2016年十大外国新闻 英文版




2016年月份国际时事热点汇总1. 据伊朗伊斯兰共和国通讯社2016年1月1日报道,伊朗议会国家安全和外交政策委员会表示,伊朗不会制造和使用核武器,但不会放弃在发展导弹方面无可置疑的权利。



2. 欧盟—乌克兰自由贸易区协定2016年1月1日正式生效,但独联体框架内俄罗斯与乌克兰自由贸易区协定同日中止执行。


3. 沙特阿拉伯外交大臣朱拜尔1月3日宣布,沙特与伊朗断绝外交关系,并责令伊朗外交人员48小时内离境。





4. 当地时间1月2日,美国俄勒冈州大约150名持枪分子因不满对农场主汉蒙德父子“纵火罪”的判决,占领了哈尔尼县马卢尔野生动物保护区联邦办公区域。

5. 俄罗斯政府1月2日发布公告称,总理梅德韦杰夫签署决议,批准2016—2020年爱国主义教育国家计划。



6. 据伊拉克安全部队的消息,极端组织“伊斯兰国”在伊拉克萨拉赫丁省首府提克里特一美军基地附近实施了自杀式袭击,造成至少15名伊拉克安全部队士兵死亡,另有22人受伤。

7. 日本首相安倍晋三正积极备战今年夏季的参议院选举。




2016年10月第4周国际时事政治热点汇总2016年10月第4周国际时事政治热点汇总1. 10月23日,巴基斯坦尼鲁姆杰卢姆水电站项目引水隧洞TBM697段隧洞贯通庆典仪式在巴控克什米尔的项目工地举行,标志着被誉为巴基斯坦三峡工程的尼鲁姆杰卢姆水电工程引水隧洞单线正式贯通,工程建设取得重大进展。



2. 总部位于泰国曼谷的联合国亚太经社会10月25日在曼谷隆重举行活动,纪念中国重返联合国45周年。

3. 10月25日,旧金山市联邦法院法官Charles Bryer签署命令,批准德国大众汽车用近一百五十亿美元,就排放测试造假,与客户庭外和解。



4. 美国国务院分管东亚和太平洋事务的助理国务卿丹尼尔拉塞尔10月24日向菲律宾方面喊话,称菲总统罗德里戈杜特尔特先前发表的言论让美方惊愕,菲律宾与他国发展外交关系的同时不能抛弃美国。

5. 首次世界经济论坛湄公河会议10月25日在越南首都河内国家会议中心举行。


6. 总部设在德国纽伦堡的市场研究机构捷孚凯集团10月25日发表报告说,第三季度中国智能手机市场继续增长,持续成为全球智能手机市场增长的关键推动力。

7. 阿富汗西部古尔省省长穆罕默德纳赛尔10月26日证实,该省至少36名平民25日晚被武装分子枪杀,原因是报复阿安全部队此前对这些武装分子的打击。







政治变革:1. 英国脱欧公投:2016年6月23日,英国举行了脱欧公投,结果以51.9%对48.1%的票数决定脱离欧盟。


2. 美国总统选举:2016年11月8日,唐纳德·特朗普当选为美国第45任总统。


社会运动:1. 反对警暴运动:2016年,美国爆发了反对警暴和种族歧视的抗议示威活动,其中最引人注目的是“黑人命也是命”运动。


2. 女权运动:2016年,全球各地爆发了大规模的女权示威活动,其中最显著的是“女性主义者之行”(Women's March)。


科技创新:1. 智能手机市场竞争激烈:2016年,智能手机市场竞争异常激烈。

苹果公司推出了iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus,三星则推出了备受争议的Galaxy Note 7。


2. 人工智能技术发展:2016年,人工智能技术取得了重大突破。


自然灾害:1. 尼泊尔地震:2016年4月,尼泊尔发生了7.8级的地震,造成近9000人死亡,超过22000人受伤。


2. 加勒比海飓风:2016年,加勒比海地区遭受了几次强烈的飓风袭击,其中最具代表性的是飓风马修。




In the second attack, a car bomb killed six in alRasheed(拉希德), and the third attack, which hit a market in Sadr City area, a predominantly (占主导地位的) Shiite(什叶派) neighborhood(街坊), left 14 people dead. In the fourth attack that targeted a restaurant in the Habibia(纳米比亚) district, nine people we05.09 From BBCNEWS
Zika virus(病毒) may not be in the headlines as much as it was a few months ago, but as summer approaches and people travel to and from the Olympics in Rio(里约), it’s still causing real concern(关注). In Texas(德克萨斯州) this year,31 people have tested positive for the Zika virus. Now the kind of mosquito(蚊子) that transmits(传 播) the Zika virus does exist here in Te xas. So there is a chance that someone could infect(感染) the mosquitoes here and then there would be sort of Texas-

