
一、云计算概念 (1)1. 云计算概念 (1)2. 云计算的影响 (2)二、云计算产业 (5)1. 云计算产业体系 (5)2. 全球云计算产业发展现状 (7)3. 我国云计算产业发展现状 (9)三、云计算技术 (12)1. 云计算的技术架构 (12)2. 云计算“基础设施”关键技术 (13)3. 云计算“操作系统”关键技术 (18)4. 我国云计算技术发展 (20)5. 云计算标准化进展 (22)四、云计算数据中心 (24)1. 全球云计算数据中心发展趋势 (24)2. 我国数据中心的发展状况 (25)3. 我国云计算数据中心布局的策略 (26)五、云计算安全 (28)1. 云计算安全概述 (28)2. 云计算的法律环境 (29)六、政府在云计算发展中的作用 (31)1. 外国政府的云计算行动 (31)2. 我国政府的云计算行动 (33)七、我国发展云计算面临的机遇和存在的问题 (36)1. 我国云计算发展面临的机遇 (36)2. 我国在云计算发展中存在的问题 (36)3. 我国云计算未来发展思考 (38)工业和信息化部电信研究院 云计算白皮书 (2012年)一、 云计算概念1. 云计算概念云计算(Cloud Computing )是一种通过网络统一组织和灵活调用各种ICT 信息资源,实现大规模计算的信息处理方式。

三是新冠肺炎疫情的出现,加速了远程办公、在线教育等 SaaS 服务落地,推动云计算产业快速发展。
围绕边缘云与边缘终端,在 CDN、视频渲染、游戏、⼯业制造、⾃动驾驶、农业、智慧园区、交通管理、安防监控等应⽤场景下,相关产业已初现端倪,蓄势待发。
分布式云是未来计算形态的发展趋势,是整个计算产业未来决胜的关键⽅向之⼀,对于物联⽹、5G 等技术的⼴泛应⽤起到重要⽀撑作⽤。


Linux 云服务器:通过ssh 公网IP 的方式连接云服务器; Windows 云服务器:通过远程桌面的方式连接云服务器; 操作系统选择
资源套餐选择 带宽选择
创建云服务器 查询可用公网IP
关闭云服务器 启动云服务器 重启云服务器 释放云服务器。
Windows server2012官方白皮书

Cloud optimize your business with Windows Server 2012 R2 PreviewPr oduct Overview White P aperTable of ContentsTrends (4)Converging needs and innovations (5)Windows Server: At the heart of the Cloud OS (6)Windows Server 2012 R2 capability overview (9)Server Virtualization (9)Networking (14)Storage (12)Server management and automation (18)Web and application platform (19)Access and information protection (21)Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) (23)Summary (26)Next Steps with Windows Server 2012 R2 (28)Copyright Information© 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is provided "as-is." Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other website references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes. You may modify this document for your internal, reference purposes.TrendsThe world of IT is changing rapidly, and traditional approaches are often no longer adequate. Microsoft’s vision for this new era of IT is to provide you with one consistent platform for infrastructure, apps and data – called the Cloud OS – that spans customer datacenters, service provider datacenters and the Microsoft public cloud.Windows Server 2012 R2 is at the heart of the Microsoft Cloud OS and provides a unique server and datacenter platform that allows you to easily and cost-effectively cloud optimize your business.There are several key IT trends that are shaping the industry, are creating opportunities, and are being driven across enterprise and service provider organizations:New Applications: Business innovation and agility drive the need for more deployment, system and integration flexibility. Such flexibility demands new application and services architectures that promote component application architectures that have greater connectivity, are built upon new application frameworks with richer sets of common services, and can readily take advantage of familiar productivity, collaboration, and social networking tools.Device Proliferation: Innovations in consumer computing devices offer opportunities for enterprises to foster increased productivity by enabling users to work in new ways, such as working from home and on the go. Innovations in highly mobile device form factors—with instant on, connectivity via Wi-Fi and cellular networks and integration of powerful features such as touch screens, cameras, and GPS—have created rich user experience preferences that carry expectations and requirements into the enterprise. This “consumerization of IT” trend offers enterprises opportunities to support an d incorporate these experiences and devices to improve productivity and enable whole new work scenarios, such as convenient access to data and applications in the field, and new device applications that are contextually relevant.Data Explosion: The exponential growth of available data can create significant challenges for IT. The data comes from a variety of internal and external sources, exacerbated by a proliferation of business and personal computing devices in use, and in many different structured and unstructured formats. Relevancy and useful insights into the data are often sparse and hidden in combinations of multiple data sources. In many cases, the sheer volume of data prevents organizations from capturing and analyzing it with traditional methods such as storage in a database for query and analysis. In some cases, the data streams at a rate and volume that prevents any capture or process of anything beyond a limited window of time. Cloud Computing: To address the challenges of new applications, device proliferation, and data explosion, organizations need to take new approaches for effectively and efficiently harnessing the latest IT innovations in a converged datacenter infrastructure. Abstracting resources from individual hardware components to a pooled set of resources, while maintaining workload isolation, allows organizations to achieve highly agile workload provisioning, continuous availability, and elastic scaling, while optimizing utilization of their resources. This “cloud computing” delivery model has evolved with new IT service delivery models to render and manage these capabilities to their full potential.Many enterprise IT departments have recast their datacenter services into “private cloud” computing models, have automated their delivery model with self service provisioning and administration portals, and instituted chargeback based on resource usage. Datacenter service providers have also transformedtheir service delivery to cloud computing models, offering even more attractive resource pooling economics at often higher levels of IT service maturity. It is through the consistency between private cloud, service provider cloud and