环保英文 ppt课件


保护环境的英文版 ppt课件

保护环境的英文版 ppt课件
• 节约纸张.尽量循环再用 ,双面使用纸张, 回 收废纸.
• Don't throw rubbish into the rivers and lakes, water pollution
• 不向江河湖海中扔垃圾,造成水污染
• Don't throw rubbish everywhere
• 不随地乱扔垃圾
when you wash and brush • Discharge sewage after treatment
• Plant more trees; protect the forests and all the animals
• Use of renewable materials • Restrict the use of private cars • Implement of sustainable economic
环境保护从我们大家做起 Environmental protection from all of us started
——李克平 2013441272 测控2013-01
大气污染 Air pollution
• 环保从自己.每时每刻做保起护环,境用的英行文动版 去感染别人
conseinstead of plastics
• Turn off the light before you get out
• Raise the temperature of air-conditioning
development • ……



2.Pollution source
Energy use. With the rapid growth of our economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the energy demand is rising. The emission of sulfur dioxide in China is increasing rapidly. This is the main cause of the longest and most harmful acid rain pollution in southwest China. Motor vehicle exhaust In recent years, the number of motor vehicles in major cities of China has increased by a large margin, and vehicle exhaust gas has become an important source of urban air pollution. In addition, automobile emissions of lead are also important pollutants in the urban atmosphere.
2.Water pollution
According to the State of the Environment Bulletin of China and the report of the Ministry of Water Resources, in 1997, the seven major water systems, lakes, reservoirs, and parts of China's groundwater were polluted to varying degrees, and the proportion of river pollution was higher than that of 1996. In the dry season, the length of polluted rivers increased by 6.3 percentage points, and the periods of high water supply increased by 5.5 percentage points. Of the more than 50,000 km of rivers assessed, 42 were polluted, of which 12.2


A lake of awareness and education about environmental issues among the general public can have effective action and policy implementation
Political and economic challenges
Rising global cultures
climate change has resulted in a rise in global average cultures, leading to melting ice caps, sea level rise, and more frequent extreme weather events
Environmental Protection Theme Course
Introduction to Environmental ProtectionThe Causes of Environmental DegradationEnvironmental Protection Strategies and Technologies
Environmental Protection in Everyday LifeCase Studies in Environmental ProtectionThe Future of Environmental Protection
Introduction to Environmental Protection
Limited natural resources and growing demand for energy, water, and materials are posing significant challenges for sustainable development


• Don’t forget, mother earth is the source of the life.
We only have one earth!
We have responsibilities to protect our environment , and it’s necessary to do that.
Hello, everyone! Today I want to tell you something about the environment.
When you see these, what can you think?
The source of the life…
• And as a human being, it’s our duty to protect the earth.
• So let’s do small things around us just now.
So let’s do small things around us just now. We have responsibilities to protect our environment , and it’s necessary to do that. Close lights when you leave. In fact, there are many things we can do to protect our environment. Don’t waste paper and make full use of it. As a member of the Environmental Protection Association, I hope that you can join us and protect the environment together. Looking forward to. If we don’t take measures to protect her, then everything will be destroyed. Tree leaves will fall in the autumn; When you see these, what can you think? Looking forward to. When you see these, what can you think? We believe that the environment will be better and better and the space for the next generations will also be more beautiful with everyone’s contribution. Don’t drop garbage casual. Don’t drop garbage casual.



创建美好环境 共享美好生活
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每一滴水 都是万物的雨露 每一缕阳光 都是上帝的恩赐 留下一份情 赠出一份爱 留下雨水和阳光 用情与爱 拥抱自然
"One thousand years, humans to th attitude to the nature of the war, the environment of wild animals, wanto trigger-happy superpowerdom, and of self-righteous victory. Nature, an more abuse Japan to Japan, but Ja appreciate the natural, protect the n and the nature organically fuses in
• 英国人威廉· 林赛十年前在雁栖镇建立长城 环保组织,吸纳6名当地村民作为环保员, 定期到长城上捡拾垃圾。威廉和环保员们 以及他们所请志愿者十年来捡拾的垃圾已 达数千公斤。然而,威廉日前调查显示, 在长城上随处丢弃垃圾的游客仍占百分之 七十五。
“将环保进行到底” • "Will the environmental prote end"

