
age hardening时效硬化
air hardening气体硬化
air patenting空气韧化
anode effect阳极效应
atomloy treatment阿托木洛伊表面
27. aging时效处理
28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度
29. Rockwell hardness洛氏硬度
30。Brinell hardness布氏硬度
31。hardness tester硬度计
32. descale除污,除氧化皮等
33. ferrite铁素体
35. martensite马氏体
37. iron carbide渗碳体
38. solid solution固溶体
42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体
18. scale氧化皮
20. process anneal进行退火
21. quenching淬火
23. Charpy impact text夏比冲击试验
25。tensile testing拉伸试验
43. black oxide coating发黑

ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理
ion plating 离子电镀
isothermal annealing 等温退火
liquid honing 液体喷砂法
low temperature annealing 低温退火
malleablizing 可锻化退火
3. bar 棒材
4. stock 原料
5. billet 方钢,钢方坯
6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭
7. section 型材
8. steel ingot 钢锭
9. blank 坯料,半成品
10. cast steel 铸钢
11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁
12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁
austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体
bainite 贝氏体
banded structure 条纹状组织
barrel plating 滚镀
barrel tumbling 滚筒打光
blackening 染黑法
blue shortness 青熟脆性
bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理
box annealing 箱型退火
vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理
vacuum hardening 真空淬火
vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理
vacuum nitriding 真空氮化
water quenching 水淬火
wetout 浸润处理
1. indication 缺陷
2. test specimen 试样
solution treatment 固溶化热处理 spheroidizing 球状化退火

101个热处理常用英文词汇1. indication 缺陷2. test specimen 试样3. bar 棒材4. stock 原料5. billet 方钢,钢方坯6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭7. section 型材8. steel ingot 钢锭9. blank 坯料,半成品10. cast steel 铸钢11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁13. bronze 青铜14. brass 黄铜15. copper 合金16. stainless steel不锈钢17. decarburization 脱碳18. scale 氧化皮19. anneal 退火20. process anneal 进行退火21. quenching 淬火22. normalizing 正火23. Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验24. fatigue 疲劳25. tensile testing 拉伸试验26. solution 固溶处理27. aging 时效处理28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度31. hardness tester硬度计32. descale 除污,除氧化皮等33. ferrite 铁素体34. austenite 奥氏体35. martensite马氏体36. cementite 渗碳体37. iron carbide 渗碳体38. solid solution 固溶体39. sorbite 索氏体40. bainite 贝氏体41. pearlite 珠光体42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体43. black oxide coating 发黑44. grain 晶粒45. chromium 铬46. cadmium 镉47. tungsten 钨48. molybdenum 钼49. manganese 锰50. vanadium 钒51. molybdenum 钼52. silicon 硅53. sulfer/sulphur 硫54. phosphor/ phosphorus 磷55. nitrided 氮化的56. case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬57. air cooling 空冷58. furnace cooling 炉冷59. oil cooling 油冷60. electrocladding /plating 电镀61. brittleness 脆性62. strength 强度63. rigidity 刚性,刚度64. creep 蠕变65. deflection 挠度66. elongation 延伸率67. yield strength 屈服强度68. elastoplasticity 弹塑性69. metallographic structure 金相组织70. metallographic test 金相试验71. carbon content 含碳量72. induction hardening 感应淬火73. impedance matching 感应淬火74. hardening and tempering 调质75. crack 裂纹76. shrinkage 缩孔,疏松77. forging 锻(件)78. casting 铸(件)79. rolling 轧(件)80. drawing 拉(件)81. shot blasting 喷丸(处理)82. grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)83. sand blasting 喷砂(处理)84. carburizing 渗碳85. nitriding 渗氮86. ageing/aging 时效87. grain size 晶粒度88. pore 气孔89. sonim 夹砂90. cinder inclusion 夹渣91. lattice晶格92. abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性93. spectrum analysis光谱分析94. heat/thermal treatment 热处理95. inclusion 夹杂物96. segregation 偏析97. picking 酸洗,酸浸98. residual stress 残余应力99. remaining stress 残余应力100. relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力101. stress relief 应力释放。

热处理术语中文名称英文名称说明整体热处理Bulk heat treatment对金属材料或工件进行穿透加热的热处理工艺。
局部热处理Local heat treatment仅对工件的某一部位或几个部位进行热处理的工艺。
表面热处理Surface heat treatment仅对工件表层进行热处理以改变其组织和性能的工艺。
化学热处理Thermo-chemical treatment把金属材料或工件放在适当的活性介质中加热、保持,使一种或几种化学元素渗入其表层,以改变其化学成分、组织和性能的热处理工艺。
预备热处理Conditioning heat treatment为了调整原始组织,以保证工件最终热处理或(和)可加工性能,在最终热处理前预先进行的热处理。
可控气氛热处理Heat treatmen in-controlled atmosphere为达到无氧化、无脱碳、按要求增碳的目的,在成分可以控制的炉气中进行加热和冷却的热处理工艺。
真空热处理Vacuum heat treatment在一定真空度的加热炉中,可实现工件无氧化的热处理工艺。
离子热处理Ion heat treatment在一定真空度的特定气氛中,利用工件(阴极)和阳极之间等离子体的辉光放电进行热处理的技术。
高能束热处理High energy density heat treatment利用激光、电子束、等离子弧、感应脉冲、涡流、火焰等高功率密度能源加热工件的热处理技术。
淬火冷却介质Quenching media工件淬火冷却使用的介质。
淬硬性Hardening capacity以钢在理想条件下所能达到的最高硬度表征的材料特性。

banded structure条纹状组织
barrel plating滚镀
barrel tumbling滚筒打光
blue shortness青熟脆性
box annealing箱型退火
box carburizing封箱渗碳
43. black oxide coating发黑
44. grain晶粒
45. chromium铬
46. cadmium镉
47. tungsten钨
48. molybdenum钼
49. manganese锰
50. vanadium钒
gaseous cyaniding气体氧化法
globular cementite球状炭化铁
first stage annealing第一段退火
flame hardening火焰硬化
flame treatment火焰处理
full annealing完全退火
straightening annealing矫直退火
strain ageing应变老化
stress relieving annealing应力消除退火
33. ferrite铁素体
34. austenite奥氏体
35. martensite马氏体
36. cementite渗碳体
37. iron carbide渗碳体
38. solid solution固溶体
39. sorbite索氏体
40. bainite贝氏体
41. pearlite珠光体
42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体

英语专业词汇:Tempering(回火), precipitation(析出), recovery(回复) Recrystallization(再结晶); quenched steel(淬火钢) Metastable structure(亚结构); equilibrium(平衡) supersaturation of martensite solid solution (马氏体固溶体过饱和)High density of crystal lattice defects(高密度晶体点阵缺陷) dislocation(位错), low- and large- angle boundary(低角度和高角度晶界); twin interlayers(孪晶界); substructure(亚结构) Segregation(偏析)英语专业词汇:Overcooling (sub-cooling) austenite;(过冷奥氏体); Continuous cooling transformation curve(连续冷却转变曲线) Continuous cooling transformation diagram(连续冷却转变图) Pearlite (colony),珠光体(团); globular pearlite(粒状珠光体);Lamellar pearlite(片状Sorbite(索氏体); troostite (屈氏体);strength(强度);yield strength(屈服强度); ductility(塑性)Mechanism(机理), phase transformation mechanism(相变机理)专业英语词汇:Martensite (马氏体); bainite (贝氏体)Plate martensite (片状马氏体); lath martensite (板条马氏体); Upper bainite(上贝氏体); lower bainite(下贝氏体); Granular bainite(粒状贝氏体);carbide-free bainite(无碳贝氏体)Acicular ferrite (针状铁素体); retained austenite (残余奥氏体)Thermodynamic stability(热力学稳定性); metastable phase(亚稳相);shear transformation(切变转变)Face-centred cubic structure(面心立方结构);body-centred cubic structure(体心立方结构);Carbide-forming element(碳化物形成元素)英文词汇:Inherent grain size of austenite(奥氏体本质晶粒尺寸); Inherent fine grain steel(本质细晶粒钢); Isothermal cooling(等温冷却);Product(产物); Isothermal transformation diagram (等温转变图) TTT曲线,TTT curve (time-temperature-transformation curve), C curve, C曲线;英语词汇:Steel Heat Treatment(钢的热处理);Eutectoid(共析体); Hypo-eutectoid structure;Hyper-eutectoidAustenite(奥氏体); Ferrite(铁素体)Pearlite(珠光体); Cementite(渗碳体);carbide(碳化物)Phase Diagram(相图); Phase Transformation(相变);Diffusion transformation(扩散性相变)Austenitization(奥氏体化); nucleation(形核);Growth(生长);Homogenization(均匀化)。

