BMJ Open 投稿指南 (稿约)

第一,退稿。稿件仅以“不合Fra bibliotek刊要求”被简单的退回。然而因退稿决定常在稿件被审阅后作出,因此时间已经耽搁了几个星期或几个月。
BMJ Innovation《 BMJ 创新》作者指南(稿约)

在投稿时,您要选择自己的文章和五部分主要内容(见上文)中的哪部分更契合。您 的文章将在这部分进行发表,并列在期刊的目录表中。您要选择关键词以助于选择合 适的审议者。 全文:不超过 3000 个单词 摘要:不超过 300 个单词 图表:不超过 6 幅 参考文献:不超过 50 篇
原创性研究文章 (Original research) 综述 (Reviews) 社论 (Editorials) 评论 (Commentaries) 视频 (Video features) 快速回复和在线评论 (Rapid responses and online comments)
原创性研究文章(Original research)
投稿须通过在线投稿系统。所有投稿文章都要经过同行审议,之后才会进行发表。 《BMJ 创新》拒绝一稿多投,包括 BMJ 旗下的其他期刊。 下述字数统计不包括标题页、摘要、表格、致谢和贡献以及参考文献。补充材料(如 额外的表格、图表和文字文件)可以仅线上发表,不计入字数统计中。
原创性研究文章需要遵循以下结构:摘要,导言,方法,结果,讨论,参考文献和图 表。 作者须注意,本刊的读者范围广泛,覆盖设计者、医生、工程师、学者、企业家、公 共卫生工作者、护士、政策制定者及其他通过创新方式解决健康挑战的人。为满足各 种读者的需求,摘要应写得平实易懂,避免使用科技术语和专业缩写。 补充材料和原始数据可以独立于正文进行线上发表,我们可能会要求作者将某些材料 加入补充材料中,以使正文看起来更条理清楚。 鼓励作者提来自彩色图表和图片,本刊不对彩图收费。
社论的出发点在于促进思考(通常问题多于答案),而非对某一主题的详尽综述。社 论通常与同期刊登的一篇或多篇文章相关。个人观点和意见完全适合作为“社论”刊 出,因为此类文章并非匿名;当然,任何一种观点都要言之有据。 全文:不超过 1200-1500 个单词 图表:不超过 2 幅 参考文献:不超过 30 篇
Thorax 《胸腔》杂志作者指南(稿约)

Thorax 《胸腔》作者指南Instructions for AuthorsBMJ集团旗下期刊相关规定及投稿指南请点击以下链接:稿件格式编辑方针患者知情同意书授权表同行评审过程投稿与出版加工过程编辑方针(Editorial Policy)Thorax致力于报道可能对临床实践产生重要影响的重大科研进展。
我们致力于涵盖呼吸医学的所有方面,从儿科到成人医学,发表原创研究文章(original papers)、系统综述和Meta分析(systematic reviews and meta-analyses)、试验方案(trial protocols)、现状综述(state of the art reviews)、特约社论(invited editorials)、病例讨论(case-based discussions)和图片(images)等。
基础科学(Basic Science)Thorax致力于推动高质量的基础科研。
关于生物实验中误差线的详细讨论请阅读以下文章:Cumming et al., J. Cell Biol.177:7–11.动物研究必须遵守ARRIVE指南。
Postgraduate Medical Journal (PMJ)《医学继续教育杂志》作者指南(稿约)

图片小测验(Image quiz) 该部分的设置是为了帮助候选人成为英国皇家内科医师学会(MRCP)会员或类似机构成员 做准备。每篇小测验可以包括数张图片,但重点是您所选择的场景是候选人可能会在考试 和临床实践中遇到的。
作者应撰写一个简介,概述该图片集所涉及的范围和目标读者群。每套图片都应配有一段 对病历的简要总结(如果合适的话),并提出一个到数个问题以培养读者的分析能力。此 外,作者应当针对每个问题分别给出答案,并简要描述该图片所展现出的诊断要点和教/ 学要点。
图片小测验资料既可以以 PPT 的形式提交,也可以以图片形式提交,图片的格式可以为 TIFF、JPEG、EPS 等。同时配以的文字资料以 Word 形式或其他类似格式提交。
BMJ 出版集团旗下的期刊会不定期地出版增刊。出版增刊主要基于以下考虑:
1. 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望举办学术会议而又需要寻求赞助商时,会议论文 集可作为增刊出版。
2. 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望针对某个专题出版一期增刊。此时,可能也会寻 求赞助商。
作者应当在文中为患者和医生提供一系列有实用价值的网站,同时介绍一些自助组织的信 息和优质的患者信息来源。作者需在全部参考文献中进行筛选出过去 5 年间最重要的 5 篇 综述或论著,供读者深入阅读。这 5 篇参考文献需要单列在一个框图中以便于读者查阅。 文章全部参考文献应以常规方式列于文章末尾。
作者应基于文章内容,在文章末尾提供 5-10 道自测题。此类题目可以是选择题或开放 题。应提供成套答案,作为文章的附属文件。
British Journal of Ophthalmology BJO《英国眼科学杂志》作者指南(稿约)

