YAMAHA HS系列监听音箱介绍
雅马哈最新旗舰——DSP—A1家庭影院功放雅马哈1998年初,稚马哈推出新的旗舰——DsP_A1家庭影院扩音机,这是世界首部集杜比定『哥逻辑环绕声,Cine-nmDSP环绕声,杜比数字环绕声和IYTS环绕声于一身的七声道环绕声扩音机.稚马哈DSP-A1家庭影院扩音机有黑色机型和香摈金色机型供选择.香槟金色机型还配有原木侧板,使外形更典雅.DSP-A1面板中间开有一条向内凹的三角槽,槽内从左至右依次设有:电源开关,显示屏,Tape2Mon开关,输入信号源选择旋钮,主音量调节旋钮槽的下方,是一块臆蔽揭台式控制板,里面设有一组视频输入端子(附有S-V ideo端子).耳机插孔,低音拓展按键,高音,低音,平衡调节旋钮,及曲目选择,菜单设定等功能.DSP-A1家庭影院扩音机采用先进的稚马哈DSP数字科技,具有雅马哈独家开发的三音场on哪DSP(Tri-FieldCinemaDSP),其音场声像除还原杜比数码5.1声道外,稚马哈DSP-A1还可再生前置左环绕和右环绕声道的音频信号,使声道总数可达到7个:数字信号处理方面,DSP-A1采用了24bit杜比数码芯片,型号为YSS-249;DSp数字音场处理芯片,型号为YSS-214.并设有杜比数字和DTS数字环绕声解码器;其数/模转换为8倍取样,24bit量化,8个声道:模/数转换为128倍超取样,24bit量化,2个声道:雅马哈DSP-A1具备有42种环绕声模式,其中分为21种CinemaDSP模式【含14种三音场CinemaDSP模式) 及18种Hi-FiDSP模式,如DTS数字环绕/加强(D’ISDitalStav otmd/E haneed)模式,杜比数字/加强(Dolby Digital/Enhanced)模式及最新三音场CinemaDSP模式:专为杜比数字和DTS而设的$~i-Fi(科幻效果)模式.而最新的Hi-FiDSP模式有:Royavmont (教堂),TileBottomLine(爵士乐俱乐部),派对【娱乐)和UJ(音乐会录像带1):稚马哈DSP-A1还具有各种先进的自动功能,方便用户装置及操作.如具有回放模式显示的自动环绕声解码器选择功能:自动优先输入端子选择,优先顺序为:51声道数字绕声,杜比数字5.1声道环绕声,杜比定向逻辑环绕声,立体声,单声道:根据音箱配合进行最优化响应模式选择;具有音箱测试模式的逻辑屏幕显示功能;方便的”设置菜单”功能,具有:记忆保护装置,参数调整/初始化,五波段中置声道图示均衡器,用于超低音箱输出的低频检测音调等分项功能:直接存取DSP模式开关:13端子(各附有一组S-V ideo输入端子),1组监听输出端子,1组用于连接LD影碟机的杜比数字RF射频信号输入端子,一组3个(CD,Tv/ DBS,DVD/VCR3)同轴信号输入端子, 一组6个光纤数字信号输入端子,一组5.1声道输入端子适用外接各种数字环绕声解码器,一组单声道/分离超低音箱输出端子,及主置声道,中置声道(可接一个或两个中置音箱,通过背板上”A+B”,”A或B,,开关切换),前置环绕声道,后置环绕声道的音箱接线端子等,还备有音箱阻抗选择器.DSP-A1家庭影院扩音机电源采用一只重达8.5kg的电源变压器,高音质滤波电解电容,功率放大则采用低阻抗电路和线性衰减电路.其主要技术指标:最大输出功率(8/612, lkHz,10%THD):150W×5(主置,中置,后置环绕声道)+45W×2(前置环绕声道);频率响应(CD,主置声道): 20Hz一z(±05dB);总谐波失真【20Hz一舢z):0.005%(CD,预输出, 1伏);信噪比96dB(CD,输入短接); 图像信噪比50dB:外形尺寸(宽×高×深):435mm×191nma×473mm:重量23kg.口HIGHFIDELITYMiay1998一。
雅马哈YAMAHA 2002~2008年度音响类型号表YAMAHA 2002~2008年度音响类型号表Regist Date Model Name2002-9-13 DVD-S530/DV-S55502002-9-19 DVD-S80 CDR-HD1300 AV-65/66YST2002-9-26RX-V2300/DSP-AX2300/RX-V1300/RX-V1300RDS/HTR-5590/DSP-AX130 0 AX-5402002-10-1 DVX-S602002-10-21 RX-V3300/DSP-AZ22002-10-29 CC-75 TSS-102002-11-11 AX-7502002-11-26 AX-750 PDM-1 YST-SW15002002-11-26 AX-750 PDM-1 YST-SW15002002-12-12 YST-SW015 DRX-1 NS-P836/NS-P4362003-1-8 NS-515F NS-C515 NS-M515 NS-10MMF2003-1-22 DVD-S8302003-1-28 DSP-A2070 CTS-20USBRX-V590/R-V901/RX-V590RDS RX-V9922003-2-14 RX-V1070/V8702003-2-27 A-760 DVD-S2300 AX-500/AX-500U AX-550 CRX-M5/NX-M5 RX-392/R-V502/RX-V392RDS2003-3-6 RX-V300K/R-V302K RX-V390/R-V501/RX-V390RDS KX-W421/KX-W321/K-9032003-4-3RX-V540/RX-V540RDS/HTR-5650/HTR-5650RDS/DSP-AX540/RX-V440/RX-V440RDS/HTR-5640/HTR-5640RDS/DSP-AX440 HTR-56352003-4-16 DVD-C740/DV-C66602003-4-25 YST-SW215RX-V740/RX-V740RDS/DSP-AX740/RX-V640/RX-V640RDS/HTR-5660/DSP-AX6402003-6-2 DVD-S8402003-6-19 YST-SW3152003-7-9RX-V340/RX-V340RDS/HTR-5630/HTR-5630RDS/DSP-AX3402003-8-4 DPX-1000 DVD-S540/DV-S5650 DVD-S80Corrected NS-P100/NS-P1062003-8-18 NS-6490 NS-333 NS-555 NS-777 NS-C4442003-9-5 DVD-S2300MK22003-9-24 PMT-L31/PMT-H35 SPS-10MMS MCX-1000 MCX-A102003-10-15RX-V2400/RX-V2400RDS/DSP-AX2400/RX-V1400/RX-V1400RDS/HTR-5690/DSP-AX14002003-10-28 AVC-S20/NX-P20 DVD-C940/DV-C66802003-11-7 DVX-S1202004-1-20 DVX-S2002004-2-5 MX-D12004-2-16 RX-SL100 DV-SL1002004-3-5 RX-Z9/DSP-Z9 DRX-22004-4-5 PMD-4210 YST-SW030/YST-SW010 HTR-5790 2004-4-13 NS-P240/NS-P246RX-V550/HTR-5750/RX-V450/HTR-57402004-5-25 RX-750/DSP-AX750/DSP-AX750SE LPX-510DPX-11002004-7-30 MCX-C15/MCXCA152004-8-5 DVD-S15002004-8-19 DVX-S1502004-9-27 DVD-S550/DV-S5750 YST-SW515RX-V1500/DSP-AX1500 RX-SL80 RX-E600/NX-E4002004-11-23 DVD-C750/DV-C6770/DV-C6760 DVD-E600 TSS-152004-12-6 RX-V25002005-3-10 YSP-1 PDM-5520 RX-V357/HTR-5830 DVD-S25002005-3-24RX-V557/HTR-5850/DSP-AX557/RX-V457/HTR-5840/DSP-AX457HTR-5890 HTR-5835/DSP-AX357 YST-SW011RX-V757/DSP-AX757/DSP-AX757SE/RX-V657/HTR-5860 DVD-C9502005-5-6 DVD-S557 DVX-C300 CDR-HD15002005-5-27 DVD-S657/DV-S5860 RX-V4600/DSP-AX46002005-7-18 DPX-5302005-9-26 DVX-S301/S302 AX-497 AX-397 CRX-M170 TX-497 2005-9-26 DVX-S301/S302 AX-497 AX-397 CRX-M170 TX-497 2005-11-24 PDM-4220 YSP-800 YSP-1000 AVC-S30 DVD-S302005-12-1 RX-397 RX-497 RX-797 RX-V1600 RX-V2600HTR-59902005-12-5 MCX-2000 DVD-E600mk2 RX-V100D DPX-1300RDX-E7002006-1-31 RX-V359/HTR-59302006-3-3 RX-V559/HTR-5950 RX-V459/HTR-5940,HTR-5935RX-V659/HTR-5960/DSP-AX759SE DVD-S559 DV-C68602006-3-21 YDS-10 DPX-830 HTR-59202006-5-25 RX-V559DAB/RX-V459DAB2006-6-26 DV-C6860 DVD-S559mk2RX-N600/RX-N600D/HTR-N50602006-7-28 DVR-C310 CDX-497/397 RX-E810/E410 DVD-S6592006-8-21 CDX-E4102006-9-1 DVD-E810 Soavo-900SW YSP-900 YSP-11002006-10-12 RX-V1700 HTR-6090 RX-V2700 NX-A01 CDC-6972006-12-8 DVD-S17002006-12-27 DVD-S27002007-1-26 NX-U102007-3-1 RX-V361/HTR-6030 RX-V461/HTR-60402007-3-26 RX-V661/HTR-6060/DSP-AX761 DVD-S661(G)2007-4-9 YST-RSW3002007-4-27 RX-V861/HTR-6080/DSP-AX861SE2007-5-22 DVD-S661/DV-S61602007-6-29 CRX-E3202007-7-19 RX-V461/HTR-6040/RX-V461DABRX-V561/HTR-6050 HTR-60252007-8-30 YST-FSW150/YST-FSW050 RX-V1800/HTR-61902007-9-14 RX-V38002007-10-1 DVD-C961 DVD-S18002007-10-19 YSP-3000 TX-761DAB2007-11-2 YAS-702007-11-26 YSP-4000/YSP-40D/HTY-70402007-12-7 KMA-900/KAX-82007-12-27 CD-S2000 NX-A02 NX-B02 NX-U022008-1-7 YSP-500/HTY-7502008-1-23 A-S20002008-5-12 YDS-11 DVX-1000 YSP-600, HTY-760 RX-V863,HTR-6180, DSP-AX863SE RX-V663, HTR-6160 RX-V563, HTR-6150RX-V463, HTR-61402008-5-15 CD-S10002008-6-2 A-S10002008-6-24 TSS-20,HTS-2012008-7-8 YSP-30502008-7-30 DVD-S663,DV-S61652008-7-30 BD-S2900。
惠威HS系列室内 室外扬声器说明书
![惠威HS系列室内 室外扬声器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4be7c63e178884868762caaedd3383c4ba4cb417.png)
HS SERIES MANUAL惠威HS系列室内/室外扬声器配件--阻抗匹配音量控制器:注:3种配件有各种不同的功率选择,在本手册中只做了一个通用性的安装介绍,具体的功率选择请根据您的需要向我们订安装及连接3. 请勿将产品安装过于靠近热源(如火炉,散热器或其他的散热设备)。
4. 对于室外安装,接好线后,请用绝缘胶布包住接线柱,以避免雨水造成的不良影响。
2欧姆1X1X2X2X4X 4X4X4X4X8X8X8X8X8X8X8X8欧姆6欧姆4欧姆功放最小负载阻抗2欧姆8欧姆6欧姆4欧姆2欧姆8欧姆6欧姆4欧姆功放最小负载阻抗功放最小负载阻抗1X 2X 4X 4X 4X8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 123456789101112131415162X 4X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 2X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 1234567891011121314151612345678910111213141516对于8Ω扬声器的跳线设置/扬声器的数量(对)对于6Ω扬声器的跳线设置/扬声器的数量(对)对于4Ω扬声器的跳线设置/扬声器的数量(对)2X 4X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 1X 2X 4X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 1X 2X 2X 4X 4X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 1X 1X 1X 1X2X2X 4X 4X 4X 4X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 8X 1X 2X 4X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 1X 2X 4X 4X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 16X 16X 16X 16X 16X 1X 1X 2X 2X 4X 4X 4X 4X 4X 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 8X 1X1X1X1X2X2X 2X 2X 4X 4X 4X 4X 4X 4X 4X 4X图2附录 A阻抗匹配音量控制器的使用:阻抗匹配音量控制器的用途就是补偿由于多个喇叭和一个功放连接所造成的阻抗减少。
YAMAHA HS 80M HS 50M HS 10W音响 说明书
![YAMAHA HS 80M HS 50M HS 10W音响 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e88dc4cea1c7aa00b52acbf1.png)
