1.Abandon + attempt, career, child, convention, effort, homestead, hope, Tradition,Idea, pet, policy, principle, proposal, rationality, search, vehicle, wife2 .Absorb + culture, idea, information3.abuse+alcohol, authority, drug, power, substance4.accelerate+change, development, growth, pace, rate, speed, trend5.achieve+aim, effect, feat, goal, growth, objective, purpose, success, target6.acquire +information, knowledge, opportunity, skill, status7.address +issue, matter, problem, question, subject8.admire+courage, quality, skill, view, work9.adopt+attitude, idea, measure, method, plan, policy, practice, rule, technique10.affect + behaviour, decision, life, outcome, performance, quality11.allocate +expenditure, fund, money, seat, time, work12.alter+behaviour, fact, life, perception, policy, relationship13.analyse +behaviour, impact, performance, problem, result14.appreciate+ beauty, effort, point, support, value, work15.attain +degree, goal, objective, position, status, target16.attract + attention, audience, criticism, effort, interest, investment, support17.ban +advertising, book, drug, practice, weapon18.bear+ burden, cost, fruit, grudge, hallmark, resemblance, responsibility, similarity19.boost + confidence, economy, image, income, moral, performance, profit, value20.break +contract, deadlock, habit, law, promise, record, rule, silence, tradition21.cancel +agreement, appointment, booking, holiday, meeting, trip, visit22.catch +attention, breath, bus, cold, disease, eye, fire, flight, glimpse, plane, train23.cause+accident, change, concern, damage, difficulty, harm, loss, pain, problem, trouble24.celebrate+ achievement, anniversary, birthday, centenary, day, event, festival, holiday, occasion, success, victory, wedding, year25.challenge +authority, claim, decision, idea, notion, view26. change+ attitude, behaviour, direction, face, habit, mind, situation, subject27. collect + data, evidence, information, rent, tax, thought28. combat + crime, crisis, disease, drug, inflation, problem, tragedy, terrorism, violence,29.concentrate+ effort, attention, energy, mind, power30.conduct + analysis, business, debate, examination, experiment, inquiry, interview, investigation, meeting, negotiation, orchestra, research, study, survey, test, trial31.confirm +appointment, booking, existence, view32.confront+ challenge, difficulty, fact, issue, problem, reality, situation33.consume+alcohol, energy, passion, time34.control +behaviour, money, population, power, supply, temper35.convey +idea, image, information, language, meaning, message, view36. crate + atmosphere, environment, image, impression, opportunity37. curb+ attempt, effort, emission, growth38. cut + budget, cost, hair, loss, pay, price, price, rate, supply, tax39. damage +brain, career, creditability, economy, environment, health, image, relationship, reputation40. debate + issue, matter, merit, policy, proposal, subject41.delay +action, arrival, decision, departure, development, flight, onset42.deliver+goods, lecture, message, performance, service, speech43.demonstrate+ ability, commitment, importance, need, power, skill44.deny +access, chance, claim, existence, involvement, opportunity, request, right45.deserve +chance, consideration, mention, place, praise, punishment, respect, support, win46. destroy + ability, bond, building, ecosystem, forest, hope, industry, life, prospect47.determine +amount, extent, nature, outcome, policy, price, rate, value48.develop + habit, idea, knowledge, plan, policy, skill, taste, technology49. discuss +idea, issue, matter, possibility, problem, situation, subject, topic50.dismiss+ appeal, application, argument, charge, claim, employee, idea, notion, possibility, reason, suggestion51.display + collection, information, skill, talent52.disregard +advice, pain, statement, suffering, warning53.disrupt + activity, attempt, life, meeting, operation, peace, plan, process, service54.distract + attention, mind, thought55.distribute + goods, information, material, power, product56.earn + credit, degree, income, salary, wage, money, livelihood, place, praise, profit, reputation, respect, return57.ease + burden, crisis, difficulty, fear, grip, mind, pain, plight, pressure, problem, restriction, shortage, strain, tension, worry58.eliminate + discrimination, gap, habit, need, pest, possibility, problem, risk, use59.emphasise +contribution, fact, importance, importance, point, role60.employ + method, people, staff, strategy, system, tactic, technique, worker61.encounter +difficulty, opposition, problem, resistance, situation62.enforce + ban, control, law, limit, requirement, rule, standard63.enhance +ability, appearance, chance, environment, image, performance, prestige, quality, relationship, role,skill, status, value64.enrich + experience, performance, relationship, life65.establish + business, creditability, link, network, relationship, reputation, rule66.examine + effect, evidence, implication, issue, nature, policy, problem, progress67.exercise + authority, care, choice, control, discretion, influence, judgement, option, power, responsibility, restraint, right, skill68.exhibit + behaviour, characteristic, degree, level, pattern, property, range, sign, symptom, tendency, variety, work69. expand + activity, base, business, capacity, horizon, operation, range, scope70. exploit + advantage, loophole, market, opportunity, position, possibility, potential, power, situation, technology, weakness71.explore + area, detail, idea, issue, nature, opportunity, option, possibility, potential,relationship, world72.express +anger, appreciaton, belief,concern,disappointment, doubt, emotion, fear, gratitude, interest, opinion, preference, regret, satisfaction, support, sympathy, thanks, thought, view, wish73.extend + credit, hand, invitation, lead, life, period, plan, system74.uate + evidence, impact, option, performance, policy, position, quality, work75.facilitate + change, communication, development, exchange, flow, learning, transfer76. follow + advice, example, footstep, guideline, instruction, lead, path, pattern, procedure, route, rule, track77.form + basis, company, government, partnership, relationship, society78. forge + bond, career, friendship, identity, link, partnership, relationship, signature,79. foster + attitude, competition, culture, development, discrimination, relationship, spirit80.fulfil + aim, ambition, criteria, demand, desire, dream, expectation, need, obligation, potential, requirement, responsibility, role, task81.gain + acceptance, access, advantage, approval, attention, benefit, confidence, control, currency, degree, experience, ground, impression, independence, information, insight, knowledge, momentum, opportunity, popularity, power, qualification, recognition, reputation, respect, support, understanding82. gather + crowd, evidence, information, momentum, pace, people83.generate + cash, demand, electricity, energy, growth, heat, income, interest, job, power, profit, revenue, support84.guarantee+ cash, demand, electricity, energy, growth, heat, income, interest, job,power, profit, revenue, support85. hamper +ability, effort, plan, search, development86.handle + affair, business, crisis, issue, matter, problem, situation87.harness + energy, investment, power, revolution, technology88.hold + belief, breath, election, exhibition, hope, meeting, position, post, seat, view89. ignore + advice, evidence, fact, issue, need, problem, protest, question, sign, warming90. imitate + accent, attitude, custom, sound, style, voice91.impair + ability, efficiency, function, health, performance92.implement + ban, change, contract, decision, law, plan, policy, practice, principle, recommendation, reform, strategy, tax93.impose + ban, burden, constraint, control, deadline, duty, fine, law, limit, punishment, requirement, restraint, restriction, rule, sentence, tax94.improve + appearance, chance, education, efficiency, effort, environment, facility, health, image, life, performance, productivity, quality, safety, service, situation, skill, standard, system95.increase + amount, capacity, chance, demand, productivity, profit, rate, risk, sale, share, tax96. initiate + action, campaign, change, contact, debate, development, discussion, investigation, policy, programme, reform, request, research, review, study, talk97.integrate + approach, policy, service, technologyy + base, emphasis, figure, foundation, groundwork, hand, stress99.limit + ability, access, choice, growth, unemployment, use100.lose + altitude, appetite, balance, chance, confidence, grip, hearing, home, hope, interest, job, memory, mind, money, opportunity, sense, sight, speed, temper, voice101.maintain + balance, contact, control, environment, interest, momentum, position, quality, relationship, standard, status, tradition102.make + arrangement, attempt, call, change, choice, comment, contribution, decision, difference, distinction, effort,mistake, money, noise, progress, speech, statement, trip103.match + description, expectation, need, pace, performance104. meet + challenge, criteria, deadline, demand, friend, goal, need, objective, obligation, requirement, standard, target105. merit + attention, consideration, mention106.nurture + child, hatred, ideal, relationship, talent107.obey + command, instruction, law, obligation, order, parent, rule108.obtain +advice, benefit, consent, degree, detail, evidence, information, permission, result, service, solution109. offer+ advice, benefit, assistance, chance, choice, discount, explanation, help, job, money, opportunity, resistance, service, support110.offset+advantage, benefit, cost, decline, demand, effect, gain, growth, impact, increase, loss, problem, profit, reduction, revenue, sale, tax111.oppose + change, idea, law, move, plan, policy, proposal, view112.overcome+ barrier, challenge, crisis, difficulty, fear, hurdle, limitation, obstacle, odds, opposition, prejudice, problem, resistance, shyness113.overlook+achievement, fact, factor, importance, link, need, point, premise, self-esteem114.perform + ceremony, dance, duty, experiment, function, job, operation, play, procedure, rite, ritual, role, service, task, test, work115.place+ advertisement, bet, blame, burden, emphasis, importance, limit, order, restriction, strain, trust, value116.play+ card, football, game, golf, match, music, part, piano, role, toy117.pose + challenge, danger, dilemma,hazard,problem,question, risk, threat118.possess+ ability, characteristic, knowledge, power, quality, skill, strength, wealth119.predict + behaviour, change, future, growth, market, outcome, result, success120.preserve+balance, character, effort, environment, family, heritage, identity, independence, integrity, life, tradition, unity, value121.prohibit + act, activity, discrimination, drinking, gambling, smoking, substance, abuse, use122.promote + change, development, education, effort, growth, health, idea, policy, welfare123.protect + children, copyright, environment, law, privacy, property, public, right, species124.provide +answer, assistance,basis, care, clue, detail, evidence, example, explanation, help, incentive, information, insight, opportunity, protection, service, support125.provoke + action, anger, backlash, controversy, criticism, debate, discussion, interest, opposition, outcry, protest, reaction, response, thought, violence, war126.pursue + aim, argument, career, end, goal, idea, interest, issue, matter, objective, question127.raise + awareness, child, concern, doubt, family, flag, fund, hand, head, hope, issue, matter, money, possibility, price, problem, question, rate, standard, subject, tax, voice128.reach + adolescence, age, agreement, compromise, conclusion, consensus, decision, end, final , goal, level, limit, peak, point, stage, standard, target129.receive+approval, attention, benefit, call, education, gift, information, invitation, letter, message, payment, publicity, reply, support, treatment130.recognise+ benefit, fact,flaw, importance, need, problem, right, role, value, voice131.reduce + budget, chance, cost, debt, demand, effort, emission, need, pollution, risk, tax, tension, value132.reform + character, economy, law, plan, regulation, system133.reject +appeal, application, argument, bid, claim, idea, notion, offer, plan, proposal, request, suggestion, view134.relieve + anxiety, boredom, burden, duty, monotony, pain, poverty, pressure, problem, responsibility, stress, symptom, tedium, tension135.remove+ barrier, obstacle, restriction, rule, stain136.repair + belief, car, damage, dwelling, injury, make-up137.repeat+ behaviour, habit, history, mistake, pattern, procedure, question, success,138. replace +battery, car, staff, system, tyre139. resist + change, idea, impulse, pressure, temptation, urge, will140.resolve + ambiguity, conflict, contradiction, crisis, difference, difficulty, dilemma, dispute, issue, matter, problem, question, situation, tension141.respect + decision, law, privacy, view, wish142.restore +balance, building, confidence, control, faith, glory, health, life, order, peace, position, power,pride, reputation, sight143.retain + atmosphere, character, control, dignity, employee, grip, identity, independence, interest, position, post, power,right, status, title144.reverse + change, decision, decline, direction, order, policy, role, situation, trend145.review + decision, evidence, option, policy, progress, situation, study, work146.satisfy + appetite, condition, criteria, curiosity, customer, demand, desire, hunger, need, requirement, taste, test147.set + agenda, date, example, fire, goal, limit, objective, pace, precedent, price, record, scene, sight, stage, standard, target, task, tone148.share + belief, blame, concern, experience, house, idea, information, interest, life, responsibility, room, sense, view149.shift + attention, balance, blame, burden, demand, emphasis, focus, gear, ground, position, power, responsibility150.solve + crime, crisis, difficulty, issue, problem, puzzle, question, riddle151.spend + afternoon, amount, day, evening, fortune, hour, life, money, month, morning, night, time, week, weekend, year152.spoil + appetite, chance, child, choice, day, fun, view153.stiumulate + ability, activity, brain, demand, development, economy, growth, hormone, industry, interest, investment, research154.strengthen + ability, argument, bond, commitment, control, effort, family, force, law, link, muscle, position, power, presence, relationship, role, squad, tie155.supply + electricity, energy, equipment, food, gas, goods, information, material, power, product, service, water156.support + claim, effort, family, hypothesis, idea, plan, proposal, view157.suppress +anger, attempt, drug, effort, emotion, evidence, rebellion, smile, truth, uprising, urge158.suspend + action, decision, duty, flight, licence, operation, order, payment, sentence159.sustain + ability, conscience, damage, effort, growth, interest, level, life, population160.take + action, approach, breath, chance, job, lead, opportunity, photograph, responsibility, risk, role, step, turn, view161.teach + child, class, course, language, lesson, skill, student, subject, technique162.transfer +benefit, data, fund, information, ownership, responsibility163.transform + city, country, economy, face, image, landscape, life, opinion, situation,164.trigger + action, change, debate, event, problem, reaction, response, war165.understand + idea, meaning, nature, need, problem, process, reason166.undergo + change, course, development, examination, experience, operation, period, procedure, process, revolution, surgery, test, training, transformation, treatment, trail167.undertake + action, analysis, development, duty, exercise, initiative, investigation, operation, programme, project, research, responsibility, study, survey, task, training168.utilise + assistance,power, resource, service, talent, time169.win + battle, championship, competition, contest, contract, heart, majority, match, prize, race, scholarship, support, title, tournament170.withdraw + candidacy, cash, decision, money, service, support。
1. 做出决策:作出决策、下决心、拟定决策
2. 发表意见:表达意见、提出建议、公开发表
3. 取得进展:取得进展、取得成效、取得突破
4. 提供帮助:给予帮助、提供支持、伸出援手
5. 承担责任:负有责任、承担责任、履行责任
6. 提出问题:提出问题、发问、问询
7. 提高能力:提高能力、增强能力、培养能力
8. 吸引注意:吸引注意、引起关注、引人注目
9. 避免错误:避免错误、防止错误、避免犯错
10. 发生问题:出现问题、出现困难、遇到挑战
常用英语动词短语1.动词+aboutspeak/talk about谈论think about思考care about关心,对...有兴趣bring about引起,使发生set about 着手,开始come about发生hear about听说worry about为...担心2.动词+awaythrow away 扔掉blow away吹走carry away拿走,使入迷clear away清除掉,消散die away逐渐消失pass away 去世wash away冲走take away拿走put away收拾起来,存起来give away背弃,泄露wear away磨掉,消耗break away摆脱send away让走开turn away把...打发走3.动词+backkeep back隐瞒,忍住hold back控制住call back回电话look back回顾give back归还take back拿回,收回4.动词+forrun for竞选ask for要求得到wait for等候long for渴望care for关心,喜欢search for查找call for要求,需要change for用...换apply for申请seek for寻找stand for代表,表示hope/wish for希望得到beg for乞求look for寻找hunt for寻找charge for收费,要价take for误以为...是come for来拿,来取5.动词+downburn down 烧毁take down记下,记录cut down削减,砍倒pass down 传下来calm down平静下来settle down 安家tear down 拆毁,拆除break down坏了,垮了,分解turn down调小,拒绝slow down慢下来put down记下,写下,镇压bring down使...降低,使倒下come down下落,传下6.动词+atcome at 向...袭击run at冲向,向...攻击tear at用力撕stare at凝视glance at匆匆一瞥knock at敲门,窗等smile at冲某人笑aim at向...瞄准wonder at惊讶shout at冲某人嚷嚷work at干...活动研究look at看,注视glare at怒视laugh at嘲笑point at指向strike at向...打击shoot at向...射击call at拜访地点7.动词+fromdiffer from与...不同suffer from受...苦hear from收到...来信die from因...而死keep/stop/prevent from不让...做learn from向...学习date from始于...时候result from由于separate from把...分离开8.动词+ofthink of想到consist of由...组成approve of赞成talk of谈到complain of抱怨dream of梦到speak of 读到die of死于hear of听说become of发生...情况,怎么啦9.动词+offstart off出发set off出发leave off''中断show off炫耀get off下车see off送行put off延期,推迟cut off切断,断绝keep off避开,勿走近knock off把...撞落pay off还清get off脱下衣服等turn/switch off关掉take off脱下,起飞ring off挂断电话come off脱掉,褪色fall off跌落,掉下go off走开,消失,坏了break off打断carry off携走,带走give off散发出10.动词+ondepend on依靠insist on坚持keep/go on继续put on穿上,戴上,上演move on 继续移动,往前走feed on以...为生take on 雇佣,呈现have on穿着look on 旁观rely on依靠carry on继续,进行spend on在...花钱call on拜访live on以...为生bring on使...发展try on试穿pass on传授,传递turn/switch on打开11.动词+outbreak out爆发point out指出pick out选出burst out迸发carry out 执行hold out坚持下去figure out 算出bring out 阐明,使表现出help out救助set out出发,着手wear out穿破,使...疲劳make out 理解,看清楚cross out划掉keep out of使不进入,挡住find out查出,弄明白try out 试用,试验put out 扑灭hand out 散发run out用完let out泄露,发出声音turn out 结果是,生产come out出版,出来leave out省略,删掉work out算出,想出办法等give out散发,分发,用完look out当心,堤防speak out大胆讲出send out发出,派遣go out 熄灭12.动词+ingive in让步bring in引进,使得到收入result in导致join in参加get in收获,进入fill in填写cut in插入look in来访,参观hand in上交drop in拜访succeed in在...获得成功take in接纳,吸收break in强制进入,插话call in召集,来访persist in坚持13.动词+intolook into研究,调查burst into闯入,迸发change into把...变成run into碰到turn into变成divide into把...分成put/translate into把...译成14.动词+overturn over翻倒,细想go over审阅,检查,研究get over克服take over接管,接替fall over跌倒,摔倒think over仔细考虑look over翻阅,检查run over压死,看一遍watch over看守,照看roll over翻滚15.动词+tobelong to属于refer to谈到,涉及,参阅turn to向...求助,查阅see to处理,料理reply to答复object to反对point to指向stick/hold/keep to坚持,忠于come to 共计,苏醒get to到达bring to使苏醒agree to同意supply to为...提供add to增添devote to贡献给compare to与...相比,把...比作write to写信给lead to导致,通向attend to处理16.动词+upgrow up 成长,长大build up建立put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起do up整理,包装,打扮get up起床,站起bring up抚养,呕吐,提出stay up挺住,熬夜sit up熬夜use up用完lay up积蓄cut up切碎end up总结speed up加快速度clear up整理,收拾,放晴burn up烧毁hurry up赶快keep up保持send up发射open up开创,开辟break up分解give up放弃,献出set up架起,建立go up增长,上涨pick up拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到turn up开大,出席,出现take up开始学,从事,占据eat up吃完tear up撕碎make up构成,组成join up联结起来,参军come up上来,长出,出现throw up呕吐look up查找,找出catch up赶上fix up修理,安排,装置hold up耽搁,使停顿ring up打电话divide up分配17.动词+throughget through通过,干完,接通电话go through审阅,检查,学习see through识破pull through渡过危机,康复look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看put through接通电话check through核对18.动词+withdeal with处理,对付meet with遇到,遭受agree with同意,与...