
【航海英语考试大纲】考试目的依据《STCW 公约》的要求,考核无限航区和沿海航区船长,大副,二、三副适任其职务的英语能力。
考试基本要求本大纲通过理论考试和听力与会话评估形式对船员进行有效沟通应掌握和具备的英语能力,包括听力理解,口语表述,阅读理解,书面表达能力以及应掌握的英语词汇量方面做出如下要求:听力与会话评估要求:听力理解能力:能够听懂并理解《STCW 公约》对无限航区和沿海航区的各级别海船船员职务要求的船舶内部日常生活和日常业务工作语言交流,及听懂通过VHF 和其他无线电和电子通信设备所进行与他船和陆上各台站的英语交流内容,包括船舶进出港,船舶靠离与锚泊,货物作业,航行期间,船舶修船与保养作业期间,海上遇险与事故处理,船上消防与船员自救和船舶保安,港口国检查及海上搜救作业等过程中的英语交流内容。
语音,词汇量,口语表述能力:能够进行《STCW 公约》对无限航区和沿海航区的各级别海员职务要求的有效的面对面以及通过VHF和其他无线电和电子通信设备所进行的口语沟通,包括日常生活交流,船上业务工作交流,船方与岸上各方的工作交流,包括船舶进出港(特别是VTS的报告程序),船舶靠离与锚泊,货物作业,航行期间,船舶修船与保养作业期间,海上遇险与事故处理时,船上消防与船员自救和船舶保安以及海上搜救作业时,以及港口国检查等作业过程中的英语口语交际内容。
可懂度,理论考试要求:阅读理解能力:能读懂《STCW 公约》对无限航区和沿海航区的各级别海员职务要求读懂的英语航海出版物,航海图书资料,航海及航运业务函电,国际海事公约与规则,航运法规与业务,船舶结构和设备,航海仪器(特别是新增的ECDIS),船舶修理与保养,船舶货运技术的文献。


二三副英语评估会话(第三版)航海英语评估会话答案(二/三副)(第三版)目录第一题朗读(20分×1题) (3)第二题口述题(20分×1题) (14)第1章公共用语 (14)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (16)第4章装卸作业 (18)第5章航行 (20)第6章修船与船体保养 (22)第7章事故处理 (23)第8章消防与船员自救 (25)第9章救助 (26)第10章遇险 (28)第11章港口国检查 (30)第12章船舶保安 (32)第三题问答题(60分:6分×10小题) (34) 第1章公共用语 (34)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (35)第4章装卸作业 (37)第5章航行 (38)第6章修船与船体保养 (40)第7章事故处理 (41)第8章消防与船员自救 (42)第9章救助 (44)第10章遇险 (45)第11章港口国检查 (47)第12章船舶保安 (48)航海英语听力与会话二/三副评估:会话答案(第三版)航海英语听力与会话评估分为听力和会话两部分,考试时间为1小时。
听力部分共100分,有三道题:第1题单句30分(3分×10小题)),第二题对话30分(3分×10小题),第3题短文40分(2.5分×16小题, 四篇短文)。
第一题朗读(20分×1题)Passage 1Ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. I have thepleasure in informing you that all safety equipment is in full working order. The bow and stern doors are closed and secured. The vessel is in all aspects ready for sea. Please listen carefully to the safety instructions which follow. In the unlikely event of emergency, please obey the orders given on the public address system. Passengers are requested to read all notes and leaflets concerning safety regulations. All regulations concerning the vessel?s routine have to be obeyed. Safety regulations do not permit passengers to enter the following spaces:--navigating room;-- engine room;-- maneuvering areas at the front and back end of the vessel;--cargo rooms and compartments;--service rooms;--all areas and spaces marked “crew only”;--all closed, sealed or roped off areas, spaces and rooms;--car decks when the vessel is at sea.Passage 2International regulations require all passengers be assembled in a drill which has to take place within 24 hours of departure. A drill will be held to familiarize passengers with their assembly stations, with their life-saving equipment and with emergency procedures. All passengers must attend this drill. In case of emergency, seven short blasts and one prolonged blast will be given with the ship?s whistle and alarm system. Passengers will be taught how to act and behave in case of emergency. leaflet[]n.小叶, 传单;routine[]n.常规, 日常事务;assemble[]vt.集合, 聚集; familiarize[ ]v.熟悉;whistle [wisl]Passage 3Always remember that fire is the greatest hazard aboard ship. Always act immediately if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke. Always inform a member of the crew if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke. Be careful to extinguish cigarettes completely. Put used cigarettes in a container provided. Never smoke in bed.Never smoke on deck except in areas labeled as smoking areas. Never throw a cigarette overboard. The use of naked light and open fire is strictly prohibited. Never use an electric iron in a cabin. If you need to iron something, use the ironing room on the third deck. The key may be collected at the information desk.Passage 4Attention please! Attention please! This is your captain with an important announcement. I repeat, this is your captain with an important announcement. We have a minor flooding in the engine room. There is no immediate danger to our passengers or the ship and there is no reason to be alarmed. For safety reasons, we request all passengers to go to their assembly stations on deck and wait there for further instructions. Please follow the instructions given by the officers and crew. The damage control team is fighting the flooding. We also have radio contact with radio coast stations. As soon as I have further information, I will make another announcement. I ask you kindly to remain calm. There is no danger at this time. Passage 5When the general emergency alarm is sounded, which consists of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast, all passengers have to go to their assembly station. Take your lifejackets and blankets with you. Lifejackets are stored in your cabins under your beds and at your assembly stations. You are encouraged to try on your lifejackets. All passengers must put on warm clothing; long trousers, long-sleeved shirts or jackets, strong shoes and head covering. All passengers with their lifejackets and blankets are requested to go to their assembly stations immediately. From your assembly stations you will be escorted to your lifeboats. All passengers are requested to carefully study the safety instructions behind their cabin doors.All passengers are requested to follow the escape routes shown. Do not use lifts.Passage 6Last year there were 63 incidents at sea. This included 10 spills, 2 of which resulted in pollution. Fourteen vessels grounded and n. 汽笛;hazard []n. 危险;fume [fju:m]n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体;cigarette[]n.香烟, 纸烟; prohibit[]vt.禁止, 阻止;iron []n.熨斗;announcement[ ]n.宣告, 发表;minor [] adj.较小的,轻微的;immediate[] adj.紧接的, 立即的;blanket[]n.毯子;escort [] v.护卫, 护送,陪同;lift [lift]n. 电梯6 vessels collided in bad weather conditions. There were 20 reports of personal injury. These injuries usually occurred because seamen did not take care with machinery or because they did not wear the correct type of protective clothing. Seven ships reported fires on board during the year: in 2 incidents, the fires started in the galley, in another 2 incidents, fires started when chemical containers exploded; and in 3 incidents, the fires occurred because of electrical faults. On 4 occasions vessels lost power because the crew did not follow correct procedures during maneuvering. There were accounts of cargo contamination: 1 cargo of grain suffered from heat damage, and in the other case, water leaked into the hold and damaged a cargo of fruit.Passage 7This incident took place on board the MV (motor vessel) Elga in January of this year. Some of our cargo of pipes broke loose on the deck when we were rounding the Cape of Good Hope in bad weather. There were high winds and visibility was very poor. At the time of the incident I was on watch on the bridge. The 2nd officer heard a loud banging noise and noticed the pipes were loose. I immediately informed the Captain who ordered a team to go on deck to tie and secure the pipes. The problem was caused by the severe movement of the vessel and some lashings breaking. The deck crews were able to lever the pipes into a secure position. We managed to lash the cargo down againsufficiently until the bad weather passed. There was very little we could do to ensure that this incident does not happen again. However, when bad weather is forecast, all lashings should be checked and, if necessary, extra lashings should be put in place. Passage 8It is a common belief among members of the public that piracy belongs to an era in which swashbuckling pirates played cat and mouse with sailing ship laden with gold. That piracy is a thing of the past, however, is a myth. The main point I?d like to make is that armed robbery is still a real threat to the shipping industry. The international maritime bureau reported that in 1994 there were 92 serious attacks on ships. Two years later in 1996, this figure rocketed to 174, and in 1997 the figure continued to rise dramatically to 252. Almost to combat this crime were made during the early 1990s and consequently the number of attacks decreased significantly. This decrease was due to two main factors. IMO missions were sent to problem areas and pressure was also exerted on countries whose waters were known black spots for pirate attacks. incident[]n.事件, 事变;injury[]n.伤害;occur []vi.发生, 出现; machinery[]n.[总称] 机器, 机械;contamination[ ]n.玷污, 污染;Cape of Good Hope好望角;visibility[ ]n.能见度;bang [ ]n.重击, 突然巨响v.发巨响, 重击;severe [] adj. 剧烈的, 严重的;lever[ ]v.抬起;sufficiently[]adv.十分地, 充分地; forecastPassage 9Two types of compasses are used at sea, namely the gyrocompass and the magnetic compass. The gyrocompass is electrically driven and indicates the direction of the geographical or true north pole of the earth. When a gyrocompass has been started, some time must be allowed for it to s ettle down, and a ship?s gyrocompass should be started some hours before it is to be used. A gyrocompass may function correctly, but at the same time register a small, constant error known as gyro error. If the gyrocompass indicates a direction which is numerically largerthan the true direction, the error is described as high, and conversely a numerically smaller reading is described as low.Passage 10Major coast radio stations all over the world transmit, at regular intervals and in code, weather information for ships within range. Weather information consists of ten parts, of which ships usually make use of three, that is, warning, synoptic situation and forecast. With weather information, mariners are able to keep away from disastrous weather at sea and reduce the danger a great deal. As terrible weather is predicted, ships can take precautions before hand, by delaying the voyage or seeking shelter in a safe place. If there is a high sea or long swell, they can take some measures to safeguard the cargo and the ship. Passage 11When the vessel approaches her designated berth at minimum steerageway, the approach to the quay is made at the smallest possible angle. With a heaving line the hawser is pulled from the vessel onto the embankment by line-handlers. The spring is fastened to a bollard, and while the engine is on half astern, the warping drum picks up the slack. T o prevent the line from being fouled, the hawser or spring is led through the fairlead. The ship is then maneuvered along the embankment and fastened to bollards by headlines, stern lines, breast lines and springs. When leaving berth, casting off orders, engine room orders and helm orders are given by the pilot or the master. After having started the engines, the first order is “Standing by for letting go!”. When a line is cast off, the first order must always be “Slack away”, so that it will become possible t o handle the hawser. The next casting off order will then be: “Heave away”, which means that the line can be pulled aboard. The sequence ofcasting off orders that can then be given depends on how the vessel has been berthed, and on the prevailing weather [ ]vt. 预测, 预报;piracy[]n.海盗行为;era [] n.时代;swashbuckling[ ]adj.恃强凌弱的;pirate[]n.海盗;laden with载满;myth [ ]n.神话,虚构的故事; bureau[ ]n.<美>局, 办公署; consequently[ ]adv.从而, 因此; exerted[]外露的geographical[ ]adj. 地理的;register[]vt.记录, 登记;conversely[] adv.倒地,逆地synoptic situation[]大势报告;condition and currents.Passage 12One of the most important responsibilities of the first mate is to make sure that cargo will be properly loaded and stowed. Whether bulk cargo, general cargo, heavy cargo, containerized cargoes or refrigerated perishable cargo are carried, care must always be taken to ensure that a cargo will not in any way affect the vessel?s stability and jeopardize vessel, cargo and crew. Therefore a stowage plan must be made up before the loading of the cargo commences. Stevedoring (loading and discharging of cargo) must be done according to this stowage plan by a shore gang. A shore gang usually consists of a foreman and stevedores (longshoreman, as they are called in America), hatchway men, winch men, and a tally clerk.Passage 13There are five common kinds of injury on vessels. Seafarers sometimes break their arms and legs when they slip or fall. These accident s happen when they don?t wear safety boots or when decks are wet and oily. Seafarers also fall when ladders are not secure. To prevent broken arms and legs, it is important to wear safety boots. Seafarers sometimes strain their backs when theylift heavy objects. Back strain usually happens when seafarers lift objects alone or when they don?t use lifting equipment properly. To prevent back strain, it is important to lift properly. Seafarers sometimes suffer from burns when there is a fire, explosion or chemical spill. Seafarers need to be careful when they smoke or when they work with chemicals. To prevent burns, it is important to obey “No Smoking” signs and to handle chemical cargo safely. Seafarers sometimes suffer from cuts. They often cut their fingers when they are careless with sharp machinery. To prevent cuts, it is important to use safety guards and wear gloves. Seafarers sometimes injure their eyes when they work with machinery. Dust, sparks, and chemicals are very dangerous when they enter the eye. To prevent eye injuries, it is important to wear protective goggles. Passage 14The vessel was at anchor overnight while we were waiting for permission to enter the port. Two officers of watch were patrolling the deck but they did not notice anything unusual. They did not realize that while they were on watch, two stowaways were hiding in the lifeboat. One man escaped by jumping overboard while the other climbed down a rope ladder. Later, I received a phone call from the Coastguard at the port. mariner[]n.航海人员;disastrous[ ]adj.具有灾难性的;predict[]v.预知, 预言, 预报;designated指定的;steerage[]n. 操纵, 驾驶;quay[ki:] n.码头;embankment[ ]n.堤防, 筑堤;warping drum绞缆筒;sequence[]n.次序, 顺序, 序列;perishable cargo鲜货, 易腐货品; jeopardize[]v.危害;commence[]v.