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1.I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly time_____the last bus.

A.to have caught B .to catch C.catching D.having caught

2.As it turned out to be a small house party,we_____so formally.

A.needn`t dress up

B.did not need dressed up

C.did not need dress up D needn`t have dressed up

3.I apologize if I ______you,but Iassure you it was unintentional.

A.should have offended Boffend C.had offended D.might have offended

4.Although a teenager ,Fred could resist _____what to do and what not to do.

A.to be told

B.having been told C,being told D.to have been told

5,Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage_____avoided.

A.is to be

B.can be

C.will be

D.has been

6.Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores,and this is especially true _____ it comes to classroom tests. A.before B.as C since D when

7.There are over 100night schools in the city,making it possible for a profeddional to be reeducate

d matter ____h

e does.



C.what D,when

8,I`ve kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school _____twenty years ago.

A,about B.since C,till D.with

9.He wasn `t asked to take on the chairmanship of the society,_____insufficiently popular with all members.

A,being considered B,considering C,to be considered D,having considered

10,_____for the timely investment from the general public,our company would not be so thriving as it is,

A,Had it not been B.Were it not C,Be it not C.Should it not be

11.Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about econmic r ecovery_____just around the corner was untrue.

A,would be B,to be Cwas D,being

12,Somking is so harmful to personal health that it kills _____people each year than automobile ac cidents .

A,seven more times B.seven times more C,over seven times D,seven times

13,It`s easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague chan ges _____place in our ever-changing world.

A,taking B,to take C,take D,taken

14,This is an exciting area of study ,and one _____which new applications are being discovered al most daily.


B.by C,in D,through

15_________can be seen from the comparison of these figures ,the principle involves the active p articipation of the patient in the modification of his condition.

A,As B,what C,that D, It

16Although I had been invited to the opening ceremony,I was unable to attend _____such short no tice , A,to B,in Cwith D,on

17.California has more light than it knows _____to do with but everything,else is expensive,

A,how B,what C,which D,where

18,The solution works only for couples who are self-employed,don`t have small children and get a long _____to spend most of their time together,

A,so well B,too well C,well as D,well enough

19,Marlin is a young man of indepengent thinking who is not about ______compliments to his pol itical leaders,

A,paying B,having paid C,to pay D,to have paid

20 These proposal sought to place greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital informatio n than ______in tradition media,

A,exist Bexists C,existing D,to exist

He was a very sick white man .He rode pick-back _21__ a woolly-headed,black-skinned savage, t he lobes of _22___ ears had been pierced and stretched until one had torn out, __23___ the other c arried a circular block of carved wood three iched in diameter. The torn ear had been pierced again , _24__ this time not so ambitiously. For the hole accommodated no more than a short clay pipe. T he man-horse was greasy and dirty, and naked__25___ for an exceedingly narrow and dirty loin-cl oth; but the white man clung to him closely and desperately. At times, from weakness, his head dr ooped and rested on the wooly pate. At __26___times he lifted his head and stared with swimming eyes at the cocoanut palms__27___ reeled and swung in the shimmering heat. He was clad in a th in undershirt and a _28___ of cotton cloth, that wrapped about his waist and descended to his knee s. On his head was a battered stetson, __29___ to the trade as a baden-powell, about his middle __ 30___ a belt, ,which carried a large-calibred automatic pistol and several spare clips, loaded and re ady for quich work. The rear was brought up by a black boy __31___fourteen or fifteen,who carr ied medicine bottles,a pail of hot water, and various other hospital appurtenances. They passed_ 32__ the compound through a small wicker gate, and went on under the blazing sun, winding _ _33___ among new-planted cocoanuts that threw no shade. There was not a breath of wind, and the superheated, stagnant air was ___34__ with pestilence. From the direction they were going a rose a wild clamour_35__ of lost souls wailing and of men in torment. A long, low shed showed ahead, grass-walled and grass-thatched, and it was from here___36__the noise proceeded. The