public cloud environments that IT organizations, large and small, can take the most advantage of cloud computing and extend the boundaries of their datacenter to further improve service scale, elasticity, and availability. Converging needs and innovationsToday’s fast pace of business innovation, coupled with the globalization of the economy which has opened deeper and wider varieties of markets, potential business partners, and competitors, drives an urgent need for enhancing fundamental business capabilities.IT is under increasing pressure to deliver more capacity – on demand, both for short term projects and longer term initiatives – at a lower cost. In order to meet the SLAs that the business requires, IT must reduce or eliminate planned and unplanned downtime. Also, high barriers to hybrid cloud deployments make it difficult to extend a production environment into the cloud to leverage its resources. The complexity of a modern datacenter environment is already high, with expensive storage and networking solutions often being managed separately from core infrastructure. Finally, the demands of business users for services are increasing, and so are their options to circumvent IT. At the same time, end user requirements for anywhere anytime access to corporate resources increase along with challenges of compliance and governance as end-user requirements increaseFortunately, business needs and technology innovations are converging, offering IT professionals a unique opportunity to take advantage of new innovations to meet business requirements. To support these business needs, IT professionals are looking for an infrastructure that can take advantage of shared resources, is elastic so it can scale up and down quickly to meet changing business needs, and minimizes downtime and failures while maximizing cost efficiencies.As you will learn in this overview white paper, the latest release of Windows Server, Windows Server 2012 R2, is extremely well positioned to address these needs.Windows Server: At the heart of the Cloud OSMicrosoft has gained expertise from years of building and operating some of the largest cloud applications in the world. Microsoft has combined this expertise with its experiences in delivering market leading enterprise operating systems, platforms, and applications to develop a new approach for the modern era: the Cloud OS.The Microsoft Cloud OS delivers a modern platform of products and services that helps organizations transform their current server infrastructure into a highly elastic, scalable, and reliable cloud infrastructure; quickly and flexibly build and manage modern applications across platforms, locations, and devices; unlock insights from volumes of existing and new data; and support user productivity wherever and on whatever device users choose.The Microsoft Cloud OS provides enterprises with infrastructure and solutions for always-on, always-up services. Automated management, robust multitenant support, and self-service provisioning help enterprises transform their datacenters to support the coordination and management of pooled sets of shared resources at the datacenter level, replacing fragmented management of individual server nodes. The Microsoft Cloud OS enables enterprises to quickly and flexibly build and manage modern applications that interact and exchange data with other applications built on multiple platforms and languages, and that live on-premises and/or off-premises. These modern applications must be supported on multiple types of devices, and may integrate social data or foster social connections among users. The Microsoft Cloud OS enables enterprises to help users make faster, better business decisions by capturing and analyzing growing volumes of data– including unstructured, streaming, and/or voluminous data – from existing and new sources, and delivering this data to more users with the right IT oversight.And finally, the Microsoft Cloud OS helps enterprises make their users productive wherever they choose, on whatever device they choose, with easier device management and secure delivery of applications and data in extended, mobile environments.Figure 1: The Microsoft Cloud OSMicrosoft uniquely delivers the Cloud OS as a consistent and comprehensive set of capabilities across the enterprise private cloud datacenter and public cloud datacenters, such as Windows Azure or public cloud offerings from service providers. The consistency of these capabilities enables the seamless and agile integration of private and public clouds needed for enterprises to further improve service scale, elasticity, and availability:∙ Agile Development Platform : The Microsoft Cloud OS allows enterprises to build applications they need using the tools they know, including Microsoft Visual Studio and .NET, or open-sourcetechnologies and languages, such as REST, JSON, PHP, and Java.∙ Unified DevOps and Management : The Microsoft Cloud OS supports unified DevOps and unified application life-cycle management with common application frameworks across development and operations. With Microsoft System Center integration with development environments such as Visual Studio, enterprises can achieve quick time-to-solution and easy application troubleshooting and management.∙ Common Identity : The Microsoft Cloud OS implements Active Directory as a powerful asset across environments to help enterprises extend to the cloud with Internet scale security using a single identity and to securely extend applications and data to devices.