WTO规则中英文教程第十八章 中国入世规则(一)


W T O 及其基本规则

W T O 及其基本规则

W T O 及其基本规则中南大学商学院冯正强从体系与组织看,WTO是一个国际组织,一个政府间的国际组织,一个政府间的国际经济贸易组织。






3. CIETAC is based in Beijing. It has sub-commissions or arbitration centers (Appendix I). The sub-commissions/arbitration centers are CIETAC’s branches, which accept arbitration applications and administer arbitration cases with CIETAC’s authorization.
4. A sub-commission/arbitration center has an arbitration court, which performs the functions of the Arbitration Court in accordance with these Rules under the direction of the president of the arbitration court of the sub-commission/arbitration center.
5. Where a case is administered by a sub-commission/arbitration center, the functions and duties vested in the President of the Arbitration Court under these Rules may, by his/her authorization, be performed by the president of the arbitration court of the relevant sub-commission/arbitration center.

WTO规则中英文教程第十八章 中国入世规则(一)

WTO规则中英文教程第十八章  中国入世规则(一)
• 显然,经济特区内部不能是WTO非歧视性原则和国民 待遇原则的例外。但WTO没有禁止中国给予区内外企 业之间有差别的最惠国待遇和国民待遇。
• 特别注意的是上述我国《加入议定书》英文本 中的“the sub-national level”的真实含义。笔 者认为“the sub-national level”应译作“下一 级政府部门”(实质上它已包括省、自治区和直 辖市一级地方政府)。同样,下述《中国加入工 作组报告书》第70段中的“local governments at the sub-national level”也不是指“地方各级政 府”而是指“省一级(包括自治区和直辖市)政 府”。“地方各级政府”是“all levels of local governments”。

Copies of these submissions in one or more official languages of the WTO shall be forwarded to the WTO for circulation to WTO Members and for submission to the Committee on Import Licensing within 75 days of each publication. • 这些文件的副本(用一种或多种WTO官方 语言写成 )在其公布后的 75天内应被提交 给WTO,以散发给各WTO成员及WTO进 口许可委员会。
• WTO requests China notify to the WTO all laws, regulations and other measures relating to its sanitary and phytosanitary measures, including product coverage and relevant international standards, guidelines and recommendations. • WTO要求中国向WTO通知其所有与卫生与植 物检疫措施有关的法律、条例及其他措施,包 括产品范围及相关国际标准、指南和建议。

WTO规则中英文教程第十九章 中国入世规划(二)

WTO规则中英文教程第十九章  中国入世规划(二)

(二)主要的“具体部门承诺” (Specific Commitments in Major Sectors) • 针对4种服务提供方式,中国对一部 分服务部门(sector or sub-sector)完全 开放,未作限制(重要开放部门见表)。 • 另一方面,我国除了对各服务部门 的自然人移动大多未作承诺外,对 一些服务部门的跨境交付也未作承 诺(unbound)。
In China, maximum term using land by enterprises and individuals is: (a) 70 years for residential purposes; (b) 50 years for industrial purposes;(c) 50 years for the purpose of education, science, culture, public health and physical education;(d) 40 years for commercial, tourist and recreational purposes;(e) 50 years for comprehensive utilization or other purposes. • 在中国,企业和个人使用土地最长期限:(1)居 住目的为 70 年;( 2 )工业目的为 50 年; (3) 教 育、科学、文化、公共卫生和体育目的为50年; (4)商业、旅游、娱乐目的为40年;(5)综合利用 或其他目的为50年。
(一)我国的主要“水平承 诺”(Major Horizontal Commitments of China)
水平承诺适用于所有服务部门。我国 水平承诺主要是针对市场准入提出的, 其主要内容是: • 1、商业存在方面的市场准入要求(Market Access Requirements of Commercial Presence)



《中国与世界贸易组织》白皮书,中英对照中国与世界贸易组织China and the World Trade Organization(2018 年年6 月)June 2018中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China 目录Contents前言Foreword一、中国切实履行加入世贸组织承诺I. China Has Faithfully Fulfilled Its WTO Accession Commitments二、中国坚定支持多边贸易体制II. China Firmly Supports the Multilateral Trading System三、中国加入世贸组织后对世界作出重要贡献III. China’s Significant Contribution to the World After Accession to the WTO四、中国积极推动更高水平对外开放IV. China Is Actively Advancing Opening-Up to a Higher Level结束语Conclusion前言Foreword1978 年,中国开启了改革开放的历史进程。


