




2. PDP模块(包括屏、驱动电路、逻辑电路和电源模块)工作电压大约为350V。















10. PDP电路中有很多是CMOS集成电路组成,所以要注意防止静电。



16 15 14 13 12 11 10
VDD X4 X2 X6 X1 XCOM X0 X7 X3 X5 A(0) INH B(1) V字形 C(2) VSS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
R725 1k
+12V -12V
R726 1k
C701 47u/16V
VD701 6.8V
C702 47u/16V
+6.8V 16 8 6 7
C219 SW2
SR2 C220
2 0 0 1 年 8 月第一版

第 张 共 张 版次
日 期 批 准
标 准 化
审 核
设 计
AB205K 解码板原理图(1)
签 名
数 量
+6.8V 16 8 6 7
C255 100U/16V



















一、维修准备1. 观察仪器和工具:在维修之前,仔细观察设备表面是否有明显的损坏或腐蚀痕迹,有无痕迹的部分也应予以特别关注。


2. 掌握电路图和手册:学习设备的电路图和使用说明手册,了解设备的组成和工作原理,以便更好地理解并解决问题。

二、常见问题及解决办法1. 设备无法开机:- 检查电源:确保电源线完好无损,并接触良好。

- 检查电源开关:查看开关是否处于开启状态,如若开启,则可能是开关故障。

- 检查电池:更换电池或充电可能解决问题。

- 检查电源插座:确认插座正常工作并且供电正常。

2. 注意设备过热:- 清理设备:将设备表面灰尘清理干净,保证散热器通风良好。

- 检查风扇:确保风扇运转正常,如有问题,及时更换。

- 避免过度使用:长时间使用电子设备可能导致过热,合理控制使用时间。

3. 设备无法连接:- 检查连接线:确保连接线没有断裂或损坏,并正确连接至设备。

- 重置连接:断开连接后重新连接设备,重启设备后尝试重新连接。

4. 设备出现噪音:- 检查外部环境:噪音可能由于外部环境干扰引起,尽量将设备放置在较为安静的地方。

- 检查线路:确保连接线路的接触良好,若有松动或破损的线路应及时更换。

5. 设备故障常见维修技巧:- 确定故障点:观察设备受损部分,定位可能的故障点。

- 学习维修知识:了解设备维修的基本知识和技巧,熟悉设备电路板的组装和分解。

- 调试设备:若是简单故障,可按照设备手册中的维修步骤逐步排查,进行更换或修复。

三、维护注意事项1. 定期清洁:电子设备容易积累灰尘和杂质,定期进行清洁可以保持设备正常运行。

2. 防止震动和冲击:对于移动设备,应注意避免频繁震动和冲击,以免损坏设备内部组件。



有雜音如何維修How 有雜音如何維修How to repair noise
1>檢查從音效芯片輸出的Line _out_L,Line_out_R 兩信號波形 是否異常,此信號通過電容偶和,輸入到TL072C(功能芯片).經放 大後,從音效接口Line out 輸出,一般為功放芯片和音效芯片不良及 電容漏電.Check whether Line _out _L, Line _out _R signal waveform is NG, these two signals through capacitance couple, input TL072C(functional chip), after enlarging, output from line out (Audio chip) , generally, reason divide 3 kind: functional chip NG, audio chip NG, capacitance leaking. 2>若用耳機聽聲音正常,而用外置音箱有雜音,通常是12V通過 一個0歐或3.3歐電阻供給外置音箱. 電壓異常,一般為供電電阻不 良./Sound is OK while listening by earphone, but have noise by external sound box, Usually it is 12 V which supply external sound box via one 0 or 3.3 resistance. The voltage is unusual , generally is the resistance NG .
1.檢查主板的所有AD 信號,包括(CPU座、PCI、DIMM槽、及 ISA等)及其它的控制信號和時鐘蕊片各時鐘輸出腳.所有的I/O 接口信號其二極體是否正常。 /Check all AD signal on MB, including (CPU socket, PCI, DIMM slot and ISA, ect.) other control signal and clock chip output pin, all IO connector signal and diode, see if they are OK. 2.當被測信號二極體異常時,要根據其主板的架構,此信號所連接 的零件,來快速而准確的判斷出某顆零件不良,比如:IDE接口信號 二極體異常,為南橋不良.LPT 接口信號異常,為I/O CHIP不良.時鐘 輸出腳二極 體異常,為時鐘蕊片不良。When measured signal diode value is abnormal, according to MB’s structure and connected parts of this signal , judge which part is NG quickly, Example: IDE connector signal abnormal, should SB NG, LPT connector signal abnormal, should I/O CHIP NG. Clock output Pin signal abnormal, clock chip NG.



Belt cross transfer维修手册2021螺杆扭矩要求.. 4公制扭矩建议.. 4一般平安说明.. 5平安考前须知.. 5工作场所及作业平安.. 5保养平安说明.. 7Belt cross transfer简介.. 9Belt cross transfer 安装.. 111.1 Belt Cross Transfer概述.. 111.2 Belt Cross Transfer安装.. 131.3安装侧轨.. 151.4侧轨调平.. 161.5焊接角铁托架.. 171.6安装驱动轴.. 181.7安装相邻的Belt Cross Transfer 191.8 Belt Cross Transfer机械检查表.. 21保养和维护.. 22一般月度检查.. 22完整性/紧固.. 22每季度一般性检查.. 22检查电气设备内侧的照明体.. 22检查控制面板的状态和功能.. 22泄漏.. 22润滑剂液位.. 22电机制动磨损控制.. 22紧固件.. 23半年检查.. 24SEW减速电机.. 24法兰轴承及U形接头.. 25年度检查.. 26SEW减速电机检查和维护.. 26万向节润滑.. 33传送带检查.. 33设备更换.. 34法兰轴承更换.. 34更换Cross Transfer皮带〔驱动侧〕.. 35更换Cross Transfer皮带〔张紧轮侧〕.. 36皮带快速张紧.. 37更换Cross Transfer电机/减速箱.. 37系统级故障排除.. 40SEW减速电机故障排除.. 41减速机问题.. 41电机故障排除.. 42制动装置故障排除.. 43螺杆扭矩要求当由于撤除而重新安装任何螺丝时,应采用以下清洁程序:采用尺寸适宜的攻丝从内丝孔中将旧螺纹上的粘附物去掉,然后用工厂压缩空气吹干净。



平安考前须知负责运行Cross Transfer系统的人要完成以下操作:l 所有能源上锁/挂牌〔电、气和水〕l 取出静止在该设备中的所有车身工件l 其他与Cross Transfer交互的相关设备的所有能源上锁/挂牌〔电、气和水〕l 维护完成后,重新接通所有能源供给,检查工作循环是否按正确顺序进行工作场所平安结合了之前的人员平安建议,如下所示保养平安说明保养平安说明包括操作人员和工作场所的建议,如下所示:Belt cross transfer简介以下图所示的Cross Transfer系统TM是获得专利的、经过现场实证的机构,它能通过自动装配线提供可靠的部件输送。



目录逆变直流手工焊系列第一节 ARC200(H287).................................................................................(2 )ARC250双电压(实用机型ARC250双电压代码(H271/J58)....................................(4 )第二节 ZX7-200A/250A(H253/H283)...............................................................(6 )第三节逆变直流手工焊ZX7-315AH(K113)(适用于ZX7315A/315AH).....................(8 )第四节逆变直流手工焊ZX7300C(实用于ZX7250C/300C K160/167)..................(10 )第五节 ZX7-400C (12)第六节 ZX7-400A(适用于ZX7-250A/315A/400A H279/280/282)…………………(14 )逆变直流气体保护焊机第一节 MIG/MMA160…………………………………………………………………………(20 )第二节MIG200(H288)………………………………………………………………………(23 )第三节 MIGMMA250/300 ……………………………………………………………………(26 )第四节 NBC315C适用于NBC250C/315C(K160/K165)……………………………………(29 )第五节 NBC350C…………………………………………………………………………(32 )等离子切割机系列第一节CUT40H………………………………………………………………………………(35 )第二节 CUT50C………………………………………………………………………………(37 )第三节 CUT70C………………………………………………………………………………(40 )第四节 CUT-100C……………………………………………………………………………(44 )逆变直流氩弧焊机第一节WS-400(H204)………………………………………………………………………(59 )第二节WSM-400(H205)………………………………………………………………………(64 )第三节 TIG-200/250/315P AC/DC………………………………………………………(69 )第三节 TIG-200/250/315P AC/DC…………………………………………………………(73 )逆变直流手工焊系列第一节 ARC200(H287)ARC250双电压(实用机型ARC250双电压代码(H271/J58))第二节 ZX7-200A/250A(H253/H283)第三节逆变直流手工焊ZX7-315AH(K113) (适用于ZX7315A/315AH)第四节逆变直流手工焊ZX7300C (实用于ZX7250C/300C K160/167)第五节 ZX7-400C第六节 ZX7-400A(适用于ZX7-250A/315A/400A H279/280/282)左右,、逆变直流气体保护焊机第一节 MIG/MMA160第二节 MIG200(H288)第三节 MIGMMA250/300第四节 NBC315C适用于NBC250C/315C(K160/K165)第五节 NBC350C等离子切割机系列第一节CUT40H4 工作时过热指示灯亮第二节 CUT50C第三节 CUT70C第四节 CUT-100C则连线良好,、4、电源缺相时不保护或保护指示灯不亮(这里我们排除电网输入缺相使机器主控板不工作的情况,如遇到此种情况可以参照1、开机后无表显的检修方法来确认是否电源5、切割无法切透板材(这里我们排除气压不够的可能性,若气压不够我们可以按照,脚,按枪,脚,按枪,8、按枪气阀不工作(这里我们排除开机无表显的情况,如若无表显我们可以按照1、档,按枪,。


























引脚符号功能海信DP2999 海尔美高美对地电压(V)对地电阻(KΩ) 对地电压(V) 对地电阻(KΩ)红笔测黑笔测开机待机红笔测黑笔测1 DRA IN 内置功率开关管漏极300 5.7 500 270 280 3.8 ∞2 GND 接地0 0 0 0 0 0 03 VCC 电源205 500 16 15 3.3 ∞4 FB 反馈 1.8 8 200 1 0.2 5.7 2005 SYNC 同步输入7.1 7.5 31 6.3 3.8 5.4 30 A5Q1265RFA5Q1265RF是日本FAIRCHILD公司生产的FPS型开关电源控制电路,内置具有耐压650V的电流检测型场效应功率管和控制电路,并设有过流、过压、过热保护电路,当芯片表面温度超过150℃时,自动切断输出,当供电端3脚的电压高于24V或低于11V时,芯片停止工作。


引脚符号功能海尔UOC机芯对地电压(V)对地电阻(KΩ)红笔测黑笔测1 DRA IN 内部场效应管漏极270 3.7 +∞2 GND 内部场效应管源极(通常接地) 0 0 03 VCC 电源输入端16 3.3 +∞4 FB 反馈信号输入(通常接电耦合器) 1 5.6 2005 SYNC 同步信号输入 6.3 5.3 31 KA7630KA7630是具有复位信号输出功能和三路电压输出的稳压器,内部设有限流保护和过热保护电路,最大输入电压为20V。



















