肯德基 营销策略 英文版




目录一、肯德基的简介三、肯德基的市场分析四、肯德基的4P分析五、肯德基的竞争对手状况分析六、肯德基的策划促销方案七、总结一、肯德基的简介肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken肯塔基州炸鸡),通常简称为KFC。



肯德基是世界最大的炸鸡快餐连锁企业,肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的缩写,它已在全球范围内成为有口皆碑的著名品牌。



到了1939 年,这个难题在上校参观一个压力锅展示时得到解答。


上校用他那 1946 年出品的福特老车,载着他的十一种香料配方及他的得力助手—-压力锅开始上路。


令人惊讶的是,在短短五年内, 上校在美国及加拿大已发展有 400 家的连锁店, 这便是世界上餐饮加盟特许经营的开始。

山德士上校一身西装, 满头白发及山羊胡子的形象,已成为肯德基国际品牌的最佳象征。





评估了员工对KFC的工作环境、福利待遇、职业发展等方面的满意度。同时,介绍了KFC 的员工培训计划和职业发展规划,以提高员工的综合素质和忠诚度。
阐述了KFC未来的发展战略和目标,包括拓展新市场、推出新产品、提升品牌形象等方面的计划。同时,分析了实现 这些目标所面临的挑战和机遇。
在特定节日如情人节、儿 童节等推出特别促销活动 。
KFC一直坚持提供高品质的食品,从选材到 制作,都严格把控,确保每一份产品都符 合最高标准。
KFC深知服务的重要性,因此始终致力于提 供优质的服务,满足客户的各种需求。
KFC非常重视食品的卫生和安全,严格遵守 食品安全法规,确保每一份食品都安全可 靠。
KFC不断探索新的食品口味和制作方式,以 满足客户日益多样化的需求,同时也不断 优化自身的经营模式。
KFC的目标市场主要是年轻人和家庭 群体,他们注重品质、口感和体验。
KFC通过不断创新和优化产品,使其 在市场上保持竞争优势。例如,推出 新品、优化现有产品等。
KFC采用差异化的价格策略,针对不 同的市场和产品制定合理的价格,以 确保利润和市场份额。
KFC通过多种渠道销售其产品,包括 门店、外卖平台、电商平台等,以满 足不同客户的需求。
KFC通过广告、宣传等方式塑造其品牌 形象,使其成为高品质、可信赖的品牌

Well-known for its



肯德基的服务营销策划方案肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken,简称KFC)是全球著名的跨国快餐连锁企业,拥有广泛的产品线,包括炸鸡、汉堡、薯条等,深受大众喜爱。




二、目标市场分析1. 目标顾客群体在制定服务营销策划方案前,首先需要对目标顾客群体进行分析。



2. 目标市场特点基于对目标顾客群体的认知,肯德基的目标市场特点可以总结如下:(1)消费习惯更加多元化,对于不同口味、风味的食品有不同的需求;(2)对食品的品质、卫生和安全有更高的要求;(3)消费者对于就餐环境以及用餐体验的重视程度逐渐提升;(4)社交媒体的普及,对口碑和服务质量的关注更加严密。





四、策略与方案1. 服务质量提升方案(1)建立服务标准:制定一套明确的服务标准,包括服务流程、服务态度、服务质量等方面,并进行员工培训及严格执行。




1.更加完善自己快捷和方便的特点,抵消传统 中餐的威胁。 2.利用自己的品牌和先发优势,加速产品和门 店的开发,逐步拉开后来追随者的距离,增加 市场进入的门槛。 3.继续加大本土化的发展速度。
1.继续保持和加大在健康饮 食方面的投入和宣传,改变 人民对肯德基的印象。
2多搞一些促销,中午的促 销活动和优惠券活动。
目前我国的很多中式快餐企业是在过去的国营饮食店基础上改造而成的,服务观念转变不及时, 不适应快餐的工作节奏。许多中式快餐的服务标准只停留在微笑服务、热情待客等表面层次上, 服务细节没有一个科学的量化标准。员工在执行时把握不准,弹性较大,从而给顾客造成服务 质量参差不齐的印象。
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Kentucky Fried Chicken
肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken,肯塔基州炸 鸡),简称KFC,是美国 跨国连锁餐厅之一,同时 也是世界第二大速食及最 大炸鸡连锁企业,由哈兰 德· 大卫· 桑德斯于1930年 在肯塔基州路易斯维尔创 建,主要出售炸鸡、汉堡、 薯条、蛋挞、汽水等高热 量快餐食品。
1.传统中餐馆的威胁 2.新兴中式快餐的威胁 3.来自于麦当劳的压力 4.对不同国家文化的适应
1.利用自身品牌优势,加速代理商招收,加 快门店建设步伐。 2.继续增加本土的转变,现在肯德基相对于 麦当劳,本土化做得非饮食方面的投入和宣 传,改变机会非常好,除了传统的炸鸡产品, 加入了几款米饭的套餐。 3.肯德基是中国市场上最大的快餐品牌,是 市场的领导者,利用自身的规模和资本优势, 加大市场占有和扩张,扩大领先优势。促销 活动和优惠券活动。


• --country, region, climate, terrain
• --age, gender, career, income, family type
Reference: /markets/market-segmentation/5
Target Segment – Behavioral
KFC divides the attitudes of customers into several types • Promote new products continuously for customers who prefer trying new taste. e.g. Countless shrimp • Provide special food during certain periods for customers who like seeking novelty. e.g. Qixi package • Normal meal for those customers who do not easily change their taste.
What’s the difference_ KFC in the U.S
• Target market: mainly focus on busy-working employees and young people in first and second tier cities. • Reasons: • The big cities are more developed with better transportation conditions and dense populations. • Busy-working employees have a fast pace, they require saving time on preparing food and having a full meal in a very short time. • Younger people pay less attention on healthy-diets and are less willing to cook.



