二、词汇语法:坚持每天复习一部分 在单项选择题上,适当做题是必要的,但不要采用题海战术。匀些时间看以
前的听课笔记、讲义、以前做错的题目(错题集)也是复习该题型很好的方法。尤 其要把做过的一些题,特别是错题,反复地看,同时简单的题要总结规律,难题 记死记牢即可。要重视语境题、时态题、动词短语相关的单选题。
发挥学科组集体备考的优势,学科组内任务分解、责任到人,每次考试变 式训练的预测由组长把关。学科组坚持“一课一研”、“一考一研”,新老教师步调 一致,节奏有序,充分发挥分工协作的集体教研智慧。
三是找准学科增分点 认真研究本省、本市、本校近年来的高考数据,细化到每一个知识点的得
失分情况,找准突破点和增分点,有目的进行专项训练和突破提升。英语的阅 读理解和小作文、语文的古文分析和作文、理科的做题速度、文科的答题思路 等,都要制定详细的训练方案和突破的方法策略,在实践中调整提升,打破制 约瓶颈,找到质量提升的突破口。
教师的教学能力最终要转化为学生的学习能力,对高三学生而言,就是要通过 训练转化为学生的答题能力。一是严格限时训练。限时训练就是让学生在规定 时间内做完训练题目,既训练速度,又锻炼准确度。限时训练可短可长,可以 是课前十分钟,可以是一节课,但必须坚决做到即练即评,长期坚持,通过教 师评阅提升学生答题速度和效度,做到日日清,周周清,月月清,适应高考临 场答题要求。二是严格规范答题。要认真研究高考原题和高考答案,根据学生 的答题情况认真进行比对。要把学生在考试时的原生态答卷原汁原味地展示出 来,再让学生自己对照答案进行打分、评价,找出与标准答案的差距,小组内 相互交流、讨论,制定答题标准模板,保证将来一分不丢。三是突出变式训练 。对于临界生的典型错题或遗漏知识点,要进行变式训练,一题多变进行训练 ,把错题作为“母题”,至少进行一题五变以上,让学生写出每道题的解题思路, 最后总结出此类变式的特点和解题入手点。
高三开学第一节英语课高三开学第一节英语课【1】Welcome back to school!同学们,高三啦~~~你们准备好了吗?(Are you ready?)天气真的很热,但是同学们都能准时到校上课,我感到很欣慰,我们常说吃得苦中苦,方为人上人(No cross, no crown),话是这么说,可想想这如火的天气,我个人觉得这不仅仅是有点苦,时间长了还有点累。
高三的学习真的很辛苦,不过只要认真对待高三的学习,时间说长也不长,说短也不短的,关键在于你的心态(Attitude is everything!)。
这个任务坚持起来真的是很艰难(Nothing can take the place of persistence.)。
但是为了自己心目中的大学,再难要用心去克服的,本来高中就不是享福的地方,人的一生,什么阶段该做什么事就认真的做什么事(Work while you work, play while you play.),小时候该玩就玩,上学了该学就好好学习,上班了就该好好工作,所以上高中你就得努力学习为理想的大学而奋斗(No pains, no gains.)。
还有,每隔一天都有一个早自习,抽几分钟时间将前一天做的完形填空的文章和阅读理解的文章读一读,读不是让你背住内容,而是要再熟悉你曾经的错误(Practice makes perfect!),关键是记住你遇见过的单词,英语高考最主要考的就是词汇量!当然,做完形填空和阅读理解还要注意几点:一是要注意在有限时间内完成,二是在这个时间内要锻炼你的考试技巧,三是将这两者结合,达到最终的目的也就是追求有限时间内的最高的正确率,取得最高的分数。
A foreign language is a useful weapon in the struggle of one’s life
How do you feel after watching the video?
Be disabled, overcome many difficulties, set…a good example
Requirements: 1 Make good use of time before class.(play the listening exercise or video, remember words or review what you have learned)
2 Prepare everything well/Get everything ready before class.( books, pens that can write red and black characters.) 3 When doing reading exercise underline the sentences that tell us the answers. 4 Do some extra exercises after class.
He was always holding the strong belief “I’m sure to have a good wife. Although I can’t hold her hands, I can embrace her heart” The Law of attraction(吸引力法则): What is inside your mind can determine your life/Attitude is altitude/You are what you think.
