



pymo (python memories off) 使用说明V1.2.0– By chen_xin_ming目录第一章pymo简介 (5)第二章A VG的组成部分和移植方法简介 (6)第三章pymo的目录结构 (7)第四章游戏配置文件解析(gameconfig.txt) (8)第五章pymo中的坐标、颜色和时间表示方法 (9)一、坐标 (9)二、颜色 (9)三、时间 (9)第六章pymo支持的图像、音频、视频格式及转换方法 (10)一、图片 (10)二、塞班版本图片的透明 (10)三、安卓、PC版本图片的透明 (13)四、音频 (13)五、视频 (14)六、pymo推荐的图片、音频格式及参数 (15)七、系统图片的参数和要求 (15)第七章制作你的第一个游戏! (17)一、素材 (17)二、脚本 (17)三、运行 (18)第八章一些脚本范例 (19)一、游戏开始界面 (19)二、选择支示例 (20)三、每次游戏开始界面显示不同的图片(使用全局变量) (21)第九章鉴赏系统的编写 (23)一、CG鉴赏 (23)二、自动生成CG鉴赏缩略图 (24)三、音乐鉴赏 (24)第十章游戏资源的打包和发布 (26)一、资源打包 (26)二、游戏发布 (26)第十一章pymo android版、PC版注意事项 (27)第十二章脚本指令说明书 (28)一、对话文字显示指令 (28)1. #say (28)2. #text (28)3. #text_off (29)4. #waitkey (29)5. #title (29)6. #title_dsp (30)二、图像相关操作指令 (30)1. #chara (30)2. #chara_cls (31)4. #bg (31)5. #flash (32)6. #quake (32)7. #fade_out (32)8. #fade_in (33)9. #movie (33)10. #textbox (33)11. #chara_quake (33)12. #chara_down (34)13. #chara_up (34)14. #scroll (34)15. #chara_y (35)16. #chara_scroll (36)17. #anime_on (36)18. #anime_off (37)19. #chara_anime (38)三、变量、选择、跳转类指令 (38)1. #set (38)2. #add (38)3. #sub (39)4. #label (39)5. #goto (39)6. #if...goto (40)7. #change (40)8. #call (40)9. #ret (41)10. #sel (41)11. #select_text (41)12. #select_var (42)13. #select_img (42)14. #select_imgs (43)15. #wait (44)16. #wait_se (44)16. #rand (44)四、声音类指令 (45)1. #bgm (45)2. #bgm_stop (45)3. #se (45)4. #se_stop (46)5. #vo (46)五、系统类指令 (46)1. #load (46)2. #album (47)4. #date (47)5. #config (48)第一章pymo简介pymo全称Python Memories Off,是由chen_xin_ming开发的一款A VG游戏引擎。