1、整体热处理 bulk heat treatment2、表面热处理 surface heat treatment3、化学热处理 thermo-chemical treatment4、预备热处理 conditioning heat treatment5、局部热处理 local heat treatment6、可控气氛热处理 heat treatment in-controlled atmosphere7、真空热处理 vacuum heat treatment008、离子热处理 ion heat treatment9、高能束热处理high energy density heat treatment10、形变热处理 thermomechanical treatment11、复合热处理 complex heat treatment12、流态床热处理 heat treatment in fluidized beds13、吸热式气氛 endothermic atmosphere14、放热式气氛 exothermic atmosphere15、放热-吸热式气氛 exo-endothermic atmosphere16、滴注式气氛 drip feed atmosphere17、氮基气氛nitrogen-base atmosphere18、合成气氛artificial atmosphere019、直生式气氛 direct prepared atmosphere20、淬火冷却介质 quenching media21、淬火冷却烈度 quenching severity22、淬透性 hardenability23、淬硬性 hardening capacity24、端淬试验Jominy test25、奥氏体化austenitizing26、等温转变isothermal transformation27、连续冷却转变 continuous cooling transformation28、退火 annealing29、完全退火full annealing30、不完全退火 incomplete annealing31、去应力退火 stress relieving annealing32、球化退火spheroidizing033、正火 normalizing34、等温正火isothermal normalizing35、淬火 quenching harding36、等温淬火austempering37、分级淬火martempering38、亚温淬火intercritical hardening39、冷处理 subzero treatment40、深冷处理cryogenic treatment41、马氏体临界冷却速度 critical colding rate42、有效淬硬深度 effective hardening depth043、回火tempering44、低温回火 low temperature tempering045、高温回火high temperature tempering46、自回火 self tempering47、回火脆性temper brittlement48、淬冷畸变quenching distortion49、氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement50、残留应力residual stresses51、热应力 thermal stresses52、相变应力transformation stresses53、固溶处理solution treatment54、时效 ageing055、沉淀硬化precipitation hardening56、氧化 oxidation57、脱碳 decarburizing58、内氧化 internal oxidation59、渗碳 carburizing60、固体渗碳pack carburizing61、气体渗碳gas caiburizing62、液体渗碳liquid carburizing63、真空渗碳vacuum carburizing64、离子渗碳plasma carburizing065、复碳 carbon restoration66、碳势 carbon potential67、露点 dew point68、强渗期 carburizing period69、扩散期 diffusion period70、载气 carrier gas71、富化气 enrich gas72、渗氮 nitriding73、液体渗氮liquid nitriding74、气体渗氮gas nitriding75、离子渗氮ion nitriding076、退氮 denitriding77、渗氮化合物层 compound layer78、氨分解率ammonia dissociation rate79、渗金属 metal cementation80、多元共渗multicomponent cementation81、碳氮共渗carbonitriding082、氮碳共渗nitrocarburizing83、流氮共渗sulpho-nitriding84、氧氮共渗oxynitriding85、化学气象沉淀 chemical vapor deposition86、物理气相沉淀 physical vapor deposition87、相phase88、组织 structure89、晶粒 grain90、晶界 grain boundary91、晶粒度grain size92、晶粒度等级 grain size number93、共晶组织 eutectic-structure094、共析组织 eutectoid structure95、层片状组织 lamellar-structure96、弥散相dispersed phase97、亚组织substructure98、位错 dislocation099、结构 texture机械专业名词金属切削 metal cutting机床 machine tool金属工艺学 technology of metals 刀具 cutter摩擦 friction联结 link传动 drive/transmission轴 shaft弹性 elasticity频率特性 frequency characteristic 误差 error响应 response定位 allocation机床夹具 jig动力学 dynamic运动学 kinematic静力学 static分析力学 analyse mechanics拉伸 pulling压缩 hitting剪切 shear扭转 twist弯曲应力 bending stress强度 intensity三相交流电 three-phase AC磁路 magnetic circles变压器 transformer异步电动机 asynchronous motor几何形状 geometrical精度 precision正弦形的 sinusoid交流电路 AC circuit机械加工余量 machining allowance 变形力 deforming force变形 deformation应力 stress硬度 rigidity热处理 heat treatment退火 anneal正火 normalizing脱碳 decarburization渗碳 carburization电路 circuit半导体元件 semiconductor element 反馈 feedback发生器 generator直流电源 DC electrical source门电路 gate circuit逻辑代数 logic algebra外圆磨削 external grinding内圆磨削 internal grinding平面磨削 plane grinding变速箱 gearbox离合器 clutch绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铣削 mill铣刀 milling cutter功率 power工件 workpiece齿轮加工 gear mechining齿轮 gear主运动 main movement主运动方向 direction of main movement进给方向 direction of feed进给运动 feed movement合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting 切削深度 cutting depth前刀面 rake face刀尖 nose of tool前角 rake angle后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削镗削 bore车削 turning磨床 grinder基准 benchmark钳工 locksmith锻 forge压模 stamping焊 weld拉床 broaching machine拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性 stability介质 medium液压驱动泵 fluid clutch 液压泵 hydraulic pump阀门 valve失效 invalidation强度 intensity载荷 load应力 stress安全系数 safty factor可靠性 reliability螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin滚动轴承 rolling bearing 滑动轴承 sliding bearing 弹簧 spring制动器 arrester brake十字结联轴节 crosshead 联轴歧 coupling链 chain皮带 strap精加工 finish machining粗加工 rough machining变速箱体 gearbox casing腐蚀 rust氧化 oxidation磨损 wear耐用度 durability随机信号 random signal离散信号 discrete signal超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor 集成电路 integrate circuit 挡板 orifice plate残余应力 residual stress套筒 sleeve扭力 torsion冷加工 cold machining电动机 electromotor汽缸 cylinder过盈配合 interference fit热加工 hotwork摄像头 CCD camera倒角 rounding chamfer优化设计 optimal design工业造型设计 industrial moulding design有限元 finite element滚齿 hobbing插齿 gear shaping伺服电机 actuating motor铣床 milling machine钻床 drill machine镗床 boring machine步进电机 stepper motor丝杠 screw rod导轨 lead rail组件 subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工 electric spark machining电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting 相图 phase diagram热处理 heat treatment固态相变 solid state phase changes有色金属 nonferrous metal合成纤维 synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion 车架 automotive chassis悬架 suspension转向器 redirector变速器 speed changer板料冲压 sheet metal parts孔加工 spot facing machining车间 workshop工程技术人员 engineer气动夹紧 pneuma lock数学模型 mathematical model画法几何 descriptive geometry机械制图 Mechanical drawing投影 projection视图 view剖视图 profile chart标准件 standard component零件图 part drawing装配图 assembly drawing尺寸标注 size marking技术要求 technical requirements刚度 rigidity内力 internal force位移 displacement截面 section疲劳极限 fatigue limit断裂 fracture塑性变形 plastic distortion脆性材料 brittleness material刚度准则 rigidity criterion垫圈 washer垫片 spacer直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear 斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear运动简图 kinematic sketch齿轮齿条 pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear虚约束 passive constraint曲柄 crank摇杆 racker凸轮 cams共轭曲线 conjugate curve范成法 generation method定义域 definitional domain值域 range导数\微分 differential coefficient求导 derivation定积分 definite integral不定积菲 indefinite integral曲率 curvature偏微分 partial differential毛坯 rough游标卡尺 slide caliper千分尺 micrometer calipers攻丝 tap二阶行列式 second order determinant 逆矩阵 inverse matrix线性方程组 linear equations概率 probability随机变量 random variable排列组合 permutation and combination 气体状态方程 equation of state of gas 动能 kinetic energy势能 potential energy机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy 动量 momentum桁架 truss轴线 axes余子式 cofactor逻辑电路 logic circuit触发器 flip-flop脉冲波形 pulse shape数模 digital analogy液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism机械零件 mechanical parts淬火冷却 quench淬火 hardening回火 tempering调质 hardening and tempering磨粒 abrasive grain结合剂 bonding agent砂轮 grinding wheel。

electrolytic hardening电解淬火embossing压花
first stage annealing第一段退火flame hardening火焰硬化
flame treatment火焰处理full annealing完全退火
press quenching加压硬化process annealing制程退火
quench ageing淬火老化quench hardening淬火
quenching crack淬火裂痕quenching distortion淬火变形
quenching stress淬火应力reconditioning再调质
gaseous cyaniding气体氧化法globular cementite球状炭化铁
grain size结晶粒度granolite treatment磷酸溶液热处理
hardenability curve硬化性曲线hardening硬化
segregation偏析selective hardening部分淬火
shot blast喷丸处理shot peening珠击法
single stage nitriding等温渗氮sintering烧结处理
solution atment固溶化热处理spheroidizing球状化退火
recrystallization再结晶red shortness红热脆性
residual stress残留应力retained austenite残留奥
热处理英语词汇(注音版 最好用)