BASIC TAPE MECHANISM : TN-591SW-143MD / CD STEREO SYSTEMXR-H220MD XR-H235MD XR-H236MD XR-H238MD S/M Code No. 09-997-413-6N1D D D DSERVICE MANUALD A T ABASIC CD MECHANISM : 4ZG-1 Z3RNSMDJM BASIC MD MECHANISM : ZZG-7 DMMODEL CODE : 8ZNB9-9133(CX-SNH220MD SM)8ZNB9-9293(CX-SNH235MD STM)8ZNB9-9233(CX-SNH236MD SM)8ZNB9-9333(CX-SNH238MD SM)8ZNSK-9237(SX-SNH220 SAN)8ZNSL-9597(SX-SNS115 STAN)8ZNSL-9437(SX-SNS115 SAN)8ZNSK-9437(SX-SNH220 S2N)SYSTEMXR-H220MD CASSIVER CX-SNH220MD SPEAKER SX-SNH220 SAN XR-H235MD CX-SNH235MD XR-H236MD CX-SNH236MD SX-SNS115 SAN XR-H238MDCX-SNH238MDSX-SNH220 S2NSX-SNS115 STANTABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS (3) (4)5 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................................6-8 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST.....................................................................................................9-13 TRANSISTOR ILLUSTRATION (14)BLOCK DIAGRAM-1 (MAIN)...........................................................................................................15, 16 BLOCK DIAGRAM-2 (MD)..............................................................................................................17, 18 WIRING-1 (MAIN)...........................................................................................................................19, 20 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-1 (MAIN)..................................................................................................21, 22 WIRING-2 (FRONT)........................................................................................................................23, 24 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-2 (FRONT)..............................................................................................25, 26 WIRING-3 (MD)...............................................................................................................................27, 28 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-3 (MD).....................................................................................................29, 30 WIRING-4 (INTERFACE)................................................................................................................31, 32 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-4 (INTERFACE)......................................................................................33, 34 WIRING-5 (MECHANISM)..............................................................................................................35, 36 WIRING-6 (PT).. (37)TEST MODE....................................................................................................................................38-41 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT/PRACTICAL SERVICE FIGURE.....................................................42-47 IC DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................48-55 IC BLOCK DIAGRAM.......................................................................................................................56-59 FL GRID ASSIGNMENT/ANODE CONNECTION..........................................................................60, 61 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST 1/1.. (62)MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW 1/1............................................................................................63, 64 TAPE MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 1/1...................................................................................65, 66 TAPE MECHANISM PARTS LIST 1/1.. (67)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 1/4 (68)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 1/4 (69)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 2/4 (70)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 2/4 (70)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 3/4 (71)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 3/4 (72)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 4/4 (73)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 4/4 (74)SPEAKER DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (75)SPEAKER PARTS LIST 1/1 (76)ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST (77)2SPECIFICATIONS•••34!!56DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSAAB CCAB78DESCRIPTIONNO.NO.IC87-017-888-080 1A IC,NJM4558MD87-A20-870-010 1A IC,GP1F37R87-A20-971-040 1A C-IC,SN74LV14APW87-A20-707-010 2B C-IC,CXA2523AR87-A20-708-010 2D C-IC,CXD2652AR87-A20-709-040 1H C-IC,BD7910FV87-ZG9-607-010 2M C-IC,CXP81952M-523R87-ZG9-606-040 2M C-IC,MN41V4400SJ-0887-A20-755-080 1B C-IC,AK93C45AF87-A20-710-040 1B C-IC,S-8110AMP87-A20-711-040 1E C-IC,BA5970FP87-A20-712-040 1B C-IC,BA6417F87-A21-110-040 2A C-IC,AK4519VF87-017-853-040 1B IC,NJM2100V87-A20-797-040 1B C-IC,NJU7221U3087-A20-798-040 1B C-IC,NJU7221U3587-A20-714-040 1B C-IC,NJM2370U3387-017-889-010 1A IC,NJM4558LD87-A20-715-010 1C IC,M62439SP87-070-127-110 1C IC,LC72131 D87-A20-716-010 1E IC,TA2040AP87-A20-913-010 1D IC,LA1837NL87-A21-103-040 1E C-IC,MM1454XFBE87-A20-914-010 1B IC,SPS-442-1-F8Z-NB9-601-010 1M C-IC,LC876564V TRANSISTOR89-213-750-010 1A TR,2SB1375 (25W)87-A30-076-080 0E C-TR,2SC3052F87-A30-071-080 0E C-TR,RT1N 144C87-A30-075-080 0E C-TR,2SA1235F87-026-225-080 1A FET,2SJ106GR87-A30-072-080 0E C-TR,RT1P 144C87-A30-074-080 0E C-TR,RT1P 141C87-A30-087-080 0E C-FET,2SK215887-026-423-080 0E C-TR RN230589-115-884-080 0E CHIP -TRANSISTER 2SA1588Y 89-341-164-080 0E CHIP-TRANSISTOR,2SC4116 Y 87-026-412-080 0E C-TR RN130589-213-702-010 1A TR,2SB1370 (1.8W)87-026-610-080 0E TR,KTC3198GR87-A30-196-080 0E TR,2SC4115SRS87-026-609-080 0E TR,KTA1266GR87-026-269-080 0E TR,DTA114ES87-026-219-080 0E TR,DTA144ES (0.3W)87-A30-256-010 1A TR,2SD193387-A30-255-010 1A TR,2SB134287-A30-047-080 0E TR,CSD655E87-A30-091-080 1E FET,2SJ46087-A30-090-080 0E FET,2SK254187-026-218-080 0E TR,DTC144ES (0.2W)87-026-214-080 0E TR,DTA114YS (0.3W)89-305-352-380 0E TR,2SC535(B/C)87-026-210-080 0E CHIP-TR,DTC144EK87-A30-198-080 0E TR,KTC3199GRDIODE87-A40-304-080 0E ZENER,DZ6.2M87-A40-313-080 0E C-DIODE,MC 284087-A40-469-080 0E C-DIODE,HSM2838CTR87-A40-468-080 0E C-DIODE,HSM2836CTR87-A40-299-080 0E ZENER,DZ5.1M87-001-166-080 0E DIODE,1SS30187-A40-412-040 0E C-DIODE,SB05-05CP87-A40-393-090 0E DIODE,1N5402GW(F20)87-A40-336-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ27D T-7287-020-465-080 0E DIODE,1SS133 (110MA)87-A40-345-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ10C87-070-274-080 0E DIODE,1N4003 SEM87-A40-466-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ2.7A87-017-931-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ5.6B87-A40-509-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ6.8C87-A40-270-080 0E C-DIODE,MC283887-A40-269-080 0E C-DIODE,MC2836MAIN C.BC101 87-016-495-090 1B CAP,E 3300-25 SMGC104 87-A10-011-090 2A CAP,E 2200-25 SMGC105 87-018-127-080 0E CAP, CER 470P-50VC106 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25VC107 87-010-384-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-25VC108 87-010-381-080 0E CAP, ELECT 330-16VC111 87-010-247-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-50VC112 87-010-263-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-10VC113 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50VC114 87-010-374-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-10VC115 87-A11-007-080 0E CAP,M 0.047-50 J DEC116 87-A11-007-080 0E CAP,M 0.047-50 J DEC122 87-010-384-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-25VC123 87-010-384-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-25VC124 87-A11-132-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.01-50 K BC130 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC152 87-010-409-080 1A CAP,E 220-50 SMEC207 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC208 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC209 87-018-133-080 0E CAPACITOR,CER 4700P-16V C210 87-018-133-080 0E CAPACITOR,CER 4700P-16V C211 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50VC212 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50VC213 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25VC214 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25VC217 87-A11-008-080 0E CAP,M 0.056-50 J DEC218 87-A11-008-080 0E CAP,M 0.056-50 J DEC219 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC220 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC229 87-018-123-080 0E CAP, CER 220P-50VC230 87-018-123-080 0E CAP, CER 220P-50VC235 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC236 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC237 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C301 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC302 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC303 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16VC304 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16VC307 87-010-263-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-10VC308 87-010-263-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-10VC311 87-A10-773-080 0E CAP,M 0.10-50 JC312 87-A10-773-080 0E CAP,M 0.10-50 JC315 87-010-374-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-10VC317 87-010-546-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.33-50VC318 87-010-546-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.33-50VC323 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC325 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC326 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC360 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50VC361 87-010-374-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-10VC399 87-018-127-080 0E CAP, CER 470P-50VC401 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50VC402 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50VC403 87-018-118-080 0E CAP,TC-U 82P-50 BC404 87-018-118-080 0E CAP,TC-U 82P-50 BC411 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50VC412 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50VC452 87-010-382-080 0E CAP, ELECT 22-25VC458 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC459 87-018-128-080 0E CAP, CERA-SOL SS 560P910REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.C461 87-018-126-080 0E CAP,TC-U 390P-50 B C462 87-018-126-080 0E CAP,TC-U 390P-50 B C601 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C602 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C611 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C612 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C613 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C614 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C615 87-018-104-080 0E CAP,TC-U 10P-50 SL C616 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25V C617 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25V C701 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C702 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C703 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C704 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C705 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C706 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C707 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C708 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C709 87-010-248-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-10V C710 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C712 87-018-149-080 0E CAP,TC-U 15P-50 CH C713 87-018-149-080 0E CAP,TC-U 15P-50 CH C714 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C715 87-018-119-080 0E CAP, CER 100P-50V C731 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C732 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C733 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C734 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C735 87-018-132-080 0E CAP, CER 2200P-16V C736 87-018-132-080 0E CAP, CER 2200P-16V C737 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C738 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25V C740 87-018-127-080 0E CAP, CER 470P-50V C741 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C742 87-010-400-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.47-50V C743 87-010-101-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-16C746 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C747 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C751 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C752 87-018-143-080 0E CAP,TC-U 4.7P-50 CH C753 87-010-408-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-50V C755 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C757 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C758 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C759 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C761 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C762 87-010-400-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.47-50V C763 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50V C764 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50V C765 87-018-115-080 0E CAP, CER 47P-50V C766 87-010-407-080 0E CAP, ELECT 33-50V C768 87-018-208-080 0E CAP 0.047-50FC769 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50V C770 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C771 87-010-406-080 0E CAP, ELECT 22-50 C773 87-018-130-080 0E CAP, CER 820P-50V C774 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50VC776 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C781 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C782 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C783 87-018-199-080 0E CAP, CER 3300P C784 87-018-199-080 0E CAP, CER 3300P C785 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50V C786 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50V C787 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C788 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C789 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50V C790 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50V C804 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16C805 87-010-401-040 0E CAP,E 1-50 SMEC807 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C808 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C809 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C810 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C811 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C812 87-010-408-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-50V C813 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C901 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50V C943 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C944 87-018-104-080 0E CAP,TC-U 10P-50 SL CF801 87-008-261-010 1A FILTER, SFE10.7MA5-A CF802 87-008-261-010 1A FILTER, SFE10.7MA5-A CN301 87-A60-620-010 0E CONN,3P V 2MM JMT CN351 87-A60-625-010 0E CONN,8P V 2MM JMTCN601 87-099-719-010 1B CONN,30P TYK-B(X) CN603 87-099-014-010 0E CONN,12P 6216 V CN605 84-ZG1-647-010 0E CONN ASSY,2P FFE801 A8-6ZA-192-030 2Y 6ZA-1 FEJNMJ201 87-A60-602-010 1A JACK,DIA6.3 BLK ST W/SW TC J202 87-A60-238-010 1A TERMINAL,SP 4P (MSC) J206 87-A60-641-010 1A JACK,PIN 4P R/W/B JALCO J601 87-A60-881-010 0E JACK,PIN 2P MSP 242V05 PBSN J801 87-A60-202-010 1A TERMINAL,ANT 4P MSP-154V-02 L201 87-003-383-010 1A COIL,1UH-SL202 87-003-383-010 1A COIL,1UH-SL451 87-007-342-010 0E COIL,OSC 85K BIAS L701 87-005-847-080 0E COIL,2.2UH(CECS) L771 87-A50-266-010 1A COIL,FM DET-2N(TOK) L772 87-A90-053-010 1C FLTR,PCFMT-060(TOK) L801 87-005-847-080 0E COIL,2.2UH(CECS) L981 8Z-NFA-664-010 2M COIL,AMPACK 4L(TOK) R249 87-A00-258-080 0E RES,M/F 0.22-1W J R250 87-A00-258-080 0E RES,M/F 0.22-1W J RY101 87-A90-464-010 1C RELAY, DG12D2-O(M) T1 87-A60-317-010 0E TERMINAL, 1P MSC T2 87-A60-317-010 0E TERMINAL, 1P MSC W101 83-NE2-618-110 1B F-CABEL,5P-2.5 WH102 87-A90-459-010 0E HLDR,WIRE 2.5-5PX701 87-A70-061-010 1A VIB,XTAL 4.500MHZ CSA-309 X731 87-030-394-010 1B VIB,CER CSA3.6MGF228FRONT C.BC9 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C10 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C11 87-012-140-080 0E C-CAP,S 470P-50 CH C14 87-012-140-080 0E C-CAP,S 470P-50 CH C101 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C124 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C251 87-010-075-040 0E CAP,E 10-16 5L C252 87-012-157-080 0E C-CAP,S 330P-50 CH C253 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C701 87-010-384-040 0E CAP,E 100-25 SME C801 87-010-112-040 0E CAP,E 100-16 C802 87-010-260-040 0E CAP,E 47-25 SME C803 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C804 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C805 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C806 87-010-401-040 0E CAP,E 1-50 SME C807 87-010-402-040 0E CAP,E 2.2-50 SME C808 87-010-402-040 0E CAP,E 2.2-50 SME C809 87-010-405-040 0E CAP,E 10-50C810 87-010-805-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 Z F C851 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C852 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C853 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C901 87-010-555-040 0E CAP,E 100-10 GASC902 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-2511REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTIONNO.REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.C903 87-010-494-040 0E CAP,E 1-50 GASC904 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C905 87-012-155-080 0E C-CAP 180P-50CH C906 87-010-312-080 0E C-CAP,S 15P-50 CH C907 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C908 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C909 