∙ Integrated Virtualization : To help enterprises achieve the modern datacenter, the Microsoft Cloud OS includes an infrastructure which provides a generational leap in agility, leveraging virtualization to deliver a highly scalable and elastic infrastructure with always-on, always-up services across shared resources and supporting cloud service delivery models with more automated management and self-service provisioning. With Windows Server 2012 R2, the Microsoft Cloud OS is engineered for the Identity VirtualizationDataDevelopmentDevOps andManagementcloud from the metal up with virtualization built as an integrated element of the operating system, not layered onto the operating system.∙Complete Data Platform: The Microsoft Cloud OS fully supports large volumes of diverse data, advanced analytics, and enterprise BI life-cycle management, with a comprehensive set oftechnologies to manage petabytes of data in the cloud, to millions of transactions for the mostmission-critical applications, to billions of rows of data in the hands of end users for predictive and ad-hoc analytics.At the heart of the Microsoft Cloud OS is Windows Server 2012 R2, which delivers with a great set of qualities upon the promises of a modern datacenter, modern applications and people-centric IT, setting Windows Server 2012 R2 apart from the competition. These qualities are:∙Enterprise-class: Windows Server 2012 R2 offers a proven, enterprise-class datacenter and cloud platform that can scale up to run the largest workloads while enabling robust recovery options to protect against service outages. It offers automated protection and recovery of assets and cost-effective business continuity on-premises and in the cloud, allowing you to improve yourworkload SLAs while reducing downtime risks. Because many customer environments are oftenheterogeneous, Windows Server 2012 R2 offers high levels of interoperability with cross-platform technologies.∙Simple and cost-effective: Windows Server 2012 R2 gives you resilient, multi-tenant-aware storage and networking capabilities for a wide range of workloads. It delivers these capabilities ata fraction of the cost of other solutions, through the use of cost-effective, industry-standardhardware. With automation of a broad set of management tasks built-in, Windows Server 2012 R2 simplifies the deployment of major workloads and increases operational efficiencies.∙Application focused: Windows Server 2012 R2 helps you build, deploy, and scale applications and web sites quickly, and with more flexibility than ever before. In concert with Windows Azure and System Center 2012 R2, it unlocks improved application portability between on-premisesenvironments and public and service provider clouds, increasing flexibility and elasticity of your IT services. Windows Server 2012 R2 enables mission-critical applications and provides enhancedsupport for open standards, open source applications and various development languages.∙User centric: Windows Server 2012 R2 allows you to empower your end users by granting them access to corporate resources on the devices they choose while protecting your information. You can manage a user’s identity across the datacenter and federated into the cloud, provi de secure remote access, and define the resources and level of access users have to information based onwho they are, what they are accessing and from what device. You can manage both corporate-and personally-owned devices with a unified infrastructure, making it easier for administrators to identify and help achieve compliance.Windows Server 2012 R2 capability overviewWhen you optimize your business for the cloud with Windows Server 2012 R2, you take advantage of the skills and investments you’ve alre ady made in building a familiar and consistent platform. Windows Server 2012 R2 builds on that familiarity. With Windows Server 2012 R2, you gain all the Microsoft experience behind building and operating private and public clouds, delivered as an enterprise-class, simple and cost-effective server and cloud platform. Windows Server 2012 R2 delivers significant value around seven key capabilities:Figure 2: Windows Server 2012 R2 capabilitiesServer VirtualizationWindows Server Hyper-V is a sophisticated and feature-rich virtualization platform that has helped organizations of all sizes realize considerable cost savings and operational efficiencies. With Windows Server 2012 R2, server virtualization with Hyper-V is pulling ahead of the competition with industry leading size and scale, making Hyper-V the platform of choice for you to run your mission critical workloads. Using Windows Server 2012 R2, you can take advantage of new hardware technology, while still utilizing the servers you already have. This way you can virtualize today, and be ready for the future. Whether you are looking to expand VM mobility, increase VM availability, handle multi-tenant environments, gain bigger scale, or gain more flexibility, Windows Server 2012 R2 with Hyper-V gives you the platform and tools you need to increase business agility with confidence. And you can benefit fromcomplete workload portability as you extend your on-premises datacenter into the cloud to a service provider cloud or Windows Azure.Enterprise-class scale and performanceWindows Server 2012 R2 provides you with massive scale to transform your datacenter into an elastic, always-on cloud. For example, Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 R2 provides industry-leading virtualization host support for 320 logical processors, 4TB of physical memory and 1,024 active virtual machines per host. Hyper-V supports 64-node clusters and 8,000 VMs per cluster. And it supports a 64 TB virtual disk format with the ability for online resize, i.e. the