



《运营管理》教学大纲课程中文名称:运营管理课程英文名称:Operational Management课程编号:ZJ14204课程类型:专业基础课学时:总学时54、理论课学时45、实验课学时9学分:3适用对象:工商管理先修课程:管理学课程简介:通过本课程的学习,使学生对运营管理有系统的了解,掌握运营管理的基本理论,了解和掌握生产过程的组织、,培养学生具有初步研究企业中生产运营规律,用科学的方法改善管理工作,充分调动人的积极性的分析问题和解决问题的能力。


二、学时分配三、教学内容及教学要求第一章导论 4学时教学重点:生产、运作的概念、生产与运作管理的要求和目标教学难点:现代生产运作管理的特征及趋势教学要求:掌握生产、运作的基本概念、生产与运作管理的研究对象,了解生产与运作管理的要求和目标。




第二章…生产与运作战略 4学时教学重点:生产与运作战略的概念、生产与运作战略的内容教学难点:生产与运作战略框架、生产与运作战略的特点教学要求:掌握生产与运作战略的概念和生产与运作战略的内容,了解生产与运作战略框架和生产与运作战略的特点。

第一节生产与动作战略概述第二节生产运作战略的制定与实施实训项目:生产现场参观实习 3学时实验内容及教学要求:1.听取企业情况介绍、考察企业选址和总体布置、了解企业业务运营流程、了解管理机构设置和担负的管理职能等。




本书是由作者 Jay Heizer 和 Barry Render 合作编写的,旨在为读者提供运营管理领域的最新理论和实践知识。

















4.高质量的作者团队:本书的作者 Jay Heizer 和 Barry Render 都是运营管理领域的专家,他们的经验和知识为本书提供了可靠的理论基础。



《运营管理A》课程教学大纲课程中文名称:运营管理A课程英文名称:Operations Management A课程编号:ZJ14204课程类型:专业基础课学时:总学时54、理论课学时45、实验课学时9学分:3适用对象:物流管理专业先修课程:管理学,经济学、统计学,概率论课程简介:运营管理是形成公司(组织)核心竞争能力的一个重要方面,运营的改善直接影响公司(组织)的绩效。

本课程的主要内容包括运营管理的基本概念、基本理论及方法,企业生产运作的基本环节及其管理流程,重点掌握生产计划的编制和生产作业控制、项目计划、质量管理、MRP Ⅱ与 ERP 、 JIT 生产方式及先进生产管理理论与方法,熟悉运营管理的发展趋势。



一、教学目标及任务运营管理是物流管理专业开设的一门专业基础课,是管理类专业学生系统了解企业生产和运作的基本流程,以及协调关系的关键课程通过该课程的学习,使学生能掌握两个方面的基本能力和要求:(1)全面掌握运营管理的基本概念,了解运营管理职能与其他管理职能之间的关系,从总体上把握运营管理的地位和作用;(2)能够运用所学的运营管理方面的知识,对所在单位的工作流程进行分析;对运营管理系统进行设计; 制定运营管理行动方案。





运营管理英文课件 (3)

运营管理英文课件 (3)
Running political campaigns, war operations, and advertising campaigns
More Sophisticated Technology
Better-Educated Citizens More Leisure Time Increased Accountability Higher Productivity Faster Response to
Overview A short summary of what the client expects from the project.
Goals, or Scope Contains a more detailed statement of the general goals
Business Case Describes the justification for the project
Evaluation Method Every project should be evaluated against standards
Large number of activities Precedence relationships Limited time of the project
Projects are special types of processes.
Projects are processes that are performed infrequently and ad hoc, with a clear specification of the desired objective.
Planning. Determining what must be done and which tasks must precede others.

运营管理 运营战略 教学大纲

运营管理 运营战略  教学大纲

教学行动模块-《运营管理》教学大纲一、课程名称1.中文名称:运营管理2.英文名称:Operations Management3.课程号:3120-0二、学时总学时36 学时其中:授课34 学时实验2 学时。



四、考核方式(考试):课堂参与(包括上课出席,发言及案例讨论、分析)20% 平时作业20%期末考试60% (闭卷笔试形式)五、课程学习对象:工商管理专业大三学生六、课程简介(200字以内)运营管理是管理类学科的一门专业基础课程。









八、教学目的和教学内容1. 教学目的:运营管理是企业参与激烈市场竞争的有力战略武器,它不仅包括制造业同样也包括服务行业的生产系统设计、优化与管理。



运营管理英文课件 (1)