40 年来,中国坚持对外开放基本国策,打开国门搞建设,逐步形成了全方位多层次宽领域的对外开放格局,极大促进了中国与外部世界的交流交融,为人类和平与发展的崇高事业作出了重要贡献。

In 1978, China started the historic process of reform and opening-up. This is a glorious chapter in the development epic of the country and the nation composed by the Chinese people, recording the great journey of common progress of China and the rest of the world. It has not only profoundly changed the country, but also greatly influenced the whole world. Over the past 40 years, China has beenadhering to the fundamental national policy of reform and opening-up and pursuing development with its door wide open. A model of all-round, multi-level, and wide-ranging opening-up has gradually taken shape. China is closely connected withthe outside world and has made a significant contribution to the noble cause of global peace and development.2001 年中国加入世界贸易组织,是中国深度参与经济全球化的里程碑,标志着中国改革开放进入历史新阶段。



ACCESSION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA关于中华人民共和国加入的决定2001年11月10日Decision of 10 November 2001部长级会议,The Ministerial Conference,考虑到《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》第12条第2款和第9条第1款,以及总理事会议定的在《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》第12条和第9条的下决策程序(WT/L/93),Having regard to paragraph 2 of Article XII and paragraph 1 of Article IX of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, and the Decision-Making Procedures under Articles IX and XII of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization agreed by the General Council(WT/L/93),注意到1995年12月7日中华人民共和国关于加入《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》的申请,Taking note of the application of the People's Republic of China for accession to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization dated 7 December 1995,注意到旨在确定中华人民共和国加入《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》条件的谈判结果,并已制定《中华人民共和国加入议定书》,Noting the results of the negotiations directed toward the establishment of the terms of accession of the People's Republic of China to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and having prepared a Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China,决定如下:Decides as follows:中华人民共和国可根据本决定所附议定书中所列条款和条件加入《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》。

中国加入世贸组织的历程 英语介绍

中国加入世贸组织的历程 英语介绍

一、Introduction to China's Accession to the WTOChina's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is a significant milestone in the country's economic reform and opening-up process. It marks China's formal integration into the global trading system and has had a profound impact on the country's economy, as well as the world economy. This article will provide an overview of China's accession to the WTO, including the historical background, negotiation process, and its impact.二、Historical Background1. China's Economic Reform and Opening-UpIn the late 1970s, China embarked on a path of economic reform and opening-up under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. This marked a departure from the centrally planned economy to a market-oriented system. The reform policies led to rapid economic growth and a surge in foreign trade and investment.2. China's Desire to Join the WTOAs China's economy became increasingly integrated with the global economy, there was a growing desire to join the WTO to further liberalize trade, attract foreign investment, and gain access to international markets. China's application to join theWTO was submitted in 1986, and the negotiation process lasted for 15 years, making it one of the longest and mostplex accession processes in the history of the WTO.三、Negotiation Process1. Bilateral NegotiationsChina engaged in extensive bilateral negotiations with WTO member countries to reach agreements on market access for goods and services, as well as other trade-related issues. These negotiations involved a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, and services.2. Commitments and ConcessionsIn order to gain entry into the WTO, China made significantmitments and concessions, including reducing tariffs, eliminating non-tariff barriers, and opening up its service sectors to foreignpetition. Thesemitments were aimed at integrating China into the global trading system and promoting a more open and transparent trade regime.3. Accession Working PartyIn 2001, China's accession package was approved by the WTO General Council, and a working party was established to finalizethe terms of China's accession. This working party consisted of representatives from WTO member countries and was tasked with reviewing China's trade policies and ensuring itspliance with WTO rules.4. Terms of AccessionAfter a series of intensive negotiations, China agreed to aprehensive set of terms for its accession to the WTO, includingmitments on market access, intellectual property rights protection, and the reform of state-owned enterprises. These terms were embodied in the Protocol of Accession, which outlined the specific conditions and obligations that China had to fulfill upon joining the WTO.四、Impact of China's Accession to the WTO1. Economic Growth and TradeChina's accession to the WTO has had a profound impact on its economy, contributing to rapid economic growth and an unprecedented expansion of trade. The removal of trade barriers and the integration into the global trading system have facilitated China's export-led growth and made it a major player in global trade.2. Foreign Investment and Technology TransferWTO accession has also facilitated increased foreign direct investment in China and the transfer of advanced technologies, which have contributed to the modernization of China's economy and the development of its manufacturing and service sectors.3. Market Access and CompetitionAs part of its WTOmitments, China has opened up its markets to foreignpetition, leading to greater market access for foreign firms and increasedpetition in domestic industries. This has spurred productivity gains and innovation, while also posing challenges for domestic industries to adapt to internationalpetition.4. Challenges and OpportunitiesChina's accession to the WTO has brought both challenges and opportunities. While it has benefited from increased access to global markets, China has also faced pressure toply with international trade rules and address issues such as intellectual property rights protection, subsidies, and non-tariff barriers.五、ConclusionChina's accession to the WTO has been a transformative process that has reshaped its economy and its integration into the global trading system. The negotiation process was arduous andplex, requiring China to make significantmitments and concessions to gain entry into the WTO. The impact of China's accession has been far-reaching, contributing to its rapid economic growth, expansion of trade, and increased foreign investment. As China continues to play a prominent role in the global economy, its WTO membership will continue to shape its economic policies and its engagement with the internationalmunity.。