增刊 (Supplements)
BMJ 出版集团旗下的期刊会不定期地出版增刊。出版增刊主要基于以下考虑: 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望举办学术会议而又需要寻求赞助商时, 会议论文集可作为增刊出版。 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望针对某个专题出版一期增刊。此时,可 能也会寻求赞助商。 BMJ 出版集团需要赞助时可考虑出版增刊。 赞助机构(通常为制药企业或慈善基金)举办会议时,会议论文集可安排作为增 刊出版。 但是,无论在何种情况下,杂志都会秉承公正、独立以及学术性的办刊宗旨。 如果您有意向出版增刊,联系我们时请务必详细告之以下信息: 需要出版增刊的杂志名 增刊刊名和/或增刊拟报道的会议名称 增刊拟报道会议的举办日期 包含意向文章标题和意向作者的增刊目录 意向作者的意向协议 赞助商信息,包括相关的截止日期 每篇文章的预期长度,特邀主编的提案(如有)
所有稿件都需要包括不超过 35 个单词的副标题,总结本研究的主要发现或结果。切忌 直接复制摘要中的结论部分。作者应谨慎断言自己的研究首次报告了某发现、或者自 己的发现带来了某种影响,除非有明确的证据可以表明,否则只能报告其中的联系或 观察结果。
本类文章主要用于描述眼科领域的创新性技术,包括眼科手术、眼科用药、眼视光器 械及眼科设备。文章应当包括任何相关的临床前和临床数据。评判能否发表的主要标 准是观念的创新性及临床应用前景。 总结:不超过 250 个单词 全文:不超过 1000 个单词 图表:不超过 5 幅 参考文献:不超过 25 篇 所有创新类文章均须进行同行评审及编辑部审核通过。
如需获得更多与Βιβλιοθήκη 刊出版标准相关的信息,请下载增刊指南(PDF)。
British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM)《 英国运动医学杂志》作者指南(稿约)

由 2 名外部审稿人进行同行评议。
手机 App 用户指南 (Mobile App User Guide)
BJSM 欢迎针对在运动医学领域有潜在临床应用的手机运动应用的综述。这类投稿须遵 循以下格式:
作者:姓名,地址,邮件及推特用户名(如果有) 手机 App 的名字:如 Strava 手机 App 的分类:如健身或健康 平台:如 iOS(iPhone4 及以上版本),Android(2.3.3 及以上版本),Google
偏倚的风险评估结果。每个研究都要列出每组的数据汇总,以及置信区间下的影响评 估(最好使用森林图)。荟萃分析需要给出对汇总数据的解读及措施的同质性/异质 性。如果有的话,给出附加分析的结果(例如亚组或者灵敏度分析)。 讨论部分(discussion)需要总结主要发现,根据每个结果同其主要利益相关者(如患 者、医生、政策制定者)间的联系而考虑的证据强度。强调研究(如偏倚的风险)及 综述(如报告偏倚、统计学异质性)水平的局限性。给出结果的其他证据的一般解 释,以及对临床实践和未来研究的影响。综述的主要结论应陈述清晰,保证其与综述 目的是一致的。
原创研究文章 (Original reports)
原创研究文章类稿件的篇幅不得超过 3000 个单词(不包括摘要、图表说明和参考文 献)。 摘要篇幅不得超过 250 个单词,并按以下结构撰写: 背景/目的 方法 结果 结论
请设置一个框图,总结“本研究的新发现”,分成 3-4 点列举(前加点号)。 文章的主体:若本研究的原因明显,鼓励简短的介绍,如强调“为何进行此研究” (Why we did it)的内容尽可能缩短到三段。 鼓励在方法、结果和讨论中用副标题。我们发现少于两个副标题很难展开讨论。 须由 2 名外部审稿人进行同行评议。
BMJ Open Gastroenterology(BMJOG)《 BMJ 胃肠病学开放获取期刊》 作者指南(稿约)

