


Credit(right side)
T-accountT-account: a simplest
Rules of debits &credits
The type of account determines the side in which increases and decreases are recorded.
Journal classificationGeneral
Classification of Ledgers
Ledgers are created on the basis of the item of financial statements.General ledger accounts总分类帐帐户It contains all of the balance sheet and income statement accounts.Subsidiary ledger accounts明细分类帐A record created to record the individual items relating to a single general ledger account.
Accounting equation Assets = L
Rules of Double-Entry Accounting
1.Each transaction affects at least two accounts.These accounts contains at least one account debitedand at least one account credited.2. Total debits must equal total credits.
Key words, phrases and special














图表1-1 会计信息流转会计信息使用者主要是投资者和债权人,政府,工会和普通公众也会使用会计信息。

















新世纪会计学专业精品教材国家级双语教学示范课程会计专业英语教程(第三版)章后习题答案马建威编著东北财经大学出版社大连ContentsChapter 1 (3)Chapter 2 (5)Chapter 3 (7)Chapter 4 (10)Chapter 5 (12)Chapter 6 (14)Chapter 7 (17)Chapter 8 (19)Chapter 9 (22)Chapter 10 (25)Chapter 11 (26)Chapter 12 (28)Chapter 13 (29)Chapter 14 (30)Chapter 15 (32)Chapter 16 (34)Chapter 11. True or false1.1 T1.2 T1.3 T1.4 T1.5 F1.6 F1.7 F1.8 F1.9 F2. Short answer questions2.1 Accounting may be described as the process of identifying, measuring, recording, and communicating economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by users of that information.2.2 The simplest answer to this question is that financial accounting provides information for managers to use in operating the business. In addition, financial accounting provides information to other stakeholders to use in assessing the economic performance and the condition of the business.2.3 A set of financial statements consists of four related accounting reports that summarize in a few pages the financial resources, obligations, profitability, and cash transactions of a business. A complete set of financial statements includes: A balance sheet, an income statement, a statement of owner s’ equity and a statement of cash flow.2.4 There are several objectives of financial reporting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) concluded that the objectives of the financial reporting are to provide information that:is useful to those making investment and credit decisions;is helpful in assessing future cash flows; andidentifies the economic resources (assets), the claims to those resources(liabilities), and the changes in those resources and claims.2.5 Using cash-basis accounting, income and expenses are recognized only when cash is received or paid out. Using accrual-basis accounting, receivables and payables are recognized when a sale is agreed to, even though no cash has been received or paid out as yet.3. Problem solvingA L OE(a) + +(b) + +(c) - -(d) + +(e) - -(f) +,-(g) - -(h) + +(i) - -(j) +,-(k) - -(l) - -(m) + -(n) - -(o) +,-4. Case studyOmitted.Chapter 21. True or false1.1 T1.2 F1.3 F1.4 T1.5 F1.6 F1.7 F1.8 T1.9 T1.10 T2. Short answer questions2.1 An internal control system refers to the policies and procedures designed to protect the firm's assets and to ensure reliable accounting. It also should promote efficient operations and urge employees to comply with company policies. Internal control systems can help prevent losses, help mangers plan operations, and monitor company and employer performance.2.2 A bank reconciliation is a report explaining any differences between the balance according to a depositor's records and the balance on the company's bank statement. The reconciliation procedure examines the differences based on the information available to the company and adjusts for the differences. It also serves as a format for the discovery and correction of errors.2.3 The net method assumes that a firm will take all cash discounts offered for prompt payment. Any discounts missed are recorded in a discounts lost account. Discounts lost is considered to be an operating expense, and to be a record of presumed inefficiencies in managing cash (of course, further analysis may reveal that the discounts lost reflect purchase discounts at unfavorable terms). The net method of accounting for purchases is used to assist in the internal control function.2.4 Accounts receivable arise from credit sales to customers. Accounts receivable are reported at their realizable value, which is their total amount less an estimate for the amount of uncollectible accounts. Accounts receivable are also recorded into an accounts receivable subsidiary ledger that separately lists amounts owed by individual customers.2.5 A company’s receivables are normally converted to cash as the customers pay off their accounts. However, there are at least three options available to a company that wishes to convert its receivables before they are at least due. First a company can sell the receivables to a factor. Second, a company can use its receivables as collateral for a loan. Third, a company can discount the receivables to a bank in return for cash.3. Problem solvingYear 1: ($49,000/$285,000) ×365 = 63 daysYear 2: ($85,000/$575,000) ×365 = 54 daysThe decrease of 9 days means that this company has improved its management of receivables and its liquidity position.4. Case studyOn December 31, of the current year, a company's unadjusted trial balance revealed the following: Accounts receivable of $185,600; Sales Revenue of $1,280,000; (75% were on credit), and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $1,600 (credit balance).Chapter 31. True or false1.1 F1.2 T1.3 T1.4 T1.5 F1.6 F1.7 F1.8 T1.9 T1.10 T2. Short answer questions2.1 Merchandise inventory consists of goods owned by a company and held for resale. Three special cases involving ownership decisions are goods in transit, consigned goods, and damaged goods. Goods in transit are included in the inventory of the company that owns the goods. Consigned goods are included in the inventory of the consignor. Damaged goods are valued at net realizable value.2.2 The specific identification method exactly identifies the costs of the inventory items sold. The weighted average method smoothes out changes in costs by ―averaging‖ inventory costs. However, LIFO and FIFO provide different amounts in periods of rising or falling costs. For example, in periods of rising costs, LIFO provides a lower income and thus lower taxes. In periods of falling costs, LIFO provides a higher income and thus higher taxes. FIFO calculations provide both higher income and taxes in periods of rising costs and lower income and taxes in periods of declining costs.2.3 An inventory error causes misstatements in cost of good sold, gross profit, net income, current assets, and equity. It also causes misstatements in the next period's cost of goods sold and net income. However, the inventory error is said to be self-correcting because the error in the first period is offset by the error in the second period.2.4 A merchandiser's ability to pay its short term obligations depends, among other factors, on how quickly it sells its merchandise inventory. The inventory turnover ratio reveals how many times a company turns over (sells) its inventory during a period. A low ratio compared to competitors suggests the company may be holding more inventory than necessary to support its sales volume. On the other hand, a ratio that is too high compared to competitors may suggest that the inventory level is too low and customers may have to back order merchandise.The days' sales in inventory ratio helps to better interpret inventory turnover. It can be interpreted as the number of days one can sell from inventory if no new items are purchased, and can be viewed as a measure of the buffer against out-of-stock inventory.2.5 The retail method is generally used to prepare interim statements. It uses the cost to retail ratio to give an estimated ending inventory at cost. The gross profit method is typically used to reconstruct the value of lost, stolen, or destroyed inventory. It uses the (historical) gross profit ratio to estimate cost of goods sold and the value of ending inventory.3. Problem solving(1)(2)4. Case study(2) LCM, applied separately to each product = $3,470Chapter 41. True or false1.1 F1.2 F1.3 T1.4 F1.5 F1.6 T1.7 F1.8 T1.9 T1.10 T2. Short answer questions2.1 The cost of plant and equipment includes all expenditures reasonable and necessary in acquiring an asset and placing it in a position and condition for use in the operation of the business. Only reasonable and necessary expenditures should be included.2.2 Depreciation, as the term is used in accounting, is the allocation of the cost of a tangible plant asset to expense in the periods in which services are received from the asset. In short, the basic purpose of depreciation is to achieve the matching principle — that is, to offset the revenue of an accounting period with the costs of the goods and services being consumed in the effort to generate that revenue.2.3 The term accelerated depreciation means recognition of relatively large amounts of depreciation in the early years of use and reduced amounts in the later years. This is consistent with the basic accounting concept of matching costs with related revenue. Accelerated depreciation methods have been widely used in income tax returns because they reduce the current year’s tax burden by recognizing a relatively large amount of depreciation expense.2.4 (1) the expected life of the asset; (2) the expected useful life of another asset that is related to the life of the intangible asset, such as the mineral rights that relate to adepleting asset; (3) any legal, regulatory, or contractual provisions that enable renewal or extension of the asset’s legal or contractual life w ithout substantial economic cost;(4) the effects of obsolescence, demand, competition, and other economic factors; and(5) the level of maintenance costs required to obtain the expected future cash flows from the asset.2.5 Intangible assets are separated into three categories to determine whether or not they are amortized, and how they are reviewed for impairment. The three categories are: (1) intangible assets with a finite (limited) life, (2) intangible assets with an indefinite life, and (3) goodwill.3. Problem solving2014 July 1Computer Equipment 2,700Cash 2,700Nov.3 Repairs Expense 140Cash 140Dec.31 Depreciation Expense 275Accumulated Depreciation 275[($2,700 – $500) ÷ 4 × 1/2]2015 Dec.31 Depreciation Expense 550Accumulated Depreciation ($2,200 ÷ 4) 5502016 Jan.1 Computer Equipment 500Cash 5004. Case studyOmitted.Chapter 51. True or false1.1 T1.2 F1.3 F1.4 T1.5 T1.6 T1.7 F1.8 T1.9 F1.10 T2. Short answer questions2.1 For purposes of valuation and reporting at a financial statement date, debt and stock investments are classified into three categories of securities:(1)Trading securities are securities bought and held primarily for sale in the near term to generate income on short-term price differences.(2)Available-for-sale securities are securities that may be sold in the future.(3)Held-to-maturity securities are debt securities that the investor has the intent and ability to hold to maturity.2.2 Corporations purchase investments in debt or stock securities generally for one of three reasons. First, a corporation may have excess cash that it does not need for the immediate purchase of operation assets. Second, some companies such as banks, purchase investments to generate earnings from investment income. Third, some companies invest for strategic purposes.2.3 Reporting the unrealized gain or loss in the stockholders’ equity sections serves two important purposes: (1) it reduces the volatility of net income due to fluctuations in fair value. (2) it informs the financial statement user of the gain or loss that would occur if the securities were sold at fair value.2.4 Short-term investments are securities held by a company that are (1) readilymarketable, and (2) intended to be converted into cash within the next year or operating cycle, whichever is longer. Investments that do not meet both criteria are classified as long-term investments.2.5 Consolidated financial statements present the total assets and liabilities controlled by the parent company. They also present the total revenues and expenses of the subsidiary companies. Consolidated statements are prepared in addition to the financial statements for the parent and individual subsidiary companies.3. Problem solving(1) Jan.1 Stock Investments ..................................................................9,720Cash ....................................................................... 9,720 June 1 Cash (900 × $.50) .. (450)Dividend Revenue (450)Sep.15 Cash ($4,300 – $100) ..........................................................4,200Loss on Sale of Stock Investments (120)Stock Investments .................................................. 4,320[400 × ($9,720 ÷ 900)]Dec.1 Cash (500 × $.50) (250)Dividend Revenue (250)(2) Dividend Revenue is reported under Other Revenues and Gains on the incomestatement. Loss on Sale of Stock Investments is reported under Other Expenses and Losses on the income statement.4. Case studyJan. 2 Debt Investments .................................................................................... 32,000Cash ................................................................................... 32,000July 1 Cash ($30,000 × 10% × 1/2) ................................................................... 1,500Interest Revenue ................................................................ 