20XX 标准合同模板范本PERSONAL RESUME甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年版国际贸易合规WTO规则详解本合同目录一览第一条:合同定义与范围1.1 合同定义1.2 合同范围第二条:国际贸易合规2.1 WTO规则概述2.2 WTO规则适用范围2.3 WTO规则遵守要求第三条:货物贸易合规3.1 货物贸易规则3.2 关税与非关税壁垒3.3 贸易救济措施第四条:服务贸易合规4.1 服务贸易规则4.2 电信与知识产权保护4.3 金融服务贸易合规第五条:知识产权保护5.1 知识产权规则5.2 专利、商标与著作权保护5.3 侵权行为与救济措施第六条:争端解决机制6.1 争端解决规则6.2 WTO争端解决机构6.3 争端解决程序与方法第七条:贸易政策审查7.1 贸易政策审查机制7.2 贸易政策报告7.3 政策评估与建议第八条:贸易便利化8.1 贸易便利化规则8.2 单一窗口制度8.3 海关程序与文件要求第九条:技术性贸易壁垒9.1 技术性贸易壁垒规则9.2 合格评定程序9.3 互认与协调第十条:农业贸易规则10.1 农业贸易规则概述10.2 农业补贴与支持措施10.3 农业市场准入第十一条:环境与贸易11.1 环境与贸易规则11.2 环境贸易措施11.3 环境合规要求第十二条:劳工与贸易12.1 劳工与贸易规则12.2 劳工权益保护12.3 社会责任与合规第十三条:合规风险管理13.1 风险识别与评估13.2 风险防范与控制13.3 风险应对策略第十四条:合同的生效、变更与终止14.1 合同生效条件14.2 合同变更程序14.3 合同终止与后续处理第一部分:合同如下:第一条:合同定义与范围1.1 合同定义1.2 合同范围第二条:国际贸易合规2.1 WTO规则概述本合同所指的WTO规则,是指世界贸易组织制定的各项贸易规则,包括货物贸易、服务贸易、知识产权保护、争端解决机制等方面的规定。