文章出版收费(Article publishing charges)
《BMJ 胃肠病学开放获取期刊》根据出版服务的费用征收文章出版税(Article Publishing Charge,APC)。APC 的标准是 1700 英镑、3000 美元、2380 欧元(英国和 欧盟的作者还要另交增值税)。没有额外的提交、页面或彩图收费。除了可以免费发 表的文章外,所接受的文章会在出版费用交完后再进行发表。 您所在的机构可能会为您支付出版费用,或者您可能符合折扣资格。点击查看详情。 在《BMJ 胃肠病学开放获取期刊》发表文章要求您满足英国 Wellcome 信托基金和研 究委员会(Wellcome Trust and Research Councils UK)的开放获取要求,包括使用他们 推荐的 CC-BY 许可。 在出版流程后约 15 天会进行在线发表。开放获取的费用不会被取消、退款或返还。
投稿政策(Submission policies)
所有文章都必须遵循 BMJ 在伦理和透明度方面的高要求。关于 BMJ 旗下期刊的相关 规定及投稿指南,请点击以下链接: 备稿指南 编辑政策 患者知情同意书 授权表 同行评审过程 投稿出版过程
BMJ 出版集团旗下的期刊会不定期地出版增刊。出版增刊主要基于以下考虑: 1. 2. 3. 4. 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望举办学术会议而又需要寻求赞助商时,会 议论文集可作为增刊出版。 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望针对某个专题出版一期增刊。此时,可能 也会寻求赞助商。 BMJ 出版集团需要赞助时可考虑出版增刊。 赞助机构(通常为制药企业或慈善基金)举办会议时,会议论文集可安排作为增刊 出版。

表格应以 Word 格式置于正文中首次提及该表格的位置。所有表格必须在正文中按数 字顺序依次提及。需要注意的是,以 Excel 格式嵌入正文的表格是不允许的。如需使 用由 Excel 生成的表格,请复制、粘贴到正文的 Word 文档中。 表格应做到表意明确具体,让读者仅通过表格就知晓意思。表格中的数据不可在正文 或配图中重复罗列。超过两页篇幅的表格只能以补充材料的形式在线发表。
参考文献必须按照正文中提及的顺序连续排列,并且只需列出已经发表或在印的文 章。私人信息或未经出版的数据则需在正文中把资料名称和年份以括号的形式加以引 用。作者需自行向未出版资料来源寻求使用许可。
BMJ 旗下期刊所采用的参考文献格式在 Vancouver 文献格式基础上稍加调整而成(请 见下例)。格式模板可通过 Endnote 获取。请注意《英国医学杂志》(The BMJ)采用 不同的格式。
图片必须以单独的文件上传(更多信息见下文配图/插图部分)。所有图片必须在正文 中按数字顺序依次提及,图例应在文章最后列出。 附录请选择 File Designation 分类中的“Supplementary File”上传,并在正文中相应地方 提及。 提交前请确保已删除文档中所有隐藏的页眉和页脚。
标题页(Title page)
文章标题 通讯作者的全名、邮寄地址、电子邮件和电话号码 其他作者的全名、机构、院系、国家和城市 最多 5 个用于检索的关键词或词组(建议按照医学主题词表(Medical Subject
系统工程与电子技术英文版 投稿指南

