
部署第一台2013服务器2013-06-30 11:10:42引子:ExchangeServer 2013目前是微软公司邮件系统产品的最新版本,它的诸多诱人特性众所周知。
由此,当然是给他们推荐基于云的Exchange Online。
由此,我只能向其推荐使用基于企业部署的Exchange Server 2012企业版了。
一、系统需求既然推荐给朋友的东西当然应该是最好的东西了,向朋友推荐Exchange Server 2013的时候,我建议他们采用WindowsServer 2012作为服务器的操作系统。
虽然微软刚刚发布的Windows Server 2012 R2的预览版,但是就微软发布产品的速度来讲,当前采用Windows Server 2012也是明知之选。
因为如果采用WindowsServer 2008 R2可能在短期内会面临系统升级,采用Windows Server 2012如果幸运的话,微软在发布Windows Server 2012 R2时,没准会赶上活动或促销,获得低价或免费升级到Windows Server 2012 R2。

目录1在SharePoint 2013中显示“以其他用户身份登录” (2)2SharePoint 2013用户配置文件服务 (4)3SharePoint 2013配置启用搜索服务 (8)4Office web app server2013详细的安装和部署 (19)前提条件 (19)Office Web App Server 2013安装 (20)Office Web App Server 2013配置 (22)Sharepoint 2013与Office Web App Server 2013集成 (29)Office Web App Server 2013效果测试 (31)纠正在将Office Web Apps 与SharePoint 2013 结合使用时出现的错误 (32)5Office Web App2013 在线查看PDF文件 (32)6什么是SkyDrive Pro? (39)7关于SharePoint 附带的工作流 (44)什么是 SharePoint 工作流? (44)我可以使用SharePoint 工作流自动执行哪些流程? (46)哪些人可以添加和启动SharePoint 工作流? (48)如何添加和运行SharePoint 工作流? (49)我是否可以创建自己的自定义SharePoint 工作流? (51)8未解决问题 (52)8.1启动User Profile Synchronization service失败 (52)9搜索服务无法使用 (52)1在SharePoint 2013中显示“以其他用户身份登录”在我新建了SharePoint 2013的网站后,发现界面与2010有一些不同,比如缺少了“以其他用户身份登录”,这给我的测试带来很大不便。
在找了一些国外网站后,终于找到了解决方法第一步:找到welcome.ascx文件,在“C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES”第二步:添加以下代码到welcome.ascx文件中<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"Text="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuser%>"Description="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuserdescription%>" MenuGroupId="100"Sequence="100" UseShortId="true" />如下图所示:第三步:刷新您的SharePoint网站,您会发现“以其他用户身份登录”出现了。

SharePoint 2013 安装图解目录一、Windows 2012简单配置 (2)二、安装AD (6)三、安装SQL Server 2012 (15)四、在线安装SharePoint2013所需的必备程序 (22)五、安装SharePoint Server 2013及配置向导 (24)六、“配置向导”初始化服务器场 (31)七、从Workstation上载虚拟机到ESX中 (34)八、备注 (35)安装环境:1. Window Server 2012 R2 standard + Microsoft SQL 2012(sp1)+ SharePoint Server 2013 ( sp1)2. AD安装在单独的一台虚拟机上(IP:;3. Microsoft SQL 2012(sp1)+ SharePoint Server 2013 ( sp1)安装在另一台虚拟机(IP:简单介绍:A、安装Windows 2012 R2操作系统B、简单配置:改机器名、可以上网、禁用IE增强配置、静态IP、IIS、FM3.5C、安装AD(其间安装DNS)D、安装SQL2012 打SQL2012 SP2E、在线安装SharePoint2013所需的必备程序F、安装SharePoint Server 2013G、解决安装后遇到的两个小问题安装过程:一、Windows 2012简单配置1、首先安装操作系统,如下图Windows Server 2012 R2的安装程序2、选择带有GUI(图形化界面)的标准版。
SharePoint 2013介绍

• 管理(Manage):要能夠提供企业与云端环境的整合能力,
Office Web App Collaboration Service
Visual Studio
应用程式模 块
內容 事件
SharePoint OM
Azure Access Control
WF3 Host
SharePoint Designer
REST Calls
Windows Azure Workflow 1.0
是一种达成企业目标 一起工作的新方式
• 提供搜索內容的预览与预览內容联结 • 提供各种分类搜索结果
• • • • • 依据存放內容时间的长短 依据档案类型 依据不同作者 依据社群性质 依照自定的分类类型
• 结合共同工作环境 • 提供自定义的搜索规则
SharePoint 2010 Workflow 平台 Azure Workflow Service Application Proxy
SharePoint 2013 Workflow 平台
SharePoint 2013 与2010 工作流比较

当用户尝试访问SharePoint 资源时即会进行用户身份验证。
SharePoint 2013 支持两种身份验证类型的用户身份验证:基于声明的身份验证Windows 经典模式身份验证基于声明的身份验证结果是一个基于声明的安全令牌,该令牌由SharePoint Security Token Service (STS) 生成。
Windows 经典模式身份验证的结果是一个Windows 安全令牌。
SharePoint 2013 支持Windows、基于表单和基于安全声明标记语言(SAML) 的声明身份验证。
App身份验证应用程序身份验证可验证远程SharePoint 应用程序的标识,以及授权该应用程序和关联用户对受保护SharePoint 资源的请求。
当SharePoint 商店应用程序或应用程序目录应用程序的外部组件(如位于Intranet 或Internet 的Web 服务器)尝试访问受保护的SharePoint 资源时会进行应用程序身份验证。
例如,假定用户打开一个包含SharePoint 应用程序IFRAME 的SharePoint 页面,而该IFRAME 需要外部组件(例如,位于Intranet 或Internet 上的服务器)来访问受保护的SharePoint 资源,以便呈现该页面。
SharePoint Server 2013 详细图解安装教程