ability to grow or shrink a VHDX virtual disk dynamically while it is running, and with no downtime.Live migration is an important VM mobility feature that has kept getting better and better with Hyper-V since it was introduced with Windows Server 2008 R2. Improving the performance of live migrating a VM from the source host to the target host has been a constant focus for Windows Server, and in Windows Server 2012 R2 these performance improvements have been taken to the next level: Live migration compression is a new feature that accelerates live migration transfer speed by compressing theVHD/VHDX file, improving performance roughly by 2x for most workloads. And live migration with RDMA is another new feature in Windows Server 2012 R2; it delivers the highest performance for live migrations over >10 Gbit network connections, supporting transfer speeds of up to 56 GB/s, by offloading the transfer to hardware and harnessing the power of remote direct memory access (RDMA) technologies. Virtualized Microsoft workloads (such as Exchange, SQL, and SharePoint) run best on Hyper-V infrastructure. For example, independent third party testing by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. (“ESG Lab”) showed that a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 infrastructure deployed within twelve Hyper-V virtual machines, running on a single physical server, supported the I/O requirements of up to 48,000 simulated users, while average database read response times ranged between 5.02 and 15.31 milliseconds, well below the Microsoft recommended limit of 20 milliseconds. In another test case, ESG Lab took an existing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 OLTP workload that was vCPU limited by the maximum allowed configuration of four vCPUs imposed by Windows Server 2008 and increased the performance by six times taking advantage of 64 vCPUs in Windows Server 2012. The average transaction response times also improved by five times from four vCPUs to 64 vCPUs.These features help ensure that your virtualization infrastructure can support the configuration of large, high-performance virtual machines for sustaining Microsoft or other, mission-critical workloads that you might need to scale up significantly.Virtual machine mobilityWindows Server 2012 R2 allows you to manage virtual machines independently of their underlying physical infrastructure. It also enables you to handle changes in resource demand as they occur and gives you the ability to rebalance running virtual machines either through the servers which the VMs reside on, or the storage resources used by the virtual machines.Introduced with Windows Server 2012 as an industry-first capability, shared-nothing live migration allows you to move a virtual machine, live with no downtime, from one physical system to another even if they are not in the same cluster or connected to the same shared storage. This capability means you can live migrate a virtual machine from one cluster to a different cluster without setting up complex storage mappings. This is useful, for example, in a branch office where you may be storing the virtual machines on local disk, and you want to move a VM from one node to another. This is also especially useful when you have two independent clusters and you want to move a virtual machine, live, between them, withouthaving to expose their shared storage to one another. You can also use shared-nothing live migration to migrate a virtual machine from one datacenter to another provided your bandwidth is large enough to transfer all of the data between the two datacenters.In multi-tenant environments of service providers, tenants are more and more asking for application-level, high availability for their workloads. To address this need, Windows Server 2012 R2 provides complete flexibility with multiple options for guest clustering, without making you sacrifice agility and density in your environment. In addition to Fibre Channel, iSCSI and SMB, Windows Server 2012 R2 now also offers shared VHDX files. Supporting both storage options, shared VHDX files can be stored either on a scale-out file server cluster or on Cluster-shared Volumes (CSV) on block storage. Shared VHDX clustering also preserves dynamic memory, live migration and storage live migration for a virtual machine that is part of the guest cluster.Introduced in Windows Server 2012 R2, Hyper-V Replica provides a storage-agnostic and workload-agnostic solution that replicates efficiently, periodically, and asynchronously over IP-based networks, typically to a remote site. It also allows an administrator to easily test the replica virtual machine without disrupting the ongoing replication. If a disaster occurs at the primary site, administrators can quickly restore their business operations by bringing up the replicated virtual machine at the replica site. New in Windows Server 2012 R2, Hyper-V Replica now allows for variable (configurable) replication frequencies down to 30 seconds or up to 15 minutes. It also supports multiple nodes; this means that tertiary replica sites are supported, for example in the case of a service provider who wants to replicate a customer’s workload to another (tertiary) datacenter.First-class citizen guest support for LinuxMany enterprises and service providers are running a mix of hypervisors, operating systems and applications in their datacenter. Often times, migrating from one platform to another is not possible, not easily feasible from a technical standpoint, or a much bigger project than IT organizations are willing to take on. Designed to integrate well with heterogeneous