英语演讲的 ppt

People’s views of Themselves
People vary in their emphasis on serving themselves versus serving others . Marketers can target their products and services based on such self-views
Shift in secondary cultural values
People’s views of Themselves
People’s views of Others people’s view of organizations People’s views of Society
People’s views of Nature
People’s views of Society
Finally ,people vary in their beliefs about the origin of the universe and their place in it . People ― say they are increasingly looking to religion — Christianity , Judaism , Hinduism , Islam , and others — as a source of comfort in a chaotic world .‖ This new spiritualism affects consumers in everything from the television shows they watch and the books they read to the products and services they buy .

生活就是由一连串快乐时光组成的时光链,我们不仅仅是为了生存 而生存 Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival. 举起你珍藏的水晶高脚杯吧,不要吝啬洒上你最好的香水,任何时 候你想用就享用吧 Use your crystal goblets. Do not save your best perfume, and use it every time you feel you want it.
我们可以征服 太空,却征服不了我们的内心 We have conquered the outer space, but not our inner space.
我们的收入增加了,但我们的道德却少了 We have higher income, but less morals.
请告诉我们的家人和朋友,我们是多么得爱他们 Let’s tell our families and friends how much we love them. 不要延迟任何可以给你生活带来欢笑和快乐的事情 Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life.
从你的词汇库中移去那些所谓的“有那么一天”或者是“某一天” Remove from your vocabulary phrases like “one of these days” and “someday”. 你曾打算有那么一天要写的信,请今天就写吧! Let’s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”.

精彩英语演讲ppt精彩英语演讲ppt篇一:英语演讲ppt Gd m rning ever yne ! I?mpleasure t be n thestage andbring yu a speech !And my tpi c is e are yung . La st eek e h ave learne d an artic le by Bert rand Russe ll . these is a sent ence tuche d t me .“M st peple ,hen they a re left fr ee t filltheir n ti me accrdin g t theirchice , ar e at a lss t think f anythingsufficient ly pleasan t t be rth ding . ”I fell int deeply th ught becau se smetime s I ill fa ce this si tuatin t .Then I th ught hy .hy I am th e mst pepl e ? Sudden ly , Sme r ds appearin my mind . “ Yuthis the sea sn f dream s f flying ! ” Yes , e are yun g ! ur min d shuld be filled it h dreams a nd kn here is ur dre am , h t a chieve her! But hyI am nt !Perhaps th ere is s m uch tempta tin in urlife thate ill be d isriented. But n Ikn e are y ung and th e dreams f yuth areinvincible! Imagine this , if e have adream andkn here is her , h t get her .Are e sti ll dn?t kn hat e shu ld d ? S , d yu have think abu t this prb lem ? Letme give yu a fe exam ples t lkat h thers treat the ir dreams. Arnld Sc harzenegge r , everyn e kns him. he is th e ne kns h at he real ly ants .hen he isa 15 years ld by , h e ant t be the champ in f rld b dybuilder. Then , H e train hi mself five hurs a da y . At 20years ld,he becamethe yunges t ever rdbdybuilder champin .Then he a nts t be a actr . Bu t everynetld him it?s impssib le . theysaid: Areyu kidding me . Hear yur accen t, as lngas yu have the stran ge accent, yu can?tbe an actr . But heis never g ive up ! H e als spen t five hur s a day in actr curs es, prnunc iatin curs es ,remveaccent cur se and s n . All the things yu can imagi ne, he hav e t d . Fi nally, hedid ! he g et mre tha n $ 30 mil lin payche ck in thefilm Termi natrIII , the highe st in thehistry f t he paychec k. He knshat is him realy ant at everystage f hi s life . N he is the gvernr fCalifrnia. Next hemay ant tbe the Pre sident f A merica . T here are a lt f pepl e can alsstick t th eir dreams like Edis n , Nbel a nd s n . T hey make t heir lifeis full fsurprisesand nders. S , e ar e yung , e have mretime t cre ate mre nd ers than t hey .e dn?t have nt hing pleas ant t be r th ding .Cnversely,there ist mach . S, Let?s c alm dn and think abu t it . hat is e real y ant andhere is ur dream ? T hen hld n! that?s a ll , thank yu very m uch !篇二:英语演讲ppt模板英语演讲ppt模板-学说英语是一种艺术Lear ning t Spe ak English Is an Art Ladies an d Gentleme n: I thank yu fr bei ng here. I’m ging tget straig ht t the p int. Allt raditinallearning m ethds arefutile. Ms t cllege g raduates s till can’t speak flu ent Englis h. This pr ves Englis h students aren’t le arning. Sm e peple se em t speak English e ll. Childr en think t hese peple speak gre at English because t hey dn’t k n the diff erence. Am ericans th ink thesepeple spea k great En glish beca use they a re nn-nati ve English speakersanyay. 各位女士,各位先生:感谢大家来到这里。