SharePoint Server 2013 图解安装入门教程朱优良(defzhu@)微软网站对SharePoint Server 2013 安装的软硬件要求做了详细说明,但实际安装过程中却依然会碰到一系列的问题。
本文内容包括:●前提准备●安装操作系统●配置系统●安装数据库●安装必备程序●安装SharePoint 2013●完成安装●总结1前提准备1.1阅读《SharePoint 2013 的硬件及软件需求》首先你应该先仔细浏览《SharePoint 2013 的硬件及软件需求》,该文地址参考如下:英文:/en-us/library/cc262485.aspx繁体中文:/zh-tw/library/cc262485.aspx简体中文:/zh-cn/library/cc262485.aspx1.2虚拟环境强烈建议你在虚拟机环境演练完整的安装过程,如果你使用Windows 8.1或Windows Server 2012操作系统,可以使用系统自带的Hyper-V。
2、操作系统:64位版本的Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)Standard、Enterprise 或Datacenter,或64 位版的Windows Server 2012Standard 或Datacenter。

SharePoint Server 2010
SharePoint Server 是一个服务器产品,依靠 SharePoint Foundation 技术为列表和库、网站 管理及网站自定义提供熟悉的一致框架。 SharePoint Server 包括 SharePoint Foundation 的所有功能以及附加特性和功能,例如企业 内容管理、商业智能、企业搜索和“我的网 站”中的个人配置文件。SharePoint Server 可 以进行企业内部署,或者作为 Microsoft Office 365 之类的基于云的服务的一部分提供。
设置和提供,定制出个性化的应用门户,提高了员工的工作效率, 设置和提供,定制出个性化的应用门户,提高了员工的工作效率,增强了对 顾客的亲和力和吸引力。 顾客的亲和力和吸引力。
与现有系统的集成:能将企业现有的数据和应用无缝的集成到一起 , 无 能将企业现有的数据和应用无缝的集成到一起,
需重新开发,保护了原有的投资。 需重新开发,保护了原有的投资。
高度的可扩展性:能适应企业新的人员和部门的调整的变化,满足企业业 能适应企业新的人员和部门的调整的变化,
务调整和扩展的要求,解决企业与IT部门短时间内无法解决的技术需求问题 部门短时间内无法解决的技术需求问题。 务调整和扩展的要求,解决企业与 部门短时间内无法解决的技术需求问题。
SharePoint Online
SharePoint Online 是由 Microsoft 托管的基于 云的服务,适用于各种规模的企业。无需在 企业内安装和部署 SharePoint Server,任何企 业现在只需订阅 SharePoint Online 即可向企业 员工提供企业级解决方案,帮助他们创建网 站,以便与同事、合作伙伴和客户共享文档 和真知灼见。
SharePoint Server 2013 详细图解安装教程

SharePoint Server 2013 图解安装入门教程朱优良(defzhu@)微软网站对SharePoint Server 2013 安装的软硬件要求做了详细说明,但实际安装过程中却依然会碰到一系列的问题。
本文内容包括:●前提准备●安装操作系统●配置系统●安装数据库●安装必备程序●安装SharePoint 2013●完成安装●总结1前提准备1.1阅读《SharePoint 2013 的硬件及软件需求》首先你应该先仔细浏览《SharePoint 2013 的硬件及软件需求》,该文地址参考如下:英文:/en-us/library/cc262485.aspx繁体中文:/zh-tw/library/cc262485.aspx简体中文:/zh-cn/library/cc262485.aspx1.2虚拟环境强烈建议你在虚拟机环境演练完整的安装过程,如果你使用Windows 8.1或Windows Server 2012操作系统,可以使用系统自带的Hyper-V。
2、操作系统:64位版本的Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1)Standard、Enterprise 或Datacenter,或64 位版的Windows Server 2012Standard 或Datacenter。
sharepoint 2013 配置 web app

为SharePoint 2013配置Office Web Apps1.为Office Web Apps Server 安装必备软件如果是Windows Server 2008 R2,需要安装以下必须组件:∙Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1∙.NET Framework 4.5∙Windows PowerShell 3.0∙KB2592525以管理员身份打开Windows PowerShell 提示符,然后运行以下示例命令来安装必需的角色和服务。
Windows Server 2008 R2Import-Module ServerManager然后,运行以下示例命令:Add-WindowsFeatureWeb-Server,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Static-Content,Web -App-Dev,Web-Asp-Net,Web-Net-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web -Includes,Web-Security,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Filtering,Web-Stat-Comp ression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Console,Ink-Handwriting,IH-In k-SupportWindows Server 2012Add-WindowsFeatureWeb-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,W eb-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering, Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-I SAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,InkandHandwritingServices如果出现提示,请在该命令完成后重新启动服务器。

BI测试环境中使用外部数据连接配置Excel Services 数据访问1基础环境准备AD域:账号:默认管理员:creatforce\administrator2SharePoint中设置创建一个以“商业智能中心”模板的子网站:2.1这样网站会默认创建出库——【数据连接】:2.2列表展示:进入管理中心,点击【管理服务应用程序】2.3点击【新建】2.4输入【目标应用程序ID】、【显示名称】、【联系人电子邮件】、【目标应用程序类型】,点击下一步:2.5点击【下一步】2.6输入【目标应用程序管理员】、【成员】,点击确定:设置凭据:2.7输入【用户名】、【密码】、【确认密码】,点击确定:2.8点击【刷新密钥】:2.9新建【Excel Service 应用程序】2.10输入相关信息:2.11点击新建的ExcelService应用程序:2.12点击【受信任文件位置】2.14输入【位置】,就是【数据连接】文档库的地址等,点击确定。
3Excel设置选择【数据】选项卡中的【其他来源】中的【来自Analysis Service】:3.1输入多维数据库服务器地址,和用户名和密码,点击下一步,如果出错,请再重新点击下一步:3.2选择【数据库】、选择【多维数据集】,点击下一步,3.3点击【完成】3.4保存文件,如果存在,请选择替换:3.5根据需要,添加【数据透视表】,点击【确定】3.6根据需求,添加数据透视表字段:在【数据】选项卡中,点击【连接】:点击【属性】:3.7在【使用状况】选项卡,选择【刷新频率】、【打开文件时刷新数据】:在【定义】选项卡中,选择【验证设置】:3.8选择ExcelServices身份验证设置中的【使用存储账户】:ExcelServicesODC,点击确定。

软件工程中的软件配置管理软件配置管理(Software Configuration Management,简称 SCM)是软件工程中的一项关键活动,它旨在管理和控制软件项目中的配置项,确保软件开发过程中的各个版本、组件和相关文档被正确地记录、控制和管理。