Heat treatment of English vocabulary热处理英语词汇A奥氏体 austenite 奥氏体化 austenitization奥氏体回火,等温淬火 austemperingB板条似的 lathy (adj) 白口铸铁 white cast iron白亮层 white layer,nitride layer 贝氏体 bainite表面粗糙度 surface finish 表面强化 hard facing 不锈钢 stainless steel不完全退火 intercritical annealing 布氏硬度试验 Brinell testC残余奥氏体 retained austensite 残余应力 residual stress淬火 quenching (n),quench (vt) 淬透性 hardenability淬硬性 hardening capacity 齿轮,传动装置 gearD氮气 nitrogen氮碳共渗,软氮化 nitrocarburizing 等温线 isotherm等温淬火, 奥氏体回火 austempering 低碳钢 low carbon steel 锻造 forging (n )E二次渗碳体 secondary cementite 二氧化碳 carbon dioxideF腐蚀 etch腐蚀状态,侵蚀 corrosion (n )奥氏体 austenite [英]['ɔ:st ə,nait] [美]['ɔst ə,na ɪt] 板条状马氏体 lathy martensite [英]['kæθi] [美]['kæθɪ][英]['m ɑ:tən,zait] [美]['m ɑrtən,za ɪt]贝氏体 bainite ['beinait] 二次渗碳体 secondary cementite [英][si'mentait] [美][s ɪ'm ɛn,ta ɪt] 回火马氏体tempered martensite [英]['m ɑ:tən,zait] [美]['m ɑrtən,za ɪt] 莱氏体 ledeburite ['leid əbu:rait] 粒状珠光体 globular pearlite [英]['ɡl ɔbjələ(r)] [美]['gl ɑbj əl ɚ] [英]['p ə:lait] [美]['p ɚ,la ɪt] 马氏体 martensite [英]['m ɑ:tən,zait] [美]['m ɑrtən,za ɪt] 屈氏体(托氏体) troostite [英]['tru:stait] [美]['tru,sta ɪt]上贝氏体 upper bainite ['beinait] 渗碳体 cementite [英][si'mentait] [美][s ɪ'm ɛn,ta ɪt] 铁素体 ferrite [英]['ferait] [美]['f ɛra ɪt] 魏氏体 widemanstatten 下贝氏体 low bainite 珠光体 pearlite 针状马氏体 acicular martensite显微结构 microstructure [英]['maikr əu,str ʌkt ʃə] [美]['ma ɪkro,str ʌkt ʃɚ]不锈钢 stainless steel [英]['steinlis] [美]['stenl ɪs] 低碳钢 low carbon steel [英]['k ɑ:bən] [美]['k ɑrbən] 非合金钢(普通碳素钢) plain-carbon steel 沸腾钢 rimming steel ['rimiŋ]高锰钢 high manganese steel [英]['mæŋɡəni:z] [美]['mæŋgə'niz] 高速钢 high-speed steel 高碳钢 high carbon steel 工具钢 tool steel共析钢 eutectoid steel [英][ju:'tekt ɔid] [美][ju't ɛkt ɔɪd]过共析钢 hypereutectoid steel [,haip ərju'tekt ɔid] 合金钢 alloy steel [英]['æl ɔi] [美]['æl,ɔɪ]冷轧钢,软钢 mild steel [英][ma ɪld] [美][ma ɪld] 马氏体时效钢,特高强度钢 maraging steel[英]['m ɑ:reid ʒiŋ] [美]['m ɑred ʒɪŋ] 热强钢 heat-resistant steel[英][r ɪ'z ɪst ənt] [美][r ɪ'z ɪst ənt]亚共析钢 hypoeutectoid steel [,haip əuju(:)'tekt ɔid] 中碳钢 medium carbon steel [英]['mi:di əm] [美]['mid ɪəm] 自硬钢 self-hardening steel [英]['h ɑ:dəniŋ] [美]['h ɑrdn ɪŋ]钢 steel[英][sti:l] [美][stil]G高速钢high-speed steel高碳钢high carbon steel感应淬火induction hardening工具钢tool steel共晶的(n) 共晶(体)的(adj) eutectic共晶转变(共晶反应) eutectic reaction共析(的) eutectoid n&adj固溶强化solid solution strengthening固溶热处理solution heat treatment光亮淬火(退火) bright quenching (annealing)过冷undercool过冷(现象) supercooling过共晶的hypereutectic (adj)过共析的hypereutectoid过共析钢hypereutectoid steel过热overheat H焊接区晶间腐蚀welddecay合金钢alloy steel合金元素alloy element化学气体沉积,CVD chemical vapor deposition 回火temper, tempering回火马氏体tempered martensite灰铸铁gray ironJ加工硬化work-hardened金相试样metallographic specimen晶界grain boundary晶粒grain晶粒度grain size晶粒细化处理structural grain refining K抗拉强度tensile strength抗压强度compressive strength 可锻铸铁malleable ironL莱氏体ledeburite冷轧钢,软钢mild steel冷硬铸铁chilled iron粒状渗碳体globular scementite 炉子furnace洛氏硬度计Rockwell apparatus 洛氏硬度试验Rockwell test M马氏体martensite马氏体时效钢,特高强度钢maraging steel 弥散强化dispersion strengtheningN耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron 耐热铸铁heat resisting cast iron 耐酸铸铁acid resisting cast iron 努氏硬度试验Knoop test Q侵蚀, 腐蚀状态corrosion n青铜bronze,gunmetal球状的,球体的spheroidal球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite cast iron, ductile iron球化(处理) spheroidize v球化退火spheroidize annealing球化作用spheroidization球化不良under-nodularizing球化衰退degradated spheroidisation去除应力stress relieving去内应力退火stress-relief annealR热强钢heat-resistant steel 人工时效artificial aging蠕墨铸铁vermicular graphite iron,compacted graphite cast iron 软钢mild steel,soft steel软氮化, 氮碳共渗nitrocarburizing castS渗氮nitriding渗碳carburize, carburizing, carburization渗碳层深度carburized (case) depth渗碳体cementite石墨graphite石墨化graphitization石墨化退火graphitizing annealing时效硬化age hardening试样specimen水韧处理water tougheningT炭黑soot碳氮共渗carbonitriding碳当量carbon equivalent碳钢carbon steel碳化物形成元素carbide-forming element 铁iron铁的,含铁的ferrous (adj)不含铁的nonferrous铁素体ferrite铁素体化退火ferritizing annealing退火anneal脱碳decarbonization,decarburization, decarburisation, decarburation脱碳层decarburizing layer脱碳倾向decarburizing tendency脱碳深度, 脱碳层厚度decarburized depth 脱碳退火decarburizing annealing调质处理thermal refining W完全退火full annealing网状碳化物network carbide微观组分microconstituent微观结构(组织), 显微组织microstructure, micromechanism维氏硬度计Vickers hardness tester魏氏体widemanstatten物理气体沉积,PVD physical vapor deposition无相变退火subcritical annealingX镶嵌mount (v)相图phase diagram显微组织,微观组织(结构) microstructure 显微硬度试验microhardness testing Y亚共晶的hypoeutectic (adj)亚共析的hypoeutectoid (adj)亚稳定相(亚稳定状态) metastable phase 研磨grind (v)氧化oxidation,oxygenation氧化皮scale冶金,冶金术metallurgy冶金学的metallurgicmetallurgical冶金学者metallurgist冶炼smelt应力去除stress relieving有效渗碳硬化层深度effective case depth 预氧化preoxidation孕育铸铁inoculated cast iron轴承bearing, axletree铸造,铸件cast针状的acicular (adj)正火normalizing自然时效natural aging自硬钢self-hardening steelZ再结晶退火recrystallization annealing中碳钢medium carbon steel轴axes,axis,axletree,shaft,spindle。

1. indication 缺陷2. test specimen 试样3. bar 棒材4. stock 原料5. billet 方钢,钢方坯6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭7. section 型材8. steel ingot 钢锭9. blank 坯料,半成品10. cast steel 铸钢11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁13. bronze 青铜14. brass 黄铜15. copper 合金16. stainless steel不锈钢17. decarburization 脱碳18. scale 氧化皮19. anneal 退火20. process anneal 进行退火21. quenching 淬火22. normalizing 正火23. Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验24. fatigue 疲劳25. tensile testing 拉伸试验26. solution 固溶处理27. aging 时效处理28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度31. hardness tester硬度计32. descale 除污,除氧化皮等33. ferrite 铁素体34. austenite 奥氏体35. martensite马氏体36. cementite 渗碳体37. iron carbide 渗碳体38. solid solution 固溶体39. sorbite 索氏体40. bainite 贝氏体41. pearlite 珠光体42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体43. black oxide coating 发黑44. grain 晶粒45. chromium 铬46. cadmium 镉47. tungsten 钨48. molybdenum 钼49. manganese 锰50. vanadium 钒51. molybdenum 钼52. silicon 硅53. sulfer/sulphur 硫54. phosphor/ phosphorus 磷55. nitrided 氮化的56. case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬57. air cooling 空冷58. furnace cooling 炉冷59. oil cooling 油冷60. electrocladding /plating 电镀61. brittleness 脆性62. strength 强度63. rigidity 刚性,刚度64. creep 蠕变65. deflection 挠度66. elongation 延伸率67. yield strength 屈服强度68. elastoplasticity 弹塑性69. metallographic structure 金相组织70. metallographic test 金相试验71. carbon content 含碳量72. induction hardening 感应淬火73. impedance matching 感应淬火74. hardening and tempering 调质75. crack 裂纹76. shrinkage 缩孔,疏松77. forging 锻(件)78. casting 铸(件)79. rolling 轧(件)80. drawing 拉(件)81. shot blasting 喷丸(处理)82. grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)83. sand blasting 喷砂(处理)84. carburizing 渗碳85. nitriding 渗氮86. ageing/aging 时效87. grain size 晶粒度88. pore 气孔89. sonim 夹砂90. cinder inclusion 夹渣91. lattice晶格92.abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性93. spectrum analysis光谱分析94. heat/thermal treatment 热处理95. inclusion 夹杂物96. segregation 偏析97. picking 酸洗,酸浸98. residual stress 残余应力99. remaining stress 残余应力100. relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力101. stress relief 应力释放。

thermal refining 调质处理
thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理
time quenching 时间淬火
transformation 变态
tufftride process 软氮化处理
under annealing 不完全退火
vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化
segregation 偏析
selective hardening 部分淬火
shot blast 喷丸处理
shot peening 珠击法
single stage nitriding 等温渗氮
sintering 烧结处理
soaking 均热处理
softening 软化退火
solution treatment 固溶化热处理 spheroidizing 球状化退火
stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火
subzero treatment 生冷处理
supercooling 过冷
surface hardening 表面硬化处理
temper brittleness 回火脆性
temper colour 回火颜色
tempering 回火
tempering crack 回火裂痕
box carburizing封箱渗碳
bright electroplating 辉面电镀
bright heat treatment 光辉热处理
bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理
carbide 炭化物
carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层
carburizing 渗碳

