American Civil Rights Movement

Jim Crow Lawsຫໍສະໝຸດ Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow Laws
Jim Crow Laws
• Rosa Parks (1913-2005) • Rosa Parks was an African-American Civil Rights Activist • Referred to as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement” • Became active in the Civil Rights Movement in 1943 and is famous for the Montgomery bus boycott in
A grammatically incorrect segregation sign
Actor Charlton Heston protests a whites-only restaurant
Jim Crow
• Jim 为普通男孩名;crow 意为“乌鸦”。Jim Crow 原意为“黑人”,是美国白人至上主义者对黑人的 蔑称;今译作“黑人隔离法”。《朗曼当代英语辞 典》对该词条的释义是:“the system of unfair treatment of blackAmericans”。与 Jim Crow 连用 的表达法有:Jim Crow Law(黑人法);Jim Crow school/bus/car(黑人专用学校/车厢/汽车);Jim Crowism(种族隔离)等。Jim Crow 的产生与19世纪 90年代美国第三党——平民党(Populist Party) 的兴亡有着密切的联系。
Sit-ins in a Nashville store Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.; LC-USZ62-126236

黑人民权运动(African-American Civil Rights Movement)是一场反对美国种族歧视的运动,历时从1954年的“圣路易斯公民权诉Brown案”以来,持续直至1965年的《民权法案》签署实现美国个人民权得到彻底解放之时。
civil rights movement独立运动

1. Back groundThe African blacks were first introduced to the America to be the slaves who work at the North farms in order to remedy the shortage of the local labor. In theory, after the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, they already enquire the liberty. However, in fact, because of the poverty and lower education, they had to work for the whites to survive, especially after the Federal army left the North the African-Americans lost the shied of Federal and still remained in the racial segregation.Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S.537 (1896), is a landmark United States SupremeCourt decision upholding the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal".[1]HoweverThey executed thoroughly the segregation but neglect the part of equality. What’s more the Racial segregation even existed in the factory, hospital, school and army.2. Aim1939.An African-American man drinking at a "colored" drinking fountain in a streetcar terminal在历经58年后,的法律观念才被推翻;1954年联邦最高法院在“布朗诉教育委员会”一案,判定种族隔离的学校并未提供黑人学生公平教育,因此公立学校应该要种族混合。
black movement--African-American Civil Rights Movement

