自考高级英语下Lesson 13 Selected Snobberies




Lesson 1 Rock superstar1.摇滚乐于20世纪50年代末举起于美国. 它不仅是一种新型的音乐形式,更是美国的青年人表达他们对世界和人生看法的论坛. 在这个论坛上, 歌星们唱出了青年人对民权/战争与和平的态度, 唱出了他们对社会的不满,也唱出了爱与恨之间的各种情感. 总之, 在这个论坛上, 青年人把他们对美国社会的信仰及情感给以全新的解释. 早期的摇滚乐的主要代表人物有艾尔维斯.普雷斯利,歌星加诗人鲍勃.狄伦/甲壳虫乐队以及滚石乐队等等.他们都是青年人崇拜的文化英雄.Rock music began in America in the late 1950’s . It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this forum , the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate . Allin all , in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society . The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on . They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped .2.Do You Agree that Rock Is the Music of Teenage Rebellion ?Rock music began in America in the late 1950’s . It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life .Music expressed its times . Rock music was a sociological expression rather than a musical force . It embodied the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. At that time young people might be dissatisfied with the society or they had some hatred toward the adult world , but they could not protest it openly . So they would use music as an outlet . Then they could get some balance in their minds .Another aspect is that the young people could make their ideas and beliefs known to the world through music . By music , they could show their felling and dreams . So all in all , young people combined invention and exaggeration ,reason and motion , word and sound , music and politics as a whole .Lesson 2 Four Choices for Y oung People60年代的美国青年是反叛的一代. 他们看到美国这个富裕社会充满了贫困/不平等和虚伪.他们不再相信这个不属于他们的成人社会, 拒绝信奉它的信仰和价值观. 很多青年人积极投入到反对贫困/反对种族歧视和反对越南战争的斗争中去,有些青年人甚至试图以武装革命的方式推翻这个社会. 还有很多青年人以消极的方式表示他们的不满. 他们吸毒,过着不承担任何社会责任的寄生生活, 或者跑到未开垦的乡村去, 过着原始公社式的生活.The American young people in 1960’s were a generation of rebellion . They found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn’t trust the adultworld that d idn’t belong to them and refused to take their beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War . Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections . They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life . Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life .My Comment on the Fourth ChoiceThe fourth comment is to change the world gradually , one clod at a time . Maybe at the first glance it is not inviting . It lacks glamour . It has no quick result . It demands patience . It depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making .I think the author is right . Reforming the world is a little like fighting a military campaign in the Apennines , as soon as you capture one mountain range, another one looms just ahead . The problems are the same , too. Once some problems are brought under some kind of rough control , new problems take place . So we can’t solve all the problems at a time . We have to deal with one problem each time and change the world gradually and steadily . So problems can be handled in the same way that hard problems have been coped with before –piecemeal , pragmatically ,by the dogged efforts of many people . so I think in this particular time and place the fourth choice offers a better chance for remedying some of t he world ‘s outrages than any other available starategy .Lesson Three The Use of Force玛蒂尔达病了三天了,母亲给她吃了药也不见好, 只好请来了医生.由于玛蒂尔达的学校里有学生患白喉,而且已经有两个孩子死去,医生到奥尔逊家后首先要检查玛蒂尔达的喉咙.但是无论怎么劝,她就是不肯张开嘴,于是医生只得用压舌板伸进她的嘴里. 然而玛蒂尔达竟然把压舌板咬碎了.为了保护玛蒂尔达本人及其他的儿童,医生必须弄清玛蒂尔达是否患了白喉,以便给予及时的治疗.于是他让玛蒂尔达的父亲抓紧她的手腕,自己用力掰开了玛蒂尔达的嘴,发现她果然得了白喉.这个故事使我们想到这样一个问题,生活中有的事不能全靠自愿,在有的情况下, 一定的强迫似乎是必要的.Mathilda had been ill for three days . Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didn’t do any good . So they had to ask the doctor to come . There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathilda’s school and two of them had been dead . When the doctor arrived at Olson’s home , he wanted to examine Mthilda’s throat first . But no matter how he coaxed ,,She wouldn’t open her mouth . So the do ctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth . But Mathilda reduced it to splinters . In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure whether she had diphtheria or not , so that he could treat her in time . Lett ing Mathilda ‘s father hold her wrists he tried his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. This story made us can think such a question that something in life can’t only depend on self willingness . Under some circumstances , certain force seems necessary .Comment on the Doctor’s BehaviorAfter the doctor arrived at the girl’s home , he wanted to see her throat . As there had been a number of cases of diphtheria in the school to which the girl went during that month , the doctor also thought that of the girl . So he smiled to the girl and asked her to open her mouth and let him have a look at her throat . No matter how the doctor coaxed , the girl shut her mouth firmly .Thinking that the girl might have diphtheria and possibly die of it , the doctor decided to use force to open her mouth . He had seen at least two children lying dead in bed of neglect in such cases . He felt that he must get a diagnosis now . So he grasped the girl’s head with his left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth . But when the doctor got the wooden spatula behind her last teeth . She gripped the blade between her molars and reduced it to splinters . In the final unreasoning assault the doctor outerpowered the girl . He forced the heavy silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged . Her both tonsils were covered with membrane.From that the doctor had done , I thought he was a responsible person . In order to save the lives of the patients , especially those children who did not know how to co-operate with the doctor ,he had to take some measure . Otherwise a good or suitable time of treatment would be missed .Lesson Four Die as You Choose现在迫切需要制定有关安乐死的法律.大多数国家禁止安乐死.在这些国家医生只能偷偷地给病人实施安乐死.但是,也有的国家公开实施安乐死,例如荷兰.越来越多的国家目前正在就安乐死的合法性展开辩论.当一个病人长期遭受疾病的折磨而又无治愈的希望时, 为什么要让他继续痛苦下去呢?为什么不能用安乐死来结束他的痛苦?但是,如果安乐死合法化,也存在一种危险------有人会利用安乐死进行谋杀.总之,安乐死是一个不能回避的问题.The need for laws on euthanasia can’t be dodged for much longer . Euthanasia is a taboo in most countries . In these countries doctors can only practise it secretly . But it is openly practiced in some countries , such as Holland . Right now more and more countries are going over the arguments about legalizing euthanasia .When a patient suffers from illness for a long time and there is no hope of curing it , why do we let him polong the throes ?Why can’t we practise euthanasia to stop the throes ?But if we legalize euthanasia , there will be a danger Someone may use it for killing . All in all , euthanasia is que stion we can’t dodge .How Is Euthanasia Handled in Different Countries ?In Holland , mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year . The government has rules for euthanasia and so doctors can policeit effectively .But in America , Britain and many other countries , euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment , secretly practiced many times more often , and almost never comes to light . Now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again . The doctors in America can rarely discuss euthanasia openly with patients ----even when those patients beg them for it ----doctors tend to kill only when the dying are too far gone to consent . The doctors have to make decision themselves . That is one price of keeping euthanasia secnet . Fortunately most American states have “living-will” legislation that proteets doctors from prosecution it they do not try to save someone who has said he does not want life prolonged .Some people suggest legalizing euthanasia . But other people worry that if government permit the doctors to comply with a dying man’s request in prescribed set of circumstances , it might pose dangers for society by setting a precedent for killing . But if the government set up some rules , there will be no problems . In Holland , the tenacious respect for individual liberty stop them killing healthy people but lets them help dying people .Lesson Five I’d Rather Be Black than Female美国妇女对美国的发展做出了重要贡献, 但她们却一直受到各种形式的性别歧视.政治上,她们做的是那些乏味却又决定决定选举胜败的琐碎事, 很少有机会升到高层职位, 得到好处的是男人. 经济上, 大部分妇女做的是那些工资低和没有前途的工作, 她们的工资也永远低于做同样工作的男人. 很多美国人不承认这是歧视妇女,说这只是社会分工的不同.很多妇女甚至也满足于自己作为次等公民的角色. 所以作者说, 妇女要获得真正的平等将是一场长期而艰巨的斗争.The American women made great contri butions to the nation’s development , but they received different forms of prejudices because of their sex . In politics , they did all the tedious details that made the differene between victory and defeat on election day and seldom had the chance to reach a better position , while the men reaped the rewards . In economy , most women did the lower-paying and dead –end jobs and they were paid less than the men for the same job . Many American people didn’t admit it was prejudice against women . They said it was only a different division of labour in society . Even many women were content with their roles as second-class citizens . So the author said it was a long painful struggle for the women to get real equalityWhy Does the Author Say that America Needs More Women in Politics ?The author is the first black woman elected to Congress . In her opinion , being black is much less of a drawback than being female . Very Few woman works in political World in American .Most women predominate in the lower ---paying , menial , unrewarding , dead ----end jobs .The author thinks more women are needed in politics . There are many problems that need women to solve. In this rich nation there are many children going to be hungry .There is notenough good schools for every child . The government spend the wealth on hardware to murder people . The people have prejudice against minorities ..And there are unfair housing and unfair employment practices in America . These are the problems that need to be solved in this country .So the author thinks the American political world needs more women because women can make special contributions . Women can bring empathy , tolerance ,insight , patience and persistence to government . The women of a nation mold its morals , its religion , and its politics by the lives they live . So the country needs women’s idealism and determinationLesson Six A Good Chance当我得知喜鹊获得了加利福尼亚一所大学的奖学金, 可以到大学的艺术学院去学习的时候, 我为他感到十分高兴.我知道他一直想成为一名诗人, 我也知道他很有才能. 对他来说,这个机会太好了. 因此我回到鸦溪,要把好消息告诉他,让他填一些表格.我在他家里没有找到他. 他的妻子说他们已经分居了, 只听说他在钱柏林. 于是我又去找赛利娜, 让她帮我找到喜鹊.赛利娜说喜鹊在被捕入狱后有了很大的变化, 她认为他对上白人的大学已经不感兴趣了. 但我说喜鹊应该知道这个消息, 由他自己决定是否去上大学. 她同意了, 带我去找他的好朋友埃尔吉. 但当我终于就要见到喜鹊时, 他已被警察开枪打死了.When I knew Magpie got a scholarship of a California University and could go to the Fine Arts School to study , I was very pleased for him . I knew he wanted to become a poet all the time.I also knew he had a good talent . It was a very good chance for him . So I went back to Crow Creek to tell him about the good news and let him fill out some papers . But I didn’t find him at his home . His wife said they had not been together for a while and only heard he was in Chamberlain . Then I went for Salina and asked her to help me find Magpie . Salina said Magpie had changed a lot since he was taken into prison . She thought he was not interested in going to the university of white people . But I said Magpie had a right to know this news and make the decision whether to go or not by himself . She agreed and took me to his good friend , Elgie . But when I could really see Magpie at last , he had been shot by the police .What do the People in the Story Think of Magpie ‘s Opportuni ty of Study in the University ?Why ?The narrator has got some good news for Magpie . He has his poems and a letter of acceptance from a university in California where they want him to come and participate in the Fine Arts Program they have started for Indians .So first the narrator goes to Magpie’s wife . She thinks Magpie would not go to California because he is happy now and he is in good spirits , handsome and free and strong . She thinks he no longer needs the things that people like the narrator want him to need.Then the narrator goes to Salina . She doesn’t think he has those worthless , shitty dreams anymore .. After the narrator insists Magpie have the right to know , she leads him to see Magpie’s best friend Elgie . At first Elgie doesn’t thin k Magpie would go . But the narrator insists that it be a chance for him to study , to write and that should be a satisfying isolation . Then Elgie changeshis mind . He also thinks it is good for Magpie because he needs some relief from this constant surveillance , constant checking up . So he admits to let the narrator see Magpie . But before the narrator sees Magpie , he has been shot .Lesson Seven Miss Bill布里尔小姐是一个生活在法国海滨城市的英国人. 她年老而贫穷. 每个星期日下午她都到公园去. 她总是坐在同一张凳子上, 听周围的人谈天, 或看展现在她眼前的别人的生活. 那个星期日下午她突然产生了一种感觉, 觉得自己是这个集体中的一部分, 觉得生活犹如一部戏剧, 她在其中也扮演着自己的角色. 这时, 孤独感开始离开了她. 然而正在此时她听到一对年轻人以轻蔑的口气谈论她. 男青年甚至低声叫她走开. 短暂的幸福感消失了. 她怀着一颗破碎的心回到家中.Miss Brill was an English who lived in a coastal city in France . She was old and poor . She would go to the park on every Sunday afternoon . She always sat on the same bench , listening people around her talk , or watching other people’s lives in front of her . She suddenly had a feeling on that Sunday afternoon . She felt the life was like a play and she was one part of the community . She had a part in the performance . At this time , the feeling of loneliness began to escape her .But just at this time she heard a couple of young people talk about her with contempt . Even the young man asked her to leave in a low voice . The short feeling of happiness disappeared . she went home with a broken heart .A Description of Miss BrillMiss Brill taught some English pupils an Sunday afternoons . She also read the newspaper for an old man four afternoons a week while he slept in the garden. She also had a habit of going to the park every Sunday afternoon . The band played all the year round on Sundays. She liked sitting on the bench and watching the people around her.This Sunday only two people shared her “special “seat . They did not speak. This was disappointing , for Miss Brill always looked forward to the conversations. Fortunately there was always the crowd to watch . This Sunday she had a special feeling . it was like a play and they were all on the stage . They were not only the audience , but they were acting . she was part of the performance . That was why she started from home at just the same time each week so as not to be late just the same time each week so as not to be late for the performance .Just at that moment a boy and a girl came and sat down where the old couple had been . They regarded Miss Brill as the stupid old thing . They said not one wanted her silly old mug and her fur was like a fried whiting, although it was carefully chose for this Sunday . Miss Brill was very unhappy and angry . It was a blow to her . So she returned home . She went into the little dark room and sat down on the red eiderdown for a long time , with tears coming down her face .Lesson Eight A Lesson in Living人类创造了语言, 使语言成为人与人进行交流的工具. 口头语言和书面语言一个不同之处在于口头语言能用声音表达字所具有的细微的意义差别. 弗劳尔斯朗读<双城记>时就像是在唱歌,好听极了。