系统工程与电子技术英文版投稿指南全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys! Today, I'm going to share with you some tips on how to submit your articles to the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics.First of all, make sure your article is written in English and is at least 2000 words long. This is super important because the editors want to make sure your research is thoroughly explained and analyzed.Next, when you submit your article, make sure to include a cover letter introducing yourself and explaining why your research is important. This is your chance to show the editors why your article should be published.Also, don't forget to include a list of keywords that describe your research. This will help readers find your article when searching online.Make sure to format your article according to the journal's guidelines. This includes using the correct font size and style, margins, and references.Lastly, be patient! The review process can take some time, so don't worry if you don't hear back right away. Just keep working hard on your research and don't give up.I hope these tips help you submit your article to the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. Good luck!篇2Hey guys, have you ever wondered how to submit your awesome work to the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics? Well, I'm here to tell you all about it!First things first, make sure your paper follows the journal's formatting guidelines. This means using the right font size, spacing, and citation style. You wouldn't want your hard work to be rejected just because of a formatting error, right?Next, write a killer abstract for your paper. This is like a sneak peek that tells the editor and reviewers what your paper is all about. Make sure it's clear, concise, and super interesting. You want to grab their attention right from the start!When it comes to writing your paper, make sure to include all the important stuff. You know, like an introduction, methods, results, and conclusions. Don't forget to back up your claims with evidence and data. This will show that you've done your homework and your work is legit.Before you submit your paper, double-check everything. Make sure there are no typos, grammar errors, or missing references. It would be such a bummer to have your paper rejected because of something silly like that.And finally, when you're ready to submit, head over to the journal's website and follow the instructions. You'll probably have to create an account, upload your paper, and fill out some info. Just make sure you don't miss any steps!So there you have it, guys. Just follow these tips and you'll be on your way to getting your awesome work published in the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. Good luck!篇3Hey guys! Do you want to know how to submit articles to the journal of System Engineering and Electronics Technology? Well, you're in luck because I'm here to tell you all about it!First things first, make sure your article is written in English and follows the journal's submission guidelines. This means using clear and concise language, and making sure your research is original and well-documented.Next, check to see if your article fits the scope of the journal. System Engineering and Electronics Technology covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: system design, electronic components, communication systems, and more. Make sure your article falls within these categories before submitting it.When you're ready to submit your article, you can do so online through the journal's submission portal. Make sure all of your information is correct and up-to-date, and double check that you've followed all of the formatting guidelines.Once your article has been submitted, it will undergo a peer review process to ensure its quality and accuracy. This can take some time, so be patient and wait for feedback from the journal's editors.If your article is accepted for publication, congratulations! You'll be notified by the journal and your article will be published in an upcoming issue.So there you have it, a quick guide on how to submit articles to System Engineering and Electronics Technology. Good luck with your submissions, and happy writing!篇4Hey guys! Do you want to know how to submit your work for the System Engineering and Electronics Technology journal? Well, I've got you covered with this super cool submission guide!First things first, make sure your article is written in English and follows all the journal's guidelines. This includes using clear and concise language, proper formatting, and referencing any sources you use.Next, check to see if your article fits into the scope of the journal. They're looking for research articles, review papers, and technical notes on topics related to system engineering and electronics technology.When you're ready to submit, head over to the journal's website and create an account. From there, you can upload your article and any additional files, like images or data sets.Remember to include a cover letter with your submission that explains the significance of your work and why it would be a good fit for the journal.Once your article is submitted, it will go through a peer review process where experts in the field will evaluate its quality and relevance.If your article is accepted, you'll be notified by the journal and your work will be published for all to see.So there you have it! Follow these steps and you'll be on your way to getting your work published in the System Engineering and Electronics Technology journal. Good luck!篇5Hey guys, do you want to know how to submit an article to the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics? Well, you're in luck because I'm here to give you the lowdown on the submission guidelines.First things first, make sure your article is at least 2000 words long. That might seem like a lot, but don't worry, you can do it! Next, think about what you want to write about. Maybe you want to talk about the latest trends in electronic technology, or maybeyou have a cool new system engineering concept to share. Whatever it is, make sure it's something that will wow the editors.Now, let's talk about formatting. Your article should be written in English, of course, and make sure to use clear and concise language. Nobody wants to read a jumble of words that don't make sense. You should also include a catchy title that gives readers a taste of what your article is all about.When you're ready to submit your article, head to the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics website. There, you'll find the submission portal where you can upload your masterpiece. Just follow the instructions on the screen and you'll be on your way to getting your article published.So, there you have it – the ins and outs of submitting an article to the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. Now go out there and start writing that awesome article! You've got this!篇6Hey guys, do you know what "System Engineering and Electronic Technology" is all about? It's a super cool field that combines engineering and technology to make awesome thingslike computers, phones, and robots work better. And guess what? We have a super important guide for you to know how to submit your cool ideas and research to our journal!First things first, when you're writing your paper, make sure it follows the guidelines for formatting and style. This means using proper headings, fonts, and spacing. We want your paper to look super professional and easy to read.Next, make sure you include all the important sections in your paper. This includes the abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Each section is super important for us to understand your research and ideas.When you're writing your paper, make sure you use proper English and grammar. We want to make sure your ideas are clear and easy to understand for everyone who reads it.And don't forget about citing your sources! It's super important to give credit to the people who came up with the cool ideas you're talking about in your paper. Make sure you include a bibliography at the end of your paper with all the sources you used.Last but not least, have fun with your paper! We want to see your passion and excitement for system engineering andelectronic technology shine through in your writing. So don't be afraid to get creative and show us what you've got!We can't wait to see all the amazing papers you submit to our journal. Good luck, and happy writing!篇7Title: Submission Guidelines for System Engineering and Electronic TechnologyHey everyone, are you interested in system engineering and electronic technology? If you have some cool ideas or research findings to share with the world, then you should consider submitting your work to our journal! We welcome contributions on a wide range of topics related to system engineering and electronic technology.Here are some guidelines to follow when submitting your work:1. Originality: Make sure that your work is original and has not been published elsewhere. We want to showcase new and innovative research in the field, so make sure your work is fresh and exciting.2. Formatting: Please format your submission in accordance with our journal guidelines. This includes using the correct citation style, font size, and spacing. This will help us to review your work more easily and ensure consistency in our publication.3. Length: Your submission should be at least 2000 words. This will allow you to fully develop your ideas and provide enough detail for readers to understand your work.4. Language: Please ensure that your submission is written in clear and concise English. Avoid using jargon or technical language that may be difficult for readers to understand.5. References: If you are referencing other work in your submission, make sure to include a list of references at the end of your paper. This will give credit to the original authors and allow readers to explore further reading on the topic.6. Images and Tables: If you have any images or tables that support your work, please include them in your submission. This will help to visually enhance your work and make it more engaging for readers.7. Submission Process: Once you have completed your submission, you can email it to us at [journal email address]. Oureditorial team will review your work and get back to you with feedback or acceptance within a reasonable time frame.We look forward to receiving your submissions and reading about your innovative research in system engineering and electronic technology. Good luck!篇8Hello everyone! Today I'm going to share with you some tips on how to submit your paper to the journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics.First of all, make sure your paper follows the journal's guidelines. This includes formatting, word count, and references. You can find all the information on the journal's website.Next, make sure your paper is original and has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is a big no-no in the academic world!When writing your paper, make sure to use clear and concise language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that might be confusing to the reader.Don't forget to include a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions in your paper. Each section should be clearly labeled and organized.Before submitting your paper, make sure to proofread it carefully for grammar and spelling errors. You can also ask a friend or colleague to read it over for you.When submitting your paper, make sure to follow the journal's guidelines for online submission. This may include creating an account, uploading your paper, and filling out some forms.Finally, be patient! The review process can take some time, so don't be discouraged if you don't hear back right away.I hope these tips help you when submitting your paper to the journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics. Remember, persistence is key in the world of academia! Good luck!篇9Hey guys, do you want to know how to submit your awesome articles to the journal of System Engineering and Electronic Technology? Well, you've come to the right place! Here's a super cool guide to help you out.First things first, let's talk about the types of articles you can submit. We accept all kinds of cool stuff like research papers, reviews, case studies, and tutorials. Just make sure your article is original and hasn't been published anywhere else.Next, let's chat about how to format your article. We like things neat and tidy, so make sure to use Times New Roman font, size 12, and double spacing. And don't forget to include a catchy title, an abstract, keywords, and references.Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of submitting your article. You can send it to us through email at***************************.Makesuretoincludeyourname, affiliation, and contact information so we can get back to you.Oh, and one more thing – make sure to follow the journal's guidelines and ethics. Plagiarism is a big no-no, so always give credit where credit is due.And there you have it, guys! Now you're ready to submit your super cool article to the System Engineering and Electronic Technology journal. Good luck, and happy writing!篇10Hey guys! Welcome to the submission guidelines for "Systems Engineering and Electronics Technology". This is a super cool journal where you can share all your awesome research and ideas in the world of systems engineering and electronics technology.First things first, when you're preparing your submission, make sure to follow these guidelines to make sure your paper is ready for publication.1. Title: Come up with a catchy title that summarizes the main idea of your paper. Make sure it's clear and easy to understand.2. Abstract: Write a short summary of your paper, including the main objectives, methods, and conclusions. Keep it brief but informative.3. Introduction: Start off by introducing the topic you're discussing and why it's important. Give some background information to help readers understand your research.4. Methods: Explain the methods you used to conduct your research. Be detailed and clear so that other researchers can replicate your study.5. Results: Present your findings in an organized andeasy-to-understand way. Use graphs, tables, and figures to support your results.6. Discussion: Analyze your results and discuss the implications of your findings. Compare your results to previous research and explain any differences.7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your paper and emphasize the significance of your research.8. References: Make sure to include all the sources you cited in your paper. Use a consistent citation style like APA or MLA.9. Formatting: Follow the journal's guidelines for formatting, including font size, margins, and spacing.10. Submission: When you're ready, submit your paper to the journal through their online submission system.Remember, the deadline for submissions is coming up soon, so make sure to get your paper in on time. Good luck, and happy writing!。