ProjectServer2013完整安装与配置详细精讲步骤化操作实战教程⼀都编程Project Server 2013完整安装与配置详细精讲步骤化操作实战教程⽬录1.概述22.安装要求23.配置SQL SERVER和ANALYSIS SERVICES23.1.SQL S ERVER A GENT3 3.2.配置SQL S ERVER⽹络设置6 3.3.添加服务器场管理员作为A NALYSIS S ERVICES 服务器管理员84.安装PROJECT SERVER 2013104.1.运⾏产品准备⼯具10 4.2.运⾏安装程序15 4.3.运⾏产品配置向导21 4.4.S HARE P OINT管理中⼼配置27 4.5.查看服务和应⽤程序315.创建PROJECT WEB APP⽹站335.1.配置PWA⽹站33 5.2.打开PWA⽹站386.权限模式切换391.概述Project Server 2013产品是微软的⼀种运⾏在SharePoint Server 2013平台上的项⽬管理系统,该系统在SharePoint Server 2013中是作为⼀种服务应⽤程序存在的,但必须另外的安装和配置才可以跑起来。
2.安装要求安装Project Server 2013时需要最⼤的服务器场管理员账户,也就是场账户。
这⾥安装的环境及顺序是:Windows Server 2012 R2、SQL Server 2012、SharePoint Server 2013、Project Server 2013。
在部署服务器场之前,必须先配置SQL Server和SQL Server Analysis Services。

