二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握国际贸易法的基本概念和术语。
2. 学会分析国际贸易合同的主要构成要素,并运用到实际案例中。
3. 了解国际贸易支付方式及争议解决途径,提高解决实际问题的能力。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、黑板、粉笔。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示一个实际的国际贸易案例,引出本节课的主题。
2. 新课内容:讲解国际贸易法的基本概念、术语,分析国际贸易合同的构成要素,介绍国际贸易支付方式和争议解决途径。
a. 知识讲解:通过实例和图表,帮助学生理解国际贸易法的基本概念、术语。
b. 例题讲解:分析具体案例,让学生学会运用所学知识解决实际问题。
c. 随堂练习:布置相关练习题,巩固所学知识。
六、板书设计1. 2024年何家弘法律英语教学课件2. 内容:a. 国际贸易法基本概念、术语b. 国际贸易合同构成要素c. 国际贸易支付方式d. 国际贸易争议解决七、作业设计1. 作业题目:c. 简述国际贸易支付方式及其优缺点。
2. 答案:a. FOB(Free On Board):船上交货价,卖方在合同规定的装运港,将货物过船舷后,风险转移给买方。
CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight):成本加保险费加运费,卖方负责办理货物运输、保险,并支付相关费用,直至货物到达合同规定的目的港。
DDP(Delivered Duty Paid):完税后交货,卖方承担将货物运至目的地的一切费用和风险,包括关税。
二、教学目标1. 了解法律英语的基本概念、特点和应用。
2. 掌握法律英语的基本词汇和句式结构。
3. 学会翻译法律文书,提高法律英语实际运用能力。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:法律英语的专业词汇和句式结构。
2. 教学重点:法律英语的基本概念、特点以及翻译技巧。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:教材、笔记本、字典。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过一个实际案例,让学生了解法律英语在实际工作中的重要性。
2. 理论讲解:(1)介绍法律英语的基本概念、特点和应用。
3. 例题讲解:(1)给出一个法律英语句子,分析其结构,解释专业词汇。
4. 随堂练习:(1)让学生翻译一个法律英语句子。
5. 互动环节:分组讨论,让学生分享学习心得和翻译经验。
七、板书设计1. 法律英语基本概念、特点和应用。
2. 法律英语词汇、句式结构。
3. 法律文书翻译技巧。
八、作业设计1. 作业题目:翻译一篇法律英语文章。
九、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生阅读法律英语相关书籍,提高法律英语水平。
重点和难点解析1. 教学难点与重点的确定。
2. 教学过程中的例题讲解和随堂练习。
3. 作业设计及其答案的提供。
4. 课后反思及拓展延伸的实施。
一、教学难点与重点的确定1. 法律英语专业词汇:法律英语中含有大量的专业词汇,如contract(合同)、tort(侵权)、litigation(诉讼)等。
1法律英语( Legal English )(第二版)法律出版社2003 年 ?北京 何家弘Law Legal Family33. 五月花号公约 34. 制宪会议 Lesson Two Legal Profession1. 法律职业 /律师职业 the bar法官职业 the benchThe Bar Association practice lawpracticing lawyeradvocacycounseling drafting of legal instruments 1. 公诉制度 public prosecution2. 普通法系 common law legal system3. 判例法 case law4. 成文法(制定法) written law (statutory law)5. 遵从前例 stare decisis6. 判例汇编 reports7. 有约束力的法律解释 binding interpretation 8. 法学方法论 legal methodology9. 颁布 ???为法律 be decreed10. 巡回法官 itinerant judges11. 英国皇家法院 English Royal Court 12. 令状,法院令状 writ13. 诉讼请求的强制执行 enforcement of a claim 14. 追诉权 recourse15. 牛津条例 Provision of Oxford16. 本案令状 writ upon the case17. 诉讼行为 forms of action18. 衡平法 equity law19. 公平且善良 ex aequo bono20. 特定履行(实际履行) 方式之救济 relief in the form of specific performance 21. 大法官法院 Court of Chancery22. 补偿性损害赔偿金 compensatory damages 23. 强制令 the injunction24. 衡平法准则 maxims of equity law 25. 法律概念 legal concept26. 不动产 real property/ real estate/ immovable property/ realty 27. 民事诉讼 civil suit28. 衡平法院 Chancery Court29. 财产法上的所有权分割 division of title in the law of property 30. 先例 precedents31. 普通法系 the Common Law Legal Family/ the English Law Lesson One Legal SystemLegal Family/ the English-American Law Legal Family32. 大陆法系 the Roman Law Legal Family/ the Civil Law Legal Family/ the Continental the Mayflower Compact the Constitutional Convention 2. 律师协会 3. (律师)执业 4. 执业律师 5. 出庭辩护 / 代理诉讼 6. 法律咨询 7. 法律文件的起草attorney/attorney-at-law/counsellor/counsellor-at-law 31. 律师(英国) barrister/solicitorLesson Three Legal Education 1. 法律博士我国现称“法律硕士”并有新名2. 法学硕士3. 法学博士4. 法律文书写作5. 批评性思维6. 案例教学法7. 苏格拉底式教学法8. 讲演式教学法9. 美国律师协会认可的法学院10. 案情摘要11. 模拟法庭12. 模拟审判13. 课程指南14. 刑事司法15. 自由资本主义Juris Doctor(JD)Juris Master(JM)Master of Laws(LLM)Doctor of Juridical Science(SJD) legal writing critical thinking case method socratic method lecture method ABA accredited law schools briefs moot court mock trial curriculum guide criminal justice laissez faire/lesei / ' fe?Lesson Four Judicial System1. 联邦法院2. 联邦法院的组成:联邦最高法院13 个联邦上诉法院95 个联邦地区法院federal courtsthe Supreme Court Courts of Appeals District Courts8. 法律文件legal instruments9. 单独执业者single/individual practitioner10. 合伙关系partnership11. 薪水律师salaried lawyer12. 律师业务law practice13. 专职法律顾问house counsel/corporate counsel14.辩护人/ 律师advocate15. 私人开业private practice16. 州检察官/ 律师state prosecutor/state attorney17. 地区检察官/ 律师district attorney18. 起诉检察官/ 公诉律师prosecuting attorney19. 检察系统prosecutorial system20. 联邦检察官federal prosecutor21. 地方检察官local prosecutor22. 助理检察官assistant prosecutor23. 检察行业prosecutorial profession24. 个人尊严the integrity of the individual25. 机会均等equality of opportunity26. 职业道德规范ethics codes27. 听证会hearings28. 社区法律服务community legal services29. 单人开业solo practice30. 律师/法律工作者(美国)公司或团体法律顾问)23索赔法院 关税法院 关税及专利上诉法院 等联邦特别法院the Court of Claims the Customs Court the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals special courts 此外还有:3. 各州法院系统一般包括三级法院:基层法院多称为审判法院 或巡回法院中级法院多称为上诉法院高级法院多称为最高法院 许多州也有一些专门法院: 遗嘱检验法院 青少年法院 家庭关系法院 小额索赔法院4.联邦和州最高法院法官称为大法官Trial Court Circuit Court Appellate Court or Court of Appeals Supreme Court Probate Court Juvenile Court Court of Domestic Relations Small Claims Court Justice Judge Justice of the Peace 5. 美国联邦最高法院首席大法官 Chief Justice 其他 8 人称大法官 Associate Justice 6. 巡回法官 Circuit Judge 7. 合议庭 Collegiate Panel/Collegiate Bench 8. 诉讼当事人 litigant 9. 司法管辖区 judicial district 10. 案件数量 caseload 11. 联邦巡回法院 the Federal Circuit 12. 复审案件 review a case 13. 复查判决 review a decision 14. 特别法庭 tribunals 15. 死刑 capital punishment/death penalty 16. 调案复审令 writ of certiorari 17. 具有开业律师资格be admitted to practice law 18. 职业法官 career judiciary 19. 民众选举 popular vote 20. 现任法官 sitting judges 21. 严重不端行为gross misconduct 22. 正式诉讼 formal proceedings 23. 负民事责任 incur civil liability 24. 美国律师协会的 “法官行为准则 ” The American Bar Association 25. 私人开业律师private practitioner 26. 重罪 felony 27. 轻罪 misdemeaner28. 审查案件的事实并作出判决 review the facts of a case and 29. 终审法院 court of last resort30. 司法巡回区 judicial circuit31. 保释金 bond32. 预审听证 preliminary hearings33. 杀人 homicide34. 强奸 sexual assault35. 累犯 repeat offendersrender a disposition上诉法院和审判法院的法官则称为法官 有些基层法院的审判人员还称为治安法官 或司法官 Magistrate ' s Code of Judical Conduct436. 惯犯 37. 驳回上诉 38. 发回重审39. 行使广泛的自由裁量权habitual offenders deny the petition for appeals remand the case back to the lower court for reconsideration exercise wide discretion over Lesson Five Constitution1. 法律分类 classification of law Common Law Equity substantive law 程序法 4. 公法 私法 5. 联邦条例 procedural law public law private lawArticles of Confederation and Perpetual Union 2. 普通法 衡平法3. 实体法 (1977 年,美国联邦会议通过,美国最早的宪法性法律文件 ) 6. 宪法修正条款 amendments 8. 宪法至上原则 doctrine of constitution supremacy 9. 基本法 fundamental law 10. 通过投票选举来表示其意思 express their will through the ballot box 11. 严重不法行为 extreme misconduct 12. 渎职行为 malfeasance13. 弹劾程序 process of impeachment 14. 第二条第四款 article II, section4 15. 弹劾案 bill of impreachment 16. 众议院 House of Representatives 17. 参议院 Senate 18. 严厉措施 drastic measure 19. 众议院司法委员会 House Judiciary Committee 20. 生效 enter into force21. 无效 have no force22. 司法解释 judicial interpretation 23. 叁权分立 separation of powers 24. 制衡原则 checks and balance 25. 滥用职权 excesses 26. 行政法令合条例 executive acts and regulations 27. 马伯里诉麦迪逊案 case of Marbury vs Madison 28. 司法审查原则 the doctrine of judicial review 29. 合宪性constitutionality30. 酸度测试 / 严格检验 acid test31. 否决 veto32. 特赦 grant pardons for 33. 拨款appropriate funds for34. (法规、条约等的)序言、 导言 preamble35. 联邦条例 Articles of Confederation 36. 权力的滥用 excessive power 37. 英国普通法中的 “自然正义原则 ” principles of “ Natural Justice 7. 人权法案 the Bill of Rights(美国 1787 宪法前十条修正条款的合称)under British Common Law。
二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握国际商事仲裁的基本概念、程序及法律适用。
2. 培养学生运用法律英语进行国际商事仲裁相关文件的制作和翻译能力。
3. 提高学生的国际商事仲裁实践操作能力,使其具备一定的实务处理技巧。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、投影仪、黑板。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过讲解一个实际案例,引导学生思考国际商事仲裁在实际应用中的重要作用。
2. 理论讲解:a. 介绍国际商事仲裁的定义、特点。
b. 详细讲解国际商事仲裁的程序、法律适用。
c. 阐述裁决的承认与执行的相关规定。
3. 例题讲解:分析一个实际的国际商事仲裁案例,让学生了解仲裁程序的具体操作。
4. 随堂练习:针对案例进行分组讨论,让学生模拟仲裁程序,提高实践操作能力。
六、板书设计1. 国际商事仲裁的定义、特点。
2. 国际商事仲裁程序、法律适用。
3. 裁决的承认与执行。
七、作业设计1. 作业题目:a. 简述国际商事仲裁的定义、特点。
b. 分析一个国际商事仲裁案例,阐述其程序及法律适用。
c. 论述裁决的承认与执行的相关规定。
2. 答案:a. 略。
b. 略。
c. 略。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:a. 推荐阅读:《国际商事仲裁案例解析》。
b. 组织学生参加模拟国际商事仲裁比赛,提高实践能力。
c. 引导学生关注国际商事仲裁的最新动态,了解国际仲裁实践的发展趋势。
重点和难点解析1. 国际商事仲裁的程序2. 法律适用3. 裁决的承认与执行4. 例题讲解与实践操作一、国际商事仲裁的程序国际商事仲裁程序是整个教学过程中的核心,涉及仲裁申请、仲裁庭组成、仲裁审理、仲裁裁决等环节。
(完整word版)何家弘《法律英语》第四版词汇大全AAbsolute['æbsəlju:t] proof 绝对证明absolute property 绝对财产(权)abstract of title 产权书摘要acceleration clause 提前(偿还)条款acceptance 承诺accident report 事故报告accident insurance 意外保险accusation 指控;控告accusatorial procedure 控告程序accusatorial process of proof 控告证明过程(程序)accusatorial system 控告或诉讼程序accused 被指控者accuser 控告人acknowledgement 认知(书) acquittal 无罪判决act 条例;作为Act for the prevention of Frauds and Perjuries 《预防诈欺和伪证条例》action 诉讼;作为actual losses 实际损失adjudication 裁决;裁定administrative law 行政法administrative law judge行政法法官administrative procedure行政程序administrator 管理人;监管人admissible 可采的admissibility 可采性admit 采用;允许adoption 收养adulterous conduct 通奸行为ad valorem property tax 从价财产税adversarial hearing 对抗式听证会adversarial process 对抗式程序adversary 对手adversary trial system 对抗式(或抗辩)审判制度advocacy 出庭辩护;诉讼代理advocate 辩护人;诉讼代理人affidavit 正式书面陈述affirm 维持(原判)affirmation 保证书;证词affirmative 确保的agency (行政)机关agency action 机关(行政)机关agreed upon remedies 补救协议agreement 协议agreement—as-written 书面协议agreement —in—fact 事实协议alibi 阿里白(不在犯罪场的证明)alienation of affection离间夫妻关系allegation 声称;指控allege 诉称;指控alleged offense 所控罪行alternate juror 替补陪审员amendment 修正案American Bar Association美国律师协会American Law Institute美国法学会analogy 类推Anglo—American Legal System英美法系anonymous accusation 匿名控告appeal 上诉appear 出庭appellant 上诉人appellate action 上诉行为appellate court 上诉法院appellee 被上诉人appealer 上诉人appropriate 拨款appurtenant 附属物arbiter 仲裁人arbitrary武断的arbitration仲裁arraignment初审array 陪审员名单arrest 逮捕arrest warrant 逮捕令(证)arrestee 被捕人article 条款,文章article of authority 授权条款articles of confederation《联帮条例》articles of incorporation 公司组织章程artificial person 法人Asian American legal defenseand education fund亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会assault 意图或威胁伤害assert 主张,宣称asset 资产assistant attorney 助理法官associate judge 副法官associate justice 副大法官assumption 违约合同,违约赔偿之诉assumption 假定attempt 意图,企图attempted escape 逃脱未遂attestation 证词attorney 代理人,律师attorney at law 律师attorney general 检察长authentication 鉴定authority 权力,法源,权威性依据automobile insurance机动车保险automobile tort 机动车侵权行为autonomy 自治(权)Bban 禁令,禁止banishment 流放bankruptcy 破产bankruptcy discharge 破产债务解除bankruptcy judge 破产法官bar 律师职业bar association 律师协会barrister 出庭律师battery 殴打bench trial 法官审beneficiary 受益人benefit 收益,福得bigamy 重婚罪bill of lading 提单bill of right 《人权法案》bind over 具保,具结binder 临时保险单binding 有约束力binding contract 有约束力的合同binding force 约束力binding interpretation 有约束力的解释black—letter law (普通接受之基本原则的)黑体字法black nation bar association全美黑人律师协会blue sky law 蓝天法(关于股票买卖控制的法律)Board of Governors(ABA)(美国律师协会的)董事会body of law 法体bond 债券;保释金bond instrument 债券契据branding 鞭笞breach 违约;破坏bride 贿赂bribery 贿赂(罪)bright-line test 明显界限检验标准broker 中间人brokerage fee 佣金;中介费brother—sister corporation兄弟公司;姊妹公司(完整word版)何家弘《法律英语》第四版词汇大全Bulk Sales Act《大宗销售条例》burden 责任burden of going forward with the evidence 先行举证责任burden of persuasion 说服责任;证明责任burden of producing evidence 举证责任burden of proof 证明责任burglary入室盗窃(罪)business corporation实业公司business law 实业法business organization 实业组织buy-out agreement(股权)承买协议buy-sell agreement(股权)买卖协议bylaws(内部)章程CCalifornia Penal Code《加州刑法典》capital account 资本帐户capital crime 可判死刑罪capital punishment 死刑capital surplus 资本盈余capitation tax 人头税career criminal 职业罪犯career judiciary 职业法官case briefing 案情摘要case-in—chief 主诉case law 判例法case method 案例教学法case report 判决报告case reports 判例汇编casualty insurance (意外伤害)保险catalog 商品目录(单)certificate 证书certificate of existence 实体存在证明(书)challenge 置疑;挑战challenge for cause有理回避chancery court 衡平法院charging instrument 控告文件checks and balances 制衡(原则)chief judge 首席法官chief justice 首席大法官child abuse 虐待儿童circuit court 巡回法院circuit judge 巡回法官circumstantial evidence 旁证;情况证据citation 引证cite 援引;传讯civil court 民事法civil forfeiture 民事罚没civil law 民法Civil Law Legal System 民法体系civil liability 民事责任civil Liberty 民事自由civil Litigation民事诉讼civil procedure 民事诉讼程序civil suit民事诉讼Civil trial 民事审判Civil right 民权Civil right law 民权法Civil War Income Tax Act 《内战所得税条例》Claim 诉讼请求,索赔Classification of law 法律分类Close corporation内部持股公司Closely held corporation 内部持股公司Closing 终结,成交,结帐Closing argument 最后论述Closing statement成交声明Code 法典Code of Judicial Conduct 《法官行为准则》Codify 编成法典Co-felon 共同重罪犯Cohabitation 同居Collateral contract 附属合同Collegiate bench 合议席Collegiate panel 合议庭Commercial clause 商务条款,贸易条款Commercial law 商法Commercial paper 商务文件Commission佣金Commit 交托,犯(罪)Commitment 犯罪,许诺,委托Commitment of financing融资许诺Common law 普通法Common law damages 普通法赔偿金Common law legal system(family)普通法法系Common law marriage普通法婚姻Common property 共同财产Common stock 普通股票Community property 共同财产Comparative law 比较法Comparative negligence比较过失Compensation 赔偿(金)Compensatory damage 应予赔偿之损害Competence 管辖权限Competency 有效性Complaint 控告,申诉Comprehensive Drug AbusePrevention and Control Act 《滥用毒品的综合预防与控制条例》Compulsory