一致combine with与...相联合do with处理,需要talk with同...交流compare with与...相比equip with以...装备cover with用...覆盖end with以...结束provide with 以...供给begin with以...开始supply with以...供给play with 玩,玩弄19.三词以上的短语动词add up to总计keep away fro避开,别靠近mlook down on 轻视put up with忍受keep up with 赶上make up for弥补get on/along with和...相处get close to接近get out of逃避,避免set fire to放火烧take notice of注意do well in在...干得好take a photo of拍...照片make fun of开玩笑,取笑get used to习惯于keep in touch with保持联系come into being出现take pride in为...而自豪take an interest in对...感兴趣make a fool of愚弄take charge of负责make friends with同...交朋友take part in参加catch sight of看见break away from摆脱do away with废除look up to仰望,尊敬catch up with 赶上run out of用完go on with继续look forward to盼望take hold of握住get down to认真开始pay attention to注意set an example to为...树立榜样pay a visit to访问take the place of取代make use of利用get into the habit of染上...的习惯get rid of摆脱keep an eye on堤防take care of照看help oneself to随便吃,用make room for给...让地方take advantage of利用take pity on可怜play a part in 起作用,扮演...的角色lose sight of看不见●(一)由be构成的词组1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出2)be at home/work 在家/上班3)be good at 善于,擅长于4)be careful of 当心,注意,仔细5)be covered with 被……复盖6)be ready for 为……作好准备7)be surprised (at) 对……感到惊讶8)be interested in 对……感到举9)be born 出生10)be on 在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着11)be able to do sth. 能够做……12)be afraid of (to do sth. that…) 害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)13)be angry with sb. 生(某人)的气14)be pleased (with) 对……感到高兴(满意)15)be famous for 以……而著名16)be strict in (with) (对工作、对人)严格要求17)be from 来自……,什么地方人18)be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了19)be worried 担忧20)be (well) worth doing (非常)值得做……21)be covered with 被……所覆盖……22)be in (great) need of (很)需要23)be in trouble 处于困境中24)be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……25)be late for ……迟到26)be made of (from) 由……制成27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意28)be free 空闲的,有空29)be (ill) in bed 卧病在床30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……)(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组1)come back 回来2)come down 下来3)come in 进入,进来4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来5)come out出来6)come out of 从……出来7)come up 上来8)come from 来自……9)do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业10)do more speaking/reading多做口头练习/朗读11)do one's best 尽力12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除) 13)do a good deed (good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)14)do morning exercises 做早操15)do eye exercises 做眼保健操16)do well in 在……某方面干得好17)get up 起身18)get everything ready 把一切都准备好19)get ready for (=be ready for) 为……作好准备20)get on (well) with 与……相处(融洽)21)get back 返回22)get rid of 除掉,去除23)get in 进入,收集24)get on/off 上/下车25)get to 到达26)get there 到达那里27)give sb. a call 给……打电话28)give a talk 作报告29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)30)give back 归还,送回31)give……some advice on 给……一些忠告32)give lessons to 给……上课33)give in 屈服34)give up 放弃35)give sb. a chance 给……一次机会36)give a message to…… 给……一个口信37)go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)go to the cinema 看电影39)go go bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)40)go to school (college) 上学(上大学)41)go to (the) hospital 去医院看病42)go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西44)go home (there) 回家去(去那儿)45)go round 顺便去,绕道走46)go up 上去47)go out for a walk 外出散步48)go on (doing) 继续(做……)49)go on with one's work 继续某人的工作50)go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼51)(the lights) go out (灯)熄了52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting 上课/开会53)have a football match (basketball match) 举行一场足球(蓝球)赛54)have dictation 听见55)have a try 试一试56)have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴57)have a lecture (a piano concert) 听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)58)have a report (talk) on 听一个关于……的报告59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea) 喝一杯水,(一杯茶)60)have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭61)have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭(三餐饭)62)have a dinner 吃正餐63)have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶64)have (have got) a headache 头痛65)have a fever 发烧66)have a cough (a cold) 咳嗽(感冒)67)have a look (at) 看一看……68)have a rest (a break) 休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)69)have a talk 谈话70)have a swim/walk 游泳/散步71)have sports 进行体育锻炼72)have a sports meet (meeting) 开运动会73)have something done 让人(请人)做……74)have a test/an exam 测验/考试75)have an idea 有了个主意76)had better do sth. (not do sth.) 最好做……(最好不要做……)77)have a word with 与……谈几句话78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. 在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80)help each other 互相帮助81)keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……82)keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静83)keep sb. doing sth. 使……一直做……84)keep one's diary 记日记85)make a noise (a lot of noise, much noise, noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)86)make a living 谋生87)make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……88)make faces (a face)做鬼脸89)make friends (with)与……交朋友90)make a mistake (mistakes)犯错误91)make room/space for 给……腾出地方92)make a sentence (sentences)with 用……造句93)make a fire 生火94)be made from/of 由……制成95)be made in 在……地方制造96)look out of (outside) 往外看(看外面)97)look up a word (in the dictionary) 查字典98)look up 往上看,仰望99)look after 照管,照看,照顾100)look for 寻找101)look like 看上去像102)look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑103)look out 当心,小心104)look on …as… 把……当作……看待105)look around 朝四周看106)look at 看着……107)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)108)put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖109)put into 使进入,输入110)put one's heart into 全神贯注于111)put…down… 把……放下112)put…into… 把……译成113)set up 竖起,建起114)set off 出发,动身115)set out 出发116)set an example for 为……树立榜样117)send for 派人去请(叫)118)send out 放出,发出119)end up 把……往上送,发射120)take one's advice 听从某人劝告121)take out 拿出,取出122)take down 拿下123)take place 发生124)take one's place 坐……的座位,代替某人职务125)take the place of 代替……126)take a walk/rest 散步/休息127)take it easy 别紧张128)take sth.with sb. 随身带着129)take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假130)take care of 关心,照顾,保管131)take a look (a last look) at 看一看(最后看一眼)132)take an exam 参加考试133)take away 拿走134)take back 收回,带回135)take hold of 抓住……136)take off 脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉137)take (an active) part in (积极)参加(活动) 138)take photos 拍照139)take some medicine 服药140)take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船141)turn on 开,旋开(电灯,收音机等) 142)turn off 关上(电灯,收音机等)143)turn in 交出,上交144)turn…into… 变成145)turn to 翻到,转向146)turn down (把音量)调低147)turn…over 把……翻过来148)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球149)play games 做游戏150)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)151)play with snow 玩雪152)play a joke (on) 对……开玩笑(三)由其他动词构成的词组153)think over 仔细考虑154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处155)eat up 吃完,吃光156)do well in 在……干得好157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事喜欢干某事158)find out 发现,查出(真相等)159)finish off 吃完,喝完160)stop doing sth. 停止做某事161)stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事162)hold a meting 举行会议163)hold up 举起164)hurry up 赶快,快点165)enter for 报名参加166)langht at 嘲笑167)be used to 习惯于168)used to 过去常常169)wake…up 唤醒170)work out 算出二、动词短语1)ask for 向……要……,请求2)ask for leave 请假3)send for 派人去请(叫)4)pay for 付……的款5)wait for 等候6)thank for 为……感谢7)apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉8)look for 寻找9)leave…for 离开……去……10)fall off 跌落11)catch cold 着凉,伤风12)catch up with 赶上13)agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见14)filled……with 把……装满15)tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事16)talk about 谈论……17)think about 考虑……18)worry about 担忧……19)look after 照料20)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑21)read after 跟……读22)smile at 对……微笑23)knock at 敲(门、窗)24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)25)throw away 扔掉26)work hard at 努力做……27)wait in line 排队等候28)change…into… 变成29)hurry into… 匆忙进入30)run into… 跑进31)hear of 听说32)think of 认为,考虑33)catch hold of 抓住34)instead of 代替……35)hand in 交上来36)stay in bed 卧病在床37)hear from 收到……来信●Aact on /upon对……起作用,根据……行事,影响到,作用于add up (to)总计达,总而言之adjust … to使……适应,调整……以适应admit … into让……进入advance in /on在……方面的发展/进步agree in在……方面一致,在……上相同agree on /upon /as to对……意见一致agree to同意,答应,赞成,承认agree with赞成(指人),与……一致,适合aim at瞄准,指望,目的在于amount to总共达到,总计,等于apply for寻求,申请arise from /out of由……而引起,由……而产生arm oneself with用……武装起来arrange for安排,准备,约定arrive at /in到达,得出(结论等),达到(团结等)ask for请求,找(某人),要求assign … to把……指定给……,指定……担任……attain to达到,获得act as担任,充当,起……作用,扮演……角色Bbegin at从……开始believe in信任,相信belong to属于boil up(水)烧开bother about为……而麻烦break down破坏,中断,粉碎,破除,压倒,衰弱,失败break off折断,断绝,突然中断break out发生,逃脱,爆发(战争),发生(疾病、失火、争吵、骚乱)burn down焚毁,烧光,火力变弱burn up烧尽,发出火来burst out突然出现,突然发生(战争、疾病等),大叫起来Ccall for请求,要求,去拿(物件),去接(某人),为争取……而叫喊call on /upon访问carry on继续下去,处理,经营,坚持下去carry out贯彻,执行,实现,落实carry at抓住(东西),及时抓住catch up with赶上change into变成,改穿(衣服)come about发生,(风向)改变方向come back回来,复原,恢复come upon碰见,打击,要求congratulate sb. on/upon sth.