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C910 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C911 87-A10-189-040 0E CAP,E 220-10 C912 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C914 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C915 87-010-404-040 0E CAP,E 4.7-50 SME C916 87-010-404-040 0E CAP,E 4.7-50 SMEC917 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C918 87-010-190-080 0E S CHIP F 0.01 C919 87-010-190-080 0E S CHIP F 0.01 C920 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C921 87-010-408-040 0E CAP,E 47-50 SME C922 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C923 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C924 87-010-075-040 0E CAP,E 10-16 5LC925 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C926 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C927 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 CN101 87-099-720-010 1B CONN,30P TYK-B(P) CN151 87-099-015-010 0E CONN,13P 6216V CN701 87-A60-674-010 0E CONN,10P H 2MM JMT CN801 87-099-195-010 0E CONN,7P 6216 V FL901 8Z-NB9-602-010 2B FL,11-BT-172GNK L331 87-A50-333-010 0E COIL,OSC 9.43MHZLED606 87-A40-619-080 0E LED,SLR-56PT-TE7-W GRN S201 87-A90-535-010 1B SW,RTRY EC16B24304S202 87-A90-950-010 1B SW,RTRY EC12E12504 ENCORDER S301 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S302 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S303 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S304 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S305 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S306 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S307 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S308 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S309 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S310 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S311 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S312 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S313 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S314 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S315 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S316 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S317 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S318 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S323 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S324 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S325 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S326 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S327 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S328 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S329 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S330 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S331 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S332 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S333 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT SFR701 87-A90-556-080 0E SFR,2.2K H HOKU AC1 C.B! 87-033-213-080 0E CLAMP, FUSE !F101 87-035-190-010 1A FUSE, 2ATAC2 C.B!PR101 87-026-681-080 0E PROTECTOR,5A 491SERIES 60V !PR102 87-026-681-080 0E PROTECTOR,5A 491SERIES 60V !PT101 8Z-NB9-605-010 2M PT,D ZNB-9WH101 87-A90-459-010 0E HLDR,WIRE 2.5-5P INTERFACE C.BC101 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C102 87-010-101-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-16 C104 87-010-370-040 0E CAP,E 330-6.3 SME C105 87-010-380-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-16V C106 87-010-101-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-16 C201 87-010-402-080 0E CAP, ELECT 2.2-50V C202 87-010-402-080 0E CAP, ELECT 2.2-50V C203 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C204 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C205 87-010-180-080 0E C-CER 1500PC206 87-010-180-080 0E C-CER 1500PC207 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C208 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C251 87-010-408-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-50V C252 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C401 87-010-178-080 0E CHIP CAP 1000P C402 87-010-178-080 0E CHIP CAP 1000PC403 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C404 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C411 87-012-140-080 0E CAP 470PC421 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 CON901 87-A60-056-010 0E CONN,12P V 9604S-12C CON902 87-A60-060-010 0E CONN,07P V 9604S-07C CON903 87-009-030-010 0E CONNECTOR 2P PH M CON904 87-A60-061-010 0E CONN,06P V 9604S-06C CON905 87-A60-423-010 0E CONN,14P V TOC-B CON906 87-A60-422-010 0E CONN,8P V TOC-B R405 87-A50-189-080 0E C-COIL,S BLM21B272S MD C.BC100 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C101 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C102 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C103 87-010-787-080 0E CAP, U 0.022-25 C104 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C105 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C106 87-016-462-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 F C107 87-012-195-080 0E C-CAP,U 100P-50CH C108 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C109 87-016-436-080 1B C-CAP,TN 47-4(B2)C111 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C112 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C113 87-012-284-080 0E CAP, U 6800P-50C114 87-010-828-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,U 0.033-25F C115 87-A10-369-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.47-16 K B C116 87-012-282-080 0E CAP, U 4700P-50 C117 87-016-462-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 F C118 87-012-282-080 0E CAP, U 4700P-50 C119 87-016-491-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.22-16 FZ C120 87-010-787-080 0E CAP, U 0.022-25 C121 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C122 87-010-829-080 0E CAP, U 0.047-16 C123 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C124 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C125 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C126 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C201 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C202 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C203 87-010-785-080 0E C-CAP,U0.015-25BK C204 87-016-461-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.47-16F12REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.C205 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C206 87-012-270-080 0E CAP, U 470P-50 C207 87-016-461-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.47-16F C208 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C209 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C210 87-012-172-080 0E CAPACITOR CHIP U 10P CH C211 87-012-172-080 0E CAPACITOR CHIP U 10P CH C212 87-012-195-080 0E C-CAP,U 100P-50CH C213 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3C214 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C217 87-012-188-080 0E C-CAP,U 47P-50 CHC218 87-012-172-080 0E CAPACITOR CHIP U 10P CH C219 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C220 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C221 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C222 87-016-444-080 1B C-CAP,TN 47-10 F95E C223 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16FC224 87-A10-685-080 0E C-CAP,S 470P-100 J CH C225 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C226 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C227 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C228 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C229 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C232 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C233 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C236 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C300 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C301 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C302 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C305 87-016-462-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 F C307 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C308 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C311 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C312 87-012-195-080 0E C-CAP,U 100P-50CH C321 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C322 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C323 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C324 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C325 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C400 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C401 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C402 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C403 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C404 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C405 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C406 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C407 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C408 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C411 87-012-271-080 0E CAP, U 560P-50 C412 87-012-271-080 0E CAP, U 560P-50 C413 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C414 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C417 87-012-268-080 0E C-CAP,U 330P-50 B C418 87-012-268-080 0E C-CAP,U 330P-50 B C423 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C424 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C429 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C430 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C431 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C434 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C501 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C502 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C503 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C504 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C505 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C506 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C507 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C508 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C509 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C510 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16FC511 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C513 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C514 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C515 87-012-337-080 0E C-CAP,U 56P-50 CH C516 87-012-337-080 0E C-CAP,U 56P-50 CH C517 87-012-278-080 0E C-CAP,U 2200P-50 B C518 87-012-278-080 0E C-CAP,U 2200P-50 B C519 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C520 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C521 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C522 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C523 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C524 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3C525 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C526 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C527 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C528 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C530 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C531 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C600 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C601 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C602 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C603 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C604 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C605 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C607 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C608 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F CN400 87-A60-027-080 1B C-CONN,8P H WHTCN401 87-A60-062-010 0E CONN,05P V 9604S-05C FB501 87-A90-828-080 0E C-F-BEAD, BK1608LM182 L100 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L101 87-A50-012-080 0E C-COIL,100UH LQH3C L102 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L103 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L201 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L202 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L203 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L301 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L501 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L502 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L503 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L504 87-005-774-080 0E C-COIL,4BLH L505 87-005-774-080 0E C-COIL,4BLHL611 87-A50-163-080 1A C-COIL,ZBFS5101-PT L612 87-005-512-080 0E C-COIL,BLM21A05 L613 87-005-512-080 0E C-COIL,BLM21A05 L614 87-A50-163-080 1A C-COIL,ZBFS5101-PT L615 87-A90-034-080 1A C-FLTR,EMI BLM41P750 L616 87-A50-163-080 1A C-COIL,ZBFS5101-PT R423 87-025-564-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 47K D R424 87-025-564-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 47K D R425 87-022-583-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 12K D R426 87-022-583-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 12K D LOAD C.BM450 87-A90-672-010 1D MOT,M25E-4SW451 87-A90-673-010 0E SW,MICRO ESE11SH1C SW452 87-A90-117-010 1A SW,PUSH 1-1-1 MPU103MECHA C.BSW400 87-A90-611-010 1B SW,PUSH 3-2-2 MPU20300MLB0 SW401 87-A90-612-010 1A SW,PUSH 2-1-1 MPU10371MLB1HEAD FLEX C.BPH S6-201-070-260 2P P,HEAD P-5044BD-24F SW9 S6-403-020-040 1C SLIDE SWITCH R663167WIRING-6 (PT)38TEST MODE < CD >39TEST MODE < MD >401234567841ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTR.P.E HEAD42PRACTICAL SERVICE FIGURE⁄⁄⁄⁄3333⁄⁄⁄⁄3333IC, LC876564VIC DESCRIPTION1MNT0O 2MNT1O 3MNT2O 4MNT3O 5SWDT I 6SCLK I 7XLAT I 8SRDT O 9SENS O 10XRST I 11SQSY O 12DQSY O 13RECP I 14XINT O 15TX I 16OSCI I 17OSCO O 18XTSL I 19NC —20DV SS —21DIN I 22DOUT O 23ADDT I 24DADT O 25LRCK O 26XBCK O 27FS256O 28DV DD —29A03O 30A02O 31A01O 32A00O 33A10O 34A04O 35A05O 36A06O 37A07O 38A08OIC, CXD2652AR39A11O 40DV SS —41XOE O 42XCAS O 43A09O 44XRAS O 45XWE O 46D1I/O 47D0I/O 48D2I/O 49D3I/O 50MVCI I 51ASYO O 52ASYI I 53AV DD —54BIAS I 55RFI I 56AVss —57PDO O 58PCO O 59FILI I 60FILO O 61CLTV I 62PEAK I 63BOTM I 64ABCD I 65FE I 66AUX1I 67VC I 68ADIO O 69AV DD —70ADRT I 71ADRB I 72AV SS —73SE I 74TE I 75AUX2I 76DCHG I 77APC I 78ADFGII/O79F0CNT O 80XLRF O 81CKRF O 82DTRF O 83APCREF O 84LDDR O 85TRDR O 86TFDR O 87DV DD —88FFDR O 89FRDR O 90FS4O 91SRDR O 92SFDR O 93SPRD O 94SPFD O 95FGIN I 96TEST1I 97TEST2I 98TEST3I 99DV SS —100EFMOOI/OIC, CXP81952IC BLOCK DIAGRAM IC, CXA2523ARIC, BD7910FV3TADJEQADJ VREF FOCNT XSTBY VCC XLATSCLK SWDTTEMP R TEMP 1GNDPEAK RF RF AGC AGC I COMPO COMPP ADDC OPO OPN RFO MORFI MORFO IJABCDEFP DA P CA P C R E FV CB O T MA B C DA D F GA D A G CA D I NA D F MW B L A D JC S L E DF EA U XS ET EIC, BA5970FPIC, TA2040APIC, AK4519VFIC, M62439SPIC, LC72131DIC, BA6417FIC, LA1837NLIC, MM1454XFBERIN PNR B/Q DET QF6ROUT LOUT GNDFL (11-BT-172GNK) GRID ASSIGNMENT/ANODE CONNECTIONDESCRIPTIONBasic color symbol Color Basic color symbol Color Basic color symbol ColorB BlackC CreamD OrangeG Green H Gray L BlueLT Transparent Blue N Gold P PinkR Red S Silver ST Titan SilverT Brown V Violet W WhiteWT Transparent White Y Yellow YT Transparent Yellow LM Metallic Blue LL Light Blue GT Transparent Green LD Dark Blue DT Transparent OrangeCOLOR NAME TABLE2 8Z-NB9-006-010 1B BOX,CASS 1<220SM,235STM>2 8Z-NB9-036-010 1B BOX,CASS 1 H235<236SM>2 8Z-NB9-042-010 1B BOX,CASS 1 H238<238SM>3 82-NF7-218-010 0E SPR-T,CASS4 8Z-NB9-012-010 1B WINDOW,CASS 2 D5 8Z-NB9-007-010 1B BOX,CASS 2<220SM,235STM>5 8Z-NB9-037-010 1B BOX,CASS 2 H235<236SM>5 8Z-NB9-043-010 1B BOX,CASS 2 H238<238SM>6 8Z-NB9-009-010 1F PANEL,MD7 87-NBG-207-010 0E SPR-T,FLAP NBG8 8Z-NB9-010-010 0E PLATE,FLAP9 8Z-NB9-013-010 1C WINDOW,DISPLAY D10 82-NE6-067-010 0E BADGE,AIWA 30N11 8Z-NB9-008-010 1B PANEL,TRAY<220SM,235STM>11 8Z-NB9-038-010 1B PANEL,TRAY H235<236SM>11 8Z-NB9-044-010 1B PANEL,TRAY H238<238SM>12 8Z-NB9-032-010 1A KNOB,RTRY JOG13 8Z-NB9-030-010 0E REFLECTOR,MD14 81-532-080-010 1A LABEL, CASS. COMPT15 8Z-NB9-031-010 1A KNOB,RTRY VOL16 8Z-NB9-024-010 1B KEY,MD ENTER17 8Z-NB9-025-010 1A KEY,MD REC18 8Z-NB9-023-010 1B KEY,CD19 8Z-NB9-021-010 1B KEY,POWER20 8Z-NB9-026-010 1A KEY,MD EJECT21 8Z-NB9-022-010 1A KEY,T-BASS22 86-NFZ-231-010 1A DMPR,7023 8Z-NB9-028-010 1B KEY,CASS 1<220SM,235STM>23 8Z-NB9-039-010 1B KEY,CASS 1 H235<236SM>23 8Z-NB9-045-010 1B KEY,CASS 1 H238<238SM>24 8Z-NB9-040-010 1A KEY,CASS 2 H235<236SM>24 8Z-NB9-046-010 1A KEY,CASS 2 H238<238SM>24 8Z-NB9-034-010 1A KEY,CASS 2 REV<220SM,235STM>25 8Z-NB9-001-010 2A CABI,FR D<220SM>25 8Z-NB9-047-010 2A CABI,FR H236<235STM>25 8Z-NB9-041-010 2A CABI,FR H238<238SM>26 88-SU1-201-110 1A GUIDE,FL27 88-913-271-110 1A FF-CABLE, 13P 1.2528 88-907-251-110 1A FF-CABLE, 7P 1.2529 8Z-NB9-017-010 1C PANEL,LEFT V-230 8Z-NFA-005-110 1C PANEL,TOP31 88-906-171-110 0E FF-CABLE,6P 1.2532 87-NB7-615-010 1A CONN ASSY,2P SHIELDPH/PH32 83-NE2-618-110 1B F-CABEL,5P-2.533 88-912-151-110 1A FF-CABLE, 12P 1.2534 87-NF4-221-010 0E HLDR,CABLE35 8Z-NB8-240-010 0E COVER, PL36 8Z-NB9-018-010 1C PANEL,RIGHT V-237 87-085-184-010 0E BUSHING, AC CORD (D)! 38 87-050-098-010 1B AC CODE ASSY,D39 8Z-NB9-052-010 1D CABI,REAR SM<220SM>39 8Z-NB9-056-010 1D CABI,REAR SM H236<235STM>39 8Z-NB9-057-010 1D CABI,REAR SM H238<238SM>39 8Z-NB9-055-010 1D CABI,REAR STM H235<236SM>40 84-ZG1-245-210 0E CAP,OPTICALA 87-067-703-010 0E TAPPING SCREW, BVT2+3-10B 87-NF4-224-010 0E S-SCREW,IT3B+3-8 CUC 87-067-688-010 0E BVTT+3-6D 87-723-096-410 0E QT2+3-10W/O SLOT BLE 87-078-191-010 0E S-SCREW IT+4-10F 87-721-097-410 0E QT2+3-12 GLD。