Paris 2024 will include an IOC Refugee Olympic Team. This team first made its appearance at the Rio 2016 Games providing a platform for talented athletes who have been displaced from their home country.
What qualities we should learn from them?
Everyone has his own highlight moment.
V-ing和V-ed作宾 语
V-ing作主语 V-ing, V-ed和to do
作成时 被动语态 过去进行时 被动语态 It 作形式主语
It 作形式宾语
回顾 What did we learn in last semester ?
Writing 小作文
... ...
... ...
播种和收获不在同一个季 节,中间隔着的一段时间 和过程,我们叫它:坚持。
你做三四月的事情 到七八月自然有收获
每天进步一点点, 进步就是好学生。
老师讲课的时候,只是起 个引导的作用,最主要的 还是靠自己思考,这就要 求在听课的时候时刻都要
就是我们在认真听课,积 极思考的同时,要做好课
B. 英语四练
Listen and imitate their pronunciation.
How to learn English well
New semester, new start, new pay and the new harvest.
01 About me
02 About English
03 About my class
Name : Miss Fu
About me
B. 课堂四到
就是听课的时候,不仅注 意黑板上老师写的内容, 还要注意老师的表情、口 型等,要灵活地根据实际
How to learn English well
一般的情况下,口到有三 个需要:一是朗读需要; 二是记忆需要;三是随时
Be brave and don’t be afraid
of losing face.
写 读
Read loudly.
开学第一课高中英语作文English Composition:Title: The First Lesson of the School YearThe first day of school is a day of anticipation and excitement, a day that marks the beginning of a new journey filled with learning and growth. As I walked through the gates of my high school on that crisp September morning, I could feel the energy and the promise of the year ahead.The air was filled with the chatter of students, the rustling of leaves, and the distant sound of laughter. The school building, with its red brick facade and tall windows, stood majestically, welcoming us back with open arms. I felt a sense of pride and belonging as I entered the familiar halls, adorned with the achievements of past students and the hopes of the future.She began the class with a powerful quote from Shakespeare, "What's past is prologue," reminding us that our past experiences are merely the beginning of our stories. This set the tone for the class, as we delved into the world of literature, exploring themes of love, conflict, and the human spirit.Throughout the day, each class brought its own unique flavor and challenge. In mathematics, we tackled complex equations that seemed to unlock the secrets of the universe. In history, we traveled back in time to witness the rise and fall of empires. In science, we discovered the wonders of the natural world and the laws that govern it.The cafeteria was a bustling hub of activity, where students from different grades and backgrounds came together to share stories and experiences. The food was simple but satisfying, and the conversations were lively and engaging.Afternoon classes were just as enriching, with art classes that allowed us to express our creativity and physical education that reminded us of the importance of staying active and healthy.In conclusion, the first lesson of the school year is a pivotal moment in a student's life. It is a time of new beginnings, a time to set goals, and a time to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. As I left the school grounds that day, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to make the most of the year ahead.Chinese Translation:标题:开学第一课开学的第一天是一个充满期待和兴奋的日子,它标志着一个充满学习和成长新旅程的开始。
Preparing for higher education
English is a common language in higher education, and most colleges and universities require English proficiency for admission High school students need to have a solid foundation in English to meet these requirements
Vocabulary learning
associative memory
By using associative memory, vocabulary is associated with related images, stories, scenes, etc. to form a profound memory impression.
Listening training
Practical Application of English Classroom interaction and Q&A session
Course Introduction
English as a global language
English is the most widely spoken language in the world, making it essential for communication and cultural exchange High school students need to develop expertise in English to participate in the globalized economy and society
12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%
A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR
易错警示:要按语境选择合适的短语动词。 解题思路: call for“要求,需要”;make up“编造,
组成”, lie in“存在于,位于”,stand for“代表,象征”。只 有 A符合题干语境,意思是:“这是一项要求高度 集中的工作。”
• All in all, I hope we can get along well with each other. I’m looking forward to all of you making progress.