咖啡营销策划方案英文1. Introduction1.1 BackgroundThe coffee industry has witnessed significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing consumer preference for gourmet coffee and the rise of coffee culture. However, the market is highly competitive, and to stay ahead, coffee companies need a well-crafted marketing plan that focuses on expanding market reach and driving customer engagement.1.2 ObjectiveThe objective of this marketing plan is to increase brand awareness, expand customer base, and strengthen customer loyalty for our coffee company. This will be achieved through a combination of online and offline strategies that target both existing coffee lovers and new potential customers.2. Target Market2.1 Existing Coffee LoversOur primary target market includes coffee enthusiasts who already have a preference for gourmet coffee. These customers are willing to pay a premium for a high-quality coffee experience and are the key to building brand loyalty.2.2 New Potential CustomersTo ensure the long-term growth of our company, we also need to target new potential customers. This includes young professionals, students, and individuals who have yet to develop a preference for gourmet coffee. By providing them with a unique and memorable coffee experience, we aim to convert them into loyal customers.3. Marketing Strategies3.1 Online Marketing3.1.1 Social Media CampaignsHarnessing the power of social media platforms, we will launch targeted campaigns to increase brand awareness and engagement. This will involve creating compelling content, such as coffee recipes, brewing tips, and behind-the-scenes videos, to educate and entertain the audience.3.1.2 Influencer CollaborationsPartnering with influencers who have a strong online following in the coffee and lifestyle niche can help us reach a wider audience and build credibility. They will create contentfeaturing our products, host giveaways, and promote exclusive discounts to their followers, driving traffic to our online store.3.1.3 Online Store OptimizationImproving the user experience of our online store is crucial for increasing conversions. We will focus on optimizing the website speed, enhancing product descriptions and images, and implementing an easy-to-use checkout process. In addition, we will implement online customer support to assist users with any questions or concerns they may have.3.2 Offline Marketing3.2.1 Pop-up Coffee ShopsSetting up pop-up coffee shops in high-traffic areas, such as malls, business districts, and universities, provides an excellent opportunity to introduce our coffee to new customers. Alongside serving freshly brewed coffee, we will create an inviting atmosphere with comfortable seating, relaxing music, and informative displays about our brand and coffee sourcing.3.2.2 Collaborations with Local BusinessesTeaming up with local businesses, such as bakeries, restaurants, and fitness studios, can help expand our reach and tap into their existing customer base. We will offer exclusive discounts and cross-promote our products to create a mutually beneficial partnership.3.2.3 Coffee Tasting EventsOrganizing coffee tasting events at our flagship store and selected locations allows us to provide an immersive coffee experience. We will invite coffee connoisseurs, bloggers, and media personnel to create buzz and generate media coverage. Attendees will have the opportunity to taste different coffee varieties, learn about coffee brewing techniques, and get personalized recommendations from our expert baristas.4. Customer Loyalty ProgramTo foster customer loyalty, we will implement a customer loyalty program that rewards customers for their continued support. This program will offer exclusive benefits such as free coffee upgrades, personalized offers, and early access to new coffee releases. Additionally, we will regularly communicate with our customers through email newsletters, providing them with brewing tips, new recipes, and updates about our brand.5. Evaluation and ControlTo measure the effectiveness of our marketing strategies, we will:5.1 Track online engagement metrics, including website traffic, social media followers, reach, and engagement rates.5.2 Monitor the conversion rate of website visitors to customers and track the success of online campaigns through conversion tracking tools.5.3 Conduct customer surveys and feedback forms to evaluate customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.5.4 Monitor sales and revenue growth, customer retention rates, and repeat purchase rates to gauge the success of our customer loyalty program.6. ConclusionBy implementing a comprehensive marketing plan that targets both existing coffee lovers and new potential customers, we aim to increase brand awareness, expand our customer base, and strengthen customer loyalty. Through a combination of online marketing strategies, offline initiatives, and a customer loyalty program, we will create a unique and memorable coffee experience that sets us apart from our competitors, ensuring the long-term success of our coffee company.。



肯德基市场营销战略分析一、市场概况肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken,简称KFC)是全球率先的快餐连锁企业之一,成立于1952年,总部位于美国路易斯维尔市。



二、市场需求分析1. 市场规模:随着全球经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,快餐市场规模不断扩大。


