经贸英语 有关词汇复习

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…to…and …to 若干单位装某种容器,若干此种容 器装另一种较大的容器
1) Pliers are packed 2 dozen to a box and 100 boxes to a wooden case. 钳子两打装一盒,一百盒装一木箱。
表示平均装运 to make shipment in three equal lots 分三次 平均装运 1) 合同规定需分两批等量装运。 The contract stipulated that the shipment should be made in two equal lots. 表示某月份装运 for shipment in May for shipment during June and July shipment May
We must satisfy the people's needs. 我们要满足人民的需要。
His general state of health is fairly satisfactory. 他总的健康状况相当令人满意。
insurance for+投保金额 insurance for 110% above the invoice value
insurance at+保险费或保险费率 insurance at the rate of 5%
e.g. We've covered insurance with People's Insurance Company of China on the 100 metric ton of wools for 110% above the invoice value against all risks at the rate of 3%. 我们已与中国人民保险公司将100 公吨羊毛按发票金额 的110% 投保一切险, 保险费用为3%。
discount (U,C) 折扣, 贴现 discount merchandise 打折商品 quantity discounts 数量折扣 cash discounts 现金折扣 allow/grant/give/offer sb. a discount of …% on sth. 对于某物给予某人百分之几的折扣 We are prepared to grant you a discount of 5% (a 5% discount) on the price. 我们愿给以5%的价格折扣。 at a discount of 打折扣 We are able to offer you the same goods at a discount of 15% off our recent prices. 我们可以报给你方同样的货物,按我方现价打15%折扣。
claim n. 索赔,赔偿要求 表示索赔的原因,一般接介词for, 如claim for damage ; 表示索赔的金额,一般接介词for, claim for US $ 10,000; 表示对某批货物索赔,一般接介词on,如claim on the goods; 表示向某人索赔,一般接介词against,如claim against the underwriters.
现将常用的词组列举如下: claim against a person 向某人索赔 claim for sth. 因某事索赔 claim letter 索赔信 claim on account of damage 因损坏而索赔 claim on the goods 对该货提出索赔 为某事向某人提出索赔的常用句型是:lodge a claim against(间用with或on 或upon)sb. for sth. 说“提出”索赔,除lodge外,较常用的动词还有raise, file 和put in ; 此外,还可用make, issue, lay, register, render, enter, bring up, set up等。 We shall lodge a claim against the Insurance Company for the goods damaged during transit. 对于货物在运输途中损坏,我们将向保险公司提出索赔。 We file a claim against you for the short delivery of 145 lbs. 我们向你方提出短交145磅的索赔。
v. 向……保证,使确定,使……确信,给……保险 assure sb. of sth. We assure you of the reliability of the information. We assure you of the best quality and moderate prices of our goods. assure sb. that We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite shipment. assure…with ...给……保险 He assured his life with that company.
Keep ... informed of vt. 被通知; 让 ... 知道
for May shipment
1) 装运在四月至六月期间分三次平均装运。 Shipment is to be made during April to June in three equal lots. 2) 我们将尽力早装,及时满足你方所需。 We will do our best to expedite shipment to meet your requirements in time. 3) 请将这三批货用一张提单装出。 Please ship the three lots on a single bill of lading.
Make payment with/by L/C or D/A 使用信用证或承兑交单付款 Issue a confirmed irrevocable L/C in your favor with transshipment allowed clause. 开出以你方为受益人的保兑的不可撤销的信用证,允许转 船。 Please quote us your lowest price CIF London, inclusive of our 5% commission. 请报来你方最低的CIF伦敦价格,包括我方5%佣金在内。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu insurance
1. 与insurance 有关的一些短语 (1)与on 连用,表示投保的货物:insurance on 100 tons of cotton (2) 与 against 连 用 , 表 示 投 保 的 类 别 : insurance against war risk (3)与at连用,表示保费或费率:insurance at the rate of 10%, insurance at a lower premium (4) 与 with 连 用 , 表 示 向 保 险 公 司 投 保 : insurance with Xinhua Life Insurance Company of China
We are satisfied with the smoothness of the negotiation.
Price competitive workable suitable favorable realistic reasonable price price price price price price 竞争的 可行的 合适的 优惠的 实际的 合理的
draw v. 开出(汇票) 常用结构为draw (a draft) on sb. for… 开出向某人 索取……的汇票,有时也用draw on sb. against sth.这个 结构,表示开出开票向某人索取某笔款项。 As agreed, we are drawing (a draft) on you for the value of this sample shipment. 按约定,我们将开出一张汇票向你方索取这批样货的价款。 We are drawing on you at sight against your purchase of 200 sets of color TV sets. 对于你方购买的200台彩电,我们将开出即期汇票向你方索 取货款。 draw on us at 60 day’s sight 开出见票60天付款的汇票向我们收款。
in…,each containing… 用某种容器包装,每件内 装若干 1) Pliers are packed in wooden cases, each containing 100 boxes. 钳子用木箱包装,每箱装一百盒。 …to… 若干装于一件某种容器若干 1) Men’s shirts are packed 10 dozen to a carton. 男式衬衫十打装一个纸板箱。 each… in…and…to 每单位装某种容器,若干 单位装另一种较大的容器 1) Each shirt is packed in a polybag and 6 to a box. 每件衬衫装一个塑料袋,6袋装一盒。
Types of time/term/usance bill Bills payable at 30 days/ one month after sight 见票后30天/一个月付款汇票 Bills payable at 60 days/two months after date 出票日后60天/二个月付款汇票 Bills payable at 30 days/two months after B/L date/shipment date/stated date 提单日期/装运日期/说明日期后30天/二个月付款汇票
在表示“投保”、“办理保险”时,常与insurance搭配的动词或 动词词组有:to arrange /cover /effect /provide / take out insurance insurance on+所投保的货物 insurance on the 100 tons of wool insurance against+投保的险别 insurance against FPA insurance with+所投保的保险公司 insurance with the People’s Insurance Company of China