( do most of us think this is the most important ??? )
Then what makes 100% ? Is it Money ? ... NO ! ! ! M+O+N+E+Y 13+15+14+5+25 = 72% Leadership ? ... NO ! ! !
make great progress... achieve one’s dream sb be interested in sth graduate from... introduce…to…./ make a self- introduction sb spend time in doing sth. be fond of... do well in/ be good at in a word realize one’s dream make progress in my free time a 17-year –old boy It is necessary for sb to do sth
This is me.
➢ My name is _________. ➢ _____ is my English name. ➢ I got a master’s degree of education and
majored in English Teaching. ➢ I like swimming, reading, playing the guitar,
such a couch potato! 他一天到晚都在看电视,简 直就是个懒汉。
Because it is useful.
➢It is a tool to see a different world. ➢It can make you smarter.
✓ To watch English movies. ✓ To read English literatures. ✓ To travel around the world.
✓ To train your logical thinking. ✓ To improve your memory. ✓ To develop your cognitive ability.
Because it is useful.
Democracy? Democracy!
Because it is useful.
Please write down a self-introduction
It can include these: 1. Your name (Chinese, English, nickname) 2. Your hobbies (I like…, My favorite…is…) 3. Your dream (I dream of being…, I would like to be…) 4. Your motto 5. Other things you want to share
语法基础薄弱,词汇的基本变形不熟悉, 不懂词根的含义。
答题技巧 不知道从哪个方向解题。不会分析句子。
掌握词汇 从每次的错题钟掌握必要的词汇和语法知识。 语法基础 从每次的考试和平时错题中学习。
多积累佳句,遇到好的写作句型及时背诵包括 范文的背诵;另外,练字。
英语学习不仅仅是背单词,更是听说读写的全面提升。 在提高词汇量的同时,要加强听说训练。可以通过听英 语歌曲、看英语电影、听英语新闻等方式提高听力;可 以通过模仿、跟读等方法提高口语表达能力。这样不仅 可以提高英语感知力,还能为阅读和写作打下良好基础。
高三总复习离不开刷题,这里切记一点“不要被老师牵 着走、要让老师成为辅助”,因为老师是有教学进度的! 而且越到复习后期,就越难照顾到所有人!无论是刷题 难度还是讲题速度,都会有所调整!而一味追赶老师的 进度,就会出现在基础题型还没明白的情况下就去弄难 题,结果两者全学不透!这就是无效复习!
高考题型 解题技巧
词汇 句型
熟悉高考题型,命题思路和做 题规律
掌握科学方法提高每种题型的 解题技巧
利用课余零碎时间记单词,掌 握阅读和完形基础,词汇的汉 语意思,会默写写作高频词汇
每周背诵18个写作句子,培养 语感和写作能力
Part 2 高三英语 复习时间安排
作文训练 套题训练
听力:每周要确保听一套以上的题。抓早落实听力考试的问题, 避免被动。
语法:1. 读熟课文,因为高考的语法填空考的都是课文中常见 的知识点;2.每天练习一篇语法填空题,通过做语法填空总结高 考常考的语法;3.不要去钻牛角尖而深挖边缘性的语法知识。
高中英语提分路线图 High school English branch map
词汇:Vocabular y:
高中每单元单词,课堂 同步单词听写
听写词汇的要求:Vocabulary dictation requirements:
01 Charm Of
English Is Everywhere In Our Life
The Importance Of Learning English
Charm Of English
Listen Silent
The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.
Different levels of reading comprehension. Junior high school: Most of the facts can be found from the text; High school: long articles, long difficult sentences increase, high
词汇量的不同。初中英语1600-1800个单 词,200-300个短语;高中英语30003500个单词,400-500个短语。
笔记本 练字本 纠错本
学习最忌,三天打鱼两天晒网,学一阵子停一阵子。 学习最怕,前讲后忘! 积累从未停止,人生就是一个长期坚持的过程 !
高三 无悔
Thank you for listening!
语言学家Wilkings:“Without grammar,very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.”