African-American Civil Rights Movement Now, when we watch NBA games, we have got used to the black’s domination in this game. 80% of the basketball players are African-Americans, the white however, become the minority. But, do you know, sixty years ago, the situation is totally different. In 1950, when the first black figure Roy Florida appeared on the court, who could have imagined, 58 years later, when the Boston Celtics once again won the NBA champion, there is no single white in the team? In the same year, the US welcomed its first black president.On Nov. 5, 2008, Barack Obama was elected the president of the United State. However, we can say that his success was on the fundamental of generations of black men.1、In 1619, the first group of Africans were transported to North America as slaves, and this marked the beginning of the centuries’ slavery in the continent.2、During the American Civil War(1861~1865), the Africans began their first try of getting their own rights. With the great leadership of Lincoln, the African-Americans finally got rid of the slavery, and this lead to the theoretic equal between the black and white.After the Civil War, American capitalism greatly developed, so did the social structure. More and more of the black left the South and a large colony of black intellectual had grown in the North at the beginning of the 20th century.3\In 1909, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(美国全国有色人种协进委员会) was founded. From then on, the civil rights movement in America had come into a period of well-organized, well-led state.5、After the World War Ⅱ, in the fifties and sixties of the 20th century, America came into a period of maximum development. During this period, the civil rights movement of the black were constantly developing and growing.I、On May 17, 1954, to change the image of America in the international state, the US Supreme Court declared that it was unequal of the pubic schools’ segregated education II、On Dec. 1, 1955, the later world famous mother of the African-American Civil Rights Movement--Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white in Montgomery and was arrested. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King, the whole 500,000 black in the city united to strike not to use buses for as long as one year. Eventually, the bus corporation cancelled the racial segregation.III、On Feb. 1, 1960, four black college students in North Carolina went into a “white only” restaurant, the servant ordered them to go out, but they remained there. Their brave action instantaneously won the support of the black students and they united to launch a sit-down strike on a large scale. This forced restaurants in nearly 200 cities called off the racial segregation.IV、In 1963, on the square of the Lincoln Memorial, 250,000 people gathered to fight against the racial segregation. There, Martin Luther King addressed his famous speech I Have a Dream; this marked the climax of the civil rights movement.V、Under the great pressure of the civil rights movement, the US congress passed the in 1964 and in 1965, formally ended the discrimination against black in the aspect of voting rights and other public facilities.Since the 1970s, the African-American civil rights movement had a new change; their fight for equality had gone into a new state.In 1983, the democrat Harold Washington defeated the republican white man to become the first black mayor of Chicago--the third largest city of America.In November of that year, the democrat W. William Goode also defeated his white competitor to become the first mayor of Houston—the fourth largest city of America.On November 6th of that year, Chicago civil rights leader, the then 42 year old Rev.Jesse Jackson announced to participate the Democratic nomination. In 1984, he only got 12% voting. In 1988, he tried again, and this time, he won 29% of the votes. Through he failed both times; the political meaning of his participation cannot be eradicatedLater on, the American NEWSWEEK published the Gallup polls, 62% of the black and 56% of the white believed that, before the year 2008; the United States would receive its first black president. This prediction indeed came true on Nov. 5, 2008.Obama’s success is stood on the ladder which is built by generations of American black’s lives, he realized the ultimate dream of several generations of the black.Nowadays, more and more black figures take action on the international stage. We have got so used to these facts, that most of the basketball players in the NBA court are black, that the most famous and successful talk show hostess is a black, that the former secretary of the United States is a black, that the incumbent president of the United States is a black…We have got used to so many things. However, does this means that there is no discrimination existing?The past centuries’bloodstears seem to tell us that racism has gone. However, when Hamilton defeated Alonso, the Spanish would establish a net to insult the first black F1 champion. The organizers explained that the Spanish auto fans were just joking. But, Hamilton couldn’t laugh; he knew very well that the ghost of racism wouldn’t disappear because of a black president.Many statistics indicate that recently the black middle class are reduced to underclass; the adult black men’s imprisonment rate is as high as 30%. The New York Time reported that, in America, once arrested, the black men’s possibility of being condemned is three times higher than the white under the same circumstance. Moreover, under the same accusation, the term of the black is three months longer than the white.The ghettos for black are very common in America, half of them cannot finish their high school education, a quarter of them live under the poverty line, one out of nine of them is serving a prison sentence.From these, we know that the secret anguish of racism has never disappeared in America, even if we have got used to all the black figures. We are only got used. Obama’s success isn’t an end of the racism in the United State.2009 is a commemorable year for both America and American black, it marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther King, the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the 200th anniversary of the birth of President Lincoln. This year, also, is the first year of the first black president’s presidency.。
Civil Rights Movement

Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)
• Boycott (v.) - To abstain from or act together in abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with as an expression of protest or disfavor or as a means of coercion. • Segregate (v.) – To separate or set apart from others from the main body or group • Montgomery bus boycott was a mass protest by African American citizens in the city of Montgomery, Alabama, against segregation policies on the city's public buses.
Montgomery Bus Boycott
• Under the system of segregation used on Montgomery buses, white people who boarded the bus took seats in the front rows • Black people who boarded the bus took seats in the back row • If a white person boarded a busy bus, a black man or woman would have to stand to give their seat to the white person