2. 健康饮食意识:随着人们对健康饮食的重视,肯德基需要适应市场需求,推出更加健康的产品,以满足消费者的需求。

3. 外卖市场增长:随着外卖市场的兴起,肯德基需要加强与外卖平台的合作,提供更加便捷的外卖服务,以满足消费者的需求。

三、竞争对手分析1. 麦当劳:作为肯德基的主要竞争对手,麦当劳在全球范围内拥有庞大的门店数量和强大的品牌影响力。


2. 必胜客:作为全球知名的比萨连锁品牌,必胜客也是肯德基的竞争对手之一。


四、肯德基市场营销策略分析1. 品牌定位:肯德基作为全球知名品牌,其品牌定位主要侧重于快捷、方便和美味。


2. 产品创新:肯德基需要不断进行产品创新,推出更加健康、多样化的产品,以满足消费者对于健康饮食的需求。


3. 市场推广:肯德基可以通过多种渠道进行市场推广,如电视广告、网络营销、社交媒体等。


4. 外卖服务:随着外卖市场的兴起,肯德基可以加强与外卖平台的合作,提供更加便捷的外卖服务。



香油蜂蜜茶 红茶 美禄
草莓/巧克力 圣代
牛奶 橙C
1987年肯德基进入北京,当时肯德基只有8种产品, 大多是从美国引进的传统产品;
Learn More
但是21年后,肯德基的常规产品已经超过50 种,其中有很多产品都是为了中国消费者开 发的
增 长 速 度
创新成长 分析对象
宣传吸引 产品推出 陈列创新
渗透扩张 技术更新
停步发展 探索新路
肯德基在中国的连锁 ____总有一间在你的附近 肯德基在中国内地开店数突破3000家之际,更改 了使用多年的“有了肯德基,生活好滋味”的品 牌口号,启用了新的品牌口号“生活如此多娇”。 据肯德基母公司百胜的财报,去年百胜中国市场 营业利润同比提高9%。在中国烹饪协会日前发布 的年度餐饮百强排行榜上,中国百胜餐饮集团再 次蝉联第一名。
Is short for
Kentucky Fried Chicken
• 肯德基源于美国,是世界著名的炸鸡快餐连锁企业,在全球拥有 10000多家餐厅,到目前为止,肯德基在全国200多个城市已经拥 有2000余家餐厅。严格统一的管理,清洁优雅的用餐环境,令肯 德基在数以亿计的顾客心里留下了美好的印象。肯德基的到来不 仅率先将现代的快餐概念引入中国,使人们在传统的饮食中第一 次感受到了从食品风味到就餐方式的根本不同,并给人们的服务 观念带来了重大影响。肯德基(KFC)和著名的休闲餐饮品牌必胜 客(PIZZA HUT)、墨西哥口味餐厅TACO BELL以及A& W、Long John Silver’s(LJS)同属于全球最大的餐饮连锁企业之一—— 百胜餐饮集团。



占领食品店营销方案英语Occupying a Food Store Marketing PlanIntroduction:In today's highly competitive market, food stores need effective marketing strategies to attract and retain customers. This marketing plan aims to outline essential steps and strategies to occupy and gain a competitive advantage in the food retail industry.1. Understanding the Target Market:To effectively conquer a food store market, understanding the target market is essential. Conduct market research to identify customer preferences, demographics, and psychographics. Analyze competitors to identify gaps and opportunities in the market. This information will help tailor marketing strategies accordingly.2. Brand Awareness:Building brand awareness is crucial for occupying the food store market. Develop a unique brand identity, including a memorable logo, compelling tagline, and consistent visual elements. Utilize various marketing channels like social media, print ads, radio, and local events to increase brand exposure and recognition.3. Product Differentiation:Differentiating products from competitors is essential for success. Identify unique selling points and emphasize them in marketing campaigns. Offer exclusive or limited edition products to create a sense of exclusivity and demand. Highlight any certifications, such as organic, locally sourced, or sustainable, to appeal to conscious consumers.4. Pricing Strategy:Develop a competitive pricing strategy. Conduct pricing analysisto ensure prices are reasonable for customers while maintaining profitability. Offer promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs to incentivize repeat purchases. Periodically review pricing strategies and adjust to remain competitive in the market.5. Store Layout and Visual Merchandising:A well-designed store layout and attractive visual merchandising can significantly impact customer experience. Optimize the store layout to create a seamless shopping experience, making it easy for customers to find products. Use eye-catching displays and signage to draw attention to promotions and highlight popular or new items.6. Digital Presence:In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial. Develop a user-friendly website with online shopping capabilities. Use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to increase website visibility in online searches. Engage with customers through social media platforms to share updates, promotions, and respond to queries. Offer online-exclusive discounts or free delivery to encourage online purchases.7. Customer Relationship Management:Building strong relationships with customers is key to occupying the food store market. Implement a customer relationship management (CRM) system to collect and track customer data. Use the data to personalize marketing campaigns and offer tailored promotions. Send regular newsletters or emails to keep customersinformed about new products, promotions, and events.8. Community Involvement:Engage with the local community to create a positive brand image. Support local events, charities, or sponsor local sports teams. Collaborate with community influencers to promote the store and build trust with potential customers. Participate in food-related events or festivals to showcase products and connect with the target market.9. Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement:Regularly seek customer feedback to identify areas for improvement. Offer incentives for customers to provide feedback or participate in surveys. Use the feedback to enhance customer service, product offerings, or store layout. Continuously analyze competitors and industry trends to stay ahead and adapt marketing strategies accordingly.Conclusion:By implementing the above strategies, a food store can effectively occupy the market and gain a competitive advantage. Understanding the target market, creating brand awareness, differentiating products, implementing competitive pricing, optimizing store layout, developing a digital presence, building customer relationships, engaging with the community, and continuously seeking improvement are key steps to occupy a food store market successfully.。