汇 激
II.学习语法 1、读熟课文,因为高考的语法填空考的都是课文中常见的知识点。2、每天练习一篇语 法填空题,通过做语法填空总结高考常考的语法。3、不要去钻牛角尖而深挖边缘性的语 法知识。
高考必考语法总结: 1)两个动词:谓语动词和非谓语动词; 2)三个从句:定语从句,名词性从句和状语从句; 3)几个小词:冠词,名词,代词,连词,形容词和 副词。
1. 按单元复习 2. 每位学生手中有一本词汇手册 3. 每天一次 每次40个左右 贵在坚持 4. 先挨个过一遍,把会的单词划掉, 再攻克不会的,
心中要有谱。 5. 坚持每周一自测或跟同学互测。 6. 经排查后,没有过关的词汇,抄在自己的生词簿上,
多做阅读训练 拓展词汇量 理解分析长难句 一句话概括四大名著
III. 写作
以《开学第一课》为题的英语作文三篇作文一:The First Lesson of the School YearThe first day of school is always filled with anticipation and excitement. It marks the beginning of a new academic year, filled with new opportunities, challenges, and knowledge. The first lesson of the school year sets the tone for the months ahead.In this first lesson, teachers often introduce themselves and establish classroom rules and expectations. They create a positive and welcoming atmosphere where students feel comfortable and eager to learn. The first lesson serves as a foundation for a productive and engaging learning environment.Moreover, the first lesson is a time for students to get to know their classmates and build connections. Icebreaker activities and team-building exercises are often incorporated to foster cooperation and collaboration. Students learn to work together, respectone another, and create a supportive community within the classroom.Additionally, the first lesson provides an opportunity for teachers to assess students’ prior knowledge and skills. Diagnostic assessments may be administered to identify areas that need reinforcement or enrichment. This allows teachers to tailor their lessons to meet the diverse needs of their students.Furthermore, the first lesson sets the stage for establishing goals and expectations for the year. Teachers may discuss the curriculum, learning outcomes, and the importance of commitment and hard work. This helps students understand the purpose and significance of their studies, motivating them to strive for success.In conclusion, the first lesson of the school year is a crucial starting point for students and teachers alike. It lays the groundwork for a positive and productive learning environment, fosters connections among students, assesses prior knowledge, and establishes goals. As the journey of the new academic year begins, the first lesson sets the tone for a successful and enriching educational experience.作文二:The First Lesson: A Fresh StartThe first lesson of a new school year marks the beginning of a fresh start for students. It is a time when they leave behind the memories and experiences of the previous year and embark on a new journey of learning and growth.During the first lesson, teachers often talk about the importance of setting goals and embracing new challenges. They encourage students to leave their comfort zones and strive for excellence. The first lesson serves as a reminder that each new school year brings opportunities for personal and academic development.In addition, the first lesson is a time for students to reflect on their past achievements and areas of improvement. Teachers engage students in discussions about their strengths and weaknesses, encouraging self-reflection and self-awareness. This helps students identify areas where they can focus on personal growth and improvement.Furthermore, the first lesson promotes a positive classroom culture centered around respect and inclusivity. Teachers discuss the importance of treating others with kindness and empathy, creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all students. This paves the way for a collaborative and harmonious classroom community.Moreover, the first lesson often involves activities that promote teamwork and cooperation. Students engage in icebreaker games and get to know their classmates, fostering connections and building relationships. These activities encourage students to appreciate diversity and work collaboratively towards common goals.In conclusion, the first lesson of a new school year symbolizes a fresh start, providing students with the opportunity to set goals, reflect on their growth, and build meaningful connections. It sets the foundation for a positive and productive learning environment, where students are motivated to achieve their full potential. It is during this first lesson that students realize the potential for growth and success that lies ahead of them.作文三:The Excitement of the First LessonThe first lesson of a new school year is filled with anticipation and excitement. It is a time when students and teachers come together to embark on a new educational journey.As the bell rings and students enter the classroom, a wave of energy fills the air. The first lesson often begins with introductions and icebreaker activities. Students share their names, interests, and aspirations, allowing them to get to know one another and create a sense of community.In addition, the first lesson is an opportunity for teachers to ignite curiosity and enthusiasm for the subjects they teach. They may introduce the topic of study in an engaging and interactive way, capturing students’ attention and sparking their interest. This sets the stage for a year of exciting and meaningful