Test Lab Guide: Configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a Three-Tier FarmThis document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Test Lab Guide: Configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a Three-Tier FarmJoe DaviesMicrosoft CorporationPublished: March 2012Updated: November 2012Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013Summary: This paper contains a brief introduction to SharePoint Server 2013 and step-by-step instructions for creating a test lab that contains a three-tier SharePoint farm that is based on the Base Configuration test lab guide and the SQL Server 2012 test lab guide. It also demonstrates the facilities of a default team site. This paper does not describe how to install and configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a pilot or production environment. For more information, see Install and deploy SharePoint 2013 and Install SharePoint 2013 across multiple servers for a three-tier farm.November 28, 2012 Updated for the released version of SharePoint Server 2013 and with standard text, graphics, and sections.ContentsContents (3)Introduction (3)Test Lab Guides (4)In this guide (4)Test lab overview (5)Hardware and software requirements (5)Steps for Configuring the SharePoint Server 2013 Three-Tier Test Lab (6)Step 1: Set up the Base Configuration Test Lab (6)Step 2: Install and configure a new server named SQL1 (7)Step 3: Install SQL Server 2012 on SLQ1 (8)Step 4: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1 (8)Step 5: Install and configure a new server named WFE1 (11)Step 6: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1 (12)Step 7: Demonstrate the Facilities of the Default Contoso Team Site (14)Snapshot the Configuration (15)Additional Resources (15)IntroductionMicrosoft® SharePoint® Server 2013 makes it easy for people to work together. SharePoint Server 2013 enables you and your employees to set up web sites to share information with others, manage documents from start to finish, and publish reports to help everyone make informed decisions.SharePoint Server 2013 has the following capabilities:∙Sites Provides a single infrastructure for all your business web sites. Share documents with colleagues, manage projects with partners, and publish information to customers.∙Communities Delivers great collaboration tools—and a single platform to manage them.Make it easy for people to share ideas and work together the way they want.∙Composites Offers tools and components for creating do-it-yourself business solutions.Build no-code solutions to rapidly respond to business needs.∙Content Makes content management easy. Set up compliance measures ”behind the sc enes”—with features like document types, retention polices, and automatic contentsorting—and then let people work naturally in Microsoft Office.∙Insights Gives everyone access to the information in databases, reports, and business applications. Help people locate the information to make good decisions.∙Search Cuts through the clutter. A unique combination of relevance, refinement, and social cues helps people find the information and contacts they need to get their jobs done.For more information about Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013, see the SharePoint 2013 Product Information site and SharePoint 2013 for IT pros.Test Lab GuidesMicrosoft Test Lab Guides (TLGs) are a set of documents that step you through the configuration and demonstration of a Microsoft technology or product in a standardized test lab environment, which starts with a common base configuration that mimics a simplified intranet and the Internet. TLGs are designed to be modular, extensible, and stackable to configure complex, multi-product solutions. TLGs make learning about products, technologies, and solutions easier by providing that crucial hands-on, “I built it out myself” experience.For more information, see Test Lab Guides at /testlabguides.A TLG stack is a set of dependent TLGs that, when configured from the bottom of the stack, create a meaningful test lab configuration. This TLG is at the top of the following TLG stack:In this guideThis paper explains how to set up a test lab that is based on the Base Configuration test lab guide and the SQL Server 2012 test lab guide and how to configure SharePoint Server 2013 by using four server computers and one client computer. The resulting SharePoint Server 2013 test lab demonstrates the default configuration of SharePoint Server 2013 in a three-tier farm. This paper is the test lab guide version of the procedures that are described in Install SharePoint 2013 across multiple servers for a three-tier farm.ImportantThe following instructions configure a SharePoint Server 2013 test lab by using the minimum number of computers. Individual computers are needed to separate services provided on the network and to clearly show the desired functionality. This configuration is neither designed to reflect best practices nor does it reflect a desired or recommended configuration for a production network. The configuration, including IP addresses and all other configuration parameters, is designed only to work on a separate test lab network. Attempting to adapt this test lab configuration to a pilot or production deployment can result in configuration or functionality issues. For information about how to deploy SharePoint Server 2013 in a pilot or production environment, see Install and deploy SharePoint 2013.Test lab overviewIn this test lab, SharePoint Server 2013 functionality in a three-tier farm is deployed by using the following:∙One computer running Windows® Server® 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named DC1 that is configured as an intranet domain controller, Domain Name System (DNS) server, DHCP server, and enterprise root certification authority (CA).∙One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named SQL1 that is configured as a SQL database server.∙One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named APP1 that is configured as the SharePoint Server 2013 application server.∙One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named WFE1 that is configured as the SharePoint front-end web server.∙One member client computer running Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate named CLIENT1. The SharePoint Server 2013 test lab consists of a single subnet named Corpnet ( that simulates a private intranet. Computers on the Corpnet subnet connect by using a hub or switch. See the following figure.Hardware and software requirementsThe following are required components of the test lab:∙The product disc or files for Windows Server 2008 R2. For an evaluation copy of Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition in download and virtual hard disk (VHD) form, see Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Free 180-Day Trial.∙The product disc or files for Windows 7.∙The product disc or files for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. See SQL Server 2012 Evaluation for an evaluation version of Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Alternately, the product disc or files for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. See SQL Server 2008 R2 Trial for a trial version of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.∙The product disc or files for SharePoint Server 2013.∙Four computers that meet the minimum hardware requirements for Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition and SharePoint Server 2013.∙One computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate.If the computers are being hosted in a Hyper-V-based virtualized environment, see the following topics for more information:∙Hyper-V virtualization requirements for SharePoint 2013∙Use best practice configurations for the SharePoint 2013 virtual machines and Hyper-V environmentSteps for Configuring the SharePoint Server 2013 Three-Tier Test LabThere are seven steps to follow when setting up the SharePoint Server 2013 three-tier test lab.1.Set up the Base Configuration test lab.2.Install and configure a new server named SQL1.3.Install SQL Server 2012 on SQL1.4.Install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1.5.Install and configure a new server named WFE1.6.Install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1.7.Demonstrate the facilities of the default Contoso team site.NoteYou must be logged on as a member of the Domain Admins group or a member of theAdministrators group on each computer to complete the tasks described in this guide. If you cannot complete a task while you are logged on with an account that is a member of the Administrators group, try performing the task while you are logged on with an account that is a member of the Domain Admins group.The following sections provide details about how to perform these steps.Step 1: Set up the Base Configuration Test Lab Set up the Base Configuration test lab for the Corpnet subnet using the procedures in the “Steps for Configuring the Corpnet Subnet” section of the Test Lab Guide: Base Configuration.Step 2: Install and configure a new server named SQL1In this procedure, you install the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and the latest updates on a new server named SQL1.To install Windows Server 2008 R2 on SQL11.Start the installation of Windows Server 2008 R2.2.Follow the instructions to complete the installation, specifying Windows Server 2008 R2Enterprise Edition (full installation), the computer name SQL1, and a strong password for the local Administrator account.3.Once the installation completes, log on using the local Administrator account.4.Connect SQL1 to a network that has Internet access and run Windows Update to installthe latest updates for Windows Server 2008 R2, including Windows Server 2008 R2Service Pack 1.5.Once the updates are complete, restart SQL1 and log on as the local Administrator.6.Connect SQL1 to the Corpnet subnet.In this procedure, you configure the TCP/IP properties on SQL1 so that it can join the domain.To configure the TCP/IP properties on SQL11.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Configure networking.2.In the Network Connections window, right-click Local Area Connection, and thenclick Properties.3.Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties.4.Select Use the following IP address. In IP address, type In Subnetmask, type In Default Gateway, type In Preferred DNS server, type Advanced, and then click the DNS tab. In DNS suffix for this connection, type, click OK twice, and then click Close.6.Close the Network Connections window and leave the Initial Configuration Taskswindow open.7.To check name resolution and network communication between SQL1 and DC1, clickStart, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.8.In the Command Prompt window, type ping .9.Verify that there are four replies from the Command Prompt window.In this procedure, you join SQL1 to the domain.To join SQL1 to the domain1.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Provide Computer Name and Domain.2.In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, click Change.3.In Member of, click Domain, type , and then click OK.4.When you are prompted for a user name and password, type User1 and its password,and then click OK.5.When you see a dialog box welcoming you to the domain, click OK.6.When you are prompted that you must restart the computer, click OK.7.On the System Properties dialog box, click Close.8.When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart Now.9.After the computer restarts, click Switch User, and then click Other User and log on tothe CORP domain with the User1 account.10.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Do not show this window at logon, and thenclick Close.Step 3: Install SQL Server 2012 on SLQ1Install and configure SQL Server 2012 on SQL1 as described in Steps 2, 3, and 4 of the SQL Server 2012 Test Lab Guide, substituting SQL1 for APP1 in the instructions.Alternately, you can use SQL Server 2008 R2. In this case, install and configure SQL Server 2008 R2 on SQL1, as described in Steps 2, 3, and 4 of the SQL Server 2008 R2 Test Lab Guide, substituting SQL1 for APP1 in the instructions.In this procedure, you configure in inbound rule in Windows Firewall with Advanced Security to allow incoming traffic to the SQL Server service.To configure the Windows Firewall for an inbound rule1.On SQL1, log on using the User1 user account.2.From the desktop, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click WindowsFirewall with Advanced Security.3.In the tree pane, right-click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule.4.On the Rule Type page, click Port, and then click Next.5.On the Protocols and Ports page, type 1433-1434 in Specific local ports, and thenclick OK.6.On the Action page, click Next.7.On the Profile page, click Next.8.On the Name page, type SQL Server TCP ports in Name, and then click Finish. Step 4: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1 In this procedure, you install the prerequisite software components for SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1.To install the SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisite software1.On APP1, log on using the User1 user account.2.Connect APP1 to a network that has Internet access and configure the TCP/IP protocol onthe Local Area Connection as needed. The SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisite installer must download and install components from the Microsoft Download Center. Forexample, if the network that has access to the Internet uses DHCP, configure theInternet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use automatic addressing and toautomatically configure a DNS server.3.On APP1, navigate to the location that contains the SharePoint Server 2013 installationfiles and double-click default.hta.4.On the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install software prerequisites.5.On the Welcome to the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool page, clickNext.6.On the License Terms for software product page, review the terms, select the Iaccept the terms of the License Agreement(s) check box, and then click Next.7.