运营管理英文课件 (1)
Sites narrowed to sites in NC, SC, and AL
These sites relatively equal in terms of business climate, education level, transportation, and long-term costs
Identify Sources of Value
Identify Capabilities Needed
Assess Implications of Location Decision on Development of Capabilities
Identify Potential Locations
Feasibility check of master production schedule
Historical ratios of loads placed on workcenters used
Workloads assumed to fall in period end items demanded
◦ Production Plan: number of compacts, midsize, full-size, light trucks, and minivans to produce in each of the upcoming 12 months
Point where actual orders incorporated into scheduling system
What materials are needed when
Feasibility check of master production schedule to make sure all materials will be available when needed






课程大纲第一章运营管理基础1.1 运营管理概述 1.2 运营管理的历史和发展 1.3 运营管理的作用和价值1.4 运营管理的基本特征 1.5 运营管理的理论框架第二章作业系统设计2.1 作业系统的定义 2.2 作业系统的基本要素 2.3 作业系统的设计原则 2.4 作业系统的设计方法 2.5 作业系统的评价指标和方法第三章作业流程管理3.1 作业流程管理的定义 3.2 作业流程管理的基本原则 3.3 作业流程管理的方法和技术 3.4 作业流程改进的主要方法 3.5 作业流程管理在企业中的应用第四章库存管理4.1 库存管理的定义 4.2 库存管理的基本原则 4.3 库存管理的方法和技术4.4 库存管理的优化策略 4.5 库存管理在企业中的应用第五章质量管理5.1 质量管理的定义 5.2 质量管理的基本原则 5.3 质量管理的方法和技术5.4 质量管理的工具和技术 5.5 质量管理在企业中的应用第六章供应链管理6.1 供应链管理的定义 6.2 供应链管理的基本原则 6.3 供应链管理的方法和技术 6.4 供应链优化的方法和技术 6.5 供应链管理在企业中的应用第七章项目管理7.1 项目管理的定义 7.2 项目管理的基本原则 7.3 项目管理的方法和技术7.4 项目管理的评价指标和方法 7.5 项目管理在企业中的应用课程教学形式本课程采用讲授和案例分析相结合的教学形式。