PyroMAT 系统用户指南说明书

PyroMAT 系统用户指南说明书

Application Notepyrogen or bacterial endotoxin test may be used in place of the in vivo rabbit pyrogen test, where appropriate.”Principle of the MATThe monocyte activation test (MAT) is the human in vitro alternative to the rabbit pyrogen test, and allows the detection of the full range of pyrogens, including endotoxins and non-endotoxin pyrogens (NEPs).By putting the product to be tested in contact withhuman monocytic cells, it will mimic what happens in the human body: in presence of pyrogens, the monocytes are activated and produce cytokines such as interleukin-6.The cytokines are then detected using an immunological assay (ELISA) involving specific antibodies and an enzymatic color reaction.Principle of the PyroMAT™ SystemThe PyroMAT™ System uses cryo-preserved Mono-Mac-6 (MM6) human monocytic cells as a source of monocytes. The response to pyrogenic substances is determined by measurement of interleukin-6 (IL-6) produced by the Mono-Mac-6 cells. For this purpose, the ELISA microplate supplied in the kit is coated with an antibody specific to IL-6.IL-6 molecules released by MM6 cells during incubation phase are transferred from the cells supernatant to the ELISA plate, and bound by the immobilized primary antibody.A secondary antibody, linked to an enzyme, is added to form an IL-6 bound complex. After washing anyunbound molecules, the IL-6 bound complex is detected in a color reaction started by the addition of an appropriate substrate.The color development is proportional to the amount of initial IL-6 production in the supernatant and measured with an absorbance reader.Reference Standard Endotoxins suitable for PyroMAT™ SystemIntroductionWhat is a pyrogen?A pyrogen is, by definition, a substance that produces a rise in temperature in a human or animal. Pyrogens constitute a heterogeneous group of contaminantscomprising microbial and non-microbial substances. The most widely known pyrogen is the endotoxin (LPS =Lipo-Polysaccharide), which is produced by gram-negative bacteria. Other microbial substances include thosederived from gram-positive bacteria like Lipoteichoic Acid (LTA), particles from viruses and pyrogens originating from yeasts and fungi. Non-microbial pyrogenicsubstances can be rubber particles, microscopic plastic particles or metal compounds in elastomers.Why to conduct a pyrogen test?Pyrogenic substances in pharmaceutical products can induce life-threatening fever reactions after injection into the human body. Therefore, it is a regulatory requirement to test such products for pyrogens to ensure product quality and patient safety.Purpose of the test is to prove that the amount of pyro-gens contained in the product will not exceed a certain threshold, known as the contaminant limit concentration (CLC), that will guarantee the patient safety.The monocyte activation test (MAT) method has been qualified and validated for the detection of pyrogens by the European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) in 2005 and by the InteragencyCoordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) in 2008.It has been among the compendial methods for pyrogen detection in the European Pharmacopeia since 2010 (Chapter 2.6.30). The MAT is also mentioned by the FDA "Guidance For Industry – Pyrogen and Endotoxins testing: Questions and Answers" as an alternative to the rabbit pyrogen test which should be validated according to USP <1225>. Additionally, the USP <151> Pyrogen Test mentions that, "A validated, equivalent in vitroThe life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.2Resuspension of RSELyophilized RSE were reconstituted and aliquoted according to supplier guidelines.Dilution of Reference Standard Endotoxin aliquotsThe standard endotoxin solutions were prepared from the RSE stock solution at 2000 EU/mL. Seven (7) endotoxin concentrations (0.0125, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1,0.2, 0.4, and 0.8 EU/mL) were prepared to generate the standard curve according to the following procedure:• Thaw a 50 µL-aliquot of RSE and vortex at maximum speed during 1 min.• Perform serial dilutions in endotoxin-free water, using endotoxin-free glass tubes, as described below. Make sure to vortex all the dilutions before using.Comparison of Reference Standard Endo-toxins (RSE) from different suppliersPreparation of endotoxin standard solutions is needed to assess the limit of detection (LOD) of the system, to build a standard curve for quantification or to estimate the pyrogen content of a sample, depending on the MAT method used.The use of a validated Reference Standard Endotoxin is required and such a standard can be supplied by the European Pharmacopeia (EDQM) or the United States Pharmacopeia (USP).Control Standard Endotoxins (CSE) provided by LAL suppliers should not be used for MAT test.The reference standard endotoxin (RSE) supplied by the USP / EDQM is a reference endotoxin preparation with a certified activity upon reconstitution. Control standard endotoxin preparations (CSEs) are qualified using the RSE, but their activity is certified only in combination with a test system, e.g. a defined preparation of limulus amoebocyte lysate used for the bacterial endotoxin test. Using these CSEs outside their test system might lead to unexpected results and is not recommended by the respective suppliers. As there is currently no dedicated reference standard for the pyrogen test available,standardization is achieved using a strong pyrogen like the RSE whose production and standardization is not depending on the use of a specific bacterial endotoxin test.The scope of this application note is to show the suitability of Reference Standard Endotoxins from different suppliers (USP/EDQM) for MAT with the PyroMAT™ System.PyroMAT™ Kit Pyr0MATkit PyroMAT™ Cells Pyr0MATcellsPyroMAT™ Endotoxin StandardEuropean Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard Endotoxin1.44161.0001Sigma-Aldrich RSEEuropean Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard EndotoxinE0150000ACILA RSE USP Reference Standard Endotoxin (USP) 10.000 E.U./Fl1220200NIBSC RSE 3rd International Standard 10,000 USP Endotoxin units Replacement I.S. for 94/58010/178Table 1: Materials used to generate standard curvesMaterialsFigure 2:Materials used to generate standard curves3MAT quick procedure with PyroMAT™Step 1: Preparation and incubation with PyroMAT™ cellsStep 2: Detection of IL-6 with ELISA1• Prepare suitable endotoxin standard dilutions• Load the different solutions on the 96-wells cell culture plate • Prepare the PyroMAT™ cells and dispense in each well2• Incubate the plate for 22 ±2 hours at 37 °C with humidified atmosphere, without CO 23• Transfer the cell supernatants into IL-6 microplate• Add the IL-6 conjugate to each well • Incubate 2 hours at room temperature 4• Remove the liquid and wash the plate 4 times• Prepare the substrate solution by mixing color reagent A and B and add the mixture to each well • Incubate 30 minutes at room temperature, in the dark5• Add the stop solution6• Read the plate at 450 nm and 630 nm within 30 minutes after adding the stop solutionFigure 3: PyroMAT TMworkflow with standard ELISA procedureResultsEndotoxin standard curves were generated using RSE from different suppliers. To be considered “VALID”, the endotoxin standard curve must fulfill the following acceptance criteria described in the EP Chapter 2.6.30 : Effect of dose criteria: a statistical test thatconfirms a positive dose/effect response.Goodness of fit: a statistical test that confirms the suitability of the regression model to describe the raw data. The data are modeled with a 5-parameter logistics regression model.Blank criteria: the mean of blank OD value should be below 0.1.LOD criteria: the test is valid if an LOD ≤ 0.05 EU/mL is reached.An additional criterion was implemented in the protocol to assess the reactivity of the standard curve:Minimum of reactivity: OD of the 4 replicates of the highest standard (0.8 EU/mL) should be above 3.It is not required by the European pharmacopeia and is given as an additional indication for the customer.Data analysis was performed using the PyroMAT™data analysis tool, which consists of a specific protocol developed for PyroMAT™ using Gen5 Software (Biotek).The Figure 4 presents the curves that were obtained with the PyroMAT™ system using Reference Standard Endotoxins (RSE) from four different suppliers as described in table 1.Figure 4: Comparison of standard curves generated with various Reference Standard EndotoxinsThe validity of the acceptance criteria for the endotoxin standard curve was determined using the PyroMAT™ data analysis tool (protocol for Gen5 Software).The Figure 5 shows the results obtained and the legend used in the software for data interpretation:All standard curves generated with RSE from different suppliers passed the acceptance criteria of a valid standard curve according to the EP chapter 2.6.30.ConclusionAll four different Reference Standard Endotoxins (RSE) tested led to the generation of a valid standard curve and can be used to perform MAT with PyroMAT™ system.MaterialEffect of close Goodness of Fit Blank Delta OD LOD criteria Minimum of reactivityPyroMAT™ Endotoxin Standard VALID VALID VALID VALID CONFORM Sigma-Aldrich RSE VALID VALID VALID VALID CONFORM ACILA RSE VALID VALID VALID VALID CONFORM NIBSC RSEVALIDVALIDVALIDVALIDCONFORMLegendEffect of Dose Criteria: VALID: p<0.01 LOD Criteria VALID: LOD ≤ 0.05 EU/mLINVALID: p≥0.01INVALID:LOD > 0.05 EU/mLGoodness of Fit Criteria: VALID: p>0.05 Additional Criteria – Minimum of reactivity CONFORM: All replicates of Delta OD at STD7 are above 3INVALID: p≤0.05 NOT REACHED: At least one replicate of Delta OD at STD7 is below 3BLK Delta OD Criteria: VALID: MEAN(BLK)<0.1 : Unable to EvaluateINVALID: MEAN(BLK)≥0.1Figure 5: Acceptance criteria for the endotoxin standard curves and legend for data interpretationTo place an order or receive technical assistanceIn Europe, please call Customer Service:France: 0825 045 645 Germany************ I taly: 848 845 645Spain: 901 516 645 Option 1Switzerland: 0848 645 645UnitedKingdom************For other countries across Europe, p lease call: +44 (0) 115 943 0840 Or visit: /officesFor Technical Service visit: /techservice /pyromatMerck, the vibrant M, Millipore and PyroMAT are trademarks of Merck KGaA or its afiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Detailed information on trademarks is available via publicly accessible resources.© 2018 Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.MK_AN2150EN 2018-1255306/2018Merck KGaAFrankfurter Str. 250 64293 Darmstadt。



点击OK后,网格就生成了,如下图所示:1.3 定义粒子这里的粒子并不是通常CFD软件里的拉格朗日粒子,只是为了后处理方便而定义的示踪粒子。

选择Model > Edit Particles ...,然后点New。

不要选Particle Have Mass,这样粒子没有质量,仅是示踪粒子。

选中Color Particles During Animation,使用默认的颜色,红色。


1.4 建立面实际上,在建立网格的时候,我们已经得到了计算模型。





Model > Edit Surface Properties ...,点New。

Surface name是BLOW,使用INERT作为模板。

选择surface type为"Fan/Wind”。





Air Temperature = 20 C,Specify Normal Velocity = -1.0 m/s。

-1.0 m/s代表气流速度为1m/s,方向为进入计算域(+1.0m/s为出)。

第三个标签下,选中Emit Particles,Particle Type = PART。



1.5 定义边界条件这里是真正指定表面的边界条件。


选择Model > New Vent ...,在Specification标签下,Description = Vent Blow,Type = BLOW,Lies in the plane X = 0.0,Min Y = 3,Max Y = 7,Min Z = 3,Max Z = 7。