Alright, everyone looking forward, please.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.(P1)Today,our topic is “The secret of happiness”First of all, what is happiness?(P2)Mom's dinner?Friends' encouragement?Or lover's hug?妈妈的晚餐?朋友的鼓励?爱人的拥抱?I believe everyone has their own answers in their hearts.我相信每个人心中都有自己的答案。
(P3)So how can we get a high quality of happiness?那怎么获得更有质量的幸福呢?In today’s presentation, We will unveil happiness in five ways.我们可以通过五个方面揭开幸福的面纱:(P4)As you can see, Positive Emotion is the most primitive meaning of happiness.Positive Emotion是幸福最原始的要义,Compared with extroverted and intense happiness, tranquility is also a positiveemotion相对于外向的激烈的快乐,宁静也是一种积极情绪;(P5)The second factor is engagement.第二个要素是engagement,(P6)Maybe playing a game can make you happy for a while, But continuous investment, such as reading, can allow you to reap continuous satisfaction and benefit your body and mind.或许打游戏能让你获取短暂的快乐,但持续的投入,诸如阅读,才能让你收获持续的满足,并且有益身心;(P7)The third and most important thing is the relationship.第三种是Relationship,(P8)According to 75 years of research by Harvard University on "happiness": A good life is built on a close relationship, which is also the secret ofhappiness.根据哈佛大学长达75年对“快乐的研究表明:美好的人生建立于良好关系,这也正是幸福的奥秘。

英语ppt演讲稿2017-08-06 08:46:33 | #1楼Youth style在每段青春的记忆中,都有顽⽪的学⽣、焦虑的家长、严格的⽼师,初恋的痛楚,⿊⽩上⽇益减少的倒计时,课桌上⾼⾼垒起的参考书和试卷In Every memory of’ youth 。
all haveNaughty students, concerned parents, strict teachers and first-love pains,havethe count down reduce day by day on the playground . High barrier of the test paper andreference book.Youth have tens of thousands of kind of face .they maybe full of sunshine maybe full of sad. There is a group of teenagers in 1990s. Youths like them have joy and sadneon their way of growing . They’ve been through pain and gain , there are crazy but moving things along with them as they are growing . ⼀群90后青少年的青春⽣活,年轻的他们在成长的道路上有欢笑有伤痛,有付出有收获,有疯狂更有感动。
On every teens’ years there is always a girl who is drown into the secret love , some brothers with undefeatable relationship , a group of friends with all kinds of stories , and memory which belongs to us all . , this is young style , part of our life which is alwaysold shining and never grows在每个青春的回忆中,⼀个深陷暗恋默默付出的⼥孩⼉,⼏个情感丰富讲义⽓的哥们,⼀群各有故事特⾊⼗⾜的损友,⼀段所有⼈共有的回忆。

Many industries and positions require a certain level of English proficiency, such as international trade, cross-border e-commerce, hotel management, etc. Learning English well can lay a solid foundation for future career development.
2. Use English as the main language of instruction
Cultivate interest in learning English
1. Use interest and
students to use
2. Encourage students to ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱarticipate in activities in class activities
3. Provide extracurricular reading materials and resources for students to explore
English in daily life
English culture and
Develop learning plans and goals
1. Help students set clear and achievable learning goals

通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
Lesson 16
Content Title
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
Lesson 17 in here Text
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
Lesson 18
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
Lesson 13
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通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
Lesson 14
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通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
Lesson 15
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Lesson 8
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通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
通 世 外 语
Lesson 9
通 世 外 语
《Happy Halloween》PPT教学课件

Can I have some…?
Yes, you can./ Yes, sure, here you are. Sorry, you can’t.
Use these words and sentences to make a short dialogue
bread, fruit, soup, sweets, cake, milk, apple, banana, orange, peanut
some apples some bananas
orange peanut
some oranges some peanuts
Come in Give me … Of course Trick or treat! Happy Halloween! Can I have some… Here you are. You are welcome.
Can I have some…? Yes, you can. / Yes, sure, here you are. No, you can’t./ No, you can’t. But you can have some… Thank you. You are welcome.
Can or Can’t
进来吧 给我… 当然 不给糖就捣蛋! 万圣节快乐! 我能吃点…吗? 给你 不客气。
Bread Orange Cake Come in Peanut Fruit Here you are apple Rice Banana soup
橘子 进来吧 给你 花生 面包 米饭 蛋糕 水果 汤 米饭 苹果
Role Play

Smiling is a nonverbal way of expressing friendliness and warmth, which can improve social interactions and strengthen relationships.
Adhere to good habits and a healthy lifestyle
Regular exercise
maintain a regular exercise routine to promote physical
health and improve mood.
A genuine smile that involves the muscles around the eyes, in addition to the muscles of the mouth. It is often associated with genuine happiness and positive emotions.
Smiling can make us more resilient and better able to cope with challenges and setbacks in life. It can help us stay positive and hopeful during tough times.
English keynote speech PowerPoint (smile)
• introduction • The meaning of Smile • The Importance of Smiling • How to maintain a smile • conclusion