1,500Chapter 61. True or false1.1 T1.2 F1.3 T1.4 T1.5 T1.6 F1.7 T1.8 T1.9 F1.10 F2. Short answer questions2.1 Current liabilities are obligations that must be paid within one year or within the operating cycle, whichever is longer. Another requirement for classification as a current liability is the expectation that the debt will be paid from current assets (or through the rendering of service). Liabilities that do not meet these conditions are classified as long-term liabilities.2.2 Bonds usually are very long-term notes, maturing in perhaps 30 or 40 years. The bonds are transferable; however, so individual bond-holders may sell their bonds to other investors at any time. Most bonds call for semi-annual interest payments to the bond-holders, with interest computed at a specified contract rate throughout the life of the bond. Thus, investors often describe bonds as ―fixed income‖ investments.2.3 Bonds payable differ from capital stock in several ways. First, bonds payable are a liability; thus, bond-holders are creditors of the corporation, not owners. Bond-holders generally do not have voting rights and do not participate in the earnings of the corporation beyond receiving contractual interest payments. Next, bond interest payments are contractual obligations of the corporation. Dividends, on the other hand, do not become legal obligations of the corporation until they have been formally declared by the board of directors. Finally, bonds have a specific maturing date, upon which the corporation must redeem the bonds at their face amount. Capital stock, onthe other hand, does not have a maturing date and may remain outstanding indefinitely.2.4 A principal advantage of raising money by issuing bonds instead of stock is that interest payments are deductible in determining income subject to corporate income taxes. Dividends paid to stockholders, however, are not deductible in computing taxable income.2.5 Bonds are sometimes retired before the maturity date. The principal reason for retiring bonds early is to relieve the issuing corporation of the obligation to make future interest payments. If interest rates decline to the point that a corporation can borrow at an interest rate below that being paid on a particular bond issue, the corporation may benefit from retiring those bonds and issuing new bonds at a lower interest rate.3. Problem solving(1) June 30 Bonds Payable ......................................................400,000Loss on Bond Redemption ...................................40,800Discount on Bonds Payable ............................... 32,800Cash .................................................................... 408,000($400,000 – $367,200 = $32,800)($400,000 × 102% = $408,000)(2) June 30 Bonds Payable ........................................................600,000Discount on Bonds Payable ............................... 10,000Gain on Bond Redemption ................................. 14,000Cash .................................................................... 576,000($600,000 – $590,000 = $10,000)($600,000 × 96% = $576,000)(3) Dec. 31 Bonds Payable ........................................................50,000Common Stock ................................................... 20,000Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par ......................... 30,000($5 × 80 × 50 = $20,000)4. Case studyThe alternative effects on net income and earnings per share are as follows:Issue Stock Issue BondsIncome before interest and taxes $1,500,000 $1,500,000 Interest (10% × $2,500,000) —(250,000) Income before income taxes 1,500,000 1,250,000 Income tax expense (450,000) (375,000) Net income $1,050,000 $ 875,000Outstanding shares 250,000 200,000Earnings per share $4.20 $4.38Net income is higher if the equipment is financed through the issuance of stock. However, earnings per share is lower because of the additional number of shares of common stock that are outstanding.Chapter 71. True or false1.1 T1.2 F1.3 T1.4 F1.5 F1.6 T1.7 F1.8 T1.9 T1.10 F2. Short answer questions2.1 Common stockholders generally have the right to vote at stockholders' meetings, sell or otherwise dispose of their stock, receive the same dividend, if any on each common share, and share in any assets remaining after creditors are paid when and if the corporation is liquidated. Stockholders generally also have a preemptive right, which is the right to purchase their proportional share of any common stock later issued by the corporation.2.2 Stockholders' equity consists of two main parts, paid-in capital and retained earnings. Paid-in capital consists of funds raised by the issuance of stock, either common or preferred. Paid-in capital is the total amount of cash and other assets the corporation receives in exchange for stock. Paid-in capital in excess of par value represents the amount a corporation receives from issuing stock when the market value exceeds the par value of the stock. Retained earnings is the cumulative net income and loss retained by the corporation less any dividends declared.2.3 Stock options are the rights to purchase common stock at a fixed price over a specified period. As the stock's price rises above the fixed price, the option's value increases. As a general rule, stock options motivate managers and employees to (1) focus on company performance, (2) take a long-term perspective, and (3) remain with the company. A stock option is like having an investment with no risk.2.4 The price-earnings ratio of a common stock is computed by dividing the stock's market value per share by its earnings per share. The price-earnings ratio represents the stock market's expectations of a company's future performance. Some analysts view a high PE (greater than 20 to 25, for instance) ratio as an indication that a stock is overvalued. A low ratio (less than 5 to 8) may indicate that a stock is undervalued.2.5 Dividend yield is the ratio of annual cash dividends per share divided by the market value per share of stock. The resulting dividend yield represents the percent of cash return investors receive from an investment in a company's stock. Dividend yield can be used to identify whether a stock is an income stock or a growth stock. Companies that pay large dividends on a regular basis are income stocks. Companies that distribute little or no cash but use the cash to finance expansion are known as growth stocks.3. Problem solving(1)Book value per preferred share:$560,000/5,000 shares = $112 per preferred share(2)Book value per common share:$2,550,000/150,000 shares = $17 per common share4. Case studyChapter 81. True or false1.1 T1.2 F1.3 T1.4 F1.5 T1.6 T1.7 F1.8 F1.9 F1.10 T2. Short answer questions2.1 The basic components of income begin with net sales. Cost of goods sold is subtracted from net sales to get gross profit (also called gross margin). Operating expenses are then subtracted from gross margin to determine net income.2.2 The gross margin ratio is calculated by dividing gross margin (or net sales less cost of goods sold) by net sales. The gross margin ratio measures a firm's profitability in selling its inventory. The gross margin must be large enough to cover operating expenses and provide sufficient net income to the owner(s).2.3 Selling expenses include the expenses of promoting sales by displaying and advertising merchandise, making sales, and delivering goods to customers. General and administrative expenses support a company's overall operations and include expenses related to accounting, human resource management, and financial management. Some expenses can relate to both areas and are allocated between them.2.4 The three important guidelines for revenue recognition include: (1) Revenue is recognized when earned. (2) Assets received from selling products and services do not need to be in cash. (3) Revenue recognized is measured by cash received plus the cash equivalent of other assets received.2.5 Revenues are the gross increases in equity from a company's earnings activities.Expenses are the costs of assets or services used to earn revenues. Net income is the excess of revenues over expenses.3. Problem solving(1)(2) Trico had the more favorable ratio for each year.(3) Unico's gross margin ratio is increasing, while Trico's is decreasing. Moreover, these changes appear significant and warrant further analysis.4. Case studyChapter 91. True or false1.1 F1.2 F1.3 T1.4 F1.5 T1.6 T1.7 T1.8 F1.9 T1.10 T2. Short answer questions2.1 Both stockholders and creditors use financial statement analysis to (1) predict their expected returns and (2) assess the risks associated with those returns.2.2 The analysis of financial data employs various techniques to emphasize the comparative and relative significance of the data presented and to evaluate the position of the firm. Three commonly used tools are as following.Horizontal analysis evaluates a series of financial statement data over a period of time.Vertical analysis evaluates financial statement data by expressing each item in a financial statement as a percent of a base amount.Ratio analysis expresses the relationship among selected items of financial statement data.2.3 For users of financial statements t o determine ―earning power‖ or regular income, the ―irregular‖ items are separately identified on the income statement. Three types of ―irregular‖ items are reported:(1) Discontinued operations.(2) Extraordinary items.(3) Changes in accounting principle.2.4 When two conditions are met (1) management can show that the new principle is preferable to the old principle, and (2) the effects of the change are clearly disclosed in the income statement.2.5 (1) Financial statements contain numerous estimates.(2) Traditional financial statements are based on cost.(3) Companies vary in the generally accepted accounting principles they use.(4) Fiscal year-end data may not be typical off the financial condition during the year.(5) Diversification within a global environment also limits the usefulness of financial analysis.3. Problem solving(1) Current = 1.45:1 ($160,000 ÷ $110,000)(2) Acid-test = 0.77:1 ($85,000 ÷ $110,000)4. Case study(1) Credit salesReceivables turnover = —————————————Average accounts receivable= $5,110,000 ÷ $700,000= 7.3 times365 daysAverage collection period = ——————————Receivables turnover= 365 ÷ 7.3 times= 50 days(2) Inventory turnover = Cost of goods sold ÷ Average inventoryFirst calculate ending inventory.Beginning Inventory $ 482,000+ Purchases 4,146,000– Cost of Goods Sold (4,088,000)*Ending Inventory $ 540,000*Since the gross profit ratio is 20%, the cost of goods sold ratio is 80%.80% × $5,110,000 (net sales) = $4,088,000.Ending Inventory = $540,000 (per above)Average Inventory = ($482,000 + $540,000) ÷ 2 = $511,000Inventory Turnover = $4,088,000 ÷ $511,000 = 8 timesDays to Sell = 365 days ÷ 8 times = 45.6 days(3) Net incomeReturn on common stockholders' equity = —————————————————Average common stockholders' equity =$490,000 ÷ $3,500,000 = 14%Chapter 101. True or false1.1 T1.2 T1.3 T1.4 F1.5 T1.6 T1.7 F1.8 T1.9 F2. Short answer questionsOmitted.3. Problem solving(1) Direct-labor-hour basisOverhead recovery rate=£50,000/2000=£25 per machine-hour.A £25×1500=£37500B £25×500=£12500(2) Machine-hour basisOverhead recovery rate=£50,000/1200=£41.6667 per machine-hour.A £41.6667×800=£33333B £41.6667×400=£166674. Case studyThe relevant costs to be included in the minimum price are:Stock item: A1 £6×500=£3,000B2 £8×800=£6,400We are told that the stock of item A1 is in frequent use and so, if it is used on the contract, it will need to be replaced. We are told the stock of item B2 will never be used by the business unless the contract is undertaken. Thus, if the contract is not undertaken, the only reasonable thing for the business to do is sell the stock. This means that the opportunity cost is £8 a unit.Chapter 111. True or false1.1 T1.2 T1.3 F1.4 F1.5 F1.6 T1.7 T1.8 T1.9 F2. Short answer questionsOmitted.3. Problem solvingThe original budget, the flexed budget and the actual are as follows:Budget Actual Flexed budget Output (production and sales) 1,000 units 1050 units 1050 units£££Sale revenue 100,000 104,300 105,000 Raw materials 40,000 41,200 42,000 Labor 20,000 12,300 21,000 Fixed overheads 20,000 19,400 20,000 Operating profit 20,000 22,400 22,000 Reconciliation of the budgeted and actual operating profits for JulyBudgeted profit 20,000Add favorable variances:Sales volume (22,000-20,000) 2,000Direct materials usage {[(1050×40)-40,500]×£1} 1,500Direct labor efficiency{[(1050×2.5)-2,600]×£8} 200Fixed overhead spending (20,000-19,400) 60024,300Less Adverse variances:Sales price variance (105,000-104,300) 700Direct materials price[(40,500×£1)-41,200] 700Direct labor rate[(2,600×£8) -21,300] 500Actual profit 22,4004. Case studyPilot Ltd(1)and (2)BudgetActualOriginal FlexedOutput (units)(production and sales)5,000 5,400 5,400£££Sales revenue 25,000 27,000 26,460Raw materials (7,500) (8,100) (2,700 kg) (8,770) (2,830 kg) Labor (6,250) (6,750) (1,350 hr) 6,885 (1,300 hr) Fixed overheads (6,000) (6,000) (6,350)Operating profit 5,250 6,150 4,455£Manager accountableSales volume varianceSales price variance Materials usage variance Materials price variance Labor efficiency variance Labor rate variance Fixed overhead variance5250-615027000-26460[(5400×0.5)-2830]×£3(2830×3)-8770[(5400×0.25)-1300]×£5(1300×5)-68856000-6350900 (F)(540) (A)(280) (A)(390) (A)(385) (A)250(F)(350) (A)SalesSalesBuyerProductionPersonnelProductionDepends on the natureof the overheadsTotal net variances 795(A) Note: F—favorable; A—adverse.。



