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丰台区2019 年初三毕业及统一练习(一)



知识运用(共14 分)

一、单项填空(共6 分,每小题0.5 分)

从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.My brother and I like table tennis. I play with ______ twice a week.

A.me B.them C.him D.us

2.What a good day! Would you like to fly a kite ______ me?

A.with B.in C.for D.from

3.— ______ will it take to drive to Tianjin?

— For about 2 hours.

A.How long B.How far C.How old D.How often

4.I’d like to go with you ______ I’m too busy.

A.but B.and C.or D.so

5.— Can I hand in my homework tomorrow, Ms. Smith?

— No. You ______ hand it in today.

A.can B.may C.could D.must 6.Nowadays people wish to eat ______ food than before to keep fit.

A.healthy B.healthier C.healthiest D.the healthiest 7.Claire likes cooking. She ______ delicious food with her mum every weekend.

A.cook B.cooks C.is cooking D.has cooked 8.— Ellen, what were you doing at nine last night?

— I ______ NBA with my father.

A.watch B.was watching C.will watch D.have watched 9.Liu Cixin is a science fiction writer. He ______ the 73th Hugo Award in 2015.

A.wins B.will win C.won D.has won 10.— Anna, long time to see.

— Yes, we ______ each other since last summer.

A.don’t see B.aren’t seeing C.haven’t seen D.won’t see 11.New Chongli Railway Station ______ in 2020.

A.completes B.is completed C.will complete D.will be completed 12.— Collin, could you tell me ______ the International Physics Olympiad?

— Sure. In July, 2018.

A.when will you join B.when you will join

C.when did you join D.when you joined

二、完形填空(共8 分,每小题1 分)

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

The New Hoop

Marco looked at the basketball hoop and threw the ball up.

“Score!” Marco shouted as the__13__ went through the basketball

hoop. “You won this time, but next time I’ll __14__ you, Marco!” said Kim, as the two friends walked home, “I wish we could play at the park too, i nstead of only at school.” But the basketball hoop in their neighborhood park had been ruined by a fallen tree. “I feel so __15__,”said Kim, “I guess there’s nothing we can do.”

Marco and Kim walked past the city’s recycling center. They saw Mr. Morse was collecting plastic, paper and metal items. Marco stared at all the old stuff. “That gives me an idea!” he said, “Mr. Morse, do you have anything we could __16__ to make a basketball hoop?”

Mr. Morse picked up a plastic laundry basket. “We are going to re cycle this basket, but I think you can take it.”

“It looks useless, old and cracked. I want a new basketball hoop!” said Kim.

“Why?” wondered Marco, “reusing things is a great way to __17__ waste. And don’t you think that will be meaningful to make something on our own?”

“That sounds interesting! I guess we can try,”said Kim, “but I still don’t __18__ it will be as good as a new one.”

They took the basket to Marco’s house and found some leftover wood in an old yard. Together they tinkered (焊) with the materials and made a post and a backboard. When all the parts were ready, they took everything to the __19__ and managed to set up the hoop.

“It looks better than I thought it would!” said Kim, “Here’s the real test!” He bounced the ball, aimed and shot a perfect basket. He was __20__ .

“Wow, I was wrong.” Kim said. “This basketball hoop is really great. Now we can play whenever we want!” The two friends played until dinner time. The hoop stood the real test and the boys had the true joys.

13.A.bag B.ball C.card D.book 14.A.hit B.help C.beat D.teach 15.A.excited B.tired C.satisfied D.discouraged 16.A.win B.throw C.sell D.reuse 17.A.stop B.make C.increase D.collect 18.A.hope B.believe C.remember D.realize 19.A.park B.yard C.school D.house 20.A.regretful B.painful C.cheerful D.peaceful


三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26 分,每小题2 分)