2016年chinadaily 双语新闻

2016年chinadaily 双语新闻

2016-5 Bilingual news from China Daily教育部部长袁贵仁10日表示,中国教育发展总体水平已达到甚至超过世界上很多中上收入国家。

袁贵仁称,根据第三方(a third-party institution)评估报告,这个判断的主要依据是三项关键数据:第一,中国学前教育毛入学率为75%,达到世界中上收入国家平均水平。



第三,高中阶段毛入学率为87%,高等教育毛入学率为40%,这两项都高于世界中上收入国家的平均水平The quality of education in China is on a par with, or even exceeds, many medium-high income countries, Minister of Education Yuan Guiren said Thursday. Kindergarten enrollment rate was 75 percent, the average level of a medium-high income country, he said. The net enrollment rate of primary schools and the gross enrollment rate of junior high schools were 99.9 percent and 104 percent, he said. The attendance rate for nine-year compulsory education surpassed the average level of high-income countries, said the minister. The gross enrollment rates of senior high schools and higher education were 87 percent and 40 percent, both above medium-high income countries, Yuan said.The Belt and Road Initiatives 一带一路Silk 丝绸The Chinese started raising silk-worms about 5000-6000 years ago, andmastered the technology of silk-weaving. Silk was used not only in making clothes, but also in painting and making craftwork.The Silk Road 丝绸之路The Silk Road, first developed over 2000 years ago, was an ancient continental trade route connecting China with the west. It played an important role in trade, politics and cultural exchange between China and other countries in Asia and Europe.The Maritime Silk Road 海上丝绸之路Prior to the Silk Road on land, China had opened a maritime ['mærɪtaɪm](a. 海的)passage leading to such regions as Korea, Japan and South East Asia. After the 13th century, the oceanic['əuʃi'ænik](a.海洋的) route further extended its way to European and African countries. This route was what people later called the Maritime Road.China’s export through the Maritime Silk Road were mostly silk, porcelain, tea and copperware and ironware(铜器和铁器), while the imports included goods like perfumes (香水), flowers and plants, and rare treasures (奇珍异宝).2000多年前,亚欧大陆上勤劳勇敢的人民,探索出多条连接亚欧非几大文明的贸易和人文交流通路,后人将其统称为“丝绸之路”。


3月20日,奥巴马抵达古巴,开 启历史性的破冰之旅,成为88年来首 11 月 25 日 “古巴国父”卡斯 位访问古巴的美国总统。两国化解积 特罗走完传奇人生,古巴走入后菲 怨仍需时日,但毕竟迎来一线曙光。
2017/2/6 安徽省砀山中学蚂蚁语文工作室
2.英国公投决定“脱 欧”,震惊世界
对内让英国民意严重撕裂和对峙、政坛 重新洗牌;对外则使欧盟数十年推进一体化 进程的努力遭受重创,疑欧情绪蔓延;放眼 全球,英国“脱欧”折射出的西方社会阶层 严重分化、民众对现有制度信心的丧失以及 反全球化思潮,都表明西方社会正在经受前 所未有的挑战。
韩 国 民 众 烛 光 集 会 要 求 朴 槿 惠 下 台
8.朴槿惠“闺蜜门”事件 2017/2/6 安徽省砀山中学蚂蚁语文工作室
巴西铁娘子——总 统罗塞夫遭罢免下 第31届奥运会于8月5日至8月 台,民众对经济连 21日在巴西里约热内卢举行,这是 年衰退、生活水平 现代奥运会首次在拉美举办,并大 下降、腐败日益严 获成功。 重感到不满。
2017/2/6 安徽省砀山中学蚂蚁语文工作室 6
3 .中东地缘灾难,演绎现 ISIS 的阴魂不散, 依旧肆虐中东。 代文明悲剧。——是谁打 开了潘多拉魔盒?苦难深 重的阿拉伯世界,年年令 全世界的关注。
2017/2/6 安徽省砀山中学蚂蚁语文工作室
难民危机将进一步改变欧洲国家的 政治版图,其社会经济影响也不可小觑。 2017/2/6 安徽省砀山中学蚂蚁语文工作室