learning.Furthermore, the first lesson serves as a time for teachers to set academic expectations and classroomrules. Teachers explain their teaching methods, establish routines, and encourage a positive learning environment. This helps students understand what is expected of them and motivates them to approach their studies with discipline and dedication.Moreover, the first lesson is a time for students to set personal goals for the year ahead. Teachers encourage students to share their aspirations and dreams, fostering a sense of purpose and direction. This helps students develop a growth mindset and take ownership of their learning journey.In conclusion, the first lesson of a new school year is a time filled with excitement and eagerness to learn. It sets the stage for a year of discovery, growth, and achievement. Through introductions, engaging activities, and goal-setting, the first lesson establishes a positive and dynamic classroom environment. It is during this first lesson that the seeds of enthusiasm and passion for learning are planted, paving the way for a successful academic year.。
高三文科英语(上学期)开学第一课good morning, everyone! nice to meet all of you here! welcome to clasxx, welcome to xx middle school!do you like your new school? iit big? iit beautiful? todayou are proud of xx senior middle school. i believe tomorrow xx middle school will be proud of you! have you adapted to the new environment, and have you make some new friendhere? maybe some of you misyour old friends, misyour former teachers, or maybe some of you are homesick, right? it’quite normal, but you should adapt to the new environment asoon apossible. thiia place where you will have studied for 3 years. iit a long time? afar ai’m concerned, it’quite short. but it’one of the most important periodin your life. so seize the day, seize the hour. our clasilike a big and warm family, everyone ifriendlhere. if you have some problems, you can ask your classmateor your teacherfor help.now, let me introduce myself briefly. mname ixx, the new english teacher of thiclass. if you like you can call me mxx. ayou can see, i’m young, right? i graduated from the universitand started to work in 2006 and up to now, i have been teaching for seven years. i have some experience in teaching and managing a class. i got along well with the sbefore and i believe that we will also get along well and i sincerelhope we can be good friends.in mspare time, i have maninterests, such areading, surfing the internet, travelling, etc. travelling imfavorite hobby, it canmake me relax and broaden mhorizon.for mwork, i’ll trmbest to be a good teacher. i alwaybelieve nothing idifficult if you put your heart into it.now, let’talk about english. do you l ike english? how iyour english? i hope all of you are good at english, your english igood, great, excellent, learning english iinteresting, easy, just a piece of cake.learning english ichina’most sad behavior, but we have to learn it. there are manreasonfor uto learn english well. first, english ian international language and it ithe most widelused language in the world, according to the statistics, everone in ten people speak english. it habeen said that over 75% of the word’tv programand 80% of the infor mation on the internet use english. with the development of our country, more and more foreignercome to china and more and more chinese are going abroad. the communication of foreignerand uneedthe language tool---english.secondly, english ione of the most important subjectat school or the university. if you want to get good markand want to enter a good universitin three years, you must learn it well.thirdly, your influence english can help you get a better join the future, if you can learn english well, you will have more chanceto succeed.fourthly, english habeen used everywhere in our daillife. for example,你英语如果能考150分(学生笑), 那你就太酷(cool)了,i’ll take you to kfc,吃汉堡包(hamburger), 喝咖啡(coffee)可乐(cola), 坐巴士(bus)去打高尔夫(golf)保龄球(bowling). 你喜欢天天向上这种脱口秀(talk show)还是中国好声音pk赛又或者是nba?这些节目都有很多忠实的粉丝(fans)。
高中英语开学第一课高中英语开学第一课以下是pincai小编为大家搜集整理的,欢迎借鉴与阅读!高中英语开学第一课(一)Lesson 1一、自我介绍(Introduce myself 3′)Hello everybody, Well,nice talking with you here. I'm your English teacher, next year we will learn together, with the progress. I have worked for 1 years since I graduated from the university . Being a teacher is tired but excited . Having taught for this year, I think I am experienced in teaching field . I have a strong sense of duty and humor.Actually , I always think that English is so wonderful a language that we should not only regard it as a subject,but also look on it with great interest.Hope you can enjoy your way in English.I will be happy to be your company.二、学习方法介绍( 20′)* 学习英语无捷径。
* 对于高中英语学习者我特别推荐英语简易读物,读的材料要浅易,故事性要强,读的速度尽可能快一些,读的越多越好。
* 说英语一不要怕犯错误,二不要怕别人笑话。
• 1.课本(必修一至选修八) • 2.牛津词典:英英释义 • 3.典题本(分类整理) • 4.《3+2》模拟,骄子之路
高三,我们将相互陪 伴、 相互激励、努力拼
搏、在汗水与欢笑中一起 走过……
•一轮: 回扣课本+语法 •二轮: 3500词;专项复习:听力,阅读+七选五, 完形,短改,语法填空,写作 •三轮: 套题拉练+查缺补漏
一轮复习 --从课本中发现高考题的影子
• 以课本为主,一周复习2个单元
• 一轮复习三种课型:
(1)知识梳理构建课:从例句中梳理重点单词、 短语及句型,自主构建知识树。
• You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.