开始, 着手; hatchway[]He said that two men from my vessel were swimming towards the shore. He called the police and ordered a rescue boat to pick up the men. When the rescue boat went out, it picked up only one person. The other was nowhere to be seen. As yet, I have no further information about the two stowaways. The vessel will remain in port until port Authorities have searched the vessel and given clearance to depart. I am awaiting instruction from theimmigration authorities about the procedure for repatriating the stowaway who is in police custody at present. The police are still searching for the missing stowaways.Passage 15The echo sounder sends a radio signal from the bottom of the ship to the seabed, from which it is reflected. The time taken to receive the reflected signal is a measure of the depth of water under the ship. The received pulse is displayed on a chart by a pen recorder so that the navigator can see the outline of the bottom over which the vessel is passing. A similar device is the sonar system, which uses high frequency sound signals. In sonar the sound signal can be sent ahead or sideways. The time for the echo to be sent back from an object, such as an underwater rock, is a measure of the object?s distance from the ship. The sonar system can also be used to measure the speed of the ship over the seabed.Passage 16The officer on watch (OOW) should ensure that the SOLAS requirements for the operation and testing of the steering gear are observed. Steering control of the ship will comprise manual steering, probably supplemented by an autopilot. At each steering position there should be a gyro repeater and rudder angle indicator and emergency back-up steering position, usually in the steering gear flat, is also required. If an autopilot is fitted, a steering mode selector switch for changing between automatic and manual steering, and a manual override control to allow the OOW to gain instant manual control of the steering, will be required. When operating an autopilot, the course to steer will need to be manually set on the autopilot and the autopilot will steer the course until a new course is entered. Passage 17A typical weather report normally include three parts: warning, synoptic situation and forecast. Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of at least force 8 or gusts reaching 43 knots are expected. Gale warnings remain in force until amended or n.舱口;tally clerk n.理货员; slip [slip]vi. 滑倒, 失足;boots [bu:ts]n.靴子;strain [strein]vt.扭伤, 损伤;glove [ ]n.手套;protective goggles护目镜;overnight[ ]adj.通宵的, 晚上的;patrol[]v.出巡, 巡逻;stowaway[]n.偷渡者repatriate[ ]v.遣返;custody[]n.监管;canceled. However, if the gale persists for more than 24hours after the time of origin, the warning will be re-issued. The term “severe gale” implies a mean wind of at least force 9 or gusts reaching 52 knots. Storm warnings are usually issued when winds of force 10 or gusts reaching 61 knots are expected. The term “imminent” implies within 6 hours of the time issue,“soon” implies between 6 and 12 hours, and“later” implies more than 12 hours. Hurricane warnings are issued in some parts of the world when winds of force 12 or above are expected.Passage 18Admiralty Notice to Mariners, weekly editions, contains information which enables the mariners to keep his charts and books published by the hydrographic department up-to-date for the latest reports received. In addition to all Admiralty Notices, they include all Australian and New Zealand chart correcting Notices, the selected temporary and preliminary ones. Copies of all Australian and New Zealand Notices can be obtained from Australian or New Zealand chart agents. The Notices are published in weekly editions, and are issued by the hydrographic department on a daily basis to certain Admiralty chart agents. Weekly editions can be obtained gratis, or dispatched regularly by surface or airmail from Admiralty chart agents. Ports and authorities who maintain copies of Admiralty Notices to Mariners for consultation are listed on Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners.Passage 19The master is the direct representative of the company. Decisions and actions taken by the master in his capacity are usually binding upon the company, and therefore the master must act to ensure that company?s interests are prot ected. Themaster has supreme command of the vessel and full authority under the law over all phases of vessel operations at all times. This authority under the law extends over all persons on board. The master is at all times responsible for the seaworthiness and safety of the ship and for the safety of all personnel, cargo and equipment aboard. The master is responsible for the management of the certificates and documents related the vessel. The master is ultimately responsible for the safe handling and control of cargo during loading, transport and discharge. sonar [ ] n.声纳, 声波定位仪frequency[ ]n.频率, 周率sideways[] adv.向一旁, 向侧面地comprise[]v.包含;supplement[]v.补充;gyro repeater分罗经rudder angle indicator舵角指示器;autopilot[ ]n. 自动驾驶仪gale warning大风警报;gust [ ]n.阵风; amend []Passage 20Upon joining a vessel, the third officer must report to the master. The third officer must discuss with the officer being relieved that areas of the third officer?s responsibility, an d inspect them promptly, preferably in the company of the officer being relieved. Anything found to be unsatisfactory must be reported to the master. The third officer is responsible to the master for the proper performance of his assigned bridge watchstanding and navigational duties. The third officer is responsible to the master through the first officer for watch duties pertaining to fire-fighting appliances and life-saving appliances and maintenance. The third officer is responsible for the care of the ship?s signaling equipment. The third officer is responsible to the master for maintaining and accounting for all training publications and training aids, including the movie projector, films, and other audio-visual equipment.Passage 21So many lives are lost every year due to accidents involving towing and mooring ropes .Please spare a few minutes to read this. It may save your life.A.Always wear a safety helmet when on the deck of atug, lighter or barge engaged in mooring , cargo ortowing operations.B.Always wear shoes(not slippers)when working on deck.C.Never stand underneath an object being hoisted ondeck.D.Never stand within a bight of a rope.E.Never stand close to mooring or towing ropes understrain . if they break, the backlash can be fatal.F.Hoisting or lowering operations should always becarried out with a person at the controls. Failure to do somay cost you a limb or even your life.G. Shackles and thimbles should never go through rollerfairleads.The ropes may jump off and cause injuries.All ropes and wires should be inspected regularly, and renewed for wear and tear whenever necessary.H. Always wear a lifejacket when working or walking on the deck of a barge or lighter during rough seas, rain or whenever the deck is wet. You may slip and fall into the water. Passage22 Maritime communication comprises communications between vessels and coast-stations, intership communication and intraship communication (internal communication when the vessel is before casting off, leaving berth, loading or v.修正, 改进, 改正; imminent[]adj.即将来临的, 逼近的;hurricane warning飓风警报[]Admiralty Notice to Mariners[]英版航海通告;hydrographic[ ]adj.与水道测量有关的;temporary[] adj.暂时的, 临时的; preliminary[ ]adj.预备的, 初步的; gratis[]adj.免费的;annual summary年度总结representative[ ]n.代表;capacity[]n. 才能, 能力; supreme[] adj. 极大的, 最高的;phase [feiz] n.阶段 ; ultimatelydischarging, etc.) .Vessels and coast-stations can communicate by means of Radio Telephony, Satellite, Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and Radio-Telex.Categories of messages that can be transmitted and received are called …priori ties?. They indicate the important of the message.A DISTRESS ALERT indicates that there is serious and immediate danger for vessel, crew and passengers. A Distress Alert is also referred to as a …MAYDAY?.An URGENCY message indicates that there is serious danger for vessel, crew and passenger. An Urgency Message is also referred to as a …PAN PAN? message.A SAFETY message indicates that there is imminent risk for navigation. A Safety Message is also referred to as a …SECURITE? message.A ROUTINE message is transmitted to ensure safe navigation. Routine messages refer to intership communication, exchange of data in port operations, communication between ships and Vessel Traffic Services, inshore radar stations, pilot stations, bridges and locks.Passage23A VHF-transceiver (transmitter + receiver) transmits and receives radio signals. The VHF is used to bridge short distances, is easy to operate and is allowed to be used both in territorial waters and inland waterways. Its receiver has a “push-to-talk button”. If the installation is a “simplex” radio, speaking and listening cannot be done simultaneously. When you wish to speak, you push the button; when you wish to listen, you release it. Before changing from speaking to listening, you say “over”.VHF radio-communication can bridge about 40 miles. MF-or-HF radiotelephony is used to bridge 150 miles (MF) to 2000 miles (HF).Reception of radio signals will not always be of high quality, and coverage will not always extend to the desired areas. This may of course have consequences for the safety of the vessel and her crew. These disadvantages of communication through speech have led to the introduction of Digital Selective Calling in maritime communication.Passage 24Weather-conditions have a great influence on the safety during a voyage and should always be taken into consideration in voyage-planning and when underway.The state of the atmosphere is determined by various [] adv.最后, 终于preferably[ ]adv.更适宜;pertain tov.属于, 关于,; projector[]n.放映机meteorological elements, such as temperature, humidity, cloudiness and fog, forms of precipitation, barometric pressure, and speed and direction of wind. All these elements may be referred to as “the weather”.Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. Warm air is capable of containing a higher grade of moisture, or humidity, than cold air. The maximum amount of moisture that air can hold at a specific temperature is known as “saturation “. Most clouds are the result of a rising mass of cool air .When the temperature of air falls, water vapour in the air will condense into droplets or ice crystals, thus forming clouds or fog. Passage 25 Goods commercially transported by merchant ships include those:A.Transported in bulk as solids, liquids or gas.B.General cargo packaged in boxes, drums and other suchcontainers.The carriage of cargoes is what keeps the merchant shiprunning. Cargoes bring freight and this means we have an obligation to deliver the cargo in the same condition in which we received it. The contract of carriage , by whatever name it is called , is binding on the ship and the ships officers (as the ship owner?s representative ) who are given the responsibility to the load , handle , stow , carry , keep , care for and discharge the goods carried in accordance with the normal practice of the trade .The process of carriage of various cargoes has been developed over the years by the shippers and the carriers. These processes take into account the nature, size and properties of cargo. Sometimes the ships were adapted to the cargo and at other times the cargoes got adapted to the ship. This development continues even today. Most specialized ships such as bulk carriers carrying bulk cargoes like gain , tankers carrying liquefied petroleum gases , chemicals , petroleum products , fruit juices , vegetable oil are still developing size as well as in sophistication and automation . Similarly containers are where cargoes got adapted to the ship.Passage 26Proceed to muster station to find out the type of emergency. Upon being intimated about the nature of emergency, stand by as per duty assigned to you and indicated in the ship?s procedures.If you are on deck, shout“Man Overboard”. Try to attract attention of the bridge as an action of top priority if the ship is making way. Throw nearest lifebuoy at the man in water. Even an ordinary lifebuoy thrown in time might save his life. More people know about the man being overboard the better,especially if the ship is moving. This is because a sharplookout right from the initial stage is very inportant. Lookout must be maintained from a high position,say navigational bridge.In busy areas,it?s most important that you don?t collide with other ships. In restricted waters, it is most important that you don?t run /doc/7913274858.html,rm Master and call additional hands to stand by and on forward station by sounding emergency alarm. Inform engine room.Switch on NUC signal(three red lights),even in daytime,hoist day signals subsequently. Passage 27Most fires are small to start with and can often to be extinguished by rapid application of a portable extinguisher or other appliance. Where it is possible to do this without risk of becoming trapped by flames or smoke, the person discovering the fire should take such action AFTER sending someone else to raise the alarm.Greater caution is necessary where smoke is seen passing a closed door. Opening the door could cause the fire to flare up and spread rapidly making it impossible to close the door again. This action should therefore be avoided unless it is believed that there may be someone trapped inside in which case the door should only be opened after first feeling it make sure it is not hot, and then keeping low and opening it very carefully. If the compartment is thought to be unoccupied or if the door is hot, it is much safer to keep it closed until the Emergency Squad are ready with charged hoses.Passage 28Port State Control is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in。

