禁止: • 禁止在道路高速行驶时,使用单边制动(踏板制动锁需连接) • 禁止长时间使用单边制动辅助转向 • 禁止在差速锁结合时使用单边制动
禁止: • 严禁在转向和下坡时使用差速锁
注意: • 单侧轮胎打滑时使用 • 结合过程:断开离合结合(踩踏)差速锁结合离合
档位&档杆布局 12+4
1 正常:启动后灯熄灭 2 主警报:与1、3、4、5同闪烁 3 传动箱油压报警 4 发动机油压报警 5 空滤堵塞报警 6 制动液油位过低&停车制动 7 高速档指示灯 8 低速档指示灯 9 爬行档指示灯(无效) 10 四驱指示灯
5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
禁止: • 严禁在行程过程中切换四驱
注意: • 在需要提升牵引力时,使用四驱
安全事项: • 在不使用PTO时,安装PTO防护套
注意: • 车辆启动时,PTO必须断开 • 结合:降低发动机转速结合PTO(可不用离合器) • 断开:直接断开PTO
注意: • 液压输出:2组 • 液压输出合流控制-提高液压输出流量 • 操作:
• 将力控制调整到最高位置,将位控制调整的“蓝色”位置 • 将合流手柄从“提升”位置切换到“合流”位置 • 此时三点悬挂无法工作
GA/ET-02307/8SOGEV ACSV200, SV300 BR2使用说明书(包括备件清单)适用的编号:10926/10927 : J 97 12 00001 (SV200)10930/10931 : J 97 12 00001 (SV300)95526/95527 – (JAPAN) : J 97 12 00001 (SV200)95536/95537 – (JAPAN) : J 97 12 00001 (SV300)95027 – (USA) : J 97 12 00001 (SV200)95031 – (USA) : J 97 12 00001 (SV300)操作说明书备件清单合格证的EC声明我们,LEYBOLD SA,在此郑重声明,以下规定的产品在设计、型号及流通过程中的改型方面均满足有关EEC指令的安全和健康基本要求。
产品结构:单级旋片泵SOGEV AC型号:UV25SV 16 – SV 25 – SV 40 – SV 65SV 100 – SV 200 – SV 300 – SV 585SV 630 – SV 750 – SV 1200和它们的改型,但不带电机交付的泵和带Eex…..电机交付的泵除外。
产品满足下述指令要求:- EEC 机械指令(89/392/EWG)和相继指令91/336/EWG- EEC 低电压指令(73/23/EWG)- EEC 电磁兼容性指令(89/336/EWG)应用协调标准:- EN 1012.1 (project 1993)292.1- EN- EN292.260204.1- EN真空泵安装和启动前,必须阅读并弄懂本使用说明书。
注意:按照最新技术标准和安全规程已经制造出SOGEV AC真空泵。
威盟士VMS-300XD2-WB HWB-N01吸顶式微波探测器用户手册说明书
![威盟士VMS-300XD2-WB HWB-N01吸顶式微波探测器用户手册说明书](
吸顶式微波探测器用户手册(485型)VMS-300XD2-WB/HWB-N01Ver1.0目录1.产品简介 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2主要技术指标 (3)1.3功能特点 (3)1.4产品选型 (4)1.5系统框架图 (4)1.6产品外观 (5)3.安装与使用说明 (6)3.1设备安装前检查 (6)3.2接线说明 (6)3.3安装说明 (6)3.4使用说明 (7)3.5检测范围图 (7)4.配置软件安装及使用 (7)4.1软件选择 (7)4.2参数设置 (7)5.通信协议 (8)5.1通讯基本参数 (8)5.2数据帧格式定义 (8)5.3寄存器地址 (9)5.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (9)6.常见问题及解决办法 (10)1.产品简介1.1产品概述此设备为高稳定性雷达微波探测器。
1.2主要技术指标■供电电源:10~30V DC■功耗:0.3W■传感器类型:微波传感器■报警延时:0-65535s可调(报警持续时间)■延时报警:软件设置(发生报警的延时)■工作频率:24.00~24.25GHz■安装方式:吸顶■安装高度:2.5~6m■探测范围:直径6m(安装高度3.6m时)■探测角度:全方位360°■信号输出:RS485■通信协议:ModBus-RTU■工作环境:-10℃~50℃,≤95%RH(非结露)1.3功能特点■采用8-bit低功耗CMOS处理器■具有自动温度补偿功能■抗RFI干扰:20~1000MHz(如移动通信)■三种报警延时输出可选设备尺寸:1.4产品选型VMS-公司代号300XD2-新款吸顶外壳HW-红外报警器WB-微波报警器HWB-红外微波双鉴报警器N01485通讯(ModBus协议)1.5系统框架图本产品也可以多个传感器组合在一条485总线使用,理论上一条总线可以254个485传感器,另一端接入带有485接口的PLC、通过485接口芯片连接单片机,或者使用USB 转485即可与电脑连接,使用我公司提供的传感器配置工具进行配置和测试(在使用该配置软件时只能接一台设备)。
手册编码:32020085,版本:V1.1,归档:2016年7月22日安全上的注意事项 (在使用前请务必阅读)本手册中,安全注意事项分为“危险”、“注意”两个等级,如下表所示。
1 伺服驱动器与电机1.1 伺服驱动器列表最大电流 通用型智能型运动控制型 10A GSD300-S10□○ ISD300-S10□○ MSD300-S10□○ 15A GSD300-S15□○ ISD300-S15□○ MSD300-S15□○ 20A GSD300-S20□○ ISD300-S20□○ MSD300-S20□○ 25A GSD300-S25□○ ISD300-S25□○ MSD300-S25□○ 35A GSD300-S35□○ ISD300-S35□○ MSD300-S35□○ 50A GSD300-S50□○ ISD300-S50□○ MSD300-S50□○ 100AGSD300-SA0□○ISD300-SA0□○MSD300-SA0□○注:伺服驱动器中的□是编码器类型标识,○是非标或特殊型号标识(标准型号为缺省),详见选型手册。
1.2 伺服驱动器各部分名称控制电源端子安装孔(2处)DBUS IBUS伺服驱动器的面板分为显示部分(5位7段LED)和操作部分(4个按钮),可进行伺服驱动器的状态显示、报警和参数设定。
1.3 伺服驱动器尺寸与重量最大电流A(mm) B(mm) C(mm) D(mm) E(mm) 重量(kg) 10-20A 173 45 170 163 27.5 1.5 25A-50A 173 65 180 163 47.5 2 100A 212 82 202 202 64.5 2.9注:图示仅用于说明安装尺寸,实际外观,请参照实际购买的产品。
★★★★★Microlab 300半自动生化分析仪中文使用手册目录1. 安全注意事项1.1 简介1-2 1.2 操作者资格1-2 1.3 维修人员资格1-2 1.4 标志的描述1-2仪器上的标志1-2 手册中的标志1-2 1.5 电子部分1-3 1.6 机械部分1-3 1.7 灯泡1-3 1.8 化学部分1-3 1.9 生物污染成分1-4样品1-4 废液1-4 生物污染成分1-4 试剂1-4 1.10 附加事项1-5防火1-5 结果的准确性/精密度1-5 应用1-5 操作和保养1-5 安装要求1-6 仪器闲置时的处理1-6 2. 序言2.1 系统外观2-2 2.2 使用手册2-4 2.3 包装运输2-5 2.4 安装2-52.5 验收2-63. 系统描述3.1 概述3-2 3.2 盖子3-2 3.3 吸液器3-3 3.4 测量单元3-4 3.5 泵单元3-5 3.6 打印单元3-6 3.7 屏幕3-73.8 键盘3-83.8.1 硬键3-83.8.2 软键3-93.8.3 字母键3-93.8.4 键头键3-9 3.9 仪器的后面板3-10 3.10 值的输入和软件设置3-113.11 技术数据3-124. 理论4.1 概述4-2 4.2 吸光度4-2 4.3 动力法原理4-3 4.4 终点法原理4-44.4.1 标准终点法4-44.4.2 带试剂空白终点法4-44.4.3 带试剂空白和样品空白的终点法4-54.4.4 双波长终点法4-5 4.5 两点法原理4-64.6 非线性实验4-65. 运行仪器5.1 开机前准备5-2 5.2 开机5-4 5.3 冲洗比色池5-5 5.4 系统参数编程5-65.4.1 前言5-95.4.2 硬件5-115.4.3 滤光片5-135.4.4 仪器5-145.4.5 保护5-16 5.5 建立质控程序5.5.1 质控编程5-175.5.2 修改或清除质控5-195.6 注册定标液5-226. 测试6.1 实验选择6-2 6.2 测量6-36.2.1 水空白6-36.2.2 试剂空白6-46.2.3 定标液6-5附加信息6-76.2.4 质控6-8附加信息6-96.2.5 样品6-10附加信息6-116.2.6 样品空白6-12仅做样品空白6-12样品空白和试剂空白6-136.2.7 测量结果的标志6-156.2.8 测量类型的变换6-166.2.9 屏幕上的软键6-176.2.10 信息屏幕6-18动力学实验信息6-19 6.3 结束测量6-206.4 评估实验6-217. 质量控制7.1 概述7-27.2 统计7-28.实验和定标液编程8-2 8.1 概述8-2 8.2 用户定义的实验编程8-28.2.1 简介8-58.2.2 设置8-6动力法8-6终点法8-7两点法8-78.2.3 范围8-8 8.3 定标液编程8-98.3.1 定标液8-101点定标8-122点定标8-12多点定标8-13因数定标8-138.3.2 标准液8-148.4 在编程菜单和数据菜单的软键8-169. 使用密码9.1 概述9-29.2 修改密码9-310. 保养10.1 半天保养10-2 10.2 每天保养10-4 10.3 更换打印纸10-5 10.4 更换色带10-6 10.5 更换保险10-7 10.6 更换或调节灯泡10-8 10.7 打印保养表10-13 10.8 出错记录10-1310.9 维修10-1411. 