



质保证书英文篇一:质量保证书英文翻译Quality GuaranteeThank you for choosing to buy our products!To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.篇二:质量保证书中英quality guaranteeif any product in our judgment prove to detective and talls to perform tospectfication .repiacement witlent cost the customer is totally rresponsible for any damage .scratches ang bridge tomate-rids caused byimproper harding installation misses. megigence .abuse.firedamage caused by building detects.acts of god and any other direct to affect its ap-pearance and performance classbreakage of any kind of is not covered by this warranty.质量保证书艾递斯公司保证其生产的壁橱门,五金件和配件均系经过严格的质量检验。



编号No.:质量保函THE QUALITY GUARANTEE________________________(受益人)The Beneficiary:根据贵方与________________________(卖方)于______年___月____日签订的编号为________的合同(下称主合同),应卖方申请,我行特开立以贵方为受益人的质量保函:We have been informed that (Name of the Applicant)(hereinafter referred to as the Applicant), has entered into contract No.(Contract Number) dated (Date of The Contract) with you, for (Description of Goods And /Or Services or Project). According to the conditions of the contract and application of applicant, a quality guarantee which you are the Beneficiary will be issued.一、保函金额按照以下第种方式确定:The Guarantee amount will be selected according to No. way:1、保函金额不超过(币种)(大写)元。

The Guarantee amount will not exceed (Currency) (amount in figures) Yuan.2、保函金额按以下标准确定:,但最高不超过(大写)元。

The Guarantee amount will be confirmed according to following conditions , but not exceed (amount in figures) Yuan.二、我行承诺,如果卖方交付的货物或提供的服务不符合主合同约定,且卖方又不按合同约定予以更换或维修时,我行将在收到贵方的书面索赔通知和卖方具有上述违约事实的下述证明材料后,以保函金额为限向贵方承担担保责任:We guarantee: the seller/contractor do not take their responsibility to follow the main contract to supply and replace goods/ perform and service project. We would refund the amount of the amount of the guarantee after us getting written notice of claim and the fact of breach of contract if seller has breach of duty and contract:1、2、3、三、本保函的担保金额将随我方已支付的金额而自动递减。



保修卡1. 介绍保修卡是一种用于记录产品保修信息的卡片。






2. 保修卡的内容保修卡上通常包含以下内容:2.1 产品信息•产品名称:保修卡上会写清楚所购买的产品的名称,以便消费者辨认和核对。



2.2 购买信息•购买日期:保修卡上会注明产品的购买日期,以便消费者和制造商知道产品保修期限的起始时间。


2.3 保修信息•保修期限:保修卡上会明确注明产品的保修期限,即消费者可以享受制造商提供的保修服务的时间段。




2.4 使用说明•产品使用说明:保修卡上可能包含产品的使用说明或者指引,以帮助消费者正确使用和维护产品。




3. 保修卡的使用•填写保修卡:消费者在购买产品后,需要仔细阅读保修卡上的信息,并填写相关的购买信息,例如购买日期、购买地点等。



‎‎‎‎保修说明书‎英文‎ Th‎e fol‎l owin‎g exc‎e rpt ‎f rom ‎t he o‎r igin‎a l ra‎n dom,‎and ‎c onve‎r ted ‎t o pl‎a in t‎e xt, ‎d o no‎trep‎r esen‎t the‎full‎cont‎e nt, ‎f or r‎e fere‎n ce o‎n ly. ‎售后服务承‎诺书 Af‎t er s‎a le s‎e rvic‎eund‎e rtak‎i ng 浙‎江新天地家‎私秉持“全‎方位、高品‎质、快速度‎”的服务标‎准,以客户‎满意为目标‎,谨此公开‎承诺。

‎ Zh‎e jian‎g new‎worl‎d fur‎n itur‎e uph‎o ld t‎h e pr‎i ncip‎l e of‎a fu‎l l ra‎n ge, ‎h igh ‎q uali‎t y, f‎a sts‎e rvic‎e sta‎n dard‎s, cu‎s tome‎r sat‎i sfac‎t ion ‎a s th‎e goa‎l, to‎the ‎p ubli‎c mit‎m ent.‎‎一、服‎务承诺 O‎n e, s‎e rvic‎e mit‎m ent ‎1.我公司‎组建了一批‎强硬的应急‎维修服务队‎,有经验丰‎富的现场工‎程师和高级‎技师,对出‎现的任何问‎题都能在最‎快的时间内‎赶到现场,‎进行维修和‎更换。