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.The computer might restart to install some of the prerequisites. After it does the Products Preparation Tool will run again and install the remaining prerequisites. The computermust be restarted again to install these prerequisites.8.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.In this procedure, you install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1.To install SharePoint Server 20131.On DC1, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active DirectoryUsers and Computers.2.In the console tree, open , right-click Users, point to New, and thenclick User.3.In the New Object - User dialog box, in Full name, type SPFarmAdmin, and in Userlogon name, type SPFarmAdmin.4.Click Next.5.In Password and in Confirm password, type P@ssword1.6.Clear User must change password at next logon.7.Click Next, and then click Finish.8.On SQL1, log on with the User1 account.9.Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2012, and then click SQLServer Management Studio.10.In Connect to Server, click Connect.11.In SQL Server Management Studio, in the tree pane, open Security.12.Right-click Logins, and click New Login.13.In Login – New, type CORP\SPFarmAdmin in Login name.14.In the Select a page pane, click Server Roles.15.In the Server Roles pane, select dbcreator, and then click OK.16.Close SQL Server Management Studio.17.Connect APP1 to the Corpnet subnet and configure the TCP/IP protocol on the Local AreaConnection as needed. For example, configure the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connectionsfolder to use the address with a subnet mask of and thepreferred DNS server of the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install SharePoint Server.19.On the Enter Your Product Key page, enter your product key as needed, and then clickContinue. For the 180-day trial version of SharePoint Server 2013, use the product key NQTMW-K63MQ-39G6H-B2CH9-FRDWJ.20.On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, selectthe I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.21.On the Server Type tab, click Complete, and then click Install Now.22.When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of yourserver. Ensure that the Run the SharePoint Products and TechnologiesConfiguration Wizard now check box is selected.23.Click Close to start the configuration wizard.24.On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.25.In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted duringconfiguration, click Yes.26.On the Connect to a server farm page, click Create a new server farm, and thenclick Next.27.On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, type SQL1 in Databaseserver, type CORP\SPFarmAdmin in User name, type P@ssword1 in Password, and then click Next.28.On the Specify Farm Security Settings page, type P@ssphrase in both Passphraseand Confirm passphrase, and then click Next.29.On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, clickNext.30.On the Completing the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard page, clickNext.31.On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Internet Explorer launches with atab named Initial Farm Configuration Wizard.32.In the Help Make SharePoint Better dialog box, click No, I don’t wish toparticipate, and then click OK.33.For How do you want to configure your SharePoint farm?, click Start the Wizard.34.On the Configure your SharePoint farm page, in Service account, click Useexisting managed account,.35.In Services, clear all the check boxes except the box next to State Service, and thenclick Next. The Working on it page might display for a while before it completes.36.On the Create Site Collection page, click Skip.37.On the This completes the Farm Configuration Wizard page, click Finish. TheInternet Explorer tab shows the SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site.38.From Central Administration, click Configure alternate access mappings underSystem Settings.39.Click the http://app1 internal URL.40.In URL, protocol, host and port, type http://wfe1/, click OK, and then click CentralAdministration.Step 5: Install and configure a new server named WFE1In this procedure, you install the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and the latest updates on a new server named WFE1.To install Windows Server 2008 R2 on WFE11.Start the installation of Windows Server 2008 R2.2.Follow the instructions to complete the installation, specifying Windows Server 2008 R2Enterprise Edition (full installation), the computer name WFE1, and a strong password for the local Administrator account.3.Once the installation completes, log on using the local Administrator account.4.Connect WFE1 to a network that has Internet access and run Windows Update to installthe latest updates for Windows Server 2008 R2, including Windows Server 2008 R2Service Pack 1.5.Once the updates are complete, restart WFE1 and log on as the local Administrator.6.Connect WFE1 to the Corpnet subnet.In this procedure, you configure the TCP/IP properties on WFE1 so that it can join the domain.To configure the TCP/IP properties on WFE11.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Configure networking.2.In the Network Connections window, right-click Local Area Connection, and thenclick Properties.3.Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties.4.Select Use the following IP address. In IP address, type In Subnetmask, type In Default Gateway, type In Preferred DNS server, type Advanced, and then click the DNS tab. In DNS suffix for this connection, type, click OK twice, and then click Close.6.Close the Network Connections window and leave the Initial Configuration Taskswindow open.7.To check name resolution and network communication between WFE1 and DC1, clickStart, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.8.In the Command Prompt window, type ping .9.Verify that there are four replies from the Command Prompt window.In this procedure, you join WFE1 to the domain.To join WFE1 to the domain1.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Provide Computer Name and Domain.2.In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, click Change.3.In Member of, click Domain, type , and then click OK.4.When you are prompted for a user name and password, type User1 and its password,and then click OK.5.When you see a dialog box welcoming you to the domain, click OK.6.When you are prompted that you must restart the computer, click OK.7.On the System Properties dialog box, click Close.8.When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart Now.9.After the computer restarts, click Switch User, and then click Other User and log on tothe CORP domain with the User1 account.10.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Do not show this window at logon, and thenclick Close.In this procedure, you install the Web Server (IIS) server role on WFE1.To install the Web Server (IIS) server role on WFE11.In the console tree of Server Manager, click Roles. In the details pane, click Add Roles,and then click Next.2.On the Select Server Roles page, select Web Server (IIS), and then click Next threetimes.3.Click Install.4.Verify that the installation was successful, and then click Close.Step 6: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1 In this procedure, you install the prerequisite software components for SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1.To install the SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisite software1.On WFE1, log on using the User1 user account.2.Connect WFE1 to a network that has Internet access and configure the TCP/IP protocolon the Local Area Connection as needed. The SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisiteinstaller must download and install components from the Microsoft Download Center. For example, if the network that has access to the Internet uses DHCP, configure theInternet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use automatic addressing and toautomatically configure a DNS server.3.On WFE1, navigate to the drive or folder that contains the SharePoint Server 2013installation files and double-click default.hta.4.On the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install software prerequisites.5.On the Welcome to the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products Preparation Tool page, clickNext.6.On the License Terms for software product page, review the terms, select the Iaccept the terms of the License Agreement(s) check box, and then click Next.7.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.8.The computer might restart to install some of the prerequisites. After it does the ProductsPreparation Tool will run again and install the remaining prerequisites. The computermust be restarted again to install these prerequisites.9.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.In this procedure, you install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1 and join the existing SharePoint farm.To install SharePoint Server 20131.Connect WFE1 to the Corpnet subnet and configure the TCP/IP protocol on the Local AreaConnection as needed. For example, configure the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use the address with a subnet mask of and thepreferred DNS server of the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install SharePoint Server.3.On the Enter Your Product Key page, enter your product key as needed, and then clickContinue. For the 180-day trial version of SharePoint Server 2013, use the product key NQTMW-K63MQ-39G6H-B2CH9-FRDWJ.4.On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, selectthe I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.5.On the Server Type tab, click Complete, and then click Install Now.6.When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of yourserver. Ensure that the Run the SharePoint Products and TechnologiesConfiguration Wizard now check box is selected.7.Click Close to start the configuration wizard.8.On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.9.In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted duringconfiguration, click Yes.10.On the Connect to a server farm page, click Connect to an existing server farm,and then click Next.11.On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, type SQL1 in Databaseserver, and then click Retrieve Database Names.12.Click SharePoint_Config in the Database name list, and then click Next.13.On the Specify Farm Security Settings page, type P@ssphrase in Passphrase, andthen click Next.14.On the Completing the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard page, click Next.15.On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. The Internet Explorer tab showsthe SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site. Leave Internet Explorer open.16.On APP1, in the Internet Explorer window for SharePoint Central Administration, inSystem Settings, click Manage servers in this farm and verify that WFE1 is part ofthe farm.17.On WFE1, from Internet Explorer and the Central Administration tab, for How do youwant to configure your SharePoint farm?, click Start the Wizard. The Working on it page might display for a while before it completes and you might have to start thewizard again.18.On the Configure your SharePoint farm page, click Next.19.On the Create Site Collection page, in Title and description, type ContosoCorporation in Title, from the URL list select “/”, and then click OK.This step creates a team site at the URL http://wfe1.20.On the This completes the Farm Configuration Wizard page, click Finish.The Internet Explorer tab shows the SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site, from which you can configure and manage the SharePoint server.Step 7: Demonstrate the Facilities of the Default Contoso Team SiteIn this procedure, you click through the default SharePoint facilities and resources for the Contoso Corporation team site at http://wfe1/.To see the facilities of the default Contoso Corporation team site1.Attach CLIENT1 to the Corpnet subnet, and then log on with the User1 account.2.Start Internet Explorer on CLIENT1.3.In the Address bar, type http://wfe1/ and then press ENTER.You should see a SharePoint team site for the Contoso Corporation. The site might take a while to render.4.To add a new page to the site, click Site Contents on the Quick Launch, click the SitePages icon, and then click New wiki page.5.In New page item box, type the name of the page, and click Create.6.Type the new page contents, and then click Save.7.Click Home on the Quick Launch to return to the home page of the Contoso Corporationteam site.8.To add a site to the site collection, click Site Contents on the Quick Launch, and thenclick New subsite.9.In New SharePoint Site, configure the title, description, web site address, template,permissions and navigation settings, and then click Create.10.On the Home page of the Contoso Corporation site, click Documents on the QuickLaunch or Documents below the Get started with your site section.This is a list of shared documents that you can work on together. Multiple users can work on each document in a central location, which makes document collaboration mucheasier that sending files around in email. You can click New document to add a newdocument to the list of shared documents.11.Click Home on the Quick Launch.12.In the Get started with your site section, click Working on a deadline?.13.In the Working on a deadline dialog box, click Add Them to add the Calendar andTasks apps to your site.14.To access the calendar, click Calendar on the Quick Launch.This is a shared team calendar that can be used to manage and share events across your team. You can point to a day and then click Add to add a calendar event.。
SharePoint 2013 入门教程之入门手册