2.--Happy birthday !
-- C.
A.You're welcome.
B.Me too.
C.Thank you.
( D ) How old are you?
A ,H i!
( C ) Happy birthday!
B. Nice to meet youow old are you? 你多大了?你几岁了?用来询问对方年龄,回 答可用:I’m 6. /I’m … years old.
eight dogs
seven Three + four =
Let’s do
five years old
How old are you?
I’m ? years old.
Ask and answer
A: What's your name ? B: My name is.... A: How old are you ? B: I'm ...years old. A: Happy birthday. B: Thank you.
C. Thank you.
( B ) This is my friend ,Wu Yifan. D. I'm 9 .
1. How are you? Do y你ou 好kno吗w ?the询d问iffe对re方nce身? 体状况或熟人间问好方式句 型,回答你用知道I’m区别fi吗n?e/OK. Fine./ Very well.等。

Now in school, I also have a home, it is 112 classes, all men are my brothers, sisters, always love you.
There's a will be happy, no matter how it is the dilapidated, but this is the real happiness exists.
Every ception.
Home is not only a house, it is a vagrant haven, and is the soul of the post, in short, it is also a kind of really belong to his way of life, my family, my home.
我的家,和千千万万个家一样普通。 没有富丽华贵的装饰,有的是小小空间装 不下的亲情,这些漫溢的深情对我来说,已经足够。
There's a will be happy, no matter how it is the dilapidated, but this is the real happiness exists.
作品欣赏 谢谢观看!
家是一篇写满美好祝福的诗文,家是 一首温馨动听的歌曲。家是我们的避 风港,带给我们温暖和快乐,陪伴我 们成长。
In fact, the home is a house, someone, there is love. A home without love is no, then luxurious also feel desolate; Loving home, again is narrow small also feel warm.

高中英语演讲稿p pt高中英语演讲稿 pptE agle acq uired in a stron g wind a nd rainin the w ings, th e plum b lossom i n full b loom inthe cold weather assailthenost rils ofthe frag rance. I n today's petiti ve times, we wil l not be timid,lookingover, we will le arn to s urvive i n the pe tition,in the f ace of a dversity in life to writ e music. As a ph ilosophe r said:The abov e on the fate of the peo ple,con fidenceis the k ey to th e fate!Thorns i n frontofany p roblems, we will hold it constan t. Xue-H ai vast, we haveto do d own thebrave sa ilors, w ind andthe wave s, the f uture to gether,the anci ent sayi ng goes:The tri als andtribulat ions, as in Ru Y u. "Yout h in the footste ps of fi rms such as flow goes, t he prime years o f fighti ng can n ot affor d to was te point s. Fello w studen ts, letus seize the goo d life e very day, toward s the ot her side of thegold bef ore. Pro-yuan Xi an fish, itis b etter st ill acti ve and n etworks. We usethe wisd omand c ourage r aised th e idealof saili ng, with our you th and l ife play ed a str ong tone of thetimes! W hen we a bandoned thecon fusion,take the course; groundwhen weBlinded,tireleY aojiang, the fat e of the gates w ill be o pen to u s, tempt ing time will e! The fut ure is n ot a dre am today, in our hands!I f I were a boy a gain, Iwould pr actice p ersevera nce(毅力)m ore ofte n, and n ever giv e up a t hing bec ause itwas hard or inco nvenient. If wewant lig ht, we m ust conq uer dark ness. Pe rseveran ce can s ometimes equal g enius in its res ults. “T here are only tw o creatu res,” sa ys a pro verb, “w ho can s urmountthe pyra mids—the eagle a nd the s nail.”If I werea boy ag ain, I w ould sch ool myse lf intoa habitof atten tion; Iwould le t nothin g e betw een me a nd the s ubject i n hand.I wouldremember that agood ska ter neve r triesto skate in twodirectio ns aton ce. Thehabit of attenti on beespart ofour life, if webegin ea rly enou gh. I of ten hear grown-u p people say “Icould no t fix my attenti on on th e lectur e or boo k, altho ugh I wi shed todo so” ,and the reasonis, thehabit wa s not fo rmed inyouth.If I wereto livemy lifeover aga in, I wo uld paymore att ention t o the cu ltivatio n of the memory.I would strengt hen that faculty by ever y possib le means, and on every p ossibleoccasion. It tak es a lit tle hard work at first t o rememb er thing s accura tely; bu t memory soon he lps itse lf, andgives ve ry littl e troubl e. It on ly needs early c ultivati on to be e a powe r.If I w ere a bo y again,I would look on the che erful si de. Life is very much li ke a mir ror: ifyou smil e upon i t, I smi le backupon you; but if you fro wn and l ook doub tful onit, youwill get a simil ar lookin retur n.Innersunshine warms n ot onlythe hear t of the owner,but of a ll thate in con tact wit h it. “w ho shuts love ou t ,in tu rn shall be shut out fro m love.”Finally,instead of tryi ng hardto be ha ppy, asif thatwere the sole pu rpose of life, I would,if I wer e a boyagain, I would s till try harderto makeothers h appy.。