航海英语听力与会话(第三版)口述题.第一章公共用语1. Please say something about your hometown.My hometown is Xiamen, it is a beautiful city in south china .my hometown is good port city. And famous for its tourism. Every year there are thousands of tourists coming from all parts of the country, they will enjoy the beautiful scenery. The fresh air and the blue sky. The people here are very kind and hospitable .they entertain their guests with delicious local seafood .I like my hometown very much.2. Self –introductionMy name is Li Ming. I am twenty years old. My hometown is Xiamen. It is a beautiful city in south china. Igraduated from Xiamen Ocean Collage in 2006. I have been a seaman for two years. I am a third officer. I like the life on board. My hobby is playing basketball and football. I am interested in listening music and reading storybook. Listening music can help me relax and enjoy. In my spare time, Ialways listen music on deck.3. Say something about your family.I am from Xiamen. My family is small. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father is a seaman. He is a captain. He likes navigating and fishing. My mother is a doctor. She work in a big hospital in Xiamen city. She is very busy. I am a student. Now Iam studying at Xiamen Ocean Collage. Iwill graduate next year. I like reading book and playing football. We get along very well. I am very happy with the family.5. Your responsibilities on boardI work as an A.B. on board. My duty on board is keeping watches and doing maintenance work. Before sailing, I test the wheel, check the navigation lights, prepare the signal flags. When entering or leaving the port, I keep the navigation watch. During the voyage, I steer the wheel, and keep lookout. When at sea and traffic density is low, I usually do maintenance work. Such as derusting, painting or splicing work and so on.When berthing or unberthing, I do mooring and unmooring work. My position in these cases is forecastle or poop. When lying alongside, I keep the gangway watch.第三章靠离与锚泊业务1. As an officer on duty, how do you keep watch while the ship is at anchor?When the ship is at anc hor, the officer being on duty, I should comply with the captain’s order, keep continuous listening watch on VHF, and check anchor position frequently by GPS fixing and radar fixing. If any ship is coming ,I should keeping watch the coming vessel ,pay attention to her position to prevent the two ships from collision .in case of anchor dragging ,I will inform master, inform the engine room to stand by engine, and inform the harbour control.第四章装卸作业2. Describe the procedures before entering an enclosed space.Before we enter an enclosed space, ventilation should be carried out in advance; the concentration of oxygen should be checked. We will be prohibited from entering the space if it is low. In that case, we shall wear breathing apparatus .Some crew shall keep watch at the entrance and exit. The interphone shall be carried to contact others in time .electric torch and illuminating device shall be carried. In the event of dangers, we shall call for help and withdraw.14. Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board.If an oil spill happens on board, the person on the spot shall report to bridge immediately and take some measures such as shut off the oil pump. The bridge will sound the alarm. On hearing the alarm, all the crew shall carry tools to remove the spilled oil immediately. Before bunkering, precautions must be taken, such as plugging deck scuppers, placing oil removing tools and fire –fighting equipment on the bunkering spot, closely monitoring oil level, ensuring the communication between watchmen and bunkering tanker.第五章航行1. The duties of watch –keeping when underway.When underway, a proper lookout shall be kept continuously .give way to the coming vessel early and give her a wide berth. Keep listening on VHF 16 .take ship’s position frequently to ensure the ship on the planned courses .stand by to proceed in reduced visibility. Check the navigational instruments frequently to see if they are in good working order. Anyway, various means shall be employed to ensure the navigational safety of the ship.2. Describe the bridge shift change.The relieving officer must relieve the watch on time, reporting to the bridge early enough become informed of the situation before taking over the watch. The relieving officer must read and understand the entries in the master’s Night Order Book and sign it to indicate understanding of the master’s order. He must confirm the ship’s present position. Review related charts and publications, discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch and check the ship’s gyro course recorder. If satisfied that all the above information is correct, in order and understood, the relieving officer will finally relieve the officer on watch. The watch officer must not surrender the watch until assured that the relieving officer is physically capable and fully understand the steaming situation. The watch is not to be relieved during a maneuver.4. Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout.Proper lookout includes but is not limited by the following: visual lookout, hearing, Radar, VHF, Telescope, etc... By visual lookout, the prevailing circumstances and conditions in the vicinity o the vessel can be clearly known. By using Radar, the range and bearing of objects can be detected so as determine if risk of collision exist. According to the figures, you can decide when, where and how to avoid the unfavorable situations. It is convenient for navigators to communicate easily with each other through VHF. The purpose of proper lookout is to maintain safety. According to the prevailing circumstances and conditions, various tool and technologies are used, to k eep the vessel’s safety.第八章消防与船员自救1. Describe fire precautions on board.Have fire patrols in all spaces regularly. Be careful to extinguish cigarettes completely. Never smoke in bed. Never smoke on deck except in areas labeled as smoking areas. Never throw a cigarette overboard. The naked light and open fire is strictly prohibited. Never use an electric iron in cabin. Carry out fire fighting drill every month. The fire fighting equipment shall be checking at regular intervals .if anything is found ,it shall be solved in time to ensure they are ready for use at any time, the fire fighting drills shall be carried out every month to assimilate every crew member with his own duties. After the fire alarm is sounded, all the crew shall go to the assembly station. the commanded will call the roll and report the number to the bridge .the bridge will take measures according to different situations, the routine fire fighting work is very important. Every person on board shall pay attention to fire precautions to ensure thesafety of ship and personnel.3 Describe the measures taken on board if aground.If a ship is aground. Must stop engine. Sound general emergency alarm. Exhibit lights / shapes and make any appropriate sound signals. Check hull for damage. Sound bilge and tanks. Sound around ship to determine which way deep water lies and the nature of the seabed. Obtain information on local currents and tides. Reduce the draft of the ship or wait the rise of the tide for re-floating4 describe the measures taken on board if on fire.If a fire is found on board. We must sound the fire alarm. Call master to the bridge if he is not on the bridge. Muster crew. Each crewmember has to carry out his assigned duty. Determine the class of fire. Use appropriate extinguishers to put the fire off. Close down ventilation fans and all doors to prevent the spread of the fire. Check for missing and injured persons. When the fire is extinguished, post a fire watch and check the fire area to prevent the re-ignition of the fire. Rope off the fire area.第九章救助2 Describe the responses when a person falls overboard.Release lifebuoy with light and smoke signal on the side the crew member has fallen overboard. Take immediate avoiding action so as not to run over the man over the man overboard. Sound three prolonged blasts of the ship’s whistle. Post a lookout to maintain a continuous watch on the man overboard. Hoist signal flag ‘O’. Commence a recovery maneuver, such as a Williamson turn. Note ship’s position, wind speed and direction and time. Inform engine room. Place engine on stand-by. Must rescue boat’s crew. Rig pilot ladder/nets to assist in the recovery. Broadcast URGENCY message to ships in the vicinity.3. Describe briefly the GMDSS.GMDSS means Global Maritime Distress and Safety system. It will establish communication between ship and shore in time, and avoid and decrease accidents at sea, to ensure the safety of crew and ship. GMDSS consists of INMASAT A, B, C; VHF, MF/HF, DSC, SART, EPIRB, Navtex, SSB, and so on. GMDSS can provide to ships weather forecast, navigation and safety warning, and the accurate position of vessel in distress. In case of emergence, vessels will transmit distress messages to coast station, ant the vessel in distress will be rescued.4. Describe briefly the DSC distress alert.DSC is a part of GMDSS on board. It is used to communications between ship and shore, ship and ship. It is the important equipment to transmit signals when a vessel is in distress. The format of distress alert is as follows: MMSI position, time, nature of distress, and later means of communication, such as telephone or telex. DSC is very important. It is very helpful for assistance in distress, which makes it more possible for ships to be salvaged.第十章遇险1.Send a Mayday message according to the given information.Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is MV Blue Whale, Blue Whale. My call sign is WXCP, Whisky, X-ray, Charlie, Papa. My present position is 47o4’ N, 50o8’ W. there is explosion and fire in the engine room. We have been doing our best in fire fighting but the ship is still in danger. We need fire fighting assistance. Over.32. Send a Mayday message according to the given information.Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is MV South Pacific, South Pacific. My call sign is NOPE, November, Oscar, Papa, Echo. I am aground. My present position is 22o04’ N, 127o 08’ E. We have tried to refloat. But the wind is too strong and the ship is in danger. We need tug assistance. Over.3. Send a Pan Pan message according to the given information.Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan. This is MV White Snow, White Snow. My call sign is ALMI, Alpha, Lima, Mike, India. My main engine has broken down. My present position is 22o04’ N, 127o 08’ E . My ship is rolling and pitching heavily due to strong wind and is in danger. We need tug assistance. Over.4. Send a Pan Pan message according to the given information.Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan. This is MV Blue Sea, BlueSea. My call sign is BERN, Bravo, Echo, Romeo, November. My present position is 22o04’ N, 127o 08’ E . My steering gear has broken down. The vessel is out of control and adrift. I am in danger. I need convoy assistance. Over.第十一章港口国检查2 Please describe the preparatory work or the daily maintenance work to be done by you before a PSC inspection.I am a third officer. I am responsible for the care of the fire-fighting appliances, life-saving appliances, ship’s signaling equipment and signal flags. Before a PSC inspection, I must ensure that all these appliances and equipments are in good condition and available for immediate use. Prepare these appliances inspecting and maintaining plans, Prepare the records of inspection, test and maintenance of all these appliances.第十二章ISPS2 Please describe something about Automatic Identification System.Automatic Identification System is device that transmits information about your ship and receives the same from other ships. An example of information transmitted would be: Call sign, ship’s name, the ship’s speed, course and destination. The AIS is an important tool for coastal states to monitor ship traffic and to detect possible threats. Coast stations can also receive this information.4. please describe something about ship security training and drill.On board ship, trainings and drills of Security are very important. Usually the security training is carried out once a month. And the security drill is carried out once every three months. The ship imagines a security incident during the drill. All the crewmembers must take part in the drill. The security officers is in charge of the training. All personnel except the duty members must join the activity. Imagining a incident, transmitting alert, carrying out different duties by the crew, summarizing the above result and submitting a report to company are the basic procedure of ship security training and drill.。