会计英语第三版宁小博课后题答案及解析1、The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _______. [单选题] *A. herselfB. himself(正确答案)C. yourselfD. themselves2、You must pay more attention to your pronunciation. [单选题] *A. 词汇B. 拼写C. 发音(正确答案)D. 语法3、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练4、On Easter children _______ eggs around the house. [单选题] *A. hunt for(正确答案)B. send forC. prepare forD. ask for5、—Does your grandpa live ______ in the country?—Yes. So I often go to visit him so that he won’t feel ______. ()[单选题] *A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. lonely; aloneD. alone; lonely(正确答案)6、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] *A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too7、_______, making some DIY things is fashionable. [单选题] *B. In ones opinionC. In my opinion(正确答案)D. Out of fashion8、He made ______ for an old person on the bus. [单选题] *A. room(正确答案)B. roomsC. a roomD. some rooms9、40.Star wars is ______ adventure film and it is very interesting. [单选题] *A.aB.an (正确答案)C.theD./10、--Why are you late for school today?--I’m sorry. I didn’t catch the early bus and I had to _______ the next one. [单选题] *A. wait for(正确答案)B. ask forD. stand for11、I don’t know how to improve my English. Can I ask you for some _______? [单选题] *A. answersB. advice(正确答案)C. questionsD. words12、Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _______ her to do so. [单选题] *A. forbidB. allowC. follow(正确答案)D. ask13、____ father is a worker. [单选题] *A.Mike's and Mary'sB. Mike and Mary's(正确答案)C. Mike's and MaryD. Mike and Marys'14、The manager demanded that all employees _____ on time. [单选题] *A. be(正确答案)B. areC. to beD. would be15、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?16、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When17、( ) You had your birthday party the other day,_________ [单选题] *A. hadn't you?B. had you?C. did you?D. didn't you?(正确答案)18、I’d?like _______ the English club. [单选题] *A. to join inB. joinC. to join(正确答案)D. join in19、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练20、Jack can speak Japanese, and his brother can _______ speak Japanese. [单选题] *A. tooB. also(正确答案)C. eitherD. as well21、--The last bus has left. What should we do?--Let’s take a taxi. We have no other _______ now. [单选题] *A. choice(正确答案)B. reasonC. habitD. decision22、( ) What _____ fine weather we have these days! [单选题] *A. aB. theC. /(正确答案)D. an23、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *A. howB. whichC. that(正确答案)D. what24、Our teacher suggested that each of us _____ a study plan for the tong summer vacation. [单选题] *A. make(正确答案)B. madeC. will makeD. would make25、38.These workers ___________ this bridge since one year ago. [单选题] *A.buildB.are buildingC.have built (正确答案)D.built26、14.Builders have pulled down many old houses, and they will build a lot of new ________. [单选题] *A.ones (正确答案)B.oneC.the onesD.the one27、There is a popular belief _____schools don’t pay any attention to spelling. [单选题] *A.that(正确答案)B.whichC.whatD.whose28、They were both born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since29、The early Americans wanted the King to respect their rights. [单选题] *A. 统治B. 满足C. 尊重(正确答案)D. 知道30、_____he was seriously ill, I wouldn’t have told him the truth. [单选题] *A.If I knewB.Had I known(正确答案)C.Did I knowD.Were I known。