‎ 1,‎our ‎p any ‎h as s‎e t up‎a nu‎m ber ‎o f to‎u gh e‎m erge‎n cy s‎e rvic‎e tea‎m, on‎-site‎expe‎r ienc‎e d en‎g inee‎r s an‎d sen‎i or t‎e chni‎c ians‎, arr‎i ved ‎o n th‎e sce‎n e in‎the ‎f aste‎s t ti‎m e fo‎r any‎prob‎l ems,‎main‎t enan‎c e an‎d rep‎l acem‎e nt. ‎2.产品交‎付一周内,‎我公司售后‎服务部的工‎作人员会根‎据客户的联‎系方式,进‎行电话跟踪‎咨询,直到‎客户满意为‎止。



设备保修合同(中英文)设备保修合同(中英文)中文版编号:[合同编号]甲方:[甲方名称]地址:[甲方地址]联系人:[甲方联系人][甲方电话]乙方:[乙方名称]地址:[乙方地址]联系人:[乙方联系人][乙方电话]鉴于甲方是设备的购买方,乙方是设备的销售方,双方就设备的质量问题进行合作,达成以下保修合同:1. 保修期限保修期限甲方购买的设备在交付之日起,享有一年的保修期。


2. 保修责任保修责任2.1 如果设备在保修期内出现质量问题,乙方将负责提供免费的维修服务。


2.2 如果设备经过维修后仍无法正常运行,乙方将负责更换同型号或类似性能的新设备。

3. 保修范围保修范围本保修合同仅适用于设备的制造质量问题,不包括以下情况:- 设备的意外损坏或故意破坏;- 设备在不正常的环境下使用,或违反使用手册中的使用要求;- 设备的日常维护未按照指导手册进行;- 设备由于人为原因修理或拆卸。

4. 保修费用保修费用本保修合同中的维修服务及设备更换将由乙方承担,不收取任何费用。

5. 其他条款其他条款5.1 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

5.2 在保修期限内,如果设备发生故障,请甲方及时联系乙方,并提供详细的故障描述和相关证明材料。

5.3 如双方发生争议,应友好协商解决。


甲方(签字):日期:地址:乙方(签字):日期:地址:English VersionContract No: [Contract Number]Party A: [Party A Name]Address: [Party A Address]Contact Person: [Party A Contact Person] Phone: [Party A Phone Number]Party B: [Party B Name]Address: [Party B Address]Contact Person: [Party B Contact Person] Phone: [Party B Phone Number]In consideration of Party A being the purchaser of the equipment and Party B being the seller of the equipment, both parties agree to cooperate on the quality issues of the equipment and enter into the following warranty contract:1. Warranty Period Warranty PeriodThe equipment purchased by Party A is entitled to a one-year warranty period from the date of delivery. During the warranty period, if there are any quality problems with the equipment, Party B will be responsible for free repair or replacement.2. Warranty Obligations Warranty Obligations2.1 If the equipment encounters quality problems during the warranty period, Party B will provide free repair services. Party A shall notify Party B promptly and send the equipment to the designated repair center of Party B.2.2 If the equipment cannot function properly even after repair, Party B will be responsible for replacing it with a new equipment of the same model or similar performance.3. Warranty Scope Warranty ScopeThis warranty contract only applies to manufacturing quality issues of the equipment and does not include the following situations:- Accidental damage or intentional destruction of the equipment;- Improper use of the equipment in abnormal environments or violation of the usage requirements stated in the user manual;- Failure to perform routine maintenance of the equipment as instructed in the user manual;- Repairs or disassembly of the equipment done by unauthorized personnel.4. Warranty Costs Warranty CostsThe repair services and equipment replacement mentioned in this warranty contract will be borne by Party B, with no charges incurred for Party A.5. Other Terms Other Terms5.1 This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.5.2 In case of equipment failure during the warranty period, Party A shall promptly contact Party B and provide detailed description of the malfunction and relevant supporting documents.5.3 If any dispute arises between the parties, they shall first attempt to resolve it through friendly consultation. If no agreement can be reached, the dispute may be submitted to the local court.Party A (Signature):Date:Address:Party B (Signature): Date:Address:。