license 强制性许可Concur附条件地同意Concurring opinion 并存(判决)意见Confer 授与Conference 协商会议Confidential information 保密信息Confiscation 没收Conflict law 冲突法Congress 国会Consent 同意,认可Consideration 对价,约因Constitution 宪法Constitutional Conventio制宪会议Constitutional law 宪法Constitutional tort 宪法性侵权Constitutionality 合宪性Construction(法律的)结构,解释Construe 解释,分析Consultation 磋商Consumer protection statute消费者保护法律Consumption tax 消费税Continental Law Legal System(or Family)大陆法系Contingent fee 胜诉酬金Continuance 诉讼延期Contract 合同Contract dispute 合同纠纷Contract formation 合同构成Contract interpretation 合同解释Contract law 合同法Contract performance 合同履行contractor 承包商contravence 触犯;违犯contributory negligence 共同过失controlling law 应适应之法律conversion 非法占有convey 转让conveyance 转让convertible bond 可转换债券conviction 有罪判决convincing evidence 使人信服的证据copyright 版权;著作权corporal punishment肉体刑corporate camsel 公司法律顾问corporate excise tax 公司执照税corporate law 公司法corporation 公司corporation aggregate 合有公司corporation code 公司法典(完整word版)何家弘《法律英语》第四版词汇大全corporation law 公司法corporation sole 独有公司corpus 尸体;本金Council on legal Education Opportunities法律教育机会委员会counselor (法律)顾问;律师counselor-at-law 律师court 法院;法官court decision 法院判决court fee 诉讼费court of appeals 上诉法院court of chancery 衡平法法院court of claims 索赔法院court of customs and Patent Appeals 关税及专利上诉法院court of domestic relations 家庭关系法院court opinion 法院判决意见courtroom 法庭coverage 保险范围crime 犯罪crime code 刑法典crime homicide 有罪杀人crime justice system刑事司法系统crime law 刑法crime liability 刑事责任crime procedure 刑事诉讼程序cross-examination 交叉盘问;盘诘cruel and unusual punishment 残忍和非常的刑罚cumulative evidence 累计证据curative 临时监护的curriculum guide 课程指南custody 监护custom duty 关税customary law 习惯法customary practice 惯例customs court 关税法院Ddamage 损害;损伤damage claim 损害赔偿请求damages 损害赔偿金deadlocked jury 僵局陪审团death penalty 死刑death tax 遗产税debenture 债单(券)debt securities 债权证券decide a case 判案deed 契约deed book 文契汇编defamation 诽谤default 不履行;违约defendant 被告人defence 辩护defence attorney 辩护律师defense's case-in—chief 辩护方主讼deficiency judgment 不足额判决degrees of murder (恶意)杀人罪的等级delegation 授权delegated legislation 授权立法deliberate intention 故意deliberation (陪审团)评议demonstrative evidence 示意证据deprivation 剥夺derogatory treatment of thework 对作品的贬毁性处理(或使用)designs 设计detract 毁损;贬低developer (土地)开发商dicta 判决附带意见dignity 尊严direct evidence 直接证据direct examination 直接盘问direct tax 直接税disa bility insurance 残疾保险disabled dependent child 无谋生能力的残疾儿童discharge 解雇;释放discount 贴现;折扣discovery 要求告知discrete risk transfer product离散性风险转移(保险)产品discretion 自由裁量权discriminatory 歧视性税收dispense 执行;施行dispute 争议;纠纷disposition 处置(权)dissent 异议;反对dissenting opinion 异议;反对意见dissolution 解散distort 歪曲;误解district attorney 地区检查官database right 数据权dividend 股息division of title 产权分割divorce 离婚docket 备审案件目录doctrine 法则;原则doctrine of constitutionalsupremacy 宪法至上原则doctrine of Maranda Warnings米兰达忠告原则document 文件;文书document of title 产权证书domant Commerce Clause 休眠的"贸易条款”domicile 住所地double jeopardy 一罪二审draft 起草;草拟draftman 起草者drug trade 毒品交易drug trafficking 毒品交易dry run 干转;排练due diligence 适当努力due process 正当程序Due Process Clause正当程序条款due process test 正当程序检验标准duration 期限duress 强迫;胁迫duty 义务;关税duty of care 照看义务Eearnest money 定金easyment 地役权ecclesiastical court 宗教法庭economic law 经济法effective date 生效日期effective time 生效时间element of crime 犯罪要素(件)empower 授权enact 制定;颁布en banc 全体法官出庭审判encroachment 侵占encumbered property 抵押财产enforce 实施;执行enforceable 可强制执行的enforceability 可执行性enforcement of Law 执法English—American LegalSystem (or Family)英吉利法系enjoin(衡平)强制令entail 限定继承entity 实体environmental impactstatement 环境影响报告environmental Law 环境保护法Environmental protectionAgency(EPA) 环境保护局environmental quality 环境质量equal protection clause 平等保护条款equitable relief 衡平救济equity 衡平法equity Law 衡平法equity precedent 衡平法判例equity securities 产权证券;衡平证券error 过错escape 逃走;逃脱escrow 第三者保存合同essential justice 实质公正estate 财产;遗产estate tax 遗产税EUDirective 欧盟指令evaluate 评价(完整word版)何家弘《法律英语》第四版词汇大全evict 逐出(租户)evidence 证据evidentiary presumption 证据推定evidentiary rule 证据规则ex aequo at bono 公平且善良examine 检查;盘问examination 检查;盘问exception 例外exception clause 例外条款excise tax 执照税exclude 排除exclusive listing 读家上市exclusive right 排他性权利exclusive tax situs唯一征税地点excusable homicide可宽恕之杀人execute 执行;签属execution 执行executive acts 行政条例executive branch 行政部门executive order 行政命令executor (遗嘱)执行人executor of estate 遗产执行人exemption 免除;豁免exhibit 展示物(证)exigent circumstance 紧急情况existing securities 上市证券exparte 单方面的expectation damages 预期赔偿金expert 专家(证人)expert testimony 专家证言expert witness 专家证人express contract 明示合同express statutory provision 法律明文规定express warranty明示保证(保修)ex rel 依据告发Fface amount 面颊face value 面植facilitate 促使:利于fact 事实fact in issue 争议事实factor 因素;代理商Factors Lien Act代理商留置权条例Fair trial 公平审判false imprisonment 非法拘禁family law 家庭法fault 过错fault principle 过错原则feasibility study 可行性研究Federal Administrative Procedure Act 《联邦行政程序》Federal Antitrust Law 《联邦犯托拉斯法》federal convention 联邦制宪会议federal crime of murder 联邦杀人罪Federal Housing Act 《联邦住房条例》Federal Income Tax Act 《联邦所得税条例》federal judge 联邦法官Federal rules of civilprocedure 《联邦民事诉讼规则》Federal rules of criminalprocedure 《联邦刑事诉讼规则》Federal rules of evidence 《联邦证据规则》Federal securities act 《联邦证券条例》federal supremacy 联邦至上(原则)Federal tort claims act 《联邦侵权索赔条例》felon 重罪犯felony 重罪felony-murder 重罪杀人fiduciary 受托人file 档案;注册file a petition 呈交诉状;提出请求fine 罚金fingerprint 手印fire insurance 火灾保险fire protection 消防first degree murder 一级谋杀first instance 一审fixture (不动产)附属物flogging 烙印force of law 法律效力forcible felony 暴力性重罪foreign exchange risk 外汇风险forfeiture 没收;罚没form contract 格式合同form of evidence 证据的形式formal adjudication 正式裁决formal rulemaking 正式规则制定formation 构成;鉴定franchise tax 特许经营税fraud 诈欺free enterprise system 自由企业制度free movement of goods 自由物流,货物的自由流通freedom of choice 选择自由frustrate 使受挫折fundamental law 基本法fundamental right 基本权利Ggeneral acceptance standard(科学证据的)公认标准general partnership 一般合伙general property 一般财产(权)general provisions 总则gerontocratic 老人统治的gift tax 赠予税government tort 政府侵权(行为)grant of power 授权gross negligence 严重过失group insurance 团体保险guarantee 担保guardian 监护人guardianship 监护权guidelines for sentencing量刑指南guilt 有罪guilty 有罪的guilty 有罪答辩Hhabitual offender 惯犯hail insurance 冰雹保险handcuff 手铐handwriting 笔迹health insurance 健康保险health regulation 卫生法规hearing 听证(会)hearing of jury 陪审团听审hearsay 传闻证据heir 继承人hierarchy 等级制度high crime 重罪hold 认定;裁定holding 认定;裁定holding device 拥有手段(形式)homicide 杀人(罪)homosexuality 同性恋house counsel (公司)专职法律顾问husband-wife relationship 夫妻关系husband—wife tort 夫妻侵权(行为)IId。
Part One The United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation. It is a new nation compared with many other countries, and it is new, too, in the sense that it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States. But in other senses it is old. It is the oldest of the "new" nations--the first one to be made out of an Old World colony. It has the oldest written constitution, the oldest continuous federal system, and the oldest practice of self-government of any nation.One of the most interesting features of America’s youth is that the whole of its history belongs in the period since the invention of the printing press. The whole of its history is, therefore, recorded: indeed, it is safe to say that no other major nation has so comprehensive a record of its history as has the United States, for events such as those that are lost in the legendary past of Italy or France or England are part of the printed record of the United States. And the American record is not only comprehensive; it is immense. It embraces not only the record of the colonial era and of the Nation since 1776, but of the present fifty States as well, and the intricate network of relationships between States and Nation. Thus, to take a very elementary example, the reports of the United States Supreme Court fill some 350 volumes, and the reports of some States are almost equally voluminous: the reader who wants to trace the history of law in America is confronted with over 5,000 stout volumes of legal cases.No one document, no handful of documents, can properly be said to reveal the character of a people or of their government. But when hundreds and thousands of documents strike a consistent note, over more than a hundred years, we have a right to say that is the keynote. When hundreds and thousands of documents address themselves in the same ways, to the same overarching problems, we have a right to read from them certain conclusions which we can call national characteristics.Part Two The American legal system, like the English, is methodologically mainly a case law system. Most fields of private law still consist primarily of case law and the extensive and steadily growing statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretationthrough case law. Knowledge of the case law method as well as of the technique of working with case law therefore is of central importance for an understanding of American law and legal methodology.The Common Law is historically the common general law -- with supremacy over local law--which was decreed by the itinerant judges of the English royal court. The enforcement of a claim presupposed the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with the result that the original common law represented a system of "actions" similar to that of classical Roman law. If a writ existed (in 1227) a claim could be enforced; there was no recourse for a claim without a writ, the claim did not exist. This system became inflexible when the "Provisions of Oxford" (1258) prohibited the creation of new writs, except for the flexibility which the "writ upon the case" allowed and which later led to the development of contract and tort law.The narrow limits of the forms of action and the limited recourse they provided led to the development of equity law and equity case law. "Equity", in its general meaning of doing "equity", deciding ex aequo et bono, was first granted by the King, and later by his Chancellor as "keeper of the King's conscience", to afford relief in hardship cases. In the fifteenth century, however, equity law and equity case law developed into an independent legal system and judiciary (Court of Chancery) which competed with the ordinary common law courts. Its rules and maxims became fixed and, to a degree, inflexible as in any legal system. Special characteristics of equity law include: relief in the form of specific performance (in contrast to the common law award of compensatory damages), the injunction (a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act), the development of so called maxims of equity law which permeated the entire legal system and in many cases explain the origin of modern legal concepts. However, equitable relief regularly will lie only when the common law relief is inadequate. For instance, specific performance for the purchase of real property will be granted because common law damages are deemed to be inadequate since they cannot compensate the buyer in view of the uniqueness attributedto real property.As the common law, equity law became part of American law either through judicial acceptance or through express statutory provision. Today, both legal systems have been merged in many American jurisdictions (beginning with New York in 1848), with the result that there is only one form of civil suit in these jurisdictions as well as in federal practice. Only few States continue to maintain a separate chancery court. Nevertheless, the reference to the historical development is important because, on the one hand, it explains the origin and significance of many contemporary legal concepts (for instance the division of title in the law of property) and, on the other hand, it is still relevant for the decision of such questions whether, for instance, there is a right to a trial by jury (only in the case of common law suits, in other cases only before the judge). In addition, the differentiation will determine whether the "ordinary" common law relief of damages applies or whether the "extraordinary" equity remedy of specific performance is available."Case law"describes the entire body of judge made law and today includes common law and equity precedents. In imprecise and confusing usage the terms "common law" and "case law" are often used synonymously, with the term "common law" in this usage connoting judge made law in general as contrasted with statutory law. "Case law" always connotes judge made law, while "common law" in contrast--depending on the meaning intended--describes either the judge made law in common law subject matters or, more extensively, all judge made law.Part One:The Bar The regulation of the legal profession is primarily the concern of the states, each of which has its own requirements for admission to practice. Most