Table of contentsX70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 2Introduction .............................................................................................................3Identification ...........................................................................................................4Required Tools ........................................................................................................5Typical Cross section of Motor ..............................................................................6Exploded View ........................................................................................................8Disassembly ............................................................................................................9Appendix A ............................................................................................................12Appendix B ............................................................................................................14Inspection, Repair & Part Replacement .............................................................16Reassembly ...........................................................................................................17Assembly Torque Values ......................................................................................20Start-Up Procedure ...............................................................................................21Testing .. (21)IntroductionThis manual provides service information for the Eaton Model X70 Plug-In 2 Speed axial piston motor. Step by step instructions for the complete disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of the motor are given. The following recommendations should be followed to insure successful repairs.• Remove the motor from the vehicle.• Cleanliness is extremely important.• Clean the port areas thoroughly before disconnecting the hydraulic lines.• Plug the motor ports and cover the open hydraulic lines immediately after they’re disconnected.• Drain the oil and clean the exterior of the motor before making repairs.• Wash all metal parts in clean solvent.• Use compressed air to dry the parts. Do not wipe them dry with paper towels or cloth.• The compressed air should be filtered and moisture free. • Always use new seals / gaskets when reassembling hydraulic motors.• For replacement parts and ordering information refer to parts list.• Lubricate the new rubber seals with a petroleum jelly (Vaseline) before installation.• Torque all bolts over gasket joints, then repeat the torqueing sequence to make-up for gasket compression. • Verifying the accuracy of motor repairs on an authorizedtest stand is essential.3X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 4X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 Unit IdentificationIdentification numbersSerial Number Code5X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 Required Tools• 5/16 in. Hex Key (Allen)• ¼ in. Hex Key (Allen)• 3/16 in. Hex key (Allen)• Ball peen hammer • O-ring Pick• Soft face hammer • Arbor Press •Seal Driver• 9/16 in. Socket • Torque Wrench• Flat tip screw driver • Light Petroleum jelly• External retaining ring Pliers (Straight, tip size = 0.030)• External retaining ring Pliers (Flat tip)•Motor mounting FixtureSpecial tools•Swash plate retainer6X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 Typical Cross section of Motor (Cutaway)7X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 Typical Cross section of Motor (Side View)8X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUALE-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 Exploded View DrawingPart List:Item No.DescriptionQty1Housing 12Dowel pin 23Swash bearing 24Swash plate 15Drive shaft16Internal retaining ring-shaft seal 17Shaft seal adapter 18Seal19O-ring, shaft seal adapter 110Cylindrical roller bearing, housing 111Retaining ring, external 112Rotating kit S/A1Item No.DescriptionQty13End Cover S/A 114Dowel pin 215Valve plate 116Gasket117Bolts, end cover (2 in long)218Bolts, end cover (2.25 in long)219Plug Assembly 120Control piston 121Piston Ring 122Bias Spring 123Connector pin 124External Retaining ring29X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 Disassembly•Before attempting to disassemble, clean the motor exterior. Dispose of leakage oil and oily cloths in anenvironmentally responsible manner. All parts within the unit must be kept clean during the overhaul process.•Handle each part with great care, marking as necessary to ensure proper reassembly. The close tolerance of the parts makes this requirement very important. Clean all parts that are removed from the unit with a commercial solvent that is compatible with the system fluid.Compressed air may be used in the cleaning process. However, it must be filtered to remove water and other contamination.1. Position the motor into a motor mounting fixture, clamping onto the outer portion of the front flange, with the rear section up. Mark the relationship of the working ports (for reassembly identification). Remove the four cap screws retaining the end cover sub assembly.otee:N The valve plate may stick to end cover. Use caution sovalve plate does not fall off.2. Lift end cover straight up off shaft and housing. Remove valve plate from end cover or from rotating kit assembly,still in housing.3.Remove gasket from housing or end cover.10X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 4. Install the swash plate retainer tool and tight the cap screw to housing. This will prevent the swash plate fall out or moving while removing Rotating kit assembly. Note:- Make sure that the swash plate retaining tool is touching the forged surface & not damaging the shoerunning face.5. To remove rotating kit assembly, tilt the motor mounting fixture 90° as shown in picture. Remove rotating kitassembly by hand, keep that on table aside.6. Refer to Appendix A for disassembly and Inspection of rotating kit.7. Rotate back the motor mounting fixture to normal position, remove swash retainer tool & removeswashplate subassembly from housing and control pistonfrom swashplate, if needed.8.Remove Dowel pins from housing.9. Remove the motor housing from motor mounting fixture, rotate it 180° and keep it on fixture.otee:N Note:- Cradle bearing may stick to the housing. Usecaution while rotating it. Cradle bearing may fall off.10. Use flat tip screw driver to remove internalretaining ring.11. Use M4 bolt to screw it to the holes provided on theshaft seal adapter and pull the adapter assembly out ofhousing.12.Pull the shaft subassembly out of motor housing.Appendix ARotating Kit AssemblyPart ListSr. No Part Name Qty1Pin Keeper12Loading pin33Piston Assy94Spider15Piston Block16Spider Pivot17Washer28Retaining Ring19Spring110Wave Washer1Disassembly – Rotating Kit AssemblyDisassembly of rotating assembly is required for inspection only.1. Remove the nine piston assemblies, shoe retainer, and shoe retainer pivot from cylinder barrel. The piston block assembly doesn’t need to be disassembled unless the internal pins or spring are damaged. Note:- Wave washer should be replaced once the Rotating Kit is disassembled.2. To remove spring, place one of the flat washers over the 3/8 in. x 3-1/4 in. cap screw. Put cap screw through the center of the cylinder barrel and apply the second washer. Let washer rest on the three pins and retain with nut. Turning nut and compressing spring inside the barrel. Use a pair of retaining ring pliers and remove the internal retaining ring. Remove nut, bolt, and the two washers from barrel. Remove the washer, spring, second washer, three pins, and pin keeper at the same time.Inspection•Inspect cylinder block face for wear, scratches, and/or erosion. If cylinder block condition is questionable, replace the entire rotating group.•Check each cylinder block bore for excessive wear. Use the piston and shoe S/A for this purpose. The pistons should be a very close fit and slide in and out of thecylinder block bores. NO BINDING CAN BE TOLERATED. If binding occurs, clean the cylinder block and pistons. Lubricate the cylinder block bores with clean fluid and try again. Even minor contamination of the fluid may cause a piston to freeze up in a cylinder bore.•Inspect each of the nine piston and shoe subassemblies for a maximum end play of 0.005 inch between thepiston and shoe. Also check the face dimension of each shoe. The face dimension must be within 0.001 inch.•Inspect spider and spider pivot for wear and/or scratches. If condition is questionable, replace entire rotating group.Inspection•This dimension must be maintained in all nine shoeswithin 0.001 inch.Shoe face rides on swash plate. Shoe must swivel smoothlyon ball. End play must not exceed 0.005 inch.Reassembly – Rotating Kit AssemblyTo reassemble the rotating kit assembly complete the following steps:1. Compress the pin keeper and install in the spline of the cylinder barrel. Install the three pins with head end to the inside of the barrel and position in the special grooves of the cylinder barrel spline.2. Install the washer, spring, and second washer into the cylinder barrel. Use the two 3/8 in. I.D. washers, nut, and 3/8 in. x 3-1/4 in. cap screw to compress the spring and retain with retaining ring. Remove the nut, cap screw, and the two washers.3. Install the pivot and wave washer onto the three pins, shoe retainer on the pivot, and piston assemblies thru the shoe retainer and into cylinder barrel, resting on shoe retainer.Appendix BEnd Cover with loop flushing valvePart ListSr. No Part Name Qty1Back plate12Needle Bearing13Pin, Roll14Piston, Shuttle15Poppet26Cylindrical Compression Spring27Sleeve, Dash Pot28Plug Assy29Poppet110Spring, Lift, Check111Plug Assy1Disassembly – End cover subassembly• Remove plug (8) and sleeve (7) from both the side.• Remove spring (6) and poppet (5) from end cover.• Remove sleeve form one side.• Remove plug (11) from the bottom of end cover.otee:N Spring (10) & poppet (9) may fall down.• Removal of needle bearing (2) and dowel pin (3) is not required.Inspection• Inspect the shuttle, poppet and spring for cut, wear and scoring. Replace it if found damages.Reassembly – End cover subassembly• Install shuttle (4) from one side and hold it from other side, install poppet (5) spring (6) & sleeve (7) and tight the plug.• Install poppet (5) spring (6) & sleeve (7) from other side and tight the plug.• Install poppet (9) & spring (10) form bottom and tight the plug.Inspection, repair & Part replacementEnd cover and associate parts:•Inspect end cover for erosion, cracks, and burrs. Clean up minor burrs with an India stone. If erosion or cracks are found, replace the end cover.•Check the bearing (press fit) in end cover. If needles remain in cage, move freely, and setting is at the dimension shown in figure 28, removal not required.• Check roll pin in end cover. If tight and set to the dimension shown in figure 28, removal not required.•Inspect roller bearing and bearing race for nicks and pitting. Make sure the roller bearing turns freely within the bearing race. If the roller bearing needs replacement, both the roller bearing and the bearing race mustbe replaced.•Inspect valve plate for erosion, excessive wear, heavy scratches, and cracks. If any of the above conditions are found, replace the valve plate.Swashplate Parts:•The finish on the piston shoe surfaces of the swashplate should show no signs of scoring. Check the swashplate hubs and bearing surfaces for wear and cracks and surface for coating transfer from shoes. Replace if defective.• Inspect cradle bearing surfaces for wear, pitting, and smooth operation. Replace if necessary.•Inspect control piston for burrs, scratches and cracks. Clean up minor scratches with 500 grit paper. Remove burrs with an India stone. The control piston should move freely in the bore of end cover.• Inspect the control piston ring for any cuts, wear & scoring. Replace the piston ring if found damage.• Use flat tip screw driver for removal of piston ring.•For installation of piston ring follow the sequence shown in figure 29 & 30.otee:Npiston ring can be install easily if it is greased or oiled.•Once the piston ring is assembled on the piston, pass it through the end cover bore for 3 to 4 times for setting the piston ring.Shaft/housing parts:•Inspect drive shaft for wear, stripped splines, and burrs. Remove burrs with an India stone. Replace the drive shaft if wear or scoring is greater than 0.005 T.I.R. (total indicator reading).•Inspect drive shaft bearing for roughness, pitting of rollers, and excessive end play. Replace, if defective. If the bearing needs to be replaced, remove retaining ring (part no 11) and replace the outer cone and rollers as shown below. If inner cone has scoring or pitting entireshaft sub assembly has to be replaced.•Inspect housing mounting flange for nicks and burrs. Remove minor nicks and burrs with an India stone. Also check the housing for damaged or stripped threads. If any thread is damaged, replace the housing.•Check remaining motor parts for excessive wear,damaged threads, burrs, cracks and erosion. Replace any part that is in questionable condition.Reassembly• All parts should be cleaned and critical moving parts lubricated before reassembly.• Refer to Appendix A for reassembly of rotating kit assembly.•Keep the motor housing on motor mounting fixture. Andinstall shaft subassembly from the front of the housing.•Install the new shaft seal in to the adapter with the help of arbor press.otee:N The diameter of the press tool should not be lessthan that of shaft seal outer diameter.•Install shaft seal adapter subassembly with the help of arbor press. Change the O-ring of shaft seal adapter subassembly.otee:N Inspect the O-ring for any cuts after pressinginto housing.•Open the spiral retaining ring & insert one tip in housing groove & simultaneously push and rotate it inside thehousing groove.•Once the shaft assembly is installed, rotate the motor as flange face downward and keep it on motor mounting fixture. Install cradle bearing.otee:N The cradle bearings are asymmetric by design. Observe the orientation & assembly. The longer sidetowards the control piston side as shown in figure.•Insert the bias spring into the piston subassembly and connect it to swash plate by passing a connecting pin through eye of swash plate & piston. Secure both ends of connector pin by attaching external retainingrings as shown.•Install this swash plate assembly into the motor and bolt the swash retainer tool to the motor housing. Coatbushing surface with hydraulic oil before installation.• Refer to Appendix A for reassembly of rotating kit subassembly.•To install rotating kit assembly, rotate motor mounting fixture 90°, place rotating kit assembly over shaft and into housing until pistons are in against swashplate. Make sure all parts are in housing completely and properly positioned. Return the motor mounting fixture to the original position.•Install dowel pins and gasket onto the motor housing.•Lightly coat the back plate side of the valve plate with petroleum jelly for retention during assembly. Install the valve plate over the small slot on the outside of the valveplate with the dowel pin in the back plate.•Install end cover assembly onto housing assembly. Make sure ports are positioned correctly, valve plate and gasketstay in place. Tight four cap screws.•Refer start-up procedure before starting the motor.Assembly Torque ValueStart-Up ProcedureWhen initially starting a new or a rebuilt transmission system, it is extremely important that the start-up procedure be followed. It prevents the chance of damaging the unit which might occur if the system was not properly purged of air before start-up.1. After the transmission components have been properlyinstalled, fill the motor housing at least half with filtered system oil. Connect all hydraulic lines and check to besure they are tight.2. Install and adjust all control linkage.3. Fill the reservoir with approved oil that has been filteredthrough a 10 micron filter. Refer to Eaton HydraulicsTechnical Data sheet number 3-401 titled Hydraulic Fluid Recommendations.4. Gasoline or L.P. engines: remove the coil wire and turnthe engine over for 15 seconds. Diesel engines: shut off the fuel flow to the injectors and turn the engine over for15 seconds.5. Replace the coil wire or return the fuel flow to theinjectors. Place the transmission unit in the neutralposition, start the engine and run it at a low idle. Thecharge pump should immediately pick up oil and fill the system. If there is no indication of fill in 30 seconds, stop engine and determine the cause.6. After the system starts to show signs of fill, slowlymove pump Swashplate to a slight cam angle. Continue to operate system slowly with no load on motors untilsystem responds fully.7. Give supply to the control port of the motor to see if themotor responds to the signal.8. Remove the control port pressure and observe if themotor comes to original speed/displacements.9. If not, troubleshoot the motor as per Eaton repair manual10. Check fluid level in the reservoir and refill if necessary tothe proper level with approved filtered oil.11. Check all line connections for leaks and tighten ifnecessary.12. The machine is now ready to be put into operation.13. Frequent filter changes are recommended for thefirst two changes after placing the machine back intooperation. Change the first filter in 3-5 hours and thesecond at approximately 50 hours approx. hours.Routinely scheduled filter changes are recommended for maximum life of the hydraulic system.TestingPerform functional test on motor according to Eaton test procedure.21X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 22X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 23 X70 PLUG-IN MOTOR REPAIR MANUAL E-MOPI-RR009-E—March 2019 Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2018 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Document No. E-MOPI-RR009-E March 2019。



FOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONL YFOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONL Y32FOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONL YT ech SheetDo not discardFOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONLYPRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED BEFORE AND DURING SERVICING TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGYa. Do not operate or allow the oven to be operated with the dooropen.b. Make the following safety checks on all ovens to be servicedbefore activating the magnetron or other microwave source, and make repairs as necessary:1. Interlock Operation 2. Proper Door Closing3. Seal and Sealing Surfaces (Arcing, Wear and Other Damage)4. Damage to or Loosening of Hinges and Latches5. Evidence of Dropping or Abusec. Before turning on microwave power for any service test orinspection within the microwave generating compartments, check the magnetron, wave guide or transmission line, and cavity for proper alignment, integrity and connections.d. Any defective or misadjusted components in the interlock,monitor, door seal, and microwave generation and transmission systems shall be repaired, replaced, or adjusted by procedures described in this manual before the oven is released to the owner.e. A microwave leakage check to verify compliance with the FederalPerformance Standard should be performed on each oven prior to release to the owner.f. Do not attempt to operate the oven if the door glass is broken.FAILURE CODE INDICA TIONSNOTE: Many of the problems listed in the chart below may be solved by power cycling: Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power. After 1 minute, plug in microwave oven or reconnect power.DisplayLikely Failure Condition Recommended Repair ProcedureFlashing colon “:”Power failure After a power failure, the colon “:” will be flashing. Press any key to end this indication. The colon will then be steady when in Standby mode.F2E1Touch panel failure1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnectpower.2. Replace touch panel.3. Replace all parts and panels beforeoperating.4. Plug in microwave oven or reconnectpower.5. If problem persists, refer to “ACU PinVoltage Matrix.”F1E4MW relay1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Check wiring to Relay 4903.3. Check to see if the relay (4903 on ACU)contact has welded closed. 4. Replace all parts and panels beforeoperating.5. Plug in microwave oven or reconnectpower.6. If problem persists, refer to “ACU PinVoltage Matrix” to check EP1-2 (Door), EP1-1 (N), and EP1-4 (L).PRIMARY , SECONDARY , MONITOR AND DOOR INTERLOCK SWITCH CHECKOUT PROCEDURESIMPORTANT: Before checking the interlock switches, unplug microwave oven or disconnect power. Be sure to disconnect all of the wires at the switch being tested before making any continuity readings.NOTE: The Secondary interlock switch, Monitor interlock switch, Primary interlock switch and Door interlock switch are mounted in the door lockswitch cradle. All the interlock switches can be identified by the wire colors that are connected to the terminals of the switches. See the chart below for wire color designation.SwitchCheck ByDoor OpenDoor ClosedPrimary Interlock1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Disconnect the wires at the Primary interlock switch.3. Check from the common terminal (black/brown wires) to the normally open terminal(black/white wires).4. Reconnect wires to switch.-+Monitor Interlock 1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Disconnect the wires at the Monitor interlock switch.3. Check from the common terminal (white wire) to the normally closed terminal(blue/white wires).4. Reconnect wires to switch.+-Secondary Interlock 1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Disconnect the wires at the Secondary interlock switch.3. Check from the common terminal (white/blue wires) to the normally open terminal(blue/blue wires).4. Reconnect wires to switch.-+Door Interlock1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Disconnect the wires at the Door interlock switch.3. Check from the common terminal (blue wire) to the normally closed terminal(orange wire).4. Reconnect wires to switch.+-(+) Continuity (-) No Continuity NOTES:■These diagrams are not intended to show a complete circuit; they represent the position of switches during “DOOR OPEN” or “DOOR CLOSED” (continuity checks only).■Interlock and monitor switches cannot be adjusted and all these switches should be replaced if any one of them is found to be defective. After replacing interlock/monitor switches, reconnect wires to switch and check for continuity. Safety interlocks and monitor switches will actuate within 2 mm.NOT HEA TING TROUBLESHOOTING INSTRUCTIONIMPORTANT: High voltage is present at the magnetron and H.V .capacitor terminals. Avoid direct contact when power is connected to these components to avoid serious injury or possible death. Always be sure that the high-voltage capacitor is discharged before accessing any of these components.For a no-heat condition, refer to the following step-by-step instructions:1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Discharge the high-voltage capacitor.3. Disconnect the high-voltage transformer primary windings.4. Attach the voltmeter leads to the high-voltage transformer primaryinput wires.5. Plug in microwave oven or reconnect power.6. Close door and program the microwave oven to operate for30 seconds.7. Press START.8. Check the input voltage at the high-voltage transformer primaryinput wires. If the voltage is not close to the rating voltage 120 +/-15 VAC, unplug microwave oven or disconnect power. Check the circuitry as follows:■Measure resistance of the fuse, microswitches, and thermostats. Replace any failed components (refer to the wiring diagram).■Check for loose terminals (refer to the wiring diagram). Check all of the terminals on the main route from the power supply to the high-voltage transformer.■Check for loose or failed connectors on the ACU (EP1, EP2). If these check out OK, plug in microwave oven or reconnect power.■Check for ACU failure. Refer to “ACU Pin Voltage Matrix.”9. If the input voltage at the high-voltage transformer primary inputwires is close to the rating voltage 120 +/-15 VAC, unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.10. Check the power supply components. Refer to “Component Tests.”■High-voltage transformer ■High-voltage capacitor■High-voltage diode11. If the power supply components check out OK, check theconnection between the magnetron and the high-voltage transformer.12. If all of the components check out OK, replace the magnetron.13. Reconnect the high-voltage transformer primary windings.ACU PIN VOL T AGE MA TRIXCheck for proper voltage by completing the following steps:1. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Connect voltage measurement equipment to the terminallisted below (EP1-1 is neutral). 3. Plug in microwave oven or reconnect power and confirmvoltage reading.4. Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.NOTE: For 50 V and over, the tolerance is +/-15 V . For 0 V , the tolerance is +/-3 V .AbbreviationsHL - Hood Light N - Neutral CL - Cavity Light HF - Hood Fan L - Line Voltage TT - Turntable MotorNOTE: When checking voltage readings on ACU, connect the neutral test lead of voltmeter to connector EP1-1. Use the positive test lead to probe connectors designated below.MW Oven Plugged In—Sitting Idle—ACV Readings MW Oven Running—ACVReadingsPin NameWire Color Power On, Door Closed Power On, Door Open Hood Fan Motor— High Hood Fan Motor— Medium Hood Light— High Hood Light—Low MicrowaveOven Start EP1-1 (N)Green 0000000EP1-2 (Door)Orange 01200/120*0/120*0/120*0/120*120EP1-3 (TT/CL)Red/Gray 01200000120EP1-4 (L)Brown 120120120120120120120EP2-1 (HF-HI)Black 00120130013EP2-2 (HF-LO)White 001312000120EP2-3 (HL)Yellow12066*Door Closed/OpenCONNECTORS ON ACUEP23 2 121P41 2EP14 3 2 1. . . . . Relay ACUNOTE: There are purposely empty terminals between each of thenumbered terminals on EP1 and EP2 connectors.W11279378B Door Closed L(NC)(NO)PrimaryInterlock Switch(NO)(NC)Monitor Interlock Switch (NO)EP1-2NP3-4(NC)(NO)P3-2Secondary Interlock SwitchDoor Interlock SwitchDoor OpenL(NC)(NO)Primary Interlock Switch(NO)(NC)Monitor Interlock Switch(NO)EP1-2NP3-4(NC)(NO)P3-2Secondary Interlock SwitchDoor Interlock Switch(NC)(NC)FOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONL YFOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONL YFOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONL Y4508/20FOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN’S USE ONLYW11279378B©2020 All rights reserved.POWER OUTPUT MEASUREMENTThe power output of the magnetron can be measured using the following “Voltage Measurement” and “Output Test”. Before you perform the test:■Make sure that the oven cavity is cool and clean.■Check the line voltage at the wall outlet while microwave oven is operating. See “Voltage Measurement at Power Source”.T ools Needed■2-cup measuring cup ■Thermometer■Voltmeter/ohmmeterVoltage Measurement at Power Source1. Fill the measuring cup with 2 cups (500 mL) of tap water.2. Place in the center of the microwave oven cavity.3. Operate the microwave oven on high power for 1 minute.4.While the microwave oven is operating, measure the line voltage at the power source. See “Measure Voltage” illustration.5. Verify the voltage is constant during microwave oven operation. Ifvoltage drops below 108 V , contact a qualified electrician to check your electrical supply.6. Make note of the voltage while the microwave oven is running andproceed to the output test.Measure VoltageA. House power supply wall outletB. Voltmeter/ohmmeter test leadsC. Microwave oven plugA Output T est1. Fill the measuring cup with 2 cups (500 mL) of 70ºF (21ºC) tap water.2. Stir the water with the thermometer to ensure uniform temperature.Add warm or cool water to bring the water to the correct temperature.3. Place the measuring cup in the center of the microwave oven cavity.4. Operate the microwave oven on high power for 1 minute.5. Remove the measuring cup and stir the water with the thermometerfor about 20 seconds.6. Record the temperature of the water.7. Refer to the model serial tag on the microwave oven to acquirewattage output rating of the microwave oven.8. Using the following chart, determine if the output of the microwaveoven is within the range listed based on the line voltage and wattage rating of the microwave oven.Water Temperature for Line Voltage and Wattage Rating Voltage 700 W 1000 W 1200 W 120 V 96ºF to 102ºF (36ºC to 39ºC)110ºF to 116ºF (43ºC to 47ºC)124ºF to 130ºF (51ºC to 54ºC)108 V91ºF to 97ºF (33ºC to 36ºC)101ºF to 107ºF (38ºC to 42ºC)111ºF to 117ºF (44ºC to 47ºC)COMPONENT TESTSIMPORTANT:■Unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.■Discharge the high-voltage capacitor and remove the lead wires from the primary winding of the high-voltage transformer before conducting any of the following tests.■Remove the lead wires from the related component before conducting any of the following tests.■All operational checks using microwave energy must be done with the microwave oven loaded with a minimum of 8 oz (250 mL) of water in a microwave-safe container.■Conduct a microwave energy test after performing any tests or repairs to the microwave oven.■Check that all wire leads are in the correct positions before operating the microwave oven.■Grasp wire connectors when removing the wire leads from microwave oven parts.■All testing must be done with an ohmmeter having a sensitivity of 20,000 ohms per volt DC or greater and powered by at least a 9 V battery.Components Test/ResultsH.V . Transformer1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■Primary winding: Less than0.5 ohm (approximate)■Secondary winding: 80 ohms(approximate)■Filament winding: 0 ohms■Primary winding to grounding:Normal: Infinite■Filament winding togrounding: Normal: InfinitePrimaryFilament(orange/red wires)Secondary (white wire - ground to transformer case)Components Test/ResultsMagnetron1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■Filament terminal: Normal:Less than 1 ohm■Filament to chassis: Normal:InfiniteComponents Test/ResultsH.V . Capacitor1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■Terminal to terminal: Normal:Momentarily indicates several ohms, gradually returns to Infinite■Terminal to case: Normal:Infinite H.V . DiodeNOTE: Some inexpensive meters may indicate infinite resistance in both directions.1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■Forward: Normal: Continuity ■Reverse: Normal: Infinite Turntable Motor1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■Normal: 2.7k to 3.8k ohms(approximate)Motor Capacitor1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■Normal: Momentarily 0 ohms,then goes to InfiniteComponentsTest/ResultsHood Exhaust Fan Motor1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■High Speed—Normal: Red (R)and Blue (BU) wires:100 to 200 ohms (approximate); Blue (BU) and Black (BK) wires: 40 to 100 ohms (approximate) ■Low Speed—Normal: Red (R)and Blue (BU) wires:100 to 200 ohms (approximate); Blue (BU) and White (W) wires:80 to 150 ohms (approximate)HF NTC Thermistor1. If “NTC SHORT, CALL FORSERVICE” or “NTC OPEN, CALL FOR SERVICE” scrolls on display, unplug microwave oven or disconnect power.2. Measure HF NTC thermistor:■Normal: 10k ohms +/-5% at77ºF (25ºC)AC Line Filter Board1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure resistance:■Normal: L-IN to L-OUT (coil):Less than 1 ohm; N-IN to N-OUT (coil): Less than 1 ohmThermostatsNOTE: Refer to “Parts Layout” foropening and closing temperatures.1. Unplug microwave oven ordisconnect power.2. Remove wire leads.3. Measure continuity:■Normal: ContinuityCavity ThermostatMagnetron ThermostatDwg. No.: MU-145-T (rev. C)Condition: Door Open.Symbol Notes:Wire Color - Black BK EP1-1 Pin No. -1Connector NameBK: Black OR: Orange BU: Blue YL: Yellow RD: Red GN: Green WH: White GY: GrayACU: Printed Circuit Board Assembly EP1*/EP2*/P4/P6: Connectors*There are purposely empty terminals BR: Brown YL/GN:Yellow/Greenbetween each of the numbered terminals on this connector.SCHEMA TIC DIAGRAMTOUCH P ANELT ouch Panel and ACU T estThe microwave hood combination is provided with a self-diagnostic routine that can be accessed through the touch keypad.To initiate this routine:1. Plug in microwave oven or reconnect power, and then press Cancel button to standby (“:”).2. Close door, then press CANCEL - CANCEL - START within 3 seconds.All LED segments will be lit to indicate the Test mode hasbeen entered.NOTE: If the Cancel button is pressed during this diagnostic routine, youwill exit the Test mode.Key Tables for Test Mode Key Name Function Display Buzzer Start -01 1 beep Light -03 1 beep Fan/Vent Fan -04 1 beep Clock -06 1 beep Timer Set/Off -07 1 beep Add 30 Sec -09 1 beep Cook Time -10 1 beep Cook Power -11 1 beep Cook -13 1 beep Reheat -14 1 beep Defrost -15 1 beep Popcorn -181 beep 0LED Grid Check(see notefollowing table)1 beepKey Name FunctionDisplayBuzzer 1Cavity Light and Turntable Motor* ON—Relay 490133 1 beep 2Hood (Cooktop) Light ON (High)—Triac 710434 1 beep 3Microwave Oven ON for 10 Seconds—Relay 490335 1 beep 4HF NTC Thermistor 100-977** 1 beep 5-37 1 beep 6-38 1 beep 7Vent Fan ON (Low Speed) – Relay 490539 1 beep 8Hood (Cooktop) Light ON (Night)—Triac 7104401 beep9Vent Fan ON (High Speed)—Relay 490241 1 beep Cancel Exit Test Mode- 1 beep*Turntable motor does not turn on with cavity light when door is open.**Varies, depending on room temperature.NOTE: Icons (symbols) flash, “8” will flash, and then populate display from right to left.P ARTS LA YOUT (NOT TO SCALE)A. Hood exhaust fan motorB. Motor capacitorC. H.V . capacitorD. MagnetronE. Magnetron thermostat—opens at 257°F (125°C) or 221ºF (105ºC), closes at 185ºF (85ºC)F. Cavity thermostat— non-resettableG. HF NTC thermistorH. H.V . transformerI. H.V. diodeJ. ACUK. Touch panelL. Secondary interlock switch L1. D oor interlock switch M. Monitor interlock switch N. Primary interlock switch O. Light holdersP. Hood (cooktop) light Q.T urntable motor R. Cavity lightS. Main fuse (20 A)T. AC filter board。