故障11.1 常见故障11-211.1.1 样品和试剂的问题11-3样品11-3试剂、定标液和质控物11-311.1.2 分析仪的问题11-311.2 解决方法11-411.2.1 屏幕提示11-411.2.2 数据标志11-511.2.3 无样品吸入11-611.2.4 吸样量不足11-611.2.5 通讯错误11-711.2.6 没有结果11-711.2.7 结果不稳定11-8跳点11-8重复性差11-8结果太低11-9结果太高11-911.2.8 空白错误11-911.2.9 温度错误提示11-10附录A.1 外接键盘A-2A.1.1 安装外接键盘A-2A.1.2 键盘功能A-3A.2 订货信息A-4索引#开放通道个数5-141点定标8-122点定标8-12A吸光度4-2附加信息(定标液)6-7附加信息(质控)6-9附加信息(样品)6-11调节灯泡10-8修改质控5-19样品号自动增加功能5-14,6-10 自动打印结果5-14B仪器的背面3-10波特率5-11双波长终点法4-5C 定标8-10定标曲线8-14测量类型的改变6-16修改密码9-3修改质控6-9修改密码5-16检查选择框3-11,8-4 仪器的清洁6-20色带10-6质控6-8D 每日常规检查5-2日期5-9日期格式5-9E 编辑框3-11,8-4 终止日保养10-4每天工作结束的方法5-5带试剂空白的终点法4-4带试剂空白和样品空白的终点法4-5环境条件3-12方程4-2出错记录10-13评估实验6-21外接键盘5-11外接打印机5-11F 因数定标8-13滤光片5-13滤光片轮5-13标志6-15,6-18 保险丝10-7H 半日保养10-2I 动力法信息6-19信息屏幕6-18安装2-5内置打印机5-4K 键盘3-8动力法4-3L 实验室名称5-9语言5-9Levey-Jennings 图7-2列表框3-11,8-4 语言版本5-10M 保养列表10-13 测量纽6-17测量实验6-2多点定标8-13N 非线性4-3P 病人名称5-14电源要求3-12打印纸10-5标准编程8-9质控编程5-17系统参数编程5-6用户定义实验编程8-2Q 质量控制7-2R 反应图6-17屏幕上的反应6-19试剂空白6-4清除质控5-19换灯泡10-8结果格式5-14S 样品6-10样品空白测量6-12样品码5-14运输2-5标准终点法4-4质控的统计信息7-2T 实验选择6-2时间5-9气泡体积5-14两点法4-6V 确认定标6-5确认质控(按质控)7-2确认质控(按实验)7-2W 验收2-6 水空白6-31.安全注意事项1.1 简介在开始安装和使用仪器之前,应阅读本安全注意事项以及相关章节。
![YAMAHA SLB200 说明书](
• 阳光直射处(亦即窗户近旁)。
•多尘处 。
• 强烈振动处。
■电源• 乐器不使用时,务必将电缆的插头从线路输出(LINE OUT)插孔中拔出(切断电源)。
■装卸与搬运• 切勿对控制器、连接器或其它部件施加过大压力。
■清洁• 用柔软的干布清洁外壳和面板。
■电干扰• 本乐器上有电气线路,如果把它放得太接近收音机或电视机,可能会导致干扰。
• 主体• 框架组件• 6F22 (S-006P)9V电池×1• 弱音器• 方孔螺钉头用扳手• 尾销• 软盒● 前面● 后面(E)(A)(D)(G)( →● 电池外壳/输出插孔部分音量(VOLUME)旋钮调整音量高音(TREBLE)旋钮调整高频9V ● 控制器• 为了节省电池电力,该乐器不装备灯类等电源指示器来指示电源接通。
10510-******** 133******** 李占磊SOGEV ACSV200, SV300 BR2使用说明书(包括备件清单)适用的编号:10926/10927 : J 97 12 00001 (SV200 10930/10931 : J 97 12 00001 (SV30095526/95527 – (JAPAN : J 97 12 00001 (SV200 95536/95537 – (JAPAN : J 97 12 00001 (SV30095027 – (USA : J 97 12 00001 (SV20095031 – (USA : J 97 12 00001 (SV300操作说明书备件清单2005.11.03销售部李占磊20510-******** 133******** 李占磊合格证的EC 声明我们,LEYBOLD SA,在此郑重声明,以下规定的产品在设计、型号及流通过程中的改型方面均满足有关EEC 指令的安全和健康基本要求。
产品结构:单级旋片泵SOGEV AC型号: UV25SV 16 – SV 25 – SV 40 – SV 65 SV 100 – SV 200 – SV 300 – SV 585 SV 630 –SV 750 – SV 1200和它们的改型,但不带电机交付的泵和带Eex…..电机交付的泵除外。
产品满足下述指令要求:- EEC 机械指令(89/392/EWG)和相继指令91/336/EWG - EEC 低电压指令(73/23/EWG) - EEC 电磁兼容性指令(89/336/EWG)应用协调标准: -EN 1012.1 (project 1993 - EN 292.1 - EN 292.2 - EN 60204.130510-******** 133******** 李占磊真空泵安装和启动前,必须阅读并弄懂本使用说明书。
① WEW-300B使用说明书
![① WEW-300B使用说明书](
精诚合作信誉至上精品理念专业服务WEW-300B型微机屏显式万能试验机使用说明书上海开特仪器有限公司目录1 外观图 (3)2主要内容与适用范围 (3)3 主要技术参数及规格 (4)4 工作条件 (4)5 结构特征与工作原理 (5)5.1 主机部分 (5)5.2 油源及液压原理 (6)5.3 电气部分 (7)5.4安全装置 (9)5.5试验机附件 (9)6 吊装和保管 (10)7 安装及调整 (10)7.1 安装条件 (10)7.2 主机的安装 (10)7.3 管路连接 (11)7.4 液压油的选用 (11)7.5 注油与排油 (12)7.6 接线 (12)8 使用与操作 (12)8.1 试验机初运行 (12)8.2 试验准备 (12)8.3 试验步骤 (12)8.4 试件的装夹 (13)8.5压缩试验 (14)8.6弯曲试验 (15)8.7试验空间调整 (17)8.8操作注意事项 (17)9 维护与保养 (17)10 常见故障及排除方法 (17)前言承蒙您选用WEW-300B微机屏显式万能试验机,深表感谢。
1. 外观图 外观图见图12. 主要内容与适用范围本试验机采用油缸下置式主机,油源的关键零部件--油泵电机组、溢流阀、换向阀均为名牌产品,自主研制的计算机测量显示放大器,良好的人机界面。
3 主要技术参数及规格1. 最大试验力300kN2.示值相对误差最大允许值±1%3. 试验力分档30kN、60kN、150kN、300kN4.拉伸钳口间最大距离空间600mm5. 圆截面试样夹持直径φ13~φ26mmφ26~φ40mm6. 扁试样最大夹持宽度70mm7. 扁试样夹持厚度0-15mm8. 最大压缩空间620mm9. 弯曲支点最大间距600mm10. 试验机主体(包括活塞最大行程)外形尺寸(长×宽×高)约850mm×650mm×2650mm11. 净重2500kg4 工作条件a) 环境温度:10~35℃范围内b) 相对湿度不大于80%;c) 环境无震动;d) 周围无腐蚀性介质和无较强电磁干挠的环境中;e) 在稳定的基础上水平安装;水平度不大于0.2/1000;f) 电源电压波动范围不超过额定电压的±10%。
精诚合作信誉至上精品理念专业服务WEW-300B型微机屏显式万能试验机使用说明书上海开特仪器有限公司目录1 外观图 (3)2主要内容与适用范围 (3)3 主要技术参数及规格 (4)4 工作条件 (4)5 结构特征与工作原理 (5)5.1 主机部分 (5)5.2 油源及液压原理 (6)5.3 电气部分 (7)5.4安全装置 (9)5.5试验机附件 (9)6 吊装和保管 (10)7 安装及调整 (10)7.1 安装条件 (10)7.2 主机的安装 (10)7.3 管路连接 (11)7.4 液压油的选用 (11)7.5 注油与排油 (12)7.6 接线 (12)8 使用与操作 (12)8.1 试验机初运行 (12)8.2 试验准备 (12)8.3 试验步骤 (12)8.4 试件的装夹 (13)8.5压缩试验 (14)8.6弯曲试验 (15)8.7试验空间调整 (17)8.8操作注意事项 (17)9 维护与保养 (17)10 常见故障及排除方法 (17)前言承蒙您选用WEW-300B微机屏显式万能试验机,深表感谢。
1. 外观图外观图见图12. 主要内容与适用范围本试验机采用油缸下置式主机,油源的关键零部件--油泵电机组、溢流阀、换向阀均为名牌产品,自主研制的计算机测量显示放大器,良好的人机界面。
3 主要技术参数及规格1. 最大试验力300kN2.示值相对误差最大允许值±1%3. 试验力分档30kN、60kN、150kN、300kN4.拉伸钳口间最大距离空间600mm5. 圆截面试样夹持直径φ13~φ26mmφ26~φ40mm6. 扁试样最大夹持宽度70mm7. 扁试样夹持厚度0-15mm8. 最大压缩空间620mm9. 弯曲支点最大间距600mm10. 试验机主体(包括活塞最大行程)外形尺寸(长×宽×高)约850mm×650mm×2650mm11. 净重2500kg4 工作条件a) 环境温度:10~35℃范围内b) 相对湿度不大于80%;c) 环境无震动;d) 周围无腐蚀性介质和无较强电磁干挠的环境中;e) 在稳定的基础上水平安装;水平度不大于0.2/1000;f) 电源电压波动范围不超过额定电压的±10%。
200 中文说明书
![200 中文说明书](
热冷水高压清洗机TOP 200说明书索引1产品介绍2警告提示3使用说明使用说明安装说明喷头的选择冷水使用说明热水使用说明洗洁液喷射使用说明关闭和存放说明4安全保护装置5定期检查6发现并维修故障TOP GUN 200 产品说明书1、产品介绍这说明书手册包含:安全配置、操作描述和维修常识。
强力要求供电电源必须要有漏电装置,当漏电电流在30 MS时间内超过30MA 就切断电源,或者直接接地。
目录第1章仪器介绍 (3)1.1仪器外观 (3)1.2菜单结构 (3)第2章安装 (5)2.1开箱 (5)2.2连接管路、线缆 (5)2.3安装打印纸 (6)第3章样本测量 (7)3.1开机前的准备 (7)3.2开机启动 (7)3.3空白测试 (7)3.4预稀释模式下样本的制备 (8)3.5血液样本分析 (8)3.6关机 (9)第4章质控测量 (10)4.1质控编辑 (10)4.2质控运行 (10)4.3质控图 (11)第5章校准 (12)5.1人工校准 (12)5.2自动校准 (13)第6章设置 (15)6.1日期时间设置 (15)6.2打印设置 (15)6.3正常值范围 (16)6.4串口设置 (16)6.5U S B设备 (17)6.6用户密码 (17)6.7工厂密码 (18)6.8设置用户密码 (18)6.9用户设置 (18)6.10工厂设置 (19)6.11显示设置 (19)第7章查询记录 (20)7.1索引查询 (20)7.2显示查询 (21)第8章保养与维护 (22)8.1常规维护 (22)8.2每日保养 (22)8.3周保养 (22)8.4程序排堵 (23)8.5硬件测试 (23)8.6仪器常期不用或运输前的保养、维护 (24)第9章故障处理 (26)10.1仪器不能启动 (26)10.2负压超时 (26)10.3流量计超时 (26)10.4流量计挂水 (26)10.5流量计(开始通道/结束通道)短路/断路 (26)10.6打印机缺纸 (26)10.7打印机温度高 (26)10.8空白测试结果偏高 (27)10.9点不准屏幕上的内容 (27)10.10计数重复性差 (27)10.11X、Y电机丢步 (27)第一章仪器介绍1.1仪器外观1.1.1仪器正面示意图3 1.显示器1 2.打印机盖4 3.LOGO5 4.仪器型号6 5.采样针6.开始(start)键21.1.2仪器后面示意图1.稀释液接口2. 溶血剂接口3. 废液接口4. RS232接口5. USB接口6. 保险管座7. 接地端子8. 电源开关9. 电源插座1.2菜单结构仪器的功能采用菜单方式操作,可以通过触摸显示器屏幕上的信息标选择执行或取消操作。