H焊接welding, weld航空材料aerialmaterial合成纤维synthetic fiber合金钢alloy steel合金化alloying合金结构钢structural alloy steel黑色金属ferrous metal红硬性red hardness滑移slip, glide滑移方向glide direction, slip direction滑移面glide plane, slip plane滑移系slip system化合物compound化学气相沉积chemical vapoureposition (CVD)化学热处理chemical heattreatmentJ基体matrix机械混合物mechanical mixtur e 机械性能mechanical property激光热处理heat treatment with a laser beam激光laser激光熔凝laser melting and consolidation激光表面硬化surfac e harden ing by laser beam加工硬化work hardening加热heating胶粘剂adhesive结构材料structural material 结晶crystallize, crystallization结晶度crystallinity金属材料metal material金属化合物metallic compound金属键metallic bond金属组织metal structure金属结构metallic framework 金属塑料复合材料plastimets 金属塑性加工metal plastic?working金属陶瓷metal cerami c金相显微镜metallographic microscope, metalloscope金相照片metallograph晶胞cell晶格crystal lattic e晶格常数lattic e constant晶格空位lattic e vacancy晶粒crystal grain晶粒度grain size晶粒细化grain refining晶体结构crystal structure聚四氟乙烯polytetrafluoroethy lene (PTFE)聚合度degreeof polymerization聚合反应polymerization绝热材料heat-insulating materi al绝缘材料insulating material K抗拉强度tensile strength 抗压强度compression strength颗粒复合材料particlecomposite扩散diffusion, diffus eL老化aging莱氏体ledeburite冷变形cold deformation冷加工cold work, cold working 冷却cool, cooling冷作硬化cold hardening离子ion粒状珠光体granular pearlite 连续转变曲线continuouscooling transformation(CCT) curve孪晶twin crystal孪生twinning, twin螺旋位错helical dislocation洛氏硬度Rockwell hardnessM马氏体martensite (M)密排六方晶格close-packedxagonal lattic e (C.P.H.)面心立方晶格face-centre d cubic lattic e (F.C.C.)摩擦friction磨损wear, abrade, abrasion模具钢die steelMf 点martensite finishing pointMs点martensite starting pointN纳米材料nanostructured materials耐磨钢wear-resisting steel耐磨性wearability, wear resist ance耐热钢heat resistant steel , high temperature steel内耗internal friction内应力internal stress尼龙nylon粘弹性viscoelasticity凝固solidify, solidification 扭转强度torsional strength扭转疲劳强度torsional fatigu e strengthP泡沫塑料foamplastics, expanded plastics配位数coordinationnumber 喷丸硬化shot-peening疲劳强度fatigu e strength疲劳寿命fatigu e life片状马氏体lamellar martensite, plate type martensite普通碳钢ordinary steel, plaincarbonsteelQ气体渗碳gas carburizing切变shear切削cut, cutting切应力shearing stress球化退火spheroidizing annealing球墨铸铁nodular graphitecast iron, spheroidal graphite cast iron球状珠光体globular pearlite 屈服强度yielding strength, yield strength屈强比yielding-to-tensil e ratio屈氏体troolstite (T)去应力退火reliefannealingR热处理heat treatment热加工hot work, hot working热喷涂thermal spraying热固性thermosetting热塑性hot plasticity热硬性thermohardening柔顺性flexibility人工时效artificial ageing刃具cutting tool刃型位错edge dislacation,blade dislocation韧性toughness溶质solute溶剂solvent蠕变creep蠕墨铸铁quasiflake graphite cast iron软氮化soft nitridingX线结晶分析法X –ray crystal analyic s method奥氏体 Austeni te奥氏体碳钢 Austeni te CarbonSteel奥氏铁孻回火Austemp ering半静钢 Semi-killedsteel包晶反应 Peritec tic Reactio n包晶合金 Peritec tic Alloy包晶温度 Peritec tic Tempera ture薄卷片及薄片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)机械性能Mechani cal Propert ies of Thin Stainle ss Steel(Thickne ss from 0.3mm to 2.9mm)– strip/sheet杯突测试(厚度:0.4公厘至1.6公厘,准确至0.1公厘3个试片平均数) Erichse n test (Thickne ss:0.4mm to 1.6mm, figureround up to 0.1mm)贝氏体钢片 Bainite Steel Strip比电阻Specifi c resisti vity & specifi c resista nce比较抗磁体、顺磁体及铁磁体Compari son of Diamagn etism, Paramag netic& Ferroma gnetis m比热 Specifi c Heat比重 Specifi c gravity & specifi c density边缘处理 Edge Finish扁线、半圆线及异形线Flat Wire,Half Round Wire,ShapedWirePre cision ShapedFine Wire扁线公差 Flat Wire Toleran ce变态点 Transfo rmatio n Point表面保护胶纸Surface protect ion film表面处理 Surface finish表面处理 Surface Treatme nt不破坏检验Non –destruc tiveinspect ions不锈钢 Stainle ss Steel不锈钢–种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及主要用途Stainle ss Steel –Type,Industr ial Standar d, Chemica l Composi tion,Charact eristi c & end usage of the most commonl y used Stainle ss Steel不锈钢薄片用途例End Usage of Thinner Gauge不锈钢扁线及半圆线常用材料Commonl y used materia ls for Stainle ss Flat Wire & Half Round Wire不锈钢箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分类Classif icatio n of Foil,Strip, Sheet & Plate by Thickne ss不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表Stainle ssHeat-Resisti ng Steels不锈钢的磁性Magneti c Propert y & Stainle ss Steel不锈钢的定义Definit ion of Stainle ss Steel不锈钢基层金属Stainle ss Steel as Base Metal不锈钢片、板用途例Example s of End Usagesof Strip,Sheet & Plate不锈钢片材常用代号Designa tion of SUS Steel Special Use Stainle ss不锈钢片机械性能(301,304,631,CSP)Mechani cal Propert ies of Springuse Stainle ss Steel不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解 General Specifi cation of Tension Anneale d Stainle ss Steel Strips不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性Classif icatio n,Corrosi on Resista nt & Heat Resista nce of Stainle ss Steel材料的加工性能 Drawing abillit y插入型固熔体Interst ital solid solutio n常用尺寸 Commonl y Used Size常用的弹簧不锈钢线-编号,特性,表面处理及化学成份Stainle ssSpri ng Wire –Nationa l Standar d number,Charate ristic,Surface finish& Chemica l composi tion常用的镀锌钢片(电解片)的基层金属、用途、日工标准、美材标准及一般厚度Base metal, applica tion, JIS & ASTM standar d,Normalthickne ss of galvani zed steel sheet 长度公差 LengthToleran ce超耐热钢 Special Heat Resista nce Steel超声波探伤法Ultraso nic inspect ion冲击测试 ImpactTest冲剪 Drawing & stampin g初释纯铁体 Pro-entecto id ferrite处理及表面状况 Finish& Surface纯铁体 Ferrite磁场 Magneti c Field磁畴 Magneti c domain磁粉探伤法 Magneti c particl e inspect ion磁化率 Magneti c Suscept ibilit y (Xm)磁矩 magneti c moment磁力 Magneti c磁力 Magneti c Force磁偶极子 Dipole磁性 Magneti sum磁性变态 Magneti c Transfo rmatio n磁性变态点 Magneti c Transfo rmatio n磁性感应 Magneti c Inducti on粗珠光体 Coarsepearlit e淬火 Quenchi ng淬火及回火状态 Hardene d & Tempere d Strip/ Precisi on – Quenche d Steel Strip淬火剂 Quenchi ng Media单相金属 SinglePhase Metal单相轧压镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁)Single-Reduced Tinplat e弹簧不锈钢线,线径及拉力列表Stainle ss SpringSteel, Wire diamete rTensi le strengt h of SpringWire弹簧用碳钢片CarbonS teel Strip For SpringUse弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理Edge Finishe d弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及屈服点elastic limit, Yeung''s moduleof elastic ity to yield point倒后擦发条 Pull Back Power Spring导热度 Heat conduct ivity低碳钢或铁基层金属Iron & LowCarbonas Base Metal低碳马氏体不锈钢Low CarbonMartens ite Stainle ss Steel低温脆性 Cold brittle ness低温退火 Low Tempera ture Anneali ng第二潜变期 Seconda ry Creep第三潜变期 Tertiar y Creep第壹潜变期 Primary Creep点焊 Spot welding电镀金属钢片Plate Metal Strip电镀金属捆片的优点Advanta ge of Using Plate Metal Strip电镀锌(电解)钢片 Electro-galvani zed Steel Sheet电镀锌钢片的焊接Welding of Electro-galvani zed steel sheet电镀锌钢片或电解钢片Electro-galvani zed Steel Sheet/Electro lyticZinc CoatedSteel Sheet电解/电镀锌大大增强钢片的防锈能力Galvani c Actionimprovi ng Weather& Corrosi on Resista nce of the Base Steel Sheet 电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickne ss Toleran ce of Electro lyticCold-rolledsheet 电炉 Electri c furnace电器及家电外壳用镀层冷辘[低碳] 钢片Coated(Low Carbon)Steel Sheetsfor Casing,Electri cals & Home Applian ces电器用的硅[硅] 钢片之分类Classif icatio n of Silicon Steel Sheet for Electri cal Use电器用钢片的绝缘涂层Perform ance of Surface Insulat ion of Electri cal Steel Sheets电器用钢片用家需自行应力退火原因Anneali ng of the Electri cal Steel Sheet电器用硅[硅] 钢片Electri cal Steel Sheet电阻焊 Resista nce Welding定型发条 Constan t TorqueSpring定型发条的形状及翻动过程ShapeSp ring Back of Constan t TorqueSpring定型发条及上炼发条的驱动力SpringForce of Constan t TorqueSpringW ing-up Spring定型发条驱动力公式及代号The Formula Symbol of Constan t TorqueSpring镀层质量标记Marking s & Designa tionsof Differe ntialCoating s镀铬 ChromePlated镀黄铜 Brass Plated镀铝(硅)钢片–美材试标准(ASTM A-463-77)35.7 JIS G3314镀热浸铝片的机械性能Mechani cal Propert ies of JIS G 3314 Hot-Dip Aluminu m-coatedSheetsC oils镀铝(硅)钢片–日工标准(JIS G3314)Hot-aluminu m-coatedsheetsc oils to JIS G 3314镀铝(硅)钢片及其它种类钢片的抗腐蚀性能比较 Compars ion of various resista nce of alumini zed steel & other kinds of steel 镀铝(硅)钢片生产流程Aluminu m Steel Sheet, Product ion Flow Chart镀铝硅钢片Alumini zed Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet镀铝硅合金钢片的特色Feature of Alumini zed Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet镀镍 NickelPlated镀锡薄钢片(白铁皮/马日铁)制造过程 Product ion Process of Electro lyticTinplat e 镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁)(日工标准JIS G3303)镀锡薄铁片的构造Constru ctionof Electro lyticTinplat e锻造 Fogging断面缩率 Reducti on of area发条的分类及材料Power SpringStrip Classif icatio nMater ials发条片 Power SpringStrip反铁磁体 Antifer romagn etism方线公差 SquareWire Toleran ce防止生锈 Rust Protect ion放射线探伤法Radiogr aphicinspect ion非晶粒取向电力用钢片的电力、磁力、机械性能及夹层系数 Laminat ion Factors of Electri cal,Magneti c & Mechani cal Non-Grain Oriente d Electri cal沸腾钢(未净钢) Rimmedsteel分类 Classif icatio n负磁力效应 Negativ e effect钢板Steel Plate钢板订货需知Orderin g of Steel Plate钢板生产流程Product ion Flow Chart钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准Type of steel Plate & Related JIS,ASTMOth er Major Industr ial Standar ds钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting,Fogging,Extrusi on,Rolling& Steel钢的脆性Brittle ness of Steel钢的种类Type of Steel钢铁的名称Name of steel钢铁的制造 Manufac turing of Steel钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁生产流程Steel Product ion Flow Chart钢铁用“碳”之含量来分类Classif icatio n of Steel accordi ng to Carboncontent s高锰钢铸–日工标准High mangane se steel to JIS standar d高碳钢化学成份及用途High CarbonTool Steel, Chemica l Composi tionUs age 高碳钢片 High CarbonSteel Strip高碳钢片用途End Usage of High CarbonSteel Strip高碳钢线枝High CarbonSteel Wire Rod (to JIS G3506)高温回火High Tempera ture Temperi ng格子常数 Lattice constan t铬钢–日工标准JIS G4104 Chromesteel to JIS G4104铬镍不锈钢及抗热钢弹簧线材–美国材验学会ASTM A313 –1987 Chromiu m –NickelStainle ssHeat-resisti ng Steel SpringWire – ASTM A313 – 1987铬系耐热钢ChromeHeat Resista nce Steel铬钼钢钢材–日工标准G4105 62 ChromeMolybde num steel to JIS G4105 各种不锈钢线在不同处理拉力比较表Tensile Strengt h of various kinds of Stainle ss Steel Wire under Differe nt Finish工业标准及规格–铁及非铁金属Industr ial Standar d – Ferrous & Non – ferrous Metal公差 Size Toleran ce共晶 Eutecti c共释变态 Eutecto id Transfo rmatio n固熔体 Solid solutio n光辉退火 BrightAnneali ng光线(低碳钢线),火线(退火低碳钢线),铅水线(镀锌低碳钢线)及制造钉用低碳钢线之代号、公差及备注 Ordinar y Low CarbonSteel Wire,Anneale d Low CarbonSteel Wire,Galvani zed low CarbonSteel Wire & Low CarbonSteel Wire for nail manufac turing- classif icatio n,Symbolof Grade, Toleran ceRema rks.硅含量对电器用的低碳钢片的最大好处The Advanta ge of Using Silicon low CarbonSteel滚焊 Seam welding过共晶体 Hyper-ectecti c Alloy过共释钢 Hype-eutecto id含硫易车钢 Sulphur ic Free Cutting Steel含铅易车钢 LeadedFree Cutting Steel含铁体不锈钢Ferrite Stainle ss Steel焊接 Welding焊接合金 Solderi ngBraz ing Alloy焊接能力Weldabi lity 镀铝钢片的焊接状态(比较冷辘钢片)Tips on welding of Alumini zed sheet in compara sion with cold rolledsteel strip合金平衡状态Thermal Equilib rium厚度及阔度公差Toleran ce on Thickne ss & Width滑动面Slip Plan化学成份 Chemica l Composi tion化学结合 Chemica l bond化学性能 Chemica l Propert ies化学元素 Chemica l element黄铜基层金属Brass as Base Metal回复柔软 Crystal Recover y回火脆性 Temperbrittle ness回火有低温回火及高温回火Low &High Tempera ture Temperi ng回火状态 Anneale d Strip基层金属Base Metal of PlatedMetal Strip机械性能 Mechani cal Properi tes机械性能 Mechani cal propert ies畸变 Distort ion级别、电镀方法、镀层质量及常用称号Grade, Plating type, Designa tion of Coating Mass & CommonCoating Mass级别,代号,扭曲特性及可用之线材直径Classes,symbols,twistin g charact eristi cappli ed Wire Diamete rs级别,代号及化学成份 Classif icatio n,Symbolof GradeCh emical Composi tion 挤压 Extrusi on加工方法 Manufac turing Method加工性能 Machina bility简介 General交换能量 Positiv e energyexchang e矫顽磁力 Coerciv e Force金属变态 Transfo rmatio n金属材料的试验方法The Methodof Metal inspect ion金属材料的性能及试验Propert ies & testing of metal金属的特性 Feature s of Metal金属的相融、相融温度、晶体反应及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反应的比较 Equilib rium Compari sion金属间化物 Interme tallic compoun d金属结晶格子Metal space lattice金属捆片电镀层PlatedLayer of PlatedMetal Strip金属塑性 Plastic Deforma tion金属特性 Special metalli c feature s金属与合金 MetalAl loy金相及相律 Metal PhasePh ase Rule晶粒取向(Grain-Oriente d)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriente d)晶粒取向,定取向芯钢片及高硼定取向芯钢片之磁力性能及夹层系数(日工标准及美材标准)Magneti c Propert iesLam inatio n Factorof SI-ORIENT-CORE& SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI B Electri cal Steel Strip (JISAISI Standar d)晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢;片–高硼低硫(LS)定取向钢片之磁力及电力性能Magneti cElect ricalPropert ies ofSI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢片–高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片及定取向芯钢片之机械性能及夹层系数Mechani cal Propert iesLam inatio n Factors ofSI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-BSI-ORIENT-CORE Grain OrientElectri cal Steel Sheets晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢片–高硼低硫(LS)定取向钢片之机械性能及夹层系数Mechani cal Propert iesLam inatio n Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS 晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片–高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯钢片之标准尺寸及包装Standar d FormsSi ze ofSI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B,SI-CORE,& SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS Grain-晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片-高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯钢片之厚度及阔度公差Physica l Toleran ce ofSI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B,SI-ORIENT-CORE,& SI-CORE-HI-B-LS Grain晶粒取向电器用硅钢片Grain-Oriente d Electri cal Steel晶粒取向电器用硅钢片主要工业标准Interna tional Standar d –Grain-Oriente d Electri cal Steel Silicon Steel Sheet for Electri cal Use晶体结构 Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格 Crystal structu re,Space lattice & Unit cell净磁矩 Net magneti c moment绝缘表面 Surface Insulat ion均热炉 Soaking pit抗磁体 Diamagn etism抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosi on & resista nce durabil ity抗化学品能力Chemica l Resista nce抗敏感及环境保护 Allergi c, re-cycling & environ mental protect ion抗热超级合金Heat Resista nce Super Alloy扩散退火 Diffusi on Anneali ng拉尺发条 Measure Tape拉伸测试(顺纹测试) Elongat ion test冷冲及冷锻用碳钢线枝CarbonSteel Wire Rods for Cold Heading & Cold Forging (to JIS G3507)冷拉钢板重量表Cold Drawn Steel Bar WeightTable冷拉钢枝材Cold Drawn CarbonSteel Shaftin g Bar冷拉高碳钢线Hard Drawn High CarbonSteel Wire冷轧钢片 Cold-RolledSteel Sheet/Strip冷轧高碳钢–日本工业标准Cold-Rolled(Special Steel)CarbonSteel Strip to JIS G3311冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差Width Toleran ce of Cold or Hot-rolledsheet冷轧状态 Cold RolledStrip冷辘(低碳)钢片的分类用、途、工业标准、品质、加热状态及硬度表 End usages,industr ial standar d,quality,conditi onhard ness of cold rolledsteel strip 冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)(日工标准JIS G3141)73 - 95 Cold Rolled(Low carbon)Steel Strip (to JIS G 3141)冷辘钢捆片及张片的电镀和印刷方法Cold rolledsteel coil & sheet electro-plating & paintin g method冷辘钢捆片及张片制作流程图表Product ion flow chart cold rolledsteel coil sheet冷辘钢片(拉力:30-32公斤/平方米)在没有表面处理状态下的焊接状况Spot welding conditi ons for bared (free from paint,oxidesetc)Cold rolledmild steel sheets(T/S:30-32Kgf/μm2)冷辘钢片储存与处理提示General adviceon handlin g & storage of cold rolledsteel coil & sheet冷辘钢片的“理论重量”计算方程式Cold RolledSteel Sheet – Theoret ical mass 冷辘钢片订货需知Orderin g of cold rolledsteel strip/sheet理论质量 Theoret ical Mass连续铸造法 Continu ous casting process两面不均等锡层Both Side Differe nt Thickne ss CoatedMass两面均等锡层Both Side Equally CoatedMass裂纹之容许深度及脱碳层Permiss ible depth of flawdec arburi zed layer临界温度 Critica l tempert ure马氏体不锈钢Martens ite Stainle ss Steel马氏铁体淬火Marquen ching埋弧焊 Submerg ed-arc Welding每公斤发条的长度简易公式The Lengthof 1 Kg of SpringSteel Strip美材试标准的冷辘低碳钢片Cold RolledSteel Strip America n Standar d –America n Society for testing materi als (ASTM)美国工业标准–不锈钢及防热钢材的化学成份(先数字后字母排列)AISI –Chemica l Composi tion of Stainle ss Steel & Heat-Resista nt Steel(in order of number& alphabe t)。