为某事向某人祝贺connect … to把……接到……上consist of由……组成,由……构成convert (A) into (B)把(A)变成(B)cooperate with sb. in在……方面和某人合作copy sth. down把……抄下来count in计人,归人……中计算cry for恳求,请求,急需cut down砍倒,削减,减价,缩短cut off切断,删去,断绝,中断compare … to把……比作(看作)……compare with与……比较Ddepend on /upon依赖,依靠,取决于,随……而定describe … as把……说成,把……评为develop into发展成为die from /of因……而死discriminate … against歧视drink up /down /off喝完,(植物)吸收(水分)drive away把……赶走,乘车走drive off驱散drive out逐出,乘车出去dry up干涸,(思路等)枯竭,讲不出话来Eearn one’s bread /living谋生eat one’s words取消诺言,食言,承认错误,道歉eat up吃光,消灭,使发昏employ … as用……作为,把……用作equal to等于,赶得上,敌得过,胜任equip with用……装备escape from从……逃脱,漏出(液体、气体等)exchange (A) for (B)以(A)换(B)exist in存在……中explain … as把……解释成express … as把……表示为Ffeed on用……喂养,靠吃……过活,以……为能源feed … into把……供给,把……送人,把……馈人feel about摸索fight against对……作斗争(作战)fight for为……而斗争(作战)fill in填写,填充,填满find one’s place找到……的地位,找到要找的地方find out找出,查明,发现,想出,认识到,揭发出来fire at /on /upon /into射击,炮击,向……开火fix on /upon固定,确定,决定,选定,(目标)注视,归咎于fix one’s eyes on注视flow with充满fly at扑向,攻击force upon强加Ggain in增加,增进gather up收集,总括,集中gaze at /on /upon凝视,注视get away离开,逃脱,把……送走get in进入,到达,收割,收集,当选get off送出,送走,脱下(衣服等),下(车),出发,起飞get on上(车、马等),进展,过活,接近,穿上,识破get together聚集,商谈,积累get up起床,起立,产生,研究,安排,组织,增强give in屈服,让步,交上give up让给,放弃,停止,投降go away离去go on继续,接下去,(工作等)进行下去,(时间)过去发生go through通过,穿到,审查,经历,完成go wrong(机器等)出毛病,发生故障,走错路,(计划等)失败grasp at抓住,攫取grow up长大guard against防止,提防,预防(疾病等)Hhand in递交,交出(考卷等)hand round顺次传递(传阅),分发hang up挂起,拖延,中止,弃置不闻,挂断电话happen to……发生have sth. with随身带着hear about听到关于hear from得到……的消息,收到……的信hear of听到hit at打击,瞄准hurry up催促,赶紧Iinsist on /upon坚持,强调,坚决要求,坚决主张insulate … from使……和……绝缘interfere with打扰,妨碍,与……抵触introduce … into引用……到,把……传到,在……中采用,把……引进Jjoin in参加,加入join … to把……接到,和……一致,和……一起join with和……结合,和……一致,和……一起judge by /from从……来判断Kkeep away不接近,避开,离开keep in mind记住,不忘keep doing继续……,不断……keep (in) touch with和……不断接触,和……保持联系knock at敲(门、窗等)knock away敲下,敲掉knock down打倒,撞倒,拆除,卸除(机器),使减价knock off敲去,中止,减低,迅速做成,掸掉(灰尘)knock over弄倒,打翻know/ get /learn sth. by heart背诵,谙记Llaugh at嘲笑,忽视lay [place /put] stress [weight /emphasis] on [upon]强调,着重于,用力于lead a … life过着……的生活lead to导向,导致lean against靠在(墙上等)lean on /upon倚,靠在,依靠learn … from sb.向某人学习learn [get /know] sth. by heart背诵,谙记leave behind留下,丢下,遗失,忘记携带leave off停止,不再使用,不再穿level at瞄准lie down躺下,躺下不干lie in the way妨害,阻碍line up整顿(机械等),排列起来,排队,使……排齐link up连接,联系listen to听,留心听,听从live on /upon靠……过活,以……为主食look after目送,寻求,照料,看管look at看,考察,查看look for寻找,期待look into窥视,参观,调查look through透过……看去,看穿,彻底调查,从头看到底lose oneself迷路,入迷lose sight of看不见,忘记,忽略Mmake … from用……(原料)制造make of用……(材料)制造,培养成为,当作,了解,对待meet with(无意中)碰见(遇见),遭受mount… on把……安装在……上,把……架在move on继续前进,向前走Oopen one’s eyes to使人觉悟,使人对(某事)有所了解operate on对……起作用,对……产生影响,对……动手术oppose … to /against使……对抗……,使……与……相对立originate from /in起源于,发源于owe to把……归功于Ppass by从……旁边过去,经过,忽略pass from … to从……传递到……,从……转变为pay attention to注意,关心pay for偿付……的代价,负担……的费用persist in坚持,固执pick off摘下,采取pick up爬起,获得,拾起,探出,收听,恢复,掘地,加速play a part in在……方面起作用,对……起作用point out指出,指示prefer … to宁可……而不pretend to假装,妄想,自命为prevent … from阻止……,使不……,防止……,以免……pronounce on /upon断言,表态,发表意见protect … from /against保护……使不受……侵害prove (oneself) to be证明(自己)是provide with供给,供应,以……装备pull out拔出,挖出,(火车等)开出,撤走put off推迟,延期,阻止,劝阻,脱(衣服),出航put on穿上(衣、鞋等),增加(体重等),假装拨快(钟表),推荐Rread out宣读,朗读recall to one’s mind回忆,想起reduce … to使……成为,把……减少到……,把……减少到,把……简化为refer to关于,参考,查阅,说到,涉及regard … as把……认为是,把……当作rely on /upon依靠,自信remark on /upon评论,批评remember me to请代我向……致意remind sb. of提醒某人,使某人回忆起,使某人想起remove … from把……从……移去replace by /with用……替换respond to响应,对……起反响ring up打电话给(某人),打铃(开幕)Ssave sb. from …营救某人使不致……search after /for寻找,探求,查究screw out把……拧出screw up拧紧,强迫,加强(效率),鼓足(干劲)see sb. off给某人送行sell out卖完,出卖,背叛send away赶走,逐出,解雇send down开除,退学send for派人去叫(请),派人去拿separate … from使……从……分开,把……从……分割,把……和……分开set down放下,卸下,记下,制定,申斥set off出发,开始,陈列,陈述,表示,打算set up竖起,建立,开办,贴出,提出(意见),提高,引起settle down落户,定居,沉淀,平静下来smell round /about到处打听,到处嚷speak for为……说话,为……辩护spread over传遍,遍布,延续,覆盖squeeze into挤人,塞进start off出发,动身struggle against /with和……斗争,向……斗争struggle for争取……,为……而斗争suffer from因……受损害,患……病sum up总计,总结,概括supply for把……供给swallow up吞下去,耗尽switch off /out切断(电流),关(灯等)switch on接通(电流),开(等等)Ttake a short cut走近路,去捷径take away拿走,取走,减去take off拿掉,移送,免除,减价,脱去(衣、帽、鞋),起飞take part in参与,参加talk about讲,谈论,交谈tear away撕掉,扯开tear up扯碎,拔起think over仔细考虑,深思熟虑throw out扔出,逐出,提出(建议),发出(光热),干扰(别人讲话)transfer … into把……转化为trust on信赖try on试试看,试穿(服装、鞋等)turn away转变方向,(转脸)不睬,避开,打发走turn … into把……变为,把……译成turn off出产,解雇,关上(电灯、自来水、煤气、收音机等)turn on开(电灯、自来水、煤气、收音机等),决定于,反对,敌视Uuse … as把……用作……,用……作为used to (do)(过去)经常(做)、常常(做)Wwait for等,等待wake up醒来,振作起来walk about徘徊,走来走去warm up变暖,加热,亲热起来,活跃起来watch out当心,警戒,监视wear out穿破,用坏,耗尽,疲乏不堪wipe out擦洗,清除,雪聪,彻底毁灭work for为……而工作,为……尽力write down记下,写下write off勾销,注销(贷款等),轻易就写好(文章等)一、动词be构成的短语动词1.be known as/be famous as作为……而闻名be known for因……而出名be known to为……所知be known by凭……而知The hill is known for the temple.LuXun is known to us as a writer.One can be known by his words and deeds.2.be married to与……结婚She is married to a musician...3.be tired of/with对……厌烦He is tired of/with this kind of life.=He is bored with this kind of life.4.be terrified at被……吓一跳He is terrified at the snake.5.be burdened with负重He is burdened with a heavy load.6.be crowded with挤满The shop is crowded with people.7.be dressed in穿着She is dressed in red.8.be experienced in对……有经验He is experienced in mending bikes.9.be equipped with装备They are equipped with guns and food.10.be furnished with提供,布置They are furnished with enough food.11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth)He has been engaged in writing novels.12.be engaged to与……订婚My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor.13.be about to do sth.正要做……1 was just about to go swimming whenour guide saw me and stopped me.14.be fit to do/be fit for胜任;适合于He is fit to do the work.These books are not fit for children.15.be worth doing值得做……The film is worth seeing again.16.be proud of以……而自影骄傲I am proud of being a Chinese.17.be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于……My grandpa is not used to living in thenoisy city18.be content to do sth./with… 甘愿于干……;满足于……I am content with your work this time.19.be content with对……感到满意You should be content with what you have 20.be up to应由……,轮到……It's up to her to answer the question.21.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作Is this valuable painting meant for me? 22.be connected with与……有联系He was also connected with the government.23.be crazy about对……狂热Many young people are crazy about Hip-Hop.二、动词break构成的短语动词1.break out爆发The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937.2.break in打断;闯入T wo robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money.3.break into闯入;破门而入They broke into the uncle’s bedroom and found the man lying on the floor。
知识结构网状态:b e持续:keep, last ,remain ,stay, lie,stand似乎:seem,appear感官:look,smell,taste,feel,sound系动词变成:become,grow,go,get,turn,come,fall,run证明:prove,turn out1帮助现在分词构成现在进行时2帮助过去分词构成被动语态Be 3帮助不定式构成beto do结构,表示将来,命令,征求意见,约定等。
1帮助实义动词构成疑问句,否定句助动词 do 2帮助实义动词原型构成强调式3用来代替动词按用法 have帮助过去分词构成完成时态分shall/will/would/should帮助谓语动词构成将来时态宾语及物动词双宾语复合宾语实义动词不及物动词动词情态动词延续性动词:last;keep按意义分动词和非延续性动词:die,leave,come动词词组动词+介词:look at; take on动词+副词:find out ,turn up动词词组动词+副词+介词:come up with, go in for动词+名词+介词:take part in ,take care ofBe+形容词+介词:be ready for ,be devoted to 考点一:动词及动词辨析1,achieve,gain,win,earn(1),achieve,vt. 强调通过极大努力获得或达到某事物,实现弯沉,常与一些抽象名词连用,如:success,goal(2),gain vt 指获得,赢得(尤指想要的或所需的事物)。
此外,gain 还有增加的意思 I gained the impression that the matter had been settled The plane rapidly gained height. Gain weight= put on weight(3),win vt 表示在较强的竞争中取得胜利,它通常跟的宾语有game,war ,prize, fame, battle(4),earn vt. 表示挣钱,赚工资,因自己成就行为等,得到应得的事物,博得,earn one’s living 谋生2,adapt, adjust, adopt(1),adapt 使适合,使适应 adapt (oneself)to …使自己适应。
(1)动词+宾语I like this book very much.我非常喜欢这本书。
(2)动词+宾语+宾补We call the bird Polly.我们叫这只鸟Polly。
I saw the children play in the park yesterday.昨天我看见孩子们在公园玩。
(3)动词+间接宾语+直接宾语Please pass me the salt.请把盐递给我。
Horses run fast.马跑得快。
We study English.我们学习英语。
(及物动词)We study hard.我们努力学习。
①动词+介词Listen to the teacher carefully.仔细听老师讲。
②动词+副词+介词Let’s go on with our work!让我们继续我们的工作吧!He gets along well with his classmates.他与他的同学们相处得很好。
一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事ask to do sth. 要求做某事beg to do sth. 请求做某事care to do sth. 想要做某事choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事expect to do sth. 期待做某事fear to do sth. 害怕做某事help to do sth. 帮助做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事plan to do sth. 计划做某事prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事promise to do sth. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事want to do sth. 想要做某事wish to do sth. 希望做某事注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词:aim to do sth. 打算做某事fail to do sth. 未能做某事long to do sth. 渴望做某事happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事二、接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事get sb. to do sth. 使(要)某人做某事hate sb. to do sth. 讨厌某人做某事help sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事intend sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事leave sb. to do sth. 留下某人做某事like sb. to do sth. 喜欢某人做某事mean sb. to do sth. 打算要某人做某事need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿某人做某事request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事teach sb. to do sth .教某人做某事tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事trouble sb. to do sth. 麻烦某人做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事注:不要受汉语意思的影响而误用以下动词句型:汉语说:“害怕某人做某事”,但英语不说fear sb. to do sth.。
adapt from,for sth 根据。