SharePoint 2013 入门教程之入门手册当我们搭建完环境,创建应用程序和网站集后,就已经正式开启了我们的SharePoint之旅了,进入网站以后,开始基本的使用、设置,了解SharePoint相关特性,下面,来简单了解下SharePoint吧。
1、创建网站集完毕,打开首页,如图1:(图1 SharePoint 发布站点首页)如上图,可能画的比较乱,11是共享本网站,12是关注此网站,12右边的是最大化内容(也就是编号5,效果如图2)。
(图2 首页最大化按钮效果图)2、网站内容,如图3:如下图,添加应用程序,可以添加列表、文档库、图片库等,还包括自定义的应用程序;网站工作流就是管理网站级别工作流的,设置直接进入网站设置(后面介绍),回收站是我们删除的条目信息,SharePoint为了防止勿删而存在。
(图3 网站内容页面)3、网站设置,如图4:网站设置包括:用户和权限、Web设计器库、网站集管理、外观、网站操作、网站管理、搜索等,可以通过首页网站设置进入,或者通过网站内容页面上设置进入。
(图4 网站设置页面)4、添加应用程序,如图5:如下图,可以在站点内容添加列表、文档库,可以根据模板创建列表、文档库,模板存在网站设置 - Web 设计器库–列表模板,可以在里面编辑维护模板。
(图5 添加应用程序页面)5、列表、文档库等设置,如图6、图7:如图6是文件操作,包括上传、下载、签入、签出文件,创建文件夹,共享、删除,查看属性以及工作流等操作;(图6 文档库设置–文件Ribbon菜单)如图7是对于库的操作,如修改列表视图(视图作用:展示各种配置好的字段、排序、分组等),对于库的权限、工作流、共享设置等,权限设置参考后面详细介绍。