三副航海英语试题详解知识点1:航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、海员手册、大洋航路等)【典型考题】1. You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______.A. MFAG.B. Tide tables.C. Notices to mariners.D. Table of azimuth.【参考答案】B【参考译文】你可从潮汐表中查到某港在低潮后平潮时间。
【解析】slack water平潮low water低潮MFAG:Medical First Aid Guide医疗急救指南Tide tables潮汐表Notices to mariners航海通告Table of azimuth方位表【相关考题】1. You will find information about the duration of slack water in the__.A. Tidal Current TablesB. Tide TablesC. American Practical NavigatorD. Sailing Directions【参考答案】A【参考译文】你能从潮流表中查到有关平潮持续时间的信息。
【解析】duration持续时间Tidal Current Tables潮流表American Practical Navigator 美国实用航海,由美国数学家Bowditch撰写Sailing Directions航路指南2. The velocity of the current in large coastal harbors is______.A. predicted in Tidal Current TablesB. unpredictableC. generally constantD. generally too weak to be of concern 【参考答案】A【参考译文】在潮流表中可查询沿海大港的流速预报情况。

航海英语模拟考试题(2,3 副) 一.单项选择题1. If there are any certificates expired or nearing expiry,the master of a ship must apply for their________at any port.A.inspection and issue B. requiring and renewalC. renewal or extensionD. extension or expiring2. None of the ship’s papers _________.A. has expiredB. has been expiredC. has expiringD.be expired3. Permission is kindly requested ________the ballast water.A. pump outB. to pump outC. pumping outD. be pumped out4. It is requested that the ship’s personnel are—————— the port regulations.A. to conform toB. to draw upC. to comply withD. to be applicable to5.Write down your name _______, please.A. in numbersB. with marksC. in block lettersD.with symbols6. This system is only applicable ________ those ships which are anchored at the roadsteadwaiting for entry.A.toB.forC.withD.on7.Which is characteristic of a "special cargo"?a.The cargo gives off toxic gases when heated.b. Periodic inspection is required while in transit to prevent spoilage.c. It is of high value or easily pilferable.d. It must be stowed on deck.8.A crew list is a piece of paper which shows _______.A. all names of crew members on boardB. all crew member’s lists on boardC. all paper of crew members on boardD. all names of lists for the crew on board9.Vessels should be manned _______ duly qualified officers and crew adequate ______ ensurethe safety of navigation.A.by/toB.with/toC.with/forD.from/for10.Every State, whether coastal or not, ________to sail ships under its flag on the high seas.A. has no rightB.has partial rightC. has the rightD.has not any right11.My Deratization Exemption Certificate will _______by the end of this month.A. become dueB.become validC. become lawfulD.become effective12.The officer of the watch should ______ comply with the Collision Rules.A. some timesB.oftenC.at all timesD.seldom13.Permission is kindly requested to ________in celebration of our National Day.A. dress my ship overallB.raise my ship overallC.hoist my ship overallD.display my ship from stem to stern14.Vessels are required to communicate with Singapore Port Operations Service when passingthe points indicated.A. get in touch withB.link withC. report withD.connect with15.The locker will remain sealed as long as your ship is here.A. be kept sealedB.be released from being sealedC.be kept signedD.be released from being signed16. Vessel shall possess International Cargo Gear Certificates __________ duration of CharterParty showing winches and derricks in orders.A. validity inB.valid forC.effective atD.effectiveness for17.“ETA/PILOT REVERTING” means:A. ETA pilot station has been givenB. ETA pilot station will be given afterwardsC. ETA pilot station was not givenD. ETA pilot station is given18.My Deratization Exemption Certificate will expire on the 17 th of September.A.become dueB.become validC.become lawfulD.become effective19.PORT A BIT SLUGGISH means that port rudder ______.A.answers very wellB.answers all rightC.answers slowD.answers fast20. My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique . What does the sentence “My vessel is healthy” mean? It means :A. My ship has been maintainedB. My ship has been paintedC. All my crew members have been vaccinatedD. All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases21. Please supply us with 250 tons of fresh water . You are requested to deliver it on board ______.A.till FridayB.on Friday at the latestC.until Friday afterwardsD.at Friday soonest22.How many PPM of the oily water can be pumped out within 12 miles along the China coast line?A.at least15PPMB.about 15PPMC.up to 15 PPMD.no less than15 PPM23.The term of “ Landfall” means _____________.A. Land first sighted when vessel approaching from seawardB. Land last sighted when vessel leaving from a portC. In sight of one another when vessel underwayD. In sight of an island during a ship on her voyage24.___________should be presented to the Customs officers.A.Bonded Store ListB.Deratization CertificateC.Load line CertificateD.Radio Safety Certificate25. The Tonnage Certificate gives ________ of a vessel which is classified into gross tonnage and net tonnage.A.the descriptionsB.the measurementsC.the specificationsD.the prescriptions26.What does the term “to navigate with caution” mean?A.To navigate intentionallyB.To navigate intenselyC.To navigate carefullyD.To navigate completely27.Any vessel that does not have the necessary certificates on board will _______ the Panama Canal.A.be heavily fined byB.be ordered to depart fromC.not be permitted to transitD.not be required to leave28.Please arrange the _______of my Deratting Exemption Certificate.A.renewalB.replacementC.recheckD.review29.The Telegram “AMENDED ETA1900/4 TH OWING STRONG WIND” means:A.ETA is receivedB.ETA is changedC.ETA is earlierD.ETA remains unchanged30.Vessel must be__________duly qualified officers and crew.A.supplied withB.equipped byC.manned withD.fitted with31. Bilge soundings indicate __________.a.the amount of condensation in the holdb. whether the cargo is leaking or notc. whether the vessel is taking on waterd. All of the above32.After an occurance of oil pollution , what shall be done first by a vessel in Chinese port?A. use oil dispersion agent and wait for investigationB. try to collect the oil on deck or in waterC. report to Harbor MasterD. B and C33.I hereby declare that my vessel has a___________154,000 metric tons.A.bale capacityB.grain capacityC.cargo capacityD.DWTC34.I regret__________you of the accident.rmrmingC.to informD.will inform35._________will be paid by ship owners after tallyman doing the tally work..A. Cargohandling expensesB.Tally moneyC. Cargotallying dues D Tally fees36.Please mark one of the most famous registers of shipping in the world.A.HK MARDEPB.COSCOC.Lloyd’s SocietyD.Liberia Shipping Registry37.______the abstracts of deck logbook covering the said accident.A.Attached herewith are B.Attached is herewithC.Attached are hereby D.Hereby are attached38.When and where _________your Registry Certificate issued?A.isB.areC.wasD.were39. Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 contains requirements pertaining to the discharge into themarine environment of ______.A.oil B.garbage C.noxious liquid substances D.None of the above 40.The most doubtful and unpredictable factor in a mooring system is the ______.A.ability of the anchors to hold in a seabed B.anchor chain catenary lengthC.variability of the fairlead D.angle of the flukes41. What kind of conditions would you observe as the eye of a storm passes over your ship'sposition?A.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and an extremely low barometerB.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and an extremely low barometerC.Flat calm seas,heavy rain,light winds,and high pressureD.Huge waves approaching from all directions,clearing skies,light winds,and high pressure42.If it_______fine tomorrow , we shall start unloading.A.to beB.isC.will beD.has been43.After a cold front passes,the barometric pressure ______.A.drops,and the temperature drops B.drops,and the temperature risesC.rises,and the temperature drops D.rises,and the temperature rises44.This notice will __________you of the problem.e to reminde to tellC.serve to remindD.be served to talk45.Your kind attention to our ship will be _________.A.much appreciatedB.much appreciatingC.many appreciatedD.many appreciating46. Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapors from liquids, gases, or solids is known as __________.A ContaminationB OxidationC TaintingD vaporization47.Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as __________.A. contaminationB. oxidationC. taintingD. vaporization48.If two mooring lines are to be placed on the same bollard, which method is BEST?A. Place the eye from the forward line on the bollard and then place the eye from thesecond line directly over the first.B. It makes no difference how the lines are placed.C. Place the eye from either line on the bollard, and then bring the eye of the other line upthrough the eye of the first, and place it on the bollard.D. Place both eyes on the bollard, in any manner, but lead both lines to the same winchhead on the vessel and secure them on the winch.49. Vessel shall possess _________ valid for duration of charter party showing winches and derricks in order.A. International Cargo gear certificateB. International load line certificateC. International safety construction certificateD. International seaman identification50.The ship touched the bottom _______the port side at2000 hours.A.onB.atC.inD.to50.Your radar is set on a true motion display.Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope?A.Echoes from a buoyB.Own ship's markerC.Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speedD.Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed51.When hitting a solid object such as a ship or an airplane,the radar waves are reflected back ______they came.A.in the way B.the way C.by the way D.through the path 52.There is a possibility that small vessel, ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range.A.reflect B.shown C.detected D.defected 53.Indications of the master gyrocompass are sent to remote repeaters by the ______. A.followup system B.transmitter C.phantom element D.azimuth motor 54.Most LOG use the doppler shift of the carrier phase to compute ______.A.Latitude B.Longitude C.Speed D.Time55.The correction to be applied to a LoranC reading when matching a sky wave to a ground wave may be found______.A.on loran charts covering areas where sky waves are usedB.in the Radio Aids to Navigation PUB 117C.in the LoranC Correction TablesD.Sky waves cannot be matched to ground waves in LoranC to produce a usable reading 56.The most common type of davit found on merchant vessels today is the ______. A.radial B.sheathscrew C.gravity D.quadrantal57.What is the basic concept of GMDSS?A.Search and rescue authorities ashore can be alerted to a distress situationB.Shipping in the immediate vicinity of a ship in distress will be rapidly alertedC.Shoreside authorities and vessels can assist in a coordinated SAR operation with minimum DelayD.All of the above58.Which would be the subject of a NAVAREA warning?A.A drifting buoy sighted in midoceanB.Extinguishment of Wolf Trap Light located inside Chesapeake BayC.All military exercises on the high seas involving four or more vesselsD.Offair times of radio beacons when scheduled for routine maintenance59.The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8 000 tons of Cargo on board and ended after discharging the Cargo at the port of Hong Kong which was ______. A.the port of destination B.the port for bunkeringC.the port of arrival D.the last port of call60.If you receive the signal over radiotelephone of "Romeo Papa Tango" while using the International Code of Signals, you should ______.A.report to the callerB.repeat your last transmissionC.continue since he received your last transmissionD.end the transmission61.You are using an automatic tension winch by yourself.If you get caught in the turns of the line as they lead into the gypsyhead______.A.the safety cutout will stop the winch before you're injuredB.the line will part and snap backC.you may be pulled into the winch and injured or killedD.None of the above are correct62.The circular steel structure installed around the propeller of a towboat is the ______. A.nozzle B.shroud C.strut D.hood63.A spring line leads ______.A.fore and aft from the ship's side B.to the dock at a right angle to the vessel C.through the bull nose or chock at the bow D.through the chock at the stern 64.The key to rescuing a man overboard is ______.A.good communication B.a dedicated crewC.good equipment D.wellconducted drills65.Which equipment is the primary source of generating a locating signal?A.DSC only B.DSC and EPIRB C.SART and DSC D.EPIRB and SART 66.Inspection of a Halon extinguisher involves checking the hose, handle, nozzle, and______. A.sight glass B.weighing the extinguisherC.service technicians report D.last date it was charged67.The purpose of air tanks in a lifeboat is to______.A.make the boat float higherB.provide a stowage place for provisionsC.add strength to the boatD.keep the boat afloat if flooded68.This is an exercise area.Mariners are______to navigate with caution.A.advised B.told C.informed D.advice二.阅读短文选择正确答案Passage 1Regular liner vessels have 4 characteristics: they trade on a specified route ,have fixed ports,fixed schedules and freight collected basing on freight tariffs.Generally speaking, dry cargo vessels are employed in the liner trade some of these vessels are equipped with reefer chambers and deep tanks, so general cargo including hazardous, reefer and perishable cargo as well as liquids like oils and chemicals are acceptable. moreover, it is also rather convenient for small and separate consignments with scattered ports of delivery and destination. For instance, the imports and exports like textiles, foodstuffs, arts and crafts, metals, machinery and other valuable products are usually moved by liner vessels. The level of freight rates has a great impact on the development of the imports and exports of a country; particularly when there is keen competition on the international market, lowering the freight rate to reduce the cost of the products play an import role in the competition to expand the export.69.the freights of regular liner vessels are calculated by_______.A. changeable ratesB. variable priceC. irregular shipping ratesD. fixed freight lists70.dry cargo vessels cannot carry liquids and oils unless they are fitted with _________.A. reefer chambersB. double bottomC. deep tanksD. oil tanksPassage 2ARPA controls can be set to activate audio and visual cpa alarms when approaching ship pass closer than predetermined limits.An alarm indicator lights and dangerous targets are displayed with a special symbol to assist the operator in quickly identifying them in the PPI display. In waters where pilots are required, ARPA displays range and bearing value of known fixed points. This allows accurate plotting on a navigation charts and an accurate means of determining own ship’s true course and speed made good over ground.71.ARPA operator can hear and see CPA alarms when other ships proceed _______A. very closeB. within two milesC. at a certain distanceD. into a guard zone72.________enable operator to find dangerous targets on the ppi easily and successfully.A. special symbolsB. an indicating light and a special symbolC. andio and visusl alarmsD. CPA alarms73.own ship’s_____can also be measured by ARPA accurately.A. present speedB. true course and absolute speedC. relative course and speedD. range and bearingPassage 3BISCAY: SW 3 OR 4 INCREASING 6 TO GALE 8, THEN VEERING NW 5. RAIN THEN SHOWERS. MODERATE OR POOR BECOMING GOOD. FINISTERRE: WESTERLY 6, LOCALLY GALE 8, VEERING NW 5. RAIN THEN SHOWERS. MODERATE OR POOR BECOMING GOOD. EAST NORTHERN SECTION: W OR SW 6 TO GALE 8, BUT IN NORTHEAST CYCLONIC 4AT FIRST,AND IN NORTHWEST SOUTHERLY 6 TO GALE 8 AT FIRST.WINTRY SHOWERS.MAINLY GOOD.WEST NORTHERN SECTION: IN NORTH, CYCLONIC 6 TO GALE 8, LOCALLY SEVERE GALE 9, BECOMING VARIABLE 3 OR 4. WINTRY SHOWERS. MAINLY GOOD. MODERATE ICING IN WEST AT FIRST WITH TEMPERATURE 2℃ TO 5℃. IN SOUTH WESTERLY 6 TO GALE 8, LOCALLY SEVERE GALE 9, BACKING SOUTHERLY AND INCREASING LOCALLY STORM 10 LATER. WINTRY SHOWERS THEN SNOW.MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.74.Backing means the wind _______.A.is changing clockwise in directionB.is changing anticlockwise in directionC.is changing cyclonically or variably in directionD.remains unchanged in direction at the time75.In north part of WEST NORTHERN section, the wind is_______.A.cyclonic 6 to gale 8 at first B.cyclonic 4at firstC.westly 6 to gale 8 D.variable 3 or4 at first76.This passage is likely to be under the heading of ______.A. FORECAST B. GALE WARNING C. SYNOPSIS D. STORM WARNING中译英(共 6 题,每题 4分,共 24分)77.试验舵机、汽笛、对时钟和车钟,一切正常 ;前后人员各就各位,离港。

publications, the information may ______.
A. always be up-to-date
B. always be complete
C. not always be complete or up-to-date
D. be neither up-to-date nor complete
current's ______.
A. temperature
B. density
C. deflection
D. speed
17. After a cold front passes, the barometric pressure ______.
A. drops and the temperature drops
B. drops and the temperature rises
C. rises and the temperature drops
D. rises and the temperature rises
18. In the relatively calm area near the hurricane center,the seas are ______.
4. When there are a single high and a single low water each tidal day, it is ______.
A. normal semi-diurnal tide
B. normal diurnal tide
C. mixed tide
D. abnormal semi-diurnal tide
5. What is the use of the books of Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals?Their usage is to ______.

三副航海英语试题详解知识点1:航海出版物(灯标表、天文历、海员手册、大洋航路等)【典型考题】1. You may find the time of slack water after low water in a certain port from ______.A. MFAG.B. Tide tables.C. Notices to mariners.D. Table of azimuth.【参考答案】B【参考译文】你可从潮汐表中查到某港在低潮后平潮时间。
【解析】slack water平潮low water低潮MFAG:Medical First Aid Guide医疗急救指南Tide tables潮汐表Notices to mariners航海通告Table of azimuth方位表【相关考题】1. You will find information about the duration of slack water in the__.A. Tidal Current TablesB. Tide TablesC. American Practical NavigatorD. Sailing Directions 【参考答案】A【参考译文】你能从潮流表中查到有关平潮持续时间的信息。
【解析】duration持续时间 Tidal Current Tables潮流表American Practical Navigator美国实用航海,由美国数学家Bowditch撰写 Sailing Directions航路指南2. The velocity of the current in large coastal harborsis______.A. predicted in Tidal Current TablesB. unpredictableC. generally constantD. generally too weak to be of concern【参考答案】A【参考译文】在潮流表中可查询沿海大港的流速预报情况。