《运营管理》课程编号:CMAG322课程类型:学科基础课总学时:54学时学分:3学分适用对象:工商管理专业先修课程:aiAGlll/CACClll/CFIN311Course DescriptionSupply chain management means the design, planning and control of the information flow, material flow and cash flow with a view to strengthening competitiveness. The supply chain composition structure and the operation directly relate to the whole management process of the enterprise; therefore, the course focuses on the operation and supply chain management on the premise of fast meeting the end-user need, make the response promptly to the unpredictable market demand, and realize optimized movement for the entire supply chain.Learning objectivesThis is a course in management with an emphasis on real world applications. There are three basic objectives for this course:1.To develop some simple models that can be usefully applied to generate realisticpredictions about the behaviors of important economic variables.2.To apply the models and management concepts to understand and interpret current worldmanagement issues.3.To familiarize with some basic ideas of management analysis and business problemsfaced by managers in their daily operations, such as project management, processanalysis, quality management, supply chain design, facility location, inventorycontrol, etc.Teaching MethodsThis course contains lectures, class discussions, homework, quizzes, presentation, self-study and exams etc.Study timeTo do well in this course, you need to devote time outside of class for practice and proper preparation. A typical student should need 10 hours of no-class time each week during a regular 20-week semester. Doing this theory paper requires READING time.I encourage all of you to do all assigned homework and practice extra questions.Attendance and Class ParticipationRegular attendance and class participation are expected of all the students. Since the course covers gieat deal of materials that's why its veiy important tiyiiig to attend EVERY class on time. Absence which is more than 1/3 of the total teaching hour(16*4/3=21 hrs) will cause an F (a failing grade) directly. And I will record attendance by random checking. Take class discussion and group assignment serious as yourdistribution and contribution for your team will a Sect the whole group's finals.Homework AssignmentsIf you do not attempt to complete the assigned homework its unlikely that your performance in the course will suffer. Most assignments are taken from the textbook. Students who do NOT complete assignments or copy from others will cause dangerous in grade appraisal.PresentationEach group is going to be expected to give a 20 minutes presentation. The topic can be selected from the textbook or lectures. A summary relating to the topic is required before your presentation.Quizzes and ExaminationsThere will be at least 2 quizzes during the semester. Quizzes may or may not be announced in advance. Quizzes will test your knowledge of both concepts and the application of those concepts. Midterm and final exam may be composed of multiple-choice questions and essay questions etc. Supplementary exams can be applied if students fail the l sl attempt.Academic IntegrityCheating or plagiarism includes copying others5 work or in the exam will not be tolerated. It will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the university policy if a second violation occurs. Any type of cheating in the midterm or final exam will lead a nullification result.Course EvaluationBefore Midterm After Midterm Attendance 5% 5%Participation 5% 5%Quizzes 10% 10%Presentation 20%Mid-term exam 20%Final exam 20%Total 40% 60%Course scheduleWeek 1 Chapter 1Week 2 Chapter 2Week 3 Chapter 3Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 11Chapter 12 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Presentation Final Exam RevisionFinal ExamCourse contentsChapter 1 Operations and Supply Chain ManagementLearning objectives:1. Understand why it is important to study operations and supply chain management.2. Define efficient and effective operations.3. Categorize operations and supply chain processes.4. Contrast differences between services and goods producing processes.Chapter 2 Strategy and SustainabilityLearning objectives:1. Compare how operations and supply chain strategy relates to marketing and finance.2. Understand the competitive dimensions of operations and supply chain strategy. 3・ Identify order winners and order qualifiers. 4. Understand the concept of strategic fit.5. Describe how productivity is measured and how it relates to operations and supplychain processes.6. Explain how the financial markets evaluate a firm's operations and supply chainperformance.Chapter 3 Product and Service Desi 即Learning objectives:1. Understand the product development process for both manufactured and serviceproducts.Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16Mid-Term Exam2.Demonstrate how the development of products can have significant economic impacton the firm.3.Align design with the desires of the customer by using quality function deployment(QFD) concepts.4.Explain how design can significantly impact manufacturing cost.5.Be introduced to product development performance measures.Chapter 4Strategic Capacity ManagementLearning objectives:1.Recognize the concept of capacity and how important it is to “manage” capacity.2.Explain the impact of economies of scale on the capacity of a firm.3.Understand how to use decision trees to analyze alternatives when faced with theproblem of adding capacity.4.Describe the differences in planning capacity between manufacturing firms andservice firms.Chapter 5Process AnalysisLearning objectives:1.Recognize three basic types of processes: a serial flow process, parallelprocesses (such as what happens in a restaurant), and logistics processes.2.Understand basic flowcharting of processes.3.Explain how to analyze processes using Little's law.4.Understand how to calculate process performance measures.Chapter 6Production ProcessesLearning objectives:1.Understand the idea of production process mapping.2.Demonstrate how production processes are organized.3.Explain the trade-offs that need to be considered when designing a productionprocesses.4.Describe the product-process matrix.5.Recognize how break-even analysis is just as important in operations and supplychain management as it is in other functional areas.Chapter 9 Six-Sigma QualityLearning objectives:1.Understand total quality management.2.Describe how quality is measured and be aware of the different dimensions ofquality.3.Explain the define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) qualityimprovement process.4.Understand what ISO certification means.Chapter 11Global Sourcing and ProcurementLearning objectives:1.Understand how important sourcing decisions go beyond simple material purchasingdecisions.2.Demonstrate the “bullwhip effect^ and how it is important to synchionize the flowof material between supply chain partners.3.Describe how characteristics of supply and demand have an impact on structuringsupply chains.4.Know the reason for outsourcing capabilities.5.Illustrate what “green” sourcing is.6.Analyze the total cost of ownership.7.Calculate inventory turnover and days of supply.Chapter 12Location, Logistics and DistributionLearning objectives:1.Describe what a third-party logistics provider is.2.Assess the major issues that need to be considered in locating a plant orwarehouse facility.Chapter 13Lean and Sustainable Supply ChainsLearning objectives:1.Describe how Green and Lean can complement each other.2.Explain how a production pull system works.3・ Understand Toyota Production System concepts.4.Summarize important attributes of a lean supply chain.5.Analyze a supply chain process using value stream mapping.6.Know the principles of supply chain design.Chapter 14 Inventory ControlLearning objectives:1.Explain the different purposes for keeping inventory.2.Understand that the type of inventory system logic that is appropriate for an itemdepends on the type of demand for that item.3.Calculate the appropriate order size when a one-time purchase must be made.4.Describe what the economic order quantity is and how to calculate it.5.Summarize fixed-order quantity and fixed-time period models, including ways todetermine safety stock when there is variability in demand.6.Discuss why inventory turn is directly related to order quantity and safety stock. Reading Materials:Operations Management. Fifth Edition. Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, and Rober Johnston. Prentice Hall, Financial Times.。