IT environments, Windows Server 2012 R2 supports a cross-platform cloud infrastructure by adding comprehensive functional support for Linux guests running on top of Hyper-V.Dynamic Memory is a Hyper-V feature that was introduced with Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and is used to automatically reallocate memory between virtual machines that are running on a Hyper-V host. Dynamic Memory helps you to allocate virtual machine memory resources more efficiently while dramatically increasing virtual machine consolidation ratios. A number of improvements were made for Windows guests in Windows Server 2012, and - new in Windows Server 2012 R2 - Hyper-V now offers full dynamic memory support for Linux guests including:•Minimum memory setting – being able to set a minimum value for the memory assigned to a virtual machine that is lower than the startup memory setting•Hyper-V smart paging – which is paging that is used to enable a virtual machine to reboot while the Hyper-V host is under extreme memory pressure•Memory ballooning – the technique used to reclaim unused memory from a virtual machine to be given to another virtual machine that has memory needs•Runtime configuration – the ability to adjust the minimum memory setting and the maximum memory configuration setting on the fly while the virtual machine is running without requiring a reboot.Also, up until now, if you wanted to take advantage of Linux Integration Services (LIS) for your Hyper-V environment, you had to go to the Microsoft download center, download the correct LIS package for your Linux distribution, and then manually install it on your Hyper-V servers. New for Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V hosts, key Linux vendors (such as RHEL, SUSE, CentOS and Ubuntu) are going to include LIS for Hyper-V in their standard distributions, so there is no manual step involved any longer in order for you to take advantage of the latest LIS capabilities.StorageWith the increase in new applications, the explosion of data and the user s’ expectations for continuous services, storage demands continue to grow. Hence, storage solutions play a critical role in the modern datacenter. Windows Server 2012 R2 offers a wide variety of storage features and capabilities to address the storage challenges faced by your organization. Whether you intend to use cost-effective industry standard hardware for the bulk of your workloads, or Storage Area Networks for the most demanding ones, Windows Server 2012 R2 provides you with a rich set of features that can help you maximize the returns from all of your storage investments.Windows Server 2012 R2 was designed with a strong focus on storage capabilities, from the foundation of the storage stack up, to improvements ranging from provisioning storage to how data is clustered, transferred across the network, and ultimately accessed and managed. With flexible capabilities that can be combined to meet your business needs, Windows Server 2012 R2 storage solutions deliver the efficiency, performance, resiliency, availability, and versatility you need at every level.High-performance storage on industry-standard hardwareWindows Server 2012 R2 provides a rich set of storage features allowing you to take advantage of lower-cost industry-standard hardware rather than purpose-built storage devices, without you having to compromise on performance or availability.For example, Storage Spaces provides sophisticated virtualization enhancements to the storage stack that you can use to pool multiple physical hard disk units together and provide feature-rich, highly resilient, and reliable storage arrays to your workloads. You can use Storage Spaces to create storage pools, which are virtualized administration units that are aggregates of physical disk units. With these storage pools, you can enable storage aggregation, elastic capacity expansion, and delegated administration. You can also create virtual disks with associated attributes that include a desired level of resiliency, thin or fixed provisioning, and automatic or controlled allocation on diverse storage media. Storage tiering, a new feature in Windows Server 2012 R2, is a great example of how storage performance can be dramatically enhanced while using lower-cost industry standard hardware. With storage tiering, low cost, high capacity spinning disks are used to store less frequently used data, while high-speed solid state disks are reserved to store frequently used data. Storage tiering builds on storage virtualization with Storage Spaces by assigning solid state drives (SSD) and hard disk drives (HDD) to the same storage pool and using them as different tiers in the same tiered space. Windows Server 2012 R2 recognizes the tiers and optimizes them by moving often us ed “hot” data to the SSD tier. Windows Server2012 R2 tracks data temperature and moves data at the sub-file level; only “hot” regions of a file (such as VHD or database) need to move to SSDs, the “cold” regions can reside on HDDs.Since Windows Server 2012, with a feature referred to as SMB Direct, the SMB protocol has provided support for Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) network adapters, which allows storage performance capabilities that rival Fiber Channel. RDMA network adapters enable this performance capability by operating at full speed with very low latency due to the ability to bypass the kernel and perform write and read operations directly to and from memory. This capability is possible since reliable transport protocols are implemented on the adapter hardware and allow for zero-copy networking with kernel