航海英语评估会话参考答案(二/三副)(2019年1月整理)广州航海学院海运学院目录第一部分朗读1篇(20分, 题库共41篇,见第四版教材) (3)第二部分口述题 1个(20分, 题库共66个) (24)第1章公共用语 (24)第2章船舶口令 (26)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (27)第4章装卸作业 (29)第5章航行 (30)第6章修船与船体保养 (32)第7章事故处理 (33)第8章消防与船员自救(海上救助) (35)第9章救助(海上通信) (36)第10章遇险(海盗袭击) (37)第11章港口国检查 (40)第12章船舶保安 (43)第三部分问答题 10小题(每小题6分共60分,题库共286小题) (45)第1章公共用语 (45)第3章靠泊与锚泊业务 (46)第4章装卸作业 (48)第5章航行 (49)第6章修船与船体保养 (51)第7章事故处理 (52)第8章消防与船员自救 (54)第9章救助 (55)第10章遇险 (57)第11章港口国检查 (58)第12章船舶保安 (60)补充问答题94 (62)航海英语听力与会话二/三副评估:会话部分参考答案航海英语听力与会话评估分为听力和会话两部分,考试时间为1小时。
听力部分共100分,有三部分:第一部分:单句30分(3分×10小题);第二部分:对话30分(3分×10小题);第三部分:短文40分(2.5分×16小题, 四篇短文)。
第一部分朗读1篇(20分, 题库共41篇,见第四版教材)第二部分口述题1个(20分, 题库共66个)第1章公共用语1.Please say something about your hometown.a) The geographical position, population, and features of your hometown.b) The environment and customs of your hometown.c) The specialties of your hometown.My hometown is located in the southeast part of China.It is a seashore city.There are about 3 million people in my hometown.My hometown is developing very fast.The environment in my hometown is very good.People keep their traditional customs.Fishery industry is important to my hometown.It is a major fishery products providing place in China.Nowadays, my hometown has rapid development in tourism.Thousands of tourists from different parts of China and other countries visit my hometown. And people’s living standard has been improved greatly.I am very proud of my hometown.2. Please say something about yourself.a) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b) Your daily work.c) Your spare time activities.My name is____________.I am_________ years old.I am from_________ province.I am a student majoring in navigation in Guangzhou Maritime College.I will graduate in the year _______.I go to class to learn some navigational subjects from Monday to Friday.In the evening, I usually review my lessons.Sometimes, I go to downtown to buy something.During my spare time, I usually read novels or do some sports.I like playing basketball and football very much.Life at school is interesting to me.I will work hard to master the basic navigational knowledge and skills.I am confident that I will become a qualified seafarer in the future.3. Say something about your family.(2014年1月考到)a) Members of your family.b) Their occupations.c) Their hobbies and characteristics.There are _____ people in my family.My grandpa, grandma, father, mother, brother, sister and me.My father is a worker( farmer, teacher, doctor, company staff, government staff, seafarer)My mother is a ___________.(housewife)They work very hard to support my education at school.I am very thankful to them.My father likes reading newspaper very much.(watching TV, playing cards)My mother likes shopping very much.My father and mother are very kind.My father is not so outgoing and he talks little.My mother is outgoing and she talks a lot.I love my family very much.4. Your favorite port you have called at.(2014年1月考到)a) A simple introduction of the port.b) Reasons why you like it.c) Anything special about it.My favorite port is Singapore port.Singapore port is located in the south coast of the Singapore Island.It is the largest cargo transhipment port in the Asian and Pacific region.And it is one of the busiest ports in the world.Its cargo throughput always ranks in the world top-tens.I like Singapore port because the procedure for ship’s entry and departure is simple and rapid. Besides, there are modern and complete port facilities in the port.High technologies and effective measures are applied in the port operation management.“Highly effective is the special feature of Singapore port.a) Your position on board.b) Your daily work on board.c) Your duties on board.My position on board is Third Officer.My daily work on board includes:--Keeping navigational watch when the ship is at sea.--My watch is from 8 to 12 a.m. and from 8 to 12 p.m.--While the vessel is in port, my watch focuses on cargo operations, fire watches, security watches, monitoring communications, and monitoring the anchor or mooring lines.--While the ship is entering or leaving port, I shall be on the bridge to assist operation.My duties on board includes:--Taking care of all lifesaving and fire fighting equipment.--Keeping the safety equipment record book and ship’s logbook.--Working out the contingency plan for the whole ship.As a Third Officer, my post is very important on board.6. Please describe the career at sea.(2014年1月考到)a)the career at seab) how do you like the career at seac) the captain’s responsibilityAfter I graduate from Guangzhou Maritime Institute, I will begin my career at sea.I will work as a seaman and go with the ship around the world.I like to start my career at sea, because I think I can travel around the world when I am still young.I have more chance to experience different cultures and people.By working on ship. I will know more about cargo shipping, port business and logistics. Besides, I will be well paid off.One day, I will become a captain.The captain is responsible for everything on board ship, including the safety of cargo and crew. And he has the overall right to make any decision under rules and regulations.第2章船舶口令Task1: Ship’s ordersa.the basic ship’s ordersmon ship’s orders in each categoryc.caution in executing the ordersThere are four kinds of common ship’s orders, such as wheel orders, engine orders, anchoring orders, mooring orders.The common wheel orders include Midships, Port five, Steady and so on.The common engine orders include Full ahead, Stop engines, Standby engine and so on.The common anchoring orders include Standby port anchor for letting go, Let go port anchor, Anchor is aweigh and so on.The common mooring orders include Heave on headline, Single up headline, Let go headline and so on.The caution in executing the orders is that: All these ship’s orders should be given clearly, repeated, carried out and reported correctly and immediately.Task 2:Ship’s Anchoring Operationa.responsibilities of the crew involvedb.basic anchoring orders and meanings3. any other relevant information pertaining to anchoringIn anchoring operation the captain gives the orders.The chief officer and carpenter carry out the orders on the spot and report accordingly.There are many anchoring orders, for example,Stand by port/starboard/both anchors for letting go. It means stand by relevant anchors for letting go.Let go port/starboard/both anchors. It means “Drop the relevant anchors accordingly.”Stand by for heaving up. It means “Get ready to pick up the anchor.”The length of the anchor cable should be five to seven times the depth of water.The operators should hoist the anchor signals according to the COLREG.Task3:Ship’s Mooring and Unmooring Operationa.responsibilities of the crew involvedb.basic mooring and unmooring ordersc.safety and other relevant information relating to mooring and unmooring operationThe captain gives the mooring and unmooring order.The chief officer and the second officer carry out the orders and report accordingly.There are many mooring and unmooring orders, for example, Send out the headlines; Make fast fore and aft ; Stop heaving; Single up headline and so on.The operators should check the lines regularly and ensure that they are in good condition.The crew members should put on the gloves, helmet, safety shoes and so on.第3章靠泊与锚泊业务1.Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor?(2014年1月考到)a) Regular operations for anchor watch.b) Emergency handling in case of dragging.c) Conclusion .If I am the officer on duty while the ship is at anchor.The regular operations for anchor watch are as follows:I shall keep a proper lookout.I shall make inspections round the ship regularly. (from time to time)I shall take the anchor position from time to time.I shall check the situation of the anchor chains.And I shall pay attention to the movement of other ships nearby.I shall pay attention to the change of wind direction and speed, tide and seas.In case of dragging anchor, I will inform the Master immediately.And take emergency measures according to the Master’s orders.During the anchor watch, we must be very responsible.2.Describe the proper way of using VHF?(2014年1月考到)a) How to operate VHF set properly.c) Rules of using VHF Channel 16 .VHF stands for very high frequency.It is very important on board. VHF是重要的设备。
航海英语(二三副)7 航行技术

A vessel moored with two anchors, sometimes,at an exposed roadstead to ____. A.Aid turning the ship B.Obtain a fine bearing C.Increase ship swings to wind or tide D.Lighten the stress of anchor chains
第七章 航行术 第一节 船舶操纵基本知识 第二节 锚泊与靠离泊作业
1.______is not a step for anchoring preparation. A.To take off the covers from the hawse pipes and clear the spurling pipes B.To make sure that the windlass is out of gear and the brakes are on C.To turn the windlass over slowly D.To inform the engine room to ensure that deck power and water are off A
• ___D
• A vessel brought alongside should be fended off the towing vessel by ____. • A.crew members using their arms • B.crew members using the strong muscles of their legs • C.fenders • D.no fending is necessary due to the rugged construction of most towing vessels.

PSC Inspection
Unit 12
Ship Security
I II III IV V Warming up Reading Aloud Listening Speaking Vocabulary Link
Listening and Analysis ——Blank Filling
Q1:What’s your date of birth? A1:My date of birth is …. . Or I was born on …. . (此处注意单复数) Q2:What’s your favourite port you have ever called at? A2:My favourite port is …. Or I like … best.
Unit 2
Ship Orders ——Vocabulary Link
Q1:How is the cable leading? A1:The cable is leading ahead/astern. <换词> ahead/astern 可替换 为: ◆to port/starboard 向左/向 右 ◆round the bow 过船首 ◆up and down 垂直
Q:Where is the galley?
Unit 1
Familiarisation on board——Speaking
<换词> date of birth 可替换为: ◆seaman’s book number ◆family members and their occupations ◆daily work ◆spare time activities

中华人民共和国海事局2000年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第25期)科目:航海英语试卷代号:905适用对象:沿海航区船舶二、三副(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B 铅笔涂黑。
一.单项选择题二.关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:The steering system works on the principle of a control system. When steady the system is stableWhen the helmsman puts on,say,10 degree of starboard rudder the signal is sent to the steering gear and to an additional piece of equipment called the hunting gear.This detects when the rudder is situated 10 degree to starboard and feeds back this information to thesteering motor which stops turning the rudder. Without the feedback or corrective mechanism provided by the hunting gear the rudder would be uncontrollable.69. The steering system works on the principle of ______ .A. a mechanismB. a steering motorC. a controlsystem D. a hunting gear70. With the feedback mechanism provided by the hunting gear the rudder is ______ .A. controllableB. uncontrollableC. stableD. additional71. When steady the system is ______ .A. stableB. uncontrolableC. additionalD. controllable72. This passage is about ______ .A. seamanshipB. the control of steering gearC. nautical informationD. the navigation第二组:What advantages does the eye have over the radar ?The eye has the following advantages:ReliableCan assess ship typesCan identify conspicuous marksCan identify flashing lightsHas better discriminationCan see changing weather patternsCan see effect of sea on vesselNot affected by blind arcs (if observer moves).73. BLIND ARCS mean ______ .A. the arcs from which one can not see certain objectsB. the arcs which are blindC. the arcs from which one can see certain objectsD. the black arcs74. WEATHER means “ ______ “.A. ifB. providedC. climateD. fine and clear75. The eye is more ______ than radar.A. distinguishableB. reasonableC.controllable D. reliable76. This paragraph is ______ .A. a clause of a contractB. an explanation of advantage of eyes over radarC. a requirement from a governmentD. an article of Colreg三.中译英(共5题,请将答案写在答题纸上)77. 船舶不得在分道通航制区域内抛锚。