自考高级英语下册练习答案下册Lesson one The Company in Which I WorkBy Joseph HellerA.Answer the following questions on the text :1.What kind if emotion dominates all the people in the company ?2.Why are salesmen afraid of most of the people in the company ?3.Why do salesmen still feel pressure upon them when they are doing well ?4.What kind of life are salesmen leading ?5.Do salesmen have any grudge about their work ?6.Why are people in the Market Research Department the least afraid ?7.What is the nature of the work done by the Market Research Department ?8.How does the narrator feel about his work now ?9.What does he do when he is especially melancholy ?10.What do you think is the theme of this passage ?Key A1.fear2.They are always on trial , always on the verge of failure , collectively a nd individually .3.Because they are afraid that they may start doing worse .4.They live and work under extraordinary pressure.5.Yes.6.Because their salaries are small , and they know they will not have troub le finding jobs paying just as little in othercompanies if they lose their jobs here .7.The nature of the work is to suggest ingenious ways of disguising reality .8.He is bored with his work very often now.9.He constructs tables of organization .. and classifies people in the compa ny on the basis of envy , hope, fear, ambition, frustration , rivalry , hatred , or d isappointment .10.Big company destroies the nature of people , and people have to do what they don’t want to do in order to survive in the company .B.Translate the following into Chinese :1.They hold meetings ,make promotions , and allow their names to be used on announcements that are prepared and issued by somebody else .2.He makes it clear to me every now and then that he wishes to see ever ything coming out of my department before it is shown to other departments .3.The result of this photocopying and distributing is that there is almost co ntinuous public scrutiny and discussion throughout the company of how well or p oorly the salesmen in each sales office of each division of the company are doing at any given time .4.They are stimulated and motivated by discipline and direction .5.Their budget , too , is small , for they are no longer permitted to undert ake large projects .6.This happens not only to salesmen , but to the shrewd,,capable executives in top management .7.It’s a real problem to decide whether it’s more boring todo something b oring than to pass along everything boring that comes in to somebody else and th en have nothing to do at all .8.I frequen tly feel I ‘m being taken advantage of merely because I’ m ask ed to do the work I’m paid to do .Key B1.他们主持持会议,研究该提升谁,别人准备并发布的通告上也要署上他们的名字.2.他不时地让我清楚一个事实,即希望我的部门所做的每项工作在显示给其他部门之前先给他看看.3.把统计数字复印,分发,这种做法的结果是公司每个部门的每个销售办事处的推销员在任何时期内业绩的好坏都不断地处于公众的审查和评论之中.4.纪律和监督激励他们.5.他们的经费很少,因为不再允许他们承担大的项目。