会计英语1-10课Text 1 Accounting and Its EnvironmentDevelop an accounting vocabulary for decision making. Accounting is a system for measuring, processing, and communicating financial information. As the “language of business,” accounting helps a wide range of decision makers. Accounting dates backs to ancient civilizations, but its importance to society has been greatest since the Industrial revolution.Apply accounting concepts and principles to analyze business transactions. The three basic forms of business organization are the proprietorship, the partnership, and the corporation. Whatever the form, accountants use the entity concept to keep the business’s records separate from the personal records of the people who run it. Accountants at all levels must be ethical to serve their intended purpose. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) guide accountants in their work. Among these guidelines are the entity concept, the reliability principle, the cost principle, the going-concern concept, and the stablemonetary-unit concept.Use the accounting equation to describe an organization’s financial position. In its most common form, the accounting equation is Assets=Liabilities + Owner’s Equity.Use the accounting equation to analyze business transactions. Transactions affects a business’s assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity. Therefore, transactions are analyzed in terms of their effect on the accounting equation.Prepare the financial statements. The financial statements communicate information for decision making by the entity’s managers, owners, and creditors and by government agencies. The income statement presents a video of the entity’s operations in terms of revenues earned and expenses incurred during a specific period. Total revenues minus total expenses equal net income. Net income or net loss answers the question, How much income did the entity earn, or How much loss did it incur during the period? The statement of owner’s equity reports the changes in owner’s equity during the period. The balance sheet provides a photograph of the entity’s financial standing in terms of its assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity at a specific time. It answers the question, What is the entity’s financial position? The statement of cash flows reports the cash coming in and the cash going out during the period. It answers, Where did cash come from , and, Where did it go?Evaluate the performance of a business. High net income indicates success in business; net loss indicates a bad year.New wordsaccounting 会计学,结算measure 估量,衡量,计算process 初步分类,整理apply to 把···应用于transaction 交易principle 原理proprietorship 独资企业,所有权partnership 合伙关系,合伙企业corporation 公司,企业entity 实体,统一的,权益ethical 合乎道德的intended 预期的GAAP 普通会计原理guideline 方针,指南entity concept 主体概念reliability principal 可信性原则cost principal 成本原则going-concern concept 持续经营概念stable-money-unit concept 稳定货币单位的概念equation 等式owner’s equity 投资者权益financial statement 财政报表agency 机构income statement 损益报表video 说明revenues 总收入incurrent 遭受minus 减去balance sheet 资产负债表,决算表indicate 表明,暗示expenses 开支,消费Text 2 Recording Business TransactionDefine key accounting terms: account, ledger, debit, and credit. The account can be viewed in the form of the letter “T”. The left side of each T-account is its debit side. The right side is its credit side. The ledger, which contains a record for each account, groups and numbers accounts by category in the following order: assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity (and its subparts, revenues and expenses).Apply the rules of debit and credit. Assets and expenses are increased revenues are increased by credits. Liabilities, owner’s equity, and revenues are increased by credits and decreased by debits. The side—debit or credit—of the account in which increases are recorded is that account’s normal balance. Thus the normal balance of assets and expenses is a debit, and the normal balance of liabilities, owner’s equity, and revenues is a credit. The Withdrawals account, which decreases owner’s equity, normal has a debit balance. Revenues, which are increases in owner’s equity, have a normal credit balance. Expenses, which are decreases in owner’s equity, have a normal debit balance.Record transactions in the journal. The accountant begins the recording process by entering the transaction’s information in the journal, a chronological list of all the business’s transactions.Post from the journal to the ledger. The information is then posted-transferred-to the ledger accounts. Posting references are used to trace amounts back and forth between the journal and the ledger. Businesses list their account titles and numbers in a chart of accounts.Prepare a trial balance is a summary of all the account balance in the ledger. When double-entry accounting has been done correctly, the total credits in the trial balance are equal.Set up a chart of accounts for a business. The first step in accounting is to set up the chart of accounts.Analyze transactions without a journal. Decision makers must often make decisions without a complete accounting system. They can analyze the transactions without a journal.We can now trace the flow of accounting information through these steps:Business Transaction→ Source Documents → Journal Entry → Posting to Ledger → Trial Balance.New wordsledger 分类帐debit 记入借方的款项,借方assets 资产liabilities 债务subpart 分类chronological 按时间顺序的transfer 转移chart 图表accountant 会计Text 3 Measuring Business Income: the Adjusting ProcessDistinguish accrual basis accounting from cash-basis accounting. In accrual-basis accounting, business events are recorded as they affect the entity. In cash-basis accounting, only those events that affect cash are recorded. The cash basis omits important events such as purchases and sales of assets on account. It also distorts the financial statements by labeling as expenses those cash payments that have long-term effects, such as the purchases of buildings and equipment. Some small organizations, use cash-basis accounting, but the generally accepted method is the accrual basis.Apply the revenue and matching principles. Businesses divide time into definite periods--such as a month, a quarter, and a year--to report the entity's financial statements. The year is the basic accounting period, butcompanies prepare financial statements as often as they need the in- formation. Accountants have developed the revenue principle to determine when to record revenue and the amount of revenue to record. The matching principle guides the accounting for expenses.Make adjusting entries at the end of the accounting period. Adjusting entries are a result of the accrual basis of accounting. These entries, made at the end of the period, update the accounts for preparation of the financial statements. One of the most important pieces of business information is net income or net loss, and the adjusting entries help to measure the net income of the period. Adjusting entries can be divided into five categories: prepaid expenses, depreciation, accrued expenses, accrued revenues, and unearned revenues.Prepare an adjusted trial balance. To prepare the adjusted trial balance, enter the adjusting entries .next to the unadjusted trial balance and compute each account's balance.Prepare the financial statements from the adjusted trial balance .The adjusted trial balance can be used to prepare the financial statements. The there financial statements are related as follows: Income, shown on the income statement, increases the owner's capital, which also appears on the statement of owner' s equity. The ending balance of capital is the last amount reported on the balance sheet.New Wordsaccrual n. 自然增长,自然增长额accrual-basis accounting 权责发生制cash-basis accounting 现金收付制omit vt. 省略,删distort vt. 曲解label vt. 把……列为definite adj. 明确的,确切的accounting period 结算期revenue principle 收益原则matching principle 配比原则adjusting entries 调整分录update vt . 使现代化net income 纯收入prepaid expenses 待摊费用depreciation n.贬值accrued expense 应计费用accrued revenues 应计收入unaccrued revenues 未实现收入adjusted trial balance 经调整过的试算表unadjusted trial balance 未经调整过的试算表Text 4 Completing the Accounting CyclePrepare an accounting worksheet, The accounting cycle is the process by which the accountants produce the financial statements for a special period of time. The cycle starts with the beginning account balances. During the period,the business journalizes transactions & posts them to the ledger accounts. At the end of the period, the trail balance is prepa red, and the accounts are adjusted in order to measure the period’s net income or net loss. Completion of the accounting cycle is aided by use of a work sheet. This multicolumned document summarizes the effects of all the activity of the period.Use the work sheet to complete the accounting cycle. The work sheet is neither a journal nor a ledger but merely a convenient device for completing the accounting cycle. It has columns for the trail balance, the adjustments, the adjusted trail balance, the income statement, and the balance sheet. It aids the adjusting process, and it is the place where the period’s net income or net loss is first computed. The work sheet also provides a data for the financial statements & the closing entries. It is not, however, necessity. The accounting cycle can be completed from the less elaborate adjusted trail balance.Close the revenue, expense, and the withdrawal accounts. Revenue, expenses, and withdrawal represent, increases and decreases in owner’s equity for a specific period. At the end of the period, their balances are closed out to zero, and, for this reason, they are called temporary accounts. Assets, liabilities, and capital are not closed because they are the permanent account. Their balances at the end of one period become the beginning balances ofthe next period. The final accuracy check of the period is the postclosing trail balance.Correct typical accounting errors. Accountants correct errors by making correct journal entries.Classify assets and liabilities as current or long-term. The balance sheet reports current and long-term assets and current and long-term liabilities. It can be presented in report format or account format.Use the current & debt ratios to evaluate a business. Two decision-making aids are the current ratio—total current assets divided by total current liabilities—and the debt ratio—total liabilities divided by total assets.New Wordsaccounting cycle 会计循环account balance 帐户余额journalize 记日记帐ledger 分类帐,分户帐ledger account 分户帐目completion 完成,结束multicolumned 栏目纵横的worksheet 备忘单,工作底稿compute 计算,估算closing entries 项目终结elaborate 详尽阐述的withdrawal 提款temporary account 临时帐户permanent account 永久帐户postclosing trail balance 结帐后试算current 流动的,通用的report format 报告试account format 帐户试ratio 比率current ratio 流动比率debt ratio债务比率divide 整除Text 5 Merchandising and the AccountingUse sales, gross margin, and operating income to evaluate a company. The major revenue of a merchandising business is. sales revenue, or net sales. The major expense is cost of goods sold. Net sales minus cost of goods sold is called gross margin, or gross profit. This amount measures the business' s success or failure in selling its products at a higher price than it paid for them.The invoice is the business document generated by a purchase or sale transaction. Most merchandising entities offer discounts to their customers and allow them to return unsuitable merchandise. They also grant allowances for damaged goods that the buyer chooses to keep. Discounts and Returns and Allowances are contra accounts to Sales Revenue.Account for the purchase and sale of inventory. The merchandiser's major asset is inventory. In a merchandising entity the accounting cycle is from cash to inventory as the inventory is purchased for resale, and back to cash as the inventory is sold.Compute cost of goods sold and gross margin. Cost of goods sold, or cost of sales, is the cost of the inventory that the business has sold. It is the largest single expense of most merchandising businesses. Gross margin equals net sales revenue minus cost of goods sold.Adjust and close the accounts of a merchandising business. The end-of-period adjusting and closing process of a merchandising business is similar to that of a service business. In addition, a merchandiser adjusts inventory for theft losses, damage, and accounting errors.Prepare a merchandiser's financial statements. The income statement may appear in the single-step format or the multiple-step format. A single-step income statement has only two sections--one for revenues and the other for expenses--and a single income amount for net income. A multiple-step income statement has subtotals for gross margin and income from operations. Both formats are widely used.Use the gross margin percentage and the inventory turnover ratio to evaluate a business. Two key decision aids for a merchandiser are the gross margin percentage and the rate of inventory turnover .Increases in these measures in these measure usually signal an increase in profits.New Wordsmerchandising business 商品流通企业sales revenue = net sales 销售净收入cost of goods sold= cost of sales 销售产品成本,销售成本minus 减去gross margin = gross profit 毛利润invoice 发票discount 折扣allowance 折让return 退货inventory存货end-of-period 期终theft loss 失窃造成的损失single-step format单步骤化格式multistep format多步骤化格式subtotal 小计,部分和percentage比例,比率turnover周转gross margin percentage 毛利润比例rate of inventory turnover 存货周转率Text 6 Accounting Information SystemsDescribe the features of an effective accounting information system. An effective accounting information system should capture and summarize transactions quickly, accurately, and usefully. It