更多关于快乐的英文演讲稿相关内容推荐↓↓↓关于快乐的英文演讲稿1I'm happy as I grow upGood morning,everyone! I’m Zhang Yuting from Grade six.Today,the topic of my speech is “I'm happy as I grow up”.The happiness of growth is the purest kind of happiness, Sometimes not even need any reason.It is a happiness in human life when continuous improvement, It is even the emotional outpouring from the heart. Someone might ask: Is it just happy to grow it is no trouble, and of course there is a growing worry, but "tired" and just "happiness" contrast, is not absolute; sometimes troubles may also be a pleasure.Through careful study, I know the happiness of mastering knowledge. I know that learning is equivalent to happiness. When you get good grades; When you get a praise from teacher or parents; When you are thinking very hard, and finally know the correct answer to a question When you know a lot of knowledge you almost didn’t know , Do you feel a sense of happiness? right, this is the happiness of learning! we learn in growing life every day, since it can’t escape, then happy to face it! we need to h ave a class carefully and complete homework carefully , we need to review and preview consciously , you need some proper outdoor sports, to maintain a healthy body. As long as you do the above points, you will be surprised to discover that learning is so happy!So, my classmates, we must cherish every minute of Timefrom life, let us "happy to learn, happy to grow up "!关于快乐的英文演讲稿2Are you a happy person? What are the personality factors that happy people usually have?As the former president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln once said, “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be . ”It is commonly acknowledged that happiness varies from person to person.Nevertheless,we can still find some common ground between the people who are prone to be happier than others.Firstly,they are much more optimistic when facing the same situation.As something bad happens,they tend to think about the positive aspects and some even keep humorous continuously. And they always try hard to find the solution instead of worrying about it for a long time. What’s more,they know themselves better.They know what they want and do not admire what others own.They cherish what they have at present and do not pursuit the imaginary material world because they know that prosperity alone can by no means insure happiness. Last but not least, one dominating factor is their relationship with the people around them.Only when they get well with their acquaintances can they maintain a good mood.And it is the love their friends give them that might promote their happiness index.As for me,I think I live a happy life.I have considerate parents who always support me, many friends who accompany me through thick and thin ,and a group of classmates with whom I seek for the unknown together.And inevitably,my life is also spiced with depressing episodes,sometimes frustrating me a lot. But they are also a kind of experiences and a kind of fortune for our life.If we can change our attitudes towards things in the world,clearly know what we want and get along well with the people around us, we can surely adjust our emotion in a good state and we can also do everything better.关于快乐的英文演讲稿3Group of young people everywhere seek joyfully,But,Meets many worries actually, sad and the pain.They inquired to their teacher,Socrates,Joyful in where?Socrates said that,"You help me to make a ship first!"The young people seek the joyful matter to put temporarily one side,Looks for the shipbuilding the tool,use manytime,made a boat.The dugout canoe launched,The young people please embark teacher,At the same time with joint forces rows,At the same time with one voice sings. Socrates asked that,"Children,are you happy?"The student answers in chorus:"Joyful extremely!"Socrates said that,"Joyful is this,It is often busy with when you handles other matter comes visiting suddenly."关于快乐的英文演讲稿4seeking pleasurenot long ago, i read this story in a magazine: there ething definite to notice anything bitter, pleasure e pain in our daily life and in the process of seeking pleasure, or sometimes tend to look for pleasure in material things, like a new car, clothes, etc, but true long term pleasure comes from within our soul and spirit. so why not turn suffering into praising life, and turn tears into the light in your heart, only in this way can we make it through and hold the magical spark to light the fire of life.so my dear friends, just remember pleasure is a state of mind and a matter of choice, and i wish you all a life of pleasure.关于快乐的英文演讲稿5I am young , I am happy !Attention,please!Ladies and gentlemen, good evening!At the beginning of my speech , I want to say because we all are young , so we gather together here happily for one goal tonight ! Don’t you think so ?To our great honor , the development of our motherland is much faster than any one of other developing countries in the world ! China is great ! Living in such a country with long history , varieties of cultures and steable finance , we all are lucky . Everyone one of us are pround of her ! It is so exciting that we all are her children . So at the time of our mother’s birthday , we should speak louldly “Happy birthday to our beloved motherland !”Now , the 16th Asian Games is to be held in Guang Zhou . We all are preparing for the great event ! We all are excited for her ! We all take pride in her ! Those all due to our special role in the society . We are youth and we full of strength and spirit . What's the most important point is that we are very active . So in this distinguished gathering , we have more oppportunities to show off our personalities and enthusiasms .Undoubtedly , I believe everyone of us youth have done well for the coming of the 16th Asian Games’ approaching !That’s all ! Thank you !。

Believe in yourself . Be brave, but it‘s ok to be afraid sometimes.
Cherish (珍惜) every Sunday! Care about yourself and friends.
Love someone with all of your heart.
Meet new people, even if they look different to you
Never give up, even though it's breaking.
Overcome all the difficulties to have a progress .
Protect yourself, life is preciou s.
Quickly! don’t walk around and say ‘to be or not to be’ .
Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless.
Study hard and seize the moment.
Xerox (复印) love and spread it.
Young is good, make the best use of ii right now, please.
有人说,用一分钟找到一个特别的人,用一 个小时去发现他的优点,用一天去爱上他, 然后用一辈子去忘记他。
Zero— Sometimes, there is something should be forget, and begin again.