BMJOpen投稿指南(稿约)BMJ Open《BMJ开放获取期刊》作者指南·编辑政策·投稿须知·文章类型-研究文章-研究方案-队列研究-试点研究-快速回应和在线评论·同行评审编辑政策BMJ Open是一本同行评审、开放获取的综合医学大刊,旨在通过不间断出版的方式,快速发表各医学学科和治疗领域的最新研究进展。
文章在“创作共用”组织(Creative Commons)的许可协议下(符合RCUK和Wellcome Trust的要求)出版。
稿件处理费BMJ Open基于服务实际成本向作者收取稿件处理费。
BMJ Open几乎完全依靠稿件处理费维持运营。

BMC系列期刊总编辑讲如何投稿BioMed Central是世界上最大的高质量开放获取期刊(open access journals)出版商,是开放获取出版模式的成功典型。
Jo Appleford博士是BMC旗下60多个期刊编辑们的头头,他的职位描述是“managing the Executive Editors”。
1. 严格评估你的结果(Critically assess your results)一个有价值的工作应该具备这些特点之一:原创性的结果、方法或工具;对已发表数据的重新分析或解释;对众多前人研究的综合分析(Meta-analysis);对某个主题的综述;阴性结果有时候也有价值。
那么如何评估你的结果,或者说如何跟踪领域进展?1)数据库检索(如PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus),尝试不同的关键词组合。
另外要评估你的研究适合于什么样的文章类型(Original research,Methods & Software,Hypotheses,Reviews等),你的观点和证据新到什么程度,你的结论是否有足够的支持,你是否提出一个新的发现或并没有多少数据支持的假说等。
2. 选择合适的刊物,了解审稿过程(Choose the right journal, know the process)以往的研究发现,作者们往往注重这几点:期刊的声望;目标读者;期刊的显示度;同行评审的速度。