Eating wontons
Eating tangyuan
In places such as Shanghai, people eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour to celebrate Winter Solstice.
Eating rice cakes
• During the Winter Solstice, Hangzhou residents traditionally eat rice cakes. In the past, before the approach of the winter solstice, every household would make the cakes to worship their ancestors or use as gifts for relatives and friends. Today, though fewer families eat home-made cakes, people there still buy rice cakes for the Winter Solstice Festival.
返回Βιβλιοθήκη Beijing has issued its first red alert for air pollution this year, as a new bout of heavy smog is forecast to hit the city Friday, local environmental protection authorities said Thursday.










当代世 界
1 6 年2 , . E J 4 E l ,在新西兰奥克兰 参与 跨太平洋伙伴关系协 定》谈判的1 2 国部长级代表在签署协定后台影
跨太平洋伙伴关 系协定》由盛转衰
) 1 6 年2 月 ,由 美国主导并将 中国排 除在 外的 《 跨太 平洋 < 伴关 系协定》 ( T P P )得到 1 2 个成员 国正式签署 ,再 经
到 一体化进 程的拖累 ,而难 民涌八 、经济形 势不佳等 因素更
个 第一次充 分展现 了中国 寻求在全球 经济治理进 程中维 护发 展 中国家权 益的 责任 担当 。此外 ,在 推动经济 发展之外 ,中 国还在峰会 期间与 美国一 道向联合 国秘 书长潘 基文交存 了中 国和 美 国气 候变化 《 巴黎协定 》批准 文书 ,这 反映 了中 美两 国推 动全球 气候治理 所发挥 的重大作 用。作为 东道主 ,中国 坚 持倡导平 等 、开放 、合作 、共享的全 球经济 治理观 ,体 现 了中 国推 动世 界经 济 增长 的决 心 和 勇气 ,也为 G 2 O作为 全 球 经济治理 主要论坛 的未来发 展指明 了方向 。对于中 国主办
月2 0日,特朗普将在总统就职典礼上宣誓就职,至此美国总统选举方告结束。特朗普这位既无政治经验 ,又口无遮拦的地
产大亨当选美国总统,确实超出了大多数人的预期。2 0 1 6 年氆漠国犬选可谓乱象纷呈,美国国内乃至部分欧洲国家甚至掀起
了反 对特朗普 当选的 政治运动 。从 选前希 拉里的 “ 邮件门 ”和 特朗普 的 “ 性 丑闻” 以及 二者的相 互谩骂和 诋毁 ,到特 朗普胜 出后 接连涌 现的 “ 计票有 误 ”“ 黑客 门 ”等 事件 ,两位候 选人将 这场 严肃的 政治选举 活活 演成了 如同 “ 纸 牌屋 ”那般 暗黑的 权 力大 战 。特 朗普的胜 出不仅折 射了美 国社会生 态的深刻变 化 ,而且 也暴露 了 “ 美式 民主”的 内在缺陷 。美国著名 政治学 家



More than 210,000 people have watched the black-haired baby licking and attempting to chew on the inside of the massive watermelon which is perched on a chair.超过21万人看过这个视频,这个巨大的西瓜里放在椅子上,长着一头黑发的小男孩一边舔一边试图在西瓜里咀嚼。

We now have a bubble in many cities, particularly the big ones'中国房地产市场泡沫Russia, once the world's third largest wheat exporter, is returning to the international grain market after a one-year gap caused by severe crop losses.俄罗斯在去年粮食大幅度减产之后曾决定停止向国际市场出售粮食。


Women still lag far behind men in top political and decision-making roles, a waste of talent given that their access to education and healthcare is nearly equal, the World Economic Forum said on Wednesday.世界经济论坛于本周三称,虽然女性在受教育和医疗方面已与男性接近平等,但女性在高层政治和决策领域仍落后于男性,这对于她们的才能是一种浪费。

