ISO26262 流程图控制计划模板(含全套附属EXCEL表)
ISO26262 DIA模板(含全套附属EXCEL表)
![ISO26262 DIA模板(含全套附属EXCEL表)](
the following conditions apply a.) The SUPPLIER is responsible for the establishment of a distributed development according to ISO26262. b.) The CUSTOMER may perform or attend functional safety audits and safety assessments on the subcontractors site if deemed necessary. c.) The interfaces between SUPPLIER and subcontractor shall be compatible with the interfaces between CUSTOMER and SUPPLIER. (e.g. Tool, data interchange formats)
为了减少产品的开发时间和成本,降低由于安全问题而导致的维护甚至召回的风险,越来越多的整车厂和供应商开始重视汽车领域的功能安全问题,ECU软件功能安全的问题也成为汽车行业迫切需要解决的问题,车辆功能安全标准ISO 26262就在这样的环境和需求下应运而生,并于2011年11月正式发布第一版本,该标准是当前汽车业中最流行、最复杂、也是最重要的一份标准。
ISO 26262的目标是通过避免汽车E/E系统故障行为可能导致的危害来提高E/E系统的功能安全。
ISO26262采用车辆安全完整性等级(ASIL)来判断系统的功能安全程度,ASIL由ASILA(最低)、ASILB、ASILC及ASIL D(最高)四个等级组成,ASIL等级越高表示系统的功能安全评估越严格,相应的表示系统正确执行安全功能,或者说的避免该功能出错的概率越高,即系统的安全可靠性越高。
ISO 26262标准的组成架构由十个规范和信息指导文件组成,其中ISO 26262—4/5/6阐述的是系统级/硬件级/软件级的产品开发,使用嵌套的V模型定义了每个开发阶段的过程以及相应的工作产品。
本解决方案主要阐明了在软件级产品开发阶段如何去理解ISO26262的要求,并且指出了在实际的软件开发过程中如何结合ISO 26262的软件测试生命周期,通过包括软件测试工作的执行以及过程控制等方面来确保ECU软件质量满足ISO26262软件级功能安全相应等级的要求。
ISO26262 电控开发流程概述
![ISO26262 电控开发流程概述](
ISO26262 电控开发流程概述发表时间:2020-11-05T09:12:46.097Z 来源:《科学与技术》2020年19期作者:王震华赵鲁荣张霞张鲁兵[导读] 功能安全(Functional Safety)的要求是无论零部件或者安全相关控制系王震华赵鲁荣张霞张鲁兵潍柴动力股份有限公司电控研究院,山东潍坊 261061摘要:功能安全(Functional Safety)的要求是无论零部件或者安全相关控制系统发生的失效是硬件随机失效还是系统失效,都需要使受控设备可靠地进入和维持安全状态,避免对人员或者环境产生危害;本文从电控开发流程角度触发,介绍功能安全流程的建立、要求及方法,并结合标准要求,给出完整的电控开发流程体系。
因此,以ISO26262新版标准作为指南,进行电控系统的产品开发,对于正确解读和应用ISO 26262 标准具有重大参考意义。
1 标准介绍2018版的ISO 26262 标准主要包括 12 个部分,其体系结构图如图 1所示[1、2]。
图1 ISO26262标准体系结构ISO26262标准的第一部分介绍相关术语;第二部分功能安全管理,定义了涉及安全相关系统开发的组织和人员应满足的要求,定义功能安全管理指南及安全计划,建立公司安全文化;第三部分概念阶段,主要是对危害分析和风险评估的描述,导出功能安全目标,确定功能安全相关概念,导出客户需求;第四部分为系统层面的产品开发,完成系统设计及安全分析,并按要求进行系统相关测试,导出系统需求,FMEA及FTA概念;第五部分为硬件层面的产品开发,确定基于ASIL等级的硬件安全指标,包含SPFM,LFM,PMHF指标,完成硬件安全分析及设计;第六部分为软件层面的产品开发,包含软件开发指南、软件需求、软件实现、软件验证计划、软件验证报告;第七部分为生产、运行、服务和报废过程中功能安全相关的要求和建议;第八部分为是对支持过程的归纳;第九部分为基于汽车安全完整性等级(ASIL)和安全的分析,明确ASIL等级的分配原则;第十部分为对整个ISO26262标准的应用导则。
ISO 26262(中文版本)
![ISO 26262(中文版本)](
九、ISO26262-9 面向汽车安全完整性等级(ASIL)和安全的分析.................. 70 1、 考虑 ASIL 裁剪等级分解要求 .................................................................................... 70 2、 要素共存标准 ............................................................................................................. 73 3、 关联故障分析 ............................................................................................................. 74 4、 安全分析 ..................................................................................................................... 76
1、项目定义............................................................................................................................. 7 2、项目的安全生命周期 ......................................................................................................... 8 3、项目的危险分
– medini™ unite
the product for change and configuration management support for model-based software engineering 支持基于模型的软件工程,是可做变更管理和配置管 理的产品
© KPIT Technologies Limited
© KPIT Technologies Limited
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safety related activities in systems engineering processes 系统工程设计过程的安全相关活动