英文文章投稿指南Submitting an article for publication can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to the process. However, with the right guidance and understanding of the submission guidelines, the process can be streamlined and increase your chances of having your work accepted. In this essay, we will explore the key elements to consider when submitting an English article for publication.First and foremost, it is crucial to thoroughly research the publication you are targeting. Each journal, magazine, or website will have its own set of guidelines and requirements for submissions. These guidelines can include the preferred length of the article, the formatting style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago), the type of content they are looking for, and any specific instructions for the submission process. Failing to adhere to these guidelines can result in your article being rejected, even if the content is of high quality.When it comes to the length of the article, it is important to strike a balance between providing enough detail and information to fully address the topic, while also respecting the publication's guidelines.Many publications have a word count range, such as 800-1200 words, that they prefer for articles. It is essential to stay within this range, as exceeding the maximum word count may result in your article being trimmed or rejected altogether.Formatting is another crucial aspect of the submission process. Different publications may have specific requirements for font size, line spacing, and the use of headings and subheadings. It is important to carefully review the guidelines and format your article accordingly. Consistency is key, as inconsistent formatting can be a distraction for the reader and may reflect poorly on your writing abilities.In addition to the technical aspects of the submission, the content of the article itself must be of high quality and relevance to the publication's target audience. This means conducting thorough research, presenting a clear and well-structured argument, and providing valuable insights or information that the reader will find engaging and informative.One effective strategy for ensuring the quality of your article is to have it reviewed by others before submitting it. This could include colleagues, peers, or even professional editors. They can provide valuable feedback on the clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness of your writing. Incorporating this feedback can help to strengthenyour article and increase the likelihood of it being accepted for publication.Another important consideration when submitting an article is the tone and style of your writing. Different publications may have preferences for a more formal, academic tone or a more conversational, engaging style. It is important to carefully study the tone and style of the publication you are targeting and to align your own writing accordingly.When it comes to the actual submission process, it is essential to follow the publication's instructions to the letter. This may include submitting the article through an online portal, emailing it to a specific address, or even sending a physical copy by mail. Failure to follow the correct submission process can result in your article being overlooked or rejected.In addition to the technical requirements, it is also important to consider the timing of your submission. Many publications have specific deadlines for article submissions, and it is crucial to respect these deadlines. Submitting your article well in advance of the deadline can also increase your chances of being accepted, as it allows the editorial team more time to review and consider your work.Finally, it is important to be patient and persistent in the submission process. Even if your article is rejected, it is important to learn from the experience and to continue refining your writing and submission process. Many successful writers have had articles rejected multiple times before finally being accepted for publication.In conclusion, submitting an English article for publication requires a careful and strategic approach. By understanding the specific guidelines and requirements of the publication you are targeting, formatting your article correctly, ensuring the quality of your content, and following the submission process to the letter, you can increase your chances of having your work accepted. With persistence and a commitment to continuous improvement, you can navigate the submission process and successfully share your writing with a wider audience.。
BMJ Open Respiratory Research《 BMJ 呼吸疾病研究开放获取期刊》 作者指南(稿约)

文章出版收费(Article publishing charges)
《BMJ 呼吸疾病研究开放获取期刊》根据出版服务的费用征收文章出版税(Article Publishing Charge,APC)。APC 的标准是 1700 英镑、3000 美元、2380 欧元(英国和 欧盟的作者还要另交增值税)。没有额外的提交、页面或彩图收费。除了可以免费发 表的文章外,所接受的文章会在出版费用交完后再进行发表。
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投稿政策(Submission policies)
文章类型(Article types)
原创性研究文章(Original research)
研究方案(Protocol) 综述(Review Articles) 增刊(Supplements)
单词计数不包括标题页、摘要、表、致谢/作者贡献以及参考文献。图表改善指南见 BMJ 演示视频。 关于发表时间和接受率的信息可以从这里了解。
BMJ 出版集团旗下的期刊会不定期地出版增刊。出版增刊主要基于以下考虑: 1. 2. 3. 4. 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望举办学术会议而又需要寻求赞助商时,会 议论文集可作为增刊出版。 期刊主编、编委会成员或者学术团体希望针对某个专题出版一期增刊。此时,可能 也会寻求赞助商。 BMJ 出版集团需要赞助时可考虑出版增刊。 赞助机构(通常为制药企业或慈善基金)举办会议时,会议论文集可安排作为增刊 出版。
对文章的要求 - The BMJ