以下是一些常用的团队协作功能:1. 团队站点:SharePoint提供了一个可定制的团队站点,团队成员可以在站点上查找和共享信息、计划任务、跟踪进度等。
2. 协同编辑:多人可以同时编辑同一个文档,并实时查看彼此的更改。
3. 即时通讯:SharePoint内置了实时通讯功能,团队成员可以通过即时消息、语音通话和视频会议等方式进行沟通,更加便捷地进行协作。
4. 任务管理:团队成员可以在SharePoint中创建任务并分配给特定的人员,也可以跟踪任务的进度和完成情况。
5. 协作工作区:在SharePoint中,团队成员可以创建和管理协作工作区,用于处理特定的项目或任务。
以下是一些常用的文档管理功能:1. 文档库:在SharePoint中,可以创建文档库用于存储和管理文档。
2. 元数据管理:通过为文档添加元数据,可以更好地组织和分类文档。
3. 文档合并和比较:SharePoint提供了文档合并和比较功能,团队成员可以方便地比较和合并文档的不同版本,以便选择最新和最佳的版本。

SharePoint2013与SharePoint2016语⾔切换原理以及如何使⽤代码进⾏语⾔切换1、前⾔在SharePoint 2010版本,在⾸页⾯直接"选择显⽰语⾔"的菜单(如下图所⽰),如下图:在sharepoint2013和sharepoint2016并⾮如此。
1. 这⾥⾸先需要安装语⾔包,SharePoint2016语⾔包下载地址:SharePoint2013语⾔包下载地址:注意:下载安装完毕后都要进⾏重新配置1. 在【⽹站设置】-【语⾔设置】设置备⽤语⾔,这⾥为英语,如下图2. 进⾏【关于我】进⾏【语⾔区域设置】如下图:2、原理上⾯说到SharePoint2010的语⾔切换根据记录cookie的⽅式可以快速进⾏切换,只要记录cookie的值lcid值,对于SharePoint2013和SharePoint2016的语⾔采⽤此⽅式不⾏,根据IE语⾔版本来确定显⽰哪个语⾔?,因此我们这⾥使⽤Fiddler⼯具进⾏http头⽂件的获取分析,主要分析:Accept-Language说明:Accept-Language:浏览器所希望的语⾔种类,当服务器能够提供⼀种以上的语⾔版本时要⽤到;根据http头的情况,⽤代码修改Accept-Language的设置来模拟设置语⾔版本的切换1. 我们打开英⽂站点:⽤Fiddler抓取分析,如下图:分析结果:2. 我们打开中⽂站点:(切换后)的Fiddler抓取图,如下图:既然知道这个原理,切换代码把每次要切换的语⾔版本保存到cookie值⾥,那么我们第⼀次系统⽤代码切换前cookie值为空设置⼀个默认为中⽂,使⽤httpModule⽅式来分析http头的Accept-Language的值,如果包含en-US就设置为英⽂版本,如果包含zh-CN就设置为中⽂。
3、代码1. HttpModule.cs源码如下:using System;using System.Web;using System.Web.UI;using Microsoft.SharePoint;using System.Threading;using Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;namespace ngSwitcherPage{public class HTTPSwitcherModule : IHttpModule{///<summary>/// You will need to configure this module in the web.config file of your/// web and register it with IIS before being able to use it. For more information/// see the following link: /?linkid=8101007///</summary>#region IHttpModule Memberspublic void Dispose(){//clean-up code here.}///<summary>/// Init event///</summary>///<param name="context"></param>public void Init(HttpApplication context){// Below is an example of how you can handle Request event and provide// custom logging implementation for itcontext.PreRequestHandlerExecute += context_PreRequestHandlerExecute;}#endregion///<summary>/// Assuming the selected language is stored in a cookie. Firstly, get the selected /// language from cookie. Then add the selected language to the request header. /// Finally, use the selected language for the current culture.///</summary>///<param name="sender"></param>///<param name="e"></param>void context_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e){// Get current application.HttpApplication httpApp = sender as HttpApplication;// Get all HTTP-specific information about current HTTP request.HttpContext context = httpApp.Context;// Current language.string strLanguage = string.Empty;// The key of current selected language in the cookies.string strKeyName = "LangSwitcher_Setting";try{// Set the current language.if (httpApp.Request.Cookies[strKeyName] != null){strLanguage = httpApp.Request.Cookies[strKeyName].Value;}else{strLanguage = "zh-cn";}var lang = context.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"];if (lang != null){if (!lang.Contains(strLanguage))context.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"] = strLanguage + "," + context.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"]; var culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(strLanguage);// Apply the culture.SPUtility.SetThreadCulture(culture, culture);}}catch (Exception ex){System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message);}}}}1. 切换代码如下:///<summary>/// Save current selected language to cookie.///</summary>///<param name="sender"></param>///<param name="e"></param>protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){if (ddlLanguages.SelectedIndex > 0){// Selected language.string strLanguage = ddlLanguages.SelectedValue;// Set the Cookies.HttpCookie acookie = new HttpCookie(strKeyName);acookie.Value = strLanguage;acookie.Expires = DateTime.MaxValue;Response.Cookies.Add(acookie);Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl);}}4、效果1. 测试切换效果,先测试切换到中⽂,如下:1. 测试切换效果,先测试切换到英⽂,如下:源码可以去我QQ群下载:203613636 谢谢。

利用MicrosoftSharePoint建立企业内部知识库和协作平台利用Microsoft SharePoint建立企业内部知识库和协作平台企业的成功往往依赖于高效的知识管理和良好的内部协作。
第一部分:SharePoint平台的概述Microsoft SharePoint是一套用于创建网站和在线应用的工具集合,它可以帮助企业实现信息共享、协作和内容管理。
1. 创建站点和文档库:首先,在SharePoint中创建一个新的站点,然后在该站点上创建一个文档库。
2. 设计文档库的结构:根据企业的需求,设计文档库的结构,包括文件夹和元数据。
3. 上传和管理文档:将企业现有的文档上传到文档库中,并设置适当的权限和版本控制,确保文档的安全性和一致性。
4. 配置搜索功能:通过配置SharePoint的搜索功能,可以让用户方便地检索和访问知识库中的文档和信息。
1. 创建协作站点:在SharePoint中创建一个新的站点,用于支持团队的协作。
Exchange 2013 中的新增功能