bypass. With this capability, applications, including SMB, can perform data transfers directly from memory, through the adapter, to the network, and then to the memory of the application requesting data from the file share. Continuous application availability and robust recoveryHardware fails, hardware needs to be replaced as it approaches its end of life, and software requires patches and updates - most organizations are used to this cycle. What doesn’t change is the SLA they have with their internal and external customers, as application owners still require uninterrupted access to their resources or services. Windows Server 2012 R2 reduces server downtime and application disruption by letting you store server application data on file shares and obtain a similar level of reliability, availability, manageability, and high performance that would typically be expected from a high-end Storage Area Network (SAN).Introduced in Windows Server 2012, SMB Transparent Failover allows you to transparently move SMB file shares between the file server cluster nodes, without noticeable interruption of service for the SMB client. This is useful for planned events (for example, when you need to perform maintenance on a node) or surprise events (for example, when a hardware failure causes a node to fail). This is achieved regardless of the kind of operation that was underway when the failure occurred.One the main advantages of file storage over block storage is the ease of configuration, paired with the ability to configure folders that can be shared by multiple clients. Windows Server 2012 has taken file-based storage one step further by introducing the SMB Scale-Out feature, which provides the ability to share the same folders from multiple nodes of the same cluster. This is made possible by the use of Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV), which since Windows Server 2012 support file sharing. New in Windows Server 2012 R2, SMB sessions can now also be managed per share (not just per file server), increasing flexibility. And SMB Scale-out now also offers finer-grained load distribution by distributing workloads from a single client across many nodes of a scale-out file server.Another innovation around Windows Server 2012 R2 is the Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager offering, a related service which offers a robust recovery solution that takes advantage of Hyper-V Replica. For organizations with two or more datacenters looking to protect vital workloads running in their datacenter, Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager enables them to combine Windows Azure, System Center Virtual Machine Manager, and Hyper-V Replica to deliver planned and cost-effective business continuity of workloads. With Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager, datacenters can be protected by automating the replication of the virtual machines that compose them at a secondary location. Windows Azure Hyper-V Recovery Manager also provides continuous health monitoring of the primary datacenter, and it helps automate the orderly recovery of services in the event of a site outage at the primary datacenter. Virtual machines are started in an orchestrated fashion to help restore service quickly. This process can also be used for testing recovery without disruption to services, or temporarily transferring services to the secondary location.。



Windows Server 2012产品概述目录使用Windows Server 2012 对您的IT 进行云优化 (6)汇聚需求与创新 (6)云计算的机遇 (7)迁往针对云优化过的IT (7)通过Windows Server 2012,充分利用原有技能与投资 (8)如果还没准备好迁往云,我该怎么办? (9)准备开始了解Windows Server 2012 (10)超越虚拟化 (11)Windows Server 2012 的优势 (11)完善的虚拟化平台 (12)Hyper-V 可扩展交换机的新功能 (12)使用Hyper-V 虚拟交换机实现多租户安全与隔离 (14)动态灵活的虚拟机安置 (14)改进了虚拟机的实时迁移 (16)改善的服务质量 (18)Hyper-V 的资源计量 (19)改进的扩展性与性能 (20)导入多个虚拟机 (20)Hyper-V 复制 (21)Hyper-V 宿主机扩展与负载扩展支持 (22)Hyper-V 的虚拟光纤通道 (23)Hyper-V 复制卸载 (24)Hyper-V 对动态内存的改进 (25)Hyper-V 支持4-KB 磁盘扇区 (26)Hyper-V over SMB (27)Hyper-V 支持新的虚拟磁盘格式 (28)与Active Directory Federation Services 实现联合身份验证 (29)跨边界连接 (30)总结 (31)功能强大管理简单 (32)Windows Server 2012 的优势 (32)在每台服务器上 (32)在多服务器环境中 (33)跨越多个站点 (34)在每台服务器上 (34)通过联机错误修复机制改善文件系统可用性 (35)Windows 网卡捆绑 (36)Server Core 与完整安装集成 (37)按需功能 (38)使用智能存储阵列实现快速高效的数据移动 (39)在多服务器环境中 (40)无需停机移动虚拟机存储 (40)可用于服务器应用程序的高性能持续可用文件共享存储 (42)使用Windows Server 2012 for NFS 数据存储部署并运行VMware ESX 虚拟机 (42)通过iSCSI Target 实现无盘网络启动 (43)通过iSCSI Target 获得持续可用的块存储 (44)故障转移群集 (44)群集感知更新 (45)DHCP 服务器故障转移 (46)通过服务器管理器实现多服务器管理与功能部署 (47)Windows Server 2012 中的Windows PowerShell 3.0 (49)存储空间 (51)数据副本消除 (52)优化存储空间的使用:支持自动精简配置与Trim (53)Active Directory 域服务 (54)全面的Windows 存储管理 (56)文件服务的统一远程管理 (57)总结 (58)跨越云端的应用体验 (59)Windows Server 2012 的优势 (59)提供在内部与云端进行构建所需的灵活性 (60)提供可扩展且灵活的应用程序平台 (60)提供可扩展有弹性的Web 平台 (60)服务器名标识符 (61)NUMA 感知扩展 (61)IIS CPU 调节 (63)集中化的SSL 证书支持 (63)应用程序初始化 (64)动态IP 限制 (65)FTP 登录尝试限制 (66)开放的Web 平台 (67)WebSocket 协议 (67)IIS 8.0 上的 3.5 与4.5 (68) 4.5 与3.5 应用程序管理 (68)总结 (69)现代化的工作风格 (70)Windows Server 2012 的优势 (70)用任何设备在任何地点访问 (71)随处获得完整的Windows 体验 (71)改进的数据安全性与合规性 (71)Windows Server 2012 优势总结 (72)支持集中化桌面的部署 (72)集中化的管理控制台 (72)简化虚拟机池和个人虚拟机的VDI 部署和补丁安装 (73)Hyper-V over SMB (75)IP 地址管理 (75)RemoteFX for WAN 优化 (76)VDI 环境中支持用户配置文件磁盘 (77)会话桌面的USB 支持 (78)DirectAccess 的改进 (79)DirectAccess 的改进:统一远程访问 (79)分支办公室的支持 (80)BranchCache 的改进 (80)分支办公室直接打印 (82)轻松实现安全与合规性 (83)安全,审计以及合规性 (83)用户设备相关性 (85)DNSSEC (87)加密硬盘卷的BitLocker (88)总结 (89)结论 (90)2012 Microsoft Corporation. 保留所有权利。