航海英语(二三副)》一、单项选择题(共200题)1、You are getting closer to the vessel__________, which is on the same course as you.(317548:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.headB.aheadC.headedD.heading2、The purpose of inboard screens on sidelights is to__________.(317521:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.protect the lights from wind or sea damageB.support the lights to prevent damage from vibrationC.prevent the lights from being seen across the bowD.increase the visibility range of the lights3、Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that speed where________ (317284:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. you can stop within your visibility rangeB. you can take proper and effective action to avoid collisionC. you are traveling slower than surrounding vesselsD. no wake comes from your vessel4、If you are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation, you may take action to avoid collision by you maneuver alone. When may this action be taken ?__________.(317411:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.At any time you feel it is appropriateB.Only when you have reached extremisC.When you determine that your present course will cross ahead of the other vesselD.When it becomes apparent to you that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action5、Under which of the following circumstances should a vessel indicate, by whistle, signals that its engines are going astern ________. 1. On visually sighting another vessel. 2. On hearing the fog signal of another vessel. (317497:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. 1 only.B. 2 only.C. Both 1 and 2D. Neither 1 nor 26、Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE? _______ (317440:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. A vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of her beam shall reduce her speed to bare steerageway.B. A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her engines.C. A vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam shall navigate with caution.D. If a vessel determines by radar that a close-quarters situation is developing, she shall take avoiding action in ample time.7、Any vessel__________any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel__________.(317360:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.overtaking/overtakenB.being overtake/being overtakenC.overtaking/being overtakenD.being overtaking/overtaken8、Every vessel shall ______ maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.(318566:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. in fogB. at nightC. alwaysD. at all times9、You are steaming in a dense fog and hear a whistle signal ahead consisting of a prolonged blast followed by three short blasts. It may be_______ (317464:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. a fishing vessel engaged in trawling.B. a vessel being towed.C. a pilot vessel underway and making a special signal.D. a vessel not under command.10、You are upbound approaching a lock and dam and see two green lights in a vertical line. This indicates ________ (317461:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.The downstream end of an intermediate wallB. That a double lockage is in progressC. The downstream end of the land wallD. The navigable pass of a fixed weir dam11、When shall the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation take action to avoid the othervessel ?__________.(317533:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.When a risk of collision existsB.When action by the give-way vessel alone will not prevent a collisionC.When the bearing to give-way vessel becomes steadyD.When the vessels become less than 0.5mile apart12、In restricted visibility the safe speed of a vessel without operational radar may be enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship.(317449:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. too low toB. too high toC. too high forD. too low for13、You are underway in thick fog. You have not determined if risk of collision exists. Which statement is true ?__________.(317446:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.Your speed must be reduced to bare steeragewayB.A look-out is not required if the radar is onC.Fog signals are only required when a vessel is detected by radarD.The radar should always be kept on a short-range scale14、A power-driven fishing vessel is underway on the high seas and is not engaged in fishing. Which of the following factors determines what lights she will show ?__________.(317584:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.Whether she is normally a fishing or a trawling vesselB.Her gross tonnageC.Her lengthD.The type of gear she carries15、Where does the look out man stand?__________.(317330:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.In positions in which the noises in the ship are least likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signal and the man can see clearlyB.In positions in which the noises in the ship are much likely to interfere with the hearing of a fog signalC.In position in which the hearing of a signal is reduced to a minimumD.In a position in which the man can see clearly16、A vessel engaged in__________shall not impede the passage of any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.(317423:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.mine clearance operationB.towing operationC.dredging or surveying or underwater operationD.fishing17、Which signal is recognized as a distress signal? ________ (317455:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. Directing the beam of a searchlight at another vesselB. A smoke signal giving off orange colored smokeC. A whistle signal of one prolonged and three short blastsD. International Code Signal PAN spoken over the radiotelephone18、Two vessels meeting in a head-on situation are directed by the rules to__________.(317562:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.alter course to starboard and pass port to portB.alter course to port and pass starboard to starboardC.decide on which side the passage will occur by matching whistle signalsD.slow to bare steerageway19、Under the Rules, any vessel may slacken her speed, stop, or reverse her engines To ________ (317309:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. create a crossing situationB. allow more time to assess the situationC.attract the attention of another vesselD. All of the above20、You are approaching another vessel and are not sure whether danger of collision exists.You must assume________.(317329:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.there is risk of collisionB.you are the give way vesselC.the other vessel is also in doudtD.All of the above21、In determining safe speed, the Rules list of the following as factors which must be taken into account except the__________.(317319:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.limitations of radar equipmentB.presence of background lights at nightC.maximum horsepower of your vesselD.maneuverability of your vessel22、You are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation. You may hold your course and speeduntil__________.(317567:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.the other vessel takes necessary actionB.the other vessel gets to within half a mile of your vesselC.action by the give-way vessel alone will not prevent collisionD.the other vessel gets to within a quarter mile of your vessel23、In which situation do the Rules require both vessels to change course? ______ (317380:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. Two power-driven vessels meeting head-onB. Two power-driven vessels crossing when it is apparent to the stand-on vessel that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate actionC. Two sailing vessels crossing with the wind on the same sideD. All of the above24、Who has the right of way in a Traffic Separation Scheme?(317348:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. The inbound vessel.B. The outbound vessel.C. The vessel coming from the starboard side.D. The vessel coming from the port side.25、Risk of collision may exist_______(317285:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. if the compass bearing of an approaching vessel does NOT appreciably changeB. even when an appreciable bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a vessel at close rangeC. if you observe both sidelights of a vessel ahead for an extended period of timeD. All of the above26、Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that (1) she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision; (2)be stopped within a distance appropriate the prevailing circumstances and conditions.______(318567:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. (1) onlyB. (2) onlyC. Both (1) and (2)D. Neither (1) nor (2)27、Mariners proceeding across the main routes are__________to do so at as wide an angle as practicable.(317558:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.recommendedB.reportedC.appliedplied28、You are in sight of another vessel in a crossing situation, and the other vessel sounds one short blast. You are going to hold course and speed. You should________ (317372:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. answer, with one short blastB. answer with two short blastsC. sound the danger signalD. sound no whistle signal29、A sufficient amount of chain must be veered when anchoring a vessel to ensure ________.(317353:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. the vessel has enough room to swing while at anchorB. the anchor flukes bite into the ocean bottomC. there is a sufficient scope of chain to keep the anchor on the bottomD. there is more chain out than there is in the chain locker30、Which statement is TRUE in an overtaking situation? ________ (317395:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. One vessel is approaching another vessel from more than 200 abaft the beam.B. It is the duty of the vessel being overtaken to get out of the way.C. Any later change of bearing between the two vessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel.D. All of the above31、A vessel engaged in fishing underway sounds the same fog signal as a ______.(317355:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.power-driven vessel stopped and making no way through the waterB.vessel being towedC.vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver at anchorD.sailing vessel at anchor32、If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and three short blasts,this is a______.(317427:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.vessel not under commandB.sailing vesselC.vessel being towed(manned)D.vessel being towed(unmanned)33、More exact assessment of visibility when__________is used to determine the range of vessel or other objects in the vicinity.(317281:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.radarB.omegaC.satellite navigatorD.DF34、Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except__________.(317368:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.in a crossing situationB.in a meeting situationC.when they are the overtaking vesselD.on the inland waters of the PR China35、In determining a safe speed__________shall not be among those taken into account.(317334:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.the state of visibilityB.the power of the vesselC.the traffic densityD.the maneuverability of the vessel36、A vessel approaching a narrow channel shall__________.(317343:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.avoid crossing the channel if it impedes another vessel navigating in the channelB.not overtake any vessels within the channelC.keep as close as possible to the edge of the channel on her port sideD.anchor only in the middle of the channel37、A power-driven vessel operating in a narrow channel with a following current, on the Western Rivers, is meeting an upbound vessel. Which statement is TRUE? ______ (317292:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. The downbound vessel has the right-of-way.B. The downbound vessel must initiate the required maneuvering signals.C. The downbound vessel must propose the manner and place of passage.D. All of the above38、When vessel enters thick fog, she should sound__________every two minutes in accordance with the rules.(317514:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.one short blastB.one prolonged blastC.two short blastsD.two short blasts39、In a narrow channel, a signal of intent which must be answered by the other vessel, is sounded by a vessel ________ (317308:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. meeting another head-onB. crossing the course of anotherC. overtaking anotherD. Any of the above40、You are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course changes are made. You should__________.(317386:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.hold course and sound a two blast whistle signalB.hold course and sound no whistle signalC.change course to the right and sound one blastD.hold course and sound two prolonged and two short blasts41、In restricted visibility the speed of a vessel without operational radar may be__________enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship.(317431:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.too low toB.too high toC.too high forD.too low for42、In which situation would risk of collision definitely exist? ________(317295:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. A vessel is 22 degrees on your port bow, range increasing, bearing changing slightly to the right.B. A vessel is broad on your starboard beam, range decreasing, bearing changing rapidly to the right.C. A vessel is 22 degrees abaft your port beam, range increasing, bearing is constant.D. A vessel is on your starboard quarter, range decreasing, bearing is constant.43、Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one__________ from theother.(317351:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.can be observed visuallyB.can be observed by radarC.can be located on the radarD.can be heard44、A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as longas____(317505:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. white lights are not usedB. red and green lights are not usedC. the signal cannot be mistaken for a signal authorized by the RulesD. the vessel signals such intentions over the radiotelephone45、Which vessel may use the danger signal? ________ (317495:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. The vessel to starboard when two power-driven vessels are crossingB. A vessel engaged in fishing, crossing the course of a sailing vessel.C. Either of two power-driven vessels meeting head-onD. All of the above46、A head on situation shall be deemed to exist at night when a power-driven vessel sees anotherpower-driven vessel ahead and__________.(317369:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.one sidelight and the masthead light are visibleB.the vessels will pass closer than half a mileC.both vessels sound one prolonged blastD.both sidelights and masthead light(s) are visible47、A head-on situation at night is one in which you see__________.(317419:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.one sidelight of a vessel ahead of youB.one sidelight and a masthead light of a vessel ahead of youC.one sidelight, a masthead light, and a range light of a vessel ahead of youD.both sidelights of a vessel dead ahead of you48、A vessel showing a rigid replica of the International Code flag "A" is engaged in __(317511:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. diving operationsB. dredgingC. fishingD. mineclearance operations49、In determining a safe speed of your vessel,__ shall not be among those taken into account.(317335:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. the state of visibilityB. the traffic densityC. the number of crew on boardD, the maneuverability of the ship50、In dense fog a vessel without operational radar may not be justified__________at all but should anchor if it is safe and practicable for her to do so.(317435:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.to be underwayB.on under way conditionC.to stop engineD.in being under way51、Every vessel that is to keep out of the way of another vessel must take positive early action to comply with this obligation and must _______ (317287:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. avoid crossing ahead of the other vesselB. avoid passing astern of the other vesselC. sound one prolonged blast to indicate complianceD. alter course to port for a vessel on her port side52、A traffic separation zone is that part of a traffic separation scheme which__________.(317304:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.is located between the scheme and the nearest landB.separates traffic proceeding in one direction from traffic proceeding in the opposite directionC.is designated as an anchorage areaD.contains all the traffic moving in the same direction53、You are aboard the give-way vessel in a crossing situation. What should you NOT do in obeying the Rules? ________ (317409:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. Cross ahead of the stand-on vesselB. Make is large course change to starboardC. Slow your vesselD. Back your vessel54、Every vessel which is directed by these rules to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid__________.(317553:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.crossing ahead of the otherB.crossing astern of the otherC.passing port to portD.passing starboard to starboard55、The rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed. 0ne ofthe factors is the__________.(317325:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.radio communications that are availableB.maximum speed of your vesselC.temperatureD.current56、In determining if risk of collision exists the following considerations shall beamong__________.(317274:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.these taken into calculationB.those taking into accountC.that taken into accountD.those taken into account57、The rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account when determining safe speed. Those factors include__________.(317326:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.state of wind, sea, and current, and the proximity of navigational hazardsB.maximum attainable speed of your vesselC.temperatureD.aids to navigation that are available58、You are in charge of a power-driven vessel navigating at night. You sight the red sidelight of another vessel on your port bow the other vessels after masthead light is to the right of her forward masthead light you should ________ (317382:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. hold course and speedB. alter course to portC. stop enginesD. sound the danger signal59、When do the Rules require both vessels to change course? ________ (317385:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. Any time the danger signal is soundedB. When two power-driven vessels are crossing and it is apparent to the stand-on vessel that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate actionC. When two power-driven vessels are meeting head-onD. All of the above60、A vessel not under command shall display__________.(317507:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.two red lights at night and two black balls during daylightB.two red lights at night and three black balls during daylightC.three red lights at night and two black balls during daylightD.three red lights at night and three black balls during daylight61、A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such crossing impedes the passage of a vesselwhich can safely navigate only within such channel or fairway. {The latter vessel} may use the sound signal if in doubt as to the intention of the crossing vessel.(317513:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. the crossing vesselB. the vessel which can safely navigate only within the narrow channel or fairwayC. another vesselD. the vessel which will impede the passage62、When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision, the stand-on vessel must__________.(317541:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.abandon shipB.assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionC.hold course and speedD.sound a distress signal63、A continuous sounding of a fog-signal apparatus indicates__________.(317456:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.the vessel is in distressB.the vessel has completed loading dangerous cargoC.it is safe to passD.the vessel is anchored64、The fog is too thick. Dont__________the radar.(317520:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.switch onB.switch offC.closeD.open65、You are Master of a towing vessel engaged in towing three barges astern. The middle barge of the tow would be required to sound which of the following during restricted visibility? _________ (317479:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. No fog signal.B. A prolonged blast at intervals never to exceed more than two minutes.C. A prolonged blast followed by two short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than two minutes.D. A prolonged blast followed by three short blasts at intervals never to exceed more than one minute.66、In determining the risk of collision at sea assumption shall________on the basis of scanty information especially scanty radar information. (317312:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. be carried outB. be madeC. not be carried outD. not be made67、0n the high seas, a fog signal consisting of one prolonged blast followed by four short blasts wouldindicate the presence of a__________.(317549:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.vessel being towedB.fishing vessel engaged in trawlingC.vessel at anchor warning you of her locationD.power-driven pilot vessel on station underway68、You are at anchor in fog on a 120-meter power-driven vessel. You hear the fog signal of a vessel approaching off your port bow. You may sound_____(317547:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. one short, one prolonged, and one short blastB. one prolonged, one short and one prolongedC. one prolonged blastD. two short blasts69、If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of__________may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.(317363:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.speed and courseB.speed aloneC.course aloneD.speed or course70、COLREG No. 10 apply to __(317350:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. vessels sailing in any condition of visibilityB. vessels sailing in reduced visibilityC. vessels sailing in good visibilityD. vessels sailing in separation schemes71、A vessel trawling would display__________.(317555:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.a black ballB.a basketC.a double cone, point to pointD.none of the above72、You are underway on the high seas in restricted visibility. You hear a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts. It could be any of the following EXCEPT a vessel ________ (317492:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. minesweepingB. engaged in fishingC. constrained by her draftD. being towed73、You have a vessel under sail and steam approaching off your port bow. You Should ________ (317405:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. come left and pass astern.B. stop your engines.C. come right to pass well clear aheaD. hold your course and speed,74、When is a stand-on vessel first allowed by the rules to take action in order to avoidcollision ?__________.(317581:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.When the two vessels are less than half a mile from each otherB.When the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action to avoid collisionC.When collision is imminentD.The stand-on vessel is never allowed to take action75、A vessel__________when underway shall so far as possible, keep out of the way of a vessel not under command.(317420:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.having engaged in fishingB.engaging in fishingC.engaged in fishD.engaged in fishing76、In a crossing situation, the stand-on vessel should normally__________.(317417:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.take action to cross ahead of the other vesselB.take action to pass astern of the other vesselC.maintain course and speedD.change course and increasespeed77、Your vessel is not under command due to engine breakdown and is now dead in the water on the high seas. Which of the following signals should you sound in reduced visibility? _________(317481:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. Two prolonged blasts of the whistle.B. One short, one prolonged and one short blast of the whistle.C. One prolonged and three short blasts of the whistle.D. One prolonged and two short blasts of the whistle.78、The Rules state that vessels may depart from the Rules when __(317272:第05章船舶避碰)(A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. there are other vessels in the vicinityB. operating in a traffic separation schemeC. engaged in a situation involving more than two vesselsD. necessary to avoid immediate danger79、Your vessel is at anchor in fog while in international waters. The fog signal of another vessel, apparently underway, has been steadily growing louder and the danger of collision appears to exist. In addition to the normal fog signal,what signal may be used to indicate the presence of yourvessel ?__________.(317554:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.The danger signal; five or more short and rapid blasts on the whistleB.The blasts on the whistle; one short, one prolonged and one shortC.Three blasts on the whistle; one prolonged followed by two shortD.No special signal other than the normal fog signal80、A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a__________as is practicable.(317518:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.marginB.legendC.legionD.maiden81、A vessel__________a crossing vessel, shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line.(317342:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.includingB.inclusive ofC.except thatD.other than82、In determining a safe speed ________ shall be taken into your consideration.(317302:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. the state of wind, sea and currentB. the traffic densityC. the presence of the background light at nightD. A+B+C83、A vessel is carrying three lights in a vertical line. The highest and lowest of these are____ red and the middle light is white. Which statement is always TRUE?(317454:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. During the day,she would display three balls in a vertical line.B. If making way,she would show masthead lights at night.C. If at anchor,she need not show anchor lights while displaying identifying lights.D. Her fog signal would consist of a rapid ringing of a bell for five seconds every minute.84、A vessel is in sight of another vessel when__________.(317403:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A.she can be observed by radarB.she can be observed visually from the other vesselC.she can be plotted on radar well enough to determine her headingD.her fog signal can be heard85、Rule 14 describes the action to be taken by vessels meeting head-on. Which of the following conditions must exist in order for this rule to apply? _________ (317379:第05章船舶避碰) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)A. Both vessels must be power-driven.。