PyroSim入门教程文档1. 运行一个FDS例子1.1 启动PyroSim(并打开Example Guide, Chapter 1)。


但是开发PyroSim的Thunderhead engineering是一家位于美国的公司。

1.2 建立网格选择Model > Edit Grid ... 在跳出的面板上点New。

把网格的边界设置为Min X = 0,Max X = 10,Min Y = 0,Max Y = 10,Min Z = 0,Max Z = 10。

同时把网格数量设为X cells = 20,Y cells = 20,Z cells = 20。






点击OK后,网格就生成了,如下图所示:1.3 定义粒子这里的粒子并不是通常CFD软件里的拉格朗日粒子,只是为了后处理方便而定义的示踪粒子。

选择Model > Edit Particles ...,然后点New。

不要选Particle Have Mass,这样粒子没有质量,仅是示踪粒子。

选中Color Particles During Animation,使用默认的颜色,红色。


1.4 建立面实际上,在建立网格的时候,我们已经得到了计算模型。






Spectroquant ®Move100手持式多参数比色计操作手册目录1 准备工作. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.1 包装内容. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2 装入可充电电池. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.2.1 更换电池组. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.2.2 储存数据-重要信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.3 键盘说明. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.4 首次启动MOVE100 多参数比色计. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.5 模式Mode 菜单一览. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121.6 设置语言. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131.7 删除数据. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141.8 设置时间日期. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 141.9 显示日期时间. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151.10 自动关机功能. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151.11 屏幕背景光. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 工作状态. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162.1 选择测试方法. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.2 使用测试试剂进行测试. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182.3 多层次测试. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222.4 更改测试结果参考当量. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232.5 测试吸光度. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242.6 用户反应时间倒计时(计时器功能) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .252.7 储存测试结果. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262.8 调用储存的测试信息. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272.8.1 调用储存的所有测试结果. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272.8.2 调用一定日期范围内的测试结果. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282.8.3 调用一定储存代码范围内的测试结果. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292.8.4 调用一定测试方法范围的储存结果. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.9 删除储存的测试结果. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32准备工作1.1 包装内容Spectroquant® Move100多参数比色计的标准包装包含以下内容:•1个装在塑料便携箱里的多参数比色计•1套可充电电池包(型号AA/LR6)(a)•1个16mm圆形比色皿适配器(b)•1个16mm圆形比色皿适配器盖子(c)•1个24mm圆形比色皿适配器盖子(d)•1把螺丝刀(e)•英文操作手册•质量证明1.2 装入可充电电池/锂电池在初次使用仪器之前,可充电电池要先进行安装。



Package‘sims’October14,2022Title Simulate Data from R or'JAGS'CodeVersion0.0.3Description Generates data from R or'JAGS'code for use in simulationstudies.The data are returned as an'nlist::nlists'object and/orsaved tofile as individual'.rds'files.Parallelization isimplemented using the'future'package.Progress is reported usingthe'progressr'package.License MIT+file LICENSEDepends R(>=3.6)Imports chk,future.apply,nlist,parallel,stats,yesnoSuggests covr,future,knitr,progressr,rjags,rmarkdown,testthat(>=3.0.0),withrVignetteBuilder knitrEncoding UTF-8Language en-USRoxygenNote7.1.2Config/testthat/edition3NeedsCompilation noAuthor Audrey Beliveau[aut],Joe Thorley[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0002-7683-4592>)Maintainer Joe Thorley<************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-09-2018:50:02UTCR topics documented:sims_add (2)sims_check (2)sims_copy (3)sims_data (4)12sims_check sims_data_files (4)sims_info (5)sims_rdists (5)sims_simulate (6)Index8 sims_add Add Simulated DatasetsDescriptionAdd Simulated DatasetsUsagesims_add(path=".",nsims=1)Argumentspath A string specifying the path to the directory to add the data sets to.nsims A count of the number of additional datasets to generate.ValueA character vector of the names of thefiles created.sims_check Check Simulated DataDescriptionChecks the simulated data argument values in the’.sims.rds’file.Usagesims_check(path=".")Argumentspath A string of the path to the directory with the simulated data.DetailsThe checks include whether number and names of the datafiles in the directory are consistent with the number of simulations.sims_copy3 ValueAn informative error or invisible list of the argument values.Examplesset.seed(10)sims_simulate("a<-runif(1)",save=TRUE,path=tempdir(),exists=NA,ask=FALSE)(sims_check(tempdir()))sims_copy Copy Simulated DatasetsDescriptionCopy Simulated DatasetsUsagesims_copy(path_from=".",path_to=paste0(path_from,"_copy"),exists=FALSE,ask=getOption("sims.ask",TRUE),silent=FALSE)Argumentspath_from A string of the path to the directory containing the simulated datasets.path_to A string of the path to the directory to copy the simulated dataset to.exists Aflag specifying whether path_to should already exist.If exists=NA it doesn’t matter.If the directory already exists sims compatiblefiles are deletedif exists=TRUE or exists=NA otherwise an error is thrown.ask Aflag specifying whether to ask before deletingfiles.silent Aflag specifying whether to suppress warnings.ValueA character vector of the names of thefiles copied.4sims_data_files sims_data Simulated DatasetsDescriptionGets the simulated datasets as an nlist::nlists_object().There is no guarantee that all the datasets willfit in memory.Usagesims_data(path=".")Argumentspath A string of the path to the directory with the simulated data.ValueAn nlist::nlists_object()of the simulated datasets.Examplesset.seed(10)sims_simulate("a<-runif(1)",nsims=10L,path=tempdir(),exists=NA,ask=FALSE)library(nlist)sims_data(tempdir())sims_data_files Simulated Data FilesDescriptionGets the names of the simulated datafiles.Usagesims_data_files(path=".")Argumentspath A string of the path to the directory with the simulated data.ValueA character vector of the names of the simulated datafiles.sims_info5Examplesset.seed(10)sims_simulate("a<-runif(1)",nsims=10L,path=tempdir(),exists=NA,ask=FALSE)sims_data_files(tempdir())sims_info Simulated Data Argument ValuesDescriptionGets the simulated data argument values in the’.sims.rds’file.Usagesims_info(path=".")Argumentspath A string of the path to the directory with the simulated data.ValueA named list of the values in file.path(path, .sims.rds ).Examplesset.seed(10)sims_simulate("a<-runif(1)",path=tempdir(),exists=NA,ask=FALSE)sims_info(tempdir())sims_rdists Sims Random R DistributionsDescriptionGets the names of the R random variate generating functions listed in Distributions().Usagesims_rdists()ValueA character vector.Examplessims_rdists()sims_simulate Simulate DatasetsDescriptionSimulates datasets using JAGS or R code.By default returns the datasets as an nlist::nlists_object().If path is provided then the datasets are written to the directory as individual.rdsfiles.Usagesims_simulate(code,constants=nlist::nlist(),parameters=nlist::nlist(),monitor=".*",stochastic=NA,latent=NA,nsims=1,save=FALSE,path=".",exists=FALSE,rdists=sims_rdists(),ask=getOption("sims.ask",TRUE),silent=FALSE)Argumentscode A string of the JAGS or R code to generate the data.The JAGS code must notbe in a data or model block.constants An nlist object(or list that can be coerced to nlist)specifying the values of nodesin code.The values are included in the output dataset.parameters An nlist object(or list that can be coerced to nlist)specifying the values of nodesin code.The values are not included in the output dataset.monitor A character vector(or regular expression if a string)specifying the names of thenodes in code to include in the dataset.By default all nodes are included.stochastic A logical scalar specifying whether to monitor deterministic and stochastic(NA),only deterministic(FALSE)or only stochastic nodes(TRUE).latent A logical scalar specifying whether to monitor observed and latent(NA),onlylatent(TRUE)or only observed nodes(FALSE).nsims A whole number between1and1,000,000specifying the number of data sets tosimulate.By default1data set is Aflag specifying whether to return the data sets as an nlists object or save inpath.If save=NA the datasets are returned as an nlists object and saved inpath.path A string specifying the path to the directory to save the data sets in.exists Aflag specifying whether the path directory should already exist(if exists=NA it doesn’t matter).rdists A character vector specifying the R functions to recognize as stochastic.ask Aflag specifying whether to ask before deleting sims compatiblefiles.silent Aflag specifying whether to suppress warnings.DetailsJAGS code is identified by the presence of’~’indicating a stochastic variable node.Otherwise codeis assumed to be R code and stochastic variable nodes are those where assignment is immediatelysucceeded by a call to one of the functions named in rdists.Both constants and parameters must be[nlist::nlist_object]s(or lists that can be coerced tosuch).The only difference between constants and parameters is that the values in constants areappended to the output data while the values in parameters are not.Neither constants or parameterscan include missing values nor can they have elements with the same name.Elements which are notin code are dropped with a warning(unless silent=TRUE in which case the warning is suppressed).Each set of simulated data set is written as a separate.rdsfile.Thefiles are labelled data0000001.rds,data0000002.rds,data0000003.rds etc.The argument values are saved in the hiddenfile.sims.rds.sims compatiblefiles are those matching the regular expression^((data\\\\d\{7,7\})|([.]sims))[.]rds$.Parallelization is implemented using the future package.ValueBy default an nlist::nlists_object()of the simulated data.Otherwise if path is defined savesthe datasets as individual.rdsfiles and returns TRUE.See Alsosims_rdists()Examplesset.seed(101)sims_simulate("a<-runif(1)",path=tempdir(),exists=NA,ask=FALSE)IndexDistributions(),5nlist::nlists_object(),4,6,7sims_add,2sims_check,2sims_copy,3sims_data,4sims_data_files,4sims_info,5sims_rdists,5sims_rdists(),7sims_simulate,68。