德国德仪 testo 200 - 300 系列手持式测量仪使用说明书
![德国德仪 testo 200 - 300 系列手持式测量仪使用说明书](
智能型铂金电阻温度探头1/3 DIN 级 PT 100 ( 符合IEC 751 )不锈钢材质套管塑料握把( -40 ~ +85 °C )-50 ... +250 °CSPG 250 SP :长度250 mm18秒SPG 150 SPSPG 250 SP固定式mini-DIN 连接头卷式电缆, 长度450 mm 最长可至 2.4 m1/3 DIN 级 PT 100 ( 符合IEC 751 )不锈钢材质套管顶端有孔塑料握把( -40 ~ +85 °C )-50 ... +250 °C±0.2 °C16秒SPA 150 SP固定式mini-DIN 连接头卷式电缆, 长度450 mm 最长可至 2.4 m±0.2 °C200 - 300系列手持式测量仪专用智能型铂金电阻PT100温度探头1/3 DIN 级 PT 100( 符合IEC 751 )不锈钢材质套管圆形顶端塑料握把( -40 ~ +85 °C )-50 ... +250 °C25秒SPC 150 SP15 mm固定式mini-DIN 连接头卷式电缆, 长度450 mm 最长可至 2.4 m±0.4 °C插入式温度探头SPP 150 SP1/3 DIN 级 PT 100 ( 符合IEC 751 )不锈钢材质套管尖形顶端塑料握把( -40 ~ +85 °C)-50 ... +250 °C16秒150 mm卷式电缆, 长度450 mm 最长可至 2.4 m141 mm固定式mini-DIN 连接头15 mm量程精确度t 63型号±0.2 °C探头延长杆探头使用型号RTS延长杆用于连接探头长度 1 m。
第六章 外围组件 6.1 输入侧交流电抗器 6.2 输入侧直流电抗器 6.3 制动电阻 6.4 按键操作器及延长线 6.5 EMC 相容滤波器 6.6 适配卡 6.6.1 RS-485 适配卡 6.6.2 RS-232 适配卡 6.6.3 拷贝模块 6.6.4 PDA 联机
四、设定频率指令至满载 50Hz/60Hz
z 频率可通过操作面板上的▲▼按键就可以更改;数字显示则可通过按 RESET 键作左右移位。频率设定完成后请按下 READ/ENTER 作更改确认。
z 依据上述规则设定频率至 50Hz/60Hz。 z 按 RUN 运行键,观察电阻加速至设定频率是否出现异常。 z 按 STOP 停止键停止运转,观察电机减速是否出现异常。
附录一 SV300 电机参数对照表 附录二 SV300 变频器参数设定表
4-4 4-5 4-7 4-8 4-19 4-51
5-1 5-1 5-1 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-13 5-14
6-1 6-1
6-1 6-2 6-4 6-7 6-8 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-10
附录 1 附录 2
z 按 RUN 运行键,FWD 状态指示灯常亮,变频器处于运行状态,四位数七段显 示器会由 00.00 增至 05.00。
z 检查电机转向,如电机转向不正确:按下 STOP 停止键让电机停止运转,关 断变频器输入电源,待所有的状态指示灯熄灭后,将 T1、T2、T3 其中任意 2 条接线对调。重新投入电源,检查此时电机转向。
Datavideo ITC-200B 交通管理基地站说明书
![Datavideo ITC-200B 交通管理基地站说明书](
ITC-200BQuick Start Guide http:// Warnings and Precautions1. Read all of these warnings and save them for later reference.2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit.3. Unplug this unit from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth forcleaning.4. Do not use this unit in or near water.5. Do not place this unit on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The unit may fall, causing serious damage.6. Slots and openings on the cabinet top, back, and bottom are provided for ventilation. To ensure safe and reliableoperation of this unit, and to protect it from overheating, do not block or cover these openings. Do not place this unit ona bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface, as the ventilation openings on the bottom of the cabinet will be blocked. This unitshould never be placed near or over a heat register or radiator. This unit should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided.7. This product should only be operated from the type of power source indicated on the marking label of the AC adapter. Ifyou are not sure of the type of power available, consult your Datavideo dealer or your local power company.8. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this unit where the power cord will be walked on, rolledover, or otherwise stressed.9. If an extension cord must be used with this unit, make sure that the total of the ampere ratings on the products pluggedinto the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord’s rating.10. Make sure that the total amperes of all the units that are plugged into a single wall outlet do not exceed 15 amperes.11. Never push objects of any kind into this unit through the cabinet ventilation slots, as they may touch dangerous voltagepoints or short out parts that could result in risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind onto or into this unit.12. Except as specifically explained elsewhere in this manual, do not attempt to service this product yourself. Opening orremoving covers that are marked “Do Not Remove” may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks, and will void your warranty. Refer all service issues to qualified service personnel.13. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:a. When the power cord is damaged or frayed;b. When liquid has spilled into the unit;c. When the product has been exposed to rain or water;d. When the product does not operate normally under normal operating conditions. Adjust only those controls thatare covered by the operating instructions in this manual; improper adjustment of other controls may result indamage to the unit and may often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the unit to normal operation;e. When the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged;f. When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service.WarrantyDatavideo warrants that the equipment it manufactures shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of product purchased. If equipment fails due to such defects, Datavideo will, at its option, repair or provide a replacement for the defective part or product.Equipment that fails after the warranty period, has been operated or installed in a manner other than that specified by Datavideo, or has been subjected to abuse or modification, wil l be repaired for time and material charges at the Buyer’s expense. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights within the Country of purchase.For EU Customers only - WEEE Marking.This symbol on the product indicates that it will not be treated as household waste. It must be handed over to the applicable take-back scheme for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. For more detailed information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local Datavideo office.Packing List1 x HP-2 (two ears headset)1 x Goose neck LED light4 x Headphone4 x ITC-100SL1 x Tally LED TD-1 with Black Velcro4 x XLR Cable + CON 20M1 x AD Switch DC12V / 1.5A1 x ITC-200B QSGIntroductionCommunicating and directing multiple cameramen in order to capture the most excited and memorable performance and moment during a live show are the critical factors in determining the success of a video production. Datavideo is proud to introduce the ITC-200B, the Expandable Intercom Base Unit and ITC-200E, the Expansion Unit for supporting the base unit that allow director to communicate up to 16 scattering cameramen on the location.DescriptionBoth ITC-200B and ITC-200E are designed to be 19” Rack Mount, while ITC-200B is an 8 Way Intercom / Talkback System and ITC-200E is an expandable unit to combine with ITC-200B in becoming a 16 ways intercom system. The system acts as an effective inter-communication unit in a quite complicated production environment that provides bi-directional communication between the director and other members in the production team. Both units can also be a perfect fit for Datavideo’s SE-900, the Digital SD Switcher, or third party switchers.FeaturesITC-200B 1U 19” Rackmountable Base Unit for Director♦Jack Socket 1/4' (6.3mm) for Headset with microphone♦Base Unit MUTE button for MIC♦X2, Jack Socket 1/4' (6.3mm) for Headphones without microphone♦Light port♦AUX In Audio level indicate♦Rear Panel 8x 5pin XLR connectors for cable connection to ITC-100SL Belt Packs,♦AUX In/Out , 2 x Tally input, cascade port, DC PWR port12V Light Socket12V Powered light socket for gooseneck light (supplied).On / Off Switch Powers the ITC-200B On / Off. Red LED indicates that unit is switched on.AUX In Volume ControlControls the Rear Panel AUX In Volume.MUTE Button This button is mute the microphone audio. Microphone Socket ¼ “/ 6.3mm Stereo Socket for combined Microphone Headset. Headphone Socket (main part) ¼ “/ 6.3mm Stereo Headphone Soc ket for conventional headphones. Volume Control Controls the Volume of the built-in speaker or outputs to the headphones or mic/headset according to what is connected(Headphone Socket & Volume Control) x2 The ITC-200 has two groups Headphone Socket & Volume Control, this two group’s function is bypass from the main part. Headphone Socket (main part) ¼ “/ 6.3mm Stereo Headphone Socket for conventional headphones. Volume Control Controls the volume of the headphones.AUX IN / OUTXLR stereo pair for a line level auxiliary analog audio source.Channel Input / Output XLR SocketsEach of the 8 channels has an XLR connector that carries unidirectional signals between the ITC-200B and ITC-100SL.All connections are contained within the one cable. Channels 1 ~ 4 are supplied tally light information from tally A; channels 5 ~ 8 are supplied tally light information from tally B.Tally Inputs A & BTally Inputs A & B are configured for direct connection to the Datavideo RMC-140, RMC-90 or SE-500.They supply bi-color tally information to the ITC-100SL; RED indicates Live and AMBER indicates Cued. Tally A will feed information to channels 1 ~ 4 and Tally B will feed information to channels 5 ~ 8CASCADE INThe ITC-200B CASCADE IN, Let you connect ITC-200E CASCADE OUT, after connect ITC-200B & ITC-200E, the ITC-200B can control ITC-200B & ITC-200E at same time.DC Power Input 12VConnect the 12V power supply. The power supply plug has a screw in locking collar to secure the connection.The ITC-200B power has one pass through DC output allow you connect the ITC-200E DC IN for ITC-200E