EN DE FR ES ZH JAPowered Near-field Reference Monitors & SubwooferOWNER’S MANUAL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNGMODE D’EMPLOIMANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONESThe above warning is located on the rear of the unit.Explanation of Graphical SymbolsThe lightning flash with arrowhead symbolwithin an equilateral triangle is intended to alertthe user to the presence of uninsulated“dangerous voltage” within the product’senclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude toconstitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateraltriangle is intended to alert the user to thepresence of important operating andmaintenance (servicing) instructions in theliterature accompanying the product.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1Read these instructions.2Keep these instructions.3Heed all warnings.4Follow all instructions.5Do not use this apparatus near water.6Clean only with dry cloth.7Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (includingamplifiers) that produce heat.9Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two bladeswith one wider than the other. A grounding type plughas two blades and a third grounding prong. The wideblade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.10Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.11Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.12Use only with the cart, stand,tripod, bracket, or table specifiedby the manufacturer, or sold withthe apparatus. When a cart isused, use caution when movingthe cart/apparatus combinationto avoid injury from tip-over.13Unplug this apparatus duringlightning storms or when unused for long periods oftime.14Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.Servicing is required when the apparatus has beendamaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plugis damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects havefallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has beenexposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally,or has been dropped.(98-6500)• This applies only to products distributed by Y amaha-Kemble Music (U.K.) Ltd.(3 wires)WARNINGTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APP ARA TUS TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. IMPORTANTPlease record the serial number of this unit in the space below.Model:Serial No.:The serial number is located on the bottom or rear of the unit.Retain this Owner's Manual in a safe place for future reference.44 4552 5366 66 67 67Thank you for choosing a YAMAHA powered monitor speaker or powered subwoofer.In order to take maximum advantage of the speaker’s features and ensure maximum performance and longevity, please read this manual carefully before using powered monitor speaker or powered subwoofer.Keep the manual in a safe place for future reference.Vielen Dank dass Sie sich für einen aktiven Monitorlautsprecher oder Subwoofer von YAMAHA entschieden haben.Um die Eigenschaften des Lautsprechers optimal zu nutzen und für höchste Leistung und Lebensdauer lesen Sie diese Anleitung bitte genau durch, bevor Sie den aktiven Monitorlautsprecher oder Subwoofer verwenden.Bitte bewahren Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung zum späteren Nachschlagen an einem sicheren Ort auf.Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi un haut-parleur de contrôle ou un caisson de basses amplifié YAMAHA.Pour obtenir les performances optimales de vos haut-parleurs et garantir une longévité maximale, lisez attentivement ce mode d’emploi avant d’utiliser le haut-parleur de contrôle ou le caisson de basses amplifié.Conservez-le en lieu sûr pour pouvoir vous y référer ultérieurement.Gracias por elegir los monitores o el subwoofer autoamplificados de Y amaha.A fin de aprovechar al máximo las características de los altavoces y obtener un rendimiento y durabilidad óptimos,lea atentamente este manual antes de utilizar el sistema.Guarde este manual en un lugar seguro para futuras consultas.Contents4Precautions 5Setting Up forSuperior Monitor Sound Rear Panel12HS50M/HS80M 13HS10W 66Specifications66Dimensions67Performancegraph67Block DiagramTable des matières24Précautions25Configurationdu son de con-trôle supérieurPanneau arrière32HS50M/HS80M33HS10W66Spécifications66Dimensions67Graphique desperformances67Schémad’ensemble Inhalt14Vorsichts-maßnahmen15Aufstellung fürden bestenKlangRückseite22HS50M/HS80M23HS10W66Technische Daten66Abmessungen67Leistungsdiagramm67BlockschaltbildContenido34Precauciones 35Configuraciónpara obtener unamonitorización desonido excelente Panel posterior 42HS50M/HS80M43HS10W 66Especificaciones66Dimensiones67Gráfico derendimiento67Diagrama debloques545663HS50M/HS80M64HS10W6566676767(5)-4请在操作使用前,首先仔细阅读下述内容* 请将本说明书存放在安全的地方,以便将来随时参阅。
YAMAHA 监听扬声器MSP3 说明书
![YAMAHA 监听扬声器MSP3 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/066f3e3d7375a417866f8f6f.png)
● 在连接乐器、音响设备时, 请关闭所需连接的所有的 设备的电源。请遵照各使用手册使用指定的电缆,进 行连接。
● 在接通本机的电源之前, 应始终将音量调节至最低 值。突然的尖响声音会损伤您的听觉。
● 请勿用让人不舒服的大音量使用扬声器, 若长期习惯 于用大音量收听, 会损伤您的听觉。
● 切勿长时间输出失真的声音, 因为这会引起扬声器发 热, 会引起火灾。
② HIGH控制 调整高音域。可在基准频率10kHz、0~±3dB的范 围内调整。在旋钮处于12时的位置时、变为平坦特 性、若向右旋转便提升、若向左旋转便截止。
③ 电源指示灯 若接通(ON)后面板的POWER开关(⑥)便点亮。
④ LINE 1电平控制 调整输入至后面板的INPUT LINE 1端子(⑦)的信 号的音量电平。若向左旋转, 则音量变小, 若向右旋 转、则音量变大。
LINE 1 (–10dB)
LINE 2 (+4dB)
1 LINE 2
12 3 45
① LOW控制 调整低音域。可在基准频率100Hz、0~±3dB的范 围内调整。在旋钮处于12时的位置时、变为平坦特 性、若向右旋转便提升、若向左旋转便截止。
● 使用时请勿使扬声器声音失真。否则扬声器会发热, 会引起火灾。
● 因旅行等长期不使用本机时, 为安全起见, 务请从电 源插座拔出插头, 否则会引起火灾。
● 在进行维修保养时, 为安全起见, 务请从电源插座拔 出插头, 否则会引起电击。
关于连接器的极性 ◆ XLR型连接器的引脚应按如下所示进行布线∶
声雅CD―S10CS HDCD播放机+A10CS胆石混血合并式放大器关键字:声雅CD―S10CS HDCD播放机+A10CS胆石混血合并式放大器本文为Word文档,感谢你的关注!用来欣赏纯音乐的音响器材无非是三大件:音箱、放大器、CD播放机。
在国内的音响厂家中,有能力同时提供音箱、放大器、CD播放机的并不多,声雅公司便是其中的少数之一,这次试用的便是CD机和放大器的组合:CD-S10CS CD播放机和A10CS合并式放大器。
introduction 简 介
简 介 introduction
Yamaha Electric Acoustic Guitars YAMAHA 电箱吉他
A 系列
传统缺角箱体 & 小型缺角箱体
A 系列电箱吉他的声音品质和演奏的舒适度完全超越了同级别的其他 型号。这个系列提供了两种箱体尺寸,在背板和侧板上提供了玫瑰木 或桃花心木两种选择。用户可以根据自己对音色的喜好和演奏方式进 行挑选。A 系列的不同显而易见,比如弦高,弦距,琴颈的形状,琴 颈的漆面处理以及琴颈变窄的设计处理,A 系列提供给演奏中左手对 琴颈最大的舒适度。全木质的箱体包边处理和独特的护板形状让 A 系 列在外观上提升了一个级别。雅马哈先进的 S R T 拾音器系统传递杰出 的箱琴音色 (A3 系列 )。
型号 面板 背板 / 侧板 琴颈 嵌饰 琴体包边 放大器
CPX15II 印度玫瑰木 RW, 非洲 MH,PD,EOP
PD,MH, 非洲 MH,RW MH,PD,EB,RW, 非洲 MH PD,MH, 非洲 MH,RW 贝壳 , 成色亚克力
LLX 系列
原型 JUMBO 琴体吉他
以最基本的 J U M B O 型琴体为基础,我们推出了最受专业录音吉他演奏家 推崇的旗舰电箱民谣吉他——L L X 系列。该系列产品配备了 A . R . T.拾 音器系统,在演奏清澈优美的音色同时,能忠实还原宽广的动态范围 和平衡的声音特性。L L X36C /26C /26 等型号的面板采用雅马哈专有的 A . R . E . *( 原声共鸣加强技术 ) 工艺制造,使吉他箱体的音色稳重坚实。 该系列包括缺角和圆角型号。
Mute Control
4Ω 47kΩ 3.3V Rch
Quick Mute
Multi steps
Class-D D
Helios: 自然丰富的声音, 相位特性得到补偿 声音发闷 某些声音缺失 相位失真
不能补偿相位特性, 频响曲线也不够平坦
+ 90deg
Panasonic MW-20
- 90deg 200Hz 10dB 1kHz 10kHz
YDA174(DD-2SP) 内置DSP的功放
电源电压 5-18 V 15W 2ch output @8Ω 15V 20W 2ch output @4Ω 14V 1W ~20W with Power limiter/DRC (non Clip) Filter free for EMI 调频技术
通过增强谐波信号,来弥补基频的缺失 原理基于听觉心理学:通过播放低音的谐波信号,即使基频缺失,人脑也能感受到类 似的低音效果。 基于对上述原理的研究,YAMAHA采用增强奇次谐波的技术,来得到低音增强的效果 应用谐波增强的技术,也能使 TV和MP3 等压缩数据的声音更丰富
Volume Selecter
雅马哈 YAMAHA YST-SW40 低音盘 说明书
![雅马哈 YAMAHA YST-SW40 低音盘 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f3e71fcc7f1922791788e817.png)