高级英语(第三版)第二册第十三课 The Mansion A Subprime Parable[精]

高级英语(第三版)第二册第十三课 The Mansion A Subprime Parable[精]
《高级英语》 第3版
第二册 第十三课
Lesson 13: The Mansion: A Subprime Parable 《豪宅:一个关于次贷危机的故事》
Teaching objectives
1) To acquaint students with the historical background of the text.
Part III: Para. 30-60 This part illustrates the problems of living
in a mansion
Part III: Para. 61-62 After fleeing the mansion, the aftermath of living in the large property stilLeabharlann affected his child
(Para.2) I called her and threw myself on her mercy Throw oneself at one’s mercy: to beg someone to help you ; to put yourself
wholly in the power of someone. Humorous tone: I had to rely on her completely since I had no information in
writers and find gems there all along but somehow missed by his predecessors.
Subprime Mortgage Crisis
FED lowered interest rates sharply since 2000



自考高级英语下册课后练习答案The Company in Which I Workby Joseph Heller课后练习(Exercises on the text)A.Answer the following questions on the text.1.In the company,everyone is afraid of al least one person.2.Because their position is the lowest.3.Because they fear that they may,start doing worse and they should begin doing better.4.They live and work under pressure that is extraordinary.5.Yes.6.Because first their salaries are small,arid they know they will not have much trouble finding jobs paying just as little in other companies if they lose their jobs here.7.They are not expected to change reality,but merely to find it if they can and suggest ingenious ways of disguising it.8.He is bored with his work very often now.9.On days when he&#39;s especially melancholy,he began constructingtables of organization…classifying people in the company on the basis of envy,hope,fear,ambition,frustration,rivalry,hatred,or disappointment.10.The passage is a satire on the company&#39;s ruining the normal humanfeelings and on the sad fact that people scramble for power and profit at the cost of sacrificing their dignity.B.Translate the following into Chinese.1.他们召开会议,研究该提升谁,别人准备并发布的声明上也要署上他们的名字。



全国高等教育自学考试指定教材英语专业(本科段)高级英语(下)王家湘课文翻译Lesson OneThe Company in Which I Work我工作的公司约瑟夫·海勒我工作的公司里,每个人都至少害怕一个人。