热处理常用词汇中英文对照热处理常用词汇中英文对照 indication 缺陷 test specimen 试样bar 棒材stock 原料billet 方钢,钢方坯bloom 钢坯,钢锭section 型材steel ingot 钢锭blank 坯料,半成品cast steel 铸钢nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁bronze 青铜brass 黄铜copper 合金stainless steel不锈钢decarburization 脱碳scale 氧化皮anneal 退火process anneal 进行退火quenching 淬火normalizing 正火Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验fatigue 疲劳tensile testing 拉伸试验solution 固溶处理aging 时效处理Vickers hardness维氏硬度Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度Brinell hardness 布氏硬度hardness tester硬度计descale 除污,除氧化皮等ferrite 铁素体austenite 奥氏体martensite马氏体cementite 渗碳体iron carbide 渗碳体solid solution 固溶体sorbite 索氏体bainite 贝氏体pearlite 珠光体nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体 black oxide coating 发黑grain 晶粒chromium 铬cadmium 镉tungsten 钨molybdenum 钼manganese 锰vanadium 钒molybdenum 钼silicon 硅sulfer/sulphur 硫phosphor/ phosphorus 磷nitrided 氮化的case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬 air cooling 空冷furnace cooling 炉冷oil cooling 油冷electrocladding /plating 电镀brittleness 脆性strength 强度rigidity 刚性,刚度creep 蠕变deflection 挠度elongation 延伸率yield strength 屈服强度elastoplasticity 弹塑性metallographic structure 金相组织 metallographic test 金相试验carbon content 含碳量induction hardening 感应淬火impedance matching 感应淬火hardening and tempering 调质crack 裂纹shrinkage 缩孔,疏松forging 锻(件)casting 铸(件)rolling 轧(件)drawing 拉(件)shot blasting 喷丸(处理)grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)sand blasting 喷砂(处理)carburizing 渗碳nitriding 渗氮ageing/aging 时效grain size 晶粒度pore 气孔sonim 夹砂cinder inclusion 夹渣lattice晶格abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性 spectrum analysis光谱分析heat/thermal treatment 热处理inclusion 夹杂物segregation 偏析picking 酸洗,酸浸residual stress 残余应力remaining stress 残余应力relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力stress relief 应力释放。