Benjamin L.Hooks
Struggle on
My brothers and sisters...I want you to know that the struggle that we will face through the remaining period of the eighties and on through the twenty-first century will not be an easy resiliency which has made it possible for us to survive slavery and vicious discrimination.We must never tire or become frustrated by difficulties.We must transform stumbling blocks into stepping stones and march on with the determination that we will make America a better nation...
马丁·路德·金(Dr.Martin Luther King)
马丁·路德·金(Dr.Martin Luther King),将“非暴力”(nonviolence)和“直接行动”(direct action)作为社会变革方法的最为突出的倡导者之一。1929年1月15日,马丁·路德·金在亚特兰大(Atlanta)出生。他是牧师亚当·丹尼尔·威廉姆斯(Rev. A.D. Williams)的外孙,威廉姆斯是埃比尼泽浸信会(Ebenezer Baptist Church)的牧师和全国有色人种协进会(NAACP)亚特兰大分会的发起人;他是老马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Sr.)的儿子,老马丁·路德·金继承父亲威廉姆斯成了埃比尼泽的牧师。金的家族发源于非洲裔美国人的浸信会。在结束亚特兰大莫尔浩司学院(Morehouse College)的学业后,金又在宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania)的克劳泽神学院(Crozer Theological Seminary)和波士顿(Boston University)大学就读,在学习中,他加深了对神学的认识并探究圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)在社会改革方面的非暴力策略

黑人一般从事笨重和 最受轻视的职业 平均工 资是白人的 1/3 或 1/2 , 失业率高。大多数的白人 拥有自己的住房,而大多 数黑人都是寄人篱下,租 房居住,且在租房过程中 也会因肤色被房东刁难。
多地禁止和限制黑人教育, 在美国南部的一些州甚至出台法律 要求黑人奴隶不得受教育,尽管黑 人中的自由人可以接受教育,由于 种族隔离政策,他们与白人分开学 习,受教育机会也是有限的,教育 质量普遍低下,仅传授一些基本的 生活技能。
● 在富兰克林·罗斯福任总统期内,
联邦政府任命了一大批黑人进入联邦 各部门。 ● 黑人第一次被罗斯福称为“我们的 黑人公民”。
祖父条款 ● 吉姆·克劳法
种族隔离的法律 因为剥夺了黑人学童的入学权利 而违宪
终止了 美国社会中存在已久白人和黑人 必须分别就读不同公立学校的种 族隔离现象。
中文名称:美国黑人民权运动 外文名称:African-American Civil Rights Movement 运动时间:1955年-1968年 运动地点:美国 代表人物:马丁· 路德· 金、罗莎· 帕克斯
16-19世纪 ● 欧洲殖民者从非洲劫运大批黑人 奴隶到美洲
● 黑奴被运入今美国境内,主要在 南部诸州的棉花、甘蔗种植场和矿 山当苦工
1861年-1910年: 为争取平等普选权而斗争
● 林肯在 1863 年 1 月 1 日发表《解放黑 人奴隶宣言》,黑人在法律上成为自由 人。 ● 美国国会先后在 1865 年、 1868 年和 1870 年通过宪法第 13 、 14 和 15 条修正 案,将自由权、公民权和选举权赋予黑 人。
1911年-1950年: 黑人的参政力量不断上升
在美国内战后种族隔离依然盛 行的美国南方,法律明确规定黑 人与白人在公车、餐馆等公共场 所内需分隔,且黑人必须给白人 让座。

Event process
• Exercise is the peak in 1963 in August, dr. King of the Lincoln memorial in Washington before square gathered 250,000 masses, and published his famous speech "I have a dream", the gathering produced by the pressure of public opinion, and finally force congress passed the Civil Rights Act in the following, announced that racial segregation and discriminatory policies for the American civil rights movement of illegal, become the key events.
African-American Civil Rights Movement
Producer :0236 Tang Ling
Event introduction
1955—1968,The second world war in American blacks oppose racial segregation and discrimination,part of the civil rights movement. In the 1950‘s rise, until the 1970s. But through non-violent protests, strive for African American people's right of mass struggle.
美国黑人文化历史 [自动保存的]
![美国黑人文化历史 [自动保存的]](
African-American Civil Rights Movement Causes of The Civil Rights Movement Contents of The Civil Rights Movement Results of The Movement And its Inflution
In 1964 L.B. President Johnson has signed "Civil rights Law".
The leader of the movement of civil right
Martin Luther King , Jr. _320x240_2.00M_h.264.flv
The Atlantic slave trade
African-American's Success
History of The Black
当黑人来到北美“新大陆”,他们并没有获 得新的生命和自由。残酷的剥削和压迫一直 笼罩着他们,肤色歧视如影随形,即使是到 了自诩为“人权卫士”的美利坚合众国。
------Something about hip-hop
First,Jazz Then,Blues Last,Rap---Hip-Hop---Hippie culture It contains: 1,Rap 2,Breakdancing 3,Graffiti art(涂鸦艺术)
the Black into a community which admit every citizen has equal rights.