[1]陈荣秋,马士华.生产与运作管理(第二版).高等教育出版 社,2005年版
[2]黄卫伟.生产与运营管理(第二版).中国国人民大学出版社, 2006年版
[3]季建华.运营管理(第二版).格致出版社,2010年版 [4]杰拉德·卡桑、克里斯蒂安·特维施.运营管理.中国财政经济 出版社,2006年版
大纲制定 人:
大纲审定 人:
制定时 间:
郑谦 2011.5.10
1、使学生加深理解生产运营流程,以及生产运作职能与其他职能 之间的关系。学会使用物理沙盘进行企业管理活动计划和安排。
本实验课的考核方式主要是根据学生的实验表现(30%),实验结 果(40%),实验报告书(30%)来综合评定。要求学生认真学习和操作

时 分

实验 类别
每 实验 组 实验 类型 人 要求

1 认知实习
3 技术基础 演示性 4-6 必做 类
2 ERP实训
技术基础 类
技术基础 类
1、组织学生到实验基地企业去进行参观学习,直观了解企业的生 产运作流程。
通过课内外的练习、实验等以学生为主体的实践性活动,使学生巩 固、丰富和完善所学知识,培养学生解决实际问题的能力和多方面的实 践能力。配合课堂教学,安排了如下实践性教学内容,通过让学生进行 角色扮演,训练学生对生产进行决策的能力,加强对有关理论和方法的 理解。

运营管理英文课件 (1)

运营管理英文课件 (1)

Estimating the Learning Percentage
1. Assume that the learning percentage will be the same as it has been for previous applications within the same industry
2. The unit time will decrease at a decreasing rate
3. The reduction in time will follow a predictable pattern
Finding the Learning Rate
1. Arithmetic tabulation 2. Logarithms 3. Some other curve-fitting method
Example: The Solution
• 180 / 225 = 0.80 • Look up unit 11 for an 80 percent
improvement ratio in Exhibit B.5
– 0.4629
• 0.4269 x 225 = 104
Example: The Data
2. Assume that it will be the same as it has been for the same or similar products
3. Analyze the similarities and differences between the proposed start-up and previous start-ups and develop a revised learning percentage that appears to best fit the situation
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  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