power supply.Ground TerminalWhen connecting this unit to any other component, make sure that it is properly grounded by connecting this terminal to an appropriate point. When connecting, use the socket and be sure to use wire with a cross-sectional area of at least 1.0 mm2.Application DiagramDimensionSpecificationService & SupportIt is our goal to make your products ownership a satisfying experience. Our supporting staff is available to assist you in setting up and operating your system. Please refer to our web site for answers to common questions, support requests or contact your local office below.Datavideo Global Website: Datavideo CorporationDatavideo Technologies Europe BVDatavideo UK LimitedDatavideo Technologies Co., LtdDatavideo Technologies China Co., LtdDatavideo Technologies (S) PTE LTDDatavideo HK Limited.Datavideo FranceDatavideo IndiaAll the trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.Datavideo Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 2018G082060627B1。
博骏NBC200 250 300系列说明书汇总
![博骏NBC200 250 300系列说明书汇总](
用户手册NBC200/250/300 系列上海博骏机电设备有限公司Shanghai Bojun Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd目录1.目录 (1)2.安全警告 (2)3.本机描述 (3)4.技术参数表 (4)5.安装说明 (6)6.操作说明及面板功能解释 (8)7.注意事项及预防措施 (10)8.焊接时遇到的问题及分析 (11)9.日常维护 (11)10.故障分析及检修 (12)11.日常检查 (15)安全警告!在弧焊和切割过程中,可能会给您和他人造成伤害,在焊接或切割时作好防护。
MODEL: VPB-200INSTRUCTION MANUALPLEASE READ INSTRUCTION MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE USEAND KEEP IT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE MUS IC EDITION PORTABLE BLUETOOTH SPEAKERPower Button ( )O )Long Press (1 sec) button Press + button Press –button Single Press O button Double Press O button Triple Press O button Press and hold O Power On / Off .................................................................Volume Up ..............................................................................................Volume Down .........................................................................................Play/Pause .................................................................................Next Track ................................................................................Previous Track .............................................................................Enter MP3 USB Mode ...............................................Bluetooth Mode .........................................................................Pair a Device ....................................................................Disconnect Bluetooth Device ...................................Factory Reset ..........................................................D U A L S PE A K E R P A I R I N GObutton simultaneously for 1 second on BOTH PAIRING COMPLETE: Chime and solid purple LED indicate speakersare connected (speakers always connect in MONO mode)After Dual SpeakerO button on EITHER speakerto switch between MONO and STEREO pairing modeSTEREO MODE – The right channel will ashpurple 3 times quickly MONO MODE – Both units will be solid purple for 2 secondsTO DISCONNECT: and O button on EITHER speaker PLEASE NOTE:-If BOTH devices are in Dual Speaker Pairing Mode and do notconnect, try placing speakers closer together.-Dual Speaker Pairing only works with another Victrola MusicEdition 1 speaker.button to begin Bluetooth Pairing. (Flashing Blue light)Wait for the “Victrola ME1” to appear on your available devices list of your external device and press “Victrola ME1”Once paired, the ME1 will play a paired chime and the light will turn solid Blue for 2 seconds3Long Press the O Button until the LED ashes Orange, then turnssolid Orange.The unit is now in USB MP3 Playback mode. Use the O button to play, pause and skip MP3 les from a connected USB-C Flash drive(See Overview Controls) (USB-C Flash drive not included)GENERALWeight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.5kg Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .φ50mm Frequency response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80Hz-20KHz Battery working time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 hours (varies by audio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .content and volume level)Charging time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.5 hours Charging port type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Type-C Battery type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rechargeable Li-ionBattery 7.4V / 2500mAh BLUETOOTHBluetooth Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bluetooth V5.0Bluetooth Pro le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A2DP V1.3, AVRCP V1.6Bluetooth