售后服务承诺书中英文对照版售后服务承诺书(Sales After-Services Commitment Letter)尊敬的客户,非常感谢您选择我们的产品。



一、产品质量保证1. 我们承诺所销售的产品均符合相关国家和地区的质量标准和法规要求。

2. 如发现产品存在非人为损坏或质量问题,我们将根据您的要求提供维修、更换、退款等售后服务。

二、售后服务时限1. 普通产品: 自您购买之日起,我们承诺为您提供12个月的质保服务。

2. 高端产品: 自您购买之日起,我们承诺为您提供24个月的质保服务。

3. 在保修期内,如产品发生故障或损坏,您可随时联系我们获得帮助。

三、售后服务渠道1. 如需售后服务,请您直接联系我们的客服团队。


2. 如需要更换配件或寄回产品维修,请遵循我们客服团队提供的具体指示进行操作。

四、售后服务内容1. 技术支持:我们承诺为您提供全面的技术支持,解答产品使用中的常见问题,并提供相应的解决方案。

2. 维修服务:如产品存在故障或损坏,我们将为您提供相应的维修服务,包括更换零部件或进行整机维修。

3. 退换货服务:如您购买的产品未满足质量要求或您不满意,我们将根据您的要求提供退货、换货或退款的服务。

4. 软件更新:如有相关软件更新,我们将及时提供给您,并提供详细的更新指导。

五、服务异常处理1. 我们将竭尽全力为您提供满意的售后服务。


2. 如因不可抗力等特殊情况导致无法提供正常的售后服务,我们将尽快与您沟通并协商解决方案。





机常见故障中英文对照CLEAN UP SCANNER 扫描头脏,需清洗扫描头COMM.( COMMUNICATION) ERROR 通信错误,传输信号不行,能够重试一次。

COVER OPEN 机械的前盖没有盖好,须盖好。

CUTTER JAM 纸卡在切刀处,掏出纸,从头装。

DISCONNETED 传输线路中断,打其他的以检查线路。

DOCUMENT JAM 文件被卡住,可能是文件没有放对或文件太长。













SCANNER ERROR 扫描错误,清洗扫描头。

TOTAL ERRORS 总错误数(文件太长)。


机常见故障信息详解及故障排除方式显示信息故障缘故解决方式AUTO REDIAL 占线等待重拨号CHANGE CARTRIDGE 墨盒空了改换墨盒或拨点后掏出摇动再试(可维持一段时刻)CHECK DOCUMENT 输稿器中卡纸掏出稿件CHECK PAPER SIZE 供纸器中纸尺寸与设定不符合从头设定尺寸或换纸CLEAR PAPER JAM 供纸器缺纸或卡纸补充纸或清除卡纸LOAD PAPER 缺记录纸装入纸NO ANSWER 对方无应答重拨RECORD IN MEMORY 稿件存到贮存器中补充纸或改换墨盒打出稿件PLEASE WAIT 正在暖机等待终止再开始利用NO RX PAPER 对方纸用完或贮存器已满通知对方补充纸和清除贮存器MEMORY FULL 贮存器满载打印出贮存稿件DOC TOO LONG 发送和同意时刻太长分开打印或复印常见故障现象---故障缘故---处置方式复印有黑横线---扫描器镜片不良---改换扫描器复印全白,接收正常---扫描器镜片不良---改换扫描器接收正常,传送不良---扫描器镜片不良---改换扫描器复印有竖白条---扫描器有污物---清洁白色滚轴、扫描器镜片(用酒精)复印发白(淡)---热敏纸不行---改换热敏纸显示机械错误---齿轮机架坏---改换齿轮机架不切纸或切纸不断---切纸刀不良---改换切纸刀原稿不能自动进纸---分页器、ADF不良---改换分页器、ADF不传送---线插错孔---分机线、线孔要注意区分不传送---齿轮机架凸物不良---修理齿轮机架不通话---电话不良---检查电话(或换电话)不振铃(振铃声很小)---振铃开关没有打到“H”---将开关打到“H”拿起电话没有传送---NCU板或M1主板不良---第一改换NCU板,确认良好后再检查M1主板打显示正在利用中---NCU板不良---改换NCU板(板)传送好接收不良---打印头不良---改换打印头无显示---电源没插好---检查电源有无插好无显示---电源板烧坏---假设没问题就检查电源板显示黑色方框---M1主板或显示器不良---改换M1主板或显示器没有免提没有电话音---NCU板不良---改换NCU板(板)接收传送慢---设置错误---从头设置插上电源听到“咔咔”声---齿轮错位---调整齿轮塞纸后切纸刀不能复位---切纸刀卡住---拔掉电源后再插上电源CIS补偿大全明白了维修方式的进入其实算不了什么,不然的话,人人手拿一本维修宝典,个个都成了维修高手.孙子说:知己知彼,方能百战百胜。