controllability analysis 可控性分析
safety validation 安全验证
© KPIT Technologies Limited
safety and engineering lifecycle 安全和工程的生命周期技术
Item description Item Definition
项目定义 ISO 26262: Safety related activities have to go hand in hand with engineering activities ISO 26262: 安全相关活动必须 与工程设计活动同步进行
© KPIT Technologies Limited
our products lines – software and services for automotive safety and reliability 我们的产品 —— 汽车安全和可靠性的软件和服务
开始阅读之前强烈建议参考之前系列文章:01 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列 - 开篇02 - 汽车功能安全系列之概念阶段开发 - Item Definition & HARA03 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列: 概念阶段开发 - 功能安全需求及方案(FSR&FSC)04 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列: 系统阶段开发 - 技术安全需求(TSR)及安全机制05 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列: 系统阶段开发 - 技术安全方案TSC及安全分析06 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列: 系统阶段开发 - 系统安全架构07 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列: 硬件开发 - 硬件安全需求,安全设计及安全机制08 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列: 硬件开发 - 硬件随机失效概率化评估09 - 汽车功能安全(ISO 26262)系列: 硬件开发 - 随机硬件失效量化FMEDA在功能安全系统开发阶段,我们已经得到了技术层面可实施的技术安全需求TSR,并将其分配至系统架构中的硬件(HW)和软件(SW)组件,接下来以此为基础进行相应硬件和软件功能安全开发。
不管是ISO 26262,Aspice还是System Engineering,其开发过程都基于V模型,可以说V模型是汽车工程师必修内容。
对于功能安全而言,软件功能安全开发V模型属于ISO 26262第6部分内容,是系统开发大的V模型中软件开发部分,紧接着第4部分系统开发内容。
6. PM: Review due day and inform customer 核对工程生管承诺的交期并通知客户
Agree? 赞同
8. PM: Send the SO Request Form or SO Change Form to FA to load in SAP 将订单接纳恳求或修正恳求送财务处 进展系统输入
测量和监视装置的控制作业流 程
退货或互换 恳求报废
初次校 正
周期性 校正
维 修后校准
开场 厂商送料 仓库收料验收 点数
艰苦质量异常开立 <<供应商纠正预防要求书
IQC 检验
不合格品 控制程序/ 特采作业 程序
入 库
催采购资料进厂 * 报主消费方案排定消费方案 * 发出制造通知单 * 排定出货方案
包工或包工 包料
7.工程生管员 * 协助工程经理跟催客供料进厂 * 报主消费方案排定消费方案 * 发出制造通知单 * 排定出货方案
8.主消费方案 排定消费方案并发至相关部门
9.仓库 备料并发至消费部门
10. 消费部门质量保证部 * 按消费方案进展消费 * 每四小时提供在线消费情况 *质量保证部质量验证 * 废品入库
3.IQC断定 能否合格
7. 仓管员 * 将不良品转入区待处置 * 将接纳报告提报至工程生管员处 * 将验收入库单磅处进展
客供资料 或仪器设备
9. 仓管员 * 按照生管所排定的消费方案按 Data Entry打出的发料清单将客供 料发至消费部门 * 在消费终了后将结存情况报至工程
ISO26262 FTA分析(含全套附属EXCEL表)
![ISO26262 FTA分析(含全套附属EXCEL表)](
FO-DE-068-KA rev01
FO-DE-068-KA rev01
FO-DE-068-KA rev01
FO-DE-068-KA rev01
Intermediate Event
Intermediate Event
Intermediate Event
Intermediate Event
Intermediate Event
FO-DE-068-KA rev01
Customer Date (this revision) Participants (this revision)
Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event AND/OR Failure Event
一、ISO26262ISO26262-1 适用范围和主要内容 ................................ ...... ...... 4 ISO26262二、ISO26262 -2 功能安全管理 ............................................ 5 三、ISO26262ISO26262-3 概念阶段 概念阶段 ...................................... .. ... ....... 7 1、项目定义............................................................................................................................. 7 2、项目的安全生命周期 ......................................................................................................... 8 3、项目的危险分析和风险评估 ............................................................................................. 8 4、功能安全概念 ................................................................................................................... 11 四、 ISO26262ISO26262-4 系统级产品开发 ............
