be learned.Silent Way: Basic principles---The Silent Way is based on the following principles: ①Successful learning involves commitment of the self to language acquisition through the use of silent awareness and then active trial. ②It takes a structural approach to the organization of language to be taught. ③Language is seen as strings of meaningful units by grammar rules, and is separated from its social context and taught through artificial situations. ④Lessons follow a sequence based on grammatical complexity and the sentence is the base unit of teaching. ⑤The teacher focuses on prepositional meaning, rather than communicative value. ⑥Students are presented with the structural patterns of the target language and learn the grammar through largely inductive processes. The general objective of the Silent Way is to give beginning level students oral and aural facility in basic elements of the target language. An immediate objective is to provide the learner with a basic practical knowledge of the grammar. In a Silent Way classroom, learners are expected to develop independence, autonomy and responsibility. The teacher does not explain language rules, nor correct students’ errors. She models what should be learned. This requires the students to develop “inner criteria” to correct themselves, to make generalizations, come to their own conclusions, and formulate whatever rules they themselves feel they need.2集体学习法Community Language Learning:Definition and advocate---It is the name of a method developed by Charles A. Curran and his associates. This method advises teachers to consider their students as “whole persons”, therefore Community Language Learning is sometimes cited as an example of a “humanistic approach”.Basic principles---①The more general counseling-learning approach states that adults often feel threatened by a new learning situation, that is , they are threatened by the change inherent in learning and by the fear that they will appear foolish. ②The teacher as a language counselor means the teacher can understand the students face as they attempt to learn a new language, and can help them overcome their negative feelings andturn them into positive energy to further their learning. ③Community Language Learning advocates a holistic approach to language learning, since “true” human learning is both cognitiv e and affective. ④According to Curran, there are six elements necessary for non-defensive learning: security, attention, aggression, retention, reflection and discrimination. In practice, Community Language Learning is most often used in the teaching of oral proficiency. The course progression is topic based. Teachers want their students to learn how to use the target language communicatively. In addition, they want them to learn about their own learning, to take increasing responsibility for it.4暗示法Suggestopaedia:Definition and advocate---It is a method developed by Bulgarian psychiatrist-educator George Lozanov,who believes that language learning can occur at a much faster rate than it is often expected if learners can make better use of their mental powers. In order to do that, The limitations we think we have need to be “desuggested”. Suggestopaedia, the application of the study of suggestion to pedagogy, has been developed to help students eliminate the feeling that they can not be successful and thus to help them overcome the barriers to learning. Basic principles---①Language learning needs involving the whole person in the learning process: both the conscious and the unconscious self. ②For this to take place, a relaxing, co-operative atmosphere is necessary.A Suggestopaedia course is conducted in a classroom in which students are as comfortable as possible. In order to enhance their feeling of security and allow them to be more open, students are asked to select target language names and choose new occupations. The texts that the students work from are handout containing lengthy dialogues in the target language, with a translation in the students’ native language and some notes on the vocabulary and grammar in the dialogues. The first major phase i s called “the receptive phase” in which the teacher presents the dialogue during two concerts while the students relax and listen. What follows is the second major phase “the activation phase” in which students engage in various activities designed to help them gain facilitywith the new materials.四种方法的比较:Comparison of the four methods: What do these approaches share? Let’s first look at the Silent Way, Community Language Learning and Suggestopaedia. The three approaches all lay emphasis on the individual and on personal learning strategies. They all endeavor to involve the whole person of students. All view the learning of a second language as quite different from the learning of the first. All three are inductive in the initial stage of the language learning process. All three approaches advocate that there should be no correction of the learners’ errors and they should be given enough time to work on their own. They aim to reduce the anxiety and tension of language teaching. Each of these approaches encourages active use of the language in communicative situations from the beginning. Each if these approaches tries to create a community feeling. All of them start not with the language content but rather with a theory of learning. Each is the outcome and application of a particular theory of language learning and an accompanying body of instructional theory. All these indicate that the focus of research has been shifted from language teaching to language learning.外语教学发展的一般趋势:Development in FLT:⑴According to Stern The development of foreign language teaching in the past 100 years has not been identical everywhere. The entire time span can be roughly divided into four periods:①The last decade of the 19th century It witnessed a determined effort in many countries of the Western world to bring modern foreign languages into the school and university curriculm on their own terms, to emancipate modern languages more and more from the comparison with the classics, and to reform the methods of language teaching in a decisive way.②From World WarⅠto 1940 During the first World War and the inter-war years to 1940, the first serious attempts were made to solve language teaching problems by research methods. This period is characterized by attempts to resolve the debate on teaching methods of the preceding era through practical and realistic solutions.