售后服务条款样本■ 安装及调试:●产品出厂后由公司指派专业人员免费进行指导安装,同时可免费协助安装单位进行设备调试。

■ 考察及培训:●用户可随时到工厂进行实地考察,公司免费对用户操作人员进行现场培训(包括设备原理,构造,设备的使用,设备的维护,设备的养护,设备的维修等)。

■ 维修:●公司在各地设立专业维修中心,在接到用户维修电话24 小时内到达现场。



●产品保修期为产品出厂后18 个月,产品出厂后发现产品本身质量问题,公司对产品实行三包:保修、包退、包换。




●产品更新换代,原配件保留10 年供应权。


■ 保养:●公司可与用户签订维护保养协议,由公司派有关人员对设备进行定期维护保养。

■ Installation and Adjustment:● After the product has been sold, we will send specialist to guide theinstallation free of charge, and assist the installation unit in performing adjustment.■ Inspection and Training:● The use may come to our factory for inspection at any time. For those users located in Beijing, we will perform the on-site training to the operators of the user’s free of change, covering such contents as equipment theory, structure, operation, maintenance and repair, etc.■ Ma intenance and Repair:● There are specialized maintenance centers all over established by us. They are able to arrive at the site for maintenance within 24 hours after receiving a receiving a request from the user.● We have spare parts and products of all models needed, able to be provided to the users at any time.● All the maintenance and repair personnel of company and its agents have been strictly trained, They have acquired the professional skills and are qualified for maintenance, fully capable of satisfying the user’s maintenance needs.● The warranty period of our products is 18 months form purchase. If a defective is found due to qualified problems of the product, we will perform three commitments: repair, replace and refund.● During warranty period the labor and transportation costs for ma intenance are free of charge; out of this period we charge only a little of the labor and transportation costs. If a problem is due to the quality issue of the product itself, we will provide the spare parts needed free of charge, if necessary, replace the product. If a problem occurred is due to the user’s improper operation or installation reasons, we will collect the spare parts only.● When any product has been updated, its original spare parts are guaranteed to be provided for 10 years.● We will visit the user’s site regularly to solve real problem and guarantee the use of the product by the user.■ Maintenance:● A maintenance agreement can be signed between manufacture and the user, by which we can dispatch personnel to the user’s site for regular ma intenance on the product.。



Protection to Fix CardThank you very much for using our products.Product Model Number Product NameFactory Serial NumberPurchase StorePurchase Date Invoice NumberCustomer Name Customer PhoneCustomer CoupletThis couplet and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix warrantees, so please reserve them carefully. Feedback CoupletProduct Model Number Product NameFactory Serial NumberPurchase StorePurchase Date Invoice NumberCustomer Name Customer PhoneCustomer AddressPost Codes E-mailProtection to Fix ElucidationAccording to the prescription, the period for protecting to fix our company’s Cash Counting Machine is one year. (From the day when you have the invoice) During this period, any belongs to under normal usage circumstance cause because of the product quality's problem of breakdown, our company will be responsible for giving free maintain.In protect fix the period, if there is any breakdown which caused by the product‘s own quality, customers can bring the purchasing invoice and the customer couplet that has filled, and get the free repair from the repair center that has authorized by our company. And please send back the return couplet to our company in 15 days after buying machine.1.Those machines that has refitted or added other functions byyour own will not be accepted to repair.2.Once the Protect to fix card or purchasing invoice has been changed, the protection to fix immediately expired.3.This card and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix warrantees, so please reserve them carefully. Lose don't repair.Free maintain won’t be given under the following circumstance:1.Without Protection to fix warrantees2. The breakdown caused by the manipulation that hasn’t follow the requests of the Manual.3.The damage caused by the dismantle movement of a non-our-company authorized maintainer.4. The breakdown, row harm or damaged because of the move or drop.5.The damage caused by customer inappropriate preservation, maintain, or the usage.6. Easy damaged pieces and present accessories are not concerned.7.The breakdown and the damage caused by the Force majeure.。



best effect of our machine, we highly recommended you read the
usage manual in detail before using.
2.整机描述 Description for the whole machine
1.接钞导板 Cash Receiving Lead Plank
用户联 Customer Couplet
This couplet and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix
warrantees, so please reserve them carefully.
1、在保修期内,凡属产品本身质量问题引起的故障,请用户携带已填好的保 修卡用户联及购机发票在全国各地本公司授权的维修中心免费维修,保修
卡返回联请在购机后十五天内寄回本公司。 In protect fix the period, if there is any breakdown which caused by the product‘s own quality, customers can bring the purchasing invoice and the customer couplet that has filled, and get the free repair from the repair center that has authorized by our company. And please send back the return couplet to our company in 15 days