改写(oneself) to sth 适应(新环境等)add to sth 加,添加,增加sth in 包括某事物,把某物加进去up 前后一致sth up (两个或者两个以上的数或量)加起来up to sth 总计共达agree to sth 同意,愿意,答应about/on sth 同意,赞成,意见一致with sth 相一致,相符合,相吻合with sb (对某人健康或胃口)适合allow sth to sb 让某人得到某事物sth for sb/sth (为某目的或者估计)留出,打出某事物在计算,估计,考虑时包括某人或某事物sb in 允许某人进入sb out 允许某人离开sb up 允许某人起来of sth 容许某事物,对某事物留有余地arrive at/in 到达,抵达某地at sth 达成或者得到某事物ask about sb/sth, sth of sb 问,询问sb for sth, sth of sb 要求某人给某事物sb to sth 邀请,请某人sth for sth 要加,讨价after sb 问候某人的健康,问候,问安for sb/sth 要求见某人,要求与某人谈话break in/into sth (指完整物体)破,碎,断(非切割所致)sth in/into sth 弄破,弄碎,弄断(完整物体)损坏(某物)弄破(皮肤)不依从或不服从(某事物),不遵守(法律,诺言等)off 稍停,停顿away from sb/sth 突然逃脱,挣脱(束缚)脱离某政党,政府等down (因机械,电力等故障)停止运转,失灵,失效失败,崩溃,瓦解(指某人健康状况)变得恶劣感情失去控制sth down (尤指金钱花费)分成几部分,细分猛击某物使之毁坏使某事物瓦解,镇压,克服,破坏某事物改变某物的化学成分in 强行进入屋内sb/sth in 训练某人in on sth 打断,干扰(某事物)into sth 强行进入某处突然开始(大笑,唱歌,欢呼等)突然改变(由慢变快)off 停止讲话sth off (使某物)折断突然中止某事物,中断某事物out 突然发生逃出某处out in sth 突然布满某物突然流露出强烈的感情through 有重要突破through sth 强行穿过某事物,插入某事物(指太阳或月亮)从(云层)后面出现克服某事物up 解散,散去期末放假变得衰弱,瓦解(指一段时期的好天气)结束sth up 割碎,击碎,打碎,撞碎使某事物结束强行驱散某物分开某事物up with sb 与某人绝交bring sb/sth with one,sth for sb 带着某物或某人来sb/sth to sth 使某人,某事物处于某种情况或境地sth against sb 向法庭提起控诉等sth about 使船改变方向使某事物发生,导致sb/sth back 送回某人恢复某事物回想起某事物sb back sth 为某人带回某物sb back to sth 使某人恢复某事物sb/sth before ab 将某人或某事物提交讨论sb down 犯规使某人跌倒使某人失败,打倒某人sth down 着落降低价格sth forth 产生某事物sth forward 将某事物提前sb in 盘问,起诉,逮捕介绍某人充当故问,助手等sth in 摘取并收集提出议案宣布裁决sb in sth 使某人获得某数额作为利润或收入sb in on sth 让某人参与某事sb off 救出某人sth off 设法把困难的事情做成功sb on 帮助学习者进步或提高sth on 导致,造成,引起某事物促使作物,水果等迅速生长sth on onself/sb 使通常为不愉快的某事发生在自己或别人身上sb out 使某人罢工使某人消除羞怯心理sth out 使某事物出现或者开放生产某物,出版某物揭示某事物使某人的品质显现,引出某物sb out in sth 使某人浑身都有某事物sb over to 使某人从海外来到某地sb over to sth 使某人改变思想办法sb round 使某人恢复知觉sb round to sth 改变某人的观点sb through 促使某人痊愈sb under 控制某人,制服某人sth under sth 将某事物归纳为某一范畴,归类sb up 培养,养育教育某人build sth in/into 在某较大物体上建某物将某事物加入另一事物中,列入,并入,插入将各部分合在一起变成某事物sth on/onto 增建某物用某事物作为进一步发展的基础,建基于某事物之上on sth 把某事物作另一事物的基础sb/sth up 变得更大更多或者更强使自己健康或者强壮吹捧某人逐步获得,发展,增加某事物burn with sth 充满强烈的情感for sth 极欲做某事sth away 使某物逐渐烧掉sth down 渐渐烧完,火力减弱将某物焚为平地,烧得精光sth off 烧掉某物sth out 燃料用尽,烧坏筋疲力尽或损害了自己的健康(尤指因劳累过度)放火烧某人的房子sth to sth 将某物烧成某种状态sth up 燃烧得更旺把某物烧掉,焚化call of sth (某处或某活动的)吸引力,诱惑力for sth 对某事物的要求或号召对某事物的需要,必要或理由on sb/sth 对某人某事物的需求in./round 拜访,去某人家等at 在某处停靠sb down 严格申诉或责骂某人sth in 下令或请求收回某物sb/sth off 命令停止追击,搜查等sth off 取消或者放弃某事物on/upon sb (to do sth) 郑重邀请或者要求某人sb out 召唤某人命令或建议罢工sb/sth up 给某人打电话想起某事,回忆某事征召某人服兵役,选派某人care for sth 愿意或同意做某事,希望或喜欢做某事for sb 喜欢或爱某人对某人负责,照看某人,照顾某人about sth 忧虑,关心,惦记carry sb back to sth 使某人回忆起sth forward 将一栏或一页转记于另一栏或另一页,结转sth off 赢得某物成功的应付困难局面sth on 吵吵闹闹,举动失常继续做某事参加某事进行或经营某事物sth out 实施,执行,实行,落实,贯彻,完成,实现进行实验等sth over 将某事物延后sth through 帮助某人度过难关成功的完成某事物catch sb out 捉住,抓住,逮住,捕获sth in/on sth 使某物固着,卡住,钩住,缠住check up 用检查或调查的方法印证某事物into 为住旅馆或登机等办理登记手续sth in 托运,收运存取衣物sth off 在清单项目上做记号表示正确或已处理,核对up on sb 调查某人的行为,背景等up on sth 检查某事物是否真实,安全,正确等out of/sth out 办理旅馆付账,退房手续clear away (雾,烟)消散a of b/b from a 从某处移走不要的东西sth away 移走物件留出空间sth off 走开,跑开付清债务,付清某物的款sth out/out of 迅速离开某地清楚某物内部,使之简洁sth up 天气转晴使某物整洁,清理清除对某事的疑虑,解决某事物sb/sth with sb/sth 使某人某事物经过某权威人士检验或批准come to/from 来sth with sb 举止像板眼某物的角色across sb/sth 被理解,被传达偶然遇见,碰见after sb 追赶或追逐某人along 到达,出现apart 破裂,摔碎at sb 攻击某人away from sth 与某物脱离away with sth 离开某地back 回来规章,法律或制度恢复,规复back at sb 答复或反驳某人back to sb 恢复记忆,回想起back to sb on sth 经过一段时间之后答复某人before sb/sth 被提交给某人某事物进行讨论,做出决定或判决between sb and sb 干预,损害,离间between sb and sth 妨碍某人做某事物by sth 得到某事物down 倒塌,坍塌forward 站出来,自告奋勇,挺身而出from sth 出身于in 涌向in for sth 是某事物的对象,吸引某事物,获得某事物in on sth 在某事物中有一份,参与某事物into sth 继承某事物off sth 从某物上掉下从某物上脱离或分离从价钱中减去on 出台,登场,上场开始on/upon sb/sth 偶然遇见或发现某人某事物out 停止工作,罢工露出,出现开始长出,开花出版,发表显出,说出,讲出out of sth 除掉out against sth 公开说反对某事物out at sth 合计成本,费用out in sth 布满over sb 指某种感觉,刺激或者影响某人over to sth 改变立场或者意见等round 绕道而来指有规律的事情来到,发生恢复知觉,苏醒round to sth 转变成与别人一致的看法或观点through sth 康复,避免受到严重伤害to 停下to sb 指看法被某人想出to sth 共计为某数,等于某数to sb from sb 财产作为遗产送给某人under sth 归入某类,编入是某事物的目标up 植物长出地面太阳升起发生被提及,被讨论,出现up against sb/sth 面对某人某事物,被某人某事物反对up for sth 作某事的申请人或候选人up with sth 找到或提出答案,办法up to sth 升到某点达到认可的水平或标准count fron sth/to sth 数,计数sth up 算某物的总数for sth 有价值,有重要性as sth 认可,有效认为某事物或某人down 倒数计秒sb/sth in 把某人,某事物算在内on sb/sth 依靠,依赖,信赖,或者指望某人某事物sb/sth out 逐个数东西不包括某人,某事物towards sth 按照获得某事物的条件被包括在内up to sth 达到某总数,共计cover sth up/over, with sth 覆盖或遮掩某物以覆盖或遮掩的方式,隐藏或保护某物sb/sth in/with sth 在某人某物上洒上,溅上一层液体for sb 代替某人工作,履行职责等sb/sth against/for sth 给某人某事物保险sth in 给露天场所加顶oneself up 穿暖和sth up 掩盖错误,非法的事物等up for sb 为某人掩饰错误或隐瞒罪行等cross over, from sth/to sth 横穿交叉对面而过sth with sth 动,植物杂交cut sth from sth, sth for sb 用刀等自较大物体上切下,割下,剪下,或砍下某物sth in/into sth 把某物切割成小块sth from sth 删除,删节某物from sth to sth 电影,电视转换画面sth with sth 将某物冲淡或者稀释at sb/sth 试图用刀等截断,破开或伤害某人某事物sth away from sth 自某物上切除,剪去,破掉某物sth back 修剪,给某树剪枝sb down 杀死或杀伤某人down to sth 砍倒缩短某物,删减某物sb/sth from sth 将某人某物从一较大物体中分出in on sb/sth 司机超车抢道sb off 切断电话线路使某人通话中断剥夺某人的继承权夭折sth off 停止向某人供应某物阻碍或阻断某事切断某人某事物的去路和来路使某人某事物与外界隔绝sth out 切成,剪成,砍出,开辟裁剪去掉或省略某事物停止做某事sth through sth 开出一条路sb up 割伤,挫伤某人draw sth out of/from sth, sth out 抽出,拔出,拉出某物sth from sth 获取,吸取(经验,知识)等sb about/on sth 给某人说出某事at/on sth 吸,抽(烟)等sth from sb/sth 从某人,某物取得(所需之物)sb to sth 吸引某人,使某人感兴趣sth from sb 产生(反应或者回应)sth from sth 抽签,抓阄back from sth/doing sth 撤回,取消sb into sth/doing sth, sb in 使某人参加某事物,勉强他人on (指时间或者季节)临近,接近on/upon sth 使用,利用,运用sb on 吸引或者引诱某人sb out about sth 鼓励某人说话等sth out 将(事情等)拖长up (指车辆等)停下来sb up 使(指部队)排好队列sth up 草拟或写出(名单,合同等)eat up/sth up 吃,喝(汤)into sth 消耗某事物,毁坏,分解,腐蚀out 在饭馆等处吃饭(不在家中吃)sb up 操心,烦忧,担忧explain sth to sb 解释,讲解,说明,阐明说明某事物的原因或理由为某事物辩解sth away 为(过失或错误等)辩解,为某事物搪塞fall on/upon sb/sth 突然降临,来临down/over 倒下,倒塌away/off 向下倾斜on/over sth 朝某方向,占据某位置into sth 进入某种状态,变成apart 破裂,破碎away 遗弃,离开back 后退,撤退,退却back on sb/sth 有困难时求助于某人,依靠某事物behind sb/sth 落后于某人,某事物behind with sth 逾期不为某事物付款,或不做某事down 显示不实或不足,崩溃,失败down on sth 没有把某事做好for sb 被某人所吸引,爱上某人,迷恋for sth 相信某事in 塌陷,倒塌in with sb/sth 偶遇某人,与某人在一起同意或支持某人,某事物into sth 可分为养成,染上(坏习惯)off 数量或质量下降on/upon sb/sth 猛烈攻击某人,某事物由某人承担或担负out 发生sb out 解散,离开军事队列out with sb 与某人争吵over sb/sth 跌倒through 落空,化为泡影to doing sth 开始做某事to sb to do sth 成为某人的义务或责任under sth 列入某项下feel about for sb/sth 寻找,摸索,搜索up to doing sth 认为自己有能力做某事fill sth with sth,sth for sb 使某物充满另一物,装满,填满with sth 充满sth with sth 填塞,堵塞sth in/out 加入必要内容使某事物完备,补充填满某物打发,消磨(时间)sb in on sth 向某人提供关于某事物的详情out 变得更大,更圆,更胖sth out/up 充满,填满,装满find sth/sb for sb (经寻找,询问或努力)发现某事物(某人)得到或找回(尤指丢失的某物,某人)sth out (经研究或询问)获知某事物sb out 发现某人做错事,撒谎等for/against sb 做出对某人有利/不利的裁决finish sth off/up 吃完,喝完,用完sth off 完成某事物sb off 使某人筋疲力尽sb/sth off 毁坏某人某事物with sb/sth 不再为某人忙碌,不再使用某物与某人断绝关系,终止与某事物的联系up with sth 为某事物做结尾up 终结,结束follow sth by/with sth 使某事物(在空间,时间或顺序上)在他人之后来,去或发生,跟随,跟着on from sth 由某事物引起,随之发生from sth 必然发生fly 无forget about sth 忘记(某事物),遗忘about sb/sth 忘掉或不再想某人,某事物不把某人某事物放在心上get above oneself 自视甚高,自高自大sth across to sb 使某事传播或为人理解ahead of sb 领先(于某人)along 离开某地与某人合得来,与某人和睦相处at sb 不断指责某人,数落某人对某人施加影响(尤指不公的或不合法的)at sb/sth 接近某人某事物,到达某人某物处at sth 知悉,发现或查明(某事物)意指,暗指away 去度假away from sb 逃离或摆脱开(某人或某地)away with sth 偷携某物潜逃受到惩罚back 返回,回家sth back 失而复得,重新得到back at sb (向某人)复仇,报复back to sb 给某人回复或写信back to sth 回到某事物上behind with sth 落后,误时,拖延by 好,行,过得去,获得认可by on sth (靠某物)勉强维生,设法维持,对付down (指儿童)离开饭桌sb down (使某人)沮丧或情绪低落sth down 吞咽某物(通常为费力地)记下,录下,写下down to sth/doing sth 开始做某事,重视某事物,认真处理某事in (指火车等或乘客)到达目的地in/into sth 被选任一政治职务sb in, sb into sth (使某人)被接纳入学,录取sb in 请某人到家中服务sth in 收集或收获某物设法做或说某事in on sth 参加活动in with sb 对某人亲近,拉关系,讨好into sb (指感情)影响或控制某人into sth 穿上(衣服)开始从事某职业参与某事,开始某事得到或形成某事物熟悉某事物,学会某事物sb off (使某人)离开某地或出发(使某人)入睡off sth 下班不再讨论某事sth off 邮寄某物sth off sth 从某物上移除某物on 过日子,进展,进步出人头地对付,应付on to sb (打电话或通信)与某人联系侦查或追踪某人开始讨论(新课题)on with sb 与某人关系良好,与某人和睦相处on with sth 取得进展继续做某事out 泄露sth out 生产,出版勉强说出某事out of sth/doing sth 逃避(责任或义务),不做分内事使某人放弃,停止或戒除(习惯,常规等)sth out of sb 强迫sth out of sb/sth 某人某事物处得到或获得over sth 克服,战胜,掌握sth over to sb 向某人讲清某事,向某人表达某事round sb 说服某人同意或做其原先反对的事round sth 顺利应付某事,克服某事逃避,回避,躲避(法律,规则等)round to sth/doing sth 终于能做某事,找出时间做某事through sth 用完,消耗掉(一定量的某物)设法做或完成某事sth through sth (使某事物)正式通过或被采纳through to sb 到达(某人处)(与某人)联系(尤指通电话)through with sth 完成(工作,任务等)sb/sth together 聚集(人),收集(物品)together with sb 参加社交聚会,开会讨论某事up 站起,起来(指海浪或风)变猛烈sb up (使某人)起床sth up 安排或组织某事物获得某事物的知识,研究某事物up to sth 达到(某程度)做着或忙于(尤指令人惊奇或不好的事)give sb away (婚礼中)将新娘交给新郎sth away 免费送出某物,赠送分发或赠与某物由于大意而未利用或抓住(时机,机会等)sb back sth(to sb) 将某事物归还原主使某人恢复或享受某事物sth for sth 交换某事物sth forth 产生或发出某物sth in 将某事物呈交给某人in to sb/sth (向某人,某事物)屈服,让步,投降sth off 送出或发出某物on to sth 有某物的景致,朝向某物out 用完,消耗尽,精疲力竭(指发动机等)停止运转,停机,出故障sth out 分发或散发某物送出或发出某物宣布或广播某事over (doing sth) 停止做某事sth over to sth 专为某事而使用某物up 放弃做某事的尝试sb up 对某人的到来,康复或寻回不再抱希或不再期待与某人断绝关系sth up 停止做某事,放弃持有某物sth up to sb 将某物交与他人up on sb 不再相信某人会成功,对某人失望go about sth 继续做某事物,忙于某事物about sth/doing sth 开始做某事物,处理某事物,着手于某事物after ab 追逐或追踪某人after sb/sth 设法得到某人,某事物against sb 对某人不利against sb/sth 抵抗或反对某人某事物against sth 反对或违犯某事,与某事冲突ahead 进行,发生ahead with sth 毫不迟疑地开始做某事物along 进行下一项活动,继续进展,发展along with sb/sth 与某人某事意见一致,赞同某事物at sb 攻击某人at sth 努力做某事物away 走开,离开消失,散去,变淡back 返回back to sth (在空间或时间上)回到先前某点back on sth 食言,改变对某事的主意back to sth/doing sth 重做某事物,重操旧业自(某时候)起已存在before 存在或发生于早一些的时间before sb/sth 送交某人讨论,决定或裁断beyond sth 超过(某事物)by (指时间)过去,消逝by sth 遵照或依照某事物down 倒在地上(指船等)沉没(指日,月)落下,没入地平线以下(指食物和饮料)咽下(体积,水平等)减小,降低(指风)减弱,减缓down in sth 在某处写上,在某事物中记着down to sb 被某人击败down with sb (指言语,表演等)被某人以某方式接受down to sth 达到或延续到(某时间或时期)down with sth 患病for sb 攻击某人for sb/sth 应用或适用于某人某事物去找来某人某事物被某人某事物吸引,喜欢某人某事物for sth 选择某事物想要取得或成就某事in (指日或月)被云遮住in for sth 参加考试或比赛选择某事作职业将某事物当作兴趣或爱好into sth (指车辆)撞到某物上参加一组织,进入某事物开始以某方式行动或表现仔细检查或调查某事物(指资源,时间等)消耗或用以做某事物off (指演员)退场开火,爆炸突然发出巨响,发出声音变得不适于食用或饮用,变坏质量变坏,恶化off sb/sth 对某人失去兴趣,对某事物感到乏味off with sb 另结新欢off with sth 携非己之物而去on (指演员)上场开始运作,点亮(指时间)过去,流逝,经过发生,出现(指情况或状态)继续下去而无变化(经短暂停顿后)继续说用以鼓励或鼓动某人做某事on sth 以某事物为依据形成意见或判断on about sb/sth 长时间谈某人某事物on at sb 埋怨或责怪(某人的行为或工作等),挑剔某人on with sth 继续进行某活动on doing sth 不停地从事某活动on to sth 从一项目转移至下一项目on to do sth 完成一事后接着做某事out 出门参加社交活动(指潮汐)退潮,落潮停止工作,罢工送出,发出,派出(指新闻,信息等)宣布,发布,发表,刊登不流行,过时,停止使用不再燃烧或发光,熄灭结果,终止out of sth (在比赛,竞赛等中)被淘汰out to 出国out of sb/sth (指素质或情感)在某人某事物中不复存在out to sb (指感情)给与或倾注于某人out with sb (指年轻人)与某人谈恋爱或有性关系over 以某种方式接受over sth 仔细检查某事物,察看某事物检查某事物的细节,核对某事物仔细研究或温习某事物把某物弄干净over to sth (从一边,一见解,一习惯等)转至(另一方面)round 走弯路,绕道(指某物的数或量)足够每人一份四处活动,在交际方面活跃round with sb 经常与某人来往through (指法律,法案等)被正式通过或接受仔细或系统地研究或检查详细讨论,研究,检讨或审核某事物参加某事,履行某事经历,忍受或遭受某事物用光或消耗某物,做完某事物through sth 磨穿某物through with sth 做必要的事以完成或采取(某行动)to sb 给予或奖给某人,为某人所继承towards sth 作为对某事物的部分付款,有助于或促成某事物under 沉没海中破产,失败up (指幕布)升起兴建烧毁,炸毁(价格,水平等)上升,增长with sb 交男朋友或女朋友with sth 包括在某事物中,附属于某事物together 与某事物配合良好,与某事物协调同时或同地存在,相伴共存without sth 忍受某事物的缺乏,没有某事物也可以应付grow away from sb 与某人逐渐疏远,不太融洽into sth 渐渐成为或变得变得习惯于(新工作,角色,或活动)on sb 对某人的影响变得更深渐渐对某人产生更大的吸引力,赢得某人的喜爱out of sth 长得高大而不能穿某物年龄增长不再做某事由某事物而产生up (指人或动物)长大,成年,成熟发展happen to sb/sth 某事物的体验或命运,临到某人某事物头上on sth 偶然发现某事物have sth in 家里等存有某物sth on 穿着,戴着sth on sb 有(证据)表明某人有罪等sb/sth to oneself 可独自使用某人某物sth back 收回(被借走,偷走等)某物sb in 召某人到家里来干活儿sb on 哄骗某人(通常意在戏弄)sth out 将某物去掉等sth out with sb 通过公开的(常为愤愤的)辩论以解决sb up for sth 使某人出庭受审hear about sth 听到关于某事物的消息from sb 接到某人的来信,电话等of sb/sth 听到或知道某人某事物的情况sb out 把某人要讲的话听完help with sth 帮助某人,协助某人做某事,援助,救助sb off/on with sth 帮某人脱,穿衣服sb out 帮助某人(尤指摆脱困境或危难)hold sth against sb 让某事物影响自己对某人的评价或看法back from sth (因恐惧或不情愿而在言行上)退缩,踌躇sb back 阻止或妨碍某人的进步或发展sb/sth back 阻止,阻挡,控制或限制某人某事物sth back 扣住,保留或抑制某事物不表现或不流露(感情),抑制某事物sb down 限制某人的自由,压制某人sth down 使某事物保持低水平,压住某事物off (指风,风暴等)未发生,延迟约束自己而不做某事sb/sth off 阻止或挡住(某人的进攻或前进)off sth/doing sth 推迟某事物on 历经危难而不死,坚持住sth on 将某事物固定住on to sb/sth 抓住或握住某人某物on to sth 不把某物给予或售予他人,保留或保有某物out 维持,保持抵抗,抵御sth out 提供(机会),带来(希望),使有(可能)out for sth 故意拖延达成协议以谋求某事物out on sb 