






每天要保证足够的学习时间,建议至少 4-6 个小时。

















设定一个固定的时间段,如25 分钟,在这段时间内专注于一项任务,然后休息 5 分钟。

















应对策略:1. 聚焦听力材料的关键信息,包括人物观点、事实细节、关系等;2. 记录笔记,帮助记忆听力材料的内容;3. 理清问题的要求,确定回答的重点;4. 回答问题时要简洁明了,避免啰嗦。




应对策略:1. 明确自己的观点,可以选择赞同或反对事物,并列出理由;2. 举例论证,可以通过个人经历或社会案例支持观点;3. 使用合适的语言表达,例如使用连词、过渡词等使思路更为清晰;4. 合理控制回答的时间,不要超时或不足。




应对策略:1. 听力材料结束后,尽快阅读问题提示,明确问题要求;2. 回顾听力材料,重点关注与问题相关的信息;3. 使用合适的语言表达,清晰陈述观点和理由;4. 注意回答问题时的条理性,可以使用段落链接词使回答更有逻辑性。







新托福口语模板41. TOPIC SENTENCE: The professor talks about the theory that。

SUPPORTING DETAILS: He/she gives one/two examples to illustrate/explain such a point.(接下来陈述实验对象,实验过程,实验结果)。

2、(1)类型:The reading passage: definitionListening passage: examples, study, research 模版:The reading passagegives the definition of(关键的抽象词)。

XXX is(定义的内容)In the listening passage,the professor goes on todemonstrate it by introducing some researches / examples. This first is(最后一句注意挂钩)The second is(同样挂钩)(2)类型:The reading passage: the phenomenon / the problem/the process /somefunctions/some featuresListening passage: research, analysis.。

.模版:the reading passage describes the phenomenon / the problem/the process /somefunctions/some features(关键的抽象词)。




























雅思口语-搭建口语逻辑-“头脑风暴”法Brainstorming is a creative technique that can gather a large amount of ideas to answer different topic and variety of questions in IELTS Oral test. This skill is especially effective to enhance either quantity or quality of ideas that can boost an examinee’s morale necessary for the exam.There are three rules that should be followed in order to obtain a satisfying result from brainstorming:Firstly, the examinee should learn to focus on the quantity of his/her answers. This rule is a means of enhancing excellent production and produce extraordinary ideas that can be used for the test. How to make an answer unique and extraordinary with knowledgeable contents are the most essential things that should be done before the exam. Thus, by reading brainstorming books or by brainstorming with other people can help to gain an ideal band score in the IELTS Oral Exam.Secondly, learn to welcome unusual ideas and get a long list of ideas. They can be generated by looking from new perspectives and suspending assumptions. These new ways of thinking may provide better answer or solution to the questions in the test. Personal opinions or from others are especially welcomed by the examiners in the test. So, brainstorming with other people or reading different kinds of answers will be very helpful when taking the exam.Lastly, combine and improve ideas through brainstorming. Good ideas should be combined to form a single excellent idea and stimulate the building of an idea by the process of the association. It is critical to be able to gather different perspective and thinking to form an effective answer for the test. Examiners would really appreciate to hear not only knowledgeable answers but also answers that have depth.And also, after following the three rules mentioned above, surely it will help examinees stretch their minds further and therefore produce more creative ideas that can work as a huge advantage for them in the test. Below is an example on how to brainstorm about the questions of the IELTS oral English.EQUIPMENT1. What is your favorite electrical equipment that is in your house?Answer:1. My favorite electrical equipment in my house would be the television…2. I cannot imagine living without my computer …3. I appreciate my blender very much ….Explain:1. because it is my major source of entertainment after a hard day’s work.2. for the reason that I can reach my work , networks, social circles, hobbies and source of entertainment through this equipment.3. simply because it gives me the refreshments that I want and need for my good health.Opinion:1. I think almost all households have at least one or more ofthis at home.2. In my opinion, most people especially the youth at present time would not survive without a computer.3. Personally, I think I can make lots of experiments on fruit shakes just by using my blender.Sample Answer:I cannot imagine living without a computer for the reason that I can reach my work, networks, social circles, hobbies and source of entertainment through this equipment. I think that almost all households have at least one or more of this at home. In my opinion, most people especially the youth at present time would not survive without a computer.2. What kind of electrical equipment do you think is hard to use?Answer:1. I think the sound system is very complicated to u se …2. I find the modern version projector difficult to use…3. I am having a hard time with using an electric floor polisher…Explain:1. because I get confused with the different kinds of buttons for each of the settings for each of the microphone.2. because this equipment seem to be sensitive and fragile.3. because I find it too heavy and too slow.Opinion:1. In my opinion, only sound technicians or people who are trained for it would be able to operate the sound system confidently and comfortably.2. Personally, I would rather use the older version projector which seems easier and less intricate.3. Personally, I would rather prefer to use the coconut husk and do the floor polishing manually so that it would be a lot faster.Sample Answer:I think the sound system is very complicated to use because I get confused with the different kinds of buttons for each of the settings for each of the microphone. In my opinion, only sound technicians or people who are trained for it would be able to operate the sound system confidently and comfortably. Personally, I find this equipment to be sensitive and fragile.3. Why people rely on using electrical equipments nowadays?Answer:1. People are too dependent on using electrical equipments nowadays for the sake of c onvenience….2. Nowadays, people would like to take short cuts …3. People have no choice as modern day equipments are now mostly electricalExplain:1. due to the demands of life’s daily tasks and routines.2. because they could accomplish more things and rest earlier too if they have efficient ways of doing things.3. that is why they buy whatever is being offered at the department stores that would suit their needs.Opinion:1. I think that people tend to get lazier because of this.2. Personally, I think that people tend not to be able to develop more manual skills because of this.3. In my opinion, people are willing to spend for the sake of convenience.Sample Answer:People are too dependent on using electrical equipmentsnowadays for the sake of convenience and nowadays, people would like to take shortcuts too. This is due to the demands of life’s daily tasks and routines and also because people could accomplish more things and rest earlier too if they have efficient ways of doing things. Personally, I think that people tend not to be able to develop more manual skills because of this and they tend to get lazier too.Part II - In IELTS Oral English part II the candidate should talk for 1-2 minutes. To be able to do that 15-30 sentences should be organized for each topic.Describe an electrical equipment that you use everyday (except computer)What I am currently doing the treadmill everyday.Who This was advised by my best friendWhy because she was concerned about my weight gain. Doing the treadmill serves as our cardio exercise for a healthier heart. This is also to keep our body fit.Where I used to go to my best friend’s house to use her treadmill but now I go to the gym because it is nearer our place.When I started to do treadmill around January of this year. I am currently doing it everyday now.为雅思口语加分:改述法(Paraphrase)的妙用相信大部分雅思烤鸭在准备口语考试的过程中都面临过两大问题:“不知道说什么” 和“不知道用英文怎么说” 。