B.5 云安全联盟(CSA) ............................................................ 69 B.6 欧洲电信标准研究所网格技术委员会(ETSI TC GRID)71 B.7 美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST) ............................... 72 B.8 开放网格论坛开放云计算接口工作组(OGF OCCI-WG).......73 B.9 全球网络存储工业协会(SNIA)....................................... 74 B.10 开放云计算联盟(OCC) .................................................. 75 B.11 结构化信息标准促进组织(OASIS)............................... 76 B.12 开放群组(TOG) .............................................................. 76 B.13 零售行业技术标准协会(ARTS) .................................... 77 B.14 电气与电子工程师学会标准协会 SA(IEEE SA) ........ 78 B.15 云计算互操作论坛(CCIF) ............................................. 78 B.16 开放云计算宣言(OCM) ................................................. 78 B.17 云计算用户案例讨论组(Cloud Use Cases)................... 79 B.18 云审计(CloudAudit/A6) ................................................. 79 B.19 OMG 云 计 算 标 准 协 调 组 ( OMG Cloud Standards Coordination) ......................................................................................... 80 B.20 因特网工程任务组(IETF).............................................. 80 B.21 全球跨云技术论坛(GICTF) .......................................... 80 B.22 TM Forum 云服务启动组 .................................................. 81 B.23 亚洲云计算协会(ACCA) ............................................... 81 参考文献 .................................................................................................. 82
百会云计算白皮书 2012

百会云计算白皮书<2012>2012年2月目录1行业分析41.1行业发展41.1.1云计算与移动办公41.1.2移动办公的特点41.2相关政策61.3市场分析61.42011年焦点事件: 手机、平板电脑等移动终端革命71.52011年重点产品81.5.1百会81.5.2Google Apps 81.5.3Office 365 81.5.4DropBox 92百会的价值主张92.1市场响应高速化92.2企业管理信息化102.3管理决策智能化113中小企业云计算实践123.1云邮箱123.2办公门户123.3CRM 133.4项目管理143.5创造者15 42012年移动办公趋势164.1市场全面转型16 4.2移动办公大时代164.3开放企业17 4.4个人的移动商务181行业分析1.1行业发展1.1.1云计算与移动办公近年来,云计算技术发展迅猛,商业服务模式也日益丰富与成熟,同时移动互联网终端的市场份额在飞速增长,彻底打破了传统办公时间和空间的局限,人们不再依赖固定的办公室以及固定的办公电脑。

第一部分 微软的云计算战略与方案
在互联网时代,微软的愿景是希望借助互联网和软件的力量,为用户创造跨越 不同设备的无缝体验。云计算时代的开启加速了这个新愿景的实现。 微软认为,未来的互联网世界将会是“云+端”的组合,在这个以“云”为中心 的世界里,用户可以便捷地使用各种终端设备访问云中的数据和应用,这些设备可 以是电脑和手机,甚至是电视等大家熟悉的各种电子产品,同时用户在使用各种设 备访问云中的服务时,得到的是完全相同的无缝体验。云计算平台是现有 IT 和互联 网技术以及业务模型逐渐演变的结果,而一个成功的云计算平台可以最大限度地发 挥现有软件开发经验、能力和各种资源。长期以来,微软致力于云计算技术和服务 的不断创新,在动态数据中心、私有云以及公共云等方面开展了卓有成效的探索和 实践。
让云触手可及——微软云计算解决方案白皮书6来自图表 1 微软的新愿景
2008 年 10 月,微软发布了自己的公共云计算平台——Windows Azure Platform, 由此拉开了微软的云计算大幕。
二、微软的云计算战略及特点 1、微软的云计算战略
微软的云计算战略包括三大部分,目的是为自己的客户和合作伙伴提供三种不 同的云计算运营模式: 第一、微软运营:微软自己构建及运营公共云的应用和服务,同时向个人消费 者和企业客户提供云服务。例如,微软向最终使用者提供的 Online Services 和 Windows Live 等服务。 第二、伙伴运营:ISV/SI 等各种合作伙伴可基于 Windows Azure Platform 开发 ERP、CRM 等各种云计算应用,并在 Windows Azure Platform 上为最终使用者提供服 务。另外一个选择是,微软运营在自己的云计算平台中的 Business Productivity
Windows Server 2012 技术白皮书:网络

Windows Server 2012 技术白皮书——网络
解决 IT 专业人员面对的挑战 ........................................................................................................... 7 高效地管理私有云 ....................................................................................................................... 7 将私有云连接到公共云服务 ...................................................................................................... 7 将用户轻松连接到 IT 资源 ....................................................................................................... 8 Windows Server 2012:改进的网络功能 ............................................................................ 8 管理高可用,安全且高效的私有云 .................................................................................................. 9 可靠性 .................................................................................................................................................. 10 网卡捆绑技术 ............................................................................................................................. 10 技术描述 ............................................................................................................................. 10 网卡捆绑配置 ..................................................................................................................... 11 需求 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 总结 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Hyper-V 复制............................................................................................................................ 12 需求 ...................................................................................................................................... 18 场景 ...................................................................................................................................... 19 总结 ...................................................................................................................................... 20 DHCP 服务器故障转移 ........................................................................................................... 20 技术描述 ............................................................................................................................. 20 需求 ...................................................................................................................................... 22 场景 ...................................................................................................................................... 22 总结 ...................................................................................................................................... 22

云计算基础设施技术需求(白皮书)自从云计算技术在将近 20 年前推出以来,应用和计算资源不断从企业数据中心向云环境持续迁移。
本文重点讨论云基础设施技术需求,白皮书下载链接:云基础设施技术需求(白皮书)IT基础架构向云端的迁移仍在继续,而据 Gartner 预测,到 2025 年,将有 80% 的企业关停传统数据中心,随着这一转变的推进,云服务提供商将面临在超大规模云环境中不断提高性能、扩展性和安全性的挑战。
为达到所需的服务水平,这些超大规模云服务提供商采用一些工具,包括:● 增强计算、网络和存储基础架构● 用于实现可视化计算和人工智能的新技术● 将某些云服务前移到网络边缘本文将探讨中国片上系统 (SoC) 开发人员在满足现代云基础架构需求方面所面临的一些挑战,以及可用于开发高效 SoC 解决方案的工具与技术。
推动云计算发展的主要趋势推动当前云计算市场发展的主要趋势有三个,而每个趋势都给SoC 设计人员提出了挑战:● 云数据快速增长● 无处不在地使用人工智能提取数据的含义● 云服务向网络边缘扩展我们将在下文依次讨论每一项挑战。
受互连设备数量快速增长,流视频、社交媒体上共享的内容日益增多、在线增强现实和虚拟现实 (AR/VR) 体验以及 5G 无线网络的推动,IDC 预计,从 2020 年至 2025 年,云数据的数量将增长3 倍。