软件安装步骤:1.下载解压所需版本后,安装红色框内的程序包,2.安装Lzo文件夹下的程序包〔下图框选的,3.将上图中的theng.lic和theng.exe复制到安装程序包产生的license manager文件夹,代替原有的同名称文件。

4.然后运行rlm.exe5.打开软件出现如下选项框选择第三个licence server ,打开后面的浏览按钮,填入52100localhost,确定,完成。














•在任何时候,选择〔或按Ctrl + R,将重置模型。


请参阅用户手册为PyroSim 说明。







Safety Labels 安全标签
Electrical under UPS
Safety Glasses
See Manual
Safety Gloves Lifting Point
Refractory Warning



RemoteSIM Configurations User ManualMarch2023Introduction3 Requirements3 Scenario1:SIM Injector in LAN of Cellular Router4 Setup topology4 Configuring the SIM Injector/SIM Injector Mini4 Configuring the Cellular Router5 Scenario2:SIM Injector in WAN of main Router and multiple Cellular Routers8 Setup topology8 Additional configurations for Cellular Routers8 Configuration requirements for the main Router10 Scenario3:SIM Injector in LAN of main Router and multiple Cellular Routers11 Setup topology11 Main Router configuration12 Scenario4:SIM Injector in LAN of main Router and Dome with Starlink13 Setup topology13 Configuring the MAX HD2router14 Configuring the SIM Injector15 Configuring the HD1Dome Pro16 Scenario5:SIM Injector/SIM Injector Mini in a remote location18 Setup topology18 Cellular Router configuration18 How to check if a Peplink Cellular Router supports RemoteSIM20 Monitor the status of the RemoteSIM20 Appendix A:Declaration21IntroductionPeplink has developed a unique technology called RemoteSIM,which allows SIM cards to remotely link to a cellular router.This can be done via cloud or within the same physical network.There are a few key scenarios to fit certain applications.The purpose of this manual is to provide an introduction on where to start and how to set up for the most common scenarios and uses.Requirements-Cellular router that supports RemoteSIM technology.-SIM Injector.-SIM card.Notes:-Always check for the latest Firmware version for both the cellular router and the SIM Injector.You can also check for the latest Firmware version on the device’s WEBconfiguration page.-A list of products that support RemoteSIM can be found on the SIM Injector WEB page.Please check under the section Supported models.SIM Injector reset and login detailsHow to reset a SIM Injector:-Hold the reset button for5-10seconds.Once the LED status light turns RED,the reset button can be released.SIM Injector will reboot and start with the factory default settings. The default WEB login settings:-User:admin-Password:admin-IP address:the device only has a DHCP client and no fallback IP address..Therefore,it is advised to check every time what IP address is assigned to the SIM Injector.Notes:-The SIM Injector can be monitored via InControl2.Configuration is not supported.Scenario1:SIM Injector in LAN of Cellular RouterSetup topologyThis is the most basic scenario in which the SIM Injector/SIM Injector Mini(hereinafter referred to as SIM Injector)is connected directly to the cellular router’s LAN port via an ethernet cable. This allows for the cellular router to be positioned for the best possible signal.Meanwhile,the SIM cards can be conveniently located in other locations such as the office,passenger area,or the bridge of a ship.The SIM Injector allows for easily swapping SIM cards without needing to access a cellular router.IMPORTANT:Cellular WAN will not fallback to the local SIM if it is configured to use the SIM Injector.Configuring the SIM Injector/SIM Injector Mini1.Connect the SIM Injector to the LAN port of the cellular router.2.Insert SIM cards into the SIM Injector.The SIM cards will be automatically detected. IMPORTANT:SIM cards inserted into SIM Injector must not have a PIN code.Note1:The SIM Injector gets its IP address via DHCP and doesn't have a static IP address.To find it’s address,please check the DHCP lease on the cellular router.Configuring the Cellular RouterStep1.Enable the SIM Injector communication protocol.1a.If you are using a Balance cellular router,go to the Network tab(top navigation bar).1b.If you are using a MAX cellular router,go to the Advanced tab(top navigation bar).2.Under Misc.settings(left navigation bar)find Remote SIM Management.3.In Remote SIM Management,click on the edit icon next to Remote SIM is Disabled.4.Check the Auto LAN discovery checkbox and click Save and Apply Changes.5.Click Save and then Apply Changes.Step2.Enable RemoteSIM for the selected Cellular interface.1.Go to Network(top navigation bar),then WAN(left navigation bar)and click Details for a selected cellular WAN.This will open the WAN Connection Settings page.2.Scroll down to Cellular settings.3.In the SIM Card section,select Use Remote SIM Only.4.Enter configuration settings in the Remote SIM Settings section.Click on Scan nearby remote SIM server to show the serial number(s)of the connected SIM Injector(s).Available configuration options for cellular interface are shown below:A.Defining SIM Injector(s)-Format:<S/N>-Example1:1111-2222-3333-Example2:1111-2222-33334444-5555-6666B.Defining SIM Injector(s)SIM slot(s):-Format:<S/N:slot number>-Example1:1111-2222-3333:7,5(the Cellular Interface will use SIM in slot7,then5)-Example2:1111-2222-3333:1,21111-2222-3333:3,4(the cellular Interface will use SIM in slot1,then in2from the first SIM Injector,and then it will use3and4from the second SIM Injector).Note:It is recommended to use different SIM slots for each cellular interface.5.Click Save and Apply Changes.Step3.(Optional)Custom SIM cards settings.1a.For a Balance router,go to the Network(Top tab).1b.For a MAX router,go to the Advanced(Top tab).2.Under Misc.settings(Left-side tab)find Remote SIM Management.3.Click on the Add Remote SIM button,fill in all the required info and click Save.This section allows defining custom requirements for a SIM card located in a certain SIM slot: -Enable/Disable roaming(by default roaming is disabled).-Add Custom mobile operator settings(APN,user name,password).4.Repeat configuration for all SIM cards which need custom settings.5.Click Apply Changes to take effect.Scenario2:SIM Injector in WAN of main Router and multiple Cellular RoutersSetup topologyIn this scenario,each HD Dome creates a WAN connection to the main router.A single SIM Injector is used to provide SIM cards for each HD Dome.The HD Dome can be replaced with any Peplink cellular router supporting RemoteSIM technology.This scenario requires the completion of the configuration steps shown in Scenario1in addition to the configuration steps explained below.Additional configurations for Cellular RoutersStep1.Disable the DHCP server.-HD Dome1should act as a DHCP server.-HD Dome2should be configured to have a static IP address with DHCP disabled.-Both routers should be in the same subnet(e.g. to Network(Top tab),then Network Settings(Left-side tab),and click on Untagged LAN.This will open up the LAN settings page.2.Change the IP address to192. the DHCP Server section,uncheck the checkbox to disable DHCP Server.4.Click Save and Apply Changes.Step2.Ethernet port configurationThe Ethernet port must be set to ACCESS mode for each HD Dome.To do this,dummy VLANs need to be created first.1.Go to Network(Top tab),then Network Settings(Left-side tab),and click on New LAN.This will open the settings page to create a dummy VLAN.2.The image below shows the values that need to be changed to create a new VLAN:Note:set different IP addresses for each HD dome(e.g. Save and Apply Changes.4.Go to Network(Top tab),then Port Settings(Left-side tab).5.Set the Port Type to Access and set VLAN to Untagged LAN(see picture below).6.Click Save and Apply Changes.Configuration requirements for the main RouterRequirements for the main router are:-Configure WAN1as a DHCP client.-WAN1will automatically get the Gateway IP address from HD Dome1.-Configure WAN2as a Static IP and set it to192.168.50.12.-Configure WAN2Gateway to192.168.50.2.Same as the HD Dome2’s IP address.Scenario3:SIM Injector in LAN of main Router and multiple Cellular RoutersSetup topologyIn this scenario,SIMs are provided to the HD Domes via the main router.In this example,the Remote SIM Proxy functionality needs to be enabled on the main router.Notes:-HD Dome can be replaced with any other cellular router that supports RemoteSIM.