• 你不能改变你的过去,但你可以让你的未 来变得更美好。一旦时间浪费了,生命就 浪费了
(2)规律方法探究课:第一部分为活学活用, 以英汉互译、补全句子、语填及短改等形式活 用梳理案中的内容,提高灵活运用语言的能力。 第二部分为链接高考,交错练习短改语填高考 题型。
(3)能力提升课:重点单词、短语及句型在语 篇中的运用,以高考题为主进行训练。
•正课: 知识梳理构建案(2节); 规律方法探究案(1节) 能力提升训练案讲评(1节); 单元过关讲评(2节)
【ARE YOU READY?】高三英语开学第一课
![【ARE YOU READY?】高三英语开学第一课](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/53a47e54f12d2af90242e6b0.png)
How do you feel when sitting in the Senior 3 classroom?
What do you expect the senior year to be?
Then what makes 100% ? Is it Money ? ... NO ! ! !
M+O+N+E+Y 13+15+14+5+25 = 72%
Leadership ? ... NO ! ! !
L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%
In fact , learning English is interesting and not so hard,so ,what determines our final achievements in English?
Hard Work
H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
18.adjust 调整,调节,使适应 n__a_d__ju_s_t_m_e_n_t___ adj__a_d_j_u_s_ta_b_l_e_ 适应__a_d_ju_s_t_o_n__e_se_l_f_t_o___ 19.admire 钦佩 欣赏 n__a_d_m__ir_a_t_io_n__
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经过这样一番深刻的思考,我的第一课有了明确的思路,于是,我对照着必修一Module 1的学习目标,经过一遍遍的筛选,总结出了该模块的重点句子。
但话又说回来,无论前方的道路有多难多艰,人是活的,只要有继续走下去的信心、勇气和毅力,我想即使是荆棘丛生,也会有好花终开,好景永在!高三开学第一课英语(二)I want to thank you very much for the chance to be here. It’s wonderful to see all of you, so, please have a seat. I’m here in China because I just got back from Xinjiang and also Gansu.Someone asked me one time: “How did you get started, in the government? ” And I would say to them that I didn’t really expect to start in the government. So, I started in America, as, you know, a third grader, I came to United States when I was about eight years old. I started third grade. I didn’t speak English. And it was very very difficult, with my parents as well. We didn’t know the language in America, we didn’t understand the food. We didn’t understand the tradition, the culture. So I’m still very Chinese that way. People asked me “what prepares you to success? What motivates you?” And for me, I’d say, I want to make my parentsproud. Because they sacrifice so much for the children;I always want to work for a bigger purpose than just for myself. So I always want to be able to contribute and to help other people. So, if you were to ask me what were my career goes? I didn’t have any, which in retrospect was a good thing. Because our community at that time was so small. So, for me, when I graduated from school, I was serious. I had very simple goals: one, is to get a job; two, it is basically to get an apartment, so I can be independent. And then I went to Harvard, Business school. I graduated from Harvard Business school. And because my family was in business, I decided to go into banking, to get some experience in banking. I didn’t understand so much of what was banking was all about, but I learned. So I worked for Citi Group. And then when I was in the middle of working for Citi Group after 4 years, I had the opportunity to work at the White House. Because Citi Group has a special program. They selected outstanding performers within the bank, and gave them an opportunity to support them for an intern in the government. So I was selected as a White House fellow. And I worked at the White Housefor one year. It was a difficult time, it’s not easy. But I was so excited. It was so interesting. Because there were no Chinese, no Asians at the White House at that time. So I felt that I was blazing new trails for other Asian Americans. And then I was learning a lot to be a better leader for the future. So I worked at the White House for a year. And the President at that time, Ronald Reagan was from Califorlia. I grew up in New York. I’ve never been to California, so I decided that I wanted to go to California. So I found a job with Bank of America in California and moved to California.I didn’t know anybody, I didn’t have any friends there but I was so excited. I just wanted to see what California was like. So I was in California for about 3 years and then one day I got a phone call, from Secretary Elizabeth Doll. And she was the secretary of transportation. And she needed someone who understood banking, which I had gained in experience from Citi Bank. And she also needed someone who understood shipping, which I also had gained from Bank of America. So the two expertise really helped me to get the job that she had in mind. She had a portfolio in the department oftransportation that was loosing billion dollars a year. And she needed a banker to go and clean it up. So within one weekend, I flew back from California, found an apartment in Washington DC, and started work on Monday. And then from, this was the maritime administration.I worked there for 2 years, learned a great deal about the government. And around, um, 2 years later, I was appointed the chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission. And the reason why I was appointed was because the previous chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission had passed away suddenly. So they needed the government, they needed someone who understood shipping, who had been in the government in shipping, who can