The U.N. Children's Fund says drought-stricken areas of the Horn of Africa are afflicted by record high levels of malnutrition among children. The aid agency says tens of thousands of drought victims are fleeing to parts of Kenya and Ethiopia where they hope to find food.联合国儿童基金会表示,非洲之角遭受干旱,当地儿童严重营养不良。



新 的动力。另外 ,正式入篮也将推动
3 .“ 一 带 一路 ” 向纵 深 发展 “ 朋
6 . 美 联 储 时 隔 一年 再 度 加 息 加 息 国际货 币体 系进一 步完 善 。今年 以 进 程 扰动 全 球 市场
友 圈” 越 来 越 大

来 ,美元汇率走强给全球货 币和 国际
带 一 路 ”倡 议 提 出 3 年 多
2 . 二 十 国集 团杭 州 峰会 召 开 “ 中
经济体 增 长格局 出现 分化 ,美国经
济 复 苏 相 对 较 快 , 日本 和 欧 洲 依 然 疲 弱 ;新 兴 经 济 体 增 速 逐 渐 企 稳 , 尤 其 亚 太 新 兴 经 济 体 成 为 全 球 增 长 的 核 心 力 量 。 一 年 中 。 国 际 贸 易 增 长 持 续 低 速 ,全 球 资 本 流 动 加 剧 ,
世界 经 济 “ 稳 定器 ”
提供 动力 、为国际合作筑牢根基的总 体 目标 。这次峰会上 ,中国提出全球 经济治理的 “ 中国方案”,首次把创
新 作 为 核 心成 果 ,首 次把 发 展议 题 置 于全 球 宏 观政 策 协 调 的 突 出位 置 ,首
今 年 前 三 季 度 , 中 国 国 内生 产 稳健的货币政策 ,并保持政策的连续 次形 成 全 球 多边 投 资规 则 框 架 ,首 次 总值 增 长6 . 7 %。 中 国 坚 持 稳 中求 进 性和稳定性 ,中国经济 内在结构发生 发布气候变化问题主席声明 ,首次把
工作总基调 ,实施积极 的财政政策和 了深刻的积极变化 ,质量效益明显提 绿色金融列入二十国集 团议程 ,在二
舟十一号组合体 内驻 留3 0 天 ,完成 了 望 远镜 。




一起来看看这一年我们都见证了哪些最重大的科学时刻吧!A fumigator at work in a graveyard in Lima as part of Peru’s efforts to contain the Zika virus.1. World Health Organisation declares a public emergency of international concern over Zika世界卫生组织宣布寨卡构成国际关注的公共卫生紧急事件1 February2月1日In global health, 2016 will be remembered as the year a little known virus made a major impact. It felt strangely familiar, but this time it wasn't Ebola making headlines around the world, it was Zika - a mosquito-borne virus being linked to a huge spike in the number of babies in Brazil born with brain defects.因为一种鲜为人知的病毒所造成的重大影响,2016年将在全球卫生方面被人们铭记。


World Health Organisation declared that the cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders were a public health emergency of international concern, it was a rallying cry for the international community to respond.世界卫生组织宣布小头症及其他神经系统紊乱疾病的爆发构成国际关注的公共卫生紧急事件,呼吁国际社会联手应对。



2016十大正能量新闻1. Barack Obama banned oil and gas drilling in the Arctic奥巴马总统禁止开采北极的石油和天然气He might be on his way out of the White House, but Obama is showing no signs of slowing down.虽然奥巴马即将从白宫卸任,但他不会就此停下保护环境的脚步。

On 20 December, Obama used a 1953 law to permanently ban new oil and gas drilling in most of the US-owned Arctic and Atlantic oceans in an attempt to protect the environment from his successor.12月20日,奥巴马基于1953年的法律,永久性禁止在北极圈附近美国专属的北极和大西洋大部分海域从事新的石油和天然气钻探活动,以保护环境免受其继任者的影响。

The WWF say that this decision will make it considerably more difficult for Donald Trump to take advantage of US Arctic oil reserves, which is a victory by anyone's standards.世界自然基金会称,该决定无论站在何人角度都是种胜利,将使唐纳德•特朗普利用美国北极石油储备的难度加大。