should generate a variety of accounting reports, including financial statements and trial balances, that aid management in operating a business. The four major aspects of a good accounting system are (1) control over operations, (2)compatibility with the particular features of the business, (3) flexibility in response to changes in the business, and (4) a favorable cost/benefit relationship such that benefits outweigh costs.Understand how computerized and manual accounting systems are used. Computerized accounting systems process inputs faster than do manual systems and can generate more types of reports. The key components of a computerized accounting system are hardware, software, and company personnel. Account numbers play a bigger role in the operation of computerized systems than they do in manual systems, because computers classify accounts by account numbers. Both computerized and manual accounting systems require transactions to be classified by type.Computerized systems use a menu structure to organize accounting functions. Posting, trial balances, financial statements, and closing procedures are carried out automatically in a computerized accounting system. Computerized accounting systems are integrated so that the different modules of the system are updated together.Understand how spreadsheets are used in accounting. Spreadsheets are electronic work sheets whose grid points, or cells, are linked by means of formulas. The numerical relationships in the spreadsheet are maintained whenever changes are made to the spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are ideally suited to detailed computations as in budgeting.Use the sales journal, the cash receipts journal, and the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger. Manual accounting systems use special journals to record transactions by category. Credit sales are recorded in a sales journal, and cash receipts in a cash receipts journal. Posting goes to the general ledger and to the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger, which lists each customer and the amount receivable from that customer. The accounts receivable subsidiary ledger is the main device for ensuring that the company collects from customers.Use the purchases journal, the cash disbursements journal, and the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. Credit purchases in a manual system are recorded in a purchases journal and cash payments in a cash disbursements journal. Posting from these journals is to the general ledger and to the accounts payable subsidiary ledger. Theaccounts payable subsidiary ledger helps the company stay current in payments to suppliers.New Wordsaccounting information system 会计信息体系accurately 准确,精确generate导致,产生aspect方面compatibility 一致性,和谐性flexibility 机动性,灵活性outweigh 超过manual 用手操作的component 组成部分,成分hardware 硬件software 软件personnel全体成员,全体职员menu 菜单,目录automatically 自动地integrate使一体化module 组件,模块spreadsheet 电子工作表grid point 格点formula 程式numerical数字的budgeting 预算journal日记账cash receipt 现金收讫发票category 种类,类目credit 贷款,赊欠general ledger 总分类账subsidiary ledger 明细分类账,辅助帐账disbursement付出款cash disbursement 现金付出款purchase购买,购置purchase journal 购买议事录supplier 供应者Text 7 Internal Control, Cash Transaction, and Ethical Issues1 Define internal control. Internal controls should safeguard assets, ensure accurate accounting records, promote operational efficiency, and encourage adherence to company policies.2 Identify the characteristics of an effective system of internal control. An effective internal control system includes these features: reliable personnel, clear-cut assignment of responsibility, proper authorization, and separation of duties, which is the primary element of internal control. Many businesses use security devices, audits, and specially designed documents and records in their internal control systems. Effective computerized internal control systems must meet the same basic standards that good manual systems do.3 Prepare a bank reconciliation and the related journal entries. The bank account helps to control and safeguard cash. Businesses use the bank statement and the bank statement and the bank reconciliation to account for banking transactions.4 Apply internal controls to cash receipts. Different methods are used to control cash receipts over the counter and cash receipts by mail.5 Apply internal controls to cash disbursements. A key control over cash disbursements is payment by check.6 Account for petty cash transactions. An imprest system is used to control petty cash disbursements.7 Weigh ethical judgments in business. Ethical judgments can be aided by a process that identifies the ethical issues, specifies the alternative actions, identifies the people involved, and assesses the possible consequences.New WordsSafeguard vt. 保卫,捍卫adherence n. 坚持,遵守promote vt. 促进,提高reliable personnel 可信赖的全体职工clear-cut adj. 明确的,鲜明的clear-cut assignment of responsibility 明确的责任分工authorization n. 授权,委任proper authorization 合理的授权separation of duties 职能的划分audit n. 查账reconciliation n.调节(指表示一个帐户的输字如何得之余另一帐户的计算过程)bank account 银行帐户bank statement 银行报表bank reconciliation 银行调节imprest n. 预付款imprest system 预支款体系alternative adj.选择的assess vt 对……进行估计Text 8 Accounts and Notes Receivables1 Use the allowance method of accounting for uncollectibles. Credit sales create receivables. Accounts receivable are usually current assets, and notes receivable may be current or long-term. Uncollectible receivables are accounted for by the allowance method or the direct write-off method. The allowance method matches expenses to sales revenue and also results in a more realistic measure of net accounts receivable.2 Estimate uncollectibles by the percentage of sales and the aging approaches. The percentage of sales method and the aging of accounts receivable method are the two main approaches to estimating bad debts under the allowance method.3 Use the direct write-off method of accounting for uncollectibles. The direct write-off method is easy to apply, but it fails to match the uncollectible-account expense to the corresponding sales revenue. Also, Accounts receivable are reported at their full amount, which misleadingly suggests that the company expects to collect all its accounts receivable.In credit-card sales, the seller receives cash from the credit-card company (American Express, for example), which bills the customer. For the convenience of receiving cash immediately, the seller pays a fee that is a percentage of the sale.4 Identify internal control weaknesses in accounts receivable. Companies that sell on credit receive most customer collections in the mail. Good internal control over mailed-in cash receipts means separating cash-handling duties from cash accounting duties.5 Account for notes receivable. Notes receivable are formal credit agreements. Interest earned by the creditor is computed by multiplying the note's principal amount by the interest rate times the length of the interest period.Because notes receivable are negotiable, they may be sold. Selling a note receivable--called discounting a note--creates a contingent(possible) liability for the note’s payee.6 Report receivable on the balance sheet. All accounts receivable, notes receivable, and allowance accounts appear in the balance sheet. However, companies use various formats and terms to report these assets.7 Use the acid-test ratio and days' sales in receivables to evaluate a company's position. The acid-test ratio measures ability to pay current liabilities from the most liquid current assets. Days' sales in receivables indicates how long it takes to collect the average level of receivables.New Wordsallowance method 备抵法uncollectibles n. 不能收回的款项;坏帐receivables n.应收帐款long-term n. 长期(一年以上) account vt. 会计处理write--off n. 销记,划销,转销revenue n. 收入,收益accounts receivable n. 应收帐款credit sales n.赊销notes receivable n. 应收票据current asset n. 流动资产net accounts receivable n. 应收帐款净额approach n. 方法aging of accounts receivable 应收帐款帐龄分析bad debts n. 呆帐,坏帐corresponding adj. 相应的,对应的American Express n. 美国运通卡fee n. 费用internal adj. 内部的,内在的receipts n. (复数)收入creditor n. 债主,债权人compute vt.计算multiply vt. 乘principal adj. 主要的;资本的;本金的negotiable adj. 可转让的,可流通的discount vt. 打折扣,贴现contingent adj.应急的,意外的liability n. 负债payee n.收款人balance sheet n. 资产负债表format n. 形式acid- test ratio 酸性实验比率(以流动负债与流动资产作比较)evaluate v.估价,评价current liabilities n. 流动负债,经常性贷款,短期贷款Text 9 Mechandise Inventory1 Account for inventory by the perpetual and periodic systems. Accounting for inventory plays an important part in merchandisers' accounting systems because selling inventory is the heart of their business. Inventory is generally the largest current asset on their balance sheet, and inventory expense--called cost of goods sold--is usually the largest expense on the income statement.Merchandisers with high-price-tag items generally use the perpetual inventory system, which features a running inventory balance. In the past, most merchandisers handling low-price-tag items used the periodic system. Recent advances in information technology have led to replacement of periodic inventory systems with perpetual systems.A physical count of inventory is needed in both systems for control purposes.2 Apply four inventory costing methods: specific unit cost, weighted-average cost, FIFO, and LIFO. Businesses multiply the quantity of inventory items by their unit cost to determine inventory cost. Inventory costing methods are specific unit cost ; weighted-average cost ; first-in, first-out (FIFO) cost ; and last-in, first-out (LIFO) cost. Only businesses that sell unique items, such as automobiles and jewels, use the specific identification method. Most other companies use the other methods. FIFO reports ending inventory at the most current cost. LIFO reports cost of goods sold at the most current cost.3 Distinguish between the income effects and the tax effects of the inventory costing methods. When inventory costs increase, LIFO produces the highest cost of goods sold and the lowest income, thus minimizing income taxes. FIFO results in the highest income. The weighted-average cost method avoids the extremes of FIFO and LIFO.4 Convert a company's net income from the LIFO basis to the FIFO basis. Companies that use LIFO also disclose FIFO inventory amounts that can be used to convert the company's income to the FIFO basis. LIFO liquidation creates a problem because it increases income taxes.5 Prepare a perpetual inventory record. Some companies combine elements of the perpetual and periodic inventory systems at FIFO cost.Some companies keep perpetual inventory records at weighted-average cost, but few keep such records at LIFO cost.6 Apply to inventory the lower-of-cost-or-market rule. The consistency principle demands that a business stick with the inventory method it chooses. If a change in inventory method is warranted, the company must report the effect of the change on income. The lower-of-cost-or-market rule-an example of accountingconservatism--requires that businesses report inventory on the balance sheet at the lower of its cost or current replacement value.7 Compute the effects of inventory errors on the cost of goods sold and on net income. Although inventory overstatements may be counterbalanced by inventory understatements in an adjacent period, effective decision making is aided by accurate inventory information.8 Estimate inventory by the gross margin method. The gross margin method is a technique for estimating the cost of inventory. It comes in handy for preparing interim financial statements and for estimating the cost of inventory destroyed by fire or other casualties.New Wordsperpetual inventory system n. 永续盘存制periodical inventory system n. 定期盘存制merchandiser n. 交易者,买卖者income statement n. 收益表,利润表tag n.标签feature vt. 是...的特色,以...为特色running inventory n. 永续盘存replacement n. 取代count n. 计算specific adj. 具体的,明确的weighted average cost n. 加权平均的成本FIFO(first-in, first out) n. 先进先出法LIFO(last-in, first out) n. 后进先出法unique adj. 唯一的,独一无二的automobile n.汽车,机动车identification n.识别,鉴定distinguish vt. 区别ending inventory n.期末存货income effects n.收益效果,收益的影响tax effect n. 税金,税金影响效果minimize vt. 最小化extreme n.极端,极度convert vt. 使转变,使变换liquidation n.清理,清算,了结lower-of-cost-or market 成本与市场价孰低consistency n.一致性,连贯性stick with 支持,坚持warrant vt.保证,担保conservatism n.稳健主义,保守主义,谨慎性overstatement n. 估值过高,夸大understatement n. 少报counterbalance vt. 平衡,自动抵消estimate vt.accurate adj. 准确的,精确的gross margin n.毛利,销货毛利technique n. 技术,技巧come in handy 派得上用处interim adj.暂时的,临时的,中期的destroy vt. 破坏,摧毁casualty n.(复数)伤亡Text 10 Plant Assets, Intangible Assets, and Related Expenses1 Identify the elements of a plant asset's cost. Plant assets are long-lived assets that the business uses in its operation. These assets are not held for sale as inventory.2 Explain the concept of depreciation. The process of allocating a plant asset's cost to expense over the period the asset is used is called depreciation. The cost of all plant assets but land is expensed through depreciation.3 Account for depreciation by four methods. Businesses may compute the depreciation of plant assets by four methods: straight-line, units-of-production, and the accelerated methods: double-declining-balance and sum-of-years '-digits. To measure depreciation, the accountant subtracts the asset's estimated residual value from its cost and divides that amount by the asset's estimated useful life. Most companies use the straight-line method for financial reporting purposes.4 Identify the best depreciation method for income tax purposes. Almost all companies use an accelerated method for income tax purposes. Accelerated depreciation results in greater tax deductions early in the asset's life. These。