保修卡Warranty card客户联,请妥善保管Customers, please take good care of尊敬的客户:首先非常感谢您选购“XX”,为了方便给您提供更满意的服务,同时也更好的保障您的权益,请您认真阅读此条例并妥善保存您的保修卡。

Dear customer: Thank you very much for your choose and buy "XX", in order to facilitate to provide you more satisfied with the service, also also better protect your rights, please carefully read the rules and proper preservation of your warranty card.条例说明Regulation凡通过正规渠道购买的本公司产品,均享受本公司提供的售后服务,但以下情况除外:Where the company's products are purchased through the regular channels, the company shall enjoy the service provided by the company, except in the following circumstances: 1. 未按使用说明书要求安装或使用造成的产品损坏;1 no damage to the product caused by the installation or use of the manual;2. 产品超过保修期限;2 products exceed the guarantee period;3. 保修卡序列号被更改,删除;3 warranty card serial number is changed, delete;4. 无有效保修及购买凭证;4 no valid warranty and purchase documents;5. 产品经过非我司授权人员拆卸或修理;5 our products after non authorized personnel disassemble or repair;6. 人为行为导致产品损坏;6 human behavior caused damage to the product;7. 客户发回返途中由于运输,装卸所造成的损坏;7 customer back to the way due to the transport, loading and unloading caused by damage;8. 其他不可抗的因素如地震,火灾造成的产品损坏。





After—sales Service Letter of Commitment:All products purchased from our company are guaranteed to keep in good repair for one year。

If quality problems happen in guarantee period, our company will maintain for free. Additionally, our company provides technical support and fittings for life. After—sales service isn’t restricted by time and we will assign technical personnel to solve your problems immediately after receiving telephone and hear feedback idea of users and deal with them in time. If you are caught in some problems when using our products,welcome to contact us at any time。

售后服务承诺书After sale service undertaking以下内容从原文随机摘录,并转为纯文本,不代表完整内容,仅供参考。

The following excerpt from the original random,and converted to plain text,do not represent the full content, for reference only。




1. 客户信息。

姓名:[您的大名]联系电话:[您的电话号码]地址:[具体居住地址或者能收到货的地址]2. 皮带信息。


# (一)包修。

1. 在正常使用情况下,如果皮带出现脱线、扣头松动等小毛病,您可在购买后的[X]个月内,拿着这条皮带和本保修卡来找我们。


2. 不过呢,要是您把皮带当成“超级武器”去拖拽重物或者进行一些奇怪的暴力测试,把它弄伤了,这可就不在包修范围内啦。

咱这皮带是用来系在腰上耍帅或者固定裤子的,可不是用来拔河的哦!# (二)包换。

1. 如果您发现皮带在购买后的[X]天内(这个天数得合理哦,一般来说是7天到15天左右,具体看我们的规定),出现了严重的质量问题,比如说皮带的材质莫名其妙地断裂,或者扣头根本就扣不上,那您别犹豫,直接带着它和保修卡来找我们。


2. 但是,如果您是因为自己不喜欢皮带的颜色或者款式了,这就像您突然觉得自己的发型不好看了一样,可不能作为换皮带的理由哦。

我们只能保证皮带的质量,可管不了您那多变的时尚品味呢!# (三)包退。

1. 在购买后的[X]天内(这个天数通常比较短,比如7天内),如果您发现皮带存在严重的质量问题,例如皮带散发着一种奇怪的味道,就像被臭袜子熏过一样,或者皮带的尺寸严重不符,大得能当腰带又能当跳绳,小得勒得您喘不过气来,您可以选择退货。


2. 要是您已经把皮带弄得脏兮兮的,上面沾满了各种不明物体,或者您已经对皮带进行了一些不可逆转的改造,比如说在皮带上刻了您的名字或者画了个大乌龟,那很抱歉,我们就不能给您退货了。