环境保护 环境污染 中英文PPT课件

环境保护 环境污染 中英文PPT课件
Water Pollution
White Pollution
White Pollution
White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family.
damage 危害
THE SECOND damage 环境污染的危害
Pollution is harmful to human beings. Polluted water causes many kinds of diseases .sometimes these diseases even take man's life.polluted air also does great harm to people’s health.
• The world is changing all the time.The environment is getting worse and worse and it has affected our lives . However ,most of peole haven't realised the importance of protecting environment.
污染对人类有害。水污染引起了多种疾病,有时 候这些疾病甚至带走了人的生命。污染了的空气 也对人类健康有害。
now the most urgent problem is air pollution in our country.

英语环境污染PPT 精品 PPT课件

英语环境污染PPT 精品 PPT课件
地形或地面状况复杂的地区,会形成局部地区的热力环流,如山区的山谷 风,滨海地区的海陆风,以及城市的热岛效应等,都会对该地区的大气污 染状况发生影响。
烟气运行时,碰到高的丘陵和山地,在迎风面会发生下沉作用,引起附 近地区的污染。烟气如越过丘陵,在背风面出现涡流,污染物聚集,也会形 成严重污染。在山间谷地和盆地地区,烟气不易扩散,常在谷地和坡地上 回旋。特别在背风坡,气流作螺旋运动,污染物最易聚集,浓度就更高。 夜间,由于谷底平静,冷空气下沉,暖空气上升,易出现逆温,整个谷地在 逆温层覆盖下,烟云弥漫,经久不散,易形成严重污染。 位于沿海和沿湖的城市,白天烟气随着海风和湖风运行,在陆地上易形成 “污染带”。
也就是说,从平均值看,名校毕业生的 收入就 已经遥 遥领先 好几倍 ,更不 用说那 些高薪 行业的 实际收 入差距 了。 好的大学,不一定保证每一个人都会有 高收入 ,但他 的确能 够为你 提供通 向高收 入的第 一块敲 门砖。 2 开学季前几天,老家的一个远房表兄传 来消息 ,刚满 17岁的 表侄小 立不愿 意再继 续读高 三,准 备辍学 去打工 。 表兄很是着急,把家族里学历比较高的 我也搬 了出来 ,希望 我能劝 劝小立 。 “我虽然这些年到处打工也挣了一些钱 ,但这 样挣钱 太辛苦 了,我 不希望 他重走 我的老 路,” 堂兄苦 口婆心 ,一再 强调, “你一 定要好 好劝劝 他:不 上学以 后没有 出路。 ” 刚开始我和这位00后表侄在微信上聊的 时候, 非常话 不投机 。 我问他:不想读书是不是觉得功课太难 了? 他答道:也没有多难,就是不想太累了 ,高考 复习很 无聊。 我劝他:再坚持几个月,苦一阵子熬一 熬就过 去了。 他回答得很干脆:太没劲!考上又能怎 么样? 