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Do you think luck and opportunity are more important than hard work?



Good afternoon, everyone! We are the positive part. I’m debater 1 **, I’m debater 2 **, I’m debater 3 **, I’m debater 4 **.


Good afternoon, my dear teacher, good afternoon, everyone! We are the negative part. I’m debater 1 **, I’m debater 2 **, I’m debater 3 **, and I’m debater 4 **.


First and foremost, we appreciate that we pros and cons have seized this opportunity to pursuit our desires for success together. Our opinion is the opportunity and luck is more important than hard working. Our Modern Chinese dictionary gives such definition to opportunity that it is a chance to do or a time for doing. It is always said that pearls are everywhere but not the same as the eyes. For pearls, our eyes are their opportunities and also are their key to success. Mrs. Courier said: “the weak waits for the opportunity, but the strong creates the opportunity.” Let us take Libai(李白) into illustration. There is no doubt that not only was he competent, but he was among the select best. However, he did not achieve his political goal in his lifetime due to lack of opportunities. So it can be seen that the key to success is opportunity! Opportunity is the pre-condition for other elements going into effect. Without opportunity, you can never perfectly apply your intelligence and ability in right place. As a saying goes, the difference between a failure and a success man is that whether he can catch or just lose the opportunity in front of him. So here I want to emphasize our opinion again that the key to success is catching the opportunity. That’s all, Thank you!

反方一辩陈词:As a writer said, "The flower of success has soaked the struggle tear spring."Hard working can give us the knowledge and skill; it also can bring the good opportunity for us. If we want to be successful, we need the opportunity. But we insist firmly on the opinion that one has to study and work before one has a chance of success, the following three aspects can help to demonstrate it. Firstly, inside factor governs outside factor. Obviously, hard working is the inside factor. That is to say, hard working precedes opportunity without unbelievable efforts; opportunity is just castles in the air. Secondly, "No pains, no gains." hard working is the necessary access that leads to success. We know Edison invented bulb, but we also must know he got the success after thousands of failure. We would stay in the darkness without his hard working. Thirdly, in the long run, without continuous efforts, success is just a flash in the pan; only hard working can keep us enjoying the delight of success. After all, opportunity favors those who are well prepared. So we believe the hard working is more important to success. That’s all, thank you.


反2:Positive debater 1, please. Many data witnessed China's rapid GDP growth, what makes this rapid development in China? All Chinese people's efforts, can you say is the opportunity let China have the so huge change?

正1:Now the world economic growth is low,the opportunity which provides to China is bigger than the world economics high growth. China's rising economic power relatively does not necessarily mean that China's absolute power. It should mainly attribute to the absolute power down others.

反2:Positive debater 3, please. As we all know, hard working is China's traditional virtue, In the course of work, we improve our ability step by step. Suppose you are the boss, will you want employees use opportunistic method to finish the task easily?