拒绝给予某人信息等,瞒着sth over 延缓或推迟某事物to sth 不放弃或不改变(原则,观点等)sb to sth 使某人遵守(诺言)together 保持完整保持团结sth together 使某事物不散开或团结一致sb/sth up 举某人某事物作为范例阻碍或延误某人某事物up sth 以武力或暴力威胁抢劫with sth 同意或赞成某事物up 停顿或延搁持械抢劫keep sb at sth (使某人)继续做某事sb/sth away (from sb/sth) (使某人某事物)不靠近某人某事物sth back 使某事物不能移动,阻止某事物不将某物付给某人sth back (from sb) 拒不将某事告诉某人,隐瞒某事物sb back (from sb/sth) 与某人某事物保持距离down 隐蔽,不站立sb down 压制或镇压(人民等)sth down 不抬起(身体某部分)吞下某物,不吐出来使某事物处于低水平,压抑某事物不使某物滋生或生长oneself/sb from sth/doing sth 使自己某人不能做某事物(oneself) from doing sth 克制自己不做某事sth from sb 不将某事告诉某人sb in 罚(小学生)课后留校sth in 不流露(情感),控制某事物oneself/sb in sth 使自己某人经常有某事物in with sb 保持与某人亲近(尤指为得到好处)off (指雨,雪等)未下off sb/sth 不接近或不接触某人某事物off sth 不吃,不喝或不吸食某物不提某话题,避免sb/sth off sb/sth 使某人某事物不接近或不接触某人某事物on 继续行进on (doing sth) 继续做某事物sb on 继续雇佣某人sth on 继续穿戴某物继续租用或领有(房屋,寓所等)on (at sb) (向某人)唠叨out (of sth) 不进入(某处),留在外边sb/sth out (of sth) 不让某人某物进入某处sb out of sth 遮掩自己某人,使某人避开某事物to sth 不偏离,不离开(道路等)遵循,遵守(计划,时刻表等)忠于,信守(诺言等)留在,不离开(某地或某位置)to oneself 不把某事告诉某人sb under 压迫某人sth under 控制或压制某事物up (指雨,雪,好天气等)持续不停sb up 使某人不能去睡觉sth up 使某物不落下使某事物处于高水平不让(精力等)衰退,维持,保持继续使某事物保持同样的(指高的)水平照旧做某事物或遵守某事保养,维修(房屋,花园等)up (with sb/sth) 跟上某人某事物,与某人某事物同步前进up with sth 以某事物同样速率上升up with sb 保持与某人的联系up with sth 知悉(消息),跟上(形势)know sth as sth 熟悉(某地)sb/sth as sth 认定某人某事物为某事物sb/sth from sb/sth 将某人某事物称为about sth 了解或知道某事物of sb/sth 知道某人某事物的情况learn sth from sb/sth 学,学习of/about sth 获悉,得知,认识到leave sth for sb 留下,交待下(某物)sth to sb 将某物遗赠给某人sth until sth 暂时不做或不用某事物sth aside 不考虑某事物,忽视sb/sth behind 未能或忘记带某人(某物)留下(行为,事件等)的痕迹sb/sth for sb/sth 抛弃某人某事物而追求他人他事物off 停止。
一、及物动词与宾语的搭配1. 动词 + 名词1. fulfill a dream(实现一个梦想)2. make a decision(做出决定)3. take a risk(冒险)4. have an impact on(对...产生影响)例句:- She fulfilled her dream of becoming a doctor.- It's time for you to make a decision.- He decided to take a risk and start his own business.- Climate change has a significant impact on our daily lives.2. 动词 + 代词1. believe in(相信)2. rely on(依靠)3. trust in(信任)4. support(支持)例句:- I believe in you and your abilities.- We rely on technology for many aspects of our lives. - Trust in yourself and your instincts.- I will always support you in your endeavors.二、不及物动词的用法1. 动词 + 副词1. run fast(跑得快)2. sleep soundly(睡得香)3. eat healthily(吃得健康)4. speak fluently(讲得流利)例句:- He runs fast and is always the first one to finish.- After a long day, I slept soundly through the night. - It is important to eat healthily for a balanced diet.- She speaks fluently in three different languages.2. 动词 + 状语1. walk slowly(走得慢悠悠)2. write neatly(写得整齐)3. talk loudly(说得大声)4. dance gracefully(跳得优美)例句:- The old man walks slowly with a cane.- Please write neatly so that others can read your handwriting.- He talks loudly and everyone in the room can hear him.- She dances gracefully on the stage, captivating the audience.三、动词的时态与语态1. 时态的搭配当我们表达过去、现在或将来的动作时,动词的时态变化非常重要。
一、动词的基本用法1. 表示动作:动词可以表示实际的行为,比如“run”(跑)、“eat”(吃)等。
例句:- She runs in the park every morning.(她每天早上在公园跑步。
)- He eats an apple for breakfast.(他早餐吃一个苹果。
)2. 表示状态:动词还可以表示状态或存在,比如“be”(是)、“seem”(似乎)等。
例句:- They are students.(他们是学生。
)- She seems happy today.(她今天似乎很开心。
)3. 表示感觉:有些动词可以表示感觉或意见,比如“feel”(感觉)、“think”(想)等。
例句:- I feel tired after a long day at work.(一天工作下来,我感觉很累。
)- What do you think about this movie?(你觉得这部电影怎么样?)二、动词的时态与语态1. 时态:动词的时态可以表示动作或状态发生的时间。
例句:- She sings well.(她唱得很好。
)(一般现在时)- They visited their grandparents last week.(他们上周去看望了他们的祖父母。
)(过去时)- We will go to the beach tomorrow.(明天我们会去沙滩。
)(将来时)2. 语态:动词的语态表示句子的主语是执行动作还是承受动作。
例句:- He wrote a letter.(他写了一封信。
常用英语动词短语1. 动词 +aboutspeak/talk about讨论think about思虑care about关怀 , 对...有兴趣bring about惹起 , 使发生set about着手, 开始come about 发生hear about听闻worry about为...担忧2.动词 +awaythrow away 抛弃blow away 吹走carry away拿走,使着迷clear away消除去,消逝die away 渐渐消逝pass away 逝世wash away 冲走take away 拿走put away 整理起来 , 存起来give away 背弃 , 泄漏 wear away 磨掉 , 耗费 breakaway 挣脱send away 让走开turn away把...打发走3. 动词 +backkeep back 隐瞒 , 忍住hold back控制住call back回电话look back回首give back送还take back拿回,回收4.动词 +for runfor 竞选 ask for 要求获取wait for等候long for期望care for关怀, 喜爱search for查找call for要求, 需要change for 用...换apply for申请seek for找寻stand for代表,表示hope/wish for希望获取beg for恳求look for找寻hunt for找寻charge for收费,要价take for误认为 ...是come for来拿, 来取5.动词 +down burndown 烧毁 take down记下 , 记录 cut down减少 , 砍倒 passdown 传下来 calmdown 沉静下来settle down安家tear down拆毁, 拆掉break down 坏了 , 垮了 , 分解turn down调小, 拒绝slow down 慢下来put down记下, 写下 , 镇压bring down使...降低 , 使倒下come down着落 , 传下6. 动词 +atcome at向 ... 侵袭run at 冲向 , 向...攻击tear at使劲撕stare at凝望glance at急忙一瞥knock at叩门, 窗等smile at冲某人笑aim at 向 ... 对准wonder at吃惊shout at冲某人嚷嚷work at干... 活动研究look at看, 凝视glare at怒目laugh at嘲讽point at指向strike at向 ...打击shoot at向...射击call at拜见地址7. 动词 +fromdiffer from与...不一样suffer from受...苦hear from收到 ...来信die from因... 而死keep/stop/prevent from不让...做learn from向...学习date from始于 ...时候result from因为separate from 把... 分别开8. 动词 +ofthink of想到consist of由...构成approve of同意talk of谈到complain of诉苦dream of梦到speak of读到die of 死于hear of听闻become of 发生 ...状况 , 怎么啦9. 动词 +offstart off出发set off出发leave off''中断show off夸耀get off下车see off送别put off缓期,推延cut off切断,隔离keep off避开 , 勿走近knock off把 ... 撞落pay off还清get off脱下衣服等turn/switch off关掉take off脱下, 腾飞ring off挂断电话come off脱掉, 退色fall off跌落, 掉下go off 走开 , 消逝 , 坏了break off打断carry off携走, 带走give off发散出10.动词 +ondepend on 依赖insist on坚持keep/go on 持续put on 穿上 , 戴上 , 演出move on 持续挪动 , 往前走feed on以...为生take on雇用, 体现have on衣着look on旁观rely on依赖carry on持续, 进行spend on 在...花费call on拜见live on以...为生bring on使...发展try on 试穿pass on教授,传达turn/switch on翻开11.动词 +outbreak out 爆发point out指出pick out选出burst out爆发carry out履行hold out坚持下去figure out算出bring out说明 , 使表现出help out救援set out 出发 , 着手wear out穿破, 使...疲惫make out理解 , 看清楚cross out划掉keep out of使不进入,挡住find out查出,弄理解try out试用,试验put out息灭hand out发散run out用完let out泄漏,发出声音turn out结果是,生产come out 第一版 , 出来leave out省略,删掉work out算出,想出方法等give out发散,发散,用完look out当心,谨防speak out勇敢讲出send out发出,差遣go out熄灭12.动词 +ingive in 退步bring in 引进 , 使获取收入result in致使join in参加get in收获, 进入fill in填写cut in插入look in来访,观光hand in上交drop in拜见succeed in在...获取成功take in采纳,汲取break in强迫进入 , 插话call in招集,来访persist in坚持13. 动词 +intolook into研究, 检查burst into闯进,爆发change into 把...变为run into碰到turn into变为divide into把...分红put/translate into把 ...译成14. 动词 +overturn over翻倒, 细想go over批阅,检查, 研究get over战胜take over接收, 接替fall over摔倒, 摔倒think over认真考虑look over翻阅, 检查run over压死 , 看一遍watch over看守,照看roll over翻腾15.动词 +tobelong to 属于refer to 谈到 , 波及 , 参阅turn to 向... 求援 , 查阅see to 办理 , 料理reply to回复object to反对point to指向stick/hold/keep to坚持, 忠于come to合计, 清醒get to抵达bring to使清醒agree to赞同supply to为 ...供应add to增加devote to 贡献给compare to 与...对比 , 把...比作write to写信给lead to致使,通向attend to办理16. 动词 +upgrow up成长, 长大build up成立put up搭起, 架起 , 安装 , 住宿, 张贴, 盖起do up 整理 , 包装 , 妆扮get up起床, 站起bring up抚育, 呕吐 , 提出stay up挺住,熬夜sit up熬夜use up 用完lay up存储cut up切碎end up 总结speed up 加快速度clear up整理, 整理 , 转晴burn up烧毁hurry up赶忙keep up 保持send up 发射open up 创始 , 开拓break up分解give up放弃,献出set up架起, 成立go up 增加 , 上升pick up拾起,学会, 用车, 来接,收听到turn up开大,列席, 出现take up开始学 , 从事, 占有eat up吃完tear up撕碎make up 构成 , 构成join up联络起来 , 从军come up 上来 , 长出 , 出现throw up呕吐look up查找,找出catch up追上fix up 维修 , 安排 , 装置hold up耽误 , 使逗留ring up打电话divide up分派17. 动词 +throughget through经过 , 干完 , 接通电话go through批阅,检查, 学习see through 看破pull through渡过危机 , 康复look through翻阅 , 看一遍 , 认真查察put through接通电话check through查对18. 动词 +withdeal with办理, 应付meet with碰到, 遭到agree with赞同 , 与... 一致combine with与 ... 相结合do with办理,需要talk with同 ... 沟通compare with与 ... 对比equip with以...装备cover with用...覆盖end with以...结束provide with以... 供应begin with以...开始supply with以...供应play with玩, 玩弄19.三词以上的短语动词add up to 总计keep away fro避开 , 别凑近 mlook down on小看put up with忍耐keep up with追上make up for填补get on/along with和...相处get close to凑近get out of 躲避 , 防止set fire to纵火烧take notice of注意do well in 在...干得好take a photo of拍 ...照片make fun of开玩笑 , 讥笑get used to习惯于keep in touch with保持联系come into being出现take pride in为...而骄傲take an interest in对... 感兴趣make a fool of捉弄take charge of负责make friends with同...交朋友take part in参加catch sight of看见break away from挣脱do away with取销look up to仰望,敬爱catch up with追上run out of用完go on with持续look forward to期望take hold of握住get down to认真开始pay attention to注意set an example to为...建立楷模pay a visit to接见take the place of取代make use of利用get into the habit of染上 ...的习惯get rid of挣脱keep an eye on谨防take care of照看help oneself to随意吃,用make room for给...让地方take advantage of利用take pity on可怜play a part in起作用 , 饰演 ...的角色lose sight of看不见● ( 一) 由 be 构成的1)be back/in/out回来 / 在家/ 出门2)be at home/work在家/上班3)be good at 擅长,擅于4)be careful of当心,注意,仔5)be covered with被⋯⋯复盖6)be ready for⋯⋯作好准7)be surprised (at)⋯⋯感觉惊8)be interested in⋯⋯感觉9)be born出生10)be on在行,在演出,(灯)亮着11)be able to do sth.能做⋯⋯12)be afraid of(to do sth. that ⋯) 害怕⋯⋯ ( 不敢做⋯⋯,唯恐⋯⋯ )13)be angry with sb.生( 某人) 的气14)be pleased (with)⋯⋯感觉高 ( 意 )15)be famous for以⋯⋯而着名16)be strict in (with) (工作、人 ) 格要求17)be from来自⋯⋯,什么地方人18)be hungry/thirsty/tired了/ 渴了 / 累了19)be worried担20)be (well) worth doing (特别 ) 得做⋯⋯21)be covered with被⋯⋯所覆盖⋯⋯22)be in (great) need of (很) 需要23)be in trouble于窘境中24)be glad to do sth.