麦当劳营销策划方案英文版1. Executive SummaryMcDonald's is one of the world's leading fast-food chains with a global presence. The company's success is driven by its marketing strategies that focus on brand recognition, product innovation, and customer engagement. This marketing plan aims to outline the objectives, target market, marketing mix, and promotional activities that McDonald's will employ to maintain its market leadership.2. Objectives- Increase brand awareness and recognition by 10% in the next year.- Increase market share by 5% in the next two years.- Launch new products and menu options to attract and retain customers.- Enhance customer loyalty by introducing a new loyalty program.3. Target MarketMcDonald's target market comprises families, young adults, and children. Family visits constitute a significant portion of their customer base, accounting for nearly 40% of their sales. Young adults and children represent another important segment, as they are frequent customers in both dining and takeout options.4. Marketing Mix- Product: McDonald's will focus on product innovation and diversification to cater to changing consumer preferences. This includes new menu options, healthy alternatives, and limited-time offers to create excitement and drive sales.- Price: McDonald's will implement dynamic pricing strategies based on local market conditions. Value meals and combo options will be promoted to offer affordability to customers.- Place: McDonald's aims to expand its presence in emerging markets and high-traffic areas. The company will also invest in technology by enhancing mobile ordering and delivery capabilities to provide convenience to customers.- Promotion: McDonald's will utilize various promotional activities such as advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and social media marketing to engage customers and create brand awareness. Sponsorships of local events and collaborations with influencers will also be considered to enhance brand association.5. Promotional Activities- Advertising: McDonald's will execute a multimedia advertising campaign targeting TV, radio, print, and online platforms. Emphasis will be placed on showcasing new products, value offerings, and the overall McDonald's experience.- Sales Promotions: Limited-time offers, special discounts, and loyalty programs will be introduced to incentivize repeat visits and drive sales.- Public Relations: McDonald's will actively engage in public relations activities to build a positive brand image. This includes sponsoring local community events, supporting charities, and promoting sustainability initiatives.- Social Media Marketing: McDonald's will leverage social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with customers and create brand advocates. This will include interactive campaigns, user-generated content, and influencer partnerships to enhance brand presence.- Mobile Ordering and Delivery: McDonald's will enhance its mobile app and optimize the ordering and delivery process to provide convenience to customers. Promotions and discounts will be offered to encourage the use of mobile ordering.6. Implementation and ControlThe marketing plan will be implemented through a phased approach with clear timelines and responsibilities assigned. Key performance indicators will be established to monitor the progress and effectiveness of the marketing activities. Feedback from customers, sales data, and market research will be regularly collected and analyzed to make necessary adjustments and ensure the plan's success.7. BudgetA budget of $20 million will be allocated for the implementation of the marketing plan. This will cover advertising costs, promotional activities, public relations activities, social media marketing, and mobile app development and optimization.8. ConclusionThis marketing plan aims to strengthen McDonald's position as a market leader in the fast-food industry. By focusing on product innovation, customer engagement, and effective promotional activities, McDonald's will increase brand awareness, market share, and customer loyalty. The implementation of this plan will require close monitoring and adjustment based on market feedback to ensure its success.。










关键词:肯德基;广告营销;PEST分析;本土化Research on KFC's advertising marketingstrategyAbstractNowdays, with the rapid development of market economy. KFC has to confronte with increasingly competitive market economy environment, The advertisement marketing strategy of KFC is a "sharp weapon" that promote products, improve enterprise brand image, and make headway in markets. Current catering market model place emphasis on publicity of corporate brand culture and lead customers' consuming behavior. In many marketing tools, the strategy of advertising marketing mainly plays a role in stimulating customers' desire to buy, advance the sales volume of products, effective transmission of consumer information. Most importantly, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. Today, the public consumption behavior tends to be pluralism and rationalization, and application of advertising marketing strategies extends to products value building, corporate image publucuty and expand corporate social influence extension.Nowadays, with the increasing of people's living consumption level and the continuous improvement of consumption concept, KFC is facing a certain market prospect as well as a certain challenge in the field of advertising and marketing. In the present economic environment, under the severe test of the fierce market competition environment and social cultural environment, the diversification of consumer demand constantly emerging, and to enhance cultural industry status, industry competition situation that KFC also tends to diversity, is no longer a single emphasis on product quality, and gradually promote cultural products, combined with the Chinese culture to breed has obvious regional color, so as to highlight the characteristics of the food and beverage in advertising and marketing.Keywords: KFC;Advertising marketing目录第1章绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)1.2 研究目的及意义 (1)1.3 国内外研究现状 (1)1.3.1 国内研究现状 (1)1.3.2 国外研究现状 (2)1.4 研究内容及方法 (2)1.4.1 研究内容 (2)1.4.2 研究方法 (2)第2章相关理论概述 (1)2.1 广告营销环境分析 (1)2.1.1 政治环境 (1)2.1.2 经济环境 (1)2.1.3 自然环境 (1)2.1.4 技术环境 (1)第3章肯德基广告营销的效果分析 (2)3.1 广告对企业的影响 (2)3.1.1 广告营销对于企业产品销售量的提升 (2)3.1.2 如何引导消费者的市场行为及高涨的品牌知名度 (2)第4章肯德基广告环境分析 (4)4.1 宏观环境分析 (4)4.1.1 政治环境分析 (4)4.1.2 经济环境分析 (4)4.1.3 自然地理环境分析 (5)4.1.4 科学技术环境分析 (6)第5章肯德基广告对餐饮的跨文化传播 (7)5.1 广告文化的传播 (7)5.2 广告的本土化 (7)5.2.1 广告语和产品广告 (7)5.2.2 流量明星代言 (9)5.2.3 肯德基与国风品牌飞跃联名 (9)第6章肯德基广告营销的问题及优化建议 (10)6.1肯德基广告营销的劣势分析 (10)6.1.1 经典产品广告品牌地位降低 (10)6.1.2 明星代言效益不稳定 (10)6.1.3 核心技术竞争力下降 (10)6.2 肯德基广告营销优化建议 (10)6.2.1 建立良好的广告文化传播理念 (10)6.2.2 运用广告策略提高自身主打品牌地位 (11)6.2.3 提升广告技术含量 (11)6.2.4找寻稳定形象代表 (11)第7章结论 (12)致谢 (13)肯德基广告营销策略研究第1章绪论1.1 研究背景当今社会人们的生活水平不断地在提高,人们对生活质量等各个方面的层次要求也渐渐地提升,消费者的需求不在局限于物质品质的自身,而更多的是在注重消费肯德基过程中的体验和享受,肯德基作为全球餐饮的先锋,在面对激烈的市场竞争环境下,如何作用广告营销的手段和方法,吸引更多的消费者,在快餐餐饮行业中独树一帜,对企业具有十分重要的意义。

市场营销 KFC promotion plan

市场营销 KFC promotion plan

01 KFC analysis 02 competitor analysis
KFC analysis
KFC has more than 240 domestic longterm raw material suppliers.
College dining room
There are many colleges in China.The college students become the major force in consumer group for our products.so we can organize foretaste activity at college.
• 2.Less price,more meats.In KFC,costomers can use 11 yuan to buy a fried chicken,but it is less possible for them to buy equal amount meat in other fast food restaurants. KFC is cheap and fine.
Increased turnover
Pull the purchasing power
Improve visibility
Form a deep impression to KFC
Form a long-term market effect
Promotion planes
Poster Free foretaste
Tear Brand War Who tear others brand can get the homologous food.