-It is recommended to use Peplink Balance series or X series routers as the main router.This scenario requires the completion of the configuration steps for the cellular router and the SIM Injector as in Scenario1.The configuration for the main router is explained below.Main Router configurationIMPORTANT:Main router LAN side and Cellular Routers must be configured using different subnets,e.g. make sure the Peplink router is running Firmware8.1.0or above.1.Open the main router WEB interface and change:From<IP address>/cgi-bin/MANGA/index.cgi to<IP address>/cgi-bin/MANGA/support.cgi.This will open the support.cgi page.2.Scroll down to find Remote SIM Proxy and click on[click to configure]that is located next to it.3.Check the Enable checkbox.4.Click on Save.5.Go back to the index.cgi page and click on Apply Changes.Scenario4:SIM Injector in LAN of main Router and Dome with StarlinkSetup topologyEquipment used:-HD1Dome Pro(MAX-HD1-DOM-PRO-5GD),FW version8.2.1-MAX HD2(MAX-HD2-LTEA-W-T),FW version8.2.1-SIM Injector Mini(SIM-MINI-8-1E),FW version1.1.120Configuring the MAX HD2routerIMPORTANT:Main router LAN side and Cellular Routers must be configured using different subnets,e.g. router subnet to192.168.100.1/24.1.Go to Network tab,then click on LAN network2.Change IP addresses to the new subnet:3.Click on Save.4.Go back to the index.cgi page and click on Apply Changes.Step2.Enable the Remote SIM Proxy1.Open the main router WEB interface and change:From192.168.100.1/cgi-bin/MANGA/index.cgi to192.168.100.1/cgi-bin/MANGA/support.cgi 2.Scroll down to find Remote SIM Proxy and click on[click to configure]that is located next to it.3.Check the Enable checkbox.4.Click on Save.5.Go back to the index.cgi page and click on Apply Changes.Configuring the SIM InjectorThere is no need to configure a SIM Injector mini.Once the HD2router configuration is finished you power on SIM Injector mini.IMPORTANT:in case SIM Injector Mini was connected to HD2before its configuration,then need to power off and then power on SIM Injector Mini.Configuring the HD1Dome ProStep1.Enable the SIM Injector communication protocol.1.By default the HD1Dome Pro IP address is192.168.50.1.Open WEB based configuration interface and then go to Advanced tab(top navigation bar).2.Under Misc.settings(left navigation bar)find Remote SIM Management.3.In Remote SIM Management,click on the edit icon next to Remote SIM is Disabled.4.Check the Auto LAN discovery checkbox and click Save and Apply Changes.5.Click Save and then Apply Changes and reboot the HD1Dome Pro.Step2.Enable RemoteSIM for the selected Cellular interface.1.Go to Network(top navigation bar),then WAN(left navigation bar)and click Details for a selected cellular WAN.This will open the WAN Connection Settings page.2.Scroll down to Cellular settings.3.In the SIM Card section,select Use Remote SIM Only.4.Click Scan nearby remote SIM server.The system must find the SIM Injector Mini serial number as shown below.5.Click Update RemoteSIM Settings.6.Click Save and Apply Changes.Step3.(Optional)Custom SIM cards settings.1.For a MAX router,go to the Advanced(Top tab).2.Under Misc.settings(Left-side tab)find Remote SIM Management.3.Click on the Add Remote SIM button,fill in all the required info and click Save.This section allows defining custom requirements for a SIM card located in a certain SIM slot: -Enable/Disable roaming(by default roaming is disabled).-Add Custom mobile operator settings(APN,user name,password).4.Repeat configuration for all SIM cards which need custom settings.5.Click Apply Changes to take effect.Scenario5:SIM Injector/SIM Injector Mini in a remote locationSetup topologyRequirements for installing a SIM Injector/SIM Injector Mini(hereinafter referred to as SIM Injector)in a remote location:●Cellular router communicates with the SIM Injector via UDP port50000.Therefore thisport must be reachable via public IP over the Internet.●The one way latency between the cellular router and the SIM Injector should be up to250ms.A higher latency may lead to instability issues.●The cellular router must have Internet connection to connect to the SIM Injector.It canbe another Internet connection via Ethernet or Fiber if possible,or a secondary cellular interface with a local SIM(Ignite SIM).●Due to its high latency,it is not recommended to use satellite WAN for connecting to aSIM Injector in remote locations.SIM Injector configuration is the same as in Scenario1.Cellular Router configurationStep1.Enable the SIM Injector communication protocol.1a.For a Balance cellular router,go to the Network(Top tab).1b.For a MAX cellular router,go to the Advanced(Top tab).2.Under Misc.settings(Left-side tab),find Remote SIM Management.3.In Remote SIM Management,click on the edit icon next to Remote SIM is Disabled.4.Enter the public IP of the SIM Injector and click Save and Apply Changes.Notes:-Do NOT check Auto LAN Discovery.-Adding a SIM Injector serial number to the Remote SIM Host field is a mistake! Step2.RemoteSIM and custom SIM card settings configurations are the same as in Scenario1.How to check if a Peplink Cellular Router supports RemoteSIM1.Go to Network(Top tab),then WAN(Left-side tab),and click Details on any cellular WAN. This will open the WAN Connection Settings page.2.Scroll down to Cellular settings.If you can see the Remote SIM Settings section,then the cellular router supports RemoteSIM.Monitor the status of the RemoteSIM1.Go to Network(Top tab),then WAN(Left-side tab),and click Details on the cellular WAN which was configured to use RemoteSIM.2.Check the WAN Connection Status section.Within the cell WAN details,there is a section for Remote SIM(SIM card IMSI,SIM Injector serial number and SIM slot).Appendix A:DeclarationFCC Requirements for Operation in the United StatesFederal Communications Commission(FCC)Compliance Notice:For SIM InjectorFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part15of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part15of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference and(2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Industry Canada StatementThis product meets the applicable Innovation,Science and Economic Development Canada technical specifications.Le présent produit est conforme aux spécifications techniques applicables d'Innovation, Sciences et Développementéconomique Canada.This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s)that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause interference.(2)This device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio ex-empts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisee aux deux conditions suivantes:(1)l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,et(2)l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioelectrique subi,meme si le brouillage est susceptible d’enFCC Requirements for Operation in the United StatesFederal Communications Commission(FCC)Compliance Notice:For SIM Injector MiniFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementAny changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part15of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.This equipment generates,uses,and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual,it may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference,in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.This device complies with Part15of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)this device may not cause harmful interference and(2)this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Industry Canada StatementThis product meets the applicable Innovation,Science and Economic Development Canada technical specifications.Le présent produit est conforme aux spécifications techniques applicables d'Innovation, Sciences et Développementéconomique Canada.This device contains licence-exempt transmitter(s)/receiver(s)that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause interference.(2)This device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le present appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio ex-empts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisee aux deux conditions suivantes:(1)l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,et(2)l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioelectrique subi,meme si le brouillage est susceptible d’enCE Statement for Pepwave Routers(SIM Injector Mini)contact as:https:///UK Statement for Pepwave Routers(SIM Injector Mini)。