ISO26262 系统验证计划
![ISO26262 系统验证计划](
Validation Plan <insert project name>Document Control InformationLocation: The version of this document is maintained in folder <fill in folder location> Revision HistoryTable of ContentsContentsDocument Control Information (2)Table of Contents (3)List of Figures (4)List of Tables (5)1Introduction (6)1.1Purpose (6)1.2Scope (6)1.3Definitions, A cronyms, a nd A bbreviations (7)2Inputs and Output (9)2.1Prerequisition (9)2.2Further supporting Information (9)2.3Outputs (9)3Safety Strategy and Processes (10)3.1Overview (10)3.2Validation Test objectives (10)3.3Safety Validation (Item development life cycle) (10)3.4Validation Processes (11)3.5Safety Organization and R&R................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.6Regression strategy (14)4Item Description (15)4.1Item o verview (15)4.1.1System Component (15)4.2Configuration (16)4.3Calibration (16)5Project Development and Validation schedule (17)5.1Validation Test Plan (17)5.1.1HARA Controllability Validation (17)5.1.2Safety Goal Validation (18)5.1.3Long-term test (18)5.2Test Methods information (19)5.3Validation method for safety goal (20)6Test Case and Acceptance Criteria (21)7References (22)List of Figures Figure 1 :List of Tables1Introduction1.1PurposeValidation Plan is planning document which plans validation performance for integrated item at Vehicle level. After HW, SW development, the hardware and software elements are integrated and tested to form an item that is then integrated into a vehicle. Once integrated at the vehicle level, safety validation is performed to provide evidence of functional safety with respect to the safety goals.Therefore the Validation Plan describes all validation activities which shall be carried out for this IWV project. It is fully compliant to the requirements of ISO 26262 Part4 paragraph 5.4.2, 6.4.6 and 9.4.2.The objective of Safety Validation is described in ISO 26262.The first objective is to provide evidence of compliance with the safety goals and that the functional safety concepts are appropriate for the functional safety of the item.The second objective is to provide evidence that the safety goals are correct, complete and fully achieved at the vehicle level.1.2ScopeThis plan is useful for validation activities which should be performed at vehicle level byIWV Development Project.This document describes the following information for IWV validation:Y the configuration of the item subjected to validationY the calibration of the item subjected to validationY Validation proceduresY test casesY driving maneuversY acceptance criteriaY the equipment and required environmental conditions.1.3Definitions, Acronyms, and AbbreviationsAll terms, acronyms and abbreviations which are required to correctly interpret this document are listed as follows.2Inputs and Output2.1PrerequisitionThe following information shall be available.-Safety Plan-Item Definition-Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment-Safety Goal-Functional Safety Concept-Validation plan (refined)2.2Further supporting Information The following information may be considered -Project plan-Technical Safety Concept-Functional Concept (from external source)-Item Integration and Testing Plan-Safety Analysis Reports2.3OutputsThe following is the deliverable from this phase -Validation Report3Safety Strategy and Processes3.1OverviewThe Validation Plan is a requirement of the Automotive Functional Safety Standard ISO 26262. Internal and external safety inspectors may use this System Validation Plan as the basis for assessing how and to what extent safety-related issues have been addressed and treated during development of a safety critical