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be all ears ------专心倾听

set persons by the ears ------挑拨离间

win one’s ears ------获得某人的好感

●He who would search for pearls must dive deep. 不入虎穴、焉得虎子

●Talk for the devil and he is sure to come . 说曹操、曹操就到。

●To lose face ---丢脸

●Mary left for New York as soon as she received the letter.玛丽一接到信就启程赴纽约。

●I cannot bear the sight of that man. 我一看到那个人就难受。

●There is nothing like leather for shoes. 用皮革做鞋再好不过了。

●Is it necessary for you to be so serious? 你一定要那么严肃吗

“披着羊皮的狼” ---- wolf in sheep’s clothing

“同舟共济”---- in the same boat

“破土动工”---- break earth

“三思而后行”---- think twice before you act

“蓝图”----blue print

● A research-oriented hospital 一所以搞科研为重点的医院

●Something important 重要的事情

●The banker’s little garden (两个以上的单词做定语,前置) 银行老板的小花园

●The ancient Chinese alchemists (两个以上的单词做定语,前置) 中国古代的炼金术士

● A little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar -----一个要饭的,身材短小,面黄


● A building project of high-rise apartment houses .(后置) 一个多层公寓大楼的建


● a candidate with little chance of success (后置) 一个当选希望极微的候选人

●the decimal system of counting (后置) 十进制计算法

●John did not distinguish himself as a student , but he was very active in class.


●Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.


●The molecules of a gas are moving about extremely fast in all directions.


●He is running fast enough.

●Then with a bag of toys and books we walked across the garden in the gray light of

the dawn. 我们提着一口袋玩具和书籍,在晨曦中穿过了花园。

●*He was quick to use self-deprecating humor to throw anyone off the scent.


● A jeep, full, sped fast, drenching (湿透) me in spray.


●过了两个月,回信来了,两个人都被吸收为正式党员。(无连词的联合复句)●译文:When the reply came a few months later, both of them were enrolled as full

Party members.(主从复合句)

●Nothing has happened since we parted.(后置) 我们分别之后,一直没有发生什


●Iwent out for a walk after I had my dinner. 我吃了晚饭后,出去散步。

●As the weather was fine ,we decided to climb the mountain.(前置) 译文:由于天


●He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill .(后置) 译文:因为他病了,


●Suppose we can’t get the necessary equipment, what shall we do ? 译文:假定我


●He would be a rash man if he should venture to forecast the results of this event.


●Let’s work harder so that we may fulfill our plan ahead of schedule.


●He got up early in the morning in order that he might have time to fetch water

and sweep the yard for his aunt.


●They fought so bravely that the invasion was crushed in seventy-two hours.


●We worked fast and well, so that we over-fulfilled our production plan.



●Soft pillow 软枕soft music 轻柔的音乐

●Soft cushion 靠垫soft wood 软木

●Soft money 纸币soft drink 不含酒精的饮料

●Soft breeze 和风soft light 柔光

●Soft voice 低声soft fire文火

●Soft hat 呢帽soft words 和蔼的话

●Soft answer 委婉的回答soft goods 毛织品

●Soft heart 易感动之心soft water 软水(不含矿物盐类而易溶解肥


●.Unemployment is widespread in some countries.有些国家失业现象普遍。
