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人教版英语九年级第11单元导学案Could you please tell…. 课型:新授课授课时间:班级和小组:学生:

人教版英语九年级第11单元导学案答案:第一课时:预习反馈:四:1.a piece of furniture 2.next to 3.how to do 4.on the second floor 5.turn right 6.打电话7.买些写字用的纸8.告诉我邮局怎么走9.告诉我在什么地方可以买到词典10.在家具商店和书店之间活动1:(略)活动2:1-5:BCADB 过关检测:1.Li Ping said (that) he liked English. 2.Do you know if (whether) he will come here? 3.I don’t know where Jim lives. 中考链接:1-2:AC. 第二课时:预习反馈:五:1.spend time (in) doing sth. 2.spend money/time on sth. 3.spend money for sth. 4.There be sb. doing sth.

5.kind of

6.What/How about…?

7. Why not do sth.

8.too much money

9.hand out 10.turn right 活动1: 1.Yes, they do. 2.Yu Yue does. 3.In the bookstore. 活动2:1-5:DADCB. 过关检测:1-5:BDBCA.中考链接:1-4:CBDA 第三课时:预习反馈:二.1.dress up 2.both…and 3.sb.spend money/time on sth. 4.sb. spend time (in) doing sth. 5.sb. spend money for sth.(或:sb. pay money for sth.) 6.sb. buy sth. for some money 7.sth. cost sb. money/time 8. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 9.enjoy playing basketball 10.take(have) dance lessons 活动1:1.Yes,it is. 2.It is both delicious and cheap. 3.Walking through the History Museum. 活动2:1-5:CDBAD 过关检测:1-5:BBDAC 中考链接:1-6:BDACBC 第四课时:预习反馈:二. 1.depend on 2.in order to (do sth.) 3.such as 4. keep(have) the bike for two days 5.lend sb. sth.(lend sth. to sb.) 6.borrow sth. from sb. 7.know how to do sth. 8.be convenient 活动1:1-4:DACA 活动2:1.Do, have 2.aren’t doing 3.won’t he 4.How many 5.was as ked 过关检测:1-5:DBCBD 中考链接:1-5:BCACD