system in the automotive domain.3.2Validation Test objectivesValidation plan must satisfy the following requirements:- The safety activities for the product development at the system level shall be planed including determination of appropriate methods and measures during design andintegration (5.4.1)- The validation activities shall be planned (5.4.2)3.3Safety Validation (Item development life cycle)Following figure shows that when it must be performed according to safety activity cycle for Safety Validation. Timing for performing according to safety activity cycle for Safety Validation is shown in figure 4-3.Figure 1 : Reference phase of Safety Validation3.4Validation ProcessesThe safety goals of the item shall be validated at the vehicle level by evaluating the controllability, effectiveness of safety measures, external measures and other technologies.And the results of the validation shall be evaluated.Validation process is like below.Safety Goal Validation- Operating scenario - Intended use- Foreseeable misuse - Safety Measure- External Measure- Other Technology- Positive test of Function- Fault Injection Test- Simulation- Fleet Test- User test under real-lifeconditionResultEvaluationValidation ReportFigure 2 : Validation Process3.5Regression strategyRegression test shall be required the quality and performance improvement in case of vehicle structure, mounting position and vehicle communication load changes.4Item Description4.1Item o verview4.1.1System ComponentFigure 3 : Sketch of <fill in system name>4.1.2S afety Goal of <fill in system name>The safety goals for validation test are listed in the following table.SPF shall be documented by reference of FMEA, FTA analysis report.Table 6 Safety goal of <fill in system name>4.2ConfigurationValidation tester shall check configuration of IWV through scanning tool before testing4.3CalibrationFor domestic market, IWV shall use calibration data for domestic market; IWV shall use calibration data for EU and general market because the structure of vehicle is different according to market. Therefore validation tester shall check calibration ID through scanning tool before testing.5Project Development and Validation schedule5.1Validation Test PlanValidation test item and schedule shall be prepared base on above the document.Specific test case of validation in each stage shall be specified in 7. Test Case Clause.Figure 5 : Validation Test schedule5.1.1HARA Controllability ValidationIn case of HARA performance, Severity, Exposure, Controllability shall be driven by statedcritera and other brain-storming on criteria. At this time, high ASIL C,D to allocate forControllability rating shall be needed to verify the rating validity through vehicle test.The validation test such as this Controllability shall be performed in the initialdevelopment, detail content and test case shall be specified in 7. Test case clause.Description of the performance period of Controllability validation test5.1.2Safety Goal ValidationThe final goal of validation is to verify that safety goal shall be accurately implemented at the vehicle level. The evaluation period is (TBD).Test case shall be completed and sample shall be prepared until (TBD).5.1.3Long-term testThe durability test of Safety Goal shall be verified through long-term test.The implementation period is (TBD).5.2Test Methods informationPass/fail criteria and test procedure are regulated in test case.5.3Validation method for safety goal6Test Case and Acceptance CriteriaPass/fail criteria and test procedure are regulated in test case.7References(NOTE) Basically, each referenced document should be listed by specifying the document name, version number, and date. A reference document which is continuously and frequently updated within the project, however, does not need to specify the version and date. If the version and date for a reference document are missing, it means the latest baseline version for that document has been referred to.。