QuestionThree新托福口语技巧TOEFL Ibt Oral English task three is an integrated task. In this task, you must first read a school notice, listen to a conversation between two students about the notice, and then summarize the notice and one student’s reaction to i t.You have 45 seconds to read the notice and take notes. After you listen to the conversation, you have 30 seconds to organize your answer and then 60 seconds to speak. As a turning point, this is the first of the four Integrated Tasks in the Speaking section. The short reading passage is essentially about a topic of campus-related interest. And two people will discuss that topic and express an opinion about the topic from the reading.The general areas from which these topics are typically drawn include university policies, rules or procedures.This sample question consists of announcement of a university’s decision to increase tuition and a discussion between students about whether the increase is justified.Narrator: In this question you will read a short passage about a campus situation and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then answer a question using information from both the reading passage and the talk. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.Then you will hear this:Narrator: City University is planning to increase tuition and fees. Read the announcement about the increase from the president of City University.Announcement from the president:The university has decided to increase tuition and fees for all students by approximately 8% next semester. For the past 5 years, the tuition and fees have remained the same, but it is necessary to increase them now for several reasons. The university has many more students than we had five years ago, and we must hire additional professors to teach these students. We have also made a new commitment to research andtechnology and will be renovating and upgrading our laboratoryfacilities to better meet our student’s nee ds.You will then hear;Narrator: Now listen to two students as they discuss the announcementMan: Oh great we have to come up with more money next semester.Woman: Yeah, I know, but I can see why. When I first started here, classes were so much smaller than they are now. With this many students, it’s hard to get the personal attention you need…Man: Yeah, I guess you’re right. You know, in some classes I can’t even get a seat. And I couldn’t take the math course I wanted to because it was already full when I signed up.Woman: And the other thing is, well, im kind of worried about not being able to get a job after I graduate.Man: Why? I mean you’re doing really well in your classes, aren’t you?。



1、图片题,是几个人在野餐,一个女人夹了一勺蔬菜,选qui veut un peu de salade?2、问闹钟的价格,选16.75欧3、四幅图片,听到了。

mal 选牙医给病人看病那个4、短对话,无选项prendre rendez-vous 选几点见面那个a 。

heure…5、好像超市要关门,赶紧结账之类的6、女人的车坏了,让男帮她修,男的说没空,女的说今晚呢,男后来勉强答应了,然后rendez-vous 了一下,问女人晚上怎么去?选的是elle va avec sa voiture,去见garagiste,不确定哈问题听得不是很清楚,因为车en panne了不知道是什么样的问题,一旦en panne就不能开了么还是可以开去见男。


此处发挥你的想象力)两男对话,一说要去bretagne,一说要rester a paris,注意变态的来了,问其中一个的女友哪里去疯。

此人女友跟我实在没有缘分,我蒙的一个travaiile a paris 让她在巴黎加班然后累死吧。


8、报名送孩子入学,记得好像是母亲嫌某个学校不好,没太记清细节,选une seule place,..9、男顾客不满意,语气很急很不淡定,选C了不满意那一个10、两人谈喜欢做什么,听到了jardin, fleure, jaune 后来就选了jardinage 或者是jardinerie11、电话咨询(这个在机经上出现了)一女电话问某服装有没有存货什么尺寸什么颜色,店员回复什么尺寸颜色都有,A是reserver 差点选了这个C是renseignment 后来改成这个答案因为没有听到关于此女想订货的意思12、问职业男人说什么appareil photo之类的选photographe,不确定,也许是journaliste 细节还是细节啊!!!备考的同学,千万训练自己的细节!13、电梯坏了选monter a pied14、在海边一个广播annonce 说危险,出事不负责之类,A说晚上可以去游C 是不可以去选C了15、打电话,对话说占线请patienter选这个attendre 不要着急16、两人谈论搬新地方,要做很多事,问一人不愿意做什么,对话中出现peinture, tableau, decoration等等,但好像对这些比较有兴趣,所以选了个plombier.17、好像有一个女约男去游泳,男说horreur de l’eau,选tour 去散步那个18、工作时间,听明白了,但可能还是有细节没注意到,男的说他有很多bcp de temps libre,选时答案不是很分明我选的是他想travail completla vie quotidienne不知道对不对请教高手了20、好像有问路题比较简单,忘了选项了21、一个人宣布要结婚了好像22、交通工具吧很嘈杂有voiture 选en train23、bank ATM取款要收费了24、有背景音乐,讲chansons francaises ou chansons francophones festival 选了个为宣传一个音乐节的activites musicaux25、长的对话访谈类教育方面大学生该怎么样26、医生讲述各种治疗方法的特点27、写作与青年一代的关系影响28、家人相聚越来越难了不在一个城市根本不见面在一个城市也难选difficle …dans la meme ville我的听力跟大连机经遇到一样的有:1、图片题,是几个人在野餐,一个女人夹了一勺蔬菜,选qui veut un peu de salade?2、问闹钟的价格,选16.75欧3、四幅图片,听到了。



该题目要求考生就常见话题展开 讨论,如家庭、学校、朋友等, 考查考生基本的口语表达和组织 能力。
在回答时,考生应尽量使用简单、 清晰的语句,表达自己的观点和 想法。同时,要注意逻辑性和条 理性,按照一定的顺序展开论述。
提前规划备考时间,至少提前三个月开始准备,以便有足够的时 间进行练习和模拟考试。
每天安排一定的时间进行口语练习,如朗读、跟读、复述等,保 持语感和口语表达的流畅性。
在备考后期,进行模拟考试,模拟真实考试环境和考试流程,提 高应试能力。
注重语音语调的练习,尤其是对于非英语为母语的考生,语音语调的 准确性和流畅性对于口语表达至关重要。
每天安排一定的时间进行口语练习, 保持持续的练习状态。
在一段时间内集中精力进行口语练 习,提高练习效率和效果。
根据托福口语考试的题型和难度, 分阶段进行练习和提高。
定期进行托福口语模拟考试,检验 自己的练习成果和水平。
托福考试始于20世纪60年代,经过多次修订和更新,目前使用的是新托福考试 (iBT)。
新托福考试以互联网为依托,采用计算机标准化评分,测试内容包括听力、阅 读、写作和口语四个部分。
考生需要在官方授权的托 福考试中心或官方指定的 考点进行考试。