产品保修卡Protection to Fix Card非常感谢您使用我们的产品Thank you very much for using our products.产品型号Product Model Number产品名称Product Name出厂编号Factory Serial Number购买商店Purchase Store购买日期Purchase Date发票号码Invoice Number用户姓名Customer Name用户电话Customer Phone用户联Customer Couplet本联及购机发票一同作为机器的保修凭证,请妥善保存。

This couplet and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix warrantees, so please reserve them carefully.返回联Feedback Couplet产品型号Product Model Number产品名称Product Name出厂编号Factory Serial Number购买商店Purchase Store购买日期Purchase Date发票号码Invoice Number用户姓名Customer Name用户电话Customer Phone用户地址Customer Address邮政编码Post Codes E-mail保修说明Protection to Fix Elucidation根据规定本公司点钞机保修期为一年(自开具发票之日起计算)。


According to the prescription, the period for protecting to fix our company’s Cash Counting Machine is one year. (From the day when you have the invoice) During this period, any belongs to under normal usage circumstance cause because of the product quality's problem of breakdown, our company will be responsible for giving free maintain.1、在保修期内,凡属产品本身质量问题引起的故障,请用户携带已填好的保修卡用户联及购机发票在全国各地本公司授权的维修中心免费维修,保修卡返回联请在购机后十五天内寄回本公司。








* 我公司拥有本说明最终解释权Product warranty cardDear users, thank you for purchasing our products. In order to better serve you, please carefully read, fill in and properly keep this warranty card after purchasing the product.Warranty Description:1. Since the date of your purchase of the product, if it is not artificially damaged or damaged, our company will provide free maintenance service within one year.2. During product maintenance, please properly send (mail) this warranty card together with the purchased products back to our after-sales service department for maintenance.3. For maintenance not caused by product quality, such as damage caused by improper use, man-made collision, falling and other reasons, our company will charge the cost of maintenance and replacement parts.*Our company has the final right to interpret this instruction。

【优质】英文说明书,包括-word范文 (26页)

【优质】英文说明书,包括-word范文 (26页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==英文说明书,包括篇一:电子产品英文说明书便携式多媒体音响 portable multimedia acoustics使用说明书user’s manual专注于完美音质的追求?? concentrate on perfect sound pursuit?感谢您使用本公司出品的数码产品,为了让您轻松体验产品,我们随机配备了内容详尽的使用说明,您从中可以获取有关产品的介绍,使用方法等方面的知识。


一、产品概述 general information本机是一款外观小巧,设计精美、携带方便多媒体小音响,适用于家居、户外旅游、办公室等场所,随时随地享受音乐带来的轻松,为您的电脑、数码音乐播放器、手机等视听产品提供超值完美的音质。

二、功能特点 function overview【mp3播放】直接播放tf卡及u盘mp3文件。

[mp3 player] enabledirectly playing mp3 files in tf memory card and u disk.【fm收音机】fm数字立体声收音机,电台记忆播放。

(可选机型,功能以实物为准) [fm radio] a fm digital stereo radio; enable mnemonic radio channel playing.【外挂耳机】本机配置标准耳机插孔,可选配耳机聆听音乐。

[ext earphone] a standard earphone jack included; enable listening with earphone.【断点记忆】自动记忆上次退出时的曲目播放。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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产品保修卡Protection to Fix Card非常感谢您使用我们的产品Thank you very much for using our products.产品型号Product Model Number产品名称Product Name出厂编号Factory Serial Number购买商店Purchase Store购买日期Purchase Date发票号码Invoice Number用户姓名Customer Name用户电话Customer Phone用户联Customer Couplet本联及购机发票一同作为机器的保修凭证,请妥善保存。

This couplet and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix warrantees, so please reserve them carefully.返回联Feedback Couplet产品型号Product Model Number产品名称Product Name出厂编号Factory Serial Number购买商店Purchase Store购买日期Purchase Date发票号码Invoice Number用户姓名Customer Name用户电话Customer Phone用户地址Customer Address邮政编码Post Codes E-mail保修说明Protection to Fix Elucidation根据规定本公司点钞机保修期为一年(自开具发票之日起计算)。


According to the prescription, the period for protecting to fix our company’s Cash Counting Machine is one year. (From the day when you have the invoice) During this period, any belongs to under normal usage circumstance cause because of the product quality's problem of breakdown, our company will be responsible for giving free maintain.1、在保修期内,凡属产品本身质量问题引起的故障,请用户携带已填好的保修卡用户联及购机发票在全国各地本公司授权的维修中心免费维修,保修卡返回联请在购机后十五天内寄回本公司。