BASIC TAPE MECHANISM : TN-591SW-143MD / CD STEREO SYSTEMXR-H220MD XR-H235MD XR-H236MD XR-H238MD S/M Code No. 09-997-413-6N1D D D DSERVICE MANUALD A T ABASIC CD MECHANISM : 4ZG-1 Z3RNSMDJM BASIC MD MECHANISM : ZZG-7 DMMODEL CODE : 8ZNB9-9133(CX-SNH220MD SM)8ZNB9-9293(CX-SNH235MD STM)8ZNB9-9233(CX-SNH236MD SM)8ZNB9-9333(CX-SNH238MD SM)8ZNSK-9237(SX-SNH220 SAN)8ZNSL-9597(SX-SNS115 STAN)8ZNSL-9437(SX-SNS115 SAN)8ZNSK-9437(SX-SNH220 S2N)SYSTEMXR-H220MD CASSIVER CX-SNH220MD SPEAKER SX-SNH220 SAN XR-H235MD CX-SNH235MD XR-H236MD CX-SNH236MD SX-SNS115 SAN XR-H238MDCX-SNH238MDSX-SNH220 S2NSX-SNS115 STANTABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS (3) (4)5 DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................................6-8 ELECTRICAL MAIN PARTS LIST.....................................................................................................9-13 TRANSISTOR ILLUSTRATION (14)BLOCK DIAGRAM-1 (MAIN)...........................................................................................................15, 16 BLOCK DIAGRAM-2 (MD)..............................................................................................................17, 18 WIRING-1 (MAIN)...........................................................................................................................19, 20 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-1 (MAIN)..................................................................................................21, 22 WIRING-2 (FRONT)........................................................................................................................23, 24 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-2 (FRONT)..............................................................................................25, 26 WIRING-3 (MD)...............................................................................................................................27, 28 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-3 (MD).....................................................................................................29, 30 WIRING-4 (INTERFACE)................................................................................................................31, 32 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-4 (INTERFACE)......................................................................................33, 34 WIRING-5 (MECHANISM)..............................................................................................................35, 36 WIRING-6 (PT).. (37)TEST MODE....................................................................................................................................38-41 ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENT/PRACTICAL SERVICE FIGURE.....................................................42-47 IC DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................48-55 IC BLOCK DIAGRAM.......................................................................................................................56-59 FL GRID ASSIGNMENT/ANODE CONNECTION..........................................................................60, 61 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST 1/1.. (62)MECHANICAL EXPLODED VIEW 1/1............................................................................................63, 64 TAPE MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 1/1...................................................................................65, 66 TAPE MECHANISM PARTS LIST 1/1.. (67)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 1/4 (68)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 1/4 (69)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 2/4 (70)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 2/4 (70)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 3/4 (71)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 3/4 (72)MD MECHANISM EXPLODED VIEW 4/4 (73)MD MECHANISM PARTS LIST 4/4 (74)SPEAKER DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (75)SPEAKER PARTS LIST 1/1 (76)ACCESSORIES/PACKAGE LIST (77)2SPECIFICATIONS•••34!!56DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSAAB CCAB78DESCRIPTIONNO.NO.IC87-017-888-080 1A IC,NJM4558MD87-A20-870-010 1A IC,GP1F37R87-A20-971-040 1A C-IC,SN74LV14APW87-A20-707-010 2B C-IC,CXA2523AR87-A20-708-010 2D C-IC,CXD2652AR87-A20-709-040 1H C-IC,BD7910FV87-ZG9-607-010 2M C-IC,CXP81952M-523R87-ZG9-606-040 2M C-IC,MN41V4400SJ-0887-A20-755-080 1B C-IC,AK93C45AF87-A20-710-040 1B C-IC,S-8110AMP87-A20-711-040 1E C-IC,BA5970FP87-A20-712-040 1B C-IC,BA6417F87-A21-110-040 2A C-IC,AK4519VF87-017-853-040 1B IC,NJM2100V87-A20-797-040 1B C-IC,NJU7221U3087-A20-798-040 1B C-IC,NJU7221U3587-A20-714-040 1B C-IC,NJM2370U3387-017-889-010 1A IC,NJM4558LD87-A20-715-010 1C IC,M62439SP87-070-127-110 1C IC,LC72131 D87-A20-716-010 1E IC,TA2040AP87-A20-913-010 1D IC,LA1837NL87-A21-103-040 1E C-IC,MM1454XFBE87-A20-914-010 1B IC,SPS-442-1-F8Z-NB9-601-010 1M C-IC,LC876564V TRANSISTOR89-213-750-010 1A TR,2SB1375 (25W)87-A30-076-080 0E C-TR,2SC3052F87-A30-071-080 0E C-TR,RT1N 144C87-A30-075-080 0E C-TR,2SA1235F87-026-225-080 1A FET,2SJ106GR87-A30-072-080 0E C-TR,RT1P 144C87-A30-074-080 0E C-TR,RT1P 141C87-A30-087-080 0E C-FET,2SK215887-026-423-080 0E C-TR RN230589-115-884-080 0E CHIP -TRANSISTER 2SA1588Y 89-341-164-080 0E CHIP-TRANSISTOR,2SC4116 Y 87-026-412-080 0E C-TR RN130589-213-702-010 1A TR,2SB1370 (1.8W)87-026-610-080 0E TR,KTC3198GR87-A30-196-080 0E TR,2SC4115SRS87-026-609-080 0E TR,KTA1266GR87-026-269-080 0E TR,DTA114ES87-026-219-080 0E TR,DTA144ES (0.3W)87-A30-256-010 1A TR,2SD193387-A30-255-010 1A TR,2SB134287-A30-047-080 0E TR,CSD655E87-A30-091-080 1E FET,2SJ46087-A30-090-080 0E FET,2SK254187-026-218-080 0E TR,DTC144ES (0.2W)87-026-214-080 0E TR,DTA114YS (0.3W)89-305-352-380 0E TR,2SC535(B/C)87-026-210-080 0E CHIP-TR,DTC144EK87-A30-198-080 0E TR,KTC3199GRDIODE87-A40-304-080 0E ZENER,DZ6.2M87-A40-313-080 0E C-DIODE,MC 284087-A40-469-080 0E C-DIODE,HSM2838CTR87-A40-468-080 0E C-DIODE,HSM2836CTR87-A40-299-080 0E ZENER,DZ5.1M87-001-166-080 0E DIODE,1SS30187-A40-412-040 0E C-DIODE,SB05-05CP87-A40-393-090 0E DIODE,1N5402GW(F20)87-A40-336-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ27D T-7287-020-465-080 0E DIODE,1SS133 (110MA)87-A40-345-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ10C87-070-274-080 0E DIODE,1N4003 SEM87-A40-466-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ2.7A87-017-931-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ5.6B87-A40-509-080 0E ZENER,MTZJ6.8C87-A40-270-080 0E C-DIODE,MC283887-A40-269-080 0E C-DIODE,MC2836MAIN C.BC101 87-016-495-090 1B CAP,E 3300-25 SMGC104 87-A10-011-090 2A CAP,E 2200-25 SMGC105 87-018-127-080 0E CAP, CER 470P-50VC106 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25VC107 87-010-384-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-25VC108 87-010-381-080 0E CAP, ELECT 330-16VC111 87-010-247-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-50VC112 87-010-263-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-10VC113 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50VC114 87-010-374-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-10VC115 87-A11-007-080 0E CAP,M 0.047-50 J DEC116 87-A11-007-080 0E CAP,M 0.047-50 J DEC122 87-010-384-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-25VC123 87-010-384-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-25VC124 87-A11-132-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.01-50 K BC130 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC152 87-010-409-080 1A CAP,E 220-50 SMEC207 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC208 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC209 87-018-133-080 0E CAPACITOR,CER 4700P-16V C210 87-018-133-080 0E CAPACITOR,CER 4700P-16V C211 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50VC212 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50VC213 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25VC214 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25VC217 87-A11-008-080 0E CAP,M 0.056-50 J DEC218 87-A11-008-080 0E CAP,M 0.056-50 J DEC219 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC220 87-010-544-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.1-50VC229 87-018-123-080 0E CAP, CER 220P-50VC230 87-018-123-080 0E CAP, CER 220P-50VC235 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC236 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC237 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C301 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC302 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC303 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16VC304 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16VC307 87-010-263-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-10VC308 87-010-263-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-10VC311 87-A10-773-080 0E CAP,M 0.10-50 JC312 87-A10-773-080 0E CAP,M 0.10-50 JC315 87-010-374-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-10VC317 87-010-546-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.33-50VC318 87-010-546-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.33-50VC323 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC325 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC326 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50VC360 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50VC361 87-010-374-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-10VC399 87-018-127-080 0E CAP, CER 470P-50VC401 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50VC402 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50VC403 87-018-118-080 0E CAP,TC-U 82P-50 BC404 87-018-118-080 0E CAP,TC-U 82P-50 BC411 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50VC412 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50VC452 87-010-382-080 0E CAP, ELECT 22-25VC458 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50VC459 87-018-128-080 0E CAP, CERA-SOL SS 560P910REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.C461 87-018-126-080 0E CAP,TC-U 390P-50 B C462 87-018-126-080 0E CAP,TC-U 390P-50 B C601 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C602 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C611 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C612 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C613 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C614 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C615 87-018-104-080 0E CAP,TC-U 10P-50 SL C616 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25V C617 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25V C701 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C702 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C703 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C704 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C705 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C706 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C707 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C708 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C709 87-010-248-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-10V C710 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C712 87-018-149-080 0E CAP,TC-U 15P-50 CH C713 87-018-149-080 0E CAP,TC-U 15P-50 CH C714 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C715 87-018-119-080 0E CAP, CER 100P-50V C731 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C732 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C733 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C734 