應力消除(Stress relief)
應力回火(Stress temper)
真空退火(Vacuum Annealing)
時效處理(Aging Treatment)
固溶處理(Solid Solution)
ABP表面複合處理(ABP Metal Surface Treatment)

1、整体热处理 bulk heat treatment2、表面热处理 surface heat treatment3、化学热处理 thermo-chemical treatment4、预备热处理 conditioning heat treatment5、局部热处理 local heat treatment6、可控气氛热处理 heat treatment in-controlled atmosphere7、真空热处理 vacuum heat treatment8、离子热处理 ion heat treatment9、高能束热处理 high energy density heat treatment10、形变热处理 thermomechanical treatment11、复合热处理 complex heat treatment12、流态床热处理 heat treatment in fluidized beds13、吸热式气氛 endothermic atmosphere14、放热式气氛 exothermic atmosphere15、放热-吸热式气氛 exo-endothermic atmosphere16、滴注式气氛 drip feed atmosphere17、氮基气氛 nitrogen-base atmosphere18、合成气氛 artificial atmosphere19、直生式气氛 direct prepared atmosphere20、淬火冷却介质 quenching media21、淬火冷却烈度 quenching severity22、淬透性 hardenability23、淬硬性 hardening capacity24、端淬试验 Jominy test25、奥氏体化 austenitizing26、等温转变 isothermal transformation27、连续冷却转变 continuous cooling transformation28、退火 annealing29、完全退火 full annealing30、不完全退火 incomplete annealing31、去应力退火 stress relieving annealing32、球化退火 spheroidizing33、正火 normalizing34、等温正火 isothermal normalizing35、淬火 quenching harding36、等温淬火 austempering37、分级淬火 martempering38、亚温淬火 intercritical hardening39、冷处理 subzero treatment40、深冷处理 cryogenic treatment41、马氏体临界冷却速度 critical colding rate42、有效淬硬深度 effective hardening depth43、回火 tempering44、低温回火 low temperature tempering45、高温回火 high temperature tempering46、自回火 self tempering47、回火脆性 temper brittlement48、淬冷畸变 quenching distortion49、氢脆 hydrogen embrittlement50、残留应力 residual stresses51、热应力 thermal stresses52、相变应力 transformation stresses53、固溶处理 solution treatment54、时效 ageing55、沉淀硬化 precipitation hardening56、氧化 oxidation57、脱碳 decarburizing58、内氧化 internal oxidation59、渗碳 carburizing60、固体渗碳 pack carburizing61、气体渗碳 gas caiburizing62、液体渗碳 liquid carburizing63、真空渗碳 vacuum carburizing64、离子渗碳 plasma carburizing65、复碳 carbon restoration66、碳势 carbon potential67、露点 dew point68、强渗期 carburizing period69、扩散期 diffusion period70、载气 carrier gas71、富化气 enrich gas72、渗氮 nitriding73、液体渗氮 liquid nitriding74、气体渗氮 gas nitriding75、离子渗氮 ion nitriding76、退氮 denitriding77、渗氮化合物层 compound layer78、氨分解率 ammonia dissociation rate79、渗金属 metal cementation80、多元共渗 multicomponent cementation81、碳氮共渗 carbonitriding82、氮碳共渗 nitrocarburizing83、流氮共渗 sulpho-nitriding84、氧氮共渗 oxynitriding85、化学气象沉淀 chemical vapor deposition86、物理气相沉淀 physical vapor deposition87、相 phase88、组织 structure89、晶粒 grain90、晶界 grain boundary91、晶粒度 grain size92、晶粒度等级 grain size number93、共晶组织 eutectic-structure94、共析组织 eutectoid structure95、层片状组织 lamellar-structure96、弥散相 dispersed phase97、亚组织 substructure98、位错 dislocation99、结构 textureindication 缺陷test specimen 试样bar 棒材stock 原料billet 方钢,钢方坯bloom 钢坯,钢锭section 型材steel ingot 钢锭blank 坯料,半成品cast steel 铸钢nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁bronze 青铜brass 黄铜copper 合金stainless steel不锈钢decarburization 脱碳scale 氧化皮anneal 退火process anneal 进行退火quenching 淬火normalizing 正火Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验fatigue 疲劳tensile testing 拉伸试验solution 固溶处理aging 时效处理Vickers hardness维氏硬度Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度Brinell hardness 布氏硬度hardness tester硬度计descale 除污,除氧化皮等ferrite 铁素体austenite 奥氏体martensite马氏体cementite 渗碳体iron carbide 渗碳体solid solution 固溶体sorbite 索氏体bainite 贝氏体pearlite 珠光体nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体black oxide coating 发黑grain 晶粒chromium 铬cadmium 镉tungsten 钨molybdenum 钼manganese 锰vanadium 钒molybdenum 钼silicon 硅sulfer/sulphur 硫phosphor/ phosphorus 磷nitrided 氮化的case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬air cooling 空冷furnace cooling 炉冷oil cooling 油冷electrocladding /plating 电镀brittleness 脆性strength 强度rigidity 刚性,刚度creep 蠕变deflection 挠度elongation 延伸率yield strength 屈服强度elastoplasticity 弹塑性metallographic structure 金相组织metallographic test 金相试验carbon content 含碳量induction hardening 感应淬火impedance matching 感应淬火hardening and tempering 调质crack 裂纹shrinkage 缩孔,疏松forging 锻(件)casting 铸(件)rolling 轧(件)drawing 拉(件)shot blasting 喷丸(处理)grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)sand blasting 喷砂(处理)carburizing 渗碳nitriding 渗氮ageing/aging 时效grain size 晶粒度pore 气孔sonim 夹砂cinder inclusion 夹渣lattice晶格abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性spectrum analysis光谱分析heat/thermal treatment 热处理inclusion 夹杂物segregation 偏析picking 酸洗,酸浸residual stress 残余应力remaining stress 残余应力relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力stress relief 应力释放H焊接welding, weld航空材料aerial material合成纤维synthetic fiber合金钢alloy steel合金化alloying合金结构钢structural alloy steel黑色金属ferrous metal红硬性red hardness滑移slip, glide滑移方向glide direction, slip direction滑移面glide plane, slip plane滑移系slip system化合物compound化学气相沉积chemical vapour eposition (CVD) 化学热处理chemical heat treatmentJ基体matrix机械混合物mechanical mixture机械性能mechanical property激光热处理heat treatment with a laser beam激光laser激光熔凝laser melting and consolidation激光表面硬化surface hardening by laser beam 加工硬化work hardening加热heating胶粘剂adhesive结构材料structural material结晶crystallize, crystallization结晶度crystallinity金属材料metal material金属化合物metallic compound金属键metallic bond金属组织metal structure金属结构metallic framework金属塑料复合材料plastimets金属塑性加工metal plastic?working金属陶瓷metal ceramic金相显微镜metallographic microscope, metalloscope 金相照片metallograph晶胞cell晶格crystal lattice晶格常数lattice constant晶格空位lattice vacancy晶粒crystal grain晶粒度grain size晶粒细化grain refining晶体结构crystal structure聚四氟乙烯polytetrafluoroethy lene (PTFE)聚合度degree of polymerization聚合反应polymerization绝热材料heat-insulating material绝缘材料insulating materialK抗拉强度tensile strength抗压强度compression strength颗粒复合材料particle composite扩散diffusion, diffuseL老化aging莱氏体ledeburite冷变形cold deformation冷加工cold work, cold working冷却cool, cooling冷作硬化cold hardening离子ion粒状珠光体granular pearlite连续转变曲线continuous cooling transformation(CCT) curve 孪晶twin crystal孪生twinning, twin螺旋位错helical dislocation洛氏硬度Rockwell hardnessM马氏体martensite (M)密排六方晶格close-packed xagonal lattice (C.P.H.)面心立方晶格face-centred cubic lattice (F.C.C.) 摩擦friction磨损wear, abrade, abrasion模具钢die steelMf 点martensite finishing pointMs点martensite starting pointN纳米材料nanostructured materials耐磨钢wear-resisting steel耐磨性wearability, wear resistance耐热钢heat resistant steel , high temperature steel 内耗internal friction内应力internal stress尼龙nylon粘弹性viscoelasticity凝固solidify, solidification扭转强度torsional strength扭转疲劳强度torsional fatigue strengthP泡沫塑料foamplastics, expanded plastics配位数coordination number喷丸硬化shot-peening疲劳强度fatigue strength疲劳寿命fatigue life片状马氏体lamellar martensite, plate type martensite普通碳钢ordinary steel, plain carbon steelQ气体渗碳gas carburizing切变shear切削cut, cutting切应力shearing stress球化退火spheroidizing annealing球墨铸铁nodular graphite cast iron, spheroidal graphite cast iron 球状珠光体globular pearlite屈服强度yielding strength, yield strength屈强比yielding-to-tensile ratio屈氏体troolstite (T)去应力退火relief annealingR热处理heat treatment热加工hot work, hot working热喷涂thermal spraying热固性thermosetting热塑性hot plasticity热硬性thermohardening柔顺性flexibility人工时效artificial ageing刃具cutting tool刃型位错edge dislacation, blade dislocation 韧性toughness溶质solute溶剂solvent蠕变creep蠕墨铸铁quasiflake graphite cast iron软氮化soft nitriding。