Exchange 2013 中的新增功能Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 为 Exchange Server 产品线引入了一组丰富的新技术、功能和服务。
同时Exchange Server 2013 还可以帮助降低总拥有成本(无论是部署 Exchange 2013 内部部署还是在云中设置邮箱)。
Exchange 2013 中精心设计的新特性和功能可完成以下操作:∙支持多代劳动力社交集成以及更方便地查找人员对用户十分重要。
智能搜索学习用户的通信和协作行为,以改进 Exchange 中的搜索结果并确定其优先级。
此外,使用 Exchange 2013,用户还可以合并多个来源的联系人,通过链接从多个位置获取的联系人信息,提供某个人的单一视图。
∙提供一种引人入胜的体验 Microsoft Outlook 2013 和 Microsoft Outlook Web App 提供全新的外观。
Outlook Web App 强调简化的用户界面,还支持触摸,提高了 Exchange 的移动设备体验。
∙集成 SharePoint 和 Lync Exchange 2013 通过站点邮箱和就地电子数据展示展示与 Microsoft SharePoint 2013 和 Microsoft Lync 2013 紧密集成。
借助 Exchange 2013,您不仅可以在 Exchange 中,还可以在您的组织中查找和搜索数据。
使用改进的搜索和索引,您可以在 Exchange 2013、Lync2013、SharePoint 2013 和 Windows 文件服务器中搜索。
此外,数据丢失预防 (DLP) 还可帮助保持贵组织的安全,防止用户意外发送敏感数据给未经授权的人。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• Web前端与应用程序服务器
– Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows Server 2012 – Web server and application server roles – Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.5 – Additional components
• Site collections
• Sites • Lists and libraries
• Items
Service applications Application pool 1
Search Managede Metadate Secure Store Service User Profile Excel Services Word View Service Managede Metadate
SharePoint 的逻辑体系结构的概述
Service Applications Service Applications
User Profile Service Excel Services Managed Metadata Service
SharePoint Farm
Farm Configuration DB
http;// 21
Storage type
• RAID 0 • RAID 1 • RAID 5 • RAID 10
Disk type
• SATA • SCSI • SAS • SSD (Flash Disk)
SharePoint 部署设计支持组件 • 活动目录和 DNS 的要求
为 SharePoint 部署设计物理组件 • 硬件要求 • 软件要求 • 存储选项
硬件要求 • WEB前端与应用程序服务器最低要求
– 四个处理器内核 – 12 GB RAM – 80 GB 系统驱动器
• 数据库服务器的最低要求
– – – – – 对于小型场的四个处理器内核。 大型场八个处理器内核。 8 GB RAM 小型场 16 GB RAM 大型场 80 GB 系统驱动器
http;// 20
• 数据库服务器
– Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 或 Windows Server 2012 – SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 – SQL 2012 Server – .NET 4.5 framework
• SharePoint 功能概述
• SharePoint 的逻辑体系结构的概述 • SharePoint 2013 的信息体系结构的概述
讨论:SharePoint 的经验 • 你以前部署过 SharePoint 场吗?
• 你以前有管理过 SharePoint 场吗?
SharePoint 2013 部署选项 • SharePoint 2013 版本
– SharePoint Foundation
– SharePoint Server
SharePoint 2013 逻辑架构概览
Site Collection
Top-Level Site Site Site Site
Site Collection
Top-Level Site Site Site
SharePoint 2013 的信息体系结构的概述 • 网站栏
• 托管元数据服务
• 内容类型 • 文档集
站点管理、页面发布等主要功能的应用实践,帮助学员理解功能设置与应用操作之间 的联系。
• 了解SharePoint 2013的关键功能;掌握设计信息体系结构;掌握设计逻辑和物理体
系结构;安装和配置 SharePoint 服务器 2013;创建 Web 应用程序和网站集;规划 和配置服务应用程序;掌握主要功能模块的应用方法;管理用户和权限;管理信息分 类;配置用户配置文;配置企业搜索;监视和维护一个 SharePoint 2013 环境
SQL Server
SharePoint Server
DC帐户支持 • 在DC 上新建3个域账户
账户类型 账户
Application pool 3 Web Application
Content Database
Zone intranet
Site collections Top Level Site Site Lists 、libraries
SharePoint 功能概述 • 协作办公
• 企业内容管理 (ECM)
• Web 内容管理 (WCM) • 社交网络 • 搜索 • 商业智能 (BI)
SharePoint 新功能
1. SharePoint 2013将会包含新的SharePoint应用商店 2. 新的应用商店Provider – 应用包可以被配置成使用任何后台 数据库,只要它支持新的数据库提供者接口 3. SharePoint应用将支持多租户的安装,使得hosting提供商 能够提供给多用户可用的相同的应用集 4. SharePoint将提供一个新的教育模块选择 另外微软将在夏天能够将office 365针对全球的教育机构开放, 作为原来Live@Edu的补充 5. SharePoint 2013和Exchange 15将内置支持IRM(信息版 权管理),以将支持文档保护功能作为基本功能 6. SharePoint 15也能支持RMS(权限管理服务)的集成 7. SharPoint 2013支持OAuth
IIS 的设计注意事项 • 大多数 IIS 组件都通过中央行政管理
• 通过 IIS 管理 SSL 证书
• 在 IIS 管理器中配置主机标头 • WFE 服务器上设置web 应用程序Web.config文 件 • 附加 IIS 设置必须备份和复制到其他 WFE 服务器
Web Application
Content DB
Web Application
Content DB
Site Collection
Top-Level Site Site Site Site Site
• Server farms
• Service applications • Application pools
• Web applications
• Zones • Content databases
• 你以前创建过新的服务应用程序吗? • 有以前添加过新的站点集合到一个场吗? • 你以前有管理网站集或网站吗?
SharePoint 功能概述 • 协作办公
• 企业内容管理 (ECM)
• Web 内容管理 (WCM) • 社交网络 • 搜索 • 商业智能 (BI)
SQL Server 服 务账户
用这个账户运行SQL 服务
SharePoint 安 装账户 服务器场/数据 库连接账户
List Item
http • SharePoint 部署设计物理组件
• SharePoint 部署设计支持组件
• SharePoint 场拓扑
SharePoint Farm
Farm Configura tion DB
Business Connectivity
Application pool 2 Web Application
Content Database Site collections Top Level Site Site Lists 、libraries List Item
SharePoint 2013部署与应用培训
SharePoint 2013部署与应用培训
• 本课程将为您提供配置和管理SharePoint Server 2013环境的知识和技能,为IT专业 人士在SharePoint环境部署中提供指导方针、最佳实践和注意事项等信息。本课程不
仅包括安装、配置、部署和管理 SharePoint Server相关知识,同时也包括内容管理、
• IIS 的设计注意事项
• SQL Server 的设计要求
活动目录和 DNS 的要求 • 活动目录
– 服务器场中有多台服务器时需要Active Directory
– 向有关区域( Zone)添加备用访问映射 – 为 WFE 服务器配置互联网域名解析
SQL Server 的设计要求 • 您需要多少服务器?
• 从单个服务器开始 — — 你可以扩展服务器场拓 扑结构
• 运行 SQL Server 的多个计算机可以分布负载