其内容为:C:Cleanliness保持美观整洁的餐厅;H:Hospitality提供真诚友善的接待;A:Accuracy确保准确无误的供应;M:Maintenance维持优良的设备;P:Product Quality坚持高质稳定的产品:S:Speed注意快速迅捷的服务。



















b品牌辣条促销方案1600字作文英文回答:Promotion Plan for Brand B Spicy Snacks.To promote the brand B spicy snacks, I have come up with a comprehensive promotion plan that will effectively target our desired audience and increase brand awareness. The plan includes various strategies and tactics that will help us achieve our goals.Firstly, we will focus on social media marketing. Nowadays, social media platforms are the go-to place for many people to discover new products and brands. We will create engaging and shareable content related to our spicy snacks, such as recipe videos, taste tests, and challenges. By leveraging the power of social media influencers and utilizing popular hashtags, we can reach a wider audience and generate buzz around our brand.Secondly, we will organize promotional events and partnerships. We can collaborate with local food festivals, sports events, and other relevant gatherings to showcase our spicy snacks. By offering free samples, discounts, and interactive activities, we can attract potential customers and create a memorable experience. Additionally, we can partner with popular food bloggers or celebrities to endorse our products and reach their dedicated fan base.Furthermore, we will implement a loyalty program to encourage repeat purchases. By offering rewards or exclusive discounts to our loyal customers, we can foster a sense of belonging and make them feel valued. This will not only increase customer retention but also encourage word-of-mouth marketing as satisfied customers will recommend our brand to their friends and family.In addition, we will utilize traditional advertising methods such as television commercials, print ads, and billboards. These channels still have a significant impact on a wide range of audiences, especially those who are not active on social media. By strategically placing our adsduring popular TV shows or in high-traffic areas, we can effectively reach our target audience and create brand recognition.Moreover, we will establish partnerships with local convenience stores and supermarkets to increase product visibility. By placing our spicy snacks at eye-catching locations, offering special promotions, and conducting in-store tastings, we can attract impulse buyers and convert them into loyal customers. Additionally, we can provide retailers with point-of-sale materials and training programs to educate their staff about our brand and products.In conclusion, the promotion plan for brand B spicy snacks includes a combination of social media marketing, promotional events, loyalty programs, traditional advertising, and partnerships with retailers. By implementing these strategies, we can effectively reach our target audience, increase brand awareness, and ultimately boost sales.中文回答:品牌B辣条促销方案。