③From the end of World WarⅡto 1960s Since the end of World WarⅡ, teachers have found themselves under considerable pressure to abandon the long-standing teacher-centred model. In Europe generally, changes that were occurring were based on functional theories of language. In the United States in particular people began to cast doubts on Leonard Bloomfield’s linguistic theory and B.F. Skinner’s views. By the mid-1960s, the upheaval in linguistics and psycholinguistics created by Chomsky’s transformational-generative grammar had began to affect language pedagogy. A fresh examination of the learning process and of how to provide for it commenced. The goals of language instruction in the 1960s has been on the oral medium, and meaning was deemphasized. But during the decade that followed teachers wanted once again to see more emphasis on meaning, and more flexibility in the use of teaching materials.④The seventies of the 20th century The 1970s were characterized by the emergence of several new methods. There was a shift from a concern with teaching methods to one with language teaching objectives, language content and syllabus design. Another focus is on the learner as an individual and as a wh ole person. Krashen’s distinction between language acquisition and language learning and his Monitor Model theory also aroused widespread interest. From the mid-1970s the key concept in educational linguistics and language pedagogy is that of communication or communicative competence have emerged in the idea of Communicative Language Teaching as a central focus for new thought and fresh approaches in language pedagogy in the early 1980s. According to Rivers(四个时期)In the grammar-translation period (before World War Ⅱin most foreign language teaching in many parts of the world ) the emphasis was on WHY we should teach a modern language. The focus of FLT was on the understanding of a formal grammatical system and the ability to read literature and philosophy. Then modern language teachers came to the WHAT and HOW of the audiolingual era, asking such questions as “What is language?” and “How do people learn languages?” The structuralists believed language was a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which the membersof a society interact in terms of their total culture and it was learned by acquiring language habits through reinforcement. The emphasis on WHAT and HOW continued during the transformational-generative period, when the cognitive code-learning approaches was much discussed. More recently has come emphasis on the individual as learner. Who are our language learners? How do individuals learn? What are their personal learning strategies? Second-language teachers began to seek ways in which students could be given opportunities, situations and time to learn.外语教学法对中国英语教学的影响:Influence of FLTM on ELT in China:⑴Method used in the late 19th century English teaching began in China in the 19th century when foreign missionaries came to China. The method of learning and teaching English then followed the patterned below: ①Recitation: Students recited the lesson taught the previous day.②Questions and answers: Teacher asked questions in Chinese, Students answered in English. ③Writing practice: Students write from memory the lesson taught. ④Presentation: Teacher presented the new lesson; students listened and practice spoken English. ⑤Spelling practice: Thi s was done after class. ⑥Sentence making: This began after half a year’s learning when students were expected to have learned some vocabulary. Students practiced translating sentences and teacher corrected them.⑵Method used in the 50s and 60s (三中心)After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, people came to realize the importance of a foreign language in the education of professionals and in the development of science and technology. A foreign language was considered one of the basic components of secondary education. But in the 1950s and 1960s Russian became the main foreign language taught. The Russian methodological principles were “three-centered”: classr oom-centered, teacher-centered and textbook-centered. According to these principles, in the classroom, the teachers were imparting knowledge, which the students passively took in.⑶Method used in the 80s (新教材)After the setback in foreign language teaching during the “Cultural Revolution”, foreign languageteaching began to flourish again. The release of the 1978 syllabus heralded a new age in China’s secondary English teaching. But a great deal of linguistic theory was not introduced into course book design. With the open door policy and establishment of some key schools, a new English course book was greatly needed. To meet this need, the People’s Education Press came up with a new syllabus in 1982, and a textbook series English.The approach recommended was neither a typical structural approach nor a conventional one. It was a composite format, which contained both audiolingualism and traditionalism. The methodological principles were: ①A foreign language is a tool and weapon, which should be taught for use. We should teach English rather than teach about it. In learning English, practice is the key. ②In teaching, priority should be given to listening and speaking. The writers of the textbook series insist that: ⅠListening and speaking should be the chief means of teaching in the beginning and intermediate stages; ⅡWords and sentences should be explained in English with the aid of objects, pictures, actions, expressions and situations, while Chinese should be used judiciously, especially in teaching beginners. ⅢNothing should be read before it is heard and spoken. ③Attention should be paid to the teaching of phonetics through all stages. ④Serious training should be given in spelling. ⑤The language should be taught through pattern drills.⑥Grammar should be taught through drills and in an inductive way. ⑦While we teach the new, the old should be reviewed.In discussing the methodological development before the 1980s in China, Tang summarized four points:ⅠGiving priority to listening and speaking ⅡLaying equal emphasis on all the five basic skills ⅢStressing reading skills ⅣInvolving a more active use of the students’ mental power The last notable tendency is the application of the enlightening method, which resembles, in many ways, the Cognitive-code method, and views language learning as a natural creative process rather than habit formation. This method represents a recent theory which advocates the combination of the learning of the basic skills with the training of students’ competence and intelligence. The last decade saw the influence of the Communicative Approach in English language teachingin China and its widespread application in the foreign language teaching classroom. In recent years, the Chinese ELT profession is involved in the “communicative movement”. Theorists and practitioners have been trying to introduce the Communicative Approach into the English language teaching field.