TED英语演讲稿:我们为什么快乐?When you have 21 minutes to speak, two million years seems like a really long time. But evolutionarily, two million years is nothing. And yet in two million years the human brain has nearly tripled in mass, going from the one-and-a-quarter pound brain of our ancestor here, Habilis, to the almost three-pound meatloaf that everybody here has between their ears. What is it about a big brain that nature was so eager for every one of us to have one?Well, it turns out when brains triple in size, they don't just get three times bigger; they gain new structures. And one of the main reasons our brain got so big is because it got a new part, called the "frontal lobe." And particularly, a part called the "pre-frontal cortex." Now what does a pre-frontal cortex do for you that should justify the entire architectural overhaul of the human skull in the blink of evolutionary time?Well, it turns out the pre-frontal cortex does lots of things, but one of the most important things it does is it is an experience simulator. Flight pilots practice in flight simulators so that they don't make real mistakes in planes. Human beings have this marvelous adaptation thatthey can actually have experiences in their heads before they try them out in real life. This is a trick that none of our ancestors could do, and that no other animal can do quite like we can. It's a marvelous adaptation. It's up there with opposable thumbs and standing upright and language as one of the things that got our species out of the trees and into the shopping mall.Now -- (Laughter) -- all of you have done this. I mean, you know, Ben and Jerry's doesn't have liver-and-onion ice cream, and it's not because they whipped some up, tried it and went, "Yuck." It's because, without leaving your armchair, you can simulate that flavor and say "yuck" before you make it.Let's see how your experience simulators are working. Let's just run a quick diagnostic before I proceed with the rest of the talk. Here's two different futures that I invite you to contemplate, and you can try to simulate them and tell me which one you think you might prefer. One of them is winning the lottery. This is about 314 million dollars. And the other is becoming paraplegic. So, just give it a moment of thought. You probably don't feel like you need a moment of thought.Interestingly, there are data on these two groups of people, data on how happy they are. And this is exactly what you expected, isn't it? But these aren't the data. I made these up!These are the data. You failed the pop quiz, and you're hardly five minutes into the lecture. Because the fact is that a year after losing the use of their legs, and a year after winning the lotto, lottery winners and paraplegics are equally happy with their lives.Now, don't feel too bad about failing the first pop quiz, because everybody fails all of the pop quizzes all of the time. The research that my laboratory has been doing, that economists and psychologists around the country have been doing, have revealed something really quite startling to us, something we call the "impact bias," which is the tendency for the simulator to work badly. For the simulator to make you believe that different outcomes are more different than in fact they really are.From field studies to laboratory studies, we see that winning or losing an election, gaining or losing a romantic partner, getting or not getting a promotion, passing or not passing a college test, on and on,have far less impact, less intensity and much less duration than people expect them to have. In fact, a recent study -- this almost floors me -- a recent study showing how major life traumas affect people suggests that if it happened over three months ago, with only a few exceptions, it has no impact whatsoever on your happiness.Why? Because happiness can be synthesized. Sir Thomas Brown wrote in 1642, "I am the happiest man alive. I have that in me that can convert poverty to riches, adversity to prosperity. I am more invulnerable than Achilles; fortune hath not one place to hit me." What kind of remarkable machinery does this guy have in his head?Well, it turns out it's precisely the same remarkable machinery that all off us have. Human beings have something that we might think of as a "psychological immune system." A system of cognitive processes, largely non-conscious cognitive processes, that help them change their views of the world, so that they can feel better about the worlds in which they find themselves. Like Sir Thomas, you have this machine. Unlike Sir Thomas, you seem not to know it. (Laughter)We synthesize happiness, but we think happiness is a thing to befound. Now, you don't need me to give you too many examples of people synthesizing happiness, I suspect. Though I'm going to show you some experimental evidence, you don't have to look very far for evidence.As a challenge to myself, since I say this once in a while in lectures, I took a copy of the New York Times and tried to find some instances of people synthesizing happiness. And here are three guys synthesizing happiness. "I am so much better off physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and almost every other way." "I don't have one minute's regret. It was a glorious experience." "I believe it turned out for the best."Who are these characters who are so damn happy? Well, the first one is Jim Wright. Some of you are old enough to remember: he was the chairman of the House of Representatives and he resigned in disgrace when this young Republican named Newt Gingrich found out about a shady book deal he had done. He lost everything. The most powerful Democrat in the country, he lost everything. He lost his money; he lost his power. What does he have to say all these years later about it? "I am so much better off physically, financially, mentally and in almost every other way." What other way would there be to be better off? Vegetably?Minerally? Animally? He's pretty much covered them there.Moreese Bickham is somebody you've never heard of. Moreese Bickham uttered these words upon being released. He was 78 years old. He spent 37 years in a Louisiana State Penitentiary for a crime he didn't commit. He was ultimately exonerated, at the age of 78, through DNA evidence. And what did he have to say about his experience? "I don't have one minute's regret. It was a glorious experience." Glorious! This guy is not saying, "Well, you know, there were some nice guys. They had a gym." It's "glorious," a word we usually reserve for something like a religious experience.Harry S. Langerman uttered these words, and he's somebody you might have known but didn't, because in 1949 he read a little article in the paper about a hamburger stand owned by these two brothers named McDonalds. And he thought, "That's a really neat idea!" So he went to find them. They said, "We can give you a franchise on this for 3,000 bucks." Harry went back to New York, asked his brother who's an investment banker to loan him the 3,000 dollars, and his brother's immortal words were, "You idiot, nobody eats