a)Dr. Insurance expense 1000 Cr. Prepaid insurance 1000
b) Dr. Depreciation expense Cr. Accumulated depreciation c) Dr. Supplies expense 200 Cr Titles debit Balances credit
Adjusting procedures
Four types of adjusting entry: Apportioning recorded costs to periods benefited(预付费用调整) Apportioning recorded revenue to periods in which it is earned(预收收入调整) Accruing unrecorded expenses(应计费用) Accruing unrecorded revenue(应计收入)
Chapter 3 Processing Accounting Information
Accounting cycle Steps in the accounting cycle Trial balance Adjusting procedures Closing procedures A worksheet
Accruing unrecorded expenses
The salaries to employees on services rendered but not paid : Dr. Salaries expense Cr. accrued salaries payable
Accruing unrecorded revenue



Accrual vs Cash Accounting.
• Accrual Accounting权责发生制.
– Impact of business transactions are recorded when the transaction occurs – Revenues are recognized when earned. – Expenses are recognized when incurred.
Adjusting Prepaid Expenses.
To record $3,000 paid for 3 months rent on April 1, 20X3.
Prepaid Rent (1,000 x 3) Cash Paid 3 months’ rent in advance
To record purchase of a long-lived asset.
Mar. 1
Furniture 34,000 Accounts Payable Purchased office furniture on account
Depreciation Expense: Ex-3-2 p51
Historical Cost – Salvage Value Useful Life
($34,000 – 10,000) 4Years = $6,000 per year×10÷12 = $5,000
Depreciation Expense续