21 Read Instructions – All the safety and operatinginstructions should be read before the unit is operated.2Retain Instructions – The safety and operating instructionsshould be retained for future reference.3Heed Warnings – All warnings on the unit and in theoperating instructions should be adhered to.4Follow Instructions – All operating and other instructionsshould be followed.5Water and Moisture – The unit should not be used nearwater – for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchensink, laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimmingpool, etc.6Carts and Stands – The unit should be used only with acart or stand that is recommended by themanufacturer.6A A unit and cart combination should bemoved with care. Quick stops, excessiveforce, and uneven surfaces may causethe unit andcart combination to overturn.7Wall or Ceiling Mounting – The unit should be mounted toa wall or ceiling only as recommended by themanufacturer.8Ventilation – The unit should be situated so that its locationor position does not interfere with its proper ventilation.For example, the unit should not be situated on a bed,sofa, rug, or similar surface, that may block the ventilationopenings; or placed in a built-in installation, such as abookcase or cabinet that may impede the flow of airthrough the ventilation openings.9Heat – The unit should be situated away from heat sourcessuch as radiators, stoves, or other appliances that produceheat.10Power Sources – The unit should be connected to a powersupply only of the type described in the operatinginstructions or as marked on the unit.11Power-Cord Protection – Power-supply cords should berouted so that they are not likely to be walked on orpinched by items placed upon or against them, payingparticular attention to cords at plugs, conveniencereceptacles, and the point where they exit from the unit.12Cleaning – The unit should be cleaned only asrecommended by the manufacturer.13Nonuse Periods – The power cord of the unit should beunplugged from the outlet when left unused for a longperiod of time.14Object and Liquid Entry – Care should be taken so thatobjects do not fall into and liquids are not spilled into theinside of the unit.15Damage Requiring Service – The unit should be servicedby qualified service personnel when:A.The power-supply cord or the plug has been damaged;orB.Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled into the unit;orC.The unit has been exposed to rain; orD.The unit does not appear to operate normally or exhibits amarked change in performance; orE.The unit has been dropped, or the cabinet damaged.16Servicing – The user should not attempt to service the unitbeyond those means described in the operatinginstructions. All other servicing should be referred toqualified service personnel.17Power Lines – An outdoor antenna should be located awayfrom power lines.18Grounding or Polarization – Precautions should be takenso that the grounding or polarization is not defeated. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS3FCC INFORMATION (for US customers only)YAMAHA and the Electronic Industries Association’sConsumer Electronics Group want you to get the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level. One that lets the sound come through loud and clear without annoying blaring or distortion – and, most importantly, without affecting yoursensitive hearing. Since hearing damage from loud sounds isoften undetectable until it is too late, YAMAHA and the Electronic Industries Association’sConsumer Electronics Group recommend you to avoid prolonged exposure from excessive volume levels.We Want You Listening For A Lifetime (for US customers only)1.IMPORTANT NOTICE : DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT!This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCCrequirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.2.IMPORTANT :When connecting this product toaccessories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instructions.Failure to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA.3.NOTE :This product has been tested and found tocomply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations,Part 15 for Class “B” digital devices. Compliance with these requirements provides a reasonable level of assurance that your use of this product in a residential environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices.This equipment generates/uses radio frequencies and, if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the users manual, may cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic devices.Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning the unit “OFF” and “ON”, please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following measures:Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference.Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter/s.In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300 ohm ribbon lead,change the lead-in to coaxial type cable.If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contact Yamaha Electronics Corp., U.S.A. 6660 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620.The above statements apply ONLY to those products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America or its subsidiaries.41.To assure the finest performance, please read this manual carefully. Keep it in a safe place for future reference.2.Install this unit in a cool, dry, clean place – away from windows,heat sources, sources of excessive vibration, dust, moisture and cold. Avoid sources of humming (transformers, motors). To prevent fire or electrical shock, do not expose the unit to rain or water.3.Never open the cabinet. If something drops into the set, contact your dealer.4.Do not use force on switches, controls or connection wires. When moving the unit, first disconnect the power plug and the wires connected to other equipment. Never pull the wire itself.5.Do not attempt to clean the unit with chemical solvents; this might damage the finish. Use a clean, dry cloth.6.Be sure to read the “TROUBLESHOOTING” section regarding common operating errors before concluding that the unit is faulty.7.When not planning to use this unit for long periods of time (ie.,vacation, etc.), disconnect the AC power plug from the wall outlet.8.To prevent lightning damage, disconnect the AC power plug when there is an electrical storm.9.Since this unit has a built-in power amplifier, heat will radiate from the rear panel. Therefore, place the unit apart from the walls,allowing a space of at least 10 cm (3-15/16”) above, behind and on the both sides of the unit. Also, do not position with the rear panel facing down on the floor or other surface.10.Super-bass frequencies reproduced by this unit may cause aturntable to generate a howling sound. In such a case, move this unit away from the turntable.11.This unit features a magnetically shielded design, but there is still a chance that placing it too close to a TV set might impair picture color. Should this happen, move this unit away from the TV set.12.If you hear distortion (i.e., unnatural, intermittent “rapping” or“hammering” sounds) coming from this unit, reduce the volume level. Extremely loud playing of a movie soundtrack’s lowfrequency, bass-heavy sounds or similarly loud popular music passages can damage this speaker system.13.This unit has a port called “air woofer” which