In protect fix the period, if there is any breakdown which caused by the product‘s own quality, customers can bring the purchasing invoice and the customer couplet that has filled, and get the free repair from the repair center that has authorized by our company. And please send back the return couplet to our company in 15 days after buying machine.2、不接收由于擅自改装或加装其他功能后出现故障的机器。

Those machines that has refitted or added other functions by your own will not be accepted to repair.3、保修卡及购机发票一经涂改,保修即时失效。

Once the Protect to fix card or purchasing invoice has been changed, the protection to fix immediately expired.4、保存保修卡及购机发票作为本机的保修凭证,请用户妥善保存,遗失不补。

This card and the purchasing invoice are both considered as the Protection to fix warrantees, so please reserve them carefully. Lose don't repair.以下情况恕不免费维修Free maintain won’t be given under the following circumstance:1、无保修凭证的。

Without Protection to fix warrantees2、未按说明书的要求操作机器而引起的故障。

The breakdown caused by the manipulation that hasn’t follow the requests of the Manual.3、非本公司持约维修人员拆动造成损坏的。

The damage caused by the dismantle movement of a non-our-company authorized maintainer.4、因移动或跌落而造成的故障、划伤或破损。

The breakdown, row harm or damaged because of the move or drop.5、用户保管、维修、使用不当造成损坏的。

The damage caused by customer inappropriate preservation, maintain, or the usage.6、易损件及随机配件。

Easy damaged pieces and present accessories are not concerned.7、因不可抗力造成的故障或损坏。

The breakdown and the damage caused by the Force majeure.产品说明书Product Manual1.概述Brief Introduction本公司系专业生产金融机具企业,具有雄厚的技术力量和生产规模,多年来致力于产品的研制与开发,并以品种多样,功能齐全,性能稳定等优点,赢得广大用户的信赖与支持,产品畅销全国各地。


Our company is such a business enterprise that can professionally produce those financial machine tools. With the strong technique strength and the production scale, we devoted years to the research and the exploration of our products that have the diverse species, well-founded function and stable performance. All of the above that have won our customer’s trust and support made our products well sold around the whole country. The Series CX-518 Cash Counting Machine is the ideal financial machine tool that is offered for our numerous customers from our company. In order to have the best effect of our machine, we highly recommended you read the usage manual in detail before using.2.整机描述Description for the whole machine1.接钞导板Cash Receiving Lead Plank2.计数显示器Counting display3.启动传感器Starting Transducer4.喂钞台Cash Imputing Set5.接钞台Cash Receiving Set6.叶轮Impeller7.送钞轮Cash Pushing Wheel8.按键(功能/清零)Key(Function/Reset)9.捻钞轮Cash Entwisting Wheel10.喂钞台上下调节螺钉Regulate Bolt for Up and Down11.压炒轮Cash Pressing Wheel3.特点与功能Characteristics and functions鉴伪功能:具有荧光、磁性、数码、纸质综合鉴别。

False distinguishing function: Having the fluorescence, magnetism, figures, and paper quality synthesizes to discriminate.智能:具有区分不同面额的纸币。

Intelligence: Have the function of distinguishing cashes with different denomination.混点:同时可以清点不同的面额的纸币。

Mix Counting: Counting cashes that are of different denomination at the same time.清分:清分不同面额的纸币,还能清分新旧版。

Separating: Separating cashes with different denomination or different versions.自动清零:在点钞反复中将自动清零。

Auto Resetting: Repeating counting will lead to an auto resetting.自动点钞功能:放入纸币自动启动。

Auto Counting: Auto counting starts the moment you imputing the cash.4.技术指标Technique Indexes使用环境温度:0-40Use environment temperature使用环境相对湿度:Use environment Relative humidity噪音:Noise纸币传动系统:滚轮式Cash Transmission System: Rolling style点钞速度:Counting Speed:进钞尺寸:Cash Size:进钞厚度范围:Cash Thickness scope:进接钞容量:旧纸币100张,新纸币150张Cash Capacity: Old cash:100 pieces New cash:150 pieces电源:Power:消耗功率:Consume power机身尺寸:Machine Size:净重:Machine Weight:5.操作指南Operate guidebook1、将电源线插入电源座中,打开电源开关,计数器显示为“0”。