《会计英语》教案Unit 1 ACCOUNTING: A GENERAL INTRODUCTIONLearning Objectives:After studying this unit, you should be able to :1. Understand the functions of accounting2. Understand the development of accounting3. Define accounting4. Identify the divisions of accountant’s work5. Understand the accounting assumptions and principleI. Accounting is an Information System(会计是一项信息系统)Accounting is an information system necessitated by the great complexity of modern business. Provide the management inside an organization with the accounting information needed in the organization’s internal decision-making, which relates to planning, control, and evaluation within an organization.II. The Development of Accounting(会计的发展)Bookkeeping is the preservation of a systematic, quantitative record of an activity. Bookkeeping systems can be very primitive.Distinction between bookkeeping and accountingThe accountant sets up a bookkeeping system and interprets the data in it, whereas the bookkeeper performs the routine work of recording figures in books.III. The Definition of Accounting(会计的定义)Accounting is an information system of interpreting, recording, measuring, classifying, summarizing, reporting and describing business economic activities with monetary unit as its main criterion .IV. Divisions of Accounting Profession(会计职业分类)1. Public accounting(公共会计)2. Private accounting (私人会计)3. Government and nonprofit accounting(政府和非盈利会计)Public accountingPublic accountant who are similar to doctors or lawyers can offer their accounting service to the public on a fee basis.Private accountingThe accountants in a private business, large or small, must record transaction and prepare periodic financial statements from accounting records.Government and nonprofit accountingMany accountants work in government offices or for nonprofit organizations. These two areas are often joined together under the term governmental accounting and nonprofit accounting.V. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(会计通用原则)1. Accounting Assumptions(基本会计假设)(1) Accounting entity assumption (会计主体假设)(2) Monetary unit assumption(货币单元假设)(3) Going concern assumption(会计分期假设)(4) Accounting period assumption(会计周期假设)Accounting entity assumptionAn accounting entity is any economic unit which controls resource and engages in accounting practice. Transactions between accounting entities are recorded in the accounts of both entitiesMonetary unit assumptionMoney is the common unit in which accounting measurements are made and measured. All transactions are measured, recorded and reported in terms of money unit.Going concern assumptionAccording to the going concern concept, accountants assume that the business will remain in operation long enough to use existing assets for their intended purpose.Accounting period assumptionMost accounting entities are assumed to have an indefinite life. But accountants are asked to measure operating result and changes in economic position at relatively short time interval during this indefinite life.2. Accounting Principles(会计原则)(1) Cost principle(成本原则)(2) The revenue realization principle(收入实现原则)(3) The matching principle(配比原则)(4) The adequate disclosure principle(充分披露原则)3. Accounting Constraints(会计约束)(1) The objective principle(客观性原则)(2)The materiality principle(重要性原则)(3)The consistency principle(持续性原则)(4)The conservatism principle(谨慎性原则)UNIT 2 ACCOUNTING ELEMENTS AND EQUATIONSLearning Objective:After studying this unit, you should be able to :1. Explain the accounting elements2. Explain the classification of the accounting elements3. Understand the accounting equation4. Understand the effect of business transaction upon the accounting equationI. Basic Elements of Accounting(基本会计要素)Financial accounting information is classified into the categories of assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenues, expense, and net income.1.Assets(资产)The definition of assetsAssets are economic resources, which are measurable by money value, and which are owned or controlled by an enterprise.The classification of assetsAssets can be classified into current assets and long-term assets. Current assets(流动资产)Current assets refer to those assets which will be realized or consumed within one year of their acquisition. It including cash, accounts receivable, and inventories, etc.Long-term assets(长期资产)Long-term assets consist of those economic resources that are held for operational purpose, including plant and equipment and intangible assets, etc.2.Liabilities(负债)Liabilities are debts born by an enterprise, measurable by money value, which will be paid to a creditor using assets or services.The classification of liabilitiesLiabilities are generally classified into current liabilities and long-term liabilities.Current liability(流动负债)Current liabilities refer to the debts which should be paid off within a year or an operating cycle longer than a year.The classification of current liabilitiesIt including: notes payable, accounts payable, advances from customers, accrued expenses, and taxes payable, etc;Long-term liability(长期负债)Long-term liabilities refer to the debts which will be repayment after a year including long-term notes payable, bonds payable, and mortgage note, etc.3.Owner's equity(所有者权益)Owner's equity refers to the interest or the claim of the investors remaining in the net assets of an enterprise.Net assets are the difference between the amount of assets and the amount of liabilities. That is say net assets equal owner’s equity.4.Revenue(收入)Revenue is the economic resources flowing into a business as a result of rendering good sold and service during a given accounting period. The classification of revenueSales revenue, service revenue, and investment revenue are subdivisions of revenue. Increase in revenue will increase owner's equity.5. Expenses(支出)Expenses are the outflow of a business's economic resources resulting from earning revenue or the cost of the operational activities for the business.The classification of expenseExpenses include cost of goods sold, administrative expenses, selling expenses, and financial expenses, etc. Increase in expenses will decrease owner's equity.6. Net income(纯收入)Net income (or net loss) is the result of matching revenue with expenses. When revenue exceeds expenses, net income occurs, otherwise net loss occurs.II. Accounting Equations(会计等式)Basic accounting equations:Assets= EquityAssets = Liabilities + Owner's EquityAssets= Liabilities + Owner’s EquityExpanded accounting equation:Assets= Liabilities + Owner's Equity + Net incomeAssets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity+ Revenues – ExpensesAssets+ Expenses= Liabilities + Owner's Equity+ RevenuesIII. Effect of Business transactions upon the Accounting Equation(商业交易对会计等式的影响)1. Increase an asset and increase a equity;2. Decrease an asset and decrease a equity;3. Increase one asset and decrease another asset;4. Decrease one equity and increase another equity.Unit 3 The Double-entry Accounting SystemLearning Objective:After studying this unit, you should be able to:1. Define the accounts2. Identify the chart of accounts for a typical company3. Analyse transaction using debts and credits4. Learn different types of accounts5. Understand the double-entry accounting system and single-entry systemI. What is the Account(什么是账户)An account is a specific accounting record that provides an efficient way to categorize transactions.We may designate asset accounts, liability accounts, owner’s equity accounts, revenue accounts and expense accounts.II. Debit and Credit(借方和贷方)Accountants often use T-account as a visual aid for seeing the effect of the debit and credit on the two (or more) account.Account nameDr. Cr.III. Types of Accounts(账户类型)1. Asset accountsAssetsDr Cr(+) (-)Ending balances2. Liability accountsLiabilitiesDr Cr(-) (+)Ending balances3. Owner’s equity accountLiabilitiesDr Cr(-) (+)Ending balances4. Revenue and expense accountsRevenue ExpenseDr Cr Dr Cr(-) (+) (+) (-)As an example: Mr. S. Smith invested $4, 000 to open his counseling practice.Cash Capital4,000 4,000Bought office furniture from Robinson Furniture Company on account $2,000.Office furniture Accounts payable2,000 2,000IV. The Double-entry Accounting System and Single-entry System(复式记账和单式记账)Double-entry accounting system means that the amounts of debit and credit entries must be equal when accounts record every business transactions.The features of double-entry accounting system1. Debits are always entered on the left side of an account and credits on the right side.2. For every transaction, there must be at least one debit and one credit.3. Debits must always equal credits for each transaction.Single-entry systemSingle-entry system is similar to a check book register and ischaracterized by the fact that there is only a single line entered in the account for each transaction.V. Accounting Entry(会计分录)Accounting Entry Format:DateDebit Account…………………….amountCredit Account………………….amountExplanationA accounting entry involves a three-step process:1.Identify which accounts are involved.2.For each account, determine if it is increased or decreased.3.For each account, determine by how much it has changed.For example,Mr. S. Smith invested $4, 000 to open his counseling practice.Cash 4,000Mr. S. Smith, Capital 4,000To record invest 4,000 cash open the business.Bought office furniture from Robinson Furniture Company on account, $2,000.Office Furniture 2,000Accounts Payable 2,000To record buy office furniture $2,000 on account.Unit 4 THE ACCOUNTING PROCESSLearning Objective:After studying this unit, you should be able to :1. Understand how to collect economic information2. Explain the accounting cycle3. Understand the journals and ledgers4. Explain the trial balanceI. Accounting Cycle(会计周期)During each accounting year, a sequence of accounting procedures called the accounting cycle is completed.Complete accounting cycle includes the following eight steps:Step 1 Transactions are analyzed on the basis of business documents known as source documents and are recorded in either the generaljournal or the special journals;Step 2 Information is transferred (posted) from the journal to ledger accounts;Step 3 A trial balance is prepared from the accounts balance in the ledger to prove the equality of debits and credits;Step 4 Adjusting entries are made to bring the balances of some accounts to their proper amounts for matching principle;Step 5 Preparing an adjusted trial balance , proving again the equality of debits and credits in the ledger account;Step 6 Making closing entries, journalizing and posting them into ledger accounts and closing all revenue and expense accounts;Step 7 Preparing an post-closing trial balance;Step 8 Preparing income statement and balance sheet based on the balance in the ledger account.II. Journals(日记账)In a western accounting system, the information about each business transaction is initially recorded in an accounting record called a Journal.1. Types of journalsGeneral Journal(普通日记账)The simplest type of journal is called a general journal. It has only two money columns, one for debits and the other for credits; it may be usedfor all types of transaction.Special Journals(特殊日记账)Special journals are designed as a simple way to record a single type of frequently occurring transaction. such as sales, purchases, cash receipts and cash payments journals.Sales journal2. Usefulness of using journals1. The journal shows all information about a transaction in one place and also provides an explanation of the transaction;2. The journal provides a chronological record of in the life of a business;3. The use of a journal helps to prevent errors .III. Ledgers(分类账)The complete set of accounts for a business entity is called a ledger. They may be grouped into general ledger and subsidiary ledger.1. General Ledger(总分类账)The general ledger is the book used to list all the accounts established by an organization.General ledgerAccount: Cash Account No.1012. Subsidiary Ledger(辅助分类账)Further simplification of the general ledger is brought about by the use of subsidiary ledger.In practice, accounts payable and accounts receivable have subsidiary ledger.The Relation of the General and Subsidiary LedgersGeneral ledger Accounts payable subsidiary ledgerThe advantages of subsidiary ledgers1. Reduces ledger detail;2. Permits better division of labor;3. Permits a different sequence of accounts ;4. Permits better internal control.3. Posting transactionsPosting is the process of copying journal entry information from the journal to the ledger.The steps of posting1. Record the date and the amount of the entry in the account.2. Insert the number of the journal page in the posting reference column of the account.3. Insert the ledger account number in the posting reference column ofthe journal.VI. The Trial Balance(试算平衡表)The trial balance is a worksheet on which you list all general ledger accounts and debit or credit balance.ABC Co. LTD.Trial BalanceSeptember 30, 2009Accounts names Debits CreditsCash $ 5,800Furniture 2,000Accounts Payable 2,000 Capital 4,000 Sales 2,500 Rent Expense 500Salaries Expense 200Totals $ 8,500 $ 8,500How to Prepare a Trial BalanceThe procedure is as follows:1. List account names in numerical order;2. Record balances of each account, entering debit balances in the left column and credit balances in the right column;3. Add the columns and record the totals;4. Compare the totals.2. Uses and Limitations of the Trial BalanceTypical of such errors are:◆The entering of a debit as a credit or vice versa;◆Arithmetical mistakes in balancing accounts;Unit 5 Adjusting Entry and Closing ProcedureLearning Objective:After studying this unit, you should be able to :1. Explain the cash and accrual basis of accounting2. Understand the difference of cash basis and accrual basis of accounting3. Describe the types and characteristics of adjusting entries4. Prepare the closing entriesI. Basis of Accounting(会计基础)1. Periodic ReportingIn order to provide timely accounting information, the time-period concept divides the life of an enterprise into distinct and relatively short accounting periods.2. Cash Basis and Accrual Basis of Accounting(收付实现制和权责发生制)In accrual-basis accounting, an accountant recognizes the impact of a business transaction as it occurs.In cash-basis accounting, however, the accountant does not record a transaction until cash is received or paid.The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require that a business use the accrual basis.For example, in its first year of operations, Harris Co. earned $ 39,000 in revenues and received $ 33,000 cash from customers. The company incurred expenses of $ 22,500, but had not paid for $ 2,250 of them at year end.In addition, Harris prepaid $ 3,750 for expenses that would beincurred the next year.Calculate the first year’s net income under a cash basis and under an accrual basis.Cash basis:Revenues (cash receipts) $33,000Expenses (cash payments)(22,500-2,250+3,750) 24,000Net income $9,000Accrual basis:Revenues $39,000Expenses 22,500Net income $16,500Under the two basis of accounting, net income is different.II.Adjusting Entries(调整分录)Types of Adjusting Entries :1. Prepaid expenses2. Unearned revenues3. Unrecorded liabilities4. Unrecorded receivablesPrepaid expensesPayments that a company makes in advance for items normally charged to expense are known as prepaid expense.An example would be the payment of an insurance premium for 12 months.Assume that JB Service Company paid $ 2,400 premium on March 1 for one year's property insurance in advance.March 1,Prepaid Insurance 2,400Cash 2,400To record pay a year’s premium $2,400 in advance.At the end of March, 1/12 of $ 2,400 premium or $ 200 has expired or been used up during the year.March 31,Insurance Expense 200Prepaid Insurance 200To record apportion this month’s premium $200.Unearned revenuesAmounts received before the actual earning of revenues are known as unearned revenues.In the period in which goods or services are rendered, an adjusting entry is made to record the portion of the revenue earned during the period.On December 1, 2009, assume that JB Service Company collected in advance $2,000 from a customer for the service to be completed on January 31, 2010.December 1,Cash 2,000Advances on Service Revenue 2,000To record receive the revenue $2,000 in advance.On December 31, 2009, JB Service Company had already realized that half of service revenue;December 31,Advances on Service Revenue 1,000Service Revenue 1,000To record realized half revenue $1,000.Unrecorded liabilitiesAdjusting entries are required at the end of an accounting period to recognize any unrecorded liabilities in the proper period and to record the corresponding expenses.Assume that the employees' salaries in JB Service Company were paid up to December 29, the salaries of two days (December 30 and 31) were not paid to the employees.December 31:Salaries Expense 3,000Salaries Payable 3,000To record accrued salaries expense $3,000 at the end of the period. Unrecorded receivablesRevenues may be earned during the current period, but not yet billed to customers or recorded in the accounting records.On December 31, assume that JB Service Company has completed a half of service work. The total amount to be received when the work is completed will be $5,000.December 31,Accounts Receivable 2,500Service Revenue 5,000To record not receive the revenue $2, 500.Characteristics of adjusting entries◆Every adjusting entry involves the recognition of either revenue or expenses.◆Adjusting entries are based on the concepts of accrual accounting, not upon monthly bills or month-end transactions.III. Closing the accounts(结账)1 .Real and nominal accounts(真实与名义账户)Real accounts (assets, liabilities, and owners' equity) are permanent;they are not closed to a zero balance at the end of each accounting period.nominal accountsThese accounts (revenues, expenses, and dividends) are temporary; they are really just subcategories of Income Summary and are reduced to a zero balance through the closing process at the end of each accounting period.2. Purpose of closing entries(结账目的)At the end of an accounting period, an income statement is prepared. The revenue and expense accounts have served their purpose in determining the period's net income.3. Preparing the closing entries(准备结账)In short, the processes of closing the accounts include the following four steps:(1) Close revenues (credit balances) to income summary;(2) Close expenses (debit balances) to income summary;(3) Close income summary (the balance is net income or loss) to the owner‘s capital (or to retained earnings for corporations);(4) Close withdrawals (debit balance) to capital (or dividends to retained earnings for corporations).Closing entries for the revenue accountsClosing a revenue account means transferring its credit balance to theincome summary account.Assume that the only revenue account in the JB Service Company, which had a credit balance of $12,500 at October 31.October 31,Service Revenue 12,500Income Summary 12,500To record close the revenue account.Closing Entry for the Revenue AccountService Revenue Income SummaryClosing entries for the expense accountsClosing an expense account means transferring its debit balance to the income summary account.Assume that there are four expense accounts in the ledger of JB Service Company. On October 31, the total amount of the debit balances for the four expense accounts is $10,000.Income Summary 10,000Advertising Expense 3,000Salaries Expense 4,000Telephone Expense 1,000Depreciation Expense 2,000To record close the expense account.Closing the income summary accountAt the end of accounting period, the balance of income summary account is then transferred to owner’s capital account for sole proprietorship and partnership. For the corporation, the balance of income summary account is transferred to the retained earnings account.From the above examples, we can see that the income summary account has a credit balance of $ 2,500.Income Summary 2,500John Braun, Capital 2,500To record close the income summary account.Closing the Income Summary AccountIncome Summary John Braun, CapitalClosing the account of withdrawalsClosing the account of withdrawals means transferring its debit balance to the owner's capital account.Assume that the account of withdrawals for JB Service Company had acredit balance of $1,000 at October 31.October 31,John Braun, Capital 1,000John Braun, Withdrawals 1,000To record close the withdrawal account.Closing entries transfer the balances in the temporary (or nominal) accounts (revenue, expense, and dividend so on) to a balance sheet equity account. Closing the accounts is process that prepares the accounts for the next period.。