in 1968 ,Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love
• boycotts
black citizens took full strike against the bus segregation of black and white .
Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955–56) in Alabama, this activity was regarded as the beginning of the civil-rights movement in American history. ;
the historic moment of the civil rights movement was the March on Washington D.C. in 1963 when Martin Luther King, Jr. , a civil rights leader ,delivered his speech “I Have a Dream.”
people generally carried out sitting in public places in southern states, showing that the range of motion
is beyond the limits of a city .

1896年美国联邦最高法院作出“普莱西诉弗格森案”(Plessy v. Ferguson)判决,确立对黑人采行“隔离但平等”措施的合法性时,无异对南方黑人人权造成严重的打击,最高法院判决中有关“隔离”的部份被执行得十分彻底,但有关“平等”的部份则不然,导致南方出现更多种族隔离制度法令,甚至连在工厂、医院及军队都采取种族隔离制度。
the civil right movement汇总

• Increased economic oppression of blacks, Latinos, and Asians, denial of economic opportunities, and widespread employment discrimination.
• 1967--Carl Stokes (Cleveland) and Richard G. Hatcher (Gary, Indiana) elected first black mayors of major U.S. cities.
• 1973 -- Maynard Jackson (Atlanta), first black elected mayor of a major Southern U.S. city.
❖ Assigning federal officials to monitor the registration process in certain localities.
Constitutional Voting Rights
• 1967--Thurgood Marshall first black to be named to the Supreme Court.
Racial Segregation--Education
• 1954 -- Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka • 1957 -- Desegregation at Little Rock
Affirmtive Act
Bannng discrimination based on "race, color, religion, sex or national origin" in employment practices and public accommodations.
英语 美国民权

1954年联邦最高法院,在“布朗诉教育委员会”(Brown v. Board of 年联邦最高法院, 布朗诉教育委员会” Education)一案,判定种族隔离的学校并未提供黑人学生公平教育,因此 )一案,判定种族隔离的学校并未提供黑人学生公平教育, 公立学校应该要种族混合。 公立学校应该要种族混合。
帕克斯被捕事件意外地造成了美国历史上一场惊天动 地的人权运动。帕克斯遭到监禁后, 地的人权运动。帕克斯遭到监禁后,很快被一位黑人领袖 保释了出来。第二天,当地黑人领袖召开会议, 保释了出来。第二天,当地黑人领袖召开会议,在了解到 蒙哥马利的公共汽车公司严重依赖黑人乘客之后, 蒙哥马利的公共汽车公司严重依赖黑人乘客之后,他们决 定从12月 日开始抵制所有的公共汽车 发生在1955年 日开始抵制所有的公共汽车。 定从 月5日开始抵制所有的公共汽车。发生在 年 冬天的这一事件也让一个叫做马丁.路德 金的26岁的黑人 路德·金的 冬天的这一事件也让一个叫做马丁 路德 金的 岁的黑人 成为了人权领袖, 成为了人权领袖,当时他正是蒙物哥马利莱克斯特洗礼教 堂的一新到的牧师。他领导人们开始了长达381天的抵制 堂的一新到的牧师。他领导人们开始了长达 天的抵制 公共汽车行动。在这场运动中, 公共汽车行动。在这场运动中,蒙哥马利市 5万黑人团结 万黑人团结 一致,宁愿步行、搭便车、骑自行车甚至骑驴出行,就是 一致,宁愿步行、搭便车、骑自行车甚至骑驴出行, 不坐公共汽车。 不坐公共汽车。
1955年12月1日,在美国阿拉巴马州(南北 年 月 日 在美国阿拉巴马州(
战争期间美利坚联盟国的首都, 战争期间美利坚联盟国的首都,也是实施种族隔 离制的代表性城市之一。 离制的代表性城市之一。)蒙特马利镇的一辆
African american civil rights movement