中国出现的英语教学法:Integrated Application:从整体上说:⑴Main stream The Chinese ELT teachers and researchers have been looking for the best method for ELT in China for many years. Through trail and error, people have realized there is no single best method which can meet the needs of all learners all the time. The method chosen must be based on the students’ general needs, their learning style, their age, their interest, their first language and other factors, because all of these contribute to successful language teaching and learning. To meet the particular needs of the Chinese learners, the people’s Education Press joined hands with the Longman Group Ltd.In late 80s and early 90s and compiled a textbook series for Chinese secondary school English teachers. The aim of the textbooks are to help students get all-round development of the four skills and an ability to use English for communication.①The essence of the books could be summarized into the following five aspects:ⅠStudents should be taught to use English, not just to know something about English. ⅡThe method used is a combination of modernism and traditionalism. ⅢThe language material is arranged from simple to difficult according to grammatical structures. ⅣLanguage material is arranged in such a way that students can practise its communicative functions by using its structures. ⅤThe order of practicing the four skills is : listening, speaking, reading and writing.②The methodological principles listed in the textbooks are:ⅠTeaching should start with the easy to the more difficult, from the known to the unknown. ⅡMaterials should be presented in a spiral system so that what is learned can be reviewed, consolidated and expanded. ⅢLearning by using active use of the language is encouraged. ⅣTeaching materials should be interesting and meet the students’ needs so that the students are more motivated in learning English. ③The intendedteaching procedures: To apply these principles in practice, teachers are required to use a five-step method in the classroom. In each step, the teacher plays a different role: The following chart shows how this methodological framework is organized: Steps and teachers’ role: Revision----Memory reinforcer Presentation----Demonstrator Drill----Organizer/Conductor Practice----Referee/Monitor/Supervisor Consolidation----Helper中国出现的新的教学法①Three Dimensional Approach立体教学法The 3DA assumes that a foreign language is learned while what is acquired plays only a subsidiary role. Foreign language teaching involves not only students, the target language, the environment, cultures of both the first language and the target language, but the economic development of the country. And the role of the teacher is to maintain a balance between students, the target language and the environment. Secondary education is to prepare the students for the future, therefore, foreign language teaching should not be too utilitarian. In the classroom, the 3DA emphasizes students’ own responsibility of learning . Listening and speaking come before the other skills, and there is more extensive reading than intensive reading. Language knowledge is taught concisely and briefly with more class time devoted to language skills. Practice is always done in context.②The ASSRF Method 十字教学法ASSRF is the short form for “affective factors, situation, structure, rule and function”, the five factors which are considered crucial components in foreign language teaching. ⅠAffective factors directly influence language teaching and learning. Therefore, need to be taken seriously. ⅡA favourable environment for language learning can be created if there is a friendly and cooperative relationship between the teacher and the students. ⅢSituation defines the meaning of language use. ⅣStructures, rules and functions of language should all be taken care of in teaching because all are important dimensions of language. ⅤNeglecting any one of them, the teacher would present before the students a false or incomplete picture of language, which would affect appropriate and effective language use.③dual activity mothed 双重活动教学法This is an approach whichputs foreign language teaching in a macro-communicative framework. Proposed by Wang Cairen, the DAM specified six duality: ⅠThe first duality is to teach a language and to educate people. ⅡThe second duality lies in teacher-learner relationship. Both the teacher and the students are important partners in the teaching and learning process. They form the dual center of the classroom. ⅢThe third duality is reflected in the communication between the teacher and the students. Their communication is not only intellectual but an exchange of feelings, attitudes values, etc. ⅣFourthly, English, as a tool for communication, has also its duality: language has its form and content. ⅤThe process of acquiring information input is through external stimuli and internal cognitive activity, which forms the fifth duality: dual channels of acquiring information. ⅥThe last one is about language output. When students use the language they have learned, their production should be not only correct, but also fluent and appropriate.④Global Method整体教学法In essence, the Global Method is a text-based, top-down approach, which emphasizes a global understanding of the whole text book before tacking local problems or details. Reading is a means as well as an end in itself. One of the advocates of the Global Method holds that teaching should reflect the way learning takes place. In other words, teachers should study not only how to teach, but also how to enable students to learn on their own. He believes that ELT in junior middle schools should follow this procedure: lead in, comprehension, practice, summarizing, development, use, test, reinforcement. While in senior years, the teaching procedure should consist of four steps: ⅠRead the whole text with questions guiding s tudents’ comprehension; ⅡUnderstand the text by moving from global meaning to local meaning;ⅢStudy language structures; ⅣUse knowledge of the language to express meaning. The ultimate aim is to develop students’ independence and autonomy in learning and using the language.。