2.2 WTO规则适用范围双方应按照WTO规则,在其成员国之间开展贸易活动,遵守各项贸易规定,确保贸易行为的合规性。























关于中国加入WTO的决定(中英对照)关于中国加入WTO的决定(中英对照)关于中华人民共和国加入的决定2001年11月10日ACCESSION OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Decision of 10 November 2001The Ministerial Conference,Hxdying regard to paragraph 2 of Article XII and paragraph 1 of Article IX of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization,and the Decision-Making Procedures under Articles IX and XII of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization agreed by the General Council(WT/L/93),Taking note of the application of the People's Republic of China for accession to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization dated 7 December 1995,Noting the results of the negotiations directed toward the establishment of the terms of accession of the People's Republic of China to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and hxdying prepared a Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China,Decides as follows:The People's Republic of China may accede to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization on the terms and conditions set out in the Protocol annexed to this decision.关于中华人民共和国加入的决定2001年11月10日部长级会议,考虑到《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》第12条第2款和第9条第1款,以及总理事会议定的在《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》第12条和第9条的下决策程序(WT/L/93),注意到1995年12月7日中华人民共和国关于加入《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》的申请,注意到旨在确定中华人民共和国加入《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协定》条件的谈判结果,并已制定《中华人民共和国加入议定书》,决定如下:中华人民共和国可根据本决定所附议定书中所列条款和条件加入《马拉喀什建立世界贸易组织协附件1B总理事会依照《中国加入议定书》第18条第2款处理的问题ANNEX 1BISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE GENERAL COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCEWITH SECTION 18.2 OF CHINA'S PROTOCOL OF ACCESSION– Review of the reports and the issues referred to in Section 18.1 of China's Protocol of Accession.– Development of China's trade with WTO Members and other trading partners,including the volume,direction and composition of trade.– Recent developments and cross?sectoral issues regarding China's trade regime.The Rules of Procedure of the WTO General Council shall apply unless specified otherwise. China shall submit any information and the documentation relating to the review no later than 30 days prior to the date of the review.附件1B总理事会依照《中国加入议定书》第18条第2款处理的问题——审议《中国加入议定书》第18条第1款中提及的报告和问题——中国与WTO成员及其他贸易伙伴间贸易的发展情况,包括贸易的数量、方向和构成。