hamburgers." He wouldn'tlend him the money, and of course six months later Ray Croc had exactly the same idea. It turns out people do eat hamburgers, and Ray Croc, for a while, became the richest man in America.And then finally -- you know, the best of all possible worlds -- some of you recognize this young photo of Pete Best, who was the original drummer for the Beatles, until they, you know, sent him out on an errand and snuck away and picked up Ringo on a tour. Well, in 1994, when Pete Best was interviewed -- yes, he's still a drummer; yes, he's a studio musician -- he had this to say: "I'm happier than I would have been with the Beatles."Okay. There's something important to be learned from these people, and it is the secret of happiness. Here it is, finally to be revealed. First: accrue wealth, power, and prestige, then lose it. (Laughter) Second: spend as much of your life in prison as you possibly can. (Laughter) Third: make somebody else really, really rich. (Laughter) And finally: never ever join the Beatles. (Laughter)OK. Now I, like Ze Frank, can predict your next thought, which is, "Yeah, right." Because when people synthesize happiness, as thesegentlemen seem to have done, we all smile at them, but we kind of roll our eyes and say, "Yeah right, you never really wanted the job." "Oh yeah, right. You really didn't have that much in common with her, and you figured that out just about the time she threw the engagement ring in your face."We smirk because we believe that synthetic happiness is not of the same quality as what we might call "natural happiness." What are these terms? Natural happiness is what we get when we get what we wanted, and synthetic happiness is what we make when we don't get what we wanted. And in our society, we have a strong belief that synthetic happiness is of an inferior kind. Why do we have that belief? Well, it's very simple. What kind of economic engine would keep churning if we believed that not getting what we want could make us just as happy as getting it?With all apologies to my friend Matthieu Ricard, a shopping mall full of Zen monks is not going to be particularly profitable because they don't want stuff enough. I want to suggest to you that synthetic happiness is every bit as real and enduring as the kind of happiness you stumble uponwhen you get exactly what you were aiming for. Now, I'm a scientist, so I'm going to do this not with rhetoric, but by marinating you in a little bit of data.Let me first show you an experimental paradigm that is used to demonstrate the synthesis of happiness among regular old folks. And this isn't mine. This is a 50-year-old paradigm called the "free choice paradigm." It's very simple. You bring in, say, six objects, and you ask a subject to rank them from the most to the least liked. In this case, because the experiment I'm going to tell you about uses them, these are Monet prints. So, everybody can rank these Monet prints from the one they like the most, to the one they like the least. Now we give you a choice: "We happen to have some extra prints in the closet. We're going to give you one as your prize to take home. We happen to have number three and number four," we tell the subject. This is a bit of a difficult choice, because neither one is preferred strongly to the other, but naturally, people tend to pick number three because they liked it a little better than number four.Sometime later -- it could be 15 minutes; it could be 15 days -- thesame stimuli are put before the subject, and the subject is asked to re-rank the stimuli. "Tell us how much you like them now." What happens? Watch as happiness is synthesized. This is the result that has been replicated over and over again. You're watching happiness be synthesized. Would you like to see it again? Happiness! "The one I got is really better than I thought! That other one I didn't get sucks!" (Laughter) That's the synthesis of happiness.Now what's the right response to that? "Yeah, right!" Now, here's the experiment we did, and I would hope this is going to convince you that "Yeah, right!" was not the right response.We did this experiment with a group of patients who had anterograde amnesia. These are hospitalized patients. Most of them have Korsakoff's syndrome, a polyneuritic psychosis that -- they drank way too much, and they can't make new memories. OK? They remember their childhood, but if you walk in and introduce yourself, and then leave the room, when you come back, they don't know who you are.We took our Monet prints to the hospital. And we asked these patients to rank them from the one they liked the most to the one theyliked the least. We then gave them the choice between number three and number four. Like everybody else, they said, "Gee, thanks Doc! That's great! I could use a new print. I'll take number three." We explained we would have number three mailed to them. We gathered up our materials and we went out of the room, and counted to a half hour. Back into the room, we say, "Hi, we're back." The patients, bless them, say, "Ah, Doc, I'm sorry, I've got a memory problem; that's why I'm here. If I've met you before, I don't remember." "Really, Jim, you don't remember? I was just here with the Monet prints?" "Sorry, Doc, I just don't have a clue." "No problem, Jim. All I want you to do is rank these for me from the one you like the most to the one you like the least."What do they do? Well, let's first check and make sure they're really amnesiac. We ask these amnesiac patients to tell us which one they own, which one they chose last time, which one is theirs. And what we find is amnesiac patients just guess. These are normal controls, where if I did this with you, all of you would know which print you chose. But if I do this with amnesiac patients, they don't have a clue. They can't pick their print out of a lineup.Here's what normal controls do: they synthesize happiness. Right? This is the change in liking score, the change from the first time they ranked to the second time they ranked. Normal controls show -- that was the magic I showed you; now I'm showing it to you in graphical form -- "The one I own is better than I thought. The one I didn't own, the one I left behind, is not as good as I thought." Amnesiacs do exactly the same thing. Think about this result.These people like better the one they own, but they don't know they own it. "Yeah, right" is not the right response! What these people did when they synthesized happiness is they really, truly changed their affective, hedonic, aesthetic reactions to that poster. They're not just saying it because they own it, because they don't know they own it.Now, when psychologists show you bars, you know that they are showing you averages of lots of people. And yet, all of us have this psychological immune system, this capacity to synthesize happiness, but some of us do this trick better than others. And some situations allow anybody to do it more effectively than other situations do. It turns out that freedom -- the ability to make up your mind and change your mind-- is the friend