现在我 家邻居x x大学 毕业上 班了, 挣的还 没我爸 高呢! 我再问他:你爸爸现在一身伤病常年要 吃药, 你不是 不知道 吧,还 有,你 爸爸为 了多挣 点钱, 一年到 头在外 面跑, 只有过 年才能 回家一 趟,这 些你也 很清楚 吧? 他无话可说了。 最后,我实在忍不住,不得不扎他一句 : “如果现在你连高考都比不过别人,凭 什么以 后你能 比别人 成功? ” 微信那头一阵静默。 后来,小立打消了退学的念头,告诉家 人他会 继续读 书,备 战高考 。 从十八线小城出身,依靠读书这条独木 桥,到 如今过 上在旁 人眼里 还不错 生活的 我,只 想用自 己的亲 身经历 ,告诉 小立这 样的年 轻人: 在本该吃点苦的年纪,千万不能选择安 逸,否 则只会 错过最 好的改 变命运 的机会 。 现在不读书,不吃苦,换来的是一生辛 苦。 3 这个世界有许多你不得不承认,也必须 要遵循 的铁律 ,其中 一条就 是: 你现在不勉强自己,以后生活会勉强你 。 名嘴窦文涛说过他自己的经历: “你知道如果我不勉强自己,顺其自然 是一种 什么样 的生活 吗? 那就是我们家三个大老爷们,睡到快吃 午饭再 起床, 中午吃 一大盆 饺子, 吃完了 躺在沙 发睡一 下午, 晚上再 接着吃 ,吃完 继续睡 !” 三十多年前的1985年,不甘心得过且过 的窦文 涛,放 弃了接 班父亲 在工厂 里当工 人的机 会,勉 强了自 己一把 。 他苦读三年,从湖北考入武汉大学新闻 系,毕 业后进 入媒体 打拼。 时至今日,窦文涛已经成为家喻户晓的 知名主 持人, 他的节 目影响 着成千 上万人 。 窦文涛以前在农村生活过很长时间,为 此他也 常常自 嘲说小 时候见 识不够 多。 但他无论是读书期间,还是毕业工作后 ,从来 没有停 止过学 习提升 自己。 有一次,鲁豫曾经问他: “你为什么还要勉强自己去学那些建筑 、历史 、诗词 名画呢 ,你本 身并不 那么喜 欢,顺 其自然 不好吗 ?” 窦文涛回答: “我就是想勉强一下自己。我想看看除 了吃饭 睡觉晒 太阳, 还有没 有别的 有意思 的事情 。” 蔡康永也表达过类似的看法。 他在《给残忍社会的善意短信》中这样 说到: “15岁觉得游泳难,放弃游泳,到18岁 遇到一 个你喜 欢的人 约你去 游泳, 你只好 说:我 不会耶 。 18岁觉得英文难,放弃英文,28岁出现 一个很 棒但要 会英文 的工作 ,你只 好说: 我不会 耶。” 前半生越嫌麻烦,后半生就越多麻烦, 不请自 来,甩 都甩不 掉。 4 网上一直流传着马云对年轻人的一句忠 告: 干着我80岁就能干的事,你要青春干嘛 ? “当你不去旅行,不去冒险,不去拼一 份奖学 金,不 过没试 过的生 活,整 天挂着 QQ, 刷着微 博,逛 着淘宝 ,玩着 网游, 干着我8 0岁都 能做的 事,你 要青春 干嘛? ” 这段话的出处到底是不是马云,已经不 重要了 ,重要 的是, 他说明 了一个 道理: 现在的不读书,不吃苦,让你轻松一阵 子,但 等以后 堕入平 庸,再 无翻身 机会之 时,你 所面对 的问题 和麻烦 ,却是 一辈子 的。 不读书,在现在日新月异高速发展的时 代,失 去的是 尝试改 变的机 会。 我的那位表兄,他和我哥哥是初中同学 ,曾经 信奉读 书无用 论,高 中没读 完就去 上海打 工了。 最初那几年,他做学徒工挣的钱都比我 们家族 任何一 个上班 族都要 多,也 很是让 他和他 的家人 引以为 傲了一 阵子。 