is for reproducing asuper-bass sound.Be careful not to put a hand or some objects into the port,otherwise it may give you an electric shock or give this unit a damage, or cause a fire.14.Voltage Selector (General Model only)The voltage selector on the rear panel of this unit must be set for your local main voltage BEFORE plugging into the AC main supply.Voltages are AC 110/120/220/240V, 50/60 Hz.IMPORTANTPlease record the serial number of this unit in the space below.Serial No.:The serial number is located on the rear of the unit.Retain this Owner’s Manual in a safe place for future reference.WARNINGTO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS UNIT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.CAUTION (FOR CANADA MODEL)TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK, MATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT AND FULLY INSERT.FOR CANADIAN CUSTOMERTHIS CLASS B DIGITAL APPARATUS MEETS ALLREQUIREMENTS OF THE CANADIAN INTERFERENCE-CAUSING EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS.For U.K. customersIf the socket outlets in the home are not suitable for the plug supplied with this appliance, it should be cut off and anappropriate 3 pin plug fitted. For details, refer to the instructions described below.Note:The plug severed from the mains lead must be destroyed,as a plug with bared flexible cord is hazardous if engaged in a live socket outlet.SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR U.K. MODELIMPORTANTTHE WIRES IN THE MAINS LEAD ARE COLOURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODE:Blue: NEUTRAL Brown: LIVEAs the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK. The wirewhich is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED. Making sure thatneither core is connected to the earth terminal of the three pin plug.The apparatus is not disconnected from the AC power source as long as it is connected to the wall outlet, even if the apparatus itself is turned off.CAUTION: READ THIS BEFORE OPERATING YOUR UNIT.Caution ...........................................................................4Features .........................................................................5Placement ......................................................................5Connections ...................................................................6Controls and their functions .. (9)Adjusting volume ..........................................................10Active Servo Technology ..............................................11Troubleshooting ............................................................12Specifications (12)CONTENTS5•This subwoofer system employs YAMAHA Active Servo Technology which YAMAHA developed for reproducing higher quality super-bass sound. (Refer to page 11 for details on Active Servo Technology.)This unit does not only enhance bass frequency response of sound output in your audio system, but, by reproducing the bass frequencies, the subwoofer permits your existing amplifier and speakers to operate under less strenuous conditions, improving overall system performance.•This unit can be added easily to your existing audio system by connecting to either the speaker terminals or the line output (pin jack) terminals of the amplifier.•For the effective use of this unit, this unit’s super-bass sound must be matched to the sounds of your main speakers. Therefore, this unit employs a continuously variable high frequency cut-off point (HIGH CUT) control.•A newly employed AUTO POWER ON/OFF switch saves you the trouble of pressing the POWER switch when turning the power on and off.If using one subwoofer, it is recommended to place it on theoutside of either the right or the left main speaker. (See fig..) If using two subwoofers, it is recommended to place themon the outside of each main speaker. (See fig. .) Theplacement shown in fig. is also possible, however, if thesubwoofer system is placed directly facing the wall, the bass effect may die because the sound from it and the sound reflected by the wall may cancel. To prevent this, face thesubwoofer system obliquely to the wall as shown in fig. or.One subwoofer will have a good effect on your audio system,however, the use of two subwoofers is recommended to obtain more presence.NoteThere may be a case that you cannot obtain enough super-bass sounds from this unit when listening at the middle of the room. This is because “standing waves” have developed between two parallel walls and the bass sounds are being canceled.In such a case, face the unit obliquely to the wall. It also may be necessary to break up the parallel surfaces by placing bookshelves etc. along the walls.FEATURESPLACEMENTABCA A CB B•Before attempting to make any connections to or from this unit, be sure to first switch OFF the power to this unit and to any other components to which connections are being made.•When making connections between this unit and other components, be sure all connections are made correctly and consistently, that is to say L(left) to L, R(right) to R, “+” to “+” and “–” to “–”.•This unit can be connected to either the speaker terminals or the line output (pin jack) terminals of the amplifier. Choose one of the ways shown below according to your audio system. Also, refer to the owner’s manual for each component to be connected to this unit.Disconnect your main speakers from the amplifier and connect them to this unit.If using one unitRight speaker Left speakerIf using two unitsRight speaker Left speaker67If your amplifier has two sets of speaker terminalsFor connections, cut the speaker wires as short as possible. If the connections are faulty, no sound will be heard from the speakers. Make sure that the polarity of the speaker wires is correct, that is, + and – markings are observed. If these wires are reversed, the sound will be unnatural and will lack bass.Do not let the bare speaker wires touch each other and do not let them touch the metal parts of this unit as this could damage this unit, your amplifier and/or speakers.How to Connect:Red: positive (+)Unscrew the knob. Insert the bare wire.[Remove approx. 5mm (1/4”) insulation from the speaker wires.] Tighten the knob and secure the wire.*Banana Plug connections are also possible (except for U.K.and Europe models). Simply insert the Banana Plug connector into the corresponding terminal.Connecting to this unit’s OUTPUT/INPUT terminals•Leave the main speakers connected to the amplifier.•Amplifier line output terminals are generally labeled PRE OUT or SUBWOOFER OUT.*For PRE OUT terminal connection, the amplifier must possess at least two sets of PRE OUT terminals. With some amplifiers with only one set of PRE OUT terminals, connection can result in no sound from the main left and right speakers. In thiscase, select the method of connecting to the speaker terminals.•To connect with a YAMAHA DSP amplifier, connect the LOW PASS (or SUBWOOFER etc.) terminal on the rear of the DSP amplifier to either the left (L) or right (R) INPUT 2 terminal.If using one unitIf using two unitsNotes•When connected to line output terminals of the amplifier, other speakers should not be connected to the OUTPUT terminals on the rear panel of this unit. If connected, they will not produce sound.