require three years of college and a law degree. Each state administers its own written examination to applicants for its bar. Almost all states, however, make use of the Multistate Bar Exam, a day long multiple choice test, to which the state adds a day long essay examination emphasizing its own law. A substantial fraction of all applicants succeed on the first try, andmany of those who fail pass on a later attempt. In all, over forty thousand persons succeed in passing these examinations each year and, after an inquiry into their character, are admitted to the bar in their respective states. No apprenticeship is required either before or after admission. The rules for admission to practice before the federal courts vary with the court, but generally those entitled to practice before the highest court of a state may be admitted before the federal courts upon compliance with minor formalities.A lawyer's practice is usually confined to a single community for, although a lawyer may travel to represent clients, one is only permitted to practice in a state where one has been admitted. It is customary to retain local counsel for matters in other jurisdictions. However, one who moves to another state can usually be admitted without examination if one has practiced in a state where one has been admitted for some time, often five years.A lawyer may not only practice law, but is permitted to engage in any activity that is open to other citizens. It is not uncommon for the practicing lawyer to serve on boards of directors of corporate clients, to engage in business, and to participate actively in public affairs. A lawyer remains a member of the bar even after becoming a judge, an employee of the government or of a private business concern, or a law teacher, and may return to private practice from these other activities. A relatively small number of lawyers give up practice for responsible executive positions in commerce and industry. The mobility as well as the sense of public responsibility in the profession is evidenced by the career of Harlan Fiske Stone who was, at various times, a successful New York lawyer, a professor and dean of the Columbia School of Law, Attorney General of the United States, and Chief Justice of the United States.There is no formal division among lawyers according to function. The distinction between barristers and solicitors found in England did not take root in the United States, and there is no branch of the profession that has a special or exclusive right to appear in court, nor is there a branch that specializes in the preparation of legal instruments. The American lawyer’s domain includes advocacy,counselling, and drafting. Furthermore, within the sphere broadly defined as the "practice of law" the domain is exclusive and is not open to others. In the field of advocacy, the rules are fairly clear: any individual may represent himself or herself in court but, with the exception of a few inferior courts, only a lawyer may represent another in court. Nonlawyers are, however, authorized to represent others in formal proceedings of a judicial nature before some administrative agencies. The lines of demarcation are less clear in the areas of counselling and drafting of legal instruments, as for example between the practice of law and that of accounting in the field of federal income taxation. However, the strict approach of most American courts is indicated by a decision of New York’s highest court that a lawyer admitted to practice in a foreign country but not in New York is prohibited from giving legal advice to clients in New York, even though the advice is limited to the law of the foreign country where the lawyer is admitted. A foreign lawyer may, however, be admitted to the bar of one of the states and may, even without being admitted, advise an American lawyer as a consultant on foreign law.Part Two:Lawyers in Private Practice Among these fifteen lawyers in practice, nine, a clear majority, are single practitioners. The remaining six practice in law firms, which are generally organized as partnerships. Four or five of these six are partners and the others are associates, a term applied to salaried lawyers employed by a firm or another lawyer. This trend toward group practice is of relatively recent origin. Throughout most of the nineteenth century law practice was general rather than specialized, its chief ingredient was advocacy rather than counselling and drafting, and the prototype of the American lawyer was the single practitioner. Marked specialization began in the latter part of that century in the large cities near the financial centers. With the growth of big business, big government, and big labor, the work of the lawyer accomodated itself to the needs of clients for expert counselling and drafting to prevent as well as to settle disputes. The best lawyers were attracted to this work and leadership of the bar gravitated to persons whorarely if ever appeared in court and who were sought after as advisors, planners, and negotiators. Today the lawyer regards it as sound practice to be continuously familiar with clients business problems and to participate at all steps in the shaping of their policies. Major business transactions are rarely undertaken without advice of counsel.Part Three: House Counsel Out of every twenty lawyers, two are employed by private business concerns, such as industrial corporations, insurance companies, and banks, usually as house or corporate counsel in the concern’s legal department. The growth of corporations, the complexity of business, and the multitude of problems posed by government regulation make it desirable for such firms to have in their employ persons with legal training who, at the same time, are intimately familiar with the particular problems and conditions of the firm. In large corporations the legal department may number one hundred or more. The general counsel, who heads the office, is usually an officer of the company and may serve on important policy making committees and perhaps even on the board of directors. House counsel remain members of the bar and are entitled to appear in court, though an outside lawyer is often retained for litigation. However, it is the house counsel s skill as advisor rather than as advocate that is a valued asset. Constantly in touch with the employer s problems, house counsel is ideally situated to practice preventive law and may also be called upon to advise the company on its broader obligation to the public and the nation.Part Four:Lawyers in Government A parallel development has taken place in government and two out of twenty lawyers are now employees of the federal, state, county, and municipal governments, exclusive of the judiciary. Many of those entering public service are recent law graduates who find government salaries sufficiently attractive at this stage of their careers and seek the training that such service may offer as a prelude to private practice. Limitations on top salaries, however, discourage some from continuing with thegovernment. The majority serves by appointment in the legal departments of a variety of federal and state agencies and local entities. The United States Department of Justice alone employs more than two thousands, and the Law Department of the City of New York more than four hundreds. Others are engaged as public prosecutors. Federal prosecutors, the United States attorneys and their assistants, are appointed by the President and are subordinate to the Attorney General of the United States. State prosecutors, sometimes known as district attorneys, are commonly elected by each county and are not under the control of the state attorney general. As a rule, lawyers in government are directly engaged in legal work, since law training is infrequently sought as preparation for general government service. However, a small but important minority that constitutes an exception to this rule consists of those who have been appointed to high executive positions and those who have been elected to political office. Though the participation of lawyers in government has declined recently, for two centuries lawyers have made up roughly half of the Congress of the United States and of the state governors. These figures bear out the comment of Chief Justice Stone that, "No tradition of our profession is more cherished by lawyers than that of its leadership in public affairs."Lesson Three: Legal Education In 1983, over 125,000 law students were studying in more than 170 ABA accredited law schools including public law schools supported in part by government funds; private law schools supported by contributions from individuals and foundation funds; and local or national schools offering full time or part time legal study programs. As virtually the only way to prepare for membership in the legal profession, law schools in the United States fulfill several functions including professional training and socialization of future lawyers and screening and gatekeeping for entrance to the profession. Since there is no central institution where all lawyers practice, the only institutional experience which lawyers have in common is law school.The criticisms which range from "mild to caustic" of the way in which law schools have carried out these functions and of the functions themselves have been persistent, diverse and rooted in the historical and political development of the profession. These criticisms have focussed on the curriculum and the dominance of the case method; the distribution of power and prestige reflected in the hierarchy within and among the law schools; and the imbalance in terms of women and minorities in the student body and faculty in the law schools.Part One:Curriculum and the Case Method The traditional first year program offered in virtually all American law schools includes contracts, torts, property, criminal law and civil procedure. Duncan Kennedy has described the traditional first year curriculum as basically teaching the ground rules for late 19th century laissez faire capitalism. The second year and third year course expound the moderate reformist New Deal program and the administrative structure of the modern regulatory state. The peripheral subjects, if they are offered, include legal philosophy, legal history, legal process, and clinical education, a "kind of playground or finishing school for learning the social art of self presentation as a lawyer".However, as new areas of the law continue to develop in response to contemporary issues and problems, some law schools have expanded curricula to include courses and clinical programs in environmental law, housing and urban development, women s rights, health in the workplace, welfare rights and consumer protection. There are also increasing efforts to teach law in interdisciplinary contexts, drawing on other disciplines such as history, psychology, sociology, medicine, and economics.In teaching the traditional curriculum, law teachers in almost all the law schools use to some extent the case method or the Socratic method. Developed in the 1870s by Christopher Columbus Langdell at the Harvard Law School, the case method looked to thecommon law as the source of legal priniciples and focussed on the teaching of an abstract conception of the law as a science. The legal principles elicited were to be taught divorced from the "grubby world of practice--and also from politics, history, economics, and social contexts". This narrow formalistic approach was justified on the ground that it taught students how to state, analyze, evaluate and compare concrete fact situations thus developing their powers and skills of analysis, reasoning, and expression.However, this process of learning "how to think like a lawyer" has been criticized as having an adverse impact both on the students and the quality of future lawyering. Students, law teachers, and others have pointed to the alienation, anxiety, hostility and aggression caused by use of the case method or Socratic method. The narrow and destructive interaction of this dialogue, or often "nondialogue", contributes to the impairment of the ability to care about other people, a professional unemotionalism and cynicism on the part of law students. And it is not only the law students who suffer from this narrowing of their professional selves. The work of a lawyer involves continuous contacts with clients, associates, other lawyers, judges, witnesses, others affected by the law, and involves the lawyer s own goals, attitudes, performance, and