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1.Some student even can’t write an essay in English after

having learned it for ten year.

2.The Internet have play an important role in

3.The Internet is becoming a useful method in cities and


4.The convenience of mobility has made more and more people

dependent on private cars

5.So many people think the best way of dissolving the problem

is banning the use of private cars.

6.Juvenile delinquency is a so serious social problem that it has

received attention from many people.

7.The computer has brought many benefits to people’s lives,

but at the same time it has brought many problem either(caused some problems).

8.Many young people likes to study new knowledge.

9.The second reason is that our work is becoming more


10.P rivate cars occupy more (room)space and cause traffic jam s.

11.A ccording to the survey of some agencies, more and more

young people have lost traditional values.

12.T he authorities of Beijing should take more effective

measure s to reduce traffic jam

13.O ur government should spend some money to(in)train

professional people.

14.T he IT industry has been developing fast for(in the last)3


15.I n the modern society, people are classified with all kinds of


16.Y oung people often take care of their parents at home.

17.T he environment pollution is becoming worse and worse.

18.N ow Chinese people is becoming more and more rich(richer

and richer).

19.O ur industry(industrial) development is becoming faster and


20.Y oung people is becoming more selfish, greedy, and arrogant

than ever.

21.P ublic transport has more advantages than private cars

22.T he most remarkable difference between old people and

young people is the attitude toward work.

23.T he public transport is playing an increasingly important role

in a city’s transportation system.

24.T he measures will solve the problem of traffic jams


25.E very kind of information is increasing fast.

26.P eople hope to live more comfortably.

27.C ommuting every day takes too much time.

28.I n recent years, about two-thirds of the students have mobile


29.N ow the number of undergraduates in China is equal to that

in America.

30.I t is obviously that people’s living standard has been greatly


31.B anning the use of private cars will do harm to economical


32.I t has been proved that the use of the mobile phone causes

some dangers to the users.

33.I t is no use to save money.

34.F irstly, traditional values of old generation include hard

work , diligence, bravery, honesty and so on.

35.N oise is a kind of pollution.

36.M ost people think a good education could help them find a

good job.

37.I t is due to the more intense competition of our societies.

38.P eople have little sense of safety about their future.

39.I ndividuals should be more aware of the importance of traffic


40.I think the industrial development and the environmental

protection is contradictory.

41.C hina is a developing country.