高英第13课课件Lesson 13Britannia Rues the WavesAndrew Neilp. 231Britain’s merchant navy seldom grabs the headlines these days; it is almost a forgotten industry. Yet shipping is the essential lifeline for the nation’s economy. Ninety-nine percent of our trade in and out of the country goes by ship — and over half of it in British ships.Shipping is also a significant British success story. It earns over £1000 million a year in foreign exchange earnings: without our merchant fleet, the balance of payments would be permanently in deficit, despite North Sea oil. But, today this vital British industry is more in peril than ever before. On almost all the major sea routes of the world, the British fleet risks being elbowed out by stiff foreign competition.The threat comes from two main directions: from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries who are now in the middle of a massive expansion of their merchant navies, and carving their way into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies; and from the merchant fleets of the developing nations, who are bent on taking over the lion's share of the trade between Europe and Africa, Asia and the Far East -- routes in which Britain has a big stake.Today, the British fleet no longer dominates the high seas:our share of the world's merchant fleet has fallen from 40 per cent to around eight per cent. But, in terms of tonnage, the British merchant navy has continued to expand, it can now carry over two-thirds more than it could in 1914, and, almost alone among our traditional industries, shipping has remained a major success story.Unlike the rest of British industry, ship-owners invested big. In the early 1960s, the shipping companies cashed in on government grants and tax concessions. Between 1966 and 1976, British shipping lines invested at a rate of over £1 million a day. By the early 1970s, it seemed that, somewhere in the world, a new British ship was being launched every week. The result is that Britain has a very modern fleet: the average age of our merchant ships is only six years, and over half the fleet is under five years old. For some time now, British shipping managers have stayed ahead of the competition by investing in the most sophisticated ships.The other major factor which has played a key role in the dominance of the British merchant navy is an institution invented by the British well over 100 years ago: the "conference".In the middle of the 19th century, competition between sailing-ships and steamships became cutthroat, and price cutting ruined many long-established companies. So the ship owners got together to establish a more settled system, and they set up a system of price fixing. In other words, every possible type of cargo had a price, which all owners agreed to charge. It was, in fact, a cartel, though the British ship owners gave it the more dignified name of a "conference". The system has certainly stood the test of time. Today, there are about 300 conferences governing the trade-routes of the world,and the British still play a major role.By reducing competition, shipping conferences have taken some of the risk out of the dodgy business of moving goods by sea. They make it harder, perhaps, to make a big killing in good times, because you have to share the trade with other conference members. But they make it easier to weather the bad times, because there is no mad, competitive scramble for the available trade.By the early 1970s, bad times were just around the corner. The world shipbuilding boom reached its peak in 1973, but that was the year of the Arab-Israeli war, which was followed rapidly by the quadrupling of oil prices. By 1974, the industrialised world had begun its slide into the worst depression since the 1980s, and the shipping industry had entered its long years of crisis.The first to be affected were the oil-tanker fleets. As oil demand was cut back, charter rates plummeted, and the estuaries of the world became jammed with the steadily increasing numbers of mothball tankers. Norway and Greece suffered most. British ship owners had not become so involved in the tanker boom in the first place, so they were not so badly affected. By 1976, the slump had begun to bite into the bulk carrier trade. Bulk carriers are ships that carry dry cargo of one particular kind, such as sugar, coal or wheat, with iron ore being by far the most important. But with the world steel industry deep in the doldrums, who needed iron ore carriers? With its big bulk-carrier fleet, the British shipping industry now began to feel the pinch.Britannia ( n.) [poetic] Great Britain [诗]大不列颠rue ( v.) repent of;regret having entered into懊悔;抱憾Britannia Rues the Waves is a parody of Britain's proud boast, "Britannia Rules the Waves", a song much sung and played in the British Navy.industry ①Commercial production and sale of goods.产业,工业:商业性生产和货物销售②A specific branch of manufacture and trade 行业,制造业或商业的分支success storyan account of the achievement of success by someone or some enterprise; a person or thing that is very successful foreign exchange①Transaction of international monetary business, as between governments or businesses of different countries.国际汇兑:各国政府或商行间的国际金融业务交易②Negotiable bills drawn in one country to be paid in another country.外汇deficit ( n.) the amount by which a sum of money is less than the required amount亏损;赤字peril ( n.) exposure to harm or injury;danger (严重的)危险;冒险bloca group of countries in special allianceundercut (v.) sell at lower prices or work at lower wages than比以别人低的价格出售be bent on (doing) sth.be determined on 决心the lion's sharethe largest or best part of sth.when it isdivided最大最好的一份stakea share or an interest in an enterprise 股份:指企业的股份high seasThe open waters of an ocean beyond the limits of the territorial jurisdiction of a country 公海:一国领土管辖权以外的海洋的公共水域tonnage ( n.)the total amount of shipping of a country or port,calculated in tons (一国或一港口的)船舶总吨数cash in on sthtake advantage of or profit from sth.获得利益或利润tax concessionsa right or privilege granted by the government to be tax exempt(免除)launchTo put (a boat) into the water in readiness for use. 下水:使(船)下水以备使用institutionAn established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture. 机构,组织或基金,特别是指为教育,公共服务或文化的目的而设立的机构sailing shiplarge wind-powered vesselcartel [kɑ:'tel] ( n.) an association of industrialists,business firms. etc.for establishing a national or international monopoly by price fixing 卡特尔,同业联盟dodgy ( adj.) unstable, unreliable不可靠的:不稳定的scramble ( n.) rough struggle;a disorderly struggle or rush 争夺,抢夺quadruple ['kw?drupl] ( v.) make or become four times as much or as many;multiply by four (使)成四倍depressiona protracted period in which business activity is far below normal and the pessimism of business and consumers is great.charterThe hiring of an aircraft, a vessel, or other vehicle 包租,包船,包机:出租飞机、轮船或其他交通工具plummet ( v.) drop drastically骤然跌落estuary ['estju?ri] ( n.) the wide part of a river where it nears the sea (江河入海的)河口mothball ( n.)① small ball of chemical pesticide used when storing clothing樟脑丸②the state of being stored,or kept in existence but not used封存保藏A tank ship, often referred to as a tanker, is a ship designed to transport liquids in bulk.slump ( n.) a decline in business activity,price,etc.(物价等)暴跌;(市场等)萧条Bulk cargo is commodity cargo that is transported unpackaged in large quantities. Bulk cargos are classified asliquid or dry.dry cargocommodities that are not liquidsdoldrums ['d?ldr?mz] ( n.) low spirits;dull,gloomy feeling 情绪低落,意志消沉;忧郁pinch ( n.) a painful,difficult circumstance困苦的处境,贫困的境地p. 234Even though the slump spread fast into most shipping sectors, the British fleet was still a long way from bankruptcy. The one area which has weathered the economic storms best is that controlled by the conferences: the scheduled freight-liner services -- and that is where Britain's fleet is strongly entrenched.Liner-freight vessels offer people who want to sendgoods by sea a regular, scheduled shipping service; they follow agreed routes, or‘lines’, and call at ports on agreed dates. For example, if I want to send a shipment of spare tractor parts from Taiwan to Bangkok, all I have to do is contact the Far East Freight Conference, and that will be able to tell me when the next liner ship will be calling at Taiwan, the exact date on which it will get to Bangkok, and the going freight rate. It is an ideal 'parcel' service for people with cargoes that are not big enough to make it worth chartering a whole ship.It is also a plus for the ship owners not to be dependent on only one customer. Liner ships carry all sorts of different cargoes -- mainly finished manufactured goods -- so, if there is a slump in one particular industry, provided there is still buoyancy in other industries, the liner fleets can still survive. That gives them a distinct advantage over oil tankers or bulk carriers, because thelatter are dependent on one or two basic raw materials. That is why Britain has remained relatively strong.Much of Britain's liner fleet rarely sees a British port. Our ships are extensive cross-traders; that is, they carry goods between foreign countries. British companies are big, for example, on the Japan-to-Australia run, and on the growing trade routes between the Far East and the Middle East, around the Persian Gulf. Until recently, those routes were highly profitable for the British companies, and a major source of foreign currency for Britain. They are also the routes on which the Third World and the Russians are out to make the biggest inroads.Most emerging countries in the Third World are out to carry a bigger share of their trade in their own ships. Developing countries regard a merchant navy as something of a status symbol -- the next thing to go for after a national airline. Singapore has expanded their fleet by 6000 percent in the last 15 years, India by 400 percent.The challenge from the Third World has always been foreseen by our shipping companies. P & O, for example, while still out to increase the total freight it carries, is planning for a gradual reduction in its percentage share of the trade with the new shipping powers of the Third World. But P & O has no intention of throwing in the towel. The key tactic behind its strategy of holding on to the richest slice of the trade has been to move up-market -- to go where the Third World cannot follow: into high-technology investment.Containers, for example, were an American invention, but it was British ship owners who put up the money to pioneer the international deep-sea container service. Containers save time, because the loading is done in the factory or warehouse, ratherthan on the dockside, and they are very secure against theft; except for a code number on the outside, there is no indication of what is inside the box. T o cash in on the container revolution, you need a sophisticated system of roads and railways, something that most Third World countries do not have: And container ships are expensive, around £50 million each.P & O's high-technology, high-investment strategy, however, is far from being the whole answer to the Third World threat. The developing countries are not out to compete with Western fleets by commercial means; they want to impose a set of rules which will guarantee them a major slice of the shipping trade. This demand has found official expression in the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD. The UNCTAD liner code lays down that between two trading partners, 80 per cent of the freight should be split equally between their respective merchant fleets. That leaves only 20 per cent to go into the numerous cross-traders, all fighting for a share, and it is on these cross-trades that British liner companies earn 40 per cent of their revenue. Not enough countries have ratified the UNCTAD code yet to bring it into force. But if it does become universal, it could strike a severe blow to Britain's liner trade.The Iron Curtain countries represent an even greater and more organised threat to the future of Britain's liner ships, and it is a threat that is much more difficult to counter.Russia has expanded its cargo-liner fleet far faster than the growth in either its own trade or world trade would justify. Today, it has the largest liner fleet in the world and another one million tons should come into service before 1980. And with its policy of excessively low freight rates, the Russian merchant navy hasalready made major inroads into Western trade.Russia now carries 95 per cent of its sea-borne trade with the EEC in its own ships. More important, it is biting deeply into the major cross-trading routes of the world. Eastern bloc countries -- Russia, with Poland and East Germany -- have already captured 20 per cent of the cargo traffic on the busy sea-lanes of the North Atlantic, almost 25 per cent of the trade between Europe and South America and just about the same percentage of the trade between Europe and East Africa.entrench [in'trent?] ( v.) establish securely 确保(地位等)going adj. Current; prevailing 现行的;流行的plusa favorable condition or factor 有利的情况或因素buoyancy ( n.) the property (as of price or business activity) of maintaining a satisfactory high level (物价)上涨的趋向;(生意)兴盛的趋向be out to attempt toinroad (usu.pl.) injurious intrusion on or into (通常为复数)损害,侵蚀something ofTo some extent 在某种程度上go forInformal To have a special liking for 爱好:对…特别喜欢, 努力获取Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, a British shipping company founded in 1837throw in the toweladmit that one is defeated承认失败,认输tactican expedient (权宜之计) for achieving a goal; a maneuver.战术:为达到一个目标所采取的一项应急措施;一种策略strategyscience and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war. 战略:在和平或战争时期尽可能有效地利用一国的全部力量去实施核准的计划的科学与艺术container shipa cargo vessel specially designed and built for the carriage of cargo prepacked in containers.UNCTAD ['?nkt?d]United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, set up in 1964. UNCTAD is concerned with the fundamental problems affecting the trade of developing countries. It has its headquarters in Geneva.联合国贸易及发展会议revenue ['revinju:]n. the entire amount of income before any deductions are made总收入; 财政收入, 税收ratify v. approve and express assent 批准, 认可linerAn ocean liner is a ship designed to transport people from one seaport to another along regular long-distance maritime routes according to a schedule.Iron Curtain symbolized the ideological boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. On either side of the Iron Curtain, states developed their own international economic and military alliances:柏林墙EEC European Economic Community.p.237How can the Russians afford to undercut by up to 40 percent? Well, Soviet ships are not necessarily out to make a profit, in our sense of the word. The name of the game, for Russian ships, is hard currency. The Soviet Union is becoming more dependent on Western imports -- from grain to technology -- but the West will not accept roubles in payment. So Russia needs hard currencies, like the dollar, the mark or the yen, even sterling, to pay for its imports. It is these currencies Russian ships earn as cross-traders. It does not matter very much if they are operating at a loss; that can be made up by the Soviet government in roubles.But there is more to it than that for the Russians. The Soviet mercantile marine obviously acts as a support to the Soviet navy, very much as Western fleets used to do. But there are important differences. The Soviet merchant fleet, which has now been almost 20 years in growing, has developed the kinds of ships which would certainly expand the Soviet reach well beyond its perimeters. For example, much of the heavy equipment for theCubans and Angolans was brought in Soviet merchant ships. So this mercantile marine capability is certainly a great advance in the Soviet ability to project their power at some distance from their own frontiers.And this is also part of a general Soviet hydrographic policy to map the oceans of the world, to get to know the ports and, above all, to deepen contacts with the states with whom the Russians are developing close trading ties.How can Western ship owners react to undercutting of 40 per cent that would drive them out of business if they did the same?There is a limit, of course, to what any British government can do on its own. Shipping is an essentially international business, and Britain can only counter the challenges of the developing world and the Russians at an international level. But whom could we count on for support? The EEC is so divided about shipping that it is almost powerless to act. Take the challenge of the developing world. The French do not mind the UNCTAD code on liner shipping because it would help them to increase their share of the liner trade; the same is true for the Germans and the Belgians. So Britain cannot rely on concerted EEC action on that issue. As far as the Russians are concerned, Britain, along with West Germany and Denmark, has been calling for a coordinated response; the monitoring of Russian ship movements and restrictions on the number of Russian ships allowed to call at EEC ports. But, last June, the French, because of their Russian ties, blocked plans along these lines. It will be November before the question is considered again.British ship owners are so far happy with the strength of theBritish government attempts to force the EEC into action. They believe that the Trade Department, which looks after shipping, understands their problems. But they are far less sure about other government ministers, especially those in the powerful Industry Department, which oversees shipbuilding. Ship owners fear that saving jobs in Britain's ailing shipyards comes well before saving its merchant fleet.British shipyards are currently churning out 24 vessels for Poland. The Poles were lured to Britain by the gift of a£28 million subsidy and the promise that British shipbuilders would raise all the credit; so while our shipping fleet is under attack from communist ships, our government is using British taxpayers' money to cut their shipbuilding costs. We are doing the same for developing countries' fleets. India is now a major Third World shipping power, yet Britain is to build six ships for the Indians -- for nothing.In the end, British companies could be driven out of shipping altogether. Some, such as P & O, have already moved into other fields, from house building to oil. Smaller shipping lines do not have the resources to diversify. They face extinction. And when they go, so does a huge slice of the few traditional industries worth keeping.(from The Listener, August, 1978)up to as many asname of the game n. Slang The essential or indispensablepart or quality necessary for success of an activity or the fulfillment of a goal 事情的要点:为了某项活动或事业的成功基本的或必需的部分或特性hard currency n. 硬通货(货币)rouble ( n.) the monetary of the Soviet Union卢布(苏联货币单位)sterling ( n.) British money英国货币mercantile ['m?:k?ntail] ( adj. ) of merchants or trade;commercial商人的;贸易的;商业的perimeter [p?'rimit?] ( n.) the outer boundary of a figure or area;circumference周边;周围hydrographic [.haidr?u'gr?fik] ( adj.) of the study,description,and mapping of oceans,lakes,and rivers 水文学的,水文地理学的on one’s ownadv. 独自地, 独立地, 主动地concerted [k?n's?:tid]Planned or accomplished together 共同计划或完成的We made a concerted effort to solve the problem.我们一起努力解决了这个问题coordinate v. bring into common action 协调, 整合; 使一致blockTo stop or impede the passage of or movement through; obstruct妨碍,阻止;阻碍DepartmentA principal administrative division of a government政府部门:政府主要的行政部门shipyardA yard where ships are built or repaired船坞,建造或修理船只的工场, 造船厂;修船厂ailing (adj.) in poor health;sickly患病的churn outproduce a large quantity of sth.; produce in quantity without quality 大量生产出;大量地粗制滥造subsidymonetary assistance granted by a government to a person or group in support of an enterprise regarded as being in the public interest. 补助金:政府给予个人或团体被看作是有益于公众的事业的津贴diversify v.To spread out activities or investments, especially in business. 多样化:尤指在商业中从事多种活动或投资NOTES1) Britannia Rues the Waves: This is a parody of Britain's proud boast, "Britannia Rules the Waves"."Rule, Britannia" is a famous naval song much sung and played in the British Navy from the date of its first performance in 1740 to the present day, and generally recognized today as the official march of the Royal Navy. It was written by James Thomson and set to music by Dr. Thomas Arne (1740). The song runs like this:When Britain first, at Heaven's command,Arose from out the azure main,This was the charter of her land,And guardian angels sang the strain:Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rules the waves!Britons never shall be slaves.The author means that today, instead of ruling the waves, Britain is sorry that it has lost its dominance on the high seas.2) Andrew Neil: writing on industrial and labour affairs for the ‘Economist'3) North Sea Oil: oil produced from the British sector of the Continental Shelf under the North Sea. Oil was first discovered under the bed of the North Sea in 1970 and production began in 1975.4) tax concessions: a right or privilege granted by the government to be tax exempt5) depression: a protracted period in which business activity is far below normal and the pessimism of business and consumers is great. It is characterized by a sharp curtailment of production, little capital investment, a contraction of credit, mass unemployment and low employment, and a very high rate of business failures.6) doldrums: the belt of calm which lies inside the trade winds of the northern and southern hemisphere. This area, which lies close to the equator except in the western Pacific where it is south of the equator, had great significance during those years when the trade of the world was carried by sailing ships. The term is also used to signify a state of depression or stagnation, an analogy of the general depression of the crews of ships lying motionless while in the areas of the doldrums, unable to find wind to fill their sails.7) dry cargo: commodities that are not liquids8) liner: a ship belonging to a shipping company whichcarries passengers on scheduled routes. A cargo liner is a cargo-carrying vessel with accommodation for a few passengers.9) P & O: Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, founded in 1840, world-wide passenger service10) container ship: a cargo vessel specially designed and built for the carriage of cargo prepacked in containers. With a standardized size of container, holding 18 tons of cargo, holds and deck spaces can be designed exactly to accommodate containers, leading to greater ease and efficiency in stowage and the eradication of much of the danger of the cargo shifting during heavy weather at sea.11) UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, set up as an organ of the UN General Assembly by a resolution of December 1964. UNCTAD is concerned with the fundamental problems affecting the trade of developing countries. It has its headquarters in Geneva.12) Iron Curtain: referring to the Soviet Union and the eastern European countries in the capitalist press, first used by Churchill in his speech at Fulton, Missouri, 5 March 1946: "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. "13) EEC: European Economic Community, established by treaty signed at Rome March 25, 1957, effective January 1, 1958. EEC headquarters are in Brussels and it comprises a Council of Ministers, an executive Commission, and the Assembly and Court of Justice词汇(Vocabulary)Britannia ( n.) :[poetic]Great Britain or the British Islands[诗]大不列颠;不列颠群岛rue ( v.) :repent of;regret having entered into:wish nonexistent懊悔;抱憾deficit ( n.) :the amount by which a sum of money is less than the required amount亏空,亏损;赤字peril ( n.) :exposure to harm or injury;danger;jeopardy (严重的)危险;冒险undercut (v.) :sell goods more cheaply or work for smaller wages than(sb.doing the same);sell at lower prices or work at lower wages than比以别人低的价格出售(商品);索价低于他人tonnage ( n.) :the total amount of shipping of a country or port,calculated in tons(一国或一港口的)船舶总吨数cartel ( n.) :an association of industrialists,business firms. etc.for establishing a national or international monopoly by price fixing,ownership of controlling stock,etc.[经]卡特尔dodgy ( adj.) :[BrE] risky and possibly dangerous[英]冒险的;危险的scramble ( n.) :rough struggle;a disorderly struggle or rush 争夺,抢夺quadruple ( v.) :make or become four times as much or as many;multiply by four(使)成四倍;以四乘plummet ( v.) :drop drastically垂直落下;骤然跌落estuary ( n.) :an inlet or arm of the sea;the wide mouth of a river where the tide meets the current(江河人海的)河口,港湾moth-ball ( n.) :①marble-sized balls of naphthalene. stored with clothes (esp.woolens)to repel moths;②the state of being stored,or kept in existence but not used①樟脑丸;卫生球②封存;保藏slump ( n.) :a decline in business activity,price,etc.(物价等)暴跌;(市场等)萧条doldrums ( n.) :low spirits;dull,gloomy,listless feeling情绪低落,意志消沉;忧闷,忧郁,忧愁pinch ( n.) :a painful,difficult,or straitened circumstance困苦的处境,贫困的境地entrench ( v.) :establish securely(used in passive voice or with a reflexive pronoun)确保(地位等);确立(用于被动语态或与反身代词连用)inroad ( n.) :(usu.pl.)injurious intrusion on or into;influence of one party that undermines that of another(通常为复数)损害,侵蚀buoyancy ( n.) :the property(as of price or business activity)of maintaining a satisfactory high level(物价)上涨的趋向;(生意)兴盛的趋向rouble ( n.) :the monetary of the former Soviet Union卢布(前苏联货币单位)sterling ( n.) :British money英国货币mercantile ( adj. ) :of or characteristic of merchants or trade;commercial商人的;贸易的;商业的perimeter ( n.) :the outer boundary of a figure or area;circumference周;周边;周围hydrographic ( adj.) :of the study,description,and mapping of oceans,lakes,and rivers,esp. with reference to their navigational and commercial uses水文学的;水文测验学的;水文地理学的(尤指水道测量学)ailing (adj.) :in poor health;sickly患病的;病痛的churn ( adj.) :(used in churn out)produce a large quantity of sth.; produce in quantity without quality;produce in a regular flow without much thought or expression,usu.with some abundance(用于churn out) 大量生产出;大量地粗制滥造;大量写出短语 (Expressions)be bent on(doing)sth.: be determined on(a coupe of action)决心采取(某行动)例: He is bent on winning at all costs.他决心不惜一切去争取胜利。