iBT中国大陆06、07年口语考试内容06.9.151.Choose one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specific details in your explanation.2.Some college students prefer to attend classes regularly because they believe that only in the class atmosphere can they focus on the reading. Others, however, believe that the best reading can only be done outside the classroom. Which reading method do you think is better and why?3.Reading passage:Student Health Center CancellationThe university has decided to cancel the student health center on campus. The reason is that a new hospital has been opened recently in the local community. Because the new hospital is very close to the campus end most students can have convenient access to it, and also because the new hospital comes with a lot of first-class medical equipment, which the student health center lacks, the student health center‟s existence is not justified anymore. Also, the money saved by canceling the student health center will be used to amplify the library storage.The woman expresses her opinion of the school‟s cancellation of the student health center. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. 4.Reading passage:False ConsensusSocial-psychologists point out that many people, when acting among others, tend to believe that their thought represents the ideas of the majority in the population, or at least, they feel at ease because their opinions don‟ t contradict those of the mainstream. Ironically, revealed by recent studies, this feeling of “consensus” is not true.On the contrary, though many people comfortably assume that their opinion is as common as every others‟ will be, their points sometimes can differ greatly or evenoppose each other. This attention-grabbing social-psychological discovery is called “False Consensus”.The professor takes an example to demonstrate “False Consensus”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The man discusses two possible solutions to the woman‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a biology lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how a newly-brought-in plant can be harmful to the local system.06.10.81.Everyone has to leave home sometimes. What do you miss the most when you are away from home? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation, 2.Some students prefer the internet-based teaching. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of studying do you prefer and why?3.Reading passage:Adding Evening ClassesThe school computer lab has planned to add a few evening classes to its opening schedule. Usually, the computer lab only opens from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. Nevertheless, because of the rapid increase of student numbers in recent years and the limited seats of the computer lab, it has become progressively difficult to meet each student‟s requirements. Therefore, in order to be able to serve the students better, the administrators have decided to add evening classes in the computer lab from 6pm to 9pm, Monday to Friday.The man expresses his opinion of the university‟s plan. Stale his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage;Nonverbal LanguagesNonverbal languages refer to human emotional expressions without involving verbal statements. Facial expressions and body movements are the two mostly attributed types of nonverbal languages.It is generally believed that nonverbal languages function as the enhancement of emotional expressions when they consist with verbal languages. However, under the circumstances that nonverbal languages and verbal languages contradict in thecontents they express, nonverbal languages are more likely to release peoples‟ true emotions.The professor takes two examples to illustrate the theory of “Nonverbal Languages”. Explain how the examples are related to the reading passage.5.The woman discusses two possible solutions to the man‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of an art lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the examples of colors and textures demonstrate the effects of visual elements on viewers.06.10.151.Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What‟s your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.2.Some students tend to study in a large class. Others study in small classes. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?3.Reading passage:A Change of the OrientationThe university has decided to make a change to the first-year student orientation program. Usually, all first-year students are highly recommended to take the two-day hiking trip orientation as part of the school tradition. However, the school authorities have made the decision of replacing the two-day hiking trip with a new orientation consisting of only one-day hiking or a one-day game. Either of them is available to first-year students, depending on each individual‟s choice. By composing this major adjustment, the school is reasoning that freshmen students may be more willing to welcome a short orientation and also the new orientation is easier for students to make their individual choice.The man expresses his opinion of the university‟s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Diffusion of ResponsibilityDiffusion of responsibility is a social-psychological phenomenon which tends to occur in groups of people above a certain critical size when responsibility is not explicitly assigned.Normally, people would feel responsible for lending hands to others in emergency. However, sometimes, they may also fail to respond to obvious urgent situations, when their responsibility is not clearly assigned and they have reasons to believe that some other people will certainly help out. This is called diffusion of responsibility.The professor takes two examples to illustrate the phenomenon of “Diffusion of Responsibility”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The woman discusses two possible solutions to the man‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a biology lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the example of thunder-birds and drought demonstrates the effect of climate changes on animal.06.10.211.What kind of qualities should a good leader possess? Please state your opinion and give specific details and examples in your explanation.2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please explain your opinion. People should always tell the truth.3.Reading passage:Close of the Art GalleryThe university is going to close the art gallery and redecorate it into an office building. This decision is based on the following rationale: firstly, the school has noticed that the art gallery is taken advantage of by art majors for display only occasionally. More often, ii remains empty. Secondly, even during the period of exhibition, few students pay a visit to the gallery.The man expresses his opinion of the university‟s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Self-fulfilling PropheciesThe self-fulfilling prophecy is a psychological phenomenon whereby a person believes something to be true, acts on that belief and by his actions causes the beliefto become true eventually.Normally, people all live under certain expectations from others. Once an individual accepts the social expectations toward him as true and realistic, he will first take these social beliefs and then formulate them into his own confidence. After that, he starts to respond to his beliefs by taking practical actions. Finally, the social expectations on the individual become true, as a result of his continual efforts.The professor takes an example to illustrate the phenomenon of “Self-fulfilling Prophecies”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The woman discusses two possible solutions to the man‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explainwhy.6.Now listen to part of an economy lecture.Please State the major points in the lecture. Explain how the example of bread in the 18th century challenges the traditional theory of the relationship between price and demand.06.10.221.Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in your explanation.2.Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why?3.Reading passageBuilding an Internet Question WebsiteThe university health center has become overcrowded recently. Actually, Southern University, the university located in another state, faced a similar situation a few years ago. However, what they did was to establish an internet question website, which provided answers to simple health questions from students. Since many simple health problems had been solved successfully through the internet, students visiting the school health center soon found out that they didn‟t‟ t have to wait in long lines like before. Thus, the fund raised up by our university to build a new health center could instead be used to establish an internet question website.The woman expresses her opinion of the student‟s proposal about how to utilize the health fund. State her onion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Bridge ShiftingBridge shifting is a movie-making technique which helps movie makers to switch between different scenes. Applicators of this skill intentionally skip certain time slots orspatial distances to shorten the overall film length.Despite the omitting of quite a few pictures, the director‟s train of thought would still be clear and comprehensible to movie viewers. This is because the scenes left outfrom the film could be accordingly compensated by the viewers‟ daily experiences, if proper guidance is offered.The professor takes two examples to illustrate the movie-making skill of “Bridge Shifting”. Explain how the examples are related to the reading passage.5.The man discusses two possible solutions to the woman‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a science lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the examples of the universal remote controller and cell phones demonstrate the effect of modern technologies on people‟s daily lives.06.10.281.Usually, novels, magazines and poetry are considered the three major forms of literature. Which one do you prefer and explain why you prefer this literature form. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.2.Some students tend to live alone, while others may want to share their rooms with their 2 roommates. Which way of living do you think is better for students and why?3.Reading passage:Apartments off CampusThe university has planned to build off-campus apartments in local communities. The decision is based on the following considerations; firstly, apartments off campus help to save limited campus areas and therefore leave more space for student activities. Secondly, students dwelling off campus usually have better chances to increase their daily communication with local communities, which is essential for their social experience and future job hunting.The woman expresses her opinion of the university‟s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Actor ObservationActor observation is a psychological description of the fact that people tend to give different attributors toward the same conduct, when they themselves play roles in the action and when they do not.Normally, people would attribute others‟ misbehaviors to inner factors, such as personality defects. Whereas, when the same misdeeds are theirs to blame for, they are more likely to attribute them to external factors, such as environmental pressuresOut of control.The professor takes an example to illustrate the phenomenon of “Actor Observation”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The man provides two possible solutions to the woman‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the Iwo solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the examples ofproud-feeling expression and clay-car-making illustrate the effects of arts on child development.06.10.291.Choose an object you like and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific details in your explanation.2.Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of first observation. Some people believe it takes a long time to know a person well. Which approach to knowing people do you think is better and why?3.Reading passage:A New Art BuildingThe university has decided to construct a new art building to help advance the office and teaching facilities of the arts department. This is because the school administrators are reasoning that the current art building was designed half a century ago and it no longer meets today‟s requirement. In addition, since the neighboring universities all have developed their new art buildings one or two years ago, the school authorities believe it may also help to attract upcoming arts students as soon as the new construction is accomplished.The woman expresses her opinion of the university‟s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Quoting Out of ContextNormally, advertisers attract peoples‟ attention by honestly introducing the properties and advantages of their products, such as revealing the high performance or particular functions of a certain machine.However, sometimes advertisers may also desire less honest techniques in drawing peoples‟ interest. One of these dishonest promotion skills is called “quoting out of context”, which is to say: quoting only a few words from famous reviewers‟ remarks in order to misguide the listeners. Having been cut off from their former contexts, quotations normally distort the original meanings of what the reviewers intended toexpress.The professor takes an example to illustrate the phenomenon of “Quoting out of Context”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The woman discusses two possible solutions to the man‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a science and technology lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain the two ways in which discoveries and inventions are made in human history.06.11.031.Which is your favorite type of movie: action, drama or others? Please include specific details and examples in your explanation.2.Some universities provide physical education. Others believe that physical education is not necessary. What do you think and why‟?3.Reading passage:Postponement of the ElectionThe university has determined to postpone the student union election. Normally, the election of the student union is carried out every May as part of the school tradition. However, the coming election of this year will be held on September instead, because the school authorities have noticed that many students become fully involved with their finals and graduations on May. Therefore, rearranging the election to September could encourage more students to vote. Furthermore, since many new students are expected to be coming by September, they will also be given the chance to vote for their favorite candidates.The man expresses his opinion towards the university‟s plan. State his opinion and ex plain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Buyer’s RemorseBuyer‟s remorse refers to an interesting phenomenon mostly observed in customer services. This feeling generally comes out after the buying decision has been made, or even after the purchase is technically done. When it happens, the consumer suddenly feels regretful about the transaction for no apparent reasons.Therefore, several techniques have been accordingly developed in customer services to handle buyer‟s remorse. For example, the salesperson may visit, or call the customers after sales to make sure they still want the purchase.The professor takes his own example to illustrate the phenomenon of “Buyer‟s Remorse”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The man discusses two possible solutions to the woman‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a business lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the predictive method and the descriptive method are used to help enterprises manage their customer information.06.11.171.Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation.2.Some students prefer to choose universities located in big cities. Others would like to study in universities located in small towns. Please state your opinion and explain why.3.Reading passage:New Policies of the Computer LabThe university computer lab is currently under a new reformation, A few new policies will be added to its regulations to ensure the computer lab provides its best quality service to students. Firstly, not all students are qualified to apply for the job as a computer lab assistant, according to the new policy. Instead, only students who have successfully finished the introduction courses or have relevant working experiences can apply for this job. Secondly, no technicians will be hired as technical supervisors in the computer lab anymore.The woman expresses her opinion of the university‟s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Substitution ActingSubstitution acting is a method of acting, which is widely applied by experienced actors and actresses. There are three steps in applying this acting method:1. Applicators of this method have to define the type of emotions required, such as joy or sorrow, based on the particular role they play.2. Then, applicators must search the data base of their daily experiences for scenes that have provoked themselves that similar emotion in them.3.Finally, applicators would imagine they were in the same scene again when acting,in order to smooth the expression of that specific emotion.The actor takes two examples to illustrate the skill of “Substitution Acting”. Explain how her examples are related to the reading passage.5.The woman discusses two possible solutions to the man s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a modern poetry lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the examples of Alan Poe and the skill of word combination are used to illustrate the effects of accidents on poem writing.06.11.181.If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What‟s your reason for choosing this job‟ Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. 2.If you unexpectedly receive a large amount of money, what will you do with it? Would you spend it for practical purposes or simply for fun? State your opinion and explain your reasons.3.Reading passage:Proposed Improvement to the School Health CenterThe school health center has become very crowded in recent years. Many students visiting the health center find out that they have to wait in long lines before receiving medical treatments. In addition, they also notice that most doctors working in the health center are already overworked.Therefore, some changes should be made to improve the quality of the service of the health center. Firstly, the number of doctors working in the health center should be increased so that more students could be helped at the same moment. Secondly, the health center should be open during the weekends so that fewer students will come to see doctors from Monday to Friday.The man expresses his opinion towards the student‟s suggestion. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.4. Missing the relevant questions5.The woman discusses two possible solutions to the man‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.Now listen to part of a psychology lecture.6.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the example of the job interview illustrates the difference between introverted and extroverted people.06.11.191.What is the best way for students to relax after working hard? Please state your opinion and explain why. Use specific examples and details in your explanation.2.Some students prefer to get up early and sleep early. Some others prefer to get up late and sleep late. Which lifestyle do you think is better for students and why?3.Reading passage:NoticeThe library is going to make a few renovations based on the students‟ feedbacks. Firstly, the old, dirty carpet inside the library will be replaced by wooden floors. This is because wooden floors are relatively easy for cleaning and maintenance compared with carpets. Secondly, a few art works and paintings will be added to the entrance of the library as part of the improved interior decoration. Thirdly, many other outdated devices will be renewed to meet the students‟ requirements.The man expresses his opinion of the library‟s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:AllergiesAllergies are exaggerated body reactions to certain substances, situations or physical states. They are expressed as sneezing, itching, or skin rashes.As a rule, the immune system of our bodies reacts to outside intruders by showing the above alarming signals to draw people‟ s attention. However, under certain circumstances, when the immune system mistakenly rings alarms to harmless stimulisuch as pollen and dusts, allergies happen.The professor takes one example to illustrate the phenomenon of “Allergies”. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The man discusses two possible solutions to the woman‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a lecture.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the example demonstrates the difference between generalized reciprocity and balanced reciprocity. Please explain the definition of the two types of reciprocity first.06.11.211.Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood. Why do you think it was enjoyable? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.2.The best way to know a city is to visit its landmarks and historic sites. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? Please state your opinion and reasons. Use specific details and examples in your statement.3.Reading passage:New Parking PolicyThe school administrators have decided to allow only students living off-campus to use the school parking lots. This is because many students living off-campus complain to the parking administration that they have to drive to school every day but they often cannot find enough parking spaces in the school parking lots, Therefore, students living on-campus are strongly recommended to find other transportation than driving private vehicles.The man expresses his opinion of the university‟s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Tow Principles That Power Your Speeches1) People tend to trust professionals mote than nonprofessionals. Therefore, in order to earn the audience‟s trust, the speaker would better deliver a speech within his own profession. The deeper the lecturer understands what he is to talk about, the easier he is going to be the locus in the meeting.2) The lecturer should also keep eye contact with his audience as often as possible. This is because audiences wouldn‟t easily give their trust to a speech deliverer, until they believe they have received plenty of personal attention from him. So, keeping frequent eye contact helps to impress the audience with your honesty.The professor takes one example to illustrate the two principles in delivering a good speech. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.5.The man discusses two possible solutions to the woman‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Missing relevant questions06.12.031.Describe a social activity which is of special value for you. Please explain why it is of special value for you and include specific examples and details in your explanation.2.When communicating with your friends and families, you can rely on letters, e-mail or telephone calls. Which method of communicating do you think is better and why?3.Reading passage:Restrictions on Sport ActivitiesSouthern University has come to a decision that students are no longer permitted to play soccer on the empty lawn in front of the school gate. Instead, students can lodge an application to the administration department if they want to play soccer in the school court. This restricting policy is based on the following considerations: firstly, playing soccer in front of the school gate may seriously lower the impression of visitors towards Southern University; because Southern University has long established its reputation as a very formal and academic institution. Secondly, soccer players usually litter after a game.The woman expresses her opinion towards the university‟s restrictions, State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.4.Reading passage:Words FramingWords framing is the way that words are paraphrased with a different sequence and emphasis. In other words, words framing is to repeat the same statement from a new perspective.Studies have proven that people are influenced not only by the contents of the words, but also by the way in which the words are phrased.The professor takes two examples to illustrate “words framing”. Explain how the examples are related to the reading passage5.The woman discusses two possible solutions to the man‟s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.6.Now listen to part of a lecture about education.Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain how the example of Mr. Robert illustrates the two characters of good teachers.。