[country in which INTERNAL USE ONLYbeen printed]. FOR the publication has
Substantive Analytical Procedures Agenda
♦ What are Substantive Analytical Procedures? ♦ Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures ♦ Documenting Substantive Analytical Procedures ♦ Evaluating Misstatements
♦ Comparison or expectation
♦Ratio analysis ♦Trend analysis
© 2010 [legal member firm name], a [jurisdiction] [legal structure] and a member firm of the KPMG network International”), a Swiss me mber © [year] KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMGof independent entity. All rights reserved. © 2010 KPMG Huazhen, a Sino-foreign joint venture in China and a member firm of the KPMG network ofInternational”),affiliated with KPMG Internationalrights reserved. Printed Swiss entity. All rights reserved. firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG independent member firms a Swiss entity. All Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a in

会计英语 Unit (3)

会计英语 Unit  (3)


Unit Three
Accrual-basis accounting requires the accountant enters the transactions when the business performs a service or incurs and expense. The effect of every transaction is recorded when the transaction occurs, not just when cash is received or paid. The accrual-basis accounting is the more accurate and common method used. 权责发生制对基础的会计要求在提供劳务和发生费用时记录 经济交易。在交易发生时予以记录而不论款项是否收付。权 责发生制更加精确而且常用。
Unit Three
5. The ending Cash account balance is $57,600. During the period, cash receipts equal $124,300. If the cash payments during the period total $135,100, then the beginning Cash amount must have _____. √ A.$68,400 B.$46,800 C.$181,900 D.Cannot be determined from the information given

Unit Three



Generally Accepted Accoungting Principles(GAAPs)公认会计准则1.4.2 Management accountingManagement accounting works for internal users内部管理会计工作举例:Strategy formulating 战略规划Decision making 内部决策Optimized resources usage 优化资源利用率1.5The Accounting Profession and Careers1.5.1Classification of Accounting ProfessionPublic Accountant-Auditing-Tax services-Consulting servicesPrivate Accountants1.5.2The Accounting Professional EthicsIntegrity of accountantsCode of ethics 会计职业道德Case-Enron Scandal 安然公司丑闻事件作业布置:板书设计:课后分析:教案编号: 04教学时间:2010年月第 5 周教学班级:09级会计班授课类型:讲授教学目的及要求:Upon the completion of this lesson, the students will able to: Have general knowledge of the framework of accountingHave general knowledge of carrer of accounting教学重点:Conceptual framework of acconting(1)basic assumption(2)basic principle教学难点:Conceptual framework of acconting教学过程:Chapter 1 step into the world of accounting1.6 Accountancy Bodies1.6.1Accounting Standard-Setting BodiesFederal Accounting Standards Advisory Board(FASAB)联邦会计准则咨询委员会1.6.2Professional Accounting BodiesAssociation of Chartered Certified Accountants(ACCA) -UK特许公认会计师公会Certified Public Accountant(CPA)1.6.3Oversight Boards1.6.4Auditing Standard-Setting Bodies1.8Accounting Conceptual Framework1.8.1Basic Accounting AssumptionsBusiness Entity Assumption会计主体假设假设GoingConcern Assumption 持续经营假设asset capitalization,depreciation and amortization Monetary Unit Assumption 货币计量假设Periodicity Assumption 会计分期假设1.8.2Basic Accounting PrinciplesHistorical Cost Principle历史成本原则-reliable acquisition costsfair market valueRevenue recognition Principle收入实现制原则-accrual basis accounting权责发生制-cash basis accounting收付实现制Matching Principle配比原则Full Disclosure Principle充分揭露原则1.8.3Basic Accounting ConstraintsObjectivity Principle客观性原则Materiality Principle重要性原则。



? Stable-monetaryunit
? 货币计量单位
? Matching principle ? 配比原则
? Full-disclosure principle
? 充分披露原则
? Consistency principle ? 一贯性原则
? Materiality principle ? 重要性原则
? accrual basis
? prepaid items
? 应计制、权责发生制 ? 预付项目
? unearned items ? 预收项目
? accrued items ? 应计项目
? deferrals and accruals
? 递延与应计
? depreciation ? 折旧
? (CICPA) ? 中国注册会计师协会
? Financial accounting ? 财务会计
? Managerial accounting
? 管理会计
? Tax accounting ? 税务会计
? Accounting Equation ? Ethics of accounting
? account ? 账户
? debit ? 借方
? credit ? 贷方
? rules of debits and credits
? 借贷规则
大家好Байду номын сангаас
? cash ? 现金
? cash in bank ? 银行存款
? receivable ? 应收款项
? prepaid expense ? 预付费用
? 汇总记账凭证



Format of the Income Statement
Elements of the Income Statement
Expenses – Outflows or other using-up of assets or incurrences of liabilities that constitute the entity’s ongoing major or central operations.
LO 2 Prepare a single-step income statement.
Multiple-Step Format
Separates operating transactions from nonoperating transactions. Matches costs and expenses with related revenues. Highlights certain intermediate components of income that analysts use.
LO 3 Prepare a multiple-step income statement.
Multiple-Step Format
Income Statement Sections
1. Operating section 2. Nonoperating section 3. Income tax 4. Discontinued operations 5. Extraordinary items 6. Earnings per share
Administrative expense
Interest expense



• dissolve 解散 • cash 现金,现款 • balance 余额,结余;差额;平衡 • amount 金额;合计;共计 • credit 信用;信誉;贷方,贷项 • material 原料,材料,物资 • captial 资本,首都
• 非限制性定语从句 • 状语从句 • 宾语从句 • 从句的引导词
• It is suggested that • It is ordered that • It is required that
Lesson 11 Inventories
• New words • Inventory 存货 • Costing 成本计算,成本计价 • Cost flow 成本流动 • Inflation 通货膨胀 • Footote 脚注 • Replenish 补充,补足
in order that
Lesson 3 The Accounting System
• 教学步骤: • 复习单词 • 学习新单词、课文 • 翻译
New words,PhraseAnd Special Terms
• affect 影响,感动 • accounting system 会计系统;会计制度 • equity 权益,产权 • debt 债务;借款,欠款 • creditor 债权人,债主 • payable 应付的 • claim 要求权;索赔权


2. Journalize
3. Post
4. Prepare Unadjusted Trial Balance
5. Adjust
9. Prepare Post-Closing Trial balance
8. Close
7. Prepare Statements
6. Prepare Adjusted Trial Balance

● 教学对象 ● 教学内容
● 教学目标 ● 教学方法 ● 教学步骤 ● 板书框架
Fundamental Accounting Principles(12th Canadian edition) Kermit rson,Tilly Jensen;
基础会计(第三版) 孙铮主编,上海财经大 学出版社。
充满朝气和活力的08级中加合作办学市场 营销专业(MAM)专科学生,初学会计 ,基础薄弱。
第五章 结账 第二节 记账过程
重点:实账户与虚账户的概念; 结账过程与结账分录。
难点:结账的涵义; 本期损益账户的结构; 结账分录。
知识方面:通过本课程教学,学生应能区 分实账户和虚账户,掌握结账的涵义和步 骤。
Learning Objectives
Describe and prepare a worksheet(工作 表) and explain its usefulness
Describe the closing process(结账过程 ) ,temporary accounts and permanent accounts(虚账户和实账户)
Temporary Account虚帐户
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Depreciation 折旧
Going-concern 持续经营
Full-disclosure principle
Matching principle 配比原则
Consistency principle 一贯性原则
nominal account 虚账户
chart of accounts 科目表
general ledger 总分类账
normal balance 正常余额
journalizing 记日记账
compound journal entry
general journal 普通日记账
prepaid items
应计制、权责发生制 预付项目
unearned items 预收项目
accrued items 应计项目
deferrals and accruals
depreciation 折旧
contra account 备抵账户
Generally accepted accounting principles
Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) 财务会计准则委员会
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Entity Concept 会计主体
Cost principle 成本原则
receivable 应收款项
prepaid expense 预付费用
payable 应付款项
investment 投资
unearned revenue 预收收入
withdrawal 提存
temporary account 暂时账户
real account 实账户
external transaction 外部业务
internal transaction 内部业务
account 账户
debit 借方
credit 贷方
rules of debits and credits
cash 现金
cash in bank 银行存款
Materiality principle Double-entry system
Conservatism principle
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(AICPA) 美国注册会计师协会
posting 过账
accounting cycle 会计循环
trial balance 试算表
adjustment 账项调整
adjusted trial balance
closing 结账
post-closing trail balance
Accounting Equation Ethics of accounting
Business transaction 经济业务
Chapter 2
economic event 经济业务
source document 原始凭证
voucher 记账凭证
receipt voucher 收款凭证
payment voucher 付款凭证
transfer voucher 转账凭证
debt ratio 负债比率
financial leverage 财务杠杆
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
Accounting 会计
Bookkeeping 簿记
Relevance 相关性
Objectivity 客观性
Feasibility 可行性
Balance sheet 资产负债表
Income statement/
net book value 账面净值
worksheet 工作底稿
closing entries 结账分录
income summary 收益汇总
bookkeeping procedures
summarized vouchers
categorized accounts summary
columnar journal 多栏式日记账
unearned revenue 预收收入
Advance from customers
Prepaid expense 待摊费用
Accrued expense 预提费用
classified balance sheet
time period 会计期间
fiscal year 财政年度
calendar year 日历年度
natural business year
adjustments 账项调整
cash basis 现金制、收付实现制
accrual basis
Profit and loss account
Cash flow statement 现金流量表
Asset 资产
Liability 负债
Owner’s equity/Capital
Revenue 收入
Expense 费用
Income 收益
Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(CICPA) 中国注册会计师协会
Financial accounting 财务会计
Managerial accounting
Tax accounting 税务会计