Lesson Thirteen Selected Snobberies Words and ExpressionsText Explanation1There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery.Probably there has never been anybody who is snobbish about diseases which destroy the looks and are incurable.2adolescent consumption-snobsteenagers who suffer from TB and feel superior because of it.3to fade away in the flower of youthto die gradually when young4the final stages of the consumptive fadingthe last stages of TB when the patient is weakening and dying5the complacent poeticizings of these adolescents must seem as exasperating as they are profoundly pathetic.These teenage TB patients feel so satisfied with themselves that they romanticize their illness. They are so ignorant that people both sorry for and annoyed at them.6whose claim to distinctiontheir demand that they are different and should be respected.7…exasperation is not tempered by very much sympathy.…our exasperation is not reduced by sympathy. We have no sympathy for those snobs. We only feel exasperated.8problematical diseasesWhethe they are really ill at all is rather doubtful. The author indicates that these rich people are not really ill.9…of which now some, now others take pride of place in general esteem.At one time some snobberies are generally regarded as the most popular or fashionable; at another time other snobberies are regarded so.10The snobbery of culture, still strong, has now to wrestle with an organized and active low-browism The snobbery of culture now has to fight with low-browism which is very active and effectively acted upon by large numbers of people.11Even in France, where the existence of so many varieties of delicious wine had hitherto imposed a judicious connoisseurship and has led to the branding of mere drinking as a brutish solecism, …In France, the existence of so many different kinds of wonderful wine has set up the authority of the French people on judging the quality of wines and has led them to reard drinking alcoholic drinks as an uncivilized offense against good social manners.12… for well-brought-up men and well-brought-up womem of all ages, from fifteen to seventy, to be seen drunk, if not in public, at least in the very much tempered privacy of a party.If well-brought-up men and women still can't be seen drunk in public, at least now it is all right for them to be seen drunk in a party, which, though not very private with the guests around, is less public than in front of the public eyes.13Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our industrial properity.If our industry is to develop quickly so the capitalists can make even more money, the first thing these people need to do is to deliberately produce things of poor quality that will not last long, or things that are easily dated in style. This way the consumers have to keep buying things.14…and you have the gospel of any leader of any modern industry.Any leader of any modern industry will accept this as the principle and act upon it.15The newspaper do their best to help those who help them.The newspaper do their best to help the industrialists who pay them millions and millions a year for advertisements.16The value of snobbery in general, its humanistic "point"…The value of snobbery in general, its value concerning human beings…17The society-snob must be perpetually lion-hunting…The society-snobs must try constantly to have famous people as their guests at social getherings or parties, or just try to get acquainted with them.18…because it compels the philistines to pay at least some slight tribute to the things of the mind and so helps to make the world less dangerously unsafe for ideas than it otherwise might have been.Those people who do not like or understand good art, music, literature, etc. and do not think they are important (here the author uses this word to refer to the people in power who only pay attention to material things) will have to at least show a little bit of respect for the products of the mind (ideas), instead of banning or not welcoming them. Thus it will be less dangerous and unsafe for things of the mind.pay (a) tribute to: show respect or admiration 表示敬意或推崇By erecting this statue we have paid a tribute to the memory of the founder of our university.19Each hierarchy culminates in its own particular Pope.Each group of people has its most highly esteemed snobbery.20People who possess sufficient leisure, sufficient wealth, not to mention sufficient health, …can not expect us to be very lavish in our solicitude and pity.Don't expect us to be generous in showing our concern and pity to those people who are leisured, wealthy and healthy.not to mention: without mentioning 更不用说We are too busy to take a long holiday this year, not to mention the fact that we can't afford it.21Even in France the American booze-snobbery, … is making headway among the rich.The American booze-snobbery starts to be popular among the rich people even in France.make headway: make progress 有进展Their scientific experiment has made much headway.22Thanks to modern machinery, production is outrunning consumption.Owing to modernized machines, production exceeds consumption.thanks to: owing to; as the result of 由于,因为Thanks to your help I passed the exam.23…the producer must do his bit by producing nothing but the most perishable articles.The producer tries his best to produce goods that go back easily only.do noe's bit: perform one's share of task 做份内之事 ; give as much help as is expected of one 尽力帮助The old professor did his bit to help the students finish the experiment.nothing but: only, meerly 只有,仅仅,只不过Nothing but a miracle can save him.24Which in fact he does do - on an enormous scale and to the tune of millions and millions a year - by means of advertising.Producers spend millions of dollars on advertisement to encourage modernity-snobbery greatly.On an enormous scale: to a large degree 大规模地They are preparing for war on an enormous scale.to the tune of: to the amount of 总数高达His company was fined to the tune of ten thousand dollars.by means of: through, with the help of 借,用Thoughts are expressed by means of words.25Then we shall condemn all snobberies out of hand.We shall scold all snobberies at once.out of hand: at once 立即The situation needs to be dealt with out of hand.。