be the chairman. So once again, my particular background in shipping, transportation, banking was very important. And, so I was chairman for about a year. And then a new president came in. And it was President, the first President Bush, and so he asked me to be the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation. And at that time, I was, um, I must’ve been only 35. Still older than you, but very very young. I was oneof the youngest deputy secretaries, um, in the whole government. And I was also the only, the first Asian American Deputy Secretary in United States government. And then in 1992, that was 22 years ago, so many, such a long time ago, um, President Bush lost his re-election. So when he loses a re-election, what happens in America is everybody who’s with him goes. So I joined United way of America. And United Way is the charity in America. I was there for 4 years. I had a little bit of time to get married, at the age of 39. It was very late. My husband as you um know, is the, um, leader in the, um, Congress, He’s very, he is a very good husband. He does his own laundry, he cooks, and he helps me with the house, too. He is very encouraging on women, um, and I think it’s really important, to find someone who is going to be your life partner. Because they will help you adapt to your life, and they will help you adapt to your career as well. And so in 1996, I wanted to have a break, so I joined a THINK TANK where I took some time to study and learn more about the American political system, how to get ideas across. Because America is a very confrontationalsociety. You know people are arguing all the time. So some people are saying this, some people are saying that. And it’s OK, so there’s a lot of fighting, back and forth.And then in um, XX, President George W. Bush, was getting ready for his presidential bid, and I had known him before, because I had campaigned with his, um, with him for his father and I had known him because he is also form Harvard Business School. Um, President George W. Bush was the class of 1971, and I was class of 1979. So we knew each other from that as well.And you’ll be interested to know that I actually was supposed to get, I thought, the Department of Transportation, but, no nominee got the Department of Transportation. And so Iwas very disappointed and I think it tells you a lesson in that if you are faced with disappointment: , you must always think of the long term, so even if though it could be a disappointment, don’t be discouraged. If you handle the disappointment well, and there will be lots of other opportunities. And so, indeed, I was, um, originally, um, not offered, but I was indicatedthat Secretary of Labor was the position that they wanted for me. And I wasn’t really very familiar, um, with labor as much as I was familiar with transportation. So I was hoping to be appointed to transportation. But when that did not happen, you know, I was very calm, and I thanked the President and his team for considering me, I wished them well in their new administration, thinking that I was not going to be a part of it. And then 2 weeks afterwards, the President’s nominee for the Secretary of Labor position encountered difficulties in her confirmation hearing. In the United States, the President proposes a secretary and then the Congress, the Senet approves. So the original choice for the Secretary of Labor encountered difficulties in her confirmation process and she had to drop out. So they, the White House and the President needed to find a new Secretary of Labor, someone they trusted, someone who they know can clear, and gain the approval of the Senet, who had no blemish on their record so they can go through the confirmation process very easily. And so, they approached me again, and asked whether I would be interested in applying, in um, accepting theposition of the Secretary of Labor. And so that was how I became the Secretary of Labor. So, I wasn’t the first choice.But I think life is so interesting. You, it’s hard to plan every little step. You must plan but you can’t plan every little step. And it’s very very hard to, um, know all the opportunities..So,I think the ability to have a good attitude, the ability to always be confident, to be optimistic and to look ahead is very important. So, when I talk about my career, you know each of the step is very interesting, but I never planed for it. It just happened. Because I was hard working, I was always trying to do more than what was asked of me, and people noticed. So, when the opportunities came, my name always came to the surface, always came to the top. So I think the most important thing is it’s important to plan but you can’t plan every step. The most important thing is you have to have some inner confidence, that you really like what you are doing. You are interested. So, when I first entered Washington, I was interested, I was motivated. I wanted to find out what makes America run. I’m an immigrant to America,I didn’t understand the government, so that is why I wanted to enter the government, I