•When connecting to a monaural line output terminal of the amplifier, connect to either the left or right INPUT 2 terminal.8Front panel Rear panel1POWER indicatorLights up when the POWER switch is turned ON, andgoes off when turned OFF.*<For U.K. and Europe models only>If the AUTO POWER ON/OFF switch on the rear panelis set to ON, this indicator is illuminated dimly when nosignal is input to this unit.2POWER switchTurns the power of this unit ON and OFF wheneverpressed. When this switch is turned ON, the indicator onthe left of the POWER switch lights up.3HIGH CUT controlAdjusts the high frequency cut off point.Frequencies higher than the frequency selected by thiscontrol are all cut off (and not output).*One graduation of this control represents 10 Hz.4VOLUME controlAdjusts the volume level. 5AUTO POWER ON/OFF switchBy setting this switch to the ON position, this unit’sautomatic power ON/OFF function operates as described below. If you do not need this function, set to the OFFposition.*Make sure to change the setting of this switch onlywhen the power of this unit is off.Automatic power ON/OFF functionWhen you play a source, the power to this unit turns on automatically by sensing audio signals input to this unit.The power turns off automatically if the source beingplayed is stopped or the input signal is cut off for several minutes.*This function will operate responding to a certain level ofinput signal. Increase the output level on the inputsource if the automatic power ON function will notoperate, or decrease the level if the automatic powerOFF function will not operate.*There may be a case that the power turns onunexpectedly by sensing noise from other appliances. Ifit occurs, set the AUTO POWER ON/OFF switch to theOFF position.This function is available only when the power of thisunit is on (by setting the POWER switch (2) to “on”).9101Set the VOLUME control to minimum.2Turn on the power supply to all the components.3Play any source and adjust the amplifier’s volume control to the desired listening level.4Turn up the VOLUME control gradually to adjust thevolume balance between this unit and the main speakers.5Adjust the HIGH CUT control to the position where the desired response can be obtained.Notes•Once the volume balance between this unit and the main speakers is adjusted, you can adjust the volume of your whole sound system by using only the amplifier’s volume control.•For adjusting the VOLUME control and the HIGH CUT control, refer to “FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS” on the right hand.For effective adjustment of the HIGH CUT controlFirst set this control at about the main speakers’ rated minimum reproduceable frequency. Then turn up theVOLUME control gradually and set it at a level where you can obtain a little more bass effect than when this unit is not used.On the basis of this setting, if desired, adjust the VOLUME control and the HIGH CUT control again.*The main speakers’ minimum reproduceable frequency can be looked up in the speakers’ catalog or owner’s manual.FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICSAdjustment of the VOLUME control and the HIGH CUT control should be changed according to the main speakers, listening condition, source, etc.Following figures show the optimum adjustment of each control and the frequency characteristics when this unit is combined with a typical speaker system.This unit’s frequency characteristics•When combined with a 3” or 4” acousticsuspension, 2 way system•When combined with 5” acousticsuspension, 2 way systemPOWERHIGH CUTVOLUMEVOLUMEHIGH CUTVOLUMEHIGH CUTEnglish11SYMPTOMPower is not supplied even though the POWER switch is ON.No sound .Sound level is too low.CAUSEThe power plug is not securely connected.The VOLUME control is set to 0.Speaker cables are not connected securely.Speaker cables are connected incorrectly.A source sound with few bass frequencies isplayed.It is influenced by standing waves.REMEDYConnect it securely.Turn the VOLUME control to right.Connect them securely.Connect them correctly, that is to say L (left)to L, R (right) to R, “+” to “+” and “–” to “–”.Play a source sound with bass frequencies.Set the HIGH CUT control to a higherposition. (Turn the knob to right.)Re-position the subwoofer or break up theparallel surface by placing bookshelves etc.along the walls.If the unit fails to operate normally, check the following points to determine whether the fault can be corrected by the simple measures suggested. If it cannot be corrected, or if the fault is not listed in the SYMPTOM column, disconnect the power cord and contact your authorized YAMAHA dealer or service center for help.TROUBLESHOOTINGSPECIFICATIONSype........................Active Servo Processing Subwoofer System Speaker Unit...................20 cm (7-7/8”) cone woofer (JA2157)magnetic-shield type Amplifier Output...................................................50W/5 ohms High-Cut Filter...............................50 Hz–150 Hz (–24 dB/oct.) Frequency Response..........................30 Hz–200 Hz (–10 dB) Power SupplyU.S.A. and Canada models........................AC 120V, 60 Hz Australia model..........................................AC 240V, 50 Hz U.K. and Europe models............................AC 230V, 50 Hz General model..................AC 110/120/220/240V, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption..........................................................50W Dimensions (W x H x D).............252 mm x 350 mm x 320 mm(9-15/16” x 13-3/4” x 12-5/8”) Weight.......................................................8.2 kg (18 lbs. 1 oz.) *Please note that all specifications are subject to change without notice.12YAMAHA ELECTRONICS CORPORATION, USA6660 ORANGETHORPE AVE., BUENA PARK, CALIF. 90620, U.S.A.YAMAHA CANADA MUSIC LTD.135 MILNER AVE., SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO M1S 3R1, CANADAYAMAHA ELECTRONIK EUROPA G.m.b.H.SIEMENSSTR. 22-34, 25462 RELLINGEN BEI HAMBURG, F.R. OF GERMANYYAMAHA ELECTRONIQUE FRANCE S.A.RUE AMBROISE CROIZAT BP70 CROISSY-BEAUBOURG 77312 MARNE-LA-VALLEE CEDEX02, FRANCEYAMAHA ELECTRONICS (UK) LTD.YAMAHA HOUSE, 200 RICKMANSWORTH ROAD WATFORD, HERTS WD1 7JS, ENGLANDYAMAHA SCANDINAVIA A.B.J A WETTERGRENS GATA 1, BOX 30053, 400 43 VÄSTRA FRÖLUNDA, SWEDENYAMAHA MUSIC AUSTRALIA PTY, LTD.17-33 MARKET ST., SOUTH MELBOURNE, 3205 VIC., AUSTRALIA VU 65520 Printed in Malaysia。
近40年 开 发 和 生 产 音 频 产 品 的 经 验 和 历 史 , A l l e n & H e a t h融 合 最 新 的 数 字 科 技 为 音 频 工 程 师推出了一款配置灵活、操作直观的数字调音 台——iLive。
i D R 1 0舞 台 混 音 机 架 装 有i D R - 6 4 D S P引 擎 , 是 一 台 低 延 迟 , 具 有 联 网 能 力 的 音 频 系统心脏。确保调音台输出纯净音质信号,iLive是台64路输入、8路立体声效果返 回 、3 2路 混 音 输 出 和 多 达3 0个 自 定 义 总 线 框 架 设 计 的 数 字 调 音 台 。 对 每 个 单 独 功 能的设计都“量身定制”,这些单独功能组合到一块使用时,才能有好的效果。 单声道或立体声编组、辅助输出、效果返回、矩阵等都可组合到一块与主混音模 块一起工作。从主调音台到监听调音台,广播、直播或现场录音的组合应用有多 种方法。
·2个ADAT可选连பைடு நூலகம்选项实现快速连接多个用 于录音设备或其他的应用功能的设备。
g. h.