sense of satisfaction.Part Two:Law School Hierarchy Duncan Kennedy has described the law schools as "intensely political places", characterized by a "trade school mentality, the endless attention to trees at the expense of forests." The law schools function as the institution for "ideological training for willing service in the hierarchies of the corporate welfare state". In the ranking and evaluation of students, students learn to accept their place in a hierarchy which is presented as just and inevitable and "so prepare themselves for all the hierarchies to follow". In the law teacher’s modeling of hierarchical relationships with students, colleagues, secretaries and support staff, students learn a particular style of condescension towards perceived inferiors and deference towards perceived superiors. And under thesubtle but intense pressure to conform to the "white, male, middle class tone" set by law faculties which are overwhelmingly white, male, and middle class, law students adapt, "partly out of fear, partly out of hope of gain, partly out of genuine admiration for their role models". In these ways, "legal education is one of the causes of legal hierarchy. Legal education supports it by analogy, provides it a general legitimating ideology by justifying the rules that underlie it, and provides it a particular ideology by mystifying legal reasoning. Legal education structures the pool of prospective lawyers so that their hierarchical organization seems inevitable, and trains them to look and think and act just like all the other lawyers in the system" .In addition to the hierarchy within the law schools suggested by Kennedy, other analyses of the law schools functions and relationship to the profession suggest the existence of a hierarchy among the law schools. The top dozen or so elite law schools occupy a position of power and prestige which is partially reflected in the professional career paths of their graduates and in the "old boy networks" connecting the law schools and the rest of the legal profession. The models of the "law school as the gateway to the American power elite became possible with the New Deal". Felix Frankfurter’s placement network for the "best and the brightest" into influential public policy positions during the New Deal in the 1930s was an early example of this kind of network. During his tenure at Harvard and later while on the Supreme Court, Frankfurter developed an "old boy network" which was intimately involved with the placement of many of the "elite" lawyers, all of whom were white and male, into public service. The typical Frankfurter recruit was "a graduate of Harvard Law School, politically liberal, usually ranked high in his class, and either an obvious product of upper class gentile culture or an obvious product of a radically different culture who was 'comfortable' in the upper class gentile world".In the current hiring practices of the major law firms and in the competition for judicial clerkships, and in the appointments to law faculties, the graduates of the elite schools continue to have an advantage over graduates of other schools. In arecent study of Chicago lawyers, Zemans and Rosenblum found that lawyers who attended "high prestige law schools and graduated in the top 20 percent of their classes were much more likely to practice in large firms and specialize in high prestige fields of law". In terms of appointments to law faculties, 60% of the legal profession’s teaching specialists are produced by fewer than 15% of the nation’s accredited law schools. These law teacher producer schools are mostly national, located in urban locations, and include schools such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, University of Michigan, Chicago, New York University, Northwestern University, and Georgetown. If it is true that the full time faculty of the law schools "have a virtual monopoly on who will and will not enter the (legal) profession" and "on the power to mold future generations", then the existence of a hierarchy among the law schools suggests that an elite group of schools is primarily responsible for staffing the law schools, which in turn produce lawyers for the hierarchies within the profession.Lesson Four:Judicial System 司法系统Part One:CourtsThere are fifty-two separate court systems in the United States. Each state, as well as the District of Columbia, has its own fully developed, independent system of courts and there is a separate federal court system. The federal courts are not superior to the state courts; they are an independent, coordinate system authorized by the United States Constitution, Art. Ⅲ,§2, to handle matters of particular federal interest. The presence of two parallel court systems often raises questions concerning the relationship of the state and federal systems, presenting important issues of federalism. The United States Supreme Court, composed of nine justices, sits as the final and controlling voice over all these systems.Although a few states, such as Nebraska, have a two tiered system, most states, as well as the federal courts, are based on a three tiered model. That means that for any litigant there will be the opportunity to plead his case before a trial court and then, should he lose, there are two levels of appeal at which he ultimately may succeed. For example, in thefederal system the trial court is the United States District Court, of which there is at least one in every state. Many larger states are divided into two, three or even four judicial districts, depending on population, geography and caseload. There are ninety-four districts in the United States and each district court has one judge, or more commonly two or more. After an adverse judgment in the district court, a litigant may appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the circuit in which the district court is located. There are eleven numbered intermediate appellate courts in the federal system, each including anywhere from three to ten states and territories. Additionally, there is a Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, hearing appeals from the federal district court there, and one for the Federal Circuit, taking appeals from various specialized federal tribunals, such as the Claims Court. Each court of appeals has four or more judges who sit in panels of three to review district court decisions, as well as some decisions of administrative agencies. A losing litigant in the court of appeals may, in some cases, be able to obtain review by the United States Supreme Court. Cases in the state courts similarly may proceed through a trial court, a state appellate court, and then the state supreme court. If a federal constitutional question is involved the decision of the state supreme court may be reviewed by the United States Supreme Court. Since 1988, review by the Supreme Court in civil cases is discretionary; virtually all civil appeals as of right to the highest court have been abolished.Three tiered systems vary on the role which the highest court plays. The approaches taken reflect differing philosophies with regard to what the highest court should do. For example, in California only criminal cases in which capital punishment has been imposed are appealable as of right to the state supreme court. Similarly, in the federal courts, except in a few very limited circumstances, appeals to the United States Supreme Court are discretionary, by writ of certiorari. The Court decides for itself what are the most important questions that deserve its attention and will refuse to review decisions raising issues that it feels are not as crucial. In this way it supervises the administration of law by thelower courts on an ad hoc basis. At the other end of the spectrum, such as in New York, appeals to the state’s highest court are as of right in a great many cases provided for by statute. The primary function of the highest court in New York appears to be to assure that cases are correctly decided. It is necessary to check carefully the statutes of the system in which you are appearing to determine the specific rules regarding review by those appellate courts.Part Two:Judges Fewer than one in twenty of those admitted to practice law is a federal, state, county, or municipal court judge. Except for some inferior courts, judges are generally required to be admitted to practice but do not practice while on the bench. There is so little uniformity that it is difficult to generalize further than to point out three salient characteristics that relate to the ranks from which judges are drawn, to the method of their selection, and to their tenure.Judges are drawn from the practicing bar and less frequently from government service or the teaching profession. There is in the United States no career judiciary like that found in many other countries and there is no prescribed route for the young law graduate who aspires to be a judge, no apprenticeship that must be served, no service that must be entered. The outstanding young law graduates who act for a year or two as law clerks to the most distinguished judges of the federal and state courts have only the reward of the experience to take with them into practice and not the promise of a judicial career. While it is not uncommon for a vacancy on a higher court to be filled by a judge from a lower court, even this cannot be said to be the rule. The legal profession is not entirely unaware of the advantages of a career judiciary, but it is generally thought that they are outweighed by the experience and independence which American lawyers bring to the bench. Many of the outstanding judges of the country’s highest courts have had no prior judicial experience. Criticism has centered instead on the prevalent method of selection of judges.State court judges are usually elected, commonly by popular vote, but occassionally by the legislature. Popular election has been。
Lesson One: Legal System 法律制度英属殖民地时期(the Period of the English Colonies)和美利坚合众国时期(the Period of the United States)。
公诉制度(public prosecution)美国属于普通法系(Common Law Legal System)分散制(decentralization)为原则;以判例法(case law)为主体。
"零散的无系统"(fragmental no system)。
成文法(written law)或制定法(statutory law),遵从前例"(stare decisisPart OneThe United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation. It is a new nation compared with many other countries, and it is new, too, in the sense that it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States. But in other senses it is old. It is the oldest of the "new" nations--the first one to be made out of an Old World colony. It has the oldest written constitution, the oldest continuous federal system, and the oldest practice of self government of any nation.美国既是一个非常新的国家也是一个非常老的国家。
Lesson One: Legal System 法律制度Background背景自从哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)于1492年航行至美洲之后,大批欧洲人便开始拥向这片"新大陆"。
不过,人们通常把第一批英国定居者(the first English settlers)于1607年到达弗吉尼亚(Virginia)的詹姆斯顿(Jamestown)视为美国法律制度历史的起点。
美国法制史可以大体上分为两个时期,即英属殖民地时期(the Period of the English Colonies)和美利坚合众国时期(the Period of the United States)。
虽然美国的法律制度是在英国法律传统的基础上形成和发展起来的,但是在近四百年的历史进程中,美国的法律制度也形成了一些不同于英国法律制度的特点,如公诉制度(public prosecution)等。
美国属于普通法系(Common Law Legal System)国家,其法律制度有两个基本特点:其一是以分散制(decentralization)为原则;其二是以判例法(case law)为主体。
因此,有人说美国是"一个有许多政府的国家"(a country of many governments);而美国的法律体系则是一个"零散的无系统"(fragmental no system)。
诚然,美国现在也有很多成文法(written law)或制定法(statutory law),但是其法律制度仍是以判例法为主体的。
换言之,"遵从前例"(stare decisis)仍然是美国司法活动中最重要的原则之一。