针对每个云数据中心市场的专项增强前文所述的挑战可通过增强云计算的六个主要功能领域而解决:● 计算服务器● 网络基础架构设备● 存储系统● 可视化计算解决方案● 电信边缘基础架构设备● 人工智能 / 机器学习(AI/ML) 加速器服务器云数据的增长推动着位于中心的超大规模数据中心和位于网络边缘的远程设施中计算密度不断增加。
计算密度的提高需要更节能的 CPU,这样才能在现有数据中心设施的功耗和热量预算范围内提高计算能力。
由于对更节能的 CPU 的需求,市场最近对于针对每瓦特性能而优化的基于 ARM 的服务器 CPU 再次表现出了极大的兴趣。

Windows Server 2012 技术白皮书:身份与安全

使用 Windows Server 2012 保护数字资产
在 Windows Server 2012 中,微软基于以前的改进,使其配置、管理、用户的监控、 资源与设备的管理更加容易,借此可提高安全性并实现自动化审计。此外,Windows Server 2012 在安全和身份标识管理方面包括以下新增和改进的功能: 动态访问控制(DAC)。DAC 让您在整个组织中,依据共享文件和访问这些文 件的用户特点,自动地控制访问和审计。它使用声明来完成高级别的访问控制。 包含在安全令牌中的声明, 由用户或设备的声明组成, 例如名称或是类型、 部门、 安全检查等等。您可以使用用户声明,设备声明和文件分类标签来集中控制和审 计文件的访问,就像使用权限管理服务 (RMS) 在您整个组织中保护信息一样。 Active Directory 域服务。Active Directory 域服务在混合云的基础架构中是 非常重要的,因为它满足了在安全、合规和访问控制方面更严格的需求。进一步 来说,不像许多竞争对手提供的云服务,要求用户使用由服务提供商托管的单独 一套凭据,Active Directory 域服务只为用户提供一套凭据,保证用户访问资源 的连续性,无须关注资源是在内部还是在云中。全新的部署向导和克隆虚拟域控 制器的支持使得 Active Directory 域服务更加容易虚拟化, 以及在本地和远程部 署。Active Directory 域服务集成了 Winows Power Shell 3.0的支持 ,当您在 服务管理工具的界面执行任务时,可以捕获和记录 PowerShell 的命令语句,改 进手动任务的自动化。Active Directory 服务其它的新特性还包括桌面激活支持 和组托管服务帐户。 Hyper-V 的可扩展交换机。为私有云和基础架构即服务 (Iaas) 环境提供更安全 和稳定的计算环境,Windows Server 2012 中新的 Hyper-V 可扩展交换机增强 了安全性和隔离性。 它提供基于策略的软件控制,支持隔离多租户和维护安全。 本文下文将详细介绍这些新功能。

华为云计算解决方案白皮书―FusionCloud1 OpenStack为IT基础设施交付模式与商业模式的变革带来契机1.1 运营商及企业IT基础设施云平台建设面临的挑战运营商及企业为通过引入云计算实现对其IT基础设施与业务应用平台的升级改造,实现降低TCO、提升企业核心业务部署与运行效率的核心价值,面临如下关键挑战:1.将分布式的、多厂家异构的基础设施资源以云服务的方式提供和消费,同时不同应用也必将对基础设施资源提出完全不同的需求。

10《高性能计算发展与应用》 2009年第一期 总第二十六期伯克利云计算白皮书(节选)●Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox,Rean Griffith,Anthony D. Joseph,Randy H. Katz,Andrew Konwinski,Gunho Lee,David A. Patterson,Ariel Rabkin,Ion Stoica,Matei Zaharia加州大学伯克利分校 电子工程和计算机科学系●卢大勇[译] 上海超级计算中心 上海 201203 dylu@ssc.net.cn●陆 琪[译] 惠普公司 上海 201203●姚继锋[校] 上海超级计算中心 上海 201203译者按:“云计算”一词自出现以来,在产业界和学术界就掀起了波澜,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
在一些人眼里(如Google、IBM),云计算是未来的方向、潮流和必然,他们迫不及待的拥抱云计算;而在另外一些人眼里(如Oracle公司总裁Larry Ellison、GNU发起人Richard Stallman),云计算只是又一个商业炒作的概念,毫无新意,甚至蠢不可及。
文章的作者是分布式计算领域最有影响力的研究团队之一,领衔者David A. Patterson是 计算机界的权威,曾担任伯克利计算机系主任和美国ACM主席,本文是他们长达六个多月工作的结果,详细解答了什么是云计算、和以前的模型如SaaS有什么不同、为什么现在是云计算发展的最佳时机、云计算将创造什么新的机遇、有哪些挑战以及如何应对等一系列问题。
文章以内部技术报告方式发表于2009年2月10日,原文标题为“Above the Coulds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing”。

让云触手可及—-微软云计算解决方案白皮书目录第一部分微软的云计算战略与方案 (2)一、微软的新愿景 (2)二、微软的云计算战略及特点 (3)1、微软的云计算战略 (3)2、微软云计算战略的特点 (3)三、微软的云计算解决方案 (5)1、微软云计算参考架构 (5)2、微软的云计算解决方案 (5)3、小资料:微软的云计算积累 (11)第二部分微软的云计算案例 (12)一、苏州风云在线() (12)二、杭州云计算开发培训平台 (13)第三部分结语 (14)第四部分附录 (15)一、云的类型 (15)1、SaaS(软件即服务) (15)2、PaaS(平台即服务) (16)3、IaaS(基础设施即服务) (16)二、云计算的三大部署模式 (17)1、公共云 (17)2、私有云 (17)3、混合云 (17)引言在21世纪初始的互联网时代,没有人怀疑云计算时代已经在地平线上露出了第一道曙光。
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一、云计算概念 (1)1. 云计算概念 (1)2. 云计算的影响 (2)二、云计算产业 (5)1. 云计算产业体系 (5)2. 全球云计算产业发展现状 (7)3. 我国云计算产业发展现状 (9)三、云计算技术 (12)1. 云计算的技术架构 (12)2. 云计算“基础设施”关键技术 (13)3. 云计算“操作系统”关键技术 (18)4. 我国云计算技术发展 (20)5. 云计算标准化进展 (22)四、云计算数据中心 (24)1. 全球云计算数据中心发展趋势 (24)2. 我国数据中心的发展状况 (25)3. 我国云计算数据中心布局的策略 (26)五、云计算安全 (28)1. 云计算安全概述 (28)2. 云计算的法律环境 (29)六、政府在云计算发展中的作用 (31)1. 外国政府的云计算行动 (31)2. 我国政府的云计算行动 (33)七、我国发展云计算面临的机遇和存在的问题 (36)1. 我国云计算发展面临的机遇 (36)2. 我国在云计算发展中存在的问题 (36)3. 我国云计算未来发展思考 (38)工业和信息化部电信研究院 云计算白皮书 (2012年)一、 云计算概念1. 云计算概念云计算(Cloud Computing )是一种通过网络统一组织和灵活调用各种ICT 信息资源,实现大规模计算的信息处理方式。
云计算利用分布式计算和虚拟资源管理等技术,通过网络将分散的ICT 资源(包括计算与存储、应用运行平台、软件等)集中起来形成共享的资源池,并以动态按需和可度量的方式向用户提供服务。
用户可以使用各种形式的终端(如PC 、平板电脑、智能手机甚至智能电视等)通过网络获取ICT 资源服务。
“云”由大量组成“云”的基础单元(云元,Cloud unit )组成。
云计算具备四个方面的核心特征:一是宽带网络连接,“云”不在用户本地,用户要通过宽带网络接入“云”中并使用服务,“云”内节点之间也通过内部的高速网络相连;二是对ICT 资源的共享,“云”内的ICT 资源并不为某一用户所专有;三是快速、按需、弹性的服务,用户可以按照实际需求迅速获取或释放资源,并可以根据需求对资源进行动态扩展;四是服务可测量,服务提供者按照用户对资源的使用量进行计费。
云计算的物理实体是数据中心,由“云”的基础单元(云元)和工业和信息化部电信研究院C AT R云计算白皮书 (2012年) 工业和信息化部电信研究院“云”操作系统,以及连接云元的数据中心网络等组成。
按照云计算服务提供的资源所在的层次,可以分为IaaS (基础设施即服务)、PaaS (平台即服务)和SaaS (软件即服务)等。
2. 云计算的影响2.1云计算引发ICT 产业的深刻变革首先,云计算改变了用户对ICT 资源的获取方式,从购买产品独立构建ICT 设施转为寻求社会化公共服务。
传统上,企业和个人用户的ICT 设备和系统均由用户来购买、建设和维护,这种分散的ICT 资源构建和使用模式,既增加了用户的信息化成本,更从整体上降低了全社会的总体资源利用效率。
随着数字化的深入和互联网的普及,社会信息处理需求急剧增加,进入大数据(big data )时代,传统ICT 资源构建方式的低效和高成本弊端日益突出。
而云计算强调用户主导、需求驱动、按需服务、即用即付,具有专业化、规模化和显著的成本优势,顺应了用户降低费用、提高业务灵活性等方面的需求,驱动用户从以往自建自用的ICT 消费模式向寻求社会化的公共服务模式转变。
其次,云计算成为ICT 产业服务化发展转型的重要方向,服务1据研究,当企业信息化规模达到一定程度(1500台服务器以上)时,建设私有云的投资效益更好。
工业和信息化部电信研究院C AT R工业和信息化部电信研究院 云计算白皮书 (2012年)商成长为重要的主导力量。
云计算使ICT 能力不再封装于具体产品中,而以社会化服务的形式呈现,创新了业务提供方式和商业模式,成长出大量新兴云计算服务商。
当前,国际传统ICT企业(如IBM 、微软、思科等)均加快了向云计算服务的转型,而具有先天服务优势的大型互联网服务商(如谷歌、亚马逊等)大量研发和采用定制设备及终端。
最后,云计算改变ICT 产业技术和产品发展方向。
如同水和电一样,云计算综合集成的计算、存储、网络等ICT 能力是工业和信息化部电信研究院C AT R云计算白皮书 (2012年) 工业和信息化部电信研究院迈向信息社会的关键基础设施。
工业和信息化部电信研究院C AT R工业和信息化部电信研究院 云计算白皮书 (2012年)二、 云计算产业1. 云计算产业体系云计算产业由云计算服务业、云计算制造业、基础设施服务业以及支持产业等组成。
图1云计算产业体系构成云计算服务业包括基础设施即服务(IaaS )、平台即服务(PaaS )和软件即服务(SaaS )。
IaaS 服务最主要的表现形式是存储服务和计算服务,主要服务商如亚马逊、Rackspace 、Dropbox 等公司。
PaaS 服务提供的是供用户实施开发的平台环境和能力,包括开发测试、能力调用、部署运行等,提供商包括微软、谷歌等。
SaaS 服务提供实工业和信息化部电信研究院C AT R云计算白皮书 (2012年) 工业和信息化部电信研究院时运行软件的在线服务,服务种类多样、形式丰富,常见的应用包括客户关系管理(CRM )、社交网络、电子邮件、办公软件、OA 系统等,服务商有Salesforce 、GigaV ox 、谷歌等。
软件厂商包括基础软件、中间件和应用软件的提供商,主要提供云计算操作系统和云计算解决方案,知名企业如威睿(VMware )、思杰(Citrix )、红帽、微软等;硬件厂商包含网络设备、终端设备、存储设备、元器件、服务器等的制造商,如思科、惠普、英特尔等。
一般来说,云计算软硬件制造商通过并购或合作等方式成为新的云计算系统集成商的角色,如IBM 、惠普等,同时传统系统集成商也在这一领域占有一席之地。
传统IT 领域的咨询、设计和评估机构,如Uptime 、LEED 、Breeam 等,均已不同程度的涉足云计算领域。
工业和信息化部电信研究院C AT R2. 全球云计算产业发展现状全球云计算产业虽处于发展初期,市场规模不大,但将会引导传统ICT 产业向社会化服务转型,未来发展空间十分广阔。
云计算服务市场规模总量目前仅占全球ICT 市场总量的1/40,但增长迅猛,未来几年年均增长率预计将超过20%。
图2 全球云计算市场布局国际主要IT 企业将云计算作为公司未来主要战略方向,云计算相关的合作与并购十分活跃。
近年来,大型IT 企业面向云计算制定2数据来源:Gartner 公共云服务预测报告,2011年6月。
工业和信息化部电信研究院C AT R战略并调整内部组织机构,以适应未来的发展方向。
早在2008年,包括思科、惠普、戴尔、EMC 等在内的主要国际IT 企业就成立了专门的部门推动云计算技术和市场进展,并相继发布了云计算战略。