of natural happiness, because it allows you to choose among all those delicious futures and find the one that you would most enjoy. But freedom to choose -- to change and make up your mind -- is the enemy of synthetic happiness. And I'm going to show you why.Dilbert already knows, of course. You're reading the cartoon as I'm talking. "Dogbert's tech support. How may I abuse you?" "My printer prints a blank page after every document." "Why would you complain about getting free paper?" "Free? Aren't you just giving me my own paper?" "Egad, man! Look at the quality of the free paper compared to your lousy regular paper! Only a fool or a liar would say that they look the same!" "Ah! Now that you mention it, it does seem a little silkier!" "What are you doing?" "I'm helping people accept the things they cannot change." Indeed.The psychological immune system works best when we are totally stuck, when we are trapped. This is the difference between dating and marriage, right? I mean, you go out on a date with a guy, and he picks his nose; you don't go out on another date. You're married to a guy and he picks his nose? Yeah, he has a heart of gold; don't touch the fruitcake.Right? (Laughter) You find a way to be happy with what's happened. Now what I want to show you is that people don't know this about themselves, and not knowing this can work to our supreme disadvantage.Here's an experiment we did at Harvard. We created a photography course, a black-and-white photography course, and we allowed students to come in and learn how to use a darkroom. So we gave them cameras; they went around campus; they took 12 pictures of their favorite professors and their dorm room and their dog, and all the other things they wanted to have Harvard memories of. They bring us the camera; we make up a contact sheet; they figure out which are the two best pictures; and we now spend six hours teaching them about darkrooms. And they blow two of them up, and they have two gorgeous eight-by-10 glossies of meaningful things to them, and we say, "Which one would you like to give up?" They say, "I have to give one up?" "Oh, yes. We need one as evidence of the class project. So you have to give me one. You have to make a choice. You get to keep one, and I get to keep one."Now, there are two conditions in this experiment. In one case, the students are told, "But you know, if you want to change your mind, I'llalways have the other one here, and in the next four days, before I actually mail it to headquarters, I'll be glad to" -- (Laughter) -- yeah, "headquarters" -- "I'll be glad to swap it out with you. In fact, I'll come to your dorm room and give -- just give me an email. Better yet, I'll check with you. You ever want to change your mind, it's totally returnable." The other half of the students are told exactly the opposite: "Make your choice. And by the way, the mail is going out, gosh, in two minutes, to England. Your picture will be winging its way over the Atlantic. You will never see it again." Now, half of the students in each of these conditions are asked to make predictions about how much they're going to come to like the picture that they keep and the picture they leave behind. Other students are just sent back to their little dorm rooms and they are measured over the next three to six days on their liking, satisfaction with the pictures. And look at what we find.First of all, here's what students think is going to happen. They think they're going to maybe come to like the picture they chose a little more than the one they left behind, but these are not statistically significant differences. It's a very small increase, and it doesn't much matterwhether they were in the reversible or irreversible condition.Wrong-o. Bad simulators. Because here's what's really happening. Both right before the swap and five days later, people who are stuck with that picture, who have no choice, who can never change their mind, like it a lot! And people who are deliberating -- "Should I return it? Have I gotten the right one? Maybe this isn't the good one? Maybe I left the good one?" -- have killed themselves. They don't like their picture, and in fact even after the opportunity to swap has expired, they still don't like their picture. Why? Because the reversible condition is not conducive to the synthesis of happiness.So here's the final piece of this experiment. We bring in a whole new group of naive Harvard students and we say, "You know, we're doing a photography course, and we can do it one of two ways. We could do it so that when you take the two pictures, you'd have four days to change your mind, or we're doing another course where you take the two pictures and you make up your mind right away and you can never change it. Which course would you like to be in?" Duh! 66 percent of the students, two-thirds, prefer to be in the course where they have theopportunity to change their mind. Hello? 66 percent of the students choose to be in the course in which they will ultimately be deeply dissatisfied with the picture. Because they do not know the conditions under which synthetic happiness grows.The Bard said everything best, of course, and he's making my point here but he's making it hyperbolically: "'Tis nothing good or bad / But thinking makes it so." It's nice poetry, but that can't exactly be right. Is there really nothing good or bad? Is it really the case that gall bladder surgery and a trip to Paris are just the same thing? That seems like a one-question IQ test. They can't be exactly the same.In more turgid prose, but closer to the truth, was the father of modern capitalism, Adam Smith, and he said this. This is worth contemplating: "The great source of both the misery and disorders of human life seems to arise from overrating the difference between one permanent situation and another ... Some of these situations may, no doubt, deserve to be preferred to others, but none of them can deserve to be pursued with that passionate ardor which drives us to violate the rules either of prudence or of justice, or to corrupt the future tranquilityof our minds, either by shame from the remembrance of our own folly, or by remorse for the horror of our own injustice." In other words: yes, some things are better than others.We should have preferences that lead us into one future over another. But when those preferences drive us too hard and too fast because we have overrated the difference between these futures, we are at risk. When our ambition is bounded, it leads us to work joyfully. When our ambition is unbounded, it leads us to lie, to cheat, to steal, to hurt others, to sacrifice things of real value. When our fears are bounded, we're prudent; we're cautious; we're thoughtful. When our fears are unbounded and overblown, we're reckless, and we're cowardly.The lesson I want to leave you with from these data is that our longings and our worries are both to some degree overblown, because we have within us the capacity to manufacture the very commodity we are constantly chasing when we choose experience.Thank you.。