新托福综合口语2. 新托福综合口语,对我来说就像一场头脑的“马拉松”。




3. 新托福综合口语就像一个神秘的宝藏盒。




4. 新托福综合口语就像一场刺激的魔术表演。



7. 新托福综合口语,就像搭建积木城堡。




8. 新托福综合口语,这哪是考试简直是一场紧张刺激的“信息大冒险”。



9. 新托福综合口语像一个超级复杂的拼图。



10. 新托福综合口语,就如同一场跨栏比赛。



独立语料库1.个人知识有知识→更有能力→解决问题→获取好工作XXX(如:Avariety of courses)helps me to gain more knowledge,which can help me solve a lot of problems and boost my confidence.This will make me more likely to have a good job.词组积累:gain more knowledge:积累知识/solve problems:解决问题boost confidence:增加自信/have a good job:获得好工作例子:I am a senior student who studies in Beijing University(a top university in my country)My university provides me with a platform to learn different knowledge. My major is business management.During the past few years,I have learned some related courses,such as economics,accounting,marketing and so on.All these help to lay a solid foundation for my future career.2.团队知识一起合作→共享→更好解决问题Working in a group allows us to share ideas and learn from each other.We can work together and help each other think outside the box to better solve the problem.词组积累:share ideas:分享想法/think outside the box:突破局限性思维例子:Last time I had an internship in a finance company.My xxx were really nice.If Ihad any questions,I’d just ask them directly without waiting and they would patiently answer my questions.So we worked very well together and always finished the work in a good quality.3.独立能力有机会锻炼独立能力→更好照顾自己,适应环境XXX gives me a chance to be independent.It helps me adapt to a new environment,and overcome different problems on my own instead of relying on others for help.词组积累:adapt to适应/overcome problems:克服困难/rely on others for help:依赖别人When I first came to xxx for study,I felt so homesick and just wanted to go home. But gradually I learned how to take care of myself,keep the room clean,cook anice meal and even fix my own clothes!I definitely became more independent. Homesick:思乡/Take care of myself:照顾自己/Become independent:变得独立4.成功励志遇到困难→积极解决→变得自信Last semester,I joined a speech contest in university.To be honest,I didn’t have any talent in public speaking,but I wanted to challenge myself.Therefore,I spent a lot of time on the practice,such as searching for information,writing my speech, improving my body language and so on.No kidding,I even practiced in the washroom(laugh secretly)!Ok,anyway(sounds natural),in the end,I won the first prize in this competition.Since then,I became more and more confident!Amazing experience,right?5.社会经验积累社会经验→适应社会→突颖而出(XXX is a good chance for me to apply what I’ve learned,better master the knowledge on the subject and solving real problems.It also enables me to accumulate social experience,which helps me better adapt to modern society and allows me to distinguish myself from my peers(脱颖而出).1.文化有机会接触不同文化→拓展视野→多方面看问题→融入新环境XXX gives me a chance to expose myself to a different culture,which expands my horizons and allows me to see things in a different perspective.This helps me adapt to new environments better.词组积累:expose to a different culture:接触新文化/expand horizon:扩大视野see things in a different perspective:多角度看问题例子:Last time I visited India,I was amazed.The way they dress and behave was so different.Their food and customs were also different.They would also shake their head when they mean to say yes!That was very interesting and definitely expanded my horizon.Amazed:震撼/Wear jewelry:穿戴首饰/Pierce nose:穿鼻洞/Shake head:2.钱无收入→省钱/赚钱→经济独立/减轻负担As a student,I don’t have a regular income,so XXX allows me to earn/save money. So that I can do the things I want,become financially independent and reduce family’s financial burden.词组积累:regular income:稳定收入/financially independent:经济独立reduce family’s financial burden:减轻家庭负担3.放松减压有压力→放松→焕然一新,更好集中注意力XXX is a good habit to develop,so when I feel stressed,it helps me to blow off some steam/take a break from study/relax/release pressure,therefore,I can feel refreshed and better focus on my work.词组积累:develop a habit:形成习惯/feel stressed:压力很大/blow off some steam:放松减压refreshed:焕然一新4.长辈帮助多年工作经验→给出有用的建议→更好解决问题+避免不必要的错误Having been working for so many years,XXX are more knowledgeable and experienced.Therefore,they will be able to provide insightful suggestions to help their xxx better solve problems,so xxx can avoid unnecessary mistakes.词组积累:knowledgeable:知识渊博的/experienced:经验丰富的insightful suggestions:有用的建议/avoid unnecessary mistakes:避免不必要的错误I remember the year I graduated from high school.I was very concerned. Fortunately,my XXX helped me figure it out.She told me to follow my interest and shared a lot of her experience with me,she even helped me search for information about the schools online.Now I’m studying at my dream school!5.增进感情有机会一起做某事→share daily life→增进感情Xxx is a good way to connect with family and friends,especially in modern society,everyone is so busy with their work,so XXX provides a chance for us to share our daily life and communicate more frequently,we would have more topics to discuss,therefore it will strengthen our relationship.词组积累:connect with:更好沟通/communicate more frequently:沟通频繁/strengthen relationship:增进感情例子:Music and movie are common topics that I can share with many people.Like my friend Amy and I are both big fans of music.Even though we now both are very busy with study/work,we would still find time to go to a concert together.We would talk about the music all day long.6.艺术灵感有创造力→激发灵感→头脑风暴/突破局限性思维→原创想法+欣赏艺术XXX is a creative form of art,it inspires children to brainstorm and think outside the box,so they will be more likely to come up with original ideas and appreciate the beauty of art.词组积累:inspire:激励/激发/brainstorm:头脑风暴/think outside the box:突破局限性思维come up with:想到/original:原创的/appreciate the beauty of art:欣赏艺术的美例子:I used to learn painting as my hobby.It was very fun to me,like how to use the brush and how to make a new ter,I realized it’s also a good exercise for me to creatively combine different elements together to create my own painting. Use the brush:使用画刷Good exercise:很好的锻炼Combine different elements together:结合不同元素Create my own painting:创造自己的画7.运动没机会做运动→多做运动→健康As a student,I find myself stuck with a lot of homework.So XXX gives me more motivations to exercise more which strengthens my health and improve quality of my life.词组积累:stuck with:忙于/exercise more:更多运动/strengthen my health:增强健康例子:Playing basketball is my favorite exercise.It allows me to stretch my arms and move my body as much as possible,I even need to jump up and down to catch the ball!It’s a lot of exercise but I enjoy the process a lot.Stretch my arms:伸展手臂/Enjoy the process:享受过程8.环境环境污染严重→保护环境→健康/节约资源We suffer severe/serious environmental pollution,XXX protects the environment/ reduces the pollution,which is good for our health and can help save more natural resources.词组积累:suffer serious environmental pollution:环境污染很严重protect the environment:保护环境例子:I remember last time I joined a community activity to plant trees and flowers. Trees and flowers help absorb polluted air and produce fresh air,which is definitely better for local people’s health.And it’s also a good way to beautify the neighborhood,so that people would have a comfortable environment to live in.Community activity:社区活动/Pound of myself:感到自豪/Absorb polluted air:吸收污气Produce fresh air:释放氧气/Beautify the neighborhood:美化社区Comfortable environment:舒适环境9.氛围户外→大自然→新鲜空气,美丽景色XXX is a good chance to explore nature,breathe fresh air,and see beautiful scenery.It is relaxing and I don’t experience it every day,so it is refreshing.词组积累:explore nature:探索大自然/refreshing:使人焕然一新课堂氛围→更好集中→更多动力→提高效率XXX provides me a quiet and comfortable studying/working atmosphere,so Ihave more motivation to work harder.I will focus better,so that I can improve my efficiency and the quality of my work.词组积累:help me focus better:使我更好集中/incentive:动力/improve efficiency:提高效率10.朋友Sometimes I have more in common with our peers than our family members. They are easier to talk to because they are going through similar situations. Therefore,they can better understand me and provide support for me.词组积累:have in common with sb:有共同点/easy to relate to:更好沟通go through similar situations:相同经历/provide support for sb:提供支持11.家人1.Most parents have unconditional love(无私的爱)for their children.When children encounter difficulties,they are always there for them no matter what. This commitment to their children is what makes parents unique to their children.词组积累:unconditional love:无私的爱/encounter difficulties:遇到困难be there for sb:随时支持/commitment:投入/奉献/unique:独特的17.情感支持倾听问题→给予建议→更有动力迎难而上I can hang out with friends who will kindly listen to my problems and give me advice to solve the problems.In this way I will be able to share my feelings and have more motivation to face difficulties head on(迎难而上)/move on.词组积累:listen to my problems:倾听问题/in terms of:在某个方面例子:Last time I failed my TOEFL exam,I felt very frustrated.I stopped my study.But my best friend Amy talked me out of it.She encouraged me to talk about the problems and not to bottle up my feelings.She was such a good listener.I felt very motivated to move on.Talk me out of it:劝服我不要做某事/Talk about the problem:谈论问题Bottle up feelings:压抑情感/Good listener:很好的倾听者18.团队合作一起做某事→有机会锻炼团队能力→跟不同领域人合作Learning a new sport,especially a team sport,is a good way to improve team work and cooperation skills.It also helps me improve my communication with others.All these skills will be useful in other areas of life.词组积累:team work:团队精神/cooperation skill:合作能力/communication:沟通能力traits:性格特征/serve me well in other areas of life:其他领域帮助很大例子1:When we play basketball,we need to discuss a strategy to win like how to defend and how to score.After the discussion,we would need to practice the strategy alot.It takes a long time to prepare for a game but it’s worth it.Strategy:策略/How to defend:防御/How to score:得分例子2:When we prepare for a play,we need to discuss a lot of details like how to set up the play and how to tell the story.After the discussion,we would need to rehearse a lot.It takes a long time to prepare for a play but it’s worth it.Set up the play:布置场景/How to tell the story:叙述故事/Rehearse:彩排19.交友有机会交友→锻炼社交能力→扩大社交网→创造更多机会Living in a new place gives me a chance to know more people from different backgrounds/all walks of life(各行各业),which is a good way for me to practice my social skill,so that I can expand my network and create more opportunities词组积累:people from different backgrounds:来自不同领域的人/all walks of life:各行各业practice social skill:锻炼社交/expand network:扩大人脉/create more opportunities:创造机会例子:Last time I traveled to America,I made so many friends with people from different countries,like Germany,France,Japan,Korea etc.My English was not good but I still managed to talk to them!My social skill has improved a lot. Manage to do sth:成功做某事/Improve social skill:提高社交技能20.高科技/资源丰富资源丰富→找资料方便→省时+提高质量The internet is very resourceful.It allows me to easily locate the information I want,save time and improve the quality of my work.词组积累:resourceful:资源丰富的/locate information:定位信息/improve quality of work:提高质量例子:Last time I had to finish a presentation about American history.At first,I knew nothing about it!Then I turned to internet.There are a lot of articles I can use formy presentation and there’s even a section for me ask questions.In the end,I finished the presentation in a good quality!Know nothing about:什么都不知道/Turn to internet:求助互联网/Section to ask question:提问区域。