法律英语课文汇总-何家弘————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Lesson One: Legal System 法律制度Part OneThe United States is at once a very new nation and a very old nation. It is a new nation compared with many other countries, and it is new, too, in the sense that it is constantly being renewed by the addition of new elements of population and of new States. But in other senses it is old. It is the oldest of the "new" nations--the first one to be made out of an Old World colony. It has the oldest written constitution, the oldest continuous federal system, and the oldest practice of self-government of any nation.One of the most interesting features of Americans youth is that the whole of its history belongs in the period since the invention of the printing press. The whole of its history is, therefore, recorded: indeed, it is safe to say that no other major nation has so comprehensive a record of its history as has the United States, for events such as those that are lost in the legendary past of Italy or France or England are part of the printed record of the United States. And the American record is not only comprehensive; it is immense. It embraces not only the record of the colonial era and of the Nation since 1776, but of the present fifty States as well, and the intricate network of relationships between States and Nation. Thus, to take a very elementary example, the reports of the United States Supreme Court fill some 350 volumes, and the reports of some States are almost equally voluminous: the reader who wants to trace the history of law in America is confronted with over 5,000 stout volumes of legal cases.No one document, no handful of documents, can properly be said to reveal the character of a people or of their government. But when hundreds and thousands of documents strike a consistent note, over more than a hundred years, we have a right to say that is the keynote.When hundreds and thousands of documents address themselves in the same ways, to the same overarching problems, we have a right to read from them certain conclusions which we can call national characteristics.Part TwoThe American legal system, like the English, is methodologically mainly a case law system. Most fields of private law still consist primarily of case law and the extensive and steadily growing statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law. Knowledge of the case law method as well as of the technique of working with case law therefore is of central importance for an understanding of American law and legal methodology.The Common Law is historically the common general law -- with supremacy over locallaw--which was decreed by the itinerant judges of the English royal court. The enforcement of a claim presupposed the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with the result that the original common law represented a system of "actions" similar to that of classical Roman law. If a writ existed (in 1227) a claim could be enforced; there was no recourse for a claim without a writ, the claim did not exist. This system became inflexible when the "Provisions of Oxford" (1258) prohibited the creation of new writs, except for the flexibility which the "writ upon the case" allowed and which later led to the development of contract and tort law.The narrow limits of the forms of action and the limited recourse they provided led to the development of equity law and equity case law. "Equity", in its general meaning of doing "equity", deciding ex aequo et bono, was first granted by the King, and later by his Chancellor as "keeper of the King's conscience", to afford relief in hardship cases. In the fifteenth century, however, equity law and equity case law developed into an independent legal system andjudiciary (Court of Chancery) which competed with the ordinary common law courts. Its rules and maxims became fixed and, to a degree, inflexible as in any legal system. Special characteristics of equity law include: relief in the form of specific performance (in contrast to the common law award of compensatory damages), the injunction (a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act), the development of so called maxims of equity law which permeated the entire legal system and in many cases explain the origin of modern legal concepts. However, equitable relief regularly will lie only when the common law relief is inadequate. For instance, specific performance for the purchase of real property will be granted because common law damages are deemed to be inadequate since they cannot compensate the buyer in view of the uniqueness attributed to real property.As the common law, equity law became part of American law either through judicial acceptance or through express statutory provision. Today, both legal systems have been merged in many American jurisdictions (beginning with New York in 1848), with the result that there is only one form of civil suit in these jurisdictions as well as in federal practice. Only few States continue to maintain a separate chancery court. Nevertheless, the reference to the historical development is important because, on the one hand, it explains the origin and significance of many contemporary legal concepts (for instance the division of title in the law of property) and, on the other hand, it is still relevant for the decision of such questions whether, for instance, there is a right to a trial by jury (only in the case of common law suits, in other cases only before the judge). In addition, the differentiation will determine whether the "ordinary" common law relief of damages applies or whether the "extraordinary" equity remedy of specific performance is available."Case law" describes the entire body of judge-made law and today includes common law and equity precedents. In imprecise and confusing usage the terms "common law" and "case law"are often used synonymously, with the term "common law" in this usage connotingjudge-made law in general as contrasted with statutory law. "Case law" always connotesjudg-made law, while "common law" in contrast--depending on the meaningintended--describes either the judge made law in common law subject matters or,Lesson Two:Legal Profession 法律职业Part One:The BarThe regulation of the legal profession is primarily the concern of the states, each of which has its own requirements for admission to practice. Most require three years of college and a law degree. Each state administers its own written examination to applicants for its bar. Almost all states, however, make use of the Multistate Bar Exam, a day long multiple choice test, to which the state adds a day long essay examination emphasizing its own law. No apprenticeship is required either before or after admission.A lawyer's practice is usually confined to a single community for, although a lawyer may travel to represent clients, one is only permitted to practice in a state where one has been admitted. However, one who moves to another state can usually be admitted without examination if one has practiced in a state where one has been admitted for some time, often five years.A lawyer may not only practice law, but is permitted to engage in any activity that is open to other citizens. It is not uncommon for the practicing lawyer to serve on boards of directors of corporate clients, to engage in business, and to participate actively in public affairs. A lawyer remains a member of the bar even after becoming a judge, an employee of the government orof a private business concern, or a law teacher, and may return to private practice from these other activities. A relatively small number of lawyers give up practice for responsible executive positions in commerce and industry. The mobility as well as the sense of public responsibility in the profession is evidenced by the career of Harlan Fiske Stone who was, at various times, a successful New York lawyer, a professor and dean of the Columbia School of Law, Attorney General of the United States, and Chief Justice of the United States.There is no formal division among lawyers according to function. The distinction between barristers and solicitors found in England did not take root in the United States, and there is no branch of the profession that has a special or exclusive right to appear in court, nor is there a branch that specializes in the preparation of legal instruments. The American lawyer s domain includes advocacy, counselling, and drafting. Furthermore, within the sphere broadly defined as the "practice of law" the domain is exclusive and is not open to others. In the field of advocacy, the rules are fairly clear: any individual may represent himself or herself in court but, with the exception of a few inferior courts, only a lawyer may represent another in court. Nonlawyers are, however, authorized to represent others in formal proceedings of a judicial nature before some administrative agencies. The lines of demarcation are less clear in the areas of counselling and drafting of legal instruments, as for example between the practice of law and that of accounting in the field of federal income taxation. However, the strict approach of most American courts is indicated by a decision of New York s highest court that a lawyer admitted to practice in a foreign country but not in New York is prohibited from giving legal advice to clients in New York, even though the advice is limited to the law of the foreign country where the lawyer is admitted. A foreign lawyer may, however, be admitted to the bar of one of the states and may, even without being admitted, advise an American lawyer as a consultant on foreign law.Part Two:Lawyers in Private PracticeAmong these fifteen lawyers in practice, nine, a clear majority, are single practitioners. The remaining six practice in law firms, which are generally organized as partnerships. Four or five of these six are partners and the others are associates, a term applied to salaried lawyers employed by a firm or another lawyer. This trend toward group practice is of relatively recent origin. Throughout most of the nineteenth century law practice was general rather than specialized, its chief ingredient was advocacy rather than counselling and drafting, and theprototype of the American lawyer was the single practitioner. Marked specialization began in the latter part of that century in the large cities near the financial centers. With the growth of big business, big government, and big labor, the work of the lawyer accomodated itself to the needs of clients for expert counselling and drafting to prevent as well as to settle disputes. The best lawyers were attracted to this work and leadership of the bar gravitated to persons who rarely if ever appeared in court and who were sought after as advisors, planners, and negotiators. Today the lawyer regards it as sound practice to be continuously familiar with clients business problems and to participate at all steps in the shaping of their policies. Major business transactions are rarely undertaken without advice of counsel.Part Three: House CounselOut of every twenty lawyers, two are employed by private business concerns, such as industrial corporations, insurance companies, and banks, usually as house or corporate counsel in the concern s legal department. The growth of corporations, the complexity of business, and the multitude of problems posed by government regulation make it desirable for such firms to have in their employ persons with legal training who, at the same time, are intimately familiar with the particular problems and conditions of the firm. In large corporations the legal department may number one hundred or more. The general counsel, who heads the office, is usually an officer of the company and may serve on important policy making committees and perhaps even on the board of directors. House counsel remain members of the bar and are entitled to appear in court, though an outside lawyer is often retained for litigation. However, it is the house counsel s skill as advisor rather than as advocate that is a valued asset. Constantly in touch with the employer s problems, house counsel is ideally situated to practice preventive law and may also be called upon to advise the company on its broader obligation to the public and the nation.Part Four:Lawyers in GovernmentA parallel development has taken place in government and two out of twenty lawyers are now employees of the federal, state, county, and municipal governments, exclusive of the judiciary. Many of those entering public service are recent law graduates who find government salaries sufficiently attractive at this stage of their careers and seek the training that such service may offer as a prelude to private practice. Limitations on top salaries, however, discourage some from continuing with the government. The majority serves by appointment in the legal departments of a variety of federal and state agencies and local entities. The United StatesDepartment of Justice alone employs more than two thousands, and the Law Department of the City of New York more than four hundreds. Others are engaged as public prosecutors. Federal prosecutors, the United States attorneys and their assistants, are appointed by the President and are subordinate to the Attorney General of the United States. State prosecutors, sometimes known as district attorneys, are commonly elected by each county and are not under the control of the state attorney general. As a rule, lawyers in government are directly engaged in legal work, since law training is infrequently sought as preparation for general government service. However, a small but