《运营管理》课程编号:CMAG322课程类型:学科基础课总学时: 54 学时学分:3学分适用对象:工商管理专业先修课程:CMAG111/CACC111/CFIN311Course DescriptionSupply chain management means the design, planning and control of the information flow, material flow and cash flow with a view to strengthening competitiveness. The supply chain composition structure and the operation directly relate to the whole management process of the enterprise; therefore, the course focuses on the operation and supply chain management on the premise of fast meeting the end-user need, make the response promptly to the unpredictable market demand, and realize optimized movement for the entire supply chain.Learning objectivesThis is a course in management with an emphasis on real world applications. There are three basic objectives for this course:1.To develop some simple models that can be usefully applied to generate realisticpredictions about the behaviors of important economic variables.2.To apply the models and management concepts to understand and interpret currentworld management issues.3.To familiarize with some basic ideas of management analysis and businessproblems faced by managers in their daily operations, such as project management, process analysis, quality management, supply chain design, facility location, inventory control, etc.Teaching MethodsThis course contains lectures, class discussions, homework, quizzes, presentation, self-study and exams etc.Study timeTo do well in this course, you need to devote time outside of class for practice and proper preparation. A typical student should need 10 hours of no-class time each week during a regular 20-week semester. Doing this theory paper requires READING time.I encourage all of you to do all assigned homework and practice extra questions. Attendance and Class ParticipationRegular attendance and class participation are expected of all the students. Since the course covers great deal of materials that’s why its very important trying to attend EVERY class on time. Absence which is more than 1/3 of the total teaching hour (16*4/3=21 hrs)will cause an F (a failing grade) directly.And I will recordattendance by random checking. Take class discussion and group assignment serious as your distribution and contribution for your team will affect the whole group’s finals.Homework AssignmentsIf you do not attempt to complete the assigned homework its unlikely that your performance in the course will suffer. Most assignments are taken from the textbook. Students who do NOT complete assignments or copy from others will cause dangerous in grade appraisal.PresentationEach group is going to be expected to give a 20 minutes presentation. The topic can be selected from the textbook or lectures. A summary relating to the topic is required before your presentation.Quizzes and ExaminationsThere will be at least 2 quizzes during the semester. Quizzes may or may not be announced in advance. Quizzes will test your knowledge of both concepts and the application of those concepts. Midterm and final exam may be composed of multiple-choice questions and essay questions etc. Supplementary exams can be applied if students fail the 1st attempt.Academic IntegrityCheating or plagiarism includes copying others’ work or in the exam will not be tolerated. It will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the university policy if a second violation occurs. Any type of cheating in the midterm or final exam will lead a nullification result.Course EvaluationBefore Midterm After Midterm Attendance5% 5% Participation5% 5%Quizzes10% 10% Presentation20%Mid-term exam 20%Final exam20%Total40%60%Course scheduleWeek 1 Chapter 1Week 2 Chapter 2Week 3 Chapter 3Week 4 Chapter 4Week 5 Chapter 4Week 6 Chapter 5Week 7 Chapter 6Week 8 Chapter 7Week 9 Chapter 11 Week 10 Mid-Term Exam Week 11 Chapter 12 Week 12 Chapter 17 Week 13 Chapter 17Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Chapter 13 PresentationFinal Exam Revision Final ExamCourse contentsChapter 1 Operations and Supply Chain ManagementLearning objectives:1.Understand why it is important to study operations and supply chainmanagement.2.Define efficient and effective operations.3.Categorize operations and supply chain processes.4.Contrast differences between services and goods producing processes.Chapter 2 Strategy and SustainabilityLearning objectives:pare how operations and supply chain strategy relates to marketing andfinance.2.Understand the competitive dimensions of operations and supply chainstrategy.3.Identify order winners and order qualifiers.4.Understand the concept of strategic fit.5.Describe how productivity is measured and how it relates to operations andsupply chain processes.6.Explain how the financial markets evaluate a firm’s operations and supplychain performance.Chapter 3Product and Service DesignLearning objectives:1.Understand the product development process for both manufactured andservice products.2.Demonstrate how the development of products can have significant economicimpact on the firm.3.Align design with the desires of the customer by using quality functiondeployment (QFD) concepts.4.Explain how design can significantly impact manufacturing cost.5.Be introduced to product development performance measures.Chapter 4 Strategic Capacity ManagementLearning objectives:1.Recognize the concept of capacity and how important it is to “manage”capacity.2.Explain the impact of economies of scale on the capacity of a firm.3.Understand how to use decision trees to analyze alternatives when faced withthe problem of adding capacity.4.Describe the differences in planning capacity between manufacturing firmsand service firms.Chapter 5 Process AnalysisLearning objectives:1.Recognize three basic types of processes: a serial flow process, parallelprocesses (such as what happens in a restaurant), and logistics processes.2.Understand basic flowcharting of processes.3.Explain how to analyze processes using Little’s law.4.Understand how to calculate process performance measures.Chapter 6 Production ProcessesLearning objectives:1.Understand the idea of production process mapping.2.Demonstrate how production processes are organized.3.Explain the trade-offs that need to be considered when designing a productionprocesses.4.Describe the product-process matrix.5.Recognize how break-even analysis is just as important in operations andsupply chain management as it is in other functional areas.Chapter 9 Six-Sigma QualityLearning objectives:1.Understand total quality management.2.Describe how quality is measured and be aware of the different dimensions ofquality.3.Explain the define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) qualityimprovement process.4.Understand what ISO certification means.Chapter 11 Global Sourcing and ProcurementLearning objectives:1.Understand how important sourcing decisions go beyond simple materialpurchasing decisions.2.Demonstrate the “bullwhip effect” and how it is important to synchronize theflow of material between supply chain partners.3.Describe how characteristics of supply and demand have an impact onstructuring supply chains.4.Know the reason for outsourcing capabilities.5.Illustrate what “green” sourcing is.6.Analyze the total cost of ownership.7.Calculate inventory turnover and days of supply.Chapter 12 Location, Logistics and DistributionLearning objectives:1.Describe what a third-party logistics provider is.2.Assess the major issues that need to be considered in locating a plant orwarehouse facility.Chapter 13Lean and Sustainable Supply ChainsLearning objectives:1.Describe how Green and Lean can complement each other.2.Explain how a production pull system works.3.Understand Toyota Production System concepts.4.Summarize important attributes of a lean supply chain.5.Analyze a supply chain process using value stream mapping.6.Know the principles of supply chain design.Chapter 14 Inventory ControlLearning objectives:1.Explain the different purposes for keeping inventory.2.Understand that the type of inventory system logic that is appropriate for anitem depends on the type of demand for that item.3.Calculate the appropriate order size when a one-time purchase must be made.4.Describe what the economic order quantity is and how to calculate it.5.Summarize fixed–order quantity and fixed–time period models, includingways to determine safety stock when there is variability in demand.6.Discuss why inventory turn is directly related to order quantity and safetystock.Reading Materials:Operations Management. Fifth Edition. Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, and Rober Johnston. Prentice Hall, Financial Times.。