4.2 评分等级
Excellent—4 分 Good—3 分 Fair—2 分 Pass—1 分 Fail—0 分
托福强化口语课程教材 4.3 量化标准与评分等级对应关系
总分 25—28 分 20—24 分 14—19 分 5—13 分
口语得分 3.5 分或 4 分
3分 2 分或 2.5 分 1 分或 1.5 分 0 分或 0.5 分
形式三 (5,6 题)
三:Integrated Tasks: Task 5: listen-speak Task 6: listen-speak ____________________话题
题目类型 类型一
(1,2 题)
类型二 (3,5 题)
类型三 (4,6 题)
按照题目话题分类 一:Speaking about familiar topics:
20 minutes/150-225 30 minutes/300
Scaled Section Score
(Total:120) 0-30 0-30
0-30 (0-4 points per question)
0-30 (0-5 points per question)
托福强化口语课程教材 1.4 加试(加试题目数量和类型的可能性)
序号 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
任务类型 自由回答 自由回答
读听说 读听说 先听后说 先听后说
准备时间(秒) 15 15 30 30 20 20
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材料性质 独立题目 独立题目(选择) 校园对话 学术演讲 校园对话 学术演讲





托福tpo1口语题目Question:Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.托福tpo1口语答案解析:解题思路一:重要性来自于书的内容1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name, author, time you read the book)2. Give a simple account of the book.3. Key Word: Important(3.1) Interesting: draws you in.(3.2) knowledge you have learnt(3.3) enlightenment you have gained4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE解题思路二:重要性来自于书的意义1. TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book, how/where did you get the book)2. Give a simple account of the process of getting the book.3. Key Word: Important(3.1) It was a souvenir given by an important person(3.2) It was very difficult to get the book (e.g. Limited edition)(3.3) You got the book from a special event as a reward.4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE托福tpo1口语范文一:Well, I am bit of a bookworm and I prefer reading to just about any other activity. Over the years I find a particular book most important to me. The book is entitled How to be your personal best, its actually a book written by an American writer. The most important lesson Ive learnt from this book is that one has enormous potential waiting to be tapped, sometimes the only thing you need is self-confidence, perserance and the willingness to try. I remember when I was at college, I shiver at the idea of speaking in public untilone day after reading the book I summoned the courage to make a speech and it went so well that I was asked to be a speaker on the universitys debate team-something I would never have imagined in my wildest dream. The book always reminds me of the limitless capacity waiting to be developed. Thats why even today I still find the book so important to me.托福tpo1口语范文二:Recently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying written by George Orwell. The book influences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart. The story talks about a man who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream of being a poet. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also, the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes have no money to buy food. Again, Ive got similar experience. I once livedin a cramped apartment alone and had no money.The book is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist.托福tpo1口语范文三:3 months ago, I read a book called The Five People You Meet in Heaven written by Mitch Albom.It recounts the life and death of a simple yet dignified old man, Eddie. After dying in an accident trying to save a little girl in an amusement park, Eddie finds himself in heaven where he encounters five people who have significantly affected his life.The 5 lessons Eddie learnt about brotherhood, sacrifice, forgiveness, love and purpose of life have also enlightened me. That book changed my attitude towards life and death. It taught me to cherish life more than ever.托福tpo1口语范文四:On my book shelf, there is a hard-covered book-Hamlet-that I have been treasured for years. It was given to me as a reward for my progress in Language Arts course by my high school English teacher Mr Cave.In my 10th grade, I developed a special interest in classical literature. I was crazy about Shakespeares playdespite my weak English foundation/the lack of English proficiency. Over the 2 years, I have studied hard and improved my Language Arts grade from a C to an A. Therefore, my Mr Cave gave me this book in my graduation day and told me to keep my interest in classical literature.This book is very significant to me because it has become the motivation for my pursuit in English Literature in University.托福独立口语的答题技巧在机考考试中,同学们还是必须要掌握一些答题的技巧,辅助我们更好的完成考试内容。