Lesson13 Britannia Rues the WavesI .1)Britain is sorry that she has lost her dominance on the high seas. Britain was proud of being the lord of the sea for along time, but now she regrets that she no longer enjoys a naval supremacy.2)Shipping is a major successful industry in Britain because it makes over £l 000 million a year in foreign exchange earnings, which is of vital importance for the country. The reasons for the success are that the British ship-owners have put in big investment and that there has been a conference fixing prices to avoid cut-throat competition.3)The stiff foreign competition comes from two main directions: from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries who are massively expanding their merchant navies and doing their best to step into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies, and from the merchant fleets of the developing countries, who are struggling to take over a big share of the trade between Europe and Africa, Asia and the Far East-routes over which Britain used to have a total dominance.4)A "conference" is in fact a cartel, whose role is to fix prices for all the member nations and companies. 5)The oil-tanker fleets.6)Because freight liners carry all sorts of different cargoes, so if there is a slump in" one particular industry, they may depend on others and survive.7)The Third World countries regard a merchant navy as a symbol of their national power and have expanded their fleets at an incredible rate. Yes, they are.8)They turn to high-technology investment. Yes, they are for the time being.9)On one hand, Russia wants to earn hard currencies, on the other, a deeper motive is that it desires to increase its sphere of influence in the world.10)The major problems are the Soviet Union's massive expansion of its merchant navy and undercutting of Western shipping companies, and UNCTAD, which guarantees the developing countries a major slice of the shipping trade. The problems also show that the capitalist world is divided rather than united as one.Ⅱ.1)cutting their way into the international shipping trade by charging much less freight rate than the Western shipping companies2)who are determined to take the biggest share of the trade3)Britain has important interests in these trade routes.4) They make it more difficult to make a large amount of money when economic conditions are favorable.5)But they make it easier to survive when economic conditions are unfavorable.6)More and more oil tankers the world over lay idle.7)Much of the fleet carries goods between foreign countries.8)British companies are doing much business on the line between Japan and Australia.9)Developing countries consider a merchant navy very important because it is asign of their economic power, so after they have set up a national airline, the next thing they would like to have is a merchant fleet.10)Neither the growth in Russia's trade nor that in world trade would demand sucha rapid development of Russia's cargo-liner fleet.11)These ships would certainly make it possible for she Soviet Union to exert its influence on countries far away from its territory.12)When these smaller shipping companies go bankrupt, a big part of the few old industries that have been doing well and earning huge profits will close down.Ⅲ. See the translation of the text.IV.1)NATO--North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织(北约)2)OAS—Organization of American States美洲国家组织3)OAU—Organization of African Unity非洲统一组织(非统)4)ASEAN—Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟(东盟)5)OPEC—Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织6)SALT—Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈7)UNESCO—United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织8)M.I.T.-Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院9)BBC—British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司10)V.I.P.-very important person重要人物11)GMT—Greenwich mean time格林威治平均时12)GNP—gross national product国民生产总值13)KGB—Komite Gossudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti(Committee of State Security)国家安全委员会(克格勃)(苏联)14)ICBM—inter—continental ballistic missile洲际弹道导弹15)radar—radio detecting and ranging雷达16)laser—light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光V.1)the sea and shipping:merchant navy,merchant fleet, sea routes,the high seas,tonnage,ship—owners,shipping companies.merchant ships,shipping managers,sailing-ships.steam-ships,shipowners,shipping conference, shipbuilding boom.shipping industry,oil-tanker fleet, charter rates,tankers,bulk carriers,dry cargo,bulk—carrier fleet.shipping sectors,freight—liner services,liner— freight vessels,agreed routes,ports, shipment, liner ship,freight rate,cargo—liner fleet,sea—lanes,shipping fleet,shipping lines.2)economy and trade:foreign exchange,balance of payments,in deficit,shipping trade,undercut,invest,grant.tax concessions,competition,oil prices,depression。