Frequency Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2402-2480MHz Operating Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 meters (33 ft.)BT Transmitting Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.2dBm BT Transmitting Modulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GFSK, π/4DQPSK, 8DPSK INCLUDED:ME1 Speaker Manual Wrist strap USB-C Charging CableDesign and speci cation are subject to change without noticeBluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective ownersDesigned in Denver, Colorado | Made in ChinaCHECK BATTERY LEVELSingle press button when unit is powered on to view battery levelBattery Level50-100%26-49%10%-25%< 10%ChargingFully ChargedLED Indicator Color Green ...........................................................................................Orange ...........................................................................................Red ..............................................................................................Flashing Red ....................................................................................Flashing White .............................................................................OFF (while plugged in) ........................................................1. Read these instructions – All the safety and operating instructions should beread before this product is operated.2. Keep these instructions – The safety and operating instructions should beretained for future reference.3. Heed all warnings – All warnings on the appliance and in the operatinginstructions should be adhered to.4. Follow all instructions – All operating and use instructions should be followed.5. Clean only with a dry cloth.6. Do not block any ventilation openings. Keep at least 5 cm around theapparatus for suf cient ventilations. Install in accordance with themanufacturer’s instructions.7. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves,or other apparatus (including ampli ers) that produce heat.8. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding plug. Apolarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not t into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.9. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at theplugs, convenience receptacles, and at the point where they exit from theapparatus.10. Only use attachments/accessories speci ed by the manufacturer.11. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table speci edby the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart orrack is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatuscombination to avoid injury from tip-over.12. Unplug the apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periodsof time.13. Refer all servicing to quali ed personnel. Servicing is required when theapparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power supply cordor plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into theapparatus, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.14. Please keep the unit in a well ventilated environment.15. Only use attachments/accessories speci ed or provided by the manufacturer.16. The main plug is used as disconnect device, the disconnected device shallremain readily operable.17. This product is not intended for commercial use. Household Use Only.18. This equipment is a Class II or double insulated electrical appliance.It has been designed in such a way that it does not require a safetyconnection to electrical earth.19.Warning: To reduce the risk of re or electrical shock, do not exposed the apparatus to rain or moisture. No naked ame sources such as candlesshall be placed on top of the apparatus.Caution: Changes or modi cations not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this device. Usage of controlsor adjustments or performance of procedures other than those speci edherein may result in hazardous exposure.Battery Risk of explosion if the battery is replaced by an incorrectCaution:type; disposal of a battery into re or a hot oven, or mechanically crushing or cutting of a battery, that can result in an explosion;leaving a battery in an extremely high temperature surroundingenvironment that can result in an explosion or the leakage ofammable liquid or gas; a battery subjected to extremely low airpressure that may result in an explosion or the leakage ofammable liquid or gas.F C C W A R N I NG SFCC REGULATORY COMPLIANCEThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Changes or modi cations not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Victrola is a registered trademark of Innovative Technology Electronics, LLC.United StatesVictrola (Innovative Technology Electronics, LLC) warrants to the