2. Columbia signed a historic peace deal with the Farc Columbias哥伦比亚政府与叛军组织“哥伦比亚革命武装力量”签署了历史性和平协议President Juan Manuel Santos and Farc rebel leader Rodrigo Londono signed a peace deal putting an end to more than 50 years of war.哥伦比亚总统胡安•曼努埃尔•桑托斯和“哥伦比亚革命武装力量”叛军领袖罗德里戈•隆多尼奥签署了一项和平协议,结束了50多年的内战。

2016.11 新闻热词中英文

2016.11 新闻热词中英文
监察委员会 supervisory committee 监督对象 target of supervision 积累经验 accumulate experiences
3. 特朗普胜克林顿 Trump trumps Clinton
在过去60多年的美国总 统选举(the US presidential election) 中,俄亥俄州所支持的 候选人最终都取得了大 选胜利,因此有"得俄 亥俄者得天下"之说。
The State Council recently issued a guideline document on deepening medical reforms, which clearly requires all public hospitals to remove their medicine markups.
Republican Donald Trump trumped Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election early on Wednesday.
4. 药品加成 medicine markup
国务院近日发布关于深化医疗改 革的指导文件,明确要求所有公 立医院取消药品加成。
• 阿里巴巴推出了Buy+虚拟现实购物(virtual reality shopping)体验,购物者移动视线就能完成逛街 (shopping)、下单(ordering)、支付(paying)的购 物全过程;同时还举办了互动电视晚会 (interactive television gala),请来大牌明星(A-list celebrities)助阵。苏宁、国美等电商在继续主打 电器、日用品等垂直品类(vertical category)的同 时,还和线下门店(offline store)进一步加强互动 ;唯品会等企业则推出流媒体视频直播(live video streaming),希望通过网络社交等手段提升成交 额。 • 流媒体,又叫流式媒体,是边传边播的媒体,是 多媒体的一种。



The process of six-party talks have been ups and downs朝核 问题六方会谈进程遭波折
On January 30, North Korea declared the abolishment of the agreement that
North Korea and South Korea stop the confrontation on politics and military.
causing people’s concerns on space security. On August 30, at the 45th session of the House Representatives elections, Japan's largest opposition Democratic Party won a overwhelming victory, winning the exective
He said that the relationship between the United States and the Islamic world should have a "new beginning", announcing an adjustment to the U. By the end of July, the first China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue was held in Washington.
month adopted by the UN Security Council. On May 25, North Korea
announced a successful underground nuclear test, followed by multiple

















2016年以后发生的的大事英语作文Since 2016, the world has witnessed several significant events that have had a profound impact on global politics, society, and the economy. From political upheavals to natural disasters, let's take a closer look at some of the major events that have occurred in the past few years.One of the biggest events that shook the world in recent years was the election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States in 2016. Trump's victory was unexpected and caused a major shift in American politics. His populist rhetoric and controversial policies have divided the country and sparked numerous protests and debates.In 2018, the #MeToo movement gained traction, with women around the world speaking out against sexual harassment and abuse. This social movement led to the downfall of many powerful men in various industries, including entertainment, politics, and business. The movement sparked a global conversation about gender equality and empowered women to speak up about their experiences.In 2019, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel coronavirus. The virus spread rapidly acrossthe globe, leading to widespread lockdowns, economic turmoil, and thousands of deaths. The pandemic highlighted the vulnerabilities of healthcare systems and raised questions about global cooperation and preparedness for future crises.Another major event that occurred in 2020 was the Black Lives Matter protests following the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis. The protests spread across the United States and around the world, demanding an end to police brutality and systemic racism. The movement brought attention to racial injustice and sparked calls for reform in law enforcement and other institutions.In 2021, the world faced a climate crisis, with extreme weather events such as wildfires, hurricanes, and floods becoming more frequent and severe. The urgency of addressing climate change was further highlighted by the release of the latest reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which warned of the devastating impacts of global warming.Overall, the events that have taken place since 2016 have demonstrated the interconnectedness of the world and the need for cooperation and solidarity in addressing global challenges. From political movements to public health crises, these eventshave reshaped the way we think about our societies and the future of our planet. As we move forward, it is crucial to learn from these events and work together to create a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world for all.。