87-010-545-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.22-50V C735 87-018-132-080 0E CAP, CER 2200P-16V C736 87-018-132-080 0E CAP, CER 2200P-16V C737 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C738 87-010-260-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-25V C740 87-018-127-080 0E CAP, CER 470P-50V C741 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C742 87-010-400-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.47-50V C743 87-010-101-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-16C746 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C747 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C751 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C752 87-018-143-080 0E CAP,TC-U 4.7P-50 CH C753 87-010-408-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-50V C755 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C757 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C758 87-010-112-080 0E CAP, ELECT 100-16V C759 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C761 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C762 87-010-400-080 0E CAP, ELECT 0.47-50V C763 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50V C764 87-010-401-080 0E CAP, ELECT 1-50V C765 87-018-115-080 0E CAP, CER 47P-50V C766 87-010-407-080 0E CAP, ELECT 33-50V C768 87-018-208-080 0E CAP 0.047-50FC769 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50V C770 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C771 87-010-406-080 0E CAP, ELECT 22-50 C773 87-018-130-080 0E CAP, CER 820P-50V C774 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50VC776 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C781 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C782 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C783 87-018-199-080 0E CAP, CER 3300P C784 87-018-199-080 0E CAP, CER 3300P C785 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50V C786 87-010-405-080 0E CAP, ELECT 10-50V C787 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C788 87-018-195-080 0E CAP, CER 1200P-16V C789 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50V C790 87-010-403-080 0E CAP, ELECT 3.3-50V C804 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16C805 87-010-401-040 0E CAP,E 1-50 SMEC807 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C808 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C809 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C810 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C811 87-018-134-080 0E CAPACITOR,TC-U 0.01-16 C812 87-010-408-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-50V C813 87-018-131-080 0E CAP, CER 1000P-50V C901 87-018-209-080 0E CAP, CER 0.1-50V C943 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C944 87-018-104-080 0E CAP,TC-U 10P-50 SL CF801 87-008-261-010 1A FILTER, SFE10.7MA5-A CF802 87-008-261-010 1A FILTER, SFE10.7MA5-A CN301 87-A60-620-010 0E CONN,3P V 2MM JMT CN351 87-A60-625-010 0E CONN,8P V 2MM JMTCN601 87-099-719-010 1B CONN,30P TYK-B(X) CN603 87-099-014-010 0E CONN,12P 6216 V CN605 84-ZG1-647-010 0E CONN ASSY,2P FFE801 A8-6ZA-192-030 2Y 6ZA-1 FEJNMJ201 87-A60-602-010 1A JACK,DIA6.3 BLK ST W/SW TC J202 87-A60-238-010 1A TERMINAL,SP 4P (MSC) J206 87-A60-641-010 1A JACK,PIN 4P R/W/B JALCO J601 87-A60-881-010 0E JACK,PIN 2P MSP 242V05 PBSN J801 87-A60-202-010 1A TERMINAL,ANT 4P MSP-154V-02 L201 87-003-383-010 1A COIL,1UH-SL202 87-003-383-010 1A COIL,1UH-SL451 87-007-342-010 0E COIL,OSC 85K BIAS L701 87-005-847-080 0E COIL,2.2UH(CECS) L771 87-A50-266-010 1A COIL,FM DET-2N(TOK) L772 87-A90-053-010 1C FLTR,PCFMT-060(TOK) L801 87-005-847-080 0E COIL,2.2UH(CECS) L981 8Z-NFA-664-010 2M COIL,AMPACK 4L(TOK) R249 87-A00-258-080 0E RES,M/F 0.22-1W J R250 87-A00-258-080 0E RES,M/F 0.22-1W J RY101 87-A90-464-010 1C RELAY, DG12D2-O(M) T1 87-A60-317-010 0E TERMINAL, 1P MSC T2 87-A60-317-010 0E TERMINAL, 1P MSC W101 83-NE2-618-110 1B F-CABEL,5P-2.5 WH102 87-A90-459-010 0E HLDR,WIRE 2.5-5PX701 87-A70-061-010 1A VIB,XTAL 4.500MHZ CSA-309 X731 87-030-394-010 1B VIB,CER CSA3.6MGF228FRONT C.BC9 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C10 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C11 87-012-140-080 0E C-CAP,S 470P-50 CH C14 87-012-140-080 0E C-CAP,S 470P-50 CH C101 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C124 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C251 87-010-075-040 0E CAP,E 10-16 5L C252 87-012-157-080 0E C-CAP,S 330P-50 CH C253 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C701 87-010-384-040 0E CAP,E 100-25 SME C801 87-010-112-040 0E CAP,E 100-16 C802 87-010-260-040 0E CAP,E 47-25 SME C803 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C804 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C805 87-A11-144-080 0E CAP,TC U 0.1-50 K B C806 87-010-401-040 0E CAP,E 1-50 SME C807 87-010-402-040 0E CAP,E 2.2-50 SME C808 87-010-402-040 0E CAP,E 2.2-50 SME C809 87-010-405-040 0E CAP,E 10-50C810 87-010-805-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 Z F C851 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C852 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C853 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C901 87-010-555-040 0E CAP,E 100-10 GASC902 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-2511REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTIONNO.REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.C903 87-010-494-040 0E CAP,E 1-50 GASC904 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C905 87-012-155-080 0E C-CAP 180P-50CH C906 87-010-312-080 0E C-CAP,S 15P-50 CH C907 87-010-322-080 0E C-CAP,S 100P-50 CH C908 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C909 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C910 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C911 87-A10-189-040 0E CAP,E 220-10 C912 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C914 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C915 87-010-404-040 0E CAP,E 4.7-50 SME C916 87-010-404-040 0E CAP,E 4.7-50 SMEC917 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C918 87-010-190-080 0E S CHIP F 0.01 C919 87-010-190-080 0E S CHIP F 0.01 C920 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C921 87-010-408-040 0E CAP,E 47-50 SME C922 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C923 87-010-197-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.01 DM C924 87-010-075-040 0E CAP,E 10-16 5LC925 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C926 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 C927 87-010-194-080 0E CAP, CHIP 0.047 CN101 87-099-720-010 1B CONN,30P TYK-B(P) CN151 87-099-015-010 0E CONN,13P 6216V CN701 87-A60-674-010 0E CONN,10P H 2MM JMT CN801 87-099-195-010 0E CONN,7P 6216 V FL901 8Z-NB9-602-010 2B FL,11-BT-172GNK L331 87-A50-333-010 0E COIL,OSC 9.43MHZLED606 87-A40-619-080 0E LED,SLR-56PT-TE7-W GRN S201 87-A90-535-010 1B SW,RTRY EC16B24304S202 87-A90-950-010 1B SW,RTRY EC12E12504 ENCORDER S301 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S302 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S303 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S304 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S305 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S306 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S307 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S308 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S309 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S310 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S311 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S312 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S313 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S314 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S315 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S316 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S317 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S318 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S323 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S324 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S325 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S326 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S327 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S328 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S329 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S330 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S331 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S332 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT S333 87-A91-024-080 0E SW,TACT KSH0611BT SFR701 87-A90-556-080 0E SFR,2.2K H HOKU AC1 C.B! 87-033-213-080 0E CLAMP, FUSE !F101 87-035-190-010 1A FUSE, 2ATAC2 C.B!PR101 87-026-681-080 0E PROTECTOR,5A 491SERIES 60V !PR102 87-026-681-080 0E PROTECTOR,5A 491SERIES 60V !PT101 8Z-NB9-605-010 2M PT,D ZNB-9WH101 87-A90-459-010 0E HLDR,WIRE 2.5-5P INTERFACE C.BC101 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C102 87-010-101-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-16 C104 87-010-370-040 0E CAP,E 330-6.3 SME C105 87-010-380-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-16V C106 87-010-101-080 0E CAP, ELECT 220-16 C201 87-010-402-080 0E CAP, ELECT 2.2-50V C202 87-010-402-080 0E CAP, ELECT 2.2-50V C203 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C204 87-012-156-080 0E C-CAP,S 220P-50 CH C205 87-010-180-080 0E C-CER 1500PC206 87-010-180-080 0E C-CER 1500PC207 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C208 87-010-404-080 0E CAP, ELECT 4.7-50V C251 87-010-408-080 0E CAP, ELECT 47-50V C252 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C401 87-010-178-080 0E CHIP CAP 1000P C402 87-010-178-080 0E CHIP CAP 1000PC403 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C404 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 C411 87-012-140-080 0E CAP 470PC421 87-010-196-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,0.1-25 CON901 87-A60-056-010 0E CONN,12P V 9604S-12C CON902 87-A60-060-010 0E CONN,07P V 9604S-07C CON903 87-009-030-010 0E CONNECTOR 2P PH M CON904 87-A60-061-010 0E CONN,06P V 9604S-06C CON905 87-A60-423-010 0E CONN,14P V TOC-B CON906 87-A60-422-010 0E CONN,8P V TOC-B R405 87-A50-189-080 0E C-COIL,S BLM21B272S MD C.BC100 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C101 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C102 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C103 87-010-787-080 0E CAP, U 0.022-25 C104 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C105 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C106 87-016-462-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 F C107 87-012-195-080 0E C-CAP,U 100P-50CH C108 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C109 87-016-436-080 1B C-CAP,TN 47-4(B2)C111 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C112 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C113 87-012-284-080 0E CAP, U 6800P-50C114 87-010-828-080 0E CHIP CAPACITOR,U 0.033-25F C115 87-A10-369-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.47-16 K B C116 87-012-282-080 0E CAP, U 4700P-50 C117 87-016-462-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 F C118 87-012-282-080 0E CAP, U 4700P-50 C119 87-016-491-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.22-16 FZ C120 87-010-787-080 0E CAP, U 0.022-25 C121 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C122 87-010-829-080 0E CAP, U 0.047-16 C123 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C124 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C125 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C126 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C201 