但几年后,他就在一次意外事故中摔伤 了腰, 从此再 也不能 干重活 ,工作 也不固 定,全 国好多 个地方 跑来跑 去,做 各种小 生意养 家糊口 。 现在,年龄大了,日子却越来越辛苦了 。 而我哥哥和他们班大多数同学则按部就 班完成 了学业 ,毕业 后有的 去了大 城市, 有的继 续读书 深造当 上了大 学老师 ,还有 的成为 公务员 ,虽然 收入也 不一定 很高薪 ,但至 少能保 证自己 和家人 衣食无 忧。 没有学历背景,没有抓住改变自己命运 的机会 ,一直 是堂兄 的心病 ,所以 这些年 他一直 不遗余 力敦促 自己的 儿子好 好读书 ,通过 教育改 变自己 乃至整 个家族 的命运 。 尝尽人生冷暖的堂兄,在吃过生活的各 种苦头 后才发 现,人 活在什 么样的 圈子里 ,就会 有什么 样的人 生格局 。 一个十几岁的年轻人,先不说能不能上 名校, 一旦他 脱离学 校,没 有机会 提升学 历,掌 握技能 ,一辈 子也难 有机会 进入更 高的圈 子了。 考上大学,进入名校,就是融入圈子, 提升层 次的最 好途径 。 名校,给你的绝不是一张文凭,或者一 份高薪 ,而是 区别于 普通人 的人生 轨迹, 给你更 多选择 的机会 。 这世上没有哪条路是所谓人生捷径,而 读书, 才是真 正相对 轻松的 那条路 。 只有它,不计较你的出身,贫富和家境 ,只看 重你的 付出和 努力。 我们无法决定自己的起点,但读书和教 育,可 以改变 转折点 ,让我 们有更 多的选 择权和 自主权 。 人生之路,方能越走越宽。 我不这么选择,而是去走另外一条路 ,也许 我会不 一样。 不管是 事业有 成的, 还是看 起来生 活安逸 的,好 像大家 都不太 满意自 己的状 态。 如果每个人在出发时都能清楚知道现在 走的这 条路不 适合自 己,我 相信很 多人会 放弃这 条路, 去尝试 另外那 条未知 的路。 但当我们在另外一条路上开始过上了另 一种生 活,又 发现那 不是自 己喜欢 或是想 要的, 甚至觉 得比以 前更加 糟糕, 不知道 我们会 不会更 加后悔 ?· 很多人都不容易满足。自己拥有的,总 是觉得 还不够 好;自 己得到 的,总 是觉得 还不够 多。自 己没有 的,看 见别人 拥有了 ,很嫉 妒;自 己没得 到的, 看见别 人得到 了,很 在乎。 曾看过这样一句话:人们总是从自己选 择的人 生,看 向自己 没有选 择的另 一种人 生,感 到羡慕 ,感到 后悔。 人性的 不满足 ,让很 多人无 法真正 享受他 们所选 择的幸 福。 2 我的上司生在农村,考上大学后在学生 会担任 主席。 在学习 上,他 异常刻 苦认真 ,成绩 非常出 色,很 受学校 老师和 领导赏 识。毕 业那年 ,他被 推荐留 校工作 。 现在他已经是副教授,在这座省会城市 有自己 的房子 和车子 ,妻子 又是学 校附属 医院的 医生, 虽然算 不上特 别富裕 ,但这 种既光 鲜又稳 定的生 活还是 让很多 人羡慕 。有时 候,我 就希望 能够拥 有像他 一样的 人生。 但某天,我的上司却告诉我,他很羡慕 他那些 去了一 线城市 打拼的 同学。 他说: “如果 十几年 前我没 有留在 学校, 而是去 了北上 广深, 我会不 会比现 在更加 出色? 我是不 是不会 如此羡 慕他们 ?” 我没有回答他,因为如果换做是我,可 能在同 别人进 行比较 时也会 觉得有 些失落 和不满 足。 这种心态应该挺普遍吧。当一个人达到 了一个 层次, 过上了 一种生 活,自 然又会 看见并 且赞叹 另一些 人的人 生,觉 得那