航海英语听力与会话评估大纲适用对象:991 无限航区500总吨及以上船长992无限航区500总吨及以上大副993无限航区船舶500总吨及以上二/三副995沿海航区500总吨及以上船长996沿海航区500总吨及以上大副997沿海航区500总吨及以上二/三副(适用对象:无限航区船舶二/三副993)通过本适任评估项目,使被评估者达到中华人民共和国海事局《海船船员适任评估大纲》对船员所规定的实操、实作技能要求,满足国家海事局签发船员适任证书的必备条件。
2、评估内容1公共用语1.1 航海人员间日常问候语1.2 船上生活常用语1.3 陆上求助2进出港业务2.1引航业务3靠离与锚泊业务3.1 驾驶台内会话3.2 驾驶台与船首通话3.3 驾驶台与船尾通话3.4 驾驶台与拖船通话3.5 驾驶台与VTS通话3.6 驾驶台与港区,船坞通话4装卸作业4.1备舱4.3装卸值班4.4理货业务4.5特殊货物作业4.7进入封闭处所4.8油污水及垃圾处理5航行5.1 航线值班交接5.2 避碰通信5.4 航行警告接收5.5 沿海航区定位6修船与船体保养6.2船体保养与维护6.3 航行仪器检修与维护6.4 索具保养与维护6.5 物料申报与管理7事故处理7.6海盗应对7.7反恐与ISPS8海上救生与求生8.1救生设备落放8.2 救生设备使用8.3 船员自救8.4 海上求生9 常用命令9.1 车令9.2 舵令9.3 锚令9.4 缆令9.5 其它命令10海上呼叫10.1遇险呼叫应答10.2紧急呼叫应答10.3安全呼叫应答10.4与SARS联络呼叫应答11.2 设备操作检查11.3 防污检查11.4 安全管理体系检查12船舶保安12.1 舷梯值班安全检查12.2船舶保安设备的安全检查与操作12.3安全等级的设定与操作3、评估要素及标准3.1无限/航区船舶二、三副(993)听力与会话双向细目表:3.2 听力评估要素及标准听力部分按大纲及双向细目表进行,由电脑自动评判。

Chapter One1.Please say something about your hometown.(a)The geographical position, population and features of your hometown.(b)The environment and customs of your hometown.(c)The specialties of your hometownMy hometown is Tianjin. It is the biggest port in Northern China. It has a population of 12 million. There are many factories in the city, such as the steel plant, shipyard, chemical plant, etc. Tianjin is famous for its snack, such as the Tianjin Twist, Ear Hole Fried Cake, and so on. You can enjoy the delicious food in the Food Street. Tianjin is developing very fast, and it is the economy center of Northern China at present. Tianjin is also famous for its beautiful scenery. There are many famous tourist spots attracting tourists home and abroad every year. My home town is very beautiful, and I love her so much.2.Please say something about yourself.(a)Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.(b)Your daily work(c)Your spare time activitiesMy name is Zhanglin. I am 26years old. I graduated from Tianjin Maritime Vocational Institute. I am an A.B. I have five-year experience on board. I have worked on general cargo ship for five years. My hobbies are playing chess with my friends and collecting stamps. My daily work is to perform assigned bridge watch standing and navigational duties. My watch standing time is from 0800 to 1200 a.m. and from 2000 to 2400 p.m. when at sea, in my spare time, I sometimes read a book or listen to some light music.3.Please say something about your family.(a)Members of your family(b)Their occupations(c)Their hobbies and characteristicsMy family is a happy one. There are three members in my family, my mother, my father and I. My mother is a teacher in a middle school. My father is a worker in a factory. My parents like their work very much. In their spare time they like reading books or watching TV. I am a student in a vocational institute and I love sports to keep fit!Your favorite port you have called at.(d) A simple introduction of the port(e)Reasons why you like it.(f)Anything special about it.As a seaman working on board for many years, I have called at many places. I, however, believe Tianjin is my favorite port. It is the biggest port in Northern China. It has a population of 12 million. There are many factories in the city, such as the steel plant, shipyard, chemical plant, etc. Tianjin is famous for its snack, such as the Tianjin Twist, Ear Hole Fried Cake, and so on. You can enjoy the delicious food in the Food Street. Tianjin is developing very fast, and it is the economy center of Northern China at present. Tianjin is also famous for its beautiful scenery. There are many famous tourist spots attracting tourists home and abroad every year.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As a seaman working on board for many years, I have called at many places. I, however, believe Singapore is my favorite port. The city can be described as a garden city. Everything there looks green and clear. I believe anyone who has been to Singapore will certainly come to such a conclusion that Singapore is a city of best scenery and least pollution. In addition, smooth and light traffic also leaves foreigners deep impression. Chinese is one of the official languages there. So it will not be troublesome for a Chinese who cannot speak any English to go shopping, sightseeing, etc. Besides, the people there are all well-mannered and warm-hearted. They are always ready to offer help. That’s why many Chinese seamen are excited when Singapore comes into their view. I am one of them.4.Please say something about your responsibilities on board.(a)Your position on board(b)Your daily work on board(c)Your duties on boardOn board, I work as a third officer of the deck department. I have plenty of work to do on board ship. During navigation, I must maneuver the ship and stand watches on the bridge from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400. While on duty, I am the captain’s representative. I must maintain a proper look-out at all times by sight and hearing, and by all available means. I also make the most effective use of the navigational equipments, such as radar, GPS, to fix ship’s positions. If there is any risk of collision exists, I will execute collision avoidance maneuver in full accordance with COLREGS. If it is necessary, I will notify the captain, for example, when we are navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility. Meanwhile, I am in charge of the life-saving appliances and fire-fighting equipments. Of course, I love the life on board and I have plenty of time to study and think.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I work on the deck department. I am an A.B.When at sea, every morning I go to the bridge and take over the watch form the A.B. on duty at 0750. I am on the bridge to steer the wheel from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 2400 every day. My duty on board is to steer the wheel as per the order of the captain or pilot. When in port, every day the bosun assigns the work to us. We do daily maintenance work, for example, rust removing and painting, maintenance of riggings, maintenance of life-saving appliances and fore-fighting equipments.Answer the questions1.What is your date of birth?My date of birth is the 7th of April 1989.2.What’s your seaman’s book number?It’s A396625.3.Where are you from?I am from Tianjin4. What is your captain’s nationality?My captain’s nationality is China.5What do you think is the most important thin on board?I think the most important thing on board is safety,security and efficiency.6. What ports do you often call at?I often call at Dalian, Shanghai, and Honking.7. What is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is action movies.8. What’s your favorite Web site?My favorite Web site is www. CCTV. com.9. What’s your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is weekend and the next date is off day.10. What’s your favorite kind of movie?My favorite movie is action movie.11. What’s your favorite kind of music?My favorite music is light music.12. What is your magazine?My favorite magazine is TIMES.13. What is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is 6 million.14. What’s the population of your country?The population of my country is 1.3 billion.15. What’s the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.16. What’s the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing about my hometown is the cost of living is too high, especially cost of medicine, education and house.17. What’s your hometown like?My hometown is a beautiful port in Northern China.18. Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquake, flooding, typhoon etc.19. What sports do you like to watch on TV?I like to watch football games on TV.20. What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think the most popular sport in the world is football match.Chapter Three1. Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor(a) The regular operations for anchor watch(b) Emergency handling in case of dragging(c) ConclusionThe responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor are as follows:(1). The regular operations for anchor watch:(a) Check anchor position frequently.(b) Pay attention to the vessel’s surrounding and other vessel’s condition in the vicinity.(c) Pay attention to the weather condition.(2). In case of dragging, inform the master, inform harbor control and engine room andcarry out emergency measures: veer out more chain on the anchor dropped or drop thesecond anchor, veer out good scope then weigh the first anchor.2. Describe the proper way of using VHF.(a) How to operate VHF set proper;(b) General rules of using VHF;(C) Rules of using VHF Channel 16;Pick up the receiver and set the calling channel, then press the button on the receiver handleand speak. If the channel is not chosen, when turned on, the VHF will tune automatically to Channel 16.VHF should be used correctly and according to the Radio Regulations. The following in particular should be avoided:1. Non-essential transmissions;2. Transmitting without correct identification;3. Use of offensive language, etc;Channel 16 may only be used for distress, urgency and very brief safety communications. For other communications, it should be conducted on a suitable working channel.4.Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.The preparations from the bridge;a)The preparations from the engine room;b)The preparations from the deck;Before arrival at a port, the following preparations should be made on the bridge: ETA sent to pilot station with all relevant information, including ship’s name, call sign, draft, speed, etc. Available port information and other navigational information should be consulted. All appropriate flag/light signals should be displayed; Large-scale charts for entering port should be prepared; Latest weather report and the information on tide, current should be available. Radio checked for berthing instructions; VHF channels for various services noted; pilot ladder should be rigged on proper side; Pilot card should be prepared; All navigational equipment tested. Sufficient time must be given to the engine department before arrival. The engineers should test the machinery for proper operation, for example, the main engine, the steering gear and so on. The following preparations should be made from the deck: Ship’s crew on stations for entering port; Mooring machinery tested, mooring lines, etc. prepared; Anchors ready for use;3.Describe the procedures before leaving a port.a)The preparations from the bridge;b)The preparations from the engine room;c)The preparations from the deck;When the ship leaves a port, all department heads must be notified so they can make the necessary preparations.The officers should check the operations of cargo handling and get the papers involved ready. After communicate with the port authority, the third officer should test the navigational aids on the bridge and give unberthing notice to the engine room in advance.The engineers should test the machinery for proper operation and stand by engine. They should keep contact with bridge.On deck, the hands should prepare for undocking. They should check the cargo stowage and lashing and then close the hatch covers. At last, they should get ready for unmooring the lines fore and aft.5. Describe the procedures of pilotage.(a) The general procedures for pilot request;(b) The preparations for receiving the pilot;(c) The general rules for pilotage;When you want to enter a foreign port, normally you need a pilot. You should call the pilot station by VHF for the request. The ship’s particulars should be reported to the Pilot Station, such as the ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on. ETA should be reported to the Pilot Station. After the radio request, you should make the following preparations. You should maneuver the ship and rig the pilot ladder according to the instructions of the pilot station. Have a heaving line and lifebuoy ready. Put lights on at the pilot ladder at night.After the pilot’s boarding, you should lower the flag G and hoist the flag H. The captain and the pilot shall exchange information regarding navigation procedures, local conditions and the ship’s characteristics. The captain and the watch officer shall co-operate closely with the pilot and keep checking the ship’s position and movement. The master is in no way relieved of responsibility for the safe navigation of the vessel by the presence of a pilot on board;Answer the questions1.Can you list at least three mooring lines?The head line; The stern line; The forward breast line; The forward spring line; The aft breast line; The aft spring line;2. What should you prepare before the pilot comes on board?I should inspect the state of the pilot ladder and rig it in proper side;Put lights on at the pilot ladder;Have a heaving line and lifebuoy ready at the pilot ladder;3. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?The maximum speed over the ground should be below 2 knots or 1.5 knots for full loading vessel.4. What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? If a pilot is on board, what signal flag will be hoisted?When a vessel requires a pilot, signal flag G should be hoisted. (Signal letter Golf means I require s pilot)If a pilot is on board, signal flag H should be hoisted.(Signal letter Hotel means I have a pilot on board)5. How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?Before arrival, the ship can get in touch with a port by VHF.5.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on.6.What should be reported to the pilot station?ETA, Ship’s Particulars including ship’s name, call sign, Port of Registry, LOA, breadth, draft, and so on. Last port of call, next port of call and destination. Cargo condition.7.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The following should be confirmed from the pilot station:1. When and where the vessel shall meet the pilot.2. On which side the pilot ladder should be rigged.9. When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report?The following information is requested to report:a.Ship’s name, call sign and flag state;b.Ship’s position and course and speed;st port of call and destination;d.Cargo condition and any deficiencies or restrictions;10. What does “foul anchor” mean?Foul anchor means that anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction.11. If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines”, how should you reply and report?I should reply: “stand by both engines” and report “both engines standing by”12. Can you list three famous canals in the world?The three famous canals in the world are Suez Canal, Panama Canal and Kiel Canal13. When you request the receiver to remain on channel 16 in VHF communication, what doyou say?I’ll say “standing by on channel 16”14. How to rectify the mistake in maritime VHF communication?When a mistake is made in a message, say: “Mistake ...”- followed by the word: “Correction ...”plus the corrected part of the message. Example: “My present speed is 14 knots - mistake. Correction, my present speed is 12, one-two, knots.”15. How to emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?If any part of the message are considered sufficiently important to need safeguarding, say: “Repeat ...”- followed by the corresponding part of the message. Example: “My draft is 12.6 repeat one-two decimal 6 metres.” “Do not overtake - repeat - do not overtake.”16. What does “abandon vessel” mean?Abandon vessel means to evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress. 17. What does the abbreviation “ETD” stand for?The abbreviation “ETD” stands for “Estimated Time of Departure”.18. What does “dredging an anchor” mean?Dredging an anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19. What does “underway” mean?Underway means a vessel which is not at anchor, or make fast to the shore, or aground.20. What does “dragging of an anchor”, mean?Dragging of an anchor means the moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21. What is the difference between a "radar beacon" and a "radar reflector"?The radar beacon emits electric wave while the radar reflector reflects the electric wave.22. How many objects do you need to get a position using "horizontal sextant angles"I need three objects.23. Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?The magnetic compass is better than the gyro compass in stability.24. What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it ?The anchor is aweigh and clear of the bottom.25. When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stopper?Put the windlass in gear.26. Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?No, you would not.27.Why must you consider ship's speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers? Fast speed and deep water can break the chain and make the anchor missing.28. What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot's embarkation?A lifejacket must always be brought and placed.29. Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?It is very easy to make the anchor dragging.30. What flay is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?Flag H is hoisted.Chapter Four1.Describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board.(a)The acquisition of information about the dangerous cargo.(b)Precaution on loading and discharging.(c)Maintenance during the voyage.The chief officer should acquire some information about the dangerous cargo such as the packing, IMO classes and UN No, nature, compatibility, quantity, country of production and country of destination, notices on loading, care on board and discharging,During cargo handling, the ship should exhibit appropriate signal as requires. Sufficient protective equipment should be prepared. Emergency procedures should be getting ready. Always check the proper use of the handling gear. While loading: (1) Check the correct technical names in documents and correct marks. (2) Check the careful and safe stowage (3) Check the careful separation. While discharging: check the complete unloadingWhen the ship is at sea, the condition of the dangerous cargo should be checked at regular intervals including the temperature and humidity. In addition, regular ventilation is necessary.2.Describe the precautions before entering an enclosed spare.(1) The potential dangers in an enclosed space(2) The normal procedures(3) The important precautionThere may be lack of oxygen or existence of flammable or toxic fumes, gases or vapors. So nobody should enter an enclosed space without taking some safety measures. Before entering an enclosed space, you need to always check the air, ventilate the space constantly and station a crew member at the entrance to keep in touch with the person entering. The person entering the space should put on protective clothing and breathing apparatus if necessary.3.Describe the procedures of cargo stowage.(a)The acquisition of information about the cargo to be carried;(b)The principles and considerations on navigation safety;(c)The modification of stowage plan;The chief officer should acquire the cargo information, especially dangerous cargo. The cargo listshould be available and complete. The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan, taking the following into consideration: Effective use of the vessel’s loading capacity, reasonable stability, trim and strength, port rotation,the safety of crew, vessel and cargo. The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary. Due attention should be paid to dangerous cargo, deck cargo and special cargo, if any.4.Describe the actions to be taken in case of an oil spill on board.(a)The initial responses;(b)The actions following up according to the SOREP on board;(c)The precautions to be taken;(1)Report to the bridge about the oil spill;(2)The bridge should sound the oil spill alarm by whistle or by public address system.(3)All the crew should muster at their stations.(4)Take measures to fight against the spillage, prevent spilt oil from spreading and collect thespillage.(5)Report the spillage to the local pollution control.5.Describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo.(a)General factors to be taken into account in cargo stowage(b)Special considerations for cargo stowage;The chief officer should acquire the cargo information, especially dangerous cargo. The cargo list should be available and complete. The chief officer should prepare a proper stowage plan, taking the following into consideration: Effective use of the vessel’s loading capacity, reasonable stability, trim and strength, port rotation,the safety of crew, vessel and cargo. The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary. Due attention should be paid to dangerous cargo, deck cargo and special cargo, if any.Answer the questions:1.How many classes of dangerous cargoes are there according to the IMDG Code? Canyou list some?According to the IMDG code, the dangerous cargoes are divided into 9 classes:Class 1: ExplosivesClass 2: Gases (compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure)Class 3: Flammable liquidsClass 4: Flammable solidsClass 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxidesClass 6: Toxic and infectious substancesClass 7: Radioactive materialClass 8: CorrosivesClass 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?Flammable liquids are liquids, or mixture of liquids or liquids containing solids in solution or suspension which give off a flammable vapor at or below 61℃in closed cup test.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargoGeneral cargo consists of a variety of goods and is packed separately4.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargoBulk cargo consists of single cargo and is usually carried in loose without package5.What kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting?A canvas sling is suitable for lifting bags of gain, rice and coffee, etc.6.What kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting?A chain sling is suitable for lifting logs and iron rails.7.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?A net sling is suitable for lifting small packages and mail.8.What does the abbreviation COW stand for?COW stands for “Crude Oil Washing”8.What does “jettison of cargo” mean?Throwing overboard of goods in order to lighten the vessel or improve its stability in case of an emergency9.What does “compatibility of goods” mean?“Compatibility of goods” states whether different goods can be stowed together in one hold 10.What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?SWL stands for Safe Working Load11.What does “shifting cargo” mean?It means transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk cargo, caused by rolling or heavy list.12.What does “union purchase” mean?A common method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed overthe quay, the other over the hatchway14. What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?(1) The cargo gear should be ready for use.(2) The holds should be clean and dry(3) Sufficient dunnage materials should be prepared, such as planks and mats(4) The safety arrangements in the holds should be functional(5) Check the hold ventilators for damage15.What cargo handling gear and equipment does our vessel have?Cranes and derricks16.What can be used to remove spillage?Oil dispersants, oil absorbent and so on17.What is the loading capacity of your vessel?The loading capacity of my vessel is 25 thousand tons.18.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?Check to see if the enclosed space is deficient in oxygen and/or contain flammable or toxic fumes, gases or vapors.19.Please list some cargo papers?Booking Note(托运单), Shipping Order(装货单), Mate’s Receipt(收货单), Bill of Lading(提单), Loading List(装货清单), Manifest(载货清单/ 舱单), Cargo Plan(货物配载图), Stowage Plan(货物积载图)20.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?When you enter an enclosed space, you must wear the protective clothing and breathing apparatus.Chapter Five1.Describe the duties of watch keeping when underway.(a)General rules to watch keeping(b)Items to be checked and monitored each watch(c)Special attention for bridge watch keeping(1)Comply with the Rules of the Road and recommended traffic Separation schemes.(2)Regulate ship’s course, speed and supervise the safe navigation of the vessel.(3)Comply with the Company Standing Orders on use of radar.(4)Plot fixes as required on the appropriate chart(5)Operate the engine order telegraph or engine control and check engine roomacknowledgements(6)Co-ordinate bridge-to-bridge, ship-to-shore and station-to-station communications(7)Other duties as prescribed by the captain.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The duties of watch-keeping when underway are as follows:General rules as to watch-keeping:(1)OOW should keep a proper lookout at all times(2)Observe the practices of good seamanship and comply with the Rules of the Road andrecommended traffic separation schemes and other regulations.(3)Regulate ship’s course, speed and supervise the safe navigation of the vessel. Fix the vessel’sposition and plot CPA, course and speed of all closing vessels; take actions to avoid collision.(4)Obey all written and spoken orders of the master and standing orders.(5)OOW must immediately call the master at any time the vessel appears to be standing intodanger and in various other situations(6)Record all require entries in the deck log, bell book and course recorder chartThe following items should be checked and monitored:Steaming plan, required course, speed and way point; ship’s present position; course to be steered; track to be made good; potential hazards to navigationSpecial attention should be paid to the low visibility procedure; safety of the vessel and pollution prevention.2.Describe the bridge shift change(a)The conditions which must be satisfied before taking over a bridge watch(b)The procedures for shift change(c)Special attention for shift changeThe relieving officer must go to the bridge about 15minutes in advance, because he must familiarize himself with the lights, surroundings and environment. When handing over a shift, the officer being relieved must tell the relieving officer clearly about the ship’s position, the ship’s surrounding and captain’s night’s orders. After that he should enter his shift’s items into the logbook. As the relieving officer, he should check ship’s surroundings, ship’s position, course and so on. Relieved officer should not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if he has reason to believe that the latter is obviously not capable of carrying out his duties effectively.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before taking over a bridge watch, the relieving officer must:(1)Confirm the ship’s present position(2)Discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch to determine the followinga.Course being steered, both by gyro and magnetic compasses and track to be madeb.Aids to navigation to be used during the watch and their conditionc.Position and status of other vessel in the vicinityd.The proximity of the vessel’s track to potential hazards to navigation, such as shoals,rocks and the like;e.Weather situation, etc.Procedures for shift change:(1)The watch officer must never leave the bridge until properly relieved by a licensed deckofficer.(2)The watch officer must relieve the watch on time, the relieving officer must report to thebridge early enough.(3)The relieving officer must read and understand the standing orders issued by the master(4)The change of Conn must be clearly stated and entered in the logbook.Special attention:(1)The watch is not to be relieved during a maneuver.(2)The officer on watch should not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if he has anyreason to believe that the latter is not capable to carry out his duties effectively.3.Describe the differences between navigating in a narrow channel and in a trafficseparation scheme.(a)The rules in navigating in a narrow channel(b)The rules in navigating in a traffic separation scheme(c)The major difference in terms of technical navigationRule 9 states the navigation in a narrow channel. A vessel proceeding along the narrow channel shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side. It also instructs how to cross over take and sound signal in narrow channel.If a vessel proceeds in a traffic separation scheme area, she shall comply with Rule 10. It requires the vessel proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for that lane. It also instructs how to join and leave the lane, cross the lane and any other action about the safety navigation.And if a narrow channel is in the area of Traffic Separation Scheme, the ships navigating in it must comply with Rule 10 first.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rules navigating in a narrow channel(1)Keep as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies on her starboard side as safe andpracticable(2)Overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safepassing(3)Vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel shall navigate with particular alertnessand caution and sound appropriate signal(4)Any vessel should, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid anchoring in a narrowchannel.The rules navigating in a traffic separation scheme:(1)Vessel using a TSS shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of。