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C202 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C203 87-010-785-080 0E C-CAP,U0.015-25BK C204 87-016-461-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.47-16F12REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.REF. NO PART NO.KANRI DESCRIPTION NO.C205 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C206 87-012-270-080 0E CAP, U 470P-50 C207 87-016-461-080 0E C-CAP,S 0.47-16F C208 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C209 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C210 87-012-172-080 0E CAPACITOR CHIP U 10P CH C211 87-012-172-080 0E CAPACITOR CHIP U 10P CH C212 87-012-195-080 0E C-CAP,U 100P-50CH C213 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3C214 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C217 87-012-188-080 0E C-CAP,U 47P-50 CHC218 87-012-172-080 0E CAPACITOR CHIP U 10P CH C219 87-016-296-080 1A C-CAP,TN 22-4SV(A) C220 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C221 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C222 87-016-444-080 1B C-CAP,TN 47-10 F95E C223 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16FC224 87-A10-685-080 0E C-CAP,S 470P-100 J CH C225 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C226 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C227 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C228 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C229 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C232 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C233 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C236 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C300 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C301 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C302 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C305 87-016-462-080 0E C-CAP,S 1-16 F C307 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C308 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C311 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C312 87-012-195-080 0E C-CAP,U 100P-50CH C321 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C322 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C323 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C324 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C325 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C400 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C401 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C402 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C403 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C404 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C405 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C406 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C407 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C408 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C411 87-012-271-080 0E CAP, U 560P-50 C412 87-012-271-080 0E CAP, U 560P-50 C413 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C414 87-012-197-080 0E C-CAP,U 150P-50 CH C417 87-012-268-080 0E C-CAP,U 330P-50 B C418 87-012-268-080 0E C-CAP,U 330P-50 B C423 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C424 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C429 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C430 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C431 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C434 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C501 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C502 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C503 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C504 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C505 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C506 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C507 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C508 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C509 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C510 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16FC511 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C513 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C514 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C515 87-012-337-080 0E C-CAP,U 56P-50 CH C516 87-012-337-080 0E C-CAP,U 56P-50 CH C517 87-012-278-080 0E C-CAP,U 2200P-50 B C518 87-012-278-080 0E C-CAP,U 2200P-50 B C519 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C520 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C521 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C522 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C523 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C524 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3C525 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C526 87-012-274-080 0E CHIP CAP,U 1000P-50B C527 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C528 87-010-661-080 0E C-CAP,E 10-16 C530 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C531 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C600 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C601 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C602 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C603 87-010-662-080 0E C-CAP,E 22-6.3 C604 87-010-779-080 0E C-CAP,E 100-6.3 C605 87-012-286-080 0E CAP, U 0.01-25 C607 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F C608 87-010-831-080 0E C-CAP,U,0.1-16F CN400 87-A60-027-080 1B C-CONN,8P H WHTCN401 87-A60-062-010 0E CONN,05P V 9604S-05C FB501 87-A90-828-080 0E C-F-BEAD, BK1608LM182 L100 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L101 87-A50-012-080 0E C-COIL,100UH LQH3C L102 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L103 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L201 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L202 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L203 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L301 87-A50-117-080 0E C-COIL,10UHLQH3C L501 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L502 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L503 87-A50-116-080 0E C-COIL,4.7UHLQH3C L504 87-005-774-080 0E C-COIL,4BLH L505 87-005-774-080 0E C-COIL,4BLHL611 87-A50-163-080 1A C-COIL,ZBFS5101-PT L612 87-005-512-080 0E C-COIL,BLM21A05 L613 87-005-512-080 0E C-COIL,BLM21A05 L614 87-A50-163-080 1A C-COIL,ZBFS5101-PT L615 87-A90-034-080 1A C-FLTR,EMI BLM41P750 L616 87-A50-163-080 1A C-COIL,ZBFS5101-PT R423 87-025-564-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 47K D R424 87-025-564-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 47K D R425 87-022-583-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 12K D R426 87-022-583-080 0E C-RES,U M/F 12K D LOAD C.BM450 87-A90-672-010 1D MOT,M25E-4SW451 87-A90-673-010 0E SW,MICRO ESE11SH1C SW452 87-A90-117-010 1A SW,PUSH 1-1-1 MPU103MECHA C.BSW400 87-A90-611-010 1B SW,PUSH 3-2-2 MPU20300MLB0 SW401 87-A90-612-010 1A SW,PUSH 2-1-1 MPU10371MLB1HEAD FLEX C.BPH S6-201-070-260 2P P,HEAD P-5044BD-24F SW9 S6-403-020-040 1C SLIDE SWITCH R663167WIRING-6 (PT)38TEST MODE < CD >39TEST MODE < MD >401234567841ELECTRICAL ADJUSTMENTR.P.E HEAD42PRACTICAL SERVICE FIGURE⁄⁄⁄⁄3333⁄⁄⁄⁄3333IC, LC876564VIC DESCRIPTION1MNT0O 2MNT1O 3MNT2O 4MNT3O 5SWDT I 6SCLK I 7XLAT I 8SRDT O 9SENS O 10XRST I 11SQSY O 12DQSY O 13RECP I 14XINT O 15TX I 16OSCI I 17OSCO O 18XTSL I 19NC —20DV SS —21DIN I 22DOUT O 23ADDT I 24DADT O 25LRCK O 26XBCK O 27FS256O 28DV DD —29A03O 30A02O 31A01O 32A00O 33A10O 34A04O 35A05O 36A06O 37A07O 38A08OIC, CXD2652AR39A11O 40DV SS —41XOE O 42XCAS O 43A09O 44XRAS O 45XWE O 46D1I/O 47D0I/O 48D2I/O 49D3I/O 50MVCI I 51ASYO O 52ASYI I 53AV DD —54BIAS I 55RFI I 56AVss —57PDO O 58PCO O 59FILI I 60FILO O 61CLTV I 62PEAK I 63BOTM I 64ABCD I 65FE I 66AUX1I 67VC I 68ADIO O 69AV DD —70ADRT I 71ADRB I 72AV SS —73SE I 74TE I 75AUX2I 76DCHG I 77APC I 78ADFGII/O79F0CNT O 80XLRF O 81CKRF O 82DTRF O 83APCREF O 84LDDR O 85TRDR O 86TFDR O 87DV DD —88FFDR O 89FRDR O 90FS4O 91SRDR O 92SFDR O 93SPRD O 94SPFD O 95FGIN I 96TEST1I 97TEST2I 98TEST3I 99DV SS —100EFMOOI/OIC, CXP81952IC BLOCK DIAGRAM IC, CXA2523ARIC, BD7910FV3TADJEQADJ VREF FOCNT XSTBY VCC XLATSCLK SWDTTEMP R TEMP 1GNDPEAK RF RF AGC AGC I COMPO COMPP ADDC OPO OPN RFO MORFI MORFO IJABCDEFP DA P CA P C R E FV CB O T MA B C DA D F GA D A G CA D I NA D F MW B L A D JC S L E DF EA U XS ET EIC, BA5970FPIC, TA2040APIC, AK4519VFIC, M62439SPIC, LC72131DIC, BA6417FIC, LA1837NLIC, MM1454XFBERIN PNR B/Q DET QF6ROUT LOUT GNDFL (11-BT-172GNK) GRID ASSIGNMENT/ANODE CONNECTIONDESCRIPTIONBasic color symbol Color Basic color symbol Color Basic color symbol ColorB BlackC CreamD OrangeG Green H Gray L BlueLT Transparent Blue N Gold P PinkR Red S Silver ST Titan SilverT Brown V Violet W WhiteWT Transparent White Y Yellow YT Transparent Yellow LM Metallic Blue LL Light Blue GT Transparent Green LD Dark Blue DT Transparent OrangeCOLOR NAME TABLE2 8Z-NB9-006-010 1B BOX,CASS 1<220SM,235STM>2 8Z-NB9-036-010 1B BOX,CASS 1 H235<236SM>2 8Z-NB9-042-010 1B BOX,CASS 1 H238<238SM>3 82-NF7-218-010 0E SPR-T,CASS4 8Z-NB9-012-010 1B WINDOW,CASS 2 D5 8Z-NB9-007-010 1B BOX,CASS 2<220SM,235STM>5 8Z-NB9-037-010 1B BOX,CASS 2 H235<236SM>5 8Z-NB9-043-010 1B BOX,CASS 2 H238<238SM>6 8Z-NB9-009-010 1F PANEL,MD7 87-NBG-207-010 0E SPR-T,FLAP NBG8 8Z-NB9-010-010 0E PLATE,FLAP9 8Z-NB9-013-010 1C WINDOW,DISPLAY D10 82-NE6-067-010 0E BADGE,AIWA 30N11 8Z-NB9-008-010 1B PANEL,TRAY<220SM,235STM>11 8Z-NB9-038-010 1B PANEL,TRAY H235<236SM>11 8Z-NB9-044-010 1B PANEL,TRAY H238<238SM>12 8Z-NB9-032-010 1A KNOB,RTRY JOG13 8Z-NB9-030-010 0E REFLECTOR,MD14 81-532-080-010 1A LABEL, CASS. COMPT15 8Z-NB9-031-010 1A KNOB,RTRY VOL16 8Z-NB9-024-010 1B KEY,MD ENTER17 8Z-NB9-025-010 1A KEY,MD REC18 8Z-NB9-023-010 1B KEY,CD19 8Z-NB9-021-010 1B KEY,POWER20 8Z-NB9-026-010 1A KEY,MD EJECT21 8Z-NB9-022-010 1A KEY,T-BASS22 86-NFZ-231-010 1A DMPR,7023 8Z-NB9-028-010 1B KEY,CASS 1<220SM,235STM>23 8Z-NB9-039-010 1B KEY,CASS 1 H235<236SM>23 8Z-NB9-045-010 1B KEY,CASS 1 H238<238SM>24 8Z-NB9-040-010 1A KEY,CASS 2 H235<236SM>24 8Z-NB9-046-010 1A KEY,CASS 2 H238<238SM>24 8Z-NB9-034-010 1A KEY,CASS 2 REV<220SM,235STM>25 8Z-NB9-001-010 2A CABI,FR D<220SM>25 8Z-NB9-047-010 2A CABI,FR H236<235STM>25 8Z-NB9-041-010 2A CABI,FR H238<238SM>26 88-SU1-201-110 1A GUIDE,FL27 88-913-271-110 1A FF-CABLE, 13P 1.2528 88-907-251-110 1A FF-CABLE, 7P 1.2529 8Z-NB9-017-010 1C PANEL,LEFT V-230 8Z-NFA-005-110 1C PANEL,TOP31 88-906-171-110 0E FF-CABLE,6P 1.2532 87-NB7-615-010 1A CONN ASSY,2P SHIELDPH/PH32 83-NE2-618-110 1B F-CABEL,5P-2.533 88-912-151-110 1A FF-CABLE, 12P 1.2534 87-NF4-221-010 0E HLDR,CABLE35 8Z-NB8-240-010 0E COVER, PL36 8Z-NB9-018-010 1C PANEL,RIGHT V-237 87-085-184-010 0E BUSHING, AC CORD (D)! 38 87-050-098-010 1B AC CODE ASSY,D39 8Z-NB9-052-010 1D CABI,REAR SM<220SM>39 8Z-NB9-056-010 1D CABI,REAR SM H236<235STM>39 8Z-NB9-057-010 1D CABI,REAR SM H238<238SM>39 8Z-NB9-055-010 1D CABI,REAR STM H235<236SM>40 84-ZG1-245-210 0E CAP,OPTICALA 87-067-703-010 0E TAPPING SCREW, BVT2+3-10B 87-NF4-224-010 0E S-SCREW,IT3B+3-8 CUC 87-067-688-010 0E BVTT+3-6D 87-723-096-410 0E QT2+3-10W/O SLOT BLE 87-078-191-010 0E S-SCREW IT+4-10F 87-721-097-410 0E QT2+3-12 GLD。


OVATION  DCS系统检修工艺规程

第二章OVATION DCS系统检修工艺规程第一节 DCS系统结构和配置兰州铝业股份有限公司3X300MW自备电厂本工程分散控制系统(DCS)采用上海西屋控制系统有限公司的OVATION系统。




辅机冷却水泵房系统采用远程I/O站控制方式,远程I/O 柜与机组DCS间采用冗余光纤通讯连接。


DEH随汽机厂成套供货,采用与DCS相同硬件,DEH的工作站和控制器作为DCS 网络结构中的节点,实现了DCS一体化的结构,。

模拟量控制系统(MCS)能够满足机组启停、定/滑压运行和RUN BACK工况的要求,保证机组在不投油稳燃负荷至100%MCR负荷范围内,控制运行参数不超过允许值。




1.0 DCS网络配置通讯设备采用通用的Cisco公司的快速以太网交换机。

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