热处理常用英文词汇1. indication 缺陷2. test specimen 试样3. bar 棒材4. stock 原料5. billet 方钢,钢方坯6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭7. section 型材8. steel ingot 钢锭9. blank 坯料,半成品10. cast steel 铸钢11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁13. bronze 青铜14. brass 黄铜15. copper 合金16. stainless steel不锈钢17. decarburization 脱碳18. scale 氧化皮19. anneal 退火20. process anneal 进行退火21. quenching 淬火22. normalizing 正火23. Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验24. fatigue 疲劳25. tensile testing 拉伸试验26. solution 固溶处理27. aging 时效处理28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度31. hardness tester硬度计32. descale 除污,除氧化皮等33. ferrite 铁素体34. austenite 奥氏体35. martensite马氏体36. cementite 渗碳体37. iron carbide 渗碳体38. solid solution 固溶体39. sorbite 索氏体40. bainite 贝氏体41. pearlite 珠光体42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体43. black oxide coating 发黑44. grain 晶粒45. chromium 铬46. cadmium 镉47. tungsten 钨48. molybdenum 钼49. manganese 锰50. vanadium 钒age hardening 时效硬化ageing 老化处理air hardening 气体硬化air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火anode effect 阳极效应anodizing 阳极氧化处理atomloy treatment 阿托木洛伊表面austempering 奥氏体等温淬火austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体bainite 贝氏体banded structure 条纹状组织barrel plating 滚镀barrel tumbling 滚筒打光blackening 染黑法blue shortness 青熟脆性bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理box annealing 箱型退火box carburizing 封箱渗碳bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatment 光辉热处理bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理carbide 炭化物carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳cementite 炭化铁chemical plating 化学电镀chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀coarsening 结晶粒粗大化coating 涂布被覆cold shortness 低温脆性comemtite 渗碳体controlled atmosphere 大气热处理corner effect 锐角效应creeping discharge 蠕缓放电decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火depth of hardening 硬化深层diffusion 扩散diffusion annealing 扩散退火electrolytic hardening 电解淬火embossing 压花etching 表面蚀刻ferrite 肥粒铁first stage annealing 第一段退火flame hardening 火焰硬化flame treatment 火焰处理full annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法globular cementite 球状炭化铁grain size 结晶粒度granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing 石墨退火hardenability 硬化性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线hardening 硬化heat treatment 热处理hot bath quenching 热浴淬火hot dipping 热浸镀induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理ion plating 离子电镀isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法low temperature annealing 低温退火malleablizing 可锻化退火martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭metallikon 金属喷镀法metallizing 真空涂膜nitriding 氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化normalizing 正常化oil quenching 油淬化overageing 过老化overheating 过热pearlite 针尖组织phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化pre-annealing 预备退火precipitation 析出precipitation hardening 析出硬化press quenching 加压硬化process annealing 制程退火quench ageing 淬火老化quench hardening 淬火quenching crack 淬火裂痕quenching distortion 淬火变形quenching stress 淬火应力reconditioning 再调质recrystallization 再结晶red shortness 红热脆性residual stress 残留应力retained austenite 残留奥rust prevention 防蚀salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火sand blast 喷砂处理seasoning 时效处理second stageannealing 第二段退火secular distortion 经年变形segregation 偏析Xive hardening 部分淬火shot blast 喷丸处理shot peening 珠击法single stage nitriding 等温渗氮sintering 烧结处理soaking 均热处理softening 软化退火solution treatment 固溶化热处理spheroidizing 球状化退火stabilizing treatment 安定化处理straightening annealing 矫直退火strain ageing 应变老化stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzero treatment 生冷处理supercooling 过冷surface hardening 表面硬化处理temper brittleness 回火脆性temper colour 回火颜色tempering 回火tempering crack 回火裂痕texture 咬花thermal refining 调质处理thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理time quenching 时间淬火transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理under annealing 不完全退火vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空淬火vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化water quenching 水淬火wetout 浸润处理。

1. indication 缺陷
2. test specimen 试样
3. bar 棒材
4. stock 原料
5. billet 方钢,钢方坯
6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭
7. section 型材
8. steel ingot 钢锭
9. blank 坯料,半成品
10. cast steel 铸钢
box carburizing封箱渗碳
bright electroplating 辉面电镀
bright heat treatment 光辉热处理
bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理
carbide 炭化物
carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层
carburizing 渗碳
nitriding 氮化处理
nitrocarburizing 软氮化
normalizing 正常化
oil quenching 油淬化
overageing 过老化
overheating 过热
pearlite 针尖组织
phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理
physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀
under annealing 不完全退火
vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化
vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理
vacuum hardening 真空淬火
vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理
vacuum nitriding 真空氮化
water quenching 水淬火
embossing 压花
etching 表面蚀刻