D S P遥 控 音 频 模 块 和C P U模 块 都 装 在 舞 台 混 音 机架里了,这些都是iLive处理音频信号必备的 设备。
i.iDR CPU模块
如还有其它一些外部设备信号处理的要求,仅需直接将信号插入系统中任何输入点或 混音信号通道。
iDR舞台机架的CPU控制管理所有DSP的参数,并“负责”将参数保存至“场景”目录 中 ; 也 提 供 外 部 控 制 连 接 , 通 过 一 个 三 插 座 头 的 以 太 网 交 换 机 、P L - A n e t和M I D I来 控 制和管理该连接,确保整体系统的灵活度。
雅马哈MGP16X/MGP12X⏹录音棚级别的A类“D-PRE”话放,内部配置复合晶体管倒相电路⏹基于YAMAHA著名VCM技术的X-pressive EQ功能⏹专业单选钮压缩器,带有LED指示灯⏹高级双重数字效果处理器:高级REV-X混音响和经典SPX效果器⏹Stereo Hybrid Channel(立体声混合型通道)配备强大专用的DSP ⏹Ipod/Iphone数字连接⏹通过ipod/iphone的MGP Editor,可对调音台DSP全方位操控⏹耐久.紧凑且坚固的粉末涂层金属底座⏹一体式机柜托架便于机架安装⏹宽电压设计,全球通用⏹MGP12X 12路输入(4路单声道,4路立体声),最多6路话筒输入⏹MGP16X 16路输入(8路单声道,4路立体声),最多10路话筒输入⏹每通道话筒输入都有48V幻象电源开关,HPF按键⏹增加的2TR输入可外接模拟设备或者Ipod/Iphone⏹4编组母线+主输出/2辅助发送+2效果发送雅马哈MGP32X/MGP24X⏹录音棚级别的A类“D-PRE”话放,内部配置复合晶体管倒相电路⏹基于YAMAHA著名VCM技术的X-pressive EQ功能⏹专业单选钮压缩器,带有LED指示灯⏹高级双重数字效果处理器:高级REV-X混音响和经典SPX效果器⏹Stereo Hybrid Channel(立体声混合型通道)⏹Ipod/Iphone数字连接⏹通过ipod/iphone的MGP Editor,可对调音台DSP全方位操控⏹坚固的防碰撞材料,粉末涂层金属底座⏹USB设备连接,可供录音及回放⏹31段GEO均衡,9段可调,14段固定⏹主输出母线配备三段式主压缩气⏹宽电压设计,全球通用雅马哈MG20XU/MG20⏹最多16个话筒/20个线路输入(12个单声道+4个立体声)⏹4编组母线+1立体声母线⏹4AUX(包括FX)⏹“D-PRE”话放,带有倒向晶体管电路⏹单选钮压缩器⏹高级效果器:SPX含24组预制效果器(MG20XU)⏹24位/192kHz 2进/2出 USB音频功能(MG20XU)⏹通过Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit/Lightning to USB CameraAdapter(连接适配器)与iPad(2或更高版本)连接工作(MG20XU)⏹含Cubase AI DAW下载版软件(MG20XU)⏹单声道输入通道上的PAD开关⏹+48V幻象供电⏹XLR平衡输出⏹世界通用的内部全局供电⏹包含机柜安装套件⏹金属机身雅马哈MG16XU/MG16⏹最多10个话筒/16个线路输入(8个单声道+4个立体声)⏹4编组母线+1立体声母线⏹4AUX(包括FX)⏹“D-PRE”话放,带有倒向晶体管电路⏹单选钮压缩器⏹高级效果器:SPX含24组预制效果器(MG16XU)⏹24位/192kHz 2进/2出 USB音频功能(MG16XU)⏹通过Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit/Lightning to USB CameraAdapter(连接适配器)与iPad(2或更高版本)连接工作(MG16XU)⏹含Cubase AI DAW下载版软件(MG16XU)⏹单声道输入通道上的PAD开关⏹+48V幻象供电⏹XLR平衡输出⏹世界通用的内部全局供电⏹包含机柜安装套件⏹金属机身雅马哈MG12XU/MG12⏹最多6个话筒/12个线路输入(4个单声道+4个立体声)⏹2编组母线+1立体声母线⏹2AUX(包括FX)⏹“D-PRE”话放,带有倒向晶体管电路⏹单选钮压缩器⏹高级效果器:SPX含24组预制效果器(MG12XU)⏹24位/192kHz 2进/2出 USB音频功能(MG12XU)⏹通过Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit/Lightning to USB CameraAdapter(连接适配器)与iPad(2或更高版本)连接工作(MG12XU)⏹含Cubase AI DAW下载版软件(MG12XU)⏹单声道输入通道上的PAD开关⏹+48V幻象供电⏹XLR平衡输出⏹世界通用的内部全局供电⏹可选购的机柜安装套件RK-MG12市场有售⏹金属机身雅马哈MG10XU/MG10⏹最多4个话筒/10个线路输入(4个单声道+3个立体声)⏹1立体声母线⏹1AUX(包括FX)⏹“D-PRE”话放,带有倒向晶体管电路⏹单选钮压缩器⏹高级效果器:SPX含24组预制效果器(MG10XU)⏹24位/192kHz 2进/2出 USB音频功能(MG10XU)⏹通过Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit/Lightning to USB CameraAdapter(连接适配器)与iPad(2或更高版本)连接工作(MG10XU)⏹含Cubase AI DAW下载版软件(MG10XU)⏹单声道输入通道上的PAD开关⏹+48V幻象供电⏹XLR平衡输出⏹金属机身雅马哈MG06X/MG06⏹最多2个话筒/6个线路输入(2个单声道+2个立体声)⏹1立体声母线⏹“D-PRE”话放,带有倒向晶体管电路⏹高级效果器:SPX含6组预制效果器(MG06X)⏹单声道输入通道上的PAD开关⏹+48V幻象供电⏹XLR平衡输出⏹金属机身雅马哈MG系列调音台简介。
![YAMAHA AUDIOGRAM3 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a879fb3bf8c75fbfc67db23e.png)
Cubase AI 数据会被存储为“Project”。
菜单中选择[Device Setup],打开D evice Setup窗口。
Devices]字段中的[VST Audio System]。
从右侧窗口中选择ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver]。
Devices]字段中的[VST Audio System]。
从右侧窗口中选择USB Audio CODEC]。
将出现一个对话框,询问“D o you want to switch the ASIO driver?SIO Direct Sound Full Duplex Setup对话框。
只选择输入端口和输出端口复选框,然后单击[OK] 关闭对话框窗口。
CoreAudio Device Settings] 对话框。
在[Input/Output Configuration]”中都仅勾选[USB Audio CODEC] 。
单击[Close] 关闭对话框。
SB Audio CODEC 1/2” (Windows), “Front Left/Front Right” (Mac) 字段中,并选择D evice Setup窗口中的[Visible]列。
单击Port System Name]字段没有发生变化,请关闭并重新启动C ubase AI Device Setup窗口。
Audio Device]区域中的“N ot Connected”被选定,请在“N[USB Audio CODEC]。
还要以相同的方式设置[Outputs] ,然后关闭窗口。
菜单中选择[Add Track] →[Audio] 。
“C onfiguration”参数,然后单击[Add Track]将出现添加的轨。
扬声器系统采取双5W 大口径喇叭,满足户外空旷环境使用和大家追求HI-FI音质效果。
温馨提醒:使用本产品时请记得在产品微电脑系统提醒:''电量低,请充电'' 时候立即给产品充电,不然有过放电损坏电池危险,如不立即充电则会在使用一段时间以后系统会自动关机,必需在充电后才能使用。