G r o u p-7-K F C-M a r k e t i n g-M i x-R e p o r t最终版(总9页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--K entucky F ried C hicken Marketing Mix ReportGroup 7Yang ZhaoYurong WangDi SuBo ZhouJing FanYuncong ChenKentucky Fried Chicken Marketing Mix Report◇Company OverviewKentucky Fried Chicken, also known as KFC, is a part of Yum! Brands, Inc., the worlds’ largest restaurant company in terms of system restaurants. As the world’s popular chicken restaurant chain, KFC specialized in its Original Recipe Kentucky Grilled Chicken, Original Recipe Strips with home-style sides, Honey BBQ Wings, and freshly made chicken sandwiches. Every day, more than 12 million customers are served at KFC restaurants in 109 countries and territories around the world. KFC operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United States and more than 15,000 units around the world.This report focus on identifying KFC’s target market, analyzing its product, distribution, promotion, and pricing strategies that may produce satisfying exchanges with the target market, and Providing recommendations for the company’s further development.◇Target MarketKFC has divided its global market into various groups of consumers who have different geographically demands, taste preference and behaviors. KFC has made its marketing segmentation according to the following bases:(1) Geographic SegmentationFrom the microscopic view: Since KFC is a fast food chain restaurant, in which customer would like to have a quick bite, its outlets are required to build on a well traveled, major street, with good ingress and egress, good visibility and ample space for parking, among other things.From the macroscopic view: According to KFC’s franchising report, while in the western ., there are totally no available spaces tobuilt new outlets, in the eastern ., there are still plenty of opportunities to develop the new outlets.(2) Demographic SegmentationAge: There is not a specific age segmentation of KFC, most consumers in KFC ages from 6 to 65.Gender: Both male and femaleIncome: Above $10,000, below the average level inFamily size: 2-5 people. One of KFC’s strength is its focus onfamily meal.Family life cycle: KFC is suitable in every stage of life such as single person, single married couple as well as those who have children.(3) Psychographic SegmentationPersonality: Consumers in KFC are open, casual and easy-going. They must neither be vegetarian nor healthy-diet.Social class: Middle or belowLifestyles: Most people choose KFC because they do not have much time to prepare meals by themselves.According to the segmentation analysis, we can draw the conclusion that KFC should target its market on first and second tire cities to attract busy-working people and young students.The reasons are as follows:· The big cities are more developed with better transportation conditions and densely populations.· Busy-working employees and young students have a fast pace, they rarely have time to prepare meals.· Younger people pay less attention on healthy-diets.◇4P StrategiesProductBasically, the product is anything that be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. And it includes not only its physical unit, but also its package, warranty, service, brand name, company image, value and so on. Here, we would like to talk about its Physical unit and service.1. Physical unitKFC is specially dealing in the chicken products, These products are: Chicken ( including Original Ripe, Extra Crispy, Strips, Popcorn, Pot pie, Wings, Variety Bucket, and Boneless Variety Bucket), Burgers (including Mighty Zinger, Zinger Extreme, Fish Zinger, Zinger burger, Twister, Burger, and Sub 60), Desserts & Beverages (including Scoop of Walls, Fruit Salad, Large Drink, Mineral water regular, Mineral water large, Coffee, and Tea), Snacks & Side Orders (including Nuggets, Regular Fries, Large Fries, Corn on the Cob, Arabian Rice, Dinner Roll, Hot Shots, and Cheese).By exploring KFC’s products, we can find that it has a series of traits. It is a standard production, which adapts its restaurants to local tastes, different cultural and political climates. Basically, KFC has the special recipe for chicken products and that is why KFC known as a chicken specialist all over the world. What’s more, KFCis a kind of fast food, which can provide a quick bite for the person who pays less attention on healthy-diets. Besides, I have to mention that one of KFC’s strength is its focus on family meal, which is a factor that attracts more people who have families.2. ServiceKFC offers customers high consistency from one visit to the next because of its standardized preparation procedures. In America, KFC offers free home delivery service at specific branches in specific cities, KFC provides services to celebrate the birthdays of kids at their home or in KFC restaurants, now KFC also provides services of mobile unit of KFC.In order to explore a further development, from my perspective, KFC should extend its product line and bring out more new product to fit the customers while at the same time protect its own classic products. What’s more, KFC should take some practical measures to create its brand loyalty of consumers, which is a consistent preference of consumers over all other congeneric products. In addition, KFC should keep its core and supplementary services and develop much more services that match with the local consumers.Price1.KFC’s price positioningA common meal of KFC is 7 dollars, while currently, in the ., the per capita income is 90 dollar a day, which is about 13 times the priceof a meal in KFC. So KFC should focus on middle and low-income groups.2.KFC's pricing strategyAs a global brand, KFC use multiple price strategy due to different market situation. The price strategies that implement in the . have a big difference with its global strategy.Currently, KFC’s biggest market share is moving to the immature markets and developing countries. As a result, KFC choose the price skimming as its pricing strategy. Because of its advanced management experience, advance the supply chain, advance technology, and strong financial support. KFC is the top brand and its product is morecompetitive than other competitors. On this condition, KFC productcan attract consumer from middle or higher income level.However, since the target market changed in the mature markets and developed countries such as ., KFC should choose the status quopricing strategy which stays with the price of competitors. In this area, fast-food is the lower consumer goods and this industry hasbeen very mature. There are full of competitors such as McDonald’s, Burger King, and Subway which have the same homogeneity and their competition is extremely intense. On one hand, each competitor hasits own independent and perfect supply chain, so the costs of product can be compressed to a minimum. On the other hand, the service, product quality, and the product categories are all most the same. Differences are not large. Because of these two factors, KFC should lower its price in order to attract consumers from middle and low income levels thus stay in a competitive position.In addition, Comparing with other competitors, KFC chooses different prices to increase the diversity of product. Since KFC positionitself as a fried chicken expert in the fast-food industry. Fried chicken is popular and best product of KFC .In order to increase its differences and consolidate its leading position, KFC pricing itsfried chicken with a price higher than any other fast-food competitors. In general, its price is higher about 5%-10% than others, while other product such as hamburgers and beverage prices are basically the same as with the competitor.3.KFC face the pressure to raise the priceIn recent years, since the using of bio-fuel which made from corn, costs of KFC’s raw material keep getting higher and higher and the cost of human labor is also increasing. However, in order not todrive away its consumer who can only accept a relatively low level price and remain in a competitive position, there is no room for KFCto reduce the cost in its complete supply chain. For this reason, KFC is facing the great pressure to change its price strategy in order to solve the problem.PromotionPromotion is the method used to inform and educate the chosen target audience about the organization and its products. The promotion of KFC is quite varieties such as TV program, Internet, public relation and so on. Moreover, KFC innovates a new menu set for it is easy to order and can save money. A special menu set also is cheaper thannormal. At KFC, promotion is the main tool to bring all chicken lovers attention towards its delicious one-of-a-kind.One of KFC’s promotion methods is sales promotion, which includes Premiums, Exhibits, Coupons and Entertainment.(1)PremiumsFor sale promotion KFC has used premiums strategy that give gifts as premiums like watches, keychain, coffee cup, T-shirt, toys to attract customers especially teenagers.