店铺分享2016美国大选英文新闻,希望可以帮助大家!2016美国大选英文新闻:特朗普大选之路又加助力终赢得众议长瑞恩支持House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Twitter that he'll be voting for Donald Trump this fall and that he's confident he will turn the House Republican's agenda into laws.Further explaining why he's endorsing Trump in his hometown newspaper, Speaker Ryan wrote that although he and Trump have differences, on the issues that make up the Republican agenda, he and Trump have more common ground than disagreement.Ryan said that from the start, his goal has been to unite the party so it can win in the fall.2016美国大选英文新闻:美国总统大选老兵们向唐纳德·特朗普提出质问The veterans said Trump's disrespect showed in his announcement of what was found to beonly close to the 6 million raised from an Iowa event in January:“It wasn't something that he did willingly, you can rest assured of that.”Rear Admiral Gene Kendall in the call hosted by Hillary Clinto n's campaign, called Trump a“fraud” and not in line with the military tradition of protecting their own:“We need to understand that he operates in support of what's best for Donald Trump.”Admiral Kendall called Trump's past record of disrespectingvetera ns “flagrant”.2016美国大选英文新闻:美国2016年总统大选谁是幕后捐款者?US federal election law requires all candidates to report each campaign donation to theFederal Election Committee (FEC). These filings offer insight into who is willing to put theirmoney where their vote is.美国联邦选举法规定,所有候选人必须向联邦选举委员会报告每个选举阵营所收到的捐款。

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1美国大选US Presidential Election
US President-elect Donald Trump dominated news coverage on all fronts during the Republican primary and the general election where he beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in a massive upset, winning the White House in November.
2巴西政坛Brazilian Politics
Among Brazil's many travails, its former president, Dilma Rousseff, was suspended from office in May. Brazil's Senate ordered her to stand trial in a historic decision brought on by a deep recession and a corruption scandal.
3增强现实手游“精灵宝可梦”Pokémon Go
It was the newest craze — for a little while. People swarmed busy streets, parks, and national landmarks to play Pokémon Go. Organized meetups to hunt Pokémon inplaces like Central Park drew thousands of people.
4黑人的生命不容漠视Black Lives Matter
Sometimes dubbed a modern-day civil-rights movement, groups affiliated with the Black Lives Matter organization rallied supporters in response to police shootings involving unarmed black civilians.
The movement found an influential advocate in US President Barack Obama who in July said, "We have seen too many tragedies like this."
5 罗德里戈·杜特尔特和菲律宾民选Rodrigo Duterte & Philippine Presidential Election
Davao city mayor Rodrigo Duterte won the 2016 Philippine presidential election on May 9.
The 71-year-old mayor is known to have made Davao one of the safest cities in the Philippines through tough regulations andiron-fist approach in crime fighting.
During the presidential campaign period, he vowed to wipe out corruption, drugs and criminality in three to six months if he wins the election.
His aggressive behavior and offensive language won him a lot of supporters, but aroused concerns and controversy as well.
6里约奥运会The Olympics
While athletes went for the gold, Facebook achieved a new record of views and clicks for its own coverage of the Rio Olympics 2016. Facebook saw more than 1.5 billion interactions — likes, posts, comments and shares — related to the Olympics throughout the games. From Aug. 5 to 21, 277 million people participated in the conversation around the world, meaning Facebook users, on average, interacted with Olympics-related stories 5 times.
The people of Britain voted for a British exit, or Brexit, from the EU in a historic referendum on Thursday June 23.
The outcome prompted jubilant celebrations among Euro sceptics around the Continent and sent shock waves through the global economy.
After the declaration of the result, the pound fell to its lowest level since 1985 and David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister.
8超级碗Super Bowl
The Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL), the highest level of professional American football in the world.
The day on which the Super Bowl is played, now considered by some an unofficial American national holiday, is called "Super Bowl Sunday". In addition, the Super Bowl has frequently been the most-watched American television broadcast of the year; the seven most-watched broadcasts in U.S. television history are Super Bowls.
9大卫·鲍伊去世David Bowie
Legendary singer and artist David Bowie died in January at age 69. The singer’s death was confirmed in a Facebook poston his official page: “David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18-month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief.”
10拳王阿里去世Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali, the legendary boxer who proclaimed himself "The Greatest" and was among the most famous and beloved athletes on the planet, died on June 3 in Arizona, US.
He began boxing as an amateur when he was 12 years old and in 1964 became heavy weight champion with a knockout of Sonny Liston.
Ali went on to win the heavy weight title twice more before retiring for good in 1981.。