02功能安全总体要求2.1 各项指标2.2 诊断覆盖度举例针对一个信号举例说明:03功能安全测试要求3.1 测试计划核心内容应包括,测试对象:需要测试的对象描述,以及测试的范围描述;测试人员:人员能力、人员职责范围等;测试环境:涉及到的仿真环境(Simulink)、台架环境(HIL、实验台架等)等;测试工具:用到的各种软件以及硬件测试工具,如Canoe、Canape、Inca等,说明工具的型号以及版本信息;测试方法:功能安全表格中提到的针对各个阶段,所需采取的测试手段或方法;测试标准:测试通过以及失败的准则;测试条件:包括测试准入条件、测试准出条件以及测试异常退出条件等;测试回归:定义回归策略,如在产品末期,进行一次全回归测试等;测试时间计划表:针对各个阶段进行详细的测试计划安排,确保各个阶段人、事、物齐全,确保测试按照计划进行。
3.2 测试规格根据不同的测试对象进行分析,选择合适的测试方法、编写测试用例。
3.3 软件相关测试3.3.1 软件单元测试测试对象:包括软件单元内部的语句、逻辑以及单元给外部调用的接口。
验证方法:表8 可通过静态验证工具来进行验证,表9中,一般需要进行数据流以及控制流分析图。
Form No: KOF 1000139502 All information contained herein is confidential and/or proprietary to XxAutomotive and any unauthorized disclosureor utilization is expressly prohibited. The information is legally safeguarded by digital fingerprints and offenders will(PLM version of BL-667) be held liable for any damages suffered. All rights and/or title to any intellectual property are reserved .1(7)Fun cti onal Safety Assessme nt Pla nFunctional Safety Assessment Plan vProject Name>Fun cti onal Safety Assessme nt Pla n1 Table of Contents1TABLE OF CONTENTS (2)2REVISION HISTORY (3)3INTRODUCTION (4)3.1G ENERAL OVERVIEW (4)3.2A BOUT THIS DOCUMENT (4)3.3A BBREVIATIONS (4)4REFERENCES (5)5MAIN CONTENT ............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
ISO 26262 道路车辆 功能安全 2018
![ISO 26262 道路车辆 功能安全 2018](
功能安全:5个步骤实现 第5步 安全确认用来确保开发项目能够满足分配给它的安全目标。
功能安全评估同时考虑到产品和过程,提高了项目的安全置信级 别。
功能安全管理 项目定义 风险分析,风险评估安全目标定义 功能安全要求
能够达到,保持安全状态 能够警告司机,以便于司机能够及时采取措施避免失效的影响
级联失效和共因失效 级联失效
安全架构(safety architecture) 通过一组元素相互作用,来满足安全要求,包括冗余、独立概念
充分信任的设计原则(well-trusted design principle) 一预先使用经验证明没有安全问题的设计原则。 如:
安全,法规,产品责任,… 汽车电子的安全问题可能会导致高额的召回费用!
• 2013年10月日产SUV由于制动控制软件问题,召回15.2万辆! • 2014年2月丰田第三代普锐斯由于混合系统中控制升压转换器软件问题召回190万辆! • 2014年国内汽车122次召回中由于软件问题造成的有8次(中国汽车质量网统计)!
法规认证vs.产品责任(2) 法规认证 ·只能由被认可的“技术服务机构”进行评估如: ECE R13 Annex 18 or ECE R79 Annex 6
产品责任 ·独立的评估根据:
·(车辆)安全完整性等级(A)SIL ·应用标准
为什么使用这IEC 61508、ISO 26262标准?
硬件安全需求规范 基于技术安全需求,对于硬件设计,以下各方面需要清晰定义: 1.硬件安全需求规范包括
汽车电子功能安全标准ISO26262解析(八)——ASIL等级分解汽车电子功能安全标准ISO26262解析(八)——ASIL等级分解原创pianpian_zct 最后发布于2018-01-18 11:14:55 阅读数6399 收藏展开ISO 26262-9 Clause 5 Requirements decomposition with respect to ASIL tailoringThe objective of this clause is to provide rules and guidance for decomposing safety requirements into redundant safety requirements to allow ASIL tailoring at the next level of detail.本章节的目的是为安全需求分解提供规则和指导,以便于将需求分解为冗余的安全需求,并使得下一级别的ASIL裁剪成为可能。
The ASIL, as an attribute of the safety goal, is inherited by each subsequent safety requirement.每一条安全需求都从安全目标继承ASIL等级。
The functional and technical safety requirements are allocated to architectural elements, starting with preliminary architectural assumptions and ending with the hardware and software elements.通过最初的架构假设,功能性和技术性的安全需求被分配给架构的每一个硬件和软件模块。
During the allocation process, benefit can be obtained from architectural decisions and the existence of independent architectural elements. This offers the opportunity:在ASIL等级分配的过程中,架构的决定性和架构中每个模块的独立存在性为我们提供了如下机会:1) to implement safety requirements redundantly by these independent architectural elements;通过使用这些独立的架构模块,来冗余地实现安全需求。
1. 软件架构设计软件开发流程跟硬件开发基本一样,由软件TSR和系统需求可以确定软件基本架构。
软件架构包含静态和动态方面的,静态方面的主要和不同软件单元之间的接口:1)软件结构包括其分级层次; 2)数据处理的逻辑顺序; 3) 数据类型和它们的特征参数; 4)软件组件的外部接口; 5)软件的外部接口及约束(包括架构的范围和外部依赖)。
为了说明这两个方面,软件架构所用到的标记法有,非正式标记法,半正式标记法,正式标记法,ASIL 等级越高,标记法越正式。
在汽车行业,软件在整个产品周期内都应当考虑维护性,同时还要考虑软件架构的设计测试的容易醒,在ISO 26262标准中,测试是非常重要的一方面,任何设计都应该同时考虑到测试的方便性。