(2)ExhibitsKFC sometimes will hold a huge exhibition in public and let people know the history of KFC and its new products. Since the exhibition will attract people various from different ages and social statues, KFC are able to enlarge its consumer market significantly.(3) CouponsAll KFC outlets offer its customers with various forms of incentives to buy its Chicken. Using coupons that one can acquire after spending a particular amount over a period of fixed time, customers can enjoy the benefits of free meals or free add-ons. Additionally they provide meal vouchers and exciting offers in their print ads, which the customer must cut and bring. This strategy can attract many people from middle or lower class people in the . who are always seeking fora lower price.(4) EntertainmentIn some KFC restaurants, children can have a special birthday party and they can play in the amusement area to get a lot of fun. This special service are welcomed by young parents who are busying working and have no time to spend with their children, since it can provide the family a good time to get together and have fun together.In addition, KFC do its promotion by Advertisement. The channels often used by KFC are through TV Channel, Logo of KFC, Hoarding, Sponsorship, and Mobile vane.(1)TV ChannelAdvertising on different cable channel like Ten Sports, ABC, TNT and also advertising on world call cable advertising.(2)Logo of KFCThe logo of the smiling Colonel is probably one of the most recognized faces in the world and instantly brings the image of fried chicken to one’s mind.(3)HoardingUsing regular hoarding to propagate promotion activity in order to make people buy more foods they like.(4)SponsorshipThis is another tool to strengthen an organizations image. KFC is currently the sponsor of the Australian Cricket Team and the colonel logo can be seen on their uniforms throughout the matches. Since sports have always been very popular among the young people, the sponsorship can leave an energetic and active brand image.(5)Mobile vaneFor the delivery of the order is very quick service, for this purpose KFC has a mobile vane that makes it possible within 30 minutes to deliver the products. The vans also can be a source of advertisement.PlaceKFC operates more than 5,200 restaurants in the United Stated. It has its outlets in various locations throughout the state which are going to cater to our needs for the distribution process.1. Generally, KFC have two target consumers(1) People living in a hectic lifestyle – Currently, more and more employees in the . are living in a hectic lifestyle. These kind of people spend whole days working in front of their computer andneither feel like neither having meals nor preparing meals by themselves. The hectic lifestyle made individuals formulate the fast food concept of saving time on preparing food and have a full meal ina very short time.(2) Consumers who don’t like cooking such as young people. They always like to try something new and eating out with their friends will always be the best choice.2. The placement of KFC outletsTarget on those consumers, KFC has its special outlets placement strategy. In order to satisfy consumers who have a busy lifestyle, KFC open their outlets in cities such as the first and second tire cities in eastern ., in which transportation conditions are better and are in a higher population density. By going to KFC, people can buy their products easily and quickly. KFC have a large market in these kinds of cities because the products can satisfy the citizen’s needs.In addition, since KFC’s target market are mostly young people. It always place itself close to schools, colleges, cinemas and commercial areas which are mostly populated by young and people who are in a hurry.These customized placement strategy enable KFC to cater its target consumers.3. Selling MethodsKFC uses three different methods of selling its products directly to the market.The first method of distribution used by KFC is direct delivery which is especially appealing to consumers who always work at office or home. They can call KFC ahead of time to place an order. In the last few years, consumers are demanding greater convenience when purchasing. “Free Home Delivery” provides consumers a lot of conveniences. Even in the case they don’t go out their house or office; they can still enjoy KFC’s food. Customers can visit the website to know their operations and about their products.Another method of distribution which is for customers to dine-in. Customers can go to the nearest KFC restaurant, place an order and either take what they ordered away or just eat at the restaurant. As we kno w, one of KFC’s strength is its focus on family meal. KFC provides customers a clean place to sit down and enjoy KFC’sproducts in a fun and family atmosphere. This method made KFCsuitable in every stage of life: not only married couple who have children but also single person.The third method of distribution is online ordering which is stillnot wide implemented all over the . This method is suitable for those people who do not have much time to prepare meals by themselves. Those people spend whole days in front of their computer to do work. It’s convenient for them to finishing an online ordering. Since the ordering method is useful and did very well in Singapore. KFC in the . has selected California’s South County as the test market that ableto determine whether online-ordering services will rollout nationwide. This method is welcomed by the customers because it allows customersto view the entire menu and download any special coupons.KFC adopts a decentralized marketing system which means managers run operations according to American culture, political and economic situation. This enables KFC operation more flexible. And KFC has its franchises method for channel management system. KFC opens its franchises in most populated and well income areas.◇SuggestionsCombine KFC’s target market and its current financial pressure, we have conclude that on one hand, it must reduce the operation cost of outlet; on the other hand it should promote some new product and find new methods of distribution which can bring it more profits. Here, we would like to illustrate some specific strategies for KFC’s future development.1. Research and development the frozen product sold at supermarket and grocery.Since KFC provide the family meal to family in its outlet, it can also develop the frozen instant meal and sale them at the supermarket and grocery. Comparing to outlet, where KFC has to sale meal by human labor, distributing products to retailers’ store would cost fewer expense of sites leasing and labor employment.What is more, there are more and more people would like to purchase food at supermarket only one time per week and do not to eat outside. Although they like the flavor of KFC, the most vital reason why they don’t drive out is because of the cost of time and gas. It is hard for the whole family member to get together and eat outside. But if they can buy the frozen product at supermarket in advance they would have more time choices to enjoy it.2. Open more outlets in downtown and other population-concentration areas.While McDonald and subway target on individual, KFC prefer to family. However this doesn’t indicate that KFC couldn’t enter the individual market. KFC can simplify the meal which is more suitable for individual’s intake and open some outlets at downtown and some other high population concentration areas. The outlet located at those areas could not only have higher sales but also promote the brand image to more and more people.3. Coordinating with those companies whose target are also youngpeople and do a series of coordinated promotion.For example, KFC can coordinate with toy companies so they canmanufacture some kinds of exclusive toy that are accompanied with kids’ meal. Besides, KFC can coordinate with some Hollywoodcompanie s, promoting the upcoming movies’ and KFC meal together.This conveys a message to customer: you can watch movies at home, with the enjoyment of KFC’s fried chicken wing.4. R&D more kinds of food made without increasing-price material.In these years many commodities’ price keeps going up, such as corn, which accelerates the cost of chicken and erodes KFC’s grossprofit directly. To deal with this serious problem, KFC should release more kinds of meal what are not made of those increasing-price materials. For example, KFC can release some vegetable meal, like salad and soup, accompanied by the promoting concept of healthy diet. KFC can charge this food higher than normal food, thus make up the lost of increasing cost.Reference1. Crewe and Alsager Faculty,STRATEGIC MARKETING: PLANNING ANDCONTROL, 20032. The Hoovers, KFC Business Intelligence, Hoover Research Journals,2008 [Online accessed 1st May 2008]3. Rahzzla Zolaiqar, KFC Project, 5th of November, 20074. Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, Marketing, 7th Edition, 20045. Yum! Brands, Inc. Annual Report, 20086. &submit=Submit11。