对文章的要求请确保投往BMJ的每一篇稿件均符合国际医学期刊编辑委员会(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,ICMJE)制订的生物医学期刊投稿的统一要求。
•标题 - 所有稿件 - 标题页•全体作者的姓名、地址和职位及通讯作者的email地址;应确保所有列入作者名单的人员符合作者的标准- 所有稿件•著作权/出版授权协议 - 所有稿件•利益冲突申明 - 所有稿件•贡献者的详细情况和出具证明的单位(或个人)的名称(或姓名) - 所有论著•经签署的BMJ患者同意书 - 所有涉及患者个人信息的稿件•关于伦理学批准的声明;参与者的知情同意;资助;研究主办者在研究设计、数据收集、分析和解读、论文撰写以及投稿决策等环节所发挥的作用;研究是否独立于出资人和主办方;研究人员获取全部数据 - 所有论著•所有相关的报告声明(如CONSORT)所建议的信息。
本刊并未采用报告指南(reporting guidelines)作为评价研究质量或筛选文章的关键评估工具。
- 所有论著•如所投稿件系随机对照试验的报告,请在投稿时,根据CONSORT指南、试验方案和试验注册细节提供完整的核对表和流程图。
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BMJ Open 投稿步骤详解

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对文章的要求-TheBMJ对文章的要求请确保投往BMJ的每一篇稿件均符合国际医学期刊编辑委员会(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors,ICMJE)制订的生物医学期刊投稿的统一要求。
标题 - 所有稿件 - 标题页全体作者的姓名、地址和职位及通讯作者的email地址;应确保所有列入作者名单的人员符合作者的标准- 所有稿件著作权/出版授权协议 - 所有稿件利益冲突申明 - 所有稿件贡献者的详细情况和出具证明的单位(或个人)的名称(或姓名)- 所有论著?经签署的BMJ患者同意书 - 所有涉及患者个人信息的稿件关于伦理学批准的声明;参与者的知情同意;资助;研究主办者在研究设计、数据收集、分析和解读、论文撰写以及投稿决策等环节所发挥的作用;研究是否独立于出资人和主办方;研究人员获取全部数据 - 所有论著所有相关的报告声明(如CONSORT)所建议的信息。
本刊并未采用报告指南(reporting guidelines)作为评价研究质量或筛选文章的关键评估工具。
- 所有论著如所投稿件系随机对照试验的报告,请在投稿时,根据CONSORT指南、试验方案和试验注册细节提供完整的核对表和流程图。
如果你提交的论文系对随机对照试验和其他评估性研究的系统综述或荟萃分析,请遵照P RISM A 指南(QU OROM指南如与P RISM A指南冲突,应以P RISM A指南为准);如存在研究方案,应将其作为补充性文件提供。