很高做⋯⋯25)be late for⋯⋯到26)be made of (from)由⋯⋯制成27)be satisfied with⋯⋯感觉意28)be free空的,有空29)be (ill) in bed卧病在床30)be busy doing(with) 忙于做⋯⋯(忙于⋯⋯ )( 二) 由 come、do、get 、give 、go、have、help 、keep、make、looke 、 put 、set 、send、take 、 turn 、play 等构成的1)come back 回来2)come down 下来3)come in入,来4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来5)come out 出来6)come out of从⋯⋯出来7)come up 上来8)come from来自⋯⋯9)do one's lessons/homework做功/回家作10)do more speaking/reading多做口/朗11)do one's best全力12)do some shopping (cooking reading, cleaning) 西 ( 做菜,点,大除 ) 13)do a good deed (good deeds) 做一件好事 ( 做好事 )14)do morning exercises做晨操15)do eye exercises做眼保健操16)do well in在⋯⋯某方面干得好17)get up 起身18)get everything ready把全部都准好19)get ready for (=be ready for)⋯⋯作好准20)get on (well) with与⋯⋯相 ( 和睦 )21)get back返回22)get rid of除去,去除23)get in 入,采集24)get on/off上/ 下25)get to 抵达26)get there抵达那边27)give sb. a call⋯⋯打28)give a talk作告29)give a lecture (a piano concert)作座( 行琴音会 )30)give back,送回31)give ⋯⋯ some advice on⋯⋯一些忠告32)give lessons to⋯⋯上33)give in折服34)give up放弃35)give sb. a chance⋯⋯一次时机36)give a message to⋯⋯⋯⋯一个口信37)go ahead先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)go to the cinema看影39)go go bed睡 (make the bed整理床 )40)go to school (college)上学(上大学)41)go to (the) hospital去医院看病42)go over 一遍,复 /go over to 朝⋯⋯走去43)go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去 /溜冰/ 游泳 / 西44)go home (there)回家去 ( 去那边 )45)go round 便去,道走46)go up 上去47)go out for a walk出门漫步48)go on (doing)(做⋯⋯)49)go on with one's work某人的工作50)go upstairs/downstairs上/ 下楼51)(the lights) go out (灯) 熄了52)have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting上/ 开会53)have a football match (basketball match)行一足球 ( 球 )54)have dictation听55)have a try一56)have a good/wonderful time玩得很高57)have a lecture (a piano concert)听座( 听琴音会 )58)have a report (talk) on听一个对于⋯⋯的告59)have a glass of water (a cup of tea)喝一杯水, ( 一杯茶 )60)have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早 /午/ 晚61)have a meal (three meals)吃一 ( 三餐 )62)have a dinner吃正餐63)have bread and milk for breakfast早吃面包和牛奶64)have (have got) a headache痛65)have a fever66)have a cough (a cold)咳嗽 ( 感冒)67)have a look (at)看一看⋯⋯68)have a rest (a break)歇息一会儿 ( 工或歇息 )69)have a talk70)have a swim/walk 游泳 / 漫步71)have sports行体育72)have a sports meet (meeting)开运会73)have something done人(人)做⋯⋯74)have a test/an exam/ 考75)have an idea有了个想法76)had better do sth. (not do sth.)最好做⋯⋯ ( 最好不要做⋯⋯ )77)have a word with与⋯⋯几句78)help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth.在⋯⋯方面帮助⋯⋯帮助⋯⋯做79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat随意吃点 / / 肉80)help each other相互帮助81)keep up with 跟上⋯⋯,不落伍于⋯⋯82)keep silent/quiet保持缄默 / 寂静83)keep sb. doing sth.使⋯⋯向来做⋯⋯84)keep one's diary日85)make a noise (a lot of noise, muchnoise, noises) 吵 ( 十分嘈,响声 )86)make a living生87)make sb. do sth.迫使某人做⋯⋯88)make faces (a face)做鬼89)make friends (with)与⋯⋯交朋友90)make a mistake (mistakes) 犯91)make room/space for⋯⋯ 出地方92)make a sentence (sentences)with用⋯⋯造句93)make a fire生火94)be made from/of由⋯⋯制成95)be made in在⋯⋯地方制造96)look out of (outside)往外看 ( 看外面 )97)look up a word (in the dictionary)词典98)look up 往上看,仰望99)look after照料,照看,照100)look for找101)look like看上去像102)look fine/well/tired/worried看起来气色好/健康/ 疲/103)look out当心,当心104)look on⋯as⋯把⋯⋯看作⋯⋯对待105)look around 朝周围看106)look at看着⋯⋯107)put on 穿上 ( 衣服 ) ,戴上 ( 帽子 ) ,演出 ( )108)put up建筑,搭起,挂起,起,帖109)put into使入,入110)put one's heart into全神注于111)put ⋯down⋯把⋯⋯放下112)put ⋯into ⋯把⋯⋯成113)set up起,建起114)set off出,身115)set out出116)set an example for⋯⋯ 立榜117)send for派人去 ( 叫)118)send out放出,出119)end up 把⋯⋯往上送,射120)take one's advice遵从某人告121)take out取出,取出122)take down拿下123)take place生124)take one's place坐⋯⋯的座位,取代某人125)take the place of取代⋯⋯126)take a walk/rest漫步/ 歇息127)take it easy128)take sb.随身着129)take sb.to a park/London for one's holidays某人去公园 / 敦度假130)take care of关怀,照,保存131)take a look (a last look) at看一看(最后看一眼 )132)take an exam 参加考133)take away拿走134)take back回收,回135)take hold of抓住⋯⋯136)take off脱下 ( 衣,帽,鞋等 ) 拿掉137)take(an active) part in(极)参加(活)138)take photos摄影139)take some medicine服140)take a bus/train, boat/乘公共汽,火/船141)turn on开,旋开 ( 灯,收音机等 )142)turn off关上 ( 灯,收音机等 )143)turn in交出,上交144)turn ⋯into ⋯成145)turn to翻到,向146)turn down (把音量 ) 低147)turn ⋯over 把⋯⋯翻来148)play basketball打球, football踢足球, volleyball打排球149)play games做游150)play the piano (the violin)琴(拉小提琴 )151)play with snow玩雪152)play a joke (on)⋯⋯开玩笑( 三) 由其余构成的153)think over仔考154)arrive at/in a place抵达某155)eat up吃完,吃光156)do well in在⋯⋯干得好157)enjoy doing sth. like doing sth.喜做某事喜干某事158)find out,出 ( 实情等 )159)finish off吃完,喝完160)stop doing sth.停止做某事161)stop to do sth.停下往来做某事162)hold a meting行会163)hold up起164)hurry up赶忙,快点165)enter for名参加166)langht at嘲讽167)be used to于168)used to去经常169)wake⋯up 醒170)work out算出二、短1)ask for向⋯⋯要⋯⋯,求2)ask for leave假3)send for派人去 ( 叫)4)pay for付⋯⋯的款5)wait for等候6)thank for⋯⋯感7)apologize to sb. for sth.某事向某人致歉8)look for找9)leave ⋯for走开⋯⋯去⋯⋯10)fall off跌落11)catch cold着凉,12)catch up with追上13)agree with sb.成,赞同某人的意14)filled⋯⋯ with把⋯⋯装15)tell sb. about sth.告某人某事16)talk about⋯⋯17)think about考⋯⋯18)worry about担⋯⋯19)look after照顾20)run after追赶,跟在后边跑21)read after跟⋯⋯22)smile at⋯⋯浅笑23)knock at敲(、窗)24)shout at⋯⋯大喊(嚷)25)throw away抛弃26)work hard at努力做⋯⋯27)wait in line排等候28)change⋯into ⋯成29)hurry into⋯仓促入30)run into⋯跑31)hear of听32)think of,考33)catch hold of抓住34)instead of取代⋯⋯35)hand in交上来36)stay in bed卧病在床37)hear from收到⋯⋯来信●Aact on /upon⋯⋯起作用,依据⋯⋯行事,影响到,作用于add up (to)达,而言之adjust⋯ to使⋯⋯适,整⋯⋯以适admit⋯ into⋯⋯ 入advance in /on在⋯⋯方面的展 / 步agree in 在⋯⋯方面一致,在⋯⋯上同样agree on /upon /as to⋯⋯意一致agree to赞同,答,成,承agree with成(指人),与⋯⋯一致,合适aim at 对准,期望,目的在于amount to共达到,,等于apply for求,申arise from /out of 由⋯⋯而惹起,由⋯⋯而生arm oneself with 用⋯⋯武装起来arrange for 安排,准,定arrive at /in抵达,得出(等),达到(等)ask for求,找(某人),要求assign⋯to把⋯⋯指定⋯⋯,指定⋯⋯担任⋯⋯attain to达到,得act as担当,充任,起⋯⋯作用,饰演⋯⋯角色B begin at从⋯⋯开始believe in相信,相信belong to属于boil up(水)开bother about⋯⋯而麻break down 损坏,中断,粉碎,破除,倒,虚弱,失break off折断,断,忽然中断break out 生,逃走,爆(争),生(疾病、失火、争执、乱)burn down 焚,光,火力弱 burnup 尽,出火来burst out 忽然出,忽然生(争、疾病等),大喊起来Ccall for求,要求,去拿(物品),去接(某人),争取⋯⋯而叫唤call on /uponcarry on下去,理,,持下去carry out,行,,落carry at抓住(西),及抓住catch up with追上change into成,改穿(衣服)come about 生,(向)改方向 comeback 回来,还原,恢复 come upon碰,打,要求congratulate sb. on/upon sth.某事向某人祝connect ⋯ to 把⋯⋯接到⋯⋯上 consist of由⋯⋯成,由⋯⋯构成convert (A) into (B) 把( A)成( B) cooperate with sb. in 在⋯⋯方面和某人合作copy sth. down 把⋯⋯抄下来count in 人,人⋯⋯中算 cry for求,求,急需cut down 砍倒,减少,减价,短 cut off 切断,去,断,中断 compare ⋯ to 把⋯⋯比作(看作)⋯⋯ compare with 与⋯⋯比 Ddepend on /upon 依,依赖,取决于,随⋯⋯而定describe ⋯ as 把⋯⋯成,把⋯⋯ develop into展成die from /of 因⋯⋯而死discriminate ⋯ against 歧drink up /down /off喝完,(植物)汲取(水分)drive away把⋯⋯赶走,乘走drive off散drive out逐出,乘出去dry up 干枯,(思路等)枯竭,不出来Eearn one ’s bread /living生eat one’s words 撤消言,食言,承,致歉eat up 吃光,消,使昏employ ⋯ as 用⋯⋯作,把⋯⋯用作 equal to等于,赶得上,得,任 equip with 用⋯⋯装escape from 从⋯⋯逃走,漏出(液体、气体等)exchange (A) for (B)以(A)(B)exist in 存在⋯⋯中 explain ⋯ as把⋯⋯解成 express ⋯ as 把⋯⋯表示Ffeed on 用⋯⋯饲养,靠吃⋯⋯活,以⋯⋯能源feed ⋯ into把⋯⋯供,把⋯⋯送人,把⋯⋯人feel about探索fight against⋯⋯作斗争(作)fight for⋯⋯而斗争(作)fill in填写,填补,填find one’s place 找到⋯⋯的地位,找到要找的地方find out 找出,明,,想出,到,揭出来fire at /on /upon /into射,炮,向⋯⋯开火fix on /upon 固定,确立,决定,定,(目)注,咎于fi x one ’s eyes on 注 flowwith 充fly at扑向,攻force upon加Ggain in增加,增gather up 采集,括,集中 gazeat /on /upon 凝,注get away 走开,逃走,把⋯⋯送走 get in入,抵达,收割,采集,当get off 送出,送走,脱下(衣服等),下(),出,起get on 上(、等),展,活,凑近,穿上,破get together齐集,商,累get up 起床,起立,生,研究,安排,,增give in折服,步,交上give up ,放弃,停止,投诚 goaway 离开go on ,接下去,(工作等)行下去,()去生go through通,穿到,,,达成go wrong( 机器等 ) 出缺点,生故障,走路,(划等)失grasp at抓住,攫取grow up 大guard against 防备,防备,防(疾病等) Hhand in 交,交出(考卷等) handround 次(),分hang up 挂起,迟延,中断,弃置不,挂断happen to ⋯⋯生have sth. with随身着hear about听到对于hear from获取⋯⋯的信息,收到⋯⋯的信hear of听到hit at打,对准hurry up 敦促,赶Iinsist on /upon 持,,决要求,决主insulate⋯ from 使⋯⋯和⋯⋯interfere with打,阻碍,与⋯⋯反抗introduce⋯ into 引用⋯⋯到,把⋯⋯到,在⋯⋯中采纳,把⋯⋯引Jjoin in参加,加入join ⋯ to把⋯⋯接到,和⋯⋯一致,和⋯⋯一同join with 和⋯⋯合,和⋯⋯一致,和⋯⋯一起judge by /from从⋯⋯来判断Kkeep away 不凑近,避开,走开keep in mind住,不忘keep doing⋯⋯,不停⋯⋯keep (in) touch with 和⋯⋯不停接触,和⋯⋯保持系knock at敲(、窗等)knock away 敲下,敲掉knock down 打垮,撞倒,拆掉,卸除(机器),使减价knock off 敲去,中断,减低,快速做成,掉(灰)knock over弄倒,打翻know/ get /learn sth. by heart背,Llaugh at嘲讽,忽lay [place/put] stress [weight/emphasis] on [upon],侧重于,使劲于lead a ⋯ life着⋯⋯的生活lead to向,致lean against靠在(上等)lean on /upon倚,靠在,依赖learn ⋯ from sb. 向某人学learn [get /know] sth. by heart背,leave behind留下,下,失,忘携leave off停止,不再使用,不再穿level at对准lie down躺下,躺下不干lie in the way阻碍,阻挡line up 整(机械等),摆列起来,排,使⋯⋯排link up接,系listen to听,留意听,遵从live on /upon 靠⋯⋯活,以⋯⋯主食 look after目送,求,照顾,看守 look at 看,观察,看look for找,期望look into,参,look through 透⋯⋯看去,看破,底,从看究竟lose oneself迷路,着迷lose sight of看不,忘,忽视Mmake ⋯ from 用⋯⋯(原料)制造makeof 用⋯⋯(资料)制造,培育成,看作,认识,待meet with (无心中)碰(遇),遭到 mount⋯ on把⋯⋯安装在⋯⋯上,把⋯⋯架在 move on 前,向前走Oopen one’s eyes to 令人悟,令人(某事)有所认识operate on⋯⋯起作用,⋯⋯ 生影响,⋯⋯ 手oppose ⋯ to/against 使⋯⋯抗⋯⋯,使⋯⋯与⋯⋯相立originate from /in发源于,源于owe to 把⋯⋯功于Ppass by从⋯⋯旁去,,忽视pass from ⋯ to 从⋯⋯到⋯⋯,从⋯⋯pay attention to注意,关怀pay for付⋯⋯的代价,担⋯⋯的用persist in持,固pick off摘下,采纳pick up 爬起,得,拾起,探出,收听,恢复,掘地,加快play a part in 在⋯⋯方面起作用,⋯⋯起作用point out指出,指示prefer⋯ to 宁愿⋯⋯而不pretend to 假装,妄图,自命prevent⋯ from 阻挡⋯⋯,使不⋯⋯,防止⋯⋯,免得⋯⋯pronounce on /upon断言,表,表意protect⋯ from/against 保⋯⋯使不受⋯⋯损害prove (oneself) to be明(自己)是provide with 供,供,以⋯⋯装pull out拔出,挖出,(火等)开出,撤走put off推,缓期,阻挡,阻,脱(衣服),出航put on穿上(衣、鞋等),增加(体重等),假装快(表),介绍Rread out宣,朗recall to one’s mind回,想起reduce ⋯ to 使⋯⋯成,把⋯⋯减少到⋯⋯,把⋯⋯减少到,把⋯⋯化refer to对于,参照,,到,波及regard⋯as把⋯⋯是,把⋯⋯看作rely on /upon 依赖,自信 remark on/upon ,批 remember me to 代我向⋯⋯致谢remind sb. of 提示某人,使某人回起,使某人想起remove ⋯ from 把⋯⋯从⋯⋯移去replace by /with 用⋯⋯替 respond to响,⋯⋯起反应ring up 打(某人),打(开幕) Ssave sb. from⋯救某人使不致⋯⋯search after /for 找,探究,究 screwout 把⋯⋯出screw up ,迫,加(效率),鼓足(干)see sb. off 某人送别 sell out完,出,背叛 send away 赶走,逐出,辞退 send down 开除,休学send for派人去叫(),派人去拿separate ⋯ from 使⋯⋯从⋯⋯分开,把⋯⋯从⋯⋯切割,把⋯⋯和⋯⋯分开set down 放下,卸掉,下,拟订,斥责set off 出,开始,列,述,表示,打算 set up 起,成立,开,出,提出(意),提升,惹起settle down 落,定居,积淀,沉静下来 smell round /about 到探询,到嚷 speak for ⋯⋯ ,⋯⋯ spread over 遍,遍及,延,覆盖squeeze into 人,塞 start off 出,身struggle against /with 和⋯⋯斗争,向⋯⋯斗争struggle for 争取⋯⋯,⋯⋯而斗争 sufferfrom 因⋯⋯受害,患⋯⋯病sum up ,,归纳supply for把⋯⋯供swallow up吞下去,耗尽switch off /out切断(流),关(灯等)switch on接通(流),开(等等)Ttake a short cut 走近路,去捷径take away 拿走,取走,减去take off 拿掉,移送,免去,减价,脱去(衣、帽、鞋),起take part in 参加,参加 talkabout ,,交 tear away 撕掉,翻开 tear up 扯碎,拔起think over仔考,沉思熟throw out 扔出,逐出,提出(建),出(光),干(人)transfer ⋯ into把⋯⋯化trust on信try on看,穿(服饰、鞋等)turn away方向,()不睬,避开,打走turn⋯into把⋯⋯,把⋯⋯成turn off 出,辞退,关上(灯、自来水、煤气、收音机等)turn on 开(灯、自来水、煤气、收音机等),决定于,反,Uuse ⋯ as 把⋯⋯用作⋯⋯,用⋯⋯作used to (do)(去)常(做)、经常(做)Wwait for 等,等候 wake up 醒来,抖擞起来 walk about 彷徨,走来走去warm up 暖,加,起来,活起来 watchout 当心,戒备,wear out 穿破,用坏,耗尽,疲备不堪wipe out 擦洗,消除,雪,底 work for⋯⋯而工作,⋯⋯全力 write down 下,写下write off 勾,注(款等),易就写好(文章等)一、 be 构成的短1.be known as / be famous as 作⋯⋯而名be known for 因⋯⋯而有名 beknown to ⋯⋯所知be known by 凭⋯⋯而知The hill is known for the temple.LuXun is known to us as a writer.One can be known by his words and deeds.2.be married to与⋯⋯婚She is married to a musician...3.be tired of/with⋯⋯He is tired of / with this kind of life.=He is bored with this kind of life.4.be terrified at被⋯⋯吓一跳He is terrified at the snake.5.be burdened with重He is burdened with a heavy load.6.be crowded withThe shop is crowded with people.7.be dressed in衣着She is dressed in red.8.be experienced in⋯⋯有He is experienced in mending bikes.9.be equipped with装They are equipped with guns and food.10. be furnished with供应,部署They are furnished with enough food.11. be engaged in sth 从事,忙于 (=be busy with sth)He has been engaged in writing novels.12. be engaged to与⋯⋯婚My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor .13. be about to do sth.正要做⋯⋯1 was just about to go swimming when ourguide saw me and stopped me.14. be fit to do/be fit for任;合适于He is fit to do the work.These books are not fit for children.15. be worth doing得做⋯⋯The film is worth seeing again.16. be proud of以⋯⋯而自影傲I am proud of being a Chinese.17.be used to sth ./doing sth .于⋯⋯My grandpa is not used to living in thenoisy city18. be content to do sth./with⋯ 宁愿于干⋯⋯;足于⋯⋯I am content with your work this time.19. be content with ⋯⋯感觉意 Youshould be content with what you have20. be up to 由⋯⋯,到⋯⋯It's up to her to answer the question.21. be meant /intended for打算,打算用作Is this valuable painting meant for me22. be connected with与⋯⋯有系He was also connected with the government.23. be crazy about⋯⋯狂Many young people are crazy about Hip-Hop.二、 break 构成的短1.break out爆The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937.2.break in打断;入Two robbers broke in and robbed the bankof a lot of money.into入;破而入They broke into the uncle’s bedroom and found the man lying on the floor。