wanted to see how does American government work. And I got in. And then once I got in, one door opened; I went in, and then another door opened; and I went in there and then another door opened. None of these doors I could have known about from the very beginning, because my world at that time was so small. And there were so few Asian Americans. In the government at that time that there was no guide, no one to tell me what to expect. But what I did find helpful, and this is again what my parents taught me, is you have to have courage, and interest and curiosity. I think if there is one thing that my parents taught me a great deal of, it’s curiosity. You have to have interest, you have to have curiosity. And if you are curious, you will go on and seek more doors and more opened. And these doors will open if you have persistence, if you plan ahead and if you have the will to proceed.The world is changing so rapidly, so you’ll have the same kind of opportunities as well. There are so many opportunities for you. I can’t tell you what theseopportunities are, but if you have the interest, and you have the will, and you have the confidence, you will have a lot of opportunities. That’s all.I really want you to meet my father, because he is really interesting. (演讲完)提问环节Q:你和你丈夫谁的权力更大?A:I was. There are only 17 of us, a hundred of him.Q;在家谁领导谁呢?A:He takes care of inside of the house, I take care of outside of the house.Q:丈夫身上吸引您的特质?A:His a man of principle, he is a leader of principle, and he is a leader of integrity.关于领导力You know to be a leader is not easy. If I had any advice for the young people here, it is that you make mistakes, you learn, you get to be a better leader. And even today, I’m trying to be a better leader. So you learn and you get to be a better leader. So, there is no one style. I think my advantage is I know people verywell. I know what would work with that person, it’s not the same technic as the person over there. So I study all of these people. I’m a general, like a general in a big field. So you have to understand each of your generals, sub-generals, and understand what motivates them. Some people like a hard approach then I use hard; some people like a small approach, a soft approach, then I use a soft approach. So you have to know your people and know what motivates them, what they respond to and that’s the way to be best manager.关于时机You know a lot of times you don’t know what is happening. So this is the case where Americans would be very subtle and I didn’t understand the signal. So I had several very important people, approached me before Christmas, you know, before the um, right after the transition. And they said to me that you will make an excellent Secretary of Labor. Labor was not what I was targeting. I was targeting transportation. So I didn’t understand what they were trying to tell me. They were actually emissaries from the White House,trying to gage my interest in becoming Secretary of Labor. But because I was already focused on transportation, I didn’t pay very much attention to Labor. So it’s a lesson, you know, you should always be very alert and be aware when people are seemingly talking to you. And this is one of the great talents of life. So many things are happening, you must develop a sense as what is important and what is not important. And those conversations, in retrospect, were important conversations. They never asked me directly the first time. They just asked indirectly, whether this is something that will interest me, and I said no. So the former offer never came the first time.If you lose an opportunity, don’t be regretful. But when an opportunity comes, be ready for it. And so that means that you have to prepare yourself, and you have to, um, it’s always good to know people. I mean, this society, I don’t have to tell you that, you are all very good at it. But I think the most important thing is if you miss an opportunity, to um, forgive yourself and not be regretful, and look forward and not look backward.关于中西文化I think there are lots of good values, in east and west. For example, the east are long term point of view, taking things in moderation, um, they emphasis on family, they emphasis on education. These are all very very good values that many other cultures around the world can learn from. American culture, western culture is very energetic, it is very creative. So don’t ever underestimate the Americans. They are very very creative. And they work very well in team work. Each one of them may not be very strong, but together, they are very very strong as a team. So I think, again, the best of both worlds will make for a more harmonious world, if both sides understand each other better.关于个人发展You know, if you, um, if you are starting out, and you are aiming for the sky, it’s very frightening. But if you go step by step as if you were climbing a mountain, and the mountain is getting closer to the sky. When you get half way or when you get to the, nearly to the top, the sky does not look so, look so far away. So, I think you previous experience is very i。