original retail purchaser that this product will be free from defective materials and workmanship for one (1) year from the date of purchase, subject to the limitations below. This warranty period is not extended if we replace the product.To obtain a replacement under the terms of this warranty, you must contact the dealer from which it was purchased with your original receipt. If assistance from the dealer from which it was purchased is impossible, you may contact our customer service for warranty assistance at /contact.Except as limited below, if the product proves defective in either material or workmanship within one (1) year from the date of purchase, Victrola will replace the product at no charge. If the product model is no longer available and cannot be replaced with an identical model, Victrola will issue a merchandise credit for the purchase price to be redeemed at .FCC RADIATION EXPOSURE STATEMENTThis equipment complies with FCC and Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition aux radiations dé nies par le Canada pour des environnements non contrôlés. Cet émetteur ne doit pas être installé au même endroit ni utilisé avec une autre antenne ou un autre émetteur.ISED REGULATORY COMPLIANCEThis device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s) / receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference. (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.L ’émetteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu dans le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L ’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) L ’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage. (2) L ’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.ISED RADIATION EXPOSURE STATEMENTThis equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux radiations IC CNR-102 établies pour un environnement non contrôlé. Cet émetteur ne doit pas être colocalisé ou fonctionner en conjonction avec une autre antenne ou un autre émetteur.HVIN: VPB200Limitations:• This limited warranty does not cover failure of the product arising, in whole or in part, from improper installation, storage, transportation, misuse,abuse, accident, neglect, mishandling, unauthorized repair, modi cation, or wear from ordinary use or environmental deterioration.• This limited warranty does not cover cosmetic damage, including paintdamage, or consequential damage to other components or premises which may result for any reason from the failure of the product.• This limited warranty is null and void for products not used in accordancewith Victrola’s instructions.• This limited warranty terminates if the original retail purchaser sells ootherwise transfers this product.• This limited warranty is null and void for defects or damage caused byinstallation or repair performed by any person or entity other than a Victrola authorized installer or dealer.This warranty gives you speci c legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state, jurisdiction to jurisdiction or country to country. All express and implied warranties for the product, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and tness for a particular purpose, are limited in time to the term of this warranty. Some states, jurisdictions or countries do not allow the exclusion of certain implied warranties or conditions, or limitations on how long an implied warranty or condition lasts, so this limitation may not apply to you. Victrola’s responsibility for malfunctions and defects in hardware is limited to replacement or repair as set forth in this warranty statement. Victrola does not accept liability for special, punitive, consequential or incidental damages or losses, whether direct or indirect, including without limitation, any liability for third party claims against you for damages or losses or for products not being available for use. The maximum liability for which Victrola may be responsible will be no more than the amount you paid for the product that is the subject of the claim. Some states, jurisdictions or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.Canada and US TerritoriesThe Warranty on this product shall comply with applicable law when sold to a consumer in Canada or a US Territory. To obtain any applicable warranty service, please contact the dealer from which you purchased the product, or the distributor that supplied the product, with your original receipt. If assistance from the dealer from which it was purchased is impossible, you may contact our customer service for warranty assistance at /contact. If this product proves defective in either material or workmanship, Victrola will replace the product at no charge. If the product model is no longer available and cannot be repaired effectively or replaced with an identical model, Victrola at its sole option may replace the unit with a current model of equal or greater value.Outside the U.S, Canada, and US TerritoriesThe Warranty on this product shall comply with applicable law when sold to a consumer outside of the United States, Canada, and US Territories. To obtain any applicable warranty service, please contact the dealer from which you purchased the product, or the distributor that supplied the product, with your original receipt.。