知识点1:海图及海图作业【典型考题】What information is found in the chart title?A. Date of the first editionB. Date of the edition and, if applicable, the revisionC. Information on the sounding datumD. Information on which IALA buoyage system applies【参考答案】C【参考译文】在海图题目栏中可找到什么信息?有关深度基准面的信息。
【解析】chart title海图题目sounding datum深度基准面on关于【相关考题】1. Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in meters above mean ______.A. lower low waterB. high waterC. low waterD. sea level【参考答案】D【参考译文】这张海图上的等高线是指平均海平面以上的高度,单位是米。
【解析】Contour elevation等高线refer to指的是mean平均的2. Place names used should be those ______.A. specified by international authoritiesB. specified by national authoritiesC. on the standard mapD. on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use【参考答案】D【参考译文】利用的地名应是在利用的海图或航线指南上的名称。
【解析】Sailing Directions航线指南3. What information is not found in the chart title?A. Survey informationB. ScaleC. Date of first editionD. Projection【参考答案】C【参考译文】在海图题目栏中无法找到什么信息?第一版日期。

航海英语评估1.主机失控<舵机失控>舵工:Failure of main Engine<faliure of steering gear>三副:stop Engine(若船舶左舷是开阔水域) + hard a port(打电话)captain,main engine failure<steering gear failure>.please come on bridge船长:ok, I will come bridge at once .(到驾驶台后)+ Stand by both enchors chief officer大副:(先备好双锚) + both anchors stand by船长:third officer,hoist signal of under control三副:(先按两红灯)+ ok, not under control signal hosit.船长:third officer,have a urgency message三副:PANPAN PANPAN PANPAN.this is MV haida NO.2(说三次).i am in position(+经纬度).i am not under control. Please navigate with caution and keep cloes contact in VHF16 over.船长:Third office ask the engineroom when the main engine<steering gear>will repair.三副:(打电话)+ engineroom,how long will the main engine<steering gear>will be repair 机舱:about 2hours三副:obout 2hours船长:third officer inform the VTS三副:DalianVTS DalianVTS DalianVTS. This is MV haidaNO2 (说三次).i am in position(+经纬度) .i am not under control. Please navigate with caution and keep cloes contact in VHF16 .the main engine<steering gear>will be repair 2 hours over.机舱:(打电话给三副)+ main engine<steering gear>is ok三副:the main engine<steering gear> is ok船长:third officer,lower the signal of not under control ,half ahead三副:(先把两红灯关了)+ signal is lowered ,half ahead.3.雾航三副:dead slow ahead舵工:(按车钟到slow ahead位置)+ dead slow ahead三副:(打开航行灯,按雾号1长声+自动键。
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991 无限航区500总吨及以上船长
1.1 航海人员间日常问候语
1.2 船上生活常用语
1.3 陆上求助
3.1 驾驶台内会话
3.2 驾驶台与船首通话
3.3 驾驶台与船尾通话
3.4 驾驶台与拖船通话
3.5 驾驶台与VTS通话
3.6 驾驶台与港区,船坞通话
5.1 航线值班交接
5.2 避碰通信
5.4 航行警告接收
5.5 沿海航区定位
6.3 航行仪器检修与维护6.4 索具保养与维护
6.5 物料申报与管理
8.2 救生设备使用
8.3 船员自救
8.4 海上求生
9 常用命令
9.1 车令
9.2 舵令
9.3 锚令
9.4 缆令
9.5 其它命令
11.2 设备操作检查
11.3 防污检查
11.4 安全管理体系检查
12.1 舷梯值班安全检查
3.2 听力评估要素及标准
3.3 会话评估要素及标准
3.3.1 朗读题(20分)
3.3.2 口述题(20分)
3.3.3 问答题(共10题,每题6分共60分)
4.1 评估形式及内容:
4.2 成绩评定
4.3 评估时间:每人次不超过60分钟。