thank you for your attention !
Rosa Parks' spontaneous action in 1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement. she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus.源自"sit-ins"
people generally carried out sitting in public places in southern states, showing that the range of motion is beyond the limits of a city .
the historic moment of the civil rights movement was the March on Washington D.C. in 1963 when Martin Luther King, Jr. , a civil rights leader ,delivered his speech “I Have a Dream.”
2.Disfranchisement. When white Democrats regained power, they passed laws that made voter registration more restrictive, essentially forcing black voters off the voting rolls. The number of African-American voters dropped dramatically, and they no longer were able to elect representatives.
Civil Rights Movement 民权运动

African American Civil Rights Movement
American Civil Rights Movement(1955-1968) refers to the movements in the United States aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against African Americans and restoring voting rights to them in the Southern states. It was a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. The movement has had a lasting impact on United States society, in its tactics, the increased social and legal acceptance of civil rights, and in its exposure of the prevalence and cost of racism.

African-American Civil Rights Movement
1. Brief introduction 2. Background information 3. Major events 4. Influence
What is civil rights movement
• Although the roots of the movement go back to the 19th century, it peaked in the 1950s and 1960s. African American men and women, along with whites, organized and led the movement at national and local levels. They pursued their goals through legal means, negotiations, petitions, and nonviolent protest demonstrations.
In February 1960, four
African American
students sat down at a
segregated lunch counter
in a local store in
Greensboro, North
Carolina. They refused to
• Edward Brooke, elected first black U.S. senator in 85 years.
civil right movement 美国

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated
He was assassinated by a white man. For many people the Civil Rights Movement ended with the death of Martin Luther King Jr. But people will never forget the leader who took a risk of being beaten and killed to march to Montgomery from Selma. Rights and freedom are not over.
A brife introduction of the movement
1. A movement in the united states aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against African-Americans and restoring voting rights to them. 2. Movement was charaterised by campaigns of civil resistance(nonviolent resistance) 3. The famous leader of the Civil Rights Movement was Martin Luther King Jr. 4. Notable achievment was the passing of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964: banned discrimination based on "race, color, religion of national origin"

black Americans. Detractors
accused him of preaching
racism, black sup
He has been called one of
the greatest and most
influential African Americans
his admirers he was a
courageous advocate for the
rights of African Americans,
a man who indicted white
America in the harshest
terms for its crimes against
Prominent figures
• William Edward Burghardt Du Bois February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an intellectual leader in the United States as a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, and editor.
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• Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for being an iconic figure in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. King has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism.
black Americans. Detractors
accused him of preaching
racism, black supremacy,
anti-Semitism, and violence.
He has been called one of
the greatest and most
African Americans
• Malcolm X (May 19, 1925 –
February 21, 1965), born
Malcolm Little and also
known as El-Hajj Malik El-
Shabazz was an African
American Muslim minister
and human rights activist. To
in history
• Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005) was an AfricanAmerican civil rights activist, whom the U.S. Congress called "the first lady of civil rights", and "the mother of the freedom movement".
• Biographer David Levering Lewis wrote, "In the course of his long, turbulent career, W. E. B. Du Bois attempted virtually every possible solution to the problem of twentieth-century racism— scholarship, propaganda, integration, national self-determination, human rights, cultural and economic separatism, politics, international communism, expatriation, third world solidarity." 2
Key events
Now ,I want to introduce some key events in the movement to you . Brown v. Board of Education Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott Sit-ins Freedom Rides
African-American Civil Rights Movement
The African-American Civil Rights Movement :
The African-American Civil Rights Movement (1955–1968) refers to the movements in the United States aimed at outlawing racial discrimination against African Americans and restoring voting rights in Southern states.
Prominent figures
• William Edward Burghardt Du Bois February 23, 1868 – August 27, 1963) was an intellectual leader in the United States as a sociologist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, and editor.
his admirers he was a
courageous advocate for the
rights of African Americans,
a man who indicted white
America in the harshest
terms for its crimes against