PROTOCOL ON THE ACCESSION OF THE PEOPLE'SREPUBLIC OF CHINAPreambleThe World Trade Organization ("WTO"), pursuant to the approval of the Ministerial Conference of the WTO accorded under Article XII of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization ("WTO Agreement"), and the People's Republic of China ("China"),Recalling that China was an original contracting party to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947,Taking note that China is a signatory to the Final Act Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations,Taking note of the Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China in document WT/ACC/CHN/49 ("Working Party Report"),Having regard to the results of the negotiations concerning China's membership in the WTO,Agree as follows:Part I - General Provisions1. General1. Upon accession, China accedes to the WTO Agreement pursuant to Article XII of that Agreement and thereby becomes a Member of the WTO.2. The WTO Agreement to which China accedes shall be the WTO Agreement as rectified, amended or otherwise modified by such legal instruments as may have entered into force before the date of accession. This Protocol, which shall include the commitments referred to in paragraph 342 of the Working Party Report, shall be an integral part of the WTO Agreement.3. Except as otherwise provided for in this Protocol, those obligations in the Multilateral Trade Agreements annexed to the WTO Agreement that are to be implemented over a period of time starting with entry into force of that Agreement shall be implemented by China as ifit had accepted that Agreement on the date of its entry into force.4. China may maintain a measure inconsistent with paragraph 1of Article II of the General Agreement on Trade in Services("GATS")provided that such a measure is recorded in the List of Article II Exemptions annexed to this Protocol and meets the conditions of the Annex to the GATS on Article II Exemptions.2. Administration of the Trade Regime(A)Uniform Administration1. The provisions of the WTO Agreement and this Protocol shall apply to the entire customs territory of China, including border trade regions and minority autonomous areas, Special Economic Zones, open coastal cities, economic and technical development zones and other areas where special regimes for tariffs,taxes and regulations are established (collectively referred to as "special economic areas").2. China shall apply and administer in a uniform, impartial and reasonable manner all its laws, regulations and other measures of the central government as well as local regulations, rules and othermeasures issued or applied at the sub-national level (collectivelyreferred to as "laws, regulations and other measures")pertaining to or affecting trade in goods, services, trade-related aspects ofintellectual property rights ("TRIPS")or the control of foreign exchange.3. China's local regulations, rules and other measures of local governments at the sub-national level shall conform to the obligations undertaken in the WTO Agreement and this Protocol.4. China shall establish a mechanism under which individuals and enterprises can bring to the attention of the national authorities cases ofnon-uniform application of the trade regime.(B)Special Economic Areas1. China shall notify to the WTO all the relevant laws, regulations and other measures relating to its special economic areas, listing these areas by name and indicating the geographic boundaries that define them. China shall notify the WTO promptly, but in any case within 60 days, of any additions or modifications to its special economic areas, including notification of the laws, regulations and other measures relating thereto.2. China shall apply to imported products, including physically incorporated components, introduced into the other parts of China's customs territory from the special economic areas, all taxes, charges and measures affecting imports, including import restrictions and customs and tariff charges, that are normally applied to imports into the other parts of China's customs territory.3. Except as otherwise provided for in this Protocol, in providing preferential arrangements for enterprises within such special economic areas, WTO provisions on non-discrimination and national treatment shall be fully observed.(C)Transparency1. China undertakes that only those laws, regulations and other measures pertaining to or affecting trade in goods, services, TRIPS or the control of foreign exchange that are published and readily available to other WTO Members, individuals and enterprises, shall be enforced. In addition, China shall make available to WTO Members, upon request, all laws, regulations and other measures pertaining to or affecting trade in goods, services, TRIPS or the control of foreign exchange before such measures are implemented or enforced. In emergency situations, laws, regulations and other measures shall be made available at the latest when they are implemented or enforced.2. China shall establish or designate an official journal dedicated to the publication of all laws, regulations and other measurespertaining to or affecting trade in goods, services, TRIPS or thecontrol of foreign exchange and, after publication of its laws,regulations or other measures in such journal, shall provide a reasonable period for comment to the appropriate authorities beforesuch measures are implemented, except for those laws, regulations and other measures involving national security, specific measuressetting foreign exchange rates or monetary policy and other measures the publication of which would impede law enforcement. China shall publish this journal on a regular basis and make copies of all issues of this journal readily available to individuals and enterprises.3. China shall establish or designate an enquiry point where, upon request of any individual, enterprise or WTO Member all information relating to the measures required to be published under paragraph 2(C)1 of this Protocol may be obtained. Replies to requests for information shall generally be provided within 30 days after receipt of a request. In exceptional cases, replies may be provided within 45 days after receipt of a request. Notice of the delay and the reasons therefor shall be provided in writing to the interested party. Replies to WTO Members shall be complete and shall represent the authoritative view of the Chinese government. Accurate and reliable information shall be provided to individuals and enterprises.(D)Judicial Review1. China shall establish, or designate, and maintain tribunals, contact points and procedures for the prompt review of alladministrative actions relating to the implementation of laws, regulations, judicial decisions and administrative rulings of general application referred to in Article X:1 of the GATT 1994, Article VI of the GATS and the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement. Suchtribunals shall be impartial and independent of the agency entrusted with继续阅读。



第一章从关税与贸易总协定到世界贸易组织1. GATT产生背景:20世纪爆发的两次世界大战和1929-1933年空前的世界经济危机。


2. 1946:美国草拟《国际贸易组织宪章草案》提请联合国理事会通过。



合并修改后的草案称为GATT(GATT从1948年诞生,比WTO早了47年)3. GATT规定了六方面基本原则:非歧视原则、互惠原则、关税减让原则、公平贸易原则、一般取消数量限制原则和透明度原则。


4. 历史地位:1)GATT通过多边贸易谈判,大幅度地削减关税、取消一半数量限制以及对非关税壁垒进行控制,促进缔约方之间的贸易自由化,继而推动世界贸易和经济发展。