age hardening||时效硬化ageing||老化处理air hardening||气体硬化air patenting||空气韧化annealing||退火anode effect||阳极效应anodizing||阳极氧化处理atomloy treatment||阿托木洛伊表面austempering||奥氏体等温淬火austenite||奥斯田体/奥氏体bainite||贝氏体banded structure||条纹状组织barrel plating||滚镀barrel tumbling||滚筒打光blackening||染黑法blue shortness||青熟脆性bonderizing||磷酸盐皮膜处理box annealing||箱型退火box carburizing||封箱渗碳bright electroplating||辉面电镀bright heat treatment||光辉热处理bypass heat treatment||旁路热处理carbide||炭化物carburized case depth||浸碳硬化深层carburizing||渗碳cementite||炭化铁chemical plating||化学电镀chemical vapor deposition||化学蒸镀coarsening||结晶粒粗大化coating||涂布被覆cold shortness||低温脆性comemtite||渗碳体controlled atmosphere||大气热处理corner effect||锐角效应creeping discharge||蠕缓放电decarburization||脱碳处理decarburizing||脱碳退火depth of hardening||硬化深层diffusion||扩散diffusion annealing||扩散退火electrolytic hardening||电解淬火embossing||压花etching||表面蚀刻ferrite||肥粒铁first stage annealing||第一段退火flame hardening||火焰硬化flame treatment||火焰处理full annealing||完全退火gaseous cyaniding||气体氧化法globular cementite||球状炭化铁grain size||结晶粒度granolite treatment||磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing||石墨退火hardenability||硬化性hardenability curve||硬化性曲线hardening||硬化heat treatment||热处理hot bath quenching||热浴淬火hot dipping||热浸镀induction hardening||高周波硬化ion carbonitriding||离子渗碳氮化ion carburizing||离子渗碳处理ion plating||离子电镀isothermal annealing||等温退火liquid honing||液体喷砂法low temperature annealing||低温退火malleablizing||可锻化退火martempering||麻回火处理martensite||马氏体/硬化铁炭metallikon||金属喷镀法metallizing||真空涂膜nitriding||氮化处理nitrocarburizing||软氮化normalizing||正常化oil quenching||油淬化overageing||过老化overheating||过热pearlite||针尖组织phosphating||磷酸盐皮膜处理physical vapor deposition||物理蒸镀plasma nitriding||离子氮化pre-annealing||预备退火precipitation||析出precipitation hardening||析出硬化press quenching||加压硬化process annealing||制程退火quench ageing||淬火老化quench hardening||淬火quenching crack||淬火裂痕quenching distortion||淬火变形quenching stress||淬火应力reconditioning||再调质recrystallization||再结晶red shortness||红热脆性residual stress||残留应力retained austenite||残留奥rust prevention||防蚀salt bath quenching||盐浴淬火sand blast||喷砂处理seasoning||时效处理second stage annealing||第二段退火secular distortion||经年变形segregation||偏析selective hardening||部分淬火shot blast||喷丸处理shot peening||珠击法single stage nitriding||等温渗氮sintering||烧结处理soaking||均热处理softening||软化退火solution treatment||固溶化热处理spheroidizing||球状化退火stabilizing treatment||安定化处理straightening annealing||矫直退火strain ageing||应变老化stress relieving annealing||应力消除退火subzero treatment||生冷处理supercooling||过冷surface hardening||表面硬化处理temper brittleness||回火脆性temper colour||回火颜色tempering||回火tempering crack||回火裂痕texture||咬花thermal refining||调质处理thermoechanical treatment||加工热处理time quenching||时间淬火transformation||变态tufftride process||软氮化处理under annealing||不完全退火vacuum carbonitriding||真空渗碳氮化vacuum carburizing||真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening||真空淬火vacuum heat treatment||真空热处理vacuum nitriding||真空氮化water quenching||水淬火wetout||浸润处理1. indication 缺陷2. test specimen 试样3. bar 棒材4. stock 原料5. billet 方钢,钢方坯6. bloom 钢坯,钢锭7. section 型材8. steel ingot 钢锭9. blank 坯料,半成品10. cast steel 铸钢11. nodular cast iron 球墨铸铁12. ductile cast iron 球墨铸铁13. bronze 青铜14. brass 黄铜15. copper 合金16. stainless steel不锈钢17. decarburization 脱碳18. scale 氧化皮19. anneal 退火20. process anneal 进行退火21. quenching 淬火22. normalizing 正火23. Charpy impact text 夏比冲击试验24. fatigue 疲劳25. tensile testing 拉伸试验26. solution 固溶处理27. aging 时效处理28. Vickers hardness维氏硬度29. Rockwell hardness 洛氏硬度30. Brinell hardness 布氏硬度31. hardness tester硬度计32. descale 除污,除氧化皮等33. ferrite 铁素体34. austenite 奥氏体35. martensite马氏体36. cementite 渗碳体37. iron carbide 渗碳体38. solid solution 固溶体39. sorbite 索氏体40. bainite 贝氏体41. pearlite 珠光体42. nodular fine pearlite/ troostite屈氏体43. black oxide coating 发黑44. grain 晶粒45. chromium 铬46. cadmium 镉47. tungsten 钨48. molybdenum 钼49. manganese 锰50. vanadium 钒51. molybdenum 钼52. silicon 硅53. sulfer/sulphur 硫54. phosphor/ phosphorus 磷55. nitrided 氮化的56. case hardening 表面硬化,表面淬硬57. air cooling 空冷58. furnace cooling 炉冷59. oil cooling 油冷60. electrocladding /plating 电镀61. brittleness 脆性62. strength 强度63. rigidity 刚性,刚度64. creep 蠕变65. deflection 挠度66. elongation 延伸率67. yield strength 屈服强度68. elastoplasticity 弹塑性69. metallographic structure 金相组织70. metallographic test 金相试验71. carbon content 含碳量72. induction hardening 感应淬火73. impedance matching 感应淬火74. hardening and tempering 调质75. crack 裂纹76. shrinkage 缩孔,疏松77. forging 锻(件)78. casting 铸(件)79. rolling 轧(件)80. drawing 拉(件)81. shot blasting 喷丸(处理)82. grit blasting 喷钢砂(处理)83. sand blasting 喷砂(处理)84. carburizing 渗碳85. nitriding 渗氮86. ageing/aging 时效87. grain size 晶粒度88. pore 气孔89. sonim 夹砂90. cinder inclusion 夹渣91. lattice晶格92. abrasion/abrasive/rub/wear/wearing resistance (property) 耐磨性93. spectrum analysis光谱分析94. heat/thermal treatment 热处理95. inclusion 夹杂物96. segregation 偏析97. picking 酸洗,酸浸98. residual stress 残余应力99. remaining stress 残余应力100. relaxation of residual stress 消除残余应力101. stress relief 应力释放1、材料:Y15,要求:carbonitrided 0.06;HV700氰化处理 0.06mm ,韦氏硬度700;(氰化处理=渗碳和氮联合处理)2、材料:Y15,要求:nitrocarburized 0.02;black oxidzed硝化渗碳 0.02 mm,氧化煮黑;3、材料:20CrNiMo,要求:blacknite,0.01520铬镍钼不锈钢,硝基煮黑,0.015mm整体热处理 bulk heat treatmetn化学热处理 thermo-chemical treatment扩散层 diffusion zone局部热处理 local heat treatmetn预备热处理 conditioning treatment气氛热处理 atmosphere heat treatment等离子热处理 plasma heat treatment形变热处理 thermomechanical treatment (TMT)热处理工艺周期 thermal cycle升温时间 heating-up time穿透加热 through heating差温加热 differential heating保温 holding奥氏体化 austenitizing吸热式气氛 endothermic atmosphere放热式气氛 exothermic atmosphere马氏体临界冷却速度 critical cooling rate 风冷 forced air cooling等温转变 isothermal transformation退火 annealing淬火 quench hardening预防白点退火 hydrogen-relief annealing 深冷处理(冷处理) subzero treatment淬硬层 quench-hardened case调质 quenching and tempering时效 ageing形变时效 strain ageing天然时效 seasoning炭墨 soot冷脆 cold brittleness蓝脆 blue shortness复碳 carbon restoration强渗期 carburazing period渗氮 nitriding渗硼 sulphurizing渗硅 siliconizing渗硫 sulphurizing碳氮共渗 carbonitriding氰化 cyaniding金相检验 metallographic examination相变点 transformation temperature共晶组织 eutectic structure亚组织 substructure断口 fracture surface基体 matrix晶界 grain boundary晶粒号 grain size number莱氏体 ledeburite马氏体 martensite渗碳体 cementite三元碳化物 double carbide铁素体 ferrite索氏体 very fine pearlite珠光体 pearlite渗氮剂 nitriding。
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Tempering(回火), precipitation(析出), recovery(回复) Recrystallization(再结晶); quenched steel(淬火钢) Metastable structure(亚结构); equilibrium(平衡) supersaturation of martensite solid solution (马氏体固溶体过饱和)
High density of crystal lattice defects(高密度晶体点阵缺陷) dislocation(位错), low- and large- angle boundary(低角度和高角度晶界); twin interlayers(孪晶界); substructure(亚结构) Segregation(偏析)
Overcooling (sub-cooling) austenite;(过冷奥氏体); Continuous cooling transformation curve(连续冷却转变曲线) Continuous cooling transformation diagram(连续冷却转变图) Pearlite (colony),珠光体(团); globular pearlite(粒状珠光体);
Lamellar pearlite(片状
Sorbite(索氏体); troostite (屈氏体);
yield strength(屈服强度); ductility(塑性)
Mechanism(机理), phase transformation mechanism(相变机理)
Martensite (马氏体); bainite (贝氏体)
Plate martensite (片状马氏体); lath martensite (板条马氏体); Upper bainite(上贝氏体); lower bainite(下贝氏体); Granular bainite(粒状贝氏体);carbide-free bainite(无碳贝氏体)
Acicular ferrite (针状铁素体); retained austenite (残余奥氏体)
Thermodynamic stability(热力学稳定性); metastable phase(亚稳相);shear transformation(切变转变)
Face-centred cubic structure(面心立方结构);body-centred cubic structure(体心立方结构);
Carbide-forming element(碳化物形成元素)
Inherent grain size of austenite(奥氏体本质晶粒尺寸); Inherent fine grain steel(本质细晶粒钢); Isothermal cooling(等温冷却);
Product(产物); Isothermal transformation diagram (等温转变图) TTT曲线,TTT curve (time-temperature-transformation curve), C curve, C曲线;
Steel Heat Treatment(钢的热处理);Eutectoid(共析体); Hypo-eutectoid structure;Hyper-eutectoid
Austenite(奥氏体); Ferrite(铁素体)
Pearlite(珠光体); Cementite(渗碳体);carbide(碳化物)
Phase Diagram(相图); Phase Transformation(相变);Diffusion transformation(扩散性相变)
Austenitization(奥氏体化); nucleation(形核);