HI-FI 中高频,让您享受听觉盛宴;假如手机没电能够用它给您手机充电;它还人性化设计了双重电喇叭,骑行路上以无比炫声音提醒路人。
1.1音乐制作中的“监听”与欣赏角度的“发 烧”不一样的要求。
1.1.1 在多数情况下很多混音制作中许多需要的 细节都会在一个纯为欣赏音乐的听音系统中丢失。 1.1.2 监听要求高质量的声音还原度、解析度。 不良监听系统所隐藏的问题会破坏您的作品将来 在其他系统上的音响效果。
1.2 YAMAHA HS系列监听音箱前身
5.音箱的背板介绍 及在不同监听系统下的设置
5.1 立体声监听调节设置
1、音箱LEVEL控制应设成相同的电平。对应于 +4 dB标称 输入电平设置的 12点钟处。 2、因为设置中没有使用超低音音箱,所以请将 LOW CUT 开关设成“ FLAT”。 3、当设成“- 2 dB”时, EQ MID 开关会轻微削弱中音部 频率以产生略微“柔和”的音响效果,更适于听音或长时 间监听。但要准确监听,请将 MID 开关设成“ 0”。 4、根据音箱放置位置与最近墙壁的距离设定 ROOM CONTROL 开关(请参见上面的“与墙壁和角落的接近程 度”)。 5、要准确监听,请将 HIGH TRIM 开关设成“ 0”。 如果 认为声音太嘹亮,可以将此开关设成“ -2 dB”将高音略 微削弱。
主要要求左右、中央和后侧音箱都位于圆 的圆周上,圆心在听音位置。 确保所有距离一致的方法:先确定立体声 等边三角形的听音位置。用一根细绳,在 其上主左右音箱之间的准确距离处作上标 记。 将听音位置确定为圆的中心点,用细 绳测量出听音位置与每个音箱之间相等的 距离。细绳还可以很方便地指导音箱的指 向,以便它们直接指向听音位置。
2.1 使用非平衡电缆连接尽可能短 例如:调音台和监听音箱位于同一桌面的 情况。 2.2 如果长于约 3米(长于约 10英尺)的线路 连接,则需要平衡线缆。
Yamaha A-S701 A-S501 A-S301使用说明书
![Yamaha A-S701 A-S501 A-S301使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/34ce86546d175f0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d315d9.png)
TK Integrated Amplifier使用说明书안전 지침서1要确保最好的性能,请仔细阅读此手册。
顶部:30 cm背面:20 cm侧面:20 cm3请将本机远离其它电子设备、马达或变压器以避免嗡嗡声。
成就不凡作者:来源:《音响改装技术》2016年第02期配置清单:前声场喇叭:以色列摩雷优特声603三分频套装后声场喇叭:以色列摩雷优特声402两分频套装中置喇叭:以色列摩雷海碧丽402中低频单元功放:意大利舞仕刚柔MOSCONI AS 100.4四路功放:意大利舞仕刚柔MOSCONI AS 200.4四路前声场喇叭将更换上以色列摩雷优特声603三分频套装,后声场更换为以色列摩雷优特声402两分频套装,中置喇叭是以色列摩雷海碧丽402中低频单元。
有这样的“人声之皇”再配上意大利舞仕刚柔MOSCONI AS 100.4和意大利舞仕刚柔MOSCONI AS 200.4功放,整个音响系统更是强中之强,能有效增强效果。
这么齐全的喇叭器材当然需要配世界冠军级的功放,意大利舞仕刚柔MOSCONI AS 200.4和意大利舞仕刚柔MOSCONI AS 100.4就是不错的选择。
AS 200.4和AS 100.4均为4路AB类功放,强大的功率输出和音频控制力,让整套系统发挥出超乎想像的完美效果,音质纯净而美妙。
Yamaha 音频系统操作指南说明书
![Yamaha 音频系统操作指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb2cb7b181eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e85243ef0.png)
to submit a written repair order within six (6) weeks, Jet City Amplification shall return the unit to the customer C.O.D with an invoice that will include charges for the inspection and a separate additional charge for freight and packing costs. Such costs will also be billed separately when a customer has sent in a unit for repair with a written repair order form.
Warranty Regulation / Exclusions (Continued)
• Free inspections and maintenance/ repair work are expressly excluded from this warranty, in particular, if caused by improper handling of the product by the user. This applies to defects caused by normal wear and tear of items such as knobs, tolex® and similar parts.
• Damages caused by the following conditions are not covered by warranty:
• Improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the unit in compliance with the instructions given in the Jet City Amplification user manual.
YAMAHA SV250 SV255 说明书
![YAMAHA SV250 SV255 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4bebdfd40d22590102020740be1e650e53eacf52.png)
SV250/255特性SV250/SV255静音小提琴(Silent Violin™)属于高品质的电子小提琴,专为舞台和演奏室应用而设计。
SV250/255沿用与前代静音小提琴(Silent Violin™)相同的瘦身设计,将独特的中空结构融为一体,提供更具原声的音调和出色的演奏性能。
2. 6.3kHz:主要反映在人声高频的部分,调整后可以相应令人声透亮增强歌唱轻松度。
3. 2.2kHz:主要反映在人声的中高频部分,调整后可以相应令人声亮度进一步增强。
YAMAHA HS系列监听音箱介绍-文档资料
![YAMAHA HS系列监听音箱介绍-文档资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f792b3f9e45c3b3566ec8bb5.png)
4.4 环绕声听音摆位
超低音音箱的位置不像主要音箱位置那样重 要,约 200Hz 以下的频率-超低音音箱工作 的区域-不是指向性的。人耳无法定位这样 的低频来源,所以理论上超低音音箱可以放 在房间的任意位置。 一般的方法是将超低音音箱放在地板上。在 前侧音箱之间的某处,使其距听音位置的距 离与主要音箱相同。
2、开始时将HS10W的HIGH CUT控制设置在中央点击位置,对 应于约 100Hz的 HPF频率。HIGH CUT频率可以在稍后进行 调整以取得与 HS50M 或 HS80M 音箱最平滑的整体效果。
3、打开 HS10W LOW CUT 开关。调整 LOW CUT控制以取得所 需程度的低音扩展。
4、将 HS50M/HS80M LOW CUT 开关设成“ FLAT”。
4.2.2 对称性摆位确保Leabharlann 音环境中音箱的放置位置尽可能对称。
确保音箱距侧面和后面墙壁的距离相同。 大