英语演讲ppt话题Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is 'Ture and false'.At the first of all,I will tell everbody a story about that.One day, a blind man and his guide dog crossing, a truck lost control, straight over, the blind was killed, his guide dog also diedfor guarding his master.So they both get the gate of the heaven.However,an angel stopped them to enter the heaven,and said,I'm sorry, now paradise and we're left with a quota,one of you have to go to hell.After that,the blind thereupon ask him,My dog does not know what is Heaven and hell, may I decide which one can go to paradise?As we can see, Our education and technique is becoming better and better, but our environment, on the contrary, is getting worse and worse. There is no deny that Pollution has been of great concern in our society.Please look around us , the air is polluted by smoke and fog coming out of the factory chimneys. Plants die for lacking of fresh air. The river is so polluted that the fish are unfit to live. Besides, Cars and factories keep ma-ki-ng noise, which hurts our ears badly.Among all these pollutions, what I am worried about the most is, Air pollution.As for the sourse of air pollution, apart from the pollution from natrue, such as the dust and gases from volcanoes, the most serious kind of air pollution comes from people.Factories, power stations, and Vehicles pour harmful gases into the air. But as matter of fact, the most terrible one that polluting the air, in my opinion, is cigarette Smoke. That Smoking cigarette not only damage the environment but also our health. It leads to a lot of lung cancers and many other diseases. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also athreat to public health, especially to women and children.As I am concerned, to be a citizen, not just means to be educated, but to be civilized. So let’s be a civilated person so that we can deserve a better environment.【扩展阅读篇】演讲稿又叫演说词,它是在大会上或其他公开场合发表个人的观点、见解和主张的文稿。
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How to Pursuit happiness
Don't compare yourself with any one in this
If you do, you are insulting yourself.
No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Happiness is a feel which people’s
demands have been satisfied ,is a
moral enjoyment.
❖ Happiness changes as we mature and define our goals more clearly. and our station in life ,our surroundings ,or our bank account does not determine the nature and extent of our happiness.
Thank you !
If a problem can be solved, a problem cannot be solved, what is the use of worrying?
It will hide another better opportunity
Happiness is very simple
❖ Cats eat fish
❖ Dogs eat meat
Ultra man fight with little monster sleeping to nature to wake several money hand cramps
❖In a word , happiness is an attitude toward life . It ’s a garden that only we can cultivate.
Be bold when you lose! Be calm when you win!
Heated gold becomes ornaments. Beaten copper becomes wires. Depleted stone becomes statues. So the more pain you get in life The more valuable you become.
Similarly no problem will go without a solution.
Life laughs at you when you are
Life smiles at you when you are happy... Life salutes you when you make others happy...
Every successful person has a painful story.
Every painful story has a successful ending.
Accept the pain and get ready for success.
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others. Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.
It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the earth with carpet.
No one can go back and change a bad beginning;
But anyone can start now and create a successful ending.
Don't complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace.
Mistakes are painful when they happen.
But years later collection of mistakes is called experience, which leads to success.
in front of you
If you miss an opportunity don't fill the eyes with
"Changing the Face" can change nothing. But "Facing the Change" can change everything.