在修理及安裝之后, 请依照 “安裝和首次启动”操作。
搬动及运送真空泵时, 请利用泵上之吊钩环吊运。
噪音值 (max.) dB(A) 50Hz
储藏方式:VC 必须储存在干燥的条件及正常湿度
重量 (max.) Kg 50Hz 144
更换方法 : 先拆下维修盖 (w)再拆下塑胶固定杆(t)及油气分离器(L), 若O型环
可重复使用, 组装时反顺序裝回即可。
4.连轴器(如 图)
连轴器橡皮(k)是耗材,必需定期检查, 若有磨
耗损坏, 真空泵启动时会产生敲击声。
检查连轴器: 先关闭马达(m)及总开关, 转松螺 絲(s5) , 拔下马达与马达侧连轴器度(q)。若连 轴器橡皮(k)损坏, 则取下连轴器螺杆上的C型 环(l)及更换连轴器橡皮(k), 取下间隙环(p)检查 连轴器螺杆(r)是否有磨耗需要更换。 更换连轴器: 先取下风扇面板(v1), 拆下C型环 (l1), 自泵轴拉出连轴器及风扇(v)组, 拆下螺帽 (w)及华司(u), 更换连轴器螺杆后再反顺序 裝回。
本操作说明包含下列油循环旋片式 泵 : VC 200~VC 300 一大气压下, 50Hz的排气量有200~300 m3/hr。 泵的曲线图表现排气量及
抽气速率比较, 请參照规格图D 232。 E
• 高温高压蒸汽消毒(最高温度为134℃),推荐消毒时间 为20分钟
• 推荐消毒时间30~60分钟
日常维护 – 清洁消毒
© 2017 Mindray Confidential
© 2017 Mindray Confidential
VGA接口 USB接口 网络接口
散热风扇 防尘网和过滤器 交流电源插座 直流电源插座 进风口挡板
© 2017 Mindray Confidential
RS-232 接口 护士呼叫接口 CO2 电缆接口
高效空气过滤器组件 (HEPA)及防尘网 高压氧气源接口 低压氧气源接口 排气口
5. 提示信息区 6. 报警声音暂停/非激活报警提示区 7. USB图标区 8. 系统时间区
9. 电源状态图标区 10. 软按键区 11. 参数设置快捷按键区 12. 通气模式设置区
• V-A/C -A/C • P-SIMV
自主呼吸 高级模式
➢ 重症监护病房ICU ➢ 术后恢复室 ➢ 急诊科 ➢ 呼吸科及需辅助通气的常规科室 ➢ 院内转运
➢ 成人(潮气量:100-2000ml) ➢ 小儿(潮气量:20-300ml)
装机步骤 – 主机放置
- 将主机放置在台车上(对准台车上的两个定位柱)
© 2017 Mindray Confidential
© 2017 Mindray Confidential
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GA/ET-02307/8SOGEVACSV200, SV300 BR2使用说明书 (包括备件清单) 适用的编号:10926/10927 : J 97 12 00001 (SV200) 10930/10931 : J 97 12 00001 (SV300)95526/95527 – (JAPAN) : J 97 12 00001 (SV200) 95536/95537 – (JAPAN) : J 97 12 00001 (SV300)95027 – (USA) : J 97 12 00001 (SV200)95031 – (USA) : J 97 12 00001 (SV300)操作说明书 备件清单真空技术 真空工艺工程测量和分析技术LEYBOLD S.A.S莱宝真空法国工厂LEYBOLD合格证的EC 声明我们,LEYBOLD SA ,在此郑重声明,以下规定的产品在设计、型号及流通过程中的改型方面均满足有关EEC 指令的安全和健康基本要求。
产品结构: 单级旋片泵SOGEV AC型号: UV25SV 16 – SV 25 – SV 40 – SV 65 SV 100 – SV 200 – SV 300 – SV 585 SV 630 – SV 750 – SV 1200和它们的改型,但不带电机交付的泵和带Eex…..电机交付的泵除外。
产品满足下述指令要求: - EEC 机械指令(89/392/EWG )和相继指令91/336/EWG - EEC 低电压指令(73/23/EWG ) -EEC 电磁兼容性指令(89/336/EWG )应用协调标准: - EN 1012.1 (project 1993) - EN 292.1 - EN 292.2 - EN 60204.1真空技术真空工艺工程测量和分析技术LEYBOLD S.A.S 莱宝真空法国工厂LEYBOLD真空泵安装和启动前,必须阅读并弄懂本使用说明书。
注意:按照最新技术标准和安全规程已经制造出SOGEV AC真空泵。
目录使用说明p.51 概述p.51.1 结构与功能p.51.1.1 应用范围p.61.2 标准规格p.61.3 技术数据p.71.3.1 欧洲型号的50Hz和60Hz电机p.71.3.2 技术数据p.71.3.3 USA型号p.81.4 接头p.101.5 附件p.111.6 SV+WAU直联组合p.111.7 备件p.121.8 润滑油1.9 管理与存放p.122 使用p.132.1 安装p.132.2 连接到系统上p.142.2.1 吸入口侧p.142.2.2 排气口侧p.152.3 电气连接p.162.4 启动p.172.5 运行p.182.5.1 抽空非冷凝气体p.182.5.2 抽空可冷凝气体和蒸汽p.182.5.3 循环工作p.192.6 停车p.202.7 真空泵的极限压力p.202.8 安装选用的气镇阀p.213 维修p.213.1 日常维护制度p.223.2 检查油p.223.2.1 油位p.223.2.2 GS77油状态p.233.3 换油,更换油过滤器p.233.4 更换出口过滤器,检查压力安全阀p.243.5 清洗污物防护罩p.253.6 检查防返油阀p.253.7 清洗气镇进口过滤器p.263.8 检查浮球阀p.263.9 更换排气阀p.273.10 更换泵组件p.273.11 拆、装泵组件p.283.12 电机的拆卸p.293.13 冷却盘管清洗p.294 故障排除指南p.30备件清单p.37 警告本手册对标准产品是有效的。
如果交付的泵是特殊型号,则泵还带有附加文件,该文件作为说明书的一部分,操作说明1、概述1.1、结构和功能SOGEV AC SV 200 和SV300是单级油封式旋片泵。
1.1.1 应用范围根据设计,SOGEV AC泵可用来抽空稳定气体,其工作范围为从大气压到泵极限真空之间的粗真空范围。
警告SOGEV AC泵不能抽空侵蚀性、腐蚀性的、易爆或易燃气体。
1.2 标准规格处于备用状态的泵,电机随泵一起提供。
1.3 技术数据1.3.1欧洲型号的50Hz 和60Hz 电机。
SV200和SV300的标准型安装的是50/60Hz 电机。
标准电压:在50Hz 下230/400V在60Hz 下460V+10%1.3.2技术参数表SV200 SV30050Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz 名义抽速 m 3.h -1 180 220 280 340 抽速m 3.h -1 170 200 240 290 无气镇1)下的极限分压mbar <8.10-2 <8.10-2 <8.10-2<8.10-2 有气镇下的极限全压(标准)1) mbar <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 <0.7 有气镇下水蒸汽容限(标准)1)mbar 40 50 30 40 有气镇下水蒸汽容许负载 kg.h -1 5.7 8.5 5.4 7.4 配大气镇时的耐水蒸气压力 mbar 50 60 60 70 配大气镇时的耐水蒸气能力 kg.h -1 5.7 8.5 10 12.5 噪声水平2)dB(A)69737074 漏率 mbar.l.s -1<1.10-3 <1.10-3<1.10-3 <1.10-3 电源电压(标准的) V 230/400 460 4) 230/400 460 4)如需其它电压请与LEYBOLD 接洽电机功率 kW 保护类型IP55 IP55 3 IP55 IP55 3 额定转速min.-1 1450 1750 1450 1750 重量(充油状态)kg 160 160 200200 油量(min 最小/max 最大) l 5/9 5/9 8.5/11.5 8.5/11.5 进气口 G2 G2G2 G2NPT 2 3)NPT 2 3) 排气口 G2 G2 G2 G2NPT 2 3)NPT 2 3)1)符合DIN 28400,有标准气镇2)在无气镇极限压力下运行,距1m 远空地现场测量 3)请与LEYBOLD 联系4)CEI: 460V , NEMA :200-230/460V订货编号SV200 SV300 带有三相电机的泵230V/400V ,50Hz; 460V , 60Hz 10926 10930 带有三相电机和气镇阀的泵230V/400V , 50Hz; 460V , 60Hz 10927 10931 带有200V ,50/60Hz 三相电机的泵 95526 95536 +10%-6%进气口øc排气过滤器油观察窗排油口注油口温度开关(可选件)油过滤器气镇阀油位监控器 (可选件)排气口 øb可选可选件:95390-95391图1 SV200/300的外形尺寸图尺寸单位:mm 1.3.3 US Versions (销向美国产品) 尺寸单位:mm表中文字注: 泵在60Hz 下运转时抽速要比在50Hz 下运转时抽速高出20%。