13 Koziol-Mclain J, Brand D, Morgan D, et al. Measuring injury risk factors: question reliability in a statewide sample. Inj Prev 2000;6:148–50. 书籍章节
Morse SS. Factors in the emergency of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 1995 JanMar;1(1). /nciod/EID/vol1no1/morse.htm (accessed 5 Jun 1998). 电子信函
标题页(Title page)
文章标题 通讯作者的全名、邮寄地址、电子邮件和电话号码 其他作者的全名、机构、院系、国家和城市 最多 5 个用于检索的关键词或词组(建议按照医学主题词表(Medical Subject
Headings/MeSH)的标准) 字数(除去标题页、摘要、文献、配图和表格)
15 Howland J. Preventing Automobile Injury: New Findings From Evaluative Research. Dover, MA: Auburn House Publishing Company 1988:163–96. 摘要/补充材料 16 Roxburgh J, Cooke RA, Deverall P, et al. Haemodynamic function of the carbomedics bileaflet prosthesis [abstract]. Br Heart J 1995;73(Suppl 2):P37. 电子引用 引用网站时,需要注明链接、访问日期以及其它可获取的尽可能详细的信息。由于网 站可能会更新,链接可能发生变化,所以注明访问日期很重要。访问日期可以比文章 的接收日期晚,可以只注明月份。 电子期刊文章
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BMJ Open《BMJ开放获取期刊》作者指南·编辑政策·投稿须知·文章类型-研究文章-研究方案-队列研究-试点研究-快速回应和在线评论·同行评审编辑政策BMJ Open是一本同行评审、开放获取的综合医学大刊,旨在通过不间断出版的方式,快速发表各医学学科和治疗领域的最新研究进展。
文章在“创作共用”组织(Creative Commons)的许可协议下(符合RCUK和Wellcome Trust的要求)出版。
稿件处理费BMJ Open基于服务实际成本向作者收取稿件处理费。
BMJ Open几乎完全依靠稿件处理费维持运营。
减免请求将依照以下标准评估:·研究是否大部分或全部在Hinari Core Offer中的国家进行·任何作者是否就该研究获得外界资金支持·作者是否有能力用个人资金支持研究由烟草工业提供全部或部分资金的研究BMJ Open不会刊登由烟草工业提供全部或部分资金的研究,点击此处查看原因。
备稿指南编辑政策患者知情同意书许可表格同行评审投稿与编辑加工流程请注意,BMJ Open的投稿要求与以上链接中的内容有不同之处(如不收取彩图费),现概述如下。
文章类型研究文章(Research articles)研究文章必须围绕一个清晰、合理的研究问题。
·结构化摘要(不超过300个英文单词)应当包含以下要素(请注意:随机对照试验还需满足CONSORT 要求):o目的(objectives):说明研究的主要目标以及假设/研究课题o设计(design):如前瞻性、随机性、盲法、病例对照o研究设置(setting):医疗等级,如初级医疗系统、二级医疗系统;参与中心的数量;泛化:请不要在文中披露参加试验的研究机构名称,如确有必要可说明研究地点o受试人员(participants):入组及最终完成试验的人数;性别和种族(根据需要);明确的筛选条件、入组标准及排除标准o干预(interventions):内容(what)、方式(how)、时间(when)和持续时间(how long)(如不涉及也可不包含此项)o主要及次要结果衡量指标(primary and secondary outcome measures):定量研究中,计划测量的(研究方案中)拟研究指标,以及最终测量的指标(如与设计不同,请解释理由)o结果(results):(定量研究的)主要研究结果(计算 95%可信区间);某些研究中,统计学差异的准确水平以及所需治疗/伤害的实验对象的数量;尽量以绝对风险值代替相对风险值o结论(conclusions):包括主要结论及其意义,也可对后续的试验提出建议;注意研究结论不得脱离研究数据o试验注册(trial registration):请注明注册机构及注册编号(主要针对临床试验,如果观察性研究和系统综述进行了注册,也可以注明)·“Article Summary”包含“Strengths and limitations of this study”(本研究的优点和局限性)部分,最多不超过 5点,每点不超过一个句子,请针对该研究的具体方法,不应含有研究结果。
·资金声明,最好遵循以下格式:“This work was supported by [name of funder] grant number [xxx].”或“This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public,commercial or not-for-profit sectors.”必须保证该声明包含所有资助者和基金号码的准确信息。
·任何需要公布的清单以及工作流程图,例如 STROBE(详见下文)·文中如包含任何可供辨识患者身份的医疗信息,公开发表之前必须征得患者明确同意。
·请提供数据共享声明,可参照以下格式:“Technical appendix, statistical code, and dataset available from the Dryad repository, DOI: [数据的 DOI号码].建议文章字数不超过 4000 字,图表不超过 5 幅,这不是硬性要求,但过多的字数和图表将影响文章的可读性。
同时,建议文章的讨论部分不要多于 5 个段落,并请遵循如下总体结构(不必在正文中出现以下小标题):本文的主要发现,该项研究的优点和局限性,相较于其他研究的优点、局限性以及结果的不同之处,该项研究的意义(对研究结果的可能诠释及对医生和政策制定者的影响),遗留的问题及未来研究方向。
此外,请您在Browse by topic处选择更加细分的主题词和关键词,以方便确定审稿人。
·CONSORT Statement–适用于随机对照试验:请根据不同的实验设计选用不同的附录(extensions to the CONSORT statement),包括指导摘要写作的附录(the extension for writing abstracts)·COREQ–适用于定性研究·STARD–适用于诊断准确度研究(diagnostic accuracy studies)·STROBE–适用于流行病学观察性研究(observational studies in epidemiology)- 队列(cohort)、病例对照(case-study)和横断面(cross-sectional)研究核对表(综合)- 队列研究(cohort studies)核对表- 病例对照研究(case-control studies)核对表- 横断面研究(cross-sectional studies)核对表·PRISMA–适用于系统综述(systematic reviews)·PRISMA-P–适用于系统综述(systematic reviews)和荟萃分析研究方案(meta-analysis protocols)·MOOSE–适用于观察性研究的荟萃分析(meta-analyses of observational studies)·SPIRIT–适用于随机对照试验的研究方案(protocols for RCTs)·STREGA–适用于基因疾病相关研究(gene-disease association studies)·CHEERS–适用于卫生经济评价(health economic evaluations)Equator Network(旨在提高医疗研究的质量和透明度)提供了上述指南的完整下载。
研究方案(Study protocols)研究方案是指计划中的或正在进行的研究。
SPIRIT规范(Standard Protocol Items for Randomized Trials,随机试验标准方案条款)已经出版(详情点击此处)。
该标准中既借鉴了 CONSORT 声明,也强调了一些重要的伦理学问题。
PRISMA-P(Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols,系统综述和荟萃分析研究方案建议写作条款)是新推出的写作指南。