important minority that constitutes an exception to this rule consists of those who have been appointed to high executive positions and those who have been elected to political office. Though the participation of lawyers in government has declined recently, for two centuries lawyers have made up roughly half of the Congress of the United States and of the state governors. These figures bear out the comment of Chief Justice Stone that, "No tradition of our profession is more cherished by lawyers than that of its leadership in public affairs."Lesson Three: Legal Education 法律教育In 1983, over 125,000 law students were studying in more than 170 ABA accredited law schools including public law schools supported in part by government funds; private law schools supported by contributions from individuals and foundation funds; and local or national schools offering full time or part time legal study programs. As virtually the only way to prepare for membership in the legal profession, law schools in the United States fulfill several functions including professional training and socialization of future lawyers and screening and gatekeeping for entrance to the profession. Since there is no central institution where all lawyers practice, the only institutional experience which lawyers have in common is law school.The criticisms which range from "mild to caustic" of the way in which law schools have carried out these functions and of the functions themselves have been persistent, diverse and rooted in the historical and political development of the profession. These criticisms have focussed on the curriculum and the dominance of the case method; the distribution of power and prestige reflected in the hierarchy within and among the law schools; and the imbalance in terms of women and minorities in the student body and faculty in the law schools.Part One:Curriculum and the Case MethodThe traditional first-year program offered in virtually all American law schools includes contracts, torts, property, criminal law and civil procedure. Duncan Kennedy has described the traditional first-year curriculum as basically teaching the ground rules for late 19th century laissez-faire capitalism. The second year and third year course expound the moderate reformist New Deal program and the administrative structure of the modern regulatory state. The peripheral subjects, if they are offered, include legal philosophy, legal history, legal process, and clinical education, a "kind of playground or finishing school for learning the social art of self presentation as a lawyer".However, as new areas of the law continue to develop in response to contemporary issues and problems, some law schools have expanded curricula to include courses and clinical programs in environmental law, housing and urban development, women`s rights, health in the workplace, welfare rights and consumer protection. There are also increasing efforts to teach law in interdisciplinary contexts, drawing on other disciplines such as history, psychology, sociology, medicine, and economics.In teaching the traditional curriculum, law teachers in almost all the law schools use to some extent the case method or the Socratic method. Developed in the 1870s by Christopher Columbus Langdell at the Harvard Law School, the case method looked to the common law as the source of legal priniciples and focussed on the teaching of an abstract conception of the law as a science. The legal principles elicited were to be taught divorced from the "grubby world of practice--and also from politics, history, economics, and social contexts". This narrow formalistic approach was justified on the ground that it taught students how to state, analyze, evaluate and compare concrete fact situations thus developing their powers and skills of analysis, reasoning, and expression.However, this process of learning "how to think like a lawyer" has been criticized as having an adverse impact both on the students and the quality of future lawyering. Students, law teachers, and others have pointed to the alienation, anxiety, hostility and aggression caused by use of the case method or Socratic method. The narrow and destructive interaction of this dialogue, or often "no dialogue", contributes to the impairment of the ability to care about otherpeople, a professional unemotionalism and cynicism on the part of law students. And it is not only the law students who suffer from this narrowing of their professional selves. The work of a lawyer involves continuous contacts with clients, associates, other lawyers, judges, witnesses, others affected by the law, and involves the lawyer’s own goals, attitudes, performance, and sense of satisfaction.Part Two:Law School HierarchyDuncan Kennedy has described the law schools as "intensely political places", characterized by a "trade school mentality, the endless attention to trees at the expense of forests." The law schools function as the institution for "ideological training for willing service in the hierarchies of the corporate welfare state". In the ranking and evaluation of students, students learn to accept their place in a hierarchy which is presented as just and inevitable and "so prepare themselves for all the hierarchies to follow". In the law teachers modeling of hierarchical relationships with students, colleagues, secretaries and support staff, students learn a particular style of condescension towards perceived inferiors and deference towards perceived superiors. And under the subtle but intense pressure to conform to the "white, male, middle class tone" set by law faculties which are overwhelmingly white, male, and middle class, law students adapt, "partly out of fear, partly out of hope of gain, partly out of genuine admiration for their role models". In these ways, "legal education is one of the causes of legal hierarchy. Legal education supports it by analogy, provides it a general legitimating ideology by justifying the rules that underlie it, and provides it a particular ideology by mystifying legal reasoning. Legal education structures the pool of prospective lawyers so that their hierarchical organization seems inevitable, and trains them to look and think and act just like all the other lawyers in the system" .In addition to the hierarchy within the law schools suggested by Kennedy, other analyses of the law schools functions and relationship to the profession suggest the existence of a hierarchy among the law schools. The top dozen or so elite law schools occupy a position of power and prestige which is partially reflected in the professional career paths of their graduates and in the "old boy networks" connecting the law schools and the rest of the legal profession. The models of the "law school as the gateway to the American power elite became possible with the New Deal". Felix Frankfurter’s placement n etwork for the "best and the brightest" into influential public policy positions during the New Deal in the 1930s was anearly example of this kind of network. During his tenure at Harvard and later while on the Supreme Court, Frankfurter developed an "old boy network" which was intimately involved with the placement of many of the "elite" lawyers, all of whom were white and male, into public service. The typical Frankfurter recruit was "a graduate of Harvard Law School, politically liberal, usually ranked high in his class, and either an obvious product of upper class gentile culture or an obvious product of a radically different culture who was 'comfortable' in the upper class gentile world".In the current hiring practices of the major law firms and in the competition for judicial clerkships, and in the appointments to law faculties, the graduates of the elite schools continue to have an advantage over graduates of other schools. In a recent study of Chicago lawyers, Zemans and Rosenblum found that lawyers who attended "high-prestige law schools and graduated in the top 20 percent of their classes were much more likely to practice in large firms and specialize in high-prestige fields of law". In terms of appointments to law faculties, 60% of the legal prof ession’s teaching specialists are produced by fewer than 15% of the nation s accredited law schools. These law teacher producer schools are mostly national, located in urban locations, and include schools such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, University of Michigan, Chicago, New York University, Northwestern University, and Georgetown. If it is true that the full time faculty of the law schools "have a virtual monopoly on who will and will not enter the (legal) profession" and "on the power to mold future generations", then the existence of a hierarchy among the law schools suggests that an elite group of schools is primarily responsible for staffing the law schools, which in turn produce lawyers for the hierarchies within the profession.Lesson Four:Judicial System 司法系统Part One:CourtsThere are fifty-two separate court systems in the United States. Each state, as well as the District of Columbia, has its own fully developed, independent system of courts and there is a separate federal court system. The federal courts are not superior to the state courts; they are an independent, coordinate system authorized by the United States Constitution, Art. Ⅲ,§2, to handle matters of particular federal interest. The presence of two parallel court systems often raises questions concerning the relationship of the state and federal systems, presentingimportant issues of federalism. The United States Supreme Court, composed of nine justices, sits as the final and controlling voice over all these systems.Although a few states, such as Nebraska, have a two-tiered system, most states, as well as the federal courts, are based on a three-tiered model. That means that for any litigant there will be the opportunity to plead his case before a trial court and then, should he lose, there are two levels of appeal at which he ultimately may succeed. For example, in the federal system the trial court is the United States District Court, of which there is at least one in every state. Many larger states are divided into two, three or even four judicial districts, depending on population, geography and caseload. There are ninety-four districts in the United States and each district court has one judge, or more commonly two or more. After an adverse judgment in the district court, a litigant may appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the circuit in which the district court is located. There are eleven numbered intermediate appellate courts in the federal system, each including anywhere from three to ten states and territories. Additionally, there is a Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, hearing appeals from the federal district court there, and one for the Federal Circuit, taking appeals from various specialized federal tribunals, such as the Claims Court. Each court of appeals has four or more judges who sit in panels of three to review district court decisions, as well as some decisions of administrative agencies. A losing litigant in the court of appeals may, in some cases, be able to obtain review by the United States Supreme Court. Cases in the state courts similarly may proceed through a trial court, a state appellate court, and then the state supreme court. If a federal constitutional question is involved the decision of the state Supreme Court may be reviewed by the United States Supreme Court. Since 1988, review by the Supreme Court in civil cases is discretionary; virtually all civil appeals as of right to the highest court have been abolished.Three-tiered systems vary on the role which the highest court plays. The approaches taken reflect differing philosophies with regard to what the highest court should do. For example, in California only criminal cases in which capital punishment has been imposed are appealable as of right to the state supreme court. Similarly, in the federal courts, except in a few very limited circumstances, appeals to the United States Supreme Court are discretionary, by writ of certiorari. The Court decides for itself what are the most important questions that deserve its attention and will refuse to review decisions raising issues that it feels are not as crucial. In this way it supervises the administration of law by the lower courts on an ad hoc basis. At the other end of the spectrum, such as in New York, appeals to the state s highest court are as of rightin a great many cases provided for by statute. The