5. 不足:不具备国际法主体资格,限制了其功能的发挥。


6. GATT回合谈判:1947-1994进行了八轮多边贸易谈判(43年)。



























WTO 具有制订和管理世界经贸秩序的作用,目前WTO规则主要由美欧等发达国家制订。









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• 设立或指定用于公布所有的法律、条例 及其他措施的官方期刊,并且各期都易 获得;在实施这些措施之前,为各方评 论提供合理的时间;设立或指定咨询点, 有关利益方在咨询点可获得所有要求公 布的信息。
• 透明度原则是WTO最重要的原则之一。对我国进出口许可程序的实施, WTO就提出了很高的透明度要求。 • WTO requires China publish on a regular basis the following in the official journal: • (1) The list of all organizations that are responsible for authorizing or approving imports or exports of specific products; • (2)Procedures and criteria for obtaining such import or export licenses or other approvals, and the conditions for deciding whether they should be granted; • (3)A list of all products, by tariff number, that are subject to tendering requirements, including information on products subject to such tendering requirements and any changes, pursuant to the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures; • (4)A list of, any changes to the list of, all goods
(1) establishing or designating an official regular journal dedicated to the publication of all laws, regulations and other measures and, making copies of all issues of this journal readily available. • (2) providing a reasonable period for comment before these measures above-mentioned are implemented. • (3) establishing or designating an enquiry point where all information required to be published may be obtained.
• 我国入世文件之一——《中国加入工作 组报告书》第9段所言,中国是一个发展 中国家,有权享受给予发展中国家的所 有特殊和更优惠待遇;为适应中国加入 WTO的特定情况,在少数领域采取了务 实(pragmatic)方式;而且“中国在加入过 程中作出的所有承诺仅为中国所有”(all commitments taken by China in her accession process were solely those of China)。这些文件所包含的特定规则是我 国入世后市场开放的主要法律依据。
• 《中华人民共和国加入议定书》(Protocol on the Accession of PRC,简称以下简称《加入议 定 书 》 或 《 议 定 书 》) , 由 “ 导 言 ” ( Preamble )、“一般条款”( Part I-General Provisions)、“减让表”(Part II–Schedules)、 “最后条款”(part III-Final Provisions)四部 分构成,其中“一般条款”是议定书的实质部 分。《加入议定书》确立了我国入世后应履行 的重要义务。事实上,这些义务也构成了此议 定书的主要内容。 • 根据该《议定书》,我国的应履行的主要义务 可归纳为以下11项:
(一) 统一适用WTO规则
In general sense, in providing preferential arrangements for enterprises within special economic areas, WTO provisions on nondiscrimination (referred to, here, as MFN Principle) and national treatment will be fully observed. • 一般说来,特别经济区对区内企业提供优惠时, 应完全符合 WTO 非歧视性原则 ( 此指最惠国待 遇原则)和国民待遇原则。
第十八章 中国入世规则(一)
• 我国入世规则是由我国入世文件所确立的。须 强调的是,我国入世文件所确立的规则和承诺 是WTO规则的组成部分。我国及其他WTO成员遵 守WTO规则实质上包括遵守我国入世文件中的 规定。 • 这些规则与前述WTO各协定确定的规则是普遍 和特殊的关系,而在处理中国与WTO或WTO其他 成员的关系问题上,我国入世的特殊规则优先 适用。这即是我国入世文件所确立的规则的法 律意义(legal significance of China’s WTOAccession Rules)。
• 显然,经济特区内部不能是WTO非歧视性原则和国民 待遇原则的例外。但WTO没有禁止中国给予区内外企 业之间有差别的最惠国待遇和国民待遇。
• 特别注意的是上述我国《加入议定书》英文本 中的“the sub-national level”的真实含义。笔 者认为“the sub-national level”应译作“下一 级政府部门”(实质上它已包括省、自治区和直 辖市一级地方政府)。同样,下述《中国加入工 作组报告书》第70段中的“local governments at the sub-national level”也不是指“地方各级政 府”而是指“省一级(包括自治区和直辖市)政 府”。“地方各级政府”是“all levels of local governments”。
(二) 保证外贸政策的透明度
• 1、 原则性要求(Fundamental requirements) WTO对我国外贸政策透明度的基本要求可归结为“不 公 布 , 则 不 实 施 ” ( No publication, no implementation)。 • Only those laws, regulations and other measures published and readily available to other WTO Members, individuals and enterprises, shall be enforced and, also made available to WTO Members before their implementation or enforcement. • 中国只实施已公布的且其他WTO成员、个人和企业 容易获得的法律、条例及其他措施;并且在这些措 施在实施或执行之前,其他WTO成员即应容易获得。