Pyrosim软件介绍 在百度搜这个据说能下载FDS 看着像挂马网站没敢试。

PyroSim是由美国标准技术研究院(NIST)研发的,专用于消防动态仿真模拟(Fire Dynamic Simulation, FDS)的软件。

它是在FDS 的基础上发展起来的。

软件以计算流体动力学为依据,可以模拟预测火灾中的烟气,CO等毒气的运动,温度以及浓度等情况;软件可以模拟的火灾范围很广,从日常炉火,房间,接电设备引起的各种火灾形式;方便快捷的建模,并支持DXF和FDS 格式的模型文件的导入。

PyroSim最大的特点是提供了三维图形化前处理功能,可视化编辑的效果,能够边编辑边查看所建模型,把用户从以前FDS 建模的枯燥复杂的命令行中解放了出来。

在PyroSim里面不仅包括建模、边界条件设置、火源设置、燃烧材料设置和帮助等,还包括FDS/ smokeview 的调用以及计算结果后处理,用户可以直接在PyroSim中运行所建模型。

PyroSim支持导入二维和三维的CAD 的DXF文件,在二维CAD 平面图的基础上,您可以精确绘制建筑模型,也可以通过平面拉伸来形成墙体;。



RobotMaster使用手册中文版ROBOTMASTER 使用手册Robotmaster Version 6目录TUTORIAL 1 ……………………………………………………. 1.1 ROBOTMASTER 入门,使用2D 轮廓刀具路径TUTORIAL 2 ……………………………………………………. 2.1多轴刀具路径TUTORIAL 3 ……………………………………………………. 3.1轮廓追踪TUTORIAL 4 …………………………………………………… 4.1跳转点TUTORIAL 5 …………………………………………………… 5.1优化五轴路径曲线TUTORIAL 6 …………………………………………………… 6.1机器人安装在轨道上TUTORIAL 7 ……………………………………………………7.1外部旋转轴TUTORIAL 8 ……………………………….…….……………8.1外部TCP 教程 1、ROBOTMASTER 入门,使用 2D轮廓刀具路径目标:1. 通过如下步骤,用户能够正确地把一个CNC 机床专用2 维刀具路径配置成机器人能用的刀具路径:a. 通过 Mastercam 选择合适的机床类型;b. 理解并掌握 Robotmaster 的基本特性; c. 输入全局设定:设置机器人;设置坐标数据;设置起始点/结束点数据;设置工具和配置; d. 输入本地设定:设置轴配置;2. 用户能够使用 Robotmaster 仿真器来仿真整个过程本教程需要用户具备必要的运用 Mastercam X7 设计和处理刀具路径的技能。