primary function of the highest court in New York appears to be to assure that cases are correctly decided. It is necessary to check carefully the statutes of the system in which you are appearing to determine the specific rules regarding review by those appellate courts.Part Two:JudgesFewer than one in twenty of those admitted to practice law is a federal, state, county, or municipal court judge. Except for some inferior courts, judges are generally required to be admitted to practice but do not practice while on the bench. There is so little uniformity that it is difficult to generalize further than to point out three salient characteristics that relate to the ranks from which judges are drawn, to the method of their selection, and to their tenure.Judges are drawn from the practicing bar and less frequently from government service or the teaching profession. There is in the United States no career judiciary like that found in many other countries and there is no prescribed route for the young law graduate who aspires to be a judge, no apprenticeship that must be served, no service that must be entered. The outstanding young law graduates who act for a year or two as law clerks to the most distinguished judges of the federal and state courts have only the reward of the experience to take with them into practice and not the promise of a judicial career. While it is not uncommon for a vacancy on a higher court to be filled by a judge from a lower court, even this cannot be said to be the rule. The legal profession is not entirely unaware of the advantages of a career judiciary, but it is generally thought that they are outweighed by the experience and independence which American lawyers bring to the bench. Many of the outstanding judges of the country s highest courts have had no prior judicial experience. Criticism has centered instead on the prevalent method of selection of judges.State court judges are usually elected, commonly by popular vote, but occassionally by the legislature. Popular election has been the subject of much disapproval, including that of the American Bar Association, on the ground that the public lacks interest in and information on candidates for judicial office and that therefore the outcome is too often controlled by leaders of political parties. The situation has been somewhat improved since many local bar associations have undertaken to evaluate the qualifications of candidates and to support or oppose them on this basis.。
Common law legal system Civil law legal system
•Case law
•形成于英国,包括加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰, 爱尔兰,印度、巴基斯坦,马来西亚和新加坡, 香港
1. 2. Decentralization Case law
Stare decisis
• The United States is at once
a very new nation a very old nation
• Compared with many other countries
• The reader who wants to trace the history of law in America is confronted with over 5,000 stout volumes of legal cases.
• No one document, no handful of documents, can properly be said to reveal the chara cter of a people or of their government.
• 若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律是丝毫没有力量的。 美国废奴运动领袖 菲力普斯
• Two periods of legal history:
1. On May 14, 1607, the Virginia Company explorers landed on Jamestown Island to establish the Virginia English colony
例如,“burden of proof”(举证责任)、“mens rea”(犯罪意图)等词汇,书中不仅给出了清晰的定义,还通过实际案例中的运用,让学习者明白其在具体法律情境中的准确含义。
二、教学目标1. 理解并掌握法律英语的基本概念和特点;2. 学习并运用法律词汇的构成方法和法律句型结构;3. 提高阅读法律文本的能力,为日后的法律实践奠定基础。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体教学设备、PPT课件、黑板;2. 学具:教材、笔记本、字典。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过一个实际案例,让学生了解法律英语在日常法律实践中的重要性;2. 新课内容讲解:a. 法律英语的特点;b. 法律词汇的构成;c. 法律句型的结构;d. 法律文本阅读技巧;3. 例题讲解:结合教材例题,讲解法律句型的应用;4. 随堂练习:让学生运用所学知识,完成课堂练习;6. 互动环节:学生提问,教师解答。
六、板书设计1. 法律英语的特点;2. 法律词汇的构成;3. 法律句型的结构;4. 法律文本阅读技巧;5. 例题及解答。
七、作业设计a. 选择题:法律词汇填空;b. 简答题:法律句型应用;c. 阅读理解:法律文本阅读。
2. 答案:课后习题答案将在下次课前公布。
八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思:对本节课的教学效果进行反思,针对学生的掌握情况,调整教学方法;2. 拓展延伸:推荐学生阅读法律英语相关书籍和文章,提高法律英语水平。
重点和难点解析:1. 法律句型的结构及其在实际应用中的灵活运用;2. 法律文本阅读技巧;3. 课后作业和拓展延伸的设计。
A administrativelaw 行政法Absolute[ '?bs? lju:t]proof 绝对证明administrative lawjudge 行政法法官absolute property 绝对财产(权)administrativeprocedure 行政程序abstract of title 产权书摘要administrator 管理人;监管人accelerationclause 提前(偿还)条款admissible 可采的acceptance 承诺admissibility可采性accident report 事故报告admit 采用;允许accidentinsurance 意外保险adoption 收养accusation 指控;控告adulterousconduct 通奸行为accusatorial procedure控告程序ad valorem propertytax 从价财产税accusatorial process ofproof 控告证明过程adversarialhearing 对抗式听证会(程序)adversarialprocess 对抗式程序accusatorialsystem 控告或诉讼程序adversary 对手accused 被指控者adversary trialsystem对抗式(或抗辩)审accuser 控告人判制度acknowledgement 认知 (书 ) advocacy 出庭辩护;诉讼代理acquittal 无罪判决advocate 辩护人;诉讼代理人act 条例;作为affidavit 正式书面陈述Act for the prevention of Frauds and affirm 维持(原判)Perjuries 《预防诈欺和伪证条例》affirmation 保证书;证词action 诉讼;作为affirmative 确保的actuallosses 实际损失agency (行政)机关adjudication 裁决;裁定agency action 机关(行政)机关1agreed upon remedies 补救协议appropriate 拨款agreement 协议appurtenant附属物agreement-as-written 书面协议arbiter 仲裁人agreement -in-fact 事实协议arbitrary 武断的alibi 阿里白(不在犯罪场的证明)arbitration 仲裁alienation ofaffection 离间夫妻关系arraignment初审allegation 声称;指控array 陪审员名单allege 诉称;指控arrest 逮捕allegedoffense 所控罪行arrest warrant 逮捕令(证)alternatejuror 替补陪审员arrestee 被捕人amendment 修正案article 条款,文章American Bar Association美国律师协会article ofauthority 授权条款American LawInstitute 美国法学会articles ofconfederation 《联帮条例》analogy 类推articles ofincorporation 公司组织章程Anglo-American Legal System英美法系artificialperson 法人anonymous accusation 匿名控告Asian Americanlegal defenseandappeal 上诉education fund 亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育appear 出庭基金会appellant 上诉人assault 意图或威胁伤害appellateaction 上诉行为assert 主张,宣称appellatecourt 上诉法院asset 资产appellee 被上诉人assistantattorney 助理法官appealer 上诉人associate judge 副法官2associatejustice 副大法官barrister 出庭律师assumption 违约合同,违约赔偿之诉battery 殴打assumption 假定bench trial 法官审attempt 意图,企图beneficiary 受益人attemptedescape 逃脱未遂benefit 收益,福得attestation 证词bigamy 重婚罪attorney 代理人,律师bill oflading 提单attorney at law 律师bill ofright 《人权法案》attorneygeneral 检察长bindover 具保,具结authentication 鉴定binder 临时保险单authority 权力,法源,权威性依据binding 有约束力automobile insurance 机动车保险binding contract 有约束力的合同automobile tort 机动车侵权行为bindingforce 约束力autonomy 自治(权)binding interpretation有约束力的解释black-letter law(普通接受之基本原则的)B 黑体字法ban 禁令,禁止blacknation bar association全美黑人律banishment 流放师协会bankruptc y 破产blue skylaw 蓝天法(关于股票买卖控制的bankruptcy discharge 破产债务解除法律)bankruptcyjudge 破产法官Board ofGovernors (ABA )(美国律师协会bar 律师职业的)董事会bar association 律师协会body of law法体3bond 债券;保释金buy-sell agreement (股权)买卖协议bondinstrument 债券契据bylaws (内部)章程branding 鞭笞 Cbreach 违约;破坏California PenalCode《加州刑法典》capitalbride 贿赂account 资本帐户bribery 贿赂(罪)capitalcrime 可判死刑罪bright-linetest 明显界限检验标准capital punishment 死刑broker 中间人capitalsurplus 资本盈余brokerage fee 佣金;中介费capitationtax 人头税brother-sister corporation兄弟公司;姊妹公careercriminal 职业罪犯司careerjudiciary 职业法官Bulk SalesAct 《大宗销售条例》casebriefing 案情摘要burden 责任case-in-chief 主诉burden of going forward with the evidence case law 判例法先行举证责任case method 案例教学法burden ofpersuasion 说服责任;证明责任case report 判决报告burden of producing evidence举证责任case reports 判例汇编burden ofproof 证明责任casualty insurance (意外伤害)保险burglary 入室盗窃(罪)catalog 商品目录(单)businesscorporation 实业公司certificate 证书business law 实业法certificate ofexistence 实体存在证明(书)businessorganization 实业组织challenge 置疑;挑战buy-out agreement (股权)承买协议challenge forcause 有理回避4chancery court 衡平法院 Civil War Income Tax Act 《内战所得税条charging instrument 控告文件 例》checks and balances 制衡(原则) Claim 诉讼请求,索赔chief judge 首席法官 Classification of law 法律分类 chief justice首席大法官Closecorporation 内部持股公司child abuse 虐待儿童 Closely held corporation内部持股公司circuit court 巡回法院 Closing 终结,成交,结帐 circuit judge巡回法官Closing argument 最后论述 circumstantial evidence 旁证;情况证据 Closing statement 成交声明citation 引证 Code 法典cite 援引;传讯 Code of Judicial Conduct《法官行为准则》 civil court民事法Codify 编成法典 civilforfeiture 民事罚没Co-felon共同重罪犯civil law民法Cohabitation 同居Civil Law Legal System民法体系Collateral contract附属合同civilliability 民事责任 Collegiate bench 合议席 civil Liberty 民事自由 Collegiate panel 合议庭 civilLitigation民事诉讼Commercial clause商务条款,贸易条款civil procedure 民事诉讼程序 Commercial law 商法civil suit 民事诉讼Commercial paper 商务文件 Civil trial 民事审判 Commission 佣金Civil right民权Commit 交托,犯(罪) Civil rightlaw 民权法Commitment 犯罪,许诺,委托5Commitment offinancing 融资许诺Conference 协商会议Common law 普通法Confidentialinformation 保密信息Common law damages 普通法赔偿金Confiscation 没收Common law legal system(family) 普通法Conflictlaw 冲突法法系Congress 国会Common law marriage 普通法婚姻Consent 同意,认可Common property 共同财产Consideration 对价,约因Common stock 普通股票Constitution 宪法Communityproperty 共同财产ConstitutionalConvention 制宪会议Comparative law 比较法Constitutionallaw 宪法Comparative negligence 比较过失Constitutionaltort 宪法性侵权Compensation 赔偿(金)Constitutionality 合宪性Compensatory damage 应予赔偿之损害Construction (法律的)结构,解释Competence 管辖权限Construe 解释,分析Competency 有效性Consultation 磋商Complaint 控告,申诉Consumer protection statute消费者保护法Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention 律and ControlAct 《滥用毒品的综合预防与控Consumptiontax 消费税制条例》Continental Law Legal System(or Family)Compulsorylicense 强制性许可大陆法系Concur 附条件地同意Contingent fee 胜诉酬金Concurringopinion 并存(判决)意见Continuance 诉讼延期Confer 授与Contract 合同6 专业资料整理Contract dispute 合同纠纷corporationlaw 公司法Contractformation 合同构成corporationsole 独有公司Contractinterpretation 合同解释corpus 尸体 ;本金Contractlaw 合同法Council on legal Education OpportunitiesContractperformance 合同履行法律教育机会委员会contractor 承包商counselor ( 法律 )顾问 ;律师contravence 触犯 ;违犯counselor-at-law 律师contributorynegligence 共同过失court 法院 ;法官controlling law 应适应之法律court decision 法院判决conversion 非法占有court fee 诉讼费convey 转让court ofappeals 上诉法院conveyance 转让court ofchancery 衡平法法院convertible bond 可转换债券court ofclaims 索赔法院conviction 有罪判决court of customs and Patent Appeals 关税convincing evidence 使人信服的证据及专利上诉法院copyright 版权 ;著作权court of domestic relations家庭关系法院corporal punishment 肉体刑courtopinion 法院判决意见corporate camsel 公司法律顾问courtroom 法庭corporate excisetax 公司执照税coverage 保险范围corporate law 公司法crime 犯罪corporation 公司crimecode 刑法典corporationaggregate 合有公司crime homicide 有罪杀人corporation code 公司法典crime justice system 刑事司法系统专业资料整理7 专业资料整理专业资料整理crime law刑法debtsecurities债权证券crime liability 刑事责任 decide a case 判案 crimeprocedure刑事诉讼程序deed 契约cross-examination 交叉盘问 ;盘诘 deed book 文契汇编 cruel and unusual punishment 残忍和非常defamation 诽谤 的刑罚default 不履行 ;违约 cumulative evidence累计证据defendant 被告人 curative 临时监护的 defence 辩护curriculumguide课程指南 defence attorney辩护律师custody 监护defense's case-in-chief 辩护方主讼 custom duty 关税 deficiency judgment不足额判决customary law 习惯法 degrees of murder ( 恶意 )杀人罪的等级 customary practice 惯例 delegation 授权customs court 关税法院 delegated legislation 授权立法deliberate intention故意Ddeliberation ( 陪审团 )评议 damage 损害 ;损伤 demonstrative evidence 示意证据 damage claim 损害赔偿请求 deprivatio n 剥夺damages 损害赔偿金 derogatory treatment of the work 对作品的deadlocked jury僵局陪审团贬毁性处理 (或使用 )death penalty 死刑 designs 设计deathtax 遗产税 detract 毁损 ;贬低debentur e债单 (券)developer ( 土地 )开发商8 专业资料整理dicta 判决附带意见database right 数据权dignity 尊严dividend 股息direct evidence 直接证据division oftitle 产权分割directexamination 直接盘问divorce 离婚directtax 直接税docket 备审案件目录disabilityinsurance 残疾保险doctrine 法则 ;原则disabled dependent child 无谋生能力的残doctrine ofconstitutional supremacy宪法疾儿童至上原则discharge 解雇 ;释放doctrine of MarandaWarnings 米兰达忠告discount 贴现 ;折扣原则discovery 要求告知document 文件 ;文书discrete risk transferproduct 离散性风险转document oftitle 产权证书移 (保险 )产品domant Commerce Clause 休眠的 " 贸易条discretion 自由裁量权款 "discriminatory 歧视性税收domicile 住所地dispense 执行 ;施行doublejeopardy 一罪二审dispute 争议 ;纠纷draft 起草 ;草拟disposition 处置 (权 ) draftman 起草者dissent 异议 ;反对drug trade 毒品交易dissentingopinion 异议 ;反对意见drugtrafficking 毒品交易dissolution解散dry run 干转 ;排练distort 歪曲 ;误解duediligence 适当努力district attorney 地区检查官due process 正当程序9专业资料整理Due Process Clause 正当程序条款English-American Legal System (or Family)due processtest 正当程序检验标准英吉利法系duration 期限enjoin( 衡平)强制令duress 强迫 ;胁迫entail 限定继承duty 义务 ;关税entity 实体duty of care 照看义务environmental impact statement 环境E 影响报告earnest money 定金environmental Law 环境保护法easyment 地役权Environmental protection Agency(EPA) 环ecclesiasticalcourt 宗教法庭境保护局economic law 经济法environmentalquality 环境质量effectivedate 生效日期equal protectionclause 平等保护条款effectivetime 生效时间equitablerelief 衡平救济element ofcrime 犯罪要素 (件 ) equity 衡平法empower 授权equity Law 衡平法enact 制定 ;颁布equityprecedent 衡平法判例en banc 全体法官出庭审判equitysecurities 产权证券;衡平证券encroachment 侵占error 过错escape 逃走;逃脱encumberedproperty 抵押财产escrow 第三者保存合同enforce 实施;执行essentialjustice 实质公正enforceable 可强制执行的estate 财产;遗产enforceability 可执行性estate tax 遗产税enforcement of Law 执法EUDirective 欧盟指令专业资料整理10 专业资料整理evaluate 评价exemption 免除;豁免evict 逐出(租户)exhibit 展示物(证)evidence 证据exigent circumstance紧急情况evidentiary