高级英语下lesson 13课文翻译

高级英语下lesson 13课文翻译

Lesson Thirteen Work工作究竟工作是幸福还是痛苦的源泉,这可能是一个难以回答的问题。

Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question.毫无疑问有许多工作是非常令人厌烦的,而且过多的工作总是十分痛苦的事。

There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful.然而我认为,只要不过量,对多数人来说即使是最枯燥的工作也比终日无所事事要好些。

I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness.工作给人的愉快的程度多种多样,从仅仅是消烦解闷到产生巨大的快乐,这会随工作的性质和工作者的能力而异。

There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. 大多数人不得不从事的工作本身大都无乐趣可言,但即使是这样的工作也有一些很大的好处。

Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages.首先,工作可将一天的许多时间占满,人们不必再费神来决定应干些什么,大多数人在可以自由地按自己的愿望打发时间时,常常会不知所措,想不起有什么令人愉快的事值得去做。



Lesson13 Britannia Rues the WavesI 、1)Britain is sorry that she has lost her dominance on the high seas、Britain was proud of being the lord of the sea for along time, but now she regrets that she no longer enjoys a naval supremacy、2)Shipping is a major successful industry in Britain because it makes over £l 000 million a year in foreign exchange earnings, which is of vital importance for the country、The reasons for the success are that the British ship-owners have put in big investment and that there has been a conference fixing prices to avoid cut-throat competition、3)The stiff foreign competition comes from two main directions: from the Russians and the Eastern bloc countries who are massively expanding their merchant navies and doing their best to step into the international shipping trade by severely undercutting Western shipping companies, and from the merchant fleets of the developing countries, who are struggling to take over a big share of the trade between Europe and Africa, Asia and the Far East-routes over which Britain used to have a total dominance、4)A "conference" is in fact a cartel, whose role is to fix prices for all the member nations and companies、5)The oil-tanker fleets、6)Because freight liners carry all sorts of different cargoes, so if there is a slump in" one particular industry, they may depend on others and survive、7)The Third World countries regard a merchant navy as a symbol of their national power and have expanded their fleets at an incredible rate、Yes, they are、8)They turn to high-technology investment、Yes, they are for the time being、9)On one hand, Russia wants to earn hard currencies, on the other, a deeper motive is that it desires to increase its sphere of influence in the world、10)The major problems are the Soviet Union's massive expansion of its merchant navy and undercutting of Western shipping companies, and UNCTAD, which guarantees the developing countries a major slice of the shipping trade、The problems also show that the capitalist world is divided rather than united as one、Ⅱ、1)cutting their way into the international shipping trade by charging much less freight rate than the Western shipping companies2)who are determined to take the biggest share of the trade3)Britain has important interests in these trade routes、4) They make it more difficult to make a large amount of money when economic conditions are favorable、5)But they make it easier to survive when economic conditions are unfavorable、6)More and more oil tankers the world over lay idle、7)Much of the fleet carries goods between foreign countries、8)British companies are doing much business on the line between Japan and Australia、9)Developing countries consider a merchant navy very important because it is asign of their economic power, so after they have set up a national airline, the next thing they would like to have is a merchant fleet、10)Neither the growth in Russia's trade nor that in world trade would demand sucha rapid development of Russia's cargo-liner fleet、11)These ships would certainly make it possible for she Soviet Union to exert its influence on countries far away from its territory、12)When these smaller shipping companies go bankrupt, a big part of the few old industries that have been doing well and earning huge profits will close down、Ⅲ、See the translation of the text、IV、1)NATO--North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织(北约)2)OAS—Organization of American States美洲国家组织3)OAU—Organization of African Unity非洲统一组织(非统)4)ASEAN—Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟(东盟)5)OPEC—Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织6)SALT—Strategic Arms Limitation Talks限制战略武器会谈7)UNESCO—United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization联合国教科文组织8)M.I.T.-Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院9)BBC—British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司10)V.I.P.-very important person重要人物11)GMT—Greenwich mean time格林威治平均时12)GNP—gross national product国民生产总值13)KGB—Komite Gossudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti(Committee of State Security)国家安全委员会(克格勃)(苏联)14)ICBM—inter—continental ballistic missile洲际弹道导弹15)radar—radio detecting and ranging雷达16)laser—light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光V.1)the sea and shipping:merchant navy,merchant fleet, sea routes,the high seas,tonnage,ship—owners,shipping companies.merchant ships,shipping managers,sailing-ships.steam-ships,shipowners,shipping conference, shipbuilding boom.shipping industry,oil-tanker fleet, charter rates,tankers,bulk carriers,dry cargo,bulk—carrier fleet.shipping sectors,freight—liner services,liner—freight vessels,agreed routes,ports, shipment, liner ship,freight rate,cargo—liner fleet,sea—lanes,shipping fleet,shipping lines.2)economy and trade:foreign exchange,balance of payments,in deficit,shipping trade,undercut,invest,grant. tax concessions,competition,oil prices,depression。



自考高级英语上下全册课后答案(共81页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--高级英语课后练习答案(上下全册)Rock SuperstarsWhat Do They Tell Us About OurSelves and Our Society?课后练习 (Exercises on the text)the following questions on the text:emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate. author attempts to illustrate that there are completelydifferent ideas about Rock Music between the young people and the adult.music can express its times. He sees it as a debating forumwhere American society struggles to define and redefine itsfeelings and beliefs.managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the1950s.Dylan spoke of civil rights, the Beatles urged peace andpiety, and the Rolling Stones demanded revolution.from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings.got applause, praise and money., he hasn’t. He wants the readers to think it carefully.the following into Chinese:1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到前几排狂热的观众身上。

自考高级英语下Lesson 13 Selected Snobberies

自考高级英语下Lesson 13 Selected Snobberies
– The statistics are highly questionable.
• In so far as: 到 ... 的程度; 在 ... 范围内
e/take pride of place
• if something has or takes pride of place, it is put in the best place for people to see because it is the thing you are most proud of 摆在最显眼的位置
• Snobbery: behavior or attitudes which show that you think you are better than other people, because you belong to a higher social class or know much more than they do势利 • Snobbish a. behaving in a way that shows you think you are better than other people because you are from a higher social class or know more than they do势利的; 自命不凡的 Her family seems snobbish.
– There’s a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games.
• the complacent poeticizings of these adolescents must seem as exasperating as they are profoundly pathetic:these teenage TB patients feel so satisfied with themselves that they romanticize their illness. They are so ignorant that people feel both very sorry for and annoyed at them.



1 我想只有智者才会知道自己是傻瓜,只有最诚实的人才知道自己是骗子。 It‟s a wise person, I guess, who knows he‟s dumb, and an honest person who knows he‟s a liar. 2 我现在经常对工作非常厌烦。每项常规的工作我总是交给其他人处理。 而这使我更加感到厌烦。要判断究竟是干令人生厌的工作烦人,还是将令 人生厌的工作交给他人处理,然后无所事事更烦人,这真是个问题。 I am bored with my work very often now. Everything routine that comes in I pass along to somebody else. This makes my boredom worse. It‟s a real problem to decide whether it‟s more boring to do something boring than to pass along everything boring that comes in to somebody else and then have nothing to do at all. 3 但是在这种挑战与兴奋的颠峰之间是单调与绝望。 But between such peaks of challenge and elatห้องสมุดไป่ตู้on there is monotony and despair.
自考高英下册冲刺 复习说明
1,完形填空 从上下册中抽出5段文字,每段长度40-60词,可是完整段落也可是段落 的一部分(相对独立句群)。每段文字设5空,每空1分,计25分。 2.单项选择 从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出一个正确的项完成句子。考查内容为课 后练习D部分的近义词辨析。15小题,每题一分,计15分。 阅读 阅读一篇约1000单词的文章。下设三种题型: 3. 单项选择 考查文意理解。10小题,每题2分,计20分。 4.英汉翻译 从该篇文章中抽出5个句子,要求翻译成中文。每题2分,计10分。 5. 问答 就文章提出一个问题,要求回答。计10分。 6. 汉英翻译 从文章中摘出相关句子的中文,要求翻译成英文。共6小题,1---4小题为 较简短的单句,每句2分,第5小题为较长的单句,计4分,第6小题为句 群,计8分。6句共计20分。