用户自定义工具栏在使用Robotmaster 开始工作前, 我们应当激活使用Robotmaster 必须的工具栏。

参见 Robotmaster 快速入门指南, 第 3 页和第4 页。

步骤 1:打开 .MCX 文件Plate.mcx-7 文件位于Robotmaster_V6\\Samples\\ 目录。



6.4.1 停止和再启动一个重要的MISC 参数叫RESTART。

建立一个CHID.STOP 的文件在目录下。




























HYPE MOBILE 快速入门指南说明书

HYPE MOBILE 快速入门指南说明书

Quick start user manualSection 1The warnings in this manual must be observed together with the "USER MANUAL - Section 2".Le avvertenze nel presente manuale devono essere osservate congiuntamente al “MANUALE D’USO - Sezione2”.Die Warnungen in diesem Handbuch müssen in Verbindung mit der "BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG - Abschnitt 2" beobachtet werden”.Les avertissements specifiés dans ce manuel doivent être respectés ainsi que les "CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES -Section 2"Las advertencias del presente manual se deben tener en cuenta conjuntamente con las del “MANUAL DEL USUARIO” - Sección 2”.A.E.B. Industriale Srl Via Brodolini, 8 Località Crespellano 40053 VALSAMOGGIA BOLOGNA (ITALIA)Technical DataSpeaker Type : 2-way battery speaker with wireless microphone (handheld or bodypack versions)Acoustical dataFrequency Response [-10 dB]: 62 – 20000 Hz Frequency Response [-6 dB]: 66 – 18100 Hz Max SPL (1 m): 123 dBHF compression driver : 1" Exit (voice coil : 1”) LF : 10” (voice coil : 1.5”)Crossover frequency : 2400 Hz Dispersion : 90° (H) x 45° (V)AmplifierAmp Technology : Amp SMPS Power Supply Amp Class : Class-D RMS Power : 95 WPeak Power: 190 WCooling: Passive (convection)Operating voltage range:220-240V~/100-120V~ 50-60 Hz (factory set) Operating temperature: [-10 +55] °CCharger operating temperature: [-0 +44] °CB-HYPE MOBILE batteryBattery type : LI-Ion (25.9 V / 2200 mAh) Charging time: Less than 2 hours Mean usage time: 4 hoursIntegrated transmitter ChargerRechargeable Device: HT-BHM handheld only (Ni-MH rechargeable batteries only)Audio Media PlayerSupported audio formats: .mp3, .wav, .wmaRF sectionAvailable bands: 542-566 / 638-662 / 863-865 MHz (factory set)RF selectable channels: 8Transmission range: up to 35 m (114.82 in)Input / OutputMains connections : VDESignal I/O : (Balanced) 1x combo (XLR/TRS) IN, 1x stereo RCA IN, 1x mini-jack IN, 1 x TRS link OUTMixer controls: Volume controls, EQ, CH1/RF priorityMechanicsHousing: Plastic cabinet Grille : Full grilleHandles : 1 for each side, 1 on top (retractable) Mounting pole: yes, 36 mm Width : 300 mm (11.81 in) Height : 568 mm (22.36 in)Depth : 301 mm (11.86 in)Weight (without transmitter): 12.5 kg (27 lbs.)Download the complete user manual on: /EN/Downloads.aspx , or scan with your QR Reader App to download it. EMI CLASSIFICATIONAccording to the standards EN 55103 this equipment is designed and suitable to operate in CLASS B Electromagnetic environments. FCC CLASS B STATEMENT ACCORDING TO TITLE 47, PART 15, SUBPART B, §15.105This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.B-HYPE MOBILE contains transmitter module:HANDHELD VERSION Æ FCC ID:2ADDV-HTBHM (USA) IC:12207A-HTBHM (CANADA) BODYPACK VERSION Æ FCC ID: 2ADDV-BTBHM (USA) IC: 12207A-BTBHM (CANADA)WARNING: Make sure that the loudspeaker is securely installed in a stable position to avoid any injuries or damages to persons or properties. For safety reasons do not place one loudspeaker on top of another without proper fastening systems. Before hanging the loudspeaker check all the components for damages, deformations, missing or damaged parts that may compromise safety during installation. If you use the loudspeakers outdoor avoid spots exposed to bad weather conditions.Contact dB Technologies for accessories to be used with speakers. dBTechnologies will not accept any responsibility for damages caused by inappropriate accessories or additional devices.Features, specification and appearance of products are subject to change without notice. dBTechnologies reserves the right to make changes or improvements in design or manufacturing without assuming any obligation to change or improve products previously manufactured.The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by AEB Industriale SRL is under license. Other Trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.POWER SUPPLY SPECIFICATIONS (POWER ABSORPTION)Draw at 1/8 of full power in average use conditions (*): 0.35 A (220-240V~) - 0.57 A (100-120V~) Draw at 1/3 of full power in maximum use conditions (**): 0.65 A (220-240V~) - 1.3 A (100-120V~) Power absorption with speaker turned on without signal (idle): 16 W* INSTALLER NOTES: The values refer to 1/8 of full power, in average operating conditions (music program with infrequent or no clipping). It is recommended to consider them the minimum sizing values for any type of configuration.** INSTALLER NOTES: The values refer to 1/3 of full power, in heavy operating conditions (music program with frequent clipping or activation of the limiter).9) OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES AND RF BANDSDepending on the voltage range, two or three RF bands are available to the user of B-HYPE MOBILE:x 542-566 MHz (8 channels) x 638-662 MHz (8 channels) x 863-865 MHz (8 channels) * *not available for 100-120V~In order to change the wireless band the user must:- Change the receiver R-BHM- Change the transmitter (HT-BHM or HM-BHM )See the complete manual for further details.In this page you can find the reference tables about main accessories and frequency bands.Check the complete user manual on for further information about the system and available accessories.Scarica il manuale completo da per ogni ulteriore informazione sul sistema e sugli accessori disponibili.Für weitere Informationen und verfügbares Zubehör lesen sie bitte die vollständige Bedienungsanleitung unter .Vérifiez le manuel de l'utilisateur complet sur pour des informations complémentaires du système et des accessoires disponibles.Compruebe el manual de usuario completo sobre para la información adicional sobre el sistema y accesorios disponibles.Check periodically the website for any documentation, and new accessories update.Thank you for choosing a dBTechnologies Product!B-HYPE MOBILE is the new powerful bi-amped dBTechnologies battery speaker, available in two versions: handheld transmitter (B-HYPE M HT bundle ) or bodypack transmitter (B-HYPE M BT bundle ). It is equipped with: one 1” compression driver exit (1” voice coil) and one 10” woofer (1.5” voice coil). The input section allows the user to connect: up to three cabled inputs, one wireless microphone, and different media inputs (included a Bluetooth ® one). The user can also connect the audio output to a second active speaker. The control section is equipped with a convenient equalizer and a CH1/RF priority function that mutes all the other channels, if the user is speaking. The long-lasting lithium battery allows an easy and portable usage for your music performances. Check the site for the complete user manual! 