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student in the Physics Department of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. I expect graduate at the end of this academic year with a speciality in low-temperature physics. I am interested in pursuing graduate studies in the United States toward a PH.D. degree. It has been suggested to me that your Department has an excellent program in experimental solid and liquid state physics. Could you send me some general information about your University catalogue? Also, please send me application forms for graduate admissions as well as for financial aid.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
(signature, name in full)
Minister Extroordinary and Plenipotentiary of ××to China
Key to the letter
His Excellency, Chief of the Protocol department, Foreign Ministry of the P.R.C., Beijing
Nov. 1, 2011 Your Excellency,
I beg to inform Your Excellency that a member of our Embassy formerly asked for a passport to be issued to him for the purpose of travelling in Tibet. Three days ago he returned back and handed back his passport. He said he had received satisfactory attention from the local authorities wherever he went, for which he is deeply grateful. I beg to return the passport originally received and hope that Your Excellency will take note thereof and cancel the name. I avail myself of this opportunity to extend to you my best regards.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
五、结束语(Complimentary close) Sincerely yours, 六、签名(Singnature) Liu Dawei 七、 附件(Enclosure) 八、又及(postscript) P.S Please send all material by mail
In thanking for the courtesy of this message, I have the great pleasure to enter in both official and personal relations with Your Excellency and to assure you of my constant endeavor to maintain and further develop the close cooperation between our two Missions, which happily reflects the growing bonds of friendship between our two countries.
鉴于英语信函格式和语言上的特点,翻译时也需 要有相应的要求,一般有以下四个方面,或称 ABCD四字诀。
(1)、A代表准确(Accuracy) 信函以结构固定,语言简洁,表达清楚,
通俗易懂为其主要特征,译文也同样要准确体现 这些特征。譬如:翻译留学申请信时,要准确地 译出申请者姓名、入学时间、学习科目、经济担 保等。
二、信内地址(Inside Astronomy) Chairman Department of physics and Astronomy Northwestern University Evanston,Illinois USA
三、称呼(Salutation) Dear Chairman,
四、正文(Body) I am at present applying for admission and financial aid to your Department of Physics and Astronomy. I am now a
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 15,2011,in which you were kind enough to inform me that you represented yesterday your Letter of Credence, accrediting you as Ambassador extaordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of ××to China, to His Excellency MR.×××, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China.
• 请根据下面内容写一封信,内容如下: • 假设你现在是美利坚众和国文化参赞(Cultural
Counsellor of the Embassy of the U.S.A.)的一 名工作人员请领护照于2011年10月份到西藏旅 游,在此次旅行当中,他收到了地方政府的妥善 照料。特写本信对中华人民共和国外交部长 ×××先生(Chef of the Protocol Department, Foreign Ministry of the P.R.C)表示感谢并告知护 照已经交换,恳请注销(Take note thereof and cancel the name)。
(signed, name in full) Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the USA)
外交公函一般要求有信端。在信端内要求写上发文机关名称、地址和日期。如果收文单位 知道其名称和地址,可免写,仅在信端上写上发函日期。其次注意称呼用语。外交公 函的称呼与其他信函不同,有其固定的用语,是对象而定。常用的有“Excellency (Excellencies)”、“Your Excellency(Excellencies)”、“Your Excellency Mr President”、“ Your Excellencies Messrs.(Ministers)”等。这一类称呼一般用于 总统、总理、大使、部长、公使、特别代表等重要人物,以表示尊敬。翻译时可相对 应地译成“阁下”、“总统先生阁下”、“部长先生阁下们”等。而对于国王、王后 的称呼则为“Your Majesty King”,“Your Majesty King and Queen”,译成“国王 陛下”、”王国和王后陛下”。“Your Highness Prince”,“Your Highness Princesses”是对亲王、王子、公主等的称呼,相对应的译语为“亲王殿下”、“公 主殿下们”。翻译时必须仔细,切不可张冠李戴。外交公函中收信人的姓名、头衔、 地址不像其他信函放在信的左上角,而是写在信的左下角,比签名一项的末行低一至 二行。因此,在翻译外交公函时,在格式上也要相应的做些变动。把信右上角的日期 移至签名的下端,而把原函左下角收信人的姓名、头衔和称呼用语合并在一起,放在 信端,不需分行,如上例所示,译成“××国驻中华人民共和国特命全权公使××先 生阁下”。外交公函属非常正式的文体,为了体现正规问题的特征,翻译时用词需非 常谨慎、考究,如原公函的开头语和结束句句式都很正规:“I have the honour to inform Your Excellency…”,“I avail myself……“译成汉语时,也需要使用正式的 外交语言:“兹特荣幸地通知阁下”、“顺致,崇高敬意”。此外,外交公函句式均 较复杂冗长。在翻译这样的长句时,应根据汉语的表达习惯,把长句译成几个断句。 译文甚至将原句中“Which have all along existed between our two countries”这个定 语从句概括成“传统”两字。再如译“I am looking forward to closer cordial relations…”这一句时,译者有意识作了词性上的变动,把原来的名词词组改成为动 词词组,译成“我盼望我们……的友好关系日益亲善,这样的译文不仅通顺,语言也 简洁庄重了得多。
His Excellency MR.×××
Ambassador extaordinary and Plenipotentiary of ××to China, Minister Extraordinary of ×× to China
November 18,2011
Your Excellency,
(2)、B代表简洁(Brevity) Dear Frank,
I repeatedly tried to telephone you yesterday, but your line was busy all the time and I was unable to make contact with you, and therefore, I am writing this letter, to which I wish you would give me a prompt reply.
一、信端(Heading),即信头,即寄信人的地址和日期, 写在信笩的右上角。
二、信内地址(Inside Address),即收信人的姓名和地 址,写在左上角,比右上角的约低两行。
三、称呼(Salutation),即对收信人的敬称或称谓,其 位置在信内地址的下两行处,并与之平头。
四、正文(Body),即信函的内容。 五、结束语(Complimentary Close),即写信人表示自
己对收信人的一种谦称。 六、签名(Signature),即写信人的姓名。 七、附件(Enclosure),缩写成Encl。 八、再启或又及(Postscript),缩写称P·S,用于补叙信
的正文中遗wenku.baidu.com的话。 1
一、信端(Heading) Physics Department Zhejiang University Hangzhou,China Sept,20,1980