的物体也会导致房间的声学对称性失衡。 注意门窗 的位置也很重要。 虽然不是总能取得理想的对称性, 但使其尽可能对称仍是值得的。
4.3 “最佳听音位置”
“最佳听音位置”-应该位于等边三角形的顶点。 音箱还应成相应 60°角摆放,以便驱动单元直接指 向听音位置。 音箱应摆放在高音单元大致与您的耳朵对齐的高 度(这是因为高频率更具方向性)。
YAMAHA HS系列监 听音箱使用指南
YAMAHA HS系列 基本特征
1、HS系列监听均为有源音箱。 2、HS50/80带有双功放系统(高低单元各一 个);卡农和大三芯两种平衡输入接口 。 3、HS50M(70W) 、HS80M (120W)和 HS10W (150W低音单元)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2.1 使用非平衡电缆连接尽可能短 例如:调音台和监听音箱位于同一桌面的 情况。 2.2 如果长于约 3米(长于约 10英尺)的线路 连接,则需要平衡线缆。
TRS和TS ¼ 英寸
将 HS 音箱直接连接到调音台。 如YAMAHA MG 系列调音台,则通常应将它们连接到调 音台的“ C-R”(控制室)输出,以便可以控制监听电 平,而不影响发送到调音台母线的信号电平,在制作 中母线的信号通常输送到您的录音机或 DAW(数字 音频工作站)。
4.2.2 对称性摆位
确保音箱距侧面和后面墙壁的距离相同。 大
的物体也会导致房间的声学对称性失衡。 注意门窗 的位置也很重要。 虽然不是总能取得理想的对称性, 但使其尽可能对称仍是值得的。
4.3 “最佳听音位置”
音箱还应成相应 60°角摆放,以便驱动单元直接指
音箱应摆放在高音单元大致与您的耳朵对齐的高 度(这是因为高频率更具方向性)。
4.4 环绕声听音摆位
超低音音箱的位置不像主要音箱位置那样重 要,约 200Hz 以下的频率-超低音音箱工作 的区域-不是指向性的。人耳无法定位这样 的低频来源,所以理论上超低音音箱可以放 在房间的任意位置。 一般的方法是将超低音音箱放在地板上。在 前侧音箱之间的某处,使其距听音位置的距 离与主要音箱相同。
5.2 环绕声监听调节设置(5.1声道 串接)
1、将 HS50M 或 HS80M 电平控制设置在约 12 点钟的位置, 将标准输入电平设置为约 +4dB。如果使用 HS50M,将 HS10W 电平控制设置为大约 10 点钟的位置;如果使用 HS80M,将其设置为大约 11 点钟的位置。然后可以按要 求精确调整 HS10W 电平控制。另外,也可以使用超低音 音箱调整 HS50M/HS80M 输出电平获得需要的相对平衡。 * 如果使用有数字调音台的 HS50M,将 HS10W 电平控制设 置为大约 9 点钟的位置。如果使用有数字调音台的 HS80M ,将 HS10W 电平控制设置为大约 10点钟的位置。 2、开始时将 HIGH CUT 控制设置在中央点击位置,对应于 约 100Hz*的 HPF频率。 HIGH CUT 频率可以在稍后进行 调整以取得与 HS50M 或 HS80M 音箱最平滑的整体效果。 * 如果使用数字调音台,请设置为 80 Hz。
4.2 摆位处理
最好远离墙壁特别是角落 。理想距离是与墙壁相隔
约 1.5 米。
音箱离墙壁和角落越近,其低音响应越可能被夸大, 需要使用一些均衡措施做补偿。HS50M 和 HS80M 音箱 提供的 ROOM CONTROL 开关,该开关可以修改音箱 的频率特性,来补偿因为与墙壁过近导致的低音响应 夸大。当您的音箱靠近墙壁时 ,将ROOM CONTROL 开 关设成“ -2”或“ -4”设置会在低音范围内取0M曾作为音乐和音响业标准的监听箱。
1.2.2停产原因:YAMAHA NS10M的白盆采用的是一种非常少见的树木纸浆。 这种纸浆做出来的纸盆声音自然,有韧性。但由于环境污染,过度采伐 等原因,这个树木已经绝种了,所以在2000年左右10M停产。2006年HS系 列监听音箱上市。 1.2.3 NS10M的一些缺点:YAMAHA NS10的高音头非常脆弱;搭配功放 需要很有讲究,音色的好坏受功放影响 。 1.2.4音箱基本参数: 功率:25W-50W 阻抗:8欧
主要要求左右、中央和后侧音箱都位于圆 的圆周上,圆心在听音位置。 确保所有距离一致的方法:先确定立体声 等边三角形的听音位置。用一根细绳,在 其上主左右音箱之间的准确距离处作上标 记。 将听音位置确定为圆的中心点,用细 绳测量出听音位置与每个音箱之间相等的 距离。细绳还可以很方便地指导音箱的指 向,以便它们直接指向听音位置。
3、打开 HS10W LOW CUT开关。 调整 LOW CUT控制以取得所 需程度的低音扩展。 4、将 HS50M/HS80M LOW CUT 开关设成“ 100 Hz*”。 * 如果使用数字调音台,请设置为 80 Hz。
YAMAHA HS系列监 听音箱使用指南
YAMAHA HS系列 基本特征
1、HS系列监听均为有源音箱。 2、HS50/80带有双功放系统(高低单元各一 个);卡农和大三芯两种平衡输入接口 。 3、HS50M(70W) 、HS80M (120W)和 HS10W (150W低音单元)。
5.音箱的背板介绍 及在不同监听系统下的设置
5.1 立体声监听调节设置
1、音箱LEVEL控制应设成相同的电平。对应于 +4 dB标称 输入电平设置的 12点钟处。 2、因为设置中没有使用超低音音箱,所以请将 LOW CUT 开关设成“ FLAT”。 3、当设成“- 2 dB”时, EQ MID 开关会轻微削弱中音部 频率以产生略微“柔和”的音响效果,更适于听音或长时 间监听。但要准确监听,请将 MID 开关设成“ 0”。 4、根据音箱放置位置与最近墙壁的距离设定 ROOM CONTROL 开关(请参见上面的“与墙壁和角落的接近程 度”)。 5、要准确监听,请将 HIGH TRIM 开关设成“ 0”。 如果 认为声音太嘹亮,可以将此开关设成“ -2 dB”将高音略 微削弱。
HS 系列音箱还可以直接连接到电子键盘或其他 电子乐器。
4.1 摆位的重要性
音箱的摆位是设置监听系统时最重要的考虑事项 之一。但这一点常被忽略,导致性能大打折扣。 在小录音室中完美地定位音箱很难,这一点无可 否认。要腾出空间放置音箱系统使之提供最佳性 能是一种奢望,但花一些时间进行一点试验和测 量以最有效地利用有限的资源是绝对值得的。 这 项工作做与不做的差异是惊人的。
5、当设成“ -2 dB”时, HS50M/HS80M EQ MID 开关会轻 微削弱中音部频率以产生略微“柔和”的音响效果,更适 于听音或长时间监听。 但要准确监听,请将 MID 开关设 成“ 0”。 6、根据音箱放置位置与最近墙壁的距离设定 HS50M/HS80M ROOM CONTROL 开关(请参见上面的“与墙壁和角落的接 近程度”)。 7、要准确监听,请将 HS50M/HS80M HIGH TRIM开关设成 “0 ”。 如果认为声音太嘹亮,可以将此开关设成“- 2 dB”将高音略微削弱。
1.1音乐制作中的“监听”与欣赏角度的“发 烧”不一样的要求。
1.1.1 在多数情况下很多混音制作中许多需要的 细节都会在一个纯为欣赏音乐的听音系统中丢失。 1.1.2 监听要求高质量的声音还原度、解析度。 不良监听系统所隐藏的问题会破坏您的作品将来 在其他系统上的音响效果。
1.2 YAMAHA HS系列监听音箱前身
5.2 立体声 + 超低音监听设置 (2.1声道 串接法)
1、将 HS50M 或 HS80M 电平控制设置在约 12点钟的位置, 将标准输入电平设置为约 +4 dB。如果使用 HS50M,将 HS10W电平控制设置为大约 10 点钟的位置;如果使用 HS80M,将其设置为大约 11点钟的位置。然后可以按要求 精确调整 HS10W电平控制。另外,也可以使用超低音音箱 调整 HS50M/HS80M 输出电平获得需要的相对平衡。 2、开始时将HS10W的HIGH CUT控制设置在中央点击位置,对 应于约 100Hz的 HPF频率。HIGH CUT频率可以在稍后进行 调整以取得与 HS50M 或 HS80M 音箱最平滑的整体效果。 3、打开 HS10W LOW CUT 开关。调整 LOW CUT控制以取得所 需程度的低音扩展。 4、将 HS50M/HS80M LOW CUT 开关设成“ FLAT”。