1. 一般动词短语搭配1. take a shower 洗澡2. make a decision 做决定3. have a chat 聊天4. give a speech 发表演讲5. do homework 做作业6. go for a walk 散步7. play a role 扮演角色8. make a mistake 犯错误9. break the news 揭露消息10. keep in touch 保持联系2. 动词+副词短语搭配1. speak loudly 大声说话2. think carefully 仔细思考3. eat quickly 快速吃4. walk slowly 缓慢行走5. work hard 努力工作6. write neatly 书写整洁7. sing beautifully 美妙的歌唱8. drive safely 安全驾驶9. sleep soundly 酣睡10. speak fluently 流利地说话3. 动词+介词短语搭配1. believe in 相信2. rely on 依赖3. think of 想起4. apologize to 向...道歉5. listen to 听6. get along with 与...相处7. wait for 等待8. talk about 谈论9. look for 寻找10. work on 致力于4. 动词+名词短语搭配1. make progress 取得进步2. take notes 做笔记3. pay attention 注意4. give advice 给出建议5. have fun 玩得开心6. take a break 休息片刻7. make a phone call 打电话8. take a photo 拍照9. give a hand 帮助10. throw a party 举办派对5. 动词+形容词短语搭配1. make someone happy 使某人开心2. leave someone speechless 让某人无言以对3. keep something clean 保持某物干净4. drive someone crazy 把某人逼疯5. feel incredibly grateful 感到非常感激6. look absolutely stunning 看起来绝对华丽7. sound extremely appealing 听起来极具吸引力8. taste absolutely delicious 味道绝对美味9. smell really fresh 气味非常清新10. seem completely unreasonable 看起来完全不合理通过学习这些常见的动词短语搭配,我们可以更准确、生动地表达自己的意思,使句子更加地富有表现力。
一、动词短语1. 定义:动词短语是由动词及其后面的附加成分(如副词、介词短语等)构成的结构。
2. 特点:动词短语可以是不可分割的,即其组成部分之间不能插入其他词语。
3. 示例:a) She broke down in tears.(她泪流满面。
)- 动词短语:broke downb) He gave up smoking.(他戒烟了。
)- 动词短语:gave upc) The dog ran across the street.(狗跑过了马路。
)- 动词短语:ran acrossd) They look forward to meeting you.(他们期待着见到你。
)- 动词短语:look forward to二、动词搭配1. 定义:动词搭配是指动词与一或多个特定的名词、形容词或副词搭配使用,形成一个固定的短语,其意义不能从各个组成部分的字面意义中推测出来。
2. 特点:动词搭配是固定的词组,不能随意改变其中的词语。
3. 示例:a) take a shower(洗澡) - 动词搭配:take a showerb) make a decision(做决定) - 动词搭配:make a decisionc) keep an eye on(密切关注) - 动词搭配:keep an eye ond) break the ice(打破僵局) - 动词搭配:break the ice三、辨析1. 区别:动词短语是根据动词本身及其附加成分的意义来构造的短语,而动词搭配是固定的词组,意义不可预测。
2. 形式:动词短语可以有多个附加成分,并且可以根据句子的需要进行变化,而动词搭配是固定的短语,不能改变其中的词语。
一、动词短语的搭配方式1. 动词+动词:最常见的两个动词连用方式之一,表示两个动作的顺序。
2. 动词+补语:其中,补语可以是名词、形容词或者动词的宾语。
3. 动词+副词:这种结构用于修饰或限制前面的动作。
1. 经常性动作:使用“常常”、“经常”、“总是”等词语来修饰第一个动词,表示该动作的频率。
2. 重复性动作:使用“又”、“再”等词语来修饰第二个动词,表示该动作的重复。
3. 单次性动作:不使用频率的限定词,表示某个动作仅发生一次。
1. 取消助词:使用“了”来取消第一个动词的完成状态。
2. 加强助词:使用“一下”、“一会儿”等词语来加强第一个动词的语气和意义。
- go to: 去某个地方(一般是到一个特定的地点)- go at: 去到某个时间或地点2. take/give + advice- take advice: 接受建议- give advice: 给予建议3. make/do + a decision- make a decision: 做出决定- do a decision: 错误用法,应改为 "make a decision"4. look/watch/see + a movie- look at a movie: 错误用法,应改为 "watch a movie" - see a movie: 看电影5. need/want/require + help- need help: 需要帮助- want help: 想要帮助- require help: 需要帮助(通常指特定的要求)6. listen/hear + to- listen to: 听某个声音或音乐- hear: 听到某个声音7. take/give + a test- take a test: 参加一次考试- give a test: 发布一次考试8. do/make + your best- do your best: 尽力而为- make your best: 错误用法,应改为 "do your best"以上是初中英语常用的一些动词搭配以及它们的辨析。
1. Look after"Look after"意思是照顾、照料。
例如:- She looks after her younger brother.她照顾她的弟弟。
2. Take off"Take off"意思是脱下、起飞。
例如:- He takes off his hat when he enters the house.他进屋时脱下帽子。
- The plane takes off at 8 o'clock in the morning.飞机在早上8点起飞。
3. Put on"Put on"意思是穿上、戴上。
例如:- She puts on her coat and goes out.她穿上外套出门了。
- He puts on his glasses to read.他戴上眼镜读书。
4. Set up"Set up"意思是建立、设立。
例如:- They set up a new company last year.他们去年成立了一家新公司。
5. Break up"Break up"意思是分裂、解散。
例如:- The meeting broke up after two hours of discussion.会议在两小时的讨论后结束了。
6. Bring up"Bring up"意思是抚养、教育。
例如:- They bring up their children to be well-behaved.他们把孩子抚养得彬彬有礼。
7. Take over"Take over"意思是接管、接任。
高考英语必考动词搭配(30类)背诵不及物动词没有被动语态1. feel类(V+ N. + adj.)这类动词作系动词的用法时,后面常接形容词或名词,有的后面可接to be,亦可省去。
这样的动词有:appear, become, come, continue, feel, go, grow, hold, look, prove, remain, rest, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn等。
例如:He proves (to be) honest/(to be)an honest man.—Haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine.— Thanks. You look well. (NMET 1994)I love to go to the seaside in summer. It feels good to lie in the sun or swim in the cool sea. (NMET 1996)She looks familiar to me, but I don't remember her name. (NMET 1999)2. read类(V +adj.)此类动词的主动形式表被动意义,这样的动词有:sell, wash, read , rent, lock, tear, work out, act, break, carry, cook, count, cut, iron, clean, draw, keep, open, wear等。
例如:This sort of cloth washes well. This kind of cloth wears well.Your pen writes smoothly. Your speech reads well.Books of this kind sell well. (上海高考1999)3. surprise类(V + O)这类动词本身含有“使…”的意思,这样的动词有:seat, engage , amuse , surprise , becalm , delight , enable , enrich , entitle, remind, remove, strengthen, lengthen, deafen, darken, harden, sadden, worsen, whiten, simplify, solidify等。
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Base(on) research, theory, story, hypothesi s Associat Word, e(with) idea , term
discussຫໍສະໝຸດ Generally , A decrease in consumer spending is commonly , generally associated with fears of invariably instability. The word is commonly associated with youth culture.
The book refers frequently/specifically/in passing to the 1956 economic crisis.
Many religious schools perform well academically.
Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr.
The publicity has enhanced his reputation.
More verbs in combination with adverbs
Gingerly she explored the bump on her head with her fingers.
In their study these authors calculated the number of student-teacher interactions , and expected by chance for these classifications , and number of interactions that occurred. These misconceptions are understandable results of attempt to develop and describe in great detail a system of categorizing behaviors that is useful and appealing to teachers , but which make it more difficult to “see the forest for the trees.”
examine facts, evidence, effects, aspects
briefly, critically, thoroughly
We shall now briefly examine the evidence for the existence of dark matter. Our aim is to thoroughly examine the effects of stress.
The article suggests a new approach to the problem. She wrote to me and suggested a meeting.
Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance.
Verbs and the words they combine with
How verbs combine with other words Categories Verbs combine with nouns Verbs combine with adverbs Verbs combine with preposition Verbs in academic English Avoid some error writing
All that talk about abattoirs turned me right off.
The Government has broken up the large private estates.
Some examples about verbs in academic English
Preposition+abstract noun=adverb
The soldiers marched twenty miles with ease.(= easily) Somebody left the window open on purpose.(= purposely) They will be examined in detail below. (=minutely)
How verbs combine with other words
You should note a number of things about verbs in an academic context, in particular: a) Any nouns often used with the verb and whether the noun goes before or after the verbs, for example, the research/theory is based on , to pose a problem/question/threat b) Any adverbs often used with the verb, for example, mainly/partly/loosely based
More verbs in combination with preposition
Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the course.
The report ascribes the rise in childhood asthma to the increase in pollution.
establish relationship, firmly, Geologists have been unable to connection clearly, firmly establish a connection conclusively between the two types of fossils.Lopez conclusively establishes a relationship between the two phenonmena.
Idea , at length , Wlison and Crick(1965) discuss the problem , briefly ,thor problem at length. Sim’s article issue , oughly discusses the issue thoroughly. question , topic,
The study clearly demonstrates the importance of support for dementia sufferers. Harvey’s work convincingly demonstrates the need for a new approach to the problem.
adverbs mainly, partly, loosely
examples The story was loosely based on a true event which occurred in 1892.The theory is mainly based on the writer’s initial study.
E.g follow from : follow as a consequence or as a logical inference; follow on: follow immediately after(in time).
Some other examples
Dispose a person of his property , lands, wealth, etc ; disqualify someone from doing something ;
E.g ,we say based on , NOT based in . we discuss a problem /an issue , NOT discuss about a problem/an issue.
E.g disagree with a person , or with a plan , idea or proposal ; disagree on or about a specified subject.
demonst existence, clearly, rate need, convincingly effects, importance
More verbs in combination with nouns
This inevitably poses a question concerning the stability of society. Parks poses a challenge to Kahh’s theory.