Governments collaborate internationally to share resources, knowledge, and technologies to address environmental challenges.
The Future and Our Role
Objectives of the Presentation
To introduce the audience to the concept of environmental protection.
To highlight the importance of environmental protection and its impact on society and the economy.
To provide information on sustainable development and practical ways to protect the environment.
The Environment and Human
The Ecosystem
Methods for reducing waste include using sustainable packaging materials, such as paper or cardboard; using recyclable items, such as glass or aluminum; and composting organic waste.

Protecting Habitats


• Challenges and solutions for garbage classification: raising public awareness, improving regulatory systems, and strengthening regulatory efforts.
The development of environmental protection
With the continuous progress of technology and the improvement of environmental awareness, environmental protection has gone through a development process from end of pipe governance to source control, from single means to comprehensive implementation.
Basic knowledge of environmental protection
Ecosystem and Biodiversity
The composition and function of ecosystems
including biological communities, non biological environments, and their interactions.
At the same time, with the rapid development of clean energy, circular economy, green technology and other fields, new solutions and development opportunities have been provided for environmental protection.



Water pollution affects plants that live in these bodies of water and in almost all cases the effect is damaging either to individual species and populations but also to the natural biological communities.
本课件仅供大家学习学习 学习完毕请自觉删除
谢谢 本课件仅供大家学习学习
学习完毕请自觉r environmen t is in emergency
Everybody knows waste paper and used coke cans are thrown everywhere. You might have seen plastic bags flying in the sky and getting caught in the trees when the wind blows or maybe you have seen old cans floating in the rivers and polluting the water. Our environment is the place in which we live, but
it is being ruined by us.
Air pollution is becoming a severe problem, which
mainly caused by transport action and factories production.
The air pollution changes the conditions that we depend on, such as the greenhouse effect and the acid rain. It causes many diseases, too.

英文版《绿色环保》 PPT

英文版《绿色环保》 PPT

2.Pollution source
Energy use. With the rapid growth of our economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the energy demand is rising. The emission of sulfur dioxide in China is increasing rapidly. This is the main cause of the longest and most harmful acid rain pollution in southwest China. Motor vehicle exhaust In recent years, the number of motor vehicles in major cities of China has increased by a large margin, and vehicle exhaust gas has become an important source of urban air pollution. In addition, automobile emissions of lead are also important pollutants in the urban atmosphere.
Green environmental protection is a kind of behavior that human beings take in order to protect nature. Here the meaning of the green logo is that the logo is made up of three parts, namely, the green environmental protection below, the left and right leaves and the bud in the center, symbolizing natural ecology. The color is green, symbolizing life, agriculture, environmental protection. The figure is positive circle, meaning protection.
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Caring for Our Earth
Water protection
We all know that water is very important in our life.
All kinds of beautiful water
Water scarcity and pollution has become one of the most important things in recent years. In this chapter we’ll discuss both fresh water and wastewater treatment, either for reuse or disposal in the environment "without polluting it. "
volcanoes pollute the earth's atmosphere naturally.
What caused the air pollution?
• 2. people • The most serious kind of air pollution comes
from people. Factories, power stations, and vehicles exhausts pump harmful gases into the air, contributing to global warming, causing acid rain, and destroying the ozone layer.
2. Particulate matter(PM2.5)
A kind of statistics about the diameter of matters we can breathe in.
The most important element of the air pollution
• 1.carbon dioxide(CO2) • 2.carbon monoxide(CO) • 3.suldur dioxide(SO2) • 4. ……
Is it a curse for us?
Bring them back to our life!
What do you think of it?
Aren’t we grieved?
Water pollutiial losses
Aren’t we WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT ? d• angerous?
Let’s care for our home
These views may be just memories
Long long ago,our mother earth is an amazing planet with deep blue water and sky.There are kinds of wild animals which had a happy life at the sake of god.
The pollution in cities
Smoking cigarettes
Some important point about air pollution
1.Air pollution index.(API)
Air pollution index is a group of numbers which show how serious the air pollution is.
Drought Pollution
Approximately 300 million nationwide have no access to clean water. Furthermore, over 700 million Chinese drink fetid water below World Health Organization standards. Almost 90% of underground water in cities are affected by pollution and 80% of China’s rivers fail to meet standards for fishing. Almost all of the nation's rivers are considered polluted to some degree, and half of the population lacks access to clean drinking water .Ninety percent of urban water bodies are severely polluted.
➢Automobile exhaust
➢Idustrial waste gas ➢ Incinerted gas
➢The lose caused by pollution occupy 3.05% of all GDP.
Reasons of death Malignant tumor(恶性肿瘤) cerebrovascular disease(脑血管病)
Water pollution manage water pollution
Take action now!
Air pollution
What caused the air pollution?
• 1. nature • Sandstorms and the dust and gases from
What is the reaction of our countries over the world?
• Kyoto Protocol!
Kyoto - success or failure?
• Kyoto should be viewed as a stepping stone to more drastic action. And that action is required