高英下 13 Selected Snobberies中英对照-推荐下载

高英下  13 Selected Snobberies中英对照-推荐下载

Lesson ThirteenSelected Snobberies13-1 All men are snobs about something.One is almost tempted to add : There is nothing about which men cannot feel snobbish.But this would doubtless be an exaggeration.There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery.I cannot imagine, for exam4ple, that there are any leprosy-snobs.More picturesque diseases, even when they are dangerous, and less dangerous diseases, particularly when they are the diseases of the rich, can be and very frequently are a source of snobbish self-importance.I have met several adolescent consumption-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to fade away in the flower of youth , like Keats or Marie Bashkirtseff.Alas, the final stages of the consumptive fading are generally a good deal less romantic than these ingenuous young tubercle-snobs seem to imagine .To anyone who has actually witnessed these final stages, the complacent poeticizings of these adolescents must seem as exasperating as they are profoundly pathetic.In the case of those commoner disease-snobs, whose claim to distinction is that they suffer from one of the maladies of the rich, exasperation is not tempered by very much sympathy.势利种种所有的人都有势利之处。

高级英语下lesson 13

高级英语下lesson 13

at any rate : in any event ; in any case 不管怎样。 如:I will leave him alone at any rate.
apt :likely , having a tendency 常会,容易(有某种倾向)。 如:A careless person is apt to make
maximum :
(being) the highest amount, value, or degree
that can be reached 最大限度。 如: My maximum is 240. He smokes a maximum of 30 cigarettes a day. My salary is not at its maximum yet. 我的工资还未到最高水平。 It requires your maximum effort.
Lesson 13 work
exceeding extraordinary or exceptional exceedingly :extremely 极其。 irksome irk : to annoy , esp . in a provoking or tedious way 令人讨厌。 如: It irks me to do such tedious work.
drudgery :
苦工 drudge :a person who does menial, dull or
hard work. 勤苦地做单调乏味的苦工的人。
sensation(s) :
widespread excitement or interest. 轰动。
first and foremost:

自考高级英语下Lesson 13 Selected Snobberies分析

自考高级英语下Lesson 13 Selected Snobberies分析
– There’s a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games.
• the complacent poeticizings of these adolescents must seem as exasperating as they are profoundly pathetic:these teenage TB patients feel so satisfied with themselves that they romanticize their illness. They are so ignorant that people feel both very sorry for and annoyed at them.
• tempt: to make someone want to have or do something, even though they know they really should not诱惑,怂恿
• be tempted to do something
– I’m tempted to buy that dress.
– A large photograph of the children had prid wall.
• hitherto:up to this time
• whose claim to distinction: their demand that they are different and should be respected
• temper: to soften or tone down
Problematical & questionable

【VIP专享】高英下 13 Selected Snobberies中英对照

【VIP专享】高英下  13 Selected Snobberies中英对照

Lesson ThirteenSelected Snobberies13-1 All men are snobs about something.One is almost tempted to add : There is nothing about which men cannot feel snobbish.But this would doubtless be an exaggeration.There are certain disfiguring and mortal diseases about which there has probably never been any snobbery.I cannot imagine, for exam4ple, that there are any leprosy-snobs.More picturesque diseases, even when they are dangerous, and less dangerous diseases, particularly when they are the diseases of the rich, can be and very frequently are a source of snobbish self-importance.I have met several adolescent consumption-snobs, who thought that it would be romantic to fade away in the flower of youth , like Keats or Marie Bashkirtseff.Alas, the final stages of the consumptive fading are generally a good deal less romantic than these ingenuous young tubercle-snobs seem to imagine .To anyone who has actually witnessed these final stages, the complacent poeticizings of these adolescents must seem as exasperating as they are profoundly pathetic.In the case of those commoner disease-snobs, whose claim to distinction is that they suffer from one of the maladies of the rich, exasperation is not tempered by very much sympathy.势利种种所有的人都有势利之处。



⼤学英语⾃学考试英语⼆下册unit13教案UNIT 13Text A Work, Labor, and PlayI课⽂简介本⽂主要介绍了⼯作与劳作之间的差别。



⽂章还分析了为什么⼯作者所占⽐例只有16%Paras.1-3 the essential difference among work, labor and play.Paras.4-5 the reason why percentage of workers is smaller than that of laborers.II New Words/doc/2e620e29cfc789eb172dc863.html pel vt. 强迫(to)be compelled to 被强迫⽤法:compel sb. to do sth. 强迫某⼈做某事,令某⼈不得不做某事The rain compelled us to stay indoors. 下⾬使我们不得不待在家⾥。

They were often compelled to work twelve or fourteen hours a day.他们常常不得不每天⼯作12或14个⼩时。

2 rightly ad. 公正地,正当地;right:a.正确的,对的,右边的n. 权利/doc/2e620e29cfc789eb172dc863.html borer n. 劳动者;⼯⼈labor1)n.劳动、劳作:The majority of men earn their living by manual labor.⼤多数⼈靠体⼒劳动谋⽣2)vi.⾟勤劳动:She is laboring at her eassay 她正⾟勤地写论⽂。

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• adolescent consumption-snobs: teenagers who suffer from TB and feel superior because of it
• to fade away in the flower of youth: to die gradually when young
• tempt: to make someone want to have or do something, even though they know they really should not诱惑,怂恿
• be tempted to do something
– I’m tempted to buy that dress.
– A large photograph of the children had pride of place on the sitting room wall.
• hitherto:up to this time
Judicious & reasonable
• Judicious:done in a sensible and careful way SYN wise明智的;贤明的;审慎的 a judicious choice
Docile & obedient
• Docile:quiet and easily controlled容易控 制的;温顺的
– Labradors are gentle, docile dogs.
• Obedient:always doing what you are told to do, or what the law, a rule etc says you must do OPP disobedient服从的;顺从
– The statistics are highly questionable.
• In so far as: 到 ... 的程度; 在 ... 范围内
have/take pride of place
• if something has or takes pride of place, it is put in the best place for people to see because it is the thing you are most proud of 摆在最显眼的位置
– Everyone should do their bit for the environment.
To the tune of
• used to emphasize how large an amount or number is达 ... 之多; 共计
– Canada is funding the program to the tune of $30 million.
• Retell:to tell a story again, often in a different way or in a different language
Each hierarchy culminates in its own particular Pope
• Each group of people has its most highly esteemed snobbery. • “Pope” here indicates he highest possible position in a hierarchy.
• the final stages of the consumptive fading: the last stages of TB when the patient is weakening and dying
• an ingenuous person is simple, trusting, and honest, especially because they have not had much experience of life天真的,单 纯的
– Foreign firms have made little headway in the US market.
Creditable & credible
• Creditable:deserving praise or approval 值得赞扬的
– The team produced a creditable performance.
• Problematical: involving problems and difficult to deal with成问题的
– The reforms could turn out to be highly problematic.
• questionable: not likely to be true or correct可疑的;可置疑的
– an obedient child
Reiterate & retell
• reiterate: to repeat a statement or opinion in order to make your meaning as clear as possible SYN restate重申
– Let me reiterate the most important points.
• whose claim to distinction: their demand that they are different and should be respected
• temper: to soften al & questionable
• Snobbery: behavior or attitudes which show that you think you are better than other people, because you belong to a higher social class or know much more than they do势利 • Snobbish a. behaving in a way that shows you think you are better than other people because you are from a higher social class or know more than they do势利的; 自命不凡的 Her family seems snobbish.
• reasonable:fair and sensible合理的;通 情达理的;公平适度的
• Brand:to describe someone or something as a very bad type of person or thing, often unfairly • brand somebody (as) something给 ... 加 上 ... 的污名
• pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things – used to show disapproval满足的;自满的; 得意的
• disfigure: to spoil the appearance that something naturally has • Probably there has never been anybody who is snobbish about diseases which destroy the looks and are incurable.
– You can’t brand all football supporters as hooligans.
make headway
• to make progress towards achieving something – used especially when this is difficult取得进展 • make headway towards/in/with etc
• Credible:deserving or able to be believed or trusted → incredible可信的
– credible explanation/story/account etc
do one’s bit
• do one’s bit: (informal) to do a fair share of the work, effort etc that is needed to achieve something good or important做自 己份内的事, 尽自己的一份力量
– There’s a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games.
• the complacent poeticizings of these adolescents must seem as exasperating as they are profoundly pathetic:these teenage TB patients feel so satisfied with themselves that they romanticize their illness. They are so ignorant that people feel both very sorry for and annoyed at them.
Lesson 13
Selected Snobberies
Snob, snobbery, snobbish