考试时间为 20 分钟,其中 15 分钟为考试时间,剩余5 分钟为准备时间和休息时间。

考试过程中,考生需要回答 6 道题目,其中包括 2 道独立题和 4 道综合题。



考试时间为 15 秒,回答问题时间为 45 秒。

独立题共有 2 道题目。


考试时间为 15 秒,回答问题时间为 45 秒。

综合题共有 4 道题目。














1. Talk about one way your personality has changed since you werea child. Use examples and details to explain your answer.On way my personality has changed since I was a child is that I became honest. When I was a little kid, I always lied to my parents because I didn’t want them to know that I stole money from them, didn’t do homework well and played video games outside. Once I stole five yuan from my mom and used the money to play video games. Also, I was late for school. On that day, I lied to my teacher and my parents. Even if I wasn’t caught by anyone, I still felt guilty of lying. I found that one lie makes many and that once people realized that I had lied to them, they started not to believe me. I felt sad about myself at that time. Gradually, I started to hold the belief that honesty is the best policy.2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Children should be required to learn practical skills in school, such as cooking or personal finance, in addition to academic subjects.I totally agree with the statement. School isn’t just a place for kids to learn math, physics or chemistry. Children need tolearn some practical and useful skills. Like, if children can learn cooking at school, they not only learn the basic survival skill but also a skill that can help them become more sociable. In a party, children can cook for friends. At home, children can cook for parents and relatives. Also, if children can learn personal finance at school, they’ll learn how to budget their allowance and develop a good habit of spending money. Therefore, I think children should be required to learn practical skills.3. The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan the explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.The university decides to let current students lead the campus tours for second-school students because the staff of the admissions office have not enough time and the current students can offer an unique and valuable insight to the visitors. The woman in the conversation thinks it’s a good idea. Firstly, she went to admission office several times. Every time she went there, the staff were very busy, running around like crazy, handling tons of paperwork, doing interviews and receiving phone calls.Secondly, she thinks current students will be really good at this. Unlike the staff, current students can answer questions concerning practical things such as which dorm is nosier, which dorm is the quietest and which cafeteria is recommendable. Their point of view will be very helpful.4. Explain how the example from the professor’s lecture illustrate irrational commitment.The irrational commitment is a tendency to continue a project even if the project is more likely to fail than succeed. This tendency can be especially strong when people feel that others are judging the success or failure of their projects. In the professor’s personal example, he wanted to buy an old house. But his wife said it was in no good condition and didn’t want to buy it. He convinced his wife to buy the house and decided to fix the house before they live in. However, house turned out to have many problems, the professor had to spend huge amount of money to fix the damaged roof and electrical problems. Then his wife reminded him of her earlier doubts. But he became more determined than ever. Even if the problem of the house got worse and took more money to fix,he just kept going, because he didn’t want his wife to think he was wrong for not following her advice. In other words, he didn’t want his wife to judge his success or failure.5. Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.The woman spilt some soup on the research paper she is going to hand in in the class. There are two possible solutions discussed. The first one is to hand in the paper like this and explain to the professor what happened, since the paper can still read and will dry out. But the professor is strict about the looking of paper. The second solution is to go to computer lab to print a new copy. But she will have to wait in a line and so she will probably be late for the class. And the professor is strict about lateness too. I would recommend the girl to choose the second solution because she can have a new copy of the paper and even if she will be late for the class, she shows the professor that she cares about the looking of the paper and that because of the accident, the lateness is somehow inevitable.6. Using the example of the mole, explain two different types of underground adaptation.The professor talks about two physical adaptations of mole for living underground. One adaptation is used to deal with the challenge to move underground. Moles have wide super strong front feet with big claws that allow moles to dig through the dirt and so to move through thick, dense soil efficiently. Using the shovel-like front feet, the mole loosens up the soil and throw the dirt behind as it moves forward. Another adaptation is used to protect their sensitive parts of body. Moles have developed the hairy membrane on their tiny eyes. The hairy membrane can prevent particles from going into moles’ eyes, the most sensitive parts. And So when mole is digging through the dirt, dirt particles will just slide by its eyes.。



1. 托福口语啊,那可是个大挑战呢!就像攀登一座高峰,需要你一步一个脚印去征服。

2. 托福口语考试,不就是检验你英语交流能力的试金石嘛!想象一下,和考官对话就像和朋友聊天一样自然流畅,多棒啊!比如你平时和朋友聊天怎么放松怎么来,考试时也这样呀!
3. 嘿,托福口语的各个部分,那可真是各有特点啊!就好比一场游戏里的不同关卡,每个都要用心应对。