1) UNPACKING The box contains:NEVER USE THE HANDLES TO SUSPENDTHE SPEAKER. THE USER MUST READ THE COMPLETE USER MANUAL AFTER THE FIRSTSWITCH-ON AND FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.2) BEFORE YOU STARTa) Mount the antennasb) Place the batteries (not included)Please note that for the correct use of the integrated charger of B-HYPE MOBILE, only Ni-MH batteries mustbe used with the HT-BHM.3) A CONTROLS OVERVIEWThe top and rear panel can be divided in main sections:x MEDIA PLAYER SECTIONx CONNECTIONS AND CONTROL SECTION x RECEIVER MODULE R-BHM x BATTERY HOLDER x HT-BHM CHARGER x MAINS SECTIONIn the following chapters these sections are presented and they are recalled with reference to this scheme.7) MEDIA PLAYER SECTIONIn this section you can find:x SD Audio Input: x USB Audio Input: x Controls buttonsa) Audio reproduction from USB flash drive / SD CARD1. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (see chapter 4 forfurther information), and check that the MASTER volume and the Bluetooth ®/USB/SD one is on amedium/low level (see chapter 5).2. Insert the correct device (a USB flash drive or SDCARD). Please note that only MP3, WAV andWMA files can be read and that the player canread only one media source at a time.3. Push the button for a few seconds.Once the reader is on, you can select the audiosource by shortly pressing the same button.4. Push the buttonsto play/pause, search through the folders,repeat/change the equalization, rewind, fastforward a track respectively.5. Adjust the MASTER and Bluetooth ®/USB/SDvolumes.b) Audio reproduction from Bluetooth ® device1. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (see chapter 4 forfurther information), and check that the MASTER volume and the Bluetooth ®/USB/SD one is on a medium/low level (see chapter 5). 2. Push the button for a few seconds toturn on the player.3. Once the reader is on, you can select the audiosource by shortly pressing the same button.4. Enable Bluetooth ® transmission on your deviceand check that its “visibility mode” is enabled. 5. Once the communication is established, thename of your device is displayed on the screen. Adjust the source volume, and the MASTER and Bluetooth ®/USB/SD ones.8) THE HT-BHM CHARGER “RECHARGE” mode allows the user to charge not only the internal LI-Ion battery, but also the HT-BHM transmitter. HT-BHM can be charged also in “ON” mode, while B-HYPE MOBILE is turned on. In order to correctly charge the transmitter: 1. Use the correct HT-BHM batteries (Ni-MH AA type only) 2. Insert properly the handheld transmitter in the charger on the rear panel 3. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (“Power” LED green) or select the “RECHARGE” mode (“Charge” LED red). 4. The Led of HT-BHM charger can be: x RED – the batteries are charging x GREEN – the batteries are fully charged x FLASHING RED – the batteries in the transmitter are not of the correct type6) TURN ON AND SYNCHRONIZE THE TRANSMITTER TO THE RECEIVER----------------------------------A – STATUS LEDB – POWER/MUTE SWITCHC – IR LENSD – GAIN (INPUT SENSITIVITY)E – PLASTIC SCREWDRIVER FOR [D] GAINF – BATTERY COVER-----------------------------------------------------------------------G – ANTENNA H – STATUS LEDI – POWER/MUTE SWITCHL – 4-POLE CONNECTOR FOR HEADSET M – PLASTIC SCREWDRIVER FOR [N] GAIN N – GAIN (INPUT SENSITIVITY) O – IR LENSP – BATTERY COVER1. Turn on the B-HYPE MOBILE (see chapter 4 forfurther information), and check that the MASTER Volume is on a medium/low level (see chapter 5). 2. Unscrew the battery cover [F ] of HT-BHM or openthe [P ] one of BT-BHM.3. On the transmitter, hold down for a few secondsthe “POWER” button [B ], or [I ] (for HT-BHMorBT-BHM). Please note that a short pressure enables “MUTE” status when the transmitter is on.4. On the receiver, select one of the eight availablechannels by shortly pressing [X ] or [Z ] buttons. 5. Hold down for a few seconds the [X ] button, thenrelease it. The CHANNEL number in the display starts blinking.6. The IR LENS of the transmitter must face the displayof the RECEIVER MODULE R-BHM as shown in the pictures.7. The transmitter is then synchronized with thereceiver in a few seconds, and the CHANNEL number in the display becomes fixed.8. RF indicator in the display shows the wirelessreception intensity with a synchronized transmitter, the AF the audio volume one. You can enter the related submenus by pressing SET button. In the transmitter you can set the gain ([D ] or [N ]) with the related screwdriver [E ] or [M ].9. Screw the battery cover [F ] of HT-BHM or close the[P ] one of BT-BHM .4) MAINS SECTIONThe mains section contains:x Mains VDE connector x Mains switchThe B-HYPE usage modes, once the VDE cable is connected are:x ON (B-HYPE MOBILE is fully operative and itcan operate with the battery without the mains cable, if charged, or with the mains cable inserted) x OFFx RECHARGE (the battery located in BATTERYHOLDER section charges with the power cord inserted, the B-HYPE MOBILE is turned off)5) CONNECTIONS, CONTROLS, STATUS LEDsIn this section you can find:x CH1: Balanced\Unbalanced input (XLR/TLRcombo connector type) with input sensitivity switch (LINE/MIC) and channel volume control. x CH2: Aux input connector for 3,5 mm jack andRCA stereo input connectors with channel volume control.x Master section with EQUALIZER rotaries(Treble and Bass separated regulations) and MAIN volume control.x Bluetooth ®/USB/SD volume control.x Unbalanced Line Output. The signal which canbe connected to another active loudspeaker is the output of the B-HYPE mobile mixer (so it is affected by all volume controls).x CH1/RF Priority. If in “On” position the sourceaudio level of CH2 and of Bluetooth ®/USB/SD is instantly reduced by the presence of the CH1/RF signal).x Control LEDs:1. POWER: green when B-HYPE MOBILE is on.2. CHARGE: red when B-HYPE MOBILE is inRECHARGE mode or in ON mode. It becomes green when the battery is fully charged.3. BATTERY LEVEL: four-stage LEDs that showthe battery status.At the first switch-on, in order to charge the lithium battery integrated in the B-HYPE MOBILE, simply plug the VDE mains cable and switch to “RECHARGE” till the CHARGE LED becomes green.An example of connections in B-HYPE MOBILE is represented below, purely for information.CAUTION: RISK OF EXPLOSION IF THE BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. BATTERY INSTALLATION AND REPLACEMENT MUST BE CARRIED OUT BYPERSONNEL IN POSSESSION OF ENOUGH TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE OR INSTRUCTIONS TO BE ABLE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THE CONNECTIONS.DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO WATER. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT NEAR ANY HEAT SOURCE AND KEEP IT AWAY FROM NAKED FLAMES.。


















在任何时候,选择(或按Ctrl + R),将重置模型。







障碍物障碍物的根本在火灾动力学模拟的几何表示(FDS)[FDS- SMV的官方网站]。









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ProSim™ 2/3 Vital Signs Simulator生产地址为:Fluke Biomedical, 6920 Seaway Blvd., Everett, WA, U.S.A。
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Vital Signs Simulator
FBC 0038 January 2013, Rev. 1 (Simplified Chinese)
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导入FDS模型在pathfinder 中后,首先可运用软件中的捕捉功能,将FDS模型中的地板、楼梯转台等平面设置为pathfinder中的地板,这样才能用于pathfinder添加人员。

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如果PyroSim 是使用不同的单位系统,模拟不会产生预期的结果。


























































如果不能导入FDS 文件中的任何记录,PyroSim会发出警告。





























水冷结果疏散PyroSim支持了FDS+EV AC疏散模型的输入。

evac_example1a.fds EV AC的信息PROJ/fdsevac/index.jsp。

请注意,Thunderhead的工程在EV AC和探路者模型可以用来提供备用疏散建模的方法。




























