presumption证据推定existingsecurities 上市证券evidentiaryrule 证据规则exparte 单方面的ex aequo atbono 公平且善良expectationdamages 预期赔偿金examine 检查;盘问expert 专家(证人)examination 检查;盘问experttestimony 专家证言exception 例外expert witness 专家证人exception clause 例外条款express contract 明示合同excisetax 执照税express statutory provision法律明文exclude 排除规定exclusivelisting 读家上市express warranty 明示保证(保修)exclusiveright 排他性权利ex rel 依据告发exclusive taxsitus 唯一征税地点faceamount 面颊excusablehomicide 可宽恕之杀人face value 面植execute 执行;签属facilitate 促使:利于execution 执行fact 事实executiveacts 行政条例fact inissue 争议事实executive branch 行政部门factor 因素;代理商executive order 行政命令Factors LienAct 《代理商留置权条例》executor ( 遗嘱)执行人Fairtrial 公平审判executor ofestate 遗产执行人false imprisonment 非法拘禁11专业资料整理familylaw 家庭法felony-murder 重罪杀人fault 过错fiduciary 受托人faultprinciple 过错原则file 档案;注册feasibilitystudy 可行性研究file apetition呈交诉状;提出请求Federal AdministrativeProcedure Act fine 罚金《联邦行政程序》fingerprint 手印Federal AntitrustLaw 《联邦犯托拉斯法》fireinsurance 火灾保险federal convention 联邦制宪会议fireprotection消防federal crime ofmurder 联邦杀人罪first degreemurder 一级谋杀Federal HousingAct 《联邦住房条例》firstinstance 一审Federal Income Tax Act 《联邦所得税条例》fixture (不动产)附属物federal judge 联邦法官flogging 烙印Federal rules of civil procedure《联邦民事force oflaw 法律效力诉讼规则》forciblefelony 暴力性重罪Federal rules of criminalprocedure 《联邦foreign exchangerisk 外汇风险刑事诉讼规则》forfeiture 没收;罚没Federal rules ofevidence 《联邦证据规则》formcontract 格式合同Federal securitiesact 《联邦证券条例》form of evidence 证据的形式federal supremacy 联邦至上(原则)formaladjudication 正式裁决Federal tort claims act 《联邦侵权索赔条formal rulemaking 正式规则制定例》formation 构成;鉴定felon 重罪犯franchisetax 特许经营税felony 重罪fraud 诈欺专业资料整理12free enterprisesystem 自由企业制度guilt 有罪free movement ofgoods 自由物流,货物的guilty 有罪的自由流通guilty有罪答辩freedom ofchoice 选择自由frustrate 使受挫折Hfundamental law 基本法habitualoffender 惯犯fundamentalright 基本权利hail insurance 冰雹保险G handcuff 手铐general acceptance standard( 科学证据的 ) handwriting笔迹公认标准healthinsurance 健康保险general partnership 一般合伙healthregulation 卫生法规generalproperty 一般财产(权)hearing 听证(会)generalprovisions 总则hearing ofjury 陪审团听审gerontocratic 老人统治的hearsay 传闻证据gift tax 赠予税heir 继承人governmenttort 政府侵权(行为)hierarchy 等级制度grant ofpower 授权highcrime 重罪grossnegligence 严重过失hold 认定;裁定group insurance 团体保险holding 认定;裁定guarantee 担保holding device 拥有手段(形式)guardian 监护人homicide 杀人(罪)guardianship 监护权homosexuality 同性恋guidelines for sentencing 量刑指南house counsel (公司)专职法律顾问13husband-wife relationship夫妻关系inadmissible evidence不可采证据husband-wifetort 夫妻侵权(行为)incarceration 禁闭;监禁I incest 乱伦Id. 同上income tax 所得税identification 认定;确认身份;身份证Income Tax Act 《所得税条例》ignore 忽视;驳回income tax oncorporations 公司所得税illegal 非法的;违法的income tax onindividuals 个人所得税immaterial 无实质性的incompetence 无行为能力;无法律资格immigrationlaw 移民法incompetent 无行为能力的;无法律资格的immovable property不动产incorporation 法人;公司;组成公司immunity 豁免(权)incorporator公司创办人impair 损害;削弱independent regulatory agency 独立规制impeachment 弹劾;质疑机构implementation 实施;执行indicativelist 指导性名单impliedcontract 默认合同indictment 起诉书impliedwarranty 默认保证(保修)indirectevidence 间接证据imprisonment 监禁indirecttax 间接税imputable 可归罪于⋯⋯的individualchoice 个人选择(权)imputation 归罪individualfreedom 个人自由in re 关于;案由individual omnicompetence 个人全权in recess 休庭individualproprietorship 个体业主inrem 对物的(诉讼)individualright个人权利in session 开庭ineffective 失效的14inequality 不平等installment plan agreement分期付款购物infamous 罪恶的;丑恶的协议inference 推理 ;推论instruction 指示infliction 处罚instrument 文件informaladjudication 非正式裁决insurableinterest 可保利益informalrulemaking 非正式规则制定insurable loss 可保损失informati on 信息 ; 控告书insuranceagent 保险代理商infomer 耳目 ; 情报员insurancebinder 临时保单initialruling 初步裁定insurancebroker 保险中间人injunction 禁令 ; 强制令insurance card 保险卡injunctiverelief 强制救济insurancecoverage 保险范围injure 伤害insurance law 保险法injustice 不公正insurancepolicy保险单 ;险种innocence 无罪insurancepremium 保险费innocent 无罪的 ;无罪者insuranceproceeds 保险收益innocent owner defense 无过错所有人辩护insuranceproduct 保险项目inquiry 调查insured被保险人inquisitiorialsystem 纠问式诉讼制度insurer 保险人insane 精神失常intangible 无形的insanitydefense 精神失常辩护intangibledamage 无形损害inspection 检查 ;审查intangibleproperty 无形财产installme nt land vendor 分期付款的土地出intangiblepersonal property无形的人身财售人产(权)15interalia 除了别的以外irrevocablelife insurancetrust 不可撤销的interfere 干涉 ;侵犯人寿保险信托interlocut ory injunction 临时强制令;(诉讼 )itinerantjudge 巡回法官中间的强制令Jintermediate appellate court中级上诉法院jointtenancy 共同租借 (权 )intermetionalbusiness 调解jointventure 合资企业interrogat ion 国际商务joint venturecorporation 合资公司intentional 故意的joint venture with Chinese and foreignintentional tort 故意侵权行为investment 中外合资企业interest 利息 ; 权益 ;利益judge 法官interest raterisk 利率风险judge-made law 法官立法interview 询问judge'schamber 法官室invalid 无效的 ;不合法的judge's charge tojury 法官对陪审团的指令invalidate 使无效judge's instruction tojury 法官对陪审团的invasion ofprivacy 侵犯隐私权指示investigation 侦查 ;调查judgment 判决,裁定investment 投资judicialbranch 司法部门investment portfoliorisk 投资风险组合judicialclerkship 法院书记员职位investmentsecurities 投资证券judicialdecision 法官职位irrelevancy 无相关性judicialdistrict 司法区irrelevant 不相关的judicialinterpretation 司法解释irrelevantevidence 无相关性证据judicialnotice 司法任职irrevocabl e 不可撤销的judicialopinion 法官判决意见16judicial review 司法审查 Killer 杀人者judicial scrutiny 司法检查 Know-how技术秘密,商业秘密 judicialsubjectivity 审判主观性Ljudicial system法院系统land use law 土地使用法 judicia ry 法官last clea r chance doctrine 最后明显机会jurisdict ion司法管辖区法则jurisprudence 法理学 law 法,法律juror 陪审员 lawfirm 律师事务所jury 陪审团law merchant 商业习惯法 jury charge 法官对陪审团的指令 law of evidence 证据法 jury pool待选陪审员库law reform 法律改革 jury selection 挑选陪审员 lawsui t诉讼,官司jury trial陪审团制lawyer 律师justice 公正,大法官 lawyer in government政府律师; 官方律师justice of the peace 治安法官 lawyer in private practice 私人开业律师 justifiable homicide正当杀人lawyerett e律师娘juvenile court 未成年人法庭 lawman 外行人juvenile delinquency 未成年人违法行为 lay witness普通证人;非专家证人K lease 租赁Key man assurance 关键人保险 lease agreement 租赁协议 Key person insurance 关键人保险legacy 遗产Kickbacks 回扣 legacy tax遗产税Kill 杀人legal 合法的17legaladvice 法律咨询legality 法制legalcommentary 法律评论legislation 立法legal education 法律教育legislativebranch 立法部门legaleffect 法律教育legislativehistory 立法史legalenforcement 法律效力legislature 立法机关legalEnglish 法律英语legitimate 合法的legal family 法系levy 征收(税)legalhistory 法律史liability 责任;债务legalinstrument 法律文件liabilityinsurance 责任保险legal mechanism 法律机制liberty 自由legal memorandum 法律备忘录license plate (车)执照牌legalmethodology 法律方法论licensetax 执照税legal order 法律秩序lien 留置(权)legalproblem 法律问题lifeestate 终生财(遗)产legalprofession 法律职业life insurance 人寿保险legalprotection 法律保护limitedpartnership 有限合伙legalrelationship 法律关系liquidateddamages预定违约金legalrepresentative 法律代表liquidityrisk 流动资金风险legal safeguard 法律保障(措施)literary property 著作产权legalsystem 法律体系;法律制度litigant 诉讼当事人legaltheorist 法学理论家litigation 诉讼;打官司legalwriting 法律文书写作livestockinsurance 家畜保险legalese 法律涩语loan 贷款18lordchancellor ( 英国 )大法官maritime tort 海上侵权行为loss of rights 丧失权利market economy 市场经济marriage 婚姻Mmarriage ceremony 婚礼Magistrate 司法官marriagecertificate 结婚证书Magna Charta of greatBritain 《英国大宪章》marriage law 婚姻法mailorder 邮购marriagerelationship婚姻关系marriage termination rule ( 残疾人领取majority opinion 多数(法官)的意见社会保险补助的)婚姻终止规则malicious prosecution 恶意起诉material 实质性的malfeasance 渎职(罪)materiality 实质性malpractice 渎职行为maxims of equity law 衡平法准则mandate 命令;授权Mayflower Compact “五月花号”公约mandatory insurance law 强制保险法medical malpractice 医生不当行为manslaughter 非恶意杀人mental capacity 心智能力marine insurance 海上保险mental condition 精神状态marital status 婚姻状况mentor 辅导教师marital status classification 婚姻状况minor issue 枝节问题;未成年人问题的分类Miranda Warning 米兰达忠(警)告19misapply 错误适用motion 动议,请求misdemeanor 轻罪movable property 动产mislaid property 错置财产multiple listing 多重上市;多重登记misrepresentation 虚假陈述Multistate B ar Exam 多洲律师资格考mistrial 无效审判试murder 恶意杀人;凶杀mock trial 模拟审判Model Business Corporation Actmurderer 杀人犯《标准实业公司条例》mutilation 断肢Model Penal Code 《标准刑法典》NModel State AdministrativeProcedure National Association forthe Act 《标准洲行政程序条例》Advancement of Colored People 全国有色人种促进会modern commerce Power test现代商务(贸易)权力检验标准National Conference of BlackLawyers全国黑人律师大会modern delegation of power doctrine现代授权法则National Conference ofCommissioners on Uniform state Laws 统monopolization 垄断一各洲法律全国代表大会monopoly right 专有权National Environmental Policy Act 《全moot court 模拟法庭国环境政策条例》mortgage 抵押(品)20National Institute of Minority Lawyers not guilty plea 无罪答辩全国少数民族律师学会notice 通知National Law Journal 《国家法律学报》notice of transfer 过户通知narcotics distribution 麻醉品供销notification 通知;通报narcoticstrafficking 麻醉品交易概notion念narcoticsviolation 麻醉品违法行为nullification process 无效程序natural justice 自然公正Onegative form of protection 否定(或消object 反对极)形式的保护objection 反对;异议negligence 过失obligation 义务negligent homicide 过失杀人occupancy agreement 占用协议negligent tort 过失侵权行为offender 犯罪人negotiable instrument 票据offense 罪行negotiation 谈判;协商offer 要约;发盘New Deal (罗斯福)“新政”offer of Proof 提供证明no contest 无争辩Old Boy Network 老哥们关系网no par share 无面值股票Omission 不做为:不履行义务non-profit corporation 非营利公司Omni competence 有全部权利norm 规范;标准21Opening statement 开场陈述ownership 所有权Opening testimony 意见证言petition 申请Oral contract 口头合同ownership interest 所有权力Order 命令;次序petty misdemeanor 微罪P physical exhibit 展示物品performs' rights 表演权physical injury 身体伤害peril 危险perjure 作伪证panel 团或组perjury 伪证罪plaintiff 原告人perpetrate 犯罪par value 面值perpetator 犯罪人plea 答辩ordinance 法令paramour 奸夫personal property 动产plea of guilty 有罪答辩outstanding balance 未付款额parent child relation 父子女关系personal right 人身权利plea of contest 无争辩答辩outstanding share 已发行股票parent corporation 母公司personal tort 人身侵权plea of guilty 无罪答辩overrule 推翻;驳回parent unfitness 父母不胜任persuasive authority 劝导性发源police 警察22parole 假释penitentiary 监狱police magistrate 警务法官practice law 从事律师工作partnership 合伙penitentiary sentence 监禁刑police magistrate court 警察法院practicing lawyer 开业律师passage of title 产权转移 penology 刑法学police power 警察权利practice of law 律师事物passive investor 消极投资人per curiam 依法院所定policy 政策precedent 判例patent 专利peremptory challenge 强制回避policy holder 投保人precedential support 判例支持paternity 父亲身份perform 履行poll tax 人头税predeprivation hearing 执行剥夺前的听证penal code 刑法典performance 履行portfolio of risk 风险组合predictability 可预见性penalty 刑罚performance bond 履行保证金possession 占有权preept 优先于pending 待决Preferential claim 优先索赔权postponement 延迟Preferred stock 优先股票23Prejudice 偏见prevailing doctrine优势法则;流行学Preliminary exanimation说预审prevail 优先(适用)Preliminary hearing预审听证会Preliminary injunctionprimafacie 表面的;初步的预先执行令Preliminary negotiationprima facieevidence有表面证据之案预谈判;初步协商prima facieevidence 表面证据Premises 房屋;上述房屋primary authority 主要法源Premium 保险费;红利;溢价principle oflegality 法制原则prenticed seizure 通知前扣押privacy 隐私权preponderance of proof 优势证明privatecorporation 私有公司preponderant evidence 优势证据private law 私法prescription 时效;规定privateproperty 私有财产presentation 陈述privateprosecution 私诉persistenceinvestigation 量刑前调查privilege 特权;特许权;特免权presidential AssassinationStatuteprivileges and immunities clause特权《暗杀总统法》与豁免条款presumption innocence 无罪推定prose 自己;亲自pretrialmotion 审前动议probablecause 可能理由;合理原因probate court 遗嘱检验法院24probation 缓刑property 财产probation officer 缓刑官property law 财产法probative value 证明价值property right 财产权利probativeness 证明性property tax 财产税procedural history 程序史property tort 财产侵权行为procedural regime 诉讼制度proponent 支持者;提议者procedural safeguard 程序保障proprietor 个体业主procedure 程序proprietorship 个体企业proceedings 诉讼;程序proscription 禁止;剥夺公权product liability 产品责任prosecuting attorney 公诉律师;检察官profit 利润prosecution 起诉profit corporation 营利公司prosecutor 检察官;起诉人progeny 后代prosecutor ’scase-in-chief 检方主诉prohibition 禁止prospective juror 将任陪审员promise 许诺promulgationprostitute 妓女颁布proof 证明protective tariff 保护性关税proof beyondprove 证明a reasonable doubt 超出合理怀疑的证明Provision 规定,条款25Provisions of Oxford 《牛津条例》QPsychiatrist 精神病学家Qualified property 有限制财产Public charge 受政府救济者、Quantum meruit (无合同规定时)按Publiccorporation 公有公司合理价格支付,合理给付Publicdefender 公共辩护律师Quasi tort 准侵权行为Publicgood 公益Quote 引用,引证Public law 公法RPublicoffense 公罪(侵犯公共利益的Racialdiscrimination 种族歧视犯罪)Racialsegregation 种族隔离Publicproperty 公共财产Rain insurance 雨水保险Publicprosecution 公诉Rarnpant 猖獗的Publicprosecutor 公诉人,检察官Rape 强奸Publicutilities 公共事业Ratify 认可Public held corporation 公众持股公司Rationalrelationship test 合理关系检验标准Punishable 可处罚的Real estate 不动产Punishment 刑罚Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act Punitive sanction 惩罚性处分《不动产纠纷解决程序条例》Purpose 目的,宗旨Real evidence 实在证据Pursuant to law 依法26Real property 不动产Release 释放Reasonable basis 合理根据 Relevancy 相关性Reasoning 论证,推论 Relevant evidence 相关证据Rebuttable presumption 可驳回推定 Relief 救济Rebuttal evidence 反驳证据 Remand 发回重审Recess 休庭 Remedy 补救Reciprocal exemption statutes 互免税 Repeal 废止,撤消法律Repealer 废止议案Reckless conduct 疏忽大意行为 累犯RepeatoffenderReckless homicide 疏忽大意杀人代理Representation Recourse 追索权,求偿权 不言自明的Res ipsa loquiturRecovery 追索,补偿Reservation of power 权利保留Redemption 赎回Reserve 储备金(保险)预备金Redress 矫正,赔偿Reserve portfolio of risk 预备金组合风 Registration sticker注册贴签 险Regulation 法规,规章 Resolution 决议,解决Rehearing 复审 Rest 停止陈述Reinstatement (权利)恢复 Restatements of law 《法律注释汇编》Reinstatement fee 恢复费 Restitution 恢复原状27。