肯德基英语作文KFC, known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a globally recognized fast-food chain that originated in the United States. It was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1930 and has since become synonymous with the American fast-food culture. The brand is famous for its secret blend of 11 herbs and spices, which is used to season its signature fried chicken.The success of KFC is not just limited to its delicious food but also extends to its innovative marketing strategies and expansion into international markets. KFC has adapted its menu to cater to local tastes in different countries, such as offering rice bowls in Japan and vegetarian options in India.One of the key factors contributing to KFC's global appeal is its commitment to quality. The company maintains strict standards for its ingredients and cooking methods, ensuring that customers around the world can enjoy the same great taste.KFC also places a high emphasis on customer service. Thestaff are trained to be friendly and attentive, creating a welcoming atmosphere for diners. This focus on hospitality is part of the brand's "Southern hospitality" image, which is rooted in its Kentucky origins.In addition to its restaurants, KFC has a strong presence inthe digital space. It uses social media platforms to engage with customers, promote new products, and share updates on its corporate social responsibility initiatives.Overall, KFC is more than just a fast-food chain; it represents a piece of Americana that has been embraced by people from all corners of the globe. Its combination of great food, quality, and service has made it a beloved brand for many, and its continued growth and innovation show no signs of slowing down.。















力邀吃相具有诱惑力的名人 秀出品尝现熬好粥的吃相 制成播送体操,在早晨的通勤场景播放
第一节 闻香运动
第二节 搅拌运动
第三节 品尝运动
第四节 舔碗运动
翻开粥盖 香气四溢 深吸一口 口水直流
搅拌搅拌 真是浓稠 丰富好料 满满一碗
拿起勺子 品尝品尝 不会烫到 那就正好
真不想和 美味分手 把碗舔舔 回味无穷
在一周内,每天合作一位名人早上喝粥做操 引发UGC模仿参与,视觉感知粥的神奇美味

将名人内容剪辑成video 在通勤早餐时间段播放 诱发食欲,到店品尝
“齐和尚说:山中僧,每将旦一粥,甚系利害。如 不食,那么终日觉脏腑燥涸。盖粥能畅胃气,生津 液也。大抵养生求安乐,亦无深远难知之事,不过 寝食之间尔。故作此劝人每日食粥,勿大笑也。〞
现熬好粥,是肯德基对你的 Caring
通勤地点提醒 刷公交卡买粥减¥2
在通勤地点,投放刷公交卡买粥立减的广告 将粥的优惠价格直抵消费者面前 引发“上班路上买碗粥〞的消费契机
在北上广,每店每天前100名买粥消费者,就能得到阿宝“现 熬好粥〞卡贴 加强促销,并每日持续提醒消费者通勤路上买粥
用早晨最活力的方式,唤起你的食欲 肯德基#喝粥播送体操#
爆 食放 憾回 开材 味
无 穷
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• 人口年龄分布
Demographic Environment
• 家庭规模
Demographic Environment
• 教育团体
Economic Environment
• 收入分配
Economic Environment
• 恩格尔系数
Social-Cultural Environment
• • • • • • Demographic Environment Economic Environment Social Culture Environment Natural Environment Technological Environment Political-Legal Environment
• 肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken肯塔基州 炸鸡),简称为KFC,来自美国的著名连 锁快餐厅,由哈兰· 山德士上校于1952年创 建。主要出售炸鸡、汉堡、薯条、汽水等 西式快餐食品。
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1992 1995 1996 2000 2001 2002 2003 至今 餐厅数量
亚文化的转变: 自古以来中国人就很注重饮食,有句俗语说 得好----人是铁饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌, 由此可见“食”在中国人心中的分量 随着社会的发展,由于快节奏的生活使得中 国人对于饮食的追求开始转变为干净,快 捷就行,而肯德基正是迎合了大多数年青 一代的需求
Natural Environment
Demographic Environment
• 即人口统计环境 • 人口总数:中国是世界上人口最多的国家, 2008年末中国大陆人口13.28亿,占世界人 口的20%、亚洲人口的33%,尽管实行了 计划生育政策,但由于中国人口基数大, 所以总人数仍居高不下
Demographic Environment
• 1999年根据全球著名的AC尼尔森调研公司在中国 30个城市16,677份问卷调查显示, 最早进入中国 市场的西式快餐--肯德基, 因其独有的美食和品 质,被中国消费者公认为“顾客最常惠顾的”品 牌,并在中国名列前十个国际著名品牌的榜首 • 肯德基的中国总部中国百胜餐饮集团连续三年居 全中国餐饮百强之首。 2002年的营业额达到71亿元。其中绝大部分来自 肯德基。
• 中国地大物博,对于家禽的饲养也历史悠 久,因此肯德基在中国可以就地取料,选 取有实力的养殖地作为特定供应商,避免 了进口家禽的费用
Technological Environment
• 拥有自己独特的配方及炸鸡技术
Political-Legal Environment
• 法律,对于肯德基来说,早在19世纪进入 中国市场的优惠政策已经丢淡,例如多年 • 以来,包括“洋快餐”在内的各类外资企 业,不仅在税收方面享受着“超国民待遇” 甚至 • 在政治和法律方面也享受着“超国民待遇” • 。这些都是当年中国为了吸引外资加快国 内经济发展生活质量提高而做出的决策,