4. 托福口语的评分标准可不能小瞧啊!这就好像比赛的规则,得严格遵守。

5. 准备托福口语得下功夫呀!这和练功一样,没有日积月累可不行。

6. 托福口语中的独立任务,那可是展现你独特见解的时候啊!就如同在舞台上表演,要尽情绽放光芒。

7. 托福口语里的综合任务,可不简单呢!就像拼图一样,要把各个部分完美组合。

8. 要想在托福口语中取得好成绩,技巧很重要啊!这就像打仗有战术一样。

9. 托福口语的练习过程也许会辛苦,但收获也会很大呀!就像爬山虽然累,但到了山顶的风景美不胜收。

10. 总之啊,托福口语绝对值得你全力以赴去对待!它可是你走向梦想的重要一步呢!就像过河必须要搭桥一样关键。


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头脑风暴:全英文探秘新托福口语朗阁托福考试研究中心The question II of TOEFL iBT is about Personal Preference. It asks you to express your preference from a given pair of choices. In this task, the questions mostly ask you to express an opinion and support it. Some other questions let you take a position and defend it.When responding to this question, you are to give some details and examples as well as reasons to rationalize your answer. A candidate will be given a preparation time of 15 seconds and have to make a response for 45 seconds.As a test taker, it is most important to have good skills before taking the test. And you should practice every day in order to improve yourselves. Moreover, it will be the key to success in this English proficiency test. Imagine that if a test taker review and study TOEFL iBT regularly, the more skillful test takers become, the more test takers can concentrate to do efforts and do their best work the better result you will have. The following are questions in TOEFL iBT and its answers.PeopleWho do you want to spend your time with? Explain why you would to spend the day with him or her?In this question you should tell about a person who you would want to spend time with, like your family members, classmates, neighbors and friends. And you can say the reason why you want to spend the time with them. Themost common thing you can talk about are the things that you have in common such as going shopping, going to the park, bar or restaurant hopping, going to massage in a spa. And explain why you want to do these things with them. For example, Me and my classmate likes to go bar hopping in downtown because we can drink all kinds of alcohol from beer to vodka and likes the feeling of being drunk. And also, you can also use some adjectives about their characters and personalities like charming, reserved, generous, pessimistic to describe them.Example answer:I would like to spend my time with my family members especially my cousin Jamie. She is working in a Mobile company as a sales representative. We usually spend a lot of time together because we both like going to spa every weekend to have a whole body massage to refresh ourselves from an exhausting whole –week- job. The work we have is really very stressful so it is necessary for us to find a way to unwind ourselves. Being very generous is one trait that I really like about her. She always treats me every time we go to the spa and never nag about it. So I can save some money and at the same time enjoy a relaxing massage. However, she would still save some money and be able to invest some money even if she is very generous to me.Describe an important person that is your role model. Please give your explanation and details.Test takers should talk about a specific reason why this person becomes his/her role model. Talented, Diligent, Heroic are usually the common reasons why we admire a person and becomes our role model. Excellent in singing or dancing, can memorize a hundred words in a minute or excel in cooking are good examples of talents that can be used in this question. Sleepinglate doing homework, non-stop working can describe a diligent role model or helping out in saving people during disasters, such as typhoons and earthquake can best describe heroic deeds.Example answer:An important person I want to talk about is Henry Li who is the most heroic person I really admire and I really look up to as a role model. He saved hundreds of survivors from the earthquake in Japan last year. After the disaster, he was courageous enough to save people although it was really dark and dirty. Most of the people would prefer giving donations or offer prayres from their houses but he really took the courage to go out in the actual field to help. A role model is really someone who can do extraordinary things like what he did ,and I hope one day I can do something heroic things too like Henry LI and become a role model for other people.Describe a person whom you’d like to talk with. Explain why you would like to talk with this person and what topic do you usually talk about?There are variety of topics in question II such as personal life, society and things and school. Below are examples of personal life topics:Personal Life1.Some people go straight to their destination when they travel. Other peoplevisit the nearby sights as they go to their destination. Which kind of traveling do you prefer to do and why?2.Some people work at home by themselves. Other people work at a companywith coworkers. Which method of work do you prefer and why?3.Is it better to have friends with different interests that oneself. Do you agreeor disagree?4.Some people enjoy eating familiar food. Others like to try new kinds of food.Which kind of food do you prefer and why?5.Some people lead relaxed lives. Others lead active and busy lives. Whichkind of life do you prefer to lead and Why?Example TOEFL questionSome people prefer to make many friends. Others prefer to have a small number of close friends. Which approach do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your preference.Reasons for making many friends:1.Some people would want to make many friends simply because they like tosocialize and mingle with other people.2.All people have different personalities. When you are friends with manydifferent kinds of people, new personality traits emerge, and you decide whether you like yourself with a certain type of people or not.3.Interacting with friends can help them gain variety of knowledges andinformations about different fields, places and things.4.Many friends can help them fulfill their ambitions and dreams since theycould receive help from them especially if they have friends working in the government or people who has high social status.5.They like to build sport teams such as basketball team, volleyball team orfrisbee that needs many people on it so they can invite their friends to join.6.When you have many friends you can share your passion around andpersuade them to like it too. For example, passion in playing on-line games, passion in teaching, passion in singing and dancing.7.If you have many friends you can compare or share your collection with themor they can help you to collect you collections such as stamps, shoes, coins.8.People with many friends can feel that they belong to the society, they canadapt to different characters, habits and thinking and at the same time learning from them.9.Some people think they are famous or feel very popular when they havemany friends because wherever they go they would meet people they know and that makes them feel good.10.W hen you have a large group of friends, you don't have to stifle yourcreativity as much because of everyone's differences in opinion. Learning how to make friends is an important skill, and one should be friends with a person because they are interesting and make one feel good, whether they have the exact same interests as you or not.11.T rue friendships are important to everyone. People hang out with theirfriends when they feel bored, they have fun together, they share each other's joys and triumphs, and confide to them.12.I t is nice to always have a shoulder to cry on, and having more friends meansthat you will be able to receive more interesting perspectives on things. 13.H aving a large group of friends will ensure that you have a life full of plans,fascinating conversations, and situations. It will help mold you as a person, teach you social skills, and expand your mind.14.S ome people want to have a huge circle of friends because they want to builda networking company.Reasons for having small number of friends:1.Having a small group of friends is maybe better because you focus moreeasily on them. Throughout your life you have different kinds of friendship as well as different stages. Those who claim that they have a large group of friends are deluding themselves. They have a lot of acquaintances but real friends are few.2.You concentrate more easily with them. You have more quality time to spendwith them. You always have time for them.3.Your friendships are more intense, honest and beautiful because you havetime for each one of them. Juggling among large group of friends is difficult 4.When you have small group of friends, you get to know your friend graduallyand through spending your time together in many situations. Thus, it is important to have friends who are unique and there for you.5. The concept of friendship is more recognized and appreciated through asmall circle of friends. A large group is more superficial. You simply cannot have time for all of them if you want to have a real and loving friendship.6. If you have small number of friends, you can remember their faces, smiles,words. And this is absolutely charming! To have them all in your heart! And knowing that they really love you and accept you!7. Size does not matter and that less is more! Sometimes small group is moreintimate and tight.Sample ResponseMy preference is to have many different friends. For starters, I have many different interests. By maintaining a large group of friends, I can maintain all of them. For example, I can watch movies with some friends, visit museums with others, and hang out at home with even more friends. If I only had a small circle of friends, I probably w ouldn’t be able to engage in as many activities as I do now. Another important thing is that I love meeting all kinds of people. My friends all have different personalities. This means I get to associate with people who are completely different from one another. So, depending upon my mood, I can choose which of my friends I’ll talk to or go out with that day.What kind of topic you talk about with this person should be tackled in this question. Subjects like magazine/newspaper articles, Stories of movieswatched or information heard are usually talked about in the society. For magazine and newspaper articles test takers can give details like sports articles, love articles, educational articles. Romantic ending or sad endings c an be affiliated with stories of movies watched. Information such as rising electric/ phone bill or decreasing water resources can be used to explain the information heard that you will talk about with the person you want to talk to.Example answer:Francis is a person I would really like to talk to because we have a lot of topics that we can talk about. Francis and me always chat in the phone or in a coffee shop until the wee hours of the morning. We usually talk about the articles that we read in the magazine about our basketball idol Kobe Bryant. In those articles we have learned about his basketball skills, lifestyle and his ambition in life. We often exchange information about him. I really enjoy talking with this guy because he is amazingly witty. He will not only tell me news about Kobe but he would also express his opinions and ideas about him. By talking with him, I think that not only I can know information about our idol but also learn from his knowledge.Which characteristic is the most important for a student to succeed? High-motivated, hardworking, intelligent?In this question,test takers should choose between high-motivated, hardworking and intelligent.High motivated students usually want to have a high score and to have a perfect score in all exams. He/she would do their homework very well and aim for the best. Hardworking students would always go to libraries to find different reference for their researches, essays or thesis. Maybe they are not very clever but they can achieve excellent marksthrough hard work. Intelligent students are those born with good brains, they may not do a lot or work but they will naturally have an ideal grades in school.Example answer:Of course, being an intelligent student is the most important characteristic a student should have to succeed. If a student is born clever, he/she would not need to excel a lot of effort to achieve an ideal mark in school. Intelligent students do not have to depend on books or teachers to learn because they can find a way to gain information and knowledge by themselves. And also, they can think of ways to solve questions or task in academics such as Mathematics or Science. Most of the intelligent students can also think of better ideas, give opinions and have their own way in solving academic task.What kind of qualities should a good leader possess? Please state your opinion and give specific details and examples in your explanation?Special characteristic should be said in this question because you have to talk about a leader. First, you have to talk about what kind of leader you want talk about. It can be a government leader, a community leader or a religion group leader. Whatever leader you choose you should be able to talk about why they can lead this group or this place. For example, being powerful, loyal, and knowledgeable can best describe leaders. Plus , test takers can also say special traits about them that can allow them to be a leader such us being keen in leading ,have strong principles or being very religious They can also state if they think he/she is a good leader or not.Example answer:A good leader should principled and disciplined person like my father Jimmy whois the leader of our community here in Xiamen. He has principles that he would want people who live in our community to follow to let us have a better place to live in. My father believes that the cleanliness and safety of our community depends on the discipline of the people who lives in it. He leads us to donate some money to be able to hire a cleaner to clean the community and also buy some garbage cans so that people would not throw anywhere. And also have some money to hire a security guard for our safety during day in and day out. I think he was a very successful leader because all the people in our community donated a fare amount of money and the money was really wisely used to obtain a better environment.(本文来自朗阁教育SAT培训教研组,供广大考生学习使用,转载请注明出处)。
